187. Preparing Our Elect

Hello my friends,

I hope each of you are enjoying your life, and are happy. I think you will enjoy this post. In this post you will read about the way we interact with Jesus Christ, versus our Heavenly Parents, about healing, our personal weaknesses, and more about preparing our elect. I hope you will read this and pray about its contents.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, February 15, 2021

1. Evening-I came tonight to the circling waters, I love to come here, for it is so soothing with the trickling water and the beauty all around! I knelt in front of the bench facing south, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. I waited a short time and then I saw her walking down the path by the river. She seemed to take her time as she approached me. I loved to watch her come, for she was so full of light and beauty.

3. When she came upon the circling waters, right in front of me, she spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father spoke to you this morning of the general roles of your Heavenly Father and I, and also of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, with respect to leading our children on the earth. You have seen that we, who are your Heavenly Parents, are the ones who usually reveal ourselves to you. You rarely visit with Jesus Christ, although we are one with him and all of us have the same purposes, and are united in all we do.

4. Jesus Christ is the God who will reign in the terrestrial world during the great millennium. Your Father and I reign in the celestial world, which during the millennium will be in the New Jerusalem celestial temple and grounds, plus here on the celestial orb.

5. When Jesus Christ introduces the Father and I to our elect children, this is a very personal experience. In addition, they will have become clean and pure every whit through the redemption of Jesus. They then are able to enter into our celestial presence, even in our celestial glory and kingdom. We are the Gods in this kingdom, and then speak to them and lead them along, all in our celestial realms. We speak to them in their unconscious minds since this is the part of their mind that may hear us and commune with us in the celestial realms. As mortals, they need to be meditative so as to connect their mortal conscious mind to their immortal and celestial unconscious mind. This is how we have always spoken with them, even before they were sent to the earth.

6. For those in the telestial world, I have also been chosen for this eternity to be the Holy Ghost (see your post 130F6). I manifest myself to those in this telestial realm, and prompt and guide them. Those who hear my Holy Spirit through the Holy Ghost may receive a witness from me in their mind and heart. I speak differently to our telestial children than I speak to you now. In the telestial realms, I tell you primarily by feelings, whereas in our celestial realms you hear my very words in your unconscious mind.

7. D&C 8:2. In the telestial realm:

"Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind, and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart."

8. In our celestial realm, we speak to you our directions by our words, accompanied by a confirming witness of peace and assurance. This is how I am speaking to your thoughts in your mind, even now. During your day, my words also come into your thoughts, and help you be directed throughout your day. This is a much more personal and direct way that I may guide you as your Heavenly Mother and as the Holy Ghost, even from my hidden celestial realm, where I dwell.

9. Isaiah 30:21 In the celestial realm:

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

10. You see that your Heavenly Father and I, and Jesus Christ have a different way to communicate with our beloved and receptive children, depending upon the spiritual realm in which they live and communicate to us in. In all of these realms, we share our great love and guidance. As our children come close to our celestial realm, we speak and lead more openly. This is the preferred way we wish to commune with our children. However, they need to qualify to come into our celestial presence by their faith in Christ and their good works and diligent efforts.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifications. I said I was so pleased to hear her very words in my mind, and to view her with my celestial spiritual eyes.

12. My prayer then ended, and I closed my day.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, February 16, 2021

1. I read over my evening entry above twice to try to comprehend more of the message from my Heavenly Mother. It was enlightening to me to understand more of how God communicates to us in the various spiritual realms we may approach them in.

2. I also wondered about the light of Christ, spoken of in D&C 88:7,11

"Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ...

And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings."

3. I have always understood that this light is from Christ, and is our conscience. I would like some enlightenment on this topic. I read about this being light matter that comes from the first parent Gods that proceeds forth to all God's creations (see my post 116E21). I wrote in this post 116 that "It enlivens your conscience and that of every man and woman that comes into the world." See more on this light of Christ from my post 118C4 and post 123F16.

4. I came this morning to the circling waters, even as I did last night. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately came in front of me and spoke to me: 'Raphael, the light of Christ is light matter that comes from our first parent Gods, and proceeds from them at the center of the universe. This light penetrates all who live in a realm of glory, even to the telestial, terrestrial and celestial realms. It does not go to a kingdom or place of no glory where Satan will ultimately be confined, nor to the areas outside our universe.

5. The light of Christ, as it is named, is able to enlighten the minds of our beloved children that we have sent to the earth. It penetrates both our mortal and post mortal children in the physical and spirit earth. This light helps our children choose good from evil, light from darkness, and is one way we Gods bless and guide our children. We enlighten them to make good choices, all dependent upon their own choosing of whether they will follow this guidance or not.

6. Our light of Christ also comes into each realm of our creations. It has the same purpose in each to enlighten and enliven our creations in those realms. We call it the light of Christ, but in reality it was created by our first Gods in their center creation, and proceeds from them to all of God's creations in their vast universe, in all of their spiritual realms of glory.

7. You have been well taught by your Heavenly Mother last night, and my words to you yesterday morning, about some of the respective roles of us, your Gods. We have made these divisions to help enhance the progress and growth of our children who are striving to return to us. As they progress, we give them more clarity and direction in each higher realm, even to where you and I commune together in a high celestial state of understanding and clarity. We desire each of our children to reach this high state of communion with us, but there are relatively few who do. This takes persistence, obedience to our promptings, and our continual guidance. Our ultimate aim for our celestial elect children is to make them one with us, where we are continually with them and they are continually synched with us. We then guide them throughout their mortal life by speaking to their thoughts throughout their waking days. At night we may give them more directions or teachings, even from our celestial realms of glory.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his enlightening words! I realized I was then finished with my formal prayer. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother continue to guide and direct me in my mortal day today. He said they would.

9. I closed my prayer and then started my new day.

10. Evening-I came tonight to the temple garden grounds of the New Jerusalem. I knew this was to be constructed sometime in the near future. I came here to pray tonight. I have prayed like this in a future state before, available only in the celestial realms for those who pray in that realm.

11. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I was kneeling next to a lovely pond in the garden area and could see the magnificent celestial temple nearby.

12. Heavenly Mother appeared to me a little ways out above the water in front of me. She approached a few steps and then spoke to my mind. 'Raphael, you will frequently come to our celestial garden, here in the celestial realm on the millennial earth, in the New Jerusalem. Only our celestial elect who will have proven themselves faithful will be chosen by Jesus Christ to come to this celestial temple and its lovely grounds. Nobody else will be able to even view this area except for those who are thus approved for entry into the Church of the Firstborn.

13. When we bring our faithful temporarily into a higher realm, they will at first need to become still and meditative to see it, and to see those who dwell there. There are exceptions, but generally our elect who come from living in a telestial to a terrestrial, or to a celestial realm, or our living terrestrial who come into a celestial realm, will need to be very perceptive to their higher self to know what they are experiencing in that elevated spiritual realm. These perceptions are not easily acquired, but they are real. You still need to be very still and quiet to receive our words to you as we speak them to you in this celestial realm. What you write is true, but all of your spiritual senses are not yet activated for you to perceive much of your environment here, nor to view us your Gods before you very clearly. This is how we have designed it to be for those who live in a lower realm.

