123. The Spirit of God
Posted 6-6-2019
We talk about the Spirit of God, and the scriptures refer to the Spirit very frequently. But what is the Spirit exactly? You'll find it in this post. I was told this mystery was reserved by them to be revealed at this time!
I am back from my recent trip to Oregon this past week! You'll find pictures from my recent trip here. I love trees and flowers, so there are lots of those!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
Mt. Hood from the airplane
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 21, 2019, Tuesday (continued)
1. Evening–I just watched a movie with my wife for our anniversary named "Secret Ingredients". We both were motivated by this movie–all about the severe health problems of our society due to GMO foods, glyphosate (Roundup) and other poisons that have entered our food supply, and other issues. It is truly a scary time for us and our children and grandchildren!
We are going to make a more concerted effort to buy organic and non-GMO food and particularly to eat as much as we can from our garden, greenhouse and orchard.
2. Tonight I came to the orchard of trees on the Northern slopes of Lake Beautiful. The trees were at various stages of blooming and fruiting it seemed as I walked up from the shore of the gentle slope. I felt so comfortable and at peace here!
3. I knelt among the trees, looking south, back on the lake. The celestial sun was still in the sky, and I was very clear and perceptive it seemed. I prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come to me tonight.
4. Heavenly Mother then appeared next to my right side, next to an apple tree with little growing apples just after the flowering state! She was radiant and seemed very happy, for she was smiling broadly. I felt her love and acceptance of me.
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your health will take a leap of improvement when you try to eat cleaner foods that are not modified by genetic engineering and are organically grown. Your best food source will still be from your own garden, greenhouse and orchard.
6. We have our holy angels reversing much of the great pollutions found in your food sources, on your lands and in the water, However, even with our big efforts, people will continue to become ill at alarming rates, and slowly poisoned. Without my intense light of the Holy Ghost transmitted through my angels to the earth, there would be far more pollution and rapid onset of excessive health issues and death. These are dark days of having pollutions on your planet, in the telestial sphere!
7. You also wondered about how fast you should proceed with indexing your past posts. We desire that you use all your available resources to index your posts. Once those are indexed, from the most recent posts backwards to the first, then you still need to make these into web-based links. Please proceed as we will inspire you, with an urgency to complete these.'
8. Heavenly Mother then paused and looked around on her beautiful orchard of fruit trees. She bent a branch of the apple tree towards her, and examined the fruiting blossoms.
'Raphael, everything we create and grow, including our orchard fruit, and our own children too, takes time to grow and mature. These are not designed to become full-grown apples all at once. Neither are our children capable to grow, understand our truths, and be ready for more revelations without a time of growth and maturing. We gradually introduce new concepts, new revelations, and the truths of our kingdom slowly, a little one day, and a little more the next day. This is the proper and preferred way we wish our elect to learn. This is how we are teaching you, and those few who sustain you and read your accounts in your journal entries. This is how we plan to reveal the words that we have revealed slowly to you, to those who read your revelations.
9. Also, be patient with yourself in your diet changes that will improve your health and vitality. There have been many conspiring men and women who colluded together to poison your food supply, all for their own gain and not for the good of those who would buy their foods. It will take time for this to all change, and for you to also change your own mindset and switch over to a better food source yourself. As you change, we will bless you to learn more the simple truths of good health. Once you learn by your own experience, you will then be able to help others who may be in great need. I love you, Raphael! Your Heavenly Father and I will always be with you and will gently lead you along!'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words. I told her I loved her, and would humbly receive all that she and my Heavenly Father had in store for me.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 22, 2019, Wednesday
1. Last night my wife and I were talking about the food poisoning movie documentary we watched together. She said that this sounded like the desolating sickness that was prophesied by the prophets that would occur in the last days.
2. I have thought more of what she said and wondered what that overflowing scourge (see Isaiah 28:15) and desolating sickness (see D&C 45:31) really is referring to? I had thought it was nuclear sickness caused by exposure to radiation poisoning, or some plague that would sweep the land (D&C 84:96-97). I am hoping for some enlightenment on this subject.
3. I came to the desert oasis this morning and walked halfway around the path from the bench. I then walked out in the desert due south for a ways and then turned around, facing the oasis. I knelt here and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
4. Heavenly Mother appeared to me again, a little above the desert sand! I felt clearly her intense light pass into and through me! Every part of my body was enlightened and invigorated! She was smiling and seemed pleased with me.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, there are many plagues and sicknesses that we allow to come forth upon the earth to cleanse the inhabitants of the wicked. However, the specific desolating sickness is one that will affect all people in your land because of the poisonous food and water sources:
6. D&C 45:31-32 "And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge, for a desolating scourge shall cover the land.
But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved, but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die."
7. Also Isaiah 28:15 "Because ye have said, we have made a covenant with death, and with hell are at agreement, when the overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehoods have we hid ourselves."
8. The overflowing scourge is referring to the multiple increased sicknesses and chronic conditions caused directly by GMO foods, high glyphosate, and other poisoning caused from chemicals used to fertilize, kill insects and other pests, and preserve the foods for long shelf life once they are processed and placed in stores and restaurants for people to consume. Every part of the physical body may be affected to cause all manner of severe health issues. People are just now becoming aware of these issues through scientific studies that prove these things. Only by eating clean foods that are organically grown and free from genetic engineering (GMO) will they be able to fully reverse the severe poisoning in their own bodies. Fasting may also help cleanse the body of poisons. Drinking pure water and watching carefully what they consume will be the only way to avoid the overflowing scourge that is sweeping across your own land and the world. There have been powerful companies with conspiring men and women, who have colluded with approving government sources to allow this great evil to secretly come upon the people. Without my light coming forth upon the earth to counter these great pollutions, none of their flesh would be saved:
9. JS Matthew 1:20–"And except these days should be shortened, there should none of their flesh be saved, but for the elect's sake, according to the covenant, those days shall be shortened."
10. Raphael, the great deception also lies in the fact that people cannot tell by their observation what foods are poisoned or not. They need to be tested in laboratories for specific poison levels to find out which is safe to consume. Your safest choice is with GMO free and organic food sources, and those like your own organic garden that you know how it was grown. It is not enough for you to be infused with my intense light of the Holy Ghost to physically remove the sources of pollution, Our people need to take full control of their own health and well-being, or suffer more and more desolating sicknesses and severe health issues.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her strong and clear message! I feel determined now to not be so lax in what I eat, but to realize that eating is either for my health or sickness, depending on whether it is poisoned in some way or not. I need to take this very seriously! I know too that pure healthy foods are more expensive to buy, and that making the decision to eat non-GMO and organic will be difficult in family gatherings and that no or few restaurants are possible. Traveling will also be more difficult. I feel so blessed that my wife and I are agreed upon this! It also takes much more food preparation time to prepare foods that are healthy for us, rather than processed or prepared foods that now are quick and easy! However, I can buckle down and do hard things.
