A mighty live oak tree at the Houmas House Mansion and Plantation
108. Last Days Parables
Posted 1-27-2019
The revelations in this post have affected me deeply, particularly as they relate to the mighty live oak tree in the corner of Heavenly Father's wheat field. I have seen four last days parables in vision, with my Heavenly Parents teaching me directly. These are great treasures to me!
Please pray and confirm the truthfulness of what I share with you. I know if you are sincere, God will confirm all his/her words.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 15, 2019, Tuesday
1. This evening I came to the point where the river representing Heavenly Father flows into Lake Beautiful. The sun was setting in the north and the reflection on the lake was stunningly beautiful. I wasn't sure why I was told by the Spirit to come here, but it was a very pretty setting.
2. I drank some of the living water from the lake and then knelt facing towards the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or Heavenly Mother to come. By this time the sun had set and the sky was getting darker. Suddenly a bright light appeared over the lake and came towards me next to the shore. In the light I soon perceived were both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were side by side, standing in great glory and light. I bowed my head in humble reverence to them.
3. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we come to you tonight in our glory. This is the level of glory in which we normally associate with each other and with other Gods. You, Raphael, are only able to be in our presence because we have quickened you to withstand our glory and abide in our glorious presence.'
4. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then reduced their glory and the light and intensity of their presence to a much-reduced glow. I lifted my head and looked at them.
5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we normally commune with you and our children, whether in the pre-mortal or mortal worlds, in this glory as we appear to you now. You are quickened to be in our presence in the lower glory. However, you may now look into our faces and behold our countenances, our eternity eyes. You are able to feel and perceive our emotions and hear our words as we reason with you and communicate with you. However, this is a much-reduced level of glory than we naturally have when we are together or with the Gods.
6. You may see from this demonstration of our power and glory that we condescend to you each time we commune with you. Our power and glory is great, far greater than you usually experience, Raphael.'
7. I spoke: 'I am so honored, my Heavenly Parents, to be quickened and to be able to withstand your presence! I know how powerful and great you both are, how much light and glory you normally exhibit when together. I feel very humbled to be able to come into your presence and to be able to be before you at this time.'
8. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, we receive this intense celestial glory because of our ordination to being a couple God. We were endowed with this same light and glory, even from the moment of our ordination under the hands of our own Heavenly Parents, on our resurrected earth, many eternities ago! This level of glory comes with our position of being a God.
9. We also need this level of glory to do and act in all our godly powers. Some of these require an intense flow of light passing through us. When we are filled with such glory, we are the most comfortable and at our ease, for this is our normal resting state as a God. It only is when interacting with our beloved children or other creations that we significantly reduce our glory for their sakes, and so we may clearly be able to commune with them or to deliver our message.
10. Raphael, as you labor tirelessly for us on behalf of our elect children, you will gradually receive more and more of our light and love that we will transmit to you. However, it will only be when we ordain you and your loving companion to be a couple God that you will receive this light on your own, by virtue of your position and ordination.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their message and remarkable demonstration tonight. I know I am nothing compared to their grandeur, glory and power! I said I felt so blessed and honored to be in their presence today! My Heavenly Parents both smiled and then grew brighter and brighter, filled with more glory. I bowed my head again and felt the light penetrate and pass through me like I wasn't even there, and yet I was able to remain. I felt great power, light, love and peace, beyond my normal comprehension!
12. They both then gradually ascended into the sky in a vibrant display of light. I know this from my spirit sense, for I could not yet lift up my head, for so intense was their glory. They ascended back into the dark sky and suddenly were gone. I lifted my head and thanked them in my mind for this sobering prayer message tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and got ready for bed.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 16, 2019, Wednesday
1. This morning I came to the horizontal log just northwest of the circling waters on the path. It was daytime and I was in a beautiful young forest of mountain trees. This is where I had seen Rose, the iris.
2. Anyway, I had reread the email my sister had sent to me yesterday with comments form Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. K had said that I write volumes of details that she types up. I hadn't seen it in exactly this way, but what she says is true. I find myself rediscovering truths that I had earlier written about that I have since forgotten, for there is truly a great deal to always keep in my mortal finite mind! I wish all of this were easily recalled by me! I wish I could easily recount each truth I receive with 100% accuracy. If these are all true revelations, which I am told they are, how can I keep them always before me? These are my revelations I receive, and just because of the great volume of them, it is hard for me to absorb them and keep them in my mind. Someone like M.S. has a photographic type mind wherein he may recall details of things he has learned in his life. My mind is not like that, although I wish it were!
3. I knelt by the horizontal log, faced the path that leads to the circling waters, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Mother came walking to me from the path I was facing. She was glowing with light and smiling. She stopped when she came in front of me.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, we give you abundant revelations that you write down in your mortal personal journal. You have written volumes of these now and fill about one journal per month with our revelations and your inspired accounts. You are actually doing very well in remembering all we have shared with you over the past seven years that these journals span! We will bless you with greater recall of these personal revelations to you, particularly as you index them in detail by topic. This effort will immensely help you to recall them. Be patient, as we help you to be able to remember all of these.
5. Today I would like to talk to you about another topic. We give to you as fast as you are able to receive, and you are able to receive more today. You know that there is a veil that covers the unconscious mind from the conscious mind when our children enter mortality. This veil of forgetfulness, as it is often called, comes gradually upon our children when they come as innocent babies. By the time they are toddlers, most are so fully immersed in a mortal telestial world that they no longer have access to their unconscious minds or chakral memories. This veil comes upon them gradually.
6. At birth, there is no veil in our mortal children. However, they are fully immersed in a temporal mortal world and become a part of that world. The unconscious mind and pre-mortal memories fade because of not being used, whereas the conscious mind is almost exclusively used in the active mind of our growing child. When a toddler, usually all the unconscious mind has slipped into the background from inactivity. It still functions but is in the background.
7. When our child, later in life, starts to exercise the full mind in meditation, like you have, this unconscious part of their mind becomes activated again. With practice, they begin to have the veil lifted. They become much more aware of their unconscious mind, and use it to connect with us, their Gods, and to receive spiritual insights and revelations.
8. Chakral memories from the previous life are also gradually returned through an awakening process. These contain memories of what our child experienced in his/ her pre-mortal state and life with us. These have been gradually uncovered for you as you consistently work and exercise your unconscious mind. These memories then take only a similar experience at times to become awakened and recalled again. However, all this requires that you labor consistently in your unconscious mind in prayer and communion with us, for we share with you through our Spirit that mostly works in your unconscious mind.
9. When our children die, their spirit comes into the world of spirits. This environment is where spirit beings associate and live. Therefore, the spiritual communication skills are once again activated. These include thought transfer communication, which is an integral part of the spirit realm.
10. Memories also more quickly return for those in the spirit world, for their unconscious and conscious minds are both available for their use, since they are no longer in a physical state where only verbal communication and their conscious mind is generally used.
11. The need for sleep and other physical needs of the mortal physical body require a lot of conscious brainwork while our child is in their mortal body. The unconscious mind continues in the background to run the many demands of this body of flesh and bones. After death, these autonomic functions are no longer needed, for the physical body has returned to the earth and their spirit continues on. This gives the unconscious mind a place in the active mind of our spirit child again.
12. Full memories of their pre-earth life are usually not given to our spirit children in the spirit world unless they actively work at rekindling and awakening their memories. The use of their unconscious mind comes as it is activated and used, and not as an automatic lifting of their veil. We consider the spirit world a continuation of the mortal probation of man.'
13. Heavenly Mother stopped speaking. I felt like she felt I had received enough new information today. I thanked her for her new insights and revelation. I so appreciate all that she and Heavenly Father reveal to me!
