24. The Female Archangels and the Church of the Firstborn

Quick links to this long page below:
Part1 8-27 to 8-29-2016
Part2 8-29 to 8-31-2016
Part3 9-1 to 9-7-2016
Part4 9-7 to 9-13-2016
Part5 9-15-2016

I hope you will each be open to all of this information! I have been sharing this with the female archangels, trying to find the 'pieces of the puzzle' Now I am told to share it with all the healing angels too, on my active email list. There is a lot here to share!

Please pray about this information, as will I continue to do, so we can come to the 'unity of the truth'. I believe each of us may receive some bits and pieces, as this all unravels. We may also have to alter some of our initial ideas, as other thoughts and information enter. We need to each be open to change our stance, including myself, in light of new direction and revelation that trickles in from our loving Heavenly Parents.

To me, this is very exciting information! Please write me an email so I can keep in-the-loop also. Some of you are doing group texts in order to share ideas back and forth (please include me also!). I feel honored to be able to participate in the great unraveling work!

Much love!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R, credited under the image or downloaded from Pixabay.com.)


A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-27-2016 Saturday

1. Q– In Revelation chapter 7, we read about the 144,000 being sealed, 12,000 of each tribe of the house of Israel. In D&C 77:11, it says this about the 144,000:
'We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn.' This ordination to the priesthood, is it independent of the LDS lines of the priesthood authority, if it comes from the angels? Please explain.
2. A– Yes, this is an independent source of priesthood ordination, outside the LDS church purview. These ordinations by the angels are already done, in the unconscious minds of all the 144,000. These are all high priests, after the order of Melchizedek, or after the order of the son of God. They bring their converts to the Church of the Firstborn, not to the LDS church. (Later: there are also women in this group, so read on!).

3. In addition, the two witnesses, the two prophets who will have power for 3 1/2 years (1,260 days), also hold the priesthood, and are high priests, ordained by the holy angels. These two prophets, and 144,000, are all ordained by the angel ascending from the east (Revelation 7:2 and D&C 77:9) and the four angels (Revelation 7:1 and D&C 77:8).

4. Q– Has this ordination for the two prophets and the 144,000 already happened?
A– Yes

Q– Are the angels in Revelation 7:2 (four angels, D&C 77:8 and the angel ascending from the east, D&C 77:9) associated with the LDS Church in any way?
A– No. These are sent by God the Father, through his son Jesus Christ, to fulfill their callings and mission.

5. Q– Did the prophet who blew the trumpet at the north shores of the Sea of Galilee on August 19th, 2016–was his trumpet his own? Or was it given to him by God?
A– It was given to him by God for this very purpose.

I received an answer in prayer last night that I did not write down at the time. It was well after midnight. Now I can't remember! This is a lesson to me that I should have gotten up and recorded it."

From my pocket journal on 8-21-2016:

6. Yesterday, while moving irrigation hoses in the field, after the Saturday energy work class, Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind and heart, words like this (these are my own words which I wrote after this communication):

'Raphael, we are extremely pleased with the gathering of our holy healing angels these last three days to your class that you assisted to conduct. It was just as we had wished. There was an extreme amount of love and light poured out to the earth. The healing angels have been significantly strengthened and instructed, and are now fully ready to go forth as our emissaries of love and healing to our needy children in the world.

7. Again, we are so pleased! We will always be with you and each of our healing angels as they move forward in their missions in faith and love.'

8. I feel that the membership of the LDS church needs to develop a personal relationship with God, and have the ability and strength to follow his direction in their personal lives, versus just relying on what they are told in church or general conference. If they don't learn to listen and obey the voice of the Spirit, they will not have protection and guidance that they so much need and desire. This is an integral part of the current test for all Latter-day Saints. . .

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-28-2016 Sunday
1. Q– My wife and I have been talking about how to find meaning in our retirement and 'older' age. For me, I want to seek help from God to know of my mission in my conscious mind. I believe in my unconscious mind, I am doing lots of healing work as Raphael, replicating myself many times over to meet the demand of healing in this world. But what of my conscious mind?
2. A– Raphael, you will live a quiet life in your conscious mind, in your mortal life. This is part of working behind the scenes. You, however, will be very busy and active in your unconscious mind, in the spirit realms. The need of healing in the world will only ramp-up and increase. This is your responsibility as the archangel Raphael.

3. In your conscious mind, and life as R, as husband and father, and as a neighbor–visit and succor those around you, with and without your wife. Find meaning in service to your fellowman in the circle of your neighborhood and community. Live a quiet, unobtrusive life. Be available to your wife and family, friends and neighbors. We will lead you along so that there is meaning and purpose in your existence in mortality.

Continue to mentor healing angels as well, as we direct you. Continue to record in your journal the doctrine and inspiration that you are given. Your life is pleasing to us!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-29-2016 Monday afternoon.
1. Yesterday I attended a sacrament meeting in Mapleton, Utah. We heard the missionary homecoming address of a friend.

As the sacrament blessing neared in the meeting, I felt to go to the location where I blew the trumpet of God on the 19th of August in the morning, a little over a week ago. I felt to be able to 'see' the Indian Ocean below me.

The Priest offered a prayer on the bread. I made my covenant with my Father and waited, while on my knees in the air. I did not see, or feel him close, but I had the assurance he would come soon, once I had partaken of the bread.

2. I partook, and passed the tray down the aisle. At that moment, Heavenly Father came in the air, directly in front of me. He spoke:

'Raphael, my son–this is the very location that you came nine days ago when you blew the trumpet of God that I gave to you, in my holy temple on the 17th of July, 2016.

3. You blew this trumpet above the water where you now kneel, into the water below. The sound penetrated all the waters of the oceans, then into the earth below the water, then into all of the earth. This was in fulfillment of the blessing you gave to the earth, that it would be cleansed, healed and heralded in the earth.

4. At this same time, that my holy seven archangels blew on and into the earth, one of my witnesses, a prophet, blew the trumpet I gave him on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. He blew southward, across the lake, towards Jerusalem, the Jordan River, and the Dead Sea. Therefore, there were eight trumpets of God which were blown on the earth at the same time.

Raphael, this is my work–a holy work! I accept your covenant which you have made with me today. I love you, my son.'

At that time, I partook of the sacrament water. I stayed in place above the Indian Ocean, until the sacrament was placed back on the sacrament table.

5. I recalled today a short conversation we had in our energy class about Raphael. See this reverence: John 5:2-14, especially verse 4: 'For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.'

This account involved the angel Raphael, who did this troubling of the waters! This was confirmed to me during the recent class by the other class members there. I received also a witness that it was I, Raphael, who did this."


D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-29-2016 Monday evening
1. Today I finished writing everything from my pocket journal except
1) some of the items which occurred at the recent energy class (I had written these all online, but have yet to record them in my journal), and
2) the information about the female archangels to Heavenly Mother.

I would like to write today about the female archangels.

2. L from our recent class has texted me a number of times about this. She asked that I look at the '7 pillars of wisdom' online, I looked and read through it. She then told me that she had been receiving so much revelation since our class on the female assistants to Heavenly Mother. I was very intrigued, and wanted to learn more. Here are my Questions and Answers from 8-25-2016:

3. Q– Are all seven of these female assistants on the earth now?
A– Yes! There are seven, and each has a specialized emphasis.

Q– Were these seven in the class, during the final healing gift of God's Loving Grounding on 8-20-2016, with the rose petals on the ground? This was when Heavenly Mother came, while she was swaying back and forth, like in a dance, in our midst.
A– Yes

4. Q– How many assistants were present?
A– Seven assistants were present with Heavenly Mother.

Q– Were their birth orders to our Heavenly Parents right after the archangels? Raguel was #8, are these seven female assistants birth orders #9-15?
A– Yes

5. Q– Are all seven on the earth now?
A– Yes

Q– Is my sister K one of these assistants to Heavenly Mother?
A– Yes! L is correct, K is over the elements.

