96. Thoughts of the October 2018 General Conference
Posted 10-13-2018

Hello my friends!

This post has so much information in it about not harboring judgments, intentions, thoughts, angels initiating calamities, happiness, worry, premortal training, and more. 

However, all of you will be interested in what Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and then Heavenly Mother said about the recent conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The message is very clear. Read all about this in this post.

Please pray about all of these items I have been informed about. I would love to hear from you too! 


P.S. My family and I hiked in Bryce Canyon National Park on an overnight getaway during the time of this post. I have included pictures from this trip.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 28, 2018, Friday

1. Evening–I came to the meandering desert stream in heaven. I walked in the stream for a bit and then knelt by a little grassy area facing east, towards the oasis in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father then appeared close to my left side! He came quietly, but I was searching for someone to come to my front. I was very glad to see him. He was smiling and was looking into my eyes. I felt comfortable to be before him. I felt very cared for and accepted!

2. He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, I am glad to come before you tonight. You have been doing well in recording the words that your Heavenly Mother and I give you when we transmit our thoughts to you. You are developing an ease and great ability to hear our words that we direct to you. These thoughts all flow gently and steadily to your mortal mind from us, via your unconscious mind.

I would like to speak a little about the directive we gave through our son, Jesus Christ, not to judge.

3. JST Matthew 7:2–

"Judge not unrighteously, that ye be not judged; but judge righteous judgment."

4. When it comes to deciding how you will live, you will of necessity need to choose your own path. This requires righteous judgment. We expect you to do this. However, we desire that our children do not presuppose they know best for another and think they know how another should live and act. We wish our grown children to allow all other men and women, even their spouse and grown children, freedom to choose without judgment. Unfortunately, most people think they know what their family and neighbors, even people whom they don't know, should do. This is judgment and is not pleasing to your Heavenly Mother and me. No one has the knowledge or clear enough views to make any such judgments of others!

5. You might say that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for all mankind and they should choose to live by its precepts. However, when you begin thinking that others should do that, it brings with it a judgment that is very shunning and non-accepting.

6. We would rather you share our gospel with those who are interested. Those who are not, you need to withhold judgment. Instead, accept them how they are with love and kindness. Treat all equally well and be fair to all. Give all men and women full power to choose their own path. Be an example of one who loves and accepts and one who does not judge others.

7. The only judgment we condone is that done in choosing your own path in life. There are a few who are given stewardships to judge–but these should make all their judgments unbiased and one on facts and not the prejudices of society.

We freely accept and love all of our children! We allow all to choose what they wish to do in their lives. We bless those who are loving and accepting of their fellowmen, for they are the most respected and revered.

8. Let judgment remain with us who are the Gods of this world, the ones who truly know all the thoughts and intents of each heart of our children. We are very forgiving and quick to accept back those who have wandered. We get upset when our children, who feign to live in righteous ways, judge others and make them feel less important than they really are.

9. When you feel inclined to judge, repeat this in your mind: "He/ she is an adult, and may choose whatever he/ she wants to do. I will love and accept them for who they are, my brother/ sister!"

10. Acceptance and love are the opposite of judgment. Care and consideration may still be extended towards all our children without judgment. Only offer advice when it is asked for, and do so in love and humility, showing forth acceptance and kindness. Judgment cuts people off and gives them the message that they do not somehow merit your acceptance. We have freely loved and accepted you; do so also to others without judgment.'

I thanked my loving and accepting Heavenly Father for his words tonight. Oh, how I treasure the advice from my Gods! They, of all people, are the ones filled with such great wisdom and experience, with great acceptance and love. I want to be so loving and accepting!

I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 29, 2018, Saturday

1. I enjoyed a wonderful sleep last night. I came early to my adjacent bedroom to pray, around 6:30 a.m. this morning. I feel happy and ready to have a good prayer again. I look forward to hearing from my Heavenly Parents.

I came today in heaven to the sapling tree of life, just west of the tree of life near God's temple. I feel clear and ready to meet my God again. I knelt under the canopy of the sapling tree of life, facing west to the garden. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.

My Heavenly Mother came walking to me from a path in the garden. I noticed her hair was blowing in the breeze and that she was smiling. She had bright sparkling eyes, so very loving and accepting of me. I felt so very happy and in great peace to be in her presence!

2. Heavenly Mother stood before me. Her hair still was moving in the breeze, but not her robes. She spoke:

'Raphael, you notice that my hair is gently moving in the breeze, but not my robes. There is no significance in this, except that I have desired it to do so. I have thought with intention to have a gentle breeze come blow on my head, making my hair move in the breeze. This introduces me to the topic I wish to speak on this morning.

3. Your Heavenly Father and I have shared with you recently about thought energies and how these precipitate all of our actions. Our thoughts may also control or influence other entities or things. In the case of my hair blowing in the wind, I directed my thoughts to the celestial air in our world. I asked that a gentle breeze to blow just on my head as I walked to you. The celestial air, an entity with intelligence and substance (spirit and physical) immediately received my directed thought request and chose to act as I asked.

4. You see from this that my thoughts may influence other entities to act and move as I request. They comply with my request because they love and respect me and want to do everything I may ask of them. They honor me as one of their makers or creators. Your Heavenly Father and I have come in the long ago past to the intelligence in this celestial air and offered it to be air for us in our creations. This intelligence was delighted to do so and we then placed this intelligence into spirit air that we created. Subsequently, we clothed our air in physical substance and it became the air for our celestial orb, living in a celestial resurrected state.

5. There is air also on your earth. This air also was first created spiritually and then physically on the earth. It will also resurrect when the earth resurrects, also to a celestial glory. It will remain on the celestial earth in eternity in its celestial resurrected state. The celestial resurrected earth will likewise be the eternal home for many resurrected plants, animals, water and other entities that once had lived in mortality on its surface.

6. All of our creations, on any of our locations we may be in, know and recognize us as their creators. They know of our superior powers in taking them as intelligence and creating them as an entity like they are today. Each one of these entities perceives clearly our directed thoughts, for they each have an intelligence that thinks and receives thought energies from us that we may direct to them.

Once an intelligence is created into an entity, it always recognizes its creator and desires to please and respond to every request of its creator. We communicate to our entity with our thoughts.

7. Our children have been highly trained by us, their creators, in the early days of the spirit creation. They are each much more intelligent than that of the air, for we have chosen only the most intelligent or capable intelligences to be our offspring. We have given our own children the great gift of choice, the ability to choose what they wish to do. We have given them a significant higher capability to choose than entities like the air. All of our creations follow our desires except for some of our own children. Our own children may choose to follow us or not follow us, for they have greater freedom of choice than the others.

8. When we ask any entity, other than our own children, to do something, they readily recognize our directed thought request and then act in compliance. They always act in harmony with our will, for they have gratitude and love for us to have given them life as the entity they are. They are each happy and have joy in their own creation. They each want to serve us and fulfill our commands that we may direct to them by our thoughts.

9. When Jesus was living on earth, he performed many miracles. He did so by directing his thoughts to the entities he wished to heal or change. They all recognized his great power as a God. We had trained him how to use this godly power prior to him coming to mortality. When he was fully awakened at the beginning of his ministry, he used these godly powers to perform many miracles. All of these were by his requests to the various entities and his abilities as a God.