14. Evening–Tonight I came to the circling waters. I knelt next to the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me. Heavenly Father walked to me from a few steps away where he had suddenly appeared in the air. He was smiling and was glowing with brightness. I immediately felt a great love and peace in his presence.
15. He spoke to me immediately: 'Raphael, you are proceeding correctly in the way we are instructing you to index your journal posts. Now that you have the structure down, go ahead and release this post. Then index each paragraph of this post that contains a topic you feel should be indexed. Compile this list, which will eventually become your index. Once done with post 107, then go backwards to post 106, then 105, etc. When a new post is again ready to release, index that post next. In this way you will keep a running index of all the current posts, back to the last post you indexed. Once you establish a pattern, then you may find a way that your sister, Rachael, may help you.
16. Tonight I would like to talk about loneliness. This is an experience that many of our children have at different times in their lives. We instill this in young adults so they will be motivated to find a companion and marry. When there is a death of a spouse, this usually is a very lonely time also. During life, in a leadership position, there may be many lonely moments. One might also not be really close to another, causing more loneliness.
17. Even though being lonely is not a preferred way to live and be fully happy, it can provide at times a growth and understanding. Only those who experience loneliness can really understand, particularly if the feeling of being alone is for an extended period of time. We desire those who suffer loneliness or who have suffered loneliness in the past, to reach out to others who are also lonely. This might lift their burdens and help them gain a friend. Sometimes being among lots of people doesn't help the lonely. If they are able to turn outward, reaching out to others, or be involved in a worthy cause, then this may help dispel their loneliness.
18. Your Heavenly Mother and I stand ready to succor the weak and the lonely. We surely understand the temporary experiences in the lives of our children. Our Beloved Son deeply understands, and with compassion will gently lead the lonely and isolated.
19. In eternity, among the righteous who are exalted, there are never lonely times, for couple Gods are together to work through their eternal work of creation and raising their own offspring. This entire life of godliness is filled with happiness and deep emotions of joy. There are occasional times of sadness and grief. However, there is never time in eternity to be lonely.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words on loneliness. I know suffering is part of a mortal journey, and will include being lonely at times. I prayed to my Father to help me find the lonely and know how to uplift and strengthen them.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 17, 2019, Thursday
1. This morning I came again to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I feel clear and ready to pray. I knelt next to the shore on the grass. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come.
2. Heavenly Mother appeared directly in front of me, a little elevated in the air! She was beaming with happiness and her eternity eyes were sparkling. She was smiling broadly. Her entire being was glowing in light and acceptance! I immediately felt so comforted in her presence.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night about one of the negative human emotions of loneliness. Today I am going to address what makes us happy. You see how happy I appear before you today. This reflects a deep happiness and contentedness within my soul. I choose to display my joy through my outward appearance. This is a natural thing to do when we are happy.
4. Conversely, when we are sad, or filled with a negative emotion, it is difficult to hide this feeling in our facial expressions. Being happy is a result of choices that bring joy, peace, and satisfaction. Your Heavenly Father and I plan actions that will be deeply satisfying to both of us, and those that create contented feelings and increased love for each other and those we serve. Most of our plans and works are centered around blessing and strengthening our beloved children, our own offspring. We thrill when they progress, discover, awaken, and grow more and more like us! When they choose other ways, we still think of what we may do to help them become the happiest in their choices. We are patient and continue to care and bless them, as we are able.
5. We particularly favor the righteous (see 1 Nephi 17:35). These bring us and themselves the greater happiness, for they are responsive to our gentle promptings. We continue to pour out blessings on those who obey our words and seek to become like us. We rejoice in their progress and wisely give them experiences that will strengthen and bless them in their pursuit to become like us. This process is deeply satisfying and fills us with joy.
6. In the process of helping our children grow and be happy like we are, there are some of our children that reject us. We try not to dwell on these, but plan ways that may help them too, and turn them in a future day towards us and our ways. We control our thoughts when thinking of these rebellious children. Even though we see all the actions of our children, the good and the bad, we are able to dwell on and enhance those that bring us the greatest happiness or those that bring our children their greatest happiness. When they are happy through good choices, we are happy too!
7. When we create or make ready a world for our own children, we think of the joy our children will receive in this beautiful environment we create. Even when I create new flowers, I think of the joy it will bring to those I share these with. This anticipation brings me joy and excitement. Thus, happiness comes in the present to me by acting in ways that bless others, or that I see will bless others in the future. Love generates happiness. Your Heavenly Father and I continually love our children through our kindly actions that we do for them. We ourselves are then filled with more and more happiness.
8. Raphael, your path to deep happiness and joy will come by acting in the ways we tell you, in keeping our commandments, and in selflessly serving your fellowmen in love. As you think of others, and what will delight them, you will find a growing reservoir of satisfaction and joy. This principle that serving others brings happiness is a principle we continually practice ourselves. In loving others you will become the happiest man possible!'
9. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words and principles she shared with me today! I want to make her happy through following her commandments and promptings. I know that by doing so I too will be filled with greater joy.
10. I then felt her happiness and love beam into my being. These were tangible feelings that so uplifted my soul! I thanked her again for her love that she showed me! She then said she was happy with me. I loved feeling her acceptance! I thrill to be near her and be the recipient of her Godly love.
11. She then began to fade, and soon was gone. Even though I would love to remain in her presence, I knew she left me so that I might have experiences and growth in my mortal life. I closed my prayer and started my day.
12. Evening–Tonight I came to the birch tree forest on the slope to the east of Lake Beautiful. I drank from the little stream that flowed down the slope. I then felt very clear and receptive. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
13. This was such a pretty setting, with birch trees, the stream, and sunlit sections on the ground where sunshine streamed in! I was waiting and observing these sunbeams and then realized my Heavenly Father was descending in one of these rays of light, not far away! He came to the ground and waved for me to stand and come to him. I got up and walked quickly to him. I crossed the little stream and soon stood in front of him.
14. Heavenly Father then spoke before I could kneel before him: 'Raphael, I want to go with you above this stream down into the city of Enoch below. Come walk with me. He came forward a few steps in the air over the little stream. I beamed myself next to him. We then descended together, in the air a little above this gurgling stream.
15. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind again: 'Raphael, this little stream flows down this hill to the city of Enoch, to the fountain of living water in that city. The tree of life is beyond this fountain. We are able to control the gravitational pull on the water from our celestial orb in whatever area we wish. We wish a gentle flow of this stream, even though the slope is steep and the mass of our celestial orb is very large. The normal gravity for this area would cause the water to wildly cascade down this slope to the bottom.
16. We have asked our celestial orb to tether the gravitational pull here so that the water gently gurgles down the hill. The intelligence in our celestial orb responds and has power to control its gravitational pull as it wishes.
17. You may also wonder how we or the inhabitants of our celestial world also do not have the pull of gravity on their bodies at times, and at other times the pull from gravity is similar as on the earth in your telestial environment. This change in gravity is controlled by our own capability, by virtue of us being quickened to a celestial level. As a God, or a child of God, we may selectively turn on or off gravity and its effects on our spirit or physical body. When turned off, we may float in the air or direct ourselves by our thoughts to wherever we wish to travel or move. If we wish to be more grounded, we allow a certain amount or all of the gravitational pull to act on our bodies.
18. Once the mind turns off gravitational pull on our body, we may then move about by directed thought. You have often seen us moving quickly across the air. You have called this "beaming" ourselves to the location of our choice. Beaming or teleporting from one location to another is something all of you know how to do as pre-mortal spirits. When you have your physical body, translated or a resurrected body, you may also learn how to teleport from one location to another. We have answered many of your questions about this in your post #30.
