140. Changes to a Terrestrial Mortal State
Posted 10-24-2019


I hope each of you are enjoying a beautiful fall like I am! 

This post continues with more explanations of how the transition to a terrestrial state for all of the elect will occur, and what we can expect. I hope each of you will pray about this, and see what God has in store for you personally! This is such a wonderful blessing from our loving Heavenly Parents to us at this time!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 13, 2019, Sunday

1. At church–Today my wife and I came to our own ward for church. At the sacrament I came to the mountain tree grove that I was in this morning and last night as I arrived, I saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing, with all the male and female archangels with me on chairs facing our Heavenly Parents.

2. As the sacrament started in the ward, it also started in this forest grove! Once the blessing was offered on earth, Jesus then passed the bread and later the water to the 14 archangels of God. I looked into his very compassionate eternity eyes–for I knew him!

3. I partook of the bread and then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, on behalf of your Heavenly Mother and me, I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We have met with you and all of our holy archangels, and behind your chairs all of our other angels. This gathering was a special request made by your Heavenly Mother.'

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke to the entire group:

'Our beloved archangels and angels of God–We have assembled you together to partake of the holy sacrament administered by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Each of you is actively working for us in the celestial realms of glory to minister to our children on the mortal earth or in the spirit world of the dead. You each follow our directions that we give to you through our Spirit. We are pleased with your wonderful service, our beloved angels!'

5. I looked around and saw all of the archangels sitting on chairs in a semicircle around Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The other angels were elevated in the air behind them, in tiers where each further tier was higher up in the behind the ones in the front. They were all in a larger semicircle around our Heavenly Parents who were at the center. It was a remarkable experience to be altogether.

6. The meeting continued in the ward with the annual primary program. I then wrote all of this down in my pocket journal that I had with me.

7. At night–Tonight I came to the pocketed rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt by the little stream to the south of the wall, facing the wall. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one to come to me.

8. Soon my Heavenly Father stepped out of the wall that was filled with flowers in its pockets! He seemed very happy to be with me tonight. He was glowing with light, and was smiling. He spoke to me:

9. 'Raphael, the sacrament meeting we held today in the mountain forest is the same place where we gave you the first sacrament when we only had eight sons. These were Immanuel, you and your six other archangel brothers. We announced to you that Immanuel would become the Great Redeemer at a future day, and that you would all become archangels.

10. This was the first sacrament for this eternity. The sacrament this afternoon involved these same eight sons plus the seven female archangel and all the other holy angels. These have been called and ordained by your Heavenly Mother and me. We have provided each with customized angel vestures that give each additional powers to do our will. These also are all now laboring with us in the celestial realms to gather, protect and bless our elect, and to do whatever we may ask of them.

11. Your Heavenly Mother and I are gratified in the service of our holy angels! We love them and perform our strange work and strange act (see Isaiah 28:21) through them and our other servants. These are our faithful leaders we have called in these last days!'

12. This was his entire message tonight. He stepped forward, raised me up off my knees, and embraced me! He then said he loved me. I told him I would also do whatever he wanted me to do. I thanked him to have come tonight and shared with me his feelings and love.

He then turned and walked back into the pocketed rock wall from where he had come. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 14, 2019, Monday

1. I received another interesting email from S this morning. He confirmed the revelation about the elect being elevated to a terrestrial level, which would cause Satan to loosen his grasp (see my journal entry on 10-10-2019 in the morning). I am very glad for a second witness to this revelation from my Heavenly Father!

2. He had an additional insight about gathering the elect into safe garners, as spoken of in the parable of the wheat and tares.

3. Here is S's email:


Thanks for sharing your experience! I had a neat experience praying to confirm its truthfulness that I recorded in my journal. Part of my answer was to reread the parable of the wheat and Tares.

This part jumped out in my searching the scriptures. D&C 101:65 "...according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life". The phrase jumped out "secured in the garners" and I saw how elevating the elect to a terrestrial level could free them from the grasp of the adversary and secure them in the garners for God. The parable could have only said separate wheat from tares, but instead it speaks of securing wheat in garners before tares are bundled and burned.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

Your friend,


4. I am very pleased to have others like S to receive revelations and then to share them with me! This is exciting to me.

5. This new Monday morning I came to the celestial orb just above the field of happy buttercups in the air. They were so abundant everywhere it seemed in this field, and even seemed to move their little yellow flower heads to where ever I would move! It was remarkable.

I then knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, for I knew she would come.

6. She came to me from the forest path to the east! She came in great light and glory, walking to me slowly across her meadow of buttercups, a little elevated above them in the air. As she walked I noticed all of the buttercups pointed their yellow heads to follow her! I know that they so love and honor her, their creator.

7. When she arrived at me, I felt her intense light of the Holy Ghost penetrate and pass through me! She also sent the feelings of acceptance and a great peace.

8. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have been feeling more capable since the recent move of your business to your house. You are feeling able to do whatever needs to be done, and like you have the determination to do this. You are unafraid of hard work and a seemingly impossible task that may lie before you. You have learned to just get started and to do one thing and then another, until it all gets done. You had determination to get it all done, and then before long it was all completed. Seeing a task from its start to completion is a great skill.

9. It is our intention to change the very increasingly wicked telestial world into a terrestrial millennial world. This requires so many sub tasks and much labor for all to be accomplished by our servants and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We have detailed plans that we will share with you and our servants so that all will be done even according to our will. We are orchestrating this last days' work through our noble and faithful sons and daughters whom we will inspire to act and do our will.

10. Jacob 5:70-74:

"And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few.

And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.

And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things.

And there began to be the natural fruit again in the vineyard; and the natural branches began to grow and thrive exceedingly; and the wild branches began to be plucked off and to be cast away; and they did keep the root and the top thereof equal, according to the strength thereof.

And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning."

