112. Spiritual Spheres
Posted 3-3-2019


I have received much greater clarification on spiritual spheres and their purposes. We work from the celestial sphere on the earth to those in the mortal telestial sphere. Our Heavenly Parents also work in a higher celestial sphere where we cannot see unless they come down to our lower sphere. This is all explained in great detail in this post. I hope you enjoy it! I also hope you will continue to test all that I share with you, ensuring it is all of God and not of myself.

I hope you have a wonderful month of March! I think this will be a good month for our growth and enlightenment!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 18, 2019, Monday

1. Evening: Tonight I came to the celestial world at the fountain of living water. I loved being here with the temple of God in the distance. There seemed to be many people walking around too, so I felt a little hesitant to kneel down and pray. I came towards the temple and went east along the side of the very tall temple wall that extended up into the sky. I found some bushes there that I went behind and was out of the sight of others. I prayed facing east, towards the river representing Heavenly Mother. I prayed for my loved ones, for our happiness, for the servants and angels of God.

2. Heavenly Mother saw me from her healing gardens across the river. She smiled at me and came directly in the air to where I was, behind the bushes next to the tall temple wall.
Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, our servant and your friend, S, wrote you yesterday. Heavenly Father told him at that time "This is a day of preparation for you. Wait as the Savior did for the time of your ministry to come." I give you this same counsel, Raphael, spend your time in quiet preparing, learning from us all you can. Write your revelations in your personal journal but share these for now with only a few that we have designated on your email list. Organize, index, and prepare these personal revelations from us to you. There will be a time when we want you to bring your records out of hiding, to reveal to our faithful who seek us diligently. However, until then, keep hidden from the view of the world or even of the faithful.'

3. She then extended her hand to me. I stood up next to the bush where I had hidden. We walked along the very tall wall of the temple, along the east end of the temple on the grass.
She continued: 'Raphael, when you came to our celestial world tonight, you could not find a place to hide until you came to the bush by our very tall temple wall. Similarly, you will need to hide your views that we have given and will continue to give you, until they are very great, even as these temple walls are so tall and great and very majestic. You need to gain strength and prepare yourself for your mission ahead. Now is the time of your preparation!' My prayer ended. I received my direction very clearly from my Heavenly Mother tonight.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 19, 2019, Tuesday

1. I came this morning to the fountain of living water. However, unlike last night, there were no people around. I knelt on the north side, facing the fountain and distant temple behind. The celestial sun was shining brightly, glistening off the spraying water from the fountain. I drank some living water and then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

I soon heard the voice of my Heavenly Father. This voice came to me from above the fountain, up in the sky above. I looked and saw a bright light and the sky separate where the sound came from. The voice of God asked me to come up into the open sky. I stood and traveled directly up into the sky, into that bright light above the fountain.

2. When I came, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both were before me in majesty, wearing beautiful white robes with gold trim at the ends of their sleeves and along their hems by their feet. They each had a scarlet red sash on, tied on their right side. They were both smiling at me and were very accepting of me. I bowed my head and knelt before them in the sky above. I could see down to the fountain of living waters below us.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have asked you to come into the sky above our fountain of living waters. This is a unique place where only those we ask may come. Others, even in our celestial world who may be on the land, wouldn't know we are here unless we call out to them, like we did to you, and invite them up into the sky.'

4. At that time, I saw the sky close up so that I couldn't see the land below, nor the fountain where I had been kneeling. We were in an area like in the clouds of heaven. Below us was white with no ground. Above us was space, for I could see even to the stars above. All around us was clear without walls. I could not even see the celestial sun or moon. We had come into an area in the sky that was somehow hidden from the view of others.

5. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, we are above the plane of the celestial sky, in a celestial realm above our celestial orb. We invite our children here at different times, as we desire. There is also a celestial realm like this above the earth where we may come. We may observe those below from a vantage point where we may not be detected. This is in a place even above the normal working celestial sphere around the earth where our angels and celestial servants work from in ministering to our faithful on the earth.

Some people who have come here call this another dimension in space. We call it a celestial sphere, or a celestial realm, for it extends above the orb like the peel of an onion around an onion.

We are often in our celestial realm above our various orbs and earths. Here we may observe all that occurs below among our children and our creations. There are no buildings or structures here, for we are above them all. Come now and see down to the fountain of living water where you were just praying to us!'

6. Heavenly Father directed me to look down. As I looked, I could see the fountain of living water from above. I could easily zoom into any part of it without leaving my place in the celestial sphere. I could see any detail of the fountain that I desired. I then saw an angel nearby.

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, the angel you see near the fountain is not aware you are observing her. We are able to come next to any of our children or creations from this celestial sphere or realm we are in and observe without being seen. We may send our Spirit through the realm we are in to our children, and then watch how they receive our Spirit or our promptings. We are never detected from this celestial realm we are in, even in our celestial world. We see all the secret thoughts and acts of our beloved children on the earth or on whatever orb we may be above, in our celestial sphere. Usually only your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ or I are the only ones in this highest celestial realm.

7. There is another celestial realm we have designated for our celestial servants to work in. This is where you are almost always located when you do all of your work for our children we send you to serve. However, you may not see us in that realm unless we come into it. Usually we are above you in this highest celestial realm, always observing.

We have brought you here to instruct you about our highest celestial realm where we, who are God, dwell and observe our children. We will ask you periodically to come up here with us, but only for your instruction. The power of our observation is more clear here than in other lower celestial realms where you normally work from.'

8. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then took my hands and we came down from this highest celestial realm into the celestial world at the fountain of living water. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then faced me.

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, you may not come into this highest celestial realm unless we invite you to come into it with us. It is an area reserved for the Gods, and if you come there you would be invited and accompanied. You may work in other celestial realms below this highest sphere without being accompanied. We will share more with you in your prayer tonight about the celestial realms and their features.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for teaching me today. I said I loved them so very much.

9. Evening–After a full day, I am again in my front room at my recliner. I immediately came to the fountain of living waters in the celestial worlds. Here I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother appeared in the sky above the fountain. The sky opened up around her and she waved me to come up to her in the sky! I stood and arose quickly to her. She extended her hand and pulled me up into her highest celestial realm. The sky closed around her after I came into this sphere.

When I came up in the sky, the sun was setting in the celestial world and it was starting to get dark. Once I came with my Heavenly Mother into her highest celestial realm, I noticed how bright it all was here. I realized that it was perpetually bright in this highest realm where the Gods dwell.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I want to show you more features of our highest celestial realm that exists on every one of our creations that are planets, stars and orbs of all varieties. When we create these large bodies wherein our children may dwell, we also create several spiritual spheres on that orb. If the orb is an earth, destined to house our children for their mortal probation, we create telestial, terrestrial and celestial spheres. We create one for our celestial servants to minister from and a higher celestial sphere for us to observe and minister to our children.

11. For the terrestrial sphere on the earth, this is where the terrestrial servants work from and minister to the inhabitants of the earth. In a coming day, the 144,000 will be actively working from this sphere. Another terrestrial sphere is located in the spirit world, in the paradise of God. For the telestial sphere of the earth, the spirits of the dead dwell, as well as Satan and his host. When the devil and his angels are locked in the bottomless pit, they are confined deep in the earth in a telestial environment. They have not yet received the final kingdom of no glory, for that comes after their own judgment. They always dwell until that time in telestial spheres.

12. In the telestial and terrestrial worlds, where our resurrected children dwell for eternity, there is only a highest celestial sphere around it. This is because only we who are the Gods ever come to visit these worlds in eternity.

13. In the celestial worlds like where you come in our celestial orb to pray and commune with us, there is only one sphere, and it is a higher celestial sphere above this celestial world. This is where we who are the Gods of this world may come and observe those, our children who dwell on this orb. This is the place where we are now located.