6. Q– What is their overall mission?
A– From Heavenly Mother: These are my assistants who often go with me when I personally minister to my children. Like the male archangels, there is a lead assistant (birth order #9) and six others. These are all in the flesh now, the day of my revealing to my children. All of this time, during the mortal probation of my children, my identity has purposefully been kept secret from my children who are the elect. However, now that we are in the new millennia, I will become more openly recognized, as well as my assistants.

I have been active in blessing the lives of our children from the beginning, as have my assistants. They too have worked quietly, behind the scenes of recognition.

7. Q– Are the seven assistants all healing angels?
A– No

Q– How many are healing angels, if any?
A– Three are healing angels.

Q– Is L one of these?
A– Yes

8. Q– Is K's mission of 'elements' related to any of the following:
Y– Nature
Y– Plants
Y– Animals
Y– Earth
N– Rocks
N– Beauty of creation
N– The Fine Arts
Y– Outdoors

9. Q– Do I have a role in uncovering anything about these assistans to Heavenly Mother?
A– Yes

Q– Now that we are in a new 7th seal millennia, will the healing angels, or myself Raphael, become more revealed?
A– Yes, but not yet. Your missions of healing require you to act in secret and behind the scenes.

10. Q– Is this same requirement also needed for these seven assistants?
A– Yes. They will not become known or recognized among mankind until after Satan is bound in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. This is also true of the healing angels.

As the seven archangels report to Heavenly Father, and are especially connected to him, these seven female assistants are especially connected to Heavenly Mother.

11. Q– Why are these seven assistants alive on the earth now?
A– Because this is the time of the revealing of Heavenly Mother, in the 7th seal, the terrestrial world, and not during anytime before.

Q– Are these seven female assistants called archangels?
A– Yes, for each of them have an array of assistant angels to help them fulfill their missions.

12. Here are the seven archangels of Heavenly Mother (their premortal names are in parenthesis below)
# Trait Name (premortal name)
1. Pillar of Wisdom: L (Sophia)
2. Pillar of Love: H.B. (Laonna)
3. Pillar of Understanding: M.A. (Mary)
4. Pillar of Faith: P.B. 5 years old (Pricilla)
5. Pillar of Knowledge: J.D. Demond (Martha)
6. Pillars of Elements & Nature: K (Rachael)
7. Pillar of Purity: G.A. (Rose) 7 months old

13. I confirmed each of these this afternoon (8-29-2016) in prayer when all was quiet at home. When I started praying, Heavenly Father was in front of me. Then Heavenly Mother, who was on my left side, stepped in front of me, and Heavenly Father moved to the side. She was going to directly be in front of me and answer all my questions and inquiries about her own seven archangels! (Note: this has happened ever since in the same way.) She did so, confirming each female archangel and all my previous questions and answers, concerning the seven female archangels.

14. Q– Was it appropriate that G.A. was there in our class during the final healing gift, God's Loving Grounding? She was sitting between her mother S.A. and T.
A– Yes, G.A. was acting as a symbol of purity, which she represents as an angel!

Q– Is L the lead archangel of the other six?
A– Yes. She has the same premortal name as Heavenly Mother's name which is Sophia.

15. Q– What are the earth elements and the nature areas that K is representing, or responsible for?
Y– Water
Y– Fire
Y– Air
Y– Earth
N– Space
N– Wind
N– Weather
N– Wood
N– Metal

Y– Nature:
Y– Natural forces
Y– Plants
Y– Animals
Y– Landscape
Y– Mother Earth
Y– Environment
Y– Wildlife
Y– Flora & Fauna
Y– Countryside
Y– Mountains
Y– Oceans
N– Stars
Y– Biological scope
Y– Ecological system

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-31-2016 Wednesday:
1. Q– Do the female archangels have trumpets of God, or will they ever have them?
A– No

Q– Are the female archangel counter, or complimentary, parts of the male archangels, like Rachael is to Raphael?
A– Yes!

2. Q– For each one?
A– Yes

Q– Is L's (Sophia's) counterpart the archangel Michael?
A– Yes

Q– Is the given name of Heavenly Father Michael?
A– Yes

3. Q– Was it planned that L (Sophia) would marry S.G. (premortal name of Michael) in the flesh? (note: both S.G. and the archangel Michael are also healing angels. Also S.G. has an affinity to the archangel Michael, or is his current representative in the flesh).
A– Yes

4. Q– Is Rachael's mission of the elements/nature a balancing, or complimentary factor to healing?
A– Yes. Both Raphael and Rachael work as a complimentary team. This is why the blessing of the healing angels on May 27th, 2016 came from each of them, acting together.

5. Q– What does K have anything like Raphael's trumpet or sword?
A– She has a rose, the healing energy of the earth, of the earth's highest vibration.

Q– Did I share with the healing angels (to be in the future) the correct amount of my journal while I typed it up last night?
A– Yes

6. Q– Shall I share with the healing angels about the seven female archangels?
A– No

Q– Shall I share with K, and L, H.B., M.A. and J.D. what I have received about the seven female archangels?
A– Yes

7. Q– Is this information to be kept very quiet for now?
A– Yes

Q– What about sending it to S.A., G.A.'s mother?
A– Not yet.

Q– Shall I share all with K?
A– Yes"

(added on 9-6-2016)

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-1-2016 Thursday

1. . . . H.B. recently related to me an experience from last night (8-31-2016): 'The female angels were all in the temple with Heavenly Mother anointing our feet. Heavenly Father then gave us an amazing blessing. After our feet were anointed, sandals were placed on our feet. I feel this on my physical feet. When I was praying it was 12:01 am. I knew it was complete before Sep 1 began. I was just told this fast Sunday will be significant (Joel 2:15) 'Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify the fast, call a solemn assembly.'"

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-3-2016 Saturday

1. I have so much to transcribe from my pocket journal–so much new information! Here goes:

(from 9-1-2016)
Q– Is what L said about me, Raphael, doing a purification ordinance on the buildings of the New Jerusalem correct?
A– Yes

Q– Was the celebration in heaven last night?
A– Yes

2. Q– Now that we are in September, 2016, will things start happening now? Like earth calamities more frequent, war around the world increasing, great loss of integrity of peoples of the world? Yet, with all this happening, at the same time there is a slow cleansing and purification of the earth and waters, despite man's pollutions–is this true?
A– Yes, and yes

3. Q– As I pray for personal protection for myself, spouse, family, children and their spouses, and grandchildren, will this occur?
A– Yes

Q– How frequently should I pray for this protection?
A– Once a day is sufficient.

4. Q– Is what other people who ask me, Raphael, for help with their healing needs, and they get better–is this really my work in the unseen realms because I go to them in my replicated spirit.
A– Yes

5. Q– Now that Heavenly Mother and her seven female archangels are known and revealed, at least to us few, is this new millennium going to be more 'equality of the sexes' in all things now?
A– Not exactly the right wording! There will be more and more true emancipation of women, and more respect and consideration for their wondrous gifts, strengths and abilities.

6. Q– Are the five healing gifts, God's Loving Healing Hands gift, and the Complete Healing gift part of the Church of the Firstborn? Have these gifts always been there?
A– Yes and yes
(R's comment: In the terrestrial world, Heavenly Mother can now be revealed, we can talk to her in prayer just like we do with Heavenly Father. They each may equally answer our prayers. The method of addressing a prayer to our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, is still in force, but frequently Heavenly Mother can come and commune with us directly in that prayer.)

7. In the telestial world (up to the 7th of July 2016, when the 7th seal was opened), Heavenly Mother was much more hidden. Now in the terrestrial world we now live in, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are directly in front of me often in my prayers. They are a united front.

