186. The Fruit from Heavenly Mother
Hello my friends,
I wondered whether to call this post "The Anger of Heavenly Father" or "The Fruit from Heavenly Mother". Both are discussed extensively in this post. I prayed about this and Heavenly Mother told me to name it "The Fruit from Heavenly Mother".
I believe that you will find this post very interesting. Please pray about what you read. You too may seek to receive this fruit from your Heavenly Mother.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, February 6, 2021
1. Evening–I enjoyed a beautiful sunny day all day today. It was chilly, but I was warmed by the sun all day long while I was outside or near the south facing windows of our house.
2. M.A. wrote to me tonight about how when she writes her prayers as she prays, and records what she receives, she uses words and language that she normally wouldn't say herself. She said this is one way she knows it is not from her, but from Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother.
3. I have often felt the same way as M.A.. I also feel different when I am writing under God's influence than on my own. The words come very fast and steady, with usually hardly a break. I never know where the words are leading, or what I will ultimately receive. This too is very comforting to me, since I don't know how I could ever create any revelation from God by my own doing without God directing it all through me.
4. Right now, for example, I have no idea what my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother may speak to me tonight. This is how it should be.
5. I came tonight to the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge like I usually do here, and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then stayed in place where I was kneeling, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
6. She came from the red sky which parted, revealing beautiful blue skies and brilliant light! I know she came from the highest celestial realm where she, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ usually reside.
7. She walked to me in the air to a few feet in front of me. She was so very full of light and glory! I felt her light come upon me in great abundance. I felt very happy.
8. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that you write the words that come into your mind from us. We send our words as thoughts and impressions, and then you write them in your journal. We compose the sentences, and you write these down in your English language, using vocabulary you know. Our manner of speech is, however, from us and not from you. Even after the editing of your post happens, our manner of speech remains intact. This is a sign that it is us who speak, and not you. You act as our conduit to receive our words, thoughts and impressions, and then write them down. (R later: I was asked about this, since my sister K and others may write down Heavenly Mother's or Heavenly Father's words entirely different than mine are written down, even in different styles. I am curious about this and will inquire about this more).
9. Revelation that we give to you now flows very evenly and without any constraint or struggle. This is also how we speak and communicate to you throughout your day. Although you are very much immersed in your mortal experiences, dealing with all the common things of life, we still give you promptings and gentle nudges throughout your days. These all come to you in your thoughts as gentle feelings and impressions. You hardly know that we are giving these to your mind. Since these come similarly to the way your own thoughts come, you usually think these are all from you.
10. We give you impressions on seemingly unimportant situations and concerns that you may have or may encounter. For instance, today you were wondering if you wired your new batteries you had just bought for your solar system. We gave you impressions, and you verified to your own assurance what you did as being correct. Your mind was clarified so that you could make a good decision. You did not know that we had given you gentle nudges in your thoughts.
11. Yesterday we did the same for you in helping you figure out export and import functions on your new business website you are creating. You felt very satisfied after you figured out solutions to the problems. However, your Father was near you and gave you inspiration in problem solving this difficulty. You didn't realize either one of us may have been helping and directing you. We are involved in such details of your life because of our relationship we have developed together.
12. We will give all of our elect children our gentle nudges and subtle promptings in their lives if they allow us into the details of their lives. This is part of becoming one with us. We like to be continually invited to their side all through their mortal day. We are very pleased to thereby lead and direct them in their lives.
13. We also help you in your spiritual struggles. We know you, and we know your weaknesses. We know also how best to help and guide you to be the man of God we wish you to become. We give you experiences to help you grow, even as you struggle to become more like us and to overcome your own weaknesses. We will make your weak things become strong things to you (see Ether 12:27). We just need you to ask this of us and be willing and obedient, diligent, humble and open.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instructions tonight. I felt very "one" with her, and felt so very accepted and loved. My prayer ended and I closed my day.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, February 7, 2021
1. I am happy to again come into my private room this morning for my personal and meditative prayer. I feel clear in my mind and happy. There is a deep feeling of satisfaction and peace that I feel. I feel great!
2. I knelt on the ground on the land far to the north of Lake Beautiful where I had come once before to a large snowfield. The snow was now no longer there, and the ground was rocky. There was mountain grass and beautiful mountain flowers here and there. I felt at peace, and then invited my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. He immediately appeared before me, smiling like I often see him do. I thanked him for coming whenever I asked. I thanked him also for continuing to give me gentle nudges and impressions, and for being by my side throughout my mortal days. I invited him to always come and guide me through my life experiences.
4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me, by his thoughts that came clearly to me in my mind and heart:
'Raphael, because you continually ask for your Heavenly Mother and I to come, and because you are open and eager to always receive us, then we come. We delight in being by your side on a daily basis.
5. All that your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night is true, and you wrote her words correctly in your journal. When we give you impressions in your thoughts during your mortal day, this is part of being one with us. Our very thoughts blend with yours, and seem like they are from the same source in a mix of your thoughts and our thoughts which merge together to become one.
6. Most of our children never invite us, their Gods, into their lives, or into their minds and hearts. As a result, we don't come to them. However, were they to reach out to us, even though they don't know us in their lives, we would start the process of prompting them. The more consistently they ask, the more frequently we come.
7. In this way we come as we are invited. We are eager to begin a renewed relationship with them in their mortal life, or in whatever state or place they may be in. These are our beloved children who are hopefully only temporarily away from us in their journey to the earth. This earth life is a necessary part of their growth and probation.
8. When our child enters into the waters of baptism, and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, by one holding my priesthood authority, we then generally come more frequently to them, and with more power and openness. The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is to have the continual presence of their own Heavenly Mother with them. She comes to those who invite her in by their obedience to what we prompt them to do through their heart and mind. We help refine their being, and help them overcome their mortal tendencies of the natural man. As the cleansing power of their Great Redeemer Jesus Christ comes into their lives, they become a saint, one who is purified and sanctified. They may then come more fully into our very presence, and soon may be introduced again to us by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Our relationship then continues to grow more deep and fulfilling. We gradually lead them in their life to become one with us, in their very thoughts and intentions. We give them abundantly of our peace and share our joys with them. This is the process for them to come back into our presence. Hear now my words through Alma:
9. Alma 7:22-24
"And now my beloved brethren, I have said these things unto you that I might awaken you to a sense of your duty to God, that ye may walk blameless before him, that ye may walk after the holy order of God, after which ye have been received.
And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works." '
10. I thanked my Father to have come to me this morning, and for his beautiful confirming message to what my Mother told me last night. I said I loved being in his presence, and to have him next to me throughout my mortal days. I thanked him for his guidance and thoughts he gave to me, and said I sought to become more fully one with him and my Heavenly Mother.
11. My prayer then ended, and I found myself in my mind fully back in my private room. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ, and started my new day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, February 8, 2021
1. I came to the top of the switchback path late last night in my prayer. Heavenly Father told me to come there again this morning and he would come and speak to me then.
2. I came this morning to the top of the switchback path. I knelt facing the lake below me to the east. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me in answer to my prayer request.
3. He immediately appeared in front of me. He was before me, but it was not easy for me to see his face for some reason. This bothered me. I asked him why I couldn't make out his face and his being before me this morning.
4. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I am in my anger and wish not for you to see my face. I am not angry with you. I may choose the level of clarity with which you are able to see me, and I choose this morning to not reveal myself.'