11. Raphael, in this allegory of the tame and wild olive trees, the good fruit increased and then the bad was cleared away, a little at a time so that the roots and the top remained equal. This gradual method will preserve the strength of the tame olive trees. This is akin to our pure and holy doctrines being preserved and kept alive in the hearts and minds of our elect. As our elect are also gradually transformed into becoming terrestrial, they will find new enlightenment and strength from true doctrine and revelations from us their Gods. The false doctrine and believes, and evil thoughts and practices of their cultures and world will be gradually removed as the wicked are destroyed through war, calamity, pestilence and ultimately the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.

12. We will labor side by side with our holy angels and other servants we have called in our strange work, our strange act. Then, when that glorious millennial day finally comes upon the world, and the wicked are all destroyed, we will reward and bless our diligent servants who have obeyed our every command:

13. Jacob 5:75:

"And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called up his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for this last time have we nourished my vineyard; and thou beholdest that I have done according to my will; and I have preserved the natural fruit, that it is good, even like as it was in the beginning. And blessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard, and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again the natural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard."

14. In these last days we have first called Joseph Smith, Jun. to introduce to the world our glorious truths, and the partial restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was the first servant spoken of in Jacob 5:70 and as explained in D&C 103:21 when we stated "Verily, verily I say unto you, that my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., is the man to whom I likened the servant to whom the Lord of the vineyard spake in the parable which I have given unto you."

15. Since this time, Joseph Smith had died and is now resurrected. In his place, we now have designated you, Raphael, to be our servant in this allegory of the tame and wild olive trees.

16. In these last days shall then be fulfilled the following scripture:

D&C 103:20–"But I say unto you: Mine angels shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land."

17. Raphael, you are our chosen archangel to be our servant, to help us direct our great latter-day work through you! You will also build the New Jerusalem temple and establish through our power the Church of the Firstborn. All of our last days servants will come to know that you are our servant in mortality who will assist us in orchestrating our great work, as we enter into the great millennium!'

18. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother before me for her words. I humbly submitted myself to act and do whatever she and Heavenly Father would have me do, in any position that I might be called to serve in. I pledged my diligent effort and actions to follow her and to keep her commandments.

19. She spoke one last time: 'Raphael, you noticed that when you first came to this field of buttercups, that they followed you with their yellow flower heads where ever you went, just like they later did for me, their creator. You now have our power and authority to act as our servant. Your position is recognized by all in our celestial realms, even with these yellow buttercups. We will continue to inspire you to do our great work to save our elect in these last days!'

20. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me and gradually disappeared. I thanked her in my mind. I then also departed and got started on my new week.

21. Evening–I came this evening to the celestial orb, to the cliff on the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I could see God's temple in the far distance to the north. I also saw some very dark clouds due east of the temple and it seemed they were right over Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. When I was kneeling on top of the cliff, there was a little wind, but I could see occasional lightning in the clouds to the far northeast.

22. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would come. I then waited. Heavenly Father then came in a beam of light, right from his distant temple to a place right in front of me! He was majestic and very filled with light. It almost seemed he held lightning in his right hand.

23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I am full of light and power! With my hand I can smite the earth so that the ground shakes, or thick clouds and whirlwinds with thunder and lightning explode in the skies! I can cause oceans to heave beyond their bounds, and fires to erupt where I will. Your Mother and I have all power over the earth!

24. We will cause more and more calamities to come upon the wicked inhabitants of the earth. Wars, pestilence, plagues and devastations of all varieties will come suddenly upon different places of the earth. Our earth herself will convulse and reel to and fro, wreaking havoc upon the wicked!

25. Our elect who hear us and love to obey our commands will largely be protected against our fury. They will be elevated to a terrestrial state and be freed from Satan's grasp and influence. We will protect them from the physical upheavals and calamities that will cause so many inhabitants to have great fear. We will send forth our servants to guide and protect the righteous during these difficult times.'

26. Suddenly a dark whirlwind cloud with a great wind came around Heavenly Father! His cape blew backwards and he rose up in the whirlwind! I saw him extend his right arm into the swirling cloud and a mighty boom and a flash of lightning came forth to the base of the cliff upon which I was kneeling! I jumped a bit in my heart and then all was peaceful and calm!

27. I then heard the words of my Father come into my thoughts: 'Raphael, I have demonstrated to you my power, but my real influence over my faithful children comes differently:

28. 1 Kings 19:11-12

"And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."

29. I guide and instruct my humble and obedient children by my still small voice. I bring upon the wicked my anger in the day that they are ripened in iniquity, in the way of calamity and severe tribulations. By these means will all of my children know me.'

30. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I was awed by his great power and majesty! I loved to hear his still small voice.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 5, 2019, Tuesday

1. I enjoyed a good sleep last night. I am very grateful to have a reset each night so that I can be alert and receptive again for God in the mornings.

2. Today I came to the celestial orb to God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the little stream that flows into the lake. It was very still and peaceful here. I looked up at the cliff on the other side of the lake where I was last night. I could see it was now in full sun and that there was a blue sky behind it. I thought of the power over the elements that I saw in Heavenly Father last night and it seemed like a distant memory, for now it was so calm and pretty everywhere.

3. While pondering, I saw a bright light come upon the healing lake in front of me! I looked up in the sky and saw my glorious Heavenly Mother come in her majesty and brilliance! She descended gradually upon the lake and then moved to a place right in front of me! She was smiling and full of love and acceptance for me.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Father came to you last night full of his Godly power and strength. I come to you this morning full of my chosen strength and power. You may feel my intense light even pass into and through you. You may endure and receive my presence only because you are clean and pure before me. There is not one spot in your body that I am not shining upon, for all of you are  exposed to the brightness of my glory.

5. However, were you to have any iniquity or carnal nature, it would cause you to burn with great heat and cause you to shrink from being in my presence! This is why we ensure that those who come into the presence of your Father and I are first cleansed and purified by Jesus Christ, their great Redeemer. It is only through his atoning sacrifice that our children in the flesh may come back into our presence and behold our faces.