8. Q– So we still pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ?
A– Yes

Q– Do all the healing angels now have a much greater healing power as a conduit for heavenly healing gifts than before?
A– Yes. 50x more healing ability!
(R here: I thought this was a very large increase in our healing capacity! I kept retesting and it still comes up 50x!)

9. Q– Are the angels in Revelation 7:1-2 spirits, resurrected or translated?
A– Angel from the east: resurrected. The four angels in Revelation 7:1: all translated.

Q– Were all seven of the female archangels at the blessing of the earth, on 8-19-2016?
A– Yes. M.A., J.D., P.B. and G.A. were on the perimeter with the other male archangels. K, L and H.B. were in the circle with you.

10. Q– Are the 144,000 both high priests and high priestesses?
A– Yes!

Q– How many of the 144,000 are women, how many are men?
A– 1.3x as many woman as men.
(R here: this equates to 62,600 men, 81,400 women)

11. Q– What functions/responsibilities do these 144,000 have?
A– They bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn.

Q– What responsibilities do the female priestesses have?
A– Baptism No, Confirmation No, Temple Ordinances No, Healing Yes, Ordinances No, Comforting, Loving, etc Yes, Leadership roles Yes

12. Q– Am I, Raphael, a transition archangel which bridges the telestial world (6 millennia) to the terrestrial world (1 millennium)?
A– Yes

Q– Will there be a significant fast Sunday this Sunday, on 9-4-2016?
A– Yes

13. Q– May I see or write, a 'vision' of what this new religion in the Church of the Firstborn, a celestial world church, will be like?
A– Here's what I felt to write:
Each person, male or female, will have a clear direction what they need to do, receiving this from Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ. We continue to pray as Jesus commanded–to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. However, Heavenly Mother is now a more visible part of the direction we receive. She is one with the Father, and Jesus is one with them.

14. The basis of all interactions is love, consideration, gentleness, never control or coercion, nor any unrighteous dominion. Each person is able to receive their own clarity and direction from God. This is their greatest desire: to please God, to do as they are directed, to act in love.

15. There is an openness for each other, every man and woman rejoices in each others' accomplishments, skills, contributions to society. There is not any negative traits of greed, pride, arrogance, thinking they are absolutely right–but a sense of humility and a desire to uplift one's fellowman. It is truly a Zion, the pure in heart, and there is no poor among them.

16. The society of Saints is one of great joy and happiness, continually praying for and thinking of one's neighbor in love. Everyone follows their promptings. They all act in faith. Each has been fully begotten by their Savior Jesus Christ, who is also keeper of the gate. All are redeemed and cleansed of sin.

17. There is continual communication with God in their personal lives. Children are born in happy families. Loving parents raise them in the nurture of faith in God.

Life is abundant and peaceful. God delights to bless this people who are one with Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus. It is in every way a celestial environment.

Everyone partakes of the living waters and never thirsts nor hungers. Their bodies gradually become perfected and strong. There never was a happier people!

18. Q– How am I, Raphael, a transition archangel?
A– You have the glorious opportunity of living in mortality at the change of the telestial to terrestrial world on earth, and later to the celestial earth at the end of the 1,000 year period. You are given key elements to be in charge of, like binding and loosening Satan, blessing the earth to heal, rallying the healing angels in this difficult transition time for our children, preparing key junctures in the change over to a new millennium. You also are blessed to introduce new and hidden doctrines and revelations. In all of this you act quietly and in secret before the world. You are able to witness, document and live during this, the day of the glorious change to an era of light and love. This opportunity is unique among all the male archangels. All the female archangels will also have this opportunity. They will each have different experiences in their respective area of emphasis, in helping bring the world to a more beautiful and enlightened environment. All of you are deeply loved!

The other male archangels will also be deeply involved in this glorious change and transition for the righteous and the earth.

19. Q– Is the ordination by the angels for the high priestesses by the laying on of the hands?
A– Yes

Q– Are the four angels (Revelation 7:1) men and women angels?
A– Yes, two female and two male angels.

Q– Are any of these the 14 archangels?
A– No. These four have their charge directly from Heavenly Father, and his son, Jesus Christ.

20. Q– The angels from the east–is this angel male or female?
A– Male. In general, all angels which initiate destruction are male. Warrior angels are all male. However, the four angels in Revelation 7:1, who holdback the four winds and who participate in the sealing and ordaining of the 144,000, are half men (2 angels) and half women (two angels).

21. In D&C 77:8 it says: 'They are four angels sent from God, to whom is given power over the four parts of the earth, to save life (2 female angels) and to destroy (2 male angels); these are they who have the everlasting gospel to commit to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, having power to shut up the heavens, to seal unto life, or to cast down to the regions of darkness (all 4 angels). These are not any of the archangels who have other heavy responsibilities.

22. Q– Why does D&C 77:11 not say high priestesses? It only says that the 144,000 are high priests.
A– This information was not revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith since, in his day, this was a telestial world and not the correct time to reveal this information. It would also not have been accepted by the people. Now it is a different day–a new awakening time, a terrestrial day, the day of the revealing of Heavenly Mother and her female angels, and all the high priestesses who are female.

Q– Will the female archangels also be with Jesus Christ at the second coming in his glory, next to the seven male archangels?
A– Yes

23. Q– About the two female angels of the four angels in Revelation 7:1–were they chosen, in part, in order to ordain the women of the 144,000 to be high priestesses?
A– Yes. Women angels seal and ordain the women, and men angels seal and ordain the men on the earth. This ordination for women, done by women, is not the same order as the priesthood order. The women ordain women after the order of your Divine Mother. For men, the priesthood ordination is still after the order of the Son of God, or Melchizedek Priesthood. This is why the men angels can't ordain high priestess who are of an different order.

24. Q– Is the high priestess order, after the order of our Divine Mother, a priesthood order?
A– No, it is not called a priesthood order. The high priestesses are ordained after the order of your Divine Mother. This is what the seven female archangels have received, as well as the female members of the 144,000. Men do not have part in this order–this is why they cannot give it to the women. Priesthood ordinations are for the men, high priestess ordinations are for the women by women.

25. Q– Is the term 'high priestess' then the proper name for women thus ordained after the order of our Divine Mother?
A– Yes

Q– This designation of high priestess then is not part of the LDS church, but is of the Church of the Firstborn, is that correct?
A– Yes
(later, R here: the office of high priestess will also become part of the Church of Christ, revealed by John the Beloved to the current prophet of that church, as part his role as Elias in the restoration of all things. See R's journal entry on 9-27-2017.)

26. Q– Did this high priestess order have to wait to be unveiled until after the opening of the seventh seal by Jesus Christ, since before this time, mankind were in a telestial existence? Was it also not proper to reveal this order until mankind was elevated to a higher terrestrial level?
A– Yes and yes

27. Q– How do we learn more about this high priestess order?
A– By revelation from our Heavenly Mother. This is why, during your recent prayers, you saw Heavenly Father step aside and Heavenly Mother come before you to answer your questions about her seven female archangels. They are after her order, similar to the seven male archangels who report directly to the Father. Heavenly Father directs you, Raphael, in all things. Similarly, the seven female archangels are directed by Heavenly Mother. These are all part of the Church of the Firstborn, and are brought into the communion of this celestial church by the keeper of the gate, Jesus Christ. He has to individually accept each member of the Church of the Firstborn. They then become spiritually begotten sons and and daughters of Jesus Christ. This gives the member full access then to Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

28. The Church of the Firstborn is a celestial church. This church will exist in Zion, in the center of the land upon which you now dwell, in the New Jerusalem. The rest of the world will transition to a terrestrial state, but in Zion, the New Jerusalem, it will be a celestial environment.