14. When one of our children dies and goes to the terrestrial spirit paradise, they are fully elevated into that terrestrial realm, and see and perceive all. However, when one of our children like you, continue to live in a lower realm, and only visit the higher celestial realm, then it is not a full immersion experience. Instead, it is more difficult to perceive and to hear our voices. This has been a difficult thing for you, but you have nevertheless been successful in hearing our voice and writing our words regularly in your journal. This is despite the conditions of not fully seeing us or the celestial environment.

15. Once you and our faithful come to the New Jerusalem, you will become fully immersed in that terrestrial realm and will not generally return to the telestial realm as a mortal. You will perceive all in that terrestrial realm, and live your new mortal life in that terrestrial realm.

16. You will remain in this terrestrial mortal realm throughout the millennium. Each time you come to the celestial New Jerusalem temple and grounds, you will not be fully immersed in that realm, since you will be living in the lower terrestrial realm. This will make your perceptions of what is done there more difficult, but it will be possible. This is why we will give to you and our faithful angels who will also work in the celestial temple, their full conscious and unconscious mind as a merged mind. This great blessing will allow you and the other terrestrial mortal leaders to perceive all that they do and that occurs in the celestial realm in which they serve during the day. Were we not to merge your minds, your work for us would be very difficult for you and our mortal angels to perform.

17. When the candidates come to you for the waters of separation ordinance, you will perceive all in this celestial realm because of your merged mind. Those receiving this ordinance will be quickened temporarily if they are terrestrial mortals, so they too will perceive all that happens. For those already living in a celestial environment, they will perceive all clearly, for they are already immersed in that environment.

18. We have chosen to have you and some of our angels and celestial serants to live in their mortal terrestrial world on earth, even as translated beings. Each of you who work and serve regularly in the celestial realms will have the blessing of a merged mind. There will be others who work in our celestial New Jerusalem temple who will be resurrected celestial servants. These reside in the celestial orb, and make their entry into the celestial temple on the earth daily. Since they are resurrected, they too will have a merged mind.

19. Once an individual progresses past the entry ordinance in our temple, administered by you and Oriphiel, they will need to be resurrected to a celestial glory. They then will be fully immersed in the celestial realm and will perceive all.

20. You wonder why some of our servants who work in the New Jerusalem temple need to still be mortals, even though translated. One reason is because the ordinances are still performed on a mortal earth, and those who administer them need to be mortals, albeit translated to a celestial glory, even while remaining mortals living in a terrestrial world.

21. I have brought you here to this lovely setting in the future New Jerusalem location to reveal these truths to you.'

22. Heavenly Mother then held out her hand, and I stood. Together we walked hand in hand around this gorgeous celestial garden on the future earth. I then lost my connection, and returned to my telestial earth where I closed my prayer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, February 17, 2021

1. I read my entry from last night and felt confirmed in my mind that it was true. Once a person is living full time in a given spiritual realm, they may fully see in that realm. They are fully immersed in that realm. However, when we live in a lower realm and come into a higher realm on a temporary basis, then it is much more difficult to see and perceive in that higher realm. To compensate for this, our Heavenly Parents will give us who will regularly serve in the celestial temple but live on the terrestrial earth the blessing of a merged mind. This will be automatically given to all celestial resurrected beings as part of the resurrection process to that realm. I am so grateful to receive such truths from my Heavenly Parents!

2. I received a confirming email from S this morning entitled "Mortal Servants". He talks about some of the reasons why mortals need to do the work instead of a resurrected angel or other more progressed being. I like what S wrote, and I feel it is true. I have included his email at the end of this morning's entry.

3. I came to the throne room in God's temple on the celestial orb this morning. This is where S had come when he received the contents of his email. I also came before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were seated on their thrones. I knelt before them and gazed into their loving faces.

4. My Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, what you and my servant Gideon (S) wrote is true about our mortal servants. We also use those also who live in a mortal state for some of our assignments in our higher celestial realm, such as what you and our angels will do in our New Jerusalem temple. These assignments and revelations you receive are and will stretch you, even in your mortal weakness and conditions. Your example will show our other mortal elect children that they too may attain great heights and revelations, even when they feel very weak and mortal. Because you make daily efforts to come into our presence, and receive so much from us, our other mortal children will take courage from your example and feel they too may attain their spiritual heights. We thank you for your diligence, our son!'

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we want our children experiencing their mortal life on earth to learn and grow as much as they can. If it is possible for our mortal children to do something very great, we will plan to have them do this, even at a time of their mortal weakness.

6. There will be other challenges and weaknesses you will receive in your own mortal life that will allow you to grow and learn. This we will do to help you round out your understanding and compassion for the many people you will interface with in your calling. Be patient our son, and know we will order your life even as we wish, for your best good.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words to me today. I said I would willingly do whatever they ask of me, and cheerfully accept whatever might come my way.

8. My prayer ended and I now start my day on earth.

9. Here is S's email I received this morning entitled "Mortal servants":


I wanted to share what I received after reading post 186H15.

2-16-21 AM

This morning I read several entries from our Heavenly Parents to Raphael. I felt the spirit witness of their truthfulness. A portion testified that Jesus Christ brings us back into the presence of our Heavenly Parents, and then we meet often with them. This I know to be true by personal experience and recorded in my journals. I read a part in post 186H15 that says "some of these assignments are best done by one of our mortal servants instead of others who may be translated or resurrected servants, but not mortal." I wanted to ask my Heavenly Parents more about this information.

In prayer, I called upon both my Heavenly Parents. I felt to come to their celestial temple where they were both seated on their thrones. I knelt before them and was grateful to be in their presence. I gave thanks too for my Savior Jesus Christ who suffered for me personally. Heavenly Mother spoke, "Gideon, my son, you are beloved and welcomed in our presence. You are coming today to inquire regarding assignments only given to mortals. Moses was called as a mortal man to deliver Israel from Egypt. We could have sent an angel to deliver the people in a miraculous way. We desired to not only lift Moses, but also his fellow man who saw this mortal servant with all his frailties and weaknesses. We have also planned from the beginning that certain roles and responsibilities are only to be carried out by our mortal servants. Our prophet among the lost tribes has come into our presence and partook of our celestial fruit for leaders. He has a role similar to Moses where even greater miracles will occur to preserve and prepare these tribes for Zion. Each of our servants has a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay that canst not be relegated to celestial resurrected children but must come forth by our mortal servants (see Moroni 9:6). We will bless our obedient and diligent mortal servants that they may fulfill our words and complete our tasks we give to them before the eyes of their fellowman and the entire world.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message and I was grateful to be in the presence of both my Heavenly Parents. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.




10. Evening-Tonight I came to the domed room. I entered and knelt near the center. I offered up my prayer to God that I would have strength to do all that they might ask me to do. I waited and my Heavenly Father appeared to me. He said that there will be a way made for me to do all that they ask of me, even with my upcoming challenges and weaknesses of the flesh. He said I was to fully rely on them, my Heavenly Parents, and do all that they would ask of me to do. He said all that they had said I would do so far would all come to pass. He then said 'miracles have not ceased to exist!'

