176. Obedience and Sacrifice
In this post you will read that to come to Zion, the pure in heart, you will need to keep the law of obedience and sacrifice. This is an eternal law when one progresses from the telestial to the terrestrial realm.
Listen to what Heavenly Father said:
"The laws to progress from one realm to a higher realm of glory, are the law of obedience and the law of sacrifice. We will require all who come into the borders of the New Jerusalem, or in any of the communities of Zion, to obey the laws of this kingdom or of the terrestrial realm. We require that our children sacrifice by leaving behind everything except themselves, their relationships, and their knowledge up to that point. We will clothe them in new robes of Zion, and teach them the fullness of the gospel which can only really be absorbed by those in the terrestrial or celestial realm. All things of a former life need to be left behind. All things will start anew in the new terrestrial world for these, our terrestrial elect." (see 176I22 below).
Please pray about this very important issue, and confirm that it is true from your Heavenly Father.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, October 19, 2020
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis and came to the water's edge. I drank from my cupped hand living water. I then looked up from my kneeling position and saw a bright light reflect upon the water. Heavenly Mother then descended upon the oasis from the celestial skies! She soon stood a little above the water in front of me.
2. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, my son, yesterday you noticed in your goldfish pond that the water was very clear. This came about because the charred wood from the recent fire fell into the pond and absorbed the algae and particulates in the water that had made it cloudy.
3. Similarly, our elect children will soon experience trials in their lives that will refine them like fire. However, when completed, they will be able to see more clearly spiritual things, and will be receptive to my Spirit, even to the influence of the Holy Ghost in their lives. These trials will prepare them to accept our higher laws of Zion, and our love for all men and women that we will shed upon them.
4. This transformation will be necessary for them to enter into the New Jerusalem. What joy they will experience to finally be home with others who are similarly pure in heart, and love them also!
5. In that day shall be fulfilled the words of Isaiah:
Isaiah 52:6-12
"Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.
How beautiful upon the mountains (mountains refers to the center of the land of promise, the head of the nations. Nations also refer to mountains), even the island of the New Jerusalem that shall rise up out of the water) are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.
Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste place of (the New) Jerusalem (the waste places refers to the great devastation and flooding upon the land from which the island city of the New Jerusalem shall arise): for the Lord hath comforted his people, (this refers to my Holy Ghost which shall come upon my elect and fill them with the love of God, upon all who enter into Zion) he hath redeemed Jerusalem (by the grace of Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer of the elect).
The Lord hath made bare his holy arm (the great power of God) in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation (the spiritual and temporal salvation in rescuing our people) of our God.
Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her (Babylon, or from among the wicked); be ye clean, that bear the vessels (or are fitted with the Spirit of God) of the Lord.
For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rearward (we, the Gods of our elect children, will fully guard and protect them as they travel to Zion, even though there will be hardships and trials that will refine them)." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)

6. Raphael, come walk with me around my desert oasis, and enjoy the celestial joy and peace that comes from my presence!'
7. She then extended her hand and I arose from my knees and took her hand. We then started slowly walking around the circular path that encompassed the desert oasis.
8. I then lost connection with my unconscious self. I am back in my private room, pondering my prayer and my visit from Heavenly Mother. I feel great peace and assurance all will be all right for the righteous, the pure in heart.
9. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus and started my new day.
10. Evening–I came this evening to the western shores of Lake Beautiful, near the maple tree grove. I felt like I should come here. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. When satisfied I turned to go up into the maple tree grove and I saw my Heavenly Father standing not far from me! I was surprised and very happy to be before him.
11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, from now on you will not be restricted to come to the same location you came in the morning that same day during prayer. You are free to come and go, and to stay if you'd like in our celestial orb throughout the day, even like you did today. We will often be near you, and will also immediately come upon your request. Whenever we are with you, it is called constant prayer. Our spirit will always be with you continually.
12. Last night in your prayer your Heavenly Mother explained to you that our intense training was completed for a season. We have been with you continually during each day during this time, and called it constant prayer. You may still enjoy constant prayer with our continual spirit with you, even if we in our persons are not continually by your side.'
13. I thanked my Father for this more relaxed mode I would be in. I said I wanted to be with him and my Heavenly Mother throughout my day in the celestial world, or at least always feel their presence, and for sure their Holy Spirit with me. I said I longed for the day when I would experience a combined mortal conscious and unconscious mind as one mind. I asked him to help me prepare every needful thing, even at this late hour, in anything I might be lacking. I said I had faith to experience miracles in my mortal life as well.
14. Heavenly Father said he would bless me soon, even before I thought possible, with a merged mind. I would then have much greater mental capacity, and would become very much more capable as well.
15. I prayed for certain family members, and asked for his blessings to abide with them. He smiled and said he would do so.
16. He told me during my slumbering time at night that I was very active fulfilling his and Heavenly Mother's requests on behalf of their elect children on earth and in the spirit world. He said all the mortal angels also do this in their slumbering hours while their physical body rests from their days' work on earth.
17. I gazed upon the smiling and very pleasant face of my Heavenly Father. I felt so much peace and tranquility to be in his presence! I then faded away from the celestial realm and came to my place on earth. I concluded my prayer and went to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, October 20, 2020
1. I have been awake and sitting in my private room for ½ an hour, and can't think of anything I could possibly receive from my Heavenly Parents in prayer. To me it seems that they have already revealed to me so very much. However, everytime I feel this way, which is frequently, I am always surprised with the new revelations and thoughts I receive from my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father in prayer.
2. I came in prayer today to the domed room. I entered from the north and a door opened, and then I knelt in the center of the room, facing the door I had just entered. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for she it was that I felt would come.
3. I then saw a bright light coming through the door, and soon Heavenly Mother entered, filling the room with her bright light! I felt so very glad to be in her glorious presence. I felt her love and acceptance.
4. She walked over to me and spoke: 'Raphael, whenever you desire to converse with me, call upon my name and I will come immediately. I do this for you, for you have been steady in your habit to make time for your Father and I, and then to do what we ask of you.
5. Last night you and your wife discussed people you know who manipulate others by somehow paying extra attention to them, or praising them, all to obtain a personal gain for themselves. You wondered if it was proper to praise another, to show extra concern for them, for this might be taken as if you were trying to gain personal favor from them. I would like to address this topic.
6. We are pleased when our children show interest in others, give sincere praise and acknowledge their skill or talents, or express love in any way. Some may do this by listening to another, or giving them simple gifts, or sharing thoughts or acting in little ways that express love.
7. When showing such attention, our children should not have any personal motive except to establish a stronger relationship with the one they show attention to. However, there are many who have as their base motive a personal gain other than to be loving. We would prefer these to clearly state their intention to ask a favor, instead of emotionally toying with the other person in a manipulative way. Many of our children are unaware of such motives and intentions of others, and become emotionally hurt or taken advantage of in some way.
8. We love those who express themselves without guile. They may still be charming and praising, but have no ulterior motive for any self gain. They sincerely express the feelings of their heart, and love people by expressions of love in word and deed.
9. Your daughter received a raise in pay at her work the other day, and painted a thank you card for her employer. She did this as an expression of her appreciation, without any guile or effort to make herself in a favoured position. This behavior is pleasing to us. We love our children to freely express the emotions of their heart such as gratitude, concern, tenderness, interest, etc. In Zion, our elect children are pure in heart, pure in their intentions and motivations to bless and love others with kindly deeds and tender expressions.