29. The revealing of the holy male and female archangels will occur in a terrestrial world, even though they are of a celestial order. Once the center place of Zion, the New Jerusalem, is established, the 144,000 will bring there the elect who qualify for the celestial entrance requirements. These will be gathered from the terrestrial world since this earth is now transitioning from a telestial environment. The final cleansing of the telestial will be when the wicked are burned at the second coming of Jesus Christ.

30. Q– Are the healing angels all of the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes
(later, R here: this designation should be really 'heirs' to the Church of the Firstborn, since all need to receive the ordinance of the waters of separation before coming into that celestial church.)

31. Q– Is the celebration that H.B. saw on 8/31/2016, where Heavenly Mother placed a flower wreath on the heads of the seven female archangels, where Heavenly Mother washed their feet, anointed them with oil, and put golden sandals on their feet–is that celebration of
1) the revealing of the presence, more and more, of Heavenly Mother and her archangels?
2) celebrating that the new millennium has finally come, and
3) giving instructions to the seven female archangels on their missions, now in the seventh seal?
A– 1 yes, 2-yes, 3-yes

32. Q– Is the upcoming fast this Sunday a fast of rejoicing? Is there more too?
A– Yes, very much rejoicing! Righteous women everywhere are now able to receive and become members of the Church of the Firstborn, and some become high priestesses also, after the order of your Divine Mother–something never before experienced on earth until this day. Men have had the priesthood, in the first 6,000 years of earth's temporal existence. Now, in a terrestrial existence, women too will have power and authority to act in the stead of their Divine Mother! It is a glorious day for women!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-3-2016 Saturday

1. Q– Is the office of a high priest a calling in both the LDS Church and the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes. However, the equivalent calling of high priestess is only in the Church of the Firstborn (later, R here: it will one day also be a position of authority in the Church of Christ.). These are the only two priesthood/priestess offices in the Church of the Firstborn. There is also a position of archangel and angel, but these individuals are also high priests or high priestesses.

2. Q– Are there those who are members of the Church of the Firstborn who are not high priests or high priestesses?
A– Yes, particularly for the new members that have recently been spiritually begotten and accepted by Jesus Christ. The men having offices or callings of high priest are ordained by the Father or his male representative, whereas the women having offices of high priestess are ordained by Heavenly Mother, or her female representative(s). Both of these offices are ones of a leadership position which carry responsibility to administer to their fellowman.

(later at my grandson's baptism)
3. The man who gave the talk on baptism was a high priest in the LDS Church. However, when I asked Heavenly Father if he was a high priest in the Church of the Firstborn, he was not. He needs to be first accepted into this celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, and then be ordained to the office high priest in the that church. The priesthood which was conferred upon him in the LDS Church is the same priesthood, and is not re-conferred again for that man in the Church of the Firstborn. Men who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood, and are accepted into the Church of the Firstborn, still hold their priesthood. If they are then chosen to be a high priest in that church, they would need to be ordained that office in the Church of the Firstborn.

4. Q– In the LDS church, the Melchizedek Priesthood is conferred only once, with ordinations to various offices in that priesthood (such as elder, seventy, high priest, apostle). Is there an equivalent 'priesthood' for women in the Church of the Firstborn?
A– No. There is one position for the women to which they may be ordained and that is high priestess. There are various leadership callings which Heavenly Mother gives her daughters, but they are all high priestesses.

Q– Is one of the roles of me, Raphael, to act on earth during this transition period (telestial to terrestrial) in behalf of the Father for the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes

5. Q– Does this include receiving new doctrine and new revelation, and to share it with those to whom Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother choose?
A– Yes

Q– So, I don't act in any way for the LDS church, but for the Church of the Firstborn, under the direction of the Father?
A– Yes

6. Q– Is there a 'prophet' or officers in this church?
A– Each individual who is received by Jesus Christ into this celestial church is a prophet or prophetess. Their direct head is Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. There are leaders with specific responsibilities, like the archangels, who report directly to Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother. The other angels report to these 14 archangels and assist them. There are only members and high priests and high priestesses in the Church of the Firstborn.

7. Q– Are there others besides the angels, who are high priests and high priestesses?
A– Yes (R here: when I pray and energy test the specifics to this question, I feel there are about 10% of the remaining membership who are also either high priests or high priestesses, since they too are in leadership roles. All are, however, partakers of the celestial gifts, and can commune more directly with deity than they do in mortality, in our past telestial world that we are so used to.)

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-4-2016 Sunday morning

1. I have more I received today about the Church of the Firstborn!

Q– Is the high priestess an office?
A– No, not exactly. It is a position of authority and power in the order after the Divine Mother. The angels have callings in specific areas of responsibilities. Being a high priestess gives the woman the authority to act in behalf of Heavenly Mother in her calling.

2. Q– Is the high priest in the Church of the Firstborn an office in the Melchizedek Priesthood?
A– Yes. This is because there are multiple offices in that priesthood, even though these are offices in the church of Christ, or the current LDS church.

Q– Then the only positions of authority in the Church of the Firstborn are the office of high priest for the men who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood, and the position of high priestess for the women–is this correct?
A– Yes

3. Q– Do those who are accepted into the Church of the Firstborn have to be baptized by the water and the spirit as Jesus said (see John 3:5)?
A– No, as long as this ordinance will be done sometime in the future for them. This is also true of temple ordinances. These can be done in person or by proxy. These ordinances are performed in the church of Christ, currently named the LDS Church (see D&C 20:37).
(Later, R here: there has been much more clarifying information on this topic of temple ordinances, in the Church of the Firstborn, to which most binding temple ordinances pertain.)

4. We went to A.'s ward today for sacrament meeting. During the sacrament, I felt to go in my spirit to God's Loving Healing Center, at the top of the switchback path, overlooking the lake below. I made my sacrament covenant. I waited for the sacrament to be passed to me, and I partook.

5. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came, holding hands, Heavenly Mother was on the left side of her husband. Heavenly Father spoke words like this to me (I wrote this down from memory and notes, four hours later):

'Raphael, I accept your covenant today in taking upon you the name of my Beloved Son, to always remember me, and to keep my commandments.

6. This is a significant day of celebration for all women! It is a time from now on when your Heavenly Mother is going to be more available to our children. It is also a celebration time for our noble daughters who have been ordained as high priestesses. There will also be a purification and acceptance process for the five adult female archangels, starting tomorrow through next Sunday. This purification will give them purity, and a boost of strength that they will need for their service in the days ahead. We all have much to rejoice about!'

The sacrament ended. I felt very pleased for this day, which to the world I am sure seemed like any other Sunday."

7. I felt to share with all the seven female archangels something that happened on Sunday, 9-4-2016 as well. I have shared this by email with H.B. on Sunday, and with S.A., G.A.'s mother on Sunday as well. Here are the contents of those emails:

8. Email to H.B. on 9-5-2016, Monday night:
I thought about P.B. as you had suggested. I knew that she wasn't a healing angel, but a very impressive and faithful daughter who is so loved by her Heavenly Parents. I kept getting an image in my mind when I thought of seeing her. It was an image of a full-grown woman, very pretty and elegantly dressed too. I have sketched a drawing which I have attached.

9. P.B. wore a rose-colored pink outer robe which draped in the back to the floor while she walked. This robe had full-length open sleeves and was open in the front. Underneath was another robe, an ivory-colored robe which also went to the ground. P.B. had bare feet.

Around her neck was a beautiful pearl necklace. She also had a dark rose-colored sash with a beautiful healing stone in the middle. The stone was a light blue, or baby blue opal I believe–very pretty!

10. On her head sat a beautiful crystal crown with rainbows, just like she described to you.

I believe her clothing constitutes her royal vestures when she acts in her capacity as a female archangel. It is my impression too that she came to earth at this time, just before the age of accountability, when she would emerge as a pillar of faith. This was done in her youth, for what better time is there to exhibit child-like faith than at 5-years old?

