49. The Blessing of Living Waters
Posted 4-23-2017
Dear fellow angels,
This has been a very busy week for me! I have received lots of information on the people of the city of Enoch, on angels, I had a tour of the temple in the celestial world, and then I participated in the blessing of the water in the Jackson County area. As I always say, 'you gotta confirm all of this!' This is so imperative, especially with new information that I have given in this week's posts. The pace seems to be increasing.
I received comments that some of you really liked the last post. I think you will like this one just as much–for these too are glimpses into heaven.
Today my sister K and I just finished blessing the waters and the land, in the Terrestrial sphere, in the Jackson County Missiouri area. I have it all recorded for you to listen to in this link. Enjoy!
Have a great week!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-14-2017, Friday
1. I sent out the last post last night entitled 'More Glimpses Into Heaven.' My sister K helped me edit this, as she always does now. She had a question about whether I recall what the homes of the people of Enoch were like. I pursued this today in my morning prayer.
2. I was at the rocky bluff on the north side of Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, looking towards the north. The cloud was now gone, and it was clear outside. I could even see the valley in the far distance where the city of Enoch was located. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, and we wandered up the rock area to a bench where we sat. There was a beautiful view in front of us!
3. I prayed for each of the mortal angels that I knew in mortality, by name. I prayed also for the 144,000, that they would be ready to act in their grand callings. I then turned my mind to K's question about if I remembered what the homes were like of the people of Enoch. I knew I had been in one of them at least. My Heavenly Father wanted me to write down what I had been shown, and what I was now being able to recall, while in their presence.
4. I first went into a home, into their kitchen area. They had some sort of cook stove, which was now not used. It was fueled by wood. Their level of advancement was like that in pioneer times it seemed. The house I was in had tile floors and stone walls of some kind. Their window areas were open with no glass. They had wooden doors, and wooden table and countertops. It was a tidy kitchen and had an open feeling. However, the people now are sufficiently refined that they only go regular basis with an open bucket to a local stream, where they fill their buckets with living water, and bring it home to drink. The living water comes from the center fountain of the city of Zion (from Lake Bountiful), and goes out in little canals like irrigation ditches, to all the city. This is basically their sustenance now. The people also occasionally eat of the fruit of the tree of life in the center place of their city.
5. Each house is on several acres of land it seems, for they are an agrarian society, used to farming and gardening in the ground. My impression is that they are so consumed now in serving mankind on earth, as translated and transfigured beings, that they don't spend any time farming now.
6. I went next to the living room area, where I saw couches and overstuffed type of chairs, with fabric–somewhat like we have, that are comfortable. Again, it was open with window areas, and a front wooden door–no locks, but generally an open feeling. They had a hallway going to bedrooms which they really didn't use much either anymore.

7. When home, they were mostly in the living areas of the front living room and kitchen/dining room. They often met together and socialized in these areas of their homes. I believe they didn't much eat or sleep anymore, but served God by serving their fellowman on earth in mortality.
They have the ability to go at will, to show themselves in a physical state to those on earth, to disappear when their missions is done, and to mingle among mankind to fulfill their God-directed tasks of serving those here in mortality.
8. Now, since my meeting with them last week in the assembly hall next to Lake Beautiful, they are replicating themselves for the first time. This is because of the enormity of the rescue missions that we, who are servants, are called upon to do for the elect of God on the earth.
9. Their children are grown and have married. They await children in the resurrection in the millennium, and there are no children there now, for all are grown. All these blessings of family life will be afforded every one of them that haven't had this experience themselves in mortality, because of their translation when they were children, back in the day.
10. They are very full of light and so happy in their service. They are determined, as a group, to fully participate with the angels and the 144,000 in saving the elect of God in every way they can be of service. They seem to be the happiest people I have ever met!
11. The outsides of their homes are simple, with stone-looking walls and open window areas. They have thatched and wooden roofs, with supports of wood and thatching between, to keep out the rain, etc. . . Only there is no more inclement weather now!
12. They have outbuildings for animals and farm implements, etc. They are simple, down-to-earth people who once lived in a society of believers who had gathered under the leadership and direction of their leader and prophet, Enoch, to build the city of Zion. The city was all so organized and well thought out, with lands around their homes and also larger lands outside of town where they could grow wheat and other grains. Animals provided the work power as in our own pioneer times. They worked hard, and had happy gatherings to help and bless each other, and learn gospel truths. Jesus came frequently among them before they were even translated as a group. They truly were the pure in heart, with no poor among them!
13. This is the type of society we will live in, when in the New Jerusalem! These people are happy, peaceful, very loving and service-oriented. We will be happily living like they live. We will think of our neighbors needs, as our own needs. We will share because of the love of God in our hearts, and of our own genuine compassion and love. We will love being together, and will love to socialize with each other. We will also mingle with these people in the city of Zion, and with all those elect who come. We will be so filled with joy and contentment!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-15-2017
1. This morning I was praying at a little alcove east of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. My Heavenly Parents were before me. I was also here last night. I so much love seeing their gentle eyes and happy faces for me. I feel I can talk to them about anything and everything, which I do.
I had questions today about a website of a man who has claimed he has received his second comforter. Some things he said made me feel uncomfortable. Here are my questions–
2. Q– The scriptures talk of Seraphims and Cherubims, and words like seraphic hosts (see D&C 38:1), words also like cherubs and seraphs are also in the scriptures. What are these? The LDS Bible Dictionary calls these creatures in heaven, the exact form unknown.
3. A– These are like the four beasts described in D&C 77:4. The seraphims are beasts with wings, and the Cherubims do not have wings. These are actual beasts who are each an order of beings who live in heaven, the paradise of God. They speak, act, move and have agency in heaven. They are not children of God. They often act in roles of praising God and can also act in roles of protection, such as the cherubims who turned every way, to keep the tree of life (see Genesis 3:24. In this case, these came to earth and fulfilled a role assigned from the Father.) They are not classed as angels of God. All angels are children of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who have been chosen for their roles based on their obedience, love of their fellowman, and their talents and skills.
4. Q– I have read a number of accounts of people who class the angels in a series of progression, from one type of angel to the next, or of people who class angels in different ways than I have done. Can I receive some guidance on these accounts?
5. A– Raphael, what you have described yourself as classification of angels is true, and what other accounts that vary from this are not true. There are healing angels, warrior angels, angels of destruction, proclamation angels, and a small group of specialized angels who are not classed in any other way. These are all choice and obedient children of God, who have been each blessed by Heavenly Father and each robed in unique clothing by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to fit their individual personality and role. Some have swords, some have sashes and other varieties of vestures, as you have shown for the healing angels. All are beloved spirit sons and daughters of your Heavenly Parents. Most have either come to earth already, or are currently in mortality (the mortal angels). All who are mortal are also translated and transfigured now, save a very small number. All report to Michael or Adam, the prince archangel. Each receives their direction, however, almost exclusively from either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, even though they may receive direction from an archangel.

