67. How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?
Posted 1-26-2018
Hello my dear angel friends!
This entry has evolved into a very long post. I am amazed at how much information I receive these days! I am so grateful for my sister who faithfully types all of this up from my handwritten journal scans!
You will want to deeply think and pray about what I have received in this post. It starts with a deeply touching experience on Lake Beautiful, in committing the Refugees of Lucifer to help the elect of God. After this, I talk about spending time in Portland, Oregon visiting with my aging mother, my sister K and other family members. I blessed every angel in the celestial realms of heaven that week! You may want to pray about your specific blessing.
The remainder of the post deals with my role as Raphael, and the newly reorganized leadership of the LDS Church. Please read all the way to the end of this post, for you will need to see how this concludes. Pray to our Heavenly Parents, seeking their detailed confirmations of all I received. This is so very important!
Finally, please let me know how you feel about all of this! I love to hear from you, and consider you dear friends. Heavenly Mother also asked me to ask each one to confirm again your commitment to them and the directions they give me (see journal entry on 1-19-2018). If you have problems with this, please let me know.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 9, 2018 Tuesday
1. I had another unique prayer last night. I got to bed after midnight and was pretty tired. I felt to pray again in the maple tree grove in heaven. When I did so, I felt I heard and saw Heavenly Father on the steps leading towards the Great Assembly Hall. He was beckoning me to come to him. I got off my knees and came to him and knelt before him. Heavenly Mother was not there.
2. Heavenly Father asked me to stand and turn towards Lake Beautiful. I did so and saw a vast multitude of people covering the entire lake area! I also saw people on the shores and lands on either side of the lake. Heavenly Father said these were the people of Enoch, all of the resurrected that came forth at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the vast assembly of the Refugees of Lucifer! They were intermingled together and extended as far as the eye could see. Heavenly Father told me he wanted me to address them all!
3. I then lost track of what happened next last night in my prayer! I was very tired and felt it was good that I go to bed.
I awoke a little before 8:00 AM and came into the adjacent room to pray. I came right to the steps again leading into the Great Assembly Hall. Heavenly Father was there before me again. He asked me to stand with him and turn around.
I saw again the vast multitudes before me. Heavenly Father was on my right back side and told me to speak to this assembly of people.
4. I then raised my hands above my head, in order to let all know I was about to speak! I didn't know what I would say. I felt Heavenly Father was not visible to this group, only to me at that time, on the steps leading to the hall, more elevated than the people in front of me. Here are the words I felt I said to them, as these words came to me from my unconscious mind:
'My name is Raphael, an archangel of God who has responsibility before God in these last days. I have addressed many of you before in the past, in the Great Assembly Hall behind me. However, we are now very great. You have therefore been asked to come in the area in front of the steps leading to the entrance of the hall, over the area on Lake Beautiful. I know each of you can hear and see me before you, even though you are so many!
5. The reason we have you all assembled is to ask you to help us in our great effort in saving and rescuing the elect of God on the earth in mortality. We have already committed those of you who are resurrected and those who are translated. You have willingly assisted the remainder of you, the refugees from Lucifer, who have recently turned to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. You have assembled in the area to my left, behind the fir forest. There you have been strengthened and healed by these others who are with you before me today, plus all of the holy angels of God. We all have blessed you in releasing the trauma from your subjugation to Lucifer. You are now free and a happy people!

6. Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, has blessed you as a group also to being able to return to your former stature as premortal spirits. You have been promised to be able to come forth in the millennial day in the future, to receive a body of flesh and blood, and to be able to move forward in your eternal progression. You were assured that you would not be required to interact with Lucifer or his hosts in the future. God didn't want to open up again the trauma of your experiences from the past.
7. We are now on the verge of experiencing many calamities on the earth, more than has ever occurred at the same time. These difficulties are being brought forth to cleanse the world of sin and wickedness on her surface, and to awaken the elect of God. As the elect awaken, they will come in large numbers to Jesus Christ, who will receive them and redeem them, cleansing them from sin. They then will be brought to places of relative safety in a troubled world. Our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have called many servants to help them in the world, to be taught, to be led to safe places away from the terrors of evil, and to ultimately come to the land of Zion, the New Jerusalem.
8. God now wants you, who are the recent Refugees of Lucifer, to assist us in our efforts in blessing these elect on the earth! The Father and Mother do not want you to be exposed to Satan and his hosts again, but to work from this celestial world we are now located. Here is how our Heavenly Parents have instructed me how this will happen:
9. Those who are assembled here who are resurrected and translated, will bring the elect of God to Lake Beautiful. These elect are those who have turned to Jesus and been accepted by him. This peaceful lake will be a place of healing and strengthening for them. They will be brought in their unconscious replicated selves to this area. Here you will minister to them and teach them, as you have recently been lovingly ministered to yourselves. These rescued elect will be in great need, similar to how needy you were when you came to the area behind the fir forest. Your service to these needy souls will be invaluable in their lives on earth! Many will not be aware of your service, but they will know God is comforting them and blessing them with peace and love. In reality, you will be succoring their spirits from heaven!
10. I wish all of you who are the Refugees of Lucifer to rise up in the air, a little higher than the surface of Lake Beautiful where you are standing. If you agree with this request of our Heavenly Parents, then bow your heads and say "yes"!'
At that time, there was a movement over the lake and a resounding "yes!" came forth across the waters!
I then spoke again:
'Thank you for your commitment to serve God and the elect on the earth who will soon be rescued! Please remain in your positions above the surface of the lake.
I will now conclude by giving you a blessing of comfort from our Heavenly Parents. All of the holy angels will come above you, the Refugees of Lucifer, during this blessing, and will convey to you this blessing of light and love.'

12. At that time, all of the holy angels came in the skies above the vast multitude. They spread themselves out so as to be over all the assembly. I then raised my two hands high and pronounced a blessing. As I did so, I saw my Heavenly Father on my right side, and my Heavenly Mother on my left side, both come visibly before me elevated in the air. They were visible to the vast group on either side of me. Bright light beams came from them through me, then to all the holy angels and then to the vast multitude. The light beams extended to each committed soul of the Refugees of Lucifer. It was amazing, like a brilliant display of light and love extending over Lake Beautiful!
13. Here are the words of the blessing:
'My fellow servants, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer of all mankind, I bless you this day in the power of God the Father and God the Mother. I bless you through the power also of the holy angels who relay the light and love of our Heavenly Parents to you. I bless you to seek this same light, love and power of God when you seek to comfort and bless those you will serve who come to you. It will be by this power from our Heavenly Parents that you will bless these needy souls. Seek to God in humble prayer and you will be greatly magnified in your service. Act with compassion, understanding and love in all you do. You have been under the bonds of subjugation from your previous master, Lucifer, and know how severe and painful the trauma may be! Those whom you succor, who are brought to you at these waters at Lake Beautiful, will be in great need. Their lives will likely be in great turmoil. Many will have nothing, and they may have faced rejection and ridicule. Bless them in your service with understanding hearts. If they need a priesthood blessing, seek those who have power to administer this. Cheer them with your happy countenances; lift from them their heavy burdens and discouraged hearts; seek to know what you may specifically do to strengthen and bless them so that they may deeply feel the love and comfort of God.
14. You will act as the angels of God, behind the scenes, and not visible to those you uplift. Your work will be in these celestial realms, with deep impact upon those receiving your kindness and love.
God bless you, my fellow laborers in this great battle for the souls of men and women! Amen!'
I lowered my hands to my sides. The holy angels seemed to linger above the beautiful lake and then the angels all broke out in anthems of praise to God! It was so moving and magnificent to me!
15. When they were finished singing, I asked Oriphiel, the sixth male archangel, who was present, to offer a closing prayer. He prayed to our Heavenly Parents who were still behind me, a little elevated in the air.
When he concluded, the entire group dispersed. The holy angels left to their work on the earth, the resurrected and translated servants left to their stations, and the 800+ million of the Refugees of Lucifer went to their area behind the fir forest.
I was left alone with my Heavenly Parents behind me. I turned and deeply thanked them for showing me this amazing experience today in the celestial world at Lake Beautiful!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 10, 2018 Wednesday
1. I have just now read over my journal entries from Monday and Tuesday of this week. I have felt the truth of what I wrote. I was particularly moved with confirmation and emotion of the truth about the great event I recorded yesterday. I feel so grateful to have experienced and recalled this great event with the Refugees of Lucifer and the other servants of God!
2. This morning I came to the fountain of living water and drank three times. I then walked to the temple of God nearby, and came into the main level, down the hall and then to the last room on the right. This is the mortal probation chapel. I entered and went to the back wall where there is the fourth vision mural, depicting the last days' events prior to the glorious second return of Jesus Christ. I knelt before the mural and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.
They soon came, for I heard the door open and shut. I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walk back near me and face me. They were between the mural and me, a little elevated in the air. They were both smiling and filled with light!
3. I addressed them, seeking their guidance in my current mortal life. I sought to confirm the great event that I saw yesterday at Lake Beautiful. I asked for them to speak to me if they desired. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, the great event of committing the Refugees of Lucifer to serve us in helping comfort the elect of God happened just as you recorded it in your journal. We are very pleased that they have joined our ranks in serving the elect!
4. We are glad that you are traveling to be with your mother and siblings in Portland tonight. We will be with you as you bless your sister, K. There are many others that you will also bless in the celestial realms above this week, that we have asked you to do. As these angels desire, they may come unto us and receive information from us on the specific blessing you gave them. We will inspire you in giving each blessing.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I had forgotten momentarily that I was giving many blessings to all of the holy angels. I then re-read my journal entry for 1-8-2018.
5. Heavenly Father then spoke to me next:
'Raphael, stand and come between us, your Heavenly Parents. We will then turn and look together on the vision mural behind us!'
I stood and came between my Heavenly Parents. We turned and looked on the vision mural. Here is what I saw: We saw again the event at Lake Beautiful with the Refugees of Lucifer and others that I recorded yesterday. It was very inspiring! I especially enjoyed the anthem sung by the holy angels when they were above Lake Beautiful!
6. I then saw much of the year 2018, and how these Refugees of Lucifer helped the elect at Lake Beautiful. I saw that the resurrected and translated servants brought the replicated spirits of the newly converted and awakened elect of God to the area of Lake Beautiful. There were thousands and thousands spread out over the lake and on the shores of Lake Beautiful.