19. There is a step-by-step sequence that allows you or us to beam or teleport from one location to another. This is now so natural for you too that you do it easily by your directed thoughts. It is also much easier to do this in our celestial world, than on your telestial fallen earth. However, the day will come when you will replicate and teleport and be able to control gravity effects on your body on the earth in your mortal state.'
20. Heavenly Father and I have now come to the base of the slope. The birch trees were behind us and the stream had widened into a small lake area. On the other side there was another exit stream that went to the fountain at the front of the city of Enoch.
21. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, it is good that you become proficient in controlling all of your physical movement, and your replication skills in our celestial world. Once you are able to do this easily here, then doing it also in a fallen world like your earth will be much easier.
22. Do not worry about these things, for all will come in time, as you need these skills. We have orchestrated all of this for your life and for those of our angels and servants who will need these skills in their mortal bodies.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great lesson tonight. I told him I so appreciate the one-on-one training I am receiving at his hand and also from my Heavenly Mother. I feel so blessed and humbled! Heavenly Father smiled. He then went back up into the sky and was soon out of sight. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 18, 2019, Friday
1. I am up early, and I felt that I was in the desert this morning, in front of the oasis next to the shore. There was a new day dawning with the celestial sun reflecting its rays on the water in front of me. I then came to the bench and sat, just to enjoy the quiet beauty of a new morning here. I must have been five minutes or so in this reflective state when I saw a ripple in the water. I looked up in the sky and saw my glorious Heavenly Mother descend to me above the water! I quickly came to my knees in anticipation of her arrival. I couldn't see her at first, but somehow knew it was Heavenly Mother, I believe through my spirit sense. When she came closer, I confirmed by my spiritual sight it was my Heavenly Mother.
2. Heavenly Mother came in front of me, smiling. I greeted her saying how pleased I was that she came to visit me. Heavenly Mother spoke: Raphael, I came to you as a friend, before you asked me to come. I know your patterns of asking one or both of us to come, so I came early, even before you asked. Normally we wait to be invited by our children before we come, in answer to their prayers.
3. Your Heavenly Father and I also have been choosing in our visits the topics we wish to reveal to you. Do you have any questions this morning before I share what I want to talk about?'
4. I responded: 'M.A. had asked me in an email how Heavenly Father actually bundles his tares together that he places on that road that will be burned? (see paragraph 107H7) Heavenly Mother replied: Raphael, the wheat and tares are figurative of individuals who are living in your telestial world, our mortal children. Heavenly Father does, however, physically and spiritually, remove the tares from his wheat field and place them on the road that leads to the oak tree to the west. These are plants he cuts with his sickle, thus removing them from their source of nourishment from their roots. This is effectively removing them from the growing wheat, allowing the wheat to gain more nourishment from the soil. The roots of the tares quickly die. Cutting the tares is akin to removing the wicked from the earth in preparation for the millennial day. Giving the wheat more room in the field and more access to nourishing soil is akin to more revelation and personal direction to the righteous from us, their Gods.
5. When the tares are left to wither and dry on the road, the Father then asks certain of our holy angels to come and bind these tares into bundles. They are given twine that Heavenly Father has made himself in our celestial world from certain of our plants here. This twine is extremely strong so that many tares may be grouped and tied tightly together. They are stacked vertically on the road by the angels of God. Their fate to be burned with fire is thereby assured.
6. The burning comes after the harvest of the wheat into garners. This too is figurative, but also actually is done by Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me. We gather the righteous elect, one by one, into safe places prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We protect and nourish them. When they are gathered, they continue to grow and are still nourished by us, unlike the tares that are bound to be burned. Each wheat and each tare represents an adult individual son or daughter on the earth. The wheat, or the elect, are cared for and receive now most of our attention, whereas the tares have demonstrated by their actions and choices that they don't want any part of our millennial world, or a terrestrial or celestial life.
7. Once the field is harvested, the wheat is gathered in safe garners and the field and tares are burned. Finally, the field is again prepared and replanted with new wheat. These are representative of those choice children of God who will come forth in the great millennial era. They will grow up without sin unto salvation. See D&C 45:57-58 (Heavenly Mother's comments in parentheses).
8. "For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived-(these are the wheat who listen and follow me, the Holy Ghost, and received revelation and direction from their Gods), verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.
9. And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children (these are the new millennial elect that will be planted in Father's wheat field after it is burned and then prepared for planting again) shall grow up without sin unto salvation. (These millennial children will have no devil to tempt and lead them into sin and wickedness. There will be no tares that will come into the Father's field until the end of the millennium when Satan and his hosts are released again by you, Raphael, for a little season. Then the earth will be burned with fire.)
10. Jacob 5:77 " And when the time cometh that evil fruit shall again come into my vineyard, (this is another allegory one of the branches of the olive tree, speaking of the time at the end of the millennium), then will I cause the good and the bad to be gathered; and the good will I preserve unto myself, and the bad will I cast away into its own place. And then cometh the season and the end, and my vineyard (this is the same as the entire earth) will I cause to be burned with fire (this fire will be the death of the earth. After this, the earth will resurrect, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.)" See Ether 13:9
11. Heavenly Mother finished answering my question. I felt very enlightened by her answer! She then indicated that this is what she wanted to share with me today. I thanked her for her clarity and great explanation! I said I loved her, and would always seek her face and follow her counsels. She then turned and moved over the oasis, a little elevated in the air. When she arrived at the center of the oasis, she turned and faced me.
12. She then sent these thoughts into my mind: 'Raphael, it has been a joy for me to share with you this morning! I love how you are so receptive and open. I love you, my son!' She smiled and then ascended back up into the sky above. The water rippled again as she arose. Soon she was out of sight and I was alone in the desert.
13. Tonight I came to the area immediately outside the north temple doors by the celestial temple. I knelt before the doors on the pavement. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother appeared briefly to me. She was smiling and indicated that it would be difficult for me to receive any significant revelation since I was so tired tonight. She didn't have any angst against me for getting too tired. Instead, she was just very accepting of me. I felt foggy and tired. I had noticed at work today that I had become a little stressed. I actually look forward to going to bed tonight.
14. Heavenly Mother reached out to me with her hand, placing it on my shoulder. I thanked her for coming. I felt so much peace just in being in her presence! She then faded away and was gone. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
Moss and lichen growing on the oak trees
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 19, 2019, Saturday
1. I came to the forest overlook to the west of Heavenly Father's wheat field below. There was a fog that was lifting under the rays of a morning sun. I could see patches of the field below. I couldn't see the large oak tree, for it was covered with fog. As I was standing at the overlook, I wondered if this fog and sunshine had a meaning with regards to the elect who were in the wheat field.
2. As I was pondering, Heavenly Father appeared on my left at the overlook. He came next to me and placed his right arm around my shoulders and pulled me tight. He was smiling and glowing with light. I felt very loved and accepted in his presence! I greeted him and said how wonderful it was to be in his presence on this quiet lovely morning.
3. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, I enjoy being with you too this morning! Your inquisitive and open spirit was this way from the beginning. Your very intelligence was asking lots of questions, even in the beginning when your Heavenly Mother and I chose you to be our son. We have been very successful in guiding you all along, in your pre-mortal life and now in your mortal life.
4. The fog that is now dispersing over my wheat field represents the errors, falsehoods, misconceptions and untrue doctrines that are being dispersed before the sunlight of our truths from heaven. The sunshine, or the light of truth, our Spirit that is now shining brightly on humanity, is being perceived now in much greater clarity among our elect. They are questioning long held norms and false religious cultural beliefs that have gone unquestioned their entire lives. As the fog dissipates and the sunlight of God's truth comes by revelations to them, as a result of their questioning and asking us, they become truly enlightened. We have chosen them as our elect because they hear our voice and then have courage to change and correct their paths as we direct. We speak to them directly by our own voice, the voice of the Spirit that they recognize. We also send messages to them from our angels and chosen heavenly servants.
