196. Building the New Jerusalem, part 2

Hello my friends,

This is a further continuation of the building of the New Jerusalem.

Read about the following in this post:
• The start of my own trek to the New Jerusalem started in my replicated physical body.
• The laying of the temple foundation by Mother Earth, and the assembly of the temple walls, roof and spires.
• A large multitude of celestial servants who began construction of the interior of the temple, including gold and silver covered floors and all structures in the northern section of the temple.
• Details of the work these celestial servants did, including construction methods not part of our telestial world.
• Celestial craftsmen and craftswomen, and artisans who have beautified the north font area of the temple.
• Celestial and terrestrial animals that were brought into the land of the New Jerusalem.
• Tours that are now being conducted of the northern font area of the temple and the temple block.

Yes, so much is recorded in this post! As always, please pray about these things, and confirm that they really have and are happening in the physical terrestrial realm of the earth. I know our Gods will give you of their Spirit to help you know for yourself.


P.S. I have included some pictures I took from a recent hike with my family in our local mountains. After these, I have included some current pictures of our blooming flowers and our garden. Enjoy!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 30, 2021

1. Evening-I heard a new podcast from M.S. tonight and felt the Spirit as he spoke about Covid-19 and the evil and conspiring men who have perpetrated this and the vaccine upon us. I feel he is correct in his assessment.

2. I came tonight to the future temple site of the New Jerusalem in the celestial realm on the earth. I knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. She descended in a bright light from the heavens. I soon basked in her glorious presence. I felt her deep love for me and for her elect children who now live on this earth.

She spoke: 'Raphael, M.S. is correct in his podcast that the Covid-19 is a foreshadow of more difficult things to come from conspiring men and women in these last days.

4. We have now a place of safety established on the terrestrial physical earth. We will begin to inspire our elect who ask of us in humble prayer now to come to Zion, even as we have planned for them. We will customize a unique trek and trial for each one so that they may enter into the terrestrial physical realm of the earth and walk to Zion. Some will enter far away from the New Jerusalem and be required to walk in the terrestrial physical earth for a long distance. Some will enter near to the location of our New Jerusalem on the terrestrial earth and have a short distance to travel. We will bring them all from their telestial mortal world into the terrestrial physical world at some point. They will start arriving in a month and a half from now. The large body of the tribes of Israel will be the first ones to arrive before that time and before others start to come in small numbers.

5. Tomorrow you will meet a group of LDS individuals in your replicated physical state outside of Utah. Your mortal self in Utah at your home will not be aware of what you are doing in this replicated self except when you meditate and pray to us. You will then be able to connect to your unconscious self that will know about the whereabouts and doings of your replicated being that will walk with this LDS group to Zion.

6. When you meet them tomorrow, they will be all ready to leave in the next few days. They will have been all prompted by our Spirit to depart on foot, even though modern transportation is available, for this is our specific direction to them. There are three families and two additional individuals for a total of 19 people. You will make the 20th individual. Within a week, you will all transition into the terrestrial physical earth, away from all people and modern society. You will be able to assist the group in finding water and in following a course to the New Jerusalem.

7. Raphael, we will inform you in your personal prayers periodically what will be happening with your group that treks to Zion. This experience will help you and those in your group grow in ways we wish, to prepare all of you for Zion.

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable words tonight! I thanked her for my upcoming experience. She departed and I closed my prayer.

B R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, Memorial Day, May 31, 2021

1. I came in prayer early today to the future temple site in the New Jerusalem. I knelt above the ground, about 100 feet elevated in the air. I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. I was excited to begin the construction of the celestial New Jerusalem temple! Back at home, I reviewed my posts 173B7 to 173B18, and 173B20 to 173B31, when I spiritually brought into place the foundation, floor, walls, and steps of the temple on September 19, 2020.

2. My Heavenly Parents then descended from the celestial sky and came before me in the air. They were bright and shining. Their capes were blowing north in a breeze that came up from the south. I looked up into their smiling and shining faces. I felt very happy at that moment.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we will both stand behind and to either side of you as you ask your Mother Earth to create the foundations for the New Jerusalem temple. When done, we will inspect the one piece 30 feet thick foundation. It will rest on dirt beneath, and be perfectly flat. You will then bring forth from the celestial repository north of her, the floor steps and walls, and assemble them as you did in the spiritual creation of the temple last September 2020.

4. We will then go down and inspect the placement of these pieces. When approved, you will call on celestial servants to bolt in place all the walls to the edge of the floor.

5. Your Heavenly Mother and I are very glad that this great day has come! This is the start of the construction of our glorious celestial temple on your earth. We have created all the main temple pieces that you will assemble today from a quarry on our celestial orb. Once assembled, the temple will remain forever on the earth into the eternities.

6. You may now proceed, Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be on your left and right sides, a little behind you. You will do all your work today by our power and authority.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction. I said I loved them both and would do as they directed me by the Holy Spirit.

8. I turned and faced the fountain of living water. My Heavenly Parents were at my sides, a little behind me. I spoke to Mother Earth: 'Mother Earth, this is Raphael. I stand before you in the air directly above the ground of the future site of the New Jerusalem temple. I ask you, by your creator God's authority, and by their commission to me, to create a 30 foot thick foundation of solid bedrock. Make the foundation perfectly flat and exactly the size to fit the floor, two stairs and four exterior walls which you will retrieve from the celestial repository, now in your stewardship.

9. These stairs and walls need to precisely fit onto the foundation bedrock, with the floor between them. The size of the bedrock is to be 600 feet by 800 feet by 30 feet thick, with a foundation section for the north and south stairs. The long side should be oriented north and south. You may now make the foundation for this celestial temple.'

10. My Heavenly Parents and I waited. I heard movement of the ground below us. After a few moments, I had the impression from the Spirit that the bedrock foundation was completed. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, let's all three now go down and inspect the foundation.'

11. We then descended and stood on the polished surface of the very expansive foundation. We moved together to the northern edge and saw that there was a sharp corner of the foundation at ground level, adjacent to soil to the north. I knelt and touched the corner with my finger and felt the northern edge of the foundation go down into the earth. I then walked to the northeast corner and felt this corner that extended underground. The top surface of the foundation was flush with the surrounding ground.

12. We then went to the area where the north stairs will be placed. This was a rectangular section of the same foundation rock that extended north to precisely fit where the steps would be placed.