12. In the evening–I take a number of natural supplements to help me in my physical health. Some of these are more important than others. I rank these from 1.0 (least important) to 10 (most important) when I muscle test myself. Today I pulled my remedy pills for another week. The highest remedy was a 5.5 out of 10 and lowest was a 1.0. I energy tested organic food bought at the grocery store and this as a 2.5/10, but organic plus non-GMO was a 3.0/10. I only have three remedies I take that rank higher and four other remedies that rank higher and four other remedies that rank the same at 3.0/10. Eating from my own garden in the spring (greens) was also a 3.0/10. I wish I could take all the remedies I have from a food source of herbs instead of pills and supplements in capsules.
13. I think our earth has not nearly as vibrant soil and nutrients nowadays as in days before chemical fertilizers and pesticides. I have even tried to test my garden soil that I augment each fall with organic ingredients. I measure it in vitality as compared to the soil in which Adam and Eve planted their first garden, in their new telestial world. If this virgin telestial soil at the beginning of the earth's temporal existence was a 10, then I energy tested that my soil in my garden beds was a 3.0! Said another way, the vitality of my soil is less than ⅓ as vibrant and healthy as the soil at the beginning of the earth. In all the state of Utah, the best soil would rank a 5/10, or half as vibrant and healthy. (I don't know how accurate this is, but it seems to be about right, based on my intuition and energy testing).
14. Tonight I came to Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt next to one of her garden beds. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayers. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came walking down the path between two rows of garden beds! They were holding hands and looking happy to be before me.
15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, some of my remedy beds are on either side of your Father and I. These plants are the highest form of remedies we have created to treat the cause of disease or health needs in our children on the earth. These remedies are all celestial plants that are at their highest vitality. These are remedies that you, Raphael, will be able to transplant to the garden beds on the earth in the celestial sphere of the earth in the New Jerusalem temple square area. These will then be able to be propagated into the terrestrial earth among all lands. The soil will be vibrant and the living water will feed these plants.
16. You energy tested your soil to be 3.0/10 as compared to the soil on the virgin earth, which is accurate. Were this soil in the millennium, fed by living water and cultivated and supplemented by organic ingredients, it would measure a 20/10, or double what the virgin earth was like in the beginning. This will help people to have vibrant health and vitality!
17. Raphael, you now live in the most depressed soil vitality that has or will ever exist on your earth! This is surely a day when darkness covers the earth, and pollutions are upon her surface in all forms! We will provide an escape from the desolating sickness that will soon cover the land. People need to look for wholesome food and plant remedy sources that will help them become healthier and have vitality. I will continue to pour out my intense light upon the earth to turn the ever-growing tide of pollutions that are on her surface.
18. My Heavenly Father then extended his hand, and I came between he and my Heavenly Mother. We turned and walked up the path from where they had come. I then lost my connection with my Heavenly Parents. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed. I thanked them both for coming, and for the message from my Heavenly Mother.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 23, 2019, Thursday
1. I was further thinking about the pollutions in the water we drink. Not only is water polluted from industrial wastes, plastics in the rivers and oceans, etc., but also from the high prescription drug use of the people. Our own son takes some prescription drugs to keep him stable. These go out of his body and ultimately into the ground water. In the cities, where there is a concentration of people, they usually recycle this drug-contaminated water and that is what people drink. The drugs are basically still dissolved in the water, so the people are all drinking these drugs, at least to some level. I question how good the filtration systems are in the cities and their homes. I wonder if they even test for these drug levels?
Anyway, it all concerns me! I yearn to live in a pollution-free land, flowing with pure water and vibrant soil from which to grow healthy foods!
2. I have also noticed that I seem more emotionally "fragile" somehow in the past year or so. I wonder if I am somehow revolting from the degraded telestial world in which I daily live? Maybe since my replicated self/selves spends so much of my time in the celestial realms, it is hard to keep my base self in the telestial environment? I really don't know–I'm just curious.
3. I came to the beautiful fountain of living water on the celestial orb and knelt to pray. I faced south, with the temple on the other side of the fountain. I drank the living water and felt refreshed!
4. Heavenly Father then came to me from the temple doors! He walked in the air above the ground, and was soon on my right side. I gazed on him, and was impressed with his deep and very peaceful and all-knowing eternity eyes!
5. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, we come to you in your unconscious mind frequently, morning and night. We are careful not to reveal to your conscious mind too much, for this would make it increasingly difficult for you to remain in your conscious telestial state on the earth. Were we to openly reveal to your conscious mind our very presence, you would greatly struggle in remaining in your flesh in your mortal temporal body, in your fallen environment. We wish you to do your work in the flesh, and will therefore continue to interface with your unconscious mind for now, at least until you come to the New Jerusalem area. At that point your conscious and unconscious minds will merge and you will start living in a terrestrial and celestial environment on the physical earth.
6. We will continue to pour out the intense light of the Holy Ghost upon the polluted earth via our holy angels to make the pollutions in your land more tolerable. Nevertheless, the people in the land will still experience the desolating sickness because of these pervasive pollutions on the land, water and air. Their sicknesses will be many, for the sickness will consist of all varieties of organ, body systems, and physical symptoms that will baffle the doctors and health professionals. The cure will be to eat cleaner food and drink cleaner water sources. These will still be available for the people who seek them.
7. You are correct that your emotional, mental and spiritual part of your being finds it more difficult to remain in a fallen telestial world. We are aware of this, and will help you as you strive to control your thoughts to remain happy and balanced, as much as you are able. In a future day, you will look back and see how much we sustained you and our other elect in the darkened world in which you currently live.
8. Raphael, there is still so very much that is so lovely and beautiful in your world! There is the vibrant beauty of our flowers and plants and animals that grow abundantly around you! Enjoy all your surroundings that you live in, and feel so happy in the opportunity to learn and grow, and to help others. You couldn't personally progress so fast without the opposition provide in your beautiful world!'
I thanked my Father for his wonderful message and revelation! I feel so very blessed to live now on the earth, and to learn and grow as my Heavenly Parents desire.
9. Evening–I am feeling happy tonight. It has rained and rained! We have set outside our tomato plants day after day, bringing them in at night. Each day they have been drenched by the rain!
10. I came to the desert oasis (probably trying to dry out from all of this rain!) I wiggled my bare feet in the desert sand that was still warm. The evening was past sunset, and the temperature perfect. I paused from my busy day and just relaxed and felt very grounded. I came down to the water's edge and drank living water. I felt ready to connect in prayer to my Heavenly Parents.
