193. Preparing for the New Jerusalem

Hello my friends,

My mind has become flooded with more and more details of the creation and construction of the New Jerusalem in its early phases. I have wondered how I could possibly direct the building of this beautiful island city, when I barely became consciously aware of how it was to be done. Read in this post about how this will all be transferred to the celestial servants and even to Mother Earth. These are very exciting times!

There is also more very interesting news on the migration of the tribes of Israel from the north. They have entered into the terrestrial physical realm of the earth now. Read about the monuments they created, and of their other experiences on their journey.

When you receive this post, the light of a thousand suns event will have occurred and the physical creation of the New Jerusalem will already have started! Please pray to confirm that all of these revelations in this post are true. We are on a marvelous journey together!

Warmly, as ever,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, April 29, 2021

1. Last night I worked until almost midnight on getting post 191 ready for final editing. My wife and I talked more afterwards, and I came to bed very tired. Heavenly Father told me in prayer to go to sleep, and that he would talk to me in the morning.

2. This morning I received a remarkable email from S. He said that the northern tribes had entered into the highway of the terrestrial realm! I was excited to read his email (I read it twice), and felt so pleased in what he received from our Heavenly Parents. I will include this at the end of my journal entry this morning.

3. I came in prayer to the high mountaintop this morning, for this is where I felt to come. I faced east and prayed, with uplifted hands, for my Heavenly Father to come. As I waited for his arrival, I noticed that the weather suddenly turned very cold, and that ice was on the ground everywhere. I hadn't seen this when I first came here. I then saw gray clouds fill the sky, and the breeze picked up. I felt chilled even though I knew I was in my replicated celestial self. I moved my toes and it seemed that they were stuck in the ice that was forming around me. My angel vestures had also frozen into the ice. I looked into the eastern skies, at that moment, my Heavenly Father appeared in front of me.

4. He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you to this high mountaintop on our celestial orb to give you a short experience of how the northern tribes of Israel felt before entering into the highway we prepared for them on our terrestrial physical earth. Many of them felt very desperate in their conditions in the bleak arctic weather. They felt they were stuck and would soon die as a group in the frozen arctic ice. They who could fasted for a meal and prayed to us in their desperations. They felt like you now feel for this small moment, being stuck into the ice that I have caused to come around you. It all looked so desperate for them.'

5. At this moment I saw a small white light to the right side of my Heavenly Father. I followed the light and it moved behind him to his left side. At that moment I saw an opening on the ice of a large rocky expanse. I immediately knew this was the beginning of the highway I was seeing in vision, and the entrance into the terrestrial physical earth that the tribes had just entered into yesterday. I desired to stand and walk onto this highway.

6. I looked to my Father before me, and he spoke: 'Raphael, when our elect came here yesterday, on 4-28-2021, they all saw this light that you just saw. They had just completed their fasting and prayers when the light appeared before them. The first group, with their lead prophet, first entered and walked upon the rock entrance of the highway. The weather was immediately warm and mild, with clear skies to their south that they could see ahead. Their prophet walked upon the rock and shed his heavy clothes. He knelt on the rock, thanking me, his Father in Heaven, for this great miracle.

7. He then turned and motioned to his own group to enter with him, and also witness the answer to their fast and prayers. They came and shed their heavy clothes on top of his, and also knelt on the rock highway entrance in short prayers of gratitude.

8. Their prophet then motioned for the other groups to come and do likewise, coming quickly as they were able, to get out of the arctic cold and into the warm and pleasant weather on the rock entrance. They came, one group after another, in their families and with their animals and carts. They all did the same act of shedding their heavy clothing and giving thanks to me on the rock entrance. Then each group moved forward onto the highway until all had come forth. This all happened yesterday, 4-28-2021, even as our servant Gideon (S) had written to you this morning in his email. His email is accurate and was given to him by his Heavenly Mother and me.

9. Raphael, stand now and walk with me onto the rock entrance to our highway that we have prepared for our tribes of Israel!'

10. I then found that I was loosened from the ice enough so that I could stand. I walked to the left side of my Father, and together we walked on the ice to the rock entrance. I then saw many piles of the heavy clothing that the members of the caravan had discarded. We walked around these piles of clothing and onto a monument of stones from the rocks they found on the highway. I saw twelve stones on the rock highway, in a circle.

11. Heavenly Father spoke: "Raphael, once these large caravans of our elect all arrived in the terrestrial realm on the highway, their prophet chose a man with a lineage from each tribe of Israel, twelve in total, to find a large stone each on this rock expanse. When they returned, he had them place these in a circle on the entrance of the highway, beyond where their piles of clothing had been deposited. He did this after the pattern done by Joshua when the children of Israel entered the promised land (See Joshua Chapter 4). He then dedicated this monument of twelve stones as a memorial to their God to have rescued them from the harsh ice and freezing weather of the north. He then addressed these men and those that could hear him, that this day will be a yearly memorial for their people to remember this great miracle of God in saving their lives. He said that the piles of their heavy winter clothing, and this twelve rock monument, would remain here during the entire millennium for future generations to witness and remember.

12. He told his listeners that they would now be free to walk to Zion on this highway ahead of them, in pleasant temperatures and weather, day and night. They would start on the morrow, but today would break their fast with celebration and a double portion of their normal rationed food.

13. This word was passed along to all the groups ahead and they ate their meal on the rock entrance to our highway.

14. Come now, Raphael, and let us rise up into the sky, and see where this group of our elect travelers are today!'

15. I took my Heavenly Father's hand, and we moved ahead in the air above the highway a few miles. We then saw below us the travelers, extended ahead for several miles it seemed. We came near one group and heard them singing songs of walking to Zion. They seemed invigorated with their hymn that they had previously sung on the inner earth, and now were fulfilling the verses on their journey. I felt deep joy to have heard them singing and to have seen such faith and determination!

16. My vision then closed, and I found myself back in my private room writing all of this in my journal. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this visionary prayer, and closed in the name of Jesus Christ.

17. S's email to R on 4-29-2021, entitled "Terrestrial Highway":


I would like to share my last two days of journal entries. These are very exciting times! On 4-27-21, when I was told to return the next morning to learn more about the Northern Tribes, I began to think that if they entered the terrestrial realm on 4-28-21, it would be 8 days after they arrived to the outer earth. I thought of the number 8 as a new beginning as in the age of baptism, 8 souls saved with Noah, 8 vessels of Jaredites traveling to promised land, 8 years of wandering of the Lehi and his family in the wilderness.

4-27-21 AM

This morning in prayer, Heavenly Father called me to his side. He sat on the retaining wall of the fountain of living water near his celestial temple. I came and knelt at his feet. I was overjoyed to be in his presence. I could have sat there forever for I felt such peace and comfort to have him beside me. Heavenly Father directed me to sit beside him. I drank of the living water with a cupped hand.

I expressed that it is easy to love him, Heavenly Mother and Jesus because of their bounteous love. I asked that I might be filled with love for those in mortality who may wrong me or treat me unkindly. I felt that in order to fulfill my future calling in Zion, that I would need their love and understanding.

Heavenly Father spoke, 'We will bless you to obtain this level of love in your heart for others. It is a godly gift that comes from our spirit that softens your heart and enhances your understanding.'

Heavenly Father began to swirl his index finger in the fountain and created a small whirlpool in the water. He spoke, 'We may have great impact on the earth affecting the lives of all our children. We never force their agency but may cause great impacts on their daily lives. When this occurs, our children may choose how they will personally respond to these difficulties.

The time is near where you will see and feel the impact of our efforts being exerted upon the population throughout the world. They will come to a point where deliverance may only come through us, their Gods.

Our Northern Tribes are currently in the arctic north. We could have caused them to sail to the U.S. as did Hagoth in reverse. However, we have caused them to travel on a barren, frozen wasteland where survival is bleak. Our children in these circumstances can only look to God for deliverance for there is no other way. This is similar to the storms of the ocean that almost swallowed Nephi when his brothers tied him up. Our Northern Tribes realize it is only the power of God that may deliver them. Their humble submissiveness is needed for entry into Zion. Each group must come to a point of complete and utter reliance on God for deliverance. This is requisite to be citizens of Zion. You and other groups must come to this level of faith and determination in your journeys too.

Come tomorrow in prayer and your Heavenly Mother and I will teach you more concerning the tribes of Israel.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and closed my prayer.

18. 4-28-21 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I felt to come to the mural room in the celestial temple. Heavenly Mother stood to my right on the side of the mural and Heavenly Father to my left on the other side of the mural. I knelt before them and felt grateful to be in their presence. Heavenly Mother handed me a cup of living water and said it would open my eyes to see more clearly on the mural. I drank the water.

At this time, Heavenly Mother spoke as I saw images on the mural. She said, 'Today the Northern Tribes will enter the highway on the terrestrial realm. This will be a dramatic change in climate and they will shed and leave behind their heavy winter clothing. This is a great miracle and they will all realize God's deliverance again. There are descendants from all 12 tribes. They will erect a monument of stone similar to the monument created by the hosts of Israel when they crossed the river Jordan in their travels to the promised land when they first went to Jericho. Each company will pass by their monument to God as they continue walking the highway towards Zion.

