169. Isaiah Speaks of Our Day
I have some remarkable experiences from prayer that I share in this post where our Heavenly Parents give their verse-by-verse explanation of four chapters of Isaiah. These chapters are all about our exact time period, in our very nation! Please pray about these words that I received from God. I witness that these are not my interpretations. These are truly remarkable prophecies of Isaiah.
I know I have been asking you to pray about all of these posts. This might seem a lot to you. However, this is the rule of heaven, that we each are responsible for what we receive, believe and then act upon, and not upon another. In these perilous times, we cannot be too cautious.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 10, 2020
1. Last night I stayed up late typing up the entry I received Sunday morning. I felt it was a remarkable revelation from my Heavenly Mother. I prayed about it when I finally went to bed around midnight. My Heavenly Mother confirmed to me it was all true and from her.
2. She also confirmed that I should buy some solar cell panels to generate electricity to be the primary method to keep my freezer and refrigerator functional in case of a power outage. I felt also that I could keep 10 five-gallon containers of gasoline as a backup for cloudy days for my generator or needful fuel for our van if we might ever need this.
3. Yesterday my youngest daughter dropped by and we spent the afternoon and evening with her outside. I hadn't had enough alone time for myself yet to revive me so I stayed up late. I felt much better and more "charged" when I went to bed. If I don't receive my own quiet time each day, I don't do so well. I now feel more settled and happy.
4. I came to the white gate that opens to the strait and narrow path. It was shut when I arrived, but then Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, opened it from the inside. He waved for me to enter. I walked through the gate and he shut the gate behind me.
5. He then placed his hands on my shoulders and spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that what you received from our Heavenly Mother about the identity of the false prophet and the two beasts in the Book of Revelation is true. This revelation has been hidden from you and the world since my son John received the vision on the isle of Patmos and wrote it down.
6. Once your own United States of America falls under the hands of evil conspirators and is overrun with the invading armies, we will only allow it to be subjugated until the land is cleared largely of the wicked. Our intention is to bring a devastating earthquake and more calamities that will prepare the way so we can begin the foundations of the New Jerusalem. The land of promise will still have cleansing to occur, but it will become protected from foreign powers that will rage over the rest of the world. Our intent is to bring the tribes of Israel from the north and the remnants of Israel from the south to gather Israel as one upon this land. You will then have faithful servants and skilled laborers to begin construction on the New Jerusalem, even as early as 2021. Stay close to us, your Gods, and we will continue to guide you with our directions and revelations.'

7. I gazed into the tender and compassionate eternity eyes of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ! I knew what he spoke to me was true. I thanked him to have received me so fully and given me a confirmation of what I had received from our Heavenly Mother.
8. I then looked down the strait and narrow path towards the beautiful tree of life. I felt that I should walk there and would meet my Heavenly Father and maybe my Heavenly Mother under the tree of life.
9. Jesus dropped his hands from my shoulders and turned aside so I could pass to walk on. He smiled upon me and said he loved me. I said I loved him too and would keep his commandments and cherish his words. I then walked onto the narrow path.
10. As I walked, I seemed to somehow float in the air above the strait and narrow path. It looked like it was broken up in places, but that I just walked to the tree of life. All of the obstacles became of no consequence since I walked in the air above them.
11. Soon I came to the tree of life. I saw both of my Heavenly Parents standing near the trunk under its canopy. I walked up to them, and knelt before them. They were each smiling upon me.
12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our son, as you walk in your life from now on, we will be by your side and help you navigate over and through all obstacles even as you have walked above the strait and narrow path to us. Our hand and very presence will be with you in helping you overcome all your problems you might face.
13. Heavenly Mother then reached up and plucked a fruit of the tree of life and gave it to me. She asked me to eat it. I ate and felt clear and more receptive and in tune to them it seemed. I thanked her.
14. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, be not afraid to write the words we give you in your journal. Our words are always sure and true. What your Heavenly Mother spoke to you the past two days and what Jesus Christ just told you are true, as are our revelations. These will increase and will contain all the details you will need to move our great work forward, even in your troubled times on earth.
15. We know the end from the beginning, and will give you our specific directions so that you will know how to fulfill your mission. We will also confirm to those in your small group the truthfulness of what you write. We are pleased with how things are progressing, and are fully in charge of the future. Evil will continue to flourish for a season, and we will allow those who promote their evil plans to have their power for a season. However, our gentle and righteous ways will soon overtake the wicked when they have fulfilled their purposes. Isaiah spoke of this when he saw that we would remove the invading armies in our own due time:

16. Isaiah 10:15-17
"Shall the axe (the invading armies) boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? As if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood.
Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones (the armies in the land) leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of fire.
And the light of Israel (the tribes coming from the north and the remnants from the south) shall be for a fire, and his Holy One (Jesus Christ) for a flame; and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briars in one day." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).'
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, come and remain with us throughout your entire day in mortality, here under our tree of life. We will be here to commune with you as you may wish. Each time you do, quiet down in your mortal mind so that you may hear, and we will speak our peace and assurance to you.'
18. I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their beautiful words and their comforting presence! I said how much I loved being with them. I committed to always keep their commandments.
19. I then exited their presence in my mortal mind and started my new week on earth.
20. Evening- Gosh, this month is already ⅓ passed, and I can hardly remember it starting. It is still very warm in the day, but starting to cool off at night. This is such a beautiful time of year.
21. I came to the tree of life and saw myself talking with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the canopy of that tree. I was then suddenly in my replicated being and talking with my Heavenly Parents!
22. I then asked them about what happens in the five months of the occupying armies in the land of America? I had just read Revelation 9:1-12.
23. Heavenly Father answered me: 'Raphael, now that you have blown the trumpet I gave you on 7-31-2020, your land is primed to be invaded by foreign powers, mostly from China and Russia. I have given these armies power, even as scorpions on the earth have power, and there is no escape. They will fill your land like locusts, even locusts that came out of smoke, or inspired of Satan:

24. Revelation 9:3
"And there came out of the smoke (meaning Satan inspires and leads them) locusts upon the earth (locusts because this depicts that there is almost an endless number that will come): and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power."
25. They will be very aggravating to those in your land. Any who oppose them will be killed, but those who allow them to come without resistance will be allowed to live. By this invading army your nation and its leaders will be scattered and lose their power. There are those in your country who supported them secretly and have created alliances with the Chinese and Russian leaders (see Revelation 9:4-6).
26. The invading troops will have much machinery for war (Revelation 9:9). They will take over forcibly the government of the people. The description of the people having faces of men and hair as the hair of women is John's description of the Chinese soldiers. They are very strict in their obedience to their commanders, and are depicted as having the teeth of lions, or are very powerful to any who oppose them.
27. In Revelation 9:11 their king is Lucifer, even the angel of the bottomless pit. He controls both the leaders of China and Russia, who are the main nations who have allied in attacking and overcoming your country of the United States of America. Their rule over America will be harsh, even as Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 19:4.
28. Those in the cities will be far worse off than those in the rural areas. The pandemic will still rage among the people when the armies come. Most of the country will be without electric power, and will be fed by the invading troops.
29. Raphael, once the troops invade your land, they will remain five months, even as our servant John wrote. At the end of this period the tribes of Israel from the north and from the south will come and destroy these armies by my power as described in Isaiah 10:12-27. The consumption decreed in verses 22-23 will be a plague among these invading armies that will cause many of them to die or to return to the foreign lands they came from. The wicked in your land will also die in large numbers from this consumption, but all of the elect will be protected by the corona flame of Heavenly Mother and will survive this consumption.