11. I knelt and faced the oasis, and asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come to me.
Heavenly Father came from a cloud on the water that appeared. He walked up to me and spoke:
12. 'Raphael, we are helping your family as you pray for them to be blessed and strengthened. We send them more light and love, and then they are strengthened and on their own choice are helping themselves. If our children call out to us, we will bless and strengthen them also in similar ways. We individually guide our children as they respond to our promptings.'
13. I gazed upon my loving Heavenly Father before me. I felt he has much in store for me to do, as he and Heavenly Mother will carefully guide me. I have marveled how gradually they steer me, being patient yet steady in their counsels.
I have no idea what they will tell me next. I only know that they guide and inspire me!
14. 'Raphael, as you were going through your old post 50, From Eternity to Eternity, you viewed images of multiple galaxies, of all different shapes and structures. Some are even binary galaxies. These are all the habitation of couple gods who have created their own unique galaxy that housed all of their creations. We know many of these very well, and visit them either in their own galaxy or ours, or at the center of our universe when we regularly meet at the beginning of each eternity. Our creations are without end, for each of the gods. This life is so exhilarating and remarkable–we never tire of the grandeur of our works. We are endless, and our creations and powers are endless. We see the future from the beginning, and it never ends!
15. We are eager to share all with you and our faithful who love us and keep our commandments. Prepare yourself for tomorrow morning when we will reveal to you another one of our secrets, never before revealed!'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message! I said I looked forward to all that he would share with me tomorrow. I said I would keep his word, and do as he and Heavenly Mother direct me.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 24, 2019, Friday
1. I awoke ready to receive more this morning! I feel so blessed today and happy. I came to the maple tree grove on the west end of Lake Beautiful. I drank some living water and felt refreshed. I came into the center of the large maple trees and knelt, facing the lake below. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
2. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came to me from the shores of the lake below! They were shining brightly as they came through the trees to where I was in the grove. They were holding hands, and both were smiling!
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, stand and come with us!' I stood, and came between them. I was excited, but had no idea what would happen next.
4. We were immediately next in space, I think above a beautiful swirling galaxy! The galaxy below us wasn't visibly moving, but I could tell outside stars looked like it had been spun.
5. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, in front of us is our beautiful galaxy! This contains all of our own creations that your Heavenly Mother and I have made from the beginning. The center of our galaxy is where our celestial creations are located. This region is very bright and shines in all directions into space. The earth upon which you dwell lies in the outer telestial regions of our galaxy. The terrestrial regions are in the middle ring area.
6. The light matter from our first parent Gods flows in a path from the center of our universe into our central telestial region. This comes to us through the immensity of space and is pulled into the center by our very large kokaubeam by gravity. When it flows into that area, we then receive much of this light ourselves, or divert it to our entire galaxy, so it too will receive the light. Some of this light flows to your sun and your earth.
7. The light matter that falls upon your own earth from the sky has travelled on pathways from our first parent Gods. There is also light energy that comes from your sun that you can feel, for it warms your body and makes things bright. This light energy is created by the light matter that falls or flows into your sun and is ignited due to the intense heat of your sun. In the conversion process light matter becomes light energy.
8. Therefore on your earth, you receive both light matter from the center of our galaxy from us, and light energy from your sun. Both come down from the sky to the rotating earth, and bathe the surface of your earth in light.
9. D&C 88:11-13–"And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understanding.
Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space-
The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things."
10. Raphael, this light enlightens your understanding, for the light matter comes into your entire body and enlivens your very being. You have felt this intense light of the Holy Ghost come from your Heavenly Mother to you and pass through your entire being. This is intense light matter that is more concentrated from her being that passes into and through you. It originally comes from our first parent Gods at the center of the universe, and proceeds through the immensity of space to our galaxy to us, and from us to your earth and to you. This same light enlightens your understanding as it passes into and through you. We may add with this light the emotions of love and acceptance and power and understanding, as we desire. These palpable feelings enlighten your mind and entire being as the light flows into you.
11. When we wish to enlighten your understanding with our revelations, we send forth this same light from our beings, coupled with the message or emotion we wish to give you. Your mind receives this light and message, which enlightens your understanding. This is pure communication and revelation send from us to you. All of our thoughts and words are also sent with our light. These are also understandable to you, and you receive the exact meaning and message as it is embedded with the light that quickens your understanding.
12. Alma spoke of this enlightenment from God that comes when you and our children receive our light, which is imbued with our revelations and quickens the understanding of our children (see Alma 32:28). The light, or spirit of the Lord, "begins to swell within your breast; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves–it must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea it beginneth to be delicious to me."
13. We thus may send our words, our thoughts, and our emotions all with the light matter that flows into our receptive children. When they receive this, their understanding are enlightened and it becomes delicious to their souls. This is very real, and is the very process of how we lead our children gradually, line upon line, with our revelations. This light with which we send our messages to our child is the medium that comes into their spirit and body. This is also the same light that comes to you from your Heavenly Mother when she sends forth the intense light of the Holy Ghost. It is all the same light matter, only in different intensities, and couples with different revelations as we desire, whether an emotion or feeling, or thoughts and words. All enlightens and gives understanding to our receptive children.
14. There are those of our children who reject our truths we send to them with our light. They are not enlightened nor do they understand, for they cast out the light we send, and by their own will do not allow the light to come into their minds and hearts. They therefore cast it away because of unbelief. They are then not enlightened, for our light only comes into our receptive children. The messages and revelations we send to them in our light are cast aside and never reach our recipient.
15. We therefore may only give our revelations to our receptive and humble children who open their minds and hearts to us. If they have preconceived ideas, and close their minds and hearts to us, the light does not flow into them, but is repelled because of their own will and choice. They may turn aside our counsels, shrouded in our light that we send to them. Our revelations come into them only if they receive them. If they don't receive our light and truth that we send to them, they will not receive our revelations. We then revoke the blessing that would have attended our words and light. They then "say in their hearts: This is not the work of the Lord, for his promises are not fulfilled. But wo unto such, for their reward lurketh from beneath, and not from above." (See D&C 58:32-33) See also (D&C 93:31-32).
16. For the faithful who are humble and open, we send our light and revelations gradually, to lead them carefully and to receive more. As they obey, we give them more. You have received all that we have given to you, for you have been open receptive, and your understanding have been enlarged. This is the way we give our elect our revelations–all shrouded and coupled with our light that comes from us.
17. The spirit of God is also called light and truth:
D&C 84:45-47–"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is spirit, even the spirit of Jesus Christ.
And the spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world, and the spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit.
And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit cometh unto god, even the Father."
18. Raphael, the light matter that we send with our revelations and emotions is called the spirit of God. This is how we communicate and inspire our children. This is what enlightens their souls and gives them understanding. This is what become delicious to them, and makes them want more from us. As they accept our words and obey, we give them more. Thus they are led by our spirit to us. We teach them of the truths that we have previously sent upon the world. As they study and learn of our words, of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, and of our written words, we continue to enlighten them and lead them. This way gradually leads all of our faithful who hearken to our Spirit, even the light and truths we send to them.