There has been some murmuring and complaining from some individuals from time to time. This will cease and behaviors will change as they enter the terrestrial realm.

Heavenly Father continued, 'The learning that is occurring at night among our elect in celestial realms will continue in their conscious mortal minds in the terrestrial settings. They will have our spirit more abundantly in their hearts and minds and our truths will come to their conscious minds. They will have a greater desire to be more zion-like in nature. They will begin to consider their neighbors needs above their own. This service and sacrifice will become part of their nature and desire. This same transition will occur in other groups too who transition from the telestial to terrestrial realm. Our spirit will open their minds and hearts in their conscious selves to live by and follow what they have been learning in their unconscious minds during sleep. It will be a great miracle in the lives of all who make this journey.'

At this time, I saw myself pulling a handcart among the Northern Tribes for an elderly widow. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Each company has assigned stronger members of their group to assist those with needs. Each is reaching out to assist one another according to the laws of Zion. These children are placing the needs of others above their own and our spirit of love and unity is greatly increasing.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents. I saw great joy in their eyes as I witnessed the growing righteousness among this faithful group traveling to Zion.

This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.


Have a blessed day,

Your friend,


19. R's email to S, 4-29-2021


Thank you very much for the exciting email that you sent to me this morning! Here is the sequel, in my journal this morning. These are very happy days for this large group of God elect!

Thanks for typing this all up!


20. S's reply to R, 4-29-2021:


R, this morning after I sent you my record I went to pray. I was told by Heavenly Father that you would receive more details on their entrance onto the terrestrial highway. I felt the spirit strongly testify of the truth you recorded. I was overcome with joy for the blessings and miracles this group is receiving. I look forward to one day seeing this monument of stones and the pile of clothing. What a wonderful day of miracles and salvation from a near icy death!"

21. Evening–I have worked hard outside planting in our garden with my wife and two children. While working, I kept thinking of the lost tribes of Israel walking on the highway to Zion. There will be many days of walking, with no pretty landscape or even vegetation, for this highway and barren land is void of life. I am relieved, however, that they are out of the cold temperatures.

22. I came tonight to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared above the water. I apologized that I only listened to a little of my past posts today on building Zion. I did spend quite a bit of time on getting post 191 ready.

23. I asked if I might know when Nibiru would come to the terrestrial realm. I knew it would be two weeks from the earthquake that it would cause before I would be coming to the New Jerusalem area to start the creation of the island and the mighty river around the new island.

24. She spoke: 'Raphael, Nibiru will come to the terrestrial physical earth next Monday, 5-3-2021. This will immediately cause a devastating earthquake on the terrestrial earth in the area around Jackson Country, Missouri. This earthquake will open an underground fissure up to about twenty feet from the surface of the bedrock where the fountain of living water will be placed. This entire area will continue to be mostly underwater. This will be the state you will find it in on Monday, on 5-17-2021 when you first come to this future New Jerusalem area in your replicated celestial body. Your Father and I will be with you when you arrive there from this very location, at the circling waters, on the celestial orb.

25. The devastating earthquake will be felt by the lost tribes. It will have been the sixth day of their being on the great highway. They will see Nibiru come very close to the earth, with its trajectory to the southeast of where they will be walking.

26. The earthquake will elevate more barren land to the west of the future New Jerusalem site. You will have Mother Earth move more barren land to the surface on both sides of the island she will have brought up out of the waters. These boundaries will become the shores of the future mighty river that will flow from the north to the south around the island of the New Jerusalem. You will command the earth to create the island and the mighty river on your first day of coming to that area, even on 5-17-2021.

27. Continue to study the spiritual creation sequences that you did last fall with us by your side. These same events will happen on the terrestrial physical earth next month in May, 2021.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for revealing to me the date of the start of the New Jeruslaem! I expressed my humble excitement and anticipation of this finally coming forth!

29. She smiled upon me and departed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, April 30, 2021

1. I reread my journal account from last night. I saw on the calendar that the first two weeks that I would be in the New Jerusalem area would be in May, next month. Memorial Day would conclude these first two weeks on 5-31-2021.

2. I also confirmed in prayer that what I had written that my Heavenly Mother actually had told me was true.

3. This morning I came to the desert oasis to meet my Heavenly Father. I drank living water and knelt on the shore, asking him to come to me. He immediately appeared before me above the water.

4. He then spoke: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother revealed to you last night, that you wrote in your journal, is all true. We have chosen to tell you before these events happen. We want you to come with me this morning and travel to Nibiru which is behind the sun now. You will command Nibiru to come in its terrestrial state to the earth, even starting today, to begin its path above the terrestrial physical earth.

5. Stand now, and come with me!'

I stood and took my Heavenly Father's hand. We then rose up in the air and moved quickly across God's magnificent galaxy to the far side of the sun in our solar system. Below us I saw the relatively small binary star of Nibiru. Heavenly Father told me then to command Nibiru, by his authority and power, to come to the terrestrial earth above the Jackson County Missouri area, and make a close path above this area.

6. I then raised my right arm and spoke, while looking at Nibiru below us:

'Nibiru, my name is Raphael, an archangel of your creator God who stands next to me. I ask you to awaken and hear my words that I speak to you by his power and authority.

7. Start now your movement towards the earth in your terrestrial state of being. Move with increasing speed so as to arrive at the terrestrial area above the New Jerusalem site, superimposed above the Jackson County, Missouri area of the telestial earth. Make one close pass above this area on 5-3-2021 of earth's time with your full gravitational pull on the terrestrial earth, and then return back here to your place behind the sun.

8. Nibiru, Do you understand my words?'

9. I then heard Nibiru reply in my spirit sense of understanding:

'Raphael, I am Nibiru, and I understand your request. I know you speak under the authority of my creator God, who stands next to you. I will follow your request, moving in my power in my terrestrial state of being. I will coordinate with your Mother Earth, to ensure that my near pass near her surface will be directly over the future site of the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial realm to arrive on 5-3-2021 on earth's time. I will begin my journey now.'

10. I then saw Nibiru change into a terrestrial binary star. I knew this happened because of the change in look on its surface, and the impression I received. It then began moving away from its position under us.

11. I thanked Nibiru in my mind, and then turned to look at my Heavenly Father.

12. He spoke: 'You did well, Raphael! Come now with me and speak to Mother Earth, telling her of Nibiru's visit next Monday, on 5-3-2021.'

13. Both my Heavenly Father and I then moved away from the sun and Nibiru and came above the waters above the future New Jerusalem site in the terrestrial physical earth.

14. I then spoke: 'Mother Earth, this is Raphael, accompanied by your Father creator God, who is next to me. Next Monday, on 5-3-2021, Nibiru will come above the area below us in the terrestrial physical realm. Nibiru will coordinate with you on its near pass above this area below us, in this terrestrial realm. When Nibiru comes, initiate on your surface a very large devastating earthquake in the terrestrial physical realm, but not in the telestial realm. Cause the bedrock below us to open up to 20 feet of its surface from the large cavern of living water directly below. Raise up the eastern portion of the barren land of promise out of the waters of the great deep within 100 miles of this location. Make sure that the highway to the northwest of this spot, where the northern tribes are walking, is not destroyed or changed in your shakings.

15. Do you understand our request?'

16. I then heard Mother Earth respond in my spirit sense:

'Raphael, I understand your request, and will do as you request. I know you speak and act under my Father creator's authority.'

17. I then thanked Mother Earth. I turned and spoke to my Heavenly Father:

'My Father, I have done as you have commanded me to do this morning.'

18. My Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well. Come with me next Monday in your morning prayer, on 5-3-2021, and we will come here again to witness this near pass of Nibiru above Mother Earth in the terrestrial physical realms.'

19. I said I would come. I thanked him for being with me this morning, and for his instructions and inspirations upon me to do this work. I told him that I loved him, and would always do as he or Heavenly Mother would direct me.

20. I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

21. Evening–I received an email from M.A. today. She said it seems a little deceitful that I tell those that I will trek with that my wife died in an earthquake. She wondered if they would even know about that earthquake that would take place in the terrestrial realm, and my wife will not die. This was confusing to her. I admit too that I have wondered about this. See my post 171A9 to 171A12, and 192K24 to 192L1. I hope my Heavenly Mother answers more on this question when I come before her tonight.

22. I came to the shore on the north side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water and then knelt facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

23. She appeared above the water in front of me. She was smiling and immediately spoke: 'Raphael, there are occasions during times of disguise that we authorize our servants, or even ourselves, to pretend they are one person when they are really someone else in disguise. The change in their appearance, or their story of who they are, is done so that they would not be known and that they may still fulfill their mission. They are to blend in with the society of people we have asked them to be with during their ministrations. In all such cases, where there is some sort of disguise, we first approve this. Our translated servants and angels have come in this way among our mortal children to fulfill certain missions we asked them to perform.