14. Each of these spheres on the many worlds has various purposes for ministering and blessing those of a lower realm. Your Heavenly Father and I have always created a highest celestial realm in which we normally dwell and carefully watch and minister to our own children on these worlds.

15. You have seen this morning how we may come close to our children or creations from our highest celestial realm and they don't know we are there. From this platform, we often whisper or speak to our children, and then we watch how they respond, if at all. We orchestrate the doings of our children from this highest celestial realm and carefully plan the events they will experience. We replicate ourselves as frequently as needed to meet all of our desires in interfacing with our children.

16. We also may see details of how the earth and our many creations live. We see all, the good and the bad, and the entire secret acts of men and woman and devils. We have planned each life and then watch that our plans we have set in motion are followed, so that the purposes of the mortal probation occur. On the surface, it looks like all is random, but there is much more that we plan and execute behind the scenes so that the purposes of mortality will be fully met.'

17. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, we have asked you to come into this higher celestial realm this morning and tonight for the purpose of showing you and those who read this the way we watch and care for our children. We continually show our love and shed forth our influence upon our beloved children, in whatever phase of their life they may be in. This highest celestial realm is the way we do this.

When our children meditate and humbly pray to us with open hearts and minds, we always come close to them. We often inspire them, speak peace to their souls and send our Spirit to bless them in innumerable ways. We send blessings upon their heads because of their efforts to commune with us. Oh, we love to guide and direct our faithful–this gives us great joy and fulfillment.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instruction tonight. I thanked her to have allowed me to come into their highest celestial realm and see how they work and minister to their children from this sphere. I feel more aware that they are always with us, literally, when they tell us they are–only we usually can't see them, but they may fully see us, even our thoughts and intentions.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 20, 2019, Wednesday

1. I have been thinking this morning, ever since I awoke, about the highest celestial realm from where God operates and interfaces with their children. I came to the beautiful and quiet desert oasis. I sat on the bench and was in a very contemplative state. While sitting there, thinking about this highest sphere, Heavenly Father appeared next to me, sitting on the bench with me! He had his arm resting on the back of the bench, touching my upper back.

2. He spoke immediately: 'Raphael, I saw you come to this bench from my highest celestial sphere on this celestial orb where I dwell. To go from this higher sphere or realm to the one you are in, I simply thought to descend into your realm and it happened. I had been sitting on this bench while in the higher realm, and when I wanted to descend, I just thought to do so, still sitting on the bench. We control all of our actions and movements by our mind.

3. You also do that same thinking process when you come to our celestial orb to pray, or when you go to the celestial sphere around the earth where you do your angelic work. Your thoughts control all of your movements. We, or our children, may descend from a higher sphere to a lower sphere by thinking only to be there and it happens.

Those who dwell or work in a certain spiritual sphere around a planet or orb may not move to a higher sphere unless they have access to it. Access is determined by us and controlled by ordination. For example, angels are ordained by our authority to dwell and work from the basic celestial sphere. Gods are ordained to work and minister from the highest celestial sphere. The devils are consigned to live in the lowest sphere, that of a telestial sphere.

4. You have read in 'Visions of Glory' how Spencer saw in vision his own birth. He saw healing angels attending his birth, but he also saw ministering spirits of his own deceased or yet unborn family. He also saw devils and evil spirits. These all dwelt in different spheres, but mingled at different times together. The mingling occurred because those of a higher sphere descended into a lower sphere to do their work. They also came so Spencer could see them and know they existed and that they worked in spiritual realms for those on the earth. Normally, there is not much mingling between spheres. For example, when one of our angels goes on assignment on behalf of an elect child on earth, this angel still works hidden in the celestial sphere that the elect child cannot see. The angel has every ability to see and work clearly from the celestial sphere, but the child who is served cannot see. They may sense or feel that God is blessing them, but they generally won't see the angel unless that is part of our assignment.

5. Some may think that celestial beings may disappear themselves, but in reality it is that they simply transfer or move themselves into a celestial realm that is not visible to the one they serve. There are a limited number of spiritual spheres, not unlimited dimensions as some have said.

6. When you have come to the Great Assembly Hall for a meeting, and are in the upper corner speaking with us before the meeting, we are not visible to those in the meeting. This is because we have brought you into our highest celestial realm so that we would not be visible. You are brought into our realm because we have invited you to come. You cannot go there without our permission and invitation. If you wanted not to be seen in the meeting, you would have to gain our permission and come with us, else all would see you since they dwell in the same celestial realm as do you.

7. When we have one of our children come to our world from a lower sphere, they need to be quickened. This is elevating them to a higher sphere temporarily so that they may abide in that sphere. When Lehi saw God on the throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels (1 Nephi 1:8), he was quickened to come into our celestial sphere on this heavenly orb. I had come from my higher celestial realm and dwelt among my children and angels in my throne room in my temple. I brought Lehi into our presence by quickening his spirit to a celestial glory, and bringing him into that celestial sphere. This vision was retained in his mind, even after he returned to earth, so he could witness to others of what he saw. Sometimes we don't allow memories of being in a higher sphere to be retained, but sometimes we do. We determine all of the quickening and retaining of the vision experience based on our greater understanding of the probationary plan for that particular child.

8. When Adam fell, he and all of his posterity came into a mortal telestial sphere. In this mortal sphere, they had no access or ability to see those other spiritual spheres around them. They couldn't see the devils in another telestial sphere, or the angels in the celestial sphere, or other ministering spirits in the terrestrial sphere. All of these spheres were and still are continually around them and their posterity, unseen to them. Higher spheres are also invisible to lower spheres unless one from a higher sphere descends into the lower. When this happens, the one from the lower sphere can then see the person come into his or her own sphere. They still cannot see into the higher sphere.

9. Our first heavenly parents saw the need for the various spiritual spheres that surround the living areas of their children. They chose to control access to these various spheres based on the one in a particular sphere's need to have access, which was dictated by their assigned mission of service. For example, angels have a need to work in secret from a higher sphere than those they serve, so they are given continual access to the celestial realm. They work from realms of love and light. They also may commune even with God who may descend from the highest celestial realm to their own lower celestial realm, as the need for direct communion arises.

10. When we visit with others of the Gods, we always meet them in the highest celestial realm where Gods commune. The method our first parent Gods devised and created has continued from the beginning first creation, even until now in the entire organized universe. We who are Gods may freely travel and commune with other Gods in these highest celestial realms, for we are ordained to that privilege as are they.

11. When our spirit offspring are born to us, they have access to our celestial realm on our celestial orb and are confined to the third heaven, or third level where pre-mortal spirits dwell (see post 111 paragraphs A3 and E11. The celestial glory has three degrees, the first where the God's live [this is the highest celestial sphere], second where the resurrected, translated and angels dwell [second level, where we always go on the celestial orb to pray and visit], and the third level or heaven where the pre-mortal spirits dwell). We require these to be confined to the third heaven, for we don't want them mingling with others 
that may be on our same celestial orb in their same celestial realm. These are boundaries that we place. We also have a boundary in the second heaven, or the location where our resurrected and translated beings dwell, or where angels work. These may mingle together. There are also areas in our celestial world where only we who are Gods dwell. These are physical areas with boundaries also, but are also restricted by being in the highest celestial sphere. The plants and animals that dwell in this latter uninhabited area dwell in the celestial sphere there, but we who are Gods dwell in the higher celestial sphere. We coexist together, although these plants and animals in our uninhabited area usually don't see us since we dwell in the higher celestial sphere.

