A day's tomato harvest from our garden!
202. John the Beloved and the 144,000
I hope you are happy in your life, and enjoying these accounts I write about the New Jerusalem. There are several exciting revelations in this post that you will want to ponder and verify that they are of God.
Several of us were told about the 144,000 being called from the tribes of Israel on the island of the New Jerusalem. Read about how John will come early in September and spend time calling these servants, 12,000 from every tribe of Israel. As the world degrades into more chaos and calamity, so will these terrestrial servants begin to actively gather the elect of Israel from over all the earth, and bring them to the New Jerusalem.
I was also told more about the concept of a merged mind. I will actually be receiving this expansion of my mind upon my arrival in my trek to the New Jerusalem at the end of this month. This great blessing of a merged mind will help those of us who receive this to be able to consciously go into any of our replicated states in our conscious minds, not just in our unconscious minds. More will be revealed about this in the next post also.
As always, please pray about these things to know if they are true. In a time of so much mistrust and lies in our society, it is so important that we depend upon God and their revelations.
Warmly, as ever,
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

Our supposed 3 foot long carrots are growing here
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 5, 2021
1. I came this lovely sunny day to the west shore of the New Jerusalem island. I was in the celestial realm and was not visible to the workers below me. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
2. He immediately appeared at my side. Both of us were looking down on the work crews of the tribes of Israel. I saw carts drawn by horses being loaded with rocks and sand for the road construction, and or the perimeter walls nearby. I saw others who were building a boat or ferry, I thought. There were many people on the shore, very busy working.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, all of our able bodied individuals are laboring with their might in preparing this island for those who will soon be coming. They are all actively engaged in very organized work projects, even in those you shared with them from your Heavenly Mother (see your post 201B10). I have joined the men on this beach in disguise, and have greatly enjoyed their joy in working to build up Zion. They are cheerful in all of their arduous work. We have blessed them with our Spirit, and I have strengthened them physically in bearing their responsibilities.
4. Come, let us walk now among them in the celestial realm, so as not to be seen and to not disturb their work!'
5. Heavenly Father extended his hand and I stood and took it. We moved through the air to the water's edge on the shore. We were twenty feet from men shoveling sand into carts. One man began to sing a song familiar to the others, and soon was joined by many men. They kept working, catching their breath between shoveling and singing. They were smiling and sweating hard. I saw their foreman working side by side with them.
6. They had wooden shovels they had crafted. These held large quantities of sand in every scoop, similar to our modern day shovels.
7. We then walked a short distance to those working on the first ferry boat. This was all wooden with rope and straps of some kind that held the logs together. It was like a raft, with a design where large work animals would pull the ferry with ropes. The animals would pull the rope along a road, and the rope was attached to the ferry. These would be placed on both sides of the mighty river. Other ropes would help keep the boat from being pulled downstream, and to be pulled in a general straight direction across the river. These guiding ropes would be attached upstream on either side of the river to large posts on the opposite shores. The ferry was quite large and could carry carts, animals, and many people. This was planned to be completed in several weeks. I was told from Heavenly Father: 'Raphael, these people used this sort of ferry during their previous civilization on the inner earth, and have perfected its use and design. The ferry will be used to bring many of our weary travelers across the mighty river to the New Jerusalem shores. On each end of the ferry passing, there will be a wooden dock constructed. This will be where the boat will be loaded and unloaded. Many men and women are now making the heavy ropes necessary for pulling the ferry and for keeping it aligned properly in the water as it travels from shore to shore. When you arrive with your own trek of twenty people in several weeks, you will be one of the first ones to use the new ferry.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me these remarkable work crews, and their current projects! I told him I was particularly impressed by the very happy working conditions and attitudes of the laborers. I saw no taskmaster like their ancient ancestors had, that afflicted them in their burden (see Exodus 1: 11). Instead their foremen labored side by side with them, and joined in their songs!
9. My Father smiled upon them, and I could tell the Spirit of God came in their minds and hearts. Some were crying for joy as they kept working. This was all so remarkable to me!
10. My vision closed. I felt deep joy in knowing that Zion was being prepared for such remarkable people! I thanked my Heavenly Father again for this morning's experience, and then closed my prayer.
11. Evening-Tonight I was very tired after a full day of working and activities. I came to the circling waters and drank living water while kneeling on the shore. Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the waters. I looked up at her glorious face and was glad!

A look down one of the tomato bed rows
12. She spoke: 'Raphael, your life has been intensive on the telestial and terrestrial realms on earth. In both locations, in your activities around your home in Utah, and on the trek and the island of the New Jerusalem, you are busy. In all of your activities, no matter how pressing they might feel, take time to talk with those around you. Seek to have the peace of our Spirit, and listen to our still small voice throughout your day. Stay focused on one event at a time, and try not to worry or feel overwhelmed, for you will always get your work done and complete your tasks we may ask of you to do.
13. You have worked hard in all of your mortal realms today, on earth in Utah, while traveling on your trek, and in the New Jerusalem. You also have many assignments in our celestial realms as our angel of light. We are with you wherever you serve as we direct.'
14. I thanked her for her confidence in me. I bowed my head and she departed. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, August 6, 2021
1. I am up early before the others in my family are awake. This is a perfect time to meditate, pray and ponder. So much is happening all around me in my personal life it seems. I am very glad to choose to pause and connect to my Gods, both morning and evening.
2. I came to the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem, and knelt next to the pool, facing God's temple to the south. It was glowing with celestial light, and the spires had caught the first rays of the morning sun. I sought to commune with my Heavenly Father.
3. He appeared next to my side and spoke while he smiled upon me:
'Raphael, once you become a god with all of our powers and abilities, you will be extremely active with your creations and your own children. There will be no limits on how active you choose to become. To each of your beloved children you will be continually available, to assist them in their growth. You will hope they choose the path that you inspire them to follow, yet you will have no power to help direct them if they want a different path than you inspire them to take. They themselves need to initiate by their actions and choices to follow you or not.
4. You wondered yesterday about how to fully drop your expectations of others in your life, and how to derive peace and happiness in life independent of those you love. You talked to your wife about this also, wondering how to just accept and love your family and friends, independent of what they might choose and do in their lives. You know you have no power to influence them except by your love and acceptance of them.
5. This is the same for us who are Gods in eternity: we have no power to choose what our children will do. The influence of our great love and Spirit we send forth upon them may or may not be heeded. They only may choose to follow us or not. We observe and watch as they chart their lives by their own choices.
6. We need to find happiness and joy from those who follow our counsels, and not from those who follow their own paths or those of the adversary. Our greatest peace and satisfaction comes from our eternal companions and from our children, relatively few as they may be, who seek us and follow our promptings. These bring us continual joy and happiness. We have learned to drop our expectations from those who are not valiant in pressing forward in faith to do our will. These will have their rewards for what they choose to do to comply with eternal laws and our promptings.
7. You have been obedient to your Heavenly Mother and me, You are striving to do all we ask of you. We therefore magnify you and strengthen you by our power and Spirit, even to do more and grow more in our love. It is in us that you will find peace and joy, for we will always be ones to uplift and strengthen you to become even as we are. We will ultimately give to you all that we have.
8. Such is the path of our elect who put us first in their lives, and follow what we say to them. We will rejoice with them in their path of growth and service. These will become like us, their Heavenly Parents, as they continue to choose our ways and to keep our commandments.
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his uplifting words. I thanked him for giving me such wonderful guidance and continual direction. My prayer then ended and I began my day.
10. Evening-I worked until late on post 201. As a result, I did not record my prayer in my journal tonight.

Our 9 pound cabbage. Our next one was 12 pounds.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 7, 2021
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I met my Heavenly Mother there. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, when a friend or family member chooses to act in ways that you think they should not do, it causes sadness in you. This should be a temporary feeling you experience of thinking of their loss of opportunity to be happy and find lasting satisfaction. You wondered how to turn around your sadness, and to be happy again.