Here is what I wrote down right after I sketched what I saw:

11. 'P.B.: seer stone: baby blue opal.

Roles of P.B.: pillar of faith, to encourage God's children to believe in God, by the experiences she has in the spirit and shares with those who will listen. She is greatly uplifting and encouraging!

Since P.B. is innocent, and so young, yet able to talk about her experiences, this is a 'window' to the world we so long to see into.

She has great clarity and vision of what is real, and what will affect God's children on earth. She will be able to keep her clairvoyance as she grows up.

12. This was in answer to my prayer this morning, 9-5-2016, when Heavenly Mother was before me talking to me, with Heavenly Father on the side. She loves her P.B.!

P.B. was first clothed in God's temple with her vestures which I saw. She is greatly loved by all there!"

Sketch of P.B. with her vestures

13. Email to S.A. on 9-5-2016, Monday night:
I had this experience I wanted to share with you. I hope you will receive it well. It is about your daughter G.A..

I feel G.A. is just not an ordinary baby. She is a child of promise–really! I have felt she is an angel of some sort too, similar to you being a healing angel.

Here is what I received about little G.A.:

14. You might think this odd, but I believe that G.A.'s presence among people, and groups of people will dispel darkness, engender purity of thought and positive action in others. She has no guile, her presence breaks up manipulation tendencies of people, and encourages selflessness. She is like a breath of fresh air, a drink of crystal clear water–so refreshing!

I prayed to 'see' her', and I sketched what I saw too. See my attached sketch. I saw her as a full-grown woman.

15. G.A. wore a brilliant white inner robe, full-length to the ground, with long open sleeves. She had a brilliant crystal, shiny crown on her head. She had a beautiful seer stone, a rose-colored diamond suspended from a crystal pendant. This was the only colored part of her clothing. Everything else was shiny and brilliant white!

Her outer robe was a brilliant white cape, full-length to the ground from her shoulders, extending along her full back.

16. Everything about G.A. was wrapped up in one word: Purity. When I saw her, all I could say was 'G.A. is so pure that she exudes purity. She is happy and shining. She is especially pure'. I believe she will keep her purity through her entire life as she positively influences others that she comes in contact with.

I would love to know your thoughts on my unique experience with your choice daughter, G.A.!"

Sketch of G.A. with her vestures


From R's personal pocket journal, 8:45 am

17. I prayed this morning for added faith in the things I received this past week. I felt very confirmed it was it was all true! I know too that the five adult female archangels are struggling in their faith. These are so lofty concepts–and then they wonder 'how can I be part of so great a plan, for how could I really merit such a high calling as an archangel, and be a holy, high priestess, representing our Heavenly Mother to others on earth? There are billions of people–how could it be me who is chosen for such a grand calling?!'

18. I then prayed for additional witnesses to be poured out upon these five mortal people, these adult women who are the female archangels. I prayed for their protection and increased faith to accept their calling. I feel very privileged to be part of their journey.

19. 'Oh God, may each day of applying the essential oil of hyssop to the bottoms of their feet, purify their thoughts and increase their faith. May they feel clarity and witness to their minds and hearts of the truthfulness of these things. May they take the leap of faith and feel great assurance in the filling their roles, that their Heavenly Mother has planned for each of them.'

20. I feel to bless each one today, in my spirit, by the laying on of my hands, sometime today, wherever they may be. I will go in the spirit and power of Raphael, a holy archangel too. I will speak to their souls the words of affirmation from their 
Heavenly Father
 and their Heavenly Mother, to each one individually.

I need to share this too with them!

What a glorious day we are in! Each one of them is so critical in the planning and fulfilling of the marvelous events which are soon to come on the earth.

R, 9-7-2016"

21. Later around noon, after hearing news of some major family drama with our children this morning. . . My wife took our son to his BYU classes, and after sending them off, I knelt down next to the front room couch, and prayed. I addressed my Heavenly Father.

As I connected, I saw, in my mind's eye, both 
Heavenly Father
 and Heavenly Mother before me. Before even starting my petition, Heavenly Mother came in front of me and spoke these words:

22. Raphael, my son, the betraying actions of your children are a result of their yielding to Satan's ploys to distort reality and to make it fit their beliefs. Satan has tried to directly affect you, but you are so very protected now. Therefore, he is trying to adversely influence your children. This is going to be true also of my beloved adult female archangels. However, these experiences will serve to test all of your children, to see if they yield to the sweet enticings of my Spirit. Keep a positive outlook in all of these happenings.

23. Today, both your Father and I will be with you as you bless our choice five daughters in the spirit. We will both be behind you, my left hand on your right shoulder, and your Father's right hand on your left shoulder. Your blessing will be our joint blessing to increase the faith, strength, and personal protection of each of our archangel daughters.


J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-7-2016, Wednesday 11:45 pm

Later, at 11:45 pm.

1. When I knelt down to pray tonight, I had the impression to start my prayer like this: 'My Heavenly Father, My Heavenly Mother, My Savior Jesus Christ.' At this time all three of these deity came before me, and all three also laid their hands on my head. Father spoke:

'Our beloved son Raphael, we give you a blessing for your children, their spouses, and their children. We bless them through you, their earthly father. We bless them with protection against Satan's deceptions and his distortions in their minds. They are each wanting to do what is right, but have been blinded by their upbringing and by the subtleties of Satan. We bless them to see more clearly, and to be able to hear the voice of the Spirit more distinctly, so that they will make the proper choices in their lives.

2. We bless you, Raphael, in your personal life also. You will be magnified greatly to be able to see the future and events as they unfold. You will have the gift of seership which will allow you much greater perceptions in your life. We bless you with a loving and kind spirit to carry you forth in all your responsibilities.

3. Raphael, we will be with you continually. We will always be before you. We will give you direction and answers to every desire of your heart. We bless you with the healers touch, as was discussed in your recent class. Everything you touch will heal and improve.

4. You will continue to increase in clarity and perception of how we think and feel, and be able to guide many people with these gifts. We bless you with revelation and doctrine, never before revealed until you are inspired. Your mind and heart will swell wide as eternity with the visions, truth and knowledge that will abundantly flow through you, our son. You are pleasing to us in all of your actions and desires.

In the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, amen.'

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-8-2016, Thursday

1. Yesterday I received some text messages from L . She said there were animals representing the female archangels (she said she will tell more on Friday at Thanksgiving Point). She also said that the blessings that I gave to the female archangels, in the spirit, were at 3:03 yesterday. She was at them all, she said. They were given in this order: K, H.B., P.B., M.A., J.D., L, and G.A.. She and I feel there was lots of protection given yesterday too, to these female archangels.

I meet tomorrow with L, M.A., and J.D. at Thanksgiving Point. It should be very fun. I feel I should somehow share and receive.

2. What should I receive?
Y– Special instruction to the female archangels?
Y– How to go forward in promoting their area of strength and mission?
N– Do I prepare and receive this before I get there?
Y– What to look forward to– on Sunday, 9-11-2016, after the purification and acceptance is done.
Y– Issues with protection for themselves and families
Y– Their vestures, stones
Y– How to use their seer stones
Y– As a group together, what can we do in mortality (prayers, united in spirit in certain issues, group emails)
?– With G.A.: can we work through S.A. to have G.A. be part of this effort, by proxy?
?– Shall we have a certain section of my website, or how shall we communicate?
?– How will the coming forth of women, in more strength, be accomplished?
?– Can we share any of this with the healing angels?

Later. . .
3. Questions I have about my role as Raphael:

Q– Am I, Raphael, going to be instrumental in opening up to the world the Church of the Firstborn, under the direction of deity?
A– Yes

Q– Am I, Raphael, going to be the 'top' mortal leader of the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes

4. Q– What will be my role or title, if I have one?
A- Seer? yes
Prophet? yes
President? no
Revelator? yes
Archangel? yes

5. Q– Is there a different priesthood office, akin to apostle, that this high calling will have?
A– No. It is the office of a high priest in the Church of the Firstborn. The calling will be that of archangel. That is sufficient.