30. Isaiah 10:24-25, 27
"Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts: O my people that dwellest in Zion (the elect of God), be not afraid of the Assyrian (the invading armies): he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt,
For as yet a very little while, and the indignation shall come, and mine anger in their destruction.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken from off thy shoulders, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."' (words in parenthesis in this entry are from Heavenly Father).
31. I thanked my Father for his words of clarity that he shared in answering my question! I thanked him that we, who were the elect of God in this chosen land, would have a relatively short time of occupation by foreign troops. I thanked him for the greater understanding I now have of how this will all play out upon our land of promise.
32. Heavenly Mother said it was now time to close this prayer today. I said I loved them, and was comforted to have been with them all the day long.
33. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name and came back to my home where I was writing all of this in my journal.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 11, 2020
1. I reread what I wrote last night from Heavenly Father and felt God's confirming Spirit tell me it was all true. I am grateful!
2. I also read my post 38E4 to 38E7 where I wrote that there are very rich and powerful men and women in the United States who control much of the government and industry in our country. I believe these were, even at the time in 2017, in collusion with the Chinese conspiring leaders to overtake America, or set the stage for the overthrow of our land that now is imminent. The very evil king in the land that I spoke of at that time may have been visiting America from China or Russia.

3. I also believe that part of Revelation 9:1-12 was fulfilled over time, with some prophecies laying the stage for what physically would actually happen later, with invading troops. It is somewhat confusing since I blew my trumpet of God twice, once on July 31, 2016 to loose Satan and his hosts from the bottomless pit, and secondly on July 31, 2020 to bring on physically the invading armies and the arrival of Nibiru. I believe what I have written in my post 38 about this and what I received last night is all congruent. I read through to post 38E11, and read that both Russia and China were not controlled at all by the global elite in the United States. It most likely is the other way around, that these global elite rich in the United States are in a conspiracy with these foreign rulers to overthrow our land and nation. Those in war with our country, and who are conspiring against the freedoms of our land, I believe will be double crossed or destroyed once these foreign powers and troops come and occupy our land.
4. I had these thoughts in my mind when I came in prayer this morning. I came to the side of the dirt road next to the Father's wheat field. I knelt facing the field, and looked with intention into my healing seer stone for my Heavenly Father to come. I then looked up and saw my Heavenly Father standing before me!
5. I thanked him for coming. I said I was somewhat confused over what I had written in December 2016 in my post 38E4 to 38E11. I knew he spoke to me then in 2016 and last night also. I asked for clarification.
6. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that the words of John in Revelation 9:1-12 were to be fulfilled in two phases, and have been being fulfilled over several years up to this point. What you wrote from what I spoke to you in your post 38E is true, and what you wrote last night from me is also accurate. Your Heavenly Mother and I see the fulfillment of John's revelation very clearly, and share with you what we see happening at the time and in the near future.
7. The elite in your country, mostly in your government, industry and in universities, have been in secret collusion with the Chinese and Russian governments to overthrow the freedoms in your land and nation. We are using their plans for our own purposes to destroy the wicked in America and later in the entire world, and to preserve the righteous. Some of our prophets have seen these events in vision, and have written about them in your scriptures which speak of these events coming your way. We allow the wicked to flourish and fulfill their evil desires to fit into our own overall plans. We use them in our own way to bring on a better world and a glorious millennial state of peace and rest. We are fully aware of all, and are in full control.
8. Raphael, there are multiple uprisings of what is called Black Lives Matter and Antifa which are both well funded by communist China. They are smuggling weapons and ammunition to their pro-Marxist groups to cause havoc and unrest throughout your nation. There are also many Chinese and Russian soldiers already in place in your country who are armed and ready for action at the first wave of invading troops. The tensions between President Trump and these foreign nations are increasing, and will end in war.

9. Raphael, fear not, for we are in charge and will not allow these armies to destroy our righteous elect. After the armies have fulfilled the work of destruction upon the wicked, then will we end their occupation, in their destruction:
10. Isaiah 10:33
"Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled."'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of assurance and clarity on what is happening in my troubled land. He said for me to come to him by his wheat field on this road throughout my day, and he would be here. I thanked him for his great care over me, and over the elect in the world.
12. I then concluded my journal entry for this morning, and started my new day.
13. Evening–I have had another active and full day. It is 11:30 pm and I am now ready to connect with my Heavenly Father on the road next to his wheat field.
I came to the road and then I saw the face of my Heavenly Father. He was smiling upon me and spoke: 'Raphael, there were a number of times that your Heavenly Mother and I spoke to your mind today, and gave you answers and help in your mortal life. We will do so for anything that you might need help with. There is nothing too simple or, in your mind, not important enough that we will not help you solve, or will bring our blessings to you. However, you need to ask of us. Without asking, we usually don't extend to you or to any of our children, for we act according to your desires and intentions.
14. Tomorrow morning your Heavenly Mother will meet with you again, this time at the overlook to my wheat field, near the fallen oak tree. She will explain further about questions you might have from the scriptures.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for being with me today. I said I would ask in faith for things I might desire. I then said I loved him and would keep his commandments. I exited his presence and came back to myself writing in my front room. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 12, 2020
1. After my prayer last night I made a list of scriptures of prophecy I would love Heavenly Mother to further explain. I wrote down Isaiah chapters 10, 13, 19, and 28. I also wrote down Revelation 9:13 to the end, and Revelation chapters 10 and 11. There is a lot in these verses that remain a mystery to me.
2. I came to the tree of life first and plucked a fruit and leaf. I then felt settled and in a receptive state. I next came to the fountain of living water and drank from my cupped hand. I felt ready to come to the overlook where Heavenly Father asked me to go and meet with Heavenly Mother.
3. I pulled up my healing seer stone and looked into it with the intention to go to the overlook, next to the fallen oak tree. I then came immediately before my Heavenly Mother who was standing in the air! She was so full of light and was smiling broadly. Her light came into me and gave me great peace and clarity. I was kneeling before her and feeling her love and acceptance.
4. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I have come to you this morning in my glory to reveal to you a mystery that has not been revealed up to this point. You have correctly written the words of Jesus and Heavenly Father since I spoke to you on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020. It is time now to confirm the correct interpretation of the chapters in Isaiah that you have some questions about. These include Isaiah chapters 10, 13, 19 and 28.'
5. She then asked me to open my scriptures to Isaiah 10:1 and she would start at the beginning. She said I generally had the correct view of these words of Isaiah, but that there were verses I did not understand. She said we would proceed over the next few journal entries together in these important scriptures.
6. Isaiah 10:1-2
'Raphael, this chapter of Isaiah describes the destruction of the United States by a foreign power whom we've identified as the invading armies. At the end of this chapter, Isaiah describes how God will destroy this army and their leaders after they have done the work that God wants done to cleanse the wicked from the land.'
7. "Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed." (This refers to the globalist leaders in your government who have passed legislation through treachery and many times in secret. The majority of the government leaders in your land have allowed these unrighteous decrees to be put into law. They have colluded with corrupt industries in your land to bring in laws that suppress the good and promote tyranny and diminish the freedom of the people. The constitutional law of the land has been replaced with unjust laws which promote Lucifer's plan to take away the agency of man, even from the beginning. This is the state of many of your federal and state laws in the United States of America).

