197. Building the New Jerusalem, part 3

Hello everyone!

Here is the third installment on the building of the New Jerusalem. Many events are covered as the work progressed. I was informed more about the red heifer, how to preserve it's ashes once it is burned, and more of the details of the waters of separation ordinance. This will begin on July 19th, 2021, the day after the dedication of the north section of the New Jerusalem celestial temple. Read about the Lamb's Book of Life, and the care that the angel Oriphiel takes to preserve this eternal record.

I also have more about my trek to Zion with my small group. We should arrive in August, 2021. All the while the telestial world around us will further degrade, with possible war from Russia and China on the horizon.

There is more about the progress of the temple, and what is happening with all of the celestial servants who are working night and day so that it will be prepared. Please pray about all of these events, and confirm that they are of God. Time is close at hand now!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)


A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, June 13, 2021

1. I have enjoyed a calm sabbath day. I am refreshed and now ready for another full week of activity in my replicated states, and in my mortal life.

2. I came tonight to the ceiling above the southern large 600 foot square room in the New Jerusalem temple. My Heavenly Mother came to me here. There were no celestial workers below us, for it was still the sabbath.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have planned what specific early actions are to be accomplished in the creation of our New Jerusalem until its temporary dedication on July 18, 2021. We are all awaiting the beginning of the ordinance of the waters of separation on July 19th.

4. This will necessitate that the red heifer be slain on that very day on the altar designated for this purpose. After you completely burn this animal, we will instruct you how to gather the ashes so as to use part of them for the initial waters of separation ordinance. We will also have you preserve most of the ashes for future use throughout the millennium. You will not need to slay another red heifer during the remainder of the millennium.

5. The red heifer is now being raised by its celestial resurrected parents on our celestial orb. This red heifer will be brought to you on Monday, July 19, 2021, by your sister, Rachael. This animal has a knowledge of the sacrifice we require, and will remain in the spirit world until the end of the millennium, for its ashes will not be gathered again to create its resurrected body until after you complete the waters of separation ordinances for all our celestial elect. This red heifer will then remain on your celestial resurrected earth in its resurrected state in this temple block area, and in the New Jerusalem area for all eternity.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words tonight. She then took me on a tour of the work done in this south section of the New Jerusalem temple. The vast floors covered with silver and gold were almost completed. The exit area walls and floors were all done except for the final gold covering.

7. My Heavenly Mother then smiled and departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 14, 2021

1. I knelt in prayer on the gold floor just in front of the temple office in the font room of the New Jerusalem temple. I asked for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to come. There was a cloud that appeared in front of me, and then it gradually went away, revealing my three Gods before me. I gazed into their eternity eyes, first to my Father's, then my Mother's and then those of Jesus Christ.

2. While looking upon the tender face of Jesus, he spoke to me. 'Raphael, our Heavenly Parents and I have come to answer your prayer request and to give Oriphiel our Lamb's Book of Life.' At that moment, to the left of Jesus I saw another man appear, whom I knew was Oriphiel, my archangel brother. He came to my side and smiled at me, and then also knelt before our three Gods.

3. Jesus spoke again: 'Oriphiel, here is the Lamb's Book of Life.' Jesus then brought in his hands a large closed book. 'It will be given to you to now guard and keep. You will open it on July 19th, 2021 when I return here and instruct you and Raphael how to conduct the waters of separation ordinance. At that time I will administer this entry ordinance to Raphael, and you will record it as the first entry in this book.

4. Once you both have been trained by me, then Raphael will begin acting in my stead and administer this ordinance to your first parents, Adam and Eve. They will then be recorded by you in the Book of Life as entries number two and three. From that point on you will begin together in your joint work of administering this ordinance to the remainder of those I have chosen for entry into our celestial church. You and Raphael will continue your work in our temple for the remainder of time until the end of the great millennium.'


5. Jesus then asked Oriphiel to stand, and he handed him the Lamb's Book of Life. Oriphiel responded: 'My Great Redeemer, I thank you for your trust in giving me this eternal book into my custody! I will remain here behind the highest celestial veil that we are in now, as you have shown me to do, and guard this book. I will remain here hidden for the next five weeks while the hosts of the celestial elect come and tour this area and look upon this closed book.'

6. Oriphiel then took the Book of Life from Jesus and set it upon the stone table to his right, in front of his chair. He then returned to my side and knelt again. Jesus smiled and stepped back next to our Heavenly Parents.

7. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you see that we, your Gods, are in the highest celestial realm. We invite you to also come next to Oriphiel, in our highest realm, so both of you are not seen, to remain here in your replicated celestial beings during the five weeks of tours. You will oversee the information given by the tour guides in this room to ensure all is accurate and according to our will. The tours will continue, even during the sabbaths, day and night, during this five week period.

8. Now we will excuse our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who has come with us this morning. He has much work to do in preparing the hearts and minds of our mortal children to become sufficiently open and full of faith to trust in his guidance. Jesus then smiled, stepped backwards, and was enveloped in a white cloud and was gone.

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, step down now into the celestial realm, in another replicated state, and call forth all of the celestial tour guides whom we have chosen. They will rotate in to do their tours, for the work they will do will be continual for five weeks, and not all will be on duty at the same time. They will all, however, be before you as you instruct them and take them on the same tour that we have shown you yesterday. You will repeat this tour for all of them. Because of the large numbers of tour guides, you will need to divide the group in three parts and repeat this tour three times, once for each group.

10. When you have fully instructed our celestial tour guides, meet with them in this room again altogether, and initiate their schedule so that they may begin their tours. We have billions of the hosts of heaven, both resurrected, translated, and those yet unborn, those in the spirit world who have died, and even some in mortality whom we will replicate to come on this tour.

11. We have made accommodations in our construction schedule for these tours to give our celestial elect a taste of what we have prepared for them. They will become very excited and greatly anticipate their own acceptance of the ordinance that you will do for them in this area of our temple. They will long to have Oriphiel record their names in our Lamb's Book of Life. Our elect will be filled with great joy during these tours. We will also frequent these tours to participate in their rejoicings!'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words to me. I thanked Oriphiel to for having come to be by my side, in God's highest celestial realm.

13. I then left my replication in that highest realm, and entered the lower celestial realm. I called forth the great hosts of tour guides to come before me. I was near the southern ceiling of this large 200 foot by 200 foot font room.

14. There then appeared before me about five hundred celestial tour guides. I immediately asked them to divide before me into three groups, which they did. I told them all that had been revealed to me yesterday and this morning relating to the tours. I asked for Oriphiel to also appear before the entire group and show them the Lamb's Book of Life that rested on the stone table.

15. I told them of the recent visit of our three Gods to this room and of their instructions to Oriphiel and me. I then transferred to their minds all that our Heavenly Parents had given to my own unconscious mind relating to the details of the building and construction of this New Jerusalem island, and of the construction and beautification of this celestial temple. The large group of tour guides were then visibly filled with great joy. Most of them were crying and very emotional.

16. I then excused Oriphiel, and started tours for each of the three groups. I took each of the three groups on the same tour, even as I had been instructed. Those not on the tour waited above the temple in the air while the others were on tour.

17. When all was complete I invited the three groups to come again to the large font room. I addressed the tour guides: 'My brothers and sisters, you may share anything you have been shown today with your tour groups. You will meet them outside the front northern gold doors of this temple and bring them into this room. Your own groups will be limited to about fifty individuals each. You will have the ability to address only those in your group, so that they will all hear only you and not the other groups on tour. Take all the time you feel you need for each group, even as guided by God's Spirit. (God will make time increase to accommodate all those who come on the tours to have a complete tour.)