12. Each spiritual sphere has its own laws and order. Those that are higher have greater light and capacity. The lowest level is for the devils. This is where Lucifer and his followers were cast in the beginning. We allow the devils to interact only with others of a fallen telestial glory, who currently dwell in mortality or in the spirit world of the deceased. Once the earth is elevated to a terrestrial state, the devils will be confined deep in the earth in their same telestial sphere. They will be bound to dwell there for the entire millennium until you loose them for a little season before the end.

13. When one of our mortal children pray to us in a meditative attitude, with openness and humility, they actually attract us, who are their Heavenly Parents, to come to them from our highest celestial realms. We always hear the sincere pleadings of our children in their lower spiritual states or spheres. We may even embrace and dwell in them from our higher realms without them consciously knowing. However, they unconsciously commune with us too, for we quicken their unconscious minds to hear us and to transfer their thoughts to us as they have always done in their pre-mortal sphere, or third heaven.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable expansion of information on the spiritual spheres! I feel very enlightened and so blessed to receive so great truths directly from my Heavenly Father today!

15. Evening–Throughout the day I have been thinking about the spiritual spheres around us. I have particularly thought about the highest celestial realm where God dwells. This seems to have settled more upon me throughout this day. God dwells there, but there is a boundary or border of this realm where others in lower realms cannot see God, for they cannot see into this highest celestial sphere. There are no plants, animals, or buildings there I think, for these are located in the main celestial realm. God comes to the main celestial sphere and is surrounded by all of these things and living celestial beings, but they can't see God unless God comes out of his/her highest realm into the main celestial realm. I may be confused at all of this, but I am hoping for more enlightenment tonight in my prayer.

16. I came to the desert oasis again this evening. I drank from living water and then knelt by the shore and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father came again to me in prayer tonight, this time on the water next to the shore. I asked him for greater clarification on how this highest realm of the celestial glory works and to help me clear up my questions.

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the highest realm is reserved for the Gods to dwell in. This realm is superimposed upon the celestial realm and also upon every other telestial and terrestrial realm. This is done so that we who are gods may freely come and go in those other lower realms without being detected. When we are among those of the celestial glory, we are among all the plants, animals, and buildings in that realm. We are also among our children dwelling there. We may or may not show ourselves to them, for we are in a higher celestial realm than they are in. If we show ourselves to them, then we come into their realm. For us, our surroundings where we are in are the same as theirs, whether they see us or not.

17. Our highest celestial realm has no plants, buildings, soil, atmosphere, water, etc. Its purpose is to allow us to be undetected, or hidden from those of a lower sphere. Since our highest level is superimposed on this celestial realm, we have all the glory and blessings of the celestial realm always around us. Our highest celestial realm is also superimposed directly on every other lower realm. This allows us free access to all our creations in every level or sphere of our creations.

18. Yesterday evening, we brought you from our celestial realm where you were at the fountain of living waters, up into our highest celestial realm. We did this so you could see the difference of this realm, which we showed you was above the celestial realm. However, this higher realm, in reality, comes down on top of the celestial realm and is superimposed on the celestial realm. This is where it is normally located. However, you would not have been able to distinguish the difference of the highest celestial realm from the main celestial realm had we not separated these realms.

19. On the resurrected celestial earth, when it becomes a celestial abode for all of the couple gods who dwell there, there will not be a need to distinguish between the celestial realm and the highest celestial realm. This is because all who dwell there are gods. In the celestial city, as seen by John the Revelator (Revelation 21:10 to 22:21) all those in that city are exalted individuals and may be in the highest celestial realm. If these couple gods begin their families on their own lands of their inheritances, they will have a higher celestial realm for that couple God and a celestial realm for their children to dwell in.'

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 21, 2019, Thursday

1. Today I came to the celestial realm on the celestial orb to the desert oasis. I am now more aware that God may be right next to me and I wouldn't see him/her. He/she would be in the highest celestial realm while I would be praying in the celestial realm. It is helpful to me to know of these spiritual realms so I can understand how God comes and goes from my views.

2. I knelt by the shore and drank living water. I then looked out upon the oasis and asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them, to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me on the water! She was glowing brightly, was smiling, and had sparkling eyes. I loved being in her presence! I thanked her for coming to me. I felt enlightened in her presence. I knew that she had just stepped from her highest celestial realm into the main celestial realm where I was praying. I felt so glad that she and Heavenly Father come to me each time I pray.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, when we introduce you to a new feature, like the highest celestial realm, it often takes a few times to fully explain how it works. You now comprehend the various spiritual spheres we have created over our planets, stars and orbs where our children and we dwell.

4. Today I would like to speak about judgment. We see all of our children in their stages of progression. They are before us continually, for we dwell in their presence, being among them in our highest celestial realm.

We give our children weaknesses, particularly when they descend into their mortal telestial sphere. They naturally learn the ways of man and their culture, and their habits and perspectives are shaped by their fallen environment. They act as mortal beings. We watch and guide them as they are responsive or don't respond to our promptings and influence. However, they are mostly a product of their environment in their fallen world. Their core beings has dwelt in our celestial glory since their spirit birth, but they struggle to find their true identity.

We withhold and delay judgment on our mortal children since they are really in a time of testing and in a very new experience. We wait until they have learned from their full life and experiences before we make any determining judgments. Sometimes, our elect children take a long time to respond to us and to follow our efforts to gently lead them. We have patience with them.'

5. Heavenly Mother continued: We desire that our children who live together in their fallen mortal state also withhold their own judgments on each other! They are not in any way in a clear place where they may judge each other. We wish them just to love and accept one another as they are, without imposing any certain beliefs on how they should act or behave. Each may behave as they wish, once they are adults, and as long as they don't infringe on the way others may act. There are far too many expectations and unnecessary judgments that most of our children impose on each other.

6. Our children who become parents often have a difficult time allowing their teenage and adult children to choose their own path without imposing very strong expectations on their behavior once they leave their home. In reality, their greatest influence is to love and accept them without expectations. They shouldn't be shocked if their children explore life and choose a different path than they have chosen in their own life. We are not pleased when these parents try to control their grown children with money, religious fervor, or any number of ways. We wish that they would love and accept them, and rejoice in whatever path these grown children may choose. Whatever they choose, they are on a path of self-discovery that shouldn't be constrained by controlling parents, traditions, expectations and judgments. Sometimes these factors get in the way of our very purposes of testing and giving experiences to our children in mortality.'

7. I thought then how difficult it has been for my wife and I to just let go of our children and to not impose religious expectations on them. Often those children who become very religious seem to become the most narrow-minded and judging of their siblings. This can be hurtful and so unnecessary. I think that our religious culture can become a tight noose around our behavior so we are not allowed to choose our own ways without social ostracism.

8. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we have been patient with you as you have gradually learned our ways of love and acceptance of others. This has given you true freedom of choice so that you have been able to discover your real desires and become who you really want to be. We desire our mortal children to live in such a loving and accepting way, free of judgments and expectations of others.'

9. Evening–I came to the top end of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I saw in the nighttime the beautiful temple glowing in the distance. It was all so lovely, like the perfect evening in heaven! I knelt next to the waterfall, facing the temple, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came to me in the air over the waterfalls, shining brighter than any lights or glow from the temple. She was very majestic and beautiful! Her eternity eyes were deep and so loving and accepting of me. She was smiling, making my heart jump for joy!

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered in talking with your wife, what was the greatest thing you could do with your available time and money. Besides your angel work that we direct you in constantly, today you have served your needy children. Service to those closest to you, like you did today, is the greatest activity you can do to occupy your mortal lives together. You need not look beyond your own family and extended family, for there are plenty of needs with those you love in your family circles. If I were you, I would shower love and acceptance upon each one. I would look for ways to uplift and lighten their burdens. I would randomly treat them or write notes to them. I would seek to listen to and play with the young ones. I would always be accepting and non judgmental. I would think more of the needs of my spouse, children, and grandchildren than my own current wants. I would develop loving relationships with each one. I would find interest in their interests, and do little things that you think might delight them. I would be their best friend!'