10. When we desire to heal one of our own children, we receive the permission of the intelligence or spirit of our child first. Then we send an abundance of love and light matter to the area we wish to heal. We next do any reorganizing of the elemental matter that may need to be done to make this part fully functional again. We act on the elemental matter with our powers of being a God. We cannot direct thoughts to the elemental matter, for it has no intelligence. However, we know the keys of creation and reorganization of the elemental matter, and use our powers to heal, or make it whole to our desires. Often, the intelligence that houses the entity does not know how to heal itself, so we need to come and do it. Sometimes we train the intelligence how to heal itself, so it may be more self-reliant. We have done this training extensively for our own spirit children who have come to earth.

11. Raphael, we have allowed you and our angels to use our Godly powers to heal and to act in our name. You have a limited ability to heal of yourself, but you may act as our conduit of healing. Some things you may be able to heal, based on the skill you have developed in the premortal or mortal life. This is true for our healers also. However, with our power that we may extend to you, you may act as our conduit of healing to heal anything. Likewise, we may extend our powers to you to act in our name and power to do great miracles, all as we desire. You act also as our conduits of our power and authority.

12. Once you know our will to heal or perform a miracle needing our power, you should act in faith and we will extend our power through you. It will not be until you are ordained to our Godly powers that you will act independently of us. This is how we have designed it.'

13. I gazed upon my beautiful Heavenly Mother before me. Her hair was no longer blowing in the breeze, for I knew she had asked the wind to stop blowing. She was smiling at me, full of light. I thanked her for her new insights and revelation today! I told her I am learning by degrees so very much in my prayers! I asked that she confirm that I had written her communications to me correctly.

14. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, I am pleased with what you have written in your journal. It reflects the full meaning of what I gave to you by my directed thoughts!'

I thanked her again! I expressed my love and my commitment to obey her and Heavenly Father, as they might direct me. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

15. In the evening–Tonight I came to the sapling tree again, like I did this morning. I knelt again under the canopy of the sapling tree of life. I asked again for my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come to me. I was facing west to the garden path where Heavenly Mother had come this morning. I waited, watched and listened.

I then heard a still small voice in my mind, in my thoughts, to look around at the tree of life behind me. I turned and saw both my Heavenly Parents under the canopy of that glorious tree. Heavenly Father asked me to come to them there! I stood and came immediately before them. I thought to be kneeling before my Heavenly Parents and it happened instantly as I thought!

16. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have experienced our direct thoughts in your own mind. This was our voice and not yours. You believed it was our voice since it was sudden and an impression. You confirmed it was we when you saw each of us here, under the canopy of the mother tree of life. You next desire to come as I asked you. You thought to be here kneeling, and your thoughts initiated the action that you knew how to do. You then were immediately here.

17. All of these requests and actions were initiated by thoughts, by you and me. We wish our holy angels to now become very familiar with this short process you have just experienced. Many of them hesitate and are unsure they perceive our thoughts correctly. We desire to strengthen their assurance in knowing when we direct them or not. It is time now for them to step up and more closely interact with us, their Gods, and become acquainted with our still, small voice by which we give them our impressions.'

18. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we request each mortal angel to come unto us in humble prayer, asking us in their conscious mind what we would that they should do. We will respond with simple directions tailored just for that mortal angel. They should be open, humble, and sincere in order to qualify for our directions. As they act on our directions, we will give them further assurances that they truly have heard our voice. We desire that they become more aware in their mortal state of our interactions with them.

We are doing this because of the increased activity we wish them to do in this new covenant year.'

I thanked my wonderful Heavenly Parents! I knew this was their whole message for me tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 30, 2018, Sunday

1. This morning I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I sat on the bench trying to take in my surroundings. This is all a very lovely place. I felt like I was alone. I knelt in front of the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came from the sky to the center of the lake. She then proceeded to me, walking in the air above first the lake and then the shore until she was before me. I felt thrilled by her presence! I gazed into her face and saw a very accepting and tender Heavenly Mother, with a broad smile. I felt the light of her love upon me.

2. She then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am so very pleased to address you each time you pray, or have Heavenly Father come. This is what I desire for each of my children on earth! It is a great accomplishment to connect so fully with us.

3. I would like to answer both of M.A. 's questions she wrote to you:

Q1- Have most of God's elect been sent to the earth in these last days and during the millennium, or have they been born throughout all of the earth's existence.
A1- We have sent the elect throughout earth's existence since the days of Adam and Eve. There were many who came and have already been resurrected at the time of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

4. After the apostasy of the Church of Christ, the earth fell into darkness for many years. We still sent many of our elect to the Nephite nation, but limited the arrival of the elect until the days of the restoration through Joseph Smith. We sent choice elect leaders to prepare the earth for what was coming, but now that the last days are here with the second coming of our Beloved Son soon at hand, we have flooded the earth with many more of our elect. These elect living now will be our transition elect that will establish Zion, the New Jerusalem, and will help gather the righteous.

However, the bulk of our elect will come forth on the earth in the great millennial day! The earth will become full of our elect that will be greatly blessed in this wonderful terrestrial state.

5. Q2: Why wasn't God's love sent in abundance during the first 6,000 years? Why will there be such an increase during the millennium? Is it because there will be so many of the elect during the millennium?
A2: Raphael, we limit how much light and love that comes to our creations if these are in a telestial state. When they become elevated to a terrestrial state, we send much more. Finally, we send an unlimited amount of light and love to our celestial creations, like the future resurrected earth, even a fullness. If we sent more light and love to our telestial earth, it would be incongruent with our plans and with the level of spirituality for those who dwell on the earth. We also allow Satan and his hosts to come among the telestial earth, to temp and try our children in mortality, and they wouldn't be able to remain among our children in mortality if we were to send more light and love. Our purposes in testing our children during earth's telestial state required the adversary, and for us to limit the amount of light and love we shed forth on the earth.

6. During the millennium, the earth will increase to a terrestrial state, even more glorified, as the moon is brighter than the stars in glory. We will no longer allow Satan on the earth, and therefore we will send much more of our light and love abroad. We even will send our Beloved Son to reign personally upon the earth, who will send forth so much more heavenly light to our children. We also will have two trees of life that will continually shed forth our love abroad to all our creations.

7. In the days of the celestial earth, it will be next to our own celestial world, and will accept a fullness of our glory that we will continually send to our earth and its exalted inhabitants.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her answers this morning! She and Heavenly Father always give such clear answers, that are so reasonable and full of truth.

I next felt Heavenly Mother next to me, with her left arm around my shoulders. I stood, and we walked back to the lake, with her arm around my shoulders and my right arm around her waist! I lost connection with her and my replicated self as we talked more together as we walked. I then saw us go back into the sky together, where she came from. I don't know in my conscious mind what happened next.

I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day!

8. After church– During the sacrament, I went to the beginning of the young tree forest just north of the circling waters. I faced the forest and waited until the priest offered the blessing on the bread. I then made my covenant to my Heavenly Parents whom I could yet see.

9. Heavenly Father stepped out of the trees and stood before me! I partook of the bread and then he spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. You are fully accepted into our presence.'

I then looked steadily upon my Heavenly Father. I saw his deep eyes, his soft white beard, and his smile. I looked to his left and didn't see my Heavenly Mother. Then I saw her come from the trees like he had come! She came next to his side and they held hands and smiled at each other.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are glad that your schedule today has allowed you to come to your own ward. You have yet much work to do among the elect in this area in the near future. You will work among them both in your mortal conscious self and in the celestial realms in your unconscious self. Your identity in these realms will not be known among your neighbors.'

11. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents:

'My Father and Mother, if I am to work among the people in my area, may I become aware of what I do in these celestial realms in my mortal conscious mind?'

12. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, we will allow you to become more and more aware in your conscious mind what you are doing in the celestial realms on the earth. You will gradually be made to understand your activity among your local brothers and sisters.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this blessing. I look forward to serving my neighbors sometime in the future in my community!

13. At night– We returned home and I came to the celestial world to pray. I came to the birch tree forest on the slope of the hill going down to the City of Enoch. I was next to the little stream that flows from Lake Beautiful. I first drank from this stream and then knelt facing uphill or west. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come to me.

I then saw my Heavenly Mother coming above the stream above me. She soon stood in the air facing me. She was so lovely and full of light. She was smiling and seemed happy to be with me.

14. She then spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, in your sacrament meeting today in your ward you heard sensational stories from members about the miracles of us saving them from the fires. However, we didn't do anything to save them from the fires! They experienced a community spirit of greater unity when helping each other and the firefighters, but no direct help from us.

15. We did not see anyone who really repented of their sins more than normal due to the threat of the fires. They were more concerned from the physical threat of the fires and what could be done by the firefighters, than on changing their lives. We will continue to afflict the people in your area with calamities that are more and more intrusive on their personal lives, in an effort to awaken them.

16. I told you this afternoon at the sacrament meeting that we would have you become more involved in helping the people, particularly the elect in your community. This will also be true of all our mortal angels in time too. You will all serve us by being inspired to serve those around you as we inspire you. We will bless those who ask of us to become conscious and aware of what they would be doing as our holy angels in the celestial realms on the earth.

17. Thus we will have our holy angels both initiate calamities upon the earth and also be sent to heal, bless, and protect our elect on the earth. We will give them more and more assignments in their own communities where they live. They will also receive directives to bless others all over the world as well.

18. We also want our angels to become more and more in tune with our voice and know what we speak to them, and to act on our commands. We want this to be more greatly developed in their conscious mind also, for they are already serving us well in their unconscious beings in the celestial realms. Oh, we love you our holy angels!'

Heavenly Mother reached out her hand and I touched it with mine! She was then immediately gone from my presence. I felt very full of light and love while in her presence. I am so glad that her Spirit lingers with me and abides in my heart!

I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 1, 2018, Monday

1. I awoke ready for a new week and new month this morning. The weather report has warnings of both high winds today and then starting tonight flash flooding and torrential rain from an aftermath of a tropical storm coming from Mexico. It concerned many residents of Woodland Hills and Elk Ridge communities that they have been sand bagging like crazy. A.'s singles ward even skipped the bulk of church meetings to help bag sand bags yesterday. They came to church in their work clothes afterwards. They wanted 20,000 sandbags filled and delivered on pallets to all areas of their communities! We'll see how this all materializes.

This morning I came to my adjacent bedroom to pray. I felt to go to the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I then felt very clear and ready to commune with my God. I knelt on the shore by the water, facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come.

Heavenly Father came to me, walking on the shore to my right side! I turned myself on my knees to face him. He had soft light coming from himself, and was majestic as always. I loved looking into his eternity eyes, so deep and experienced.

2. He spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has spoken to you last night that we are allowing the fires and the weather to proceed without our interference. We will hear our children who repent and come unto us in humility. We have had no more than normal pray to us, as we desired. We therefore are commanding our angels in your area, in our celestial realms, to create more calamities that will come forth upon the people.

In a future day, they will cry out like the Nephites of old:

3. 3 Nephi 8:24-25

"And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and they would not have been burned in that great city Zarahemla.

And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out; then would our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children have been spared, and not have been buried up in that great city Moronihah. And thus were the howings of the people great and terrible."

4. These events among the Nephites were prophesied to them by our servant Samuel, a Lamanite (see Helaman 13:36-37). Yet the people rejected Samuel's call to repentance. There were some who believed in Samuel's words, as we inspired him to speak. However, many more did not believe and became angry with him, and "cast stones at him upon the wall, and also many shot arrows at him as he stood upon the wall." (1 Helaman 16:2)

5. Raphael, were we to ask you to speak out among the people, and tell them that they needed to repent or more calamities would come upon them, they would similarly reject you, as they rejected our servant Samuel. You also have a commission that we need to keep in secret from the people at this time.

Therefore, we are having you record our words that will one day be published among all the people. We also are speaking individually to them clearly, asking them to repent before destruction comes upon them. However, most will not listen at this time.

Therefore, we need to come out of our hiding place and vex the nations!

6. D&C 101:89-90, 92-93

". . . then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his hiding place, and in his fury vex the nation

And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards, and appoint them their portion among hypocrites, and unbelievers.

Pray ye, therefore, that their ears may be opened unto your cries, that I may be merciful unto them, that these things may not come upon them.

What I have said unto you must needs be, that all men may be left without excuse."

7. This scripture was given in a different context, but it applies to your situation today, even among the Latter-day Saints in your area in Utah and surrounding states.'

I looked upon my Heavenly Father. He was looking off in the distance behind me. I think he was seeing these future events of destruction coming upon the people. His visage changed to disgust. I watched then as he turned and walked back around the path around the desert oasis. He then vanished.

I silently thanked him for his strong message to the people! I closed my prayer and got ready for my new day.

8. In the evening–I came tonight to the temple entrance area in heaven, on the east side next to the little stream and pine tree. I couldn't be seen from the open door area since I was behind the tree. I dipped my hand in living water and drank and felt clarified. I then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer tonight.

Heavenly Mother then stepped out from behind the pine tree and stood before me! She was smiling and had very bright happy eyes! I felt immediately so pleased to be in her presence!

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you remarked to your wife today on your bike ride that happiness was not a result of having enough money. You said happiness comes from a controlled state of mind, with thoughts that generate happiness.

You are correct that happiness is an emotion created from thoughts that you choose to occupy your mind. You know that by trying to control, in any way, what others may do, brings grief and unhappiness.

10. I would like to talk to you more about happiness tonight. You wrote in your journal that I came smiling and had bright happy eyes. This is a condition that I have developed over my time of being a God. I like to feel inside so very happy. I have developed this broad smile and clear, sparkly eyes by inwardly being so very happy almost all of the time. My face and attitude is a result of my inward happiness.

11. I have also determined to create light and love matter in abundance inside of me and to have both of these shine inside of my whole soul. They are both tangible substances and may be felt by others when I am in their presence. This abundant light and love help me keep very positive happy thoughts that generate similar feelings.

You too, or any of our children, may also attract light and love in themselves in abundance. Although you are not capable yet to generate love and light matter yourself, you may attract it like a magnet!

12. The first step is to ask us, your Heavenly Parents, that you be filled with light and love, for yourself and for those around you. We will answer the requests of our children when done in their sincerity of heart.

13. The second step is to act with intention that you are filled with happiness. This step needs to be coordinated with your effort to control your thoughts so that you keep to your own 'business', and not that of others or of anything outside of your control. The only things you may control are your own choices, thoughts, emotions, and actions, or those within your own stewardship. You are most happy when you confine your thoughts of control just to yourself.