18. You are now divided into three groups, and your schedule will continue in your groups, eight hours per day for each group.'

19. I then assigned which group was the morning tour group from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM, the afternoon tour group from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM and the evening tour group from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM the next morning. I said they would rotate forward in time each Monday for the five week period. This would allow each to take tour groups at all times of the day and night. During the night, I said that the temple block area would be bright from the celestial glow of the area for all to clearly see everything.

20. I then gave them my blessing and asked the morning group to begin. I asked the afternoon and evening groups to return five minutes before their shifts so that there would be no interruption in the tours.

21. The first group then went outside the north temple doors to receive their first tour groups. The other two groups departed, awaiting their shifts.

22. I then closed my morning prayer and departed in my conscious mind.

23. Evening-I have reread what I wrote this past Sunday and this morning. It was all entirely new to me. I felt very clear when I recorded it in my journal. The revelations come so soft and gentle, like a whisper. I have since prayed about the heifer and the tour information, and felt confirmed it is all true. I feel that our Heavenly Parents are so kind to think of their awaiting celestial elect children that they made time for many of them to go on a tour of this celestial area on earth. How thoughtful and loving of them!

24. I came tonight to the air above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. I saw many groups of people below me on multiple tours. This warmed my heart. I then rose up far above the island and knelt in the air. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me for my evening prayer.

25. He appeared and immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I rejoice in seeing our beloved children taking tours of the celestial temple and surrounding celestial area on earth. We love them, and want each to rejoice that the day of their salvation is near at hand!

26. Raphael, you read in your journal how your Heavenly Mother and I would give you and Oriphiel our final instructions on Saturday, July 17, 2021. On Sunday, July 18th, 2021, you will dedicate the northern section of our celestial temple. On Monday, July 19th, Jesus would then give you and Oriphiel further instructions on the ordinance and the recording of this in the Lambs Book of Life. Our instructions on Saturday, and Jesus' instructions on Monday are different. Your Heavenly Mother and I will give you our final words about the ordinance on Saturday and then bless both you and Oriphiel at that time. On Monday, Jesus will instruct you by actually administering the waters of separation for you, Raphael. Oriphiel will be your witness. Jesus will then tell in detail to Oriphiel what he should write as he looks over his shoulder. This instruction from Jesus will be by actually walking through the process with you and Oriphiel. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be present, but will be observers at that time. This will happen in five weeks from today, on July 19th, 2021.'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assuring words tonight. I said I loved him and would be fully obedient to whatever he, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ might ask me to do.

28. Heavenly Father then rose up in the sky and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, June 15, 2021

1.I came in prayer above the top center spire of the New Jerusalem temple. I felt I would be alone here, away from the crowds of people on tours. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared before me in the air, and was very bright and smiling.

2. She spoke to me right away: 'Raphael, you need not worry about being seen by the celestial hosts below us on the tours or in the construction work in the south area of our temple. During this time when so many of our children are here, just ask of me and I will bring you into our highest celestial realm, and will be by your side so both of us will be invisible to all people. I have hidden us this morning in your prayer. You are already among them in several replications, acting in your role as our servant and leader.

3. Yesterday on your property in Utah County, Utah, you removed yet more garter snakes from your fish pond. They have been relentless in eating your fish. There have been more this year than during normal summers. It has also become much hotter earlier in your state, breaking previous heat records. You have been extremely diligent in getting your garden planted so you will have sufficient produce to eat and store away. We are pleased with your efforts and work.

4. The drought will become more severe in the western part of the United States this summer. Like the increase of snakes on your property, there are many more conspiring and lying people in your government and industry who have become compromised by those primarily in Russia and China who have infiltrated your land. They are making plans now to physically attack your land of America in not many weeks. This will cause great distress among the citizens of your land, and begin the physical destruction of your republic. From your once strong nation, war and calamity will spread over the entire telestial earth on the promised land and then the entire world.

5. Your Father and I knew that these destructions would soon come in your land. We have prepared a place of refuge where the wicked cannot come, even the New Jerusalem. To arrive there, our faithful will need to enter into the terrestrial physical earth. We will allow only our chosen elect to come, and will prepare them, our pure and holy people, for Zion and the experiences they will have. Soon the migration to the New Jerusalem from the telestial mortal earth that will be in the process of being destroyed will greatly increase. We are still having the hearts and minds of our mortal elect softened during their nightly instructions while their bodies sleep. They need to become more open and accepting of our guidance in their lives. When they do, we will inspire them to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem. This will become the only place of peace and safety from their turbulent world.

6. Raphael, you have wondered about how safe it is in being near those who have received the COVID-19 vaccinations. You have read about the spike protein toxins in these vaccinations, and how they can be transmitted to the unvaccinated in the air. They are very harmful and will eventually cause death in many people. Those reports you read are mostly true, but are purposefully being withheld from the general public by the manipulating leaders and conspiring rulers in your land. Your protocol of taking higher infection fighting remedies and nebulizing once per week (see your post 191K9), will help protect you from the dangerous spike proteins and other harmful effects of those near you who have been vaccinated. I will protect my elect who pray to us, their Gods, for my corona flame to destroy these harmful infections and substances from nearby vaccinated people that they may breathe in. It is when the people of your land think that all is returning back to normal that the greater devastating plague will sweep through among them. We will then release our protection from the virus that came from the airplane that flew over the Salt Lake Valley that has now spread among the people of your land (see your post 157E17 to post 157E19).

7. Raphael, your protection and that of our elect depends upon all of you following our Spirit. We will protect our own elect, and provide a way of escape from the devastations coming upon them in the mortal telestial world.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her warnings. I said I would seek her guidance continually, and follow her Spirit in my life.

9. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

10. Evening-I felt to pray tonight at the circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank living water and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

11. He walked to me from the waterfall, and soon was directly in front of me. I gazed into his loving face, and he smiled upon me.

12. He spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that some of those in your small group have largely dropped their expectations of what their Heavenly Mother and I might do. None of you nor anyone on the earth, know our plans beyond what we have directly revealed to you. What your Heavenly Mother told you this morning, and what you recorded, is true. As our New Jerusalem becomes more and more complete, and a safe haven for our elect, even so will the telestial world soon degrade into more chaos and then war. During all of this, we continue to ask our elect to drop all of their expectations.

13. You enjoyed a nice conversation today on the phone with your sister K. She has been bringing many animals from the celestial orb and from your telestial mortal world. These animals have quickly transitioned to the environment where they are brought into. This is because these animals drink either celestial or terrestrial living water, and eat corresponding vegetative matter in either of those locations on the New Jerusalem island. Insert her journal entry she experienced with me after your own entry tonight.'

14. I said I would include my sister's account of Heavenly Father and her talking to the two bears. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming witness of what my Heavenly Mother said to me this morning.

15. My prayer ended and I closed my day.

16. Here is a journal entry from my sister K that she agreed to share:

"June 14, 2021

I went this evening to the New Jerusalem celestial temple site, again on the grassy area. It seems I saw a couple of black bears coming towards me. They stopped near me to rest. I reached out and stroked the one closest to me. They were both very gentle, soft and beautiful. Their eyes were wise and filled with love.