5. I then thought of the time that Jesus had appeared to Moses on the holy mountain of Sinai when he was receiving the laws of God. The people had corrupted themselves by fashioning a golden calf. The people had said of the golden calf:
"These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt."
(Exodus 32:4)
6. The Lord had said to Moses on the mountain:
"Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation."
(Exodus 32:10)
7. I wondered what would make my Heavenly Father angry that he wouldn't want to show himself to me.
He then departed from my presence. I was left alone on the switchback path. I sat on the ground and wondered if there was anything that I should do.
8. I then knelt again, and prayed to my Father in Heaven. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother protect their elect, those who are righteous or desire to follow God. I prayed that we, who are favored of God may be guided and succored by them to be preserved and led, even to the day that each would come into Zion. I did not pray for the wicked on the land. I thought these are the ones who have likely brought my Heavenly Father to anger this morning.
9. I humbly asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to be by my side today. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
10. I received the following email from S.A. when I had mistakenly sent my entry above to her to type up instead of to my sister K. I had asked S.A. to "please pray for the elect again. Let me know if you have any thoughts of why God is angry.":
"Hello R,
I came to the small stream near a forest that I often come to in prayer this morning. I wondered if what I read from R was true, about Heavenly Father being angry. I also wondered why I had seen an American flag in my short family meditation this morning.
I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I could not see him, but I felt his presence. He spoke: 'My anger is kindled against the inhabitants of your land. We have provided our matchless power in bringing about the establishment of the United States of America, and have prospered and protected your land against any invaders who would overthrow her freedoms and liberties. All we asked in turn, was for the inhabitants of your land to worship us, their true Gods and follow our commandments. Instead, they have rejected us and are filled with hate one towards another. In our fierce anger, we will visit the inhabitants of this land with speedy destruction. Soon your country will be overrun with the occupying force of oppressive foreign troops in the land.'
This is what I received in prayer this morning. I prayed to confirm this message, and that I should share it with you. I hope I recorded his words correctly.
We will continue to watch and wait, without expectations. Have a blessed day!
11. I also received this email from my sister K today:
Tonight I wrote this in my journal:
"I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me as I knelt by the bubbling spring. Today in prayer, Heavenly Father did not appear to R, and R was told by Heavenly Father that he was angry. R does not know the reason.
Heavenly Father spoke to me. 'I am here but you will not see me. My wrath is for those who take no thought of me and who are in alignment with Satan and his evil acts. These disobedient sons and daughters are committing grievous acts of murder, lies, whoredoms, and are taking away the freedoms of many of our children in numerous countries. Evil is rampant and we will not abide this much longer.
We yearn for our elect to seek us and to show forth faith and good works, obedience and alignment with our will and to seek justice and righteousness in all things. The forces of darkness cover the earth. It will take seeking us, their Gods, in order to be on the side of winning this great war against darkness and evil. We weep for those who are the victims of evil and conspiring men and their despicable acts. We will protect those who come to us and seek us with diligence.
That is all I will speak at this time.'
"Heavenly Father, I pray that I will be strong and faithful and never succumb to the forces of complacency and darkness. Please strengthen me and my loved ones and all thy elect children to take up the sword of thy Spirit and the whole armor of God and be numbered among thy faithful army of righteousness.
I love thee and pray for thy strength, courage and faith."
12. Evening-I sent my morning entry above to both S.A. and my sister K. I have included both of their responses to me above I have been wondering about my experience this morning, all day long. I have felt God's presence with me throughout the day, in all of my activities. I now know the reason why my Heavenly Father is angry. I received this answer from S.A. and then from K. I feel the need to be very close to my Gods, and to stay in tune with them. I also feel a need to check all of our preparations to make sure all is in order. I have no expectations of how or when anything might happen. I am not even thinking this way anymore. I just try to live as best I can, and to seek always the very presence of my Heavenly Parents.
13. I came tonight to the switchback path above God's Loving Healing Lake, where I was this morning in my prayer. I knelt, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then looked on the lake and saw her there in great glory in the center of the lake.
14. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, stand and come before me on the center of my lake!'
15. I stood and intended to come before her. I was instantly there, and knelt before her just above the water. I looked up and saw her sober face. She was full of light and great power.
16. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, your Father spoke to you this morning, and to S.A. and to K. He is still not appearing to anyone quite yet, for he is in his anger. We knew this was coming for a long time. However, when this time fully comes, the emotions are very intense, even for us, the Gods of all of our children on the earth. It is best not to make ourselves known when these emotions are so intense. He will answer your prayer in the morning, and will appear to you then.
17. The fulness of our wrath has come, and we will bring calamity upon your land and the entire world when we choose. We have prepared all things, and staged and prepared our chosen servants and our elect. These will be the ones we protect and lead into our New Jerusalem and to Zion, even into the great millennium. The remainder we will do with as seems appropriate to us. The wicked will entrap and slay the wicked, and then there will be great controversies and destructions among the wicked. The freedoms of all peoples will be taken away for a season, even until we send you and our chosen elect from the heavens to stop the takeover on your land. Until that time of the light of a thousand suns, it will be difficult and bleak for many. We will come near our elect who pray for relief and for comfort. We will be close to all those who diligently and consistently do as we say, and who petition us in humble and open prayer.'
18. My Mother ceased talking. She then immediately left me. I thanked her in my mind for her witness and words. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, February 9, 2021
1. I had a rather restless sleep last night. I awoke late, and received on my phone an email from S. He had received a similar stern warning from Heavenly Father. He heard his voice but did not see his face, like the rest of us three experienced. As I read his email, I felt the witness of the Spirit confirm the truthfulness of his words. I have included this at the end of my entry.
2. Yesterday I had an interesting experience with my solar panel system for my house. I had bought an additional 8 batteries to bring the total number to 24-6 volt batteries. I saw that my solar charger was working fine, then stopped charging over the weekend. I tried all sorts of ways to get it working, to no avail. Finally I ordered a new solar charger, thinking it was broken.
3. Then last night I asked in prayer whether I should connect my system up just now. I received a very clear "do not connect up everything". I should have asked this over the weekend! However, it seemed that my solar charger stopped working because I hadn't asked. I felt dumb not to have asked about this earlier!
4. I came this morning to the top of the switchback path where I had come yesterday on the celestial orb. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
5. A large dark cloud came in front of me, with a bright light inside. It seemed that sparks of lightning were occasionally coming out of the cloud. Then it all stopped, and my Heavenly Father stepped forth in his glory before me.
6. I bowed my head and prostrated myself on the ground.
7. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, raise your head and now look upon me.'
8. I knelt to an upright position and gazed upon my Father. He appeared to me in a very controlled but clearly upset manner. His eyes were full of lightning it seemed, ready to strike! I felt because I was so very humble and meek that I could approach and view his face. I had never seen him so full of anger or with such strong emotion before! I felt pity on any who would receive the wrath of God when he was in this state of intense emotion.