24. In your case, your wife will not have died, but part of your disguised story is that she died in the earthquake in the terrestrial realm on the earth. We will have told, by our Spirit, to those in your group that you will be joining, that their journey would be in the terrestrial realm on the physical earth. They will have no idea how to enter into this realm. By you saying this sentence we ask you to say, they will have found someone who has already been in that realm, even at the time of the earthquake. You will go there next Monday and witness this event. Were they to ask about how your wife died, you are to say to them that you can't speak about it now. This will stop them inquiring more, and they won't ask further. In your conversations on your trek, you will speak of your wife and seven children, but they will not ask further about her supposed death, for this would be too intrusive into a very tender subject.

25. Once you later come with your wife to the New Jerusalem, you may come back to this group and introduce your wife to them at some point. By then your disguise will no longer be needed.

26. Raphael, this is our plan for you to come with this group of LDS people who have been guided by our spirit to come to the New Jerusalem with you, starting next month. If one of those who reads this explanation still has problems or discomfort in our ways of disguising your identity, they should pray to either the Father or me, and we will speak to them directly. They need to come before us humbly and openly, and then we will give them the witness they desire.'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her further explanation. I felt satisfied that this was the best way to have me trek with a group to the New Jerusalem, alone without my family. I said I loved her. I then completed my prayer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, May 1, 2021

1. I received an email from S asking if the light of a thousand suns event would happen prior to my coming to begin the creation of the New Jerusalem. I spent some time looking up my past posts in 186, specifically 186F17, and 188D4-188D5. It looks like this event is supposed to happen prior to the start of the New Jerusalem this month of May. I will ask of my Gods this morning.

2. I came to the desert oasis this morning to pray. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer request.

3. He immediately appeared before me in his glory. He was smiling but did not speak. I therefore asked him this question: 'My Father, I am so glad that you have come before me this morning! On Thanksgiving day, 2020, you gave me your great light to hide under my angel vestures until the light of a thousand suns event (see my post 179G5 to 179G13). I also remember on 12-21-2020, I blew my trumpet three times towards the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on the winter solstice. This was in part to bring the foreign troops upon the land of America (see my post 181D15), even as George Washington had seen as dark black clouds that would converge and come upon the land of America.

4. It will be 5 months to the day since I blew my trumpet three times at the winter solstice this May 21st. This is four days after I will come to the New Jerusalem to begin construction of the island under your power and authority.

5. I wish to know the exact date of the event of a thousand suns. Is it really 5-21-2021 in less than three weeks? Your servant S had written me an email also wondering about this timing.'

6. Heavenly Father then replied: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about this light of a thousand suns event in your post 188D4 to 188D5, which S referred to in his email to you this morning. She said that this event of the light of a thousand suns would happen before you come to the flooded area of the New Jerusalem site. You will come there, to the skies above the future New Jerusalem site, along with legions of angels and of our celestial heavenly hosts, all in the celestial realms of the earth. This will happen on 5-16-2021, on the Sabbath, the day before you command your Mother earth to bring forth the island of the New Jerusalem.

7. The period of five months was not intended to be an exact period of five months. This will actually be five days short of five months, the span that the foreign troops have been allowed to freely come upon your land of America, and your freedoms are removed, and your republic is destroyed. These have now all occurred. The time is soon at hand when we will no longer tolerate the foreign troop presence in this land of promise. We will have you, our holy angel, come forth with my great light of a thousand suns, descend and set your foot upon the terrestrial physical earth. You will come next to the superimposed celestial realm, where the vast resources for our celestial New Jerusalem temple exist, and implant the glorious banner of the union in that location (see your post 183C9). This will be on the bare hill in that celestial forest, to be a monument forever. You will also place your gold crown, with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it, at the base of the staff, and offer a prayer to us to disperse the darkness on your land. We will hear your petition, along with those celestial servants who descend with you who add their faith to yours.

8. Once this event is completed, you may then begin building the New Jerusalem (see your post 183C12). This will start the very next morning on 5-17-2021. Both your Heavenly Mother and I will meet you there to begin our creative work!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answer to me. I felt very enlightened and uplifted by his words. I rejoice that this time is so close at hand! I thanked him for coming, and expressed my great love to him.

10. He then ascended up into the sky above the desert oasis. I watched until he left my side. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

11. I received this email from S entitled "Light of thousand suns"


I read Jacob 5:70 today. I searched the index and came to Raphael 188D4 to 188D5. It said the light of 1000 suns event would come prior to the creation of the New Jerusalem. With Nibiru passing this Monday 5/3/21 and then the start of New Jerusalem 2 weeks later, it would seem the light of 1000 suns event is coming in the next 2 1/2 weeks.

Is that your understanding too?



12. Evening-I had an opportunity today to listen to posts 172 and 173. I am impressed that I have already gone through many details in a spiritual creation vision, of what will soon happen when I bring forth the New Jerusalem by God's power. I have to search in many different posts for these actions I will take. I feel excited but somewhat apprehensive in doing it again exactly the same, this time in a physical creation sense rather than a spiritual creation.

13. I came this evening to the fountain of living water at the future New Jerusalem. The future time I was in was when the fountain will have been constructed and placed in the ground, but no water was flowing yet. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

14. She appeared next to me, even in this future place and time.

15. She spoke: 'Raphael, you don't have to exactly express the same words in your upcoming physical creation as you did in your previous spiritual creation. The general sequences should be followed, but it doesn't matter about the exactness of the order or what you say precisely. You will include everything we will have asked you to do. Please do not fret over whether you will remember everything to do in an exact sequence. You should have no worry. If you need help, we will be there to prompt you.

16. I am going to speak to you more in your unconscious mind in the next few hours. Your mortal conscious mind, however, will not be privy to what I share with you. I want you to now rest your body so you may be refreshed in the morning.'

17. Heavenly Mother then turned and walked with me to her gardens nearby, in the New Jerusalem area. I lost connection and came back to earth. I closed my prayer and ended my day.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 2, 2021

1. I looked at my calendar and saw that tomorrow Nibiru comes to the terrestrial physical earth, and causes a major earthquake. In two weeks from today, the light of a thousand suns event will happen. Then the next day I will come to the New Jerusalem to create, by God's power, the island of the New Jerusalem. I want to be very prepared, humble, open and filled with God's power and Spirit as I do these things. I will be acting as God's agent in all of these actions. Of myself, I am a mortal man with no extraordinary power.

2. I came this morning to the front of the Great Assembly Hall, on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I was dressed in my angel vestures, and was sitting on the stand with others, awaiting the start of a meeting. I looked up behind me, to the top southwest corner of the hall, and saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing. They smiled upon me. I then looked to the hall to my east and it was filled to capacity it seemed, with the celestial servants, angels of God, and the unborn celestial elect children of God, even to filling the skies beyond the boundaries of the Great Assembly Hall.

3. I stood and came to the podium at the front of the assembly. All was quiet as I began to speak. I heard Heavenly Mother's voice in my mind tell me to welcome everyone and to follow her Spirit in what I was to say. I thanked her in my mind.

4. I then spoke: 'My celestial elect brothers and sisters, welcome to our meeting of celestial servants in this beautiful assembly hall. I am very humbled to come before you this morning. I feel God's presence here, and will conduct and speak as I am directed by the Spirit of God.

5. After our hymn and opening prayer, I will address you. When I am done speaking, the remainder of our meeting will be conducted as the Spirit of God directs.'

6. I then sat down. We sang a rousing hymn I didn't consciously recognize about Zion and the New Jerusalem. A female angel then offered a prayer, and then sat down.

7. I stood and spoke to the congregation words like this:

'My fellow servants of our loving Gods, my name is Raphael. I am now living in mortality on the earth, and am poised to begin my earthly mission. I have been prepared by our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to do their work, and to help them orchestrate the bringing forth of the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial physical earth. Each of you have been called to help in this momentous effort.

8. Last Friday, on 4-30-2021 on the earth, our Father and I came to the far side of the sun, away from the earth, and we came above Nibiru, a small binary star that is in our solar system. I spoke as a servant of God to Nibiru, and told it to begin its path to the earth, in its terrestrial being. I asked it to come above the terrestrial earth, above the area where the New Jerusalem would be created, and to use its large gravitational force to begin a devastating earthquake on the earth, all on the terrestrial earth and not the telestial realm. This event was to be coordinated with Mother Earth whom we also visited last Friday. This large devastating earthquake is to happen tomorrow, on 5-3-2021.

9. The earthquake will move a lot of the barren land above the surface of the great deep, and cause a large fissure to extend from the underground cavern of celestial living water under the New Jerusalem area to within 20 feet of the bedrock surface. This is now under water, and will remain under water for two more weeks until I come with our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to create, by their power, the island of the New Jerusalem on 5-17-2021.