The one closest to me spoke 'We are so pleased and blessed to be here. We have come from the telestial mortal earth where survival was sometimes a struggle. We feel so safe and at peace in this beautiful place.'

"I am Rachael, and have the assignment of supervising the bringing of God's animals to this holy site, from the telestial mortal earth as well as from God's celestial orb. Each animal is very honored to be chosen and is at once able to live in the fulness of its creation, free from stress, survival concerns, free from needing to hunt or have mortal animal instincts."

The bear responded, 'We are so happy our Father and Mother creators have offered us this great privilege.'

"I am so pleased that you are happy here. You are welcomed to this, God's New Jerusalem site in the celestial realm of the earth."

I had prayed for my Heavenly Father to come and he had watched this interaction from above. He was pleased.

He spoke to the bears: 'We welcome you here.'

He looked around and spoke to all the animals including birds, water animals and every creature, for all were able to hear his voice.

'I am God, your creator, along with your Mother creator and Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We welcome each of you to this site of the New Jerusalem. Some of you are living in the terrestrial realm while others live in the temple square celestial realm area. You bring peace, pleasure and serenity to this place. You are now in your fulness and have no need to prey upon other animals. The living water and vegetation will provide for you all you need. We love you and chose you to bring your love and comfort to those who will see you and commune with you. You may commune with our children through your thought transfers. I bless you to be of good cheer and to flourish.'

The animals had all listened attentively. Then Heavenly Father said 'You may now go forth and be happy in your new realm.'

I was filled with joy and gratitude for each one. They then each bowed their heads briefly and then Heavenly Father was gone. They returned to their grazing and relaxing.

I hope this is a true recording of what seemed to have transpired."

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, June 16, 2021

1. I awoke before the others in my household, and enjoyed my quiet time in prayer and meditation. I came in the air above the golden altar, just north of the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem. I hadn't consciously thought of this altar since the island of the New Jerusalem was created on May 17, 2021, a little over four weeks ago. I read my post 103G11 to 103G20, where I talked about the altar and the red heifer. I also read my post 56F27 to 56F28. I had sketched a drawing of the golden altar soon after this experience in this last post.

2. I knelt in the air above the golden altar below me in the New Jerusalem. I prayed for my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to come to me. They both appeared in their highest celestial realm. I gazed into their loving faces and was glad.

3. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have inspired you to ask Jesus Christ to come with me in your morning prayer. I have also directed you to read your previous posts about the golden altar. You directed our celestial servants to create this golden altar based on our specific details. There is a hinged door in the front of this altar where the ashes of the burnt red heifer are accessed. This specific golden altar in the New Jerusalem has a lock to this hinged door that fits your black key. Once you completely burn the red heifer on the morning of Monday, July 19, 2021, you will use your black key to open this hinged door. You will extract a few of the ashes from the altar and place them in the golden jar that Jesus Christ will now give to you.'

4. Jesus then spoke: 'Raphael, here is the small flat golden shovel and the golden jar with a lid that I now give to you. Use the golden shovel to remove a small portion of the ashes from the altar after the red heifer is completely burned. Then carefully pour these ashes from the shovel into the golden jar. The lid of the golden jar is to be opened only by you, and has a lock on its top. Use your black key to open the lid, and close and lock the lid. Once a small portion of the ashes from the altar are in the jar, then lock the hinged door on the golden altar. These ashes will remain in the altar throughout the entire millennium, accessible only to you for the purpose of mixing with living celestial water for use in the waters of separation ordinance.'

5. Jesus Christ then gave me the small golden shovel and golden jar. I held them in my hands while he continued speaking: 'Now that you have these two items, after our conversation, place them in your desk drawer in the temple office in the font room. Lock them in the lower drawer of that desk with your black key for safe keeping. You will first retrieve these on July 19, 2021 when you come to this golden altar to slay and burn the red heifer.

6. Raphael, there is a hyssop plant in the nearby garden area that you will use in your administrations. Pluck one of the stems of this plant to immerse and shake the waters you will prepare for the waters of separation ordinance. You may replace this stem you use from the hyssop plant as you feel the need.

7. When I come to you the morning of July 19, 2021, I will show you more details on slaying of the red heifer, retrieval of the wood from the branches of the nearby two trees of life, and how to properly mix the water that you will use in the ordinance. You will use this sacred prepared water to shake on the outside north wall of the New Jerusalem temple, prior to performing the ordinance. You will have dedicated this portion of the temple the previous day on July 18, 2021.

8. Our Heavenly Parents and I will instruct you in all of these matters on both July 17, and July 19, 2021. We need you to follow our exact instructions in all of these matters. Your ordinance work will be eternally binding on our celestial elect whom I will choose for entry into our Church of the Firstborn. We need all to be done even as we direct you.

9. I thanked Jesus and my Heavenly Father for their words to me today. I said that I would immediately place the golden shovel and golden jar in the locked desk drawer after our communion in this morning's prayer.

10. With this, Heavenly Father and Jesus smiled upon me, and shone the light of their acceptance upon me. They then rose up gradually into the celestial sky above the golden altar, and were soon gone.

11. I then entered into the temple office behind shut doors in the northern font room of the New Jerusalem temple. When I arrived there the tour crowds were outside of the office. I then located the desk drawer, opened it with my black key, and placed in it the golden shovel and golden jar. I closed the desk drawer and locked it. I thanked God again for my instructive prayer, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

12. Evening-I reread what I wrote this morning. Whenever I have a question or don't have the proper understanding, I pray and receive detailed and clear answers. Everything that I could possibly think about has been fully planned out in detail. I believe I have received all of these specifics from my Gods previously, but I can't recall it in my mortal conscious mind.

13. I came this evening to the air near the ceiling in the south large room of the New Jerusalem temple. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

14. She appeared in front of me, smiling broadly. She extended her hand and spoke: 'Raphael, come with me and let's walk on the completed gold and silver floors below us. You will be with me in my highest celestial realm so others won't see us.'

15. I took her hand and we descended among the celestial workers. They were starting construction of the northern ordinance rooms in this large area. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, the silver and gold floors are now all laid and welded in place. Our celestial workers at the forest resource area and here in our temple have worked day and night to accomplish this since Monday, June 7, 2021 when they began. Now that they have completed this today, the other celestial construction workers will build on these floors the remaining structures. They will complete all of these in a little over two and a half weeks, by July 3, 2021. We will then have our artisans and craftsmen and craftswomen come and beautify this large 600 by 600 foot square south room in our temple. These will take two weeks to finish, just in time for the temple dedication on July 18, 2021. This dedication will only make the north area of the temple functional for this larger south room will not be used until the final dedication of the temple at a later date.

16. We are having two dedications since we want you and Oriphiel to start doing the important entry ordinance and recording work immediately in the north font room after the tours are completed. This will take place before the outside of the temple is embellished, and some of the beautifications are done by our mortal servants in the south large room. When Jesus comes in his glory, this temple will be dedicated as a whole functional temple, and all ordinance work will be being performed.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifications on the two dedications. I was so pleased to be with her tonight.

18. She then departed and I closed my evening prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, June 17, 2021

1. This morning I came to the north roof edge of the New Jerusalem temple overlooking the many tours of the celestial elect. There were thousands and thousands of people in front of me, each one on a tour of the temple block area. I was feeling very pleased that they were seeing the completed and beautiful gardens, and the inside of the north section of the temple.