9. He then turned and reentered the dark and now whirling cloud. I no longer saw his being, but I then heard his voice in my mind, very clear:
10. 'Raphael, I have sent to you my witness of the state of my impending vengeance upon the wicked inhabitants of the earth. I have appeared to you now in a controlled state, and previously have spoken to you without you seeing me in my anger. I have sent my words to S.A., K and S. Your Mother has come and spoken to you last night in your prayer and also confirmed all my words. You have received ample witness now that we will no longer tolerate the wicked on your earth to trample our words and pleadings to them to repent, come unto our Beloved Son, and follow our gentle ways. We will come out in vengeance in their destruction! We will clear the earth of the ungodly among the inhabitants of the earth, all in preparation for the new terrestrial realm coming upon the earth, and our celestial New Jerusalem temple. We will not allow Satan and his wicked followers to pollute our new millennial world, until the end of the millennium for a little season. Satan's days on the earth's surface are now numbered as we lash out upon the wicked and finally upon him and his evil spirit hosts. Behold, I am in my anger, and vengeance is mine!'
11. D&C 56:1 "Hearken, O ye people who profess my name, saith the Lord your God; for behold, mine anger is kindled against the rebellious and they shall know mine arm and mine indignation, in the day of visitation and of wrath upon the nations."
12. The ground then began to tremble upon which I was kneeling, and the dark cloud arose up into the air. Then suddenly a very large fire ball consumed the cloud in a large flash of power!
13. The sky returned next to its deep red color, and I again prostrated myself upon the celestial orb. I thanked my Father to have shown himself to me in such power and great sovereignty and deep emotion. I said out loud "O God, your will be done!"'
14. I then was immediately back in my private room, finishing up what I had just experienced. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
15. "I received this email from S on 2-9-2021, entitled "Stern Warning":
I retired to my room last night as my 5 children were then in bed. As I was unwinding for the day, I was readying myself to go and pray. I looked on my phone to see that the most recent entry from Raphael was transcribed. As I read your Monday mornings' entry, it was similar to my experience. I wanted to share the similar experience and then my experience afterwards in prayer.
2/8/21 (Monday AM)
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Father. I heard his voice, but did not see him. He spoke, and his words were powerful, strong, and stern: 'I speak and the earth trembleth (Psalms 104:32). My words cause the wicked inhabitants to tremble at their knees. Most seek not my words nor my counsel (Proverbs 1:25) but are blown about to and fro by the whisperings of Satan (Mormon 5:18). Hearken now, o inhabitants of the earth, to your creator, the time is now present that all who will not hear my voice nor lend an ear to my counsel will be cut off from the land (D&C 133:63). Those who will yet remain will both hear my voice and hearken to my words. No longer will my words and counsel be trampled under the feet of men (1 Nephi 19:7). '
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. I desired to be true and faithful to his words and commands continually. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
(I looked up these phrases in the scriptures after my prayer and added them above)
R, I then read your record later that same evening. I went back and reread what I had received and recorded above. As I was pondering these events, I prayed again.
2/8/21 PM
In prayer, I asked about what I received in prayer this morning. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, but I could not see her. She said, 'Your Heavenly Father and I have spoken and our words are trampled under the feet of men and women. Our words will no longer be trampled by mankind. Our laws will go forth and our counsels will be heard. The meek and humble will inherit the earth.'
She finished speaking and I felt the seriousness of this moment. She spoke again, 'Contemplate your Heavenly Father's and my message to you this day.'
I awoke today with both of these messages on my mind. I contemplated my experience as a parent when my kids are not listening to my words and I do what is needed to get their attention and cause them to follow my direction.
It seems our Heavenly Parents will no longer allow their wayward children to continue following their same course. It caused me to remember Daniel's experience with Beltshazzar, who mocked God, in Daniel 5. A hand from heaven wrote on the wall "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." Daniel gave the interpretation through the power of God and the kingdom was taken from Belshazzar that night.
Your Friend,
16. Evening-I came to God's Loving Healing Lake tonight. I came into the water up to my waist, dipped my hand into the water and drank from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed mentally. I then completely immersed myself, hoping to shed more of my mortal mind and thoughts, and to be fully focused and clear.
17. I then came to the shore and knelt, facing the lake. I was not wet, but I felt very in tune to these celestial realms. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
18. She came to me like she did last night to the center of the lake, and then moved in the air directly in front of me to above the water's edge. She appeared happy and was smiling. I felt great relief to see her smiling again!
19. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, your Father and I may receive intense emotions for a day or so, but then we generally return to our happy selves. When you pray again to your Father in the morning, you will find this to be the case.
20. These emotional experiences are intense by our design, for a day or so, in order for us to move forward to some major action. In this case, it is the bringing forth in full the calamities upon your world, upon the wicked. We have learned during these high emotion times how to control ourselves and our actions fully. We know beforehand what we need to do, and these emotions move us to initiating in full our particular actions of vengeance upon the wicked.
21. These are our children who have rebelled, and we long for them to return! However, they now have categorically reached the point of no return, and continue in their destructive and evil manner. Were we not to stop them, all flesh would be destroyed by their sinister plans. However, for the sake of our elect who now live on the earth, and who yet will come, we will shorten the days of the wicked. We will stop them short in their destructive global plans to destroy the people:
22. Matthew 24:22
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:(this means that without the intervention of God in the affairs of mankind in your day, the world would ultimately become void of any of our children. This is the overall plan of Lucifer which he inspires the wicked mortals on the earth to do, even now to fulfill) but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. (Raphael, we will allow the wicked to rule, and armies to occupy your land for five months, and then we will stop them in their destructive plans! We will send you and legions of our heavenly hosts with the light of a thousand suns to cut short these wicked days, and to spare our elect.)" (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).
23. Raphael, we have big plans for our elect, and now are preparing you and our elect leaders to become one with us spiritually. They each need to know our voice, and prove to us that they will obey us in every command we may give. We will then magnify them with our power and authority, even to act in our name. They must have the confidence necessary to be able to be our faithful mortal and celestial servants.'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instruction and comforting words tonight. I told her how glad I was to be in her presence tonight, and to receive from her.
25. She smiled again, and then rose up slowly into her higher heaven. The red skies parted and she ascended into the higher celestial realm. The red sky then came together again. I closed my prayer on the shore of her healing lake.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, February 10, 2021
1. I came this morning to the road just north of Heavenly Father's wheat field. I came here because I felt here is where my Heavenly Father wanted to meet me.
2. I knelt on the dirt road and faced the wheat field, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. I then saw a man walking in the air from across the field. It was Heavenly Father, and he appeared before me as he usually does, happy and easy to be entreated! He came before me a little above the edge of his wheat field. He was smiling and I easily was able to look upon him with my spiritual eyes. His eternity eyes were soft and gentle. I felt so happy to be in his presence, and that he had returned to his happy state.
4. He spoke: 'Raphael, my intense emotions of anger I had since Monday morning have now passed. I had allowed myself, on purpose, to view in detail all of the deeds of the wicked upon the earth, and to let their evil works settle upon my mind. Usually I see all and am aware of their actions, but don't let my emotions take full sway of my mind, like I did Monday and Tuesday, arousing emotions of anger. However, I did so for the past two days in order to become in my full anger and vengeance.