11. He then departed. I was left to wonder about his words. I am resolved to be obedient to my Heavenly Parents in all things, as they shall direct me.

12. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, February 18, 2021

1. I came to the fir trees outside the domed room on the golden path this morning. I am wanting to connect with my Heavenly Mother, for she it is that I felt would come to me.

2. I knelt under a small tree off the path, and asked my Heavenly Mother to come. She then walked down the gold path from the north, and turned to me when she got to me. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered what will help your mental acuity and memory while in your mortal body. This mental fog that has come upon you at different times in the past and will become one of the challenges you will face in your telestial mortal life. This is what you would normally receive in your body, more and more as you age, resulting in further loss of your memory, and the ability to think clearly. Your Father and I have chosen to let this natural aging occur in your mind and body, even until you come to the New Jerusalem area. Once you physically arrive there in your replicated body from your trek to Zion, you will receive a merged mind. This will stop all effects of mental fog that you will have increasingly experienced.

3. Raphael, we give weaknesses and challenges to our mortal children as part of their mortal probation. This is one challenge we will give to you. You will develop greater understanding for those who are mentally challenged, and have greater patience and compassion for their condition. This is as we have planned it to be. Your weakness of the flesh will also help you remain humble.

4. Your increased mental fog will not affect you receiving revelation, or your ability to commune with us, your Gods, or your recording of our words. We give our mortal children various conditions to help them grow. In the end, as they prove faithful, we will bring them into other realms of glory and progression, and bless them with beautiful resurrected bodies. These conditions will no longer be part of their makeup, for they will be perfected spiritually and physically. However, they will forever remember the lessons and experiences they had in their mortal bodies, and this will be an added strength to them, even in eternity.'

5. My Heavenly Mother stopped talking, and smiled broadly. I thanked her to have given me a glimpse into one challenge I would have over the next little bit of my life. I thanked her for her words. I asked her and Heavenly Father to continue to be by my side in all my mortal life ahead of me. She responded that they would.

6. She turned and walked down the gold path into the domed room. My prayer ended and I started my new day.

7. Evening-Tonight I came to the forest pool on the celestial orb, next to the pyramid room. I came here because this is where I felt to come for my prayer. I knelt by the water's edge and drank living water from the pool. I felt clarified, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, for this is what I felt I should do.

8. She immediately appeared to me on the water in front of where I was kneeling. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, M.A. asked you a question by email today that I would like to answer. She wondered if you would be in your replicated state when you do the water of separation ordinance, or in your mortal translated state. She wondered if it was in your replicated state, what would your base mortal self be doing for 1000 years.

9. You and all of our mortal angels will be doing your work in a replicated celestial state. This will be a celestial physical translated state. While you are in this state, your mind will be merged so that your conscious and unconscious self are both very much one in your mind. You will have full participation and awareness of working in this celestial realm, even though your base self will be back on the terrestrial mortal earth living there.

10. You have to be in a replicated celestial self when you labor or work in the celestial realm because you would still be a terrestrial mortal on earth living there.

11. Were you resurrected, you wouldn't need to be replicated, for you would act in your base celestial self, and would be fully immersed in that sphere and aware of everything that would be happening there, just like you do now in your telestial sphere for things happening around you.

12. In the millennium, your mortal terrestrial self will be living in the city of the New Jerusalem, and acting like other mortal beings on the terrestrial earth. You will have a house and land, a garden, and will be involved in your community. Instead of dying at the end of your mortal life, you will live on for the entire 1000 years of the millennium.

13. You will be able to visit other places on the earth, speak to others from around the globe, and be involved in healing plants and remedies. You will also be a much sought after speaker and healer for those who may need a healing angel to help them.

14. Each night as your replicated being leaves the celestial area of the New Jerusalem, you will become once again as a mortal translated being. You will have needs of daily sleep, although this will be much shorter than you now experience. You will labor each week for six days and do no work on the Sabbath in the temple.

15. To the outsider, it will appear that you live a normal mortal life in the terrestrial section of the New Jerusalem. However, to the celestial, they who enter the holy temple and temple grounds in the celestial realm, you will be doing a very eternal work in behalf of our celestial elect children.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come and clarified things and answered M.A.'s question. I told Heavenly Mother that I was very eager to be involved in this amazing mission that she and Heavenly Father have given to me.

17. I also knew that my fellow mortal New Jerusalem temple workers would live a similar life as me during the millennium.

18. Heavenly Mother then started lowering herself into the forest pool which started shining with her radiant light. After she had fully submerged, she left, for there was no more light coming from the pool.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, February 19, 2021

1. This morning I came in prayer next to the fountain of living water. I drank from the fountain, and then faced south towards the temple and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. He appeared in front of me and spoke: 'Raphael, you listened yesterday to an audio report of the severe hardships in Texas from freezing weather. There have been rolling blackouts in the power grid, lack of water and food. Starvation has become a reality for some people.

3. This severe weather has been largely man made, through weather manipulation technology now in possession of the powers of government and those foreign powers who are taking over secretly your government and industry. They wish to punish those states like Texas who do not want to comply to federal controls. They also have technologies to create fires on the land in cities and forests, to cause limited earthquakes, to initiate other severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes, drought in certain areas, or severe hot or cold temperatures. They have technology to send from space satellites high intensity laser beams to destroy targeted locations. These technologies have been developed in secret and are part of the arsenal of weapons of your country and several communist nations. On top of this, these same governments have nuclear bombs which have the potential of creating EMP (electromagnetic pulse) strikes and large nuclear destructions in their targets. These may be sent from land or sea, and from near or far launching areas.

4. All of these technologies of war have been tried and tested, and will be actively used in coming days. However, we, your Gods, are aware of all and will not allow these to be used where we don't want them used. In addition to these man-made threats, we will send our own natural destructions upon the wicked from the convulsing earth and destructive calamities. The population will not know if these destructions are from man or God, or are from natural causes. The end effect will be the same.

5. D&C 87:6-8

"And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations.

6. That the cry of the saints, and the blood of the saints, shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies.

7. Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen."

8. My Father then immediately departed. I thanked him in my mind, and ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Evening-I had a very interesting experience tonight. My daughter had a difficult miscarriage one week ago today and has been still concerned over her excessive bleeding. She went to the emergency room last Friday. Tonight her husband was driven to the emergency room because of a brain seizure. While in the hospital, he had a second seizure. My daughter asked me to do energy work on him.

10. I then got in my recliner and thought to go to the hospital to see what I could do. I felt I was in the celestial realm in the room that he and his sister (who took him to the hospital) were in.

11. I saw my Heavenly Mother in front and to the left side of my son-in-law. I asked her, 'What can I do?' She said for me to withdraw my sword of Raphael and touch his head with the tip of my sword. I did so, and saw bright light come into his head which seemed to brighten up his entire head region. I withdrew my sword and returned it to my side.

12. Heavenly Mother then said, 'Raphael, your son-in-law will now begin to heal.' She then left my presence. I related most of this to my wife, except for Heavenly Mother and the sword, saying I touched his head and bright light entered his body. I said that I believe he would start to get better from now on. We relayed this to my daughter who was very worried at home. She had two babies asleep upstairs.