5. In not many years, all of the fog will be gone and the sincere and humble truth seeker will clearly see new ways. They will be endowed with greater light and understanding. They will be filled with our love and acceptance to their awakening soul to fill them with joy and peace. Satan will try to cover their minds with falsehoods, but will largely be unsuccessful.
6. Our wheat will be then gathered into our garners, as your Heavenly Mother explained to you yesterday morning. We have various safe places, which have been designated as our garners, for the righteous. These may be spiritual and/ or physical places of safety. Everyone may have a different safe place, a shield that I have provided for them, an assurance that they are hearing our voice correctly and have finally reconnected with their Heavenly Parents again, or some other form of protection from the evil all around them. We are watching and caring for each of our elect and will give rest to their souls, even in a troubled world.
7. Raphael, watch now with me as I speed up time on my wheat field below!' I then looked with my Heavenly Father to his wheat field below. The clouds of darkness, or the fog, seemed to be dispersing quickly. I could see the sunshine on the fog was intense as it beamed down from the celestial sun. The fog was gradually thinning and gave way more and more. More and more patches of the opening in the fog appeared all over. However, the fog around the mighty oak tree was still thick and tight. It was the last area to disperse, gradually lifting above the surrounding field of the elect wheat near it. At this point the entire field of wheat was in full sun.
8. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, you have seen how intense our sun was upon the fog. Without the revelations from us, their Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, our responsive children, represented by the wheat, would forever remain in darkness!
9. You have also seen how the thick fog remained around the large live oak tree. This tree represents The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was established by revelation through the prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., our chosen revelator to the people, nearly 190 years ago. However, in recent years we have cut off our revelations to our church and its leaders, for they have turned away from our direction and counsels. They have the mighty structure of the oak tree, but are now without the nourishment we have given in the past. The tree is now dead!'
10. I looked carefully at the tree below us. It still had a mighty structure, but there were no more leaves! There was no more nourishment from its roots. The tree below me was standing, but dead. I wondered how this was done in the celestial world?
11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, look more carefully at its roots. We have asked the spirit of this tree to transfer into a new growing oak tree found in its roots! This is indeed a resurrected tree, but is still changing shape and structure. The new growing roots represent the new Church of Christ, soon to be reestablished on the earth.
12. I then looked more carefully at the roots of this oak tree, from the overlook where we were standing. I saw that deep in the ground, hidden from view, there were roots that were alive and thriving from the rich nourishment of the soil. I believe I saw this growth from my spirit sense. As I was looking at the roots, a mighty whirlwind came up and blew fiercely upon the field and upon the oak tree. The wheat in the field bent over and it seemed like waves of wind came across the field. The individual stalks of wheat held fast in the wind and survived just fine.
13. I then looked at the oak tree. It started to tip and then, in a mighty crash, fell to the ground towards Heavenly Father and me! The top of the branches almost reached us as it crashed down. This was a dramatic fall! I could see over the tree to its exposed roots that were sticking up in the air, now exposed. I could perceive the deep roots that had been growing were still intact and separated from the ones in the air.
14. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Come Raphael, let's go to the base of my oak tree.' We then moved over the branches of the once mighty oak tree. I could clearly see they were dry, covered with moss and even infected, it seemed, with disease. The branches were brittle with no life.
15. We came to the ground next to the uprooted tree. The roots in the air were also dry. I reached up to one and it snapped before me. I had never seen such a dead brittle tree. I thought that must have been dead for years!
16. Heavenly Father then walked into the hole vacated by the roots. I came next to him. He pointed to the roots below his feet and spoke: 'Raphael, here are the living roots that I have preserved, into which the spirit of this mighty oak tree has gone. Let us clear the way for these roots to grow into a new mighty oak tree, our restored Church of Christ that will remain during the entire millennium!'
An uprooted oak tree (image courtesy of rijim.com)
17. Heavenly Father reached down with his hands and moved soil over the exposed living roots. He said he would not bury these too deeply, but as the roots started to grow again he would fill in more soil around them. He said he would do this carefully until the roots were again at the level surface of the field. At that time he would wait, and the tree would then come forth from the ground. He said that this would be the time when Joseph would again transfer the keys of the kingdom of God on earth to the newly called leaders of the Church of Christ. The church would then grow quickly in the sunshine of true revelation from Jesus Christ.
18. Heavenly Father and I came up from the hole to the level ground. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I will leave this dead oak tree on the ground as a memorial until near the time that new live oak tree comes out of the ground as a new tree. In the meantime, our elect children in this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will need to receive all their revelation from us, their Gods, and no longer from their fallen leaders. We will abundantly give them the sunshine of our revelations to guide and protect them. Oh, we love them so very much!'
19. I could see a tear in my Heavenly Father's eyes! I knew he and Heavenly Mother loved their elect children so very much and fully accepted their elect just as they were at this time. They wanted their elect to hear their voice and obey them so that they could safely guide them to safe places, spiritually and physically. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, the mighty whirlwind spoken of in D&C 112:24-26 is that same whirlwind you saw in my field that tipped the dead oak tree over:
20. D&C 112:24-26 "Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord.
21. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord.
22. First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord."
23. Raphael, do not weep, mourn or lament over the fall of this mighty oak tree (see verse 24 above), for it was needful to clear out the bad, the untrue doctrine, the false traditions that infested this fallen oak tree, so that the pure and holy new live oak tree could spring forth in its place. Those who professed to be true prophets and from whom I have already cut off from my priesthood power, will one day fall, for they have blasphemed me (see verse 26). They say to my people that they have received revelation from me when they have not. They are left alone now to do their own works, cut off from our presence.'
24. I stood in awe of this vision I had just experienced with my Heavenly Father at his wheat field! I looked again at the fallen oak tree. It reminded me of the fallen oak tree I had seen at the Oak Alley Plantation. There had been a recent wind I think that blew this isolated tree at the end of the parking lot. It had split and crashed some nearby picnic tables! Scary! I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation and demonstration before me this morning! I said how much I loved him and wanted to always hear his voice and keep his commandments.
25. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, if any of my elect wish to view this fallen dead oak tree, I will show them what you have seen, or at least the memorial of this fallen tree. It will help them believe in my words to you today and know that we truly speak to them individually with the sunshine of our revelations. This should help the fog of doubt and unbelief to disperse from their minds!'
26. Heavenly Father then embraced me and kissed me on my forehead. He said he loved me! He then started to rise up in the air, even up to the morning sun, which gave the sunshine of revelation to his wheat field below. He was departed.
27. I knelt next to the uprooted tree and closed my prayer. I lingered a little longer however, and in awe walked along the mighty fallen tree. I was trying not to mourn over its fall, but to rejoice in the new upcoming live oak tree that would soon come up. I then found myself in my adjacent bedroom. Wow, this has been a very dramatic vision for me in my prayer this morning!
28. Evening–I received an email from my sister asking if the oak tree would be still standing now, or since time was fast forwarded, would she see it fallen? I was not sure.
29. Tonight I came to the oak tree at the west end of Heavenly Father's wheat field. When I got there the tree was fallen, with the roots up in the air. I looked and the wheat was still in the field and hadn't yet been harvested. I next came to the overlook above and faced the field and the fallen oak tree below. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.
30. Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me in the air. She was beautiful and shining. She was smiling and radiated her love to me. I felt warmed by her presence and filled with peace. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, if one of our children were to come here now, they would see the fallen oak tree. It stands now as a memorial for all to see.