2. If you were to dwell on the person whom you think made a bad choice, this would only make you feel more sadness. A better way would be to pray to us, your Heavenly Parents, and seek for our blessings to be poured out upon them. Ask us specifically to do what we can do to help them. Then seek to drop all worry and concerns of that person, and seek to love and accept them without judgement. This may be difficult to do, but if you seek us and our help, we will help you. You have no power over that person in the choices that he or she makes, but you may give them more unconditional love. This is the greatest influence you have.
3. As you come unto us, we will help you attain peace and joy in other things and other people. You will know that you have done as we have asked of you. We give freedom to choose one's own path to everyone of our children. Their actions influence those who love them and are close to them.
4. We have great joy in our elect children who choose to follow our ways. We also become saddened when one of our children chooses not to follow our gentle guidance. We allow the sad feeling to have place for a time, but do not dwell on it. In these cases, we then think of our righteous who choose us, their Gods, and this brings us joy. This is the state we usually dwell on in order to maintain our peace and happiness.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her advice. I expressed my joy to keep her commandments, and to do all they ask of me to do. My prayer then ended.
6. Evening-I attended the baptism of my granddaughter this morning in my son's local LDS Church. While in the chapel and later at the font, I felt no Spirit of God whatever. I did see my Heavenly Parents in the top corner of the chapel in my mind's eye, but they did not come near anyone in the chapel. This all made me sad, even though I know why this was the case: the Spirit of God has left the LDS Church, and God didn't accept this ordinance as entry into his Church of Christ. The true Church of Christ is no longer on the earth at this moment.
7. I came this evening before my Heavenly Father. I was somehow in a vision back in the chapel that I was in this morning. Heavenly Mother was next to Heavenly Father, but Heavenly Father spoke the entire time. Here is what he said to me:
8. 'Raphael, the LDS Church is now similar to every other Christian Church of the land. They are all operated by men and women, and don't have access to our heavenly direction. We may individually direct a leader of one of these churches, but this is our personal direction for him or her, and not for their congregations.
9. Raphael, once the city of the New Jerusalem is mostly built up, with buildings to house our elect in congregations, then will we organize the Church of Christ, complete with a prophet and twelve apostles. This will be our terrestrial church, and will have our authority and power to administer the saving ordinance of baptism for our elect on the earth, and by proxy for the dead who are elected into the Church of the Firstborn. They who are chosen by Jesus Christ for entrance into our celestial church will receive this ordinance in the terrestrial Church of Christ. If living, they will be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Christ, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. If deceased, these ordinances will be administered to them in a terrestrial temple operated by the Church of Christ. Others may also be baptised as members of this church, awaiting their calling and election from Jesus Christ into the Church of the Firstborn.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear answer to my wonderings and sadness during my granddaughter's baptismal ceremony.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 8, 2021
1. I have received some emails from S.A. and S about the great preparations they are going through. They have received the direction to leave their home in Snowflake, Arizona next month, in September 2021, and trek to Zion. They are preparing horses and wagons, and everything they feel impressed to take with them. There is a lot to do, and somewhat overwhelming at times, they tell me. I have been praying for them. There are eight full weeks to the last week in September, and only four weeks until the first week when they could possibly depart.
2. I have been pondering over them, and others like them who will soon be prompted to walk to the New Jerusalem by foot. This requires lots of faith and assurance that God is directing them in their efforts.
3. I came this sabbath morning to the barren land of promise on the west side of the mighty river, opposite the island paradise of the New Jerusalem. I walked west across some of the land. There were grasses and trees already growing near the river shore, but nothing growing a short ways from the water's edge to the west. I knew this was the condition of the ground over the entire earth except at the New Jerusalem at this time.
4. I knelt facing west on the barren land. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
5. She appeared in the distance before me, and was walking towards me. I watched as she approached me. She soon came before me and stopped. She was wearing her Godly robes, but was not bright or shining. She was smiling upon me and spoke:
6. 'Raphael, the faith of our elect will be tested as we prompt them to prepare to come to the New Jerusalem, even while their current world is still intact with electric power and the conveniences of a modern society. However, this time is the best possible time to prepare for a trek, for much is still available to purchase and acquire. When your American society breaks down, and there is no more electricity available, it will be near impossible to assemble much in the way of needed supplies unless they are already purchased and stored. As a result, many of those who come later to Zion, during times of calamity, will only be able to hastily prepare what they can gather and carry with them in their backpacks.
7. We are blessing S and S.A., and their families in all of their preparations. They pray continually to us for direction and peace in their decisions. We are guiding them in all of their preparations, and they will leave when we finally tell them to depart. All will have been prepared ahead, for they act upon our promptings. Their journey will be a faith building and high growth experience for all of their group. We will be with them in their journey in every time of need. Once they begin their journey, we will bring them quickly into the terrestrial earth, even as your own trek of twenty souls experienced early on.
8. For yourself, print this week the remainder of your posts that you haven't yet printed, and have them bound. Future posts should be printed and kept unbound until we tell you. You will be able to assemble these last printed posts yourself at your home. When you come back for your records, these will be easily gathered, and will be all printed up to date. We will also want you to bring blank journals that you have previously purchased, plus pens to write with. These items are not yet available in the New Jerusalem. We want you to continue to record in your journals all that you experience and our revelations to you.
9. What you leave behind in your telestial world may be used by your children who live locally. You have prepared a great amount that may be able to sustain them in the upcoming times of trouble.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit and revelations to me. I said I would continue to seek her and Heavenly Father's guidance in my life, all throughout the day.
11. She smiled again upon me, and started to glow brighter and brighter in her glory. She then ascended up into the sky and was soon gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
12. Evening-Tonight I came to the terrestrial sky above the grassy area at the center of the island of the New Jerusalem. I met with my Heavenly Father here. I was kneeling, and he was before me. We both looked down on the grassy park below us. He then spoke to me:
13. 'Raphael, last Sunday, August 1, 2021, our elect tribes of Israel started receiving their gospel classes every evening. Tonight has concluded the eighth such teaching session among the 200 classes on the island. You have taught briefly these teachers about the Bible history since the northern tribes departed their land of Israel in 721 BC, when they were taken captive by Assyria.
14. You have taught about the apostasy of the Jews, and the advent of Jesus Christ to the earth. You have taught today of the crucifixion and atonement of Jesus Christ. You explained that their Redeemer Jesus Christ, rose the third day, as the first one resurrected. There was much joy and many tears among the tribes of Israel this week as these truths were revealed to them in clarity, accompanied with the Spirit of God! This information complimented their own records when Jesus Christ came and visited their ancestors after his resurrection.
15. This next week we want you to teach of the great apostasy since the church of the early apostles. Teach about the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith. Explain the fruits of the restoration in the establishment of the true Church of Christ, the restoration of the priesthood to the earth, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and other scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. Explain that after the martyrdom of the prophet Joseph Smith, the church soon became involved with the false doctrine of plural marriage. Tell about the migration of the church to the western part of the United States, and how you joined this church in 1967. Explain the modern apostasy of the church, and how we ultimately withdrew our Spirit and the keys of the priesthood from the heads of this church.
16. Give these people hope that soon the Church of Christ will again be restored with a head prophet and twelve apostles, even here in Zion in the terrestrial world. Explain the rights and offices of the priesthood, the office of high priestess, and the important ordinances administered in this church.
17. At the end of the week we wish you to tell all about the Book of Mormon, and how Hagoth traveled north and came to their inner earth, and how this was revealed to you. Relate the visitation of Jesus Christ to the righteous on the American continent, and how this teaching led to many years of peace. Explain that apostasy and falling away from the truth came in the fourth generation since the coming of Christ. Relate to them the sad story of the great destruction of the Nephite civilization. Reveal how the descendants of Lamanites, even the remnant of Jacob as spoken in the Book of Mormon, will soon be coming to the New Jerusalem. Tell them that many of the Gentiles will also come, as they are guided by the Holy Ghost. These teachings will take you through next Sunday, on August 15, 2021.'