13. I then felt to do energy work also for my daughter who was trying to recover from the miscarriage. I came, in my mind, into her front room, in the celestial realm out of her sight. I then saw Heavenly Mother again before me. She said to withdraw my sword of Rapahel again, and touch her womb with the tip of my sword. I did so, and immediately saw a bright light illuminate that region in her body for a few seconds. I replaced my sword, and Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, she will now start getting better!' She then left me, and I thanked her to have this experience of being a conduit of healing for my daughter and son-in-law.

14. This was my prayer experience tonight. I have since confirmed that this really happened, and I felt these two family members will start getting better.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, February 20, 2021

1. I reread over my journal entry from last night. I felt grateful to have helped my daughter and son-in-law. I slept well after she finally returned home from visiting him in the hospital. He is now home. I believe that they will both continue to recover.

2. I came this new morning to the forest pool near the pyramid room on the celestial orb. I drank living water and knelt in prayer. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. I then saw a bright light deep in the pool. I heard a voice in my mind to step into the water. I then stood and stepped into the water. I was immediately before my Heavenly Father! I looked up and saw that we were at the bottom of the forest pool, under water. I was filled with the brightness of his light and felt very much one with him.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, S.A. wrote you an email yesterday wherein she told you what I had spoken to her. I said she would be working in the New Jerusalem temple for the entire millennium as one of our celestial mortal angels. I told her she would find great joy and satisfaction in serving there. Please place her email after your journal entry this morning.'

5. I told him I would do this, and that I had already written her and received her permission to do so.

6. Heavenly Father continued: 'Those who labor in our New Jerusalem temple will be primarily the angels of God. Most of these will be mortal individuals who are translated to a celestial glory. They will each have merged minds so that they will be fully cognizant of everything they do in this celestial realm, even while their mortal body lives separately on the terrestrial earth in the New Jerusalem. They will all labor for a thousand years for those who enter into the Church of the Firstborn and receive their final eternal ordinances there in that celestial temple.

7. Like you and S.A., these too will live on the earth and labor in the temple in their replicated celestial beings. This is how we have designed it from the beginning.

8. By the end of the millennium, all who are our celestial elect will have received from our celestial angels their full ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. Our angels will then be the last ones to receive their own ordinances in that temple (see Matthew 19:30). When these final ordinances are completed, this temple will be transferred to the new celestial earth as a monument for those who had gone through it on the mortal terrestrial earth. All will be exalted Gods, with an inheritance on the celestial earth. Our great work for our beloved celestial elect will then be completed for this eternity!'

9. At this moment Heavenly Mother appeared next to the side of my Heavenly Father. They held hands and began to fade away. I then lost contact with my vision, and found myself back in my private room at home. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words this morning. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. I received this email from S.A. on 2-19-2021:

"Hello R,

This was very interesting to me to read about all of the man-made weather technologies. I confirmed what you recorded as true with Heavenly Father today. I also asked Heavenly Father if I too would be working in the temple. And if so, would I live through the entire millennium? Heavenly Father confirmed this also to me, with a resounding yes! He also said I would find great joy and satisfaction in doing this work in their temple. Wow, I am in awe at all of these things to come! We will continue to press forward with faith!


11. Evening–Tonight I came in prayer to the circling waters. I was feeling tired and headachy in my body. I will see what comes, and if I can become sufficiently meditative in prayer tonight in order to connect with God.

12. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She quickly appeared to me, and spoke to me:

'Raphael, all of our celestial elect will receive deep joys and happiness from their New Jerusalem temple experiences. These will be the culminating days of their progression to becoming Gods in eternity. We want nothing to be a stumbling block for them at this time, or anything to counter their extreme emotions, deep satisfactions and sublime peace. These days will be remembered as great memories throughout their life in eternity.

13. For those of you who minister in the celestial temple, and others who labor for our faithful in the New Jerusalem and throughout the cities of Zion scattered over the earth, these will become satisfying one happy day after another. Working continually with a new group of the elect each day will bring such meaning and excitement daily to our faithful servants whom we have chosen. We too, your Heavenly Father and I, will frequent your administrations and share in the joys with you, our beloved children.

14. Your current society on earth values material gain and positions of wealth and notoriety. In our millennial day, there will be more emphasis and concern for members of one's family and neighbors in their community than oneself. The directive to "love one another, as I have loved you" (John 13:34) will become fully lived in our Zion communities. Crime will be non-existent. Our mortal children will share all things in common, allowing free access to goods and services for all. People will not take advantage of their neighbors, but will seek to be very contributing to those in need and the good of the community. Our love among men, women and children will be abundant, which will invite my Spirit to continually reside in their hearts. This will be a beautiful and wonderfully safe place in which to raise families. There will be no poor among them because of the generosity of the people.

15. With our Spirit in the hearts and minds of our mortal children, there will be no thought to judge or criticize others. This will be a very open society, with people loving sincerely their neighbor, regardless of their opinions or actions. Those who can give in service only a little will be equal in the minds of the people to those who are able to give a great deal.

16. There will be great unity of purpose and beliefs. This is because each will be free to pray and receive, or be free not to pray, and believe as they wish. Almost all will receive our Spirit, and will know the Lord, from the least to the greatest (Jeremiah 31:34). Once they know us, they will develop great confidence and love for all, even for those who may not act or think as they do. This love will envelop those outside their circle of believers and bring them in with love and acceptance to be friends. This idyllic mortal condition will be a wonderful place in which to live.

17. I could go on, but you are tired. We will bless you and our faithful servants abundantly for your patience, diligence, and goodly lives. Your joys will be very great in serving others in this great work of love.'

18. Heavenly Mother then rose up into the air, and the red skies above opened into beautiful sunshine and blue skies. I thanked her for her very uplifting words and her visit. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, February 21, 2021

1. I awoke feeling much better and ready to commune with my Heavenly Father. I came into my private room and started my quiet time and meditation. I came in my replicated celestial being to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt and drank living water and felt refreshed in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. He appeared a few feet in front of me and walked to me from the other side of the stream.

He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, in your telestial world there are many difficult circumstances and hardships that have and will yet come to our mortal children. These will largely be removed in the millennial terrestrial world. There will be lesser difficulties, however, which will still allow growth in our children who face obstacles and work through them. The magnitude of the tribulations in your current world far outpass any that will be part of this new elevated realm on the earth.

3. Matthew 24:21

"For then (in your day) shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Father').

4. You currently live in days of evil and secret works, and great deceptions, "inasmuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24)

5. In the great millennium, however, Satan and his evil spirits will be bound and no longer will be able to tempt the people until the very end of the thousand years. The wicked will have been all removed from the earth. A higher terrestrial realm, characterized by great peace and abundant love, will permeate society. Those born in families will be able to live in a higher terrestrial environment. They will be numbered among our elect, even as those who will be first admitted into this newly elevated world. These will be all those who dwell as the terrestrial mortals on the earth.