7. As they were brought, many of the Refugees of Lucifer came around each one. They seemed to know exactly what to do in strengthening and comforting these needy replicated spirits. Some of these seemed to gently embrace or stroke these in loving ways. Others communicated with their spirits to convey uplifting feelings of assurance, acceptance and love. Others were kneeling, seeking light to come to these needy elect from the presence of God the Father and Mother. I saw that these combined efforts were miraculous in boosting the well being of the elect of God who had fully aligned themselves with Jesus Christ! When they were sufficiently buoyed up, I saw the resurrected or translated messenger then usher them back to the earth to rejoin their physical body again. I saw also that there were many who returned frequently to Lake Beautiful to be again strengthened. I saw a continual flow of servants and elect, going back and forth for this new restoration of the spirits of the elect in the area at Lake Beautiful!
8. I saw others giving the needy elect cups of living water from the lake. This seemed to be a practice done on each visit. Some even immersed themselves with their elect of God visitor into the lake, in order to receive more cleansing and strengthening.
This was all I was permitted to see at the vision mural today. I felt so very happy to see such loving service from the hands of those who had once been evil and had followed Satan's tactics of deception. The change was miraculous to me!
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this experience with them at the vision mural this morning! I embraced my Heavenly Parents before returning to the earth where I had been writing all of this down. I felt so blessed and uplifted today in my morning prayer!
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 11, 2018 Thursday
1. I arrived in the Portland area late last night. It was so nice to be able to see my sister last night again!
I prayed last night on the airplane and this morning in the entry area of the temple in heaven, near the east wall. I saw my Heavenly Parents come from behind a large fir tree there and stand before me. They were both smiling!
2. This morning Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, enjoy your time visiting your family in Portland. We will give you no major revelations, except the blessing you give your sister and the others in this celestial world. We will be with you always, our son!'
I thanked her and immediately wrote this all down. I am going to breakfast with my mom and K now.
3. Later–I had a wonderful day with my mom and sister K! I ate at mom's independent living home for breakfast and lunch and visited with her alone between. I came to be with K in the afternoon. We had a delightful afternoon together. I gave her a blessing, then drew a plot plan of the celestial world that I know, for K's benefit, then I did the same for the New Jerusalem.
We talked and then I took a nap. Then K did some basic energy work on me. This afternoon has been great!
4. Later, at nighttime prayer–I went to the circling waters tonight in my prayer. After drinking living water, my Heavenly Parents came to me, standing above the waters. I was facing them, from in front of the bench. I gazed on their smiling eyes. I was so pleased to be in their presence!
5. I asked if either of them wanted to speak to me. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, you have given about 20% of the blessings to the holy angels so far and will finish giving these blessings this Sunday, 1/15/2018. Relax on your trip and enjoy your time in Oregon with your extended family. We will continue to be with you!'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I then ended my prayer, wrote this all of this down and went to sleep.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 12, 2018 Friday
1. I had a good sleep and then approached my God at the circling waters in the celestial world. After I gazed on my Heavenly Parents, I felt so pleased to be in their presence again, I shared with them my full heart. I then waited upon God. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are glad you are visiting with your family today. We will continually bless you in your life and be near you always. We will give you no significant revelation while you are occupied with them and visiting.
2. We are pleased also with the blessings you gave your sister, K, and those you continue to give our holy angels. We are inspiring you in giving each one. You are clean and pure before us, Raphael.'
I thanked her for her direction and comforting words. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.
3. Later–at the end of the day: I had just an amazing and happy time visiting with my family! I felt very connected to each one. My sister was such a gracious host, and I loved being with her all day long. I had a great visit with my sister's daughter-in-law and her baby, my brother and his family, and my mom. When I concluded with prayer, I felt the presence and acceptance from my Heavenly Parents–this was the family I came from that I had been given in mortality. I feel so blessed! I felt my Heavenly Parent's mutual acceptance of this great work of visiting family and renewing important ties of love. It was so fulfilling to me!
4. When C came (my sister's daughter-in-law) with her baby R, we had a very choice experience! We started talking about Z, her first child who has passed on. K was also with us. I came and embraced C and she was crying. Z came in the spirit next to us and was also crying. I told C that Z was there and was crying with her mother for joy. I said that little R could see Z, his older sister. It was such a tender moment! I felt great love for C and she for me at that moment we hugged! It was a heavenly moment! It was one of the moments K said we were supposed to do while I was here. I am so glad!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 13, 2018 Saturday
1. I had a non-stop schedule of visiting. I was hoping to visit my nephew and his wife and baby this morning but it didn't work out. Instead, I did some energy work for K, C, her husband T and Z–all before me in their spirits except for K and I. Jesus was behind me, with his hands on my head. We recorded this and I sent it onto K for her to transcribe for T and C. Next month it will be 4 years since Z departed from them. During the blessing, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were at K's feet. K was lying on her back on the padded table she was on. C was in her spirit on K's left. Z was at K's right side. T was standing vertically in the midst of K, holding his wife C's hand and his daughter, Z's hand. C. and Z were holding K's hands, so all four were connected. I was behind K and Jesus was behind me.
2. Anyway, I gave her C a blessing as I felt prompted to do so. I said these past four years were bringing to a close the four years of trauma, suffering and adjustment to living without Z. I assured them that Z was with them daily, acting as a great assistant to bind their wounds and to help them heal.
I closed the blessing and then K took me to the MAX station to head for the Portland airport. I will leave around 1:00 pm and be home by evening.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 14, 2018 Sunday
1. I returned home to a loving wife and son last night. I am so happy to be back home.
Last night and this morning, I prayed at the top of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. It was so peaceful. Both times in prayer I saw myself blessing angels in various places in the celestial world. This morning Heavenly Mother asked me to come and go between them, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. We visited various areas in the celestial world where I was blessing the angels. They had individually chosen where they wanted a blessing. I was replicated, as were Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were at each blessing too! The blessings were a special time for strengthening each holy angel. All were being blessed by the laying on of hands. I knew I had been doing this all week long also. Today was the last day for these blessings.