8. "To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the rights of the poor of my people (these are the Bill of Rights included in your Constitution that has been supplanted by these corrupt laws), that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!" (There are many unjust taxes, fees, and licensing laws that rob the poor or middle class of your society in particular. These are all corrupt and unjust.)' (words in parentheses in this entry are all from Heavenly Mother).
9. Because of the corruptness of your government, and the wickedness in your land, even though there are still many good hearted people with a sense of fairness and goodness, we will allow the foreign strong nations of China and Russia to overrun the land, destroy the government and industry, and start to destroy the wicked in the land:
10. Isaiah 10:3-6
"And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? ('far' meaning from foreign countries)to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain." (Those in your land, both in government, industry and education circles, who have secretly conspired with the Chinese communist leaders in particular, will be double crossed and will not be supported once the powerful troops come. Those who colluded in the overthrow of your land will be numbered among the prisoners, the oppressed in the land, and the dead.)
"For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
O Assyrian (this is the code word for the invading armies from China and Russia), the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.
I will send him against an hypocritical nation (the United States), and against the people of my wrath (those wicked leaders in your land and the wicked people in your country) will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets."
11. Raphael, the Chinese and their allied nations will invade from the west coast and the Russians will invade from the east coast of your land. They will coordinate their invasion and have wonderful success together. The leaders of both China and Russia, who are godless, will think they have done this by their own cunning and clever planning.

12. Isaiah 10:7
"Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few."
13. These kings or leaders of China and Russia are arrogant, and puppets of Lucifer. They promote his plan for world domination and full control over people, even as he proposed before the Father in the beginning. This is Satan's continued plan to do away with the agency of man, even on the earth.
14. The dictators of these invading armies have "stout hearts" and "high looks" (verse 12). They think their own cunning has allowed them entry into this land of riches and promise (verses 13-14).
15. Yet we, the true Gods of the whole earth, have allowed them to come into this, our promised land, for our own purposes, and because your land has become corrupt and wicked. The citizens of your country have rejected Jesus Christ, the rightful king and protector of this land. We have allowed these wicked leaders and armies to enter this land of promise, and will stop them once they have done the work of cleansing we desire (see Isaiah 10:15).
16. We will send a number of troubles upon the invading armies to destroy them and to turn them back to their own lands, even as we did anciently with the Assyrian armies. We will send leanness (a want of food, verse 16), the coming forth of the tribes of Israel from the north and the remnants of Israel from the south (verses 17, 20-21), and a plague called by Isaiah a consumption (verses 22-23).
17. Isaiah 10:26
"And the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him (the foreign leaders and their invading armies) according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt." (This refers to two historical events- one at the rock of Oreb where Gideon and his 300 soldiers blew their trumpets and the Midianites slew each other in their confusion (Judges 7:19-25), and the other when Moses lifted his staff over the Red Sea and divided the waters so Israel could pass on dry ground. The invading armies in your land will turn upon each other and kill each other in their confusion. This act will be initiated by the prophet of the northern Tribes of Israel raising his own staff above the armies who will have occupied your land for five months. Together, with their other troubles, this experience will dishearten the dictators of the foreign armies and cause them to retreat to their own lands. At this time, your land will be free from the oppressive armies, and free from the corrupt government and leaders in your current nation. The tribes and remnants of Israel will be upon your land, ready to help build up the wasted places of Zion (3 Nephi 22:3). This is when you will receive many to help you build up the New Jerusalem, Raphael.

18. To the invading armies and their leaders, these events that rout them out of the land of promise will be a terror to them:
19. Isaiah 10:33
"Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, shall lop the bough (armies) with terror: and the high ones of stature (their leaders) shall be hewn down, and the haughty (the dictators or kings of these foreign armies) shall be humbled."
20. Raphael, come here again tonight and I will go through Isaiah 13 like I did this morning for Isaiah 10. If you have questions during the day, feel free to discuss these with me here at this overlook.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her mighty words and interpretation of Isaiah 10! I thanked her for being so close to me and for revealing such wondrous things.
22. I then exited her presence in my conscious mind. I knew I remained by her side in my unconscious state, however, and would be in constant prayer all day today. I then started my new day.
23. Evening- I came to the overlook next to the fallen oak tree to come to Heavenly Mother with whom I spoke this morning. I got in a meditative state and arrived in my unconscious mind before my Heavenly Mother! She was standing in the air in front of me, and I was kneeling facing her towards the east.
24. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I will go through Isaiah 13 tonight. This chapter is all about the destruction of modern Babylon, centered in the United States of America. The godless society in which you live will be destroyed by the invading armies and other calamities coming to the earth.
25. In Isaiah 13:1-9, the prophet describes how God will have summoned the multitudes from a far country to be the weapons of God's indignation. Their arrival will be frightening to the wicked in your land. Those coming will destroy the sinners and lay the land desolate:
26. Isaiah 13:11
"And I will punish the world (Babylon, or modern Babylon where every man and woman "walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Babylon, even Babylon the great, which shall fall' (D &C 1:16)). For their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible."

27. During the invasion of foreign troops to your land, Nibiru will come:
Isaiah 13: 13
"Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place (Raphael, the passing of Nibiru will trigger great changes in the ocean levels which will increase in height. This in turn will create massive earthquakes and will change the configuration of the earth), in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger."
28. Your money supply and precious things will be of no worth to the invading armies (verse 17), and the wicked will be slain in large numbers (verse 15-16, 19)
29. Isaiah 13: 19
"And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah."
30. Raphael, the opulent and proud lifestyle of your modern day society will be forever destroyed. All of your society will be dismantled and only the righteous elect, in the end, will remain in the land. Never again will this Babylon lifestyle come again on the earth, for, "it shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation" (verse 20).
31. Raphael, it is late, but after you rest tonight, come again here and your Heavenly Father and I will both come and give you additional insights and interpretations to Isaiah Chapters 19 and 28.'
32. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear interpretation of Isaiah 13, which speaks of our day. I looked then in my healing seer stone and intended to come back to my home, in my conscious mind. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 13, 2020
1. Last night I watched an hour long video from an expert on Planet X (also called Nibiru) that I thought was excellent. He claims the US Military has known about this approaching celestial body for 40 years. This video helped me understand how the configuration of the earth will be changed (see Isaiah 13:13), particularly at the coastlines and how great earthquakes will occur.
2. I came this morning to my private room to pray. I turned to Isaiah 19 and skimmed over it. I am quite familiar with it, since I have identified Egypt with the United States. I am eager to learn more about some parts of this chapter that I have never really understood. I will seek to be very open and receptive.
3. I came this morning to the fountain of living water where I drank living water. I felt clear and receptive. I then came again to the overlook next to the fallen oak tree. As I walked out of the forest to the overlook, there stood both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, holding hands in the air and facing me! I felt so grateful to be again in their presence. I knelt before them and spoke: 'My Heavenly Parents, I am very pleased to be again in your glorious presence this morning! I saw a video last night about the arrival of Planet X, or Nibiru, and had questions about the alignment of true north with magnetic north on the earth, and if the polar shifts will really happen. May I be enlightened on this subject?'
4. Heavenly Father responded: 'There is much truth in that video, Raphael. When Nibiru passes close by the earth, its strong gravitational pull will move the north magnetic pole and cause a pole shift on the earth. In doing so, the large magnetic deposits now at your magnetic north will shift to the south pole, and cause the magnetic north to be south. The outer crust of the earth will loosen from the magna under it and rotate, even as an orange with a loose skin detaches from the fruit and would be free to move. The northern and southern holes to the inner earth will switch places also so that the northern entrance to the inner earth will become the new southern entrance. The inner earth will stay in the same position, but the outer earth will rotate 180 degrees to its new position. This is all initiated by the near pass of Nibiru to the earth. There will be many physical upheavals, volcanoes and earthquakes upon the outer surface of the earth, and the oceans will have new boundaries. The earth will shift back to what it was like before the days of Peleg, when the earth's seas were first divided (see Genesis 10:25) and your post 156C6).
5. Raphael, we will use this dramatic event to further cleanse the earth of its current wicked inhabitants. In the process, we will, however, preserve the righteous elect by our matchless power.
6. The coming of Nibiru will be preceded by other meteors and cosmic dust that it held close to this star. There will be an increase of meteorite activity coming even before Nibiru itself arrives, as you have seen in the recent video you saw (see new post 168B10-168B15). All of these events will cause the people of the earth to die or to have great disruptions in their lifestyle.