6. The hearts and minds of our beloved children then will dwell on higher thoughts and ambitions than those now living on your telestial earth. We will frequently dwell among them, and feel very comfortable in their homes and society. Even though most will not see us, they will all know we are among them, for they will feel our presence. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will reign personally upon the earth, even from the New Jerusalem where you and our celestial mortal servants will also dwell in your peaceful settlements. These will be generally exceedingly happy times upon the entire earth.

7. All that you wrote from your Heavenly Mother last night is true. We are bringing forth these thousand years of peace in order for all of the chosen celestial elect to receive their own temple ordinances, and for the remainder of our children from this eternity to finish coming to the earth for their mortal experience.

8. When our millennial children look back on the records from your telestial world, they will wonder how you endured the hardships. They will also wonder how it felt to be tempted on every hand, and how the natural man was once part of mankind. In the millennial day, the tendencies of the natural man will be largely removed. Instead, men, women and children will have elevated tendencies to be loving and kind, and no longer think so fully of themselves as those now living in your telestial world.

9. Isaiah 54:13-14

"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee."

10. Raphael, think on these words given to you by your Heavenly Mother and me about the great day of the millennium coming to your earth. These thoughts will help sustain you through the hardships that you will yet endure that are coming.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful words of hope of the world and millennial society coming to the earth. I felt filled with his peace and vision of this new life ahead. It fills me with anticipation and excitement.

12. He then disappeared and I closed my prayer. I look forward to my new Sabbath day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, February 22, 2021

1. I talked with my wife until past midnight last night. As I later prayed, Heavenly Mother spoke only a few words to me and then left. I was very tired.

2. I came this morning to the little stream by God's Loving Healing Lake again. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared across the stream from me and walked a few steps up to me, just like my Heavenly Father did yesterday morning. I felt her intense light come into and through me. I loved basking in her light and love! I gazed into her loving face and loved to look into her sparkling eternity eyes.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, you talked extensively with your wife yesterday about each of your responsibilities. This is helpful to periodically do this so you understand each other's actions and abilities. As you age, you notice that you are not as capable as when younger, to keep up with household responsibilities and work. This level of ability continues to reduce as you age, making you more and more dependent on others or on what monies you have saved. You have wondered about this, if you will somehow be renewed in your abilities when you come to construct the New Jerusalem.

4. We want you to be a seasoned older man when you come to the New Jerusalem. Some of your physical and mental abilities will also have been reduced in your body by that time as a result of aging. When you receive your merged mind later in the 2021 year, your body and mind will no more age. However, what you have at the time of your transition is what you will continue to live with in your mortal translated body. You will have some reduced physical strength and mental sharpness by that time. These will remain with you in this state throughout the millennium and will not be restored. You will have sufficient mental acuity and clarity to fully function, however, in your important calling. It won't be until your resurrection that all of your full faculties are restored.

5. Your level of health will be renewed as part of living on the terrestrial earth, by eating the terrestrial food there and drinking living terrestrial water. You will feel very well and happy. However, as a translated mortal, you will still have the weaknesses of the flesh that will remain with you. Some of these physical and mental weaknesses will improve when you fully change from a telestial to a terrestrial state, but the underlying weaknesses will still remain.

6. Basically, all who are translated to a higher mortal state will continue in the same physical and mental states at which they will be changed. There will be increased health and vitality as part of elevating their bodies from a telestial to a terrestrial world. Some persistent weaknesses or defects may be corrected, but others may remain. We will insure each of our servants have the full capability to fulfill their assignments as we may ask of them.

7. Raphael, when a translated individual is changed from having the aging process or seeds of death removed, they continue in the same state as when they are translated. They are not miraculously changed to a perfect man or woman, as in the resurrection. They are in a state of temporary holding in order to remain mortal but to not die. We always give our translated individuals the full physical and mental capability to be able to fulfill their responsibilities and assignments we give them. If another were to come, not knowing someone was translated, they couldn't readily tell they were translated by any outward appearances. This is as we wish it to be. In the millennium, you and our translated servants will appear as normal mortals on the earth. This is how we wish it to be.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her insightful words this morning. I told her I was so pleased to one day have a merged mind and to stop my aging process. I thanked her for her and Heavenly Father's great blessings!

9. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

10. Evening-I received an email from S.A. today where she shared an experience with her dog and goats in helping them heal. She also had confirmed this was all true with our Heavenly Mother. She was instructed to use a rose, since she was a female healing angel, just like I had been directed to use the top of my sword to heal. This is all so very fascinating to me. I had confirmed that what S.A. had written as true. I thought to wait for my prayer tonight to see if I would receive anything else in my prayer.

11. I came to the desert oasis tonight. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then remained kneeling at the water's edge and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came from my left side of the path and stopped next to me. I turned and faced him.

12. He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has recently instructed you to help heal your daughter and son-in-law with the tip of your sword of Raphael. She also instructed S.A. to use her healing rose that she carries on her person to heal her animals. She may also use this rose to help heal friends and family, or those whom we wish her to act as our conduit of healing.

13. All male healing angels have a sword with which they may transfer healing into our children or other creations. All of our female healing angels have a rose with which they may do the same. These are great healing aids and methods we have revealed to both of you at this time when there is such a great need for healing coming upon the earth.

14. There is no exact method with which to use these healing aids. We want each of you to use them under our inspiration and direction. For some, the healing may be immediate, and for others more slowly. There is no set way our healing angels may use these aids, but should be used under our direct inspiration and guidance.

15. There may be times when we send you, our healing angels, from the celestial realms and not be visible, to administer to one who is sick or injured. In these cases we may have you use your hands, your intention, or your healing aids, even as we desire. The most important thing is for you to hear our voice and follow our directions.

16. Please place S.A.'s email after this entry tonight. It is time now for our healing angels to prepare to do many more healings as we direct them to.'

17. Heavenly Father turned and walked out upon the water. In a few steps he faded away from my view. I then closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

18. Email from S.A. on 2-22-2021 entitled "Healing"

"Yesterday, I had an experience in prayer that I felt to share with you.

After reading your post about healing your daughter and son-in-law with your sword, I had great desires to heal my dog's leg and goats from their caseous lymphadenitis. I asked Heavenly Mother in prayer what I could do to help them?

I next thought of my white rose, and felt to place it on my dog's leg. I saw it create a bright light, through his leg and even up his spine. I felt his leg would begin to heal.

I then asked in prayer about my goats. After thinking of specific things I will do to clean their pens as best I can to rid the disease from the soil, I asked if there was more I could do. I thought to put my white rose on their foreheads. I saw light come in and fill each goat's body as I did this. I even noticed in one of my goats, she was full of delight at the light that came into her from the healing rose.

I prayed to confirm this was real and true, for I had never known about how to heal animals. I felt a confirmation from Heavenly Mother.

She spoke: 'Just as Raphael used his sword to heal, we have given our female healing angels a healing rose. You may use this as we inspire or direct you to. It may completely heal in an instant, or gradually, all according to our will.'

I asked if it was like a complete healing? She spoke, 'It is similar, but instead of using your hands as our conduit, you may use our healing rose, and our healing angel sons may use their swords.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother and felt very grateful to have learned about these healing gifts and to have been able to administer healing to my animals! This was all very special to me.