19. The light matter is not a living being, but made by our first parents gods from elemental matter that exists outside our universe. We too may create light matter, but we allow them to create it all as they wish. This light flows to us through the vast immensity of space within our universe. We receive this light and redirect it to all of our creations in our own galaxy. We send it with our emotions, our messages and it is called the Spirit of God. We tailor this light to enliven and quicken all of our creations, and give revelations and understanding to our beloved children. This is the same light that comes from your Heavenly Mother in a higher intense form, even the light of the Holy Ghost.
20. We have poured more and more light with our revelations upon you, Raphael. We will reveal all things to our faithful via this same light that continually flows to us and from us. All of our creations and galaxy is sustained with the power from this light that we shed upon all.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his amazing words. What he told me by revelation came steadily and quickly, and enlightened my mind and understanding. It was all so delicious to me!
22. I then found myself writing in my adjacent room in my home. I knew my time with my Gods was complete this morning. I also knew they were next to me, unseen but very really there, in the higher celestial sphere in which they dwell. I feel so blessed to be enlightened this morning!
23. Evening: Today during all of my activities I felt the presence of my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother, watching overall I do. They were in a higher celestial realm that I couldn't see into. I know if I would had needed them, they would have immediately responded. This is a great comfort for me!
24. Tonight I came to the very high mountaintop. I wasn't sure why I was there. The celestial earths were above, looking like the stars do when we look up from earth in the night sky. It was so beautiful at night on this high mountaintop.
I knelt and faced west. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me in answer to my prayer.
My Heavenly Mother appeared alone to me, a few feet in front of me in the air! She was radiant and smiling. Her intense light of the Holy Ghost brightly shone upon me, and passed even through me. I don't think I even cast a shadow, for the light continued through me. This is a very interesting phenomenon.
25. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you are too tired to be alert tonight to receive my revelation. I do not fault you in this, for you have been very active all day long. Come here again tomorrow morning and I will come and deliver my message then!'
She smiled and immediately left. I felt bad that I wasn't in a state to hear her tonight. I thanked her, and went to bed soon.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 25, 2019, Saturday
1. It is remarkable what a good sleep does! I came this morning to the high mountaintop near Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I felt awake and ready to connect to my Heavenly Mother this morning. I knelt and faced west. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
Heavenly Mother came immediately, in her glory and brightness! I felt her warm acceptance of me as her light passed into me and through me,
2. She spoke" 'Raphael, you are well rested now, and I will be able to give you my revelations! When you are too tired, your spirit is also not as alert, for you are linked to your mortal body in order to write my words in you journal. Had I revealed my revelation to you last night, you would have not been able to write it while in your mortal body, and we desire others to be able to receive this also.
3. Heavenly Father described to you in detail all about what the Spirit of God really is. He said it was light matter that carries with it our message, feeling, or other blessing that combines with it. This Spirit is received by our receptive children and they receive what we intended to give to them. They then feel enlightened and their understanding from our Spirit is enhanced. This is what we call the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of the Lord. It is sent to our children by either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ or me.
4. The light of the Holy Ghost is from me only and is a more intense form of this same light. This light has come to you many times from my presence as I had sent to you before. You have felt this light come into you and pass through you. I often send my love, acceptance and peace along with this light too. This is the Holy Spirit, or the power of the Holy Ghost. I often also enter into my receptive child with the spirit of my person that is replicated. When I do this, my child then has my Spirit come into them and they may perceive and feel whatever I wish to convey to them. This is the surest witness from God, when my Spirit enters into them.
5. Do not be confused in the difference between the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, and my replicated spirit. The former is the intense light of me, the Holy Ghost, which contains an emotion and/or a message, and the latter is a personage of my spirit, with body parts like a head and hands. The former has no intelligence, for it is a light created from elemental matter by our first parent Gods, and received from them by me. I then send this intense light with my emotion and message to my children, and call it the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, Power of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, etc.
Sometimes we may send a less intense version of our light, and still call it the Spirit of God. This is what your Heavenly Father described to you yesterday. The components are the same as my more intense light of the Holy Ghost.
6. If we send an emotion or a thought with our light, the emotion or thought must be real and tangible matter, else how could it accompany the light matter? All of this is matter! When we created an emotion of love, the feeling of love is matter and can be felt by another that we send it to. We always send this love matter when we desire to do so, with our light to our receptive child. All emotions and thoughts are refined matter. We generate these in our resurrected bodies from elemental matter that we possess. These refined matter particles that we call love, peace or any other emotion or thought actually meshes with the light matter and is send as a bundle in what we call our Spirit to our children.
7. When our children receive our Spirit, and are receptive, the light matter that is meshed with the refined matter of emotions or thoughts are received into their mind and heart, within their own spirit. Their spirits comprehend this material substance and become in tune to it, and become enlightened and enhance in their understanding. We usually don't think of this entire process, but that is how it works. We usually just call this receiving the Spirit of God.
8. You may think of this receiving of our light and message (our Spirit) like you would when you pour water on the dry soil. The soil becomes wet, and absorbs the water. Likewise, when our tangible Spirit flows into you, you absorb it and understand what we have sent to you.
9. Some of our children will love the details of this explanation, and some will be content knowing this all works, and that we call this our Spirit. We have explained it in detail so that all may understand.'
I thanked my beautiful Heavenly Mother for her revelation today that I received from the Holy Ghost, even from her directly! I feel clear and understand how this all works. I feel at peace and happy.
10. Evening–This has been a good day. I have been working getting post 122 uploaded. It is a big effort to get these typed up, edited and prepared for the website.
11. Tonight I came in my mind to the celestial orb, to God's temple. I came to the mortal probation chapel, and knelt on the stand facing the mural areas to the west I believe. Nobody was there that I could see. I then prayed that either or both of my Heavenly Parents come.
12. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared before me in the air at my level. They were both smiling and very full of light. I felt immediately at peace in their presence.
I told them I was so glad to have received their truths about what the Spirit of God really is, and how the Holy Ghost manifests itself to God's children. I told them I love them! I said I was prepared and opened to whatever they might share with me.
13. Heavenly Mother spoke first: 'Raphael, the details about the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost have not been so clearly explained to any of our children as we did to you. This is a great mystery that we reserved to come forth to you at this time!
14. Even though you receive great revelations from us, you live an ordinary life on earth, and have all the common experiences of mortal man. You are not spared any trauma or trials as is normal for our children. As you have called upon us, we have responded. We are particularly pleased that you are open and receptive to our words we share with you so frequently.
15. When our children were young spirits in our celestial home, we often communicated to them with our Spirit. This light transmitted our words to their hearts and minds. They received our feelings we also expressed to them, sent with our Spirit.