6. These angels all act in harmony among those they serve in the flesh. They act in usually unseen, behind-the-scenes ways to fulfill the will of God in protecting and rescuing the elect of God. All of these angels of God have labored in the affairs of man since the beginning days of the creation of this earth, from the days of Adam and Eve. Their missions and labors will extend to the end of the millennial day, until the final Day of Judgment. They will be some of the first ones to be received into the Church of the Firstborn. These positions and roles are of high honor and respect. Their overall numbers are very few (6,350) when compared to the host of the children of God (420 billion).
7. They all have the ability to replicate themselves in the fulfillment of their assignments, which are now greatly increasing. There are some who are resurrected, some who are translated and transfigured, a few who are mortals only, and some who are still premortal or post mortal spirits, without a physical body at this time. They each fulfill a very important mission, specifically designed and assigned by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They will all work together with those translated and transfigured beings in the city of Enoch, and with the translated beings of the 144,000. The angels are all elect of God, and heirs of the celestial kingdom and the Church of the Firstborn.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-16-2017, Easter Sunday
1. This morning I had a prayer inside the temple of God in heaven, in the celestial world. I went inside the doors facing the fountain of living waters. I knelt just inside on the right side. My Heavenly Parents came immediately, and were very pleased it seemed with me being there.
2. After a few minutes, I felt to ask them if I could get a tour of the inside of the temple. They were very pleased to do so! I then felt I should start writing down this experience.
Coming in the temple doors, the open entry area was very filled with light and very bright. There were no light sources except the walls, ceilings and floors, all which glowed.
3. I stood and walked between my Heavenly Parents. I had Heavenly Father on my left, and Heavenly Mother on my right. I was holding Heavenly Mother's left hand in my right hand, as Heavenly Father pointed out their glorious temple! I was very excited, and thanked them for this experience.

4. We walked directly forward, due south from the open doors. I could see the fountain of living waters behind us through the open temple doors. I was trying to 'see' with my mortal conscious mind, what was really happening in my replicated self, and unconscious mind.
5. As we walked, I looked up and saw such an amazing and expansive, tall entry area. It was so high and so wide, unlike any building I had been in on earth. The walls were white with gold trim, and intricate shapes on the stone, which were in the shapes of flowers, trees, plants of all sorts–representing the beauty of God's garden creations. They were in the corners and areas where the walls and ceilings met. These were created from stone and were colored to look identical to the plants. They were much larger, however, since I could easily see them from the floor on which we stood. Besides these, from the ceiling to the floor, the walls were plain, with gold straight lines against a cream colored wall. It was all very beautiful.
6. There were also flowers and plants growing in curved garden beds along the floors next to the walls. These were exactly the same plants as were sculpted in the corners above of stone! However, these were living, growing plants, and very inviting to look at–so pretty!
7. There also was a small winding stream of living water, which came in a channel of some kind on the north side closest to us, in the floor of the temple. We walked over to one of these streams, and they were teeming with fish of all kinds, and water plants moving in the gentle flow of water. The water came from the fountain of living waters and flowed in a covered channel into the temple, then became uncovered once it came into the temple.
8. This entry room also had chairs and benches all around, interspersed between the garden beds and winding streams. These were grouped both in clusters for people to talk, and in isolated areas for personal meditation.
As we continued to walk south, we came to an open hall, quite wide, where I recall walking before when I first came and received the trumpet of God. The wide hall (probably 50 feet wide and 50 tall) was rounded at the top, shaped like an inside plant arbor. It had hanging flowers and hanging vined fruits of all kinds. The small stream was behind the beds where these plants were growing. There was an elegant trellis along the walls, which were rounded into a semi-circle and met the opposite wall. We walked down this area for some time it seemed.
9. Later: I felt I would be getting this tour over the next day or so too. I felt to meditate over what I would see, and then write it down, and then receive more.
My wife and I went to two sacrament programs today of family members, one in Provo and one in more south. In the 11:00 am sacrament meeting in Provo, I had this experience in the entry of God's temple:

10. I felt I was in a secluded, meditation area in the entry of the temple, behind some beautiful bushes and flowers. There was a stream running nearby, and a bench. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents, and Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ all came in front of me! I made my normal weekly covenant with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and then partook of the bread when it was passed to me in the ward.
11. Heavenly Father then spoke to me, while I was kneeling before them. He said words like this to me, very clearly in my mind:
'Raphael, we are glad you are here, worshipping and communing with us in our beautiful celestial temple! We accept your covenant you have made with us this day. In return, you will always have our presences to be with you. We will be before you, and behind you, and will direct your every action and path while in mortality, and while also in the celestial realms above. This is the highest measure of our covenant possible with man or woman on the earth. We desire all of our children to approach us as do you, and for those who do, we will gradually lead them to this same level of covenant as we have with you.
12. We are very pleased to show you our temple in heaven! Your descriptions will help many, and will be pondered by these hereafter. For all of these who read your writings, we will confirm the truth of what you write to their hearts and minds. This is the day, long awaited, when nothing shall be withheld, but all will be revealed.'
"God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been revealed since the world was until now;
Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fulness of their glory;
A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.
All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And also, if there be bounds set to the heavens or to the seas, or to the dry land, or to the sun, moon, or stars—
All the times of their revolutions, all the appointed days, months, and years, and all the days of their days, months, and years, and all their glories, laws, and set times, shall be revealed in the days of the dispensation of the fulness of times—
According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was, that should be reserved unto the finishing and the end thereof, when every man shall enter into his eternal presence and into his immortal rest."

