188. Perfect Love

Hello my friends,

I hope each of you are enjoying the beginning of spring! I am excited that we are coming out of a long winter of isolation!

In this post you will read about perfect love, how it truly overcomes fear. Read also about how Jesus Christ struggled with human frailties that we commonly face. He had full agency to choose what he suffered for each one of us. These are important issues to think about during this upcoming Easter.



(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, February 27, 2021

1. Evening–I enjoyed a wonderful day. I am now in my front room writing in my journal, and seeking to become in a meditative and prayerful state. I felt to come to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water from the stream and knelt facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. Heavenly Father gradually appeared in the air in front of me. He grew brighter and more full or clear in his appearance.

3. He then smiled upon me and spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, we are pleased that you are planning your garden and reconstruction after your fire this past fall. You keep planning and acting to make your property lovely, productive, and a place where you may enjoy, right to your last day in your home.

4. You are trying to balance actively working on your projects, even at the same time that you make open time to commune with us, your Gods, twice a day.

5. Next Tuesday you will turn seventy years old. It is in this year that we will arrest your aging, and give you a merged mind of your unconscious and conscious minds. In this, your seventy-first year, you will create, by our power and authority, the island city of the New Jerusalem in the center of your land. This will be a place of refuge for all of our elect upon your land of promise.

6. Pastor Dana Coverstone recently had a dream he titled The Mud Dream. He saw devout Christians making their way to the center of your land. For them, this will be coming to the New Jerusalem, located in the center of the land of promise. There will be many things for them to change in their lives, which will require very open hearts and minds. This is likened to them struggling through mud, for these changes and challenges will be very great for them. You are to prepare the land to become a terrestrial haven from the world in which these, our elect, will flee to.

7. All of our elect have great burdens to drop, many views to change, and a difficult path to trek on in order to be prepared for the glories in Zion that await them. There are no individuals or groups of people that are currently prepared sufficiently to enter into Zion without us preparing them to be pure and open. We have called you and other celestial elect leaders to prepare the way and a place for them when we deem that they are ready.

8. Raphael, our ways of preparing our Zion community for the elect that will gather from around the earth will be unlike anything that you could imagine. Drop all of your expectations, even more than you have already, and be open to how we will orchestrate our strange work and strange act, in the eyes of the people:

9. Isaiah 28:21

"For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act."

10. Heavenly Father stopped speaking. I thanked him for his revelation tonight. I said I would further work on dropping all expectations of the strange work and strange act that he and Heavenly Mother would soon do.

11. He then faded away, even as he came. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, February 28, 2021

1. I came this morning to the shore of Lake Beautiful next to the maple tree grove. I waded part way into the lake and drank some living water. I then retreated to the maple trees and knelt by a large tree, facing the lake below me. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

2. The sky over the lake opened up and my Heavenly Mother descended upon the water. She then came at great speed into the maple tree grove. Soon she was right in front of me, shining her light and love upon me! I felt very honored to be in her majestic presence, and to be accepted of her.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night of our faithful elect found in the Christian churches on your land. These are some of our most faithful children, many of whom will trek to Zion, even to that refuge in the center of the land. We care for and love them, and will ultimately answer their many pleas and prayers in bringing to them the protection and fellowship in Christ they seek. We are teaching in the spirit realms at night, all of our elect, by those we have called from our celestial realms. In this way, we will shape their receptive minds to accept all of the truths of Zion, and the fulness of our gospel. They will need to adjust their mortal lives and conscious minds to become one with what they are learning in these celestial realms above.

4. The journey of aligning oneself to the principles and truths of Zion will be an individual journey. Each of our elect children needs to choose to change and accept, on an individual basis, our higher ways. They will need to drop their old familiar patterns of thinking and worship. They will need to trust in our Holy Spirit we give to them which leads them, step by step, into new ways of thinking and acting. They will need to continue in Christlike ways in helping others and opening up their hearts and minds to us, their Gods.

5. Once the structure of society breaks down, that our elect are so used to, they will be more prone to change and consider new ways. It will be in these hard times that these, our elect, will truly find a sure foundation, a precious cornerstone:

6. Isaiah 28:17,23,26,29

"Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech.

For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him.

This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."

7. The words of Isaiah from Isaiah 28:23-29 speak of how the ancients planted various seeds and harvested their crops. Intertwined in these verses is how we, their Gods, give revelations by our own voice, by the Spirit, to those in their daily lives, and in whatever their occupation might be. In this case, Isaiah used the occupation of the plowman, but whatever this occupation of their time might be in your modern day, the principles of God directing them are the same.

8. Even as the Nephites opened their hearts to the prayer of Jesus Christ (see 3 Nephi 19:33), so do our faithful elect need to open their minds and hearts to our voice that we will give them. This is the foundation stone in Zion, a precious cornerstone. By this means will we individually guide our believing elect to Zion, one step at a time.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I expressed my gratitude to have myself been sufficiently open and humble to accept these gentle revelations from them personally. I feel so grateful to have been led this far, even into the very presence of God! I expressed my deep gratitude and love to my Heavenly Mother.

10. She smiled her acceptance and love upon me, even as she then started rising up into the maple tree tops above. I watched her ascend until she was out of sight. I then started my Sabbath day.

11. I received this email from S.A. today on 2-28-2021 titled "Perfect Love". I loved learning about these beautiful truths!

"Hello R,

I was told I could share this with you, by Heavenly Mother. I had been pondering the last few days what is meant in the scripture Moroni 8:16 "...and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear." I wondered why love casts out fear, since they aren't opposites.

This morning in prayer, I came to the temple and sat with my Heavenly Mother on a bench facing the last days mural. She put her hand on my leg and I felt her deep love, peace and Spirit warm my soul. It felt so familiar. I had felt this great peace and warmth before at times in prayer, or when I've attended the temple. I started to cry, for this familiar feeling of great love was so indelible.

She spoke, 'You have felt the familiar feeling of my deep, all-encompassing love this morning. You have felt this before in mortality at times in the temple, but it is available to all of our children who seek us in true communion and connection with us in the openness of their hearts, as you are now.

When our children know and feel of our deep, perfect love for them, this is what casts out fear, even as the scripture states, "...for perfect love casteth out all fear" (Moroni 8:16). If they were to be afraid of someone else, they could also think of our perfect love for that other person, and this too would help cast out their fears.

When Jesus was to be crucified, he could have been afraid of the pain he was going to experience, as his body would be tortured and go through excruciating pain. Instead, he had shifted his focus to perfect love for his brothers and sisters, even all of our precious children. He even felt great love for those who did this to him. (I began to sob, for I realized how afraid one could be to experience great pain. I felt an overwhelming amount of gratitude for the abundance of love my Savior had for me, and for every one of us.) He also focused on his deep feelings and understanding of our perfect love for him, our only Begotten Son. Not only did he deeply feel our love, but he felt great love for us, too.

This perfect example of love was shown to all men by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for he overcame and cast out all fear in this great and eternal act of breaking the bonds of death and pain for all men forever. If all men would focus on their love of others, from us their Gods, and their love for us, they would cast out all fear. One can experience anything hard or painful without fear if they feel deep, Christ-like love in their heart.'

I continued to cry, for it was truly so remarkable to me to think of how perfect Christ's love is. As I wondered how to develop this same love, the scripture that came to mind was Moroni 7:48-"to pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love". I prayed that I could be filled with this perfect love, which I feel will be necessary for the struggles ahead. I gave thanks for this beautiful message and closed my prayer.

I hope you have a wonderful Sabbath, it is such a blessing to commune with my Gods in prayer.