13. We then rose up in the air and traveled all around the perimeter of the foundation. After our inspection, I felt very confident it was exactly as my Heavenly Parents had desired.

14. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, come now and let's hold hands while we go into the soil at the edge of the bedrock foundation. We will verify that the foundation is 30 feet thick.'

A foraged mushroom

15. I took their hands and we descended into the soil at the northeast corner of the foundation. I felt with my hand the smooth surface of the corner as we descended 30 feet. At the depth of 30 feet, I felt with my finger the bottom of the foundation. It was flat against compressed ground. I could see in vision that this bottom surface was perfectly flat over the entire structure. We then elevated into the air above the foundation. My Heavenly Mother said that Mother Earth had created the foundation perfectly, and that they were both very pleased.

16. I then turned and spoke to Mother Earth: 'Mother Earth, my Gods and I have inspected the foundation that you have created. We have found it to be precisely created by you, even according to the design requirements of your creator Gods. Thank you for your great skill and work!'

17. I felt that this pleased Mother Earth, for I felt her satisfaction in our acceptance.

18. I then was prompted from my Heavenly Mother to proceed to the temple repository north of the fountain. We all three then moved to the repository door, standing in the air before it. I asked that the doors open, even by my intention. The large two doors opened and we entered. I chose first the northern stairs and moved them out of storage to the temple site.

19. I situated it one inch north of its final resting position on the foundation bedrock. When on the foundation, I repeated this for the southern outside stairs to the temple, and placed this one inch south of its final resting place.

20. Now that the stairs were on the foundation, I removed the front northern wall of the temple from the repository. I brought it above the north stairs and slid it over the stair slots that matched the wall grooves. I lowered the front wall over the steps until they were precisely snug and fit tightly onto the stairs. This was then all brought to the front northern edge of the foundation. After in place, I checked all along this northern edge and saw this was exactly in place.

21. I then returned to the repository and removed the temple 3 foot deep thick floor. I brought it in the air and lowered it to fit flat on the foundation between the north and south stairs and north wall. I brought the north edge of the floor against the north wall inside surface. The east and west sides of the floor were one foot from the outer foundation edge, to accommodate the east and west walls. The southern edge of the floor was still one inch from the northern south stair edge.

22. After all was exactly as I wanted, I then returned and retrieved the south temple wall from the repository. I brought it vertically from above the south stair slots, and lowered the wall so that the wall grooves fit into the stair slots. When flush to the foundation, I then moved the south stairs and the south walls north by one inch to come flush against the temple 3 foot thick floor.

23. The north stairs and north wall, and the south stairs and south wall were now in place on the foundation, with the temple floor fitted tight between them.

24. I then came to the repository and retrieved the east temple wall. I brought it slowly from above, and vertically lowered it into the slots of the north and south wall edges on the east side. This was a slow process so as not to bind the tight grooves in the slots. However, after about half an hour, I was successful, and the east wall was seated between the north and south wall, and sitting exactly in place on the foundation, and snugly fitting against the floor edge.

25. I returned to the repository and repeated this for the west wall. When in place, all of the walls were now assembled, were resting upon the foundation, and fit snugly against the floor. The stairs were in place and everything fitted precisely together.

26. Heavenly Father then came in front of me, with Heavenly Mother at his side. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have correctly assembled the floor, steps and walls of our holy temple as we intended. These are now in the correct position on the foundation bedrock.

27. After you have our celestial servants bolt the walls to the floor, then you will place the inner wall and the roof on the temple. You will do this in your evening prayer, for you will see what you did earlier in the day in vision. This entire building of the structure of our temple will have taken you the full day today. Tomorrow morning you will place the seven spires on the temple and have them bolted to the roof.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Father. I then turned and called forth celestial servants to screw in the bolts that I had retrieved from the repository. There were four bolts to attach the north wall to the floor, four for the south wall, and eight each for the east wall and west wall. I watched these servants screw in the bolts until the bolt heads were flush to the outer wall surfaces. I could only tell there were bolts there by the slightly different bolt head color against the outer wall color. All was flush and smooth.

29. I then knew that my morning prayer was completed. I turned and thanked my smiling Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They then disappeared from my view. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I began my Memorial Day activities with my family who were just awakening.

30. Evening-I came to the air above the partially assembled temple at the New Jerusalem. My Heavenly Parents both came before me in the air.

31. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, see the temple below us. It has the minor wall inserted and the roof in place. You completed this today. I will show you in your mind what you did so that you may write it in your journal, and have an account of every part of the physical construction of the New Jerusalem temple.'

32. I then saw in my mind what I did after the four outer walls, front and back stairs, floor, and foundation were all created and assembled this morning.

33. I had come to the temple repository and withdrew the inner wall that separates the front room and two portals from the south part of the temple. I brought this 200 foot tall by 600 foot long by 1 foot thick wall above the temple. This was before the roof was in place. I lowered the inner wall slots into the grooves on the east and west walls that the inner wall fit into. When in place, this wall was flush against the floor, and flush with the top edges of the outer walls.

34. I then retrieved the very large roof structure. This had steel beams embedded that spanned the 600 foot circle width of the temple. It was 800 feet long. There were small 9 inch slots for the steel beams to rest on the east and west outer walls. I maneuvered the roof to slide into these present slots. I then called upon celestial servants to screw in the 24 bolts from the roof side into threaded holes on the top edges of the outside walls.

35. Once all was in place, my Heavenly Parents and I inspected all the temple assembled to this point. Everything precisely fit in place. It was very majestic and of exquisite workmanship. I thanked my Heavenly Parents to have participated in the construction of their holy temple today. I knew that tomorrow morning I would attach all seven temple spires on the temple roof.

36. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, while you were placing the roof on our temple, your other replicated being met with the others who were planning to trek to Zion. They had been waiting for a final person to join them, and that was you. You came into their camp this afternoon, and they accepted you as one of their travelers. They agreed to feed you in return for you to help guide them on their travels, for they did not know which way to begin and how to enter into the terrestrial realm which their leaders had been informed about. You said you would guide them into this realm when the Spirit would prompt you.

37. We will periodically share with you some of the experiences of your travel group. You will be leaving with them on the trek to the New Jerusalem on this Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

38. Come here to the roof area tomorrow morning. We will be with you as you bring all seven spires on the roof, and have them bolted in place.'

39. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I expressed my joy to be in their service, and to do as they direct me.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, June 1, 2021

1. I came to the temple roof this morning. I had reviewed my post 173 where I had spiritually created the temple. I had a question about something my Heavenly Father had said to me in my post 173C32. He had said "All future additions will be created by our mortal craftsmen and artisans who are of our elect." I had been told by my Heavenly Father on 5-30-2021, that after I place the spires on the temple, I would organize seven celestial workmen and women teams to work on the inside of the temple. I was wondering why I didn't see the spiritual creation of these seven celestial work teams, and why I was told all additional work would be from mortal servants.

2. I knelt on the temple roof near the north end and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. They both came in glory from the northern sky and arrived in front of me.

3. My Heavenly Father immediately addressed me: 'Raphael, I had shown you the state of our temple construction on 9-20-2020, as is recorded in your post 173C32. This state of construction had included what the celestial seven celestial teams had already completed, as well as you placing and bolting the seven spires on the roof. I hadn't shown you at that time the specific work that the seven celestial work teams would be doing in the northern font area, nor of the extensive work they would do on the inside of the south end of the temple. The celestial workers that you will call will do work only that these mostly resurrected servants can do, and that mortals cannot do quickly. Your Heavenly Mother and I have divided up the work on the inside and outside of the temple between the celestial craftsmen and artisans, and those who are mortal who will later finish up the embellishment of the temple. There is a great amount that the celestial workers will need to do because of the need for the inside of the temple to be completed in time.'

4. I thanked my Heavenly Father for clearing up my question.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, today you will bring forth the seven spires from their repository, and place them on the temple roof. After these are in place, call forth celestial servants to bolt these from the ceiling side of the roof into premade tapped holes. They will fasten these with the 28 steel bolts you bring from the repository.

6. This will be completed this morning, and you will do this in your morning prayer. When done, then call forth the pre-assigned seven celestial teams of workers. They will work the remainder of this week on the temple doors, the elevated floor, and the steps into the font area. They will also install the silver and gold floor coverings on the temple floor in this northern temple section. Two crews will create the glass-like walls between the font area and the east portal and the west portal areas.'

7. I said I would begin now. I thanked them for their detailed instructions, and for recalling all of these in my unconscious mind.

8. I then went to the temple repository, with my Heavenly Parents next to me. I opened the first highest temple spire doors of the repository, and with my intention, carefully removed this spire. I brought it onto the temple roof and set it exactly in place, even as I had before done spiritually last September as recorded in post 173C23 to 173C28. I repeated this for the four corner spires, and then for the two north and south short spires. This is all shown on the illustrations in my post 54Q7, 54R11, and 54R4. When perfectly in place, I retrieved the 28 steel bolts from the repository and called upon celestial servants to screw these in place through the ceiling holes into the corners of each spire. When done, I thanked these servants and dismissed them.

9. I next came with my Heavenly Parents to the bare inside area of the northern temple area, which measured 200 feet tall, 200 feet wide, and 600 feet long. My Heavenly Parents were behind me in their highest celestial realm. I then called forth all those who were celestial workmen and women who had been called upon to work in the temple for the remainder of this week.'

10. A very large group of resurrected and translated individuals then appeared before me. I addressed them:

'My brothers and sisters, I am Raphael who stands before you, with our Heavenly Parents nearby. By their great power and authority, I have assembled this magnificent temple. I brought the pieces from a celestial repository nearby. Our work this week is to complete your work tasks for the north and south doors of the temple, and all the work in this northern inside section of God's temple. Your accuracy and time restraints will require that you work from now until midnight on Saturday, June 5, 2021, both day and night. The naturally glowing light of the temple will be sufficient to help you see all your work area.

11. Each of you have received a detailed work assignment from my mind, given from our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. You will need to receive all of your materials from the celestial orb or from the celestial forest resource area to our north.

12. You have previously been divided up in seven work teams. You have foremen and women to help you with any questions that you may have. They may come to me and I will be able to address these questions, or find the answers. These leaders will also inspect all of your work to ensure the highest quality and craftsmanship.

13. I thank each of you for laboring this week in this holy celestial temple! This will remain throughout the millennium, and into eternity. In this area the candidates will enter into the Church of the Firstborn, and begin their progress towards eternal life and exaltation. We are excited to see the fruition of your work.

14. You may now divide up into your respective teams and begin your work.'

15. The celestial servants then divided up and began the work on the celestial temple. I turned and faced my Heavenly Parents who had been behind me.

16. Heavenly Mother spoke to me; 'Raphael, you have done well. Come here tonight in your evening prayer and I will meet you. We will review the progress of the seven teams.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Parents, and said I would return here tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

18. Evening-I came this evening to the north roof edge, overlooking the fountain of living water. I prayed to my Heavenly Mother, and she appeared before me in the air. She was smiling and full of light and joy it. Everything outside the temple was settled below us. I saw light coming out of the front doorway of the temple directly below us, however.

19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, come with me in my highest celestial realm, so as not to be seen, and let's enter below into the north temple doorway!'

20. I took her hand, and we descended below to the doorway. There were several workmen installing a large wooden frame around the door.

21. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this is the frame that will support the two front large doors to our temple. These craftsmen will have this frame installed tomorrow, the hinges in place tomorrow evening, and the gold plated doors hung in their position on Thursday.'

22. We passed through the doorway into the main font room. There were many craftsmen and craftswomen diligently building the wooden floor 5 ½ feet above the stone floor. There were many others placing heavy boards for the stairs of the font area.

23. On the south wall, there were some servants framing the temple office and restrooms. Another group was assembling the door frame of the double doors that lead into the south part of the temple on the middle wall opening. I saw there were steps on the south side of the future doorway that brought the people who entered down to the stone floor level.

24. I looked to my east and west, and saw workmen and women installing a channel receptacle on the ceiling. I knew this would be where the portal to the celestial orb would be placed. On the floor level, there was a framework of the same material that would become the door frame into this area. It looked like it was gold or gold plated metal of some kind.

25. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, these servants are so pleased to work day and night on this temple. They never tire, and are energized by their celestial labors. There are more workers available but physical space is limited, so we will have you swap new celestial workers each day for those who worked the full day and night before. Some of the foremen and women will remain for continuity of the work. We have many in our celestial forest resource area that are also working day and night. Being a celestial area, we are allowing our light to shine through the night from the ground and the sky so they may have light to see what they are doing. Normally this area cycles with the earth for days and nights. However, for the seven full weeks of labor on the temple by our celestial servants, they will work night and day there for all days except the Sabbath.'