11. With that, Heavenly Mother faded away from my presence. She left me happier than before I had come to my prayer, and answered a question we had thought about recently. Oh, I am so glad she came and talked to me tonight!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 22, 2019, Friday

1. I loved the no judgment and service messages I have received from my Heavenly Mother during my past two prayers. I like how my Gods intersperse messages like self-improvement with ones about how things work, like the spirit spheres. I feel very spiritually fed and uplifted in my personal prayers.

2. This morning I came to God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the bench and the little stream going to the water. It was sunny out and I just sat on the bench and observed my beautiful surroundings. I felt clear, happy , and full of anticipation for what might come my way in my morning prayer. I loved the pretty flowers, the gurgling flow of water, the reflective lake of the surrounding trees and sky. I had joy in my heart for my opportunity to commune with my Gods!

I knelt in front of the bench and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. I then saw my Heavenly Father walking around the lake on the path. He waved me to come walk with him I thought. I then stood and came next to him as he continued walking. He put his left arm around my shoulder and spoke: 'Raphael, let's walk around our healing lake while we talk!' We continued walking around the worn path.

3. He continued: 'Raphael, we have spoken to you several times this week explaining about our highest celestial realm or sphere. We continuously exit and reenter into our highest celestial sphere and it is so very natural for us to do. We also do everything naturally like using our portals, shining forth our light and love matter and replicating ourselves as much as the need requires. All of our activity comes naturally to us, and it is all controlled by our thoughts. Whatever we think to do that is what happens.

4. Abraham 3:17
". . . and there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it."

5. Heavenly Father continued: 'This scripture applies to all of our actions and our intentions. We have learned how to do all things, controlled by our intelligent mind. My core intelligence completely fills my being and is the source of all my thoughts, which produce all of my emotions, mental activity and movement. This way we act is also true for all of our creations and for our children.

6. When you learn a new skill, you practice it until it becomes habitual and easy. Your mind creates mental pathways to be able to more easily repeat those actions. This is how it is for us to appear or disappear before our children, for we control all by our mind, our thoughts, and intentions. We have full agency and ability to do whatever we wish or what thing comes into our heart to do.

7. I am continually counseling with your Heavenly Mother in all of my actions. We plan together what we desire to do in our multiple creations and with our children. We are always sharing and acting in various ways to bless and enhance our children and watch and care for them in their own progression.

8. We know all things, how to do all things and how all things work. There is not anything in our galaxy that we are not aware of , for we comprehend all. When we visit with other gods of other galaxies, or with our first parent Gods on their original galaxy, we share our experiences, our new creations, our activities and how things have recently happened in our worlds. We then continue to learn and expand in our understanding. There is never a time when we are not learning and becoming more knowledgeable.

9. We who are the Gods are the only eternal beings that continue to grow and expand in our intelligence and knowledge. Those children who attain a lesser glory have a cap to their growth, but we never do. Their joys and happiness have limitations, but ours never do. Oh we love doing what we do!'

10. I looked into my Father's eternity eyes. They were so deep and penetrating and filled with light and deep joy. I saw that he was so very capable and sure of himself. I was feeling so lowly and humble in his presence.

He spoke: 'Raphael, it is natural and right that you should be humble and reverent in my presence and in the presence of your Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. Even when you become a God, with power and capability as we have, you will still be humble and reverent and respectful in our presence. Your own children who attain our same station as a God will also revere you and so on with their posterity who also becomes gods. We each add to the honor and glory of those who have gone before. We all share continual increase and glory, eternal happiness and progression. We continually are filled with love and light which flows to us from our first parent Gods. The manner of the gods is only comprehended by those who receive this glory themselves.'

11. We had arrived back near the bench, having walked around the lake. Heavenly Father stopped and faced me. He placed both of his hands on my shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes. He saw deep into my soul!
He spoke again: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased with your progress and growth. You are on track in your skills and abilities and we are very pleased with your obedience. We will continue to guide you, one day at a time, as you learn and comprehend our ways. We are forming you into our mighty archangel that you need to become to shoulder the great work before you.'

12. He continued: 'We are also guiding and helping our other angels and servants. They each have very important roles and missions that we have designed for them, to help us in our last days work. We will have our activity largely done through them on behalf of the elect and in transitioning into a better world in the millennium. Each angel and heavenly servant would do well to learn directly from us, who are their Gods. We will be their help and guide in every time of need. Oh, we love them all so much!'

13. Evening–I came to the place where the river representing the Father empties into Lake Beautiful. I was next to the shore of the lake on the west side. It was flat terrain with beautiful shoreline bushes, flowers and some trees. The celestial sun was still up in the sky. I knelt and faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited and watched.

14. Heavenly Mother appeared to me, in front of the lake. She was smiling and radiant! I gazed into her loving eyes. She spoke: 'Raphael, you may feel that some of our revelations to you are greater than others. Sometimes you may feel we talk a lot about relationships and other times about doctrines, and still other times about how things work in our creations. This is not your concern, for your Heavenly Father and I choose each day what we will reveal to you. Our plan is to dispense upon you our revelations according to our own plan and in our own way. You have no control over any of what we reveal to you or the content. We reveal according to our own purposes and plans. You perceive what we reveal to you and then write these in your own words and language. We are pleased with how you interpret what we give to you in your thoughts, and how you write our revelations in your journals.

15. Q–M.A. had a question she wrote to you. She asked if the current leadership or the one in place when we re-establish the Church of Christ on the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith would be in attendance at the reorganization meeting. She wondered if they would even know of this meeting. She also wondered if the people would generally accept this new organization, or if the old would just continue to go on as in the past, leading many astray.

A–Raphael, we will have the meeting in the Conference Center to become turned over to the prophet Joseph Smith from the current leadership. Joseph will thank them and at the end of his address he will release all of those who are now leading The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They will all be released, all of the apostles in the First Presidency and in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and all general authority leadership positions. Once they are released, Joseph the prophet will announce the need for a complete reorganization of the Church of Christ. He will state that he retains all of the keys of the restoration and has been directed by Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world, to re-establish the Church of Christ anew upon the earth, as it was in the beginning in 1830. He will then call to the stand those new leaders of the new Church of Christ. These men will come to the stand and then he will ask for them to be sustained as new apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph will later ordain these afterwards in a private meeting. Once sustained, he will then introduce Jesus Christ, who will speak to each one personally in the congregation.

This dramatic releasing of the old and sustaining of the new will be monumental. It will also be very magnificent that Joseph the prophet will come to make this change. It will be even more amazing to everyone in the congregation when Jesus Christ himself comes and addresses each one personally. They will know that the change is of God, for there will then be no one in the Convention Center who doubts what God has done and approved.

There may be some of the old organization who later attempt to gather a following, or people in the Latter-day Saint Church who question what has happened. However, the shift will be so dramatic that the new Church of Christ will have all those who are sensitive to the Spirit who will flock to it and become baptized anew. Those who try to perpetuate the old church will not have the Spirit and are not of the elect.'

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 23, 2019, Saturday

1. This morning I came to the birch tree forest on the slopes going to the city of Enoch. I drank from the little stream. I felt very clear and prepared to commune with my God(s).

Heavenly Mother appeared before me on the other side of the small stream! She was smiling and radiant. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I will bless your children in their health needs. I will strengthen them physically and emotionally. Continue to mind your own business, giving them full freedom to choose while loving and accepting them. We have a specific mortal journey for each one of your children. We will be close to them as we work our plan for their mortal journey.