14. Your intention may be that your heart and mind are continually bathed in light and love, sent to you from us, your loving Heavenly Parents. As you think of this, you will attract that which you most desire. The flow of these tangible light and love energies will come with more abundance into your being. It will then be easier to think non-critical, non-judging, non-hurt, or anything that is positive instead of negative. These light and love energies will loosen your old ways of holding onto negative habits and flow more in ways of love and Godly thoughts.

15. The presence of more and more light and love will be the quickest way to retrain and heal your habits that have been negative and unrighteous in any way. You will be able to drop social norms and the current culture to control others. You will soon be able to establish habits and happy patterns of living for yourself.

16. Raphael, once I became ordained as a God, together with your Heavenly Father, I wanted so much to be very happy. This intention to be happy consumed my mindset and I found quickly that my thoughts were responsible to create my desired happy emotions. I learned more clearly how to control my thoughts to have my desired emotions.

17. I realized that love and happiness that I wanted to shine from my face and eyes would need to be something that came from inside of me. I realized that the deep happiness that shines from my eyes would take time to develop. As I felt this great happiness within, my eyes and smile gradually became deeper and very much a full reflection of my inside feelings!

18. This change in your visage will also happen as you practice and live the feelings you most desire. You have power to become very content and happy, far more than you now experience. You will learn to be loving of others and yourself, without fretting or worrying about non-important matters. You will also have the assurance that your life is pleasing to us, your Heavenly Parents!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words on happiness and how to best attain it. I said I wanted to become truly so happy and loving and to let this great joy shine forth from me. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her amazing example of being so happy, filled also with light and love.

She then told me our time was completed tonight. She expressed her love for me and then turned and walked behind the pine tree to my left. She was then gone from my presence.

I feel very uplifted! I want to pursue these methods to become happy! I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 2, 2018, Tuesday

1. I sent out post 95 last night. It had many gems of truth! I feel very blessed to be the recipient of these truths from God!

This morning I came to the desert oasis. I felt very calm and happy, particularly to be in heaven in this beautiful quiet place! I thought last night after I received the information from Heavenly Mother on happiness, that the mere act of smiling changed somehow my emotion, to be more filled with love and happiness. I will try smiling more too, in addition to attracting love and light energy with my intention. I will seek to control my thoughts so that I focus on my self-improvement and not on controlling others in any way. I will also seek ways to serve and bless my loved ones and those with whom I come in contact.

I then knelt in the sand, facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

Heavenly Father came from the water, from a mist that preceded his arrival over the oasis! He came forth out of the mist and stood before me. He was serene and seemed very happy, full of acceptance and love. His love and acceptance was differently portrayed than Heavenly Mother, mostly portrayed in his deep eternity eyes, so full of understanding, empathy, love and acceptance. He also had a sense of great control and power in his eyes.

2. He then spoke:

'Raphael, I so love your Heavenly Mother's very happy and energetic spirit that she has developed. Her attitude and love fills me with great enjoyment and happiness! We are the very best friends and confidantes! You have written in your journal how my eyes are very deep, in a different way than hers. The eyes reflect the personalities and traits of that which is inside. These take years to develop in consistent patterns. I too am so extremely happy, but my joy is felt and shines in my eyes as a more reserved and contented state. All of this that you see in my eternity eyes is a reflection of who I am, what I continually think, and how I feel and act. My assurance and capability are also reflected in my face and eyes.

3. Your Heavenly Mother and I care deeply for each of our children. We love to be with them! We delight in their interests and many talents, in their varied personalities. We desire that each choose paths to return to us, allowing us to guide and direct them along the way. They each choose what they attract to themselves by their continual thoughts.

4. What you see in me today, in my eternity eyes, is what I choose to be like. It is a combination of my personality, my continual thoughts, and the great love and light that enhance my feelings. We desire each of our children to come to know us again, their Heavenly Parents, and their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, even while in the flesh. We stand open and willing to receive each one of our children, and to open ourselves up more and more to them. We love each of our children so fully!'

Heavenly Father was smiling, and seemed in a contemplative mood. I gazed into his eternity eyes and felt I knew his inner desires. He is so full of love and acceptance! Oh, I love him so much and I want to please him all the time!

I then abruptly came back into my mortal conscious mind. However, I feel still very connected with God. I feel like I had a great start to my day!

5. Evening–

This evening I came to the birch tree grove near the top of the slope going to Enoch's city. I was near the edge of Lake Beautiful, just into the forest along the small stream going down to the east. It was calm and clear.

At the same time I am getting on my phone severe weather warnings. The national weather service predicts thundershowers, heavy rain, possible flash flooding, etc. It is calm outside at my home now and calm in heaven now.

I knelt facing downhill and asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then waited and watched. I next saw a light in the trees in front of me. I saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descending through the birch tree leaves and coming in the air above me! They were both smiling.

6. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, come join us up in the air.'

I arose off my knees and came between them, for they had separated and had both extended their hands for me to grasp. I turned and faced up the hill with them, elevated about 10 feet in the air.

It seemed we were instantly on the earth somewhere, I think in my Utah mountains, in a ravine on the side of a mountain! I had hiked in many places like this before.

7. Heavenly Father spoke (he was on my right side):

'Raphael, in a coming day, there will be so much rainfall in your area that flash flooding will occur over the scarred land from the fires.'

I then heard a loud noise up the ravine and then I saw water gushing down the slopes of the hillside into the ravine! Dirt, logs, rocks and lots of muddy water careened down the hillside underneath us! It came suddenly and with great speed down the mountainside.

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, what you see below us will happen on many slopes of your mountains in the western parts of the United States in a near day. This flooding will reach the valleys below and cause widespread destruction.

9. You have seen that the earth is revolting because of the wickedness of the people. We are commanding our holy angels to initiate destruction upon the land. We will continue afflicting the people until they repent and turn to us, their Gods. The wicked will not repent, but we expect the elect of God to all, at some point, realize that we are displeased with them and that they need to repent and come unto us, their Gods.

The Stake President asked the people to pray today at noon, for us to stay the rains and the floods. We have heard many prayers offered in faith. However, we will not slow down the calamities until our people truly repent.

10. The Stake President asked the people to read D&C 88:119-126. This was an inspired scripture:

Verse 121:

"Therefore, cease from all your light speeches, from all laughter, from all your lustful desires, from all your pride and light-mindedness, and from all your wicked doings."

11. Were our people to ponder this verse, we would confirm to them the great need to repent of all their wicked doings and to turn unto us. We would bring to their minds the specific attitudes and actions they need to drop and eliminate from their lives. We need a pure and holy people, and cannot work with them as closely as we wish unless they are more purified and clean before us.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message! While she was speaking, the lightning, thunder and rain became intense in my area on earth! Our skylight was being pelted with lots of rain! I was very glad for the rains to put out the fires that remained. I wonder if flooding will occur?

I then closed my prayer while in my home, for when my Heavenly Mother ended speaking, I was disconnected from their presence in heaven. I was more consumed with the heavy rains we were receiving on earth. My wife and I soon went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 3, 2018, Wednesday

1. The rains stopped by the time we went to bed last night. It didn't last very long, so I would be surprised if there was any flooding. I am sure we'll have some puddles here and there, however.