10. Lucifer was one of our foremost children who sought for his own interest above others. He lied to others in order to gain their favor and support. He continues as the master deceiver and manipulator of our children. He never supports those whom he leads astray with his empty promises.
11. There are times when you might feel a certain way but have learned by your experience not to voice your feelings. This is maturity that comes with age. You have learned that saying something that is true may not benefit or help the one you are speaking with, for they are in a different state of understanding or maturity than are you. This is entirely acceptable and wise for you to do. If in question, ask of your Father or me, and we will help you understand how much of the truth or your feelings to share with them. Sometimes you may be better off smiling and not stating how you honestly feel in order to preserve a relationship. It is not wise to cast pearls before swine. You can still be loving and accepting of these people without sharing your personal or inner feelings.
12. You know several individuals in your own family and in business associations that are manipulative. You suspect them and wonder if they are lying to you, for some ulterior motive. Some may be motivated by power, greed, or wanting to always be in the know. Some find pleasure in toying with others feelings when they have no interest in those people. This is a sin that needs to be fully repented of were these individuals to dwell in Zion.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her timely discussion of these principles. I expressed to her how I had a difficult time reading news reports, for I know that there is so much deception in the news, and that the moral fiber of society is greatly diminishing. I said the upcoming election in two weeks are particularly heated and seem to be fraught with ploys to trick and deceive us.
14. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, the love of many has waxed cold in your day, and iniquity abounds (see Matthew 24:12). This is a difficult day in which to live, but he or she that endures and leans upon us, their Gods, will be saved. Those who lean upon us are our elect, for they seek our Spirit, our counsels and directions in prayer, and then follow our guidance.'
15. I said I would always seek her and Heavenly Father's counsel, and keep their commandments. I said I was grateful for her wisdom and advice today on the topic she discussed.
16. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and then turned and left through the still open doorway. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
17. Evening–Tonight I came on the grass outside the white gate. This is where Jesus Christ guards the way, even as spoken of in 2 Nephi 9:41-43.
"O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.
And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches–yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.
But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever–yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints."

18. I came on my knees before him and looked up into his very loving and compassionate face. I gazed into his eternity eyes and was struck again how full of love they were!
19. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, welcome into my presence, and into the gate that leads to the straight and narrow path, that even leads to the tree of life. You have come to me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. I have redeemed you and have brought you into my presence.
20. Your record, that is named Raphael, will never be read by the wise, puffed up and prudent who are not humble. The fullness of my gospel will be hid from them forever. They never come to me or to this, my gate, for they think they know a better way.
21. However, the humble, the meek, and those who consider themselves fools before God, even as Nephi wrote, will come to me and I will open to them. These are my elect, who are chosen by our Heavenly Parents, and those whom I will redeem. Each one has a special journey before them until they reach the tree of life and partake of its fruit and leaf. When these, our humble elect, finally come to Zion, the pure in heart, they will have been purified by me and cleansed by my power. They will be prepared and be open to accept all the records of Zion, and our abundant truths. They will read and hear of the fullness of my gospel and believe, for we will send abundantly our Spirit upon them to witness of the truth to their hearts and minds. These are they who will become the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem and our Zion communities on the earth.
22. Our Heavenly Mother spoke to you this morning that a lying, a deceitful, or a manipulative person will need to change and repent before they will be admitted into Zion. Only the humble and truthful will be accepted, whose hearts are contrite and broken. In Zion, all will see each other as equal, and will love another even as themselves. This cooperative spirit will permeate all, for we will pour out upon all a new spirit of Zion, even as spoken by Ezekiel:
23. Ezekiel 36:26-28
"And a new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the strong heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
And ye shall dwell in the land that I give my people, and I will be your God."'
24. Jesus paused and then looked towards the narrow path and the distant tree of life. He turned to me again and spoke:
25. 'Raphael, on your own path to the New Jerusalem by foot next summer, we will give you the spirit of Zion. You will arrive after your other replicated being will have prepared much for you and our people who arrive. These will all come with the new heart and new spirit spoken of by Ezekiel. Those who enter the gates of the New Jerusalem will be changed by me and by our Heavenly Parents into faithful citizens of Zion, the pure in heart.

26. Raphael, rise now and make the journey to our tree of life again. As you partake of the fruit and leaf of that tree, you will gain a flavor of how it will feel to have a new heart and spirit within your breast!'
27. I thanked him and stood. He reached out his hand and squeezed mine. I then turned and walked down the straight and narrow path to the tree of life. It seems I floated over this path and the hazards that came up.
28. I soon reached the beautiful tree of life. I stood under its canopy and plucked a fruit and a leaf. I then sat by the trunk of the tree, and ate. I felt very uplifted and eager to help anyone on their trek to this tree on the straight and narrow path. I stood and ran to the path and greeted those who were also coming and just finishing their journey. They were grateful for finally a welcoming hand, and seemed very humble and tired. I helped them rest under the canopy of the tree. This helping hand filled me with exceedingly great joy! I then knew that this was the true spirit of Zion–to serve another in their needs and wants. In the process I entirely forgot about myself and my own needs or wants. It was so very fulfilling to help others!
29. The words of Jesus then came into my mind "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40).
30. I then was instantly back in my front room writing all of this down in my journal. I thanked Jesus again for giving me the true spirit of Zion, and for sending his loving spirit. I closed my prayer in his name, and retired soon to bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, October 21, 2020
1. I read what I wrote last night and was impressed with the words of Jesus and the scriptures he chose to share with me. I felt very humbled to have had this experience.
2. Today I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt by the water's edge and drank living water. I then felt refreshed and clarified in my mind. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me, and then waited.
3. He came from my left, walking from the forest path! I turned on my knees and faced him.
4. He was smiling and spoke to me.
'Raphael, we asked Jesus Christ, our Beloved Firstborn Son, to speak to you last night about the new heart and spirit that we will give our faithful when they come to Zion. We will prepare each one who comes by the experiences we give to them, and then by our spirit of Zion that we will pour out upon them when they finally arrive. This is the way that we will gather Israel in these last days. It will also be as Ezekiel spoke.
5. Ezekiel 34:13-16
"And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country (this is upon the New Jerusalem).
And I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.
I will feed my flock, (speaking of my elect), and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God.
I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong (the wicked and telestial); I will feed them with judgment." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father). See also verses 22-30.