14. At this time, the Bishop offered the prayer on the water. The three men in the Bishopric were at the sacrament table, blessing the bread and water for their congregation. I had never seen this happen before like this.
15. When the water was blessed, I saw my surroundings change in the temple. I seemed to be next to an old olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was suffering before me, and I was observing his great sacrifice for the sins of mankind! This vision lasted only 10-15 seconds or so, and it was very fitting to have this experience today on Easter Sunday. Before me was the risen Lord Jesus Christ too! I looked into his face, and saw his loving, compassionate eyes! He suffered for me, and now I was clean because of his atonement.
16. Father spoke again:
'You have been redeemed from the fall, and are brought again, back into our presence! We have a great work for you to do, Raphael. We will lead you along, and give you revelation upon revelation. We want all of our children to receive revelation from us. We will do so, as our children come unto us, through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'
17. At that time, the sacrament ended. I was still in the entry of the temple and seemed to continue receiving a guided tour from my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus, who were all walking with me. They allowed me time to gaze around, ponder what I saw, and to ask questions. They all seemed so pleased to be with me!
18. As the meeting progressed in the ward, the choir sang, and a violin and French horn played along. It was very fitting and such uplifting music! I thought of music that must be abundant in heaven, and in the temple of God.
19. Then during the sacrament hymn, 'Jesus Once of Humble Birth' (hymn 196), which we had recently sung, the last verse we sang came back into my mind: 'Now exalted to a throne.' I thought of the throne of God, and wondered if it was in this temple. The answer came back immediately 'Yes!' I will get to that in a moment in my narrative.
20. Meanwhile, back in the temple, we next continued down the grand hallway. There were four doors, two on the right (west) and two on the left (east), off of the grand hallway. We went to the last door on the right side. Heavenly Father opened the door, then Heavenly Mother went in, followed by the rest of us.
21. This was the same room that I had received the trumpet of God from Heavenly Father! The wooden door had an engraved angel blowing a trumpet of God on the outside of the door, which I hadn't seen before. There was a raised platform on the left side as we came in, with a waist-high solid wood bannister. There was no podium I believe, but benches like one finds in LDS chapels in the front, for leaders to sit on. Behind the benches, there was a loft area for a choir and for those who played instruments to sit in.

22. On the main floor on which we entered, the floor had the appearance of gold. There were also wooden benches in rows, to the back of this chapel area. This entire very large room I now call the 2nd estate chapel, for it had the appearance of a chapel that I am used to attending for sacrament meetings on earth.
23. There were four walls, and the room was rectangular. The ceiling was I think as tall as it was wide, and about 1 1/2 times longer than it was wide.
The walls were adorned with seven very large murals, occupying most of the wall area. There were three on each side and one on the back wall (seven total). They depicted major events in the 2nd estate of man, from the beginning and during the 7,000 years of earth's temporal existence.
24. The first mural on the left depicted the creation of the earth, and the creation of man. It also showed the fall of man, with Adam and Eve. This mural showed the paradise of the earth, and then the fallen earth in its lone and dreary world state, in the telestial world.
25. I soon noticed that as I looked carefully at this first mural, I actually could see exactly what happened, in a replay of sorts, but more like a real-life vision, of the real events portrayed on that mural! During this vision, a choir of heavenly beings gathered in the choir loft, accompanied by more heavenly beings who brought their instruments. The choir and orchestra performed their anthem music, specifically written for these events depicted on the vision mural. This music coordinated exactly with the events portrayed that I was seeing! This heavenly music brought the significance of the events of this first vision mural into a greater focus for me.
26. The second mural was also a vision mural, as were all of the remainder. This second vision mural depicted the wicked world in Noah's day, the building of the ark, the flood, the city of Enoch or Zion and the translation of the city and its people, and the colonization of the new earth after the flood. I then realized at this time, that during the first vision mural time, Michael, the archangel, or father Adam in the flesh, was on the earth, and during the second mural the archangel Gabriel, or Noah, was on the earth. These were both the representatives of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the earth during those periods of earth's existence. I thought that in the future vision murals I would see, that there would always be a representative of our Heavenly Parents on the earth.
27. When I looked into the second vision mural, another special musical anthem was played by the choir and orchestra. I also saw a short vision of the important events of this period of time on the earth. The music and vision again coordinated so well together.
28. I then looked at the third vision mural, on the far wall, opposite the door, the third on that wall. It depicted the birth, life, atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was the representative of his Heavenly Parents on earth during this meridian of time. When I looked into the mural, a vision of the life of Jesus Christ opened up to me. Another unique heavenly anthem was played, which also coordinated with the vision I saw. It all culminated with the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, and his victory over the grave.

29. On the back wall was a mural depicted the events in which I was now living on the earth. It started with the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days through the prophet Joseph Smith, the forming of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the increasing wickedness on the earth, the awakening of the holy angels in mortality, the cataclysmic events of the last days, the 144,000 being called, along with the people of the city of Zion (Enoch's people) and all the holy angels–all working together as servants to gather the elect of God in the day of gathering. The mural also depicted the formation again of the Church of Christ on the earth, the establishment of the New Jerusalem, and the formation of the Church of the Firstborn on the earth for the first time. This mural depicted the events of the change of the earth from a telestial state to a terrestrial state, just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
There was also an anthem, which was sung and played by the choir and orchestra. This was the piece that only the 144,000 could learn, as was spoken of in the book of Revelation:
30. Revelation 14:1-3–
"And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.
And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth."
"And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest."

32. I realized later, that this anthem and this 'song of Moses' (Revelation 15:3) was not only sung by the 144,000, but by the holy angels and the people of Enoch, all the servants who were gathering the elect of God.
I was also told by the Father, that the representative of Heavenly Mother and himself on the earth during this fourth vision mural of the last days, was myself, Raphael, the third archangel of God.
33. The adjacent wall to the door we came in, contained three more visions murals. The back vision mural contained the events directly surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ, the baptism of fire for the earth, the destruction of the wicked, and the banishment of Satan and his hosts to the bottomless pit, and the arrival of Jesus Christ as the rightful high priest and king on the earth. There was a glorious anthem sung and played by the choir and orchestra! The rightful representative on the earth during this vision mural, of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, was Jesus Christ.
34. The middle vision mural on the adjacent wall, the sixth vision mural, showed all the events of the millennial state of the earth, in a paradisiacal glory in the terrestrial sphere. There were so very many of Heavenly Parents children who lived during this era of peace and rest. The earth rested during this time, the Church of Christ and Church of the Firstborn flourished, the earth was renewed and returned to one large landmass on its surface, and one smaller ocean area. It was the most glorious time to live and grow, particularly without Satan's influence–children grew up without sin unto salvation! More amazing music accompanied the vision of the millennium. Jesus was on the earth as king of kings during this time, representing his Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
35. The final of seventh vision murals was closest to the entry door of the chapel. It showed the final battle when Satan would be released for a little season, and when these would be overcome and cast into outer darkness. This also depicted the final judgment and resurrection of all mankind. It showed the death and subsequent resurrection of the earth too, to a glorious celestial orb, the habitation of all the faithful who ever lived on its surface, in celestial glory. The new heaven and new earth were shown as revealed to John the Revelator, in Revelation chapters 21 to 22. Again, a majestic musical anthem accompanied this vision mural of the completion of the salvation of man, the earth, and all things on the earth too.
36. After viewing and hearing all these seven great vision murals, we went out of this room, the same way we entered. We were again in the grand hallway. I understood that the first room on the west side of the hall was similar to this second room that I had just visited, that I called the 2nd estate chapel, with seven vision murals. This first room was similar, only it depicted the events of the first estate of man, in the premortal life. Again, there were seven vision murals on the walls of that room. I haven't been in that room yet.
37. Across the hallway were two other doors, which opened into classrooms. These were for the instruction of God's children in various skills and duties they would need to learn. The healing angels, for instance, have all had classes there in their respective areas of healing.

