51. Healing, the Commission, and the Tree of Life
Posted 5-22-2017
Dear fellow mortal angels,
These last few weeks have been full of more information and very important events, in the celestial realms. I am sure you will want to read this carefully, and pray about all of the new information too. Please don't forget to confirm all, with your Heavenly Parents, in prayer. I would love to hear from each of you, as you have time and questions. Your comments and questions help me gain more insights, as you will see in this post.
I decided to share some pictures that I took around my house in the Utah County, Utah area. It is the most lovely time of year here–I love all of this greenery that is so abundant now! I hope you don't mind all the MANY flower and plant pictures also! I have been introduced gradually, over the years, to the love of flowers from my lovely wife. Oh, by the way, we just celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary yesterday on Sunday! I feel so blessed to be married to my sweet wife, D! I feel more and more in love with her, with each passing year.
I hope each of you a wonderful week! I pray for you and this great work continually.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
French lilacs in our yard
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-6-2017, Saturday
1. I want to get more direction now on healing, my primary mission. I think this will be the direction I will receive this next week at least. I feel true, deep healing is when we act as conduits for God's healing and creation powers. Maybe this is why I received information this past week on the creation process, so it can give me a basis for healing, or rearranging things in the body, with the overall affect as healing. I know I don't have any of this power in myself, and that all comes from my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, who have these creation and healing keys. Man does not have this. We act under their authority and power when we heal the physical or spiritual body.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-7-2017, Sunday morning
1. Last night and this morning in my prayers, I was next to the little stream of living water which exited Lake Beautiful, on its way to the city of Enoch in the valley below. I was in the midst of some trees along the little stream.
My Heavenly Parents came to me and were pleased with me. I asked them a few questions this morning:
2. Q– Can one progress from kingdom to kingdom, once assigned to their final kingdom of glory? For example, can a person who receives a telestial glory after their judgment, ever progress to the next level in the terrestrial kingdom?
A– No, for that is where they have shown that they are the happiest, and that is where they remain, worlds without end.
3. Q– Some of the mortal angels still get sick, even when they know or believe that they are translated and transfigured. How can this be?
A– From Heavenly Mother:
'There are different sorts of translations for our children. Those who were translated, who are members of the city of Enoch, have a different set of rules or capabilities as those who are our mortal angels. For example, the former cannot have children, whereas the mortal angels may. They are not the same.
4. The main purpose of translation for the mortal angels is to allow them to act in their unconscious minds in the celestial realms. They now may do this in their physical, replicated bodies. These two groups, the mortal angels and those of Enoch, are both now translated and transfigured, except for a few of the mortal angels. The work of the angels is almost exclusively performed in this celestial realm. We have allowed these to carry on, as more normal human beings than Enoch's group, in the telestial environment on earth, so as to not call any attention to their actions. They may continue to become ill or suffer ailments in the flesh, for their work isn't in that realm very much. Aches and pains are part of their earthly experience. We may even allow some to die in the course of their earthly experience. Those who may physically die, still continue in the celestial realms as holy angels, albeit they then would no longer have a physical body in the celestial realms, but work again in their spirit only, as they have done in the past, prior to their translation and transfiguration.
More lavender lilacs!
5. The translation of the people of Enoch is a different translation, where they do not die. The translation of our holy angels in mortality is not the same, including a few who may be subject to physical death in the future.
6. It is important that our children do not categorize or limit our works, for we may do whatever we wish to do, in order to satisfy the needs of our great latter-day plan. This is the case with translation, for there are several varieties of translation to fit our purposes in the well-being of our children and in our overall plan for their progression.'
7. This response makes perfect sense to me! I am so grateful for Heavenly Mother's clarifying answer.
I have also been thinking a lot about my main mission, that of healing. I wanted some clarification on this. In my prayer, Heavenly Father wanted me to write as he gave me more insights to my mission of healing. From Heavenly Father:
8. 'Raphael, yesterday in your prayer, you asked us about the healing powers that we have given to our healing angels, and others of our children with the healing gifts. You came to the conclusion that all healing in the flesh, in mortality in the physical world, comes from the power of God, and not the power of any of our children. We confirmed this to you, by our Spirit.
9. Our children are able to act as our conduits for healing others of our children who are in need. Healing of physical, emotional, spiritual or mental issues comes through our power, and is in accordance with our purposes for that child needing or wanting to be healing.
10. Here is what we do with such a request for healing: We see if the healing would be in harmony with the specific probationary plan of testing for that, our child in mortality. If it is appropriate in our mind, then we will heal that child if they have sufficient faith, or if the healer has sufficient faith to heal. However, healing has to be approved of God before we heal our child.
11. Healing is in the same realm as creating. We have the keys of creation, since we are God. When reorganization of a broken bone is needed, for instance, to become full and normal again, we do this in the same manner as creating the bone in the first place. It is a reoganization of the matter to become whole again, by our power and command.
12. Sometimes we do this reorganization and healing immediatley, but sometimes we do it more slowly. We may even have our child regain their health through herbs and mild food (see D&C 42:43), which we have also ordained for the health and reconstitution of man.
White lilacs
13. D&C 42:43– "And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy."
14. When you act as a healing angel, you are calling upon us, your God, to activate our Godly powers of healing through you to our child who is in need. This power of healing–we cannot delegate nor give you, for that is the power of God. Until the day of you becoming a God yourself, you will need to rely on our power of healing. This is how it is ordained to be.
15. In the celestial realms, as our holy healing angel, you have always understood these principles of healing. You have always called upon us, your God, to administer healing to whom is in need of healing, the one in need of healing. We have also given to you our thoughts whether this, our child, should be healed, or in what manner we wish to heal him or her. We have then chosen to work through you, or another of our children who has healing gifts, or one who may hold the priesthood and administer healing, or one who is our high priestess with powers or gifts of healing. This is how we interact with all of our healing angels and healers who come unto us in behalf of our needy child who wants healing.
16. This week, your Heavenly Mother and I will give you more information about healing, as you have requested.
We love you Raphael, and all of our healing angels, and those with healing gifts! Your acts of healing, as conduits for us, are extremely important to us and the well-being of our beloved children in the flesh.'
17. Later: I went to sacrament meeting in a local ward with my wife today. I found myself kneeling by the little stream, above the valley to the city of Enoch, in a little grove of trees. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came when I made my covenant. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me. He accepted my covenant, and then spoke words like this:
18. 'Raphael, we have shown you the wonders and mysteries of Godliness, and the power we have been given to create life, both in the spirit and physical forms. We have answered clearly, every question you have had, in simple terms.
19. We did this so you would have a comprehension of the life we lead, and the powers of creation we posses, from the beginning of the Gods. This creative power is linked so very closely with the powers of healing. These both use reorganization of the very material elements in our creation, to bring them back to a healthy state. This power is the same, whether creating or healing.
Lamb's ear
20. The day of great healing is now at hand, Raphael! Soon our elect children will be in great trouble. They will be subject to the calamities that will soon overtake the world. Our desire is to preserve most of the elect in mortality. This will require frequent healing from us, using our powers. We will use you, our healing archangel, and all of our healing angels, and healers everywhere who call on us. We will also have those of the priesthood and high priestesses that use their authority, calling on us for healing. All of these are our conduits to heal our elect whom we wish to preserve. These will be in so much need of healing and protection.'
21. I then received the water and partook. Then my Heavenly Mother came forward, and spoke a few words also to me:
'Raphael, this is the day of our great healing to be poured out upon the world! We will reveal to you more details this week, of how to effectively call upon us, as the healers of our children, to have the healing come to our elect.