2. I knew I had given a blessing in my conscious mind to my sister, K and her son T and his wife, C, also healing angels. This was done in my recent trip to Portland. I felt that there probably would be no new revelations today except seeing myself and my Gods giving these blessings to the holy angels. I felt a lot of peace and reverence today in heaven.
3. Later, after church:
My wife and I were invited for dinner after church to our daughter's house, so we went to an LDS church in Provo for sacrament meeting and went to dinner afterwards. It was ward conference in the ward. Pres. Thomas S. Monson had died on 1/2/2018, and his funeral was this last Thursday. Next Tuesday, President Russell M. Nelson, the presiding apostle, is going to announce the new leadership in the LDS church. So at the ward today they sustained general and local officers and read the names of the presiding quorum of the LDS church, the Quorum of the Twelve, for our sustaining. I was caught somewhat off-guard, and didn't sustain anyone. I was wondering what I should do and tried to connect to my God before the sacrament was administered.
4. We sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away" (p. 194, hymnbook). In my mind, I went to the overlook north of the field and river representing Jesus Christ. It was the same field where I recently saw the cave where Jesus was born. I went to the top of this hill where the trail began, where there was a lookout overlook point where you could see the temple and tree of life in the distance. I sang the hymn from the green hill that was far away, from that overlook.
5. The sacrament was blessed and I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents who were not yet before me. When I partook of the bread, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother immediately appeared in front of me in the air above the hill. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
6. 'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made to take upon yourself the name of our Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments. Raphael, you have wondered today whether to sustain President Russell M. Nelson as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the other apostles, as prophets, seers, and revelators. These have all been ordained to the office of an apostle. However, they have rejected our direction and counsel and therefore we have rejected them. They are not prophets, seers and revelators before us who are their Gods. They have lost their priesthood power and the keys of their priesthood. Therefore, it was correct that you did not sustain them in this ward conference today. They are left without God in the world to direct them in their callings and without the needed revelation to direct this church.
7. There is now only one in mortality who is our prophet, seer and revelator and that is you, Raphael! You are the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn comes. There is none else on the earth now, until our prophet Joseph Smith Jr. returns to the earth, to reorganize in the Church of Christ as it was in the beginning of this dispensation. He will call a new prophet and new apostles who will be sustained as prophets, seers and revelators. To these we will speak and direct, and they will hear our voice and keep our commandments!'

8. I then looked into the eyes of my Heavenly Father and then my Heavenly Mother. They were both sober and serious in their appearance. I could tell that they were speaking the truth to me, although I would wish it otherwise.
I bowed my head before them and accepted this heavy and critical role and responsibility! I feel so very humble and inadequate and weak.
This was my experience in the sacrament meeting that I attended today in Provo, Utah.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 15, 2018 Monday
1. This morning I awoke and snuck out to the adjacent room to meditate and pray without waking up my wife. I went to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I had been approached by email by a lady named Judy to do some healing for her. I felt this was the right area to petition God for her healing blessing.
2. I drank the living water in this beautiful lake and felt more clarified. I then returned next to the bench facing south towards the lake. I knelt and petitioned my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. They came to me from a mist over the lake. I gazed into their loving faces. They each were smiling at me and seemed pleased. I love basking in their presence!
3. I opened my prayer this morning, asking if one of them would be willing to bless Judy H., who requested healing, with me acting as her conduit. Heavenly Mother stepped forth and came behind me. At that moment, Judy, whom I have never met, walked up to me from our right and sat on the bench. I greeted her, and then came behind her and placed my hands on her head from behind her. Heavenly Mother then placed her hands on my shoulders behind me. She was a little elevated in the air.
4. Our divine mother then grew brighter and brighter in her light. She then sent that light down her arms and hands into me. I then transmitted the light and healing love from Heavenly Mother to Judy, starting at the top of her head. This tangible light flowed gradually into Judy, moving slowly down her body. I watched and saw it heal and transform her spirit that was before us. As it passed, her spirit changed to a brighter golden hue. It took 5 minutes or so for it to pass all the way to her feet. When done, Heavenly Mother lifted her hands from my shoulders and came again next to our Heavenly Father who was still standing in front of us. I left my hands on Judy's head until all the light had finished flowing from my arms and hands into her.
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke, saying I could share this blessing experience with Judy. She said she healed Judy, to a certain point she (Heavenly Mother) desired, and that Judy would feel the full effects in a few days in her physical body.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have given Judy a God's Loving Healing Hands gift blessing this morning. I thanked her to have been her conduit of healing.
6. I then gazed into the faces of both my Heavenly Parents again. I then could tell Heavenly Father was going to speak:
'Raphael, you have completed blessing every single angel by yesterday evening in our celestial realms. Each one chose where they wished to be blessed. We attended each blessing and inspired you what to say in giving strength and spiritual gifts they would need to best do their work for us in the future. They are all ready now to act in our behalf in performing our work in behalf of the elect of God and in cleansing the world as we direct them.'
7. I felt so grateful to have participated in my replicated self in blessing the angels as God directed me! I felt great peace this morning before my Heavenly Parents. I loved being in their presence! I sought to be filled with their love and light, more and more.
8. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother moved closer to me and extended their arms to touch my head. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, we now finally bless you to act in great power, love and light as you work in our behalf. We will continually be with you as you quickly act and respond to each of our commands and directions. Our work will now ramp up in intensity, now that you and our holy angels have been blessed again. Our previous blessings we gave each angel like this in sequence, was in the domed room when they were all first called as our holy angels. These new blessings have increased their gifts and capabilities to meet the demands and challenges before them now. You were the first healing angel blessed in the premortal life, and now the last angel blessed at this time in these last days.
9. We bless you with greater insights, greater revelation, and a clearer mind to receive from us. We bless you with increased faith and action. We bless you particularly with increased love, understanding, and a desire to save our elect children to whom we will send you. We bless you to have our presence continually next to you, to whisper and guide you. We love you, our son Raphael! Amen.'
10. They lifted their glorious hands and I stood and embraced them! I first hugged my Heavenly Father who had voiced this blessing. He was so assured and yet tender, full of strength and power!
I turned next and embraced my Mother who hugged me tightly and kissed me. I felt so deeply engulfed in her love!
They then withdrew gradually, backing up as they moved over the lake in the mist that was there. I watched as the mist covered their presence. I knew this was all so real and true! I felt such love and peace and assurance now! I then concluded my morning prayer and meditation in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 16, 2018 Tuesday
1. This morning I awoke and visualized myself in the purple iris field north of Lake Beautiful. I could tell my Heavenly Parents came, but I had a hard time visualizing them before me. I also kept being distracted. This is all part of trying to connect to them. I spent about half an hour trying to see them more clearly, but I kept getting distracting thoughts.
I then asked my Heavenly Father that he would speak to me and that I would write what he says. I am hoping this will help me focus better in my prayer.
2. Here's what I felt my Heavenly Father said to me:
'Raphael, some days are more clear for you in prayer than others. There is no harm in this, for it is part of the mortal experience. Sometimes too, when you receive major outpourings and blessings, you may experience a small let down the next day or so. This has happened to you, for yesterday we blessed you abundantly and embraced and kissed you. Today you are struggling to be as close to us. However, we are just as close to you, and your distance from us is all in your mind.
3. You have been working with your wife to schedule your days with times to work on various tasks. This has brought you a higher ability to accomplish more. You have worked with her in prioritizing the events of your day. We are pleased that you are doing this, for it gives you a higher level of getting needed things done and self-satisfaction.
4. While you are doing this in your mortal life, you are also acting on our directions in the celestial realms. You are able to replicate yourself there so you may do more and fulfill all of our requests. You do all of this in your unconscious mind, in your replicated self in the celestial world and celestial realms around the earth. This same pattern is followed by all the holy angels living in mortality.
5. We have purposefully withheld this dual nature and state of our angels and some others of our children, from those on earth. The ability to act in one's conscious mind in the telestial world and also in one's unconscious mind in the celestial world at the same time has never before been revealed. However, it happens all the time for our angels. We have not revealed clearly the practice and doctrine of replication in the past either. These truths and practices are being revealed in these last days, as we have planned from the beginning.
6. Other truths and revelations will be given to you to share with our elect in the world, Raphael. We are gradually unfolding these truths to you and others in preparation of our terrestrial world that will come in the millennial day.'
I now was able to bask in the presence of God much more clearly in my prayer than when I first started praying this morning. Writing has clarified and focused my thinking! I am so grateful for this communion in prayer today.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 17, 2018 Wednesday
1. I awoke early today to write in my journal and pray. Last night I went to bed earlier than normal with my wife. I prayed next to the bed for some time while she went to sleep. It took me awhile to figure out where to pray in heaven. I ended up praying next to the fountain of living water, looking south. I could see the temple doors in the near distance. I drank three times from living water and then knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then observed.
2. I saw first my Heavenly Mother come walking on the river representing her, from my left. Then I saw Heavenly Father come from the river to my right back, and then I saw Jesus Christ come from the river to my right that represents him. They all three walked until they were between the fountain and me. They all faced me, with Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus on his right.
3. I gazed on each of them for some time. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had white robes on with gathered fabric on the front shoulder area on both sides. They each also wore scarlet red waist sashes, tied to the right sides. Jesus Christ wore a full scarlet red robe, with the same fabric gathering on each shoulder area.
4. Each was very serious but pleasant looking. Heavenly Mother had a slight smile–she is usually smiling! I humbly asked them to deliver to me the message they wished to give me. I was very impressed with their elegant robes. I wondered why all three were dressed this way and why they were so sober and serious. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you have blessed each of our holy angels now, and they are poised to act on our directions and commands. We have committed all of our servants to respond to us also in helping gather, teach, protect and bless our elect children on the earth. We are now ready to increase the activity of our great work in 2018.'
5. This was his message. There was no more message. They then each walked back from where they came. I was soon alone before the fountain of living waters. I then ended my prayer and came to my front room.
I then spent some time creating the video for post 66. I spent about 45 minutes doing this before finally going to my bedroom again to bed.
6. While the video was being generated on my computer, I decided to watch the leadership announcement on ChurchofJesusChrist.org that occurred earlier Tuesday morning, 1-16-2018. I saw all the current apostles gathered, each well dressed in their white shirts and black suits. I listened to President Russell M. Nelson, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, and Elder Henry B. Eyring. I listened to the announcement of this new First Presidency, and that Elder M. Russell Ballard was now the acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
7. As I listened and pondered their message, I kept asking in my mind: 'Are these men those whom they claim to be–possessing all the keys from Joseph Smith, holding the Holy Priesthood of God? Do the Gods that just came before me at the fountain of living water really speak to them as these men claimed? Is God really pleased with them and does he support and speak to them?
I asked all of these questions in humility, in the sincerity of my heart, with no prejudice and with an open mind.
(Note: I have the most respect for these men, and have no malice or judgment towards them. I deem them honorable and good men. I just wanted to know again what God thought of all this.)