Q– Will I, Raphael, also be charged with managing the 144,000 whose mission it is to bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes
(Later, R here: this responsibility is because Raphael holds the keys of gathering Israel, as does John the Beloved. John will be much more closely involved in the managing of the 144,000 than Raphael.)

6. Q– Will I have charge in mortality also, of the seven female archangels?
A– Yes

Q– Will I physically be located in Zion, the New Jerusalem, to do this?
A– Yes

7. Q– Will I stay where I am, and replicate myself wherever I am needed?
A– You will relocate to the New Jerusalem, by teleporting, and then replicate yourself as the need requires. This replication will be in your spirit body, as you currently do. To move your physical body from place to place, this will be done via teleporting.

Q– Am I permitted to know, when this will occur?
A– Yes, June 2017
(Later, R here: this this was later fulfilled on the mountaintop in the celestial world, see R's journal entry on 
6-18-2017 Sunday, and continued for days afterwards)

8. Q– Will I learn teleporting before this? If so, when?
A– Yes, in June 2017

Q– Will I be set apart for this calling, or is it part of my position as an archangel?
A– Yes, you will be set apart. It will also be done in June 2017.

9. Q– Will my family attend with me? to the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes, eventually your wife and son A.. You may also teleport back to your home in Utah as you wish or need, as often as you desire.

Q– Will my identity as Raphael, still be withheld from the world?
A– Yes. You will still be known as R in Utah County, Utah.

10. Q– Will the seven female archangels also teleport there too?
A– Yes, in the same manner as you. For G.A., this will be for S.A. and her immediate family. These will also be able to maintain their residence in their current homes.

Q– Will these also be teleported in June 2017?
A– Yes!

11. Q– Is this the date of the startup of the New Jerusalem, in June 2017?
A– Yes, you and the female archangels will have residence there from the beginning.

Q– In Zion, the New Jerusalem, will I be in charge at all with the building of the city?
A– No
(Later, R: this answer was modified by Heavenly Mother on 
6-18-2017, when she said I would be in charge of the design and construction of the city of the New Jerusalem, as I would see it in vision from then on. I am not sure why I received a 'no' to this questions, unless it was not to be revealed to me at that time.) 

12. >Q– Will I be given the mission of the building up of the Church of the Firstborn–through the female archangels and the 144,000, and have purview over anything as it directly relates to the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes, but not the buildings or the temple complex.
(Later, R: again not sure why I was given this direction about the buildings and temple complex, since new directions were received in June 2017)

13. Q– Does Heavenly Father desire or need a mortal in charge of the Church of the Firstborn in the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes

Q– Shall I share this with the 5 adult female archangels?
A– Yes

14. Q– Will there be other male archangels in the New Jerusalem who are also mortal or translated?
A– No

Q– Has Uriel, the archangel, already been in mortality?
A– Yes, now resurrected. He was born between 1000-0 BC, and lived during the time of Christ.

15. Q– How about Simiel, the archangel?
A– He has already been born, and is currently in the spirit world (born 1905, died 1973).

16. Q– How about Oriphiel, the archangel?
A– He is not yet born, but to be born in the fourth century of the millennium, or 2300-2400 AD.

Q– How about Raguel, the archangel?
A– He has already been born and resurrected. He was born 4000-3000 BC.

17. Q– So, am I the only male archangel living in mortality now?
A– Yes

Q– So, as Raphael, will I have responsibilities for
1) all of the healing in the world
2) the healing angels
3) the Church of the Firstborn on the earth?
A– Yes!

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-9-2016, Friday

1. Today I am taking A. to BYU for his class at noon. I then head to Thanksgiving Point to meet with L, M.A., and J.D.. (Later: H.B. also joined us, as well as S.G. later in the day.) It should be a fun few hours of meeting the latter two women, and sharing experiences.

2. In recap of the male archangels:
1 Michael, Adam in mortality, died and resurrected
2 Gabriel, Noah in mortality, died and resurrected
3 Raphael, R in mortality, mortal and translated
4 Uriel, died and resurrected, born 1000-0 BC, alive during the life of Christ.
5 Simiel, born 1905-1973, currently in the spirit world
6 Oriphiel, not yet born, to be born around 2300-2400 AD
7 Raguel, died and resurrected, born 4000-3000 BC

3. Q– Has the Church of the Firstborn ever been established on earth yet?
A– No, because this earth was too 'fallen', in a telestial state. Now that we are in the 7th seal, the world is terrestrial (or transitioning to that), and now this celestial church can be established.

4. Q– Will I, Raphael, now be the first mortal/translated being to help establish this church on the earth?
A– Yes. It will be in the New Jerusalem which will be a celestial environment. It will have to be wiped clean before being established, and before you come there. You will arrive at the beginning of its establishment.

5. Q– Please elaborate on my role as Raphael, with regards to the seven female archangels.
A– Your roles with these female archangels is to guide them, encourage them to find their missions, to help introduce doctrine, to confirm they are on the correct path, to mentor them, to be a spokesman for them, to give them priesthood direction when needed, to help protect them against the adversary.

6. Q– Do I stand behind each one of them, with my sword of Raphael raised also? I know I do this for those who are healing angels (K, L, H.B.). Do I do this also for M.A., J.D., P.B. and Gretta?
A– Yes, you are behind each one, also with the sword of Raphael, raised in a poised for battle position. There may be other warrior angels in addition too.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-10-2016, Saturday

More questions! More answers!

1. Q– What ordinances done with the priesthood need to be done, at some point, for entry into the celestial kingdom?
A– Baptism by water and the spirit. The priesthood is currently in the LDS Church.

Q– Is the priesthood in any other church on earth, besides the LDS Church and the Church of the Firstborn?
A– No

2. Q– What steps and ordinances need to be done for becoming like God? Is this called exaltation?
A– Yes, it is called exaltation. The candidate needs to receive, at some time before the judgment day, a baptism. In addition, they need to receive, in the temple, an endowment, including the preparatory washings and anointings. They also need to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood if they are men. The crowning ordinance is the sealing. This can be done in an LDS temple, or by both God the Father and Heavenly Mother sealing the marriage in a civil ceremony. Either are acceptable. All of these ordinances need to be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise–or the seal of approval by God the Father.

3. The candidate also needs to be begotten spiritually by their Savior, Jesus Christ, becoming his son or his daughter. There is an ordinance named the waters of separation, which they also need to receive. They are then admitted into the Church of the Firstborn, the celestial church. Once they are accepted, this is called the second comforter. This is the personal appearance and acceptance by Jesus Christ. He then introduces his child, whom he has begotten, to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The person can then commune with the Saints and the general assembly, and other members of the Church of the Firstborn, in the celestial world, or on earth in Zion, the New Jerusalem, or in other locations of the celestial Zion on the earth. See D&C 88:3-5.

4. Q– Will those whom the 144,000 gather in, come at all to the church of Christ, or the LDS Church? Or will they be gathered to the Church of the Firstborn?
A– They will be gathered to the Church of the Firstborn. Entrance into this church will be upon approval by Jesus Christ, the King in Zion.

5. Q– Is it proper for me, Raphael, to receive revelation and doctrine for the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes. Please realize that he who is authorized in the LDS Church is the prophet, for that church (see D&C 21:4-5; 28:2-7). However, in the Church of the Firstborn, a different church, you, Raphael, are authorized to receive direction, revelation, and doctrine relating to this church, the gospel of love, and all things as seemeth me good. All who are accepted into the Church of the Firstborn are likewise able to receive personal revelation for their own lives and stewardship. However, relating to the entire church, you will be the spokesman for the Father. You will maintain this role through the millennium, until after you loose Satan again, for a little season, and Satan is cast out into outer darkness.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-11-2016, Sunday

1. Q– Will I, Raphael, be charged with all of the healing that comes into and from the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes. This includes the healing waters that will flow from there, and the tree of life that is placed there, for the healing of the nations.

