195. Building the New Jerusalem, part 1
Hello my friends,
This is a continuation of the building of the New Jerusalem, beginning at the fountain of living water and concluding at the day before the construction that the celestial temple begins. This period includes constructing the celestial temple block grounds and waterways, and fully planting this and outlying terrestrial fields on the New Jerusalem island.
These are very exciting times, not to be forgotten! Our Heavenly Parents created detailed plans of how this all would be built by thousands of very skilled celestial servants. It is impressive the quality of work done and the great speed of their labors.
The New Jerusalem stands as a place of refuge from the storm that soon will be unleashed upon humanity in our mortal telestial world. It is protected because it is in a higher terrestrial realm and won't be destroyed. It will provide a place of peace and great happiness to all who come there.
Please pray and confirm to your own mind that these are great truths revealed from God to me. I am humbled to participate so fully in this great creative work!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, May 19, 2021
1. Evening-Before my prayer tonight, I reviewed what I had written recently about the gold pipes that would come up from the center of the fountain area. Heavenly Mother had spoken to me in this morning's prayer that we would visit the gold pipe construction to be inserted into the fountain of living water. She said this morning that there were three main project teams for these gold pipes. I am eager to see their progress on these gold pipes.
2. I came in prayer to the fountain foundation on the island of the New Jerusalem. I could tell that a lot of the work had advanced on these gold pipes, for the three main sections were completed but not yet welded together. There was a 48 inch inside diameter large gold pipe, a 2 inch inside diameter gold pipe, and the smallest 1 ½ inch inside diameter gold pipe laying on the foundation floor. There were also two washers, both 4 inches thick, to be joined between the pipes.
3. While I was inspecting these, my Heavenly Parents both came to me. They were pleased that I was inspecting these three sections.
4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, this morning your Heavenly Mother told you to come here tonight and that we would show you the progress of the central fountain gold pipes. They have now been cast separately, and lie on the floor of the fountain. They are not yet joined together into one long fountain spire section where the water will shoot up 50 feet into the air above the fountain.
5. I came closer to the larger 48 inch inside diameter gold pipe with a 4 inch thick wall. I saw it did not yet have the twenty one-inch holes drilled around its perimeter where most of the water would shoot into the fountain pool underwater. There was also a cap ring washer that was lying next to this large gold pipe. I knew that this would be connected to the top of the large pipe tomorrow. On top of this would be the middle sized 2 inch inside diameter pipe, another washer, and a 1 ½ inch inside diameter pipe on top of that.
6. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, all of these gold sections of decreasing diameter pipes and two washers will be joined together tomorrow morning, and then inserted into the 58 inch diameter hole through the foundation. Magma will come up between the pipe and the hole to fill the excess two inch space, and seal this pipe in place to the bedrock foundation.'
7. I asked my Heavenly Father how deep into the foundation and subsurface rock would this gold 56 inch diameter pipe be inserted. I said I was confused on this point.
8. He answered: 'Rapahel the pipe will extend 20 feet into the foundation and rock beneath the floor level, and 5 feet above the floor, making the pipe 25 feet long which you currently see. The hole in the foundation and underneath rock is now 20 feet deep before the rough inside surface of the fissure starts. The large gold pipe will extend into this hole to the start of the rough fissure area. This fissure continues until 3,000 feet from the top surface of the pool floor. This is where the four 15-foot diameter rock pipes will join the fissure. Below this point there is a 30 foot diameter smooth hole that continues downward until the underground cavern which contains the living celestial water.
9. Mother Earth will exert pressure on the underground cavern that will cause the living water to rise into the vertical fissure and the four 15-foot diameter pipes that come to the outside part of the four roads that circumvent the celestial section of our island. When this celestial water reaches the beginning of these large channels on the other side of the roads, the celestial living water will become terrestrial living water and will flow in the large channels through the city area, and then transitions to the four rivers through the fields on the remainder of the island. From there, the rivers will flow terrestrial living water to the mighty river that encompasses our beautiful New Jerusalem island. The living water then will flow to all the remainder of the earth. When it mixes with other terrestrial waters on the earth, all becomes terrestrial living water. Currently there is no water in any section other than the cavern.
10. Heavenly Father also told me that it was late now, and for me to return when I awoke in my mortal body in the morning. He said that Heavenly Mother and he would show me more of the activities on the temple block area at that time.
11. I thanked my Heavenly Parents to have come. I said I was so pleased that all was going smoothly and on schedule!
12. My Heavenly Parents then smiled and immediately disappeared from my view. I closed my prayer and ended my day.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, May 20, 2021
1. I awoke early and came to the fountain area of the New Jerusalem temple. My Heavenly Parents then came to me on my sides, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. We were all three looking at the fountain foundation. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this morning the workers here at the fountain are joining the three gold pipes and two washers together so to be one long cylinder. The total length will be 32 feet 7 inches tall when all are joined together.
2. The craftsmen are welding the gold pipes and washers together in sections until all is one piece. Let's see them do this.'
3. We looked and there was one worker holding the 25 foot largest pipe vertically on the foundation, while two other workers had their hands on the large washer on the top that they had brought there. Heavenly Mother told me these two workers in the air with hands on the washers were welding the washer to the top of the pipe by their intention. She said when done, this would make the combined two sections as one with no weakness in the joint.
4. At this time the two workers raised their heads, and said they were done with the weld. Another two workers brought the next 4 foot section of pipe to the top of this washer base. They steadied it and then the two welder workers again placed their hands on the next joint to the weld.
5. They kept them there only for several minutes and then said that the joint was now welded. Another worker brought forth the second washer and placed it on top of the second pipe. These welder workers then welded this cap washer on top by their intention, with their hands on this washer. Finally, the last worker brought the 3 foot long final gold pipe to the top and the welders joined this piece to the other.
6. While still holding the vertical combined pipes and washers, the foreman came to inspect the new fountain spire that had just become welded together. He came to each welded joint and passed his hand through every joint surface. I knew he was looking for any defect. After he kept elevating himself in the air to inspect higher joints, he finally replied that all was one continuous gold spire pipe.
7. He then asked all the workers to lift, by their intention, this welded pipe piece into the hole of the fountain. They all then carefully lifted the spire pipe into the hole and lowered it until it stopped. I knew that the pipe was a full 20 feet below the top of the foundation, and had stopped where the rough fissure started below the ground.
8. The foreman then went into the ground to inspect the placement of the end of the 56 inch outside diameter pipe section in the hold. In a short time he returned, and smiling, said that the fountain spire was now in place.
9. Heavenly Mother then said I would be called upon to ask Mother Earth to seal the spire in place with magma that would fill the 2 inch gap around the pipe.
10. I next saw my replicated person coming. I stood on the fountain bedrock foundation and spoke to Mother Earth: 'Mother Earth, this is Raphael who stands next to your creator Gods who are by my sides. By their authority, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you to bring forth hot liquid magma rock to form around this gold pipe in the hole you had formed on Monday. Bring the magma to the top surface of the foundation and completely fill the 2 inch gap all the way to the beginning of the rough fissure beginning, 20 feet below the surface. You may now make this change.'
11. I then watched while Mother Earth sealed the pipe base in places. The workers held the pipe spire perfectly vertical while the magma sealed everything together.
12. When completed, I told the foreman it was all sealed. He then sent two of the workers who had been holding the spire vertically to go into the rock and gold pipe section under the ground level, and make sure all was perfectly sealed. They both went into the rock and gold pipe in the ground. In a few minutes they reemerged and stood before the foreman. They said all was perfectly sealed. They also said that the magma did not adhere to the rough fissure sides, but only filled the 2 inch gap with now solid rock that welded the gold pipe to the foundation rock.
13. I saw that my replicated being then thanked Mother Earth for sealing the pipe spire in place.
14. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. I could tell we were not invisible to the workers, and only I could hear: 'Raphael, this crew is now finished creating and placing the fountain spire in the rock foundation. They will now start placing the gold inlay pieces in the steps and tops of all areas that need this embellishment.
15. Come tonight in your prayer as we will visit this site again and view the placement of the outer rock ring perimeter and steps to the fountain. We will see what the stonecutters will do this afternoon in a replay vision.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her detailed explanation of the work effort this morning. I thanked her and Heavenly Father for coming and showing me this remarkable event of placing the pipe spire in the fountain of living water.
17. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
18. Evening-Tonight I came in the air above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. I was eager to hear the update from my Heavenly Parents. I looked around and saw them facing me in the air. I thanked them for coming.
19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, today there has been much progress in the celestial temple block section. The workers are keeping on schedule. They are very skilled and have not made mistakes. They check each other's work and know in detail what each are doing. They are very focused, diligent, and extremely united.
20. You have been kept busy visiting each work group in your replicated beings all throughout the day. The workmanship is extremely beautiful and accurate to the plans we have created.
21. Come, let us go down to the newly placed fountain wall and steps!'
22. We came to the ground and walked up to the fountain of living water. The 2 foot thick perimeter wall and attached steps fit precisely on the foundation rock. I knelt to inspect the seams, and I could find no gap around the perimeter. The small channels were not yet attached.
23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, tomorrow morning, on Friday, the four small channels will be brought from the quarry and will attach to the outside wall of the fountain. These attachment surfaces are polished and precisely cut. When joined, there will be no glue or cement. Instead, once all the walls, steps, bridges, and small channels are in place, the celestial craftsmen and women will join these all together as one continuous rock structure. This welding together will be done by the intention in the minds of the workers. This is exactly like the workers of the gold did in joining the gold pieces for the spire pipe of the fountain. The welding together of all the hewn stone will be done tomorrow afternoon.'
24. I further inspected with my Heavenly Parents the fountain wall. It was 5 feet tall, and had inlaid sections for the gold to be poured into and adhered to the stone on the top. There was a 2 inch stone lip and a 20 inch section for the gold to be inlaid into.
25. I asked about the 7 inch by 10 foot opening on the wall section on the floor, that allowed water into the four small channels. Heavenly Father said the fountain would be blessed after it became one continuous rock piece with the foundation and attached channels. He said the foremen and women would together bless these wall openings to self adjust in height based on the height of the water in the pool.
26. I next looked at the gold central pipe spire near the hole opening at the base. I saw that the twenty one inch holes were now drilled which will shoot water into the fountain pool.
27. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, there is a wonderful cooperative spirit among all who are constructing the fountain, the channels, leveling the soil in preparation for planting, and every aspect of our beautiful celestial paradise.
28. Tomorrow morning we will meet at the lake in the northeast sector of our gardens. I am sure you will be interested in the way water flows in and out of this lake, through underground pipes. The pond and lake areas in all our garden areas will be filled with celestial living water. Next Monday the area will be ready for planting all varieties of water plants. The streams and garden fountains will also become operational at that time, all supplied with living celestial water.
29. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for showing me more details tonight, particularly of the fountain of living water construction. I told them I was so impressed with the speed of construction, and the great beauty and precision work.
30. As I left my prayer, I looked at the fountain wall. It seemed to glisten, even in the moonlight. My Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, remember these are our celestial materials, including the quarried rock wall. These materials glisten by their own light that shines slightly. This is particularly noticeable at night.'
31. I thanked them both for their visit with me tonight. I felt very excited to see this all coming together.
32. I then closed my evening prayer.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, May 21, 2021
1. I awoke early after a good sleep. I reviewed my posts 54 and posts 55 to view my sketches and descriptions of the paths and garden areas in the temple block area. I was excited to view the lake construction in the northeast garden sector this morning.
2. I came to the air above the garden area just east of the eastern tree of life. I met both of my Heavenly Parents there. I could see many celestial workers below us busy constructing the garden areas.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, this morning we will come among the workers below us in our highest celestial realm. In this way, our celestial servants will not be interrupted in their labors when we walk together among them. We will see the lake area in the northeast quadrant of our beautiful garden areas. Come, take our hands, and we will walk among the busy workers!'
4. We descended together to an area that was dug out that would become the lake. It was about 10 feet deep in the deepest spot. I could see the paths that were formed and dug, but not yet made. Heavenly Mother said this path work would be finished next week in all of her garden areas. I asked her how water will be piped in and out of the lake.
5. She pointed to a large two foot diameter pipe that came into the lake from the earth. She said it had been buried under the future path and garden areas, and came from the side wall of the nearest small channel.
6. She spoke: 'Raphael, all of our lakes, streams and ponds in the garden areas with water have an inlet and exit pipe that is attached at the base of a small channel. The pipes are oriented in such a way that the water flow in the channels either will push the water into the pipes at the base of the channels, or pull the water into the channel. Thus a natural flow of water flows in the pipes to the lake, stream, or pond, and returns again to the channels.'
7. I saw that these inlet pipes were angled into the channel, to flow into the lake, or angled away to flow into the channel, to pull the water back into the channel. The pipes were all made of quarried rock. They were all in place, even though not all of the small channels were yet on their rock foundations. The lake was composed of soil and clay. Heavenly Mother said this would be very suitable to both hold the water in the lake and also to plant her many water plants.
8. There was a small island in the lake for aquatic animals to retreat to and live upon. This was not easily accessible for people or land animals except by swimming to it. I saw that the entire lake bed was shaped and prepared very beautifully.
9. There was an exit stream that came out of the lake and meandered among the future garden area to the east. We followed this streambed and saw it end near the eastern road. There was an exit 6 inch diameter pipe at the end of this stream that returned back to the same small channel that the larger lake pipe came from. All of the piping was hewn stone. It all attached perfectly to the sides of the channels. I was told that these pipes would be covered with soil today so they would not be visible.
10. We strolled in the garden construction area around the lake for some time. Heavenly Mother pointed out where different flower beds and trees would be planted. I saw stone benches already in place along the future path areas. I could easily visualize how beautiful this entire garden paradise would be! It was designed in detail by Heavenly Mother primarily, and the details had been transmitted to me and then to the celestial workers and landscape artists. They were very focused and seemed to work tirelessly on their tasks. There were very many of these celestial workers all around us, busy in their labors. Although they didn't have blueprints, they knew their tasks to exactly create the design features in their minds that had been transferred to them. I was impressed with their cooperative efforts. I saw several foremen and women directing their combined work of preparing the ground for the water that would come in four days from today.
11. Heavenly Mother and Father then released my hands and faced me. Heavenly Mother spoke again: ' Raphael, I am particularly excited to see these water areas in my garden come to completion! I know what plants to place in every area, all to be taken from my own gardens on our celestial orb. These plants are now identified and have been propagated so that the transplants and seeds our workers will bring next week will thrive and grow just as I wish. The removal of the transplants from our celestial gardens in heaven will not be missed by those who come to those garden areas. I have chosen a great variety of my plants there, some of every kind. They will each be given the perfect conditions to thrive and flourish in the New Jerusalem celestial temple block area.'
12. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then held hands and rose up into the celestial skies. I saw the workers then look up for a moment and see them ascend into the sky! They then immediately went back to their labors.
13. I closed my morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
14. Evening-Tonight I came to the east side of the fountain of living water. As I looked around, all of the small channels were attached to the outside of the fountain circular wall. I saw that the gold inlaid work had been completed for the fountain including the steps, but had not been completed on the top parts of the bridges and small channels. There were cutouts in the stone areas for each of these.
15. I then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He appeared before me a little elevated in the air, next to the outside of the fountain.
16. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you see that there has been lots of progress today in our celestial area of the New Jerusalem! Tomorrow the workers will finish up every part necessary for water to flow from the fountain on Monday.
17. Today the entire eight sections of the small channel wall (two walls for each channel) were installed. These were all welded to the foundations and to the fountain round wall itself. The round perimeter walls of the channels and their steps around the altar, and those around the two trees of life and the future temple are also now in place and welded together. The entire network of small channels is structurally in place. The gold inlaid work will be completed tomorrow.
18. There is more finishing up work on the grounds that will contain water including the streams, ponds, and lakes. These too will be completed tomorrow.
19. All of the four large channels and four rivers on the terrestrial part of the island are completed. After tomorrow's work there will be no more work required on those areas containing waters except for planting our water plants and seeds.
