G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 1, 2018, Easter Sunday
1. I awoke after a good night's sleep and I came into the adjacent bedroom. I felt to go again to the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from the oasis. I soon felt very clear and prepared to commune with God in prayer. I knelt at the water's edge, facing south across the oasis. I asked for God to come.
I then saw three personages coming to me above the water. They were about one foot above the water and walking. The center person was ahead of the ones on his right and left side. Soon they were all three in front of me, now all in an even row. Heavenly Father was in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left side and Jesus Christ on his right. I gazed into each of their loving and happy faces. They were all enshrouded in light and glory. Jesus wore a scarlet-red robe and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore matching white robes with scarlet red waist sashes.
2. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, we have brought with us this lovely Easter morning Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He will now briefly speak to you!'
3. Jesus Christ then spoke:
'Raphael, today is Easter, a commemorative day to have our faithful remember my atonement and resurrection. I have suffered and atoned for all the children of our Heavenly Parents, and continue to receive many who come unto me. I will let you know by revelation who are accepted to be received as new members of my church, the Church of the Firstborn, so that you may receive these into this church by the waters of separation ordinance. It is I who commissioned you, Raphael, to your great latter-day commission in May 2017, and conferred on you the keys of the priesthood. You are our prophet, seer and revelator on the earth.
4. What you have written in your journal entry dated yesterday is true. You attended the general priesthood meeting in the LDS Church and saw and wrote correctly everything you recorded. We, the Gods of the whole earth, have rejected the leaders and this church. Satan now has taken possession of the leading counsels of this church. He plans to deceive and by his great deceptions, lead away the very elect! If our elect come unto us, with open hearts and humble spirits, we will reveal to them our revelations from heaven the truth of what has occurred. We will lead and guide them in correct ways as they seek to navigate through their lives. Eventually, the elect will be led to you and this entry ordinance that you and Oriphiel will do for them in my true Church of the Firstborn.'
Jesus stopped speaking. His eternity eyes were so deep and compassionate. His beard was brownish red, and that of Heavenly Father's was white. These Gods before me were so majestic and glorious!
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, go now and write all of these words you heard this morning in your journal. We will speak to you throughout your day from this same desert oasis location. Seek us, to hear our voice, and we will speak to you by revelation.'
I wrote all that I was told up to this point. I will keep my journal and pen handy to write more of their words as they may speak to me today.
6. Later, during the morning general conference session–Heavenly Mother spoke to me during President Eyring's talk:
'Raphael, President Eyring said that the Holy Ghost is a man, a personage of spirit. He has not been revealed that I am the Holy Ghost. This new revelation has been revealed to you and some of our faithful who have inquired of us, their Gods. We will reveal to any of our children who humbly ask with a sincere heart, that I am the Holy Ghost!'
7. Then during the transition between President Oaks and President Nelson, I felt Jesus Christ wanted to speak to me. Here are his words:
'Raphael, the general authorities that now speak at general conference speak many words that are congruent with truth. There are also some things they speak that are not true. Satan will gradually shift their words to fulfill his desires, so they will eventually follow his new directions and revelations.'
Then President Nelson told about choosing his two counselors, and about the unity they have in receiving revelation. He also encouraged all to seek revelations from God.
8. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, the words of President Russell M. Nelson about revelation are very persuasive. He speaks out of the sincerity of his heart. He speaks many words that are true. His admonition for the saints to have revelation as a major part of their lives is pleasing to us. However, Satan lurks in the background, waiting for the time to gradually bring these leaders of the LDS Church to hear his words and follow his counsel. In this way, Lucifer will shift their allegiance from us, their God, to him, our adversary.
9. Our elect need to constantly seek us, their Gods, in being guided through these difficult days ahead. We have known of all these things that will confront our elect in these last days. These experiences will refine them. Only those who stay close to us and receive our inspiration, and not Satan's, will successfully navigate through these days.'
I was left in awe at the very difficult situation each of us will have in figuring who is inspired of God or of Satan! It almost seems an overwhelming task to me. These seem like extremely deceptive times.
10. Later, 9:30 p.m.– I approached God while at the desert oasis. There was a full moon again. I drank living water from the oasis three times. I was cleared all the way in my body to my feet. The experience was very clarifying.
I took my time and soaked in all the appearance of the desert. I then knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father gradually came before me. I examined his face and loved looking into his deep eternity eyes. He was smiling, looking very assured. He smiled at me.