Q– If I am charged as the mortal representative of the Church of the Firstborn, then will I continue in that position until the earth dies and is resurrected a celestial sphere? (this was told me yesterday, just confirming)
A– Yes!

2. Q– Will I, as Raphael, sprinkle with the waters of cleansing (waters of separation, see Numbers 19:9), everyone who enters into the Church of the Firstborn, as a sign and ordinance of their separation from the world, and their cleanliness before God? Will this be done for each mortal, or translated, or millennial person who enters in this Church of the Firstborn, from now until the end of the millennium, as long as the earth is in a terrestrial state?
A– Yes and yes. If the numbers become too great, you can replicate yourself so that you may carry on other responsibilities that you have.

3. Q– Will the headquarters of the church of Christ (the current LDS Church), also be relocated eventually to the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes. The leaders of this church are given the mission of the preparatory gospel, proselyting in the world, the redemption of the dead and living, and bringing the people to the point where they are acceptable to be received into the Church of the Firstborn.

Q– Will I, Raphael, and all of the seven female archangels, continue in our translated status through the millennium, in our respective responsibilities, working from the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes

4. Q– Am I the man in Numbers 19:9 which is clean, which shall make the waters of separation for sprinkling?
A– Yes. You too, however, will need to go through a ceremonial washing and anointing with oil, as has been discussed at the Thanksgiving Point meeting on 9-9-2016.

Q– Is the sprinkling of the waters of separation an earthly ordinance required for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn?
A- Yes. It is akin to baptism, as an ordinance for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. However, it is done by you, Raphael, for everyone who enters into this celestial church.

5. Q– Are there other ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn, beside the waters of separation ordinance?
A– No. It is required for entrance and full acceptance.

Q– Is there another ordinance(s) for those who receive their exaltation?
A– Yes

6. Q– About the ordinance of the waters of separation: Does the candidate have to be first begotten of Jesus Christ, and become spiritually his son or his daughter?
A– Yes, for Jesus Christ is the keeper of the gate. Once accepted, then he will confirm to you that the candidate is accepted. At that time, you should do the waters of separation ordinance for that person. After that, they are received in full fellowship into the Church of the Firstborn.

7. Q– What words will I say when I perform this ordinance?
A– You say the following: '(state the full name of the candidate), having authority from the Father, I sprinkle you with these waters of separation, in the name of the Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ the son.' (added later: There needs to also be two witnesses and a recording of the ordinance in the Book of Life.)

(from my pocket journal, 9-10 and 9-11-2016)

8. Q– Was it very important for us to meet yesterday at Thanksgiving Point, on 9-9-2016?
A– Yes, particularly for the others.

Q– When R.B. writes, will I need to apply frankincense essential oil on my feet?
A– Yes

9. About the waters of separation:
Q– Do I, Raphael, need to sprinkle the waters of separation on the 3rd and 7th day also, upon the candidates for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn?
A– No. Once is sufficient for the entry requirements. Once is sufficient also for purification upon the buildings that are in the New Jerusalem. (Later: These buildings will need to be sprinkled in order to be received into the celestial world.)

Q– Do I, Raphael, also sprinkle the blood of the red heifer, as explained in Numbers 19:3-8?
A– Yes

10. Q– Shall I, Raphael, also assemble the ashes as explained in Numbers 19:9-10?
A– Yes

Q– And then shall I take a hyssop branch and dip it in the water from the ashes, and use this to sprinkle, according to the ordinance? (see Numbers 19:18-21)?
A– Yes

(Later, from my pocket journal, 9-11-2016, Sunday)

11. Today my wife and I came to A.'s singles ward for sacrament. When we started singing 'Jesus in Nazareth, Savior and King' (Hymns, page 181), I immediately felt I was in the Jackson County, Missouri area, after the land had been cleared of its inhabitants, in the future. I perceived mud, water, and land, with no one there. I was in my spirit, at sometime in the near future. The Elder knelt down in the ward, and blessed the bread. I had knelt on a little patch of ground in my spirit, that I found next to the mud and water. When the Elder was done blessing the bread, I made my covenant with my Father.

12. I then partook of the bread. Immediately , Heavenly Father came where I was kneeling, with a whole array of angels it seemed behind him! Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, I accept your covenant with me today. We are located, in your future, in the area of Jackson County, Missouri, where the New Jerusalem will soon be built. Those angels and holy men and women behind me (he turned around and extended his arm towards them), are waiting to come here and help build this, the New Jerusalem. This will happen soon on the earth.

13. You will be brought here at the beginning of its construction. You will be my earthly representative for the Church of the Firstborn. You will fill this role as my archangel Raphael, for the duration of the millennium. Every one of my children, who are accepted by my Beloved Son Jesus Christ, will also be administered to by you. You will give them the waters of separation ordinance, for each one that comes into my Church of the Firstborn.

All that you have receive these past few days, about the Church of the Firstborn, and the female archangels, is true. You will continue to receive doctrine and revelation from me, never before revealed to man on the earth.

14. Raphael, this is a glorious time! The heavens rejoice at this time when you and the healing angels have been protected, strengthened and instructed; when the seventh seal has now been opened; when the earth has been blessed to cleanse and heal; when your Heavenly Mother is now more revealed to mankind; and when the seven female archangels are now revealed. This is a glorious day of rejoicing!'

15. I then stood up and embraced my Heavenly Father! It was such a wonderful experience at the future location of the New Jerusalem!

I then opened my eyes, and the sacrament was being concluded. I jotted this all down in my pocket journal during the next 20 minutes or so of the meeting.

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-13-2016, Tuesday

1. Yesterday, late afternoon, I started a ceremonial cleansing and purifying with frankincense oil. I learned about this at our Thanksgiving Point meeting last Friday. There are three mighty men who are warrior angels whom L identified: R.B. (head of the warrior angels), S.G. , and L.B. (age 4, an armor bearer supposed to have two swords.)

2. R.B.wrote me Sunday, asking me questions. I replied after praying. My answer to all of this: the answers and direction (for cleansing and purification process) has to come from R.B., not me. This decision of using frankincense is his decision, not mine. I will support what he says, but I can't make it myself. That is what I received in prayer.

Then, later R.B. wrote me back, saying that I should start on that day, before retiring to bed. I should continue every morning through Sunday, by putting two drops of frankincense oil on my feet. L had shown me how to do this on Friday.

I did this yesterday around 6:00 pm.

3. Later, in the evening, I was listening to the recording of the Thanksgiving Point audio from 9-9-2016. I heard that I would be doing this frankincense for L.B., who is four years old, by proxy, since he is too young to do it himself.

Here is what I wrote during my prayer last night, recorded in my pocket journal:

'I heard on the Thanksgiving Point recording that I would be doing the cleansing/purification procedure for L.B. by proxy.

4. Q– Am I doing this process for L.B. by Proxy?
A– Yes

Q– Am I also doing this for my own cleansing and purification?
A- Yes

5. Q– So, I am doing this for two people only, for L.B. and myself?
A– No

Q– Is there another person(s) for whom I am doing this by proxy?
A– Yes

6. Q– Is this another archangel?
A– Yes

I then went through each of the other six archangels and felt I should do the proxy for Oriphiel, the sixth archangel.