5. I choose to do this to gain the verve to execute all the actions upon the wicked that we have planned, according to our timing and purposes. Your Heavenly Mother and I have tender and loving hearts towards our beloved, even upon those who have turned aside from us. We yearn for their return! However, we need to execute judgment upon them based upon the law they have broken, and the great wickedness they have chosen. These have fully turned away from our continual pleadings and entreaties, and have instead chosen Satan and his enticements for gain, power and control at the expense of their fellow mortals. They have chosen to have no love for their fellowman, for they have extinguished this by their own actions. These actions are reprehensible to us, for we have seen them fall from our grace and their potential. They are now fully ripe for their destruction. We have done all for them in hopes they will change, but they haven't. Our plans are for them to be removed from the earth in great numbers, even so we may bring forth a world filled with our elect who have or will respond to us, their Heavenly Parents.'
6. I humbly asked why he, being God, couldn't appear one way to me in prayer, and in another replicated state, be full of fury and anger?
7. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, in order to execute our plans of great calamity and death upon the wicked, my mind and heart had to become consumed by viewing their sinister actions fully. I chose to let this happen. Then the injustice of their cumulative actions fully took place in my mind and heart, even to all of my replicated beings. I chose not to have even one part of me, in my replications, to appear one way, and the other replications to be in intense emotions. No, I chose to have all replications, all of my heart and mind to be consumed with my intense emotions. Only we who are Gods and who allow ourselves to experience such deeply upsetting emotions know what this is like.
8. I have given authority and command to my angels of destruction, and other celestial servants, upon my command, to execute the planned actions against the wicked. Our angels are now in place and stand ready to reap down calamity and destruction upon the wicked, even as I have commanded them in these past two days. They too have received of my deep emotions and my authority, and wait upon my final command.
9. 'D&C 38:11-12
"For all flesh is corrupted before me; and the powers of darkness prevail upon the earth, among the children of men, in the presence of all the hosts of heaven--
Which causeth silence to reign, and all eternity is pained, and the angels are waiting the great command to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned; and, behold, the enemy is combined."'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answer to my question, and for his enlightenment. I thanked him to have come to me this morning, and to be in his happy and loving state.
11. He smiled again, as did I, and then turned to walk over his wheat field which he inspected, row by row. I watched until the vision faded from my view, and I returned to my private room. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
12. Evening-Today I came to pray to my Heavenly Mother. I came to Heavenly Mother's glass table in her lower garden. I came to one of the chairs next to the table and knelt on the ground, leaning upon the chair. I humbly asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
13. Heavenly Mother then appeared at the eastern section of her lower garden. She came walking down a path to me until she was in front of me at her glass table. She had a small basket in her hand. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have chosen to give to you this fruit that I harvested today from my garden. You do not have this fruit on your earth. It has been created by the Gods to give to their mortal children who become leaders in the battle with evil. It is only available here in my celestial garden on our celestial orb for our children. Our faithful elect who have been brought into the presence of your Father and I may request this of me. I will freely share of my fruit with them.'
14. She then gave me the fruit, and asked for me to eat. I took it and ate. It was the size of a large pear or apple. It was juicy and sweet, and I ate it all. I didn't notice a pit or seeds. I licked a few of my fingers, and then she spoke again: 'Raphael, this fruit will give you inner emotional strength to be able to resist more effectively the rigors of your coming tribulations and hardships. You have already mentioned isolation and loneliness. There will be other deep emotional upheavals that you will experience that you will find that you are much more capable of bearing, since you have now eaten of my fruit. You are the first one of this eternity, besides Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, who has partaken of this fruit during their mortal life. We wish all of our elect leaders who come to us in our celestial realm, and who ask of me, to partake as you have. This is one of our strengthening fruits we will give to our faithful who ask of me.'
15. I bowed my head and thanked deeply my Heavenly Mother for her kindness, and her great gift of this, her celestial fruit! I asked if this was a one time gift, or if I would need to have more later on.
16. She replied: 'Raphael, once you have eaten one of my fruits from my hand, this will be sufficient for the remainder of your mortal life. My intention is to have each of my children who have been introduced to your Heavenly Father and I from Jesus Christ, to soon ask of me to receive one of these fruits for themself. I will graciously bring them here to my lower garden at my glass table, and bring them a fruit in my basket as I have done for you tonight. This will constitute a great blessing in their lives during these days of great hardships coming upon the earth.
17. Once the hardships for their individual lives have passed, I will no longer be offering this fruit to our elect. This will not be given to any of our elect sons or daughters after they have entered into Zion, or into the mortal terrestrial realms.'
18. I thanked her for her gift! I asked her to magnify its strengthening effects on my own emotional stability and strength during the days of hardship ahead.
19. She smiled upon me and said she would answer my prayer. She then turned and walked back up the path from where she came. About halfway up, I could no longer see her. I closed my prayer and came back to my mortal earth.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, February 11, 2021
1. I came this bright sunny new day to the domed room. I knelt in the center and asked for both of my Heavenly Parents to come, for this is what I felt I should do.
2. The side wall I was facing then opened up, and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walked through the opening and soon stood in front of me! They were holding hands and smiling, and their bright light radiated upon me from their presence. I felt very buoyed up in my heart when they came.
3. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has given you of her special fruit last night. This will be a great blessing to you and to the others who are also given her fruit, prior to the rigors of hardships coming upon the world. "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21).
4. Our intention is that our elect leaders who have been invited into our celestial presence by Jesus Christ, their great Redeemer, partake of her emotionally strengthening fruit. Some who know and read your account will ask her and be given of her fruit. For others who haven't read your record, she may bring the fruit to them without them asking, like she did for you.
5. We want our elect leaders to be fortified and strengthened to bear what they will experience and need to pass through during their own tribulations. We expect them to be strong and steady, and to not faint under the burdens of the responsibilities and tasks we will command them to do.
6. Your Heavenly Mother is only giving one such fruit to each of our mortal elect leaders that we have chosen. Others who are spirits only, or who are celestial or terrestrial translated beings without a mortal body, or those who are resurrected, won't need to eat of this fruit. It is only suitable for those still having a mortal experience on the earth in their physical body.
7. We could have strengthened these, our mortal elect leaders, in other ways. However, this fruit has been created by the Gods before us, and we have chosen to likewise grow our own crop here on our celestial orb, in Heavenly Mother's lower garden.
8. After you and others partake of this celestial fruit, you will be given access to more of our Godly mind and heart, and more control of the emotions you will be facing. When these become very heavy to bear, call upon us in your mind and we will share with you our Godly perspective, control and stability so that you may fulfill our work and not be overcome. Those who eat of her fruit will be given some of our most difficult tasks that we wish our mortal servants to do, for they will have our great power, authority, and emotional control in fulfilling our words. This fruit will give them this extra boost in being able to act in our stead, and command the elements, the earth, and the people in whatever we might command them to do, even in our name and in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'
9. At this time my Heavenly Mother stepped forth and extended to me both of her hands. I took them and stood before her. She then pulled me close, kissed me on my lips, and fully embraced me! I felt so one with her, and started crying.
10. She stepped back and then Heavenly Father stepped forward and pulled me close to him. He then kissed me on my cheeks, and I felt one with him also. I gained a little greater perspective of their views and feelings that they continually have towards their mortal and premortal children. Oh, they have such concern, care and deep love for each one! I had a glimpse of these, their elect who are or will be soon coming to earth, and how our Heavenly Parents are quietly helping and will be guiding them.
11. They both then stood before me. I was still crying and felt very happy and at peace. My Gods were smiling and sending to me their great love in the light shining forth from their beings.