12. I received the beautiful email above from S.A. today. This is the manner in which we should approach very difficult tasks. If we have perfect love, we will not fear what man can do. If we think of the love of God for a person we fear, then this will help drive out our fear of that person, even as Heavenly Mother said to S.A. I desire to be filled with this perfect love, for then I would fear nobody, but only God. I then should be able to act and do with great love in my heart and confidence from God anything that God might ask me to do.

13. It helps me to think of myself as a lone intelligence before God. It is only God and me, and only what God wants me to do is my only thought. God first loved me and chose me to be his son. In this fallen world, there are others who are also intelligences before God, but whatever they might think of me, or what they might want to do to me, is of such a lesser importance to me than what God wants me to do and think. I love and obey God, and that is all important, and causes me to fear not others.

14. 1 John 14:18-19

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment.

He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

We love him because he first loved us."

15. I came this evening to the entry foyer to God's temple on the celestial orb. I knelt near the pine tree to the east in this room. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

16. He immediately stood before me, a little elevated in the air. I was very happy to be before him. I gazed upon him, and felt very much one with him. I love him and want to do whatever he might direct me to do. I feel no fear of man or what men in my fallen world might do or say to me. I feel very focused upon my Father.

17. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the interpretation of love casting out fear, given to S.A. from her Heavenly Mother, is a mystery of our kingdom and is true. We have many such mysteries we wish to unveil to our elect. We will reveal our truths as fast as our children may sincerely ponder and then ask of us. We will reveal our revelations to any who come before us in faith and diligence, and then is open and receptive to what we say and what we may ask them to do. This is the great time of awakening and revelation to our elect children.

18. D&C 42:61

"If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things--that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."'

19. I then thanked my Father for his second witness to what Heavenly Mother had revealed about perfect love casting out fear. I prayed that we, who are called as his and Heavenly Mother's celestial servants in these last days, might be filled with their perfect love, and not fear man or what man could do. I also asked that we be inspired to ask questions to him and Heavenly Mother, and receive answers. I asked that we would not be afraid, but be full of courage and love. I asked that we fill the measure of our callings, including asking for revelations upon revelations. I asked that we might be inspired in all of these things.

20. Heavenly Father responded by quoting a scripture found in D&C 88:73-75

"Behold, I will hasten my work in its time. (Raphael, this time is now.)

And I give unto you, who are the first laborers in this last kingdom (even the celestial kingdom which is coming in glory upon the earth, which constitutes in part my strange work and my strange act), a commandment that you assemble yourselves together, and organize yourselves, and prepare yourselves, and sanctify yourselves; yea, purify your hearts, and cleanse your hands and your feet before me, that I may make you clean;

That I may testify unto your Father, and your God, and my God, that you are clean from the blood of this wicked generation; that I may fulfil this promise, this great and last promise, which I have made unto you, when I will." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Father)

21. Raphael, this promise is that I will hasten my work in its time. Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, needs to clean and sanctify every one of our celestial servants so that our great work will be hastened by your Heavenly Mother and me in pouring out revelation upon revelation. We are also hastening all of our elect by preparing them and having them taught in celestial realms above. This is the time of our great hastening, and we are doing it even now.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I was ready for this hastening to increase in intensity among his faithful servants and his elect.

23. Heavenly Father smiled upon me and said he would answer my prayers upon the faithful, and would increase the intensity of his hastening promise. He then stepped backwards into his higher celestial realm and was gone. I closed my prayer with a grateful heart.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, March 1, 2021

1. I came this morning to the mortal probation chapel in God's celestial temple, on the celestial orb. I came before the last day's mural and knelt. I humbly asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. She then stepped out of the mural before me, and stood in the air. I was excited to be again in her presence.

3. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, your Father and I will intensify our preparations for our elect leaders and our elect on earth. We are hastening the time when Zion will come forth in her glory among men and women on earth. This is our strange work and strange act.

4. Today starts a new month. You will never pass through this time again, for we have ordained time to come as quickly as it passes. The future becomes the present, and then becomes the past. This is the ordained cycle we assign all mortal earths and their solar systems.

5. D&C 88:60-61

"Every man in his own order, until his hour was finished, even according as his lord had commanded him, that his lord might be glorified in him, and he in his lord, that they all might be glorified.

Therefore, unto this parable I will liken all these kingdoms, and the inhabitants thereof--every kingdom in its hour, and in its time, and in its season, even according to the decree which God hath made."

6. Our beloved children make their entry to the earth, live their lives, and then die, moving into the next phase of their progression and growth. In one hundred years there will basically be an entire new population upon the earth, for the old will have moved on in their progress.

7. Raphael, your generation at this time is unique, for this time will begin a new spiritual realm on the earth in not many days. Zion, in her majesty and glory, will come forth upon the earth and remain for a thousand years of peace. A few of you will be our celestial mortal servants, and will have your aging arrested until the end of these thousand years, in order that you might serve our faithful children in the New Jerusalem celestial temple.

8. We are now hastening this time, and preparing you, who are first laborers in this, our last kingdom on the earth, even the celestial kingdom and realm around the New Jerusalem temple. All of our celestial elect will come there and be ordained and receive their eternal ordinances by the holy angels of God. The 144,000 are ordained by the angels, as well as those who enter the New Jerusalem temple (see D&C 77:11).

9. I will give a similar question-answer format as found in that verse, and then answer it:

"Q: What are we to understand by the celestial elect who are chosen by Jesus Christ to enter the Church of the Firstborn?
A: We are to understand that these are chosen out of every mortal time and nation to come forth to the New Jerusalem celestial temple, to be crowned with glory and endowed with power by the angels and our celestial servants. These, the celestial elect, will move forward in their progression towards their exaltation and eternal lives as couple gods in eternity throughout the thousand years of millennial peace and glory."

10. Your days are now changing, and Zion and her glories are soon at hand!'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelation. I expressed my love and allegiance to her and Heavenly Father, and said I would do whatever they may ask. I closed my prayer at this time, for I came back into my private room again and lost my connection with my Heavenly Mother.

12. Evening-I worked outside pruning some of our trees. For fruit trees, they become more productive with regular pruning, and this is best done in dormancy. We have warmer weather on the forecast, so I need to finish up before the trees break out of dormancy.

13. I came tonight to the cliff on the south end of God's Loving Healing Lake. I could see the beautiful lake below me to the north, with the red sky reflected on its waters.

14. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer. He then appeared in front of me in the air, having come from behind the veil that shields the highest celestial realm.

15. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you prune your fruit trees each year to help achieve the highest fruit production and yield possible. You are about to do this for your orchard this week. Some trees require different ways of pruning than other trees. The pruning may strengthen the structure of the trees so that they may support the heavy fruit as fall approaches. These properly pruned trees are also more able to withstand the rigors of wind and harsh weather.

16. We are about to prune our vineyard, and we will do it only once:

Jacob 5:69

"And the bad shall be cast away, yea, even out of all the land of my vineyard; for behold, only this once will I prune my vineyard."

17. My vineyard is the house of Israel (see Isaiah 5:7). There are many branches that need to be severely pruned and cast away from the trees of my vineyard. Whether I refer to my vineyard as an olive orchard, or a vineyard of grapes, it has the same meaning. Israel has great need to be severely pruned, and the bad cast away, and the good preserved.

18. The trees of my vineyard are soon to bloom, and my trees will come out of their dormancy. I need to prune now, even for this last time, before the fruit of my vineyard comes forth in its fullness. I will employ you as my servant, and will also call other servants to prune my vineyard.

19. Jacob 5:70

"And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few."