7. Isaiah Chapter 19 addresses the cataclysmic events of Nibiru coming to the earth, and of the invading armies. Egypt is the code word for the United States:
Isaiah 19: 1,3
"The burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it. (The swift cloud is the arrival of the Nibiru system of meteorites followed by Nibiru itself).
8. And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof, and I will destroy the counsel thereof (the government of your country); and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards (these are all inspired by Satan)."
9. After the coming of the meteorite showers coming to your land, then will those in your land of the United States be attacked.
10. Isaiah 19:4 "And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts."
11. This king is the two dictators of both China and Russia who are allies for a period of time in attacking and occupying the United States.
12. The actions of the Nibiru system will affect most waterways and rivers (verses 5-8). Some will be dried up and others flooded over. The seashore will have an all new coastline.
13. In your country, manufacturing will largely cease (Verses 9-10, 15), and there will be an increase of civil disturbance which have already begun in your country:
14. Isaiah 19:2
"And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom."

15. Anciently Zoan was the capital of Egypt, so this refers to your current capital of Washington, DC and its leaders:
Isaiah 19: 11-14
"Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings? (or, in your day, like to the founding fathers).
Where are they? where are thy wise men? and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the Lord of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.
The princes of Zoan are become fools, the princes of Noph are deceived; they have also seduced Egypt, even they that are the stay of the tribes thereof. (this latter phrase refers to the tribe of Ephraim, who have in large part been gathered to the LDS church and Christian churches throughout your land. These too have mostly been deceived.)
The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit (gross deception) in the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit."
16. Raphael, I will continue with verse 17 tonight. Come here today if you have time, or tonight and I will complete the true interpretation of Isaiah chapter 19.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable words. I said I would stay close to him and Heavenly Mother throughout the day. I then closed my conscious prayer and started my new day.
18. Evening- I am back before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the overlook. It is like nothing changed! I feel ready to receive more.
19. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, I am glad you came back early this evening and are alert. I will continue with the meaning of Isaiah 9:17-25.
20. Isaiah 19:17
"And the land of Judah (this refers to the New Jerusalem area in the center of the land of promise. Jesus Christ is from the tribe of Judah, and it is in this city that he will reign over all the earth as her rightful king. Once the foundations of the New Jerusalem are laid, even so that "there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper" (D&C 71:9)) shall be a terror unto Egypt, everyone that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the Lord of hosts, which he hath determined against it."

21. There will still be the wicked who live in the land of promise, even after the New Jerusalem has started to be built. We will bring groups of our righteous elect to this and other cities of Zion in the land, with the intention to train and tutor them to develop increased faith and dependence upon God. There will be obstacles along their journey, even as Spencer wrote about in his book "Visions of Glory". These trials will all help us to mold their character to be allowed to come into a city of Zion where the pure in heart will live.
22. Isaiah 19:18
"In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan (these are five wicked cities ruled by groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa whose intent is to steal and murder, and live Marxist principles. These are not associated with the invading armies, but are a law to themselves), and swear to the Lord of hosts; one shall be called, the city of destruction," These five cities will be destroyed by the power of God when the northern tribes descend and their prophet raises his staff over these cities (see Isaiah 10:26). This same event is spoken of in Isaiah 19:20.
"And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of their oppressors, (against the armies and wicked in the land who afflict them in their travels to the New Jerusalem or to the cities of Zion), and he shall send them a Savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them (this includes the prophet of the northern tribes, and the power of us, your Gods, through our angels and other servants)."
23. It is in this future day when our elect will "vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it" (verse 21), and will be a righteous people.
24. In all of the tribulations coming upon the elect in the next few months, it may feel like we are smiting and punishing our elect. However, by chastisement and trials our people are healed, and will return unto us, their Gods (verse 22).
25. At that time, the elect in your land who are labeled as Egyptians by Isaiah, will be preserved; the northern tribes will be preserved; the northern tribes labeled by Isaiah as Assyrians (because they escaped their ancient Assysrian captors who took them captive in 921 BC) will be preserved; and the group of our elect from the south, the remnants of Jacob who Isaiah labels as Israel will also be preserved in the land. These three main groups of our elect will then mingle and work side by side in building Zion, and rebuilding waste places in this land of promise (see Isaiah 19:23-25). People from all three groups will be called to labor in building the New Jerusalem city and temple.

26. Raphael, today I have enlightened your mind to the great prophecies of Isaiah about your country, the United States of America (called by Isaiah as Egypt) and its demise. However, this land of promise (America) will quickly convert to a righteous land, containing the New Jerusalem and righteous cities of Zion across the land. This is how it will be when Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, comes in glory to the earth!
27. Come here again tomorrow morning and your Heavenly Mother will reveal the interpretation of Isaiah 28.
You have received enough for tonight.'
28. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great truths he revealed today in Isaiah chapter 19. I said I loved him, and would be here again tomorrow morning.
29. I closed my prayer and got ready to retire to bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, August 14, 2020
1. I anticipate coming again into the presence of my Heavenly Parents this morning. I came first to the fountain of living water and drank of that clarifying water. I felt refreshed, and then looked into my healing seer stone with intention to come to where my Heavenly Parents wanted to speak to me. I found myself at the overlook facing east, next to the fallen oak tree on my left. Heavenly Mother was standing in bright glory in the air before me. I saw Heavenly Father walking above his field of new wheat that was recently planted. He looked up and then came by Heavenly Mother's side.
2. I knelt before them. I asked for some blessings upon needy family members. I then said I was ready to receive whatever they might reveal to me.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we will bless your family members in need. We will send to them healing and our additional light.
4. Heavenly Mother will now speak to you about the interpretation of Isaiah 28.'

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, this chapter speaks about the tribe of Ephraim who have largely been received into the LDS church in your own land. As you know, we have withdrawn my Spirit from them, and the Father has withdrawn his Priesthood and his authority and keys from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. This church is now without our guidance, and is likened to this fallen oak tree to my right side.
6. Isaiah 28:1
"Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim (this refers to the current general authority leaders who believe that God cannot withdraw his authority from them, or cannot supplant this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with another church, for they think they still hold the keys of the kingdom.), whose glorious beauty is a fading flower (the first leaders starting with Joseph Smith, the prophet, were open and humble. Even though some successors introduced falsehoods, we stayed by their sides for they were generally also humble and seeking us in sincerity. This was a time when the spiritual beauty of this church was apparent, and my Spirit came upon them.), which are on the head of the fat valleys (the valleys are Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley, Ogden Valley and Cache Valley. These are where the largest concentrations of the LDS people are located, along the Wasatch Front) of them that are overcome with wine! (wine refers to riches. This area of the LDS church, and those members throughout the United States, are rich and support those in the center place of Salt Lake City with their tithes and offerings.)'
7. We have calamity in store for these LDS leaders and proud members, even a major earthquake, an ensuing flood, and an occupying army;
Isaiah 28:2-4
"Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.
The crown (the leaders) of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden under feet:
And the glorious beauty, which is on the head (the LDS leaders and President) of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower (this is the spiritual description of this current church today), and as the hasty fruit before the summer, which when he that looketh upon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand he eateth up. (this is an analogy of how quickly this LDS church shall depart and fade, even as the fallen oak tree behind me)."
8. Those who are our elect in the LDS church will start to awaken spiritually to us their Gods. In verse 5 these are called "the residue of his people".