2. I retreated back to the middle of the roof, next to the tallest spire. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. Heavenly Father then came before me in his glory. He was smiling and seemed very happy. He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I came in disguise this morning among one of the tours. We were impressed with how attentive, grateful and receptive all of our children in our tour were. The tour guide was exceptional and spoke as she was inspired by our Holy Spirit. It was a very spiritual feast for those on the tour. They are all determined to stay true and faithful so as to be receptive of these greatest of blessings in their lives.

4. Many of these celestial elect on the tours have received or will receive various assignments in our New Jerusalem or in assisting our mortal elect on earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I have assembled the largest group of celestial servants for one main purpose: we want all who are elect, who have demonstrated their willingness to hear our voice and keep our commandments, to come here and receive our binding eternal ordinances, and ultimately become like us, their Heavenly Parents. This is our greatest work and glory!

5. M.A. wrote to you an email to you yesterday, wondering what your Heavenly Mother meant by a physical attack on your nation. Heavenly Mother spoke about this in your paragraph C4 above. We will allow these evil men and women to continue to compromise the defenses of your nation so that both Russia and China may attack your country with multiple means. There will be long term power outages, physical occupation, and more severe plagues coming upon your land. Food will become scarce and need to be rationed, for those who have not stored supplies or have productive gardens. Violence and calamity will sweep the land, causing far greater terror than in the past. From this moment on, the telestial mortal world will become a very unsafe place.

6. However, we have gathered many celestial and terrestrial servants to help our elect find safe places and an escape. These difficult times will cause our mortal elect to turn to us, pleading for protection and safety. In their distress, we will provide various ways to help and protect them, and to ultimately bring them to Zion, the New Jerusalem, in the center of the terrestrial land of promise. In this protected land, liberty, righteousness and peace will prevail. The wicked cannot come there, for it will be a place of refuge from the calamities in the telestial mortal world.

7. D&C 45: 66-71

"And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most HIgh God:

And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, (Raphael, we will have our angels and celestial servants lead our mortal elect who will come, to enter into the terrestrial physical realm at some point, and to come to Zion. The wicked will have no such guidance from above, but will remain on the unsafe telestial mortal earth) and it shall be called Zion.

And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man (and woman) that will not take his (or her) sword against his (or her) neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety (the only way for them to begin to flee is for them to ask of us in prayer. If they do not seek us, how can we guide them? They need to be humble and open enough to receive our abundant guidance from our heavenly messengers whom we will send to them to protect and lead them).

And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven (soon we will call upon our 144,000 terrestrial servants to bring our elect from all nations to our New Jerusalem, by bringing them in their own portals to Zion. This effort will follow and will compliment the great work of our celestial servants among our elect.); and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.

And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand. (Raphael, the wicked will become aware of the righteous who will start leaving their control and the wicked telestial world. They will have heard of Zion, but they will not have any idea how to go there. Of themselves, they will see Zion as a terror, and they will know that they cannot stand against God.)

And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelations this morning. I told him I would always seek his face, and that of my Heavenly Mother in daily prayer. I expressed my deep gratitude for their plans to save the elect of God, and bring them to Zion.

9. Heavenly Father then rose up to the sky, next to the tallest spire. When he was gone, I ended my morning prayer.

10. I received this email from S right after he typed up the above entry on 6-18-2021:

"R, it is very exciting to learn about all that is occurring now. It is occurring in a miraculous way. I yearn to be part of this society that will soon exist and flourish as the telestial earth and its inhabitants go in the opposite direction.

Your friend

11. Evening-I came tonight to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I sought my Heavenly Mother in prayer. She quietly came before me on the shore. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have been instructing your small group of nineteen travelers while on your trek to Zion. They are all so eager to hear your revelations that we have given to you. In your explanations, you have been following our Spirit on what to say, and how much to say. The conversations on your trek with them have made them ponder deeply if what you have shared with them is true. You have encouraged each to take the time to ponder your words, seek the Spirit of God, and then to ask us in prayer if what you shared is true. You said that their Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ were eager to answer any questions that they might have.

12. Raphael, we are pleased that you have been opening your mouth, and sharing with them according as our Spirit directs you. We wish all those on such treks that come to Zion humbly seek the Spirit, and discuss our revelations with an open heart and mind. We will help steer these conversations, and bring our Spirit among them. They need to make open time in their personal lives for us.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this update on my trek to the New Jerusalem. I feel happy to know I was able to share with these beautiful, humble and open people who truly are seeking God's will, and not their own.

14. Heavenly Mother then took my hand and said she wanted me to go with her to the New Jerusalem. I stood, and we left the desert oasis. I was not privy as to where we went or what we discussed. I felt peace however, and happy that so much activity was happening at the New Jerusalem these days! I ended my prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday June 18, 2021

1. The very little that I read in conservative news sources, the more I realize that our mortal world is in great turmoil and heading for war. However, I feel comforted to have been updated last night on the happenings on my trek to Zion. It is really a spiritual awakening time for those who come to Zion, who leave all behind, and who seek humbly to follow the Spirit.

2. I came this morning to the font room in the New Jerusalem temple. I immediately joined one of the tours in disguise. I knew that my Heavenly Parents had done this recently. As I was listening to our male tour guide, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came by my side, also in disguise! I knew them immediately, for they looked at me with their distinctive eternity eyes.

3. Heavenly Father whispered to my mind the following: 'Raphael, we have come on many of these tours recently and have rejoiced in the feelings of those gathered here! These, our beloved celestial elect children, are so grateful that the time has arrived when the glory of the New Jerusalem is established on the earth. This event signals to them how close they are to be brought into the Church of the Firstborn. They will then be able to continue to mingle together in communion with the other celestial elect. Prior to this time, there has not been a distinct group of such like-minded people, all gathered together. Even those who are resurrected have been living in small groups, and not been members of a larger congregation of those destined to become gods in eternity. Our many faithful sons and daughters will soon enter into our celestial church, and have communion frequently with each other:

4. D&C 107:19

"To have the privilege of receiving the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, to have the heavens opened unto them, to commune with the general assembly and church of the Firstborn, and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and Jesus the mediator of the new covenant."

5. D&C 76:66-68

"These are they who are come unto Mount Zion (this is the New Jerusalem, even here among these tours and future assemblies), and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all.

These are they who have come to an innumerable company of angels (and celestial servants), to the general assembly (like we are gathered in even now on this tour) and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn (these are our celestial elect among us, who have been chosen and elected to be members of the Church of the Firstborn. They will officially become members when you administer the waters of separation for each of them in this very room, Raphael).

These are they whose names are written in heaven (this is when our archangel Oriphiel records their premortal name in the Lambs Book of Life. (He pointed over to the book on Oriphiel's table)), where God and Christ are the judge of all." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).'

6. My Heavenly Father stopped speaking and looked at the tour guide, listening intently. He was holding Heavenly Mother's hand, and they were both smiling.

7. My prayer here in the font room stopped, for I was immediately back in my home in Utah, in my private room. I thanked my Gods for this beautiful prayer this morning. I concluded my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. Evening-I read more from my most trusted news sources today, and I feel there is little that I can do in stopping the spread of evil in our country, and of the impending judgments of God on the land. It is often discouraging to live here in our deteriorating country. I sometimes feel like the society around me is also falling apart. We interact with property managers, the postal carriers, Amazon and Walmart businesses on a frequent basis in our own businesses, and are often appalled by their practices. I want to be free of all of this. Our neighbors too, particularly the younger generation where many are of the workforce age, have some work ethic issues and seem much more self-centered than I remember being when I was their age. Many seem to take the attitude that the government or the church will take care of them and they don't need to be responsible. I particularly am not pleased with the caliber of renters we have in several of our rental properties.