16. In turn our spirit children began communicating back to us with the Spirit communication as well. We did not call this the Spirit of God, but spirit communication. The transfer of their thoughts and emotions to us and each other was from light they used as a medium to transfer their thoughts and feelings. They used the light from within them that we had abundantly sent to them, and sent a portion of that light, coupled with their thoughts and feelings, to one whom they wanted to communicate with. This thought transfer was quick and very understandable to the Spirit who received it. This remains the most common way our children speak to us and each other in our celestial realms in heaven.
17. When our children come to earth, their primary way they communicated was with oral spoken and written language. We, their Heavenly Parents, continued to speak to them with our Spirit. We sent them our thoughts, feelings, and other message forms or means and our Holy Spirit. Some of our faithful children could receive our Spirit and understand, but some could no longer hear us, for they had forgotten how to, or they no longer were receptive to our Spirit that we sent to them in the flesh. They were given the full choice whether to accept our Spirit or not. Our elect, however, in whatever circumstance they found themselves in, could hear and receive our Spirit. This stirred their souls and they desired to obey the voice of the Spirit. For these, we continued to give more since they obeyed our voice. They were gradually led by us to receive our truths, and gain a witness of the truth.'
18. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, our elect on the earth are entering a difficult phase. This is where the truth is so very masked, and none know where to turn except they receive and obey our Spirit as we give to them. Those who are not acquainted with our Spirit, or don't receive it, will never find the truth. It is only in following the Spirit that there is safety. Every man and woman needs to know for themselves what we say to them, and how we guide them. Nobody can stand unless they know and follow our Spirit that we will send to them.
19. Our elect who are gathered spiritually to Zion will hear the voice of the Spirit. Once they became accustomed to our Spirit, we will then gather them physically to Zion, the only place where there will be peace.
Raphael, these events are upon you even as I speak to you.'
20. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then invited me to come view the mortal probation mural depicting my times on earth. I saw many who were awakened by the Spirit of God. They valued more this direction than what they were told by friends, family and church leaders. They were very much at peace in their quiet moments of communication with God, and received their direction from God. These were led to safe places during the turbulent days of unrest, war, pestilence and calamities of all varieties that happened all around them.
21. I saw others who at first received the Spirit, but then did not obey because the pull of the world was so great. It seemed that these were like those Lehi and Nephi saw at the tree of life that fell away to forbidden paths and were lost, or went to the great and spacious building (see 1 Nephi chapters 8 and 11). These listened to others around them and not the Spirit. Their paths led to sorrow and lack of safety.
22. I also saw others who never received the Spirit because of their unbelief and choice not to hear. These followed the ways of man, and never did find safe places. Many of those ridiculed those who did not follow the crowd. They had no part in the Spirit of God.
23. 1 Corinthians 2:10-11, 14– "But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words to me tonight, and for the vision mural I saw. I told them I would seek to keep their commandments at all times!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 26, 2019, Sunday
1. I have felt enlightened now in reading the scriptures that speak about the Spirit of God, the Lord's Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the power of the Holy Ghost. I know too that the Spirit of the Holy Ghost is a more intense form of the Spirit, sent by the Holy Ghost or our Heavenly Mother. This is all so simple, but is hidden from the world. I know that God's children need to receive the Spirit, and ask of God to be led aright by God. Without being open and receptive, humble and sincere, they will never be able to understand the Spirit as God speaks to them.
2. I wondered about deception from the evil spirits, or Lucifer himself. How could we discern between the whisperings of God and the whisperings of Satan? How can we know for sure also? I know the LDS answers to these questions, but I want to verify them in prayer to God.
3. I came this Sabbath morning to the front foyer area of God's temple on the celestial orb. It was all so beautiful and quiet. I knelt by the fir or pine tree on the eastern side of the large room, next to a little channel of living water that flowed. I drank of the water and felt refreshed. I then prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come to me.
Heavenly Father then appeared a few feet away, and took several steps to be in front of me! He was so majestic, and full of light. I loved looking into his face, so warm and all-knowing.'
4. I thanked him for coming! I asked him or Heavenly Mother to send more light and love to my wife and children who were in need.
After I prayed for my family, I asked to receive from my Heavenly Father. He then spoke to me by his Spirit that came into my mind and heart:
'Raphael, I will send more light upon your loved ones for whom you have prayed.
5. You asked about how our children on earth may discern between truth from God, from our Spirit, and deceptions from the adversary.
6. D&C 93:37, 39– "Light and truth forsake that evil one.
And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers."
7. Raphael, we sent the Spirit of God to all of our children who dwell on the earth. If they accept our Spirit, and act on our truths, we give them more. If they reject our Spirit, and don't do as we ask of them, then we remove our Spirit. This is also removing our light, for Spirit consists of light.
8. When our child disobeys us, then light is reduced in their body and spirit. Satan then comes, tempting them to further disobey God, and to remove them further away from God. As our children follow Satan and the natural man, they lose more light and truth. They choose evil ways more than the good, and we are rejected. Our efforts to reach them with our Spirit continue to be rejected, for they love Satan more than us. They become carnal, sensual and devilish to some degree.
9. The way to avoid therefore in being deceived by the adversary is to accept and received our Spirit that we send to them! They will know our Spirit, for it enlightens their minds and hearts, and becomes delicious to them, as spoken of in Alma 32. The darkness that comes from that evil one always appeals to the natural man. The Spirit is spiritually discerned and received, just like our children received it when they were living in their pre-mortal state. As they receive our Spirit, more and more light will flow into them. We will guide and direct them, and they will surely know that it is we, their Heavenly Parents, who send to them this light and speak to them.
10. When our children ask for a witness from our Spirit, we send them either the Spirit of God or the witness of the Holy Ghost. We may therefore lead them carefully, even as they are obedient, and act on what we give them, to whatever we wish to lead them to.
11. Our children may discern between our Spirit or the Holy Ghost, which both are full of light and resonate in their spirit, and the deceptions of the devil, who is always darkness to some degree. Try as he might to be an angel of light, he cannot give light for he has so very little. His promptings are void of light. He whispers to our children to their minds his deceitful promptings. Our children hear his words and thoughts in their own minds. However, these are void of light that always accompanies and is part of the Spirit of God. To the spiritually discerning, there is a dramatic difference between light and darkness, or the Spirit of God and the deceptions of the adversary. The more one follows the Spirit, the more clearly is the difference between light and darkness. The more one follows Satan and his deception, the more darkness they themselves have, and they can't understand or receive the Spirit of God, for it is foolishness to them (see 1 Corinthians 2:14).
Raphael, this is the manner in which our children may receive light and truth from our Spirit, and know that they are not deceived.