12. My vision then ended, and I found myself writing all of this in my journal in my private room. I confirmed that what I had written was accurate. I felt deep peace and serenity. I felt very settled in my mind somehow. I prayed that this feeling will remain with me. I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their visit and words, last night and this morning, and for Heavenly Mother to have given me one of her celestial fruits. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
13. Evening-This evening I came to the desert oasis. I was hopeful to come into the presence of my Heavenly Mother and to receive anything she might share with me. I came to the water's edge and drank living water to feel more mentally clarified. I returned to the bench and knelt in the sand, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
14. Heavenly Mother then appeared above the sand in front of me in the air. Her light was very brilliant, and filled me with celestial peace and great joy! In this state, I was fully enwrapped in her celestial glory and views. I could hardly think of my own mortal life in this condition, or anything besides what she might say or do with me.
15. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered over the past few days when the start of the five months of the occupying army would start. You thought that in many ways that the United States is already infiltrated with Chinese ties that are controlling the new US Policy under President Biden. You also believed Chinese and perhaps Russian soldiers are already in place, even with their units in various parts of your nation.
16. In all of this wondering, you have set aside any preconceived ideas of how your country will be overcome and occupied.
17. I have come to tell you that the five month occupation of foreign invaders and troops has already begun in your land. They are currently seeking to impeach ex-president Donald Trump, whom they know clearly won the presidential election, and from whom they fraudulently stole away the election. They want no possible way that anyone could overturn the election, or that he could possibly come back in four years with popular support and again become the president.
18. This political agenda that the majority of your federal leaders now have in place is moving forward and is coordinated with the Chinese Communist regime. China control has fully taken over your federal government, many state governments, most of the large and controlling industries in your land, including all forms of media, manufacturing and large businesses, a vast number of universities, and some of the military leadership. China has completed the first stage of taking over your country, and are now occupying your land by their bought-out puppet leaders who do whatever they say.
19. All of these actions are shutting down your freedoms, one after another. Many of the freedom protecting laws once in place are being removed and replaced with tight controls and restrictions. This tendency will continue at a fast pace until the destruction of your constitutional republic is completed. They will then be able to control the citizens of your land, and do as they wish. At that point, whether the land is named the United States of America or some other name, or no name at all, will make no difference. Their intent is to destroy the republic and supplant it with their own regime of control and tyranny. This 'soft' takeover will continue as long as possible without military conflict, for they can advance their policies and plans faster in a deceptive environment rather than in an outright military takeover. It will be fast and more thoroughly come about in secret than out in the open.
20. Once this second phase of full control is in place, with foreign troops on the ground, your republic destroyed, and the puppet leaders still in place, the foreign communist regime will no longer need these leaders. They will double cross them, eliminate them, and immediately have full power and direct control over the promised land and people themselves. The oppressions and tyranny in the land will then continue to increase. Their ultimate objective will be to eliminate the current population and replace them with their own.
21. Speaking of this foreign power that overtakes and destroys your nation, John the Revelator said this:
22. Revelation 9:4-5
"And it was commanded them (the foreign invaders) that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. (they do this to preserve the land for their own people)
And to them it was given that they should not kill them (not kill the elect who have the seal of God on their foreheads), but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man." (words in parentheses by Heavenly Mother).
23. The wicked will be destroyed in large numbers by the occupying armies of the foreign regimes and the calamities that will come upon your land. However, we will preserve our elect, but many of them will be tormented and have heavy hardships and difficulties.
24. The time now has come for our elect leaders who know us, to receive of my celestial fruit like you ate of last night. They will then be more capable of keeping their emotional state in check and control, even in these troubled times and when we give them very difficult assignments.'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear explanation to me of more details of the takeover and destruction of my nation. I thanked her for these details. I thanked her also again for the celestial fruit she gave to me.
26. In all of these new perspectives, I said I would continue to wait upon her and Heavenly Father, and have no expectations of how things would specifically be fulfilled in what she shared with me. I said I loved her so much!
27. She then faded from my view, even as she came. I stayed on my knees and pondered her words. I came back to my front room on earth where I had written all of this. I sought to confirm its truthfulness.
28. I reread all I had written. I then asked my Heavenly Mother if I had written correctly her words from tonight. I felt a clear enlightened perspective, and a sure peace from the Spirit that I had written her words correctly.
29. I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name, and retired to bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, February 12, 2021
1. I awoke refreshed and reread the third time what my Heavenly Mother had given to me last night. I felt that the five month period of foreign occupation had truly already begun. I felt too that it was not revealed when this exactly started, which is probably by God's design in how this was all revealed over the past two months in my record and others who shared their revelations with me.
2. I am taking a 'wait and see' attitude in watching how everything plays out in reality, with no expectations. I believe so much is purposefully hidden and not in the mainstream news, that it would be impossible to find out these truths anyway.
3. I came this morning to the tree of life, and plucked of a fruit and leaf from its branches. I ate and felt part of the celestial realm there. I sat under its large canopy, pondering the revelations I had recently received over the past few days.
4. Heavenly Father then came from the other side of the tree and stood before me! This surprised me, and I quickly came to my knees before him.
5. He spoke: 'Raphael, the words of your Heavenly Mother that she spoke to you last night are true. You have prayed about her words several times since receiving them, and I have come in person to confirm these to you.
6. You are wise to take only what she says, and not to conjecture anything else, thereby having no expectations of how her words more specifically come about. Much is under the wraps of secrecy and will never be reported anywhere to the public. However, we see all and know the hearts of the wicked, and their plans and intents to destroy your nation, your freedoms, and to take over this promised land.
7. There are decrees of God upon this promised land, even as revealed in Ether 2:8-12:
"And he (Jesus Christ) had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.
And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.
For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.
And this cometh unto you, O ye gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God-that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.
Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."
8. The fulness of my wrath has already come upon me, even as you recorded in your entries on Monday and Tuesday of this week, on 2-8 and 2-9-2021. This has been fulfilled as prophesied, in verses 8, 9 and 11 above. The five months of foreign occupation and takeover has already begun. I now wait for the fulness of iniquity to come, and then the wicked will all be swept off the face of this land of promise. This ripened iniquity will come at the end of five months, even when I will then command you and our celestial hosts of heaven to clear the land of the wicked. This will be at the event of the light of a thousand suns.
9. We will then move forward in establishing the New Jerusalem upon our land of promise. No unhallowed hand of man may stop these decrees of God in establishing our Zion, in the terrestrial sphere of the earth, upon our choice land of promise!'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me this morning. I said I thrilled at hearing his glorious words this morning! I felt his Spirit fill my soul as he spoke these truths to me. I said I would do all he may command me, when he wants me to act as his humble servant.
11. Heavenly Father then said that was good. He beamed his glorious light upon me, and upon all the surrounding area under the tree of life. He then rose up through the canopy of the tree into his highest celestial realm. The red skies above the tree opened up, and brilliant blue skies with sunshine beamed down upon the entire region!
12. The skies then sealed up again, and returned to their deep red hue. I closed my prayer on my knees under the tree of life.
13. I received this confirming email from M.A. on 2-12-2021, relating to Heavenly Father staying away from us on Monday and Tuesday of this week:
"Hi R, wow this is intense.