2. You attended your own home ward's progressive dinner last night with your wife. You have been looking for friends and have found a few in your neighborhood that are friendly and open. As you let life happen, and enjoy whatever comes your way in your mortal journey, we will bless you with more friendships. However, your own family relationships will become your best friends. As you lovingly accept and serve them, your children and grandchildren will become more and more linked to you and your spouse in love.

Continue to pray for your family and friends and acquaintances. We will bless and enhance your own lives because of others who will care and love you too.'

3. I expressed gratitude to my Heavenly Mother for answering the yearnings of my heart and for coming to me in my prayer today. I told her I loved her and loved to obey her and Heavenly Father's counsels. I determine to be more diligent in praying for my loved ones.

4. Evening–Tonight I came to the area just south of the white gate. I approached the gate and it opened. I entered and stepped through. I immediately came to my knees in anticipation of meeting Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. I turned and saw him next to the gate. He was standing there, with his very compassionate face and very deep and loving eternity eyes! He stepped up to me and placed his right hand on my left shoulder.

He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am glad you came to me today. Our Heavenly Parents had inspired you to come here today to visit with me before you go on the straight path that leads to the tree of life.

As our Heavenly Parents are directing all of the angels and celestial servants, so am I directing all of the terrestrial servants who will gather our elect. I have commissioned all of the 144,000 servants on Mount Zion, but that was in their unconscious minds, with their spirits. This fulfills the prophecy of Revelation 14:1 "And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."

Now that these terrestrial servants are commissioned in the spirit, they need now to be awakened in their conscious mind in their physical bodies. I am awakening each one to their great mission and the Holy Ghost is also coming upon them to witness to my awakening, so that they will be ready when I call on them to serve me. At that time that I command them, they need to be translated to a terrestrial glory. They will be translated mortals who go forth on the earth, working in the terrestrial realms around the earth. Since they work from the terrestrial realms, they will not be subject to the bounds of the mortal telestial sphere. They will be able to bring those they gather into the terrestrial sphere and transport them to Zion, the New Jerusalem.

The plagues and diseases of the lower telestial sphere will not hurt nor harm them, for they work from a higher terrestrial sphere. They will bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn, even to the New Jerusalem.' (see D&C 77:11)

5. I asked my Savior this question: 'My Redeemer, will the angels ordain these 144,000 even after you have commissioned them on Mount Zion, as recorded in D&C 77:11, and will there also be high priestesses among them, not just high priests?'

D&C 77:11 "We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn."

6. Jesus replied: 'Raphael, I commissioned all of the gathered spirit hosts of the 144,000 at one time on Mount Zion. This was at Mount Timpanogas, Utah, as you have previously record in on Oct. 3, 2016. These individuals of the 144,000 still need to be ordained, one at a time, by the angels before they are prepared to fulfill their missions. They also need to be fully translated. The angels who will ordain them are the four angels spoken of in Revelation 7:1 and the angel from the east in Revelation 7:2-4. The four angels consist of two male angels having the office of high priest and two female angels having the office of high priestess. The angel from the east is a male angel and also a high priest. The male angels ordain and set apart the male high priests who are among the 144,000, and the female angels ordain the women to the office of high priestess and set them apart for their callings. There will be more female high priestesses among the 144,000 than there will be male high priests.'

7. I thanked Jesus for answering my question. He then looked toward the path and the distant tree of life where I was soon to walk.

He spoke again: 'Raphael, each one of these 144,000 servants needs also to be redeemed by me, and cleansed of all sin. I will inspire them as they work diligently to gather my elect from the four quarters of the earth. They will have power to bring the elect through their spiritual terrestrial realms and portals to places of safety and ultimately to the New Jerusalem. They will have power over the adversary and over the telestial powers of the physical and spirit earth.'

8. I thanked him, stood and turned to walk down the narrow path to the tree of life. I held onto the rod of iron while I walked. I thought of the refinement that these 144,000 servants would be required to make in order to be ready for their glorious mission to lead the elect of God. I soon came to the tree of life and partook of its leaf and fruit. I felt so happy to have connected with Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, tonight.

G R's Personal Journal Entry, February 24, 2019, Sunday

1. I came early to pray. I asked in prayer if I had recorded accurately what Jesus spoke to me last night about the 144,000. I felt enlightened and at peace, so I take this as a witness from God that I had written all accurately.

This morning I came to the eastern end of Heavenly Mother's lower gardens, just before the path to the field of buttercups. There were many pretty flowers around and I felt uplifted in my spirit. I knelt between the flowers on the ground and asked my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. I was facing west.

2. Heavenly Father then appeared a short distance in front of me. He walked right up to me and stood, shining in his brilliant white robes! He wore a scarlet red sash around his waist, tied on his right side. He was smiling at me. I was immediately very relaxed and filled with the Spirit in his presence.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have written correctly what my Beloved Son spoke to you last night. We will direct the angels to ordain and set apart each one of the 144,000 to their callings. These five angels spoken of in Revelation 7:1-5 are the only ones your Heavenly Mother and I will ask to ordain the 144,000. These angels work in celestial realms on the earth, and will ordain some without them seeing them, the ordaining angel, and others will see him/her. All will know by the witness of the Holy Ghost that they have been ordained by an angel of God in authority to do the work of gathering among the elect of God.'

3. Heavenly Father continued: Phillip and Rebekah Johnson (not their actual names) are still appointed to be the leaders of this group of choice servants, the 144,000. They will continue to instruct and inspire them in their gospel scholarship and in coming to us, their Gods, in order to receive our counsels and commandments. This is the day of the 144,000's great preparation. We desire that they each be ready and ordained when Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer, gives them their directions on gathering specific elect persons.

4. The people of Enoch, who are translated to a celestial glory, are also involved in helping the 144,000 become prepared and ready. See more information we have already revealed to you on the 144,000 in your post 47 "Becoming More Awakened".

5. Heavenly Father continued: 'Today I would like to describe to you our methods of revealing our many truths and revelations. We reveal to you and to our other children who diligently seek our face, our many truths. We introduce a given topic, and explain it in one way of understanding, generally in a simple way. We later come back to this same topic and reveal a little more . This continues until you understand more and more clearly. It takes time and our enlightening Spirit to clarify and illuminate your mind to our ways and our truths.

We have done this to you recently in explaining the spiritual realms. We had spoken of these realms in the past, but it wasn't until recently that we described in much more detail about the various levels of telestial, terrestrial and celestial glory of these realms. We may also revisit this topic again in the future.

We have also addressed the calling of the 144,000 to you at several previous times. We continue to unveil our plans for them to you as more and more are awakened.

6. Now that you have several posts numbered with paragraph verses, and now that you have settled on how to index your posts, it is time to index those you have numbered. This will help you have our revelations on a particular topic available for easy access. Begin also, as you are able, to start numbering the previous posts with paragraph and verses like you have begun with the newest posts, until all are numbered. Indexing will be possible from then on for all. Let this all be done as you are able. Once the index is partly done, make it available for your readers to see. They may also have recommendations to help you in this effort.

7. We have a plan of what we will reveal to you and to our other servants. In the future, the amount of our revelations will be very great. It will be upon each of our children to verify, by the confirming voice of the Spirit to their own soul, the truthfulness of each record. We will continue to have our words adjusted if there are some interpolations of man, until all is pure and fully accurate. We ultimately desire our words we give to our children to all be written down and made available to others so that they, too, may be edified.

8. The Church of Christ will have a role in assembling these multiple records that contain our many revelations, so that our people may have full access to them. We will have original copies held in the library at the New Jerusalem. We want these records available to all, however. The technology and speed of retrieval of these records will become available to every one of our elect children to make for easier reading and studying. These records will be cross-referenced so that all of our truths will be available to the righteous in the great millennial day!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for a glimpse of his vision of how he and Heavenly Mother reveal their words and want them shared. I felt very enlightened in my prayer today.