6. Once my Israel is gathered, one by one, they will dwell in safety, and none shall make them afraid (Ezekiel 34:28).
7. Raphael, stay here by me today, at these restful circling waters. I will answer your questions and bless you with greater understanding.'
8. He then extended his hand, and I stood and took it. We walked towards the river and then I consciously lost my connection. I am back in my mortal conscious mind now. I thanked him for his presence and words, and started my new day on earth.
9. Evening –I came this evening to the pool below the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. When I came, Heavenly Father was facing me and I was standing before him.
10. Heavenly Father was speaking: 'Raphael, tonight you discussed with your wife how some of your children are attentive to you, and others of your children are not. Some of your grown children have chosen different paths and practices than you so diligently taught them.
11. We don't send only our elect children into elect families. Instead, it may appear more random where the elect really come. In many families, even from the beginning, some children become our elect and some not. This is how we planned it from the start since the days of Adam and Eve.
12. Therefore, in one family, or in your circles of friends, some may be elect and some not. We purposefully keep this information generally hidden from the view of parents or other family members.
13. In your day will be fulfilled the scripture where the elect are chosen from among the population. We know each one, and have chosen those who will seek us out and keep our commandments.
14. Matthew 24: 40-42
"Then shall two be in the field, the one taken (the elect), and the other left.
Two women shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken (the elect), and the other left.
Watch, therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father)
15. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I will sift the nations, even until we have gathered all Israel. There shall not one of our elect be missed.

16. Amos 9:9
"For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth (which shall be burned by fire)." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Father) '
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his miraculous power in finding and saving the elect, who are the true seed of Israel. I thanked him that these will be preserved and come forth into the millennial world of peace and rest. I also thanked him that I don't need to judge the hearts of the people, but that all judgment is God's. I will trust all those that God preserves and all that they remove from the new terrestrial earth.
18. My prayer experience with my Father started to fade until I was fully back in my home on earth. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, October 22, 2020
1. I came to the northeast corner of God's temple on the grass and knelt towards the distant fountain of living waters. I felt convicted of my weaknesses and shortcomings, even though I could feel the presence of God's Holy Spirit upon me. I felt so very human and normal. I felt humble and entreating and desired to come into the loving presence of my Heavenly Mother. I invited her to come to me.
2. She came from across the river representing herself, and floated in the air to a place in front of me. She was filled with light, and shone her light and great acceptance upon me. I felt very filled and strengthened by her.
3. She then spoke: 'Raphael, it is good that our elect children feel convicted of their weaknesses and shortcomings, for of themselves, they cannot navigate mortality alone. We want to help them, to buoy them up and to strengthen them, every one. Living in a fallen world means being subject to the practices, the desires and needs of their own natures, and the foibles of being human. We know the weaknesses of our children, and for those who are humble, who come to us and seek our presence and guidance, we will surely come. We will bless and uplift them, even in their fallen state.'
4. Heavenly Mother then stepped forward and took me by my hand so I stood.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, come across my river and walk with me!' I felt her love coming into my soul and I was filled with peace and assurance. I thanked her to have come and strengthened me in every way.
6. We walked together across her river, up the short grassy incline, and then into her lower garden. While walking, she wanted me to smell her fragrant flowers, which I did. I felt further strengthened and uplifted. She then asked me to choose one or two of her celestial vegetables or fruits we might walk by, and that I could eat these. I picked an orange carrot and a clump of blackberries. These too filled me with joy and satisfaction.

7. By the time we had reached the top of her garden beds (we were walking east), I felt fully capable and normal again. I thanked her for having blessed and buoyed me up! I said I had become discouraged by reading the news online, and how awful the divisions of the people were becoming in my telestial world. I was tired of so much fighting and quarrelling among the population in my own country.
8. She spoke: 'Raphael, the great division you are viewing was prophesied by Nephi, for he saw your very day (see 2 Nephi 30:10). Your day is particularly difficult in which to live. However, soon we will sift from the wicked our wheat, and gather them to safe garners, and the wicked we will destroy, for they will not come to us or seek our help and protection. The new terrestrial realm of the earth will not allow them to enter, and we will not quicken and transform those who are truly of a telestial nature.
9. Raphael, be of good cheer, for in your coming terrestrial world, the righteous and wholesome will be gathered as one, and it will be such a wonderful and happy place in which you may dwell. You will be very comfortable and happy in that elevated terrestrial mortal realm!'
10. I thanked her for helping me and for rescuing me today. I said I want her presence and strength with me continually, even in the current fallen world I live in. She put her arm around me and spoke:
11. 'Raphael, I will always give you my Holy Ghost, and will be by your side. I will do so for every sincere and humble obedient seeker of my light and truth. Your Father, Jesus Christ and I are extending our same rescue efforts to every one of our elect sons and daughters now living in mortality. We will send our spirit and very presence, and will send our holy angels and celestial and terrestrial messengers and servants. We will be their support and strength!'
12. I thanked her abundantly for her strength. I said I could now begin my new mortal day with confidence.
13. I was then fully in my conscious mind on earth in my private room. I now conclude my prayer and start my new day.
14. Evening–I had an experience today after my morning prayer. I felt like I was filled with light and shining inside! Before my prayer, I felt like I was clear but not shining the light myself. I wondered how this light that I perceived came into me, or if I was just imagining this feeling. I believe nobody looking upon me could perceive it, but only me. I wondered also whether something my Heavenly Mother did for me this morning made me aware of the extra light.
15. I came to the desert oasis, drank some living water, and knelt. I called upon my Heavenly Father in prayer. Immediately my Father appeared in front of me! He was smiling and glowing in bright light. He spoke:
16. 'Raphael, you have perceived a difference in the amount of light you have been emanating today. Before your prayer, you felt open and receptive to Heavenly Mother's light, and during your prayer you felt her light come into you when she first came. At the end of your prayer she promised you that she would always give you her Holy Ghost and would be by your side. Therefore, when you concluded your prayer, you felt her Spirit fill you with light. This same sensation continued all the day long. She continues to send her light, the Holy Ghost, that you can tangibly feel glowing inside of you. This light therefore has come from her, and is not your imagination.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for confirming this sensation I felt today! This spirit or light has given me an inner peace and assurance that all will be well. I am very pleased too that I was able to perceive this extra light coming into me and shining from me, even steadily filling me up.
18. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, this morning you felt especially meek and lowly of heart. When you approach either of us or Jesus Christ, you receive the visitation of the Holy Ghost. This Spirit fills you with peace, love and light.
19. Moroni 8:25-26
"And the first fruits of repentance is baptism, and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;
And the remission of sins bringeth meekness and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God."
20. When the Holy Ghost from your Heavenly Mother comes, she fills you with her abundant light, which light remains in you, even to shining forth from your own spirit. She also sends within the light her comfort, peace and love. You feel assurance that you are accepted of God, and even numbered as one of God's elect. Both she and I then stay near to you, or near to our elect, as they are "diligent unto prayer". This is what is also called the peace of the saints, or that the saints dwell in a land of peace (see D&C 45:66). This is the inheritance for all our elect.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my question about the extra light I felt. I feel greater peace and love, and am so pleased!
22. I knew my prayer had come to a close. I thanked him again, and then left his immediate presence.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, October 23, 2020
1. I awoke to very chilly weather. It got to the mid twenties in temperature early this morning. We brought in all the tender plants in pots, and picked or covered with blankets those that we wanted to preserve.
2. We enjoyed the visit of my brother and his wife yesterday afternoon, but it was cold outside during our backyard visit. We continue to be very careful with COVID-19, and haven't had anybody, even family, come into our house. We will have more difficulty in the future in visiting and eating outside as the weather continues to get colder. I came this morning to the knoll above the circling waters. I still felt filled with light, in both my mortal body and replicated celestial translated body. I knelt, facing the temple in the distance in front of me. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me in my prayer.