22. Again, this is the start of our great healing powers to be revealed upon all the world. We will counter every stroke of destruction by the adversary on our chosen elect children, according to our timing and desire.'
We concluded the sacrament. I felt very excited for the direction I would be receiving this upcoming week from my Heavenly Parents!
The rest of the day was spent with family who came over. I finally wrote all of this down at 11:15 pm at night! A very busy day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-8-2017, Monday.
1. I awoke to the house very quiet, and everyone was asleep. A beautiful day!
In my morning prayer today, I came to the front room and knelt. I visualized myself going to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I was in the middle of the room, and was taken, according to my desires, to a high mountaintop on earth. There were no plants, for I was high above the timberline. There was no snow, and it was a clear day. I could see below me all around.
2. I knelt here last night and this morning. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come, and they both came. I looked into their faces, and knew they were smiling at me, and pleased with me.
Comfrey blooming
3. This morning I asked them how we need to draw upon their power of healing. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, in my mind and heart, and audibly spoke in clear words and sentences to my mind. Here is what she said, written in my own words after I had received her words:
4. 'Raphael, we have retained all healing powers, for we have the creative and healing powers and cannot delegate them to man. However, we use our children as conduits of our healing power to as many as we will.
5. Therefore, when our healer child comes to us, in prayer, and asks us for a healing blessing, we send our healing power through our healer child as our conduit, if it is a healing request that fits into our plan of life for our child to be healed.
6. So the first step of healing is to approach us in faith, and ask us to heal our needy child. Without petitioning us, how can we dispense healing on our children and have them know we have healed them? They might as well think it just happened, without us. We are not pleased when our children recognize not our presence and power in their healing, or are not grateful in all things to God.
7. See D&C 46:7– "But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils."
8. Once you ask of God, we will come according to one or more of many healing gifts we have shown to you, and that you have described on your website. This is all based on our desire and our will to heal our needy child. You may also receive an impression of the healing gift we plan to use.
9. For example, recently your nephew Tom fell and received a brain injury. You heard about his accident from your sister, and then came to us in mighty prayer. You asked of us if you would be allowed to be a conduit of our healing power for Tom. At that point, you felt to use a healing gift that we had previously revealed to you, named God's Loving Healing Hands. I came as the one holding the key of healing, being your God. You then placed your hands on Tom's head, in the hospital room where he was located. You were not visible, but replicated in your physical body at the end of the bed where Tom was lying. I came also, not being seen, and sent through you, our holy conduit, my healing light and love. The light came from me into your head, and down your body into Tom's head. You watched as my healing power stopped the brain bleed in the back of his head area. You kept your hands in place until the bleeding stopped and his injury was healed by me, and became as if it had never happened.
Bachelor's buttons in our garden
10. I then stopped my flow of light to you. You waited until this light had all passed into Tom, and then you removed your hands. We then both departed Tom's presence.
You then concluded your prayer by thanking me for the healing, and for the opportunity of being my conduit for healing. I was pleased at how you acted as my child who was a conduit for my healing power, to one of our choice children in need.
11. This is a simple example, and shows the process of asking, waiting for direction, acting as a conduit, and concluding with thanksgiving. As often as you follow these simple steps, one of us who holds the keys of healing will come, according to our will. Those who hold this power are your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and myself, your Heavenly Mother.'
12. I then thanked my Heavenly Parents, particularly my Heavenly Mother, for this simple, direct instruction. I felt to conclude my prayer at that point, which I did.
I also asked, before I left their presence, to review all of the healing methods that we, who are conduits, use. I then started my new week, this beautiful Monday morning.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-9-2017, Tuesday.
1. This morning I was praying in God's Loving Healing Center by the horizontal log, near the domed room. I saw that my Heavenly Father had a stern look on his face. I asked why, and was given to realize that the darkness, sin, corruption and all varieties of evil in this world where I live, is upsetting to him, even though he and Heavenly Mother have a detailed plan to cleanse the earth of wickedness, and to save the righteous. Satan's power is strong among God's children and sin increases daily. I thought of the scripture in Matthew 24:22– "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened."
2. I believe this is why Heavenly Father looked distressed this morning. He then became pleased that I had understood his distress, and seemed to return to his happier self.
Oregano growing in the pathway in our garden
3. I also asked about how my sister K and I were twin energies, and what that meant. Heavenly Mother wanted me to write as her thoughts came into my mind:
'Raphael, you and your sister Rachael, are twin energies since you are very complimentary to each other. This does not mean that your strengths are her strengths, or hers are yours. However, by working together, you have been able in the past, prior to your mortal births, to work together frequently in your work of healing. Our healing power has flowed through both of you as you worked in harmony in healing and blessing our children in need.
4. In these last days, prior to the second coming of our Beloved Son to the earth, you will also work frequently together in the celestial realms, in helping us heal many of our elect. This is done in your unconscious minds. On earth, you will usually live apart, but in our world you will again often work together.
5. There are others of our healing angels who work in tandem. This is by their choice, and is pleasing also to us.
Be therefore faithful and wise servants, in doing as we command you, in all things (see Matthew 24:44-47). Be faithful, and in due season we will receive you unto ourselves.'
6. Matthew 24:44-47:
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods."
7. Later: My wife awoke this morning with a sinus infection, or inflammation in the sinuses. She had been down this road many times before. She was suffering again from inflammation, caused by aggravating foods. She hasn't been able to eat foods like corn, wheat, sugar, pasteurized milk, cane sugar, and chocolate. She recently ate all of these and now she is suffering from inflammation in her sinuses.
8. D asked me to clear her allergies. She had this done before with a chiropractor doctor who had a method to do this. I told her that I would do what I could.
So, I prayed just now, to see if I could clear allergies to her offending foods. I felt like Heavenly Mother said to me that I could do that, as a conduit for her healing power. The avenue or healing method would be Intention Healing.
One of our snowball bushes
9. I then sat next to my wife, and first chose her allergy to corn. Here are the steps I took to clearing her corn allergy:
1. Ask in prayer, if I could clear her corn allergy. I received a 'yes' confirmation.
2. Concentrate, using Intention Healing, that her corn allergy be lifted from her body. I had thoughts of relieving completely her allergy, and of all of its effects.
3. I waited until I felt a 'release', or a 'surge' feeling in my head.
4. I then energy tested again, if she had a corn allergy. The results from my energy testing were negative, or that she now was fully clear from her corn allergy.
5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for allowing me to be her conduit in healing my wife of her corn allergy.
10. I repeated this for all of the other offending food allergies, so that they were all cleared. I then told D of what I had done. She was very happy about this! She said "you might as well clear me now of all the inflammation in my head too!"
I then repeated the five steps above for her inflammation, and it worked the same!
I feel grateful to learn these healing methods anew today, and to extend them to food allergies and inflammation. I recognize that all such healing really comes from God, and not from me.
11. Later, at my evening prayer:
I prayed just north of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. Both of my Heavenly Parents came. I thanked them for the additional insights I received in clearing my wife of her allergies, using Intention Healing. I felt then that this gift could be used for any healing, if God chooses to use this method.
12. I also asked if 'Anonymous' was truly inspired of the Devil, since he persuades all people to come to Christ. I felt that much of the doctrine he promotes is false. Therefore, these are not given him of God, but given to him of the adversary. This is the answer I received.
13. I concluded my prayer for some of my fellow healing angels, and mortal angels. I feel at peace at the conclusion of my prayer, and I feel God is leading me along, and that I am not deceived. I also received a confirmation of the healing that my wife received today with Intention Healing, for her food allergies and inflammation.