This morning I came to heaven for my morning prayer. I came to the shores of Lake Beautiful, just at the point where the little stream exited down the hill to the east. I faced the lake and knelt, asking my Heavenly Parents to come.

My Heavenly Parents both came again in front of me. They looked serious. They asked me to come between them again, like I did last night. I arose and came between them, facing the little stream below us that flowed east down the hillside.

We were then instantly above a mountain lake somewhere on the earth. I didn't know where we were.

2. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, if the people won't repent of their worldly ways, we have no recourse but to afflict their lives so that they will awaken to call upon us in humility!'

We were above the lake in the air about ten feet up above the water. Suddenly there was a very strong earthquake! I could see the water start to jostle back and forth and then a large fissure in the land opened up, right into the lake! The water quickly exited down the fissure into lands below us!

3. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we would not direct our holy angels to command these earthquakes and flash floods to come on the land if our people were humble and repented of their wayward ways. We will have a humble and pure people who will establish the foundations of Zion. The current rhetoric of the leaders of the church in your area, about becoming a Zion people, is more in their own thoughts than in reality. We will create Zion in our own way, and we will have a humble and pure people from the start. Until the elect of God repent individually, and turn from their worldly ways, we will not stay the calamities on the earth!'

4. I then was instantly kneeling again at the shores of Lake Beautiful! Everything was calm and serene around me. I was alone and my morning prayer had ended.

I was left to ponder the message from last night and this morning: the elect on the earth need to humble themselves and turn from their sins and worldly ways! They need to petition God to help them turn from distractions and habits that keep them from being pure and clean before God!

I knew that General Conference was coming up in a few days this weekend. I wonder if this message to repent from God will come out from the talks of any of the general authorities or I wonder if they will speak on how well we as a people are doing? We will see. I started my day.

5. In the evening– This evening I came to the circling waters. I came to the bench and sat for while. It was still light outside. I drank some living water and was clarified, leaving my worldly cares behind. I then knelt and prayed facing the mountain stream to the south. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came from my left, walking down a path near the stream. She turned and walked in the air over the circling waters. She came right in front of me!

6. She spoke:

'Raphael, you notice that I am happy, with light and love shining from my countenance. I have a large smile and happy eyes! I could worry about so many things, but I don't allow myself to do so. I have perfect control of all my thoughts that create my emotions.

7. You talked to your sister K today. She said she sometimes had a hard time controlling a downward spiral of worry. This is hard to learn to control, particularly if what you see in a grown child is so far removed from how you think they should act! Worry and fretting often begin because there are maybe innocent children involved, or loss of property or what you may suppose is wrong. These are all very real concerns.

8. However, even with all of these possibilities, we as your Heavenly Parents want our grown children to have full choice to do as they wish, within their normal life spans on earth. We even allow our children to torture and kill each other, or to do all varieties of evil or sinister acts. There are usually the innocent that take the abuse or have their lives in upheaval.

9. Even with all of these actions, we still allow all our children to do as they choose! We have allowed Satan and his very evil hosts to perpetrate lies, deceptions and temptations of all sorts on our children. We allow all of our children to be tempted and to choose us, their God, or Satan and his trickery. The very purpose of coming to earth is for us to see how our children will live and what they choose in their lives.

10. To prevent a downward spiral of worry, I suggest that you repeat frequently in your mind the following: "This person is an adult and may choose as he/she wishes. I have no control over their behavior, only my own", or words to that effect. Also pray to us, your Heavenly Parents, for help, and we will send you comfort and more light and love. We certainly understand, for this has been hard in the past for us to manage on our earth also. We will console and strengthen you as you come unto us for help.

11. There is often a marked change when your young children are in your home to when they emerge as adults and strike out on their own. They sometimes choose dramatically different directions than you orchestrated and controlled in your family. We want to see how they act and what they choose once they have full autonomy and are on their own. This is our plan for each of our beloved children in this mortal probationary state.'

12. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her great advice! I felt enlightened and directed knowing how to act. It will take practice to become fully controlled in my thoughts. Heavenly Mother smiled and started to fade until she was gone. She delivered a very important message tonight I believe. It affects all of us at some point in our lives. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 4, 2018, Thursday

1. I awoke happy and ready to meet a new day. I came this new morning to the pocketed flower wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I am pleased to have such a variety of places in which to pray! I faced the flowers and knelt to pray. I asked my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come. I watched and waited, anticipating one or both of them to come.

To my left I saw some light and heard someone talking. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in front of me from the mountain forest, walking between the trees in the air! They were both smiling and seemed very happy.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I spend a lot of moments walking and talking! We stroll through the beautiful areas of our heavenly home. We love being together for all of the eternities we have experienced and those in the future!

3. M.A. asked this question:

What is the hope and faith for those who inherit a telestial or terrestrial glory? Do they have anything to look forward to, or any progression? They seem damned."

Those of our children who attain a glory of a telestial or terrestrial state have chosen that environment by their actions. They have turned from service and the love of others more to concerns over their own well being and enjoyment. They become contented living alone in their private lives, or acting in ways to be independent and single. They may have many friends but they lose having the yearning to share deeply with another. They are content to be alone in their world, maybe sharing with friends. Their connections with others are not as deep as one could experience with a loving spouse.

4. When you had the thought of living in a terrestrial or telestial world that we had previously shown to you in vision, the first thought you had was the yearning to be with your spouse! This enjoyment is only available in celestial glory as a couple God in eternity. This longing for such a sharing and loving marriage relationship as an exalted man and woman is what we all experience who become couple Gods! These feelings are replaced with contentment in being alone for those who are rewarded a lesser glory. They find limited happiness in their world, among friends and activities they do. They still have many social interactions in their situations, only not with a spouse or the deep connection a spouse gives.

5. They are then truly limited in their progression or are damned for all eternity. They have a limited amount of faith and hope, being limited to the life they have chosen. They are happy, however, in their own state, but do not enjoy the fullness of joy that the exalted enjoy. They have no hope for further progression.

6. Our celestial angels in eternity are those who have fully accepted a celestial life, but have chosen never to marry. They therefore act in this state in the eternities. They are very happy in their service to those to whom they are assigned to serve, who are couple Gods in eternity. They do not receive a fullness of joy either, for that only is possible as an exalted man and woman, sealed together in eternity and ordained as a couple God. (Note: This entry has been modified by Heavenly Father in post 113, paragraph D15).

7. We who are your Heavenly Parents are filled with joy in being together! We love bearing children and raising them, guiding those who respond back to us, and rewarding them according to their wants and desires. We are the most thrilled when our children choose to act and become even as we are! These are our elect, our obedient and faithful children who yearn to be even as we are. They grow and transition in their marriage to a very deep and sharing, trusting relationship. They share their highest joys together in eternity!'

8. I immediately told my Father and Mother the following:

'My Heavenly Parents, I yearn for this close relationship with my wife D! I love to be with her now and have faith and hope our relationship will continue to grow and flourish into the eternities! I yearn so much to enjoy the eternal life I see in both of you!'

Both of my Heavenly Parents then extended their hands and pulled me up from my kneeling position. They pulled me close to themselves, in a group embrace that filled me with assurance that I would attain all I hoped for!

9. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, you will attain all that you desire! We will reward all our faithful who similarly yearn for such a happy state as we enjoy! This is our great work, our greatest joy and happiness, in helping our elect children become even as we are!'