26. We wandered in the air above the many servants who were about their work. I became excited to witness the great focus and diligence of these brothers and sisters. I turned and thanked my Heavenly Mother for being able to see them work fast, with great skill, and make no apparent mistakes.

27. She said for me to come in the morning to the fountain of living water, and that my Heavenly Father would speak to me then. She smiled, squeezed my hand, and then let go. She quietly ascended up into the ceiling and departed from my view. I then closed my prayer.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, June 2, 2021

1. Time seems to be passing by very fast! I am amazed at how quickly summer is upon us in my mortal world. I am also so amazed at how quickly the celestial temple is being constructed. In less than seven weeks time, it will be ready for dedication and use in the north font area of the temple. I know that this time will come very fast. How thrilling all of this is to me!

2. I came to the fountain of living water in prayer. The water was not shooting up, but the pool was filled to capacity, as were the small channels that came out to the north, south, east and west. I knew the living water was misting the plants in all the gardens each night. I could see these planted areas were growing to maturity very fast.

3. I knelt in the air above the pool water, faced the temple, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came in front of me in the air. He was bright and smiling. He extended his hand and asked me to come with him in his highest celestial realm to the celestial forest resource area. I stood and thanked him, and took his hand.

4. We were immediately above the hill with his banner of freedom blowing, and the shining gold crown at its base. We could feel the morning sun shining upon us from the west.

5. All around this freedom monument there were many celestial servants.

6. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, these many celestial servants are part of the teams you organized to prepare the needed materials for the temple. There are many felling the nearby hardwood trees, sawing them into large smooth boards, and then precisely cutting them to fit together for the font ascending and descending and elevated floor. There is no need to wait for these trees to dry, for these craftsmen and women know how to extract all moisture from the wood once it is cut. This is done by their intention. When the water is removed to the correct amount, these boards become very hard and will not warp or bend from their precisely cut shapes.

7. There are many boards that will form the oval shape of the font. These are milled, precision cut, and then assembled in place in the font area. Once they are all in place this evening, there are others who will place the preformed one inch gold layer on top of this very hard wood. Come, let's go see where the gold is being poured and shaped!'

8. We then traveled through a forest to a large flat rock area. I saw large gold ingots that were being remelted and then poured into moulds of all shapes. Once poured and cooled, these were removed and polished to a high luster. I could tell some of these forms were for the stairs.

9. Father spoke: 'Raphael, the font ascending and descending stairs are now created in two large pieces. These will perfectly fit over the hardwood stairs in the font area. Once in place, there will be a single one inch thick silver flat floor section lowered in place in the center of the oval stairs. This will be installed this Friday.'

10. Heavenly Father pointed to a very large flat mould to our right. 'Raphael, that single piece of very flat gold is now being polished by our celestial servants. It will fit onto the stone floor of our western portal area. It will fit perfectly in place, and is a uniform one inch thick. Once the glass-like membrane is in place, floor to ceiling, and the gold floor is installed, we will link this up as a living portal to God's Loving Healing Center on our celestial orb (see your post 54O3). This will occur after you dedicate this north end of our temple on July 18, 2021. A similar portal linked to the circling waters will be on the east side of the font area.

11. You wondered last night where the stone basin is now located, which will hold the water that you will sprinkle on the candidates for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. Come, we will go to the granite rock quarry and view the workers creating this!'

12. We then were instantly in the air above two celestial workers, a resurrected man and woman. At that moment they were removing the granite stone basin from the rock quarry. They had hewn this single piece out of the granite by their intention. I saw them place the beautiful basin on the flat rock, and then dust and blow it off. They inspected it carefully and seemed very pleased.

13. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this craftsman and woman will transport this basin to the silver floor once that is in place. As you can see, these two resurrected servants were extremely skilled in creating this basin. It is perfectly cut, and hewn out of the flawless granite from this celestial quarry.

14. Come tonight again to the area above the fountain of living water. You will meet your Heavenly Mother there, and she will show you more progress inside the temple that our servants will have made.'

15. I thanked my Father for this prayer, and that I could behold such amazing things. He walked away from me a few steps and was gone. I then closed my morning prayer.

16. Evening-Tonight I came in the air above the fountain of living water. I knelt above the fountain and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

17. She came immediately before me. She was bright and smiling broadly. She spoke: 'Raphael, let's go visit the inside of the north end of our temple and see their progress of the work!'

18. I stood and we came through the north doorway. We stopped and she spoke: 'Raphael, the doorway frame is installed now, plated with gold, and the gold plated steel hinges are installed. The doors will be mounted tomorrow during the day.'

19. The work was very fine. It looked like it was solid gold.

20. We continued onto the oval recessed area with the stairs descending and ascending. These were all in place with smooth planks of hardwood, created with great skill and precision. There was one section of the stairs that already had gold plating on them. This was of one piece of cast gold to exactly fit the wooden stairs as a covering. The southern section of the oval stairs was not yet covered with gold, but was bare smooth wood.

21. The large elevated section of wooden flooring around the oval stairs was also installed and very smooth. Some of this was covered with gold. I could see the office and restroom looked like they were completed. The stairs and doorway to the south end of the temple were being worked on by many celestial servants while we watched. There was such a great deal of work already completed in the north end of the temple.

22. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Tomorrow the glass-like transparent membrane will be installed on the west portal, and Friday on the east portal. The gold floor covering will be completed on both of these very expansive 200 foot x 200 foot areas on Saturday.'

23. I spoke: 'Heavenly Mother, this is all progressing so fast! I am impressed with the great skill and speed with which these celestial servants do their work. There appears to be such unity and cooperation of their efforts together.'

24. Heavenly Mother smiled and said to meet my Heavenly Father again at the quarry during my morning prayer. She then rose up through the temple ceiling and was gone. I then closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, June 3, 2021

1. I awoke early and arrived at the quarry in the celestial forest resource area, just north of the fountain. I came in the air above from where the stone basin had been hewn. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He was immediately at my right side, looking at the workers below us.