12. All of our messengers, angels, guardian spirits and those sent from us, their Gods, also carry our messages filled with light. Our Spirit accompanies them, so that our child in mortality will know they come from God. Satan, nor his evil hosts, are not able to mimic the light that accompanies our words, thoughts or emotions.
13. Raphael, we frequently send our Spirit of God to our children who receive from us, and desire to receive our words and revelations. We choose whether to give them the strong witness of the Holy Ghost, or to send them our Spirit. When the Holy Ghost witnesses to them, this is a very deep and surer witness to their spirit of our message. For those who are confirmed a member of the Church of Christ, they may have the companionship of the Holy Ghost to always be with them. The Holy Ghost may also come upon any of our children on earth, and witness to them, and depart. We may therefore send our messages with more power and intensity through the power of the Holy Ghost.
14. Again, Satan cannot send to our children messages with accompanying light, for he has none to give. He has lost his ability to communicate in realms of light, for he is evil continually and we have removed most of the light from him. All light comes through us, your Gods. The only light he and the devils may receive is the light energy that comes from your sun, for we make this light shine upon all on the earth. Light matter also flows down freely from the heavens from us, but is not received by those who love darkness more than light.
15. This light matter that gently flows down upon the earth is also called the light of Christ. This enlivens all of our creations. There is no message that accompanies this light of Christ. If we do send a message, thought or emotion with this light, and it comes from us, then we call this the Spirit of God.
16. Our light matter, or the light of Christ, comes into the minds and hearts of our children on the earth freely. Their conscious is a manifestation of the light that comes into them, enabling them to discern good from evil, light from darkness.
17. Moroni 7:16– "For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God." '
18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me today in his temple, to give me more understanding! I felt so much peace and clarity from him! I said that I loved him, and would always follow his directions.
19. Evening–I sent out post 122 today. I hadn't realized that I had previously talked about Epochs (uppercase E) and they had a difference from epoch (lowercase e). The former was the time span of 12 eternities, and the latter was for one-seventh part of one eternity. I inquired of God, and felt that M.A. was correct (she alerted this to me when she was doing the final edit): Epoch or epoch is a measurement of time, and is all relative I think, meaning that time is really not so important in the larger scheme of things, and is measured in long spans, and not so exacting as we on earth measure time. God uses the same words in English, with only a slight difference in capitalization.
20. Another way to say this is that the course of the Lord is one eternal round (1 Nephi 10:19). Also the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years are measurements in times and seasons on the earth, but "All these are one year with God, but not with man." (D&C 88:44). Epochs come and go as if they are the same, either Epochs or epochs.
21. I came tonight to the tree of life at the end of the straight and narrow path. I ate a fruit of the tree, and a leaf. I felt happy and clear. I knelt under the canopy of this beautiful tree, and asked for God to come.
My Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, next to the trunk of the tree of life. She was very radiant and seemed so happy, for she was smiling, and her eternity eyes were sparkling. She spoke:
22. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I view time as a measurement of a span in which our mortal children live. For us, time measurements merge and are as one year, or as one span. We may go backwards or forwards in time, whenever we desire. We live in the present, but see past, present and future just as easily as the present. Our joys and other feelings are not limited by time. We act in the present, and may shape the future by our actions in the present. We continually do the same wonderful work for our beloved children, and see them in past and future states of progression. Time then isn't so important to us directly, but it is for our children who are living in their mortal time-based world and states of progression.
23. Your assessment of Epochs and epochs is accurate. We use the same words since time is as one year for us, whether 12 eternities or 1/7th of an eternity–all is one eternal round. The first experience we had through these seems very distinct, but after many they are not so distinctly unique in their spans, and all becomes one eternal round.
24. This perspective is only available to us who are the gods of our galaxy. We continually repeat a cycle of bearing children, with whom we become attached to and love deeply. We then guide them and ultimately reward them for what they were willing to receive. This brings both them and us great joy and happiness. We do this process again and again, and find so much pleasure, enjoyment and fulfillment in these courses of progression we create and bring about for our beloved children. These eternal rounds or cycles are our constant actions, for eternity after eternity. We never tire of any of these, but they are the core purpose of our lives!'
25. Heavenly Mother then took my hand and I went with her into her higher celestial realms. I don't know where we went or what we did. I got the impression then, however, in my mind that time is not measured in the higher celestial realms. I believe here is where all is as one year with God. Here is where existence is as one eternal round.
I believe these impressions came to my conscious mind from my replicated self who was experiencing and feeling these things in the higher celestial realm.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 27, 2019, Monday
1. We are starting a brand new week, and it feels like I have done this so many times. Maybe this is how God feels with each eternity–for these are one eternal round (like my weeks are to me!). I think since God may freely view past, present and future as often or whenever they desire, the distinction of each eternity and Epoch or epoch starts to blur like the weeks and months are blurring for me.
2. I came this morning to the north side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I felt alone and sat on the bench facing the lake. I felt clear and alert, ready to commune again with God.
3. I knelt in front of the bench facing the water, and asked for my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come to me. I waited and watched. I then had the impression to start walking around the lake on the road. I got up and walked to my right, and walked on the road/path around the lake. As I was walking, Heavenly Father started walking next to me. I knew he was there at first, but didn't immediately see him. Nevertheless, he spoke to my mind:
4. 'Raphael, whether you see me or not, my Spirit comes upon you and gives you the thoughts and impressions I want you to receive. This is just as real as if you were to see me walking next to you on the road, and speaking to you.'
I thanked my Father for sending me his Spirit so abundantly! I received this voice in my mind, my conscious and unconscious mind. This is real and clear to me. I feel grateful that I can perceive all of this!
5. Heavenly Father then continued: 'I will show myself to you by stepping into your celestial realm.'
We were walking still and then he appeared on my right side. I saw him with my spirit eyes I believe, but this fact didn't make his presence any more real to me than before I saw him.
6. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we wish our elect children to hear our voice, the voice of our Spirit, or the voice of the Holy Ghost, and to recognize these promptings or these voices we give to them and then to act on our words. As they continue to do so, they will increase in their sensitivities to our spiritual promptings and communications.
7. You are going to Oregon this Wednesday. We desire that you publish the next post 123 including the Wednesday morning's journal entry as the last entry in that post. Title the post "The Spirit of God".
8. When we have said in Ether 4:15 and 2 Nephi 27:10 that the sealed part of the Book of Mormon would reveal all things from the foundation of the world, we meant that this is a revelation of the chronology of man from his state in the Garden of Eden to the end of the millennium. This revelation spans the seven thousand years of earth's temporal existence. It will contain all things "which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth." (see 2 Nephi 27:11).
9. Your words, however, reveal new truths never before revealed to man. Your words are not generally contained in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. Instead our words to you will be part of our many records coming forth that will reveal all things.