20. Come tomorrow morning, Raphael, and we will look at the gold inlaid work that will be happening during the entire day. Meet us at the circular wall channel, around the altar, to view this progress in your morning prayer.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the update today. I was very pleased that so much progress happened today! I said I would meet with them again in my morning prayer. I then closed my evening prayer.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, May 22, 2021
1. I came this morning to the circular wall around the altar, just north of the fountain of living water. I was in the air, above the workers, who were busy below me. I was in front of a large bridge that came from the southeast side of the circular small channel to the inside area by the altar. There was another bridge on the southwest side going over that circular section of the small channel.
2. I looked to the tree of life areas to my west and east. Each one had two similar bridges so that people could come and go into the areas of the trees of life. Around the future temple area, I saw two large bridges crossing the small channels to the north of the temple area, and two to the south. All of these ten total bridges were of the same design. They had gold steps, arched over the small 5 foot tall channels, and were either 7 ½ feet wide (to the altar) or 10 feet wide ( to the trees of life and the temple area). They were each 20 feet long. I knew there would be a gold chain on the sides of these bridges, but these were not yet in place (I didn't know the meaning of the chains yet). Some of the gold steps were not yet installed. For these, there were stone cutouts for the gold to be inserted into. There was a 2 inch wide stone area around each step that surrounded the gold. This was a similar design on top of the channel walls, and tops of the small channels. All matched beautifully well together! I knew that the future gold paths would also have these stone 2 inch edges, and would really be solid stone paths inlaid with thick gold.
3. While I was looking at all the areas on the stone walls and bridges, my Heavenly Parents appeared in the air next to me. I came to my knees, but Heavenly Mother extended her hand and asked me to walk with them instead. I stood and came between my Heavenly Parents, holding their hands.
4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we want to show you how our celestial metal workers place the gold in the many places of the steps, tops of walls, and other areas like the railings on the bridges. We will first go to the place where gold ore is located in our celestial forest reserve area.
5. We instantly traveled to a place above the melting of the ore in large metal crucible pots, like I have seen in steel mills. Workers were bringing large quantities of ore into these crucibles until full. They were heating the ore until all was melted by some means ( I believe this heat was created by their intentions). They then opened up a door at the bottom of the crucible which allowed liquid gold to flow out into flat molds that matched the shape of the piece to be inlaid. The gold pouring into these flat molds was a few inches thick. When cooled, the workers took these out of the molds and placed them onto stone cutout areas to be inlaid.
6. My Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, once the gold piece is fit into the cutout in the stone where it matches, the worker welds it in place with their intention. If the inlaid piece is to be smooth on the surface, like the tops of the small channel walls, these are made polished and highly reflective, again by the worker's intention. If these are placed into high traffic areas like paths or steps, then the surface is slightly roughened so that they may be easily gripped under foot, with little chance of slipping.
7. All the surface smoothness is created after welding, and all done by the intention of the worker. When completed, their inlaid pieces require no further embellishment or work.
8. There are individual molds created for each piece of inlaid gold in the stone cut out areas. These are efficiently created mostly out of green sand that is found in this resource area. The mold is created by the intention of the worker to precisely fit the stone cutout. Once created, this mold is brought in the tray it was made in, to the gold pouring area at the base of the crucible. Once poured and cooled, the gold is removed and the green sand is reused for the next mold.
9. The green sand used is part sand and part clay. It is extremely fine and produces very smooth surfaces, suitable to be used directly in the stone cutout areas. When welding these gold surfaces to the polished stone surface, the gold actually melts at the point of contact so full adhesion occurs.
10. These precious metal workers are very efficient and skilled. They move fast and will be completely finished by sundown today with all of the inlaid work for the waterway stone areas. Next week the stone pathways in our temple block area will be hewn and placed. The gold will then be inset into all of these paths, for we have designed all walkways to be gold in our celestial area. This work will be finished by the end of next week. During next week, the seeds and transplants over the entire island, including our celestial 3,000 foot square section, will be planted. Water from the channels and rivers will mist the land each night, causing vigorous growth.
11. On your Memorial Day, the following Monday, May 31,2021, we will direct you to begin work on our holy temple. By then all the main labor of creating and construction will be finished on the island except for the outside perimeter wall and housing areas. When the northern tribes come, they will construct these walls and some of this housing.
12. Raphael, we will have created through you and our thousands of celestial servants this beautiful island paradise in a two-week period. You will have learned much in this period that will help you create our celestial temple. There will be other celestial workers who will assist you in this construction, but it will mostly be you placing all the walls, roof and spire in place. Mother Earth will create the foundation. Once all the structure is built and in place, then you will have celestial workers embellish the temple, inside and out. There will also be skilled artisans from the tribes of Israel who will participate in this process.
13. Your Father and I are pleased with the speed and precision work all have done so far. This will continue through spring and summer until our first arrivals come to continue with the process. At that point our celestial servants will no longer labor here.
14. Raphael, come tonight above the fountain, in your evening prayer, and we will inspect with you all the completed work from this first week of labor in our New Jerusalem.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanations. I said I was very excited to see this all come together so fast and so perfectly! I said I would return tonight. They smiled and departed, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
16. Evening–I came tonight in the air above the fountain of living water. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
17. They both arrived, shining their bright light over all the island of the New Jerusalem. They smiled upon me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, stand on your feet and walk with us around our celestial temple block area of this island. We will inspect all the work that has been done this week.'
18. I stood and walked between my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother. Together we came down to the foundation floor within the fountain, on the east side of the gold spire pipes.
19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, the entire construction of this fountain of living water is completed, and is perfectly constructed according to our plans. Upon completion yesterday, our celestial servants blessed it to operate with the feature of automatically opening or closing the slots to the small channels, based on the water level. The foundation floors, rock walls, steps and bridges in this area are all welded and now of one piece. The fountain controls not only the openings from the pool to the small channels, but also may close the slot openings at the end of the small channels where the water would normally enter under the road in the rectangular pipes. This automatic control feature is only available in the temple block area, and not in the terrestrial area.
20. The opening and closing feature will be used next week, starting on Monday after the fountain, small channels, large channels, and rivers are filled with living water. We wish that the living water remains on the island until all of our plants are growing vigorously, and until we tell you when we wish to have living water flow into the mighty river. We will address this issue more tomorrow.
21. The gold fountain spire pipe is securely seated in the bedrock below us, and is open to the fissure that reaches to the cavern of celestial living water, far below the surface. The gold spire rises up into the air to produce a water jet 50 feet above the spire top. It will be a beautiful feature of this celestial temple block area.'
22. We then moved north to the altar. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the altar where you will slay and burn the red heifer is completed. This is also welded to the large bedrock foundation that includes the circular and straight small channels, the stairs and the bridges.'
23. We walked to the western tree of life area, and inspected it. We then came to the eastern tree of life area and looked carefully at everything.
24. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, the two trees of life areas are ready now for our angels to transplant the two trees of life from our celestial orb. This will be done on Tuesday morning, May 25, 2021. Once this happens, these trees will be immediately functional in producing living fruit and leaves. They will also provide shade and comfort for our weary celestial traveler and worker.'
25. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, let's inspect all the garden areas that will hold living water in the celestial block area.'
26. We then visited every lake bed, pond area, stream bed and future waterfall. I knew these would all be filled with living water on Monday. I could see every part was completely ready for the water and for planting.
27. We next moved over to the garden beds. The soil had been well prepared to facilitate planting next week. I knew watering would happen soon after planting through an extensive misting process from the channels and rivers. I was excited to see how new seeds and transplants would greatly beautify and enhance the celestial gardens.
28. We walked in the air above the future paths through the celestial garden areas. Heavenly Mother said they would all be completed in one week from today.
29. We then walked south to the celestial temple area. The small channels were completed, including the inlaid gold work on the top rim of the walls. All the gold details were also completed on the other areas we had visited together tonight.
30. I saw that the temple foundation was not yet created by Mother Earth. I knew this would begin on Monday, 5-31-2021.
31. We finally came to the exit of the small channels into the rectangular pipes inside of the four streets. Every part was welded together and done with great precision and perfection. We walked across each of the four streets and viewed the large 15 foot diameter pipes that came up from the cavern area into the start of the large channels. When flowing with water, these pipes wouldn't be noticeable, for they entered ten feet down at the foundation floor level of the large channels, and would continually bring forth water to the surface.