10. At Church–I came to the desert oasis in the celestial world and knelt by the bench facing the water. The priest offered a prayer on the bread I made my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember my Heavenly Parents, and to keep their commandments. I then partook of the bread. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant today. Whenever you pray to us in this celestial world, we will always come to you so that you will see us in our kingdom.'

The water was blessed and I drank it.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, whenever I come to my children as the Holy Ghost, I come next to them from the highest celestial realm. I come into their spirit and body. I whisper to the truth and bear witness of the Father and our Beloved Son. I comfort these my children. I am their Heavenly Mother and they know me and my voice, for they are used to hearing me. I embrace, love, and care for them.'

The meeting continued and I lost track of my Heavenly Parents before me. I wrote this all down during the rest of the meeting.

11. Later–My wife and I came home and visited two elderly neighbors. They were each doing okay several weeks ago when we visited them last. However, now it seems they have only a few weeks left to live. They are both on oxygen, one is suffering with cancer and the other from lowered body strength after a simple infection. This prompted my wife and I to talk about our own situation. I see in myself my aging in my memory loss, my tiring from tasks that I used to do with ease, and other signs. We see our neighbors and family aging and next we realize we are looking like we are following the same path.

12. I know the promises of God to me to preserve my life, to be translated, and to have vitality to be able to continue with my mortal mission in the flesh. I am not worrying about this much, for I am trying to relax and let life just happen as it will. I trust in God's promises. I am also doing all I can to enhance my brain cognition. I have a daily regimen of herbs and healing remedies for keeping my brain functioning well. I usually walk for an hour or so a day now. I get adequate sleep. I have been told by Heavenly Mother that I would need to work at my brain cognition and physical strength, which I am doing. I will then just relax, enjoy life, and let come what comes!

13. Evening–Tonight I came to the little outcropping above the circling waters. I looked at the distant temple to the east where sun hadn't set yet. I felt happy and clear. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I looked over the horizon and Heavenly Mother came to me, across the sky from the temple! She arrived in a few seconds. She was smiling and full of light.

She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your sister had a concern about the lower telestial and terrestrial kingdoms of glory, that would have a cap to their growth. We had said that their joys and happiness have limitations, but we who are Gods never do. Rachael said she thought there were libraries and sources for learning in these lower kingdoms.

A–This is a good question! Eternal progression only occurs in the celestial kingdom, among the gods who are ordained to this position. Once a lower kingdom is determined for one of our children, their options for eternal increase is forfeited, worlds without number. They may never have posterity or creation or expansion of growth in their domain. Their kingdom has no increase in power and additional growth in numbers, lands, or additional dominions.'

She continued: 'However, they may continue to learn and gain more personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the eternal worlds, according to the eternal spiritual sphere they are assigned to (telestial or terrestrial). They don't have the capacity, either mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, to comprehend and grow as the gods grow. The gods have infinite capability for growth, understanding, love, creation, dominions and kingdoms, worlds without end. The other lower kingdoms may study and learn, but they will never have the capacity to go beyond the limitations of their own kingdoms. They have chosen to be assigned to that kingdom by where they have demonstrated they most want to be. This is the kingdom where they are the happiest. They chose to be limited in their personal growth and progression, for they have not chosen to follow the ways of the Gods.'

14. Heavenly Mother then stepped closer to me. She next spoke to me: 'Raphael, I want to have you sense the difference in your celestial sphere and my higher celestial sphere. Reach forth your hand between my hands and you will feel when your hand goes into the highest celestial realm.'

I then reached my right hand between her two hands that Heavenly Mother extended to me, with her palms facing each other. As I brought my hand between hers, I felt a distinct boundary, like I was passing into a brighter, lighter in density, and a different zone. She watched my expression as I brought my hand in and out of this higher celestial sphere several times, located around her body.

'Raphael, the highest celestial sphere remains around my being. I have extended it to reach between my two hands so that you could feel the difference. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I have a permanent highest celestial sphere layer around our immediate persons, or our replicated beings. These all are within the highest celestial sphere, for we never really leave this sphere. When we go from our higher sphere into a lower sphere, like into your celestial sphere where you are now located, there remains a layer of higher celestial sphere around our resurrected and replicated bodies, including my replicated spirit body in which I appear to you. We step out of the larger body of the higher sphere where we are not visible, and then we become visible to those of the lower kingdom. We become visible to those of lower spiritual spheres as dictated by our intentions and thoughts. However, the thin membrane of the higher celestial sphere continues to stay with us. This fills us with extra light and radiant love, characteristics of our higher celestial sphere. We radiate this aura or halo at all times since we are Gods who live in this highest celestial sphere.

When we exit the larger, higher celestial sphere that is all around us, we carry only a membrane of this glory that our children in lower spheres see as a very bright, almost surreal glow around us. We also may control the amount of light or glow that comes from us by our own intentional thoughts.

When we embrace our children, our being may go inside of them, which causes the transfer of our very thoughts, light and love to fill their entire being. We also have our highest celestial realm engulf our child so that they also sense the exhilarating and radiant light and love in that celestial realm. Our children therefore receive sensations of light and love from two sources, both from us their Gods.'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 25, 2019, Monday

1. I came to the small mountain river in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, not far off the path east of the circling waters. It was early morning here and very pleasant and lovely. I knelt among the mountain flowers, facing the waterfall in the distance. I drank some living water from the stream and felt clear. I then asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited. Both of my Heavenly Parents came walking to me on the path from the east! They seemed to be enjoying a morning walk together. They came right up to me and Heavenly Mother extended her outside hand to me and spoke: 'Raphael, please stand and come walk with us!'

2. I stood and took my Heavenly Mother's hand and we all three started walking towards the waterfall on the path. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, our children who are in lower eternal glories are single in an unmarried state. They have neither ability to reproduce nor any desire to do so. They have friends and acquaintances, but have no deep ties like family or marriage connections. They are not capable of receiving higher levels of happiness that those in the celestial glory receive.'

3. Heavenly Father continued: 'Every one of our children who enter into our celestial glory are promised every blessings and are joint heirs of Jesus Christ, our Firstborn Son. Each one is sealed to a spouse and their spouse is sealed to them. Each one is received into the glorious Church of the Firstborn.

4. There is a passage in D&C 132:16-17 that states there are angels in heaven, in a celestial state of glory, who are ministering servants to minister to those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding and an eternal weight of glory. This passage also states that they did not abide my law and cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation. This is false doctrine and was concocted by Brigham Young who wanted to promote his concept of plural marriage that is also not a true principle. He did this without our sanction. This false doctrine has influenced many women especially to go against their better judgment and our direction to them, thinking that if they didn't abide the law of plural marriage that they would fall from their eternal glory and exaltation.'

5. Heavenly Father: 'The true doctrine is that every one who receives eternal celestial glory becomes a couple god and is either a male or female exalted god in eternity, living in celestial glory forever. There are no lesser positions of celestial glory in eternity. If someone chooses not to be sealed to another, they are assigned a terrestrial glory in eternity, to live in their single and individual status, with no opportunity of growth or a future marriage relationship.

We have chosen to reveal this true doctrine to you now, when we were speaking about the other lesser glories in eternity where there our children in their single state forever. We have allowed you to think that there was a single status position in eternal celestial glory up to this time.'

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, there are some of our children who were deceived by this false doctrine of plural marriage who will repent and be forgiven. They will be allowed to enter into the Church of the Firstborn, be sealed to a single spouse of their choice, and their spouse sealed to them. They will eventually be ordained as a couple god, receiving an eternal celestial glory. There will be others who hold fast to this false doctrine and are assigned as single individuals in a lower eternal glory. In eternity, there are no plural marriage relationships in any level of glory.'