18. I told my Father that I would teach these truths to the people. I thanked him for the abundant truths he has revealed to us in these last days. I expressed my love to him, and my determination to obey all of his words. I then closed my prayer.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 9, 2021
1. My wife and I are beginning to harvest our garden that is producing more abundantly, and is bigger than any other we have ever had in the past! I sometimes wonder why we planted so much. It is all organic. The abundance we have coming to us is very remarkable.
2. We have decided to eat as much as we can, fresh from the orchard and garden, and then to preserve the remains by freezing, putting in cold storage, drying, canning, or pickling. We want to keep as much as possible for the days ahead when the garden and orchard are no longer available. We have always done this to some degree, but this year we both plan to be even more involved for 2-3 hours per day.
3. I have thought about why would we do this when we will be gone to the New Jerusalem in a short time. I have felt we will do this for our children and grandchildren who will remain and who may be able to use it.

We planted several varieties of onions this year, sweet and long storage onions
4. I came to my Heavenly Mother in prayer this morning. I met her in her upper garden next to the pocketed rock flower wall. Here is what she spoke to me:
5. 'Raphael, my son, you have prepared well for the troubled times coming upon your land, so that you can become independent as much as possible. You are wise to eat your garden and orchard produce when it bears in its greatest strength and nutrition. Store what you don't eat or give away, and don't waste. Food like your garden produce will particularly be needed in the days ahead. It will not only sustain life, but bring health and strength to those who eat it. You are wise to store it away as you and your wife have planned. Your children and their families will have access to all of your food storage that you have carefully prepared for times of need.
6. D&C 89:10-11 14, 16
"And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; (Raphel, these will be available to all those in our terrestrial world in Zion, without the need to store these foods, for they will be ripe and fresh in their full flavor and strength when eaten); all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
. . . All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;
. . . All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground" (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).
7. Raphael, mankind will no longer eat the flesh of beasts as revealed in D&C 89:12-13, for this is part of the telestial mortal world, and not of the terrestrial. All animals will also eat plants to sustain their own lives.
8. When Noah left the ark, our Son Jesus Christ revealed to him that the flesh of animals could be eaten to save their own lives:
JST Genesis 9:10-11
"But, the blood of all flesh which I have given you for meat, shall be shed upon the ground, which taketh life thereof, and the blood ye shall not eat.
And surely, blood shall not be shed, only for meat, to save your lives; and the blood of every beast will I require at your hands."
9. This commandment given to Noah will be fulfilled and no longer in force for our children who enter into Zion in the terrestrial world. There will also be no more commandment to lay up and store food for a day of want or need, for the fresh food will always be in abundance throughout the year. At times of grain harvest, the grains may be stored for the coming year and for seed to plant at the correct time. This is also true for cold storage vegetables like potatoes and carrots. However, all fresh fruits and vegetables will be eaten during their own season of ripeness and harvest, when they are the most vibrant in nutrients.
10. We still want our sons and daughters to be provident and wise. However, the future will always be bright with no fear of future want or lack, for the earth will produce in great abundance and in its strength. Our children will share this abundance freely with each other, and love and serve one another. This will be the future world of our millennial day!'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her vision and new health code she revealed to me, for the millennial days ahead in the terrestrial world. I said I was excited to enter soon into such a wonderful world of such abundance!
12. My prayer ended, and I closed it in the name of Jesus Christ, the mighty king of Zion.
13. Evening-I came tonight to the fountain of living water on the celestial orb. I drank celestial living water and then knelt, facing God's temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
14. Heavenly Father walked out of the north door of the temple and came to me. He was brilliant and shining, and was smiling. I could tell he accepted me and loved me!
15. He spoke immediately: 'Raphael, you have seen that the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem is nearly identical to the one here on our celestial orb. The golden altar is also identical in size and shape. However, there are no ashes of a red heifer in this golden altar here, but the one on your earth is filled with the ashes of the red heifer. We have had our servant in every eternity, even from the beginning, burn a red heifer and preserve the holy ashes for the waters of separation ordinance. This has been the same entry ordinance for the Church of the Firstborn in each of our eternities of our children.
16. The ordinance of the waters of separation, and the recording of the names of the faithful in the Book of Life, both originated with our first parent Gods, even in their first eternity. This has continued with all the sons and daughters of God, in all of their own creations and domains throughout the universe.
17. Those who become members of the celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, join other gods who are also members of this same church, all over the universe. The entry ordinance is the same, and the recording of their premortal names in the Lamb's Book of Life is also the same. Copies of these records are also housed on the celestial orb of our first parent Gods, and the original record is preserved on the same earth where the ordinance was administered. These records all remain for all eternity in safe repositories.
18. Raphael, you see what you and Oriphiel are now doing every day but the sabbath, in administering and recording this first ordinance, which has a rich heritage across all the eternities of the gods. Everyone who receives this entry ordinance and recording will become a God in eternity.
19. Your Heavenly Mother and I received our ordinance and recording in our own eternity, during the millennium of our mortal terrestrial earth. We had both died previously, and came together as resurrected beings to the ones administering and recording these things. We received the followup ordinances in our own celestial temple on our earth, and finally were ordained a God and Goddess, a couple God, in eternity from our own parent Gods. This is the eternal pattern followed by all gods.
20. Our millennial classes that we will conduct for our own children who will become gods in eternity, will begin soon after Jesus Christ comes in his glory. These will last for the duration of the millennium.'
21. Heavenly Father walked over to the golden altar, and raised himself in the air above the altar. Smoke of incense burning then began rising and Heavenly Father rose up into the celestial sky with the smoke. When he departed the smoke and incense also stopped.
22. I closed my evening prayer. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelations tonight.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 10, 2021
1. I am going camping with one of my sons and his family tonight in our local mountains. This should be fun for all of us.
2. I reread my entry from last night. I received a confirmation of the truths about the practices of burning a red heifer, the waters of separation, and recording in a Book of Life in all other previous eternities of the gods. This understanding gives me a deep sense of being linked to all of the gods throughout the universe. I feel very humbled to be able to administer this saving ordinance to all of God's children in this current eternity, except Jesus Christ himself. I wonder if he ever received this same ordinance? I know he was baptized on the earth, to show us the way, and the great importance of this ordinance.
3. I came in prayer at the golden altar in the New Jerusalem temple this morning. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She stood before the altar and addressed me.

We're still getting chicken eggs, next to the oregano we grow
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ was ordained a God in the premortal world, even before he came to mortality and received his physical body. However, we still need to have him receive, sometime in the future, this ordinance and of his name to be recorded in the Book of Life. This was also required for all other Christs in other eternities.
5. The final ordinance and final recording in the Book of Life will be that of Jesus Christ. You will administer to Jesus, as your final act of the waters of separation ordinance on this earth where we are standing. Oriphiel will enter the name of Jesus Christ as the final name in the Lamb's Book of Life. When you and your own family who will be exalted, go through for yourselves in the New Jerusalem temple, Jesus Christ will also go through with his spouse, Mary Magdalene, and their celestial children. This will be the final session in the New Jerusalem temple. Our angels will administer these ordinances for you and Jesus Christ, and your families.