3. I then was elevated in the air into a celestial cloud in the sky! I came in front of my Heavenly Mother who was standing in front of me, smiling. I felt her abundant light come into me. I was very happy to be in her presence!
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have given you the light of the Holy Ghost throughout your life, once you were baptized and confirmed a member of the LDS church. You have had my Holy Spirit with you in your life, even as a constant companion.
5. However, yesterday you were feeling very human and mortal. You were so aware of your weaknesses of the flesh and your shortcomings. I allowed you to feel open and clear, but not filled with my Spirit until I came to you. You could then feel the difference of the presence of my Holy Ghost when it came upon you.
6. I wanted you to know that my Spirit always abides in you, and that I am near you, even in your daily mortal life. I give you comfort and abundant light.
7. In these last days I will shed forth my Holy Ghost in abundance to our elect. They will feel my Spirit as they pray to God in their hope and with faith. I will be more liberal in sending the Holy Ghost than in the past, for the times require this since evil and hardships are more prevalent now for a season on the earth. Our elect will feel and receive my Spirit, for they love us, their Gods, and are now being taught the truths of the gospel in their spirits, and are becoming more and more receptive to our light and our truths. This is all part of our effort in bringing them out of Babylon, and preparing them for the glories of Zion.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful message this morning. I said I always wanted to be filled with her light, and never to feel the emptiness of not having the Holy Ghost ever again. She smiled upon me and embraced me! I felt very filled and comforted in her love.
9. I then faded from her presence in the clouds of heaven, and came back to my mortal self. I checked and felt her light of the Holy Ghost inside of me, and was glad. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name, and started my new mortal day.
10. Evening–I enjoyed a phone call with my sister today. With the restrictions from COVID-19, it gets lonely. We are still very careful about social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands. Nobody has come into our home for the past seven months except for those of us who live here. We don't eat at restaurants or shop in the stores. We don't go to the church or in any gatherings unless we're outside and can social distance. I wonder how wintertime will be, for it will be too cold to meet outside.
11. Tonight I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I reached down and drank living water from my cupped hand. I prayed for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
12. I then saw both my Heavenly Parents descending upon the lake in front of me! They then stopped a few feet above the water and seemed to float to me in the air. It was exciting to watch them come!
13. Soon they were both in front of me, holding hands. They then dropped hands and Heavenly Father spoke:

14. 'Raphael, we know it is wearing on you and our children in mortality to continue in this pandemic. Many of the activities that brought you lots of enjoyment are no longer available or possible. Colder weather will make it more difficult to safely socialize and meet with family and friends.
15. We are pleased that you and your wife and son are doing all you can to protect yourself from catching this COVID-19 infection. You have kept up your vigilance since it came into your area over seven months ago.
16. Now that summer has passed, fall is upon you, and winter time soon will follow. There will continue to be more infections and deaths. As difficult as it will be, we ask that you continue to be careful and use precautionary measures to limit the spread of this very contagious illness. Even as this pandemic will seem to be turning and dying off, the more deadly virus that initially came to Utah and which we have temporarily halted its effects, will emerge among your nation. The contagious spread of this newer virus will continue, even until it is throughout your country. It will be at this time that your Heavenly Mother and I will remove our protection, and allow this deadly virus to erupt among the people. However, we will continue to protect our elect with the corona flame of your Heavenly Mother. This same fire will burn up the new virus effects like it has done for COVID-19.
17. In all of these tribulations, you may still find great peace from our Spirit, and particularly from the Holy Ghost. Your Heavenly Mother and I promise to stay close to you and continue to protect you and our elect with our matchless power.'
18. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, tonight you wondered how another week has passed by so fast. It will seem like this also for this fall and winter. Soon springtime,will come and, even though many tribulations and plagues will still surround you, there will be a newness of life and warmer weather. The period of difficulties will speed by for you, and then we will extend great kindness to you and to our elect. Then will these words of Isaiah be fulfilled:
19. Isaiah 54: 7-17
"For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.
In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer.
For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.
O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.
And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.
And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.
Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord." '

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for coming to me tonight. I thanked them for their message. I asked for strength, and for the elect to be buoyed up were they to become discouraged or to feel it might be too hard to bear. I said I loved them, my Gods, and would trust in them at all times.
21. They both smiled, held hands again, and started to walk to my right. Heavenly Mother extended her hand to me, and I stood and took her hand. Together we slowly walked around the lake, even until I lost connection. I then concluded my journal entry and closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, October 24, 2020
1. When I talked to my sister K, she mentioned that she was amazed at all that I have been receiving in prayer. For me, I am very close to all of these revelations, and just write them down and then move on with my day. I try to review my journal entries, but that too is difficult, for I keep myself very active during the day. When alone, I listen on my phone with earbuds to my past posts. I have listened recently up to my post 120. Gosh, there is so very much to re-absorb! Nevertheless, I keep receiving more and more. I am so thankful to the four people who each have a role to help me get these published and indexed. I am truly amazed like my sister K!
2. This morning I felt to enter God's temple, and came into the chapel with the murals that showed segments of earth's history or future. I came before the last days' mural and knelt. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer. I have no idea why I came here, only that I felt impressed to come here.
3. As I sought for the presence of my Heavenly Father, I felt drawn into the mural somehow. I then was living and actually being in a future day during tribulations that were all around me. I then realized Heavenly Father was next to me, hidden from the view of others but not hidden from me.
4. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I have brought you to a future day in your mortal life on earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be continually with you and with our elect who are enduring and passing through these difficulties. Each of you will find peace from our Spirit, and from the Holy Ghost, and from our presence and the presence of angels and messengers we will send to you. By these means you will receive comfort and peace. Be not afraid of what many may do, for since we are with you, we will protect and comfort you, even in these times of trial and great upheaval.'
5. I then looked upon my own being and could detect the presence of the light of the Holy Ghost within me, even shining to the point that I could detect and see its light. I felt comforted and possessed peace and tranquility. I knew everything would be all right. I had no fear or apprehension in the present or the future. I knew God's purposes would be played out, and that Zion would surely come, and a happy, peaceful world to where the righteous would be gathered.
6. Heavenly Father was with me in my own community in mortality which was relatively normal most of the time, for we are unpopulated and more in a country setting.