20. In the early days of this dispensation, Joseph Smith was designated as my servant by Jesus Christ.

21. D&C 103:21

"Verily, verily I say unto you, that my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., is the man to whom I likened the servant to whom the Lord of the vineyard spake in the parable which I have given you." (see D&C 103:16)

22. Zion's camp failed to redeem Zion, and my saints were scattered. However, Zion still must be redeemed, this next time by you, Raphael. We need a mortal man to do so and you are assigned to take Joseph's place. This time, "the redemption of Zion must needs come by power." (D&C 103:15). This time also "Mine angels (even those who are mortal), shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land (of Zion)." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Father. See D&C 103:20).

23. You are my archangel whom I will endow with power and my authority to redeem Zion, and to establish the New Jerusalem on this land of promise. You are my Branch that will build our celestial temple.

24. Now is the time that your Heavenly Mother and I are hastening the preparing of our faithful servants who will do our great work of nourishing our elect and the pruning of our vineyard. Our elect servants and leaders are relatively few, and much will be expected of each of them. Each will need to pay heed to their Heavenly Mother and me, and do so as we direct them in their individual assignments:

25. Jacob 5:71

"And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them (our few celestial angels and servants whom we will have prepared): Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish (and prune) my vineyard; for the end (of the telestial mortal earth) is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh (for the new terrestrial millennial era on the earth); and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time (of the millennium) which will soon come." (see also verses 72 to 77; comments in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

26. In preparation, you and our other celestial angels and servants will need to receive more and more revelations, and will need to know our voice and obey it. You need to "obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things" (see Jacob 5:72) even immediately when Heavenly Mother or I speak and command them to you.

27. Raphael, come here tomorrow morning and your Heavenly Mother and I will both come. She will address you more on the preparation work we need you and each of our elect leaders to do.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his powerful words to me! I felt very humbled and accepted his charge. I said I would come here in the morning. He then stepped back into his highest celestial realm and was gone. I closed my prayer and ended my day.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, March 2, 2021

1. I came to my private room before my wife and son awoke. I then started my morning prayer, and came to the place I was at last night, on the cliff overlooking God's Loving Healing Lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to both come to me.

2. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came from an opening in the sky above, holding hands. Their bright white light shone all around me and entered into my being. I was fully engulfed in their presence!

3. They both came before me and then dropped their hands. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what you have received from Heavenly Father last night, and what you wrote at that time in your journal is true and correct. You are our servant through whom Zion and the New Jerusalem will be redeemed on the earth. We will do so with our power and might!

4. At the appointed time you will be called forth by us, your Gods, along with legions of our celestial heavenly hosts, and shine forth great power and glory in the light of a thousand suns event. This will turn the tide of evil takeover on your promised land. This will be the start of the redemption of ZIon.

5. You will then come to the flooded area of the New Jerusalem and follow our directions in creating the island land and city of the New Jerusalem. You will act as our archangel, full of our authority and power. Other celestial servants will help you as you might need them. The celestial temple will be erected by you upon the designated spot where our celestial realm will rest upon the earth. The surrounding area will soon turn into a terrestrial realm, and the foundations of Zion will be established and started!

6. Raphael, we will do this great work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act, with you being our chosen servant. We will choose our other celestial servants to assist, many of whom are mortal translated beings, and many who are translated and resurrected celestial beings. Our army of supportive leaders will all fulfill our every command in our great work. No unhallowed hand may stop our work!

7. Our mortal elect who are scattered upon the earth will then hear our voice, the voice of our Spirit, and start to make their way to Zion.

8. Isaiah 35:10

"And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."

9. D&C 101:16-20

"Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.

Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered.

They that remain, and are pure in heart, shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy, to build up the waste places of ZIon-

And all these things that the prophets might be fulfilled."

10. D&C 45:66-71

"And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God;

And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called Zion.

And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.

And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.

And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand.

And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy."

11. Raphael, these great events are at the doors, and will all be fulfilled! My heart thrills at the excitement of establishing the foundations of ZIon through you and our other chosen servants!

12. Isaiah 52:7-12

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that hear the vessels of the Lord.

For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward." (comments in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).'

13. Heavenly Mother's eyes were so bright and shining, and seemed visionary as she seemed to see the future glory of Zion! I bowed down before her and my Heavenly Father, and acknowledged their great sovereignty and power to do this great thing that would soon come forth. I then felt very enlightened with her light and strength, and then stood upon my feet on the cliff before my Heavenly Parents. I looked upon their beaming faces with great joy and gladness. Oh, how wonderful will be Zion when it comes forth upon the earth.

14. My vision then suddenly stopped, and I focused myself writing all of this in my private room on earth. I felt such peace and anticipation to be in Zion! I confirmed that this was all true, and feel so blessed and humbled to take part in the establishment of Zion. What a glorious future we all have!

15. I now close my prayer and start my new day, even my birthday of 70 years old.

16. Evening-I enjoyed a wonderful 70th birthday party with my wife and two children, with calls from other children, grandchildren and my mom and siblings. I feel richly blessed for all who extended to me their well wishes.

17. Tonight I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt by the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then raised my head up to the red skies above and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

18. She immediately appeared in front of me, and spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad you enjoyed celebrating your birthday with your loved ones today. I am especially glad that you were so pleased. You are gaining emotional maturity and spiritual sense like we wanted you to develop by this age in your mortal life.

19. Without the experience of coming to a fallen realm, in a mortal condition, our celestial children could never develop the maturity and strength they would need to progress and become like us, their Heavenly Parents. Our first Gods realized that a probationary state, away from their presence and on their own, was the only way for their children to develop these god-like attributes. They also knew that many would not pass the test in mortality, and so they created the two lower degrees of glory to reward them for what they were willing to obey, and do. Only those who really desired to become like their Saviour and Heavenly Parents, who were willing to sacrifice all things and obey the gospel and what they might be commanded to do by God, would be able to return and become like them. There would be relatively few of these who would be chosen by God to be their celestial elect. They would inherit eternal life and exaltation, and become couple gods in eternity. Their diligence and greatest desires, demonstrated in a life long experience away from God, would be sufficient to give our first parent Gods the confidence they needed to ordain them as gods themselves.

20. Since this early time of the first eternity to now, and among all the gods, this probationary state has been used to finally select the celestial elect. All of their actions and desires, from the day they were born as spirit sons and daughters of God, until their days of mortal probation, is used to determine whether they will be thus called and chosen.

21. Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I have chosen you early on as our chosen son, made in our image. You have grown in your first probation in this, our celestial orb, and were chosen at that time as our third archangel. Even though you have served us faithfully as our angel of light during all the days of the mortal probation of our children on your earth, it wasn't until you yourself came to your own second probation on earth that we saw how you acted without our direct influence. We are so pleased that you responded to our promptings, and have now been awakened for these nearly 9 years since I first appeared to you on earth. Since that time you have grown into the mortal man we wanted you to become. You have recorded now 187 posts containing our Godly revelations. These have contained many truths never before revealed to man on the earth. You are part of this great awakening of our elect children, and will be part of establishing Zion in our terrestrial realm coming to the earth.

22. Raphael, we love you and are pleased that you have reached your 70th mortal birthday, and are ready to do all things, even as we may direct you. We have the utmost confidence in you, having seen your diligence and obedience up to this point in your life. We will therefore continue to endow you with abundant revelations, and our increased power and authority to act in our name. You are our chosen servant whom we have called in these last days!'

23. I feel so humbled and submissive to my Heavenly Mother. I bowed before her and said: 'Heavenly Mother, I will obey you and Heavenly Father, and seek to become more one with you, more aligned with your will, and seek to gain your perfect love for all your children. I will be your obedient servant!'