8. I tried to receive a positive response to each of these questions. However, for each question above I felt a very clear negative response. I wished I could have received some positive confirmation that God was pleased with this group of living apostles, and supported them, but I couldn't!
9. I then had the impression that the reason I had seen my three Gods I worship so regally dressed before me in my prayer tonight was this: It was a stark contrast between God at the fountain of living water, dressed in their regal Godly robes, and the apostles in Salt Lake City, dressed in white shirts and ties. The contrast was for me to see that God was planning something different than the direction in which these apostles would now take the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Under the leadership of President Nelson, this church would largely be without the direction from God. I had been repeatedly told from God that they don't possess the keys to the priesthood. They have even lost their priesthood, and have been cut off from revelation from God for direction of this church.
I couldn't go to sleep after this for the next hour or so, for I was pondering all of these things.
10. It is now morning of 1-17-2018 and I am ready to meet God in prayer at the fountain of living water in heaven. I drank from the living water and knelt facing the altar as I did last night. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
I then saw two glorious beings exit the temple entrance behind the fountain to my south. It was my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were holding hands, walking towards me. They came on the west side of the fountain and stood before me, smiling. They wore their normal white robes and scarlet red waist sashes.
11. I opened my prayer:
'My Father and Mother, I am so humbled to be before thee both this morning! I feel the light of thy presence shine upon me. I feel so happy to be before thee this morning. Please share with me thy thoughts and feelings this morning.'
12. I waited upon God. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are so pleased to be before you also this morning!
You have correctly recorded in your journal what happened last night. You have described our feelings accurately about the new leadership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You have confirmed our will by revelation to your heart and mind.
13. It is now time for each of our mortal holy angels, and our other servants as well, to confirm to their own minds and hearts our will relating to you, our chosen servant, leader, and archangel, and to those apostles in the LDS church. We need each to confirm with us to their own souls these truths that we have revealed to you.

14. If those in mortality wish to weekly commune with us at the sacrament, they may attend a local LDS ward and partake of the bread and water as you do. We will accept their covenants. The priesthood who offers the blessings on the sacrament is largely still intact across our LDS church and we will honor their sincere renewals of their covenants.
15. Raphael, we desire committed servants who are to follow us. We need them to sustain you as the only one through whom revelation comes for the Church of the Firstborn. Until the Church of Christ is restored again to the earth, you are the only one who is our prophet, seer and revelator.'
16. I humbly bowed before my Heavenly Mother and said:
'My Heavenly Mother, I accept thy word and confirmation of what I have received last night. I know this is true. I will follow thy commands, and those of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, thy Beloved Son.'
17. She smiled at me and said:
'This is well, Raphael, that you are fully committed to us, your Gods! We will continue to guide your life with revelation. We will continue to lead this great latter-day work through you, our archangel born in these last days.'
18. Heavenly Mother then reached out and took me by my hands. I stood and we tenderly embraced! She kissed me and stroked my head. She then said this:
'Raphael, come walk with your Heavenly Father and me into our temple now. We will look at the vision mural at the back of the mortal probation chapel and witness the next phase of our work!'
19. I came between my Heavenly Parents and we walked towards the temple to the south. I could not see in my mortal mind what happened next. I do believe I went with my Heavenly Parents into the chapel as Heavenly Mother stated.
This ended my prayer this morning! I feel very much at peace and full of light and happiness.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 18, 2018 Thursday
1. Last night I had a prayer again by the fountain of living water in the celestial world, near the temple. When I prayed, Heavenly Mother came to me on my right side. She was very warm to me and accepting. Heavenly Father wasn't there. She stayed near my side, but didn't talk to me.
2. This morning I came again to the fountain of living water. I drank in preparation for my prayer. I asked, and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me. Heavenly Mother again spoke and asked that I write the words she would speak:
'Raphael, it is a great accomplishment in mortality to hear the voice of God as you have done. Those in life who hear our voice and keep our commandments are our elect. We watch carefully over their lives and lead them to experiences that will strengthen and bless them. They are given truths from heaven as we guide them. We ultimately bring them to our Beloved Son, who will redeem them as they repent.
3. We use our servants, who are varied and many, to guide them as we direct. These elect usually believe that our servants are fully acting in our behalf, and it is as if we ourselves are directing them. Often our servants act in celestial realms as do you, so our elect are not able to discern our servants from ourselves. This is how we desire our servants to act–fully a conduit of our light and love, with our image in their countenances. We therefore can strengthen and bless our servant and our elect both in this process.
4. This is how we use our holy angels. They receive a directive from us, their Gods, to bless one or more of our elect on earth. Our angel comes as a holy conduit of God to that person, usually behind the scenes and hidden from view. They then use our power to fulfill our directive. The recipient, our elect, receives this message as if directly from God, and usually not from the holy angel who delivered it.
5. If we send our holy angel to cause an event to happen, such as severe weather or the battle to turn to victory, or any such thing as we may command, our angel still acts in secret unless we direct otherwise. We will send our holy angels on many such errands as we orchestrate the great events of these last days. All of the natural calamities we will use for cleansing the earth are initiated by us through our angels. Some will even go to the sun, moon or other space orbs in fulfillment of our plan. Most will work, however, on the earth. We will act with power through our holy angels.
6. As we have said before, we need our holy angels to act immediately when we give them directions. We need them to be sure and unhesitant in knowing our will and trusting in the voice of God they hear. As they come unto us, we will clarify their minds and hearts to know with assurance that we are speaking to them and command them. They will not be deceived. They will also know that what they do in our behalf is from us as our power is extended through them and is soon fulfilled. We use our angels in these ways to strengthen them so their faith becomes unshaken.
7. Each of our angels who live in mortality is protected as they keep our commandments. They have access to our healing power and strength as we may direct. All of their actions are done through us, and we extend through these, our holy conduits, the ability to fulfill all of our commands. (See 1 Nephi 3:7– "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my Father: I will go and do the things which the Lord had commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.")