6. Once completed, all of the children of this eternity will then have received these ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple on the very earth on which they were born in mortality. Since we have already ordained Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to be a God, he will not need to receive this ordination again. He will, however, be the first one to be sealed to his spouse, and she to him in our own celestial temple in one of our sealing rooms. Once done, he will join us, your Heavenly Father and me, in sealing all of our other children as man to woman, and woman to man, in our own temple. Our beloved children will then only need to receive their own ordination as a couple god from us, their Heavenly Parents. This will finally be done on the resurrected celestial earth where they will receive their own inheritances.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her additional revelation to me this morning. I felt very satisfied that all was planned in detail so as to conform to God's holy mind and will. I said I loved her, and that I felt so grateful to be so richly enlightened in these new truths. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. I received this email from S.A. on 8-10-2021:
I very much enjoyed reading what you received in prayer these last two days. I feel such great peace, joy and awe to think of the great work of our Heavenly Parents in exalting their children to be couple gods in eternity. I said a little prayer after reading what you wrote and confirmed with my Heavenly Father the things you recorded to be true. Thank you for your openness to receive these truths! How exciting for you and your family to be in the same group with Jesus Christ and his at the end of the millennium!
I felt to share with you the following:
This last Sunday as I was sitting in Sacrament meeting, and listening to the sister missionary's homecoming talk, I was deeply moved upon by the Spirit. I felt my soul fill with a burning desire to share the message of the gospel with those who do not have it.
I thought of how unique this experience was and asked later about it in prayer. My Heavenly Mother said the following: 'We gave you this strong impression yesterday to teach you more about your calling as one of the 144,000. Many of our elect have not yet had the opportunity to hear the gospel and will be ready for it. When they are brought to the terrestrial realm and gathered to Zion, the 144,000 will also teach these, our elect children. You and your husband Tate will not only bring them safely to Zion, but will also teach them the gospel, as will all of our 144,000.'
I also asked if we are brought early on into the terrestrial realm for our journey, how will we join those whom we promised premortally to trek with us?
She spoke: 'You will be inspired when to go into the telestial realm, sometimes as a group, or sometimes a select individual or individuals from your group, to go and gather people along your way. As you stay close to our Spirit we will let you know how to accomplish our missions of gathering your group to trek together with yours to Zion. '
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for these truths and felt great love and peace from talking with her.
Thanks for your dedication to the great work you are doing in these last days!
With love,

Some of our melons for lunch
9. My response to S.A. from R on 8-11-2021:
"Thank you for your great email, S.A.! I was out of phone range as I was on a campout with my family. Hence, no journal entries for today from me, but surely one from you! May I share your beautiful revelations on this post 202? Thanks again for being so much in tune, and for sharing these with me. I know others will greatly benefit as well.
I'll be reading your email again several times, during the time of my needed rest and recuperation from my campout!
Your friend,
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 11, 2021
1. Evening-I returned home with my wife and son from an overnight campout. I had a good time, but pretty much orchestrated the whole thing myself, and became quite exhausted. I feel revived now, and wanted to connect to my Heavenly Father.
2. I came tonight to the desert oasis in the celestial realm. I had received an uplifting email from S.A. while gone on my campout. It is so interesting how she and others of the 144,000 may be in the terrestrial realm, and then go as directed by the Spirit into the telestial realm to bring the elect with them into the terrestrial realm. This is all so very interesting to me.
3. Heavenly Father came to me at the desert oasis. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, we will have our 144,000 servants reside in the terrestrial realm. Most will be located in the New Jerusalem or cities of Zion nearby. Their mission will be to come to the mortal telestial world as directed by our Spirit, and to contact and teach our chosen elect individual or groups of our elect. They will then have power to bring as many as will come back with them to the area of the New Jerusalem. This will be in fulfillment of the scripture found in D&C 77: 11, where Joseph Smith wrote that the 144,000 would bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn. This is meant as the location of the New Jerusalem.
4. When those who trek to Zion come into our terrestrial mortal sphere, and if they are called to be part of the 144,000, we may inspire them to go into the telestial realm and seek out our elect who are in that telestial mortal realm. They will be able to convince them by the Spirit of God that will accompany their teaching of truth, even as we inspire them. They may gather them to join them on their own trek to the New Jerusalem, or to bring them directly there if they already reside there.
5. When you come with your wife and son from your residence in Utah to the New Jerusalem, you will bring them from the telestial to the terrestrial realm. This miraculous movement will initiate others doing this as well. Those who have this particular mission are called as part of the 144,000. These will be our faithful men and women elect servants, called by Jesus Christ to gather and teach our elect.
6. Their great service will continue from the time you, your wife and son come to the New Jerusalem at the end of September, and extend even until Jesus Christ comes in his glory to the earth.
7. The great work of gathering has now begun! The 144,000 will be part of this great mission. We will also direct our angels and celestial servants to gather, teach and transport our faithful elect, and to bring them out of harm's way into a world of peace and safety.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words to what S.A. had received from her Heavenly Mother in prayer recently. I told him I was so thankful for the second witness I received from them.

Okra that we grew
9. I also said on my recent campout that I had listened at night to " I feel my Savior's Love," (song by Blake Walters, 2016), sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. While listening, I heard the choir sing those words in the second, fourth, and seventh stanzas:
"He knows I will follow him
Give all my life to him."
10. I said I had the impression that the LDS church members think this means to conform to the standards of the church, including following the president or prophet of that church, and obeying all they are told to do by their leaders. I said I felt at that time when I was listening on my phone to his music, that this phrase means to follow God, not man, or the institutions of man. It meant to obey the Spirit and the personal revelation that God may give to that individual. This may not be in conformance to others, or the behavior or expectations of others; in fact it often will not be so.
11. I asked my Heavenly Father if my feelings were correct. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the life and journey of our elect child will always be in a path and way of personal revelations and directions we give to them. We do not wish our elect to follow the crowd, but to follow us. They each need to do as we ask, and not what others may expect. This trial of their faith will help qualify them to be accepted by Jesus Christ into our Church of the Firstborn. He will never accept one into that celestial church who only does what others do, or in response to the expectations of others. They each need to follow our Spirit and obey our commandments, personally given to them.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have confirmed what I had received from the Spirit last night. I expressed my deep love for him. I also said I would keep his every commandment, and not heed that of man.
13. He smiled and departed. I closed my evening prayer.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 12, 2021
1. I read again what I recorded last night in my journal. I know that the literal gathering of Israel, or the elect of God scattered over all the earth, has begun. It will start quietly I believe, and grow in large numbers as the telestial world becomes a more hostile place.
2. I came this morning to the fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem. I drank celestial water, and then knelt by the nearby eastern tree of life. I also ate a leaf and a fruit from this tree. As I was finishing eating, Heavenly Mother walked up to me. She was radiant in her flowing white robes, and very beautiful. I was so glad to be in her presence. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I would like to explain to you the steps we will take in calling and activating our 144,000 servants. The large bulk of these are being taught in the 200 locations across the island of the New Jerusalem each evening. They are each praying to us to confirm the truthfulness of these new ideas and lessons, and know for themselves that they are from God. They thirst spiritually to be fed more and more of our revelations, even all of those 200 teachers that you teach and the congregations of their students over the island. Our Spirit accompanies them in all of these sessions. They are on fire spiritually, for each day they learn more and verify more in prayer to us. We are gaining a personal relationship with each of these, our very open and humble elect!
3. After you arrive on your trek at the end of August, 2021, you will reveal to the members of your trek your identity. You will also receive your merged mind. These prepared members of your trek will be fully accepted into the New Jerusalem, along with the tribes of Israel. They will participate also in the 200 groups in gospel teachings on our island.
4. As others who are also our elect come to our island paradise, they will join in these classes. They will all soon become gospel scholars, and will receive and confirm our truths, even as fast as they are taught. They also will receive abundant personal revelation, and develop a lasting personal relationship with us, their Gods. In this way, the spiritual strength and unity of our elect children in Zion will see eye to eye, or believe and act on what we reveal to them. Their combined knowledge and determination to follow us will become very great!