32. We walked in the air above each large channel, and above every river bed to their into the mighty river to the north, south, east and west. All was perfectly prepared and ready for the flow of living water next Monday morning.
33. Heavenly Father said that since tomorrow was the Sabbath, and no work would be done at the New Jerusalem, we would meet in the morning at the desert oasis on the celestial orb.
34. I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for their detailed inspection walk-through this evening. I told them I loved their perfect and beautiful design. They smiled upon me, and then rose up into the celestial sky. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 23, 2021
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I knelt there and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately appeared above the water. I gazed into his kind loving face.
2. I asked for certain blessings upon family members who were struggling. I prayed that our own garden plants would thrive, for we had been working diligently every day but Sundays on our garden over the past few months.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael I will bless those in your family, and help your garden to produce well. Your Heavenly Mother and I are particularly pleased with the progress in the New Jerusalem this past week. The upcoming week will be very beautifying there when our celestial plants and seeds begin to grow. Those that are planted in the terrestrial soil will transition quickly to terrestrial plants.
4. I want to confirm to your mind how we will keep the living water on the island for now, and to not allow any to leave. The fountain foundation is completely flat and level, and is at the center top part of the island. From the start of the small channels down to the river and into the mighty river, the slope is also flat in a downward straight slope.
5. On Monday, just before water starts to flow, we want you to address Mother Earth. Ask her to first adjust gravity under the small and large channels and in the four rivers to become perpendicular to their bottoms or foundations. At the end of the rivers, where water would normally exit into the mighty river, have Mother Earth adjust the force of gravity to be directed back to the center of the island. This will allow all of our channels and rivers to become filled to capacity but not to exit into the mighty river.
6. Once gravity is adjusted, ask Mother Earth to then pressure the cavern floor to cause living water to come forth from deep in the earth. Once the fountain, channels and rivers, and all streams, lakes and ponds are filled to capacity, have her stop the flow of water. The water will then be stationary and level due to the adjusted gravity pull under the channels and rivers. As the water mists upon the land and becomes somewhat depleted, have Mother Earth bring forth more water through the fountain to keep the channels and rivers to their brim capacity. The misting will come from these main water tributaries, and not from the lake, ponds or streams. We wish all the water levels to be kept to full capacity and stationary until we will be ready for water to flow into our mighty river.'
7. I thought this was an ingenious method in order to keep living water upon the island. Once living water would be allowed to exit the island, then the gravitational force would return to normal. This would then start the flow of water in the channels and rivers, and allow water to exit into the mighty river. I knew too that as long as water was to be kept on the island, that in the celestial block area, the fountain of living water could open and close its openings to keep the fountain and small channels filled to capacity.
8. Father then told me to meet Heavenly Mother and him at sunrise tomorrow at the New Jerusalem. He said they would give more instructions at that time.
9. He then departed and I closed my morning prayer.
10. Evening-I have been taking advantage of my short break today on the sabbath to work on getting post 193 completed.
11. I came tonight late to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank living water and knelt by the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came directly and spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are spending your time wisely in preparing your post 193 for publication in lieu of coming to us in prayer earlier in the evening.
12. Meet us tomorrow above the fountain of living water at the island of the New Jerusalem. Come at sunrise and immediately ask Mother Earth to adjust her gravitational pull and then begin the flow of living water.
13. Once you are done, we will have you address the many celestial foremen and women. They each have teams of celestial servants who will plant seeds and seedlings from our celestial orb on the island.
14. We have them all organized. The information is in your unconscious mind and will be transmitted to their foremen and women from you. Once transmitted, they will get to work with their teams of servants. We have three other teams who will labor all week on creating the stone paths, with inlaid gold, in the designs we have shown to you previously. You will get these foremen started on the projects in the morning.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I said I would meet her and Heavenly Father there in the morning to start the second week at the New Jerusalem.
16. Heavenly Mother then ascended up into the beautiful blue sky on the celestial orb. I ended my prayer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, May 24, 2021
1. I came to the air above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. My Heavenly Parents both immediately appeared before me. They were shining their light upon me, and I received of their love and peace.
2. I felt the Spirit move me to stand and address Mother Earth: 'Mother Earth, this is Raphael, who stands before you. Your Mother and Father Creator Gods are here with me.
3. There are two things I ask you to do this morning by their authority and permission. First, adjust the pull of gravity under the small and large channels, and the four rivers that proceed from them to the surrounding mighty river to the north, south, east and west. Make the gravitational force be directed perpendicular to these waterways so that they may fill with water but not flow downhill.
4. At the end of each river, just before they exit into the mighty river, cause the gravitational force to pull back to the fountain of living water so the water will not exit the island, but remain in the four rivers.
5. Second, once this is done, apply pressure to the bottom of the cavern below the ground that is filled with celestial living water. Cause this water to be propelled to your surface and fill up the fountain, the small and large channels, and the four rivers. Once they are at full capacity, stop the flow of water from the cavern, and maintain the full level of the waterways from now on, from day to day, until further notice.
6. You may now change the gravitational forces and bring forth the living water.'
7. At that moment, water came forth out of the gold spired pipe in the fountain and filled up the fountain and the small channels. I also knew water was coming up the 15 foot pipes into the large channels to fill these and the rivers.
8. We waited about 15 minutes until these waterways were all filled to the brim with living water. I said also that all lakes, ponds, streams and waterfalls were be filled with water. When filled, the water remained at that level and did not fill more.
9. I thanked Mother Earth for bringing forth her living water.
10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, it is good what Mother Earth has done to bring forth living water upon this island of the New Jerusalem.
11. Your Father and I will now step into our highest celestial realm. After we do, call forth all of our celestial foremen and women who will be planting this island for this entire week with their crews of celestial servants. Give them directions and transfer all the details to their minds of their assignments and tasks. Once done, dismiss them to direct their teams from sunrise to sunset for the next six days, to bring celestial seeds and transplants from the celestial orb, and to plant them on this island according to our detailed directions.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and said I would do as she directed me. I then called forth all the forement and women before me. I could tell that my Heavenly Parents were hidden in their highest celestial realm. I could see them but knew the others could not. I saw celestial men and women fill the area in front of me to the north, west and east in the temple block area. They were standing on the ground, ready to hear my instructions.
13. I spoke: 'My name is Raphael, an angel of God. Welcome to the beautiful island of the New Jerusalem! We all have great excitement and anticipation of your work here this week. You have each been asked to lead a team of other celestial servants to plant seeds and seedlings on this island from locations on the celestial orb. I will transfer to each of you the detailed instructions now so that you will know how to instruct your teams, what plants or seeds to bring, where to find them, and where and how to plant them on this island.
14. Some of you will plant these celestial seeds and/or seedlings in this 3,000 square foot celestial section of the island, called the temple block, and some will plant on the remaining terrestrial surrounding section.
15. Once you have planted your various sections, and as you are impressed, ask the celestial living water or the terrestrial living water from the channels and rivers to mist over these sections and fully water the ground. This step is essential to make the seeds and seedlings start to grow vigorously. Do not wait for more than two hours from planting to have this misting start for a particular section. The misting will only happen on the planted section that you specify.
16. You and your teams of celestial servants may plant in adjacent sections while the misting is happening. The living water will know how much water to bring to the particular plants, for these seeds and transplants will communicate their needs to the living water. Once you plant a particular section, do not return to that section while it is being watered unless you are impressed to do so by the Spirit.
17. Our Heavenly Mother has designed which plants to bring from her celestial orb and where to plant them. She is so very pleased with your loving service to her in beautifying this island with God's plants! Those celestial seeds or seedlings that are planted in the celestial temple block area will remain celestial plants. Those planted in the surrounding areas of the island will quickly transition to terrestrial plants as the terrestrial living water mists over them and waters them.
18. If, in the process of planting, you have any questions, call upon your Heavenly Mother in prayer and she will answer you. You may also ask of me, for I will be here in multiple replications to answer your requests and oversee what you will be doing.
19. You have now each received my full thought transfer of God's instructions that you will need for this full week of planting. Are there any questions any of you team leaders may have at this time?'