2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I want to show you how the celestial servants refine the ore to make the very large volume of gold that we require to cover the floors and stairs in the temple. Come, let's go in my highest celestial realm to this location of our resource area.'

3. He extended his right hand and I stood and took it in my left hand. We were then immediately above the gold mine. There were many celestial workers below us. This is the area where we angels had placed our gold and silver pails. It had spread over the entire area and had become a very rich precious metal mine in this celestial resource area.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, some of the angels placed their gold and silver pails here, and some placed them about a mile to our northeast on the terrestrial physical earth (see your post 49H4 and 49J11). Both locations now are gold and silver mines. The precious metal here in the celestial forest resource area is for all the gold and silver required for the celestial temple and the temple block area. The terrestrial mine is for constructing the remainder of the New Jerusalem. The latter has not yet been excavated, but will be when our mortal elect come to this island, and work begins on building the terrestrial city and surrounding area with the 24 temples and other buildings. We keep the resources for the celestial and terrestrial separated in each realm.'

5. We came closer to the mine below us. I saw celestial workers using pickaxes to dig the gold ore and loosen it. Others were picking up the ore and placing it in large metal boxes. When these were full, the workers elevated the filled boxes of ore to the south end of the mine. There was a large fire with very intense heat there. They placed the boxes on the fire. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, these boxes are made of thick metal that has a higher melting point than that of the gold. When placed over the intense heat of the fire, the ore melts and the liquid ore rock then separates, with the heavier gold at the bottom. These same large metal boxes are then levitated by the intention of our celestial workers over to the very flat rock fields. Here the ground is completely level and flat. The workers then open a spout in the bottom of the boxes and let flow out the liquid gold into the mold that they have made. The mold has green sand all around the perimeter for these flat areas. Liquid gold then poured until the liquid gold is one inch thick. This will become the floor of the temple. It is done in sections to control the thickness better.

6. Once these slabs of gold are cooled, they are polished on the top surface and then removed. Their edges are precisely cut, and then the gold slab is moved to its designated location in our temple. The gold seams that join in the temple floor are then welded together so no seam exists, but all is one large floor piece.'

7. I looked more closely at the large metal boxes. These were really crucibles for the ore to be placed in and melted. They didn't tip, but the liquid gold was poured out of the bottom spigot. When the gold was depleted, the workers then moved the box with its liquid slag to another field where there was a large cavity in the earth. They then poured out the remaining liquid ore into this cavity from the same spigot until the box was empty. The metal box was then returned to the mine where it was used again.

8. I asked about the southern section of gold overplating in the oval stairs of the front room. Last night I had seen that one piece had not yet been installed over the wooden stairs.

9. Heavenly Father said that we would now go to view this gold section of the oval stairs. We immediately were before a large sandy section in the celestial forest resource area. Heavenly Father said that the mold for this stairs section had been precisely created underground, in the green sand. There was a hole in the surface where liquid gold was poured into. The gold filled the entire mold. Heavenly Father said the celestial craftsmen and craftswomen were now removing the cooled gold from the mold.

10. I saw them lift up the completed gold stairs section out of the sand. They then swept off the sand and placed this one piece on an adjacent flat rocky area. The workers then began polishing the top surface with cloth of some kind. Heavenly Father said they were abrasive cloths that removed anything rough and made a flat polished surface. I estimated that there were 100 celestial servants polishing this section of the stairs.

11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the workers will be done by noon today with polishing and preparing this gold stairs section. They will install this in the oval font stairs section today, and adhere this section to the wood. Finally, they will weld all the precisely cut gold edges to the other gold section that is already placed on the stairs. The gold ascending and descending stairs will then be one piece.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for these visions of how the gold coverings were created for the temple. I knew these celestial workers had skills that we in mortality couldn't do, for they used their intention to make precise pieces of gold as was required.

13. Heavenly Father said this concluded my morning prayer. I thanked him again, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. Evening-This afternoon I joined a party by video at my sister's house in Oregon for my mom's 100th birthday. It was very enjoyable, for I visited with my mother and my three siblings.

15. This evening I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I prayed on my knees and asked that my Heavenly Mother would come to me. She came and was bright and cheery. Her eyes were sparkling. She said for me to stand and that we would go into the eastern portal section of the New Jerusalem temple. I stood and took her hand. We then walked south and came to a membrane of sorts that I recognized as a portal.

16. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, when we pass through this membrane we will be in the portal area of the northeast section of the temple. Although this portal isn't active yet, I want to show you how this will work.'

17. We then stepped through the membrane or film and were immediately facing east in the portal area to the east of the font room. We were just inside the doorway and steps. Workmen and workwomen were installing behind us the large glass-like film, ceiling to floor and north wall to the middle wall. I turned and saw this film was one piece and transparent. I then faced Heavenly Mother and saw that the celestial workers were still installing the gold one inch plate sections on the temple floor.

18. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, after you dedicate this northern section of the temple, we will make both the east and west portal rooms fully functional. Once our children enter the transparent doors that will be behind you, they will immediately be at our circling waters area on our celestial orb. To return to the temple, they will only need to intend to return, and the portal film will come before them. They then will exit back into the New Jerusalem temple. They may return at either of the three portals in this temple, all according to their desires.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation and demonstration tonight of the three portals linking the New Jerusalem celestial temple to three locations on the celestial orb. These locations are the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens (ascended from the east font portal), God's Loving Healing Center (west font portal), and God's Celestial Temple (south end of New Jerusalem temple). See my posts 54D3 to 54D5, 54R2 to 54R3, and 54V7.

20. Heavenly Mother smiled and then departed. I closed my evening prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, June 4, 2021

1. I awoke early and came in prayer above the highest spire of the New Jerusalem temple. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared from a cloud that came in front of me. I was very glad to be in his presence.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, I want to update you on your trek with the group of other LDS individuals. You all departed Colorado in a section of the telestial earth that was sparsely populated. You have been walking since Wednesday with them to the east. Today we will prompt you to intend to walk into the terrestrial physical realm from the telestial mortal realm. This will happen so naturally that most of the group members will not realize you are in a new realm.

3. The remainder of today and Saturday you will see the vegetation and terrain of the telestial, but you will really be in the terrestrial. On this Sabbath, the terrestrial terrain will change from that of the telestial, and you will no longer see your mortal world. All of your trek will then be in the physical terrestrial earth. You will not see any other people on your travels until you arrive in person at the New Jerusalem later this summer.