I then felt myself traveling back to my conscious self in my room praying. I experienced great faith and hope for a glorious future! I yearn to become even as my Gods are now! What a wonderful life this will be!

10. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis. It has been raining off and on in my area on earth, so I was happy when I felt the prompting to come here tonight where it is dry and warm.

I came next to the water on the shore and knelt on the sand. There was a warm breeze from the south. I then asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother appeared to me immediately, above the water's edge! She was smiling and there was a warm glow about her!

11. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, your wife attended a session of qigong today. This is a very ancient method of accessing light matter and in a controlled way clearing the meridians and organs so they function well together. Your wife wanted you to learn this energy procedure. However, we are having you use our power in healing by being our conduit for healing. This is a much more direct and powerful procedure, used by the Gods, in healing our children. Our healing angels have access to this power as we direct.

12. There are so many varied healing techniques available in your world, created by those healers who have been blessed with a natural gift they developed and were blessed with in the premortal world. Our healing angels have many healing gifts also that they have developed. However, we wish them to act as conduits of our power to heal. This necessitates that they are in tune enough to hear our voice so they can perform one of our Godly healing gifts. We wish each to be open to hear and then act as our conduit of healing.

13. You had a discussion this morning with your wife about the power of emotions. Emotions, like thoughts, are energy and have no substance. However, they may be coupled with light or love matter to become very tangible and powerful.

14. It is good that you have been reviewing your current post as your sister types it up. We are also glad that you review the other many posts that have been published and are available on your website. We want you to be more familiar with all we have revealed to you so that our revelations become part of your full conscious understanding. They have been coming very fast, so reviewing them is necessary!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me tonight. I love how she and Heavenly Father comment about events that happened to me during the day. This shows how close they are and how much they care about me! Heavenly Mother then vanished and I knew my prayer was over. I ended my prayer and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 5, 2018, Friday

1. Today we are planning on going to Bryce Canyon as a family. We have plans to leave early afternoon and return tomorrow. I hope it isn't too chilly and rainy. We will have fun anyway, being together.

This morning I came to the young mountain forest to the northwest of the circling waters. I came into the forest and stopped by the horizontal log. I knelt there next to the log. I saw that the leaves of the trees were changing, like happens in fall in my area on earth. It was a very pretty fall time here in heaven, with lots of colorful and bright leaves on the forest floor already! I do love fall!

I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched. Then from further west in the forest my Heavenly Parents came, walking and talking together! They came up the path that came right to me! They stopped at the log and then looked at me, smiling.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me in my thoughts:

'Raphael, we are always glad to come to you when you pray to us in faith! Your Heavenly Mother mentioned last night that emotions are energies like thoughts, but may be combined with light or love matter to give them more tangible substance. We may also combine strong negative emotions with light matter, which give our emotions a warning or danger emphasis. The light matter is also named truth, and doesn't always have to be associated with light, happy emotions. If there is an imminent danger, we may send a strong and urgent warning of fear, coupled with light matter, to our child. This would come with strength and awaken them to their danger. If we didn't send it along with light matter, it would not be nearly as strong and our child may not feel an urgency to act quickly.

3. You also talked together yesterday with your wife about qigong's concept that at the moment of conception, when the sperm fertilizes the egg within a woman, there are twelve gates that immediately are created. This is true. The premortal spirit comes inside the sperm during intercourse and seeks for an egg to fertilize. When it comes in contact with the egg it starts the process of creating new life. There are twelve open gates, or chakras, that immediately are established in the fertilized egg. This is then the start of a new life inside the mother! The spirit is able to align its own premortal spirit chakral energies with the twelve gates and then grow inside the mother's womb as a newly formed fetus.

4. We have diligently trained our premortal spirits on the sequences of growth within the womb as a new fetus. All has been practiced and learned in detail prior to coming to the mortal experience. We had our spirit children practice doing this with simulated experiences in the future. They were able to experience in a visionary state when they would actually be growing in a mother's womb. This we allowed, using our gift of foresight, so that our premortal children would be assured of a successful growth experience in the womb. We also allowed them to practice, even while in their premortal state, the birth process so that they would know how to work together with their future mortal mother in their future birth.

5. Our female spirits were also given practice experience in the birth process, all to be done in a future day. When they felt assured that they knew the process, we allowed them to come to earth. All of our premortal children learned the details of growing their new bodies in the womb, and then growing their bodies once they would be born as a new infant. They had practiced all of this and knew the process well. Our future mothers also knew the process of growing a new fetus in their womb, and how to birth their new future babies. This was all learned in the premortal life!

6. We began this extensive training once Satan and his hosts who followed him had departed our presence in heaven. All of our children had agreed to come to earth for a mortal experience. This was their choice, to follow our plan for their future growth and probation. We allowed each one to practice these skills of controlling their future mortal bodies in detail until they were all comfortable in doing so. We did this by the power of God, which is in us, in seeing into the future day when they would come to earth. Their experiences in training for this future day were repeated as often as they needed until they were fully trained. The training not only was for the birth process, but for every function of their future physical bodies that was to be performed. This included such functions as operating the body systems (nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, etc.) and the functions of each physical body organ and body part. For instance, our premortal children aligned their premortal spirit heart with that of their future physical heart they experienced in a vision in the future. They felt and practiced what was necessary in the alignment and function of these body parts prior to coming to earth. We didn't allow them to come to earth until they became very proficient in all of these newly established skills.

7. You see, Raphael, that once our premortal spirit children were born into mortality, they knew how to operate fully their new growing body! They had learned in detail how to do this. Once they came to earth, we shrouded the section of their minds that performed all of these functions. This veil of forgetfulness came over their unconscious mind. They still knew how to do all of what they had learned for their spirit had learned very well. Their spirit thus controlled all of their body functions and became their autonomic body system. The conscious portion of their mind then became a clean slate for recording mortal memories and thoughts. Their base intelligence flourished in their new mortal body, acting in its new environment and choosing what it desired. This was the perfect setup for our beloved children for their mortal experience on earth!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear explanation of a very important training period of our premortal spirits. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for this elaborate training we each received! I felt so amazed by this entire process.

I then knew my time was completed in prayer. I thanked them again and told them how much I loved them. They each smiled back to me and then continued on their walk down the path I had come from. I got up and started my new day.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 6, 2018, Saturday

1. I had a short prayer last night and this morning at the circling waters. Heavenly Mother came to me both times saying she was happy that I was so enjoying my family. She said I would receive no revelations while on our short trip. I thanked her for her love and consideration! She was very warm and accepting!

2. Evening– I came to heaven tonight to the circling waters again. It felt great to be there again, anticipating communing again with my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother or both.

I knelt by the circling water's edge, kneeling on the grassy area looking south. I drank some water from the stream and then felt clear. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come. I waited.

Heavenly Father soon came, gradually appearing before me above the water! He was majestic and serene looking–his eyes were soft towards me and I immediately felt very accepted before him. He wore a white, full-length robe that glowed softly. His personage was more brilliant than his robe. He wore a scarlet-red sash around his waist, with the excess fabric flowing on his left side.

3. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, I am glad you and your wife and two children enjoyed a nice overnight trip together! We created the earth upon which you stand many epochs of time before our children came on her surface. We prepared all things for the advent of man. The history record is accurately recorded in the layered rocks that you saw in part in Bryce Canyon. We have created great beauty over the process of time in places like Bryce Canyon, all for the enjoyment of our children. We have provided such a beautiful earth wherever you go!