9. Isaiah 28:5
"In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people". (These have been chosen to receive, after their trials and their obedience, a celestial crown of glory, even in the Church of the Firstborn).
10. However, even the elect scattered throughout the world have erred greatly in their ease and dependence upon Babylon, or the pleasures of the world. Those in the LDS church have depended upon their own prophet and leaders without verifying that they are leading them in righteous paths. The wine and strong drink in this next verse refers to money, for Satan has created a world where you can buy anything you want with money:
11. Isaiah 28:7-8
"But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way (their dependence upon money is consuming many, and is the basis of many decisions in the LDS church- it is out of the way), the priest and the prophet (the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and President Nelson) have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink (this phrase is repeated a second time for emphasis); they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. (Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I have all left their counsels and their individual lives. I do not send my Holy Ghost upon them any more. Therefore, they err in vision and stumble in judgment).
For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness (spiritual filthiness, which invites the adversary, even Lucifer, to take up the void for the lack of our Spirit), so that there is no place clean (spiritually clear, humble, and receptive to our words and impressions to their hearts and minds.)."
12. The next verses 9-10 refer to the requirement of those thus who find themselves in a church no longer led by prophets and apostles acting under the guidance of God:
13. Isaiah 28:9-10
"Whom shall he teach knowledge, and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? (The "he" here is God who reveals our will to our sons and daughters. What are the requirements to receive revelation?) them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts (our elect who hear our voice must wean themselves from the constant false dribble that now comes from leaders of the LDS church. How can they listen to those who are not inspired by God, but secretly by Satan, and then listen to us their Gods in their personal quiet time? The falsehoods they are used to must be severed in order to receive freshly our light and true revelation.)

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept (repeated for emphasis); line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; (this is how we reveal our truths to the faithful: we give a little and see how they receive it then we give more, a little more, and not all at once. We let faith and actions take place in the lives of our elect, and we see how they do. Change in their lives is gradual but sure.)"
14. For those who will not listen or hear us (verse 12) we will send the foreign occupying troops:
15. Isaiah 28:11
"For with stammering lips and another tongue will he (God) speak to this people."
16. For these they will not be led, little by little as we require, but will "fall backward, and be broken, and snared and taken, or taken spiritually by the adversary, and later by the armed troops."
17. Isaiah 28:14-15
"Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men that rule this people which is in Jerusalem (in your day, Jerusalem is the centerplace of the LDS church, even Salt Lake City, Utah. Anciently the center of the church was in Jerusalem, and this is why Isaiah uses this word Jerusalem.)
Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death (the LDS prophet and leaders, partly knowing and partly not knowing have made a covenant with Satan to follow his direction in return for honor, praise, money and power), and with hell are we at agreement (this agreement includes alliances and secret agreements with government, foreign governments, and industries or companies to bring them gain); when the overflowing scourge shall pass through (COVID-19 and more particularly the aerosol dispersion of the new virus from a foreign government over the Salt Lake Valley several months ago that we, your Gods, have temporarily suspended), it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge (lies to the general membership of the LDS church), and under falsehoods have we hid ourselves."
18. Raphael, what I have revealed to you of the extent of cover-up and lies and falsehoods, given by the current prophet and general leaders of the LDS church is true. All who read these words I have given to you should confirm through my Spirit the truth of those things. This is in large part why we could no longer support their actions, and have cut ourselves off from them.

19. For our righteous elect, if they follow the cornerstone principles of the founding of the LDS church, these pure doctrines, these will lead them to our truths. The cornerstone is Jesus Christ, and he is a sure foundation upon which our elect may rely (verse 15).
20. Raphael, come again here tonight for our revelation of the remainder of Isaiah 28:17-29. We will be here throughout your day as well, and give you answers to your questions that you might have. Whatever we reveal to you, we are also willing to confirm and reveal to any of our sons and daughters who come humbly and openly before us in mighty prayer.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations this morning. I wrote whatever came into my mind, and her words just flowed into me, and I wrote them quickly. I will come again tonight to receive more from my Gods who reveal great truths and secrets.
22. Evening- Tonight I came again to the overlook by the fallen oak tree. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were both there, still in the air in front of me, and I was kneeling on the ground at the overlook facing them.
23. Heavenly Mother spoke immediately, 'Raphael, you see that time is a factor in your mortal world, but not for us here. We are in the same position as we were this morning in your mortal time, but for us there hasn't been a long lapse but only a short moment. Nevertheless, we are available to you all the day long while you live your day in mortality. This is what continuous prayer is. We are both always available to each other in our celestial realms, and in your unconscious state. You are also quickened and better at transitioning from your conscious to your unconscious state. You may come here quickly into our presence when you are in continual prayer.
24. I would like to continue on with the remainder of Isaiah 28, starting with verse 17:
Isaiah 28: 17-20
"Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet (in your day we will judge the people, even as we have done already in selecting our elect from the wicked. We have spiritually gathered the elect into our garners, sent my corona fire upon them, and assigned many of our celestial and terrestrial servants to protect and guide them): and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place (we will expose those who work in darkness, in secret combinations and wicked agreements).

And your covenant with death (see verse 15) shall be disannulled (ended), and your agreement with hell shall not stand (for Satan does not support his own who make covenants with him, for he is the father of lies, and will do as he chooses for his ultimate advantage); when the overflowing scourge shall pass through (verse 15), then ye shall be trodden down by it.
From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it passover, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report (the short isolation that you have already been exposed to, with the global pandemic, is a type of the more intense vexing times that will come upon the people).
For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it; and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it." (This will be a time of great privations for the unprepared who survive. Food, water, and basic shelter and clothing will be lacking. Normal places of repose, security and hiding will be gone. A man who lies down to rest at night will not find it).
25. Raphael, we will do our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act before all people (verse 21). There will come a consumption upon the wicked, which is brought about by the return of the northern tribes of Israel, by the power of God (see Isaiah 10:22-23, 25-26).
26. Isaiah 28:26-29 is our instruction on the plowman, whom God instructs, and teaches (verse 26). Revelation from us is like what the plowman learns for each seed needs to be planted differently, or with different tools and at different depths. The plowman learns how to prepare the soil, how to make each seed have the best have a chance to sprout and to grow. Likewise the learning from God is wonderful, we are liberal in counsel, and excellent in working. Blessed is our elect child who seeks our guidance and gradually receives, here a little and there a little.'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her truly remarkable revelation on the secrets of Isaiah chapter 28. I thanked her and my Heavenly Father for going through Revelation 13, Isaiah chapters 10, 13, 19 and 28. I said that there was so much in these chapters that directly relates to our current day, or that which is soon coming upon us.
28. I then felt my time in prayer before them was to come to an end. I said I loved them both, and then exited their presence by my intention to be back in my mortal body on earth, and my conscious self. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 15, 2020
1. This morning I received a remarkable supportive email from S. I appreciate a second witness like he gives on some of the truths I recently received from my Heavenly Parents. S said Heavenly Father told him my interpretation of Isaiah 13 and 19 were correct.
2. Sometimes I feel what I write is so outlandish and bizarre, but I still know it is true. Last night my wife told me that the most bizarre things are what actually happen to people. I guess I sometimes think the future will be very bizarre, but after it comes it seems really normal. I know God has said that their work is strange, and their acts are strange (Isaiah 28:21).
3. I received a recent question from M.A. about whether the destruction in America recorded in 3 Nephi 8 was from a celestial body like Nibiru or an asteroid to cause such a big earthquake. She also wondered if the great flood was initiated by Nibiru's passing. I wondered if it came when Moses brought the children of Israel across the Red Sea on dry ground.
4. These were my thoughts when I started my morning prayer.
5. I came to the very still desert oasis and sat on the bench. I thought for some time about all that I had been told from my Heavenly Parents in my recent prayers. I then came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I then pulled up my seer stone and looked upon it with the intention to come into the presence of either or both of my Heavenly Parents. I then immediately felt I was on the seashore of the celestial ocean, and the hill where I had witnessed the fulfillment of Revelation 8:8-9, when the great burning mountain crashed into the ocean (see my post 158G10).
6. Heavenly Mother then came in a beam of light from the sky to the hill where I was kneeling! She was so full of light and glory, and was smiling upon me.
7. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have come to you today to further explain when our star Nibiru has come to your earth, initiating cataclysmic events. This will help answer M.A.'s questions and your wonderings.
8. In the recent video you watched, you heard that Nibiru is surrounded by iron oxide dust which usually shrouds its visible presence. It may be detected, however, with infrared telescopes from the earth, and even seen at various times by observers on the earth with the naked eye.