4. While you walk east, you will immediately see the light before you which you will follow. The rest of the group will start seeing this light in a few days. One has to develop sufficient faith and full trust in God in order to view our leading light. We will provide such a light for all groups coming to Zion from whatever direction they may come.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his new information on my trek on foot to Zion. I thanked him for his guidance to me in whichever replicated being I may be in, and for my mortal being also.

6. Heavenly Father then said we should come to the font room and view the progress of the work. He took my hand, I stood, and then we were above the oval font and stairs in the New Jerusalem temple. I saw that all the oval stairs were gold covered, and that there was also a silver floor installed. I also saw the stone sprinkling basin in the center of the silver floor.

7. The wooden elevated floor was overall about 75% covered with gold. We saw celestial servants busy working on these floors. I saw the gold north gold doors were now installed and they were open to the outside. I could see the outer gold steps from my vantage point.

8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, tomorrow evening this section of the north temple will be all completed except for painting, murals, and the motifs and sculptures along the ceiling areas and walls. The floor areas will be completed. Next week our celestial artisans will come and work the entire week on their finishing work. On Monday you will start on the four week construction of the 600 by 600 foot section of the south end of the temple. There will be new celestial servants who will labor there from those who took part in the northern construction area. We will have you swap these crews out each day, as you have been doing for the workmen and workwomen below us and in the celestial resource forest area.

9. In your mortal life in Utah, you have been working very hard on many of your projects. You have become tired a lot, due to your work there and all that you are doing in other realms and replicated beings. You may relax more and not work so hard in your mortal life. We will continue to be with you in all of your states of being.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father. I know that most evenings this week I have been totally exhausted, and not very functional, or even able to talk much to my family. I will plan to relax more.

11. Heavenly Father then departed, and I closed my morning prayer.

12. Evening-Tonight I came to God's Loving Healing Lake in prayer, on the celestial orb. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came walking down the little stream to the shore where I was kneeling. She spoke briefly to me: 'Raphael, you have been very busy in your life, both in your mortal life, your replicated life in the construction site of the New Jerusalem, your replicated being trekking to Zion in the physical terrestrial earth, and the many other replications and responsibilities. One day you will have full recollection of each of your actions in all of these states of being.

13. Whatever you think in your conscious mind is the most important thought to you at that instant. In your mortal state, your conscious mind deals with the ins and outs of your mortal life. In the New Jerusalem, your conscious mind in your replicated celestial state is the most important state for you to be acting and thinking in. On your trek to Zion, you likewise have a conscious state of being for what is happening there. Each state of being necessarily has a conscious state of being associated with that state. Your unconscious mind links them all together, and allows you now to find out what each state of your replicated being is doing actively.

14. When you receive a merged mind, after you reach the New Jerusalem on foot, we will have you to know consciously what is happening in all of your replicated states of being, without having to meditate and go through your unconscious mind. This will be a great blessing to you. Until then, we will help you connect to your unconscious mind in prayer and receive by promptings and our Spirit what is coming to your many replicated beings.

15. Raphael, meet with your Heavenly Father in the morning at the ceiling in the font area of the north portion of the New Jerusalem Temple. He will show you more progress that will have happened by tomorrow morning.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. She departed and I closed my evening prayer.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, June 5, 2021

1. I reread what my Heavenly Mother gave me by revelation last night. When I think of it, of course each replicated state needs a conscious state of being, similar to how our mortal conscious minds work. How else could we focus and act without having an active conscious mind in each state of being? I am grateful for her revelation.

2. Last night my wife and I attended an outside fireside at my son's youth conference in his ward. The bishop spoke of his testimony of Jesus Christ, and spoke of events during Christ's suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross. He was very sincere and full of emotion. However, I had received so much more detailed information than this good Bishop knew, about what actually happened and how Christ's sufferings played out (see my post 125 entitled "The Sufferings of Christ"). I yearned to share with this good bishop the truths that I had received two years ago in post 125. I knew, however, that all of my revelations are to be kept hidden for now. I can only reveal them to a very few people.

3. The building up of the New Jerusalem is hidden from the world for now. Only a few of us in mortality know these great truths, and what is currently happening. I feel so blessed to be actively participating in these monumental efforts! What a thrill it is to receive reports of the progress of the New Jerusalem in great detail!

4. I came in prayer this morning in the air just under the ceiling above the oval font in the New Jerusalem temple. I knelt there and my Heavenly Father appeared in his glory in front of me. I knew I was then brought into his highest celestial realm, for nobody below us who were working on the temple could see us.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this is the last day that our celestial laborers will construct the north end of the inside of our temple. Next week others will come from the celestial realms to embellish and further beautify what will have been constructed here.

6. From our vantage point at this ceiling, you can see all the gold on the front room elevated floor is laid in place. The celestial craftsmen and craftswomen are now welding the seams together by their intention, and inspecting that all is one piece of gold with no seams. Oriphiel's chair is constructed, as well as a chair that you may sit in. However, most of your work in the font room will be standing up.

7. All the north doors are completed except for the opening lock that your black key will open. Can you see yourself in a replicated state there at the door letting the celestial craftsmen use your black key to match the locking mechanism?'

8. I looked carefully and could see me inserting the black key in and out of the lock to get this celestial locking mechanism perfected. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this vision.

9. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, when you now open this front temple door with your black key, it will sparkle white light. You will be the only one with the key to this temple.

10. Those who come in this north end may be mortal translated or resurrected individuals. Those clients or patrons who enter the southern section of our temple will all be resurrected except for some of our mortal angel temple workers who are translated. They will need no entrance door except that which opens from the front room. They arrive there by their intention and our permission. This door will open and close when you are not doing your ordinance work of the waters of separation. The far south door of the temple is an exit door for those who leave the south temple section.

11. Raphael, you can also see the east and west portal film and glass-like doors are all completed. Certain foremen and forewomen servants are doing their final inspection of where the film joins the floor, walls and ceiling. The gold floor is also completed and being welded in place today to become one large gold slab in each portal area.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his descriptions of the state of our temple! He told me all would be completed and inspected by sundown today. He then said he would depart. He expressed how pleased Heavenly Mother and he were in the construction of their temple. He left and I closed my prayer.