Over the last two months I have been going in prayer (except on Sundays) to the celestial temple, in the mortal probations chapel, in front of the present day/tribulations mural. There Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have been with me day and night teaching me and showing me future events. Of course I can't recall it because it is all in my unconscious mind. Heavenly Father tells me it will be brought forth as I need to know. Heavenly Father has always been the one instructing me except for last Monday and Tuesday and then Heavenly Mother did the talking. I thought that was strange and now I know why after reading this post.
I had the same thought as you about whether Heavenly Father's anger affected all his other replications. I suppose it is necessary to feel the way He did in order to do what needs to be done in righteous judgement upon the wicked. . ."
14. I received this email from my sister K on 2-13-2021. She had just finished editing post 185. I prayed about what she said, particularly about the changes coming like the quiet snowfall, and I felt this was all true:
"Hi R,
I have a hard time with the idea that Chinese troops are entering our borders already, especially the Canadian borders, since they are and have been closed (this is from post 185). It is a mystery to me and I cannot say that I feel this confirmed to me. I am not saying I do not believe, only that I don't feel that is confirmed to me.
What I do feel is that changes are occurring, quietly but continually like snowfall. It accumulates so softly and quietly until one sees a full blanketing of snow. I believe that is how these things may occur. I do believe we will have the Chinese occupation and ultimately war. I just don't feel confirmed that the timing has started with their invasion. Maybe that will come.
I love you and thank you for your humble, open and receptive mind and heart.
Love, K"
15. I next received an email from S.A. a few hours later. She wrote about similar events, and was shown more out into the future of how things would progress:
"Hello R,
I prayed this morning about what I typed up yesterday (on the evening of 2-11 and morning of 2-12) to know if it was true.
I felt to go to the skies above my country this morning. My Heavenly Father stood next to me. I felt to look down and saw different areas across my country that were currently occupied with foreign troops, and I also noticed their presence in Mexico and Canada, our bordering countries.
I next observed some who were in the foreign leadership positions, talking in secret. I understood their plans were to continue controlling the sectors of our country that they have already infiltrated including the government, media, commerce and more, even until they were in full power to take over completely. This would include killing those whom they had once bribed, and all others in high positions who were in their way of complete power.
I asked my Heavenly Father how they would seek to kill our people off and replace our citizens with their own. Heavenly Father answered, 'The EMP they release will ultimately lead to starvation for many, and this will invoke many to begin killing each other in want of food and safety. Death will also hasten by the spreading of a man-made disease they have created.'
I then saw these foreign troops in total control, with all of their plans to wipe out our country being carried out, even until the event of the Light of 1,000 suns. After this marvelous event, the Russian and Chinese troops turned against each other, and they even began killing those within their own troops.
I saw China go back to their country after this, and begin to work new plans of world takeover. Russia began conquering one country at a time, controlling them, forcing many to join their army, and thus one by one they took over the world. The take over was relatively easy for the Russians, because the world was in a time of great weakness and struggle after the US economy had completely collapsed.
This was the end of what I witnessed this morning in my prayer with Heavenly Father. I thanked him for sharing this with me, and prayed to confirm it was true. I felt this was a confirmation of many of the things you have recorded.
I am grateful to be stretched to ask specific questions in prayer, and seek to confirm these for truth. It truly takes great focus and effort, but I feel so richly blessed to have direct communion with my Heavenly Parents in prayer! These are amazing days we are living in, the windows of heaven are truly open and our Heavenly Parents are pouring down their light, truth, and marvelous revelations to us here on earth! How blessed I feel to be receiving their direction and counsel for the days of transition we are living in.
With love,
16. My email back to S.A.:
"Thank you so very much, S.A., for your very informative email! I read this over twice now, and prayed about it. I confirmed it in my mind, and then the voice of our Heavenly Mother came into my mind and spoke: "What S.A. has emailed you today was given her from your Father in heaven. It is all true."
It is all so very interesting as what will happen unfolds before our very eyes, even while we are living through this. Thank you again!
May I share this in full in post 186? I am sure others too will want to hear of these things that you saw coming forth upon this land of promise and upon the entire world.
17. Evening-I have enjoyed a productive day. I came tonight to the tall fir forest to the west of the overlook to the fallen oak tree. I came here because I felt this is where I would meet my Heavenly Mother.
18. I knelt on the soft soil under the tall fir trees, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer. She immediately appeared before me. I was so pleased, as I always am, to be in her wonderful presence! She spoke: 'Raphael, I am also pleased to be invited to come before you tonight! It is a joy for your Heavenly Father and me to come and teach our open and humble children, as often as they desire to come and receive of our counsels and revelations. You have received much this week in the way of our revelations. It is good that you are careful to confirm all you have received from us. We also want multiple witnesses from those who also confirm the truth of our revelations, through their own humble and inquiring prayers and revelations. In this way, we will establish every major truth. We are pleased when you include in your record their own accounts that they send to you as well. This makes a very cohesive and viable account of our truths. We will similarly witness to each one of our children who humbly and openly approach us in prayer. We will witness to them by the power of our Spirit, and often by our own voice to their mind and thoughts.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. She then asked me to come to this place in her fir forest tomorrow morning, and she and Heavenly Father would come to me. I said I would come, and looked forward to that prayer experience.
20. She then left and I closed my prayer.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, February 13, 2021
1. I came to the fir forest this new day and knelt on the forest soil. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then looked up and saw a bright white light coming from the tops of the tree canopies. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then slowly descended in a beam of light that shone to the ground all around me. I was soon in their presence!
2. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I come to you together today, to emphasize the importance of our new message that we wish to share with you this morning. You have recently been talking with your wife of how many of your acquaintances are not viewing themselves in reality, but have imagined a make-believe view of how we, their Gods, operate in their lives. Many come up with all sorts of imaginary views that we supposedly dictate and control everything in their lives, when in reality they have never asked of us open questions about our involvement. They pretend falsely that they feel the Holy Spirit, when in reality we don't send the Spirit. They repeat the same witness as their other fellow ward members, in hopes that what they believe is true, and somehow stating their testimony of "I know the church is true" is really factual and deeply felt. There is such a facade of fake religious action and belief among so many in your area, in the LDS church in particular, that we are very disgusted.
3. In addition, they hold in great esteem all of the general authorities of the church that they blindly follow every word and action. M.A. wrote you an email yesterday that because President Nelson was vaccinated, supposedly against the coronavirus, people in the church are being led like sheep to the slaughter, following his and the quorum of the twelves' examples. She wrote: 'It seems no one will think for themselves, but would rather be told what to do instead of turning to God for answers."
4. When our mortal children openly pray to us, in their humility and sincerity, with a commitment to do as we reveal to them, we will always start to give them our guidance. We will ultimately lead them to all truth if they consistently continue to seek us and then act on our personal revelations. We will never tell them to blindly follow their leaders. Instead, we will witness of truth, and may confirm to them what we have or have not revealed to their leaders.
5. In the case of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve receiving and recommending to all to be good citizens and receive the new vaccinations, they did this entirely on their own, without our guidance. Taking these injections could do them great harm, and is motivated by evil plans of those who wield great power to destroy our children. We reiterate to you again to not take any such supposed vaccinations, for these will not protect you, but instead may ultimately be extremely harmful. This is our word for all of our mortal children.'