6. Even with all of our light and glory, we choose to speak to our humble, faithful children in a soft and still voice. We speak quietly to their inner souls, to their unconscious minds. It requires our children who hear to be prepared for our words through meditation, openness and receptivity. This guiding star within them comes from us, their Heavenly Parents. They will recognize our voice, for we have always spoken to them this way, through our Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. We will gently and carefully guide them in their lives if they allow us to do so. In order to have our continual guidance, they must keep our counsels and directions we have previously given them. In this way, they may receive more.

7. Our children will not cause our wrath to rise unless they are full of wickedness and evil, and refuse to hear our voice. Then at some time, according to our will and time, we will come out in judgment against them in our power and strength.

8. Last night when you knelt on the cliff across this lake, you perceived dark clouds to the north. You fully saw these with your spiritual eyes and your unconscious mind. The view came to you in your mind and not through your mortal conscious self or your physical eyes. All of your perceptions and views come in this way, and they come from us. This manner of seeing into our celestial world and even into our faces, the faces of God, come to you in this clear but different way than you see and talk to people in mortality. This does not make it any less real, however, for it is very real and true. You need to be attentive to what perceptions you sense and receive by being in a quiet state.

9. Raphael, it is in this mental and spiritual quietness that our children come unto us and hear us. They need to be open and believing and to follow what we send to them. As they practice, they will receive more and more light and truth. We will speak to them in their minds and hearts, by our still small voice.

10. D&C 8:2-3

"Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.

Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."

11. In the days ahead will be fulfilled this scripture, spoken by Ezekiel:

12. Ezekiel 36:26-28

"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God."

13. Jeremiah also spoke of this change of heart in my people in your day:

14. Jeremiah 31:33-34

"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to be born in these transition times when I will see this great change in our world and society! I thanked her for her voice she speaks to me with, and for my new heart and receptive mind. I promised to be attentive to her words always and to please her by my actions.

16. She then smiled again upon me and then vanished before me. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus and started a new day.

17. Evening–Tonight I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I knelt near the edge, and saw the large white oak tree below me. I didn't see one green leaf on its branches, and only a few withered and very dry leaves still hanging on, like they were hanging on for their lives! I wondered how my neighbors and fellow ward members must feel about the vitality of the LDS church, and of its seeming lack of spirituality (at least to me) and lack of the Spirit. I wonder if they are just doing what they have always done without questioning or asking questions of God. I guess if they did ask they would get a different direction from what they are now feeling and doing. Maybe this would be very scary for most. There are also not very many other good choices around as far as an organized religion goes.

18. As I was pondering all of this, I heard some rustling from the ground below by the tree, and I saw my Heavenly Father walking around the fallen oak tree! He looked up at me and motioned for me to come.

19. I immediately arose from my knees and came next to him, standing. He gave me the thought to walk next to him.

20. We walked along the massive fallen tree. The bark had already fallen off in many places. I thought of S's experience with our Father described in my post 136A32. I could see termites and earwigs under the loosened bark in one section. I lifted up the bark that was rotting and saw little tunnel marks in the wood of the tree.

21. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, many of our elect are lulled asleep and cannot tell that their source in the LDS Church is no longer vibrant and healthy, and that we have withdrawn our Spirit. They think "all is well in Zion, yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them carefully down to hell (see 2 Nephi 28:21).

22. For some of our elect who are sensitive to our Spirit, we are leading them away from this church and its control of their religious thoughts. For others it will take great distress and may be even personal tragedy to awaken them. In time it will be very evident that we have left the leadership and the meetings among the wards and branches.

23. Satan wants the members of the LDS Church not to question the quiet removal of our Spirit from this church. He is inspiring the leaders to acclaim they have great revelations in procedural actions. Many are acting awed at all the changes that President Nelson has initiated. However, these are inconsequential and are not inspired by us your Gods.

24. Many seasoned members are entrapped in family and social norms that makes questioning their own religion an egregious sin. The young adults in the church are much more the mindset to question and challenge long-held beliefs and traditions in their community and family they grew up in. They also are establishing their own beliefs and habits. Many of these can see so much more clearly than their own parents and extended family.

25. In the end, each one of our elect needs to decide whom they will follow. They may choose the ebbing traditions of their fathers, or listen to others, or listen to our Spirit and be guided into other true paths. We want our elect to be malleable and very open to us, else how can we lead them into life eternal?'

26. I then somehow saw my Father and me continuing to walk towards the wheat field. I didn't hear anymore of our conversation. I took this as an end to my prayer with my Father. I thanked him in my mind for his insights, and closed my prayer.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 16, 2019, Wednesday

1. I awoke late but am well-rested and ready to do things today, and to connect with God.

2. I came to the top of the switchback path directly to the west of God's Loving Healing Lake. It was sunny and bright outside, with lovely flowers and beautiful surroundings and vistas of a celestial nature.

3. I then knelt at the top of this path facing the lake below, and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me in answer to my prayer.

4. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me in the air! She was smiling and I felt the warmth of her love and acceptance for me. She was radiating her light to me. She then spoke:

'Raphael, your wife told you of a podcast she listened to last night of a man who left the LDS Church in his teens because his parents tried to make him live the religion they had chosen. They didn't give him his agency to choose on his own, but were only interested in him conforming to their own standards. They used lots of coercion.

5. This type of child raising rarely works! We would rather the parents shower their questioning child with love and acceptance. They too would do well to convey to their child that he/she will be able to find their own path, and that their son or daughter is always welcomed in their home and dearly loved. Coercion or force never produces the strong feelings of individual choice that one needs to possess to be true to their own beliefs. We desire that they are raised within the protection and love a good Christian home, with the plan that they may choose on their own their own religious connection with God. When the children reach their upper teens they should be able to have come to a point to develop their own relationship with us, their Heavenly Parents. If they choose another way, the parents should still accept and love them, for he/she is their child and part of their family. They should be glad that their child is able to choose on their own, and not convey disappointment in their choices.