9. I then read in D&C 64:33 the following:

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."

10. I have been feeling weary in this telestial mortal world around me. I came with this heavy heart tonight in prayer to my Heavenly Mother. I came to the circling waters in her upper gardens on the celestial orb. I knelt and asked her to come to me.

11. She appeared on the waters. She looked compassionately upon me and spoke: 'Raphael, I understand how you feel about the failing world around you, on your telestial earth. We will let the telestial world continue to degrade and ultimately be destroyed. However, for those who are our elect, who live in your society in your mortal world, we will call them forth and bring them to Zion, as they respond to our voice. We will do with them as the next three verses in D&C 64 that you just referred to.

12. D&C 64: 34-36

"Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.

And the rebellious shall be cut off out of the land of Zion, and shall be sent away, and shall not inherit the land.

For, verily I say that the rebellious are not of the blood of Ephraim, wherefore they shall be plucked out."

13. My recommendation is to not get too upset by the degrading telestial world around you. This realm will continue to increase with more and more wickedness, with evil flourishing more and more. Think of the glories of Zion, and of this beautiful millennial world coming upon the earth. You will find great joy, and deep satisfaction in this new environment and realm coming upon your earth. Keep your eye focused on Zion and the glories of a better world in the New Jerusalem. Be patient in all of the mortal tribulations that may come your way. After much tribulation, comes the blessings from us in a much happier world:

14. D&C 58: 2-4

"For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.

Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.

For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand." '

15. Heavenly Mother smiled and stepped a few paces backward and disappeared. I thanked her in my mind, and closed my prayer. I felt much more buoyed up by her words to me tonight.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday June 19, 2021

1. I came today to the end of the west river on the New Jerusalem island. The land around me was beautiful and growing quickly. I could see fields of grain that were nearing the time of their harvest. I saw several varied fields of vegetables that would also be ready for harvest in a few weeks. Birds were flying around and insects were abundant, just like in my telestial world. It all looked untouched, but planted in a very precise and orderly manner. I wondered how much involvement the heavenly servants continue to have in this terrestrial area of the island. I also wonder when the northern tribes of Israel would be coming here. Would it be before or after my dedication of the north area of the celestial New Jerusalem temple on July 18, 2021, a little over four weeks away? I wondered when I would be arriving with my small group of twenty people on our trek to Zion.

2. I knelt not far from the end of the river. I had come upstream a little, for I felt the horizontal gravitational force that kept the water from flowing to the mighty river to the west and I wanted to kneel upright. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. He descended to me from above and came in the air above the river's edge. He spoke: 'Raphael, we continue to have a few of our celestial servants watch over the terrestrial lands of our New Jerusalem island. However, the land is on a course of self growth and watering from this river of terrestrial living water without much intervention. This land is thriving and will produce abundantly at the time of the arrival of the northern tribes of Israel.'

4. Heavenly Father extended his hand and said for us to come view where the northern tribes were at this moment. I stood and took his hand. We were immediately above the large caravan of travelers on the wide rock highway. I saw the waters of the great deep on either side of the highway.

5. We then descended next to a section of the travelers on the highway, out of sight. They seemed weary but non complaining of their long journey to Zion. I then heard a young boy ask his father who was walking next to him: 'Father, how long before we arrive at the land of Zion? I am getting tired of walking day in and day out! How long will it be?'

6. His father kept walking and tried to encourage his weary son. The boy picked up a rock while his father was speaking. He threw the rock in our direction. He was obviously discouraged by the monotony of seeing only rocks and water, with no vegetation. I could imagine that their diet was now pretty sparse and had little change in its taste and texture. I thought of my own diet back in Utah that was so varied, with fresh produce shipped from orchards and farmlands across the western hemisphere of the earth. I felt very sorry for the monotony experienced by the travelers in front of my Heavenly Father and me.

7. I turned and asked Heavenly Father how long this group would stay on the highway? When would they reach the expansive barren land? When would they arrive at the New Jerusalem borders?

8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this group will arrive on the barren land next week. They will then need to exercise their faith so that pools of living water will emerge on the land (see your post 191A5 to 191A8). They will experience variations in the terrain on the barren land, but will still see no vegetation or animals on the land.

9. Your Heavenly Mother and I spoke to you about this future time next week when the tribes arrive on the barren land of promise (see your post 191K5 to 191K6 and 191L9) They will hold a fast and the following day will find themselves only miles from the New Jerusalem. I spoke this to S and Heavenly Mother spoke this to you last April, 2021. We wish S to receive from us the time of their fast, and of their approximate 3,000 mile movement across the terrestrial barren land of promise to the borders of Zion. They will arrive on the other side of the mighty river after your dedication of our temple on July 18, 2021. S is among the tribes of Israel now, in a replicated being, and understands the struggles of this large group of our faithful elect. He will be able to connect with his replicated being there, and receive our revelation on their arrival.'

10. As far as your own trek, you will arrive in August of this summer (see your post 191B8). We will give you more information on your arrival time in August. When you arrive at the New Jerusalem, you will receive your merged mind.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and revelations to me, and for answering my questions. I prayed for this weary group of the tribes of Israel, asking for multiple unseen angels and celestial servants to help buoy them up in their travels, and to ease their struggles.

12. Heavenly Father said he would answer my request. He then quietly departed. I lingered for a moment longer, looking upon the weary caravan before me. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. Evening-I reread what I wrote in my journal this morning. I felt every part of it was true and given to me by God. I felt buoyed up today, and look forward so much to a better world of peace and righteousness.

14. I came to the terrestrial land of the future city of the New Jerusalem. This was in the non planted land adjacent to the large channels (see my post 54P1). I was not aware when John the Beloved would come nor when construction of the city would begin. I believe the New Jerusalem city will be constructed by terrestrial mortal elect who will come to the New Jerusalem.

15. I prayed on a vacant lot in the future city and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She descended from a nearby opening in the air, and stepped in front of me. She was smiling and spoke right away:

16. 'Raphael, your question about when this terrestrial city of the New Jerusalem will begin is a very good question.You and John the Beloved will both be involved in the design and construction details of this city, it's twenty-four terrestrial temples, places of residence, buildings, streets and parks (see your post 54AB7 to 54AB8). This will be a terrestrial city, and will be entirely constructed by our terrestrial elect who come to this island. The resources they will use to construct the city will be taken from terrestrial resource areas on this island and from neighboring lands. These lands will become planted with terrestrial trees from which lumber will be milled. There are also terrestrial gold and silver depositories, and other ores that will be mined that will be used to create the metal needs for the structures.

17. The city will take much longer to construct than the celestial temple and temple block area. Those who labor in the New Jerusalem city will be very skilled men and women in the construction arts, excellent craftsmen and craftswomen, artisans, gardeners, city planners and architects. These who are skilled will be available at the needed times to allow the city to be steadily planned and constructed without delays.

18. Raphael, you will begin your most important work with Oriphiel starting on July 19, 2021 in our celestial New Jerusalem temple. This will become your main focus in the days to come. John the Beloved and others will be able to move forward on building the city in a short time from after you begin your temple administrations (see your post 173F17 to 173F18). Detailed planning and the beginning construction of the city of the New Jerusalem will begin this fall, once you arrive from your trek and you gain access to your fully merged mind.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation tonight. I said I was so pleased that the celestial temple, the temple block, and the outlying farmlands had all been initiated, built and planted prior to any mortal elect coming to this beautiful island. I said I thought God's wisdom in planning the most important things first was so very wise.