10. Meanwhile, the northern lost tribes of Israel have emerged on the top northern hole of the earth from the inner earth where they have lived for millenia. They arrived in 12,500 boats on the outer earth in clear waters. They left their boats on the icy shores of the Arctic Ocean, and began their trek to the New Jerusalem. After eight days of great difficulty in that extremely cold location, they were guided by God to the rock highway in the midst of the great deep, and the entrance to the terrestrial physical earth. They entered on 4-28-2021, and immediately experienced very pleasant weather. They created a rock monument and shed all of their heavy clothing, in large piles, at the entrance of the rock highway. This will become a memorial, along with the circle of twelve rocks they made, for the elect to visit during the entire millennium.

11. The tribes are now traveling south in their large caravan on the elevated rock highway in the terrestrial physical earth. They are due to arrive in late June or July this summer to the future New Jerusalem.

12. I was also recently informed that I will be coming as the angel of great light, in the event called the light of a thousand suns. I will be wearing a gold crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it, and will be holding in my right hand my sword of Raphael, and in my left hand the glorious banner of the republic. I will shine with the light given to me from our Heavenly Father that is very intense. Most of you, if not all, will also be with me to descend to the earth at that time. I will implant the banner in the celestial portion of the earth that has been prepared and will place the crown at its base. This will also become a memorial forever. We will turn the tide of the invasion on the land of promise, and declare that freedom will be there forever, from that point forward, and into the great millennial day.

13. Finally, the next day, on Monday 5-17-2021, I will come to the flooded area of the future New Jerusalem in the terrestrial earth. With my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at my side, and by their authority, I will command the earth to create the island of the New Jerusalem. How exciting this will be to finally begin the city of our God! Many of you will be asked to participate in creating this city, and in bringing many of the mortal elect ultimately to the Church of the Firstborn.'

14. I then closed my address in the name of Jesus Christ and sat down. The meeting continued with several more individuals rising to speak as the Spirit directed. I lost track of what was happening in the meeting, but then stood before my glorious Heavenly Parents in the southwest top corner of the Great Assembly Hall.

15. My Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, meet with me tomorrow morning at the location above the future site of the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial world. Together we will watch the arrival of Nibiru to your earth and the devastating earthquake that will follow.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their directions to me in my life at this time. I said I would be obedient to all that they would ask of me to do, on their behalf, in fulfilling their great work in these last days.

17. I then came back consciously to my home where I was writing all of this. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

18. Evening–I came to the circling waters tonight and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father briefly appeared. He told me Nibiru was on its course to come above the New Jerusalem site in the morning. He said we would be above the water in the air when it would come. We would then see the closeness of the binary star pass and the gravitational effect on the water and the land.

19. He also said that I should get a good sleep prior to being with him in the morning. He then told me goodnight and left my presence. I closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, May 3, 2021

1. I awoke suddenly to someone calling my name. This was an hour before I usually awaken. I believe it was Heavenly Father asking me then to arise and to come to him in prayer.

2. I soon was in my chair, writing in my journal, ready to commune with my Father. I came to the future site of the New Jerusalem, in the air above the water. As soon as I came, my Heavenly Father appeared by my side.

3. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, I awoke you this early morning so we would both be in places for the sweeping pass of Nibiru above this area on the terrestrial physical earth. Look now into the eastern sky with me.'

4. I looked to where my Heavenly Father pointed. I saw a glowing orange object and knew it was Nibiru. It was gradually getting larger in the sky and was coming directly towards us it seemed. It was a clear day with the sun shining in the eastern skies. Nibiru was several times larger than the moon in size. I could tell it was increasing in size and moving in the sky.

5. My Heavenly Father and I stood where we were in the air. The water was several hundred feet below us approximately, and was smooth on its surface.

6. 'Raphael, Nibiru will be upon us in about a minute, for it is coming at great speed. Its trajectory will be such that at one point it will be about 25 miles above us in the sky. The water below us will rise due to the gravitational pull of Nibiru to almost where we stand in the air. Look now at Nibiru!'

7. I looked and this binary star was coming fast, getting larger and larger in the morning sky. Back in my private room, I looked at my cell phone and it read 7:44 A.M.

8. Soon this star almost filled the entire sky! I saw the waters rising quickly below us and a very loud noise from the earth. It was from the ground under the rising waters, and was moving and cracking all around us. There was also a sizzling noise from Nibiru racing through the atmosphere.

9. When the water had risen to about ten feet below us, was when I thought Nibiru was the closest. It filled the entire sky, and I could feel the extreme heat radiating from its surface. The water started to boil, and steam rose all about us. The sound of cracking and earth grinding became very intense so that I covered my ears with my hands. Heavenly Father stood beside me, calmly watching this dramatic event. At one point, it seemed that this star would crash into the waters and the earth below us, but it did not.

10. Through the steam I saw that the water level was then starting to return to a lower state. Its surface became very turbulent as large waves started splashing below us. I looked up at Nibiru and I could again see the sky in the east as it moved to the west. To our west the star seemed to move above the water, almost touching it at times.

11. Below us, the steam stopped rising, for the water was no longer boiling. A mighty wind came upon us from the east and blew violently for several moments. I could still see Nibiru in the western sky, now seeming to separate from the earth more and more as it rose in the western sky.

12. In the sky all around, my Father and I saw very black swirling clouds gathering. Almost suddenly a mighty lightning bolt lit up the sky next to us and struck the water below. Heavy rain followed immediately, along with more violent winds and loud thunderings. It seemed the whole earth, water and atmosphere were convulsing violently following Nibiru's close pass.

13. Heavenly Father raised his hand and the wild commotion immediately around us stopped, and we were in a protective bubble of some kind. He looked at me and spoke: 'Raphael, the violent storm, surging waters, and cracking of the earth is now much lessened in our small protected area that I have created. You have witnessed the near pass of Nibiru above the terrestrial earth. Nibiru is now moving back into space, to return again behind the sun where it awaits your next command to have it return on its last pass to the earth for this eternity. It will come this next time in the telestial realm, and wreak havoc on the earth in that realm. Those inhabitants in its path will not survive the violent convulsions on the earth.

14. Come now with me, and let us go higher up in the sky to view the terrestrial earth and water. We will view the surface of the earth a week after Nibiru came. By then, the earth's surface will be mostly settled.'

15. Heavenly Father took my hand and together we rose up into the sky. It was clear again with blue skies and the sun shining. We could see the earth and waters below us, and could see the curvature of the earth.

16. We stopped our ascent and Heavenly Father pointed to the west below us: 'Raphael, to the west the barren land has risen out of the waters to about 100 miles from where we were, above the future site of the New Jerusalem.'

17. I looked and saw bare ground for miles to the horizon to the west. The blue waters were below us and extended to the east to more bare land.

18. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'The bare land to the east has also risen above the waters, due to the large quaking and movement of the earth. Mother Earth has caused all of these new lands to rise above the waters. The excess water is now beyond the eastern barren land, to a deeper body of water. In the telestial world, this is where the Atlantic Ocean is superimposed. This will be called the Sea East in the millennium.

19. Below is a wide expanse of water that extends north and south. From this large body of water you will ask Mother Earth to make a mighty river that flows southward. This will surround the island of the New Jerusalem that will be directly below us.'

20. I asked my Heavenly Father if we might see the earth in a future beautiful state when the New Jerusalem is all constructed and operational, from our same vantage point in the sky.

21. Heavenly Father agreed, and raised his right arm over the earth below. When he dropped his arm, I looked below us and saw a beautiful earth, a winding large river, and an island below us in that river. On either side of the river, to the west and east, I saw other settlements dot the land.

22. 'Raphael, below us is the glorious New Jerusalem. These other settlements are other Zion cities that will have spread forth in all directions from the central New Jerusalem city. The calm, mighty river flows gently from the north to the south into what is named The Gulf. There is another very large land mass that the river flows around, which is the city of Enoch. This is the same land mass that Satan and his hosts were upon when they were cast to the earth from our celestial orb.

23. It is where Enoch much later built his city named Zion, and which was taken up into our celestial orb temporarily. It will be returned to the terrestrial earth at the beginning of the millennial day of peace and rest. It will ultimately be returned to the celestial orb where it will return to become part of our celestial orb again. Each time this land is moved, it becomes part of the realm it is moved to. In the millennium, it will become a terrestrial land mass, and after this eternity, when it is returned to the celestial orb again, it will become celestial.

24. I looked to the south of us and could see the river dividing and surrounding this very large land mass. My perception of the earth was remarkable, for I could see for hundreds and hundreds of miles it seemed.

25. My Father then faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, return now to your current day and time. You will come here, in the sky above the future New Jerusalem, in thirteen days, as a very glorious and bright angel of light. You will first blow my trumpet of God in a single long note that will be heard by the prophets of the tribes of the north (see your post 182L4).