Have a blessed day,

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, February 23, 2021

1. I came this morning to my private room to pray. I have no idea what my Gods might say to me. Each time I come to prayer I feel much this same way. It is therefore so remarkable to me that I receive so much, and this is a witness to me that all of what I write is truly the revelation from God, for these words are not from me or someone else. I keep confirming also that they are from God.

2. I came today to the beautiful circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. In Utah I awoke to sunshine and blue skies, but in heaven the skies were red. I could also see the celestial sun shining in the skies. I knelt by the water and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

3. She came before me in a great white light, and it shone all around the countryside. I felt her light shine upon me in greater intensity as she came closer to me, even until I was enveloped in her light. I so love this great uplifting feeling to be in her beautiful presence!

4. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Father and I have a number of other things we wish to reveal to you in quick succession. What we speak to you and what you write in your journal is truly from us, and not from you or any other source. We are pleased in your state of receptivity. We wish all of our mortal servants and our elect to align themselves with us and also receive from us our directions. Some are doing this, and many are awakening more and more.

5. There were recent events in the state of Texas and some neighboring states that caused widespread destruction, mostly due to freezing weather. The people were not prepared for that which came. As your Heavenly Father revealed to you above in this post 187E2 to 187E7, these destructions caused by severe weather were man-made. What you have read about in Texas will soon repeat itself upon your entire nation. Texas was just moments away from long term massive blackouts for months, with machines used in producing electric power nearly destroyed permanently by the great demand for power. When this is repeated across your nation in days ahead, in different weather scenarios, there will be great loss of long term power. This will throw much of your country back into pre-electricity days. It will be fortunate in many areas in your land that warmer days are around the corner.

6. It is wise to have physical stored energy sources such as firewood, coal, liquid fuel and other fuel that you may have access to in the days ahead. Renewable energy like solar or wind power may at times not be available or usable as it was in Texas in the time of great need, for snow and ice made these non-functional. In order to prepare effectively, several physical sources of energy are good to store if at all possible. Cooking and heating sources are important to have on hand as backups.

7. Raphael, your entire society relies upon on-demand energy sources such as electricity and natural gas. When these sources are abruptly stopped, then the people will want alternative sources, both renewable like solar or stored energy like wood they can burn to produce heat. Time is short for those to augment their preparations for the difficult days of privations coming on the earth.

8. Your Father and I, and Jesus Christ stand ready to inspire those who wish to prepare more fully for the days ahead. Food and clean water sources are very important to store, as well as the energy sources I have mentioned. We will bless our elect in these difficult days of tribulation coming upon the earth. Producing one's own food will be so helpful for those who stay in place through these hardships. We will inspire and bless each family as they pray specifically to us for their own preservation and protection. We expect our own elect to do all in their power in preparation and then we may more abundantly bless them in the dark days ahead.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of caution to be as prepared as possible. I asked for her and Heavenly Father's inspiration in my own preparations. I will continue to prepare every needful thing.

10. She then left my presence and I came back to my private room. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

11. Evening-This evening I came to the domed room in hopes of visiting with my Heavenly Father. I knelt and offered up myself to my Father, seeking his presence and inspiration.

12. He stepped out of his highest celestial realm in front of me and spoke right away: 'Raphael, you visited on the phone with your sister K yesterday. You both enjoyed talking with each other. You mentioned that you have so many weaknesses in your mortal body, and that this had bothered you quite a bit. She said that this is only in your mortal body in this telestial world, and wasn't part of your celestial nature. I would like to address this topic tonight.

13. When our beloved children left our presence, and left their celestial orb to go to earth, many were very perfected as far as they could progress in that realm. However, we designed that they each experience a telestial (or terrestrial) earth life where their memories would be temporarily erased. This life was one where they inherited or were given weaknesses of the flesh. Some would be greatly hampered by these throughout their lives and others would learn to overcome these weaknesses by their perseverance and their faith in us, their God. These weaknesses might seem to be part of them, but were temporary measures to help them grow, be humble, and learn to depend upon us, their Gods. Once they would be released from the mortal earth, their weaknesses, much of the time, would also be released. However, for some who became enslaved by their weaknesses, they still needed to work on overcoming their weaknesses of the flesh.

14. Raphael, we have called you to be our noble archangel of light. You minister in this position free of mortal weaknesses of the flesh. This is also true of all our celestial servants.

15. However, for those of you who are having your mortal experience on earth, you still encounter weaknesses that are troublesome and difficult. You think of yourself generally in this state of having great weaknesses, but that really only applies to your mortal condition. You and our celestial servants, however, are free of such mortal weaknesses in the celestial realms. They commune regularly with us, their Gods, and act in our power and authority in behalf of our children on the earth.

16. When you construct the island of the New Jerusalem, and our holy celestial temple, you will act in our great power and authority. Do not think that your mortal weaknesses somehow disqualify or compromise you in acting as our holy archangel and celestial servant. This will never be the case. Your mortal condition is separate from your replicated celestial being who isn't restricted by such mortal weaknesses.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear explanation. I told him I would attempt to see myself as a mortal on earth, and as a celestial servant when I act as his or Heavenly Mother's servant in their authority and power. I asked for his forgiveness to have confused my two very divergent states of being in my mind, my mortal weak self, and my celestial replicated servant self.

18. Heavenly Father smiled upon me, and said that this was the correct thinking. He then quickly faded from my view. I ended my prayer and closed my day.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, February 24, 2021

1. I awoke after a very long sleep, and feel great. I am excited to live today and to connect with my Heavenly Mother this morning.

2. I came today to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt by its shore and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my request.

3. She appeared in front of me out of a misty film, and walked a few steps to be directly in front of me. She was shining brightly and was very glorious! I was so pleased to be in her wonderful presence.

4. She then spoke: 'My son, in planning for your advent into mortality, your Father and I chose to give you weaknesses of the flesh related to not being connected to your emotions. We have had you raised in a home where feelings were not expressed much, and where you were stunted in feeling and identifying them. This has continued to be a struggle for you in your mortal life. These disconnections with your emotions are not part of who you are, but are mortal weaknesses we gave to you in order to help you remain humble and to struggle and grow to connect to your feelings. You are doing well in becoming reconnected with these emotions, even in your mortal body on earth.

5. Your loving wife has helped you immensely in your struggle to become more aware and to see life in reality. She is a wonderful example to you of how to act in Christ-like love. She said to you the other day that the way she shows her love for God is to serve and bless his children all around her. She is very good at doing so, and you are richly blessed to have her in your life!

6. Raphael, what your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night about weaknesses is all true. We evaluate each of our celestial sons and daughters who are prepared to come to their mortal experience. We determine what circumstances they will be born into, and how the weaknesses of their flesh will help them mature and grow into strong sons and daughters on earth. We stand ready to strengthen them as they come unto our Beloved Son and to us in humility and faith.

7. Ether 12:27

"I give unto men (and women) weakness, that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men (and women) that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (words in parenthesis by Heavenly Mother).

8. Your weaknesses in connecting to your own feelings will become a strength to you, for you will one day entirely have this mastered. As a result, this ability will become a part of you in your mortal life. Other mortal weaknesses will also be overcome, even until you will become perfected in your mortal body, as much as can be.