24. Heavenly Mother smiled broadly upon me, for I could tell she did even though I had bowed with my head on the ground. I sensed her acceptance of me, for her light flowed abundantly into my being and I was filled with joy and love.

25. She then asked me to raise up my head, which I did. She leaned over and kissed me gently on my head, and then rose up into the celestial sky. The red sky parted, and I watched until she entered her higher celestial realm. The red skies closed again around her. I thanked her in my mind for her beautiful and tender visit with me tonight.

26. I closed my prayer and retired for the day. I had a great day!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, March 3, 2021

1. I awoke to sunshine and blue skies this morning! I feel ready to connect with my Heavenly Father today.

2. I came to one of my favorite spots on the celestial orb, the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank, and then knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

3. Heavenly Father appeared on the center of the oasis, and moved quickly to me in the air. When he was in front of me, he spoke: "Raphael, I endorse everything your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night at the circling waters. I too am pleased with your progress up to this point, on your 70th birthday in mortality.

4. There are many things happening in your mortal world that you don't know about, that are moving your world into greater sin and captivity. However, on your own property, in your life there, you will largely escape the problems in the world because of your isolation from them. It is when you go out into your local community and your state that you will see the effects of these changes.

5. You mentioned to your wife that the love of mankind has grown cold. This you may see in your own community and family. People are not as sensitive or caring as in earlier times, and there is much more selfish behavior. The people are generally more hardened and are lacking love, gentleness, concern, and have discarded decency and tenderness. Your Saviour, Jesus Christ, in his ministry, said of your day: "because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." (Matthew 24:12)

6. When wickedness spreads over any society, the love that they would naturally have one for another wanes and is replaced with selfishness. The norms of decency and decorum are replaced with sinful practices and disregard for good and wholesome standards of conduct. This will continue among the wicked until they are removed from the earth. We will not tolerate such wickedness to continue to spread and pollute the new spiritual realm coming to the earth!

7. In the great millennial day, there will be a higher level of love, tenderness, willingness to sacrifice and serve one another than has ever existed in the telestial realms on earth. This will allow Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to remain personally on earth and reign as king for the entire thousand years of peace and love.

8. People who live in their Zion communities will freely share their own possessions and their time in service to others. They will think of others, even those not related or whom they may not know, even as themselves. From an early age, children will be taught to share and serve each other. In so doing, they will find the great satisfaction that comes in loving another. Their tender feelings will perpetuate throughout their lives. The natural man, spoken of in the scriptures, will not be present in the millennial state until the very end when Satan is again loosed for a little season. In this era of peace, the love of all will wax great. Our Zion societies, found in the communities and cities of the entire earth, will truly be filled with the love of God.

9. Moses 7: 18

"And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart (meaning that the love of God was in their hearts in abundance) and one mind (meaning they were united in purpose and beliefs), and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them" (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

10. Raphael, it is in such a terrestrial realm that we will establish in the New Jerusalem a small celestial area on the earth. We will have this be our portal to the earth, and it will be a portal to this, our celestial orb. We will have you construct our celestial temple, and bring our chosen candidates into our celestial church there. The angels and celestial servants will minister eternal salvation to our celestial elect in this heaven on earth. Oh, how glorious this will all be for everyone of you who minister and for those who receive! Our perfect love will characterize all of the actions done in this, our celestial realm on the earth.

11. Keep your eye focused on our future Zion, and these great glories coming to the earth! We will bring it sooner than you may realize.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his uplifting words. I expressed deep gratitude to live in these transitionary times that will end in Zion. I yearn to be there, and said I would keep this as my focus.

13. He then started backing up into the center of the oasis. He soon had vanished into a cloud that formed over the water. I ended my prayer and started my new day on earth.

14. Evening-I came this evening to the forest pool near the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center. The forest was shaded from the sky and the pool seemed lit up. I knelt and drank living water. As I did so, I looked more carefully into the pool. I couldn't see any source of light, but the pool edges and bottom were somehow lit up. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me tonight.

15. I then noticed the pool glowing brighter and brighter, in white light. Soon the pool edges and pool bottom under the water were very bright. I thought that this light was from Heavenly Mother, but I didn't know where her being was located. I just relaxed and observed, and sought to be one with her.

16. Her voice then came into my mind: 'Raphael, I am in my highest celestial realm, in the pool, but you cannot see me. I have allowed my intense light to flow outside of my highest veil and illuminate the edges and bottom of this forest pool.'

17. I then thought of D&C 88:66

"Behold, that which you hear is as the voice of one crying in the wilderness --in the wilderness, because you cannot see him."

18. I wondered if my heart and mind was not sufficiently single to God, or focused and aligned with my Heavenly Mother tonight. The promise in the scripture is that God will one day unveil his/her face to me, in their own time, in their own way, and according to their own will (D&C 88: 68).

19. As I sought to be one in thought and mind with my Heavenly Mother, her face appeared before me above the pool. I did not see the rest of her body, however.

20. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, there are ways that our children, who are persistent, and diligently seek our faces, and then wait upon us, may soon see our faces. You have learned these ways, and when you don't see us, you become concerned. This happened when Heavenly Father was very angry (see your post 186C3 to 186C4 on February 8, 2021). This happened again tonight. I chose not to immediately show my face to you. You could, however, see the light of my presence coming through my highest veil, but not my face until I showed myself to you above the glowing pool.

21. I would like to discuss this principle with you tonight.

22. The brother of Jared could not be kept from viewing within the veils that separate the celestial kingdom and his mortal telestial kingdom. There is a veil between the telestial and terrestrial, and one between the terrestrial and celestial. In order to bridge the spiritual realms between the telestial to the celestial, there are two veils in which to pass through. You now regularly pass through these two veils when you commune with us twice a day. Occasionally, like today, you have a third veil in which to pass through, which is our highest celestial realm veil. This you have also passed through because of your faith and knowledge, and I couldn't withhold, even as Jesus Christ could not withhold from showing himself to the Brother of Jared. (see Ether 3:20). At first he saw the finger of the Lord, and then Jesus Christ showed his entire glorified being as a spirit to the brother of Jared. He saw his Redeemer in his unconscious mind, and his faith then became knowledge, for he knew he saw him with his spiritual eyes.

23. Likewise, tonight you have sought to commune with me, for thus did my voice whisper to you to come here to my forest pool and call upon me. I tried to stay within the highest veil, for you were already past the celestial veil by being here on our celestial world. At one point, when you became one with me, in your focused thoughts and mind, and when your heart was linked with mine, then I could not restrain, and came before you to show you my face. This is the law of the celestial and highest celestial kingdoms. When you heard your Father's voice on February 8th, he said to you that he wished not for you to see his face. (post 186C4). You immediately backed down, even as you ought to have done since you were sensitive to his wishes. However, had you pressed forth anyway, he would have revealed his face to you, for this is the law, and we always obey the laws that we have instituted.

24. Raphael, it may be hard for you to understand this law, being mortal and not having yet your merged mind. Nevertheless, this is the law instituted by our first parent Gods.

25. Were one of our children to be diligent and persistent, full of faith, we would first reveal ourselves to them even as the scripture in D&C 88: 68 that you just quoted states, in our own way, and according to our own will. However, for subsequent visits, we will not hold back if our petitioning child is one with us and pure before us, full of faith and obedience, and specifically asks for us to appear to him/her. This is the law that we will always conform to.'

26. Heavenly Mother then appeared before me in her full glorious person, even a little elevated above the forest pool in the air.

27. Her bright and penetrating light flowed into me and upon the entire forest area! I felt so very one with her, and so loved and accepted. Her light carried with it her deep love and her great peace. I felt great joy too in being before her being!