Flowering dogwood
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-10-2017, Wednesday morning
1. Today I awoke and prayed in an area north of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. The flowers were purple and yellow, in large, colorful swatches–very pretty!
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. They gave me the notion to use Intention healing on the inactive neurons in my son A.'s brain! I confirmed that they wanted his brain activity healed. I then stood before A., who came near me in the area I was praying. He had his brain injury nearly 5 years, 5 months ago while serving an LDS mission in Chile.
2. As I stood before him, I felt to not put my hands on his head, as his conduit for healing, but just to stand in front of him. Then Heavenly Father came, and sent his healing light to different sectors of A.'s brain. It was like I could 'feel' this healing light awaken my son, one brain section of neurons at a time. This happened about six times. When done, I felt they were all now awakened, and that A. would improve. I thanked my Heavenly Father very much for this great experience.
3. I then thought of the arthritic pain my wife sometimes complains about–in her thumbs, feet, back and more. I asked if I might be a conduit for her healing in this pain. Heavenly Mother told me yes!
4. My wife then came to me where I was praying in God's Loving Healing Center, and I acted as Heavenly Mother's conduit for her healing, using the Intention Healing gift again. We started at my wife's thumbs, and went to various places in her body. I waited until I felt a completion in each area, before I went to the next area. Soon Heavenly Mother and I had covered all her body.
5. I then profusely thanked my Heavenly Mother! I felt too, to keep this secret from my wife, and to see myself if she mentions the freedom from pain in those areas.
I feel like now is the time for all the healing angels to rise up, and act as holy conduits for their God, in helping heal the elect. It is time for all healers to act in their gifts also, and heal by the power of God too.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-11-2017, Thursday morning
1. Last night and this morning in my prayers, I went to the top of the upper waterfalls, in Heavenly Mother's gardens in the celestial world. I have noticed that I almost always go to God, in the celestial realms, when I pray. They hardly ever come to me now, while I am in my bedroom praying.
2. I realized again how I desire to be a very clear and holy conduit for the healing power of God. Of myself, I have no real healing power, even though I have healing gifts and perceptions. All the power to heal truly comes through Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. If I ever think otherwise, I am deceiving myself. This power of healing is reserved for God, for it is a rearrangement of matter, similar to creation.
3. I also know that our physical bodies have been programmed to heal, and that this method of healing power is ordained of God too. This function in our bodies is done under the power of God, in the light and spirit of God, which dwells with man.
4. I see now more clearly too, why we healing angels are to act in secret, so as not to bring attention to ourselves in our healing work. We are truly the conduits of God's powers. It is right that God be given all praise and thanksgiving, for any healing, and not man or angels. Also, we who work in the celestial realms who are healing angels, receive direction from God for whom healing is to be administered.
5. I also feel that now God is much more free in dispensing healing upon his/her children on earth. Everyone I recently asked to act as a conduit to heal, my Heavenly Parents have granted. This seems to be a change now, at least in my conscious state. I believe this has been going on for some time in the celestial realms, and there is so much healing already happening from there, among God's children on earth. I feel so grateful to be part of this grand effort to heal the elect of God's children in these last days!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-12-2017, Friday
1. Last night I prayed in the 2nd estate chapel, in God's temple, at the back of the room, away from the door. My Heavenly Parents came. I had some anxiety about my role in these last days' events. Heavenly Mother at one point asked me to turn around and view again the vision mural on the wall, depicting many of the roles of myself and all the mortal angels in these current days. Then she spoke to me:
2. 'Raphael, we will be with you and each of our mortal angels. Your role is primarily one of healing, as is that of all the healing angels too. Our healing powers will be funneled through you from these celestial realms, or behind the scenes, unseen, to bless the lives of our elect on the earth. Have confidence, and be of good courage! Your roles are very critical in saving the elect of God, and in leading them safely to the New Jerusalem in the great work of gathering. We will be with each of you!'
Chives in our garden
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-13-2017, Saturday
1. Last night I went on a Father's and Son's campout with two of my boys and two grandsons. It was fun, but I hardly slept at all!
When I finally got back home, and the camping stuff was away, I had a prayer in a beautiful meadow/forest area, just north of the circling pool in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I had also prayed there last night while curled up in my sleeping bag while on the campout.
It seems like Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were still with me there, and that my conscious mind joined my unconscious self and my Heavenly Parents again.
2. I then had the impression to ask a favor of my Heavenly Parents, so I did:
Q– May I be able to perceive in my conscious mind, 100-fold more of what my unconscious self does and feels in the celestial realms?
A– From my Heavenly Mother:
'Yes, Raphael, we will grant you this added perception! You will sense all that we show you in your mind, and not with your visual eyes.'
3. I then thought how wonderful my Heavenly Parents are! They want to please me, and grant me my righteous desires.
I have thought, mistakenly, in the past that I would 'see' more and more clearly, all with my physical eyes. However, it only makes perfect sense that the connection between the conscious brain or mind, and the unconscious mind would be in the mind, and not with the eyes. What has happened to me in the past, is that I have received a clear perception in my mind of what is happening in my unconscious mind. My unconscious, replicated self, sees all, and I perceive this through my conscious mind. I can't see all with my eyes, but I perceive with my mind. I desire the veil, or the barriers of the my mind to be lifted, so that I can perceive what is happening in the celestial realms, that I am permitted to perceive.
4. This is all very exciting to me! I believe too, when I energy test, that I can confirm what is going on in my unconscious state. This has been very consistent for me when I do so. It is a great way for me to receive yes/no answers of what is happening, and to confirm that I am perceiving correctly.
Two colors of calendula in our greenhouse
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-14-2017, Sunday
1. I had my prayer this morning and last night by the tree of life in the city of Enoch, in the celestial world. On my left was the little stream, which came from Lake Beautiful, of living water.
My Heavenly Parents came. I partook of the water, on my left, and of one of the fruits of the tree, and one of the leaves of the tree also. I perceived that the water would help me see in my mind the things around me more, in the celestial realm. The fruit would fill me more with the love of God in my heart. The leaves would heal my physical and spiritual body. All of these would help me have the fulfillment of the 100-fold increase of perceiving in the celestial realms.
2. Heavenly Mother then addressed me:
'Raphael, come daily, and as often as you desire, to the tree of life and partake. You may come to this tree or the one next to our temple. Also drink of the living waters in our kingdom. Doing so will make the change gradually, until you perceive 100-fold more of what you are doing in our celestial world. You will also perceive and 'see' us more and more clearly, my son!'
3. I then determined to consciously drink of the water and partake of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life daily. I thanked her for this great blessing.
4. I asked if the mortal angels might consciously do the same, as they envision coming to her wonderful celestial world. She responded:
'Yes, invite each of the mortal angels to come as frequently as they desire, and to also do as you have determined. We will also greatly increase their perceptions of their own actions in the celestial realms.
Oh, how we love each of you!'
5. I then felt like I took her left hand, and together, we two only, went up into the sky and came above Lake Beautiful, high in the air. I could see all of the wilderness area below, from God's Loving Healing Center to where we were above the lake. It was a relatively small portion of the celestial orb. I wasn't able to see beyond these borders. I did see that our work for the elect of God would be done in this area below us.
We then left in the clouds together, and my conscious self fell back to the earth, where I was praying in my house. It was time for me to start my day.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-15-2017, Monday morning
Columbine flowers in our yard
1. "I want to record what happened yesterday. D and I went to a local ward at 1:00 pm. We arrived just at the time of the sacrament hymn.
I went, in my mind, to the northern most part of Lake Beautiful in the celestial realms, high above the lake in the air, where Heavenly Mother took me in my morning prayer that day. I faced south, towards the temple and God's Loving Healing Center, so that I could see all of the magnificent wilderness area.