20. I waited and none asked any questions. I then said that there would be three other teams of celestial servants who would be constructing the stone and gold paths in the celestial temple block area this week. I said that they who planted could plant up to the area of the path, within twelve inches, but that these pathway workers would need that margin around the paths in order to dig and place their paths that they would hew out of the celestial stone quarry. I said that when the paths were in place, that these pathway workers would smooth the soil adjacent to the paths so that the plants would be able to grow up to the new pathways. Alternatively, those areas could be planted with new seeds or seedlings, according to their directions. Water would then mist these bare soil areas and the plants would grow up to the paths.
21. I also said that our work of planting this week had to be finished by the end of this coming Saturday, May 29, 2021. On the following Monday, on May 31, 2021, work would begin on the glorious celestial temple and all previous work in the temple block area would need to have been completed.
22. I said that the plants on the terrestrial areas of the island would need to be cared for as they grew, to cultivate and care for them. Soon visitors would be coming that needed to be fed and have materials from the fast growing trees to make shelters and other buildings.
23. There would be certain sections in the terrestrial areas that were reserved for roads and buildings that would not be planted. These were given in their instructions.
24. I then dismissed all of the planting foreman and women to assemble their teams and begin their labors. They dispersed.
25. I next called upon the foremen and their three teams that would be constructing the stone and gold pathways in the celestial temple block. They all then assembled before me. I spoke to them:
'My name is Raphael, an angel of God, and I welcome you to this beautiful island of the New Jerusalem! We are all so very privileged to be called upon by our Heavenly Parents to work here. Your specific callings are to construct the stone pathways inlaid with gold, in this celestial temple block area of this island. I have detailed instructions that I will share with all of you now.
26. Each of you have a foreman or are a foreman of one of three teams. One team is to prepare the ground for the stone section of the paths, one team is to hew these sections from the celestial quarry, and one team is to mine, cast, and prepare the gold inlay pieces, and then to place these in the stone inset when the path is in place.
27. You need to coordinate between your teams, and labor diligently each day this week, from sunrise to sunset. All of the pathways need to be completed by Saturday evening, May 29, 2021.
28. While you work, please be aware of other celestial servants who are planting seeds and seedlings next to your path areas. I have told them not to plant within 12 inches of the pathways. You may use this area in your construction work, but please do not go outside of these boundaries, for they most likely will have been planted with tender seeds or seedlings.
29. After the paths are completed in a particular section, smooth out the soil in the 12 inch area and inform the foremen or women who are working in that section. They will then make sure that soil is misted by living water, and that the adjacent plants, or new plants or seeds, are propagated there.'
30. I then asked the group of celestial workers and foremen to follow me to the celestial forest resource area where the stone quarry and gold mines are located.
31. We then went there as a group, and I showed them all of this area. I gave them instructions on how to transport their hewn stone pieces, or their cast gold sections to the celestial temple square area. I answered a few questions and made sure they all knew perfectly well their assignments and the designs of the pathways, in every particular feature. I then dismissed them to their labors.
32. I returned to the air above the fountain of living water. The pool of the fountain was filled with water, and the fountain had stopped shooting forth water into the air. I saw that the channels were all filled with water and were not flowing.
33. I then addressed my Heavenly Parents and they appeared again before me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well in starting the activating on our New Jerusalem island. Come here this evening, after the workers have departed, and we will review the work that they will have completed by that time.'
34. My Heavenly Parents smiled upon me and departed into the celestial sky. I offered a prayer of thanksgiving to have been their servant, and then closed my morning prayer.
35. Evening-I came tonight in my evening prayer to the air above the fountain of living water. I was excited to see how much had been planted today, and how the stone and gold paths were progressing.
36. Heavenly Mother appeared to me, shining brightly all around us and onto the darkened land below.
She spoke: 'Raphael, there were many seeds and seedlings planted today in the temple block area, particularly in the northeastern garden areas. These were nearly all completed. These areas were misted throughout the day and for three hours tonight. Those areas not yet planted are not being misted. There were other terrestrial areas planted at this New Jerusalem island.
37. We chose not to plant in this part of our celestial area since there was a lot of digging down in the ground where the circular stone and gold paths will be placed. While that land is prepared, these path sections are being hewn in our quarries and numbered. These will start being placed in the prepared ground tomorrow afternoon.
38. We have also had the two trees of life on the celestial orb dug out of their locations in preparation for their removal to the New Jerusalem tomorrow morning by our angels. (see your post 173I5). Their root balls are wrapped and moistened. When moved tomorrow, a corresponding hole will be excavated at the time of their arrival. These root balls will then be placed in these holes and the material holding the roots will be removed by our power. The trees will then be thoroughly watered. There will be no transplant shock due to the full capture of all the roots, and the manner in which these roots are undisturbed.
39. Meet us tomorrow morning at sunrise at first the tree of life in the city of Enoch. Once this is moved to the eastern tree of life position in the New Jerusalem, then the sapling tree of life on the celestial orb (west of the permanent tree of life) will also be transported and transplanted. This sapling tree will occupy the western tree of life position on the temple block location.'
. Heavenly Mother then left and I closed my evening prayer.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, May 25, 2021
1. I came to the city of Enoch on the celestial orb this morning at sunrise. When I arrived, I saw that there were eleven angels waiting there, and I was the twelfth angel. I saw my Heavenly Parents nearby, out of sight to the others. The tree of life there was already wrapped with a substance like a heavy paper that was moist. When I came all of the angels stood, surrounding the tree of life, and held the root ball with their hands. We then elevated the tree up into the celestial air so as to be off the ground.
2. I then spoke: 'We twelve angels are all gathered here to move this tree of life to the eastern spot in the New Jerusalem. It will remain there for the thousand years and into eternity to service those celestial children of our Heavenly Parents.
3. Let us now move this tree to that location by our joined intention, and thereby fulfill God's plan for that beautiful area on earth!'
4. We then were instantly above the eastern ground where the tree of life would be placed. There was a circular 110 foot diameter small channel with water filled to its surface surrounding this ground. While six of us angels held the tree, I dismissed six others to remove enough soil so that we could plant this tree in the ground. I asked them to remove the soil and suspend it in the air to the side. The six angels did so.
5. We then who were holding the tree of life brought it slowly to its resting position in the freshly dug hole. The angels with the soil brought sufficient soil to surround the buried roots to make the ground level. I asked the other angels with the remaining suspended soil to remove this to the forest resource center on a spot of bare ground, and then to return.
6. When these six angels returned, and we twelve angels surrounded the tree, I asked one to remove the paper-like substance from the root ball by their intention. After he did so, we all twelve came above the tree of life and the water from the circular channel around the tree began misting the ground. I knew this would continue until the tree of life had communicated to the living water that it had been thoroughly watered.
7. When we were done, I thanked and dismissed the eleven angels, and knelt in the air above the tree of life. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents and they both appeared before me.
8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you twelve angels followed our Spirit and correctly transplanted this tree of life from Enoch's city on the celestial orb to its final resting spot here in the New Jerusalem. Return now to the celestial orb, to the area just west of the main tree of life, and you will find eleven other angels there surrounding the sapling tree of life. This is the tree that you planted (see your post 51M8 to 51M10).'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father and said that we angels would now also transplant this sapling tree of life to the western spot in the New Jerusalem.
10. I next came to the celestial orb, and met the eleven other angels at the second sapling tree of life. I directed all of us to remove this tree of life to the New Jerusalem, precisely as we other twelve angels had previously done. The sapling tree of life was the same size as the tree from the city of Enoch. It also had been removed from the ground and was wrapped with the heavy paper-like substance.
11. When the western tree of life was in place, the living water from its circular small channel also began misting the soil around that tree of life. I thanked and dismissed the eleven other angels.
12. I then came alone above the fountain of living water. I came before my Heavenly Parents who were again before me in the air. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you and the other twenty two angels have now removed the two trees of life as we directed you to their new and final location in this New Jerusalem on your Mother Earth. There remains now only one tree of life on our celestial orb. This tree of life will remain there for our use and for future eternities.