(R's note dated 3-9-2019: This information has been modified about the single celestial individuals, to make it more clear. See post 113D10-113D15 and 113E2 for this further clarification.)

7. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants also states that Abraham received all things by revelation and commandment and has entered into his exaltation and sitteth upon a throne. (D&C 132:29). This also is false. Abraham did receive some direction by revelation, but he was not instructed by us, his Gods, to enter into a plural marriage relationship on earth. He was following the customs of the times and did not inquire of us whether he should take Hagar to wife or not. We would have corrected his cultural views by revelation, stating our true doctrine.

His great great grandson, Joseph, did inquire of us and obeyed our commandment to marry only one wife. There are none of these individuals who have entered their exaltation, for none are yet received into the Church of the Firstborn. The true and faithful are heirs of the Church of the Firstborn at this time. They will each, who are elected by Jesus Christ, be received by you, by the ordinance of the waters of separation, into this celestial church. Each one will be sealed to the spouse of their choice and that spouse will also be sealed to them. They will later be ordained as a couple god in eternity, like your Heavenly Father and me, to live in celestial glory forever!'

8. We reached the top of the waterfall. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their clarification of true doctrine today. I felt very enlightened. I will have to fully shift my mindset, for I have always thought there was a position of a celestial ministering angel in eternity! Their true doctrine is very logical and understandable to me. I am so glad to have falsehoods corrected so that I may have eventually only the true doctrine of the gods in my mind and heart.

9. Evening–I came tonight to the celestial world. I have been very introspective today since I have been listening to and reading accounts of others' opinions about M.S.'s excommunication. Very sobering. When I think of my own journey, I come back to the most dramatic experience of my life when Heavenly Mother came to me at the time I was in the energy class in 2013. This event was so very dramatic and forceful in my personal life! It has been the pivotal spiritual experience that has defined my approach to my Heavenly Parents. I have had my eyes greatly opened since that time. I cannot deny it, for I know all of my Gods came to me that day. I could see them in my unconscious mind so clearly! I heard them speak to me in my thoughts. I "saw" them and knew exactly where they were and what they were doing. My association with them that day awakened something very great and long forgotten in me. I feel so very blessed to have had this amazing journey since then too.

10. Tonight I came to the desert oasis. I came to the bench in front of the waters. I have come to many places in the celestial world, all so unique and amazing to me! I have been shown marvelous revelations with information so great to me that I have been often overcome by its grandeur. I have received many truths, continually revealed to me, one day after another, and confirmed by a witness each time by the Spirit. I am so humbled by this all! I report to my best ability exactly what I have seen and heard. I rejoice in these great truths!

11. I was thinking of all this while sitting on the bench. Heavenly Father then came in glory in front of me! He was bright, shining in light. He was smiling and seemed pleased with me. His eternity eyes were so very penetrating, so compassionate and accepting of me.

He spoke" 'Raphael, it is good that you reflect on the spiritual journey that we have brought you on since your Heavenly Mother first came to you in your energy class in April 2013. That was nearly six years ago. You have been led as you have diligently sought us, your Gods. We have gradually, line upon line, enlightened you with our multitude of revelations. I confirm to you again tonight, while I stand before you in my glory, that it is us who have continually been enlightening you with our many revelations over these nearly six years. Man might quibble over who has authority in the Latter-day Saint Church to receive revelation from the heavens, but all their actions will not stop your Heavenly Mother and me from pouring out upon you our great revelations and truths from heaven! We are leading you clearly and deliberately, one step at a time, according to our plan. You cannot see where this will all end, but our plans and actions are glorious and will be remarkable! We are using you, our humble and obedient servant, to do our great work and act in these last days, Raphael. Stand still and be steady in your work and watch the great truths we continue to pour out upon you come without measure.'

12. Heavenly Father then had the highest celestial realm close around his glowing countenance until he disappeared from my view. I felt very buoyed up and had a great peaceful feeling. I am blessed to have come into the presence of my glorious Heavenly Father tonight.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 26, 2019, Tuesday

1. I came again to the desert oasis this morning. I felt happy and assured to be able to see God again and to be enlightened and blessed. I receive questions from several people who receive my emails of my web posts. I wonder if I should always try to find out the answers to their questions? Sometimes it might be best perhaps for them to seek their own answers in prayer. And yet sometimes one of my Heavenly Parents voluntarily may bring up their questions to be answered. I guess I will just follow the Spirit.

2. I came to the oasis and knelt down to drink living water. I felt refreshed and receptive to whatever God might reveal to me today. I addressed my Heavenly Parents in humble prayer and asked one or both of them to come to me. Heavenly Mother came from the very location that Heavenly Father had appeared to me last night! She, too, was brilliant and filled with light. She was smiling and her eyes seemed to speak to me her acceptance and love for me. I felt very happy to be again in her lovely presence!

3. She stood before me for a few seconds and then I addressed her: 'My glorious Heavenly Mother, I am honored to be again in your presence this morning! I feel so very blessed to be enlightened in your beaming presence, so filling me with your light and love.' I then prayed for my wife, each of my children, my grandchildren, and my neighbors–praying specifically for all of their needs and challenges. I finally prayed for the servants and angels of God who are being further awakened to their great missions. I prayed for their receptivity to their callings and efforts to bless the faithful. I asked Heavenly Mother to confirm to them by her Spirit and very presence the truth of all things they should do. I said I knew we had a great challenge in front of us, as we press forward on our individual paths.

Heavenly Mother smiled and then spoke: 'Raphael, I will bless those for whom you have prayed. I will strengthen and bless them, for you have prayed in faith and your Heavenly Father and I love them deeply. We will individually guide them in their daily lives and help them grow in their struggles.

Raphael, it is also pleasing to us to answer the questions of those who write you questions. We often will bring up these questions ourselves before you ask us. We inspire many of them to ask the questions that will lead us into new revelations and discussions.

4. Your sister, Rachael, wondered if Joseph the prophet would choose only men to be apostles in the new Church of Christ that he will reestablish. Yes, he will only choose and have sustained men. These will be ordained apostles by Joseph Smith, who holds the keys and authority to ordain them. They, in turn, will call others, including women, in the new organizational structure of the Church of Christ. My daughters will then more widely begin receiving my authority of high priestesses. This calling and power that I will give to my first daughters will be conferred by my female angels, who have already received this authority by me in the flesh. These were given my authority in one of your healing classes you held in Utah County, Utah. Those female angels not physically in attendance at that meeting also came in the celestial realms and were present when I ordained them there. These female archangels and female angels now have my authority and hold the office of high priestess, ordained by me directly in their mortal probation. These will be the ones who will ordain the women in the new Church of Christ and in the New Jerusalem temple, soon to be built. Once other women are ordained in the flesh, they too may ordain others as I inspire them to do so. This is the time that my daughters will be clothed upon with my great love, light and power to act in my stead on the earth. It is so important that this happens , that the Father and I will cause the old church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to be removed and a new Church of Christ be reestablished. The leaders in this new church will be open and act in obedience to our directives to introduce the office of high priestess in this church. This calling and authority is part of the fulness of the gospel and is to be exercised and have place in my church on the earth with my daughters.

5. My authority of high priestess is to be carried and exercised by my daughters in this great millennial day ahead. I will inspire my high priestesses to act in all situations, in and out of the church, in blessing their families, and their brothers and sisters everywhere they may be. I will use my high priestesses to bless, enhance, make lovely and beautiful, all of my creations on the earth. They will provide a wonderful compliment to our sons who also hold authority from their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. Our intention is that our sons and daughters act with equal authority and power, in a complimentary way to fully bless our children on the earth and our many creations. We will inspire them to act in their authority as our choice and empowered sons and daughters.