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I will send my Holy Ghost upon each of my inquiring children who inquire of us, their Gods, to not take these injections. We will also confirm all of the words Heavenly Father just revealed to you. We never ask our children to follow anything a leader may state without revealing whether they are in the right way or not, and whether what they state is of us or not. None of our mortal children, at any age, should take these supposed vaccinations. We will confirm these same words to all.
7. There are many evil plans in the works that are in place and moving forward, relating to whether a person has or has not received their vaccinations. There will not only be travel restrictions soon imposed, but also restrictions on purchasing items or entry into places of business. Although this is not the mark of the beast as some may suppose, the restrictions of freedoms will come about if one does not participate and receive these inoculations. So much of this coronavirus is being politicized to the advancement of the new regime coming to your land, and the destruction of your republic and freedoms.
8. Read what our prophet Isaiah spoke of members of the LDS Church in your day, those who are of the house of Israel and who are supposedly guided by us:
9. Isaiah 1:3-6
"The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.
Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment."
10. Also Isaiah 28:7-8
"But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean."'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their clear words to me this morning. I said I would not take the COVID-19 vaccination, but would seek their directions always to confirm what I should do, even in all things of major importance, in these treacherous times we are entering into.
12. My Heavenly Parents then rose back up into and through the forest canopy, and were soon out of sight. I reread my entry of their words, and confirmed the truth of what I had received this morning. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
13. Evening–Tonight I felt to come to God's temple to the western mezzanine area. There is a large courtyard there, and I sought to meet one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I knelt next to the temple western wall that was very tall. I opened my prayer, asking God to come.
14. Heavenly Mother then stepped out of the temple wall to a place in the air directly in front of me! I was very happy to see her.
15. She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have been giving more of my celestial fruit to my mortal elect leaders. This will bless all of you who are mortals to emotionally mature much faster than you could otherwise do. It will help you in dealing with emotional issues related to your high callings in being our servants who are one with us, or who are striving so to be. We have many upcoming assignments that will stretch you leaders as mortal translated beings. Some of these assignments are best done by one of our mortal servants instead of others who may be translated or resurrected servants, but not mortal.
16. You have been wondering about my voice that came to you today in confirmation of both K's email and S.A.'s email (both received on 2-13-2021 and given above). K's impressions had been about the slow and steady takeover of your country by the foreign regimes, primarily of communist China. She described her thought of these changes as occurring quietly but continually, like falling snow. The snow accumulation comes without a lot of people noticing. This is prior to the complete takeover, occupation and war. I told you in your mind that this was given to her from us, her Heavenly Parents, and was true.
17. S.A. saw in your land the foreign troops, and that their leaders would also include killing those that they once bribed, and all others in high positions. Her main vision started where K's view of the blanketed snow (meaning near or complete control of your country) ended. She also saw more of what would happen, even after the light of a thousand suns would come.
18. These two emails constitute the manner in which your land, nation and world will be overtaken, destroyed, and then these aggressors subsequently eliminated. These are congruent and sequential visions that we gave to two of our choice daughters.
19. You also saw that we give our visions and revelations to various of our sons and daughters, and may reveal such great future events or truths to them before we may reveal them to you, our prophet in the last days. You have openly received these emails, confirmed the contents of each one, and fully accepted them from us, your Gods. This too is how we will continue to often work among you and those who support you in your calling. We are no respecter of persons, and may reveal great things, even hitherto never revealed, to one of our humble inquiring children. You are correct to confirm these truths as you did, and then add them to your own record of Raphael, depending if the one who received our words is willing to share. This is how we wish it to be.
20. We consider all of our beloved children equal, and we have the freedom to reveal as we wish to any of them. Before adding these truths into our celestial church records and scriptures, we wish for you to confirm the truth of them with us.
21. There is a false notion in the LDS church that a revelation first has to be given to a president or prophet before it is accepted by the church as doctrine. If one of the members receives our directions and revelations that hasn't yet been revealed to the church, the LDS leaders do not want this new revelation shared and taught among the members of the church. This incorrect policy is very limiting to us, since in reality we may speak our truths to whomsoever we wish, and we may ask of them to share this with others. This policy will not perpetuate in the future Church of Christ. It will operate using the same methods as I described above to you for the Church of the Firstborn.
22. It is also our will that our revelations be written and preserved. We are free to speak as we wish to any of our children. We will also speak the same words and reveal the same truths to all, irrespective of to whom we may speak.
23. This principle was clearly taught to Nephi in 2 Nephi 29:8-9
"Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations (or people) is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation (or person) like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation (or person) like unto another. And when the two nations (or people) shall run together the testimony of the two nations (or people) shall run together also.
And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of truths tonight. She smiled upon me, shone her light upon me in abundance, and I felt the peace of her confirmation come upon me.
25. I then found myself back in my front room. I ended my journal entry and closed my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, February 14, 2021, Valentine's day
1. We enjoyed a shared video Valentine's party with some of our grandchildren and children. It was fun, but we do miss having everyone over for a party in person.
2. This morning I came to the celestial orb to the area just outside the front of the temple door, between the door and the golden altar. In this position I listened to the "The Bunker Dream" by Pastor Dana Coverstone . I had just found this on my cell phone, and felt to listen to it in full before continuing on with my prayer.
3. After watching this video, back in my private room and while on the celestial orb, I continued my prayer in front of God's temple. I knelt and faced the door, asking for my Heavenly Father to come.
4. Heavenly Father then opened the temple doors, and stepped forward and stood before me. He closed the doors behind him.
5. 'Raphael, I have prompted you to watch Pastor Dana Coverstone's latest dream, before I was to address you this morning.
6. Last night your Heavenly Mother told you that we who are your Gods may reveal our words to whomsoever we desire. We revealed a dream to Dana Coversone, our humble servant. We have chosen to do this because he may reach many of our elect in your nation. Our message to the elect is still to brace themselves, and to be ready and willing to take a stand against evil. There are many events coming quickly upon your land at the hands of evil conspirators who will overtake your nation. However, we are fully in charge, and see and know of all their wicked plans. We will allow the wicked to accomplish some of their evil works in fulfilling our own purposes, in trying the hearts of our children, destroying the wicked, and preparing the elect and the land for the coming forth of our Zion, the pure in heart.
7. What we revealed to Pastor Coverstone is the same message that we have revealed to you, S.A. and K. Darkness will soon overtake your land and the evil ones will gain control over the nation and the people. Your American republic will be destroyed, but the principles and founding US Constitution will be reestablished in the land in a short time. Our timing for this light of a thousand suns event will seem to come quickly. When the wicked reach a full level of iniquity, then will our mighty hand come forth upon the wicked and clear the way for the New Jerusalem that you will establish.
8. Mark 13:35-37
"Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch."'
9. Heavenly Father then turned and opened the temple doors and entered. The doors shut and I was left to ponder his message.
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message this morning and for coming to me. I then closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
11. Evening-I enjoyed my sabbath day and am now ready to commune in prayer to God. I feel so very glad that many others are receiving true revelations from God and the burden of receiving so much truth from God is dispersed among the faithful and does not fall upon me. I feel very grateful for this truth!
12. I often feel so ordinary, and want to live a quiet personal life with no exposure. However, I see that this may remain for a time, but then God will bring me before the elect and I will do a work for each of them in the New Jerusalem celestial temple. This part sounds thrilling and exciting to me. I will do whatever God may direct me to do, as God's humble and submissive servant.