This same faith of Nephi needs to be exercised by our holy angels. We will always provide a way as our servants act in faith, following the Spirit as they do our work.
8. We have been teaching our holy angels through you how to better control their thoughts and feelings. We desire each to work on control of their thoughts. The same attitude and habits they exhibit in their mortal conscious mind is also how they act in the celestial realms, in their unconscious mind. Their character and strengths in mortality are their strengths in the celestial world also. As these, our angels, work on improvement of their character and integrity in their conscious minds in mortality, they will become more able to act as holy conduits for us in the celestial realms above.
9. We have prepared each of you mortal angels through the ages of earth's existence as you have faithfully served us, your Gods. These days ahead will press each of you to your maximum, however. The intensity and frequency of our commandments to each of you will increase beyond what you have ever done in your past. This is how we have planned our work. We trust you, our holy angels, in acting and fulfilling our commandments. Oh, we love you, our choice and empowered sons and daughters!'
10. I concluded writing all of Heavenly Mother's words. I felt convinced in the truth I wrote, and that it truly came from Heavenly Mother, not me. I acted as her conduit in writing all of this, mostly instructions for her holy angels.
I then knelt down to thank my Heavenly Mother for her words I had received. I had a premonition that Heavenly Father would speak to me next. I gazed into the faces of each of my Heavenly Parents before me. They were smiling. Heavenly Mother was beaming and full of radiant light and love! I received this as her witness that I had recorded her words accurately.
11. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, the words you have written this morning are pleasing to us. We both deeply love and trust each of our holy angels! Those angels in the flesh now will continue to awaken and be blessed with more perception and vision.'
12. I thanked my Father for his witness. I felt so honored and blessed to be in their presence today! I then felt like they and the area around the fountain of living waters were fading from my view. I felt myself falling backwards to the earth. I was next kneeling on my recliner in the adjacent room where I prayed in the mornings. I wrote the remainder of this all down and started my day.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 19, 2018 Friday
1. I received an email yesterday from one of the mortal healing angels. In her email she said 'Tuesday was monumental for me. I feel rejuvenated in the gospel and the leaders. I felt the spirit very strong with emotion when our new leaders were announced.'
2. This has bothered me. I wondered why she felt the Spirit and I couldn't muster any spirit of confirmation that the new leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were God's chosen leaders. In the quiet of Tuesday evening, when I was alone, I watched the same announcement as this sister watched. I tried hard to receive a positive confirmation! The next morning, I received word from Heavenly Mother that these men in their new leadership positions were not even possessing the priesthood, had lost their priesthood keys, and were without revelation from God. She said that I was the only prophet, seer and revelator now, for the Church of the Firstborn, and that these apostles were not.
3. My question to God: Why such a contrast between what this mortal angel wrote and what I felt?
I came this morning to the circling waters in heaven and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father appeared on the knoll above the circling waters to the east and asked me to come to him. I did so, and knelt before him there. I gazed on his face and knew it was my Father.
4. This question loomed again inside of me. I then approached my Father (Heavenly Mother wasn't there) in humility and sincerity, and asked why this sister mortal angel received such a different confirmation than me! I rehearsed all that I had received from Heavenly Mother on Wednesday morning. I re-read what this sister had written me.
5. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his words he would give to me:
'Raphael, each of our holy angels in mortality, and our other servants as well, need to confirm with us in prayer whom they are to follow. This is a time of decision! We have clearly confirmed with you that the apostle leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are now out of the way. They have lost their priesthood and priesthood keys, and are without God in the world for revelation to direct the church. They are no longer prophets, seers and revelators.
6. The scripture Isaiah 28:7-10 is now fulfilled (my (God's) comments in parentheses).
"But they also have erred through wine (money), and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink (thinking they cannot be misled and that God cannot leave them alone or choose another), they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink: they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean (their current spiritual state before us).
Whom shall he (God) teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts (those who have stepped aside or apart from the mainstream LDS church).
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little (in other words, I, God, will give the faithful revelation gradually, as they are able to receive it)."

7. Raphael, as you copied the scripture above down in your journal, I have added my comments for you to write in parentheses. This is of me and not of you.
8. The great need for personal revelation for those in this day who seek to follow our ways is emphasized by my prophet Isaiah in verse 16 and in the parable of the plowman, found in Isaiah 28:23-29:
16 "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. (This stone is both Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, and revelation that I God give to the faithful)."
9. In the parable of the plowman, God instructs in detail the plowman how to plant various seeds. In verse 26:
"For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him."
10. This is how I give my children revelation–by carefully instructing the humble and faithful who will listen to my voice and keep my commandments.
See finally verse 29:
"This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."
11. Raphael, we three Gods you worship are in full agreement on these things. We will confirm through revelation to every humble and sincere soul who prayerfully comes unto us the same truths that we have given to you. Each one needs to connect with us in prayer and settle this in their own heart and mind. This is the word of God to all of my children.'
12. I humbly submitted to God, and felt extremely clear on what he said! I thanked my Heavenly Father for his very understandable direction that I received from his own mouth this morning in heaven. I feel great peace and enlightenment! This concluded my morning prayer today. I looked one last time at my glorious Heavenly Father before me. He was extremely clear and powerful before me! His visage was resolute and yet so loving and accepting. He then increased in light and glory, and gradually ascended into the skies, high up until he left behind some clouds that formed.
This was a very dramatic finale to my prayer. I knew God the Father had spoken his full mind and will. I will fully follow him and his direction to me as I have received it.
13. I then heard the familiar voice of my Heavenly Mother to me:
'Raphael, have this dramatic revelation conclude your next post! Send it out to all the mortal angels who sustain you as the only one through whom revelation comes to the Church of the Firstborn. Ask each one to confirm again their commitment to us and the directions we give you. If there are those who do not agree, ask them to write you. Remove their access to your emails and login portion of your website.
14. We need those who follow us to be fully committed! They will then be able to act unhesitantly when they receive our word by revelation to their heart and mind on all that we may ask of them.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I said I would do so! I then felt the title of this next post would be "How long halt ye between two opinions?" taken from 1 Kings 18:21. This is when Elijah came unto all the people:
"And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men."
16. Then Elijah offered sacrifice. In verse 37-39, he said:
"Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burn sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God."
There will be no physical fire from God shown to each soul who confirms these revelations, but instead a spiritual fire that will enter their heart from God. This is the day of decision and recommitment.
17. Later-11:00 PM, I prayed tonight on the knoll above the circling waters. I faced west towards the temple in the distance.
I drank of the living water in the circling waters, three times from my right-cupped hand. I invited my Heavenly Parents to come. I gazed towards the west and could see somehow my Heavenly Parents standing at the door of their holy temple. It was like I had telescoping eyesight! Anyway, I could see they stopped and heard my prayer. They then turned and immediately both came in front of me in the air, a little way west of the knoll.
18. Heavenly Mother then asked me to stand and go with them to the high mountaintop, and go into the western skies there. I stood, and soon we were going back in time in the western skies!

Before us was Elijah, the prophet! He had slain a bullock and laid him on the wood. He had four barrels of water poured on the sacrifice once, then twice, and finally three times. The water ran around the altar and filled the trench with water. Then I saw the fire come down to consume the altar, as described in 1 Kings 18:38. This ended the vision. My Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
19. 'Raphael, there are many similarities between Elijah's day with the priests of Baal, and your day. You are likened to Elijah, and you are coming forth in the Spirit and works of Elijah. The fallen apostles of your day are likened to the false priests and prophets of Baal in Elijah's day. Even though these men who have been ordained as apostles have once been enlightened and once held the priesthood, they are considered before us now as false prophets, for they claim authority and revelation that is no longer available from us.
20. Your day now is a fulfillment of Isaiah 30:9-11:
"That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord:
Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:
Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us."
21. These apostles will act more and more in ways prophesied by our servant Isaiah in these verses above. The people will be lulled away into carnal security as well. (2 Nephi 28:21– "And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion, yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.")
22. We have shown you the day of Elijah to fortify you. You too will need to exercise great faith and courage as you challenge the norms of religion in your day. Raphael, we will be next to you continually, so fear not, be of good courage!'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for bringing me to see this vision of Elijah's sacrifice. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of clarity.
Next I found myself kneeling by my bed. I asked for a clear confirmation of all of this, and felt the peaceful assurance and light from God in my heart that all that I had I written was true! I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 20, 2018 Saturday
1. I awoke to snow all around outside! Finally it is no longer dry. Now I know it is really winter!
This morning in my prayer, I came first to the fountain of living water and drank three times. I felt the clearing of my mind as I drank. I then went to the nearby white gate, and determined to see Jesus Christ, getting his confirmation about the things I have written in my journal and have witnessed from God, my Heavenly Parents. As I approached the white gate, he opened the gate and extended to me his left hand. I took it in my right and stepped into his presence! The white gate shut and I still held his hand, and dropped to my knees. I saw his face, his smile, his robes, but I couldn't yet make out his tender and compassionate eyes.
2. I addressed my Redeemer, telling him of all that I had received from my Heavenly Parents, and had written in my journal about my being likened to Elijah and the current apostles to the priests of Baal. I told him that it had been repeatedly told me that the new prophet, President Russell M. Nelson and the other apostles and First Presidency had lost their priesthood and priesthood keys. I sought one additional confirmation that I had heard and written all of this correctly, for some of my family and some angels felt the Spirit of God during the recent announcement broadcast.
3. Jesus spoke to me while I was still holding his hand. I looked at his hand and saw the imprints of the nails on his palm and wrist! Here is what he said:
'Raphael, you have completely written correctly all our Heavenly Parents said to you and showed you by vision in your journal. We will now work through you, our holy angels and others called and chosen servants whom you have indicated in your journal entries. You, Raphael, are our prophet, seer and revelator now for my Church of the Firstborn. This church is now being established on the earth, and will soon become evident in the eyes of the faithful. It will start small, but grow as I call on you to admit to its membership many people through the waters of separation ordinance, my elect.'
4. I then looked into the face of my God, and saw finally and clearly the tender and compassionate eternity eyes of Jesus, my Redeemer! He was smiling at me. He pulled me up and I stood before him. He said:
'Raphael, we will always be with you, in you and behind you to guide and direct you!'
He pulled me close and hugged me. I felt him enter into me and be inside of me somehow! I could see him no longer in front of me. I then knew he was not visible, but inside and behind me, guiding my actions and strengthening me!