10. D&C 101:32-34– "Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things–
Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof
Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven."
11. When Jesus comes, and the wicked are destroyed, then he will have your records made available to all the living on the earth. There will also be many other records with our revelations that he will bring forth. The sealed portion of the Book of Mormon will then be translated and also revealed for all to read and ponder. All things will then be revealed at the beginning of the millennium!
12. We are the same Gods that reveal our same truths to men and women everywhere. We command them to record their words, and their words fit in harmony with the words we have revealed to our other children to whom we have also spoken. These records from many sources will cause our elect who remain on the earth in that future day to marvel and rejoice!
13. You will then lock up Lucifer and his hosts so that they will no longer deceive and blind our children during the greater part of the millennium. You will only loose Satan during a little season at the end of the millennium. We will not have him disturb our truths that we will reveal to all mankind on the earth! The wicked will never read of our great truths revealed in your day.
14. D&C 121:28, 32– "A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.
. . . According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was, that should be reserved unto the finishing and the end thereof, when every man shall enter into his eternal presence and into his immortal rest." '
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father who was still walking next to me around God's Loving Healing Lake, for his wonderful words. I thanked him to have chosen me to have many of these truths revealed! I told him that I would be diligent in recording all he and Heavenly Mother reveal to me!
16. Evening-I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I drank some water from the stream and then knelt by the shore, facing south towards the circling waters. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came to me, directly in front of me on the water! She was radiant and her reflection and her light from her person was very brilliant. I saw her smile broadly and her glistening eyes.
17. She spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that you remember those who have gone before you in your family and nation, who have prepared the way for you to live a life with the freedoms you enjoy. There have also been many righteous men and women who lived valiantly in being righteous. Their records now constitute the scriptures that you enjoy and which give you great direction and understandings. Your records will greatly enhance those already written. Our words to you will help our elect in the millennium on earth come to understand us and our truths much more than without your revelations. We ask them to confirm all our revelations given to our children from the beginning. This knowledge will anchor their souls in truth and light.
18. Come here again tomorrow morning and I will meet with you and give you further revelations!
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and then closed my prayer. I look forward to tomorrow morning.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 28, 2019, Tuesday
1. I came to the circling waters this morning in the celestial orb. I felt connected to this place and connected to the orb. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come. Heavenly Mother then appeared again to me on the circling waters where she was last night. I felt her light streaming through me again.
2. I started the prayer, asking for more light and love to attend certain family members. I prayed for them to be blessed specifically. I then waited for my Heavenly Mother to speak. She soon addressed me.
3. 'Raphael, I will bless your loved ones with our Spirit, which is our light and comfort with peace. This will help them feel at peace and better able to bear their own burdens they carry. Your Heavenly Father and I will bless them to resolve their problems.
4. M.A. had a question about how the angels can officiate in the New Jerusalem temple without having received their own ordinances themselves until all of the elect have received their own. How can they administer that which they themselves haven't received?
5. This is a good question! We will have you, Raphael, receive the waters of separation from Jesus Christ himself, being the first one to receive this ordinance. Then you may administer the ordinance of the waters of separation to others including the angels. We will inspire you and the other angels who administer the other ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple the exact way in which we wish those ordinances to be done. The angels will have received from your hand the waters of separation ordinance first. They then will be members of the Church of the Firstborn.
6. With that entry ordinance and the authority of their calling as an angel of God, ordained and commissioned to administer to God's children these ordinances in the temple, we will give them the keys and blessings of administration. They will receive these keys under your hand once they have received the waters of separation ordinance, for you have the keys of administration in the Church of the Firstborn. You will carefully instruct them.
In how they are to administer these other temple ordinances. They will each have also received a preparatory endowment ordinance in either the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while it was still accepted before us, or in the Church of Christ after it is restored again on the earth. This will give you and the angels the basic framework of their binding eternal endowment ordinance. However, neither you nor the other angels will have received these ordinances yet yourselves, but you will be fully commissioned and authorized to administer in them, with the authority from God.
7. In Joseph Smith History 1:68-72, Joseph describes how John the Baptist appeared and conferred on both he and Oliver Cowdery the Aaronic Priesthood by the laying on of the hands. After receiving the priesthood, Joseph first baptized Oliver. Joseph did this ordinance by virtue of the authority he had received from John the Baptist, but he himself had not been baptized yet. This came to him after Oliver had been baptized, who then baptized Joseph.
8. At the moment Oliver was baptized, Joseph had not yet been baptized. One might wonder how he could baptize if he hadn't yet been baptized himself. This is akin to the holy angels administering the ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple without having received these ordinances themselves. Both the angels and Joseph had received the authority to perform the ordinance for another without having received the actual ordinance yet for them.
9. Similarly, the holy angels will receive from your hand the authority to administer the ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. They will administer these to those who have been received into the house of God by the waters of separation ordinance. The recipients will be the members of the Church of the Firstborn. These will all receive their ordinances first until it comes to the end of the millennium.
10. At the end of the millennium, those who have just received these ordinances will in turn administer to those who have not yet received theirs. At that time, all will have received the ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple.
11. Raphael, we desire our holy angels to stand in their calling to serve and administer to our children before they receive themselves. This has always been their calling from the beginning when they were called and ordained at the time that Jehovah was ordained to be a god. He too was charged to serve others before himself, and to suffer for their sins in compassion and love, without thinking first of his own needs. We directly would bless him in his service.
12. Likewise, we too will directly bless our holy angels who administer first to our elect children whom Jesus elects into the Church of the Firstborn. Our angels serve them faithfully in their service to them first, in the way we have prescribed. All will then be done in order and the ones first called (the angels) will be last (the last ones to finally receive their eternally binding ordinances) and the last (the ones who become the elect of God after the angels had previously been called and chosen) shall be first (first to receive their ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple).
13. See Matthew 19:29-30 "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life.
But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."'
14. Heavenly Mother was beaming with a broad smile! She wants us, her children, to think of our brothers and sisters before ourselves, and to selflessly serve them in love. All will be given to us, even an hundredfold, as we administer in the calling of an angel of God. Angels serve others first and not themselves first. They fulfill the desires and commands of God, and are the messengers of God. God serves their children continually and so should we!
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful answer to M.A.'s question. I feel so blessed to be able to serve my brothers and sisters!
16. Evening–Tonight I came to one of my favorite spots on the celestial orb–the desert oasis. The night sky was clear and dark, with no celestial moon in the heavens. I came to the bench and sat, with my bare feet in the sand. I looked up in the night sky and saw many celestial earths shining like stars in the heavens. I was very comfortable and contemplative.
17. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared before me, a little elevated above the sand! They both were glowing with a low light, because I'm sure to not disturb the beauty of the night sky that I was gazing upon.
18. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, come with your Mother and I to one of these celestial earths which was from a recent eternity!'