7. 'Raphael, come with me now to the more populated areas of your once great nation.'
8. We were then standing on the streets of a large city in America. It had been partly destroyed by fire or bombing, it appeared. The roads were deserted, but Heavenly Father said the people were huddled in safer places in their homes or buildings. Many were feeling desperate and afraid of the marauders and the armies that would come by.
9. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this great city will be further ravaged until all of its inhabitants are gone. First the elect who remain will be gathered, and then the wicked will destroy the wicked. This city will remain unoccupied until such time as Zion spreads herself abroad and it will be built up in part by our elect. The rubble that remains will be burned and buried, and a beautiful city of Zion will emerge. The vestiges of the old telestial world will be mostly all gone in the millennial world of peace and light.'
10. Heavenly Father then waved his hand, indicating we were going to yet another future place. We then were instantly in a street in the same location, years ahead in the terrestrial millennial day! I saw fields of grain next to the road, with no fences. I saw a beautiful house nearby with a barn, trees and a garden and orchard. Down the road I saw more houses and a small town. There was great peace and beauty everywhere!
11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this land is the same location on where the previous city we visited was built. It is now fully changed into one of our Zion communities, and is so lovely! The people here are our elect, and our Spirit accompanies all of their actions and lives. This is what is in store in our land of promise!'
12. I was so uplifted by the vision of this future day! I felt great happiness in the prospect of a beautiful world ahead.
13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this beautiful vision I received today! I felt such joy in seeing this final scene.
14. I then came back to myself in my private room. My peace and comfort I had in my prayer continued with me. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
15. Evening–I worked hard with my wife today putting our garden to bed. After I came inside, I reviewed some reports online and felt very sorry for the state of my country. It seems that the traitors, globalists and elite, as they are called who are the very rich in our country who have turned against our country and its foundations, will soon do all they can to overthrow the United States of America. From what I have received by revelation from God, their plans and those of the invading Chinese armies and their allies, will only be able to advance their plans for five months, for they will be stopped by a higher power. I take great comfort in what my Heavenly Father spoke to me this morning: "Be not afraid of what men may do. . . ". I take comfort in this, and will just take whatever comes our way. I am excited that the oppressions and tribulations will turn into joy and a happier world in which to live. This is my hope and faith!

16. Tonight I came to the area just outside the front doors of God's temple on the celestial orb. The doors were shut. I knelt facing the doors, and asked for Heavenly Mother to come.
17. The doors then became very bright, and then my Heavenly Mother walked right through the doors! She stood before me smiling.
18. She spoke: 'Raphael, there are many of the elect in your country that are calling upon your Father, Jesus Christ and me, with no idea what the future holds. We have revealed to you and to those few on your email list the details of the near future. However, to the rest of the elect, they are at many times fearing the future, and are trying to hold onto their faith in Christ and in our power for their deliverance. We are speaking peace to their souls, and sending our Spirit to comfort them. Their faith and trust in our power of deliverance will be greatly tested.
19. Soon the faithful that will be opposed by Lucifer and his minions, along with those wicked people, organizations and nations that follow his ways of oppression and control. Because of these powers of evil being soon unleashed upon mankind, we will send our holy angels and servants in much greater frequency to the elect in their distress. We are determined to protect and buoy up our elect who approach us in the sincerity of their yearning and in prayer. We will not leave them comfortless and without our protection!'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words to me. I felt very comforted in her and Heavenly Father's dedication to their elect on the earth at this time. I fully trust in their great power and protection.
21. I realized my short time in prayer was done for tonight. Heavenly Mother then backed up through the temple doors and was gone. I closed my prayer and concluded my day.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, October 25, 2020
1. I realized that Thanksgiving is a month from tomorrow and Christmas is in two months. I wonder how the country will be then, and I wonder how we will be in our celebrations?
2. Today I came to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf from this glorious tree. I felt happy and clear, all ready to receive whatever my Gods may share with me. I then came to the circling waters and drank living water. I felt very much at peace in this celestial environment.
3. I then prayed for my Heavenly Father to come. I next heard a voice from above calling to me to come up with him! I looked up and saw my Father up in the sky. I then thought or intended to go to him and was immediately kneeling in the air in front of my Father.
4. I looked upon his bright face and felt assured all over again that he and Heavenly Mother were in full control of what the future might hold. He was smiling upon me, and looked full of compassion.

5. He spoke: 'Raphael, I want to reiterate what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night. We will save our elect and protect and bless them. We will be quick to answer their pleas for guidance and protection. However, to the wicked, who seek their own will or those of the wicked, there is no peace (Isaiah 57:21).
6. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, and I care deeply for our faithful children! Of all parents, your Heavenly Mother and I know how to succor, guide and protect each by our matchless power.'
7. I thanked my Father for his comforting words. I said I felt such comfort and security in being in his presence, and knowing his and Heavenly Mother's promises for us, his faithful elect, while we live in mortality.
8. 'Raphael, I have brought you up into my celestial sky this morning to talk with you face to face. Whenever you might be in need to talk to me, or to your Heavenly Mother, think of coming into our celestial sky and we will immediately come before you, even in your conscious mind. You may then feel assured. We will answer your questions, and give you further directions, even face to face as I am doing for you now.
9. You also have a habit to test the truthfulness of many of your interactions with us, your Gods, and the revelations we give to you, by bringing your open hands in front of you. You then receive a confirmation in your heart and mind of any truth you have received from us. If it is not from us, you feel a darkened negative feeling in your mind, and know that this is not true and not from us, your Gods. This is an immediate second witness, a confirmation of what you wish to know, and what you have received. You may also continue to trust this method that you have developed.
10. A third way for you to know our truths and confirm all things we give to you is to kneel before us in humble and open prayer, and ask of us in your mind. We will give the confirmation you seek by opening up your conscious mind with the feeling you are high up in the sky and all is true and clear. If what you are inquiring about is not true nor from us, you will not have such elevated feelings, but it will appear as darkness to you.
11. This is the same way that Jesus Christ, our Firstborn Son, answered Joseph Smith our prophet of the restoration, in answer to Oliver Cowdery's request:
12. D&C 8:2-3
"Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."

13. D&C 9:7-9
"Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.
But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.
But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me."
14. Raphael, you have diligently inquired of us throughout the many last years of your life in this manner, and more particularly since your son A. experienced his brain injury. We have led you by the hand, step by step, and given you abundant guidance and revelations. You have continually inquired of us and confirmed these truths are from us, and that you had written them down accurately. We have witnessed to your heart and mind that they are all true, even when you were receiving them and afterwards when you again humbly and openly questioned us.
15. By this means we have been able to reveal to you our truths, some which we have never before revealed to mankind in the flesh. Your mission and activity for us is crucial in these last days to gather our elect into our safe garners, and to protect and bless them. You will be our transition prophet, bridging the telestial world to the terrestrial, and bringing many into our celestial temple at the New Jerusalem. Fear not, for we will continue to guide and direct by our mighty hand!'
16. I thanked my Father for his assuring words! I said I would do whatever he or Heavenly Mother direct me, and will continue to confirm all things so that I will be assured that I heard and wrote their directions correctly.
17. Heavenly Father then smiled and departed. I came back to my mortal mind, and started my new Sabbath day.
18. Evening–I watched two more videos of Pastor Dana Coverstone. I felt that the Data Dream was very interesting and true. I also read more of the democratic candidate Joe Biden's background as a controlled puppet of both globalists and communist China. The information I read was very incriminating on the Biden family.
19. I then came in prayer to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I came to the water's edge and drank living water and then came back to the bench where I had arrived. I knelt in the sand and faced the oasis. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
20. Heavenly Mother then appeared before me on the sand! She was full of light like she usually is, and had a serious look on her face.