6. From our perspective, we want our children we sent to mortality to become responsible adults to have freedom to choose whom they list to obey. We also want young children to be taught correct principles, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the plan of salvation. We desire parents to be open and malleable themselves as they hearken to our guidance in raising their children. Many of our children we send to them will have their own unique journey in finding their way back to us, their loving and accepting Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They might not follow the same paths that their parents expect them to take. In all of this launching of a child into full adulthood, there should be an open and very loving climate of acceptance and confidence from the parents that the child will be able to choose their own path that leads them back to God from where they came.

7. We particularly don't want parents to attempt to coerce their teenage children into compliance with their own religious beliefs. This is a time for their teenage son or daughter to choose their own path. Family bonds of love and acceptance provide a safety net in which children should feel free to make their own choices, under the loving counsel of parents.

8. We also do not want the Church of Christ to impose strict patterns of conformity that would exclude those who may think differently than the norm. We love the great variety and differences in our children, and want a church organization and its leaders who don't restrict uniqueness or choice of their members, within a very open and loving group of the community of Saints. Religious shunning has never been part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our people should not be judgmental of each other, but be accepting and loving. We do not want all of our children to have to conform to the "sameness" mentality that is so prevalent in public education in your day. We love creativity and the uniqueness of each of our children, and wish them to express this is a society where love and acceptance of each in their community abounds.'

9. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words! I want to come to think like her more and more, to be so accepting of all the great variety of her children all around me, with their various strengths and differences. I told her how much I loved her and that I would always follow her.

I closed my prayer and started my new day.

10. This has been a relaxing day for me. I am so glad to be back to more of a normal life for us after the recent business move. I feel very blessed to have this behind me.

11. I came this evening to the bench at the desert oasis. I felt very happy to be here. I loved wiggling my toes in the warm sand! The celestial sun was in the far northern sky and it was still plenty light outside. I knelt in front of the bench and prayed to my Heavenly Parents.

12. My Heavenly Mother then appeared before me in the air! She was smiling and shining brightly. She immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, our children in the mortal telestial world in which you live often want to exercise control over each other. They are inspired by Lucifer whose plan was to force our children to do whatever he wanted, including at the beginning, to keep our commandments. After we chose our son, Immanuel, to be the great Redeemer, Lucifer then wanted to continue to compel those who followed him, but not to keep our commandments, but to be subjugated to his will. He became the master of compulsion in this eternity! He now rules over his subjugated evil spirits with this same belief that forcing them will yield to him obedient subjects.

13. Those spirits who subject themselves still to Lucifer and his ruthless spirit leaders are controlled by fear. They are severely punished if they don't obey every command of Lucifer.

14. This is the same method Satan uses to tempt mortals on how to control other mortals. They believe the falsehood that force will bring about loyal obedience. Those who believe the lies of Satan "to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness" are greatly deceived! (see D&C 121:37). This is not our method to gain loyal and faithful obedient children! This is one of the reasons why we rejected Lucifer's plan in the beginning.

15. Your world lies in sin, much of it stemming from the misuse of the moral agency of man that we have given to them in the day we created them as our son or daughter in the pre-mortal world. We have continued to safeguard man's agency in mortality so each could freely choose what they want to be or whom they want to obey. Without the freedom to choose, our great plan for the mortal probation of our children would be subverted.

16. There are many leaders in your world who use Satan's methods of coercion upon their subjects. These leaders are in families, in religious organizations, in government, in industry and in any other organization where people try to control one another. Some of our children are so used to controlling others and in using Lucifer's tactics that they will attempt to control and force everyone in their life or with whom they come in contact. They are greatly deceived and living in sin!

17. We desire all of our children in all of their stages of progression to always have complete choice to act as they wish and to choose whom they want to follow. If they disrupt others, or control others, thereby taking away their God given rights and privileges that we have endowed them with, then we will judge them in the end of their probationary experience. Governments and other organizations may also punish them, or restrict their control and power as they are able.

18. Our loving ways to influence our children are expressed in D&C 121:41-44. This speaks of exercising the priesthood authority in righteousness, but the principles apply to both men and women, with or without the priesthood:

19. D&C 121:41-44

"No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile–

Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost (by me); and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;

That he may know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death."'
(Words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother)

20. Heavenly Mother stopped speaking her very important message. She stood in majesty, love and acceptance of me! I thanked her for coming to me tonight. I said I loved her so very much. She then quickly disappeared and I closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 17, 2019, Thursday

1. I am here again in the celestial world to pray. I am in the large fir forest to the west of Heavenly Father's wheat field. I came here because I felt this is where I was to come and commune with my Gods this morning.

2. I knelt at the base of a large fir tree and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

I then saw my Heavenly Father walking in the forest and coming to me! He was glowing in subdued light and had a slight smile on his face.

3. I looked up into his eternity eyes when he arrived before me. They were so very deep and full of truth and understanding.

4. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, our first parent Gods established the importance of choice and agency for all of their children from the time they were chosen as their own sons and daughters in the beginning. They realized that it would only be possible for them to choose on their own in an environment of moral agency. Therefore, they used their own power to ensure their children would be free to choose life eternal that they would offer to them, or eternal misery if they chose evil paths (see Alma 3:26).

5. Even when they chose the intelligences to be any of their own creations, including their own sons and daughters they first asked these intelligences to accept becoming their creation. The intelligence could choose if they agreed or not, without any compulsion. This same pattern of asking the intelligences has continued with the gods from the beginning.

6. All of the gods continue to ensure that their children have free choice. If they become subjugated to conspiring men or women during their mortal life, they then gave them the opportunity at some time in the near future, or next phase of their progression, to become free again to choose. Patrick Henry, one of your country's founders, said "Give me liberty or give me death" in 1775 at St. John's Church, prior to the American Revolution. The freedom to choose and be represented in that choice was a basic tenant of their rebellion. This is a God given right as stated in your nation's own Declaration of Independence:

7. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (Declaration of Independence, in Congress, July 4, 1776, made by the unanimous declaration of the thirteen states of America).

8. We, who are your Gods, inspired these founding fathers to write and accept these freedom truths. These are eternal truths.