9. The elliptical orbit and speed of Nibiru vary based on our own desires. We may have this dwarf glowing star come at any time we wish, even with irregular orbits that are vastly different in time and shape from previous orbits. We may also hide this star behind the sun for a given period of our choosing or may use the gravity of the sun to be used as a slingshot method to propel Nibiru on its journey near the earth, back into deep space.
10. You tried this morning to match a regular orbit of Nibiru that it takes on its journey around the sun to events in history. You were not able to match the dates. This is because of Nibiru's irregular orbit.
11. Nibiru first came to the earth at the time of the great flood. When Noah shut the door on the ark, with eight people and the animals within, he saw Nibiru in the skies. This passing by the earth of Nibiru caused the fountains of the great deep (to be) broken up, and the windows of heaven (to be) opened."(Genesis 7:11) This worldwide flood came by the large bodies of water above the earth and below the earth to be released and add significantly more water to the current ocean, or east sea. (Moses 6:42, also see Genesis 1:7 where the firmament (the atmosphere around the earth) divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. Nibiru's passing removed two large gravitational masses above and below the earth which had held the waters from coming on the earth. These bodies of large mass now accompany Nibiru on its journey around the sun. The large amount of water fully inundated the earth on its outer surface during the great flood. We restricted most of this water from entering into the inner earth, but some did enter, creating the inner seas on the northern and southern entrances. After the flood, the inner earth was opened for us to bring the tribes of Israel into it to be hid up until this day.
12. The second pass of Nibiru came during the days of Moses. The first travel by the earth around the sun brought the iron oxide dust which was the means that turned into a blood color (see Exodus 7:19) This iron oxide came as dust upon all the waters of the Egyptians and turned them blood red.
13. When Nibiru came back around the sun, it made a closer journey to the earth which coincided with the dividing of the waters of the Red Sea, so that Moses and the children of Israel could pass through on dry ground (see Exodus 14: 15-29). Nibiru held its gravitational pull over the waters until the pursuing armies of Pharaoh were in the bottom of the seabed, and the children of Israel were upon dry ground on the opposite bank. Nibiru then quickly departed, causing the waters to cover and drown the armies of Pharaoh. When Moses raised his staff above the waters, we caused Nibiru to come to divide the waters, and on the other shore for Nibiru to depart when Moses raised his staff again to close the waters.

14. The third pass of the Nibiru system will come soon to the earth. It will cause great cataclysmic events upon the earth. It has already come around the sun, and will make its near pass by the earth to bring about much change in the continents and earth's surface. This will initiate the movement of the continents to eventually come together, even as the earth was before it was divided in the days of Peleg. The two large masses that attached to Nibiru on its first pass by the earth (causing the great flood) will come back to their positions above and below the earth. Their gravitational pull will cause ocean waters to migrate to the north and south, leaving only a sea east, like it was in the beginning. The waters above and below the earth will prevent migration to or from the inner earth from that time forth.
15. When Nibiru leaves the solar system for its last encounter with earth for this eternity, it will no longer have the two large masses, for they will be left to remain above and below the earth, even until the earth is burned with fire and dies at the end of the earth. Then they will depart forever, and the earth will resurrect as a celestial body.
16. The earth has convulsed at different times without the assistance of Nibiru or other large celestial bodies coming near to its surface. Such convulsions occurred when our Beloved Son died and the land of promise experienced great upheavals.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very remarkable words! I had never before thought of such things in this way. I thanked her so very much.
18. She then spoke: 'Raphael, stay here by my celestial ocean and I will show you more wonders tonight or tomorrow morning of these things I shared with you today!'
19. I then exited her presence in my conscious mind, and came back to my private room where I had been writing all of this in my journal. I then began my new day.
20. Evening–I came tonight to the celestial ocean on the hill where I was this morning. Heavenly Mother was standing on the hill, facing the ocean. She looked out over the ocean and spoke: 'Raphael, look!'
21. I looked over the ocean and saw the waters quickly retreat, so I saw only the bottom of the ocean for miles, or as far as I could see, and no ocean water!
22. 'Raphael, the volume of the waters on your earth were all created in the beginning of her physical creation. We have commanded the oceans to retreat so that there is bare land, or to flood over the land so it becomes an ocean. We do this to meet our objectives in bringing forth new civilizations and in destroying the wicked.

23. Raphael, hold my hand now!'
24. I came close to her and held her hand. I then saw the ocean waters return with great speed and then overcome the hill we were on with water, and completely immerse both of us in very deep water!
25. Heavenly Mother turned and looked upon me. She raised her free hand above her head and we were instantly on the hill, with the ocean below us, even as we were at the beginning of tonight.
26. She spoke: 'Raphael, the waters that engulfed us are like what happened during the great flood in Noah's day. All of the dry earth was suddenly and quickly inundated with a large volume of rushing water, released from the pull of gravity from the two large masses above the earth and below the earth. The ark rose quickly and stayed afloat upon the waters, and a new civilization began anew with eight people.
27. In your day, with the third and final passing of Nibiru by the earth, great changes will also come. The entire coasts of the ocean will change, and the bulk of the waters will again return above and below the earth, for the two large masses will return and pull with gravity much of the waters away from the earth's outer surface. This will be as it was in the beginning.'
28. I asked my Heavenly Mother about these two masses that will return with Nibiru. I asked if they are smaller or larger than the moon.
(I was then interrupted, and continued my conversation in my morning prayer)
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 16, 2020
1. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, the masses on top and on bottom of the earth are the same size and mass, and are larger than the moon. They are held in place above and below the earth by our power and by the laws of nature of the telestial and terrestrial worlds, not readily known by man. Since they are very close to the earth, they pull the earth from both its north and south poles, from its axis of rotation, thereby not affecting the earth's spin rotation or her orbit around the sun. The sole purpose of these two large masses is to pull, by their gravitational force, the excess waters above the firmament (atmosphere around the earth) or below the firmament, so that there is more land area and a smaller single east ocean. Like Nibiru, the two celestial bodies respond to our command, whether to attach to the earth or to attach to Nibiru on its travel around the sun.