13. When your Mother Earth dies and is burned with fire and dies we will not only remove the future celestial temple into the air, but we will also bring our celestial temple block area into the air above the earth. These two trees of life will therefore be protected and will not burn when the earth burns and dies. The temple and this temple block area will then return to the resurrected celestial earth to this same New Jerusalem location for eternity. These two trees of life will then be available for our celestial children couple gods who will have their eternal inheritances on the celestial earth. The earth will then be brought near our center creations in our galaxy, even to be near our celestial orb.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful promise to me! I thanked her and Heavenly Father for their plan to provide for their obedient children.
15. My Heavenly Parents then rose up into the celestial sky. When they were gone, I closed my prayer.
16. Evening-I came tonight above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. It was dark for the sun had set and the full moon was up in the sky. There was a warm glow coming from the fountain area, and from the two trees of life. I came to western tree of life and looked closer. The white fruits were glowing in the ark. It was a very lovely setting!
17. I knelt at the base of the western tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared next to the trunk, in a subdued light.
18. He was smiling and spoke: 'Raphael, there are many more seeds and plants that were placed in the ground and watered today. These were mostly planted in the western, northern and eastern areas of our temple block. They were also planted in all areas of the terrestrial section of our island. We have thousands of celestial servants doing this work of planting. After each area is planted, the servants ask the living waters to mist over these newly planted areas. The second evening of misting is now in progress on these planted areas all over our island of the New Jerusalem.
19. Come with me now and let's look at some of the pathways on our celestial temple block area that were placed today.'
20. I accompanied my Heavenly Father, and we came to the area to the south of the fountain that would surround the future temple site. The pathways were all joined together in one welded piece of rock he said, but there was no gold yet in the insets of the paths. 'Heavenly Father said the plantings would be completed in this area tomorrow morning, and most of the gold paths would be installed tomorrow. I was very pleased to see how this was all coming together so quickly!
21. Heavenly Father asked me to come to the east of his celestial temple site in the morning during my prayer. He said that Heavenly Mother would accompaany me on a tour of the planting in this area.
22. I thanked him for his visit and update. I expressed my great love to him, and my wonderful opportunity in being so involved in the construction of the New Jerusalem. This ended my evening prayer.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, May 26, 2021
1. I awoke late after a good sleep, and came to the future celestial temple site at the New Jerusalem. I walked in the air to the east, to the area my Heavenly Father asked me to come to in order to commune with my Heavenly Mother. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. She immediately came, and I was brought into her highest celestial realm. She was smiling and bright in her countenance.
3. She spoke: 'Raphael, let's go down and see how the planting of our celestial seeds and seedling transplants has been going!'
4. We came in her highest celestial realm to the ground level. There were some path workers that were placing the gold into the stone insets, but all of the flowers, bushes and trees in this area had been planted. All was so beautifully designed. We saw many small sprouting plants coming up out of the manicured soil. Heavenly Mother said that these were mostly planted yesterday and finished this morning. She said most of these would become beautiful flowers and lovely ground covers. She said that they would reach full maturity by Monday when I would start construction of their temple.
5. 'Raphael, when you come here again on May 31,2021, on Monday, these eastern garden beds will all be fully grown. They will welcome you with their great beauty and the splendor of our celestial temple to the west.
6. The other garden beds surrounding the temple will not have yet reached their maturity by next Monday, for they will have been planted several days later. Our plants grow vigorously here, and some take only days to become flowering and of full height. Unlike garden areas in your telestial world, there are no weeds or untame, aggressive plants or roots, or unwanted plants. Whatever our celestial servants plant here will grow very fast and will fill in the ground above and below the surface. These plants each allow other plants to grow next to them without growing into their space. This is truly a weed-free and well designed flower bed that keeps its design, even from the beginning, without further maintenance from our celestial workers.
7. There will be many plants that flower and bloom throughout the year, each in their respective seasons. Our garden beds will therefore be continually changing, each month having new varieties that flower and come into their own majesty and beauty.'
8. I noticed there were clumps of similar plants coming up in different areas. Heavenly Mother said she liked splashes of groups of flowering plants, and ground cover plants, as well as bushes and trees in concentrated sections. She said this was very pleasing to the eye. However, she said other sections were planted in a symmetric way that brought order and a feeling of unity. She said many of her bushes and trees were planted in this way.
9. We came upon a gold path that had just been placed into the stone. There was a small stone edge on either side that was flush with the gold. The gold surface was flat and polished, even so that we could see our reflection. Heavenly Mother said that these polished areas would not become too reflective in the sunshine, for that might be blinding to those who walked these paths. However, they could still see their own reflections. It was all so perfectly designed and constructed.
10. Heavenly Mother then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, today is the third day of planting on this island. Come to the area south of here tonight in your evening prayer. Your Heavenly Father and I will walk with you into our terrestrial part of the island, following the la.rge channel and the southern river, even to the south exit to the mighty river. Our hundreds of celestial servants have been busy planting this area the past two days, and will conclude this today.'
11. I said I was eager to view all of this progress! I said I would meet them where the large 15 foot pipe intersects the beginning of the large southern channel. Heavenly Mother said that would be good.
12. She then departed and I closed my conscious prayer.
13. Evening-I came to the start of the large southern channel for my evening prayer tonight. I knelt on the edge of the road, overlooking this channel that was filled with water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to both come. They immediately appeared over the water in the channel. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, stand with us and let's walk south to view the fields that have recently been planted in our terrestrial realm on this island.' I stood and took their hands. We walked directly south over the water in the air.
14. On either side of us we saw areas for the future terrestrial housing and temples. These had not yet been planted. However, when we passed these future inhabited areas, the south river extends 9,000 feet from the end of the city to where the outer walls began (see my post 54P8). Here is where the celestial servants had been planting since Monday morning.
15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have detailed planting plans for the farmland areas outside the city limits on our island. These have been followed in every detail by our celestial servants and their foremen and forewomen. We have small forests, orchards, fields of grains, large fields of produce, parks, and plants that produce food of every kind. These will be in full production by the time the tribes of Israel come soon. They and their animals will all be fed by the food produced on this island. By Saturday evening, all of the terrestrial field areas of our island will have been planted and growing. The plants in the city areas will be planted after our celestial temple is constructed.'
16. I was impressed with the large areas of plants that will produce food on this island. These were being watered now by the misting from the channels and rivers, with terrestrial living water.
17. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, tomorrow we will have our celestial servants start to plant grass in the terrestrial section of our temple block area. The intensive planting now being done is in the celestial temple block, superimposed on top of the terrestrial. For those who are not celestial, they will not be able to view the celestial, but only the grassy park area of the terrestrial. This park area will be completely planted in the terrestrial realm by Saturday.'
18. We had reached the end of the southern river. I saw that the river was full, and abruptly ended where the gravity changed direction at the end of the river. The misting was happening at this time, and I could see this mist covered the fields to either side of the river for those areas that were planted since Monday.
19. At the end of the river, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother turned to me and held hands. They departed into the sky and were gone. I closed my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, May 27, 2021
1. This morning I awoke after a good sleep. I had been working very hard planting potatoes the past two days on my property. Yesterday I had two migraine headaches that began with visual disturbance. I stopped them both by taking ginger powder mixed in water. They both stopped after five minutes. I think I have been pushing my body too hard in the hot sunshine. I will try to take it easier in my mortal body for the rest of the week. I know I am also working from sunrise to sunset at the New Jerusalem in my replicated bodies. This has also contributed to making me so tired. I come in from working outside and often fall asleep on our couch.
2. I came to the air above the fountain of living water in the celestial area of the New Jerusalem. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother immediately came before me, shining her brilliant light all around. She was smiling, and her eyes were particularly bright and sparkling. I felt her great love come into me! I believe I was in the highest celestial realm with her, for the celestial servants who were sowing seeds nearby us were not aware of our presence.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have been working extremely hard, finishing up your garden in Utah. I suggest that you don't work so hard, for it is hard on your mortal body. This is the reason for your repeated bouts with a migraine headache.
4. While you have been planting potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers in your own garden, you have been overseeing the planting of our beautiful New Jerusalem island. The work of planting in our celestial and terrestrial sections of the New Jerusalem island is intensive work because of the large areas to plant. However, unlike in your Utah telestial soil, where there are many weeds and grasses to contend with, and some areas of rocky soil, our celestial servants may plant quickly in well-prepared and fertile soil. The servants move quickly and their seeds and transplants have come from our celestial orb where they have been produced from our resurrected celestial plants.