38. The second floor of God's temple was all the nursery area–where young spirits were nurtured and taught by their Heavenly Parents and others chosen to assist in this great work. I had been there before.
39. The third floor is the private residence of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. God's children only go there if they are taken there by God, or invited there. I have gone there in an ordination room on that floor, when Heavenly Father and Jesus blessed me once.
40. The fourth floor is the throne room. We four (Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and myself) went there next. There are neither doors nor stairs to this floor. However, all who go there have the ability to transport themselves there, or be taken by someone who has this ability.
41. On the fourth floor, the throne room, there are large open windows with no glass, so that one can look out onto the surrounding lands in the celestial kingdom of God. At the west end of this very large square throne room, there is an elevated section with three thrones–one for Jesus on the south, one for Heavenly Father in the middle, and one for Heavenly Mother on the north– all in a line, in the center of the elevated platform area.
42. On the area directly southwest of Jesus' throne, there is a large olive tree, representing the atonement of Jesus Christ (tree in the Garden of Gethsemane), and also the House of Israel (see the allegory of the olive tree in Jacob chapter 5).
43. On the northwest side of Heavenly Mother's throne is a beautiful, gurgling waterfall, cascading down a rocky mountain-like area, with lots of trees, flowers, and other vegetation and animals. This living water gurgled up at the top from the first floor and flowed down the north side of the throne room to the east side where it went back down to the first floor, and returned to the fountain of living water. This was such a lovely addition to the throne room! Birds and butterflies flew in through the windows to the bushes and trees and flowers in this room–a real paradise of God! It hardly felt like I was inside.
This is the room where I experienced in our class on 8-18-2016, where the roof of God's temple became transparent.
This is also the room for the final judgment of all mankind. The scriptures call this the judgment day (see scriptures below), or the bar of God, or the tribunal of God.
44. Psalms 9:7–"But the Lord shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment."
45. Matthew 19:27-28–
"Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."
"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him."
"And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?"
But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ."
"Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?
Or otherwise, can ye imagine yourselves brought before the tribunal of God with your souls filled with guilt and remorse, having a remembrance of all your guilt, yea, a perfect remembrance of all your wickedness, yea, a remembrance that ye have set at defiance the commandments of God?"
49. This is also where not only Christ shall judge, but the original 12 apostles, and others too that may be delegated this authority to judge the 12 tribes of Israel. Other judgment seats will be brought to be next to Christ's throne, on the side, for these judgments.
50. Matthew 19:28–
"And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."
Others, like Moroni, may also meet us at the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah. This is where it will be.
51. Moroni 10:27, 34–
"And I exhort you to remember these things; for the time speedily cometh that ye shall know that I lie not, for ye shall see me at the bar of God; and the Lord God will say unto you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man, like as one crying from the dead, yea, even as one speaking out of the dust?
And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead. Amen."

52. One might also think it odd that there were open windows and doors in the temple of God. This made, however, an open feeling inside the temple, like one was really outside. The streams, plants and animals inside were also the creations of God, that God chose to adorn their very beautiful building.
53. The music from the choir and orchestra in the 2nd estate chapel might also seem odd to some. However, music abounds in heaven, and it seemed so appropriate for live music to accompany the visions I saw from the murals. Everything I saw in the temple was amazing and glorious beyond description. I feel so blessed to have participated in this tour of the temple of God!
I hope to visit too the nursery again, and the other three rooms off the grand hallway on the first floor sometime soon. I feel for now, however, I have seen what God wanted me to see.&
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-17-2017, Monday
1. This morning I had a prayer in a meditation area of the entry of the temple on the first floor. I called upon my Heavenly Parents and they both came to me. They were smiling and seemed very happy to be with me again.
I thanked them again for the great experience I had yesterday on Easter, in receiving a tour of the house of God, in the celestial world! It has caused me lots of reflection.
2. I wondered about rooms for ordinance work, like endowments and sealing. Here is what I came to understand–those are to be part of temples on the earth, not in heaven. This great work in the millennium is to bring the elect of God, into the Church of the Firstborn, and then have these final ordinances administered to them in temples on the earth. Once done, or the final judgment is finished, we will no longer need these rooms in the temples on earth. For we will have temples like the one I saw in heaven. The earth will be a celestial world, the habitation of celestial children of God, who dwell in the presence of God.
3 . I then confirmed all that that I had seen and written down yesterday. I believe all that I have written to be true and accurate. These are the mysteries of heaven, never before revealed in this magnitude to those on the earth before, but reserved for our day when all things will be revealed.
4. Q– Will I be able to also tour the instruction rooms on the first floor of the temple, the 1st estate chapel, and the nursery on the second floor?
A– Yes! You may have this experience tonight and tomorrow mornings in your prayers.