I stood and took both my Father's and Mother's hands, so that I was between them. We immediately were in space above a very sparkling earth, shining very brightly1 I knew it was a resurrected earth, and that the inhabitants were celestial resurrected Gods and perhaps their own spirit children.
19. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we will go down to this resurrected earth. The inhabitants are our beloved sons and daughters from a recent eternity. Each are now couple gods and have started their own galaxies in this universe. They come to their first inheritance earth often, but always reside in their own galaxy, among their creations and children. Let us now go down!'
20. I was still holding each of their hands. We came several hundred feet above the surface of this exalted earth! There were beautiful lands below us, with palaces scattered about, each with woods, fields, lakes, and such on beautiful properties, all spread out upon the surface of this resurrected earth! The land was bright, and their palaces looked like temples that dotted the land. I saw rivers and waterways, lakes and woods, fields ablaze with color, and such beauty all around! It was very much like the areas I had seen on our celestial orb.
21. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you and our faithful will one day receive a land of your own inheritance, with your beloved spouse, on your own resurrected celestial earth! We have such a beautiful land like that below us that we received on our own earth, as our first inheritance when we were first ordained to be a couple god. We still go there, and it is still our land. Such is the inheritance for each of our exalted children!'
22. We then came to a beautiful city, not far from the lands we saw. The city was the celestial city on this celestial earth, even very similar to that described by John the Revelator in Revelation chapter 21 and 22. The city was very bright, with a golden hue. I saw below us people walking on its streets. I knew that these were children of our Heavenly Parents in their exalted resurrected bodies. The central temple was very large and tall, and so magnificent! This was surrounded by other beautiful structures, wonderful gardens, and light shining from everywhere it seemed. The glory was remarkable!
23. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, our faithful in your current eternity will receive such a glorious resurrected earth to share with other faithful brothers and sisters! Truly, all tears and sorrows will vanish, for this is a supreme place of beauty and peace!'
24. We then were instantly back at the desert oasis, in the still of the night. My Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother were standing before me, a little elevated in the air. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we were visiting that celestial earth!' He pointed to a bright star-like celestial orb up in the night sky above us. I gazed up at this earth, and felt so blessed to have gone there on a short visit with my Heavenly Parents! The reward for the faithful that keep their covenants and obey the voice of the Spirit is so remarkable!
I was next writing this all down in my journal. I felt so grateful for this amazing journey I had tonight!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 29, 2019, Wednesday
1. I leave with my family around noon on a five-day trip to Oregon. My Mom will turn 98 years old!
This morning I came to the desert oasis again. It was sunny and bright. My bare feet were again in the warm sand under the bench where I was sitting. I could no more see the celestial earths above in the sky, for the celestial sun was shining brightly.
2. I stood and came to the waters' edge and drank from my cupped hand some living water. I felt clarified and ready to receive a visit from my beloved Heavenly Parents. I knelt by the water on the shore, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
3. Heavenly Mother came to me, appearing on the water in front of me! She was shining brightly, and her intense light streamed into me and through me! I felt extremely clear and transparent, and rejoiced in her love and acceptance I felt from her. I knew this was the Spirit of the Holy Ghost that she shed upon me from her very being.
4. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have revealed great things to you during your prayers over the past week! Once we reveal a truth to you, like what the Spirit of God really is, you have an increase in your understanding. As you continue to pray to us, we will continue to reveal to you all things of our vast kingdom and creations. Your spiritual knowledge will become great! Of necessity, you will really be able to share these truths with only a few open and humble souls who sustain you.
5. One day, however, these truths will be read by all and shared freely. This will be in a day when Satan will be bound and will be unable to tempt man, and twist the truths that we have revealed to you and others to whom we too will reveal our revelations.
6. You have wondered about what Spencer in his book "Visions of Glory" said about the devils being shrunken spirits. I will share this phenomenon with you this morning.
7. When our children reject our truths and disobey, we withdraw a portion of the light. We send to them. They are left in more darkness. Satan and his hosts have rejected our truths for so long that there remains little light in them. They are spirits, and have not been illuminated by our light for many millennia. As a result they shy away from the light, for they feel more comfortable in darkness and dark places.
8. The effect on their spirit body of so little light is one where their minds become twisted in falsehoods, and they fully believe Lucifer and his lies. He himself has become more violent and insensitive to any of the wishes of his followers, and he is so self-centered and full of evil. His spirit and those who follow him used to be full of light, but now are full of darkness. Their presence can be felt, for they are so dark and void of light that their presence is very noticeable to our perceptive children. Their very spirits have shrunken and shriveled from their long absence from our light.
9. The refugees of Lucifer, those from the followers of Lucifer who have repented and come into the light, have now been continually bathed in our light since their recent conversion. They have regained their full pre-mortal stature and brilliance. They have been freed from Satan because of the grace of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and the heavenly light he has illuminated them with continually since their conversion. They are all our humble and obedient servants!
10. Lucifer and his followers won't repent and will continue to shrink and deform. They are about one-third the height now of that which they once were prior to their departure from our celestial orb. They still have a little light we give them, not on any merit of their own behavior, but in our hopes that some more will repent and recognize the truth of Jesus Christ and his saving grace.
11. We cannot send more light to them, for what little they have received is all that their spirits will accept. They are in a most despicable state of error and darkness!
12. As our children who come to earth become entangled in sin, we try to reach out to them. They often reject our light, and the light cannot enter into them so freely. This is light matter with which we may send our feelings of love, acceptance and peace. The light energy from the sun shines freely upon the wicked and the just. However, our children determine how much light matter streams into their souls by their own choices.
13. When a loved one strays into sin, and you pray for more light and influence to come from us to them, we usually send more light matter into their beings. This enlightens their understanding and enlivens their souls. However, they have choice and may accept or reject this light. As they accept and receive our light, we give them more if they obey and follow our counsel and guidance we send in this light. This is our Spirit.
14. However, if they reject our light, or the greater counsel from God, we will remove our light. This is the power of the agency of man.
15. Moses 5:25-26– ". . . And it shall be said in time to come—That these abominations were had from Cain; for he rejected the greater counsel which was had from God; and this is a cursing which I will put upon thee, except thou repent.
And Cain was wroth, and listened not any more to the voice of the Lord, neither to Abel, his brother, who walked in holiness before the Lord."
16. We honor the free agency or choice of our children. They choose how much of our light and truths that they are willing to receive. We freely share our light and Spirit upon all who accept it, and then we send more as they heed our counsels. We remove our light from those who reject us and our guidance. Thus all men and women themselves choose their own ultimate path and destiny.'
17. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother who stood before me, smiling and beaming her light upon me! This is all so delicious to me, and I am motivated to always seek God and their revelations. I love their truths and light they so freely pour out upon me!