2. I knelt in the sky, and made my weekly covenant after the sacrament prayer was given. I then soon partook of the bread.
I then saw, with my mind's eye, my Heavenly Father before me, with Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus Christ on his right. I looked into each of their faces and into their eyes. Jesus was smiling, had a white robe with a scarlet red sash, tied with a bow on the left side. Heavenly Father wore a simple brilliant robe, as did Heavenly Mother. They all three were smiling and seemed deeply glad to be in front of me.
3. After I received the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we three accept your covenant that you have made before us this day. We are all here to commission you with the full responsibility of the glorious wilderness area that is below us! We will commission you to be fully in charge of all the doings done in these celestial realms, until the glorious return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth.
4. During this time prior to his return, all celestial activity with regards to all of our holy angels, all translated and transfigured beings that come here, and all resurrected beings who are also our children who work in our behalf, will be through you, Raphael. We will still work with them directly, but you will be fully aware of all of our activity and theirs. You will be responsible in assigning and following-up on all of their activity. Our thrust is to save our elect children who dwell on earth.
5. This is your great commission, given from our holy presence in the celestial realms this day! Either of us three, or all of us, will be with you continually, but particularly your Heavenly Mother and myself. Our Beloved Son will be working with each soul of our elect, to purify them and prepare them for the glorious future they will have with us.'
Peppermint in our greenhouse
6. At this time, the water was blessed. After it was blessed by the priest, Heavenly Mother spoke to me next:
'Raphael, we will be with you continually, in this lovely wilderness area of our celestial kingdom! You will be involved in all of our activities among our gatherers, our angels and all others, with a mission in the celestial realms with regards to the elect on the earth who dwell in mortality.
7. On earth in your own mortal state, you will be known as R, and will live a normal, common life among your family and fellowman. In these celestial realms, however, you will be one with great power and authority, acting under our full direction and command. This is one of the things you saw last Friday on the vision mural, depicting your future mission (see my 5-12-2017 entry above).
Oh, how we love and trust you, Raphael, our son!'
8. I then looked at my Savior. He smiled and spoke to me also:
'Raphael, my brother and my son, I have fully redeemed you and brought you back into our presence. I will work with you also, and give you direction occasionally, but it will mostly be your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who will guide and direct you in their great plan. Their plan will be unfolded to you at the time it is revealed, and generally not before.
9. When I come in my glory, you and all the holy angels will be next to me, in great glory. Your commission today is one of great importance, Raphael. We all love you deeply!'
Then my Savior embraced me, followed by Heavenly Mother then Heavenly Father. I felt their warm and loving spirit, as I was next to them in a full embrace. I was feeling so loved!
10. Then I knelt down in the air, and Heavenly Father and Jesus laid their hands on my head. Heavenly Mother participated also, by sending her blessing instead, in an arch of light from her front to the top of my head. Heavenly Father voiced the commission blessing:
'Raphael, our holy angel, we bless you and commission you to be responsible to us for the work done in and from this celestial wilderness area, until the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. We three will work through you in all of the commandments we give to our gathering children with regards to our elect children in mortality. We will be with you continually in this great work! You will be fully aware of our work as it unfolds. You will be strengthened to be able to fulfill all that we direct you to do. You authority and capability will be great. You will execute and delegate our own work in power and glory, having our mantle of authority. We bless you to be able to measure up to this high commission. Amen!'
Stevia in our greenhouse
11. Then I spoke, while still kneeling:
'Oh, my Father, my Mother, and my Savior Jesus Christ–I accept this high commission that you have given me! I will act in full obedience to all that you give me. I so appreciate your presence, and that you will be continually by my side to direct me. I feel so humbled to be with you three this day, and to receive this commission, a reflection of the confidence and trust that you have in me!'
12. I then came back to the meeting at church, and wrote all of this down for the entire remainder of the meeting. I wrote this in my pocket journal, and copied it today into my larger journal.
13. I went to pray in the bedroom, after recovering a little from the intense activities we hosted. I went, in my mind's eye, to the shores of Lake Beautiful at the lowest steps leading to the great assembly hall.
14. I had a confirming prayer that all I had experienced this weekend and written was true. I feel so incapable and humbled! I don't know why God wants me to be in charge of all of this beautiful wilderness area, and be aware and responsible of all that goes forth from here to the elect of the earth. I do know that this commission has happened, and that it was all done according to their will.
15. I have reflected about the wilderness area, and concluded it is reserved for us who work directly in the celestial realms for those elect on the earth. There are vast areas of the celestial world beyond this wilderness area. These areas house the billions of premortal spirits yet to be born on earth.
16. They have their dwelling there, but I am not privy to any of this yet. I know all about the wilderness area, for I have visited and frequented all of it regularly in my prayers and healings. This is the same area spoken of in Revelation 12:6 and 14.
17. Revelation 12: 6,14–
"And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent."
Lettuce in our big greenhouse (above) and our ground greenhouse (below)
18. In verse 14, the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness into her place. This is figuratively this celestial realm in the wilderness area of heaven, on God's celestial orb and kingdom, far away from the reaches of the adversary. This is our base of operations to work from to help rescue and save God's elect on the earth.
19. There will also be a wilderness area on the earth, a sanctuary, in the New Jerusalem area, now in Jackson County, Missouri. This will also be a celestial area, a wilderness area, free from the intrusion of Satan and his hosts. I too will be very involved in the establishment I believe, of this wilderness area on the earth. The living water is already there, deep in the earth, as are the precious metals–all brought from the celestial wilderness area of heaven.
Oh, the grandeur of God! Their great planning and power in saving the righteous on the earth! I feel so blessed to be part of this great and grand effort!
20. I also received a very supportive letter from S.A. yesterday. She had several questions. Here is her email:
'Subject: LOVED your email!
Hello R!
I have thought so much about your last email,and the fruits of it made it obvious to me of its truthfulness. I was truly inspired, and I felt so close to heaven, my Parents, and Savior after reading it. It was truly beautiful in every way. It made such simple sense in a mind expanding way. Thank you for sharing, it was such glorious music to my ears!!
21. Questions for you:
(All of my questions in red I did a Q and A to, but I wanted to see if our answers matched up.I'm practicing getting to the Q and A level like you!)
Polygamy- Why was it commanded in this life if it is not an order of heaven? I have felt that polygamy is true, and so this was one I didn't receive a witness of. I feel there is still more to learn. L and you get that this does not exist in heaven. H.B. and I felt the spirit confirm it is true. She shared with me some very personal revelation on this subject, and as she spoke about it, the spirit was so strong! I guess I am feeling very confused about this.
Q: Why did man live longer in early days?
Q: How does approved marriage work then, really? For me, I prayed every time I dated someone if they were the one, and that I would be lead to find the right one. When I fasted and prayed to know if I was to marry Tate, I had 3 witnesses that this was the right decision. So is there one, really? One that is eternally for us? And did we decide this before we came here?
Parsley in our garden (above) and our greenhouse (below)
Q: Why are there so many birth complications?
Q: Is skin color, race an eternal thing? Did people look as they do now? Did skin colors exist in spirit before we came? Will they stay with people after?
Q: Why do some people die without being tested in this telestial sphere? Do some spirits not need the test?
Thanks for everything! I hope you have a wonderful mothers day! You are in my thoughts and prayers, with your important mission in these times. I am eager to move the Lord's work along in these the last days!