5. Later, at prayer tonight: I prayed to my Heavenly Parents in the grand hallway outside of the first estate chapel, and my Heavenly Parents came. I asked if I could go inside this room. Heavenly Mother entered, followed by Heavenly Father and myself. The room looked exactly like the other chapel I had been in, representing the 2nd estate. I looked at the murals, and here is what they depicted, in order from the south wall (three total), west wall (one), and north wall (three), a total of seven vision murals. For each of these I heard no music, no choir and no orchestra. There was a vision associated with each mural, however. I don't recall, in my conscious mind, the vision of each one. I can remember the content, however.
6. Vision Mural One: This contains our birth as a spirit to our Heavenly Parents, each of us, growing up in the nursery, then the celestial world. The earth was created near the celestial orb on which we grew up, without our knowledge of the plan of why we were helping create it.
Vision Mural Two: This showed our education and training. We each learned and grew, according to our interest and propensities.
7. Vision Mural Three: This contained the presentation of the plan of salvation which was announced and taught by Father and Mother, to all of us children. Jesus Christ, or Jehovah, was chosen as our Redeemer.
Vision Mural Four: Here was the rebellion of Lucifer, who drew apart one-third part of the hosts of heaven. They followed his plan of supposed increased safety, lower risk that they would rely on being forced what they should do on the earth, in order to return to heaven again. Lucifer would thus be a Savior by forcing us. This was in direct opposition to the plan of our Heavenly Parents. At this time, the regions of the temple, God's Loving Healing Center, Lake Bountiful, the gardens of Heavenly Mother and the lands of Heavenly Father, the three rivers and the lands where these flowed, and the valley which now occupies the city of Zion–all became a sanctuary for the righteous, who supported the Father's and Mother's plan, and Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of all mankind.
8. Vision Mural Five: There was war in heaven shown in this vision, where Michael and the host of heaven fought against Lucifer and his hosts. Lucifer and his followers were cast out to the earth, out of heaven, never to return. There was great weeping in heaven by those who remained.
Vision Mural Six: This showed the final preparations for the plan of happiness, with the angels assigned, the children of God decided with their Heavenly Parents when they would be born, what circumstances they would have, etc. More details of the 2nd estate were revealed.
Vision Mural Seven: This contained the birth of Adam and Eve, the beginning of the 2nd estate, being 7,000 years of telestial existence.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-18-2017, Tuesday
1. I began my prayer in the 1st estate chapel, in the temple. I immediately noticed something I hadn't seen last night–the floor was silver, not gold as it was in the 2nd estate chapel. Other than this, and the vision mural contents, the structure of the room seemed identical.
2. I also had the impression from my Heavenly Parents who had come into this room with me, that these two chapels were frequented by premortal spirits, to receive group instruction that needed a larger area, than the instruction rooms across the hall. Besides the lack of musical anthems, the vision murals seemed identical except for the times they represented and showed.
3. I confirmed that what I had received yesterday was all true while in this room. I then asked if we could visit next the instruction room across the grand hallway. My Heavenly Parents were happy to do so. Heavenly Mother said 'Follow me!' She walked towards the wooden door, opened it and went through. I went next, and saw the engraving on the door, of the earth in space, representing the premortal plan to come to the earth for the telestial experience we are now having.
4. We entered the first room, across the hall from the first estate chapel. It was a large library, with books on shelves in the main area and against the walls. The shelves contained books, which if studied and read, gave information on all subject, from science to music to languages to biology, and all subjects. This is where I saw premortal spirits consumed in individual study of the topics that most interested them! There were also details of every civilization that would live on the earth, and how they lived, their culture, their religion, all the acts of men during their first and second estates. All of this was available for all to read and view in this large library!
5. When one took one of the books, and opened it and read, the book became a vision experience for the reader! It was truly like they were there in person, absorbing all truth on that subject.
I saw many couches, tables, benches where the spirits of our Heavenly Parents were deep in study. This seemed to greatly please my Heavenly Parents who were walking next to me. These spirits looked up and acknowledged their Heavenly Parents too as we walked by, and greeted them warmly. Then most went right back to their individual study.
6. I saw books on many subjects that fascinated me in the sciences, in botany and in history. I could easily spend much of my time here, absorbing truth from God. I saw each spirit could study and absorb whatever peaked his or her interests.

7. There were three floors in this library area, each with rows and rows of shelves with books, and places to study. There were also lovely planted alcoves, with streams and plants and beauty everywhere, to make this a very pleasant experience for the searcher of truth. It was a quiet place, but I could tell each one in study was fully enraptured in their own interest, in seeing and viewing what they saw. Their vision experiences were only seen and heard by themselves.
8. I also saw groups of spirits studying together, having interesting discussions as they learned truth together. They didn't have a teacher except for each other and their books, which seemed to answer their questions as they asked. It seemed like the highest form of learning possible!
9. Heavenly Mother then said to me:
'Let's now go into the classrooms in the last door off the grand hallway!'
We then walked out the same door we came in , and I saw engraved on this beautiful wooden door an image carved of a book, representing the thirst for truth and knowledge that all who entered seemed to have.
10. We walked together down the grand hall to the second room on the left, or east side, opposite the 2nd estate chapel. As we entered, I saw a carved image of a sun, with rays coming from it. Immediately I knew it represented enlightenment from God. This is the classroom area we were now entering.
We came into another hallway, with many opening without doors it seemed, which each led to instruction rooms. These each were different, but all had chairs for those being instructed, or benches, and plain walls and ceilings. We entered the first on our left.
11. The entry way closed when we were in, much like what I had experienced in the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. Heavenly Mother then said:
'Raphael, let's learn about ocean creatures in the sea. Have a seat with us and observe!'
12. We sat on a stone bench together. Then all around us appeared the deep ocean, on the walls, ceilings and floor. I could see whales and fish and creatures of all sizes and shapes. I had the impression these were on the earth in the terrestrial world, yet to be on the earth! There were ocean plants too. There was great enjoyment in these animals and plants of the ocean. The water was clear and glowed with the light of God, even where we were, deep in the ocean! I had a question about the ocean floor, and immediately were there, with the surrounding floor, walls and ceiling of the room depicting this very place I had wanted to go. I saw an old sunken ship afar off, and wanted to go there. We went there immediately, and explored around. There was a new group of fish around it, and sea creatures I could see. It was like the prettiest sight I had ever seen underwater!