9. When one like Lucifer determines to remove the agency of man, we limit his or her power for a season, for our own purposes. Overall however, all of our beloved children may choose, through their gift of a moral agency that we give to them, what they wish to do in their lives, and whom they wish to obey and follow. Choice and accountability is a basic tenant of our true doctrine and practices.

10. Even when your Heavenly Mother and I chose the intelligence of Immanuel in the beginning to be our son, and later our great Redeemer for this eternity, he had full choice to accept or reject our proposal. We never force the minds of our children. We have our Godly powers of foresight in choosing whom we will to fulfill our critical missions for our children, but we never force them.

11. We love, accept and encourage them to do our will and give them ample space and room to make their own decisions. We will support and guide, and impart gradually our power in helping them in their choices to follow us. In this way we gently lead them to eternal life, all while being very honoring of their own choices and decisions.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional witness to what my Heavenly Mother shared with me last night in my prayer. I thanked him for his message, and said I desired to always follow their guidance and gentle counsels. I said I was a faithful supporter of all they wanted me to accomplish in my life in fulfilling their will.

13. Thus ended my morning prayer today. I closed my communion with my Father in heaven, but I knew that he and Heavenly Mother would continue to be near me throughout my day.

14. Evening–Tonight I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. It was bright and sunny, with beautiful colorful purple flowers all along the shoreline. I knelt on the grass behind the flowers and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would be visiting me tonight.

15. Heavenly Mother then come out of the sky above the waters, just from 10-15 feet up, from her higher celestial realm! She was very bright, lovely and smiling as she descended.

16. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are pleased with how you are perceiving well all that we are revealing to you. You are processing a lot of our truths that we continue to reveal to you, in your morning and evening prayers. You are prepared now to receive more, and as fast as you can receive, we will reveal to you more.

17. M.A. wondered about the mortal angels. She asked if the elect are being raised to a terrestrial state, is this different than the state for the mortal angels? She also said that she still gets attached spirits from people, even at church. She said she checks this a lot, and feels a need to clear herself from time to time. She was wondering if she has a problem?

18. First off, she does not have a problem! She, like all the rest of our mortal angels, still is weak in her mortal state, and struggles at times with the intrusions of the adversary. Her replicated self is translated to a celestial level, and works tirelessly in our celestial realms of the earth for your Heavenly Father and I. Satan may not affect her work in the celestial realms, for he has no power to go there, but is confined to the telestial realm on the earth. This is also true with all of our other mortal angels.

19. However, in her physical mortal body, she still lives on the earth where Satan dwells. He and his evil spirits may attach to the outside of her shield of the Father, which protects her. Satan may whisper to her and become "attached", but cannot penetrate into her person or inside her shield. She may remove him from the outside area of her shield, like she has been doing from time to time. However, Satan has so much less limited power to influence her, for as long as she is faithful, he and his hosts have no power over her. This same protection is now available to all of our faithful elect. They are thus protected from the buffetings of Satan.

20. Soon we will have our holy celestial angels further protect our elect by our power to elevate them in their mortal bodies to a terrestrial level. Satan will then loose complete power over them, for he cannot dwell or be in their aura of their terrestrial glory. This will be a higher level of protection against those in the telestial world. This will cause a complete separation of the righteous elect from the telestial wicked.

21. D&C 63:54–"And until that hour there will be foolish virgins among the wise; and at that hour cometh an entire separation of the righteous and the wicked; and in that day will I send mine angels to pluck out the wicked and cast them into unquenchable fire."

22. This action of separating our righteous elect will happen soon, even as we will reveal to you.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear answer to M.A.'s question. I knew my time in prayer was done, and she left. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 18, 2019, Friday

1. Today my wife, my son and I are travelling on the Front Runner train to visit our daughter in Murray, Utah and our son in Ogden, Utah. We will be leaving soon, so I might have an interrupted prayer this morning.

2. I am at the celestial orb at the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came down to the water's edge and drank living water from this very large lake. It was sunny and pleasant outside. I then came into the grove of large trees and then turned and faced the lake. I prayed to my Heavenly Father.

3. Heavenly Father then came walking along the shoreline to my right, then turned and walked right up to the grove of trees where I was kneeling! To me he seemed so vibrant and strong in his body, and capable to do anything he wanted. I loved looking upon his face, and seeing his great majesty, power and compassion!

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, you and all of our holy angels are protected from Lucifer and his hosts by my shields right now. Satan cannot come into these shields, but may stay outside on the surface of these. However, the whisperings of the adversary are much more diminished than had you not had my shield. He cannot penetrate into these shields or into your immediate person. These shields may vary in size, depending on the heed and diligence you have to your Heavenly Mother and I. Right now your shield is about 15 feet around you from your person. He nor his evil spirits are not allowed to get closer than this to your mortal being.

5. Once you and all of our elect are raised to a terrestrial level, Satan will no longer be able to attach to the outside of your shield, for the terrestrial influence or realm will even extend further out from your person. He will be fully loosened from you, and you will no longer have any influence from him or his evil spirits. It will be like you will be already in the millennium from the standpoint that Satan will be bound and will no more influence you.

6. All the while this change occurs among all our righteous elect, they will still be living in the telestial world, among all of the other mortals in your world. You who are mortal angels will also continue to be translated to a celestial glory in your replicated beings in the celestial realms of glory. Your work will continue there for us, even as you are now doing. However, in your mortal body you will be relieved full from the grasp or attachments of evil spirits that may come outside your shields of the Father that you have received.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his further explanation of his increased protection upon his elect, so that there would be an entire separation of the righteous from the wicked. I closed my prayer, asking my Father to be with me on the train today as I sought to commune further with him while traveling.

8. He then returned to the shore of Lake Beautiful and continued his walk around the lake. He then disappeared and was gone. I got up and got ready for my big day ahead.

9. In the evening–We returned late and I didn't have the opportunity to pray again with God while on the train. I came again this evening to the maple tree grove and asked for God to come. I was up in the trees of the grove.