We are still moving forward with moving and building a home in Snowflake. We are taking things one day at a time, yet trying to make haste as we feel that is the Lord's will. There are so many unknowns- my husband doesn't have a job there, we really don't know how it's all going to work out...we feel much like Nephi and Lehi- just putting our faith and trust in God and know that it will all work out. Even though it will be difficult, we feel it is right.
What is the latest for you? I'm very grateful to continue to get emails, they keep me moving forward with fervor in seeking my Heavenly Parents as you do. Thanks again!
Sending my love,
22. One of these questions I asked about last night:
Q– Why was it commanded in this life in the church to practice polygamy, if it is not the order of heaven?
A– Polygamy was introduced by President Brigham Young into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was not restored by the prophet Joseph Smith, as some have supposed. This has never been inspired of God, and is false doctrine. See the articles in one of the website posts on this website.
(45-take-time-to-be-holy.html and http://puremormonism.blogspot.com/2010/06/why-im-abandoning-polygamy.html)
23. Since the beginning of the Gods, polygamy has never been a tenant of any of the Gods, and is against the order of heaven. Those who have practiced or promoted this doctrine have been greatly misguided. The doctrine has been allowed to be perpetuated in the church, to serve as a means to test God's children–to see if they will listen to and believe their church leaders more than the inspiration of God to their own souls, when these two conflict. This same test continues in the church today, with other issues. The responsibility of each child of God on earth is to follow the guidance of their God, more than any man or woman, if the two conflict. Confirming by personal revelation, the direction of leaders, is a doctrine from heaven, and is eternal.
24. From my morning prayer today, on the lowest step leading to the great assembly hall, facing the hall: My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came on the steps, and confirmed again all that I have written today in this journal as true and accurate.
Strawberries in our garden (above) and greenhouse (below)
25. More questions from S.A.:
Q– Why did man live longer in earlier days?
A– Man was given more time to repent and learn of the ways of God. There was not the canon of scripture available to them, like there is for us today. They had only their own short experience, in the days of Adam, and no written history save those of Adam and Eve's accounts of God in the Garden of Eden.
26. Longer lives, and longer time of child bearing, also allowed the world to be quickly populated with the children of God. This was also necessary after Noah came out of the ark. This is why the longer life of man was extended after the flood.
27. Q– How does approved marriage work then, really? So is there one really? One that is eternally for us? And did we decide this before we came here?
A– From Heavenly Mother:
'In eternity, there is one with whom each of our children is sealed forever. This does not change in eternity, once this ordinance of sealing is performed in the Church of the Firstborn. This mate of the opposite sex, allows the husband-wife couple to propagate their own children in eternity, as your Heavenly Father and I have done. This is the correct pattern of the Gods, with only one spouse.
28. Earth life is the time when commitments in choosing a spouse and marriage are normally done. There are exceptions for instance, in case a spouse in mortality does not qualify to be received into the Church of the Firstborn. In these cases, there is ample time for the single, righteous male or female child to choose another spouse, who is righteous. When they choose, these are then sealed in the sacred temple ceremony in the Church of the Firstborn on earth. That sealing is binding forever.
29. These decisions to marry were sometimes made prior to coming to mortality, between a male and female child who were planning to come forth on earth at the same time in earth's history. We honor these commitments, but fully allow these, our children, to choose again as they decide in their mortal life. The decision to marry is fully that of the individual child. We may confirm, through prayer, the goodness of their decision, and whether they are making a wise decision. It is always pleasing to us when our children ask us in prayer whether they are making a wise decision to marry a particular person they have chosen. This we will confirm in prayer. However, we will not make this decision for them.'
Poppy in the garden after the rain
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-16-2017, Tuesday morning
1. Last night in my prayer, I had decided to go to the highest elevation in the wilderness area. It was across the mountain river in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, in a mountain area I had never been before. It was also on the borders of the wilderness area.
2. I prayed on the highest place I could find there, facing Lake Beautiful in the far distant.
I asked that my Heavenly Parents come which they did. In the course of my prayer, I asked about the areas on this celestial world outside of this wilderness area. I asked if they would show me what was there, and its purpose. I asked if these areas were where the premortal spirits, their children, dwelt.
3. At that time they had me stand, and take their hands, Heavenly Father on my left side, and Heavenly Mother on my right side. We then moved together into the sky above, in the clouds and came into this land I had asked about, beyond the wilderness area!
4. At first I didn't perceive much, except for more beautiful lands, with forest, trees, gardens, rivers, streams, meadows, plants of all varieties, animals, buildings of all sorts, etc. I then tried to take it all in, having questions about what I was seeing. I spent the remainder of my prayer this way at night, also in my morning prayer–trying to perceive it all more fully.
In this morning's prayer, I asked God to give me a description of what I was seeing to see if I could have it understood more fully in my mind.
5. Heavenly Mother then said she would explain it to me, if I wrote what she said in my journal. These are my written words, given me by Heavenly Mother's impressions and descriptions she gives me, now in my mind:
'Raphael, our beautiful celestial orb is divided into three areas:
1) The wilderness area
2) The premortal inhabited area,
3) An uninhabited area.
6. Each of these areas has various purposes:
The wilderness area where you have frequently visited is now reserved for work in the celestial realms for those who dwell on earth in mortality. Our home, the temple, is also located there. This is where we raised our spirit babies to adulthood, in our nursery level of the temple.
7. Once these, our beloved spirit children, were trained and educated sufficiently by us and their learning in our temple library, we took them to their new home in the second area.
8. The second area is their premortal home. We provided for each of our spirit children a private room, independent of any other rooms, in its own structure. These were placed in areas we felt would have most interest to them. They were near more learning centers like they were used to in our temple. These were assembly areas, more classrooms, libraries, and other structures for their use together or individually.
9. We also allowed and promoted our children to govern themselves in groups or nations. Those who liked governing were allowed to lead and organize. The main purpose, however, was for each of our beloved children to learn what they were interested in, and to learn and prepare for their mortal birth.
10. The interests of our children are greatly varied. We provided libraries, classrooms and assembly areas for them to learn more and more of their interests. In their future mortal life, they continued to have these interests, and further developed them there.
11. One of the main purposes of our spirit children was to prepare for their mortal birth. We required rigorous training in all areas of learning about their new physical body that they would each have. There are libraries with books, instructions in groups, and individual learning devices and gifts we gave them each, in an effort to help them prepare. Their learning would ensure their very survival in the mortal physical telestial world. This learning is the basis of the unconscious, autonomic nervous system, which would fully operate their own body–all controlled by their spirit who learned how to do this in the premortal world. They also had to learn to reproduce, digest food, circulate their blood, breathe air, and a host of other vital functions. These all had to be learned, practiced as much as possible and tested, before we would allow them to come to the earth.
12. The third area in our celestial orb is uninhabited. We use this area for our own purposes. This also is where I have located myself in my own, resurrected body, in hiding. This allows me to act in my replicated spirit as the mother of all and the Holy Ghost to my children on earth.
13. Raphael, we have shown you this second area, where your fellow brothers and sister dwell and prepare for mortality. These spirits you now see have all rejected Lucifer and his plan to be our Savior to mankind. These have all accept Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, during the great decision time and battle they had with Lucifer and his hosts.
14. When ready for their 2nd estate, these spirits in this second area are born to mortality. We carefully instruct each one of what their life will be like, what circumstances they will be born into, etc. We bless them and encourage them in this new experience and adventure. We carefully watch as their spirit comes to earth as a baby, and grows to adulthood there.
More irises next to our house (sorry for all the multiple pictures–
I just can't help myself!!)
15. When they are finished with their mortal experience, we often greet them upon their entrance into the spirit world on earth. These are our beloved children, who have left our presence and entered their probationary estate of mortality. We miss them immensely! We often embrace them in their sleeping hours on earth, so that we may be near them. However, they are unaware of our tender embraces and closeness because of the veil of forgetfulness we have caused to come upon them.