26. I will give you here the banner of the republic that you will grasp in your left hand, and your Heavenly Mother will place the gold crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it, on your forehead. As you then raise your sword of Raphael in your right hand, high above your head, the banner flag will unfurl and you will shine exceeding bright with my glory that I have given to you previously. Then, with the legions of heaven who will come, you will descend to the earth in the event seen by George Washington, as the light of a thousand suns (see your post 182L4).

27. Review again your post 182 and George Washington's vision. This will all be fulfilled as he witnessed.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his glorious visions I saw this morning, particularly of Nibiru coming and of the future New Jerusalem below us. I knelt in the air before him and bowed my head. I asked that I might be blessed with his power to do all that he and Heavenly Mother will ask me to do.

29. Heavenly Father then asked me to stand before him. I stood and he spoke: 'Raphael, you will fully be able to do all we ask you to do. You are our Branch, our archangel in these last days through whom we will orchestrate much of our work. Be courageous, and of good cheer, for the time is soon at hand when all these events will be fulfilled!'

30. I then felt like I was falling from our place in the sky. I came in a few seconds to my recliner, and I came back to my room. I reread my account from this morning in my journal, made a few corrections, and then asked if it was all accurate. I felt I had written my account correctly, and it was all true and of God.

31. Evening–I was asked by my sister K about Nibiru today. I wrote her a response that I will place at the end of my entry tonight. I wasn't sure how Nibiru could start on its own, in whatever state (telestial or terrestrial state) it would be in, and gather enough speed to come so fast from the sun to the earth, even in four days' time. I had these questions in my mind when I came to my Heavenly Mother tonight. I met her at the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake.

32. When she arrived, she immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have good questions about the functions and capabilities of our small star Nibiru. I will seek to answer these.

33. Nibiru's path is controlled by the gravitational pull of the sun in its long elliptical orbit into the far reaches of your solar system. When it approaches your sun, it coordinates with the sun in adjusting the gravitational pull or repulsion that holds it in place. In this way it can hover above the far side of the sun in a state until we call on it to move for our own purpose(s). Both Nibiru and the sun are our creations that fully obey our requests that we or our authorized servants may utter.

34. Four days ago, you asked Nibiru to make a close pass near the terrestrial earth above a precise location. When Nibiru started to fulfill this request, it coordinated with the sun to increase the sun's gravitational pull on it in a manner to move it faster and faster above the sun's surface. The sun did this by changing the gravity or repulsion towards Nibiru, making it speed up extremely fast before it left the sun's direct influence. While the sun increased or decreased its gravitational or repulsion force, Nibiru placed a high repulsive force from itself so that it didn't fall into the sun. This is like two magnets that repel each other of the same polarity.

35. By the time Nibiru left the sun, it had reached the same exit speed it would have experienced had it traveled around the sun and been whipped out into space in a sling shot manner, increasing its speed around the sun. The fast speed of Nibiru then propelled it to arrive at the earth this morning when you and your Father witnessed its near pass above the terrestrial earth.

36. Recently, on April 10th, 2021, I came to you and explained about the telestial and terrestrial state of Nibiru (see your post 190F19 to 190F23). At the time, I said that Nibiru may come as either a telestial or a terrestrial binary star, and appear to the earth in those respective realms. We have given Nibiru this ability to appear in either realm, but not both at the same time. Nibiru does not have the power to be replicated. This morning Nibiru appeared in its terrestrial physical state of being. It was invisible to everyone in the telestial realm, for our veil kept it from being viewed or felt on the telestial earth.

37. After Nibiru left your terrestrial earth this morning, it headed back to the far side of the sun. It will come in a similar manner to the telestial physical earth at a future time. You will be instructed to go to Nibiru and ask it again to come to the earth, but that time to the telestial physical earth. After it passes by the earth this second time, it will continue out into the far reaches of your solar system in its very long elliptical path around the sun.'

38. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very helpful explanations tonight about Nibiru. I told her I very much appreciated all of the truths she gave to me.

39. Email from R to K on 5-3-2021 about Nibiru:

"K, I am sorry I didn't address your question yet about Nibiru. Go to this
post 56L1. It has pictures all about the sizes of stars and binary stars.

In that post, at paragraph 56L7, my Heavenly Father said this when I was taken by him to Nibiru in August, 2017:

"Raphael, the object below us is the binary star Nibiru that rotates around the sun in a very long elliptical orbit. It is the only large body heading towards the earth.

Its trajectory path will pass by earth twice–on the way towards the sun and then on its way again out into space. It has this regular orbit, rotating fully nearly every 4,000 years.

As it passes by the earth both times, it will cause great upheavals in the magnetic and physical earth, causing great tribulations to come upon the earth."

I now think that the first pass by the earth is what just occurred today in the terrestrial realm. I believe the second pass will be later, in the telestial realm of the earth.

I saw a YouTube video on that post I listed, but that is now removed from YouTube. You can see from the images on that post that there are small stars without much heat that they emit, like Nibiru. These are small, and not at all like the intense sun. These binary stars, and other smaller stars, are quite common in our galaxy.

The path of Nibiru I had thought before was all determined by its trajectory around the sun when it comes on the far side of the sun, and then is propelled back into space, or towards the earth for a near pass. What I learned in the past few days, however, was that Nibiru has the ability to initiate movement on its own, like my Father asked me to ask Nibiru to do 4 days ago. This binary star has both a telestial state of being, and a terrestrial state of being (I recently spoke about this in one of my posts). For this near pass that I saw this morning, the near pass was all in the terrestrial state, and was not visible in the telestial state on the earth. I know that this is confusing, but it is one of the ways our God's work.

I hope this helps. Nibiru is a very small star, although much bigger than the earth (I think on the size of Neptune or Jupiter I assume), and not capable of emitting large radiation like the sun. It is sufficiently hot to cause the water to boil as it gets near, however.

This is about all that I know. There are lots of videos and descriptions online on small stars, and binary stars like Nibiru that have a large elliptical orbit around a very large star like our sun.

Love you!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, May 4, 2021

1. This morning I came before my Heavenly Father at the desert oasis. I first came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then knelt in the sand and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He appeared to me there at the shore.

2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, M.A. wrote you an email this morning, wondering how the northern tribes survived the near miss of Nibiru. She wondered if they needed extra protection or were they far enough away from where we watched Nibiru come. I will address her question.

3. The large group of the northern tribes of Israel all witnessed the near pass of Nibiru. They also felt the large devastating earthquake. They were all far enough removed that in their location it only frightened them, but did not hurt anyone. The large highway shook significantly, but it did not break apart or in any way become damaged.

4. I spoke to their prophet when he inquired of me about this large glowing star that came near the earth. I said that this was named Nibiru, and it was necessary to come to the terrestrial physical earth above the future site of the New Jerusalem. I told him that there was a devastating earthquake in that region that created a fissure to an underground cavern that would feed water to the fountain in the New Jerusalem. I also said that major land masses rose up out of the water at that time. I told him in some months his group would walk on this newly elevated barren land mass of the promised land.

5. This morning our prophet of the northern tribes of Israel gathered his people to speak to them about Nibiru and the major earthquake. Their group is large enough that all couldn't hear him speak. There were runners that relayed his message to the outlying groups.

6. There will be some major aftershocks over the next two weeks. These northern tribes will feel the larger aftershocks. They are now traveling again in their caravan on the highway that we have prepared for them. They have been encouraged by the words I spoke to their prophet. They are very believing people, and know that I, their Father in Heaven, orchestrated the coming of this star named Nibiru. There is great unity and faith in our lost tribes.'

7. I thanked my Father for his review of what is happening to the northern tribes. I asked if only their prophets will see me and the celestial hosts of heaven when we come in the skies and descend in the light of a thousand suns event.

8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'I will speak to their prophet at the close of their journey on the Friday before this great event. I will share with him that you, Raphael, and the celestial hosts of heaven will appear in the skies to his southeast on that coming Sabbath. I will also explain that this will turn the tide of darkness and oppression on the promised land in the telestial realm.

9. The prophet will the next day, on Saturday, 5-15-2021, share my revelation to him with the tribes of Israel. They will travel only half a day on Saturday, and then begin a one meal fast that night at sundown. They will all be very eager to see this newest sign in the skies when you and our celestial hosts appear. They will seek to generate the faith to be prepared to watch this event on the Lord's Sabbath.

10. When you appear in their southeastern skies the next morning, and blow your trumpet in one long note, the tribes will all hear. They will fall on their knees in humble reverence and look towards the sound. My Beloved Son shared with them, when he appeared to their ancestors, how I spoke to the people who survived the mighty quaking and severe storm on the promised land as recorded in 3 Nephi 11:3-8. At that time I introduced my Beloved Son, and they understood the voice the third time.