20. My prayer then ended, for Heavenly Mother departed into the air from where she came. I thanked her for her words to me.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, June 20, 2021, Father's Day

1. I am glad for a sabbath day of rest. Sometimes my life becomes very busy, and the sabbaths usually give me time to reflect more and meditate during the day.

2. Before I came to pray, I read in my previous posts about the roles of John the Beloved. He will ultimately become king of the New Jerusalem, and be the one in charge of constructing the terrestrial city of the New Jerusalem. When the terrestrial elect come to the New Jerusalem, this will be what they will see and where they will be housed. When it is their turn to be received into the Church of the Firstborn, they will walk across the road that divides the terrestrial city from the celestial temple block. Since they will have been chosen by Jesus Christ and become candidates to enter into his celestial church, then he will inspire them as to when to come into the celestial realm. I am sure they will coordinate with someone in the terrestrial city who will tell them the exact time for them to cross the street and enter the temple block area and to wait by the golden north doors of the temple.

3. I came this morning again in prayer on the terrestrial side of the eastern street of the New Jerusalem future city. I was kneeling next to the large east channel, on the north side. There were no plants here, only level soil. All seemed barren and flat except for the four large water channels that passed through this future city area.

4. I prayed to my Heavenly Father and he came to me, standing next to the channel. He spoke:

'Raphael, when John the Beloved comes this fall of 2021, he will meet with you multiple times here, even before construction begins on our city. We have given you both a vision of this city of the New Jerusalem, its twenty-four temples, residence and business areas, and the way the gardens and parks will be situated. We have walked with you previously through several of the future terrestrial temples here (see your post 54Z6 to 54AB11). You have seen the great beauty of our New Jerusalem city. John the Beloved has also seen the same in vision, and you both have the details in your minds. When he comes here, you will by then have your merged mind and be able to discuss with him the details of the city layout and construction. You will assist him in organizing work crews because of your recent extensive experience in orchestrating the building of our celestial temple block and temple.

5. You read in your post 171A12 that after you arrive from your trek to the New Jerusalem, you will come with your wife and son here. You will become one physical body, never to become replicated in a mortal physical body again. However, you will continue to be replicated frequently as a celestial being. You have wondered if you will come back to your Utah County property, or visit your own children and family in Utah again in the telestial mortal world. Come here again tonight and your Heavenly Mother and I will talk to you more about these questions.

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanations. I said I would return here tonight. My prayer then ended.

7. Evening-I came again to the future New Jerusalem city site where I was this morning. I knelt and asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come. They both came walking to me in the air, a little elevated above the ground. They were smiling and shining with bright light. I felt their love and peace.

8. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have come to speak to you about your concerns for your loved ones that you will leave behind in Utah, in the telestial mortal world after you come with your wife and son A. to Zion. You will not have been able to say goodbye formally to them, but will have disappeared from your land and home. This will be very upsetting to all of you, both to you who are at the New Jerusalem, and to those who continue to live in a world that will be having more and more calamities. You will be coming to Zion very early in its establishment, even before most of our elect even think of walking to Zion.

9. We have previously told you that you would be able to come back to your home in Utah, after so quickly relocating to the New Jerusalem. We said this was to get anything you might need that you would have normally brought and to allow your children to use your house, etc. You may also visit with each one of your children and their families, and convey to them your love and parting words. You may tell them of your relocation with your wife and son to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial physical world. They will each take your words differently, but you will not be able to remain in the telestial world as a mortal being. We will send our Holy Spirit to be with you as you speak to each of them. Your Father and I are allowing you to return again to say goodbye because of the unique circumstances with which you will depart.'

10. My Father then spoke: 'Raphael, it is pleasing to us, your Gods, that you, your wife and son continue to live and work on your property, as you now do, even until the very day of your departure. There will be no forewarning to any of them, nor your other family members, but only to you. We will allow you to come retrieve some of the very most important things of your choosing that you may bring back with you to your New Jerusalem home. Once this is done, and your goodbyes are completed, you will not be returning.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their sobering words to me tonight! I said I would confirm in a separate prayer all that they have told me. I said how much I loved them and the great privilege I had in working so closely with them in the New Jerusalem.

12. They both smiled upon me and said the way that they would depart from me tonight was the way I would also depart from my family during my goodbye visits. They then turned and walked a few steps and then disappeared from my view.

13. I thanked them again and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. After my prayer I looked up online and found that today, June 20, 2021, in the evening, is the beginning of summer. Fall will begin on September 22, 2021, about 13 weeks later. Winter will begin December 21, 2021, another 13 weeks later. So my wife, son and I will be departing sometime in the fall, between 13 and 26 weeks from now. This is very sobering to think about! It will be like a death to us, and to the rest of our family. We will be in a very happy and peaceful place, but the rest will be left to stay in their telestial mortality. Wow, lots to think about!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 21, 2021

1. I have had a restless night, for I was thinking about the separation from my loved ones most of my sleeping time. I can easily give away all my possessions accumulated over my lifetime, but it will take me a while to get used to departing from my remaining children, their pouses, and grandchildren. I believe some of them will come to Zion and some will remain in the telestial world. This is hard to think about!

2. I am wishing that I could somehow talk to my loving wife about this upcoming event. It will be very difficult for her at first, I am sure. It is truly like we all three suddenly die and are then in a new realm, never to come back to mortality. In reality, the realm we are going to is also another mortal sphere, in the terrestrial world.

3. I feel somewhat like King Hezekiah must have felt when Isaiah the prophet said he would die.

Isaiah 38:1

"In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live."

4. I know people die all the time and leave behind their loved ones. I guess my feelings of wanting to stay behind with family members, or to be able to attend family activities in a future day is a yearning most dying people may desire. There is also a great loss in separation that I feel, similar to those who die or those left behind.

5. I came this morning to the quiet desert oasis. While preparing for my prayer, I read in my post 171A11 to 171A12, and read that I would arrive in my second replicated body in the fall of 2021, and that my wife and son would come at that time with me. I also read in my current post 197G10 that I would arrive from my trek in August 2021. Technically, fall of 2021 begins on September 22, 2021, three weeks or more after I will arrive from my trek to the New Jerusalem.

6. I knelt on the shore by the oasis and drank living celestial water. I then prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me and help me resolve my concerns of separation and maybe to enlighten me more.

7. She came in her glory from above the oasis, and descended upon the waters. She then moved towards me on the shore, a little above in the air. She was full of love and compassion, for I could feel this from her spirit. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I set the time of the mortal probation of our beloved children, when they will come to earth and who will come as children to their families. These associations often grow into very loving relationships. Parting of loved ones is difficult. However, it is not a condition that will forever remain that way. Separations and reunions are part of the grand experience our children gain when passing into the various realms we have established.

8. When your wife, son and you arrive in the New Jerusalem, it will be a glorious experience for each of you. The more difficult experience will be for those you were close to that are left behind in their mortal telestial world. We will have your departure become a motivation for the elect among your family to develop a great desire to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem. Your final parting visit among them will be dramatic for some of them, and will linger in their minds as we prompt them to come to Zion on a trek like you yourself once came.