16. Raphael, you were our fourth spirit child in this eternity. Your private room is the domed room. This had been changed since you left to be one where all the healing angels may come and do their work of healing. You have private drawers in this room, which hold may of the gifts we have given you in your premortal life. These were given you as you progressed in that life. These are accessible only by you. This same process and method is followed for each of our spirit children, in their own private room in our celestial orb in heaven. Someday, you will be able to fully access these, and treasure these things, as you prove faithful.
17. Oh, how we love and care for each of our beloved children in their progress from the premortal world of spirits, to mortality on earth, and onward! This is our great work, our great love, and our glory.'
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-17-2017, Wednesday
1. Last night I prayed to my Heavenly Parents and found out the current proportions of the three areas in the celestial orb, by land mass: 94% is inhabited by the premortal spirits, 3% for the wilderness area, and 3% uninhabited.
I also prayed to be filled more and more with the love of God for my fellow brothers and sisters. I prayed to be able to treat them all with kindness and love. I prayed that all of my judgments will error on the side of understanding and compassion.
2. I also confirmed that my assigned room in heaven, was the domed room. The wilderness area wasn't separated from the now premortal inhabited area at that time, like it is today. This room is a similar size to the other rooms given to individual spirits in the celestial orb, where we came from.
3. I also thought about the process of our birth into this mortal life. I feel that both of our Heavenly Parents came to our assigned room, with our future family and close friends. We were blessed by them, and given a wonderful send-off just prior to coming as a baby to earth. Then we fully departed. Our room was generally left untouched once we left heaven.
Asian poppies ready to burst into bloom
4. I also realized that the inhabited area in heaven would keep decreasing more and more in its population as God's children came to earth. I realized that the land area on the celestial orb from which we came is very vast. We travel in an instant, however, to any area we desire within the inhabited area. It is a very peaceful and idyllic life!
5. In this morning's prayer, I sought more answers to S.A.'s email questions:
Q– Why are there so many birth complications?
A– Coming from realms of glory, from the presence of our Heavenly Parents to a greatly fallen state of mortality, has lots of risks. This time of testing and probation is part of God's plan, including problems associated with birth, body defects, etc. This all serves God's plan to see how we act in these difficult circumstances.
6. Q– Is skin color, race an eternal thing? Did people look as they do now? Did skin color exist in spirit before we came? Will this stay with people after?
A– From Heavenly Father:
'When our beautiful spirit babies were born to us in heaven, they were perfect, including being of our same pure race. This is the race of all the Gods. There is no other race in heaven, in the premortal life, save this same pure race. However, once our children came to earth, they were born into degeneracy of all kinds, including races we created to keep groups of people from mingling together, and for our own purposes. Once our beloved children die, in the spirit world on the earth, the effects of their mortal race is no longer evident or part of their spirit, for they again are of the pure race of the Gods. They may appear to some as being of the race they had in mortality for a while, so they can be recognized. However, this is not their eternal identity. They ultimately are resurrected in the pure race also. In eternity, there is no different race among the children of God.'
7. Q– Why do some people die without being tested in this telestial sphere? Do some spirits not need the test?
A– In the wisdom of God, some spirits only need to come to earth to gain a physical body. These do not need the rigors of testing that a telestial environment like earth provided.
A wild rose patch in an abandonned field near our home
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-18-2017, Thursday
1. This morning and last night, in my prayers, I came to my Heavenly Parents while kneeling in front of the golden altar, on the north side of the temple in the celestial world. I partook of the living water, the fruit of the tree of life, and the leaf of the tree of life before each prayer.
2. This morning, I asked my Heavenly Parents about the wilderness area in Jackson County, Missouri, and my future role there. Then Heavenly Father spoke works like this to me:
'Raphael, our son, you have already been in charge of our holy angels bringing part of our celestial world to the Jackson County, Missouri area recently. There is now celestial living water and a celestial precious mine in this area, created by what was brought there from the wilderness area in our celestial world.
3. You will continue to be in charge of the New Jerusalem area on the earth, until our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, comes again in glory, and makes this location his permanent residence during the millennial day.
4. We will come again to you, and commission you with this responsibility, in the future, as we did this past Sunday when we commissioned you to be in charge of the wilderness area on our celestial orb. We will then inspire you in orchestrating the laying of the foundations of the New Jerusalem. We will continue to be with you, at all times, and inspire you in creating this new celestial wilderness area on the earth! All of heaven's resources will be at your disposal. You will record all of these activities in your journal for documentation and a written history of these events.
Stay close to us, and we will lead you along. Fear not, and be of good courage, for we will be beside you always, our son!'
5. Later: In prayer. After my Heavenly Father had spoken, I thanked him and Heavenly Mother very much, for the trust and confidence that he had in me to be commissioned in the future, for the responsibility of this new wilderness area on the earth.
One of the wild yellow roses that I transplanted in our yard
6. I then saw myself, my replicated physical self, move to the tree of life near the temple. I circled the tree, and found a sapling tree that was growing under this tree of life, under its west arbor branches!
I then walked west to where I had previously used a shovel to remove the shells from my body and bury them. The shovel was still there, as well as one of the golden pails with a silver handle. I took the shovel, with the green handle (see 36-removal-of-our-shells.html, under R's Personal Journal 11-23-2016, Wednesday morning), and dug a hole in the middle of a beautiful circular garden path area. I took the shovel, and went back to the sapling tree of life, and dug it all up, including all of its roots I could. This was exactly like I had done yesterday with the yellow roses and the sapling plum tree!
7. I brought the sapling tree of life, along with the soil around its roots, to the hole that I had dug in the garden area west of the tree of life. I placed the soil and roots of the sapling tree into this hole, and patted it all down.
I then took the gold pail and went to the fountain of living water. I dipped the pail into the water so it was full, and returned to the sapling I had just transplanted. I poured the living water onto the soil I had just patted down. I did this again, for a total of three trips, pouring each time the pail full of living water on the soil and roots of the sapling tree of life.
I then faced the tree, looking east toward the large tree of life in the distance. I prayed to my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, asking them each to come.
8. They all three came on the opposite side of the sapling. I was kneeling before them. I then spoke:
'I thank you three for coming today! I have transplanted this sapling tree of life in this, your beautiful garden area, west of the tree of life. I have watered it three times, in honor of thee Heavenly Father, and of thee Heavenly Mother, and of thee, my Savior Jesus Christ.
9. I now ask your blessings to come upon this sapling tree of life, to make it grow and flourish. My intentions are that at a future date, I will come here with the holy angels, and transplant again this larger tree to the new wilderness area of the New Jerusalem on the earth.'
10. When I had ended, Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, you have acted today under our inspiration, in transplanting this sapling tree of life. We will cause it to grow quickly and flourish in this beautiful garden area. We will direct you when to transplant it again to the future New Jerusalem area on the earth.'
11. At this time, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to me (I was still kneeling), and laid their hands on my head. Heavenly Mother sent her beam of light to the top of my head, and then she spoke again:
'Raphael, our son, we commission you to be our agent, the agent of God and heaven, to be in charge of the wilderness area that is now being created on the earth! This wilderness area will have the same beauty and glory as the celestial wilderness area in heaven, on our celestial orb where we live.
Flax in our yard
12. We commission you, and empower you, to direct all of our work in the building and construction of this wilderness area on earth, including the New Jerusalem, until Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, returns to the earth. We will inspire you in everything you may do, for we will be with you at all times. We bless you to rise up to this calling of great importance, and to be diligent in acting in full obedience to all of our directions and commandments. You will be acting under our divine authority and commission, in our great power and might. We pronounce this commission blessing this day, Amen!'