31. Another question that you were asked was whether our replicated persons could create, select intelligences, or do all of our godly functions? Yes, all of our base or replicated selves have full capability to do any of our godly functions. You cannot tell the difference between our base self and our replicated selves, for to you we all seem exactly the same, with the same capability.
32. Finally, from another question: When I taught our spirit daughters to have babies, they practiced how this would be done. They did this by simulated experiences in the future. I gave them visionary experiences using our godly gift of foresight. They were given their own vision of their life in mortality when they themselves would conceive and grow a fetus and birth a baby. They saw all of this and I helped them learn well the process as they practiced this in this future visionary state, again and again. Those whom I knew wouldn't have this experience on earth learned from a visionary experience by proxy with another of my daughters. Thus all knew these conception, growth process in the womb and birthing functions very well. I required that they all knew these things prior to being allowed to come to earth.
33. This same procedure of using foresight to learn physical body processes was practiced and learned for other body functions and systems. Usually we allowed our children to practice by a future proxy procedure on themselves, like would occur in their mortal life. Later, when they would really be in their mortal state, some experienced a "deja vu" feeling, like they had done this before. This actually happened in their mind in these future visionary experiences, even while they lived and prepared in their pre-mortal life. These are answers to the questions you were asked today.'
34. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear answers. She immediately left and I closed my prayer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 20, 2019, Sunday
1. I have been pondering over the prayer vision I experienced yesterday morning with my Heavenly Father at his wheat field. I was very impressed by the fall of the mighty oak tree! When it came crashing towards us in the whirlwind, I was fully taken by surprise. I wonder how long it will remain fallen on its side.
2. I came again to the lookout point where I was yesterday in both my morning and evening prayers. I saw again the fallen oak tree and the nearly ripe wheat field. I felt clear, rested, and ready in every way to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I knelt and asked them or one of them to come to me. I waited and observed. I then saw in the distance both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking down the road next to the river representing my Heavenly Father. When they arrived at the road leading next to Heavenly Father's wheat field, they turned and walked towards me.
3. Somehow, I heard their conversation while they walked. Heavenly Father: 'Sophia, our son Raphael has more questions about the demise of the fallen oak tree in my field. Let's go talk to him.' Heavenly Mother: 'Michael, I want to speak to him too about some other things. Let's go to him now. Once I heard this both of my Heavenly Parents appeared before me in the air, over the end of the branches of the fallen oak tree.
4. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were holding hands. Each was smiling, glowing with the light and acceptance that they always showed to me. I immediately felt so comfortable in their presence. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have been strolling together for our morning walk this new day. We heard you address us in prayer. We always come to answer your questions or to reveal to you more of the mysteries of our kingdom here in heaven, or of our kingdom on the earth. We have many things to reveal to you as you continue to inquire of us and as fast as you are able to receive. This same promise is available for all of our children!
5. Raphael, you have wondered about the future state of the fallen oak tree. We will show you now. Stand with us!' She and Heavenly Father both extended their hands and I stood and took their hands. We then elevated to a spot in the air above where I had been kneeling. We faced east and saw the fallen oak tree and the wheat field in front of us. I then saw my Father in the field below and many angels working with him as he labored. He was both next to me watching and also working in the field below! I knew he could replicate and be in numberless places at the same time, but I had only once seen God in two places at the same time before. I had seen Jesus once during the sacrament, both at the sacrament table and passing me the bread (I don't know where this was, but when my posts are indexed I could easily find it.)
6. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus and I replicate ourselves according to our need and tasks we need to do. I wanted to stay next to you to describe what is happening, while at the same moment work in my field, laboring with my angels and servants. This is why you see two of me. You also don't know which is my replicated state, or if both are. It really doesn't matter, for I act in full power and glory in all of my persons, wherever I may be.'
7. I thanked Heavenly Father for his words and then continued watching. I next saw Heavenly Father call more angels, and speak to them on the road by his field. I also was given power to hear his words to them: 'My chosen holy angels, I am now going to harvest my wheat, for the time of harvest is fully come. They are prepared and have responded to our counsels and commandments, and are all accepted of us. They have obeyed our commandments and have acted in righteous ways. These are our elect children in mortality.
8. As I cut the stalks of wheat with my sharp sickle, I will lay them down in my field. I will act fast and steady until all are cut by me, one by one. I want each of you to follow me and gather tenderly my cut stalks of wheat. Take them one at a time into my garners that I will show to you. Each may go to a different place of safety, whether a spiritual and/ or a physical place where they will be preserved and protected. As you pick up my cut wheat stalk, I will whisper into your mind where this one elect child should be safely taken by you.'
9. I saw all of the angels were very attentive to the directions of Heavenly Father. He then started at the far northeastern section of the wheat field and started harvesting his wheat. The angels came and went quickly to keep up with the great skill and diligence with which Heavenly Father worked. They worked very fast and accurately.
10. In the process of time, I saw Heavenly Father and his holy angels work steadily until the entire field was harvested and each of the wheat stalks had been safely gathered to their places of safety, one at a time. I saw Heavenly Father then speak again to his angels: 'My servants, you have worked tirelessly in helping me harvest into safety each of my elect, represented by these wheat stalks. I will greatly bless you because of your diligence in laboring with me in my field! (see Jacob 5:75)
11. Heavenly Father and the angels of God, who had labored with him, arose in the air over the eastern end of his field. I was also in the air, on the western end of the field, watching with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at my sides. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, you will notice that in your vision yesterday, the tares were first removed from among the wheat, allowing the wheat to grow more vigorously before the sunshine of our revelations. The wheat also received the nourishment from our heavenly soil, now that the tares were bound in bundles. You still see these bundles on the road next to the wheat field. In the field there is stubble, the remains of the wheat, their roots and a small part of the stalk above the ground. This represents that the roots in the telestial world where the wheat grew no longer are important, for they have fulfilled their purpose.
12. You will also see the fallen oak tree in the northwestern part of the field below us. This tree has further decayed since the mighty whirlwind blew it over. All is now ready to be burned with fire! Watch now Heavenly Father at the east end of his wheat field in the air.'
13. I looked in the distance to Heavenly Father next to his holy angels in the air. Heavenly Father raised his hands above the field below him and great flames of fire came down from the sky and lit upon the field and the road. I saw the stubble, the bound tares, and the once mighty oak tree catch on fire and burn. There was a thick, black smoke, which arose from the tares, and especially from the dead oak tree. The fire was ferocious and wild. The heat of its burning rose in the air and I could feel its radiant intensity. I next saw it burn steadily and then die down to embers. Soon all was still again.
14. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother turned to me and Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, let's now go down to my wheat field.' We descended from the sky to the place where the oak tree had fallen. I saw no sign of this mighty oak, except for some ashes on the ground. The hole where the roots of the tree had uprooted had been gradually filled by Heavenly Father with surrounding soil, nearly to the level ground. This soil had protected the underlying roots from damage.
15. Heavenly Father reached out and mixed the ashes from the burnt tree with more soil and then pushed this mixture on top of the area where the deep hole had been created. The soil mixture made the ground now level again. Heavenly Mother spoke: Raphael, the ashes from the fallen oak tree are the true doctrines and practices that remain of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These will be transferred to the new Church of Christ that will soon spring forth from the roots of this live oak tree.'
16. I then looked over the field and it was completely clear of stubble, ready for a new planting of millennial wheat. On the road I saw no sign of the tares that had been bound with Heavenly Father's twine. There was neither root nor branch. I thought of the scripture from Malachi 4:1-3: "For behold the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."
17. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we have many allegories depicting this great event that you have just witnessed in my wheat field. The parable of the wheat and tares is one of these allegories, or parables. They all refer to the great harvest of our elect and the destruction of the wicked, soon to happen in your day. We will tell our faithful which allegories or parables apply to this time, through our revelations to them. These are found in the words of our prophets who saw your day, recorded in your scriptures.'
18. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for their revelation and demonstration again today, at this wheat field below! I said I loved them both and would keep their commandments. I felt very clarified with this new knowledge of what will soon happen in our day.
19. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then said they were going to continue their morning stroll together. They smiled at me and were instantly gone from before the overlook where they had been. I saw them next in the distance at the end of Heavenly Father's field of wheat, walking north towards Lake Beautiful.
20. I looked on the field below and it was back to the state I had seen this morning, filled with waving wheat stalks before a gentle breeze. The mighty oak tree was still fallen as a memorial in front of me. I saw the tares bound in bundles on the road. I felt more tares would yet be withdrawn from among wheat and bound in bundles on the road. This is the time we now live in, in January 2019. I closed my prayer and went out to my wife in my front room.
21. After church–We attended our ward sacrament meeting at noon today. We sang the sacrament hymn, page 170, "God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray". In the first and second verses is mentioned "grace". This caught my eye. "Send thy grace this holy day" and "Grant us, Father, grace divine." In each of these verses, I believe "grace" should be capitalized, for grace is the Son, even Jesus Christ.
22. I came again to the overlook above the Father's wheat field. I knelt and prepared myself for the sacrament. Once the hymn was done, I saw Jesus Christ, the "Grace" of God, appear before me in the air, over the fallen oak tree. I gazed into the face and eternity eyes of my Redeemer. I recognized his unique eyes, so compassionate and loving for me!
23. The priest in the ward offered the prayer. Heavenly Mother then came on the right back side of her Son, behind him. Heavenly Father was not there. I then made my covenant to my Heavenly Mother and absent Heavenly Father: 'Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I covenant with you to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, the Grace of God, to always remember you, and to keep your commandments.' I then partook of the bread. Heavenly Father immediately came on the left back side of his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus then stepped back to be in line with his parents. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant and will send to you our Spirit and very presence. Jesus is truly the Grace of God that we extend to all of our children. He is representative of our deep love for our children.' Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have witnessed yesterday and today great events here at my wheat fields below. What you have seen represents one of the parables that depicts the last days' events that are upon you. Each parable or allegory of this time provides new insights to our faithful children who study them. Come to the overlook near the green hill tonight in your evening prayer. We will show you a last days allegory tonight at that location.' The sacrament had ended, and the meeting continued.
Tame olives
24. Evening–It is early evening. I came to the overlook on the path that goes into the large fir forest to the east and northeast. To the direct south was the green hill and green field. To my southeast was the temple. I came here because Heavenly Father asked me to do so in my evening prayer to him, to show me an allegory of the time we live in.
25. I knelt on the overlook, facing south towards the green hill and field. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw a change in the green field below. I saw three mature olive trees, scattered across the green field. They looked old and some had green growth, but parts of the trees also had dead branches. I was curious if this might be a vision of part or all of the allegory of the olive trees found in Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon. I scanned this chapter, and got even more confused because this allegory has been hard for me to follow.
26. Anyway, I knelt where I was on the overlook, wondering what my Heavenly Father was planning to show me. Heavenly Father then appeared at my side. He said he was understanding of my frustration in understanding Jacob chapter 5, the allegory of the olive tree, given to Zenos, the prophet (see Jacob 5:1).
27. Heavenly Father said he wanted to show me part of this long allegory, the part that pertains to my day. He said that this was all about the house of Israel, and how it had seasons of being righteous or wicked. The house of Israel had many of God's elect who were born into its lineage or baptized into its numbers. In my day, the house of Israel was mostly in a state of wickedness. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, come with me to the nearest olive tree!' I stood and together we came to a mature olive tree in the green field below us. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, this tree represents the house of Israel in your area.
28. You can see that some of these branches have tame olive fruit and others have wild olive fruit. The tame fruit is larger, firm, and will produce good tasting olives. The wild fruit is small, deformed and will not taste good. These all are growing on this one olive tree. The tame olive fruits are analogous to the elect of God, whereas the wild olive fruits are those in the church and culture of religious organizations who are not righteous in their personal lives. They would like others of the tree to think that they are righteous, but inwardly they follow Satan and love the things of the world.
29. We may nourish the tree with fertile soil, water it well, and let the sunshine of our countenance shine upon it. The tame olive fruit flourish under such conditions! The roots of the tree bring forth the nourishment into the branches, leaves and fruit. However, for wild fruit, they do not accept this nourishment to themselves, thinking they know better how to thrive. They take upon themselves a semblance of religious practices, but inwardly love Satan and wickedness more, or the sins of the world. They are hypocrites, outwardly feigning to be religious or pious, but in their personal lives they are selfish, take advantage of others, and have secret sins they hide. Their motivation to remain in religious circles is to get gain or to feed their pride.
30. Our method in these final last days is to prune the olive tree of the bad olive branches as the good grows. The bad branches and wild fruit are cast aside and later will go into the fire as the strength of the good fruit gains a stronger hold and helps sustain the olive tree. Soon the bad will all be discarded and our olive tree, or the house of Israel, will all consist of the tame olive fruit, or the elect of God. This entire fruitful good tree will proceed into the days of the millennium and produce good fruit during the 1000 years of peace.
31. In the process of strengthening the tree and causing more tame olive fruits to grow, I have called my Son, Jesus Christ, to assist me. He, in turn, has called many other servants who are specifically called to gather Israel (see Jacob 5:61-62). These are our heavenly servants we employ in this last hour of work before the second coming of Jesus Christ. These servants include translated and resurrected individuals who work for their chief servant, Jesus Christ, who reports to me, the master of the vineyard or orchard. (see Jacob 5:7,10) These servants are not the angels, for they receive their directions and commandments from your Heavenly Mother and me directly. These servants who serve Jesus Christ include the 144,000, the people of Enoch, and other servants we call to gather our elect from all the earth. The servants bring these elect to the safe places and here they will be able to move forward into the millennial day (Jacob 5:75-79).'
Wild olives
32. I thanked my Heavenly Father for making the basic message of the olive tree allegory become understandable to me. I thanked him for showing me this current state of the house of Israel, which has now mostly wild fruit, but will transition to having all good tame olives in a day ahead.
33. Heavenly Father said I needed to absorb what the scriptures described about the olive tree allegory and what he instructed me with tonight. He asked me to come again to this olive tree tomorrow morning for further instructions. He then left my presence. I knew my prayer was completed so I thanked him in my mind again and ended my prayer.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 21, 2019, Monday
1. I came again to the olive tree where I had been instructed last night by my Heavenly Father. This tree looked gnarled and old, like it had been around a long time and had seen lots of different conditions. I saw the branches more closely too–there were only a few tame olive fruits on strong branches, but mostly wild poorly shaped and smaller off colored olives on the weaker branches. A few branches looked dead.
2. The soil around the tree had recently been shoveled it seemed, with rich compost added. It had recently also been watered, for the soil was moist. The sun was shining above. What more could God do to nourish the tree I wondered?
3. Heavenly Father then appeared as I was examining the olive tree. He spoke: 'Raphael, let's look more carefully at the roots of my olive tree!' He put his hand on my shoulder and I then could easily "see" the roots, or perceive the strength of the olive tree roots. I saw this, not with my spirit eyes, but with my spirit sense. All the roots seemed strong and were thriving. They were soaking up the moisture and rich nutrients from the surrounding soil and were bringing this nourishment up the tree to the branches that were living. I saw that the tame olives took full advantage of all the nourishment that the roots provided. Their branches were strong and healthy.