2. There is an attractive gravitational force with celestial astronomical bodies, and also a repelling gravitational force, depending upon the electric or magnetic orientation of that large celestial body. Along the axis of your earth, there is a repelling force for large celestial bodies. This is the way these dipole large masses are held in place without "falling" to the earth. It is like a strong magnet that may both attract and attach to another magnet, or repel that same magnet, depending upon the poles they face. Such is a similar case with these two celestial bodies and the earth. They are all three like strong magnets that attract and repel each other. When along the earth's axis, these are held in place by the effects of these laws of large mass bodies, not yet understood by man.
3. While in place above and below the earth, these two dipole large bodies still exert from their own masses a strong gravitational pull sufficient to draw ocean water up from the earth towards the north dipole mass, and down to the south dipole mass. This will be the state during the millennium, and this was the configuration also before the great flood.'
4. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable explanation, and for the demonstration she gave of the celestial ocean receding away from us, and then flooding over us. I said I always feel safe near her or Heavenly Father. I thanked her for being with me!
5. I then felt I could remain on this hill next to her during my entire Sabbath day. I looked into my healing seer stone, and then intended to be back in my earthly being and continue my Sabbath morning. I then started my day on earth.
6. Here is S's email that he sent to me on 8-15-2020:
Yesterday you asked that I share my thoughts about the recent things I transcribed from your journal. I would like to share my experience from prayer after I typed up your record.
8-14-20 AM
This morning I typed Raphael's record of our Heavenly Parents interpretation of Isaiah chapters 13 and 19.
In prayer, I felt to call upon my Heavenly Father. He immediately directed me to come to his wheat field. I went there instantly and stood before him. I was about to kneel and he directed me to remain standing. He was working in his wheat field and was wearing work clothes as he labored. I looked upon his face and I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He spoke to me, "We have labored much to bring about your nation with its constitution and liberties for all people. In large part, your entire nation, except a few, has cast God aside and most seek evil continually. We have sent our light to guide their lives and they have rejected this light. They choose darkness over light. We have built a hedge to preserve this land from foreign invaders and this land has prospered above all others. We will now cast down our hedge of protection and you will soon be overrun by foreign nations. (Isaiah 5: 5-6). What more could we have done for this people? Raphael's record of our interpretation of Isaiah 13 and 19 are correct. Reread and ponder these verses and their interpretation for they are a treasure of knowledge and have been hidden from the world until this time. You and others are receiving these interpretations because your hearts are open to truth. You seek to confirm these writings in prayer and we answer your petitions.'
I began to cry as I felt Heavenly Father's great love for me and all his children. We embraced and I felt great joy. I then departed as he continued to labor in his field. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

7. I wanted to share a few portions of my recent journals regarding my upcoming journey that has been shown to me through the seer stone. I was shown portions of my personal journey with my family and that of the Lost Tribes.
In prayer, I came to God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt beside the water and drank from my cupped hand. My Heavenly Parents appeared above the waters standing next to each other in white robes. Heavenly Father spoke to me, "All of our children sin and fall short of our glory in mortality. As they repent through the atonement of Jesus Christ, they may become clean and pure before us.' Heavenly Father then directed me to look into my stone that was on a chain around my neck, and under my robe. I pulled it out and looked. I saw myself helping to move a ship from the land to the sea with the lost tribes of Israel. It took many people with large ropes to move these ships over logs into the water. The ships were mainly completed on the land, but the finishing touches occurred on the water. I saw that more ships were still needed. Next I saw the ships come sailing in the future to a large ice and rock wall. Their prophet raised his arm to the square and called upon God for deliverance before all the people who were also on ships. The ice and rock wall crashed down and they were able to sail onto the oceans of the outer earth. The people recognized this great miracle and praised God for his goodness. Their faith in God was strengthened. I saw that after they passed this area, the wall of ice and rock reformed. God would not allow any nations or people to come into this area unless they were righteous and it will only occur during the millennium once the wicked are destroyed from off the face of the earth. Next I saw myself with my family preparing for our journey to Zion, the New Jerusalem. I saw that it was spring time and grass began to shoot forth from the earth. I saw us traveling as we felt directed to go by the spirit. We were unable to take enough food for the entire journey and would need to rely on God for help. I saw us using tarps at times to protect us from the elements. I saw us having challenges similar to Lehi's family that would strengthen our faith and love of the Lord through our challenges.
Then these scenes closed to my view. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for sharing these scenes with me and I closed my prayer.

8. 8-11-20 AM
I was excited or longing to pray this morning. As I knelt to pray, Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind that I should submerge myself in God's loving healing lake, then she and Heavenly Father would meet me. I came to the water's edge, then walked into the water until it came higher than my waist. I bent my knees until my head was submerged in the water and then stood. As I came up out of the water, both my Heavenly Parents stood in the water in front of me. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, "Each of our children need to feel clean and pure before us through Jesus Christ to progress and mature in mortality as we desire. This allows each child to achieve their greatest potential." At this time I followed them as they rose into the air high above the lake. Heavenly Father spoke to me, 'We are pleased to be here with you and desire that you look into your seer stone at this time.' I grasped my stone from around my neck and looked into it. I immediately saw a person kneeling and praying. I then realized it was myself praying in my premortal room before I ever came to earth. As I prayed, I saw both my Heavenly Parents come to stand above me in my prayer. I did not see them at the time, but felt their love and presence. Heavenly Father spoke, 'We directed our children to begin to exercise faith in us pre-mortally and to call upon us in prayer. As you began to practice praying in faith, we came to you in our higher celestial realm and you felt our love and guidance even before you ever came to earth.' (I was in awe as I never had previously considered praying before I came to earth, but it made perfect sense that I would have practiced exercising faith at that time.). Next I saw myself on my upcoming journey with my family to the New Jerusalem. Those fellow travelers with me were shielded from my view. I saw that we came upon a large river or body of water that we needed to cross. The river or body of water was wide and deep. I knelt in prayer to ask for help to cross this river. As I called upon my Heavenly Parents, I saw them above me in the air as they were in my premortal room during my previous prayer. Heavenly Father spoke, 'You were not shown how we would bless you to cross this river at this time. However, you will come to this same large river and call upon us in mighty prayer. We will come and direct you how to cross this river. We will come to you and guide you as we have ever done since you began to exercise faith and call upon us in the name of Jesus Christ, even prior to this earth life. Heavenly Father continued, 'You have seen a sufficient amount for now. We will show you more regarding your future journey in the days and months ahead. Continue to seek our presence throughout this day."
I thanked my Heavenly Parents and closed my prayer.
9. 8-12-20 AM
I felt while I was reading a previous Raphael post that I was supposed to commune with Heavenly Father in prayer this morning. As I considered this thought, I felt directed to meet him at the tree of life. I felt that he had living water for me.