28. 'Raphael, I am still in my highest celestial realm, and you have passed beyond this highest celestial veil. I could not restrain myself, and I am so glad to be before you also. You have followed the promptings of my Spirit, and I have led you to come into my heavenly presence. Your Father and I will always appear to you, even as you seek our Spirit and follow as we direct you, whether you are to come to the Father, the Son, or to me. We will always come before you, unless we seek not to be viewed and then you will not press your desires upon us, for you are now one with us.

29. We will do this same thing to every one of our mortal elect sons or daughters who have been introduced to us by Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. We will continue with an intimate and very connective relationship with each one, even into their own future day that they too become Gods in eternity, as are we.

30. We will begin our close relationship in this mortal life, in the world of the spirits, or at any time of their progression, were they to diligently seek us. We are their Heavenly Parents, and they are our child. We will not leave them comfortless, we will come to them if they press forward and ask of us. (John 14:18).

31. Raphael, what I have revealed to you tonight is one of the revelations that we said we are ready and willing to share with you and our faithful. We will reveal such truths to any of our celestial elect, even before we reveal them to you, as we have described previously. We are no respecter of persons with our elect children who come unto us; we will not leave them comfortless, but will come to them, and reveal our great truths to them.'

32. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful higher truths that she revealed to me tonight! I confirmed these were true, and also that I had written her words correctly.

33. She then smiled and faded from my view. Finally the bright glow in the pool also lessened, and the forest pool was back to normal. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, March 4, 2021

1. I had a difficult time going to sleep last night, for I was scheming in my mind on a project. I wish for the mental control to put such thoughts out of my mind when I am trying to fall asleep.

2. I came this morning to the hill overlooking the celestial ocean. I knelt on the hill and sought for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I then saw a man on the shore. He waved for me to come to him. I knew it was Heavenly Father. I stood and intended to come by his side, and then found myself standing next to him on the sand.

3. He smiled, placed his arm around my shoulders, and suggested we walk on the shore. We started walking together. I turned my head and looked behind us, and saw both of our footprints in the moist ocean sand.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we may leave our footprints, or we may not, all by our intention. Let's think not to leave our footprints from now on as we walk forward.'

5. We walked for ten steps or so, and then I turned my head and looked behind us again. I saw no more footprints in the sand.

6. He spoke again: 'Raphael, our intentions are very powerful in this, our celestial world. It isn't because the celestial orb responds, but because we who are celestial have this enhanced capability.

7. You were moments ago kneeling on the hill and desired to come to me after I waved for you to come. Your intentions and desires brought you here. This is our primary method of travel as celestial beings. We have this capability, and then according to our faith and intentions, our actions are realized.

8. We may also have power through our intentions to do such things as make our footprints in the sand appear or not. We may come into whatever realm we wish, and make ourselves not be seen or to be seen by others in those lower realms, all by our intentions.

9. There are some things that your Heavenly Mother and I wish you to do according to our will. Whether or not our footprints appear on the sand has no significance, for it affects nobody else. However, whether you use your intentions to heal someone in a lower realm does affect them. We wish to be always consulted, in such cases, for we are the Heavenly Parents of each of our children, and have direct stewardship over their mortal probation. We have plans for how we may wish to test them, to see if they will do what we may ask of them, and to observe how they act. Whenever your intentions involve others of our children, or the very earth, our footstool, or our creations, you should confirm with us that your intentions are according to our will.

10. Raphael, in this way you may act as our celestial servant, doing all things according to our will and as given to you by our Spirit and voice. In this way, you will be given our power and authority to act according to our will. You will be our faithful steward in doing all things we may ask of you to do.

11. When our celestial spirit children lived with us before coming to their earth experience in mortality, they all used their intentions to act and move. We have withheld a large part of their celestial ability when they came to the fallen earth. Their intentions did cause them to move and think, but they couldn't have their full power as before. A new infant cannot do much more than to cry and suck. However, soon they learn to crawl and walk, all by their desires and intentions. Pathways in their brain work to remember body motions until they no longer think about the separate muscle movements, but do according to their intentions. In this way, these, our mortal children, learn how to maneuver in their new fallen realm. In time, they learn so many things and have great abilities to focus and act in amazing ways.

12. When they die, and return to a spiritual realm where they are separated from their mortal body, they again may move according to their spirit intentions. There are restrictions in lower spiritual realms, even according to the laws of the telestial and terrestrial kingdoms. However, were they able to come into our higher celestial kingdom, their intentions are much more powerful and their actions are more free to fulfill, even according to their desires.

13. Raphael, you mentioned this morning you would like to control your night thoughts so you could go to sleep easier. Such is possible in mortality, and takes concentrated intentions to accomplish. I will help you in time to learn these skills, even in your mortal body.

14. Finally, what your Heavenly Mother revealed to you last night about the laws of the celestial kingdom, about when we reveal ourselves to our children, is true. We will confirm these truths to our inquiring children, as they might ask of us.'

15. My Father stopped speaking, dropped his arm from my shoulders, and turned to face me. I gazed into his pleasant and smiling face. I felt such peace and clearness to be in his presence! He then disappeared and I found myself in my private room on earth.

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father in my mind for his lessons today. I continued to enjoy his presence in my heart, and then closed my prayer. I started my new day.

17. Evening-I am sore from pruning our fruit trees for much of the day. I was high up in one of the apple trees when a majestic hawk flew directly overhead! I love living in the country to have such experiences.

18. Tonight I came to the north side of Lake Beautiful, where the celestial orchard was to the north. I felt I should come here and meet my Heavenly Mother.

19. I drank living water from the lake, and then faced the lake and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

20. She came over the water and walked in the air to me. She extended her hand and asked for me to walk up into her orchard with her. I stood and took her hand. We then started walking towards her orchard to the north.

21. She spoke: 'Raphael, today you pruned more of your fruit trees. You saw that the plum and apple trees had swelling buds already. Each one of these emerging buds has the potential to become a luscious fruit that you will someday enjoy.'

22. We then came upon a beautiful apple tree that was blooming with abundant white flowers. There were bees buzzing all around the tree, and it was magnificent.

23. 'Raphael, this beautiful apple tree will produce an abundant harvest of celestial apples. Each will be large and very tasty to eat. In your orchard on earth, there are cold nights, winds, and insufficient pollination that will cause only the most hearty blossoms to turn into telestial apples. Your pruning and thinning efforts will help produce larger apples. Throughout the summer you will need to also water regularly to keep the trees and fruit growing as they should. This is all part of being a good fruit grower.'

24. Just then a majestic hawk flew overhead right over the top of the tree we were next to. I remembered the hawk that flew overhead in my own orchard today. I smiled, and looked over to my Heavenly Mother who was also smiling. I knew she knew about the hawk I saw this afternoon.

25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have brought this hawk flying overhead and to have thought of this little event of the hawk I enjoyed so much while pruning today.

26. She spoke again: 'Raphael, our children are like the apple buds on your tree. Only some will become big, beautiful apples. There will be many that never become blossoms, and then some that will freeze off, or blow away, or some that will be eaten by worms or insects. Life in mortality can be difficult, for there are difficulties that come into every life. It is how our children face their challenge that is so very important. As they pray to us, and ask for assistance, we will help them and bring change into their lives to help them overcome their challenges.

27. In facing problems and seeking to overcome them, our beloved children will become stronger and grow into our more capable sons and daughters.

28. The upcoming tribulations coming upon all the world will be the means to assist our elect to grow into strong and more faithful children. With these challenges in their lives, they will grow the quickest. Our elect are now ready to bloom into the stronger and more enlightened children we wish them to become.'

29. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message tonight. My prayer ended and I found myself next in my home where I had been writing all of this. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, March 5, 2021

1. This morning I came to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced the distant celestial temple and knelt. I called upon my Heavenly Father in prayer, asking him to come to me.

2. While I waited I thought of how clear my mind was, and that I had absolutely no idea what Heavenly Father might talk to me about. I was marvelling at this complete blank feeling in my mind when Heavenly Father appeared at my side. I knew he was aware of my thoughts. He then spoke: 'Raphael, when you come before your Heavenly Mother and me in prayer, you normally don't have any agenda or questions. You prefer to be open and receptive to what we would want to reveal to you. There are times when your heart and mind are filled with desire to ask of us a certain thing, but usually you just seek us out and are completely open to whatever we wish to share with you.

3. Both of these approaches to us in prayer are very acceptable. We want to succor our children in their problems they may bring to us. We also are very pleased when they just want to be with us and have no agenda or requests. In these latter times, we often bring up a topic we wish to share. We have very many revelations we want to reveal to you and our other humble children.

4. When our children approach us in prayer, it is difficult for us to reveal much if their time in prayer is very limited, or if they are thinking about concerns of their life and of their plans for their mortal day. It is also very restrictive when their beliefs are so limited that they can only receive a narrow view of what we might say to them. We are so pleased when our inquiring and petitioning children are extremely open and accepting to whatever we might reveal.

5. We have been working with you and the others in your small email list to drop their expectations. They should take our words we reveal to you and to themselves just as we give them, with no embellishments or thinking of how these may be fulfilled. This is part of waiting upon the Lord as the scriptures say. You have been doing well in dropping your expectations, and taking a wait and see attitude. In so doing, you still are full of faith and trust that our words will all somehow be fulfilled.

6. The boats of the faithful tribes of Israel are soon approaching the oceans and ice of the outer earth. There is a lot of excitement and anticipation of these faithful sons and daughters. The journey has been long and difficult in many ways already, but they are soon about to see the sky and stars that you commonly view, from the outer earth. This little experience will be very faith building for them!

7. S is going to type up your journal pages today which he has agreed to do as a volunteer. As he inquires of us, his Heavenly Parents, we will reveal to him more details of this caravan of travelers on the oceans. We will also share with him experiences that will bring to him great joy, for he is among them in his replicated being. When we have finished revealing our revelations to S of this group, we would like you to share his experiences, as he is willing to share, in your current post.'

8. Heavenly Father turned and faced with me to the west towards his temple. I looked and saw a vision of this, the lost tribes of Israel, coming to the outer earth. I saw their struggles, joys, and felt of their anticipation and excitement. Heavenly Father then reached to my head with his hand and touched me. He said he wanted his servant S to see this too, and that if S were to share with me in the near future, I would recall this vision. I then could remember nothing I had viewed, but only that I had viewed a vision.

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for my experience and for his words in prayer this morning. I knew my time in prayer was completed. I ended my prayer in the name of his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

10. I received this email on 3-6-2021 from S entitled "Guiding star at night":


I had a wonderful experience in prayer last night and I wanted to share it this morning. Thanks for being open and receptive yourself to inspiration and sharing it with others. I appreciate that you reached out to me that I should seek further understanding.

3/5/21 PM

Tonight I read Raphael's record from this morning's entry in his journal. I will transcribe it in the morning tomorrow. He recorded that Heavenly Father showed him a vision but that he would not recall it. Heavenly Father told him that I was to share the vision. I felt humbled when I read these words. I asked in prayer in my heart if this was true and I received a "yes" by the spirit. I asked if I should receive it tonight or tomorrow in the morning. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, "Tonight, so that you may share it in the morning."

I then went to my closet to pray. I knelt in prayer and called upon Heavenly Father, for I felt he would speak to me. I came to the mural room in the celestial temple as I felt inspired to come here. Heavenly Father was standing beside the mural, waiting for me. He was happy and smiling, and I felt his love wash over me. In my mind I asked why Heavenly Father spoke to Raphael about me having this experience. Heavenly Father spoke: 'We present light and knowledge through many of our children that all may be edified together.' (I thought of a recent entry recorded by Raphael that our Heavenly Parents are no respecter of persons, and each may come to commune with them and have marvelous experiences.) I was humbled and grateful for his words.

Heavenly Father spoke, 'Look to the mural.' I looked and images appeared before me of what he was speaking about. He continued: 'Raphael recorded my words correctly that the lost tribes are soon approaching the transition point to the outer earth. Their journey thus far has been long and arduous. Some ships have experienced food spoiling or water loss where rationing has become meager and other ships have needed to share provisions. This has caused the faith of some to waiver and thoughts of returning has come to the minds of some who have voiced their concerns. Since Hagoth came with the Nephites, the passageway has not been open. That was over 2,000 years ago. The precise location of the transition point is unknown to all the people. Some in the group have questioned if they will even find this location and whether they should turn back. Their prophet leader directs the ships during the daytime as we light the way to his eyes. (On the mural, I saw a group of ships clustered together and traveling as a group while the sun was shining. I had not considered before the need for them to all travel together because the exact location of the transition point is not familiar to them). Heavenly Father continued: 'At night there is a guiding light in the sky similar to a star that points them the way to go.' ( I had not considered that they would need to steer at night too. I asked a second time if I understood correctly because there are no stars there, and Heavenly Father said I understood correctly what he shared) He spoke: 'This is one of the small miracles we have provided for them.

Whenever there is such a large group of individuals, when challenges arise, some will begin to doubt and cause distress to others. This happened with Joseph Smith and Zion's Camp. Joseph's group also faced many hardships, setbacks, and murmurings. Yet these trials for the lost tribes will refine them and purify them as they did for Joseph's group. They will more easily overcome the greater challenges before them after they cross the transition point because of their increased faith and trust in God they are experiencing now in their trials. In a similar way, we have tested the faith and hearts of the small group who receives Raphael's posts. Things have not come to pass how many of you imagined it, yet as you individually sought us your Heavenly Parents in prayer, we comforted you and blessed you with reassurance.

At this time your replicated self is praying on the ship deck at night for the faith of all the travelers to be sustained, especially for those with doubts who want to turn back. (I saw my replicated self on the ship deck kneeling at night, pouring my heart to God.) Heavenly Father continued: 'There is an outpouring of our spirit occurring in the hearts of our children on these ships as they pray and turn their hearts to God. They will find that their burdens become light as we did for Alma's group when Amulon put heavy tasks upon them and tried to force them not to pray (see Mosiah 24:15). At this time, many in the group of the lost tribes are pouring their hearts out to God, and your Heavenly Mother and I are sending both peace and comfort to their hearts in large measure. Each who prays receives the confidence and reassurance to press forward in their journey.

Last, you saw in the news recently that a large glacier broke off the antarctic region within the last few weeks. We have caused large glaciers in the North to break off recently in preparation for the lost tribes of Israel to pass through. (After my prayer, I searched the internet and found that a glacier called Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden that was 50 miles long/12 miles wide broke off in September 2020 near Greenland, and it alone accounted for 2/3 of the ice shelf lost in the last 20 years)

At this time, I saw a peaceful, comforting spirit abide among the people on the ships as they prayed before they slept for the night.

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and the scenes that flashed before my view as he spoke. I asked that I might record his words accurately. He smiled and spoke to my mind that he would assist me with my record. I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.


As I finished typing, I felt the spirit confirm that this was a true and accurate account of what I received in prayer from Heavenly Father last night.