5. In our temple block area, we are having planted a great variety of flowering plants, bushes of every kind, and many species of trees. These will be from all climate areas found on your current earth. There are also many herbs that are designed for the well-being and healing of our children. Some plants had been originally planted on the earth but have been exterminated over time, and no longer grow. These will be brought back in the garden areas of our celestial temple block, later to be propagated on the earth in a future day.
6. You are aware in your unconscious mind of all our detailed plans, and all of these plants that are being brought and planted in the New Jerusalem. You will use this vast knowledge to help others propagate these plants around the earth in the millennial day of peace and rest.
7. The terrestrial city areas are not being constructed or planted as yet. We are waiting for John the Beloved to come and work with you on the design and layout of the city. After construction begins, then our inhabitants and mortal children will plant gardens, parks, and all varieties of our living plants and seeds in this residential and city area.
8. Our current intention for this week of planting is to have all of our celestial temple block fully planted, prior to the start of the construction of our celestial temple next Monday. We also will have the outlying fields and farmland planted. These areas will grow exceedingly fast, being watered by living water and gaining nourishment from very fertile soil. They will grow in great beauty and the fulness of their stature by the time the northern tribes arrive.'
9. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her words. I expressed my deep gratitude to be able to labor next to the thousands of celestial servants who are planting this beautiful island paradise.
10. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
11. I received the following email from S on 5-27-2021 titled "blessings":
I wanted to share my experience from yesterday. I have been reading about the daily progress in Zion with all the construction. I was wondering about the Northern tribes and their journey.
5-26-21 AM
In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Mother. She called me to her side above the miles of Northern tribes traveling along the highway. We flew over the long lines of the companies walking towards Zion. I saw a glimpse of my replicated self pulling a handcart as we continued surveying this large group.
Heavenly Mother spoke to me, 'The excitement of reaching the highway has diminished as the work and toil of their daily journey continues. It is hard physical work that is very demanding. The amount of food remaining is limited after their long ship voyage and now land travel has exhausted their resources. The highway does not have vegetation on the terrestrial realm yet for their animals to graze. All of the people and animals are taking in limited nutrition.
I desired to bless this people. I asked Heavenly Mother if I could pray for them at this time. She responded, 'Yes' and told me to say the words that the spirit would give to me.
I bowed my head and closed my eyes. I spoke: 'My dear Heavenly Parents, I call upon you at this time to bless this mighty people of the Northern tribes in their journey. I ask that their cruse of oil and barrel of meal will not diminish but be preserved and replenished from day to day until their journey's end. Bless that this people may see this miracle wrought by God and praise thy name forever. Bless their bodies and the animals' bodies to derive the nutrition and strength necessary to meet the energy demands of each day. Bless their spirits that they may grow in the light and knowledge of the gospel, coming closer daily to their Savior Jesus Christ who is mighty to save. May this journey cause their testimonies to increase daily until they arrive in the borders of the New Jerusalem and begin their labors there.'
Heavenly Mother spoke, 'This blessing will be performed even as we have inspired you to speak by our Spirit.'
12. Evening-I came to the celestial temple block just above the fountain of living water. I prayed to my Heavenly Father.
13. He then appeared next to me and spoke: 'Raphael, from our view here we can see the great progress in our celestial realm at the New Jerusalem. You can see that all of the stone paths are now in place in this temple block. The gold inlaid pieces will be adhered in the stone walkways in the next two days and be completed. The stone walkways have already been welded together as one piece of rock. These will not crack or divide from one another over the entire millennium. The planting of our temple block will be completed tomorrow. These are all watered from the misting of our small channels.
14. The terrestrial land under this celestial realm was planted with grass, bushes and trees today. These plants and seeds came from our celestial realm and are transitioning now to the terrestrial realm. They are being watered from terrestrial living water from the large canals. When grown to maturity, this terrestrial area will be a beautiful park. Where the celestial fountains, garden and pathways are superimposed upon, those in this terrestrial park will only see grass and the local bushes and trees. Come see this lower terrestrial realm with me.'
15. Heavenly Father then touched my forehead and the celestial realm disappeared from my view. I saw trees and bushes planted, and newly planted grass in the terrestrial realm. I saw a slight green tint on the soil with new grass growing. It was damp for the fastest growth possible.
16. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, under this future beautiful terrestrial park, is now the telestial world in which you live in mortality, even Independence, Missouri (see D&C 57:3). This is the realm that will be destroyed at the time of the return in glory of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanation of these three physical realms; the celestial superimposed on the terrestrial, and the terrestrial superimposed upon the telestial. I thanked him for me being able to live and labor in all three realms on earth at this time.
18. My prayer closed and I ended my mortal day on earth.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, May 28, 2021
1. I have been thinking about the unique area of Independence, Missouri in Jackson County. It is in the telestial realm like the rest of the mortal world. However, like the rest of the physical earth, there is a physical terrestrial realm superimposed upon it that nobody has been in or seen since the fall of Adam and Eve. This is the realm with the great highway where the northern tribes are now traveling upon in the distant northwest. There is now an additional celestial realm attached to this one local area of the promised land of America in Independence, Missouri. I blessed this temple block area to become a celestial place on the earth on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, under the authority of our Gods. Since that time, there have been three physical realms in this same location on the earth. This is a unique place on earth.
2. I came in my morning prayer to the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem area of the celestial earth. I came above the top gold pipe in the air. I looked around and could see many groups of celestial workers, men and women, planting vegetation in the New Jerusalem. I also saw men and women laying gold sections on the stone pathways in several places. Everyone seemed very focused on their labors. This was already such a heavenly setting, even though it wasn't yet completely planted or built yet. While I was thinking these thoughts, my Heavenly Mother appeared before me.
3. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, all of the workers below us who are diligently working on their separate tasks, have been called forth and chosen by your Heavenly Father and me. They have assembled here after your call to them, and are following the detailed instructions that you transferred to them from your unconscious mind. In this manner, there is far less supervision you need to do, for they are following perfectly all that we have transferred to them from you. Their foremen and women keep them on task with respect to timing and the overall schedule. These assigned leaders also check their work each day and approve of all that they do.
4. There is a celestial unity and love that exists among our celestial servants here. Most are resurrected, and as such, have great capabilities in speed, accuracy and endurance. There are also translated celestial workers, and even some premortal spirits who have been called to labor. They work in coordination together. We are very pleased with their great diligence and energy with which they labor.
5. Both your Heavenly Father and I have come among them in disguise in the past few days. We love to work and feel the great satisfaction of accomplishment on such a meaningful project. These celestial servants will remember their participation in creating and working in the first stages of the New Jerusalem with great fondness and happy memories. They are putting in many hours of love to make this beautiful area a celestial heaven on earth. After you bless the temple, we will have permanent portals connect our celestial orb to areas in our celestial New Jerusalem temple.
6. We have chosen to completely finish the temple block area before you begin constructing our celestial temple next Monday. In this way, all the beautiful living creations and celestial handwork will become the crowning creation of this temple block area, the celestial temple. We will even bring our celestial animals to this celestial area soon after you begin constructing our temple. All our heavenly creations who will then have made their home here will be able to observe the temple construction. We will also invite those celestial servants who will have labored in any way, on the celestial grounds to watch from the skies. They will observe you moving in the walls, roof spires and all related premade pieces from our heavenly repository to this final resting spot for our celestial temple. What a happy day this will be!'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this vision of great joy she shared with me. I feel very honored and humbled to be able to participate in this heavenly creation of the New Jerusalem.
8. She then departed and I closed my prayer.
9. Here is an email that I received on 4-28-2021 from M.A., and my reply:
"Someone seems to have captured a picture of Nibiru next to the sun.
What do you think?
R's response:
"I searched the phrase on the image and watched the YouTube video. It is very interesting! I feel it is Nibiru rotating around the sun. Here is the YouTube video.
Thanks for catching this, M.A.! It was encouraging for me to watch this of Nibiru.