She spoke: 'Raphael, you watched today a video by Dana Coverstone that he named "The Data Dream" (Oct. 20,2020). In this dream he saw the word "Discovery" appear in the sky. The hidden agendas and treasonous activities of many members of congress, previous presidents and their federal agencies are coming now, and will be providing undeniable evidence to the citizens of your country of the crime and unlawful activities of those leaders who actively seek to overthrow your country. Because of this exposure, and their previous well laid plans, they will effectively implement all their powers to destroy the United States of America.
21. On top of this, the communist nation of China and their allied nations will attack your country and occupy your cities and lands. The normal life in America will then turn into chaos, anarchy and many freedoms will be removed. This will be a dark day for the citizens of your land who love their country and the liberties they have always been used to. These tribulations will begin before the end of this current year 2020.'
22. Heavenly Mother then smiled and her eyes shone with love and compassion. She spoke again: 'Raphael, I want to reiterate again that we, who are your Gods, will protect and bless our elect on the earth, even in the midst of great hardships and occupation. I will send my Holy Ghost upon the faithful elect who pray to us in faith. I will comfort their souls!
23. Our servant David wrote these poetic verses that directly apply to your coming day.
24. Psalm 23:4-5
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of protection that she gave to me again tonight, in a similar tone that she had given last evening to me. I knew she and Heavenly Father would be fully true to all that they had promised me. I felt a great calm and assurance from the light that she was sending into me!
26. She then started to fade from my view and was soon gone. Nonetheless, I felt great peace and tranquility remain with me. I closed my prayer and soon went to bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, October 26, 2020
1. I received a sweet email from my sister K about her longing to be in Zion. She had just finished editing my post 175 where a lot more about Zion was revealed. I think all of the elect would feel as she expressed, with a yearning to be there.
2. Heavenly Mother said to me on 10-23-2020 that "the period of difficulties will speed by for you". We must hold tight to our faith and hope for a glorious future day in the New Jerusalem and in Zion communities where we will come!
3. This morning I came to the beautiful meadow of buttercups on the celestial orb. I walked above them in the air, so as not to crush any of their happy flower heads. I came in the center of the meadow and knelt, facing the forest to the east. I felt cheered by the happy buttercups all around me.
4. I then saw a light in the woods, and recognized both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking together. I then prayed to them that they might come to me, or I come to them. I then saw the light increase and soon my Heavenly Parents were standing in the air, a little elevated above me and above this bright and cheery meadow of buttercups! They were holding hands and both were smiling. I felt their love and acceptance of me.
5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we inspired you to come near to us in our morning walk. We are very involved with each of our elect children in mortality, and think of them continually. This scripture is soon to be fulfilled, speaking of your day.
6. Matthew 24:21-22
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
7. We will shorten the coming intense tribulations for the sake of our elect who are living on the earth, for we love them dearly and won't tolerate a prolonged period of difficulty for them. We will use these troubles, however, to help shape and refine our elect, to prepare them for the glories that are coming for them, which they can hardly imagine.
8. Were we to not intervene, and cut short the evil plans of men and nations, your country would be overrun, the citizens of your land would be slain, and the invading armies would have their own people migrate to your land of America in large numbers. However, their best laid plans will become frustrated and we will stop them in their efforts. We will cut short their works and remove them by our power from the land of promise.

9. D&C 84:96-102
"For I, the Almighty, have laid my hands upon the nations, to scourge them for their wickedness.
And plagues shall go forth, and they shall not be taken from the earth until I have completed my work, which shall be cut short in righteousness--
Until all shall know me, who remain, even from the least unto the greatest, and shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, and shall see eye to eye, and shall lift up their voice, and with the voice together sing this new song, saying:
The Lord hath brought again Zion;
The Lord hath redeemed his people, Israel,
According to the election of grace,
Which was brought to pass by the faith
And covenant of their fathers.
The Lord hath redeemed his people;
And Satan is bound and time is no longer.
The Lord hath gathered all things in one.
The Lord hath brought down Zion from above.
The Lord hath brought up Zion from beneath.
The earth hath travailed and brought forth her strength;
And truth is established in her bowels;
And the heavens have smiled upon her;
And she is clothed with the glory of her God;
For he stands in the midst of his people.
Glory, and honor, and power, and might,
Be ascribed to our God; for he is full of mercy,
Justice, grace and truth, and peace,
Forever and ever, Amen."'
10. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'The leaders of the wicked do not know of the many events we have planned to shake the earth, to destroy their evil purposes, and to cleanse them from the mortal earth. Our ways and purposes are higher than theirs, and we will be victorious. No hands of men or devils will be able to dissuade us in our purposes, for we are Gods, and our works will become evident and revealed in the eyes of all people.'

11. She paused and looked upon her field of buttercups below us and all around us. She then spoke again to me: 'Even as these beautiful and happy buttercups are smiling upon us, their creators, so may you, our elect, be full of peace and joy, even while passing through the tribulations before you. We will ease your journey and be by your side. We will protect and uplift our elect who come to us in sincere and humble prayer. We will prepare the way for their own growth and journey to Zion. These are our people, the pure in heart!'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their beautiful and uplifting words to me today. I said I felt so humbled and blessed to be in their glorious presence, and to receive these great truths, and their comfort.
13. Heavenly Father then replied. 'Raphael, begin your new week now, and "look unto us in every thought, doubt not, fear not." (D&C 6:36) We will be continually by your side, and our Spirit will continually shine in your being.'
14. With this, my Heavenly Parents rose up in the air and were soon gone! I closed my prayer in the name of Christ, and then started my new day on earth.
15. Evening–Tonight I came to the overlook on the path that one may view southeast to God's temple, or south to the green hill. I came here because I felt this is where I needed to come.
16. I looked out towards the temple and saw it glow in the dusk of the day. I was thinking how this world experienced night and day, all from the intention of our Gods, or from the individual view of each person.
17. Heavenly Father then spoke to me! He was standing next to me on my right side:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I may have our celestial orb appear however we wish to you, all with our intention. It is my thoughts now that are causing you to see our world here at dusk instead of during the brightness of the day. However, to another person next to us, we may make him/her see this environment at noon day.
18. We are able to do this by our powers of being the Gods of our celestial orb, and according to the laws of the celestial kingdom that we know. There are laws for each kingdom and realm, and we may adjust these realms according to our knowledge of the laws of those realms and by our intentions. We have power to adjust the way things are in these lower kingdoms, according to our intentions and designs.
19. You now live in a telestial world that will be transitioning more and more into the higher terrestrial realm or world. Each of these two realms have different laws under which they operate, and there is a veil between the lower to the higher realm. Because of these things, we may transition the lower realm into that of a higher realm and dramatically change your world. This is how we will ultimately remove from the mortal telestial earth those who cannot come into the higher terrestrial mortal earth.