13. I then asked if we could go to the New Jerusalem, half way through the millennium. Heavenly Mother nodded, and we were immediately in the midst of this beautiful city of our God, on the earth, around 2,500 AD! It was just like the celestial kingdom in heaven–with beauty and order and the love of God everywhere. People were so kind to each other and we fit right in, even though they didn't see us. I longed to be there, and knew that I was really there too!
14. My Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, each of these classrooms are like this. There are 24 classrooms available for teaching in this classroom area. These are able to see past, present or future, like we have seen today. These also can be used by the instructor, to teach and help his students learn any subject. You came here often, teaching and being taught, all of the healing arts. We often came too, to participate with you and the healers of our children who had interest in this area of skill and learning. All truth and knowledge are taught here, in these classrooms, in group settings. By this means, our children greatly increase their skills in areas of their interests, preparatory to coming into their 2nd estate of mortality.'
15. I was so taken with all of these methods of instruction that I had witnessed, in these two instruction rooms this morning! I thanked them for this wonderful experience of being shown, from themselves, these things and this place in their temple in heaven.
Heavenly Father asked if I would like to now go to the second floor, the nursery area. I was more than eager to go!
16. We immediately were transported to the next floor up in God's temple, to the nursery area, as it is called. These are living quarters for all of the newly born spirit children of our Heavenly Parents. There were many bedrooms, many living areas, and many rooms of all kinds. There were open play areas, with swings, slides and areas for amusement and relaxation. Heavenly Mother spoke:
17. 'Raphael, we haven't recently bore any new spirit children, since the beginning of earth's temporal existence, and since I have become the Holy Ghost among our children. This is why we don't see our spirit children here, for they have all moved on from this nursery area to other areas of progression in our kingdom. However, here is where we plan and enjoy our young ones, in a protected area until they are mature enough to venture outside themselves into our beautiful land. Here we teach them ourselves how to act and behave, to bring us honor and to move forward in their own progression. This is one my most favorite activities I do.'
18. We then immediately returned to the grand hallway where we had been, near the beginning of my prayer. I embraced both of my Heavenly Mother and then my Heavenly Father, thanking them for this amazing experience of touring their holy temple with them. They seemed very pleased to have done so. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, prepare a post now on your website, and share with the mortal angels when we let you know. We love you, our son!'
Then I felt like my conscious mind and my body was coming back to earth. I have been very impressed with this entire temple experience!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-19-2017, Wednesday
1. Last night I prayed near the circling waters, on the little rock outcropping, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I was facing west, towards the glorious temple. Both of my Heavenly Parents came to me from the west, in the air. I thanked them profusely again, for the amazing experience I had during the tour of their temple the past few days.
2. I also had read some information online that some have claimed that the devils, or a large race of people, or devil-like people, had come to the earth in the days of Adam, and had actual offspring with Adam's seed. There are various beliefs like this. I asked my Heavenly Parents this question:
3. Q– Are all of the people that have ever come to the earth, to mortality, or will come, have been exclusively thy children, and been direct and complete descendants of Adam and Eve, our first parents?
A– Yes. Then from Heavenly Father:
'Raphael, we have not allowed anybody to come to earth, who are people, to intermingle with our beloved children, and propagate into mortality, except pure descendants of Adam and Eve, our first children who have come into mortality. Those who suppose others have interbred into the race of mankind, with our children, are misled, and that notion is false. We have preserved and protected this earth, strictly for our children to come forth in mortality for their telestial experience.'
I felt at peace with this answer. It makes perfect sense also. I am so grateful for pure doctrine that God gives me!
4. Later, at prayer in the evening–In my prayer tonight, I felt to go to a small clump of fully mature maple trees, on the western shore of Lake Beautiful, not far from the assembly hall northwest of me. I was next to the lake, where grass grew and extended right to the shores of the lake. I knelt towards the east, and prayed that Elohim would come. Immediately, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came on the edge of the lake in front of me.
I thanked them as I always do, for the great privilege of being in their presence.
I asked them about the blessing of the waters, this Sunday at 8 am, Utah time. I asked if I could be on the phone during this time with my sister K who could join me.

5. I then felt that this would be good with them, and that I could also record our conversations and the blessings we would give to the waters and earth. I felt like she, being the female archangel over the earth and nature, could also bless the earth at this same time. I knew we had done something similar to this in Oregon when I had visited her before.
6. I also felt we would take those interested mortal angels with us, into the terrestrial earth, deep inside the crust of the earth, and then later on the surface. These blessings would be in the terrestrial sphere of mother earth, so she could make it reality soon also in the telestial sphere of the earth, where mankind see as reality. I plan to email K back tomorrow and approve the plan she proposed yesterday to me by email. I then feel to share all of this on my website.
I also felt that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother would accompany us during the entire blessing experience.
7. I then felt like there was a connection with Lake Beautiful in front of me also. I wasn't sure what this was, so I inquired of my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother responded to me:
'Raphael, it is pleasing to us that you and your sister Rachael, bless the earth this Sunday together. Bless it both deep in the fissure, in the terrestrial sphere, and next on the surface where this fissure comes to the surface.
8. You are correct, in thinking that this lake behind us, Lake Beautiful, will be connected with the water soon to be coming forth on the earth, in the Jackson County, Missouri area. By the power of God this water in this lake, will provide also the water flowing to the surface of the earth, which will eventually become the fountain of living water for the New Jerusalem. Even though so far away, Lake Beautiful nevertheless will do this thing for the earth. There is a deep connection between this celestial world on which we now dwell, and mother earth. They are deeply connected, and one day will again be close to each other.
9. The bringing forth of living water to mother earth so greatly pleases your planet–she will rejoice at your initiation blessing this Sunday. We will be with you and your sister in all you do at that time. All mortal angels who wish to participate may also come and be with us there.'
I thanked her for her words to me.
10. I then asked about the information I recently received that I, Raphael, would be the representative of both of them during these troubled last days in which I live. They confirmed this, and I wanted to know what they expected of me in this high station. Heavenly Father responded:
11. 'Raphael, we have chosen you, our third male archangel, who stands in our presence continually, to be our representative on earth just prior to the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth. We will completely lead you how to act and what to do in your station, as our representative. What you write will include many truths which have been reserved to be revealed, only in these transition times, as the earth and our children move into a terrestrial state of being You will be instrumental in the celestial sphere where you work for us, as do other angels, in helping us direct our important work on the earth, for the elects' sake. Your contribution to establishing the Church of the Firstborn in the New Jerusalem area will be particularly noteworthy and important. You are our representative on earth now, through whom we will work our marvelous work and a wonder, in great power, on the earth. We trust you, our son Raphael!'
I humbly submitted myself to my Heavenly Parents and said them I would always humbly follow their direction. I felt quite inadequate, however, in being their representative on earth.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-20-2017, Thursday morning
1. I prayed again this morning by the clump of maple trees on the west shore of Lake Beautiful. My Heavenly Parents came again, or seemed to already be there with me when I meditated in prayer.
2. I asked how that living water at Lake Beautiful would be able to go to the earth. Heavenly Mother responded to my question:
'When you were born into mortality, your spirit came from this celestial world into a body that was ready to soon be born. Similarly, the celestial spirit of a portion of this living water, from Lake Beautiful, will enter into a reservoir of water, deep in the earth that has been preserved to become living water. This will be akin to birth for this water, for soon it will become living water from this spirit portion of Lake Beautiful. This spirit water will propagate into this underground reservoir, until it is all celestial, living water. This will be the first element on mother earth to become celestial. As this underground reservoir of water is opened, through a telestial earthquake which will follow the terrestrial earthquake that already occurred on both April 7th and 8th in this area, the this living water will flow to the surface of earth. This living water will heal the devastated land, and make way for the New Jerusalem, the city of your God on the earth.'