.10 Evening-I came to my prayer very late tonight. I came in the air above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. Heavenly Father came next to me in the air, and asked me to come here again in the morning and then he and Heavenly Mother would meet me. He said there was good progress and that they would review it with me at that time. He then quickly departed and I closed my evening prayer.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, May 29, 2021
1. I came in the air above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. It was bright and sunny outside. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came, in the brightness of their glory. They shone their light, love and acceptance upon me. I felt so glad to be in their presence.
2. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have brought you this morning into our highest celestial realm. We will all three walk together in our temple block area, and then in the outlying farm lands of our New Jerusalem island. Stand now, and walk with us!'
3. I stood and came between my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We came to the east side of the fountain of living water and walked around the gold path surrounding the fountain. I could see new beautiful plants growing, but many of them were not yet flowering. I saw the nearby trees of life glowing in their celestial beauty. I saw the northern altar and stone table where I would slay the red heifer and prepare the waters for sprinkling in the temple.
4. Everything in this immediate area was completed and the plants were growing. Although not yet in their maturity, every garden bed was planted, and exquisitely beautiful, and clearly was designed by a God. The entire temple block area was very bright and glowing in its celestial beauty and symmetry and gave a deep feeling of serenity and peace.
5. As we walked towards the western street that surrounded the temple block, I saw many workmen laying gold slabs in the stone recess areas of the paths. Many paths were completed, but several sections were still not yet completed. I saw three crews of several celestial workers each working on the pathways to complete them by this afternoon.
6. We then rose up in the air and were then about a hundred feet above the ground. I could clearly see the overall state of the areas below us. The entire temple block was nearly done except for a few sections of the gold paths where the workmen were laboring. Every plant and seedling was planted and growing. The water in the fountain and small channels was not moving, but stationary, glistening in the morning sun.
7. My Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we are very pleased that our celestial earth here is nearly completed, all but our celestial temple.' He pointed to the bare large rectangular piece of open land to our south.
8. 'Here is where we will meet you next Monday, on May 31, 2021, and begin our celestial temple. All else in our celestial realm here will be completed and functional except for our temple at that time. We will instruct you tomorrow, on the Sabbath, about the schedule of the temple construction.
9. Come now with your Heavenly Mother and me, and we will inspect the progress of the outlying terrestrial farmland areas of this island.'
10. We then moved in the air above the land to the west, above the large channel and then to the western river. At the point where the river began, I saw that the land had been al been planted and was embellished with trees, bushes of all varieties, and beautiful sectioned off planted fields. Most of the fields were wedge-shaped, and fit together without fences to the adjacent other fields. There were paths between the fields so all were easily accessible. I knew all of these fields were watered from the mist of terrestrial living water from the rivers at night. These fields were all planted except some near the west where the foundation for the walls were located. There were hundreds of celestial sowers of grain and other seeds planting several sections at this time.
11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, these celestial servants below us are finishing up their labors today, all over the New Jerusalem island. Within a short time these seeds they are sowing will all be planted and reach maturity, and will be ready for their first harvest. This will be the same time that our tribes of Israel will arrive. They will harvest this first crop, which will quickly provide grain for feeding their people and their animals. Many other fields will also be ready to harvest which will include all varieties of fruits, vegetables, tubers like potatoes of all kinds, and a great abundance, sufficient to feed all. When harvested, second crops will immediately begin growing of the same varieties. In this way, our farmlands will continually produce enough food for the island's inhabitants.
12. This will all be terrestrial food. It will enliven the bodies of those who eat these foods, and along with the drinking of living terrestrial waters, will fully complete the transitioning of their bodies to terrestrial mortal beings. Oh, what happy days these will be for those who first come to our island paradise!'
13. I noticed that the fields were planted right up to the foundations of the exterior walls that would one day be built. I saw that the areas next to the rivers were not planted. I knew there would be a road on both sides of the four island rivers leading to the surrounding mighty river.
14. I felt very gratified in this state of the New Jerusalem island! I thanked my Heavenly Parents for showing me all of this today. I thanked them again to be able to participate in their grand work of building the New Jerusalem!
15. My Heavenly Mother, and then my Heavenly Father embraced me. They smiled upon me, and ascended up into the sky and were gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
16. Evening-I came to the fountain of living water tonight. I knelt with the temple site to my back. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.
17. Heavenly Mother appeared before me. She came in a soft light, and was smiling as she arrived.
18. She spoke right away: 'Raphael, the work of planting and creating paths in our celestial temple block area is complete. Our celestial servants have labored tirelessly for the past two weeks. Their skills, diligence, and quality of workmanship have been extremely fine. Your Father and I are pleased with their work, and your supervision of our designs and plans.
19. There will now be a number of our celestial servants working with you on our celestial temple. Future work crews will come from our terrestrial servants who come to this city and island. They will labor in their own capacity with a similar diligence as our celestial servants.
20. Come tomorrow morning to the future site of the temple and your Heavenly Father will review with you your schedule of activities in the construction of our temple. Tomorrow night I will come in your prayer and give you information on your own walking trek to Zion.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her positive words tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 30, 2021
1. I came this morning to the future temple site of the New Jerusalem. This is a very large area of 600 feet by 800 feet, plus areas for the front and back steps. It was all unplanted dirt, whereas all around this area was beautifully planted and built to be a celestial paradise for the righteous.
2. I knelt on the ground in the northern area of the future temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. I then saw Heavenly Father walking to me on the ground to my south. When he arrived at my location, he stopped and spoke to me: 'Raphael, tomorrow is the last day of May, 2021 on your earth. It will be the day that you begin construction of the New Jerusalem celestial temple. Come here tomorrow morning at sunrise, and your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you as you begin this new phase.
4. The first day, on May 31,2021, you will ask Mother Earth to create the 30 foot thick foundation of solid bedrock. This will be one piece of polished rock, located where you now kneel. It will not be fused to the earth, but will rest on the underlying dirt. This will allow the foundation and our temple to rise up in the air and to separate from the earth just prior to the burning and death of the earth.
5. Once the foundation is created, you will bring the 3 foot thick floor, the one foot thick external and internal walls, and the front and back steps from our celestial temple repository on that same day. These you will assemble, and our celestial servants will bolt in place. Finally, on Monday you will place the roof on the temple structure. After bolting in place, this will conclude the work of the first day of construction.
6. On the second day, June 1, 2021, you will place the seven spires on the roof. Once these are bolted in place, then you will assemble seven celestial work crews to begin their labors on the front and rear doors of the temple, and the elevated floor and steps into the north font room. You will also start two of those teams to create the east and west glass-like structure walls between the font room area and the east and west future portals.
7. This labor will take these seven teams the entire remainder of the week to complete. At the end of this first week of temple construction, the main structure of the northern font room area, measuring 200 feet by 600 feet, will have been constructed. This will include the gold overlay on the elevated wooden floor, the overlaid silver floor in the font area, the descending and ascending gold steps to the font floor, the two portal structures, the temple office and restrooms, the front and rear large outside entry doors, and the internal door to the southern section of the temple (see the images in your post 54K2 and 54N2).
8. The second week of temple construction will be for our artists and craftsmen and women to embellish the font area of our temple. That week you will call other celestial servants to begin construction on the southern 600 foot by 600 foot temple section. This will take them four weeks to finish, and two additional weeks to embellish with beautiful artwork and motifs on the ceilings and walls, and add furniture and furnishings.
9. At the end of seven full weeks, on July 19,2021, the inside of our temple will be completed, as far as we will have our celestial servants work on it. When the tribes of Israel come from the north, and the remnants of Jacob come from the south, some of them will also work on the inside of our celestial temple. There will be others who will embellish the outside of our temple. However, the font area will be sufficiently completed for you, at the beginning of the eighth week, to dedicate that section of the temple. You and Oriphiel will then be able to start the ordinances of waters of separation for our celestial elect, and the recording of their names in the Lamb's Book of Life. The southern part of our temple will be dedicated on Sunday, July 18, 2021.
10. Come tonight here again and your Heavenly Mother will inform you about the details of your replicated self going on a walking trek to the New Jerusalem, starting tomorrow, May 31, 2021.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation this morning to me. I feel very excited to begin the events he spoke about. He then departed and I closed my prayer.