In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Father. I was then directed to the tree of life. As I arrived, my Heavenly Father was standing there before me in glory. I knelt before him and peace filled my being. He handed me a glass of living water and I drank from the glass as I knelt before him. He spoke to my mind and I immediately saw in my mind images of future events in my life. He said, 'These are scenes from your upcoming journey. I saw that to begin our journey we were headed north toward the nearest town, however we began going cross country long before we neared the next town. We were to stay away from roadways as much as possible similar to Lehi's family that avoided well traveled routes. I saw many families with me. Heavenly Father spoke, 'We directed you to not try and influence others to accompany you but let them follow the spirit. You interpreted this to mean you would travel with your family mainly and possibly a few others. There will be many families who will feel the need to make this journey. I wondered how we could find enough water and food to survive and what routes we would travel. Heavenly Father spoke, 'you will look into your seer stone in prayer daily. You will see specific routes to take, landmarks you will see, and places of safety and water. The early pioneers travelled through barren lands with no inhabitants. You will at times come across other people. The spirit will let you know clearly whether to trust or flee from these individuals or groups. This happened similarly on your mission when you perceived others' intentions by the spirit.' I then saw Heavenly Father walking beside our group for a time and he appeared as a normal man. I recognized him by the spirit but others in my group did not. I then saw times where celestial servants walked with our group, but they appeared as regular individuals. I saw ourselves cook with propane on camping stoves for a time to avoid fires and smoke. I thought of Nephi's food being savory without fires.
Heavenly Father then said I had seen enough for this morning. I thanked him for showing me these portions of my journey ahead. I then closed my prayer.
10. R,
Yesterday I began to listen to the hour long presentation about Nibiru that you had me link with the transcription from yesterday's journal entry. In the presentation, I saw a map of the future USA after Nibiru passes by and the predicted flooding. I saw that the Mississippi River area was now very large, like the width of entire states. I wondered if this might be the river I was shown that needed to be crossed.
It seems we each have our own journey of faith ahead of us.
Have a blessed day,

11. Evening–Tonight I watched another video from pastor Dana Coverstone, similar to what I saw before. He spoke of the events getting very bad at the end of October. I felt what he said was true. I wondered what God would say about this latest dream.
12. I came to the hill next to the celestial ocean. As I came before Heavenly Mother who was still standing there, I knelt before her. I thanked her for being here all day for me!
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke– 'Raphael, pastor Dana Coverstone receives his dreams from us, his God. He is a humble and a sincere man. What he says is what he actually saw in his dreams. Our message is still to brace yourself for what is coming!
14. You have wondered about the events in your country before the end of the year. The upcoming elections will be a very terrible time for your country. You need to be as spiritually and physically prepared as you can be prior to this time. We are giving you this month of August to buy and prepare what items you may still need. September and October will continue with increasing violence in more cities of your land. Goods and supplies will become more limited also. However, November will become a time of anarchy and great civil unrest. This will coincide with foreign armies soon attacking and occupying your land, and the Nibiru system coming with more intensity. Brace yourself for what is coming.!'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her sobering words. I asked for her assistance in putting the few items I needed to be all prepared physically I thanked her for being so close to me, and for giving me forewarning of that which was to soon come.
16. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me and started rising up in the celestial sky. I watched until she was out of sight. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 17, 2020
1. I came this morning to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and leaf. I then came to the little stream by God's Loving Healing Lake and drank living water. I felt refreshed and then looked into my healing seer stone. I stayed where I was, by the stream, and both my Heavenly Parents came to me! They were holding hands and were radiating resplendent light.
2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have received a lot of revelation of new things in the recent past. What you have written in your journal since your last post 168 is all true and was given to you by us, your Heavenly Parents, except for a simple phrase error I will tell you of. We are pleased that you have been in a state to receive and made yourself available to be with us.
3. Do you have any questions about what you received that we could clarify?'
4. I looked in my scriptures and in my previous posts and found something which I was confused about. Here is my question I posed to my Heavenly Father:
5. 'Heavenly Father, in my post 100G17-100G19 you gave me a description of the physical reaction of the earth, and the definition of the firmament. I recorded that the firmament was the atmosphere or the sky above the large waters that were covering the earth. Yesterday, Heavenly Mother said that the two large masses above and below the earth pulled the excess waters above the firmament (earth) and below the firmament (see above in this post 169G1). Can you please clarify what firmament in Moses 2:6-8 it is referring to? Is it the atmosphere or the earth?'
6. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, this is a good question. The correct meaning of firmament in Moses 2:6-8 is the atmosphere, for at that time the waters completely covered the earth and no land was exposed above the waters. The atmosphere around the earth completely covered the earth, above the waters. There was water below the firmament (ocean waters) and water above the firmament (clouds and water vapor in the air).
7. When your Heavenly Mother referred yesterday to waters above the earth and below the earth, she was referring to the orientation of above as north along the earth's axis, and below as south along the axis. The firmament at this time (the atmosphere) was held tight to the earth above the waters by the earth's gravitational pull, even as it is today on earth.

8. When we brought the two large masses to the earth above the north pole and below the south pole, these large mass bodies came above the firmament or atmosphere of the earth to the north, and below the firmament to the south. The waters on the earth receded to these large masses, leaving waters on the earth's surface to be gathered to one place, and allowing bare land to appear (see Moses 2:9 "And I, God, said: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and it was so; and I, God, said: Let there be dry land; and it was so.").
9. When you wrote paragraph 169G1 above, you wrote that "the excess waters above the firmament (earth) or below the firmament". You should have more properly written "the excess waters above the firmament (atmosphere around the earth) or below the firmament". Please make this correction in what you wrote yesterday.'
10. I then immediately made this small correction in my wording of what I wrote yesterday when Heavenly Mother spoke to me.
11. 'Raphael, please make the same correction in paragraph 169F11 where you also referred to firmament as the earth.'
I then corrected this also.
12. 'Raphael, these two entries are the phrases we wanted you to correct in your record. Your account now is acceptable and accurate before us.'
13. I then asked my Heavenly Father another question: 'My Heavenly Father, did the atmosphere around the earth also move along with the ocean waters to the north and south large mass bodies?'
14. Heavenly Father responded: The atmosphere on the earth did extend above the waters that were pulled above and below the earth to the large mass bodies. However, the atmosphere became very thin as it extended away from the earth, for the earth's gravitational pull is much larger than the two masses. There were some ocean creatures like fish and whales that ventured up into the pulled waters above and below the earth, but these waters are not as oxygenated over time since the atmosphere thins out closer to the two masses, and there is not much plant life. The water never touches these two masses, but bulges towards them, making the depth of these northern and southern waters very deep. This higher depth also makes migration of ocean animals and plants not as abundant in these ocean bulges. There is less food to eat in these ocean bulges, so our ocean creatures mostly stay in the oceans closer to the earth's crust.

15. When these waters were released at the time of the flood, the waters quickly mixed with the "sea east" waters, and all of the now larger oceans soon became filled with abundant life. When the two masses return above and below the earth's axis, the ocean creatures will again populate the waters in the "sea east" that will over time be formed again.'
16. I asked how long before the continents would move and the east sea is settled and in place. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, these changes will all take place within a five year period when Nibiru brings back the two large mass bodies to the earth's poles. After five years, the earth, its oceans and waters, and the atmosphere, will all be stable and remain in this state through the millennium.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his corrections, and for his new insights I received this morning!
18. Heavenly Father then said for me to make this the end of my post 169, and to title this post "God's Strange Work". I told him I would do that. (R's later note: I forgot about what I was told and named this post instead "Isaiah Speaks of Our Day". It has now been about a month that I have seen this, and feel I should leave it as is and instead point out my mistake. I will try to be more attentive in the future!)
19. I then exited the presence of my Heavenly Parents. However, I knew I would remain next to them in my celestial replicated self for the entire day, and that I could quickly return in my mortal conscious self throughout the day also.
I then began my new day on the earth.