10. My Heavenly Mother appeared in the air in front of me, in front of the large tree I was next to! She was bright and smiling. She spoke: 'Raphael, I know it is hard for you to comprehend how you could be freed entirely from the grasp of Satan or from his influence while living in this ever increasing wicked world that you live in. This is how it will be during the millennium. The deliverance from the adversary for our faithful who have repeatedly rejected him throughout their lives will be such a great blessing to them! They who are soon freed will still sorrow for the sins of the world (3 Nephi 28:9), and for those who are in Satan's grasp around them, but they themselves will be delivered and spiritually separated from the wicked.

11. The three disciples of Jesus who were translated to a terrestrial glory among the Nephites remained among them until the wickedness of the people became too great for them to remain.

12. Mormon 1:13

"But wickedness did prevail upon the face of the whole land, insomuch that the Lord did take away his beloved disciples, and the work of miracles and of healing did cease because of the iniquity of the people."

13. This similar level of wickedness prevails today in your day as among this time among the Nephite nation. We will not allow Satan and the wickedness of the people in your day to weigh down our beloved elect and destroy them! We have decided instead of removing them from among their wicked society, that we would elevate them to a terrestrial glory so that Satan could have no more influence over them, to destroy and subjugate them. They will mourn for the wicked and for their loved ones who choose evil rather than light, but they themselves will be spared.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I felt very loved and comforted to know of this protection that will come upon the righteous elect. She departed and I closed my prayer.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 19, 2019, Saturday

1. I am awake and feel refreshed this morning, ready to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the edge on the right of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I was on the ground kneeling and faced the temple to my west in the distance. It was beautiful all around me!

2. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come commune with me this morning, for I felt she would come. She then came in front of me in a beam of light from her beautiful temple in front of me. I felt very pleased to come again into her presence!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered this morning in your mind how our mortal angels could become changed to a terrestrial glory in their mortal physical bodies, and yet be translated to a celestial glory in their replicated physical bodies as they labor for us in the celestial realms on the earth.

4. Right now these changes haven't happened, but will soon. Our mortal angels are telestial beings on earth with the shields of the Father. They currently labor as translated celestial beings in their replicated selves in the celestial realms on the earth. We will simply change their telestial mortal beings to that of a terrestrial being on earth. They will remain unchanged in their celestial state where they labor for us in the celestial realms on the earth. To others on earth, they will appear unchanged, for they will still live in their homes and work and live side by side with the other telestial inhabitants in their families and communities.

5. For the astute elect, they will realize there is a change in the nature or being of themselves and of those who have similarly changed. There will be a different aura or glow about them that they will be able to distinguish. Those who remain telestial will mostly not be able to tell the difference between the telestial and those elevated to the terrestrial. Satan and his hosts will immediately be able to tell the difference, for they will not be able to any longer attach to the outside of their shields of the Father for those changed to a terrestrial level. They will no longer be able to influence these elect except through others who will succumb to their temptations, which will bring sorrow to the terrestrial.

6. We, who are the Heavenly Parents of all of our children, may reward or bless those of our sons and daughters as we wish. This is our plan in the near future for our elect. This is the entire separation of the righteous from the wicked (D&C 63:54). We choose the righteous based on their diligent heed to our Spirit.

7. D&C 84:43-53

"And now I give unto you a commandment to beware concerning yourselves, to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life.

For you shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.

For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

And the Spirit giveth light to every man (and woman) that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man (and woman) through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.

And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father (and the Mother).

And the Father (and the Mother) teacheth him (or her) of the covenant which he has (they have) renewed and confirmed upon you (Raphael), which is confirmed upon you for your sakes, and not for your sakes only, but for the sake of the whole world.

And the whole world lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness and under the bondage of sin.

And by this you may know they are under the bondage of sin, because they come not unto me (who is Jesus Christ).

For whoso cometh not unto me is under the bondage of sin (and Satan has power to tempt and to try them).

And whoso receiveth not my voice is not acquainted with my voice, and is not of me.

And by this you may know the righteous from the wicked, and that the whole world groaneth under sin and darkness even now." (Words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother)

8. At this very moment Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer, appeared on the right side of Heavenly Mother in the air, and both were standing by the waterfall!

9. He spoke: 'Raphael, the words that you have in your scriptures in these verses were given originally by me to Joseph Smith, Jun., my prophet. Our Heavenly Mother has renewed them again, changing them slightly, and given them to you in light of the new changes that are coming upon our elect who hearken to the voice of the Spirit and keep our commandments. This is possible because of the covenant that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have renewed upon you (see verse 48 above as modified by Heavenly Mother). We will preserve our elect in the coming days by elevating them from a telestial state of glory to a terrestrial state of glory, even while they are living in their mortal telestial world.'

10. Both my Mother and Savior beamed their witnessing light upon me at this time. I knew what they had spoken was true and would soon come to pass! I thanked them humbly for their remarkable words and confirmations to my soul! I told them I would always seek them and follow their Spirit and the commandments that they would continue to give me. I said I loved them, for I would keep their counsels.

11. They then both returned in a column of light back to the glorious temple of God behind them. I was left alone at the waterfall and closed my prayer.

12. Evening–I am pretty tired after my work today and came to the celestial orb to the outcropping above the circling waters. I faced the distant temple and knelt on the ground. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

13. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me immediately. I gazed into his eternity eyes and felt his love that he beamed upon me with his light.

14. He placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke: 'Raphael, we call whom we will call to do our work in these last days.

15. Hebrews 5:4

"And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron."

16. Raphael, you would have continued living your own life in your world had your Mother and I not called you to your holy calling. It has taken us many years to mold you like clay into the man of God we wish you to be. You are now commissioned and ordained with my power to do our great work. Through you we will orchestrate much of our work in the celestial realms of glory to bring to pass our strange work, and our strange act. You have been the recipient of our calling, my son!'