Have a wonderful day,


11. I also received this wonderful email from my sister K yesterday entitled "Healing Rose":

"Hi R,

As I was editing post 187, I read S.A.'s experience of the healing of her goats with the healing female angel rose. She wrote about it on 2/22/21, but although I also wrote about the healing rose in my journal on 3/2/2I, I had not yet read of her experience. Here is what I wrote:

March 2, 202l

"I drank living water from the small spring and prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come. I soon saw her coming towards me and it seemed she was carrying flowers, but when she was close to me I didn't "see" flowers. Then she handed me a long-stemmed rose. 'Rachael, this rose will be a blessing to you as you lovingly and gently assist others in need of comfort. You perceived long ago that our female angels carry a rose for healing. This rose is alive and divine in nature. Its perfection is soft, gentle, soothing, beautiful, comforting and uplifting. You may bring this energy and these divine godly qualities to any situation. You may consciously or unconsciously evoke the feminine divine rose energies.

Be in joy this day and go about your activities with a cheerful heart. You are abundantly blessed and supported. That full cup of blessings is a source of strength and hope to others. You may freely give and will not be found wanting. The more you give, the more you have to give.'

I feel this rose is something I have with me always."

Love, K"

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, March 6, 2021

1. I received two remarkable emails last night and this morning, from S and K. These each buoyed me up a lot, and gave me a spiritual boost. I know what they said was true.

2. I prayed by my recliner chair in the dark, and Heavenly Father told me to come to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake in the morning. I am here now, and just drank living water. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. He immediately appeared in front of me. I felt so happy to be before him kneeling! His eternity eyes were gentle and looked so very loving and tender.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, we have given revelations to S and K, and impressed each to share with you. Our words and voice come to them in their own way, and according to how they each would best receive them. This is how a loving parent couches his/her words individually to each of his/her children. The message is tailored to each one, and they are uplifted by us, their loving Heavenly Parents. We are truly no respecter of persons, and tenderly lead along and reveal to each of our children, even as we will, one by one. We rejoice in their responses and receptivity. We seek after our sheep, or our beloved elect children, and carefully gather them. We desire each to develop a sweet relationship with us. We rejoice in our son or daughter, who has again become reconnected to us, who was once lost or separated from us in mortality.

5. Luke 15:4-5

"What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing."

6. We rejoice when we have reconnected with any of our beloved sons and daughters again who live in the probationary state. This brings us great joy when the channels of connection are again reestablished!

7. Raphael, this morning you awoke to the wind blowing your trees outside the window. You couldn't see the wind, but you saw the trees moving their branches from the effects of the wind, and you heard the noise from the wind and tree movements.

8. This is akin to our children who are born of the Spirit, and have taken upon them the Holy Spirit as their guide.

9. John 3:8

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit."

10. D&C 45:56-59

"And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.

For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.

And the earth shall be given unto them for an (everlasting) inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children (and grandchildren) shall grow up without sin unto salvation.

For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver." ' (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

11. Heavenly Father stopped speaking, and was smiling broadly. He then left my presence as quickly as he came. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

12. Evening–We enjoyed a very pleasant day visiting with family outside. The weather was beautiful and unseasonably warm. I am very glad that spring is on its way!

13. I came this evening to the little stream that flows through the birch tree grove down the hill to Enoch's city. I drank living water there, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I knelt on the soft soil in anticipation of her visit.

14. She then descended from the treetops, even to a place in front of me. She was smiling upon me as she descended, and then faced me from across the stream.

15. She spoke: 'Raphael, when you bless the sacrament in your home each week, you are not doing this under the authority of your local LDS Bishop. He now has no authority or keys to regulate the blessing of the emblems of the sacrament, for this has been removed from the entire LDS Church. You are, however, authorized to bless the sacrament because of your priesthood.

16. In the millennium, there will be a Church of Christ reestablished upon the earth that will have authority from Jesus Christ to again administer the sacrament. Until that time, you may bless the sacrament by virtue of your priesthood from the Father, for there are no current authorized servants who may now regulate the blessing of the sacrament. Each of our faithful sons who hold the priesthood may also bless the sacrament without a bishop or other regulatory authority, for there are none who now carry these keys of authority on the earth.

17. Remember, Raphael, that when you administer in the office and calling of your priesthood, you do not act under the authority of anyone else on the earth. You have a direct link to the Father and our Son, Jesus Christ, who authorize you to act in all administrations of your priesthood. This is the same priesthood that your Father received from his Father, even back to our first Heavenly Father who originally established this order of the priesthood.

18. You possess the priesthood keys that you have been given in your calling to be our head of the Church of the Firstborn. You will maintain these keys until Jesus Christ comes in glory to the earth, and these keys are then transferred to him as the rightful prophet, king and high priest in the Church of the Firstborn (see your posts 51M3, 53A14, 74G3, and 75H8).'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have reminded me of the duties of my priesthood power, which includes blessing and passing the sacrament each week in our home. See my post 84B6 on how this ordinance was always intended to be done independent of priesthood keys. I also thanked her for reminding me of my great commission that I received on 5-14-2017 (see my post 53U6 to 53U7).

20. Heavenly Mother then ascended up into the canopies of the birch trees, into her higher celestial realm. I closed my prayer with a grateful heart.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, March 7, 2021

1. I prayed this morning at the fountain of living water just north of God's temple on the celestial orb. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared in front of me, and spoke to me right after he came.

2. 'Raphael, you read last night that when you received your great commission in May 2017, you were given three keys by me (see your post 53U6 to 53U7):

"1) Key to the gathering of Israel

2) Key to establishing the Church of the Firstborn on the earth

3) Key to planning and construction of the New Jerusalem in Jackson County, Missouri."

3. You were also to be in charge of the wilderness area in the celestial world, even until Jesus Christ comes in his glory to the earth. This means that, in this celestial realm on this heavenly orb, all activity with the holy angels, all resurrected beings, all translated and transfigured beings, will be orchestrated from your Heavenly Mother and me through you. We want a mortal commissioned leader to coordinate our work with us.

4. I would like to discuss these things today with you in your prayer this morning.

5. You can understand the need of receiving the three keys given above. These will be used in events that all occur on the earth, preparatory to the second coming of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, to the earth in glory. He will come to a gathered people, to an established celestial church on the earth, and to the island city of the New Jerusalem. On this island, there will be a celestial temple that will be operational. It will already have two portals to the celestial orb, with access to this beautiful wilderness area where we are now conversing.

6. The wilderness area includes the celestial temple grounds, God's Loving Healing Center, the areas where the three rivers representing Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and myself flow to including Lake Beautiful, and the areas around the lake. It also includes the gardens of your Heavenly Mother. This is called the wilderness area on our celestial orb.

7. This wilderness area is where we launch our actions to bring about the great changes on the earth. Once the earth fully transforms to a terrestrial earth and the millennium begins, then you will no longer have responsibilities to coordinate this work, for it will have been fulfilled. Israel will have been gathered, the Church of the Firstborn will have been established, and the New Jerusalem temple will be nearly completed. Once the temple is completed, you will no longer have active these three keys. Your activity will then become exclusively working with Oriphiel in bringing the celestial elect into the Church of the Firstborn. You will do this by administering to them the waters of separation ordinance, and Oriphiel will record their names in the Lamb's Book of Life. This will then become your mission and calling for the duration of the millennium.

8. Raphael, there is much to do between now and the second coming of our Beloved Son to the earth. Your mission and calling is in these celestial realms, both on the celestial orb and on the earth. On the telestial earth, you will continue to act as a normal mortal man. However, you will be extremely active in helping us coordinate all of these events coming to the earth. This is the great day of your commission in exercising these keys we have conferred upon you nearly four years ago.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanation of my mission and roles. I asked for his and Heavenly Mother's continual guidance in all of these activities, for I knew it was only through their continual guidance that I could hope to measure up to do any of these things.