11. The tribes of Israel will all hear your trumpet of God, and will look steadily to see you and the hosts of heaven as you appear above the site of the New Jerusalem. When you raise your sword of Raphael high in the air, and the heavenly banner is unfurled, and your crown with the word "UNION" shines forth, then will you shine with the light of a thousand suns. At that moment, all the humble tribes of Israel will see the light and be glad! They will cry and rejoice in their anticipation of coming to the New Jerusalem. Their prophet will have told them that an angel from heaven will start building the New Jerusalem the next day on Monday. This will be a great Sabbath for these lost tribes of Israel. They will break their fast and celebrate with two portions of their carefully rationed food supply on that day.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my question. I felt so much joy to participate in this great event in less than two weeks!

13. My Father then rose up the celestial skies above the desert oasis. The red sky parted as he left into his highest celestial realm. I then remembered that the red sky in the celestial orb was due to depart on the very day of the light of a thousand suns (see my post 184B13). This also made me glad.

14. My prayer ended. I felt great peace and joy in anticipation of these events soon coming to the earth!

15. Evening–Tonight I started my prayer but was interrupted until midnight. I came again to the desert oasis where I had met with my Heavenly Father this morning. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

16. She appeared over the water, near the shore where I was kneeling. She spoke right away:

'Raphael, I want to confirm to you the words that your Heavenly Father spoke to you this morning here at the desert oasis. These are great revelations. All is seeming to you to fit together in a more and more clear manner. In January of this year, you had expectations that our words would be fulfilled another way. You have since dropped all of your anticipations of how our prophecies would be fulfilled, for they were all wrong. We will continue to surprise you with the fulfillment of our words. It is always best to drop all expectations, and just to wait on us, your Heavenly Parents, and see how we bring about our very strange work, our strange act.

17. Heavenly Mother then asked me to meet her at the future site of the New Jerusalem where I had been with my Heavenly Father yesterday morning. She said she wanted to go with me under the waters there, and descend into the new fissure and even into the cavern of living water deep in the earth.

18. I told her I would meet her there.

19. She then smiled and gradually left my presence. I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, May 5, 2021

1. I received an email from S that confirmed my revelation of the light of a thousand suns event in 1 ½ weeks. I so appreciate his second witness! I will put his email at the end of this morning's post.

2. I came to the terrestrial physical earth above the future site of the New Jerusalem. I am excited to see what will happen here this morning.

3. As I arrived in the air above the calm waters, I looked all around and saw only water in all directions. I then heard some rumbling in the distance to the west (I could tell by the location of the sun in the sky it was to the west). As I thought about, this my Heavenly Mother stood at my side! She was radiant and bright, wearing her white robe. She smiled upon me, and spoke: 'Raphael, these rumblings are the aftershocks of the devastating earthquake that has come upon this land. Some of the barren land to our west is still moving and adjusting to the great pressures under its surface. This will continue until the light of a thousand suns event.

4. I spoke to my servant Gideon (S) yesterday morning in confirmation of this coming event. His record is true that he sent to you this morning by email.

5. When you descend to the earth at the light of a thousand suns event, this area below us will still be covered with water as we see it now. You and our legions of celestial servants will come to the celestial portion of the earth here that is not under water. This is the location where the celestial forest and resources for our celestial temple is found. There is a bare piece of ground in that area that you will descend to, and implant the banner of your republic into, and place the crown with the word "UNION" next to. This is where you will then kneel on one knee and pronounce your prayer and blessing upon this promised land. This location is superimposed next to us in the celestial realm. Come and see!'

6. Heavenly Mother then extended her hand and we were immediately in a very beautiful land surrounded by tall trees. Before us was a barren rocky area. This is where we were standing.

7. 'Raphael, this bedrock in our celestial realm on the earth is where you will implant the staff of the banner, and place the crown that I will have given to you. It will be a memorial forever for our celestial elect to visit. It is located next to the location of our celestial temple, superimposed also next to the fountain of living water location that we will soon visit in the terrestrial realm. In the eternities, the beautiful fountain of living water will be re-established over there, even in its celestial glory on the celestial resurrected earth.' She pointed to a location about fifty feet away from us.

8. 'The fountain of living water will flow continually there on the resurrected celestial earth for our exalted to visit, and the banner and crown will be here where we stand.'

9. I looked around and tried to capture in my mind the beauty of this glorious celestial area on the earth! It would be the place where workmen and women will come to find resources for the celestial holy temple on the earth.

10. Heavenly Mother then took my hand again and spoke: 'Raphael, let's now return to the terrestrial physical earth.'

11. We then were instantly again above the water. She said we would continue holding hands as we descended below the waters and traveled into the bedrock under the water.

12. We then came some 200 feet under the water and stood on the bottom of the water, on the bedrock below.

13. Heavenly Mother then said to my mind these words: 'Raphael, we are standing on the very location where the fountain of living water will one day be. There is continuous unbroken rock here. Below us, however, there is a large fissure that begins about twenty feet under us, and extends to the large cavern deep in the earth. Lets go now into the rock and view this fissure.'

14. We then descended into the bedrock slowly. I kept holding her hand. Soon we saw an open crack in the rock. I saw this from the light from her presence. I knew this was the top portion of the fissure. There was no water yet in this fissure.

15. We then descended further and the opening in the rock became larger, to about three feet in diameter, but not smooth. The walls were jagged. We looked down and the fissure continued downward directly below us. We started descending faster and faster until we were above a very large opening. I saw the fissure opening above us, about ten feet in diameter now, and still jagged but somewhat circular.

16. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, the fissure extends above us, gradually getting smaller and ends near the surface of the bedrock. This is where you will create the fountain of living water with our celestial servants.

17. Directly below us is the large cavern of celestial living water. This is where you and the other angels poured celestial living water from your pails that you transported from Lake Beautiful (see your post 49H1 to 49H4 and 49J9). When the time is ready above, with the fountain that you will have created, you will ask Mother Earth to apply a steady pressure below this cavern. Water then will go forth up the fissure and the other four cylindrical pipe openings to the earth's surface. This will all be done this month of May, during the first week of you creating the island of the New Jerusalem.'

18. I continued to look around and remembered being here in April, 2017 with the other angels. I remembered the blessing on these waters by my sister Rachael (K–see my post 49J5). I turned and thanked my Heavenly Mother for bringing me here. I thanked her to have shown me the details of the fissure above us. I said I would do all she and Heavenly Father would ask me to do when I come above us, in the sky, to create the island of the New Jerusalem by their authority. I then also thanked my Mother Earth for creating this fissure and responding to our requests.

19. I then came back to my private room where I was writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ. It is a beautiful day outside, with blue skies and the sun shining.

20. Email from S to R entitled "1,000 Suns":


I had the opportunity to ask in prayer yesterday about the 1,000 suns event. You had requested that I share this when you wrote me last Saturday. Here is what I received.

5-4-21 AM

Last night in prayer, I was very tired. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind concerning my question regarding the light of the thousand suns event. She said, 'Return tomorrow and I will speak openly and freely when your mind is fresh.'

This morning I read Raphael's record of the light of the 1,000 suns event that comes soon this month. (from his entry on 5/1/21 and 5/3/21)

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the sky above the United States. Both my Heavenly Parents stood in the air holding hands. They were dressed in white robes and emanated light from their beings. Heavenly Mother spoke, 'You have been learning a lesson repeatedly that we first create or begin our work spiritually before we do it physically. This is true in the creation of our children, plants, animals, and also events. We caused Raphael spiritually to plan and build the New Jerusalem temple before he does it physically. We will continue to follow this pattern in the future.'

I spoke and asked about the light of the 1,000 suns event. I said I learned that it would cause the enemy troops to depart but I have witnessed no invasion of our nation nor see how this will be fulfilled when it occurs in 2 weeks.

Heavenly Mother responded, 'I will teach you to your understanding using words of the Savior. When he spoke to his disciples and the people, he said, 'This temple will be destroyed that not one stone will be left upon another' and that it would happen within that generation. He also said, 'This temple will be destroyed and in 3 days it will rise again.' These references were confusing to most of the people and disciples. Yet both of these sayings were fulfilled according to his words. Only the light of our spirit could bring understanding at that time.

You have previously witnessed in spirit the vision of the future light of the thousand suns event. Raphael will soon perform this act according to our commands and directions. Know this, your land will one day be overrun by foreign nations. We, your Gods, will intervene with our mighty power and majesty in a way that will cause these powerful armies to depart in haste. This will all occur even as we have spoken. Continue to seek us in prayer that the light of our spirit may open your understanding and prepare your mind to receive greater and greater truths.

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their continued support and direction to me.


Your friend,


21. Evening–I reread what I had written in my journal this morning. It was all refreshed again in my mind, as if it had just happened again. This was all given to me in my unconscious mind, yet it was so real and replayed again in my mind. I look forward to the time of my merged mind when I will have great mental clarity and understandings in my unconscious and conscious minds, becoming one mind.

22. I knew that Heavenly Mother was a resurrected being, and I was a replicated celestial being when we descended into the water and the bedrock this morning. I know celestial beings may do such things that seem impossible in our fallen telestial physical earth.