17. Heavenly Father then left my side. I was surprised at his simple and clear message. I thanked him in my mind to have called me to whatever calling he and Heavenly Mother ask me to fulfill. I am just grateful to be in their service.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 20, 2019, Sunday

1. I awoke early today and felt well rested and ready to commune with my Gods. I am up before the others in my home. I came to the little meadow with the horizontal log, just west of the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. I came down the little grassy hill and walked across the grass and flowers to the horizontal log. Here I knelt and faced north to God's temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

2. Heavenly Mother then appeared on top of the little hill and walked directly to me in the air! She was bright and radiant. I felt her light and love pass into and through me! I loved seeing her smiling at me and shining her light upon me.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what Joseph experienced in being delivered from an "actual being from the unseen world" (see Joseph Smith History 1:16) will happen to every one of our elect whom we have chosen. They currently each have a shield of the Father which greatly limits Satan's intrusions into their very beings.

4. The change we will bring upon the faithful elect will bring them from a telestial state to a terrestrial state. They will not generally be translated to this higher state, but will be elevated to this realm even while in their telestial world. Their deliverance completely out of Satan's grasp will be like what happened to the young boy Joseph when he prayed to God in the woods near his house.

5. "...I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun himself which descended gradually until it fell upon me.

It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound."
(Joseph Smith History 1:16-17)

6. Lucifer himself attacked the young to be prophet at that time, with all of his powers of spiritual subjugation. Once the pillar of light appeared above Joseph, Satan had to depart for he couldn't dwell in or near Joseph any longer, once Joseph became enveloped in the celestial realm. The light of the Father and the Son was from a higher celestial realm of glory which soon fully engulfed Joseph, even as my light now engulfs you in celestial light.

7. The fallen spirits of Lucifer and his evil followers can only abide a telestial glory that is in your mortal earth and in the telestial world of the dead. When a higher realm of glory comes, they must depart else they become so uncomfortable, even unto pain in their spirits. The only way for them to come into our higher realm is if we were to quicken them temporarily to that glory.

8. There will be a time in the future when we will ask our celestial angels to descend near each of our elect on the earth. Our angels will become conduits of our light and power, and will direct our celestial light from above to engulf our elect sons and daughters. Once the light engulfs them, we will then direct our angels to touch each one of our elect and by our power raise them even from their telestial state of being to a terrestrial state of being. Our angel will then depart and our celestial light will depart, but our chosen elect will have been elevated to a terrestrial state of glory.

9. This change will not be a translation, but an gradual elevation of their personal realm of glory. They will then still be mortal and will still be able to live normally in their lives, but they will be terrestrial. Satan nor his evil hosts will then not be able to be near them or attach to their shields of the Father that they will still possess.

10. This elevation change will not be noticed by many of our elect on the earth at first, for they dwell in telestial realms and in their conscious mind. Were they to be perceptive, and able to see in their unconscious mind as can you, they would immediately see the changes brought upon them by our angels and through our power. Most of our elect are not yet perceptive of these spiritual things that will come upon them.

11. They will all notice, however, over time that they no longer are harangued nor tempted by the adversary like they have been in the past. They will feel free and more elevated in their spiritual perceptions and clarity. They will be as if they were born into a terrestrial mortal body like will occur for all in the great millennium.

12. By these small means we will start to transition our people and the world into a world of peace and deliverance from Satan. Lucifer and his evil hosts will be powerless to do anything about these changes! They will become even more angered and will intrude then more fully upon the remainder of humanity that remain in their same telestial state. The devils will know that their time on the earth is coming to a close.

13. You, Raphael, will continue to keep in check all of Satan's hosts so that they do not overstep their bounds that we have set. For those who do step over the limits of propriety, you will remove them to the prison orb.

14. There will be others who have other missions who will also become translated to a terrestrial glory at the time our angels send our celestial light upon them and touch their heads. There will still be those not yet translated to a terrestrial glory who of the 144,000 servants spoken of in the scriptures. After all of our elect are changed to this higher terrestrial glory, all of the 144,000 will also be fully translated.'

15. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her very clear and instructive explanations to me this morning! I said we, who were angels would follow her and Heavenly Father's directions in all things, for I felt I could speak for us all.

16. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me and left into the skies above. I ended my prayer and got ready for the Sabbath day.

17. After church-My wife and I attended church at the ward of a past employee whose mission farewell was today. We finally made it after running around from church to church, she had given us the wrong address, and we went to five LDS churches in the area before finally finding the right one! We missed the sacrament but heard her farewell address.

18. Hannah talked extensively of the experience of Joseph Smith in the sacred grove when confronted by Satan, just before receiving the First Vision. This is exactly where Heavenly Mother directed me in the scriptures this morning in my prayer! I felt this was a confirmation of what my Heavenly Mother had shared with me today. I didn't receive any new insights from Hannah's talk at church.

19. We came home and I felt to go to the little outcropping above the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, where I had come last night. I wanted to receive the sacrament in the celestial world if possible, or at least make my covenants with one of my Heavenly Parents.

20. I knelt on the knoll, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me, in the air to my west! He was very majestic looking and divine!

21. I made my covenant with him: 'Oh my Father, I covenant with you, to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember you and Heavenly Mother, and to keep your commandments!'

22. Heavenly Father smiled and spoke:

Raphael, in behalf of Heavenly Mother and me, we accept your covenant. We promise to always be with you.'

23. At this time I recognized Enoch coming from my right. He carried a sacrament tray with broken bread on it! He came and gave to me to eat, and I ate a piece. He smiled and then returned to where he had come, away from my view.

24. Shortly another messenger came with a tray of sacrament cups containing water. I recognized him as Gabriel, my next older archangel brother! I took of one of the cups and drank. He smiled and then turned and walked away.

25. I was then left alone in front of my Heavenly Father.

He Spoke: 'Raphael, you did what you could to partake of the sacrament today, but couldn't do so. I am glad you have come to our celestial orb, to this little outcropping above the circling waters to the east. If this happens again and you miss the sacrament in mortality, you may return here and make your covenant with us. We will come and accept your covenant if you are sincere in making your promises. We may even provide for you the sacrament like you have received today. This is our promise to all of our faithful elect.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his kind and very helpful words. I said I so appreciated being able to partake of the sacrament today.