10. I then closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

11. Evening-Tonight I prayed to my Heavenly Mother in the garden south of the tree of life, on the celestial orb. This is the area where I had buried my shells (see my post 36 which I wrote in Nov. 2016). I had also planted the sapling tree of life here (see my post 51M6 to 51M10). I knelt next to the sapling tree of life in the soft soil. I faced the nearby large tree of life, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

12. She came walking on a garden path from this large tree of life and made her way to me. She was very bright and full of great glory.

13. She spoke to me when she came within a few feet of me: 'Raphael, my son, your Father and I have given you many rich experiences on this celestial orb. These have helped you develop a much greater understanding of our ways, and of our intentions to strengthen and train our elect leaders. You have forgotten much of what you have learned here and would do well to review your many posts. I know you have been reviewing those recent ones you have published. However, there are many from years ago that you will need quick access to in your mind in the future.

14. Raphael, it is time to review again your voluminous posts from the beginning. Now that you have matured so much in your spiritual perceptions, this review will give you many more insights and more revelations from us that we wish to reveal to you soon.

15. Start at post one and listen to or read them as you are able. Continue consecutively through each one, even until you come to your current post. We will be by your side as you think about the messages of your post. We will be your teachers, and give you great insights. (see Isaiah 30:20-21).'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her direction. I said I would start tomorrow and proceed daily until I have listened to the nearly 3,750 pages. She then departed and I closed my prayer. I am excited to get started!

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, March 8, 2021

1. I came this lovely morning to the outcropping above the circling waters. This gave me a clear view of God's temple to the west. I knelt and faced the temple, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. I then saw a beam of bright light fill the air in front of me. Heavenly Father came to me in this beam of light and was next in front of me in the air. He was full of bright light. I was so thankful to be in his presence!

3. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, it is good that you will review your many posts, even as our Heavenly Mother told you to do last night. As you do, we will give you many insights and revelations. We will do so for all of our elect who ponder these words from us, given to you in the early days of your calling. There are many truths contained therein.

4. You have realized that your Heavenly Mother and I have been asking you and those who support you to drop your expectations since December 2016 (see your post 37 "Surrender Your Expectations").

5. We will fulfill all we have revealed to you, in our own way and timing. You might think that the society you live in is getting back to the normal way it used to be, but things have changed. Behind the scenes, the powers that control your nation work steadily in secret with the intent to destroy your freedoms and the people. We see and know of all their evil works, which will soon be foisted upon humanity.

6. Of you, it continues to be required that you drop all expectations and anticipations of what might come your way. Live in happiness, day by day, and wait upon us. Use the time given to you each day to prepare every needful thing that you might think of, and continue to draw near to us. Be open and receptive to all we might reveal to you. Develop a closeness in our relationship, and receive all that we will continue to pour out upon you.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of steadiness and comfort. I said I would seek to be calm amid the storms of life, and whatever might come upon us. I thanked him for his guidance and protection.

8. My prayer then ended and I started my new day.

9. Evening-I came tonight in prayer to the celestial orb. I went to the desert oasis and came to the shore. After drinking living water, I came to the bench and knelt in the sand, facing the oasis. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come.

10. I next saw her on the far side of the oasis, shrouded in bright white light. She moved quickly across the water until she was right in front of me in the air. I was very pleased to be before her!

11. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I am glad that you have started listening to your older posts today. As you have listened, you could remember clearly the experiences you wrote about, even when these occurred nearly six years ago. As you ponder while listening, you will gain additional insights. We, your Gods, will also be next to you and will whisper our promptings to your mind.

12. From your first post, you learned again how our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, practiced complete healing during the first part of his 3-year ministry in the flesh. During the second part he healed using his power as a God. You and all of our healing angels learned from him how to use complete healing in your ministrations. This was very thrilling for you and for our healing angels to learn.

13. Since that time, you have all continued to practice the complete healing gift with those you minister to. When completed, your healing stone lights up and you feel a deep satisfaction in the healing work you did by our power.

14. Just because we have not addressed the complete healing gift in recent posts, doesn't mean that you still don't use it regularly. On the contrary, this great healing gift is used more now by the healing angels than ever before.

15. You also wondered today while listening to your post, how Jesus Christ grew from grace to grace. Your Father and I did not treat him much differently than any other of our earthly children in his struggles to get to know who he was and to grow. We allowed him fully to question and wonder how he could be called and foreordained as the Great Messiah and Redeemer among mankind. He had many moments of doubt, and had to grow here a little and there a little, just like you and all of our mortal elect do. As he applied himself, we extended a little more to him, and he grew in faith.

16. D&C 93:12, 19--20

"And I, John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace;

...I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness.

For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fulness, and be glorified in me as I am in the Father; therefore, I say unto you, you shall receive grace for grace."

17. The same process that Jesus Christ received a fulness is the same way that you and each of our elect will also receive a fulness, even the power of God in perfection. This same process is what is called grace for grace. It is an incremental growth and progress towards perfection, even to its fulness.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful explanation to me tonight! She smiled and departed across the oasis. Halfway across she disappeared and was gone. I closed my prayer and closed my day.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, March 9, 2021

1. I came this morning to God's Loving Healing Lake, by the little stream. I drank living water and prayed to my Heavenly Father. He appeared to me and was smiling. I felt enlivened to be before him!

2. As I gazed upon him, he spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you had the thought if it was helpful to drink living water often when you pray to us, here on this celestial orb. Living water from our celestial orb does bring clarity and focus to your unconscious mind if you drink it before your prayer. It is not necessary, but it can be helpful. Similarly, partaking of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life has similar effects on your mind, and also increases the tenderness and love in your heart.

3. What is the most important, however, is the desire of your heart to be open and humble, and to be determined to do our will. We then may lead you along, even as fast as you are able to change and incrementally grow into the godly man we desire you to become. You progress in this way:

4. Isaiah 28:10

"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little."

5. D&C 98:11-12

"And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God.

For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith."

6. Your Heavenly Mother explained to you last night that this was even how Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, grew and eventually received a fulness of us, his Heavenly Parents. The process is called growing grace for grace. It is the same way he grew and each of our elect have grown and will grow into the celestial elect person we desire them to become.

7. When we give a direction or a command to our children, we watch and see what they do with our words. Some apply themselves, and work diligently in changing their attitudes and actions to fully obey our words. This stretching process, line upon line, gradually shapes them into our faithful son or daughter that we wish them to become. They are gradually perfected and changed. All of our elect who eventually become couple Gods in eternity, must needs follow this same pattern. If they are not open, or desire to stay in any of their ungodly ways, whatever these may be, instead of changing and adapting to our ways, then their general progression comes to a standstill. We work with them and encourage them to drop their old ways. However, they each need to choose and change or they may not progress into our true and faithful servants, and eventually receive a fulness. The choice of becoming celestial, and obeying all the laws and ways of living that celestial beings must do, fully rests with them.

8. In the end, when all the saints dwell with God (Moroni 8:26), these alone will have been willing and opened to fully change. We will have led them gradually, here a little and there a little, to become new creatures (see Mosiah 27:26), even as we are. This is our great work and effort-to encourage, lead, and prompt them gently along their path to progress and receive eventually a fulness of the power, glory, and stature of an exalted son or daughter of God. It takes great faith and tenacity, steadiness, and determination, and a willingness to change.'

9. I thanked my glorious and perfected Heavenly Father who stood before me for his teachings this morning. I felt so very uplifted and encouraged!

10. He then told me to make this journal entry to be the last one in my post 188. He said to name it "The Way to Perfection"...

11. He said he would remain with me during my mortal day. He departed and I was left alone. I then closed my prayer.