This is an okra blossom
5. In the beginning of September, 2021, John the Revelator will come among this people. He is among them now, but hasn't revealed himself to the people except to their prophet and a few others. Here is how this will happen:
6. You have been conducting teaching sessions each day to the 200 leaders on the grassy park at noon (see your post 201F26). You have only met with these teachers for eleven days, since August 1, 2021. Already they have experienced great revelations, and have been personally able to teach abundantly with our Spirit. This has been a huge success, and a spiritual feast to our humble elect students who have attended their classes each night.
7. At the beginning of next month, in September 2021, you will meet with John the Beloved, here at the fountain of living water in the morning. Your Father and I will meet with both of you also, and give you our revelations. The time will then come for you to formally introduce John to the 200 teachers at noon that very day. His mission will be to organize and choose, under the direction of his Father, Jesus Christ, the 144,000 servants who are then on the island of the New Jerusalem. Others who are not yet there will be called when he chooses.
8. You will introduce John at noon, and he will spend the hour teaching the teachers of the great work of gathering these people. You and John have received our own commissions to gather Israel from the four quarters of the earth. Together you will work in fulfilling this great role.
9. John will be working with the tribes of Israel at first, teaching their teachers on what to teach in the 200 sessions over the next few days. You, Raphael, will hold a meeting during those days in the celestial realm among our holy angels and celestial servants. You will charge them, in our strength and power, to more actively go forth among our mortal elect all over the earth. They will be directed to follow our Spirit in administering to our elect, teaching our truths from heaven, keeping them safe and protected, and helping motivate them to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem.
10. Both you and John the Beloved will work in orchestrating the great work of gathering Israel, our elect!
11. John will next divide up the 144,000 on the island of the New Jerusalem into their own twelve tribes. This will be according to what he wrote in Revelation 7: 4-8, wherein he named the twelve tribes or sons of Israel, each having 12,000 individuals.
12. Once these twelve groups are chosen, and willing to follow their calling to serve, you will come among them in one of their 7:00 pm sessions. You will come above the group in your celestial glory, and call forth the angels of heaven to come down among these twelve groups. They will then ordain them by the laying on of hands, in fulfillment of D&C 77:11-
"Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel-twelve thousand out of every tribe?
A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests (and high priestesses), ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue and people (Raphael, only the initial 144,000 will be gathered together at this time. Others will be added to their ranks from all the nations of the earth, after most of these are gathered by those who are the first ones called and ordained), by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth (Raphael, in your upcoming meeting in the celestial realms with our holy angels and celestial servants, you will be given our authority and power over the nations of the earth, and to transfer this very power to the angels of God. They in turn will ordain those elect mortals starting on the New Jerusalem next month, in September 2021. These are those whom John will have chosen to be the first ones of the 144,000 servants. This ordination by the angels of God will be all done when you rise up in your glory as our archangel of God, even above the 200 classes, and call forth these commissioned angels to ordain those called in their twelve groups.), to bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).
13. Raphael, our first ones of the 144,000 who are ordained by the angels will continue attending the 7:00 pm classes. During the daytime hours, they will be relieved of the work projects on the island, and will be wholly focused on their missions to gather Israel.
14. Once the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel are commissioned and actively working on their missions, you will meet with John the Beloved in planning our city, the New Jerusalem (see your post 201D7).'
15. I bowed my head before my glorious Heavenly Mother and thanked her for this remarkable revelation she shared with me. I said I would be fully obedient to her and Heavenly Father's direction.
16. She then rose up into the celestial sky above the tree of life. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. Evening-I met with my Heavenly Father tonight next to the golden altar, near to the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. I was kneeling before him, seeking more understanding about the 144,000 servants.
18. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you this morning about how those who are commissioned in the New Jerusalem to be part of the 144,000 would gather our elect. They will labor in the daytime, following our Spirit to go to specific elect individuals and groups of people in the telestial mortal earth. They will teach these, even while in their terrestrial robes that they wear in Zion. They may make multiple visits to our same elect, working in coordination with our angels and celestial servants. Some of our elect will have visitations of these angels or celestial servants, and will become convinced to come to Zion. They will also escape their ever difficult telestial world. Generally, the 144,000 will hold their hands and then, by their intention, move with them into the terrestrial area surrounding the New Jerusalem.
19. When these newcomers arrive, they will still need to pass the guards. These guards will be stationed at the perimeter of the island, next to the wall entrances that will be mostly completed by the end of this year. The gates by the four river exits through the walls will be completed next year. The guards will have our Spirit, and be ordained to judge the heart and mind of our elect who seek to enter into the New Jerusalem, and into any of our Zion cities. Once these guards approve of the elect whom the 144,000 bring to the New Jerusalem, they may enter. These new citizens will then be put to work to build the city, to gather the elect, or to do whatever might be assigned to them to accomplish. In the evenings they will join the gospel classes and be taught our truths.
20. The initial calling of the 144,000 will be chosen by John the Beloved as 12,000 from each tribe of Israel. As others arrive in the city, they may swell the ranks of their own respective tribe. The total number of 144,000 will soon grow more than this number, but will still be referred to as the 144,000. Both men and women will continue to be called by John and then ordained by the angels of God. In this process, the angels will ordain them to be high priests for the men, and high priestesses for the women, if they hadn't previously been ordained. The angels will commission them and empower them to use their own portals to bring others to the terrestrial realm from the telestial realm. Their unique clothing they will wear, their robes of the terrestrial world, will distinguish them from the mortal telestial people. They may come and go by moving back and forth from one realm into the other. If they hold others, they may also bring those with them and leave temporarily or permanently with them. This will be a way for them to escape their enemies and avoid detection if that needs to be done.
21. Our 144,000 will receive the Spirit by the prayer of faith. They will be guided in all they do by our Spirit that will emanate from them. Our elect will recognize their mantle of power and authority, and the truths they teach. We will go before them, and support their faithful efforts with our angels and the celestial hosts of heaven. Blessed are our latter-day servants, for they will obey us their Gods in all things, and great will be the harvest of many souls of our elect!
22. Language barriers will not be an obstacle, for the gift of tongues will be commonplace. All of the gifts of the Spirit will be abundant with our faithful servants, whether they serve in the telestial, terrestrial or celestial realms.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional truths he shared with me. I felt at peace, and clear minded as these truths flowed into my heart and mind from my Father.
24. My prayer ended, for my Father faded away into the celestial air near the golden altar. I closed my prayer.
25. I received this email from S on 8-13-2021 entitled "144,000":
I prayed in regards to the information you received yesterday. It is amazing to learn how these scriptures that we have read throughout our lives are now being fulfilled in reality. Here is my journal entry from this morning.
8/13/21 AM
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I desired to know the truth of what Raphael recorded in regards to the 144,000. I had read the references in Revelation 7: 4-8 and D&C 77: 11.
Both my Heavenly Parents called to me. I came to their sides on the grassy hill in the New Jerusalem where Raphael meets with the 200 teachers daily. They were both happy and smiling, and I felt great joy in their presence.
Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Our beloved son Gideon, this is the location where Raphael meets daily with the 200 teachers to give them instruction and learning to share with the 200 classes each evening. We are causing our truths to be disseminated in an organized fashion. These students in turn are teaching their families in the home and confirming these truths with us in prayer. These tribes of Israel are being readied at this time to be called from within their individual tribes to be part of the 144,000. You see now how the scriptures that you read and considered since your youth are coming together according to our word and decree. These individuals have cast off the cares of the world and only seek to do our will. Their journey to the New Jerusalem prepared them for this calling. Jesus testified of this gathering and teaching of the tribes of Israel to the Nephites (3 Nephi 20: 22, 29-30). Yet the promise remains to the gentiles, that if they repent, they may be gathered too. This pertains to our children within the LDS church and those scattered throughout the earth.
You read yesterday the directions of the First Presidency in the LDS church urging all members to be vaccinated. Our children throughout the earth are lost and confused. The timing of selecting the 144,000 coincides with the great need to rescue our children from deception, darkness and lies. Our elect are awakening to the reality that they must seek us for truth and not rely on man. These rescue efforts will begin in September when John the Beloved, under the direction of Jesus Christ, organizes and directs these efforts through the twelve tribes of Israel.