Heavenly Father then left me and I closed my prayer.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 21, 2019, Monday

1. We enjoyed a large family gathering in our home last night. I so enjoyed being with them all!

2. This morning I received a sweet email from my sister K telling me of her special gift of transitioning to a terrestrial state never to be taken away. It was a permanent gift of God's light and love to be with her from her birthday forward.

3. K wondered if this process was part of the revelations I had received that the elect would be transitioning soon to a terrestrial state? She also wanted to hear my thoughts.

4. Last night I came to the knoll above the circling waters, while kneeling next to my bed. Heavenly Father came to me and briefly spoke to me. He had expressed being pleased that my family had gathered together. He called me his servant Raphael that he and Heavenly Mother had called. He then quickly left and I went to bed.

5. I came again to this same place where I had been at the sacrament and during my short prayer last night. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, for I felt she would be speaking to me.

6. Heavenly Mother then came in bright light and glory! She shone her abundant light through me, filing me with her light and love in abundance. I thanked her for being in her presence this morning.

7. She spoke: 'Raphael, what your sister K wrote you about transitioning to a terrestrial state is true! This is now happening in her physical mortal body. In our celestial realms, where she labors with the other angels and celestial servants in behalf of the elect on the earth and in the spirit world of the dead, she is celestial in her replicated beings. On earth, she will continue to transition to a higher, terrestrial state prior to her birthday a few days ago, she was in a telestial state.

8. Here is an email I received from my sister K on 10-21-2019:

"R, I didn't tell you because of my own self doubts...but in the couple days prior to my birthday I had the sense that I was going to receive something special from my Heavenly Parents, like a blessing or something, on my birthday.

On the day of my birthday I wrote in my journal after both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I was feeling rather sad and discouraged that morning before my prayer. I think part of it had to do with my concerns about mom.

Oct. 16, 2019

"Heavenly Father spoke:

'Rachael, this is the anniversary of the day of your birth into mortality. It was a very special day and many on earth and in heaven rejoiced. (other comments not included)

At this time we wish to give you of our permanent light and love to live within you and always guide you. We love and honor you and want you to convey that light and love outwards to those who need it. Your words, your thoughts and intentions, and your actions can convey to others our love and light and it will palpably bless them and you."

At this time they placed their hands on my head briefly and then each embraced me.

The next few days it was reiterated that I had received a special gift. On Oct. 17, Heavenly Father said, "The light and love we have given to you, to abide within you, is a special gift that will be a direct link to us and that you may extend outwards to bless and heal and assist others. More will be revealed to you in time."

Several other times I have been told from Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father that this is a special gift and I perceive it is more than the light of Christ which is given to each person at birth. I also have been told it is to be used for healing others and uplifting and encouraging others. I can shine it out and it will bless others. But it will always be with me.

So I am wondering, as I have read about the transitioning of God's elect to a terrestrial state, is this part of the process? Tonight as I was thinking of this I heard from Heavenly Father 'Rachael, the gift given to you on your birthday is the permanent gift of our light and love to be with you from that day forward, never to be taken away. It is part of the process of transitioning to a terrestrial state. Other changes will occur as this process continues.'"

9. This same experience will happen from now on to all of the elect in their physical earthly bodies. This process is our great gift to each one. We will free them from Satan's grasp, and will fill them with more of our light and love in the process. They will also receive more mental clarity and spiritual sensitivity to our Holy Spirit and to my Holy Ghost that we will pour out more abundantly upon them. When the full transition is finished over the next few weeks and months among all of our elect, then they will all feel a shift in the amount of light they will have received. Most will not know what has really occurred, but they will feel much more light and will hear our voice more clearly. They will also notice that they are no longer tempted to do things they shouldn't.

10. Raphael, all of the transition among our elect will be completed before the end of this year, on 2019.'

11. I then reread my sister's email. I noticed that part of this gift of transitioning to a terrestrial glory in her mortal being was to "convey to others our love and light, and it will palpably bless them and you."

12. As I was pondering this, Heavenly Mother spoke again to my mind: ‘Raphael, whenever we bless our children with more light and love, we expect them to share this with those around them, and to uplift and strengthen others. As your sister and our other elect receive these changes, and increases in more of our light and love, we want them to freely share this with their family, friends, and all those around them with whom they come in contact. This will be one of the ways we will be sending forth more of our light and love upon all of our earthly children. We will have those who are transitioned to a terrestrial state to shed forth our love, light, compassion, and truth with all those around them.

13. Raphael, last night at your family party you laid on the floor next to your two-year old granddaughter and played with her. She was enjoying your love you shared with her! This was her special time with her granddad.

14. Sharing our love and light like you did last night, on a one-to-one basis, is how we wish our elect to share with those around them, to all ages.

15. You also have received increased awareness of the desires and needs of others. As our elect, we wish you to take the time to meet those needs of those around you, as you are able.’

16. I then thought of my 12-year old granddaughter who was eating at the children’s table last night at our party, and how she must have felt when there wasn’t room at the adult table where there were lively conversations. I had felt for her, and wanted to include her somehow. I noticed when there was a vacant spot, that she moved over to the adult table, and was then able to join with her older family members.

17. ‘Raphael, you will notice more of the needs of others around you as you also transition to this higher terrestrial state in your mortal body. As you become more aware, then seek to reach out to those in need around you. Your transition to a terrestrial state will be completed the end of this week.’

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and this great blessing to us whom they have chosen. I said I wanted to help all humanity, and to reach out in love to everyone around me! I wanted to share her love and light with all that I could. I thanked her for this wonderful gift she and Heavenly Father had blessed me with! I thanked her again for all she had blessed the faithful with.

19. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and then leaned up to me and embraced me while I was kneeling before her. She spoke: ‘Raphael, I will always be with you, and will shine forth my light and love through you to all of my beloved children around you! You will by this means be my conduit for sharing my love with my other children with whom you come in contact!’

20. Heavenly Mother then faded from my view and was soon gone. I stood and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.