13. Evening-I came tonight for my prayer inside the north font room area. I knelt on the silver floor in the oval font area, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared before me, a little elevated in the air. She was smiling and shining her light all around.

14. She spoke: 'Raphael, the celestial workers completed all of the construction in this northern end of our New Jerusalem temple before sunset today. Your Heavenly Father and I are very pleased with their work. After a day of rest tomorrow, we will meet you here again on Monday morning. At that time there will be a large new group of artisans and craftsmen and craftswomen that you will set to work on this north inside area.We will have you organize celestial construction crews on Monday for the south 600 feet by 600 feet inside section of our temple.

15. Come tomorrow in prayer to our temple block gardens and you will see how fast our many plants have grown!'

16. With that, Heavenly Mother departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

This year we are growing yams

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, June 6, 2021

1. I came to the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem. It is sunny and beautiful outside. I am happy to be here. I drank celestial living water from the fountain pool and felt refreshed. I knelt by the east side of the pool and the small channel going east, and prayed to my Heavenly Mother. She came to me, walking from the east above the channel in the air. She extended her hand and asked me to come with her.

2. I stood and took her hand. We were then immediately moving upwards in the air above the temple block area. We could see the expansive beauty of the flourishing gardens, channels, lake and pond, and the temple below us.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, three weeks ago today you blew your trumpet and heralded the liberty banner and crown of the union. This was at the event of a thousand suns. At that time, this land below us was under water, and there was no island yet formed for the New Jerusalem. Now look around us, and view all that has been accomplished in such a short time!

4. Our celestial temple block is planted and growing vigorously. You already have sent celestial servants to trim back some of the faster growing plants so that our beautiful gardens would be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and balanced in structure, growing just as we wish. The daily misting of celestial living water is causing every seed and transplant that we brought here to grow at a rapid rate. Next week you will ask our servants to bring celestial animals of all varieties here to our celestial physical realm on the earth. Most plants need pollination, and bees and insects are needed to do this. In a few weeks time, all the ecosystems here will be perfectly balanced, with our celestial plants and animals thriving. These celestial animals will remain in this celestial heavenly area on this 3,000 foot by 3,000 foot square area.

5. Come with me and let's go to the terrestrial farmland outlying areas of our beautiful island paradise!'

6. We then moved directly east over the large channel to where it transitioned to the east river. From this point on, there were organized growing fields of grain, vegetables and edible plants of every kind planted in large areas of similar varieties, and patches of forests of trees growing. Every piece of ground was planted and growing quickly to maturity.

7. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'We need our insects to be brought here tomorrow to pollinate the flowering terrestrial plants. You will ask other celestial servants to bring these from our celestial orb, as offspring of our celestial resurrected animals. They will be brought in sufficient numbers to pollinate and balance the needs for the food production in this area. All of these celestial animals will transition to terrestrial creatures quickly, for they will drink of terrestrial living water that mists over this portion of the land from the four rivers. Other celestial servants will bring arrays of other animals until this area is a balance of nature, soon to be even as it was in the Garden of Eden in the first days of our physical earth.

8. By the time our firstcomers arrive on this island, the food production will be at its prime state, ready to replenish man and beast. We will have you ask Mother Earth when the tribes of Israel from the north arrive, to make the gravitational forces normal again, thereby allowing the rivers of living water to flow into the mighty river. At that time, ask Mother Earth to cause the fountain to shoot forth water up into the celestial sky. Water will then flow from our island to the surrounding terrestrial barren lands, making them also ready to flourish. You will then ask our celestial servants to start planting the surrounding terrestrial lands with seeds from our celestial orb, as fast as the living water is able to reach these lands. Soon the plants will spread and propagate on their own. The offspring of our animals from the celestial orb will also be brought to these surrounding lands, and a beautiful terrestrial natural environment will spread from here over all the terrestrial earth.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful description of how from this island, the whole of the terrestrial physical earth will transform. I expressed my deep love to her and Heavenly Father for their remarkable plan to rejuvenate the earth. I knew that this center place of Zion, and the surrounding lands would become a place of refuge for all the mortal elect now living on the earth.

10. Heavenly Mother embraced me, and began crying for joy! I too became emotionally overwhelmed by their beautiful plan to provide for their beloved and faithful children.

11. I then came consciously to my private room where I was writing all of this in my journal. I confirmed what I had received to be fully from God. I thanked my Heavenly Parents again for their revelations, and closed my morning prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 7, 2021

1. I worked on post 194 last night and was very tired afterwards. I prayed late and asked to be excused from any new revelation, for I was too tired to receive it. Heavenly Mother asked me to go to bed.

2. I am awake early today, feeling refreshed. I came in my morning prayer to the silver floor of the oval font area. I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. They both appeared to me, a little elevated in the air in front of me.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, today is the start of lots of activity in our temple! We want you to first call the artisans and craftsmen and craftswomen in this north inside area of our temple. Bring them here and give them their instructions, even as we have given to you in your unconscious mind previously, and as we will direct you by our Spirit. Once they have started, then come with us to the empty south area of our temple and call forth other celestial servants to start the construction of that area.

4. Divide up these skilled servants to begin their labors there. We will direct you by our Spirit, and you will transfer the detailed plans to them, even as we have revealed to you in the past. Once these servants are started, then meet us in the area above the fountain of living water. We will then conclude your morning prayer there.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for being next to me and for directing me while I got the temple crews started today.

6. I then rose up in the air above the north door, on the inside north section of the New Jerusalem temple. I could see my Heavenly Parents near the ceiling in front of me, in their highest celestial realm.

7. I spoke: 'My waiting celestial servants who are artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen, please come from the celestial realms where you live, and gather before me.'

8. At that moment, there appeared nearly five hundred celestial servants, men and women, before me. They were mostly resurrected, but there were also some translated, and even those who were yet unborn spirits. They were all celestial children of our Heavenly Parents who had developed high talents and skills in the physical arts, and were very creative individuals. I perceived who these were by the Spirit.

9. I continued speaking: 'My name is Raphael, an angel of God who has been commissioned by our Heavenly Parents to build this celestial temple on earth. They have given to me the details of their plans for embellishing and beautifying the inside of this section of their temple on the earth. I will now transfer to each of you these instructions and plans, by my intention.