3. I next felt that this birth of living water on the earth would begin with the blessing of the waters this Sunday, April 23rd. I see that now there is an underground, large reservoir of pure water, under the Jackson County area. I see too now that the recent earthquake on April 7-8, was in the terrestrial sphere, felt by M.A. Gardner (see below), which opened up a fissure in the terrestrial earth from this reservoir to the surface. I believe this telestial earthquake, which follows, will then open up the fissure in the telestial earth, following the same path. This will then cause the flow of water, living water, to flow from deep in the earth to the surface. This deep reservoir of water is like the womb of the earth, ready for birth. The pressure on the reservoir will cause the water to flow freely to the surface of the earth.
4. Email correspondence with M.A.:
April 16, from M.A. to R–
'Hi R,
Oh how I loved this email. I think I felt the Terrestial earthquake. It happened during the night around April 7 or 8. I woke up twice during the night feeling like there was an earthquake. I asked Rod if he had felt anything, (he hadn't). It was so real that I even looked on my earthquake app if there had been an earthquake. Energy testing says is true for me. I feel like God is giving me little glimpses into the spiritual realm. Thank you for sharing all this glorious information. I know life will be rough but I'm excited for all these things to happen and to be consciously in the presence of our Heaven Parents.
I'd like to go with you to bless the waters on the 23rd. It will probably be only in spirit but none the less I want to be there.
Have a blesses Easter Day,
5. April 16, from R to M.A.–
Thank you for your note. I am glad you liked this last post. It is one of the best ones I feel that has happened, like a second coming for the gatherers and servants! I feel so blessed to have been witness to it.
About the earthquake–I believe you DID feel this earthquake, as you said! When I prayed about this, I confirmed in my mind that you were awakened and made aware of an earthquake of a very large magnitude, in the terrestrial sphere. I must have been fast asleep on that day, not sure though, but I didn't come to any awareness of an earthquake happening until I was told one already happened in the terrestrial sphere of the earth.
I will be glad to have you, my sister K, and anyone else who wants to come with me on April 23rd, to do whatever we do for blessing the waters. I have no idea really what will happen, which is quite usual actually! It all seems to just unfold at the time of events like this.
Say hi to Rod. Have a great week!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-21-2017, Friday morning
1. This morning in my prayer, I received more direction on how we should bless the waters:
1) All who desire to participate, should meet at 8:00 am Utah time, under the clump of maple trees, on the west shores of Lake Beautiful. There will be enough gold vessels (I called them gold pails, and felt that was the best name for them), each one with a silver handle, for each of us to retrieve water from the lake in front of us. I believe that both Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ will be there, and will accompany us on each leg of our blessing journey.
2. 2) We will next travel together and bring our filled water pails to the Jackson County, Missouri area. Then we will go together, maybe even holding hands, deep into the earth, and find the large reservoir of pure water. There is a fissure which was opened up, in the terrestrial sphere of the earth that leads to this reservoir. The telestial fissure has not yet opened up. This will open up when the telestial earthquake comes sometime in the future. The reservoir has both a terrestrial and a telestial reservoir, one atop the other.
3. 3) K (Rachael) will then bless this reservoir, in the earth, and around the time of her blessing, we angels of God will pour out our gold buckets of living water into this reservoir of pure water. This will be akin to the quickening of the womb of the earth, starting the gestation period, like the spirit coming into the developing body of the human fetus. The mother is mother earth, and the reservoir of water is the womb of the earth. The pouring of this celestial, living water into the reservoir of pure water, will initiate a change in that body of water, not many days hence. This will make the entire reservoir to fully becomes living water. The earth will soon be poised, once the water reservoir has shifted to a celestial, completely living water reservoir, to be ready for this terrestrial earthquake.
4. 4) We will next go together to the surface of the earth, where the terrestrial fissure comes to the surface. We will then deposit our gold pails with silver handles, onto the earth there. These empty pails will then each go into the surface of the earth to form pockets of precious metals, later to be mined for adorning the New Jerusalem temple.

5. 5) Raphael will then bless the surface of the earth, at the point where the terrestrial fissure comes up from the ground. All the male and female archangels will be present, as well as our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, our Savior. There will be another sounding of the trumpets of God from this location, to awaken mother earth and all nature, of what she next needs to do, at the future command of the angels of God. There will be two angels giving this command. These two will command the earth to initiate the telestial earthquake, as they are both inspired by their Heavenly Mother. These will be a male and a female angel. They will come to this area sometime soon, at the command of our Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Mother is in charge of these living waters, and the birth of the living waters to become the spring which will come forth the living water reservoir. This will be the very first celestial sector on the earth! All the rest of the earth is now only in a terrestrial and telestial sphere. The New Jerusalem area will become a celestial sector of the earth.
6. I feel confirmed that these five points are true, and the will of our Heavenly Mother. I will talk to K today, so that she too can prepare for her blessing of the waters this Sunday.

7. Later: K called and said her son Tom was in a Dominican Republic hospital with his brother John. Tom hit is head and was in the hospital. She asked me to pray for him, or do healing work on Tom.
I went to the domed room, in the celestial world, and Tom was lying there, asleep on a bed. I believe he was also in the hospital in the same position.
8. I put my hands on his head. Heavenly Mother came in answer to my prayer, to help heal Tom. She sent her healing light to my head, while I faced her. The light went from her to me, to my head, then down my head, neck, shoulders arms and hands into Tom's head. I could soon sense that he had an injury on the back of his head. It seemed there had been bleeding.
9. The light came and narrowed in on the area of bleeding. The light surrounded the area of bleeding. It penetrated more and more the injured and bleeding area. Correspondingly, this area gradually grew smaller and smaller. In about 10 minutes, the injured area altogether vanished from my perception. I did an energy pass with my hands, and could no longer detect any more injury. The time was 6:33 pm Utah time. I believe Tom will be all right.
I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was still in front of me in the domed room. I looked into her eyes, and she was smiling. I then got out my journal and wrote this all down.
10. Later, during my evening prayer under the mature maple trees, by the west shores of Lake Beautiful: I had my Heavenly Parents in front of me, standing on the grass. Heavenly Mother had one of the gold pails with her. The pails was about 1/4" thick, appeared to be solid gold. It had an approximate 3/8" thick x 1" wide curved handle, which swiveled on either side of the pail where it was attached. The pail was engraven on the outside surface of the gold. The engraving was a butterfly and a bird, on opposite sides. These represented the beauty of God's creations that I saw this week in the temple. The pail held about 2 gallons of water.
11. We will each receive a pail similar to this one, except for our Heavenly Parents and Jesus. We will fill them up with living water from the lake. I thought it a shame to have such beauty in the handiwork on these pails to later go into the surface of the earth, and create precious metal deposits there. But the contents from these pails will be re-crafted to decorate the temple, just like the beauty depicted on the pails.