I began the prayer. I expressed my trepidation I had when I saw President Russell M. Nelson void of the spirit and actually possessed of a lying spirit he could not detect. I said I did not want to make any mistake about my observations. I yearned to know truth from my Heavenly Father. I needed assurance and words of direction from God.
11. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, we have come before you this lovely morning, in great unity and assuring you that what you had recorded in your journal this weekend was true. I even brought my Beloved Son, your great Redeemer. Your Heavenly Mother also came. We all three spoke to you during the general conference today. We confirmed all your observations, and spoke directly to your mind and heart, your unconscious mind.
12. There is only left now for you to act in faith and declare in your upcoming post the truths we reveal to you from heaven. Raphael, we will continue to reveal to you our truths from heaven.
Sometimes, words we say create uncomfortable feelings, even though they are true. This is because your worldview didn't include these truths before. Now that we tell you the truth, it might take a few days to fully see and absorb these truths.'
I said I was sorry for my faltering spirit. I said I would fully accept his words. I will see how I adjust to these new revelations. I want to be strong and self-assured.
I told him, too, that receiving revelations like these are heavy until I share them with others. I committed to act on all my directions in faith, regardless if I am the only one to believe them. I said the role of a revelator could be lonely and heavy, particularly with unpleasant truths I see and realize.
13. At this time Heavenly Mother appeared on the left side of Heavenly Father. She was smiling and looked like she wanted to say something. She then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we see all and orchestrate all events in these last days. We have known of rebellion against us in the leading counsels of the LDS Church for many years. We have also revealed this to you on several occasions. I know it still is shocking to you that which we have revealed to you about Satan's intrusions into the leadership of the LDS Church. We have had other eternities where this also occurred in our Church of Christ, similar to how this is now happening. We found that this situation was a very severe but effective test for our elect. It was a way we were assured our elect didn't rely on their leaders, but on us, their Gods. Those who trusted in the words only of their leaders were led astray. Those who humbly prayed for revelation from us, their God, were not deceived, but found direction as we gave it to them. We led them to eternal life, as they followed us in faith.
14. The situation in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is perfectly orchestrated by us to sift out our faithful from the membership in the church. We will have a people who know our voice and keep our commandments. Those who follow man and false lying spirits are not worthy of entrance into our Church of the Firstborn.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother for their very assuring words. I can now see how this is the perfect test that Heber C. Kimball stated in Aug. 16, 1857:
'Before that day comes, however, the Saints will be put to a test that will try the integrity of the best of them. The pressure will become so great that the more righteous among them will cry unto the Lord day and night until deliverance comes.
Yes, we think we are secure here in the chambers of these everlasting hills, where we can close the doors of the canyons against mobs and persecutors, the wicked and the vile, who have always beset us with violence and robbery, but I want to say to you, my brethren, that the time is coming when we will be mixed up in these now peaceful valleys to that extent that it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy against the people of God.
Then is the time to look out for the great sieve, for there will be a great shifting time, and many will fall. For I say unto you, there is a test, a Test, a TEST coming.'
My prayer was ended. I abundantly thanked my Heavenly Parents for their kind reassurances to me. I felt humble and assured of their revelations. I am very thankful to see what is coming, and it is going to be a really difficult test for the latter-day saints.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 2, 2018, Monday
1. I awoke early this morning and felt to pray again at the desert oasis. I don't know why, except that I become very clarified there, more so I believe than anywhere else in the celestial world.
I drank of living water and then knelt at the water's edge. I felt much more assured this morning of the truthfulness of all I had received from God this past weekend. I feel so glad for direction right from God!
I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They came to me, just above the water. They both seemed pleased, happy to be with me.
2. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words as she spoke to me:
'Raphael, we have inspired you again to come to this beautiful desert oasis this new morning. It is more clarifying than any other location in our kingdom.
You have received important information this weekend during and following the LDS general conference. The revelations we share with you will become the great test spoken of by Heber C. Kimball.
Make this journal entry today the last one for post 74. We desire this information to be shared with our mortal angels who support you.'
I told Heavenly Mother that I would do so as fast as I was able.
3. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, you mentioned last night that a true revelator of God is a lonely position, and sometimes truths from God are heavy, particularly with unpleasant truths.
I have not given my shields, my further protection from the adversary, to any of the current day living apostles. They are therefore much more susceptible to Satan's influence than the elect of God who have these protective shields. If they repent and fully turn from their ways they are thinking, your Heavenly Mother and I will receive them, and I will protect those who thus repent with my shields.