Record these words for they are true and faithful. All may know for themselves too if they ask us, their Heavenly Parents, in prayer.'
I felt deep joy for the understanding of these scriptures that will soon come to pass to bless the earth. My Heavenly Parents departed and I closed my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, August 13, 2021
1. I received a beautiful email from S this morning about a confirmation of what I had received from Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I have included it above this morning's entry. It is very good to have another witness from such a faithful man as S!
2. I too rejoice that the 144,00 are now being taught the fulness of the gospel, even as recorded by Jesus in 3 Nephi 20:30
"And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fulness of my gospel shall be preached unto them."
3. This refers to the house of Israel (see verse 27, same chapter). This teaching of the gospel is being now extended in its fulness to them, even within the borders of the New Jerusalem.
4. Soon many of these faithful souls will be called and will accept the call from John the Beloved to be part of the 144,000, and then this prophecy in 3 Nephi 20:35 will be fulfilled:
5. "The Father hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations (this will be by the frequent visits of these 144,000 to the elect over the earth, in sessions where these elect students will be taught the fulness of the gospel in great power, and by the Spirit burning in their bosoms); and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of the Father; and the Father and I are one." (words in parenthesis from R).
6. As I was pondering all of these things, my Heavenly Mother appeared before me, smiling broadly. We were on the grassy hill at the New Jerusalem.
7. She spoke: 'Raphael, a great mystery is about to be fulfilled here upon this hill in the New Jerusalem. Our servant John will be introduced to the 200 teachers by you, and will teach this people for several days. He will reveal the great assignment from us, the Father and Mother, and his Father Jesus Christ, to these teachers of the tribes of Israel. He will then in turn appear among all the people and spend a few days calling and organizing those who will be part of the original 144,000 servants. When all called, you will then arise in your angel glory among them, in the sky so all may see you, and call forth our angels to ordain those called by John.
8. We revealed to you in September 2016, nearly five years ago, about the angels who would ordain the 144,000 servants (see your post 24G10 to 24G11, 24G19, and 24G22 to 24G29). We will send forth the female angels to ordain the women of the 144,000, and male angels to ordain the men.
9. There will be many angels doing this. They will confer on the 144,000 the power over the nations of the earth, even as we will empower you, and you will in turn pass this authority onto the angels. This power will also include gathering Israel from the four quarters of the earth, from all nations. We will gather our elect, and have them brought to Zion, even the New Jerusalem.
10. The angels will complete their ordinations of the 144,000 in one day, for we will allow them to be replicated so as to accomplish this great action.
11. Once ordained with the Father's priesthood, and my office of high priestess, and commissioned by the angels of God, they will go forth the next day to start their great mission of gathering Israel!'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words. Oh, how exciting this all is! She and I were both smiling broadly and crying. She then stepped backwards and disappeared in the air.
13. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
14. Evening-It has been very interesting where our Heavenly Parents are leading their work at the New Jerusalem. Only a few days ago I had no idea about the 144,000, or how they would be called, ordained, and sent forth into the world. It is very remarkable how all of this is orchestrated by God, even to fulfill ancient scriptures and to fit in so perfectly with the way things are on the island, with the evening classes and all. I truly am a spectator in all of this orchestration by God, and am continually awed by the magnitude of these great plans and actions!
15. All the while this is going on, I am in my telestial mortal home in Utah. I am curious how everything will come about, with my merged mind, then with my movement with my wife and son to the New Jerusalem next month. This will all be so very exciting.
16. I came this evening to the west shore of the mighty river. I could see the island of the New Jerusalem across the river. I saw there were large timbers in place on which the ferry would be secured with heavy ropes. I saw what seemed to be lots of progress on the ferry crossing.
17. I came a little further west to a hill and faced the river and the distant island. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
18. He appeared to my east, so that he was in front of my view of the New Jerusalem. He spoke right away: 'Raphael, you will come to this hill on the morning of Monday, August 30, 2021, in just a little over two weeks' time. You will come with your entire trek of twenty people. It will be with great emotion that all of you view for the first time the mighty river, and the island of the New Jerusalem!
19. By then, this ferry boat will have already made a few trial runs. Your group will be the first ones to board, with all of your people and provisions, and be pulled across the mighty river to the opposite shore.
20. The tribes of Israel will have come near this very location six weeks before your arrival with your trek. You will be the next arrival after them to this island. This will begin the arrival of others of our elect who will come, slowly at first, but by the end of the year, several times a week.
21. Once the 144,000 are called and ordained, they will also start bringing more of our elect in their own portals to the island. We will ramp up the work of gathering from the four quarters of the earth!'
22. Heavenly Father pointed toward the west behind me. I turned and saw a beautiful sunset. The sun was just lowering over the horizon, and the sky and clouds were brilliant reds and oranges. I watched for a minute and then turned to look at my Heavenly Father and he had departed.
23. I thanked him in my mind for his revelations tonight, and for having come to me in my prayer. I closed my prayer.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 14, 2021
1. I read this morning on the AVOW website (LDS member subscription online discussion boards), how so many LDS people are reacting to the recent First Presidency announcement about COVID-19. They want members to get "vaccinated", and want us to trust and follow government and medical authorities. They want us to social distance and wear masks when this is not possible.
2. It seems many are in an uproar over this, and say we need to follow the prophet and First Presidency, for "they cannot lead you astray." I think they will lead the people astray, for they are men who are not inspired by God nor God's Spirit.
3. I have mourned much for the fall of the LDS Church in the past. I look forward to Zion, the New Jerusalem, and will not be shocked by anything the churches of the land or governments may do. They can't know the mind of God unless they connect to God, which I feel isn't happening. I pray for the faithful elect in the LDS church and in other churches in the land to connect to God in prayer: lay aside your prejudices and beliefs of infallible men, and seek to receive the Spirit of God. Be humble and open, and be willing to hear directly from God the Father, Heavenly Mother, or Jesus Christ. Seek true revelation, and lay aside all beliefs and opinions of man. When the revelation and truth comes, have courage to obey and act in the way God reveals.
4. These are defining moments for the faithful elect. Oh, I pray they choose to follow what God speaks to their souls, and not what man may say. There is only safety in following our Gods!
5. I came this morning in humble and open prayer. I came to the fountain of living water on the celestial orb. I drank living celestial water and felt clarified. I knelt by the fountain and offered up my petitions to my Heavenly Mother whom I sought would come in answer to my prayer.
6. I prayed for the elect, chosen by God, to seek God in prayer, and to lay aside the doctrines and commandments of men and women, that are masked as from God. I yearned for my family, friends and acquaintances, and all those I didn't know as well. I prayed to my Heavenly Mother, that she would send forth her Holy Ghost upon these faithful elect, so that they might be best influenced to come to God, hear God's still small voice of mildness and peace, and obey what God says.
7. Heavenly Mother then appeared in the fountain of living water, and stepped forth from the water into the air to speak to me. She was shining and very clear and majestic. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you have been faithful, and you have obeyed our counsels and not that of men or devils. You have rejected the ways of the world, and clung to our words, and followed exactly what we have directed you. You are our angel of light and our prophet, through whom we will work our great latter-day events. We will call, ordain and commission many more of our faithful elect to help us in this great effort of gathering Israel, our faithful elect, from all over the earth. We will lead those who come to us in humble and open prayer, and bring them, if they are willing, to the terrestrial realm where we have established the New Jerusalem. They each need to follow us and lay aside the counsels and directions of mortal man. They need to confirm all things with us, their Gods, and then we can safely guide them to our beautiful future millennial world.