9. As for your loving wife, you will spend time in talking to her about controlling her mind, for she will at first greatly miss some of your children and grandchildren, as will you. These types of separations are difficult, but this is necessary when loved ones pass into a different realm. There will be joyful reunions when loved ones meet again.

10. Raphael, you may talk to your wife a few days before you actually depart with her and A. in September 2021, after fall officially begins. We will tell you your departure date at that time so that you will have a few days to prepare her.

11. There will be several weeks between your arrival in the New Jerusalem from your trek with the 19 other LDS travelers to your final arrival with your wife and son. This will give you time to prepare a place to dwell with your wife and son in the New Jerusalem city area during its beginning construction phase. You and your family will gain many long lasting friends at that time who will help ease your separation from loved ones that you left behind in the telestial world.

12. When you arrive with your family at the New Jerusalem in September 2021, the overall health and physical wellbeing of all three of you will greatly increase in strength and vitality. Your brain injured son will quickly find healing and stabilization. This will finally be the blessing of normalcy which you all have been seeking.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very comforting words to me this morning! I told her I felt so much better. I also said I received great comfort and assurance from her this morning that all would turn out so well from this full transition to the terrestrial world with my wife and son.

14. She then came forth, raised me from my knees, and embraced me fully! I felt her deep love, compassion and understanding flow into me. I started crying for joy and then she departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

15. I received an email from S on 6-21-2021 entitled "Father's Day" (see 197G9 above):


I am responding to your email from Saturday. I had the opportunity to pray about it yesterday on Father's Day. I hope you enjoyed the day with your family.

6-20-21 AM

This morning in prayer, I gave thanks that I am a father, and for my earthly and Heavenly Father. I called upon Heavenly Father. He directed me to come to his side. He was walking alone beside the celestial ocean on the sand. I walked beside him. He had a majesty about him that caused deep respect towards him within my being.

Heavenly Father Spoke: 'The tides of change are soon coming to your land. The principles of righteousness that this nation was founded upon are quickly eroding. The pervasive wickedness is causing the powers of heaven to retreat and the protection this nation has enjoyed for many years is now withdrawn. You have seen chaos erupt with riots occurring daily in major cities and increased violence from the defund the police movement over this last year. With the coming chaos that will engulf this land and its people, you will need to be humble, attentive and firm in listening to our Spirit. You will receive insight and direction from on high in clear, specific thoughts that will lead you in precise paths to safety. You have been quick to listen to our Spirit and heed our instructions. You will soon encounter more of this direction to guide you as your nation and world deteriorate into chaos. Let your heart be comforted for we, your Heavenly Parents, will lead you along and give you specific instructions.

We will give you further revelation regarding the arrival of the tribes of Israel to the New Jerusalem as Raphael recorded yesterday. Be patient and diligent in receiving our words of revelation that will continue to flow into you and bless your life.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. He continued walking as this scene closed to my view. I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.


Your Friend,


16. Evening-I enjoyed a very relaxing day, working on my property and relaxing with my family. I have been thinking a lot of what changes will come my way in a few months. This makes me want to spend lots of time with my loved ones this summer. I feel to be very generous with them, and to develop more loving relationships. I want to play with the grandchildren more, and take time with each one. This should be the best summer yet!

17. I was feeling pretty tired from the day. I will kneel by my bed tonight and if there is something to record, I will do it then.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, June 22, 2021

1. I awoke with the feeling to fully trust God, as I have always done anyway. I know that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother know what is best for my wife, son and I, and what they desire for us three will be wonderful and perfect. I am their servant, and will do whatever they might desire. My biggest concern was always not being able to see my family again in mortality which would be like a death. God may choose whichever realm my wife, son and I will be in. It has always been that way anyway when death comes. In our case, we will not see death, but a paradisiacal world of the New Jerusalem. How exciting this will all be!

2. I came last night to the New Jerusalem temple roof to pray. Heavenly Father said he would return in the morning after my sleep. I am here this morning. I feel awake and desirous to have no expectations of what may come my way. I am fully submitting my will to God's will, whatever that might be.

3. I knelt on the roof of the temple, and asked my Father to come. He immediately appeared before me.

4. He was smiling and spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you are wise to have resolved in your heart and mind to accept fully whatever your Heavenly Mother and I might decide for you and your loved ones. You are each our beloved children. We have a detailed plan for each of you in your mortal journey. What your Mother and I have chosen to reveal to you now is all true. You will depart the telestial mortal world and go into the terrestrial mortal realm in the New Jerusalem, with your loving wife and son A.. They too will rejoice in this change we will give to them. Your attachments to the telestial world will soon fade as you become involved in your activities and your lives there.

5. Your greatest concerns have been not seeing some of those in your family on earth after you relocate. We have plans for some of those who are willing and respond to our promptings, to also come to the New Jerusalem. They are also our elect sons and daughters. They have their own paths to come back to us.

6. What our servant S wrote to you yesterday in his confirming email is true. I said to him that the coming chaos in the telestial world is currently happening. I said "The pervasive wickedness is causing the powers of heaven to retreat." I also said that the coming days will further deteriorate into greater chaos, and our elect like S and some of those in your family will need to be quick to listen to our Spirit, and heed our instructions. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I will orchestrate the migration of our chosen elect to a better world of safety and peace, even in bringing them to Zion where you will already be located.'

7. I thanked my Father for his words. I expressed my desire to always do his and Heavenly Mother's will. I thanked him for his great blessings, and their plans for my wife, son, and I in the New Jerusalem, and for the rest of my loved ones too.

8. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, this is the last two weeks of construction in the south portion of our celestial temple, ending July 3, 2021. After this time, there will be two weeks that our servants will come to beautify and embellish its interior, and then the work of our celestial servants laboring on the inside of our holy temple will end. Come with me in my highest celestial realm, and let's look at their progress!'

9. I stood and held my Father's extended hand. We then descended through the roof and ceiling, and found ourselves in the air above the southern 600 by 600 foot inside area of the New Jerusalem temple.

10. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, as you know, the gold and silver floors are completed. The north entry area and steps are completed, and workmen and workwomen are steadily building the multiple ordinance and dressing rooms on the northern end. These will all have a fifty foot high ceiling, also made of wood. These should all be completed this week.

11. The men and women's endowment room is having individual chairs installed this week. These are made of wood and are padded. They will be attached to the gold floor.

12. The seven pillars that span the 600 foot width of the room are being constructed in the forest resource area. These are stone pillars covered with gold, and extend from the gold floor to the ceiling. There will be a film installed between these pillars and the east and west walls, similar to the film in the font room that divides our two portals there. This will become the veil of the temple. To its south will be the third portal of our temple that will link it to our temple on the celestial orb.

13. Finally, the exit room has been completed, including furniture and the gold plated exit door. It also needs beautification on the walls and ceiling.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his update. It was all so expansive and of the finest workmanship!

15. Heavenly Father then brought me back to the temple roof and departed into the celestial sky. I closed my prayer.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, June 23, 2021

1. I worked last evening on post 196 that my sister K had just finished editing. I prayed when I went to bed on the roof of the New Jerusalem temple. Heavenly Mother said that she would meet me there this morning. Last night she gave me no new revelation.

2. I am now on the roof kneeling. I have a surreal feeling, for the recent events here at the New Jerusalem are happening fast and I have to adjust my mind. I have received revelation about my personal life that is coming so soon, with my move with my wife and son to the New Jerusalem.

3. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came quietly next to me.