13. At that time I saw her light rest upon me, and fill me with strength and power. I then responded:
'Oh, I thank thee Heavenly Mother, and all three of you for this majestic charge and commission you have given me this day! I thank thee, my Heavenly Mother, for your light and love, that thou hast given me also this day. I will honor and obey all of thy promptings and directions that thou mayest give me. I thank thee also for the trust and love that thou hast shown to me this beautiful day, the day of transplanting this sapling tree of life into thy garden area, west of the large tree of life.'
14. I then arose, and took Heavenly Mother's hands that she extended to me. We all four rose up in the air, high above the sapling tree in the celestial realms. Then I was shown in vision the future of the wilderness area on the earth, the New Jerusalem, and the glorious return of our Savior Jesus Christ to the earth. I was charged not to reveal any of it yet, nor do I even remember any of it my conscious mind.
15. I then realized my prayer and vision had ended, and I was kneeling by my bed in my bedroom at home. I have been writing all of this down as it happened. I feel confirmed in my mind and heart it is all true, though hard for me to fully take in and grasp. I feel so blessed!
N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-19-2017, Friday
1. Last night I prayed by the new sapling I transplanted in the garden area west of the larger tree of life. I had forgotten to drink of the living water, to eat of the fruit and leaf of thee tree of life too, before I started my prayer. I then replicated myself, and did those things. When I ate of the fruit, I realized that every fruit on the tree was void of any seeds. The tree does not have any means to be reproduced in its fruit, unless it produces a unique fruit, which has seed. There was one such fruit with a seed which dropped two weeks ago, onto the ground under the branch where it grew. This turned into the sapling tree, which I found and transplanted. The fruit of the tree of life also stays on the branch until it is picked, except for the one with the seed, which fell when it became over-ripened.
Peonies ready to burst into bloom
This small sapling tree is 1/2 inch in diameter by 6 feet tall. This is the perfect size to transplant a sapling tree also.
2. S.A. wrote me back and asked about polygamy during the Old Testament times like in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon, etc. The references to this being acceptable to God is D&C 132, which I have previously found to be fabricated.
My questions:
3. Q– If polygamy is against the laws of heaven, why did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and others of the Old Testament practice this? Was this acceptable to God?
A– From Heavenly Father:
'Raphael, my servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived in a time when the culture fully accepted multiple wives. This degenerate practice was one of many that existed at that time in the fallen telestial world in which they lived. They did not inquire of me, in this one thing, but followed the culture. The concubines were given to these men by their wives to create posterity for themselves–it was the custom. In this practice too, they didn't inquire of me, but followed traditions of the day. Had they inquired by prayer, I would have instructed them in the true order of heaven.
4. Jacob received his wife Leah by the treachery of Laban, his father-in-law. Jacob's intention was to marry Rachel, not Leah. He also did not ask of me what to do when tricked by his father-in-law. There would have been a different outcome had he asked of God at the time.
5. In these cases, I suffered the practice of plural marriage to continue, down through the generations because of the customs and traditions of the fallen world in which these men and women lived. This was also true in the times of David and Solomon, and others in the Old Testament times, and again during the administration of Brigham Young and those who followed. These practices were tolerated by your Heavenly Mother and I, but were never inspired in the first place by us. We allowed them to continue for a time until the culture changed and events changed the practice.
6. We still love those who practiced polygamy, but have never condoned the behavior of having more than one wife at a time. It is not what exists in eternity, but is only a practice which happens in the telestial world, a place of testing and where Satan influences people to sin, and confuses them with dogmas, which are not of God. Such has been the case of plural marriage. Satan is the author of it, and his whisperings have tricked many in this fallen world.
7. When a man and a woman are sealed in the Church of the Firstborn, there will be only one spouse for each. All this will be reconciled by those who enter into the rest of the Lord.'
Thyme in our greenhouse
8. I next asked about K.P., whom L says is another female angel, but not a female archangel. She said that K.P. has a unique role. Here is L's email:
'Subject: 8th female angel
Hi R,
The information that I received about K.P. is that she is the 8th female angel. The angel of ascension. She works with J.W.. Not an arch angel though. I don't know if that matters. H.B. has some insight into her role as well. This is what I feel I was given from our Heavenly Parents. H.B., J.D., S.G., and J.W. were all involved in this process. She gives the lost record of women back to Eve who gives it to Heavenly Mother at New Jerusalem. Also because of working with K.P. and a further understanding of everything having its opposite for balance, male and female. I got thinking about W.F. as the angel of proclamation and who he would work with and it resonated with me that he would work with S.A., the angel of peace. Will you pray about these things and let me know. Thank you SO much for all you do!
S.G. says hello and hopes all is continuing to be well with you!
We love you!
S.G. and L'
9. I prayed about these things this morning:
Q– Is K.P. a mortal angel?
A– Yes
Q– Is she an angel of ascension?
A– Yes
Q– Will she be involved in giving the lost records of women back to Heavenly Mother in the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes
Q– Do I need to know more now of her future role and mission?
A– No, but give her access to your mortal angel section of your website, and begin sending her your email posts.
Q– Will W.F. (angel of proclamation) and S.A. (angel of peace), work with each other in the future? Are these correct titles for these choice mortal angels?
A– Yes, these titles are correct, and they will work together in the future.
10. Many of the angels have multiple roles, as do these two. You, Raphael, also have multiple roles and missions. All of these actions of the angels will be revealed through you at the time of their happenings. You will be fully informed of all of these events as they unfold before your eyes.
11. Later: I have thought more about the tree of life and its uniqueness in the celestial world. It is the only plant which can reproduce itself as a physical, tangible, celestial plant. All others reproduce either as celestial spirit plants or seeds, or terrestrial physical plants or seeds. The tree of life can reproduce, as the tree of life sapling that I transplanted, which is in its physical, celestial state. I believe this is the only state it ever can be reproduced as: it does not reproduce in the spirit form, or in the terrestrial or telestial state. It only reproduces as a sapling in the physical celestial state.
12. The tree of life, which came to the Garden of Eden was a celestial tree, whereas everything else in the garden was in a terrestrial, physical and immortal state, when they were created on the earth. Adam and Eve were free to partake of the tree of life, since they were immortal. This is the state that the earth will be in during the millennium, only it will be a terrestrial mortal state, with another celestial tree of life in the New Jerusalem area (this sapling tree).
Candy tuff in our yard
13. All other plants, animals, and also the Gods, follow a different reproduction pattern: They may have celestial spirit offspring, or terrestrial physical offspring. Jesus Christ is the only telestial offspring who was born to a mortal woman and a celestial man (Heavenly Father). Adam and Eve were born in a physical, terrestrial state in the Garden of Eden on the earth, and were the only two thus born. All the remainder of God's children were born only in the celestial spirit form.
O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-20-2017, Saturday
1. Last night I prayed again by the new sapling tree of life. This morning I prayed under the arbor of the large tree of life near the temple, from where this sapling was dug. I have been quite taken by this entire transplanting experience! I am awed by the amazing forethought of God, in having this new tree of life get started now, prior to the transplanting again of it to the New Jerusalem area, taken there by the angels at some future date.
2. I wonder if there will be other items or plants and animals, etc. brought to the new celestial wilderness area on the earth at the New Jerusalem, from the celestial wilderness area from heaven.
Q– Will other plants and animals be brought from the celestial wilderness area in heaven to the earth, besides the sapling tree of life?