13. I came tonight to the desert oasis to pray. I drank first of the living water from the oasis and then walked to the south side of the oasis, opposite the bench. I got off the path on the sand and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
14. I then saw her walking to me on the path to my left! She seemed to float in the air as she walked. She came before me, held out her right hand, and I stood and held it. We then walked in silence for a moment.
15. She then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, we never intended that all of our revelations should go through one man for the organization of a large family (like in the days of Adam) or for a church. We want all to be prophets and revelators! Our intention is for every one of our faithful elect to be so endowed with our Holy Spirit, and become in tune to us, that we may as freely speak to them as we speak with you, on a regular basis. Whenever we speak to one, our words will be the same that we speak to another. This is now the great day of our visions and revelations being poured out upon our faithful elect.
16. Joel 2:28-29
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."
17. In this way we may spread forth our truths quickly and thoroughly upon the earth, even at this, the beginning of the terrestrial earth. All will know us, their Gods, in that day.
18. Jeremiah 31:33-34
"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more."
19. Whenever we might confirm our words through one of these, and they share this with their neighbors, they too will confirm from us these truths. In this way, may every truth be established, even by our Holy Spirit that will be among our people in great abundance. We will speak and confirm the same words to all, and all will know us, from the least to the greatest. They too will receive our words that we have given through you, and receive of our witness of peace to their souls that these are our words. Thus will all know us.'
20. I told my Heavenly Mother how wonderful this future day will be! I said I want so much to live in that free and holy time, free that we may openly share our personal revelations, that we all may receive in abundance the Holy Spirit of God to our own souls, and to know we are being led and guided correctly. What unity and oneness we will then feel, not only with our Gods, but with our fellowmen!
21. Heavenly Mother stopped walking and faced me. 'Raphael, this day of abundant revelation has already begun with your small group, and with our elect on the earth. This will continue to grow in abundance, even until you are in Zion.
22. Moses 7:18
"And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."
23. Our Zion will soon come to earth again, even among our humble elect who seek us, their Gods, and do what we say.'
24. She then dropped my hand, and smiling upon me, started walking or floating backwards along the path, even until she gradually went out of my sight. I felt her love and great peace remain in my heart and mind. I closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, February 15, 2021
1. I awoke earlier than usual and read an email from my friend S that I will put after this morning's entry. He received from Heavenly Mother her fruit at the glass table, and wrote of his experience. M.A. wrote me also and said she too had received of this fruit from Heavenly Mother. I am so pleased for both of them.
2. I came today to the start of Heavenly Mother's road to the north, right next to the fountain of living water, and the river that flows north to Lake Beautiful. I could see the beautiful countryside, and in the distance, Heavenly Father's fields on the west side of the river that represents him. Everything was so lovely except for the red sky that persisted on the celestial orb.
3. I knelt on this dirt road and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately appeared in front of me, in his beautiful celestial robes. I gazed upon his loving, peaceful face, and loved the feeling of steadiness and being in control that I felt.
4. He then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have wondered last night about the role of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and our role as your Heavenly Parents. We have divided our general level of involvement with our elect children in this way: Until our elect children are introduced to your Heavenly Mother and me, Jesus will be the focus of their interactions, including any revelations and promptings that they may receive.
5. This does not preclude either Heavenly Mother or me from giving them our direction at all, but it will generally be Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, who will lead them along. They will receive of our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost through him.
6. Once Jesus Christ has proven their obedience to his promptings, and knows of their faithfulness, then there will be a time when he appears to them. This may be in an open vision or in a very real experience, generally with their unconscious mind. They will know he lives and has redeemed them by the shedding of his own blood. He will cleanse and make them pure and holy and forgive their sins.
7. There will then, soon afterwards, be a time when Jesus Christ introduces our pure and clean elect son or daughter to your Heavenly Mother and me.
8. We will then come unto them, our beloved child, and make our abode with him or her. We will open up to them as they open up to us, and will give them personal revelation.
9. From this point on, they will be mostly interfacing with us, their Heavenly Parents. We will help them learn more fully of our ways and our truths, for they will have come into our holy presence, having been redeemed by their Savior. Their interactions with Jesus Christ will largely be replaced by interactions with us, their Heavenly Parents.
10. This is the manner that we, your Gods, have interacted with you, in giving you our truths and guidance. Occasionally you will come to Jesus Christ and he will witness to you and give you direction. He will, however, point you to us, and we will continue to lead and direct you.
11. At the point of his acceptance of the faithfulness of our elect son or daughter, Jesus Christ will also accept them as candidates to his Church of the Firstborn. They will become members of this celestial church through the waters of separation ordinance in the New Jerusalem temple from your hands.
12. Oriphiel will witness this ordinance and record it in the Lamb's Book of Life. Their names will be then recorded and they will be made sure to receive eternal life, even as gods in eternity.
13. This will be eventually realized as they progress, along with the other elect, towards their exaltation.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for voicing this distinction in the way we may interface between Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I knew his words were true and that I had experienced this very process in my life. My vision then closed and I ended my prayer in the name of Christ.
15. Email from S on 2-15-2021:
I wanted to share my experience from 2/12/21. This is in regards to your entry discussing the fruit that was prepared for this time.
2/12/21 AM
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Mother. I asked if I may come to her celestial garden beds. I felt her encouragement and came to her garden beds. I walked a path between the beds until I came into her presence by her glass table. I shared with Heavenly Mother that I read Raphael's account and I felt it was true as I read it, but I wanted to confirm this in prayer. Heavenly Mother smiled and spoke, 'It is good for you to continue to come unto us and confirm all truth. You recently read Raphael's account quoting the Savior saying, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." We related to him that this was a reference to the childlike nature needed to enter Zion. We your Heavenly Parents are happy that you have humbly come before us petitioning in prayer regarding the fruit we discussed with Raphael. We have prepared this fruit in advance to bless and strengthen our children who would come before us at this time. There are relatively few who will come before us and receive this blessing at this time, yet it will be invaluable in blessing, protecting and lifting you and others during the tribulations set to come forth. Lucifer is preparing mightily at this time too as never before. Your Father and I find joy in blessing and preparing these gifts for our children.'
I thought of the many preparations and blessings we have learned about through Raphael from our Heavenly Parents including shields, corona flames, celestial instruction unconsciously.
I spoke to Heavenly Mother, 'I am grateful that you have prepared in advance so many blessings to counter the challenging times we would pass through.' I began to cry as I contemplated their eternal love.
Heavenly Mother grabbed a fruit from her basket and set in on the table in front of me. I took it and ate it. I felt her love wash over me as I ate the fruit. I desired to be a true and faithful servant in all things.
She smiled upon me and this scene closed to my view. I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.
I was touched that these things have been prepared in advance for this time of transition.
I also thought of the book I read "And There Was Light" by Jacques Lusseyran, which is a true story about a blind man that was part of the French Resistance during WWII, who went to a concentration camp. Towards the end of his stay in the camp, he came unto God in such a way that he could see his body suffering starvation, illness and all manner of physical perils, yet he became disassociated from his body and witnessed this suffering from a heavenly view as if in 3rd person. He stopped feeling the starvation pains, the aches of his body, or any suffering. He simply went about helping, encouraging, and lifting others who suffered around him.
Have a blessed day and week,