5. I then audibly thanked him, and started on the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of life.
The path was bright, paved with gold, and narrow. I easily walked, holding onto the rod of iron on my right side.
When I arrived at the tree, it was ablaze with white fruit. I plucked one and a nearby leaf. I then left to go to the sapling tree of life that was to my west. I sat next to this tree and there ate the fruit of the tree, and the leaf. I pondered to increase my love for my fellowman, and thought of strengthening my own body to be prepared more fully for my mission ahead of me.
6. I next knelt by the sapling tree of life, facing north. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come so we could commune together.
They came in the sky above me, I thought from the Assembly Hall by Lake Beautiful. They stayed in the sky, and beckoned for me to come to them! I came in front of them in the air, above the sapling tree of life. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, come with us and attend a meeting where Michael, your archangel brother, is speaking to some of our children now!'
7. I held her hand and my Father's hand, and then we were immediately in the top southwest corner of the hall, behind the podium where a man was speaking. I listened in:
Michael, or known as Adam in life, was speaking to a filled hall of resurrected beings. He was instructing them. Here is what I heard:
'My dearly beloved sons and daughters, my choice elect of God who have been worthy of a celestial resurrection–you are to know of the current station and calling of Raphael, our brother and archangel: He has received the high commission to act as the prophet and leader of the Church of the Firstborn as it is being established on the earth! He is God's chosen archangel, to act in behalf of our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ in these last days. His time and mission is now, for he still lives in the flesh on earth and is translated to a celestial state of glory.
8. He has also been commissioned, along with my archangel brother Oriphiel, to administer to each of us the waters of separation ordinance. This will finally admit us into the glorious and celestial Church of the Firstborn, to which we have been promised as heirs. This will start us on our way to our exaltation and eternal lives, which we have been waiting for! This day is soon at hand!
9. Your activity in strengthening the elect of God on the earth, in the world of the spirits on the earth, and with the Refugees of Lucifer behind the fir forest, will increase in intensity. The battle with Satan and his hosts will also intensify until the return of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, who will come again to the earth.
10. Once he comes, Jesus will command Raphael to lock up Lucifer and his wicked followers into the bottomless pit. There Satan will remain for one thousand years while the Church of the Firstborn is transferred to Jesus Christ, even the Firstborn of all mankind. Jesus will then rule as king of kings and Lord of Lords! We will continue to be active in assisting in God's great work as we are called and asked.'

I then turned to my smiling Heavenly Parents. I felt so assured and now capable somehow too, after hearing these words from my elder brother, Michael.
11. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we will be ever present with you as we work through you and our other servants in our strange work and strange act of these latter days!'
12. I could see that he and Heavenly Mother had big smiles, and confidence in me, their chosen son. I replied:
'Father and Mother, I will go and do all that thou will show me and command me! I will act in faith and assurance. I seek to receive thy power as I act as thy holy conduit. I pray that my presence will fade away as thou will work through me, that all glory will be fully returned to thee.'
I bowed my head. I felt their loving arms around me in a full embrace, like Jesus had just given me!
I was next in my chair writing all of this down. I was in the adjacent bedroom. My prayer was ended.
I felt great peace and the love of God in my heart. I felt clarity in my purpose. I had been greatly strengthened! I then started my day!
13. Later–at bedtime: I prayed at the circling waters and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They both appeared on top of the knoll above the circling waters. I came before them up there on my knees. I then gazed into their happy and smiling faces!
I asked my Heavenly Parents if I could include up to today's journal entry in the next post 67. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Yes, Raphael, you may include these last few entries in your next post.'
14. I thanked her for this answer. I feel it will tie in best with the similar topic of 'How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions'.
I then asked if there was a message for me. Heavenly Father said they would wait until the morning since it would keep me up for some time, and I needed my sleep. The message could wait until the morning.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 21, 2018 Sunday
1. Last night I had a difficult time sleeping for some reason. I even seemed to have been plagued in my thoughts by evil spirits somehow! I felt they came in the night, slipping past my warrior angels.
I prayed again this morning on the small knoll outcropping above the circling waters. I had clarified myself by drinking living water. I felt that I had detected and eliminated a number of false spirits that came to me last night in the slumbers of my sleep.
2. I then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They quickly came, and were smiling when they came. I felt the light of their presence before me. I shared with them my concerns that these false spirits were somehow able to come to me while I was sleeping. I told them I felt I had eliminated all of them. I asked for clarification and help so that this wouldn't happen again.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have been targeted by Lucifer, and he has sent his minions of evil spirits to you to destroy you. Some have slipped by the warrior angels in this attack. These were able to plague you with evil dreams and disrupt your sleep last night. You were successful in detecting them and removing them from your heart and head area. Once you did so, you were able to sleep again.
4. Your warrior angels are now on more of an alert status, and have been strengthened so that they will be better able to keep out evil spirits in the future. You, Raphael, have power to detect and remove them, which you successfully did last night. You are now also fortified to detect and eliminate these earlier if this should occur in the future.'
5. I thanked my Mother for her words, and felt very thankful that these spirits were now gone! I feel determined to also be careful to stay in happy, peaceful places of light. I know the minions of Satan less frequented these places.
I next asked if I could receive the message that Heavenly Father indicated he would deliver to me this morning.
6. He said he would now deliver it. He asked that I write down his words as he spoke them:
'Raphael, it is well that you continue to fortify yourself against the attacks of Lucifer and his hosts. Whenever in this situation in the future, feel free to raise your Sword of Raphael above your head and then forward. This will activate the silver lightning that will rout out all evil spirits in you and around you, and also from your 24 warrior angels.

7. The other mortal angels who are also so involved in our work may expect such attacks in the future also. We have given each male angel a sword that can be similarly used to remove one or more evil spirits. These swords will not produce silver lightning, but will still be sufficiently strong to remove any number of evil or false spirits. These male angels may help eliminate unwanted spirits from themselves or others.
8. The female angels also have continual protection still by you and other male angels who are replicated and surround them. If any angel feels threatened and needs support, they may call on you and those with swords to protect them at any time. We will always provide protection for our holy angels in our future work and in their involvement in acting as our conduits of power, to do whatever thing we command them.
9. These attacks from the adversary indicate the increased efforts of Satan to destroy our chosen elect and our messengers and servants. We too are increasing our activity in saving, rescuing and assisting our elect of God, wherever they may be located. We will not be thwarted in our efforts by Lucifer or his minions!'
10. (Note: I received an email from one of you on 1-23-2018 that relates to what Heavenly Father just said, about evil spirits now being more forward and attacking:
"I had an interesting experience Monday. I volunteered to help clean the ____ temple. While I was there I started to feel weak and exhausted. I later discovered I had been attacked by evil spirits. They were attached to me and I had to cast them out. I tested my friend who went with me and she too had attached spirits. I continued to energy test and all eight of us form my ward had attached spirits, which I cleared. This really surprised me that the Temple had evil spirits. Today I was allowed to cast these evil spirits out of the entire temple. Wow, we have to be ever aware of these unknown spirits and how they can attach and attack.
Anyway, thank you for the blessings you gave us. I can actually feel their increased power.")
11. Now for the message I indicated last night that I would deliver to you. . .'
At this time of writing, I had a complete blank at what my Heavenly Father would share with me. I knelt down again and petitioned for his words to flow again to me, uninterrupted. Here is what I then wrote from my Heavenly Father:
12. 'Raphael, we have recently shown to you in your unconscious mind the vision mural on the back of our mortal probation chapel. Here we showed you the next phase of our work that you would be involved in. I will now reveal it to you in your conscious mind so that you may record this in your journal on earth.