8. Raphael, we love each of our children who are in their mortal probation on earth. They will experience more calamity and difficult decisions in their telestial mortal world in the coming days. We will use these trials to help refine them, to guide them into a better world. However, for none of these can we guide and help unless they ask of us, and sincerely are willing to do as we direct them and gently lead them. This is the great day of their choosing whether to follow God or man.
9. Mosiah 2:41
"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God (and not the commandments or persuasions of men). For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven (and brought into the higher realms, even to Zion during the remainder of their earthly days), that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness (and among the righteous elect during the remainder of their mortal days in Zion). O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother). "
10. I thanked my beaming Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words about the upcoming choices her elect will need to make. I said I would be true to God and be faithful to the end of my days. I said I sought to be in Zion with the pure in heart who also wanted to keep the commandments of God.
11. Heavenly Mother then smiled as she rose up into the celestial sky, and was soon gone. I closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ, who always sought to do God's will even above his own.
12. Evening-I came tonight to visit with my Heavenly Father at the desert oasis. When I came there, I was kneeling next to the bench facing the oasis, and Heavenly Father was sitting on the bench. He had his hand on my shoulder. He spoke to me:
13. 'Raphael, you enjoyed the visit today of your oldest daughter, her husband and two boys. She and her husband asked you and your wife all about how she was raised, and how you raised her. You will find when you ask any of your other children they will have a completely different memory of how they were raised. They each have now chosen their own life and path they wish to live. If married, they have intertwined their own stories and memories with their current beliefs and standards they have chosen with their spouse.
14. Do not feel that you did anything less than your very best at the time you were raising your seven children in your home. Your Heavenly Mother and I watched you and your wife, and saw how sincere and full of purpose you were in your parenting. We inspired you and you responded to our gentle promptings. We are pleased with the life you and your loving wife have lived up to this point on earth. We feel welcomed as unseen guests in your discussions and in your home.
15. As young parents grow in their responsibilities, they mature and gain wisdom. By the time their children leave their home, the children often will not seek advice, for they want to be independent and choose for themselves. As time passes, these same parents turn into grandparents, and grow older. They become less important to the rising generation, for the young ones want to be with their own parents until they themselves are launched into adulthood. Often the grandparents and great grandparents become more and more removed from the newest youthful generation, and seem to fade away. This is one reason why we give the commandment to honor one's father and mother. There is much that the older generation may be able to impart to the younger family members.
.16. Your influence in your own earthly family in the telestial world continues to wane as your children have their own children, and become the focus of their upbringing. Advice and counsel usually is not important from the older generation, and the young families will do as they choose. The best policy is to accept and love your children and grandchildren, without giving advice or judgment. Accept them just as they are, and don't try to change them. Love them as the wonderful adults they have grown up into, without any agenda or plans to change them. This will give you the most influence you can possibly have in their lives.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful counsel. I said I would seek to accept each one of my children exactly as they are, and try not to change them.
18. Heavenly Father smiled and quietly departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 15, 2021
1. I am glad for the rest from work that the sabbath day brings. It is a good time to reflect on what I do each week, and to plan out the upcoming week's activities. Public school starts this next Wednesday in our area, and the summer is waning. We are in the midst of harvesting from our heavily producing garden. There is much work to do to lay up in store our food that we have grown, and to share with family and neighbors.
2. It is hard to think that only four weeks ago I dedicated the north portion of the New Jerusalem temple. So much has happened, in quick succession, on the island.
3. I came this morning to the western tree of life on the New Jerusalem. I plucked and ate a fruit of the tree of life. I also ate a leaf. I thought of who I could help and serve, and what I could do to buoy up their spirits. I immediately thought of my wife, son and daughter who live in our house. I will try to uplift them today.
4. Heavenly Mother then appeared to me by the tree of life. I knelt before her, and gazed upon her beautiful face. I felt the love and light of her countenance come into me, and give me peace and joy.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, we are pleased when our children serve one another, and think of ways to encourage and lift each other. Your Father spoke to you last night of being accepting and loving to your family members. These Christian traits are how we wish our elect to interact with each other. Such love and kindness is the hallmark of Zion. As our people do this to each other, our people will become united in purpose and will bring down among them the powers of heaven by their actions. By doing this, all of our mortal children in Zion will live in peace and love.
6. Starting tomorrow, teach the 200 teachers about Zion, and the principle of love and service that needs to be on the mind and in the hearts of our elect. Teach them the laws of Zion that we have taught to you, as will be given to you by our Spirit. Tell of the great acceptance all need to have of each other.
7. Speak also of the necessity of having border guards soon called that will protect the New Jerusalem and future cities of Zion from those who may not yet be ready to live the higher standards in Zion. As soon as you arrive on your trek in a few weeks, you will initiate these to be called. They will then be able to admit future travelers who may come to Zion according to our spirit of discernment and judgment.
8. This upcoming week, teach the 200 teachers all about the truths taught through Joseph Smith, the prophet, in the Doctrine and Covenants. This will take you the entire week through next Sunday, August 22, 2021. We will speak to you at that time about what to teach the last week prior to your arrival in person on your trek, on August 30, 2021. You will have your copy of your scriptures with you when you arrive.These will be duplicated by our power so that copies will become available to each of the 200 teachers. They will be able to start reading from these scriptures the passages that you initially select. The language barrier will not be a concern, for we will pour out the gifts of the Spirit in great abundance so that all will understand in their own language.'
9. I then received the Spirit of God in vision in my mind of what I was going to teach from the D&C, day by day this next week. I also saw in vision me handing out to the 200 teachers their own copies of the four standard works, all bound in a quadruple combination like my own. I saw that section 132 was deleted from their copies (I knew this had been fabricated to be of God but it really was of man and not of God), and the two official declarations were not included in these duplicated copies of the D&C. The Joseph Smith Translation was included, as was the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Pearl of Great Price. The index and topical guide were included, but I think somewhat modified.
10. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for this revelation into what I was to teach this week to the tribes of Israel. I felt very pleased to have been given such clear directions.
11. Heavenly Mother then walked around the trunk of the tree of life and was gone. I closed my prayer.
12. Evening-This afternoon I was praying to my Heavenly Father while taking the sacrament. I had the distinct impression that I would start gradually receiving my merged mind over the next two weeks. In two weeks from tomorrow, I will arrive at the New Jerusalem with my trek of twenty people. I thought when I would arrive, my merged mind will be completed. I would like to confirm all of this in my prayer tonight.
13. I came this evening on the western shore of the island of the New Jerusalem. I knelt on the sand facing the mighty river, and asked that Heavenly Father come to me in my prayer.
14. He immediately appeared in the air before me. He was smiling and spoke to me right away:
'Raphael, you are kneeling on the shore where you will disembark from the ferry with your trek on the morning of August 30, 2021. At that time you will meet another of your replicated selves who is now on the island, and you will become one replicated terrestrial being. This will not be noticed by anyone on your trek. They will, however, wonder how you already will be on the shore wearing the same robes as the tribes of Israel. It will then be that you will then welcome all the other 19 members of your trek onto the island. You will reveal yourself as Raphael who traveled with them as R on their trek. You will tell them that God has directed you, a mortal angel of God, to help build this island of the New Jerusalem. You will tell them you are the same archangel named Raphael that they may have read about before in the scriptures or elsewhere. You will say to them that you stand in the presence of God with the other archangels of God.
15. You will then bring your group of travelers to the island to camp and to rest from their long journey. You will also introduce them to guides provided by the tribes of Israel to help them in all of their needs. Your trek group will rest for a full week before they will be called upon to join in building up Zion.
16. In your two week transition to having a merged mind, starting tomorrow, August 16, 2021, you will gradually notice little changes. It will soon become easier to jump in your mind from one of your replicated beings to another, and then back to your own mortal self. You will consciously feel that you are in your replicated being if you desire to be in that state. You will not actually be there yet, for you will remain in your mortal self in Utah. However, your mind will consciously be able to feel and think as if you were actually in your replicated body where you are thinking about being. This awareness will be so very real that you will momentarily be consciously there in reality in your mind, rather than mentally in your mortal self in Utah.