4. She spoke immediately: 'Raphael, when you come with your wife and son, you will all be in the terrestrial realm of this island, and they both will only be able to view the terrestrial. This is true of all the mortal newcomers who arrive. It is only those whom Jesus Christ chooses to enter the Church of the Firstborn that will come at their appointed time to the celestial temple block and celestial temple. After receiving the waters of separation ordinance, and having their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, will they will be free to come and go to the celestial realm of our New Jerusalem. The exception will be our mortal angels and mortal celestial servants who will labor in our temple, or those whom we ourselves specifically bring there.

5. When talking yesterday to your sister K, you wondered where you, your wife and son would reside. There will be some of the tribes of Israel that will build a house for you three to stay in until the residences in the New Jerusalem city are constructed.

6. K is also correct that you three will escape the coming calamities that will soon arrive upon the telestial world. We will start inspiring our other faithful elect to come to Zion in increasing numbers. They will mostly walk there, but there will be some who know us well who will immediately come by their intention. Some, like S and S.A., will walk with others in a relatively large group. We have reasons for the growth of our faithful elect to either walk or immediately come, even as our Spirit will direct them. Soon some will also be brought by a servant or servants of the 144,000. Each one of our elect has a particular journey that we have planned for their necessary growth, and those around them.

7. In that day close at hand, will be fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus Christ found in 3 Nephi 21:11-29. Those who come will take part in the building of our terrestrial city:

8. 3 Nephi 21:23-25

"And they (the elect who will come to the New Jerusalem) shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem (and the surrounding lands of Zion).

And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

9. Raphael, all who come to the New Jerusalem in these early days of gathering will have specific missions and duties to build up the city, welcome those who arrive, and see to their needs. Our work will be very organized to meet every need of construction, beautification, and attending to the needs of each other in our Zion community. Love, peace, and great purpose will pervade this city. Your Father and I will come among our faithful elect there in disguise frequently. What joy and excitement all will experience during these early days of building up Zion!

10. You, Raphael, will be continuing your duties as your replicated celestial angel in the New Jerusalem temple at this time. In your mortal body, you will labor among the builders of the city of the New Jerusalem.

11. You wondered if you will have the opportunity of visiting your loved ones who remain behind in the telestial world. All of your administrations to the telestial will be as our heavenly angel on our specific missions and assignments, even as we will direct you. These sorts of assignments we currently have you do multiple times every day now, and you will continue in that mode. Whether we have you encourage or minister to your own left behind faithful family members or not will be our decision.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable and very uplifting revelation this morning. I expressed my love to her. I said how grateful I was for my deep involvement in the establishment of the New Jerusalem.

13. She smiled upon me, and brightly shone her light all around. She then ascended up into the celestial skies. I had the impression that the tour groups currently around the temple paused for a moment and saw her ascend in her glory up into the celestial skies.

14. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

15. Evening-I came tonight to the desert oasis for my prayer. I drank living water from the oasis, and then knelt on the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He appeared directly in front of me.

16. He spoke: 'Raphael, we have proven you over the years in your faithfulness. You have been chosen and redeemed by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Your Heavenly Mother and I have called you as one of our servants with whom we interact with in building the New Jerusalem, and in being our archangel prophet in these last days. We have ordained you to reveal our many revelations to our elect. This will be after we have brought them to Zion and the New Jerusalem. We also have revealed to our multitudinous celestial elect our revelations through you, our mortal spokesman.

17. Raphael, we will reveal ourselves to our chosen elect once Jesus Christ approves them and redeems them. He will then bring them into our presence, even as he has brought us to you in April 2013. Since that time, we have revealed ourselves to you because you have so diligently sought us, with a humble heart and an open mind. We will do so for any of our children on earth who follow the example that you have set, and who seek us diligently.

18. Once our elect come to the New Jerusalem or cities of Zion, they will need to conform to the higher laws of the terrestrial world. However, to come into our highest celestial realm, they will need to press forward in faith and diligence:

19. 2 Nephi 31: 21-22

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen."

20. Raphael, the words of our Son Nephi, son of Lehi, are true, even today. This is the way to receive eternal life, and to have a close relationship with us, their Gods, even in mortality. This applies whether in the telestial or the terrestrial realm.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I feel so grateful to have been in his presence, and to receive from his very mouth these great truths.

22. He departed and I closed my prayer.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, June 24, 2021

1. I came this morning to the end of the western river on the terrestrial farmland. I was kneeling on the foundation of the future wall of the island. From my vantage, I could see the mighty river that split around the island and the western part was before me. It looked like a great distance to the other side, to the barren physical land of promise.

2. I could see all around me the organized and thriving areas of grain, vegetables, and fruit of many varieties. In contrast, across the river the barren land was void of any vegetation. I knew that there were also no animals yet on this barren land of promise. These had been brought so far only to the island, both to the celestial and terrestrial sections.

3. As I looked across the mighty river to the west, I knew that in June or July of 2021, the caravan of the one and a half million of the tribes of Israel would arrive (see my post 191K3 and 191K6). I knew I would go out to meet the tribes of Israel when they walk across the stopped river on dry ground (see my post 190J31 and 192F5). At the time of their arrival, I knew too that I would ask Mother Earth to make the gravitational pull at the end of the four rivers normal again, which would allow the living terrestrial waters to flow into the mighty river (see my posts 196H8 and 195A9).

4. All of these events will likely happen in July, next month. This is only a week away from today.

5. As I was pondering all of these great events and changes soon to happen, Heavenly Mother appeared before me! I was very glad to see her smiling and radiating her light.

6. She spoke: 'Raphael, these great events that you have been pondering over will come one after another, in quick succession. We have planned for these changes and will bring about the arrival of our elect from the northern tribes of Israel, our first mortals coming to this beautiful island. Soon after their arrival next month, you will arrive in your small group of twenty people in August (see your post 107G10). The next month, in September, you will arrive here at the New Jerusalem with your wife and son (see your posts 197I10 and 197I12). All of these events will happen in quick succession.

7. You have wondered how you will transport your wife and son to the New Jerusalem, to the terrestrial mortal realm from your telestial mortal realm. You will have several weeks by then of your merged mind. This will allow you to consciously know what each of your replications is doing. You may mentally intend to be in any of your states of being, and it will happen. This is by virtue of your active portal that will transport you where you intend to go. It is by this means that you will bring your wife and son with you, in your active portal, to your state of being in the New Jerusalem. You will have practiced this method of movement beforehand, even until it is comfortable for you to do. This is the way our 144,000 terrestrial servants will bring as many as will come with them to the New Jerusalem (see D&C 77:11)

8. It is best to not worry about the mechanism of bringing your wife and son here, for this will be easy for you to do by then. We will welcome them with our Spirit, and make them feel immediately at home and comfortable.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her reassurance. I said I would seek to drop all my concerns and expectations concerning what she and Heavenly Father have told me that will all shortly come to pass. I said I loved her so very much!

10. She then took my hand and we started to walk westward, even to the shore of the mighty river. As we continued walking, the waters of the river stopped, and a dry path through the river opened up to us. We continued walking, holding hands, even until we arrived on the other side of the mighty river. We turned around on the far shore, and the waters came back to flowing naturally.

11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, as easily as we walked across the river on dry ground, so shall it be for all of these great events to occur that you have pondered about. Have faith and courage! We will be by your side constantly, and all will come to pass.'

12. She then ascended up into the terrestrial skies and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.