9. Ephesians 4:13-15

"Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up unto him in all things, which is the head, even Christ."

10. We also gave our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, weaknesses of the flesh that he struggled to overcome. He received therefore not a fulness at first, but slowly overcame until he received perfection, even to a fulness.

11. D&C 93:11-14

"And I, John, bear record that I beheld his glory, as the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, even the Spirit of truth, which came and dwelt in the flesh, and dwelt among us.

And I, John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace;

And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness;

And thus he was called the Son of God, because he received not of the fulness at the first."

12. The example of our Beloved Son, in overcoming and struggling, depending upon us, his Gods, in humility and obedience, is the example for all of our children to follow. He is the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father (and Mother), but by (him)." (John 14:6, words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

13. I wish to add my words to those of your Heavenly Father last night. Your mortal self still has weaknesses that you surely will overcome in the flesh, even as you too grow in grace by grace, here a little and there a little. However, your replicated celestial being, our servant, is perfected before us in power and strength, even as we desire. We are glad that this is so, for you are continually in our presence and act as our faithful servant in helping us orchestrate our great work on the earth and in our heavenly realms. Keep your mortal self and your celestial replicated selves separate for now in your minds' eye, and this will serve you best. Oh, I love you, my son!'

14. With this Heavenly Mother leaned over the little stream and lifted me up to a standing position. She then fully embraced me! I felt her deep love and acceptance of who I am, complete with all the weaknesses of my flesh that I experience on earth.

15. My vision then abruptly ended and I found myself in my private room writing. I feel great peace and love all around me and inside of me. I know I communed with my Heavenly Mother and that she spoke to me these great truths I have written. I then closed my prayer and began my new day.

16. Evening-I worked tonight for a few hours on post 186, and then got behind and missed my prayer window. I am praying late. I came to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, and knelt facing God's temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately appeared to me, radiating his light upon me and the surrounding area. He was also smiling upon me.

17. He spoke: 'Raphael, M.A. wrote you an email wherein she wondered how it would be to stay seventy years of age for the entire millennium. You had said that you were sure you'd understand more of God's reasons once you came into the millennium.

18. Raphael, seventy years old sounds elderly to you now, and you think this means there will be decreased physical activity for those who are seventy or older. This would include all our celestial servants who are translated at that age or later coming out of their telestial world.

19. However, a seventy year old in your current telestial world has different vitality and strength than does a seventy year old in the terrestrial world. People will remain strong and robust much later in their lives than in your telestial world. Their bodies will be firmer, and muscle mass will remain intact well past seventy. We will renew our terrestrial elect translated servants to the strength of those their same ages who live in the millennium. The vitality and strength of a normal fifty year old in your telestial world will be approximately the strength and vitality of a seventy to eighty year old in the terrestrial world. Those who live in the millennium will have greater health and better body functioning, with increased stamina and mental acuity. These factors will also be granted to all our translated servants whose seeds of aging will be suspended during the millennium. Some specific ailments will also be corrected so that living at their age will be a joy to continue in during the thousand years of peace and rest. You and others who are your age or older have nothing to worry about, Raphael!'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful words. I thanked him for making it a joy to serve at whatever age we will attain to when translated.

21. He then left, and I closed my grateful prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, February 25, 2021

1. I received an email from S on 2-25-2021 entitled "change times and laws". I have never understood much of what Daniel spoke about, and I appreciated the insights S received from Heavenly Father (see S's email at the end of my morning's entry). I read Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 13: 11-18 where John talks of the mark of the beast. I can see that the world leaders, vying for power and control, could easily try to change the times and laws. I noticed that the saints of the most high would be worn out by these changes in their nations and land they live in (see Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 13:7).

2. I came this morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water from the stream, and then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me here. He immediately appeared in front of me and began to speak: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have spoken to S here by this stream, and he shared our words with you in his recent email. The most important words I spoke to him are that he would "see our words will all be fulfilled in their time and nothing will halt our work from being accomplished in this generation."

3. I plan to reveal to you more about Daniel's prophecies in the near future. Many of his words will be fulfilled after our Zion is established in the center of your land of promise. What we have revealed to you and those who support you will all be fulfilled in full, even as we have spoken to you in the past. Do not lose heart, for we have couched our words in ways to try the faith of those who believe in us and in our words given to you. They will all be fulfilled in their time.'

4. Heavenly Father then left and I thanked him in my mind. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

5. Email from S on 2/26/21 entitled "Change times and laws" :


Last week I was reading and pondering Daniel's dreams of the last days. We have learned a lot about Isaiah and Revelations regarding their fulfillment in our day. When I searched the index, there was one reference to Daniel but not regarding his dreams of the last days. Two days ago I was reading in Revelations 13 and when I went to pray, I learned more about the number six in Revelations 13:18 and how it related to Daniel's dream of the last days. I felt to share this with you. You have one reference to Revelations 13:16-18 in post 168N30 to 168N33.

2-23-21 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I felt to come to the stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt beside the stream where it enters the lake and I drank living water from a cupped hand. As I did this, I saw light glow in the lake water, then both my Heavenly Parents came up out of the water and stood together above the water.

Heavenly Mother spoke, 'We your Gods have created all the environment around you in order for you to learn and grow. We nourish, strengthen and help each child learn and grow in mortality. The experiences each child encounters are particular to their mortal journey and unique to that child. We seek to guide each child by the hand if they will but turn unto us.' At this time Heavenly Mother held Heavenly Father's right hand in her left hand.

Heavenly Father spoke, "You have pondered about the timing of the great events we have shared with Raphael. You read in Revelations 13:18 today about the number of the beast. The number six precedes the number seven. It is in the seventh seal that the millennium of peace will come forth and our marvelous plans for the exaltation of our children will come forth. Satan strives to thwart our plans and perpetuate his control of the first six seals. He will cause leaders to rise up that seek to stop our Zion from coming in its time (Dan 7:25). Yet you shall see our words will all be fulfilled in their time and nothing will halt our work from being accomplished in this generation.'

Their messages were complete and I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words. I closed my prayer in Jesus's name.

Your friend,


6. Tonight I wondered about the style of speaking from my Heavenly Parents, that a number of us receive and write down. My sister K thought that the style I write their words is different than how she writes their words. I would like some enlightenment on this sometime. I believe it may not be tonight, but I will receive enlightenment on this soon. See my post 186A8.

7. I really cannot determine anything that I am to receive. I feel instead as the recipient of whatever they wish to impart. The level of revelation is entirely upon them as long as I make myself receptive and open to their revelations.

8. I came tonight to the tree of life. I came under its canopy and ate a fruit and a leaf and felt very uplifted. I feel so glad to come to a number of different places on the celestial orb to pray.

9. I knelt under the canopy next to the trunk of this majestic tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

10. She came from the celestial skies which opened wide up, revealing blue sunny skies. She ascended right in front of me. Her light was very intense and passed right through me.

11. She spoke to my celestial replicated being, into my unconscious mind: 'Raphael, you have seen that when either your Heavenly Father or I come to you from our higher celestial realms, the beauty of this higher world is very wonderful. We do not have the continual red skies as you behold in this celestial realm.