6. When a child is ill and requests a healing blessing, it will be equally acceptable to have one of our sons who holds the Father's priesthood, or one of our daughters who holds my office of high priestess, to bless and heal them. We may also send our healing angels to act as our own conduits of healing to our needy child.

7. We will also have our sons and daughters, who hold our authority, to bless the earth and our many creations to flourish and grow, to be elevated to a terrestrial level of glory, and to have all enmity depart from their natures. We will make these changes through our sons and daughters equally as we inspire them to act in our behalf.'

8. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her beautiful truths she shared with me this morning! I told her how much I loved her and honored her and yearned to be near her. She smiled and then departed into the highest celestial realm, and was out of my sight. I closed my prayer.

9. I came this evening to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, near the waterfall. It is all so soothing and peaceful here! I love coming here after a normal day in my fallen mortal world in the telestial world that I live in. I knelt by the waters and drank and felt refreshed and clarified. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

10. Heavenly Father appeared quickly before me, above the circling waters! He was smiling and very majestic. I love being in his presence! He spoke to me: 'Raphael, you and your wife had an experience today where an acquaintance had a completely different view of your wife than she really is. Your wife is able to allow others to think whatever they might of her, without getting upset. This is how a mature person acts, who has self-confidence and doesn't let what others may think get them upset or change their perspective. Each of our adult children may see so differently what they view others or events or circumstances that seem to be just the facts. They judge each other and create stories of what the other person is thinking or what they are like, on little evidence. Many times they see themselves in a better view than their neighbor. Our children are able to justify almost any behavior they may have with some story to show themselves in a positive light and their neighbor negatively. We wish that our children would simply refrain from judging others and just let them be without making up a story about them. They are usually wrong in their judgments and stories they make up.'

11. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, I would like to address R.S.'s questions about the Nephites and what Jesus Christ did for them when he visited them. R.S. wondered if Jesus Christ shared with the Nephites 'energy works, spirit healing knowledge, and gifts.' He referred to the gifts of the Spirit that Moroni spoke of in Moroni 10:8-19. R.S. also wondered if these same energy healing gifts are now abundant among the Latter-day Saints in your days. He wondered if members with these gifts of healing and discernment would continue to be tolerated in this church.

A: When Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, came to the Nephites as recorded in 3 Nephi, he taught them his gospel of love and peace. He corrected falsehoods and then taught the people to live in harmony and love. Their culture was very accepting of all spiritual healing gifts and so there practices were readily accepted and remained with the people, even until Moroni's day when there were only a few believers in the true gospel as taught by our Son, Jesus Christ.

Energy work, as you call it, where our children have spiritual gifts of healing, (removing obstructions, clearing energy pathways, healing various spirit and physical ailments), was practiced in the days of the righteous Nephites. However, in recent years, we have inspired many more to develop various methods or modalities of healing. There are many more healing needs in your day, Raphael, than in the days of the Nephites, for the people are sicker in your day. Even though these healing gifts are not officially recognized by the LDS Church, they have become very widespread by us who have sent our children with these gifts to earth at this time. We have many healing angels and healers now, awakening to their abundant healing gifts. They use many ways, in what is commonly called energy work, to strengthen and help heal our needy children. These are truly gifts of the spirit, for we encourage these and give these as spiritual gifts to our children all over the earth. The work of energy healing will continue into the millennium and will remain a vital means of healing and blessing our children.

The current LDS Church will continue its efforts to promote accepted medical practices in the church and discount alternative energy healing methods. The Church will continue to promote everything authorized by current medical practices, whether or not these methods may harm or hurt our children receiving their treatment.

In the new Church of Christ, those saints in the Church will be encouraged to use their spiritual healing gifts. The gifts of the spirit will all be activated and shared by all to benefit the Church members. We will have our natural healing plants and healing foods promoted at all levels in the Church. The Church will align itself exactly with our healing methods that we will promote in the terrestrial world.'

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 27, 2019, Wednesday

1. I thought about what my Heavenly Father shared with me last night. I wondered why Latter-day Saints who believed in alternative healing methods, and not in the negative medical practices endorsed and promoted by the Church, still were so supportive of the Church? Those who support homeschool or home births have also been considered on the "fringe" of Church activity in the eyes of many leaders. Maybe this attitude is changing, but it seems the officially promoted and acceptable ways of living by the brethren do not include alternative healing work, homeschool, home births, and even conservative political views. This might also only be in Utah. It seems that many of these "fringe" members are very diligent in supporting the living apostles and the current doctrine and don't question the attitudes and policies of the LDS Church. I am curious why, or if my observation is just unique to me.

2. I came in my replicated unconscious mind to the celestial world this morning. I found myself at the overlook, looking over the Father's wheat field to the east. I saw the fallen oak tree below me and I saw the wheat growing tall in the field. I knelt and faced the field, asking one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

My Heavenly Parents both appeared to me in the air a few feet from the overlook! They were both smiling, full of light, and had such deep eternity eyes. I immediately felt peace in their presence!

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we try to influence our faithful children in the LDS Church and make inroads in areas of change that are alternative in the eyes of church policy, like spiritual healing gifts, teaching children at home instead of sending children to public schools, and other activities that may be witnessed to them by our Spirit. Were your Father and I to come and live in disguise among the Latter-day Saints, we would not follow the cultural norms that the active Saints follow, but we would follow our current ways of gospel living. We would be thought of as very different members of the community, with unusual ways and practices. However, in the millennial days, in the restored Church of Christ, we would be thought of as very normal.

As the current LDS Church on earth allows more apostate doctrines and practices into its acceptable ways of living, those who follow the Spirit are always considered unusual and different. We have withdrawn our Spirit from the leadership of the LDS Church now, so you may expect the discrepancies to become even greater, until it will be difficult to know a Saint from a sinner.

3. There are many Stake Presidents who believe they can make local Zion societies of the Latter-day Saints in their communities. These are delusions, for the people are generally becoming more and more worldly, thinking more of themselves and their own needs and desires.

Moroni saw these changes in the LDS Church and saw your day. He couldn't understand why the current Latter-day Saints wore costly apparel, allowed pride to enter into their personal lives, loved money and substance more than the poor and afflicted, and more. (See Mormon 8:35-40). He saw clearly that the Saints of the latter day church would pollute the holy church of God. It is nearly unrecognizable to us now, for the gifts of the Spirit are so lacking in your community, and the afflicted are passed by and not helped. Soon we will replace this dead church, as you see represented by the fallen oak tree below us, and bring forth our restored Church of Christ. This new church will be full of the gifts of the Spirit. My presence, the Holy Ghost, will be abundant among the members, who will be truly humble followers of our Son, Jesus Christ.'

4. She continued: 'Until that time, we will strengthen you and our faithful so you remain strong, even without a church that has the gifts of the Spirit. We will bless you for your efforts to remain faithful among the fallen and polluted church that once was filled with our blessings and presence.'

Heavenly Mother looked very compassionately at me. I knew she and Heavenly Father knew the difficulties of the times we live in on earth now.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Come Raphael, let's go look at my wheat field!'

I stood and all three of us traveled over the fallen oak tree to the wheat field. We remained a few feet above the nearly ripe grain. I saw many of the elect in the field that were becoming awakened, and were responding to the call of their Savior and their Heavenly Parents. They were being individually led and enlightened, all over the world. These were the elect of God! I knew that these individuals, represented by the growing wheat in Heavenly Father's field, were the elect who would hear the voice of God and be gathered, one at a time, by the servants of God.

6. My vision ended and I came back to my place where I was praying on earth. I felt comforted that God is carefully guiding the elect and blessing them.