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'The nourishment from the rich soil is from us–Jesus Christ, Heavenly Mother and me. We bless the tame olive fruits with our sustained Spirit that we continually bless them with. We promise them our Spirit as they are open to our promptings and change their lives to conform to our commandments. The wild fruits, on the other hand, are not receptive or open to our Spirit. They reject our gentle guidance and will not be nourished by our Spirit that we openly make available to them. They, instead, want to be carnal, sensual and devilish inside. They think, too, that they may hide their true motives before us and others, but the astute can see that they are wild and not tame. Some of these are even the leaders in religious organizations that try to sway their congregations to be less valiant or to live false teachings that serve only themselves.
5. Heavenly Father then reached up to a recently dead branch. He commented: 'Raphael, here is a branch with some wild fruit that has slowly withered from lack of nourishment. These withered wild olives are representative of some of the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They claim to be guided by us, and to receive from us, their Gods, but they have no more nourishment from the roots, from our fertile soil and water, that we have provided to the tree.'
An old olive tree
6. Heavenly Father then took a saw from his pocket and sawed off this dead branch. He threw it aside on the ground. He found a few more dead branches and sawed them off too and threw them on top of the others. 'Raphael, these dead, dry branches do not serve well our tree, but encumber it. The tree will do better without them.' When done pruning, Heavenly Father had 4-5 branches piled on the ground. I then saw Jesus come up to the pile of dead branches, with a few of his servants, and pick up the branches. They took them to a large pile of dead branches and refuse to our east, in the green field. There were withered wild olives and leaves on these dead branches.
7. I looked again at my Father. He spoke: 'Raphael, some may wonder how their leaders could possibly have gone astray and misled them. They need to realize that they themselves may receive personal revelation, direct guidance from us, their Gods. Then they will not be led astray by their leaders. They need to be open and receive the abundant nourishment that flows all around them. If they are wild or partly wild, they may change this by accepting fully our teachings that we give them by personal revelation and through our Spirit that will help guide them gently along. They need to drop the fear of man, the cultural religious dogma and patterns of worshipping, and come unto Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. We will then give them full access to our spiritual guidance, our nourishment from the roots of the tree, as they are willing to receive.'
8. I asked: 'Heavenly Father, when will the dead branches in that pile be burned?' He responded: 'Raphael, when all the olive trees in this area have been nourished, digged and pruned, then the pile of dead branches will be very large. These will then be burned by the Son, even my servant, your Savior, Jesus Christ. Let's go forward in time and watch!'
9. Heavenly Father took my hand and we came again to the overlook near the green hill. We could clearly see three olive trees in the green field. They looked vibrant and strong. There was one large pile of dead limbs in the center of the field, away from the trees. I then saw Jesus Christ with his servants in the field. He spoke to them and they all arose up into the sky above the field, to be with him in the clouds of heaven. He then stretched forth his hand over the field, above the pile of dead branches. This pile suddenly burst into flames and burned completely to the ground! Jesus then descended with his chosen servants to be with his olive tree.
10. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, as the tame olive fruit of the trees ripen, they are harvested. Then will they "have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard." (Jacob 5:75) I perceived that the trees in the green field below flourished, for they were in the season of the millennium. 'Raphael, if our angels and any of our elect children wish to see these same things that you have seen, they may come to the overlook here, or to our trees in the field below. They will see at first the olive tree ladened with wild olives, with a few tame olives, as you saw in the beginning.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful visions from last night and this morning! I told him I understood the meaning of the olive tree allegory so much better now. I said I would not so much be bothered by all the grafting episodes in Jacob chapter 5, but realize that the real message is what he had shown to me. Heavenly Father acknowledged that my perspective was accurate by smiling and nodding at me. He then ascended up into the air and was gone. I too departed into my adjacent room where I had written all of this down in my journal. I reread my account and started my day. I feel it is accurate and a true account of what I have seen in my visions.
12. Evening–Tonight in my prayer, I came to the overlook next to the green hill and walked up the path to the northeast, into the large fir forest. It was a very enjoyable walk. I greeted several people along the way that I did not recognize in my conscious mind. I found a spot deep in the woods to pray. I could see the overlook above the Father's wheat field to my east. It was all very still. I Ioved being surrounded by these tall majestic trees! They stand so stately and are very tall.
13. I knelt on the ground, facing the distant opening to my east. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come. I then saw Heavenly Mother appear at the opening! She waved at me and then walked quickly to me. Soon she was in front of me, standing a little above me in the air. I basked in her presence and was very pleased that she came to me! She spoke: 'Raphael, I love this mature fir forest in our celestial world. These trees have lived here through many eternities. They are so tall, stately and majestic!'
14. I thought Heavenly Mother had something in her right hand. Her hand was clasped to her side. I asked her if she had something in her hand? She extended her hand to me, and opened it up, palm upward. In her glowing hand I saw several very small round seeds. 'Raphael, these are tiny mustard seeds. Our Beloved Son spoke about the mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32
15. "The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
16. Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof."
17. Raphael, the kingdom of heaven is the world and kingdom that we are now in, in this celestial world. In the days ahead, you will introduce the kingdom of heaven to the earth for the first time. This will be in the construction of the New Jerusalem in your land. The area where the fountain of living water, the two trees of life, the New Jerusalem temple and the temple square area will all be a celestial area on the terrestrial earth. This will be our kingdom of heaven on the earth! Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and I will frequently come to our footstool, the earth, in this beautiful gateway into heaven.
18. Raphael, you are the man spoken of in the parable of Jesus. In the gardens to the east of the fountain of living water, you and I will plant these seeds as a memorial to the kingdom of heaven on the earth. These few mustard seeds will flourish and grow into a tall, bushy tree for our celestial birds to come and lodge in its branches. When fully grown, you will see why Jesus called this the greatest among herbs, or the largest.' Heavenly Mother extended her hand to mine, which I then also extended. She placed the few seeds into my hand. I drew them near and saw how tiny these were. 'Raphael, place these in your pocket, next to the apple I have given you previously. These seeds will remain there for you to retrieve when we plant them in the garden beds of the New Jerusalem together!' I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the celestial mustard seeds! I placed them in my pocket in my robe, next to the apple I had been given. The seeds disappeared in the bottom of the pocket.
19. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, I brought you to these majestic trees of my fir forest. They are so very great among the trees we have created, just like the grown mustard bush is very great among all the herbs. I wanted to teach you the true meaning of the parable of the mustard seed.'
20. I thanked her for her revelation tonight. I spoke: 'Heavenly Mother, I will treasure these few mustard seeds in my pocket. I will not remove them until you ask for them in the gardens of the New Jerusalem so that we may plant them together!'
21. Heavenly Mother smiled. She extended her hand to me again. 'Raphael, stand and come now with me to the overlook from where I came. I was watching your Heavenly Father below in his wheat field.' I stood and together we walked, hand in hand, to the overlook above the fallen oak tree and the wheat field. When we arrived, I saw my Father with the angels, already harvesting some wheat! I got the impression these were the first ones to be gathered spiritually. These would become the mortal servants who would serve Jesus Christ in his vineyard or orchard of the olive trees (the vineyard and the orchard are the same thing). They would help Jesus Christ in removing the decayed and dead branches, in digging more compost around the trees, and in doing all that their master, Jesus Christ would command. I saw Heavenly Father gather these stalks of wheat from all sections of his wheat field, one by one. The angels of God were assisting the Father in whatever he asked of them.
22. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for bringing me here to this lookout point! I said I so loved her and Heavenly Father. I said I would continue to seek their faces always so that I could bask in their love and light and keep their commandments. My prayer ended, for I was then brought back to my front room where I had been writing all of this. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Mustard seeds (image courtesy of dqhall59.com)
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 22, 2019, Tuesday
1. I came to the bench at the desert oasis. As I sat on the bench, Heavenly Mother appeared next to me on the bench. She was loving and smiling at me. She spoke: 'Raphael, we will answer the prayers of our children who seek for truth. This is an illusive pursuit among our children on earth without our direction and guidance. Were we to not inspire and direct them, they would never come to the knowledge of the truth: 2 Timothy 3:7–"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
2. The way to know the truth is to learn to trust our Spirit, the light of truth that comes upon you as you sincerely seek us diligently. We will speak peace and truth to your souls. I will come unto you, and not leave you comfortless. Feelings may be fickle if you trust in them only. However, my Spirit will speak to your spirit, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8:32)'
3. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I said I am always seeking their truth. I asked for a blessing upon my family to find the truth and for all truth seekers to be blessed with the Spirit. Heavenly Mother then smiled and was instantly gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
4. Evening–I enjoyed a good day, hardly a moment to breathe between events, but it was very fun to be with my wife all day long.
5. Tonight I came to the granite outcropping at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. There was a low cloud that was a little below my eye level. I could see the top spires of God's temple in the distance, coming up through the white cloud. I faced the temple, knelt down, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and observed.
6. Heavenly Father was apparently down by the temple doors, for he came up through the clouds in front of the temple and then traveled quickly to me in the air. He was shining brightly and was smiling. I immediately felt so comfortable in his presence. He spoke right away: 'Raphael, I have caused the lower clouds to come upon our celestial world as a sign to you and to those who read this revelation on the earth. The white cloud rests upon all the low-lying places in this part of our celestial world. Those below cannot see into the sky or celestial sun above with their natural or spiritual eyes. This is akin to our faithful on the earth who can't see much except their own life and day-to-day routines. They have no idea of our plans for their lives, for there is a thick cloud around their understanding, even as this thick white cloud lies before us in our celestial world.
7. On earth, the veil is strong for our children in their mortal lives. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I come regularly to our beloved children on earth, but they cannot perceive us near. We speak to their unconscious minds, even as we did in their pre-mortal lives with us, and they don't even hear. It is hard for us to communicate with them if they won't seek us diligently in an attempt to clear the cloud around their minds. As they seek us diligently, giving us priority in their lives, the cloud will dissipate and they will rise above the clouds and be able to see and perceive us much more clearly and hear what we say to them.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I feel so very blessed to have persisted until I have been able to come into God's presence and to hear their voice. Heavenly Father excused himself and turned, then traveled back to his temple. He descended again into the white cloud and was gone.
A full-grown mustard tree (image courtesy of dominicansisters.com)
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 23, 2019, Wednesday
1. This morning I came to God's Loving Healing Lake. The sky above was clear and the sun was shining. I was glad that I wasn't in the white cloud like I would have been last night had I come here. I came to the water's edge and drank from my cupped hand the living water. I returned to the side of the little stream, faced the water and knelt on the ground. I felt clarified and prepared to receive the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come.
2. Soon a figure started to appear gradually before me. Heavenly Mother then became clear as she fully appeared before me! I saw her with my spiritual eyes. She was glowing in her radiance and was smiling. I gazed into her sparkling and bright eyes–they were so loving and accepting of me, just how I am. Oh, I love her so much!
3. I asked if my mortal life was pleasing to her. I truly want any direction from her that would help me change into a better man. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, your mortal life you are living is pleasing to me. We are particularly pleased that you persist, morning and evening, in placing us first in your busy life. In turn, we continue to bless you with our presence, our Godly ways, and with our truths from heaven. We will do so to everyone who seeks us diligently, praying to us in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son.
4. You have noticed that the white cloud has lifted from our celestial world. You saw last night how this cloud covers the minds of our people who live in your fallen telestial world. However, for those who sincerely, openly, and diligently come unto us, we will speak to them by revelation and in ways they may understand.
5. You have recently read and thought about the parable of the ten virgins (see Matthew 25:1-13). There is a verse that is often overlooked: verse 7 "Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps." The cry had been made that the bridegroom cometh, and that they should go out to meet him. When that time comes, those who have already connected with us, and have received our presence and have the Holy Spirit for their guide, are able to trim their lamps and again fully connect with us in prayer. They have already received the Holy Ghost in their lives and have responded to my directions and counsels. They live in readiness. These are the elect of God. They hear my voice and have hearkened and obeyed. The trimming of their lamps is another prayer where they again recognize my voice or see my face again. They are ready to act according to my still, small voice that they recognize and hear. (See D&C 45:56-59)
6. The foolish virgins also trim their lamps. However, they are unaccustomed to my voice and the manner of the workings of the Spirit. They don't know which way to turn, or what voice to follow, for they have not diligently sought God in their lives. They are still clouded over with misconceptions and falsehoods. They hear many voices and don't know if they even hear the voice of God. They have claimed membership in a religious institution, and have said that they are followers of God. However, inwardly they have never put forth the effort to seek us, all the day long when we were nearby, longing to connect with them.
7. What more could we have done to awaken the foolish virgins? We are powerless unless they themselves, of their own agency and will, put forth the needed effort in times of peace, to connect to us. They have never been open to our gentle whisperings, for they dismiss this, thinking these were their own thoughts and imaginations of their heart. They would rather follow the crowd and to follow the given culture of the day. They don't pause and think deeply, nor have courage to strike out on their own when they are given promptings from us, their Heavenly Parents. They find greater comfort in acting and believing like others around them, rather than pursuing a course in their life that would bring peace and clarity. They are ones who unquestionably follow their leaders, yet ignore us, their Gods.
The ten virgins (image courtesy of henrytrocino.wordpress.com)
8. It is impossible for the wise virgins to share their oil with the foolish virgins, for they attained it drop by drop, through their own personal effort in prayer and righteous living. Once the bridegroom (our Son, Jesus Christ) receives the wise virgins with their lamps, he shuts the door. The time of preparation is past, and it is now too late to receive those who have all the daylong neglected their relationship with God. He says to the foolish: Verily I say unto you, I know you not." (see Matthew 25:12). Knowing them means that they have developed a connection together, a relationship of trust. This is a two-way effort that the foolish virgins have completely ignored up to this time of reckoning in their lives. The foolish virgins come from every walk of life, from leaders to followers, from rich to poor. They are fully immersed in their telestial world and have never sincerely sought for a better.
9. The wise virgins also come from every walk of life. However, we know them, for they have connected with us in diligent, open and sincere prayer. We have gradually helped them see and hear our voice. They have, by their own effort and desires, risen above the thick clouds that obscure the mind. We are eager to respond and connect with them, as often as they come unto us in the quietness and energy of their souls. They need to have courage to follow our promptings. As they do, more is given to them. They thus become our elect, the wise virgins spoken of in this parable of the last days.
10. When they are welcomed by the bridegroom into his presence, the wise virgins are received into the kingdom of heaven on the earth. They are the ones who are preserved and move forward into the great day of the millennium. One day, they too will literally come to our kingdom on earth, even the kingdom of heaven, and receive from the angels and from God their place in the Church of the Firstborn.
11. Raphael, make this journal entry the last one in post 108. This will conclude the several parables and allegories of these last days that we have shown to you that we want you to share with others who will hear.'
12. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother. She was radiant and seemed so very happy before me! I spoke: 'Heavenly Mother, thank you for sharing this and the other parables and allegories with me! I have been thinking about what I saw and heard every day. I want to always align myself with you and to keep your commandments!' Heavenly Mother smiled and brought me to her in a Godly embrace, even while I remained on my knees before her! I felt her deep love for me and her yearnings to reach each of her mortal children on earth.
13. I then came into my room at home where I had been writing all of this down. I felt I have adequately captured all her thoughts and words she gave to me. I closed my prayer and got started on the day ahead.