23. When I come to create the fountain of living water, I remember reading how there will be resurrected craftsmen and women helping me construct the fountain of living water, which will be completed before water spews forth. I am so impressed with the detailed planning that our Heavenly Parents have taken to fulfill and accomplish everything. Now that I have seen the fissure, I know better how to arrange the fountain underground.

24. I came tonight to the completed fountain of living water in the future New Jerusalem. I stood next to the pool of water at the base of the fountain. I drank celestial living water, and then knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

25. He stepped forth from the water shooting up in the fountain, and then stood before me in the air above the circular pool. He spoke: 'Raphael, we wanted to show you the details of the fissure below the bedrock this morning. You will be able to recall all of it in your mind when you begin constructing this fountain of living water, with the assistance of our celestial servants. Review again your previous posts where we described this to you in vision and in a spiritual creation. This will help you gain a full understanding of how to construct it to the details we have shown to you.'

26. Heavenly Father then came next to where I was kneeling. He extended his hand and I stood and took it in mine. We then walked all around the fountain and in other walkways. We walked around both trees of life, and then into the celestial garden area. I tried to take it all in as best I could. My vision then faded and I came back to my home where I concluded my prayer.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday May 6, 2021

1. I studied the spiritual creation of the fountain of living water last night, from my post 172. I wrote it down again in a summary sheet, with the sequences of events. In doing so, I wondered where the holes or pipes that were 15 feet in diameter that Mother Earth would create in the bedrock (see my post 172J4 and 172J8), would intersect the fissure at its 10 foot jagged diameter. I thought this fissure should become smooth from the intersection of these pipes towards the cavern below. I thought I should ask Mother Earth to make that portion of the fissure 30 feet in diameter and smooth all the way to the cavern below. This would even out the flow of water and the pressure coming forth into the four pipes and into the jagged fissure above it.

2. I came to the future New Jerusalem again this morning. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me at the future completed fountain of living water. He immediately appeared before me and spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I never showed you what we would want you to do below the intersection of the four 15 foot pipes in the fissure. It was 10 feet in diameter in jagged rock. However, this needs to become a 30 foot diameter fissure with smooth sides. You will ask Mother Earth to make this fissure opening at this point and downward until the cavern below is 30 feet in diameter. The excess rock will fall into the cavern where the celestial living water is located. We are glad that you asked us about this feature. We inspired you as you studied this in more detail about this expansion of the fissure.

3. Last night you received an email from M.A. where she asked how the light of a thousand suns event that happens in one realm, how would that affect the foreign troops in the telestial realm. I would like to answer this question.

4. The light of a thousand suns event will be seen in the terrestrial realm by the tribes from the north, and others of our elect and non elect in the telestial realm. However, it will all occur in the celestial realm. This is the realm where you and the celestial servants will appear. We will take away the veil from the eyes of those we desire. These will be both the righteous and the wicked, but still a relatively few will be able to view this event in these lower realms.

5. You will need to appear in the celestial realm, for you will descend to the celestial physical realm on the earth that is not covered with water. This area is superimposed over the future site next to the fountain of living water. At the time you descend, this fountain area will be about 200 feet under water.

6. We are able to have one event in a higher realm affect events in a lower realm. Such will be the case in the light of a thousand suns event. From that moment on, the terrestrial earth will be ready for you to construct the island of the New Jerusalem. This you will begin the next day on Monday, 5-17-2021. Also, from that moment on, in the telestial physical realm, the foreign troops that are located on the promised land will start to be dispersed. Others that may come upon the land in the future will not be able to remain, for we will honor your prayer upon the land of promise that you will offer when you kneel on one knee next to the banner of the republic in our celestial realm on the earth. From that moment on, the land will become gradually free again for the righteous. It will be a place of gathering for the elect of God, under the protection of a free republic that is symbolized by the mighty flag of freedom that I will give to you that you will implant in that barren piece of rock. Your promised land will gradually become the bastion of freedom for all the world to see!'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his very encouraging words this morning. He smiled and departed, and I closed my prayer.

8. Evening–While listening to post 172 again tonight, and after searching other posts, I wondered how the water from the pool area of the fountain would exit into the four smaller channels. I listened to several posts, and looked at my sketches, but still couldn't figure this out in my conscious mind.

9. Also, I wondered how these small channels that ultimately measured 10 feet across by 5 feet deep, attached to the fountain. I wondered if these were at the same height as the rim on the pool of water, or lower by a few feet. I was also confused how these channels could be adjusted from 5 feet to 10 feet wide on one side.

10. I really wanted time just to inspect the fountain and see exactly how these things were designed.

11. I came to the future New Jerusalem tonight, to the fountain of living water. I sought to be connected to my unconscious mind, so I drank living water. I had read that this living water in the cavern below us is celestial living water, and remains celestial living water when it comes above to the 3,000 x 3,000 square foot area of the temple square which is celestial. When it exits into the terrestrial channels, under the roads on the four sides, it becomes terrestrial living water.

12. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I was kneeling and facing the fountain. She appeared on the top rim of the pool perimeter, and walked down the steps to me. She reached over and touched my eyes with her spirit fingers. I felt them go into my eyes slightly.

13. She spoke: 'Raphael, stand and inspect the fountain that you have constructed after our detailed plans we have shown to you.'

14. I stood and walked up the three steps, and leaned over the two foot wide wall to look into the pool. I saw about a seven inch by ten foot wide opening at the bottom of each area where the four small channels were attached that flowed to the north, south, east and west. The height of the channel walls was the same height as the pool top rim that formed a ring around the fountain. The bottom of each channel was the same depth as the bottom of the pool which I knew was five feet to the top of the circular rim. I saw that the water height was about three inches from the rim, and was slightly lower in the channels that flowed away from the fountain. The rim of the thirty-three foot circular inside diameter perimeter was continuous around the pool of water. The only way water flowed into these ten foot wide channels was through the lower openings at the base of the rim wall. I knew that there were holes in the four foot diameter gold pipe at the center of the fountain. These holes supplied most of the water in the fountain pool, although a lot of water from the fountain top water fell into the pool also. It looked like the flow of water from the gold pipes above the pool that fell into the pool kept the four small channels full as they exited the fountain area.

15. I then asked about the adjustable channel walls that I had previously written about in one of my posts.

16. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, we had two designs at one time, the adjustable width channels and the fixed width of 10 foot channels. The adjustable width channels are more complex, and would adjust to 10 feet wide when the gardens and water needs all equalize. We are leaving this design feature to your discretion.'

17. I told Heavenly Mother that I preferred the non-adjustable channel width of ten feet (inside measurement) by five feet deep. I asked if we could use this design since it was more straight forward in my mind.

18. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, this will then be the design feature of the four small channels of water. These channels will remain 10 feet wide through all the celestial area of the temple block.'

19. I asked to then see how these small channels would exit into pipes under the roads. I also wanted to see the design feature of how the four 15 foot pipes from 3,000 feet underground, that intersected the fissure below, came into the start of the four rivers. I knew water from these pipes would not backwash into the pipes under the road.

20. Heavenly Mother held out her hand and I took it. We were then at the eastern road where the eastern small channel goes under to the road. I saw that there was a flat 2 foot wide end cap to the channel, and a hole in the bottom of the end cap. It was rectangular and about seven inches by ten feet across. Heavenly Mother said this was a continuous rectangular pipe made of stone that went under the street. When it exited into the start of the river across the 150 foot wide road, it was just above the height of the river at that point. There was no way for any water to backwash into this rectangular pipe.

21. We then walked across the street and looked at the exit rectangular pipe. It created a small mini waterfall into the large channel with a drop of about one foot high by 10 feet across to the surface of the water. The beginning of the large channel was somewhat turbulent from the 15 foot pipe bringing water from this point on that was terrestrial living water. This was not celestial living water like was in the cavern below and in all small water channels in the celestial temple block area.

22. I looked at the width of the large channel and it was about 30 feet across by 10 feet deep, and flowing gently after about 10-15 feet to the east. The sides of this large canal were made of polished rock. It was initially rectangular in shape then changed into a slope-sided river later after it exited the city and entered the field areas of the island. I saw this in my mind in detail. In this field area, the width of the river was 50 feet wide with gentle slopes, and ten feet deep in the center. The bottom was flat for about ten feet across in its center. The channel had transitioned into a river with dirt and rock banks where water plants could grow.

23. I then looked at my Heavenly Mother who was still holding my hand. I thanked her for these details she had revealed to my conscious mind.

24. She then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I had revealed all of these details to you previously to your unconscious mind. When I touched your eyes, you then could better see this channel and river, and recall what we had revealed to you previously.

25. All of the four small and large channels and rivers are identical in shape and flow rate. They all gently slope downward from the fountain of living water which is at the very center of the gentle hill that makes up this beautiful island paradise.'

26. I thanked her again for these details, and for the exquisite beauty and symmetry of all that I had witnessed tonight.