13. You have read in the news about the increased calamities in California with the mudslides following the devastating fires. You have also read and seen the ravages of the cold weather and excess wind and snow in the eastern part of the United States. This has also been repeated in normally warm areas across the world. Earthquake frequency has dramatically increased also as you have noticed.
14. These natural and manmade calamities are going to increase steadily across the globe, disrupting the lives of many. Most people will not interpret these activities as God who is orchestrating these destructions. However, we are increasing such plagues upon mankind by command of our angels of God. Our angels are acting as our conduits of power in creating devastations of all kinds on the earth as we command them.
15. Our purpose is to awaken our elect of God who will not hear us in any other way. We also are cleansing the world of evil people and the unrepentant, as recorded in the scriptures. The intensity of our work will only increase until the glorious return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth.
16. Let not your hearts be troubled by these actions! We act in these ways out of love for our elect and of those who soon will come to the earth as our elect choice sons and daughters. We are determined to create a more beautiful and happier earth for these to dwell, and for our truths to come forth!
17. In all of our angel activity and work that we direct, we will not reveal to the peoples of the earth your identity, or those of our other mortal angels. You will be required to struggle in your lives along with your neighbors who receive these upheavals of weather and earth. Some of our holy mortal angels will become distressed in their physical situations. However, these will all be for their ultimate well being and good. We will protect and bless our mortal angels!
18. As far as your understandings of the cover-up and corruptions in the LDS church, we still desire that you stay close to this church. You may not offer a sustaining hand to its leaders, but you can assist and help in any way you can. Many of our chosen elect have been gathered into our current church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have cut off the apostle leaders from our revelations to direct this church, but we still very much love them and our Latter-day Saints! Many have been lured into the ways of the world. However, we will rescue many of our elect from among this group. These are yet to be awakened. This is according to the parable of the wheat and tares. We will gather our wheat (the elect) into safe garners, and then burn the tares when we will. (See D&C 86:1-11)
You cannot see how quickly calamity is coming with greater intensity to the earth. Watch and be ready!
19. You have also asked your Heavenly Mother last night if you could include up to yesterday's journal entry in this upcoming post. We would like to extend this post to include all of your entries today as well. We have the option to change our mind as circumstances change (see D&C 56:4 "Wherefore, I, the Lord, command and revoke, as it seemeth me good.")
We love you and our holy angels very dearly, Raphael! Convey to them our love when you correspond with them.'
20. I bowed my head while I was still kneeling before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I could see their light and happy faces. They then ascended up together before me into the skies above. I feel peace and the love of God in my heart as I conclude my prayer.

21. Later, after church: My wife and I attended a ward at 1 PM, at the same time as our son who went to his singles ward. I really enjoyed the sacrament portion of the meeting. During this time, I visualized I was in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, on the outcropping or knoll above the circling waters. I was there in my mind while the priest offered the prayer on the bread. I looked up while I was kneeling there, and saw Heavenly Father, on his left Heavenly Mother, and on his right Jesus Christ. They were all very pleasant, happy and at peace. I loved looking into their eternity eyes!
22. I then made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents before me. After I ate the bread in the sacrament meeting, Heavenly Father spoke to me. I wrote down in the meeting what he said:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and keep our commandments.
23. It is pleasing to us that you are attending today our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Even though the leadership has lost their priesthood, lost their priesthood keys, and receives no more revelation from us, their God for directing the affairs of the church, it is still our only church on the earth that has been regularly established. We honor the renewal of your covenants that you make anew each Sunday during the sacrament meeting you attend. We accept the sacrament, which is blessed by those young men who try to honor their priesthood. The members who partake in the sincerity of their hearts and renew their covenants are still accepted and blessed by us.
24. We love our children in this church! There are many faithful gathered into our church who are the elect of God. Even though there are many difficulties coming to our people, we will bless and support these, our elect, who come unto us. Raphael, much of your mortal work in life will continue to be among the Latter-day Saints. You may not sustain the upper leadership, but you will continue to be able to partake of the sacrament and have friends in this church. These you may support and love, and these also will extend to you of their love and friendship. The church will continue to be the center religion of your children and their families, as you have raised them to believe. Accept these things, and continue to live as best you can in your life and in the circumstances you find yourself in.'
25. I gazed again into the face of my Heavenly Father. His eyes were deep and understanding. It is not an easy thing to think one way and then to live in the reality of this world and of this church. I thanked him for accepting my best efforts and for loving me.
26. After church, my wife and I visited our old neighbor in the rest home. As we returned, we discussed the great need for us to know who God is, whom we pray to, and of solid truths we can rely on. It is difficult to deeply think on all these things, particularly when one aspect of the faith is not correct and another is. This unsureness undermines a strong faith in established religion. I am more determined to keep my focus on God and the directions and truths I receive from them, rather than the doctrines of men that seem to ever be increasing all around me. Sometimes I ask myself, like Pilate of old, "What is truth?" (see John 18:37). I do know that God witnesses to me of the truth. We are led to truth through the Son of God (see John 18:36). I feel so blessed to daily commune with God and receive their direction and truth!

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 22, 2018 Monday
1. I awoke today to cold blue skies and snow on the ground. I went in our adjacent bedroom to pray. I visualized praying near the circling waters, by the bench in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank of the water, and then knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.
I couldn't see them for some time. This really panicked me! How would it be without God in this world?! I tried to calm myself, and then to perceive their presence. I soon felt they were walking from the east along the mountain stream, which comes to the circling waters.
2. Soon my loving Heavenly Parents were in front of me! I gazed again into their tender and loving faces! I felt so relieved to again be in their presence!
I addressed them, and pled for my wife. . . In the past, with our son's accident on his mission, our religious moorings have been blasted apart by circumstances. We have been trying to piece things together since then. I have found my Gods, my purpose, and my mission. However, she is yet struggling. I prayed for her well being, imploring my Heavenly Parents to somehow help her and bless her with the comfort of their presence. She is a very choice daughter, so desiring to be close to God. She fills her life continually with service and love for others. Oh, I care for and love her so much!
I also prayed for my son who has a brain injury. I prayed for his healing again. I prayed that he could marry someday and find joy in his life with a wife and children.
3. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, we will comfort and bless your loving wife! We love her deeply, and have seen her loving service to others around her and to your family members. She is choice before us!
4. You may continue to share with her how you connect to us, and see us in your unconscious mind. We offer to all of our children connection to us as they come to us in the sincerity and persistence of their being. It is a great comfort and privilege to know us, their Heavenly Parents, while in mortality!
You are blessed in that you have no expectations in the future. We see all things as they will be, but you don't unless we reveal it to you. There are some difficult times for you and those you love, but we will continually be near you and by your side in all of life's journeys ahead.

5. Raphael, we will also bless your son, for his life and future is in our hands too. We will bless him with healing as we deem best for him and the growth and blessing of you, his family.
Raphael, you have planned well to make time in your daily schedule for deep meditation and prayer. We will always be here in our celestial world as you come to us in prayer. We will continue to show our faces and beings to you. If we don't come right away, wait for us in faith and seek in your heart and mind where we may be. We will always be coming to you, amongst our beautiful world. We will not leave you comfortless!
6. Once one of our children connects to us in prayer as you have, they too may continue to commune with us regularly. We will guide and direct them as they, too, make time for us in their daily life. We will be close to them and come to them often as we do for you.'
I felt such love and comfort in his words! Oh, how I love my Heavenly Parents who regularly come to me and share with me! I feel so very deeply blessed!
O. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 23, 2018 Tuesday
1. I went last night and this morning to the western mezzanine area next to God's temple in heaven. I was as far west as the sapling tree of life, it being a little north of where I knelt. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come, and this morning they appeared before me with loving and happy faces. I felt so glad to be again before them!
2. I asked if there was a message for me. Heavenly Father wanted me to write as he spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, come walk with us to the west!'
I then stood and came between my Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. We held hands and started walking west. Heavenly Father continued speaking:
3. 'Raphael, we have never taken you west of the end of this western mezzanine. There is an opening in the southwest corner to where we are walking. Let's go through this now together.'
We walked to the southwest corner of the western mezzanine area and passed into a desert looking area with bare mountains in the distance. I looked at the vegetation and it was almost exclusively cactus-like plants of all varieties. The area was mostly sandy it seemed, and dry. There were desert animals in abundance.
4. We kept walking together directly west. The vegetation, animals and terrain were beautiful, typical of what I would expect to see in the Sonoran Desert in the southwest part of the United States.
We soon came to an oasis with gurgling water coming up in the middle. There were palm trees of all varieties around, with flowering plants of the desert! We walked around the northern side of this oasis and came to a bench under a grove of date palms I believe. We all three sat on the bench, facing the beautiful round oasis lake in this lovely desert. Heavenly Father spoke again:
5. 'Raphael, we have created in our celestial world every type of climate one may find on the earth. The flowers and animals of the desert are some of my favorite! This oasis is also living water, supplied by an underground aquifer that comes from Lake Beautiful in the far distance. You may come here whenever you wish to enjoy and to meditate!
In this setting, we would like to share with you more information about how our children develop their thoughts and habits in mortality.
6. When we send our spirit sons and daughters to earth for their mortal experience, we send them to live in all kinds of situations. Our children learn the ways of their parents and the world around them as they grow up. They know no different life since their memory of their premortal life is withheld, behind a veil of forgetfulness. If there are false notions or practices taught these, our children, then they accept these normally as true. It is usually only when they come of age and branch off on their own when they may challenge societal norms and the ways they have been taught and raised.
7. We provide experiences for them, and people they may meet and marry, in order to help them try to improve their station and surrounding world. Most are very idealistic when they themselves start their own families and adult life.
8. There are some who have special gifts of clarity, to see into the spiritual world around them, that we may better help see their past and what we may want them to do in their mortal life. As they share these visions with their friends and family, they often receive a following, and others who reject their views.
9. Some of these, like our prophet Enoch, had dramatic visions in their early adult life, and were able to influence and lead many people. We always want each of our children who follows these visionary leaders to confirm with us, their God, whether they are being led correctly. We will always come to each soul who petitions us in prayer, in our own way and manner, to give them assurances if they are being led correctly.
10. In your own life, you have been taught and raised by loving and caring parents in an ever-changing world. Your parents taught you the best they knew. They taught you basic values of integrity and honor. You naturally also adopted habits in your life that later you felt needed to be corrected. These are difficult to change if they were practiced and taught in your youth from parents and family. However, you found that you could change everything that no longer serves you well. It takes hard work and control of your mental faculties.