20. When Zion starts to spread herself abroad on the land of promise, the land will yet have a telestial realm and a new terrestrial realm. In the telestial realm, there will be mass devastation, flooding, and barren uninhabited land because of the great convulsions on the earth's surface. Those who once lived there in the telestial world, will have been destroyed by means of these destructions.
21. However, on the terrestrial realms, we will have great beauty in the city island of the New Jerusalem and the surrounding cities of Zion. These will be built up and inhabited by those who may abide the terrestrial glory. The elect are our terrestrial elect, and will be quickened to be able to come into our terrestrial world, whereas the wicked in the telestial mortal world may not come or even view it.
22. We will gradually increase Zion and her communities on the land of promise in the terrestrial realm on the physical earth. As we do so, we will also gradually remove the telestial realm from the land of promise. The wicked inhabitants will either stay and perish as the land transitions into a terrestrial physical earth, or leave on their own. By the time Jesus Christ comes in glory, much of the center areas on the land of promise will have fully transitioned into the new terrestrial realm, with no more telestial realm. In these areas, the wicked, or Satan and his hosts may not dwell or enter.
23. Upon the arrival of the Son of God in his glory, the remainder of the earth will quickly transition from a telestial realm to a terrestrial realm. All the wicked will not be able to endure the change, and will perish. They will be ushered into the spiritual telestial realm of the dead on the earth where they will have a further chance to repent and change, all according to their desires.
24. When our terrestrial elect walk to Zion, or come there in the portals of our 144,000 servants, they will enter into the terrestrial realm of glory upon their arrival. Some who walk by foot will walk mostly in the telestial realms, for they are the early arrivals who come. Some who come later may have part of their journey in the telestial and the latter part in the terrestrial realm. This transition will seem natural and hardly noticeable at first. When they come into Zion, the change will be very noticeable.
25. We have said that there will be a celestial realm of glory in the temple area at the New Jerusalem. In order to come into this area, our elect children will need to have a reason to come, either to serve or to be served by being admitted into our celestial temple by appointment. Those who may wander into this area without such a purpose to serve or be served, will remain in the terrestrial realm on which the celestial realm is superimposed. Only those who come with a divine purpose and assignment or appointment will be admitted into our celestial realm on the physical earth.'
26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable explanation to me tonight! I had never thought of much of this before, and thought it to be very ingenious in God's plan.
27. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, you come regularly into the presence of your Mother and I because of your appointment to reveal our truths to our elect children. You come frequently and consistently because of your desires and intentions, and because we bring you into our presence. Without such a mission or calling, your exposure to us would be more limited. However, any of our elect are invited to call upon us diligently and we will answer their prayers. In time, they too will see the face of Jesus Christ and be brought into our glory and see us in these celestial realms.

28. D&C 93:1
"Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth upon my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am."'
29. Heavenly Father was smiling upon me! I felt his confirming Spirit come into me, and witness the truth of what he had spoken to me tonight.
30. He then faded away and I was left alone at the overlook. I departed and came back to my mortal body on earth, where I closed my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, October 27, 2020
1. I reread what I wrote last night and felt a confirmation it is all true. These simple truths of the different realms of glory are well known to God, but not to man who has lived his/her life in the telestial world. The concept of realms being superimposed on top of each other is also a remarkable concept. Although it is commonly believed in the LDS church for the dead to depart into the world of a paradise of God and still be on earth (in a terrestrial glory), Latter-day Saints don't think about how this idea of being superimposed on top of another realm really can work. I think what Heavenly Father revealed last night is a real eye opener to these truths of one realm being superimposed on top of another. This can be in a physical world or in a spirit. For instance, the physical terrestrial realm will be superimposed on top of the physical telestial realm for a time during the transition of the earth to a millennial state, where all will become a terrestrial physical earth. This is true for all except the celestial temple area which will also be a physical celestial realm superimposed on top of the terrestrial physical earth.
2. This is all somewhat mind boggling! God uses this greater knowledge of the laws of each realm or kingdom to work great changes on the earth.
3. I came this morning to the birch tree forest on the eastern slopes going down to the city of Enoch on the celestial orb. I knew I was in the celestial realm, for all here is in the celestial realm or in the higher celestial realm where God lives and dwells. I drank from the little stream flowing from Lake Beautiful through this grove of birch trees. The leaves were brilliant yellow on these trees, and all appeared to me as fall time.
4. I then knelt facing the stream, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I intended in my mind to come into her presence. She then descended through the treetops in glory, and soon was standing in the air before me! She was smiling and very bright in her glory.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have come to realize again this truth found in Isaiah 55:8-9:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
6. From the beginning, our first parent Gods created the different realms of glory to accommodate the progression of their children, and to have stages of probation for them. The ultimate goal is that each child would progress to the highest glory that he/she desired and was able to obey the laws of that kingdom.

7. D&C 88:22-24
"For he who is not able to abide the law of the celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory. And he who cannot abide the law of a terrestrial kingdom cannot abide a terrestrial glory.
And he who cannot abide the law of a telestial kingdom cannot abide a telestial glory; therefore he is not meet for a kingdom of glory. Therefore he must abide a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory."
8. Whether a kingdom is a physical mortal, a physical resurrected, or a spirit kingdom, it may still be assigned to one of the realms of glory, whether celestial, terrestrial or telestial. Our physical mortal children may not view these in the physical resurrected or spirit kingdoms unless the ones of a higher state in that same kingdom of glory desire or are allowed to be viewed.
9. For instance, you view me before you in this celestial realm. You are physically replicated here in your celestial translated state. I could easily desire not to be seen by you, even while in this celestial realm, because I appear to you in my replicated spirit state.'
10. Heavenly Mother then disappeared from my view. However, she continued speaking to my mind:
11. 'Raphael, I continue to be by you, although you cannot see me, for my spirit is in a higher state than are you in your translated physical celestial state, which is replicated.
12. Were I to come to you in my full resurrected body, I could also disappear from your view, for this state is also higher than your translated state.'
13. She then appeared again before me in the air.
'We know all the laws of each kingdom of glory, and each state of man in those glories. We are above all, for we are the Gods of all our creations. We therefore may use our superior knowledge to work and change our creations for our purposes.
14. Raphael, come here again tonight and I will further explain to you more of the laws of various kingdoms of glory.'
15. I thanked her for her continuing to explain to me these great truths that Heavenly Father started explaining to me last night. I said I was eager to learn all that they would share with me!
16. She then descended back up into the treetops and was gone. I then came back to my mortal state and started my new day.
17. Evening–Tonight I had a premonition of what my Heavenly Father would tell me. I actually have been getting this premonition feeling all day long that in order for us to go from the telestial world to the terrestrial world, we need to leave behind all that we gained in our mortal life up to this point. We need to come into the higher terrestrial realm with nothing except our own body, spirit, and mind. All of our earthly possessions and wealth are to be left behind. Joseph Smith the prophet said "a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has the power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation" (Lectures on Faith 6:7). He further said that God ordained that this is the manner in which men (and women) should enjoy eternal life. I would add, this is also the method which we, who are God's elect, move from one realm (the telestial) into a higher realm (the terrestrial), and from the terrestrial to the celestial. Each movement between realms requires sacrifice of what we have gained in the lower kingdom in order to obtain the next higher kingdom. Joseph Smith said specifically it was "through the medium of the sacrifice of all earthly things" that men (and women) are acceptable before God to lay hold of eternal life. Eternal life, in my mind, means advancing from the mortal telestial sphere to a terrestrial mortal sphere, and then to the celestial sphere where those who have received their temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple advance to. In the millennium, those who are mortal are born in a terrestrial mortal sphere, so they wouldn't have the telestial sphere to advance from.