4. Raphael, you have been wondering recently about how impressionable young children are. We expect their parents to care for and cherish them. Most cultures in the world promote this and train their children in their same ways.

You and your loving wife have diligently trained your own children. They have fully believed what you taught them. Then in the lives of some of the younger ones, they experienced trauma and hardships. As they have turned to the church, family and friends who should have been more understanding and accepting, they have many times felt rejected. This has created trauma that has shaken their world and the moorings you have taught them. You and your wife have also been deeply shakened.

5. We understand all of this and are very accepting and non-judging of your and your loved ones. Because of these events, they have separated to varying degrees from the LDS church. Some have questioned the existence of a God. The teachings of how to live in peace with others that you and your wife have taught them will continue to help guide them through their lives. There will be many of the current generations on the earth that will be shaken in their religious and family moorings, as have you and your family. When interfacing with them, always be accepting and non-judging of their actions. There will be many among these that will become the elect of God! Their path back to us will be strewn with hardship, abandonment, heartache, distress, and a host of difficult emotions. These experiences will create deep trauma in their souls that may cause them difficulty in repenting and turning unto us, their loving and accepting Gods. We will send you and our healing angels to act as our conduits for healing them of the emotional trauma they will have experienced. We can help them in removing their emotional scars. They will be in a better state to repent and come unto our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ and us, their Heavenly Parents.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words he shared with me. I thanked him that I understood a little of the rejection of others that contributes to trauma in his children. I said I am always eager to help as a conduit those with emotional scars. I will always strive to be loving and accepting to all of God's children!

Heavenly Father smiled and asked me to rise. I stood and we turned and walked up into the heavenly sky. I don't know what we talked about, but I think it was relating to the many elect that will soon experience trauma in their lives.

I came back to my earthly state, my conscious awareness. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and got ready for bed.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 7, 2018, Sunday

1. Last night after my prayer I got on my computer to see if there were any changes announced at conference from the LDS Church. I read all about the new 2-hour church change with the added emphasis on teaching in the home. I felt it all looked great. It looked like a systemized way to shift to more gospel teaching in the home. It looked like more emphasis on holding family home evenings, and more emphasis on scripture study in the family.

I then came to bed before my wife. I knelt by the side of my bed and came to the circling waters in heaven. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, the last deity I had talked to. I knelt by the circling waters and addressed him in prayer.

I told him all about what I read online concerning the new 2 hour block at church and the re-emphasis on teaching in the home.

Heavenly Father came! I looked into his face, into his eternity eyes. I asked if he or Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ were behind these changes, or had inspired any of these new changes starting 2019.

2. Heavenly Father responded to me:

'Raphael, my son, we have not inspired the current prophet and apostles in any of these new changes that you have read about in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are initiating these changes strictly on their own. There have been prayers they have made to us, but we never did connect with them nor inspire them, although they claim this has been the case.

3. We answer the humble, repentant soul who petitions us in the openness of their heart. These leaders of the church have not done this. Instead, they have followed their directions from man, and have made it all look like their works are from us, their God.

Had they truly repented and had they been directed from us, their Gods, they would have not emphasized programs, but had addressed the great need to repent and change the ways of their membership. The message we would have wanted them to address were already given to you this past week.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message! I told him I felt inadequate in leading the people at times, even though I had received so many revelations, even daily from him and Heavenly Mother.

4. Heavenly Father then spoke again. I saw his face before me with much more clarity as he spoke again to me:

'Raphael, you are our holy angel in the flesh! We will continue to inspire you as you humbly approach us in an open spirit and mind. We have rejected the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for they have rejected us. We have chosen you to bring forth many of our revelations at this time and to bring about our strange work and strange acts in these last days!' (see Isaiah 28:21)

I looked into his firm and deep eternity eyes! I knew he spoke the truth of what he, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, were planning on doing. I thanked him humbly and asked for added strength for me to do and write what they revealed to me.

I then confirmed that I could write this all down in the morning, for I was tired and ready for bed. I immediately went to sleep.

5. In the morning–I wrote all of the above of what had come to me last night while kneeling next to my bed. I am now ready to pray this morning in my adjacent room.

I came to the celestial world this morning at the desert oasis. I am feeling clear and ready to connect with God and to hear and record the revelations I may receive, if any. I feel completely open to their words. I knelt by the shore of the oasis, drank from living water, and then raised my hands above my head. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

I then saw a cloud form to my right and my Heavenly Mother came walking to me along the shore! She stood by the side of me and extended her hand. I arose, took her hand, and we continued walking around the desert oasis on the shore.

5. She began to convey to me her directed thoughts:

'Raphael, there will be a lot of excitement about the new program announced in conference yesterday morning from President Russell M. Nelson. Today in conference there will be many who pledge support to their prophet and leader. They will bear testimony that by following him they will find safety and protection.

Our people in this church will then need to decide whether they believe what their leaders say to them. They will feel the spirit of the conference and of these leaders. Many will follow their leaders and join their voices in proclaiming they too believe and support President Russell M. Nelson as a prophet of God.

6. However, we will not endorse him as a prophet of God, for we have rejected this church as our Church of Jesus Christ. I will testify of truth, as the Holy Ghost, as I have always done, wherever it may come from. However, I will not witness that President Nelson is our chosen prophet.

There is a subtle difference of the spirit of the conference that you will listen to today and our Spirit. It is not the Spirit of God, but that of man and of devils who feign to act as if they were of God. There will be lots of emotion too that may masquerade the true Spirit that we give. Try to discern the difference in any session of this conference you may listen to.

7. Most of our elect in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will join the majority in praising the prophet and the leaders for this new program change. However, if they were to humbly and sincerely ask of God, with an openness of heart, we would reveal to them from our Spirit differently. If they have ears to hear and the strength to stand on their own, they may be able to feel and understand the truth we reveal to them.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words! I am so pleased to receive these truths from God and not man! I do not premeditate anything, but only record what comes to me. I feel uplifted and I see God as he/she talks to my soul! What a great blessing I have received!

Heavenly Mother and I arrived back at the point where we started walking around the desert oasis. She let go of my hand, smiled at me and then ascended into the heavenly sky! I was left standing. I then knelt again and thanked her for coming this morning! I concluded my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my Sabbath day.

8. During morning conference–I was listening to President Russell M. Nelson's morning talk, about using the full name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I listened and tried to feel whether he was acting under the Spirit of God. I felt he wasn't, but I liked his words. I then asked in my mind if I could ask Jesus Christ himself. I then saw in my mind the face, the eternity eyes of Jesus Christ! He was so tender and compassionate!

9. He then spoke:

'Raphael, I did not inspire President Nelson's remarks about the name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am not offended if people call it by some other name, like a nickname, for it is no longer my church. My Church of Christ will soon be restored again upon the earth to replace the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

10. President Nelson said he was impressed by me to correct the name to come back in alignment with the name of the church that I had named. However, in time you will see that this was a clever trick of the adversary, even Lucifer, to make it look like this is truly my beloved church, when in reality we who are your Gods have rejected it. Satan will continue to inspire by degrees the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and eventually gain more control of the people and lead them away from me, their true God.'

I thanked my Savior for his words to me. I saw him smile and then vanish. This concluded the morning session for me.