12. I am pleased that you have been diligent in preparing your post 186 last night and tonight. I am eager to give more of the fruit I have prepared for my faithful mortal servants. As they come to me in open and petitioning prayer, I will bring them to my glass table and retrieve a fruit I have grown for their enjoyment. This fruit will greatly enhance their ability to be our faithful servants to whom we may give our difficult assignments. They will have extra emotional strength and capability after having eaten my fruit grown just for them.

13. Raphael, as I or Heavenly Father speak to our children on earth, we may vary the way we speak to each one. Sometimes our style or use of words may differ, depending to whom we speak. You do this also, when addressing one child, or neighbor, or your spouse, all of these you address differently. Some you speak more formally to, others you are more intimate with, and still others can't bear heavy conversations, but must get "milk instead of meat" from a conversational standpoint.

14. D&C 19:22

"For they cannot bear meat now, but milk they must receive; wherefore, they must not know these things, lest they perish." (see also 1 Corinthians 3:2-3, D&C 50:40).

15. Likewise, we speak differently to you than even to your sister Rachael (K), and to others. However, when they record our words, our styles to them generally remain the same. These styles are usually distinguishable from the normal form of their own speech. We use words that they know, but speak in a recognizable manner.

16. One final word in confirmation of what your Heavenly Father spoke to you this morning–we purposefully give our words of prophecy in particular ways that we know will be fulfilled, but at the same time will test and try our children. Your small group is no exception, for we say things to you to help them learn to drop their expectations, and to develop a wait and see attitude, trusting in us, their Gods. This is as we like our children to act. We want them to be open and malleable in how they perceive our words will be fulfilled. When these words finally come to pass, we want our children to be so grateful, and not to be disappointed from some preconceived way in which they thought that our words would be fulfilled. We want them to truly wait in patience and faith upon us, their Gods.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have shared her great wisdom on several topics with me tonight. I told her I loved her, and would wait upon her and Heavenly Father.

18. She smiled and then arose back up into the cloven skies that opened to receive her. She was soon gone from me. I closed my prayer and retired from my day.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, February 25, 2021

1. I came this morning to my private room before the family awoke. I then came to pray and meditate. I sought to come before my Heavenly Father at the top of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see God's temple in the distance to the west. I drank from the river, and knelt near the waterfall. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. He then came walking above the river from my left side, and then made his way to a place right in front of me. He was wearing a brilliant white robe and was very glorious to me. I felt his light come upon me, and felt so glad to see him.

3. Heavenly Father spoke. I saw his lips move and knew he was speaking, but I couldn't hear his words! I redoubled my efforts to hear him, and to drop all of my mortal concerns. I then could hear him clearly in my mind. I hesitated asking him if he would please repeat what I had missed.

4. He then spoke these words: 'Raphael, when you are thinking of anything other than hearing what I may speak to you, you really are not listening to me. It will then be impossible to hear my words, for I require your heart and mind be focused on what I might say to you. We need attentive children who come to us in prayer in order for us to reveal our words and thoughts to them. If they are distracted in their prayers, they will not hear us.

5. S.A. had recently written to you these words: 'I am grateful to be stretched to ask specific questions in prayer, and seek to confirm these for truth. It takes great focus and effort, but I feel so richly blessed to have direct communion with my Heavenly Parents in prayer!" (see your post 186G15).

6. When Oliver Cowdery sought to be endowed with the gift of translation, Jesus Christ addressed his request through the prophet Joseph Smith.

D&C 8:1-2, 8-11

"Oliver Cowdery, verily, verily, I say unto you, that assuredly as the Lord liveth, who is your God and your Redeemer, even so surely shall you receive a knowledge of whatsoever things you shall ask in faith, with an honest heart, believing that you shall receive a knowledge concerning the engravings of old records…

Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.

...Therefore, doubt not, for it is the gift of God; and you shall hold it in your hands, and do marvelous works; and no power shall be able to take it away out of your hands, for it is the work of God.

And, therefore, whatsoever you shall ask me to tell you by that means, that will I grant unto you, and you shall have knowledge concerning it.

Remember that without faith (and focus) you can do nothing; therefore ask in faith. Trifle not with these things; do not ask for that which you ought not.

Ask that you may know the mysteries of God...and according to your faith shall it be done unto you." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Father).

7. Raphael, it is time now for us to reveal more of our mysteries to you and those in your small group who receive your email posts. We wish them each to make time for us, their Gods, in mighty prayer, and to focus their minds and hearts to hear our words. We will then answer their every concern and question. In this process, we will reveal our great truths and mysteries, yet to be unveiled at this time prior to Zion being reestablished on the earth. We may prompt them also to share our words with you so that you may confirm them, and make them a permanent part of our records in the Church of the Firstborn.

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me this morning! I said I would seek to be more thoughtful before coming in prayer to him and Heavenly Mother. I want to ask many things, and wish to receive from them their mysteries.

9. Heavenly Father then smiled upon me. He said this would please him. He then walked over the waterfall in the air, and then a light beam came from him to his temple. He then passed into the beam and travelled to his temple in the distance and was gone.

10. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, February 26, 2021

1. I prayed last night and my Heavenly Mother asked me to come this morning to the outcropping above the circling waters.

2. I first came to the circling waters today to drink living water. I felt focused and had mental clarity. I then came to the outcropping to the east above this area, kenlt, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. Heavenly Mother came from the clouds above me to the west. She was smiling and very bright. I felt so happy to be in her presence again!

4. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you watched a documentary movie last night with your wife about the aborigines in Australia. They lived a very primitive lifestyle without God in the world. These are what the scriptures refer to as the heathen nations. They are steeped in false ideas and practices, and only continue in such behaviors because of the traditions of their fathers. They are our children who are having their earthly experience. They will one day be taught the truths of the gospel and receive the gospel, even at the beginning of the millennium when the earth is transitioned into a terrestrial sphere.

5. D&C 45:54-55

"And then shall the heathen nations be redeemed, and they that knew no law shall have part in the first resurrection; and it shall be tolerable for them.

And Satan shall be bound, that he shall have no place in the hearts of the children of men."

6. These people who still live on your earth in primitive ways, without civilization or purpose except their own survival, will be enlightened at last. They are kept in their primitive lifestyle which is full of revenge and hostility and false beliefs by Satan. Once you bind Lucifer and his hosts in the bottomless pit, these will be taught by our elect and will gladly accept our true doctrine. They will, as a group, be redeemed by Jesus Christ, and enter into the millennial reign with the righteous on the earth. Their posterity will live throughout the thousand years of peace, and many will ultimately be received into the Church of the Firstborn.

7. 2 Nephi 26:33

"For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."

8. Raphael, it is now time to close this post 187. Name it "Preparing our Elect", and have this be the last entry. We desire all of our elect and mortal elect leaders to draw near to us, and we in turn will draw near to them, and open ourselves to them.

9. D&C 88:63

"Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." '

10. Heavenly Mother then started drawing back into the sky above, and soon had returned back into her highest celestial realm.

11. I closed my prayer and began my new day.