27. My prayer ended, but I could remember all of these details in my mortal mind.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, May 7, 2021

1. I reread my entry above and felt satisfied except for one aspect of the fountain design. I wondered how many holes and how large I should have perforated the gold four foot diameter pipe in the center of the fountain. This allows water to spew forth into the pool of the fountain while other water shoots up fifty feet into the air.

2. I came again to the future fountain of living water. I drank celestial living water. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me here. I was kneeling.

3. Heavenly Father appeared, standing on the top rim of the fountain perimeter.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, come up by me and go into the pool area to inspect the pipe holes. I will temporarily stop the flow of water from the underground cavern.'

5. I walked up to the rim and jumped into the now evacuated reservoir of water. I knelt by the pipe and inspected it. There were approximately one inch diameter holes that were all at the same height around the perimeter of the gold pipe, at a height of one foot above the floor. There were twenty holes evenly spaced in a circle around this gold pipe perimeter. Each went through to the center of the pipe. There were no more holes in this central pipe where water came up from the cavern.

6. I came to the rim again, and thanked my Heavenly Father. He smiled, raised his right hand, and I looked into the pool. Water gushed out of these holes very quickly and within one minute the reservoir was filled again. These holes allowed high pressure jets of water to fill the pool. It seemed to me that more holes would be needed to fill the pool since the exiting rectangular bottom slots to the four channels had much bigger openings that allow the water out.

7. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when you have our craftsmen create the wall around the pool of water, have them bless this celestial wall of the pool to adjust the height of the 7 inch opening, by 10 foot wall slot, depending upon the pool level height. When the pool reservoir is empty, these exit slots will close, thereby preventing water from the small channels from coming back into the pool, or the water in the pool from exiting into the channels.

8. When I stretched forth my hand, the water came from the twenty one-inch diameter holes in the center gold pipe at great speed and pressure. When the water was up to the correct level, then the rim wall detected this and again opened up the slots at the bottom four channel openings. This then kept the water level in the pool level, and allowed the gentle flow of water in the small channels.'

9. I was very impressed with this unique design! I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing and explaining this to me.

10. I then found myself in my private room writing all of this down. I could never have imagined that the rim wall around the fountain of living water could open and close the opening slots to the four channels. This was remarkable to me, a feature of the celestial realm at the New Jerusalem!

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, May 8, 2021

1. Last night I just sat in my recliner chair in the dark, instead of going to bed. For the next hour I reviewed in my mind the construction of the fountain of living water and the small and large channels. All of the many details came to me as I thought about them last night. I believe these details of the construction were given to me from my unconscious mind that I had been shown and told previously by my Heavenly Parents. These kept flooding into my conscious mind last night while I was sitting in the dark!

2. Here is an overall summary of what I came to understand last night: The floor of the fountain, and all the small channel floors will be made of rock and created by Mother Earth. I will ask her to do so, in a fashion to allow the future water to flow in the channels gently downhill. The top of the hill of the island is at the fountain of living water, and the hill evenly slopes down to the river.

3. The rock foundation of the fountain and channels, whether straight or curved, will all be created by Mother Earth of continuous bedrock. This will be at least one foot thick, and will be perfectly flat from the fountain which is also perfectly flat and level.

4. I will ask Mother Earth to create the island and the flat bedrock surfaces on the first day, on 5-17-2021. This will all be ready for workmen and women who come the next day, Tuesday 4-18-2021 and who will work for the next five days. On this first day, all the foundations of the fountain will be completed and done by Mother Earth. This includes the slightly larger than four foot hole in the center for the gold pipe to pass through, the foundations of all the wall, bridges, small channels, the full construction of the large channels and rivers, and the four surrounding roads around the temple block. My Heavenly Parents both will be there and I will speak by their authority and power to detail and ask these instructions to Mother Earth.

5. What won't be prepared yet will be any foundation work done on the temple. This will still be untouched ground. The vertical walls of the small channels will not have been yet created, nor the walls of the fountain, altar, circular walls and channels around the trees of life and the future steps and bridges over the channels, nor the paths in the celestial area. These will all be left for the celestial crews of workmen and women who will come in large numbers on Tuesday, 5-18-2021.

6. In order to get all of this done, I will need to replicate myself in multiple places on both Monday and Tuesday, and probably throughout the remainder of the week. We will have all of these items fully completed by the end of the first week, by Saturday evening, 5-22-2021:

-The island hill and surrounding mighty river boundaries.
-The fountain of living water including all gold work, pipes, connections to the underground fissure, etc.
-All the small channels and connecting rectangular pipes under the 150 foot rock road around the 3,000 foot x 3,000 foot celestial area.
-The continuous unbroken bedrock of the 150 foot wide roads around the temple block
-The four large channels that will carry water through the future city areas.
-The four 15 foot diameter pipes to the underground fissure from 3,000 foot underground to the start of the large channels.
-The four rivers that will carry the water from the large channels out to the mighty river.

7. All of these will be constructed by Mother Earth, and hundreds and hundreds of celestial craftsmen and women, and by me overseeing all of this under the constant direction, with oversight, of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We will work from dawn to dusk through Saturday.

8. By the first Sabbath day, on 5-23-2021, we will be ready to have Mother Earth bring forth living celestial water to the celestial temple block area, and terrestrial living water to all the remainder of the island in the appointed waterways. The ends of the rivers will be stopped so that all the living water remains on the island. This water will start flowing on Monday morning.

9. Then on Monday, 5-24-2021, and for the entire week, the island will be planted with seeds and transplants from the celestial orb. Thousands of other celestial workers will participate in this process from dawn to dusk for six full days until the next Sabbath day of rest on 5-30-2021. Each night that week, living water will mist over the entire island, watering all the seeds and transplants planted up to that time. By this second Sabbath, all will be sprouting and growing vigorously.

10. On 5-31-2021, our Memorial Day on earth, I will begin work on the holy celestial temple. Mother Earth will be called upon to make the huge 30 ft thick foundation of the temple in one continuous piece of bedrock on that day.

11. I feel very excited about these days just over a week from now! I prayed to my Heavenly Mother that she approve what I have written this morning, and that it is accurate. She then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have correctly received and written in your journal what we inspired you to write. It is all true.'

12. I thanked her and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 9, 2021, Mother's Day

1. Last night I came to my recliner in the dark again, and started going over all of the construction details for the first week in the New Jerusalem. I remained there until I mentally couldn't think straight anymore.

2. This morning I awoke early and reviewed what had been typed into the Google doc where all of my journal entries are typed. I corrected some things, and am now ready to pray again. Today is Mother's Day in my telestial world.

3. This morning I came to the future fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me here. He immediately came next to my side. I was kneeling next to the steps of the fountain.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, your conscious mind is now being flooded with all of the details of the construction of our New Jerusalem in its early phases. You have reviewed in your mind all of these details, and have not written them all down. This is fine with us, for they are in your conscious and unconscious mind now. When you evaluate each feature of this area, you will know every detail of how to construct it, and what to tell the many foremen/women, and the craftsmen/women that will work with you in this extensive creation and construction project. You need not sketch these details, nor write them in your journal. Those whom you initially work with will all be celestial individuals, and will perfectly understand your thoughts and directions. If you desire to share the details of your thoughts with them, you may intend this to be. They will then receive the full transfer of your thoughts and the manner of the construction that we have shared with you. Right now, you are the only individual with whom we have shared the full details of the construction of our New Jerusalem.

5. Your thought transfer of the construction details is more accurate than sketches or blueprints that you could create. When you intend to transfer your vision of how to make and create all of this beautiful area, it will all be transferred intact to those you wish to receive. This is how celestial communication works. You therefore won't need to worry about leaving out any details, for all will be transferred complete to their minds.

6. Similarly, when you instruct your Mother Earth the first day, on 5-17-2021, and also on 5-31-2021, you need not detail verbally every aspect of what she will need to create, for we will bless her with the same vision and details of what to do. This will make the outcome perfect. When she is completed, then you, your Heavenly Mother and I will go forth to inspect every detail and be assured it was all done according to our instructions and plans. Your Mother Earth has a great deal of creative work to do in this area, with changing her surface and under her surface, to do as we desire.

7. Raphael, there is therefore no reason to worry about these things, for all will be done exactly as we desire. Look up now and see this beautiful completed New Jerusalem celestial area, where we are now located, even in your future!'

8. I stood and looked over the beautiful celestial area of the New Jerusalem. It was all so perfect and beautiful! I could see the details of the fountain that we were standing next to, and saw the details of the fit of the circular wall of the pool to the foundation floor. I could see the gold inlay in the hewn stone on the top of the rim and the stairs. I could perceive all of these details, and knew they were all exactly as planned, and that were currently in my mind.

9. I turned and thanked my Heavenly Father for these great blessings! I said to him that I was very happy to have these visions and complete thoughts in my mind of how it all was to be created and constructed. I was also relieved to know I could have a thought transfer to other celestial servants and to the earth also.

10 Heavenly Father smiled and then departed. I returned to my private room and started my new Sabbath day on the earth.