17. This experience will become commonplace to you during the month of September. It will give you the confidence to be able to move with your wife and son later in the month of September 2021 in physical reality to come to the New Jerusalem with them, bringing them in your own portal. You will have done this multiple times by this final and permanent time that you move there with them.
18. There will be others of our servants who also soon will experience this gift of a merged mind. We will reveal this great gift and blessing of God to them individually, even as we will. You will be the first one who will start our bestowing of this great gift of God coming among certain of our mortal angels and mortal celestial servants.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable promises to me over the next two weeks! I thanked him deeply for this great blessing soon coming into my life.
20. I said I had another question that I wanted to ask him. This was about how controlled giving and service would be conducted in Zion. I said my wife had been asked to be on a welcoming committee of sisters in our LDS ward. When she noticed a new member family on our video sacrament meeting today, she wanted to go visit them. Her committee head was very slow and not responsive. My wife was told today that she needed to work under the committee head to visit this new move in, and to wait for her direction.
21. I asked my Heavenly Father if this was how the inhabitants of Zion will be expected to serve.
22. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we love when our sons and daughters choose for themselves, without any calling or assignment, to help and serve each other. We would prefer this immediate action of love be given, instead of waiting to be called or assigned. There should never be any hesitancy on the part of our child to help, welcome, love or serve another, even if it is later to be coordinated with the scheduling of meals or other services. We would rather have our children respond to our Spirit to serve another in need at the moment we inspire them. This will always be the law of Zion, and the first choice of service among her citizens.
23. There will be occasions where members of our Church of Christ, or neighbors who decide together to serve another in need, where coordination and more elaborate or extensive work efforts are made than one alone would be able to do on their own. These will be important ways that our people may be assembled to serve others in need. However important that these may be, they should never supplant the goodwill efforts of our individual or families responding to our Spirit in serving another in need.'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction to my question. I thanked him in answering all of my questions that I may ask of him. He departed soon, and I saw him leave over the mighty river to my west. I then closed my prayer.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 16, 2021
1. I reread what my Heavenly Father told me last night in my prayer. I felt the confirmation of the Spirit when I sought to know if this was all really true. This Is very exciting to me!
2. I came this morning in my prayer to the garden area just northeast of the New Jerusalem temple. I found a secluded spot and knelt in prayer. My Heavenly Mother appeared to me here. She extended her hand and I stood and took it. We then walked hand in hand around the celestial lake on the path. She spoke to me while we walked:
3. 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Father shared with you last night, about the gradual way you would receive your merged mind, is true. This is how we always operate in our mind, for we are always replicated multiple times over. We know instantly what we are doing in all of our states of being. These thoughts are shared as one mind to us. We therefore have a very high level of a merged mind, even that of being a God.
4. You will not have such a high level of a merged mind as we have, for you will still be mortal. Instead, you have a conscious state in every one of your states of being. This will continue. However, you may instantly mentally transfer from one conscious state in your mind to another conscious state.
5. When you do so, you will consciously be in that other replicated state of being. You will still be able to function in your previous mortal or replicated state of being, but you will not consciously be aware of what you are doing in that previous state of your active mind. This will be the manner that you will be able to function in the millennial days ahead.
6. Were you wanting to move consciously into one of your other replicated states of being, you could do so instantly. You will then actually be there in your conscious self. Your other states of being will continue to also function normally, for these will still be replicated states. Were you to close out one of your replicated states, you may do that. Also, you may choose to become replicated in a new state of being and that would happen, even as you intended to do so. At any point, you may consciously be in an active state of mind in any one of your states of being.
7. This ability is not our full capacity of a God, but of what we call the blessing of a merged mind. It allows you, who are still mortal, to be replicated and to freely move mentally between one state of being to another, only by your intentions. After you come in your physical person to the New Jerusalem, your future replicated states will all be in the celestial realm.
8. This is the way you may instantly travel across great distances. You may wish to be replicated and be on our celestial orb. You then may wish to consciously be in this replicated being, and then you will fully be there. You may then remove your previous state of being if it were a replicated state. Your transfer to our celestial orb would then be completed. This entire process may be done very quickly so it appears to be instantly done.
9. In all of your states of being, you will need to always maintain your base state of a mortal being. This is similar to me needing to always maintain a base state of being resurrected. I may replicate myself in either a resurrected or a spirit only state. I have chosen to mostly appear to my children in a spirit only state, which state I am before you now, holding your hand. I know what all other states of my being are doing now too, all in my Godly mind at the same time. This you will not yet be able to do until you become a God like me. However, the great gift of a merged mind for our mortal children is a very great power and gift we will bestow upon you. We are doing this because of your great mission to labor in our celestial temple each day. This gift will allow you to fully function in that calling with full consciousness and awareness in your active mental mind.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her additional details of what a merged mind is. I thanked her for extending to me this great gift of God. I asked her to help me perceive this change over the next two weeks as I become fully aware of my merged mind.
11. She smiled and let go of my hand. Heavenly Mother then faded away, and I closed my prayer.
12. Evening-M.A. wrote me an email about my merged mind which I discussed last night and this morning. She wondered how each replication would have a conscious mind, and yet not know what is happening in each other conscious mind of each replication. It is difficult to understand.
13. When I edited the entry from today that I had typed up, I included a sentence that I felt I should, that once I arrive in the New Jerusalem in my physical mortal body all future replications would be only celestial replications (this was in post 202L7 above). See also my post 171A12, which says that when my replicated terrestrial body arrives and meets my first replicated body, it will become one replicated body. Then once I personally come in my mortal physical body with my wife and son, I will become one physical body, never to become replicated in a mortal physical body again. I will, however, continue to be replicated frequently, as a celestial archangel whom I am. See also my post 197H5 and post 173I14-173I16.
14. I sought tonight for more clarification on how this merged mind really will work. I also wonder how my unconscious mind enters in, and if this will come more to the forefront of activity.
15. I came tonight to the fountain of living water. I met my Heavenly Father who spoke to me and said these words:
'Raphael, the discussion of your merged mind will really only be understood once you experience this great blessing. I will try to clarify some particular characteristics of it so that you might better recognize it happening to you.
16. Up to this point, you have connected to us, your Heavenly Parents, in your unconscious mind. This will still be our manner in usually communicating with you. This is the medium through which our Spirit comes into you and whispers to you our gentle promptings.
17. Your unconscious mind is also the medium through which your spirit communicated to your physical body. It is linked carefully with your brain and central nervous system in your physical body. This is where your autonomic nervous system operates from, all controlled by your spirit which functions through your nervous system in your body.
18. The way we communicate to you will continue to be through your unconscious mind, through our Spirit, and by our voice that you hear in your mind. This is unchanged in your merged mind.
19. Your merged mind will allow you to understand the conscious states of being in your replicated states of being. Once you come to the New Jerusalem in your physical mortal body, all of your replication states will be in the celestial realm. Each of these states of being will have a conscious mind with which you act and function through. With your merged mind capability, you will be able to quickly jump mentally from one state of consciousness to another, between your mortal physical mind and to any replicated state of being. When you do so, it will be as if you are in that replicated state in reality. This is not really the case, for you will still be a mortal on the earth. However, your merged mind will allow you to quickly understand what you are doing and thinking in any of your replicated states.
20. We who are Gods are able to comprehend all the states of our conscious replicated states at the same time. However, you will have to go to each state, one at a time, in your conscious mind to comprehend whichever state you wish to be in mentally. When you do so, it will be as if you are consciously in that state only. This is the capability of the blessing of a merged mind for our mortal child.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarification. It is still hard to understand, so I am going to wait and seek to understand this process when it gradually changes in my mind. I am excited and very interested in this change and process.
22. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.