4. Further, these men in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles believe they cannot fall. They believe that God would never withdraw their priesthood and priesthood keys from them. Some believe this is now impossible. However, in reality, these actions are already done. Satan thus can slowly lead them and the entire church into deception.
5. The historic conference and the new revelation that were talked about during the general conference were not from us, their God They were more of a simple rewording of a church program already in existence, and a slight organizational shift. There were no new revelations of doctrine or new guidance from heaven. This fanfare is their effort to stir the Saints to believe in them, that God is truly leading them. We have not endorsed any of this, nor sent forth our confirmations upon the people.
6. Our elect need to learn to hear our voice, and then obey our counsels. They need to learn the difference between their emotions and our still, small voice. They need to have the courage to be open and committed to obey our words, even though it may counter the current norms and culture of society, church and family.
We will abundantly reveal all truth, as our children humbly come unto us, in the sincerity and openness of their hearts. They will then receive our revelations and gentle guidance. This is their test we have devised.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assurance and words. I also thanked Heavenly Mother for her words. I told them I felt strong now in fully accepting these truths. I asked them to help me flow with all their truths, and be able to accept them more quickly in the future.
I then humbly closed my prayer and started a new week.
7. Later in the evening–I spent time this afternoon and evening taking pictures of spring flowers around our house. I also found some online photos to put into post 74. Then tonight I went into my bedroom and came to the flower gardens and blooming fruit tree orchard just north of the shores of Lake Beautiful. It was so spring-like! I love seeing the vast array of beautiful flowers. I came to the shore and drank three times of living water. I felt very clear and open.
I then went back to the flowers and prayed facing the lake. Heavenly Mother came from the lake, like she stepped out of a cloud! She had similar robes on as I have seen before, but she had a beautiful daffodil in her hair, over her right ear! She was very pretty and I told her so. I thanked her a lot for coming. I asked that she share her words with me.
8. She said I could go in the front room and write her words. Here is what she said:
'Raphael, you have wondered how President Nelson could have a lying spirit that possesses him without his knowing. Recall when you had an evil entry point or chord that was attached to you that allowed Lucifer himself to come into you without you knowing? It took angels of God to perceive and expel this pernicious device of the adversary, and to remove Lucifer from you. Since then, he has never been able to enter you.
9. Similarly, there is an entry point now into President Nelson for the adversary, where one or more evil spirits may enter at will. If he isn't humble, repents of his sins, and seeks our help, then these influences of the adversary will continue. The others of the First Presidency and all the other apostles also now have similar attachments of the evil one. Without our presence and directions, they are much more apt to be led astray as a group by Satan.
10. This is a very dangerous situation now for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I have withdrawn my spirit from these, the church's highest leaders. We have withdrawn the priesthood and keys, and they are left alone without our inspiration and guidance. They still believe, however, they are doing God's will. They believe they are receiving revelation from us. We have not spoken, and they have acted on their own.
We now stand ready to answer the sincere and humble prayers of the latter-day saints. We will lead all who are open to our revelations. It will take courage to follow our counsels and directions, but this is the path of a disciple, and for the elect of God.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I said I loved her so very much, and would always follow her and my Heavenly Father. I love their truths I receive from them!
Heavenly Mother then had me stand and walk with her, hand in hand in her lovely flower gardens and flowering orchard. I then lost connection with my unconscious mind, and thereby ended my prayer."
11. Note: Here is my sister's query and answer regarding conference, as recorded in her personal journal on April 2, 2018 Sunday:
" 'My Heavenly Parents, in conference today, it seems like President Nelson is leading the church well and he says he is being guided and inspired by thee. He seems to be such a good man.'
Heavenly Father responded in my mind:
'He is a good man, as are the entire Quorum of the Twelve and First Presidency, very good men. They have made many decisions and changes, but we have not spoken. Their decisions are being guided by their own decisions and intellect.'
'Thank you Heavenly Father.
12. I want to get my guidance from thee and want to believe that what my brother is receiving is truly of thee. Do you speak revelation and truth to him and does he record it accurately? And is he the true prophet of the Church of the Firstborn, not yet established on the earth?'
Heavenly Father spoke again in my mind:
'Yes, we speak to Raphael (R), who is our true prophet for the days of transition and who receives revelation and truth from us pertaining to what we choose to reveal to him and also concerning the Church of the Firstborn.'
Then I support him and will continue to do so. I ask for thy whispers of guidance and truth to always come to me. I pray that I will grow in my discernment, perceptions, sight, guidance, deep knowing, wisdom and understanding."