11. In the evening– I have a great desire to hear from my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I had heard from all three Gods–Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ in the past 24 hours, all on the status of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Tonight I came to the top of the granite cliff at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced the distant temple to the west and knelt. I then asked in faith for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

I then saw a beam of light coming from the temple. Then both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in the beam of light, standing next to each other. They wore matching robes and scarlet-red sashes. They were smiling and were happy with me, for I could tell they accepted me as I was. Their eternity eyes were deep and all knowing! I felt completely exposed to them and they shined forth their great love to me. I looked into their eyes, anticipating hearing what they wanted to share with me. I was completely open with no idea what they would say.

12. Heavenly Father spoke first:

'Raphael, we are pleased in how you are open and respond so well to our inspiration. After conference, you were musing over President Russell M. Nelson's role in our last days events. The thought came to you that he was a prophet, only a false prophet, based on all we had said to you.

13. We wish our people would follow the admonition of John found in 1 John 4:1:

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

14. However, the members of the church now very rarely try the spirits of men and women. Instead, they believe that the prophet, or the combined voice of the twelve apostles, cannot lead the people astray. They rely on promises repeated by many of the recent presidents of the church. President Wilford Woodruff said "the Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as president of the Church to lead you astray. It is not in the program. It is not in the mind of God." (see Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, p. 212-213).

15. This statement was made in error, for we will allow any man who aspires to any leadership position to lead his constituents, if they are willing to follow him, whether in any religious organization or any other. We fiercely adhere to the agency of man, and let all men choose what they wish. This is true also in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

16. There are some among the leadership and the members who believe God cannot remove them out of their place, because of promises that have been made by previous leaders. This too is in error. We will allow a leader, who may be a false prophet, to lead the people astray if the members don't try the spirit of that man. They need to try his spirit by asking humbly of God whether he be a true prophet or not. They need to ask in faith, being open to the Spirit and prepared to act on what we reveal.

17. We have clearly told you that we no more inspire the current leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since President Nelson, the First Presidency, and the Twelve Apostles claim otherwise, they are not revealing the truth. In this way they are preaching falsehoods, claiming something that we do not give to them. They are all therefore false prophets, for they are leading the people astray, not having our authority or our inspiration. They teach their own doctrine, or those of previous leaders or from scriptures. Without our continual guidance, they will in not many years have established many more programs and doctrines of their own making.

18. The thought you had this afternoon that President Russell M. Nelson is a false prophet was given to you from me, in anticipation of what I wanted to speak to you about tonight.

You also wondered if he was the false prophet spoken of in the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 16:13, 19:20, and 20:10). We are not prepared to reveal who this man will be as yet. In our due time, we will reveal to you who this will be.

19. Our admonition to all is to try the spirits, and continually verify who speaks our words! Seek your own revelation, which is a firm foundation.

They both smiled. Heavenly Father looked calm and very assured as he spoke to me. I felt convinced that I had heard him correctly and had correctly written his words down in my journal. I hope all who read this will also ask to verify if I speak the truth from God the Father or not!

20. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, you have written your Father's words correctly. This is our word to you. None should rely on you or any other man or woman in the way our saints rely on their leaders. Brigham Young said this well in 1862:

"I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of the leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken that influence they could give their leaders, did they know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in the right way. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not. This has been my exhortation continually."
(Journal of Discourses 9:150)

21. Raphael, I witness to all truth, being the personage of the Holy Ghost among my children on the earth. I will witness to you and to every open and humble son or daughter, the truthfulness of all things. However, my children need to sincerely ask the Father, in the name of our Beloved Son, and then I will witness to them. If they never ask, I do not generally witness, for I allow them to continue in whatever course they are in without my witness and revelation.

22. Many feel that because so many others believe and bear testimony of the prophet, that he is a true prophet, that it must therefore be true. This is a false notion. We also have given as a truth that each must come unto us, their God, and then we will reveal the truth to them directly. These are our precious children, seeking the truth! We will not let them go astray if they will inquire diligently of us, their God, as we have prescribed!'

I looked into the sober eyes of both of my Heavenly Parents. They spoke truth to me! It rang so true!

I thanked them for the clearness of their words. I asked that I be given strength to act in all that they may require of me. I said I loved them so deeply and would always remember them and keep their commandments.

They both smiled, looked at each other and then turned. The column of light then reappeared and they passed into the light and returned to their glorious temple to the west. This concluded my evening prayer tonight. I next got ready to sleep and start another week.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 8, 2018, Monday

1. I reread my sobering words I wrote last night during my prayer. I would have never thought that I would record such things! I am not one to seek to label another as a false leader, or in any way to elevate myself. My record stands as a silent witness of the revelations I received. Each man or woman who reads it will have to determine for himself or herself whether I speak the truth. I am not responsible for their choice, for they need to find out for themselves.

I came to the maple tree grove this morning near the Great Assembly Hall. I first came to the shores of Lake Beautiful and drank some living water. I felt very clear and even transparent before God whom I trusted would soon come to me as I prayed.

I retreated back into the grove of mature maple trees and knelt facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother then suddenly appeared at the shore of the lake and walked into the grove of trees where I was kneeling. She soon was standing in front of me! She was smiling and had a bright glow of light around her.

2. She spoke:

'Raphael, we are pleased with what you have written this weekend. It will take our children courage to go against the flow of opinion they will likely feel from family and friends when they inquire of us about what you have written. We will confirm the truth to them. Many live in families and areas where there are many good members of the church. Our purposes include that each of our children inquire of themselves what to believe in. We will guide each one who humbly and openly comes unto us in prayer.

3. Today I would like to address another topic. You have read recently about the history of Bryce Canyon, and some of the lives of people who lived in that area over one hundred years ago. They lived in a very different era. Even the church they attended was drastically different than the church of today. Their world was so different than your modern world of today.

4. We love the variety of change in your current world, and have orchestrated events here and there to create your modern society. In the millennium, people will live in righteous ways in an even more technically advanced society. There will continue to be advancements after a time of transition. However, whether we have our children live in pioneer times or in an advanced society, the basic tests and trials of mortality will still be met. We watch our beloved children, seeing what they do and how they treat each other. We are very pleased when there is kindness and love in all of their interactions. The light from heaven then pours down upon them and they are greatly blessed!

5. The greatest advancements in the millennial day will not be in technology, but in the increased light and love that will change the hearts and minds of our children. There will come a very open society, one of acceptance for all and great love for each other. This is the greatest advancement we love to witness!

6. We will spread forth a great peace among all nations of the earth. Satan and his minions will be bound and there will be a very happy people! Each one will know us, their God, to a much higher level than exists in your darkened world today. Because the love of God abounds, this will truly be a day of rest and peace! It will be very rare for people to trick or deceive another. Instead, there will be a godly and advanced society where the people will serve each other and look out for those that may be in need.

7. We desire our faithful, even now with the sinful society around them, to act in love, respect, and to seek to serve one another. We will bless those who reflect our light and love to those around them. This will gradually change the world for the better, one person at a time. We will bless, protect and prosper those who are our elect in these troubled times!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother. She was smiling and I think she was reflecting on that beautiful millennial era of peace and love.

She then started to rise up into the trees and into the sky above! I watched until she was gone. I thanked her in my mind for her beautiful message. I too yearn for the day of peace and love! I then closed my prayer and started a new week."