12. I felt we would go into the earth from heaven, placing our free hand on the shoulder or arm of the adjacent angel, and our other hand holding a pail of water. We would be led by Heavenly Mother in the middle, with Heavenly Father on her left and Jesus on her right. She will also lead us into the earth to the underground reservoir in the same manner.
13. There is a small cavern above the underground water reservoir. There is no air there, but we won't need any. When the earthquake occurs in the telestial sphere, the roof of the cavern will collapse into the water, making the water gush up to the surface through the fissure, under pressure. This reservoir of the water will last a full 1,000 years before all of the water is expended through the fissure to the fountain of living water on the earth's surface.
14. About Tom–I feel that what I saw and felt, with brain bleeding at the back of his skull, was accurate. It is now all gone, with no trace, thanks to our Heavenly Mother's healing. K also gave Tom a remote blessing too, by virtue of her authority by being a high priestess, having power to give healing blessings. As is typical of these things, there is no traceability of any brain injury. This is how we healing angels are to work–behind the scenes, with no recognition. God changes history and events all the time in this way. We who are angels, have the great opportunity to participate!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-22-2017, Saturday morning
1. I came to my Heavenly Parents this morning, in a beautiful area in the entry of their temple. I had found a pine tree, a grassy area, and the small stream running next to it. This is where I talked to my Heavenly Parents.
2. I asked about why two angels would come to the Jackson County, Missouri area to initiate an earthquake. I was told they represent the many men and women who are righteous, both male and female, who will be brought to that place, the celestial city of our God on the earth. They also each have authority, the male angel a high priest, and the female angel a high priestess. The earthquake would be the means of bringing forth the birth of the living water to the earth's surface, and start healing the land.

3. I also remembered that there were two angels who came to the tomb, at the time of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (see John 20:12). I believe one of these was a male angel, and one a female angel, representing all mankind who would be so affected by the atonement, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4. I felt also in my prayer time, that once the waters and earth were blessed tomorrow, that I should send out the post as soon as possible. I will ask for R.B. to also send his warrior angels to this area to protect all of us from any disruption of Satan.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-23-2017, Sunday morning
1. It is now almost 9:00 am. I got up at 7:00 am, had a prayer and felt really connected to my Heavenly Parents. This was a day I anticipated for some time! We were going to bless the waters!
2. I had my prayer under the mature grove of maple trees, on the west shore of Lake Beautiful. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus all came. They were each robed in elegant and regal vestures! They each had gold trim at the bottoms of their robes, around the end of their sleeves, and around their neck. Heavenly Mother wore a gold 'princess' type crown, with lots of diamonds that shone brightly. She also wore a golden sash that tied on her right side. Heavenly Father wore no crown nor sash. Jesus wore a scarlet red sash, tied on the right side. They were all three very pleased I think, since they were smiling and had happy faces.
3. I looked into each of their faces. H.B. asked me by email about the color of Heavenly Father and Jesus' eyes. I saw blue, very clear eyes. I saw clear light green eyes in Heavenly Mother. I hadn't really looked before at their eye colors.
4. I received some additional direction from them this morning. I was told we would meet in the assembly hall near us, since all the holy angels (6,350) were coming! I asked if I could have Michael come, and he then came. I asked if I could conduct this entire gathering, and have his permission to dialog the entire event, and record it. He agreed. He wore a blue sash with the gold sword of Michael on his left side.
We then ended, and I called K. I then recorded all the events with her on my phone, with a recording app I found. I am now converting this to an audio YouTube.
I feel SO pleased with how it all turned out! It was far greater than I expected, even though I tried not to have any expectations! I felt the presence of my Heavenly Parents and Jesus, and all the holy angels. It was a great event!"
5. From K:
A Gathering of all angels that assembled in the celestial realms initially at the Assembly Hall to the west of Lake Beautiful and then to the grove of mature maple trees to the west of Lake Beautiful. I felt so happy at the Assembly Hall, truly sparkling with joy and anticipation and so honored and humbled to be a part of the blessing of the waters which was happening.
6. When I picked up a golden pail, I believe that the design on it was of a tree on both sides-an evergreen tree on one side and a deciduous tree on the other and also a little bird, a hummingbird I think, as well. I was happy to scoop up a pail full of living water and join in the formation of angels to deliver it to the earth’s deep reservoir.
As we assembled in the earth’s womb at the site of the reservoir, I could imagine this mighty group of angels with our beloved heavenly parents and our savior and I felt great anticipation.
7. I was so happy and blessed to be able to offer the prayer and blessing. (What I said was the following, but a few extra words here and there.)
'Dear Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and our Savior Jesus Christ, We, thy angels, are gathered to perform a preliminary and vital step in preparation for the establishment of Zion in Jackson County, Missouri. We have come as a group to a location deep within the womb of Mother Earth, to the site of a large telestial reservoir of pure water in the area of the future City of Zion, or the New Jerusalem.
8. We ask Mother Earth to awaken and arise and fully participate in this momentous occasion.
We, each angel, are carrying a silver handled golden pail that we have filled with living water from Lake Beautiful in the celestial kingdom and that we have transported to this location.
We now ask a blessing, that a portal of love will open, so that every word and action is carried out with pure love and light.
We ask that all our actions be performed in accordance with our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ’s highest purposes and that we do it in a manner pleasing unto them, according to their will.
9. We will now empty our pails of living water into the underground reservoir blessing the two waters so that they will begin to mingle and merge

We bless Mother Earth that her womb will be enlivened and receive this inoculation of living water with rejoicing.
10. We bless the living waters from Lake Beautiful that they will permeate the pure underground waters, bringing about a complete transformation so that every single drop of water will be elevated to become living water. We ask a blessing that when the time comes that the great Mother Earth convulses and quakes, a fissure will open, allowing the living water to come to the surface and be a source of great blessings and healing for the elect who come unto God and a healing source for the land.
We offer this blessing humbly and with deep gratitude in the name of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and our Savior Jesus Christ.
11. When we went to the surface, I felt so happy once again to deposit our gold and silver precious pails onto the surface and imagine them being transformed into materials to adorn the New Jerusalem.
I was happy to once again assemble in a semicircle around our heavenly parents and to listen to Raphael’s blessing with his upraised arms. I felt that all the angels were in a state of deep reverence and respect, perhaps on our knees, to show our honor.
12. I felt a thrill as the blessing was given to our Mother Earth and also felt the deep sorrow of what has happened over millenia on her surface from the actions of mortals. But a shift will be taking place and I feel grateful on her behalf and feel she is rejoicing.
13. I loved hearing the words of love and graciousness from Heavenly Mother when she spoke to us and expressed her love after Raphael’s blessing. I placed my earthly hands on my heart when she spoke as I was so moved by her presence and her deep love for us. I was glad to hear every word she spoke, to hear of her approval, her love for each one of us, and her assurance that Satan would not be able to disrupt our efforts. I loved hearing that when we get an impression we are to take immediate action, as all has been orchestrated and planned in advance. I just felt very protected and loved.
14. My heart is swelling with love, gratitude, appreciation and deep humility to have been able to participate in this beautiful and momentous occasion. I am grateful to Raphael for being the angel who could communicate every detail of this event to us mortals, who so clearly sees and interacts within both the celestial and mortal realms and is so close to our loving heavenly parents and walks and talks with them daily. His righteousness and worthiness make it possible for us to know what has occurred with clarity. I am so honored to be his sister in mortality."