Q– Will I also be doing this purification process by proxy for Oriphiel, who will be born during the millennium?
A– Yes

Q– Will I be doing this proxy for anyone else?
A– No

7. Q– Why would I need to purify with frankincense oil, under R.B.'s direction, for Oriphiel and myself, both of us who are archangels?
A– You need this ceremonial purification process, taking seven days, for you both to become clean, as spoken in Numbers 19:9, when you do the waters of separation ordinance. You are doing this, together with the three warrior angels, since they also need this done for their work.

8. When the waters of separation ordinance is performed, you will be doing the ordinance, and Oriphiel will be recording the names of those you do in the ordinance in the Book of Life, along with the names of the two witnesses. Oriphiel also needs to be clean as do you. His role is one who records in this Book of Life in the spirit, in heaven. This is why he hasn't yet been born.

9. This purification procedure for Oriphiel, the sixth archangel, has to be done in the flesh, in preparation for him to record the names in the Book of Life of those who enter into the Church of the Firstborn.

10. Q– Has there been any one whose name has as yet, been written in the Book of Life, since the days of Adam, the first man?
A– No. There are many righteous, among whom are the faithful who are resurrected, who greatly desire the ordinance of the waters of separation, and the recording of their names in the Book of Life. These are waiting for this to be done by you, Raphael and Oriphiel, in the New Jerusalem.

When I then prayed last night, after receiving this direction and revelation, I received this communication:

11. Heavenly Father came before me, with Heavenly Mother on his left side. Then on the right side of Heavenly Father came a man in the spirit, with blond flowing hair to his shoulders, no beard, in a white full-length robe. I knew it was my archangel brother Oriphiel! He had the Book of Life held in his right hand, next to his side. It had not yet been written in by anyone yet. It was a large book like we are used to in our age, with a white cover it seemed.

12. Oriphiel is the only one who will faithfully record everyone who will be exalted in this book, once they receive the ordinance of the waters of separation, in the Church of the Firstborn. I will be the one who performs the ordinance for everyone who is begotten by Jesus Christ, and accepted by him into the Church of the Firstborn. (Later: there is one exception to this, and it is myself–read below).

I just had this all confirmed by my Heavenly Father.

13. Q– Do the two witnesses need to be purified by the frankincense oil purification?
A– No, although their names will be noted in the book by Oriphiel.

Q– When will I receive the ordinance of the waters of separation? and by whom?
A– Once the waters are prepared, it will be performed for you by Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. Your name will be the first one in the Book of Life, written by the hand of Jesus Christ. He will show you how to do the ordinance so that you can do it properly. You will also be the first one written in the Book of Life by Jesus Christ also, who will show Oriphiel how to record the ordinance from then on by himself. After this is done, then both of you will continue doing this for others.

14. Q– Will those who are resurrected, like Michael or Gabriel, also have to receive this ordinance performed by me, Raphael?
A– Yes. You will do it for all of those who will be exalted, save Jesus Christ who is already a God.

15. Q– What about D&C section 132:19, where it says that Abraham has entered into his exaltation?
A– Raphael, this section of the Doctrine and Covenants, was not give by me. It was added after the death of the prophet Joseph Smith by those who carefully crafted it as a revelation. This is one of the sections, containing one of the purported doctrines, which will be cleansed from the LDS Church when it becomes again the Church of Christ.

16. Q– So, in recap, I Raphael, will perform the waters of separation ordinance for every single child of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother (except Jesus Christ) who are spiritually begotten and accepted by Jesus Christ, for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn. This will be done before the final judgment day, at which time all of the faithful will have been recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life.
A– Yes, this is true.

17. Q– Is the Lamb's Book of Life the final approval record for their passing into their exaltation?
A– Yes

See D&C 128:7 about the Book of Life, and D&C 88:2 about the book of the names of the sanctified:
Q– Is the book of the names of the sanctified the same book as the Book of Life?
A– No

18. My personal feelings:
I just feel overwhelmingly excited and humbled at the same time! I feel so privileged to be chosen to participate in this ordinance for all the faithful who come into the Church of the Firstborn! I feel great love for all of these, my brothers and sisters, who have proven faithful to Jesus Christ, through the many hardships they have endured, in their trek towards their exaltation. I want to embrace and welcome each one! I am overjoyed in this prospect and great blessing. I am awed at the majesty of God, his forethought in planning this great and final entrance ceremony, performed by two of his male archangels. I feel assured this is all true as I have recorded it today in my journal!

(later) I just received an email from I.R.. This spurred me to ask the following question:
19. Q– Are the healing angels also going to be teleported to the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes

Q– When will this happen?
A– It will start in August 2017.

20. Q– Shall I share the information on the seven female archangels with the healing angels on my email list?
A– Yes!

Q- What name will be used in the Book of Life, and in the ordinance of the waters of separation?
A– The premortal name of that person.

21. Q- If someone has the same premortal name as another, how will that person's identity be distinguished from the other same-named person?
A– The same-named persons will have two witnesses who will be able to attest who it was that received the ordinance. This definitely verifies their identity. Also, in the day of judgment, their identity will be obvious because of the celestial glory they will have in their body."

PART 5: After the Purification

9-15-2016, Thursday

22. As part of this recent journey, explained in parts 1-4 above, a few other men and I are currently going through a ceremonial purification with frankincense oil for seven days. We will be done this Sunday, 9-18-2016**. I believe this is the last thing that needs to be done before the Lord will finally come out from his hiding place, as explained in two scriptures below:

23. D&C 112:24– "Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord."

24. I have felt that the situation in the world, and in the communities where we live, will soon change. I believe we in the United States, will soon experience what God told Isaiah to write concerning Egypt (I believe Egypt is the code name for the United States):

25. Isaiah 19:1– "Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it."

26. I am writing you this not to scare you, but help you emotionally prepare for what is coming.

We are healing angels, and need to really be about our missions when this all happens, whenever that will be.

27. Here is what I wrote this morning, 9-15-2016, in my pocket journal, which I felt was a communication from our Heavenly Father:

". . . Also share with my healing angels the great need to serve those around them, to look for people to care for and bless, with their healing gifts. Tell them the need to be open and receptive to whatever I tell them. Ask them to pray for emotional strength and stability, as they move into this new phase of cleansing of the people and of the earth. My blessings will be with them–they are ever before me, as they go forth and serve my children."

28. Here are my own comments about my own lack of preparedness:
I was praying last night and addressed a prompting I received during the day, when I had asked "Am I prepared for what calamities are coming in the world?" The answer that I immediately felt was "no"!

29. As I was on my knees, leaning on my bed, I inquired further about what I am not prepared for. I went through all of my physical preparations (food, equipment, water, etc), and that was in order. I went through my spiritual area, and then my mental preparedness, and these also were in order. But when I evaluated my own emotional preparedness, I felt it was here that I was lacking!

30. I felt like I needed to pray for more emotional strength for what is soon coming, as a whirlwind upon the earth. I have been through some intensely, rough emotional times, particularly during the time after my son was injured while on an LDS Church mission. Now, if I were to multiply this emotional trauma I felt then, times many families and communities, across our nation and world, this is what I think I will soon experience when the whirlwind hits. It will be a difficult thing for me to emotionally be able to handle all of this trauma! I am glad I can address much of it in my unconscious mind!

31. I have a keen sense of personal need, to pray more for emotional strength and stability, for an increase in love and for compassion for those around me, soon in SO much need. I can best prepare for what is coming by petitioning my Father to bless me with added emotional capability.

32. I would suggest that you also evaluate your own physical, spiritual, mental and emotional preparation.

God bless all of you healing angels, and you female archangels, with greater strength to meet the days soon upon us!

Much love,

**33. This is also a 9-9-9 date, where 1+8=9, and 2+0+1+6=9. I believe, as does L, one of the female archangels, that this is representative of Heavenly Father, carrying with it important significance. The Thanksgiving Point meeting was also on 9-9-2016, another 9-9-9 significant date.