A– Yes! There will be both plants and the associated soil around their roots, plus some animals brought to the earth, to this new wilderness area on earth. The soil brought on the plants will propagate into the earthly soil, and make it all celestial soil also, similar to how the living water propagated into the underground reservoir, making it all living celestial water. Thus the land around the New Jerusalem area, on the earth, will all become a celestial state.
3. Q– How will the borders of this celestial wilderness area be protected from those on the earth, and Satan's hosts until they are bound in the bottomless pit?
A– There will be a distinct border, made up of the earth that will be elevated, like a mini mountain range. There will also be celestial sentinels who will stand guard to protect the celestial area from intruders. This will be similar to what happened after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when Heavenly Father placed Cherubim and a flaming sword to guard the way to the tree of life.
Garlic in our garden area
4. Q– Shall I prepare a new post now to send out?
A– Yes. Also include R.B.'s work that he sent to you by email, and a few others who emailed you questions that were answered.
5. Here is R.B.'s email (note that H.B. is R.B.'s wife):
Finally the spirit returned yesterday. Thank you for your prayers.
As always please pray and ask Heavenly Father if what I say is true. The following comes from a journal, after praying with H.B. this morning.
Q: Heavenly Father, have you revealed things to R that you haven’t revealed to me?
A: Yes
Q: Heavenly Father, have you revealed things to me that you haven't revealed to R?
A: Yes, remember R.B. it's not all of nothing.
End of Journal
6. The WHB (Warrior Handbook) Update...
4/12/17 I met with M.S. on the phone and show him my computer screen all that I had worked on since 9/12/16. He was very excited. I asked him if he knew anyone who could help. M.S. then connected me with S.M. from who then connected me with her online forum and was able to get help from other people with Phase 1 and 2.
As of today. I have all that I need for the WHB for my personal family but do not have the resources at this point to have it go public.
Thanks for all you do to further HIS work.'
P. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-21-2017, Sunday
1. Today D and I celebrate 42 years of marriage! We will have a quiet celebration I think today. I feel so abundantly blessed to be married to her! She is a wonderful balance to me, and has taught me so much by her loving example. I would choose her again and again, if I needed to. It is so nice to have a companion to age and mature with! We have been blessed with seven lovely children.
I prayed this morning by the temple entrance in the celestial kingdom, inside the main level on the east side, facing west. My Heavenly Parents came. It was wonderful!
2. I prayed for my son A.. . . The next thing I knew, A. was before me, I think around the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I was acting as a conduit, and Heavenly Mother was sending her loving, healing light through me to the head of A.. We did an Intention Healing gift again on A., six times, in six different areas in his head. I felt after each time, a surge of assurance that these six areas were somehow activated and settled again.
3. I then saw Jesus come and lay hands on A.'s head–like a sealing of the healing blessing. Then Jesus left. I next immediately felt that I was back again on the main floor of the temple, with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me. I thanked them for the experience with my son, and prayed that he would have this blessing realized in his life now.
4. In my prayer, I also confirmed to send out this next post on healing, the commission, and the tree of life. I feel at peace with it. I will pray about it as I read it over. I have felt it come so fast, that I haven't really read it again. I hope it doesn't sound or read disjointed.
This iris just opened up on our anniversary!
It is one of my very favorite too.
Later, before church: I asked a few questions–
5. Q– What happens in the uninhabited area in the celestial world?
A– From Heavenly Mother:
'This area is where we have large land and sea animals, and large plants too, which are no longer on the earth. These are all resurrected, and have, as one of their purposes, to populate with their offspring, the new earths that come forth in every eternity.
6. We also cultivate many plants and animals here, in their resurrected state, which populated the current earth and all the varieties of plants and animals. We also have areas to create new varieties of plants and animals for future worlds. This uninhabited section of our celestial orb is used for all of these purposes, all in a celestial physical resurrected state.
7. The larger area of our celestial orb, houses all of the unborn spirits of our own progeny, and of plants and animals yet to be born on the earth. This is a celestial spirit state of more refined matter than is found on the earth, which is in its telestial physical state.
8. The wilderness area that you have visited frequently, is in a physical resurrected celestial world. This area will be used to populate the New Jerusalem area with plants, animals, soil, the tree of life, and has already populated the living waters and precious metals on the earth. We are able to do this for a relatively small area on the earth, like the wilderness of the New Jerusalem area. However, when we do this propagation of life on a new earth, we pull from the uninhabited area in the celestial world.'
Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-22-2017, Monday
1. We had a great celebration yesterday for our 42nd wedding anniversary. I feel so very blessed to be happily married.
Later in the evening, we saw some old movies of us as a young couple. We were surprised on how dumb and unaware we were, in marriage and in bearing children and raising them. It reminded us of what we see in our own children who now do dumb things too! I guess that is the cycle of life.
Salsify in our fields
2. Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I went to a local ward for sacrament meeting. I envisioned going into God's temple in the celestial world, just inside the door on the east side, by a tree and a little stream. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I made my covenant while the bread was being passed. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to my mind. I wrote this down in my pocket journal right after the sacrament was passed, of the words I heard from my Father:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to always keep our commandments.
3. What you have received these past few weeks has been marvelous! You have also received your great commission. Fear not, for we will be with you always, and will whisper to you as we direct all of the affairs through you and others, that are done in the celestial realms, for our elect children on the earth.
Your vision and knowledge will become vast. Through you, great truths will be revealed, never before revealed to God's children, even since their premortal birth.
4. You asked about the celestial orb on which we dwell this past week. We have worlds without number to man, that we have created and populated from our glorious celestial orb. We use this celestial world our many purposes, all which focus on creating the eternal life and happiness of our beloved children.
5. What you have received this past week about our celestial orb is true. We adjust the size of each of the three main areas, based on our current needs. For example, the uninhabited area may expand, our spirit home for our premortal children also adjusts in size, and our borders to our wilderness area are removed, all at various times. This is all done according to our current needs.
6. Review your post today and tomorrow, and then send it out soon. We have much more to reveal to you, and for you to accomplish, all done according to our own timetable for these last days. We love you, Raphael.'
7. I then was musing more about the creation of the earth in the sacrament meeting. I felt that the spirit plants and animals that die on the earth, also go to the same spirit world which is around the earth, as do the deceased people. Since there are so many plants and animals, the overflow of these plants and animals go to another world of spirits, holding these until their resurrection. However, all of God's children stay on the spirit earth, in the spirit world. When the final resurrection comes, all of these plants, animals and people will be placed on worlds in God's creations, within God's own galaxy, at different levels of glory.
Last night, I received two more questions from S.A. by email. I addressed them with my Heavenly Parents in this mornings' prayer.
8. Q– Did we have the same personality before we came? As well as the same strength and weaknesses?
A- Yes, these strengths and weaknesses are also often accentuated by the mortal experience. There were also weaknesses given to God's children on earth that were not part of their makeup in their premortal state (see Ether 12:27– "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.").
9. The base personalities of God's children were unchanged when they came as a new infant into the mortal world. People do change throughout their life on earth, however, for they have new experiences that shape and change their personalities.
10. Q– If there aren't plural marriages, are there an exact numbers of righteous male and females to match up as heirs of the kingdom?
A– From Heavenly Father:
'Yes, there is ultimately an exact match of male and female couples who become as we are, from this eternity. We planned this from the beginning, knowing the future of all of the intelligences we created as male spirits and female spirits. This foreknowledge of God is difficult for you as a mortal to understand. However, we could see the free-will choices of all of our children, even before they were born to us in the premortal life. We chose an even number of male and females who would ultimately be sealed as an eternal couple in the eternities.' "
Sprouted barley for the chickens