11. All of your actions stem from the way you have grown to think about life and what you 'should' do. We are pleased when these are challenged and carefully evaluated, with mature understanding and in council with us, your Heavenly Parents.
12. Many who are raised in strict religious norms find it most difficult to change their attitudes and ways if these are not based on eternal truths. Also, religious institutions of all varieties are very prone to corruptions. Often religious values change based on falsehoods, and in time these become established as truths revealed from God.
13. Our church, that we have established through the prophet Joseph Smith, has changed to accept many falsehoods, now established as religious truths revealed from heaven. The established LDS church has become very regimented and judging of any who challenge these. Sometimes leaders of the church remove them from membership if they counter these rules and norms. All of these untrue policies and changes, over time, have been displeasing to us, their Gods. Members are taught to not think on their own, but to blindly follow their leaders and the full religious established doctrine.
14. It is now time for a cleansing in our church. We have chosen to give no more revelation to the leaders of our Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as far as directing the church goes. We have chosen to reestablish this church anew in the future, for we need a terrestrial church in the millennial day to prepare our children for the Church of the Firstborn that you will establish.
15. We will cleanse the old and establish the new Church of Christ in the near future. Our many elect in the LDS Church will have their religious world shaken up. They may come unto us, their Gods, for direction, and we will gently lead them to find the truth, each being guided in ways we choose. Our many servants and gatherers will assist us in strengthening them, bringing them to a spiritual oasis in the desert of the unknown. Their minds thus will be able to gradually see truths from heaven which have always been there but hidden from their view.'
16. Heavenly Father paused and looked again at the beautiful oasis before us. He stood, walked to the water's edge, and cupped his right hand. He dipped it into the living water of the oasis and brought back some in his hand. He then spoke:
'Raphael, stand and drink from my hand the truths from me, your Heavenly Father!'
I stood and he placed his cupped hand next to my mouth, and I drank living water from the oasis.
'Thus may every one of our children come to God and we will give them living water, truths from heaven! We will guide and bless them to come to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, so that they may be forgiven of their weaknesses and sins and be cleansed. We will lead them beside still waters and teach them. These are our elect who thus come unto us in the sincere intent and energy of their soul.'
18. I then embraced my Father. He whispered in my ear that he loved me, and would continue to instruct and lead me!
We separated, and I next found myself in the loving embrace of my Heavenly Mother! I felt her deep love and tenderness. I so love both of my Heavenly Parents!
I thanked them for leading me to this beautiful desert oasis! I said I would always follow them, wherever they led me and to whatever truths they reveal. I asked for strength to perform my mission as they direct me.
19. I then had this glorious vision and experience start to fade from my view. I felt like I was falling back to mortal earth! I feel such peace and calmness! I am very happy today to have connected so fully with God in prayer!
I then knelt by my recliner, and prayed again to my Heavenly Parents. I confirmed in my mind that this was a true vision, and that I had correctly written all in my journal. I felt what I wrote was accurate and true, a gift from God! I then started my day.
P. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 24, 2018 Wednesday
1. I went last night and again this morning to the oasis, and prayed at the bench facing the lake. Last night Heavenly Mother came and confirmed again that I had written correctly Heavenly Father's words I received yesterday morning at the oasis.
This morning both my Heavenly Parents came, from the east to where I was kneeling. They were smiling and happy with me.
2. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, finish editing your post 67 and send it out soon. I accept it. You have correctly written our words.'
3. He then asked me to write the remaining of his words as he would speak them:
'You had a phone conversation yesterday with your sister. She was perplexed by the conflict between outwardly sustaining you and not sustaining the leaders of the LDS church. This action, she said, would tear apart her family if they now knew. It would also reveal what she has been told to keep secret.
4. This same situation exists with many of our mortal angels. In your sister's case, Heavenly Mother told her she would know what to do at the time and be guided. This is also true of all of the mortal angels–we will bless them in what they will do in situations in order to keep their anonymity and secrecy for now.
We know the hearts and minds of each angel living on earth. There may be some who outwardly sustain President Nelson and the other apostles in order to maintain their status quo and keep our rules of secrecy. We will accept this if we inspire them to do so.
5. We have commanded certain of our servants in the past to act in such ways. We commanded Abram to tell Pharaoh that Sarai, his wife, was his sister (see Genesis 12:19). We have also ourselves maintained that the Holy Ghost is a man when in reality it is your Heavenly Mother all along. We did each of these for our wise purposes. Likewise, there may be a situation when we allow our holy angels to say something different from reality in order to keep the higher requirement of secrecy, so our purposes may be fulfilled.
One might say this is lying, but in our higher perspective, it is being wise and honoring the higher purpose of maintaining secrecy until we reveal all things.
6. Raphael, many families of our holy mortal angels are linked together in traditions, temple attendance and more, which require, in the current LDS church, our angels to sustain the brethren as prophets, seers, and revelators. If this is required in order to maintain secrecy of their identity and purpose, we will accept this. We do not want the loving families of our mortal angels to be torn apart because of strictly telling the truth of their inner feelings. There is a higher purpose in flowing with the family norms so that our higher purposes may be fulfilled.
7. We had commanded Moses for man not to kill, in the Ten Commandments. However, when faced with the drunken Laban, we commanded Nephi to slay Laban with his own sword. This was also a unique situation where we countered a former commandment to not kill with a higher commandment to kill.
8. A similar situation also exists in the case of keeping families together if not sustaining the current leaders of the LDS church would cause a large family rift. There are higher purposes at play in such a situation. We will inspire our mortal angel what to do in such situations.'

9. I felt great relief at Heavenly Father's words this morning! I think each of us have walked a fine line at some time in our effort to keep our identity as angels hidden. We may be able to do a lot by just not saying much, but we will likely have a time when we "are in a pickle" of a situation. The higher rule is to keep our secrecy so that God's purposes may be fulfilled.
I then asked again if this important information might be included in my post 67. I asked my Heavenly Parents who were before me.
10. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, I am the one who told you to make your current post concluded last Friday, 1-19-2018. Under the circumstances, please include up to today in your web post 67. Also include what I said to your sister's prayer that she has typed up for you. This answer will help everyone.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer! This has been an interesting extension of my post 67, now for five additional days. I see how God may change his/her mind, and may also have us, their servants, act in fulfilling higher purposes. I think our intentions and our hearts need to be fully aligned with God and then we act as they command and inspire."
12. Here is what my sister K wrote in her journal from prayer. She shared this with me on the phone, and then typed it up and emailed it to me:
"My journal entry 1/23/18 Tuesday
My brother, R, has been told that the current Quorum of the Twelve did not follow the revelation of President Monson a few years ago, and thereafter the priesthood power and keys were taken from them. He believes (from our heavenly parents) that this is still the case and therefore that the church is running without God's revelations.
13. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents last night and received confirmation of that and this morning with my Savior, Jesus Christ, I asked for confirmation. The impression I receive is basically this --those men, the twelve and first presidency, are good men. They were led to reject a revelation given by God to President Monson years ago because they deemed him feeble and that the revelation (to allow women to hold the priesthood as high priestesses) was incorrect. The keys of the priesthood were removed and the priesthood taken. The church is being led without God's guidance or revelations now.
14. Here is what Heavenly Mother impressed in my mind:
'Our daughter Rachael, it is very good to inquire and to desire to receive our truth. We know it is difficult to sift through opinions and many sides of what is truth among humanity on the earth.
Pray to us daily and always seek for our truth and do not be deceived by the "truth" of men.
15. We love our children and we love the LDS church leaders, but they have forfeited their right to receive our continual guidance and revelation and to hold the priesthood keys. They, in secret, rejected the words and counsel that came from us, through the then President Monson. It was an affront to us, their Gods, to be rejected. They (the church leaders) are often caught up in pride and in the adoration of the members of the church and in the traditions of the church culture. They are now cut off from our direct revelation.
16. Our daughter, you are concerned about how to not cause a big reaction in your family. We will be with you and guide you as to what to do in the moment.
Stay close to us always and you will be guided in truth.'
I responded:
'Thank you my beloved Heavenly Mother. I plan to always stay close to thee and seek thy guidance and truth. I love thee with all my heart.'