18. I will see if this reasoning and these thoughts I have are what my Father reveals to me tonight.
19. I came to the fountain of living water, next to the golden altar, and faced the temple doors. I had just drank living water from the fountain. I then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.
20. The doors of the temple opened and both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother stepped forth to me! I felt so glad to see them. They were both smiling, and emitted bright light that passed through my being like I wasn't even present!
21. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have been preparing your heart and mind during the day for this new revelation we will give you tonight. This new revelation is about two laws required for you and each one of our mortal elect children to advance into the terrestrial realm where Zion and the New Jerusalem are located.
22. The laws that your Heavenly Mother and I have ordained for the progression of our children, from one realm to a higher realm of glory, are the law of obedience and the law of sacrifice. We will require all who come into the borders of the New Jerusalem, or in any of the communities of Zion, to obey the laws of this kingdom or of the terrestrial realm. We require that our children sacrifice by leaving behind everything except themselves, their relationships, and their knowledge up to that point. We will clothe them in new robes of Zion, and teach them the fullness of the gospel which can only really be absorbed by those in the terrestrial or celestial realm. All things of a former life need to be left behind. All things will start anew in the new terrestrial world for these, our terrestrial elect. We will provide to them abundantly of our revelations and resources. The entire society of Zion will be embraced by all who commit to obey the law of obedience and law of sacrifice for the terrestrial kingdom. The past life of our faithful, from their telestial mortal life, will be remembered as a darker and much less enlightened world, even as the stars (telestial) are much less bright than the moon (terrestrial) in brightness. The terrestrial millennial world will be very much more enlivening to the souls of our beloved elect children who are privileged to live there. They will be significantly more happy and satisfied in this new world. Their health and wellbeing will be ten fold increased in vitality and strength. What a beautiful world this will be!'
23. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. Her brightness was very intensely shining upon my entire being. I sought to look upon her beautiful face which was so enveloped in light:
'Raphael, I have been revealing to your unconscious mind the thoughts to not value anything of the telestial mortal world too much, for these will all be left behind when you and our faithful come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, the city of your Gods! The environment, the people you associate with, the food and drink, and the Holy Spirit which your Father and the Holy Ghost from me will be tenfold increased over what you have previously received in the telestial world. Our Spirit will come with greater clarity, and provide our beloved children with great comfort and peace. We will walk daily by their side, and although usually unseen, we will be quick to give them inspiration and direction in their personal lives.'
24. I spoke in response:
'My Father and Mother, I am willing to give away all that I have received or accumulated in my telestial world, in order to come to Zion, and to be with the pure in heart! I covenant with you now to obey all the laws of the terrestrial kingdom, and to sacrifice all that I have in the telestial world to advance into this new realm, even in my mortal terrestrial state. I want to have your presence with me continually and to keep your commandments. I yearn to be with you, and to have my loved ones come with me too, all who will likewise obey and sacrifice as is required.'

25. Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, you will be accepted into our Zion community and be the founder of the New Jerusalem island, and temple. You will receive a fulness of joy from your service to your fellow elect brothers and sisters in Zion! What happiness you will receive with your loving wife and faithful loved ones also in our beautiful world!'
26. I bowed my head in humble anticipation of God's promises. I felt so full of light and joy!
27. My Heavenly Parents then vanished, and I was left to ponder the great vision I experienced! I feel great peace and contentment. I know it is all true, and was revealed to me even as I wrote tonight. I feel so very blessed!
28. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, October 28, 2020
1. I reread over what I wrote last night in my journal.
2. I found this scripture in D&C 97:7-9 (my words in parentheses):
"The ax is laid at the root of the tree; and every tree (every person in the telestial world) that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire (or shall not abide the terrestrial glory when the earth transitions from a telestial glory). I, the Lord, have spoken it.
Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe (law of obedience) their covenants by sacrifice (law of sacrifice)–yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command, they are accepted of me (and they become my elect, chosen of the Father and Mother and cleansed by Jesus Christ).
For I, the Lord, will cause them to bring forth as a very fruitful tree which is planted in a goodly land, by a pure stream, that yieldeth much precious fruit (this is a description of being brought to a higher sphere, even to Zion)."
3. I came this new day to the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I drank living water and it was delicious to me. I then walked into the center of the maple tree grove and knelt facing the vast lake below me. I could see the shimmering water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
4. I then saw a very bright reflection upon the water, and a beam of light reflect upon the lake. I knew Heavenly Mother was coming! She gradually descended, and then moved towards me until she was in the maple tree grove in front of me.

5. She immediately spoke:
'Raphael, we have ordained that when a man or woman dies, they leave their physical body on the earth and their spirit advances into a spirit world of the dead. For those in the millennium, they will be resurrected upon their death. However, in both cases, they leave behind all material things from their former life that they have accumulated–all their lands, houses, monies, and every vestige of their mortal realm.
6. We also have ordained this same procedure to happen when they transition to living in a higher realm. This includes the telestial to terrestrial transition, and the terrestrial to celestial transition. They also need to leave all they have accumulated behind when they move forward, for they cannot take it with them. This willingness and requirement to sacrifice all things is necessary to be endowed with new riches and blessings to be given them in their next phase of progression.
7. Even the wicked who move from a mortal state to a place of the dead cannot take anything with them. The only thing that our children can take is their own spirit, mind, and in certain cases, their physical bodies. This is the sacrifice we require.
8. When moving to a higher realm, we require our elect children to agree by covenant to obey the new laws of that higher kingdom. These are different than their previous realm, and are designed to accommodate a more purified, advanced and obedient person, even our elect. We then become more available to them also, and they gradually are able to advance spiritually and physically into a higher state.
9. We have brought you and certain of our elect sons and daughters into our presence now, in order to teach you and show you these things. We give you revelations to share with other elect children that follow.
10. When our 144,000 servants bring the elect to the New Jerusalem or communities of Zion, they will first require the ones they bring to agree to obey and sacrifice. They obey by a covenant, and sacrifice by leaving all behind. In this humble and dependent state, they are able then to be transported in the portal of our servant and to transition into a higher realm, even to our terrestrial world of Zion.
11. When our faithful trek to Zion on foot, they leave behind what they cannot bring for their journey. This includes their homes and possessions of all sorts. After they arrive at the borders of the New Jerusalem, they will have used up or worn out much of what they have brought. Once clothed in new robes, they will even discard their old clothing, the last vestige of their previous life. If anything is carried over to the new higher sphere, we will need to approve it by confirming to their heart and mind that they may bring that thing from a lower realm. These may include written journals.
12. Our higher realm has abundant resources in which to amply replace things that our elect need for their living and sustenance. We will abundantly bless all who obey and sacrifice by coming to Zion! They are our elect children whom we love and give our Spirit in a very large measure!'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming and for her beautiful revelation! I said I felt very uplifted by these truths from last night and this morning that I had received.

14. She then asked me to conclude my post 176 with her words this morning. She said to name the post "Obedience and Sacrifice".
15. She then pulled me close to her in a full embrace! I felt very engulfed in her light and love. She then vanished. I reread what I had written and closed my prayer.