10. Other servants have constructed this font room and the adjoining east and west portal rooms this last week. Their work is completed, and now your work will begin. You have one week to complete all the surface treatments on the walls, ceilings and floors. These include painting, creating beautiful images and pictures in a beautiful array around the walls, creating motifs and sculpted additions along the surfaces, and in bringing forth potted flowers, bushes and trees that will further beautify this area. All of the details of these plans are now transferred to each of you.

11. Some of you will work for part of the week only. Others will be foremen and forewomen who will ensure those in their teams follow the schedules and are kept on task. They will also interface with me, who will be always be accessible, day or night, if you have questions or difficulties. You will be working as a group day and night, even until next Saturday evening at midnight if needed, on June 12, 2021.

12. Brothers and sisters, you have the remarkable privilege, as do I, to labor in beautifying God's temple on earth! This is where you and all of the celestial elect will one day enter and be brought into the glorious Church of the Firstborn. I will administer to each of you the waters of separation ordinance in the font area in front of me. Oriphiel, my brother archangel, will then record your premortal name in the Lamb's Book of Life. You will then begin the process of your exaltation and eternal life, ending up as being a god or goddess in eternity. This is the grand purpose of this eternal temple.

13. Now, go to, meet in your groups here and organize yourselves according to my instructions. I will replicate myself in each of your smaller groups and get you started. There are seven teams or groups that I have divided you into. You may now separate and I will give your individual groups further instructions and introduce you to your foremen and forewomen. You may now divide up into your seven groups.'

14. I then saw seven groups divide before me, and I saw myself come in a replicated state to each group. I looked up to my Heavenly Parents near the ceiling, and they asked me to now go with them to the south section of the temple.

15. I came with them above the north entry door and steps. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well in starting our celestial workers in the north rooms of our temple. Now, do the same actions for our construction workers in this larger area. Call forth all of those who will work over the next four weeks, and transfer to them all of our plans for this area. Divide them into twelve teams, with assigned foremen and forewomen. Show them the celestial resource forest area so they know where to get all of their supplies and materials. You may now begin. We will be out of sight, near the ceiling. Follow our Spirit in all you do.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for directing me. I said I would do as they directed me.

17. I then called forth these new celestial servants before me. There were over 2,000 who came. I addressed them like I did the previous group, and transferred to them all of my thoughts and detailed plans for this large temple construction site. I took them all to the celestial forest resource area, and showed them where to get the precious metal, where to quarry the stone they would need, and the forest trees there that they would use in construction of the benches, chairs, and all furniture and furnishings. I then returned with each of the twelve groups, inside the temple or the resource area, and gave them more instructions. I introduced their foremen and forewomen. I gave my blessings to each of these groups and then came to the fountain of living water.

18. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother met above the fountain in the air. Heavenly Father addressed me: 'Raphael, well done. Now, call forth before you this morning other servants who will start to bring forth the celestial animals to our celestial and terrestrial sections of this beautiful island. Introduce them to your mortal sister, Rachael. We will then inspire her in directing their work of bringing forth more of our living creatures to the New Jerusalem. She will instruct them on not only bringing our celestial animals from the celestial orb, but also in bringing animals from your telestial mortal earth here. These latter animals will transition to the terrestrial area of our island, but will not be brought to the celestial temple block area.

19. Your sister will replicate herself as needed to begin her great work of transporting the many plants and animals to our new terrestrial physical earth from the telestial mortal earth. Her work will continue in the lands round about also, as soon as living water flows from this island to the rest of the terrestrial earth. You will help her as she needs help, and we will be by her side in all her replications.' I thanked my Heavenly Father for this new mission for my sister! I said I would do as he directed me.

20. I then called forth all the celestial servants who would help transport animals under my sister's direction, either from the celestial orb or from the mortal telestial earth. I asked Rachael (K) to come, and I introduced her. I spoke and then Rachael spoke. I felt overjoyed in her remarkable calling that fit her so well, and which she had been groomed for in her life.

21. I then left her and came back to my Heavenly Parents in the air above the fountain. I thanked them for their morning directions. I said that this would begin a busy week on their New Jerusalem island! They smiled upon me and departed into the celestial sky above. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Email from K to R, upon typing up the morning entry above on 6-7-2021:

"I was wondering if I would be blessed to have a role with the plants or animals. I am so happy!!!! Even though we don't have a single pet in our telestial life, (except the occasional rat that swings by), I am thrilled and honored to help populate the NJ with these wonderful animals!!!! Imagine deer, rabbits, lions,and all sorts of friendly and happy animals being able to reside in such a magnificent and holy habitat!!""

23. Part of an email from S.A. on 6-6-2021:

"Hello R,

As far as all of the new information on your journal entries, wow! There is so much happening, and all so quickly! I'm amazed at the speed of everything, and have confirmed it to be true in prayer. This is really happening now! I can't wait for the day when I will be directed to leave and begin my trek to Zion. It is going to be so wonderful to be there, and I know the hardships will be worth it, and necessary for our gain. I'm living life, and also waiting on the Lord, for I know when the time is right I'll know!


J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, June 8, 2021

1. I worked last night on post 194 again, and had a short prayer before bed. Heavenly Father said for me to come this morning to the air above the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem.

2. I came this morning in the air above the fountain and knelt. I was facing God's temple, and Heavenly Father appeared to me there. He spoke: 'Raphael, you are occupying your mortal time in your telestial world with needed activities around your house in Utah. It is a busy time of year. In all things, seek to balance your mortal life so that you can get your posts out in a timely manner.

3. Once you publish a post by sending it to your small email list, it then also becomes available to the waiting celestial hosts who are able to read it in the higher realms. They are waiting for each one eagerly nowadays, for information on the progress of the New Jerusalem. We will help you to get these posts published, but you need to make time in your busy schedule.'

4. Heavenly Father then asked me to accompany him on a visit to the inside of the New Jerusalem temple. Work there was progressing well, and I was impressed with the great skill of the celestial servants. I don't recall any of what I saw in my mortal conscious mind, however. I do have confidence that all was progressing on schedule, and that I was very involved in my multiple replicated states.

5. I then came to my conscious mind in my private room. I closed my prayer and got started on post 194, seeking to get it published today.

6. Evening-I finished post 194 and emailed it to my small group today. I then started immediately preparing post 195 for publication.

7. I felt I kept a good balance today in all my responsibilities. I came in prayer tonight to the air above the silver oval floor in the font room of the New Jerusalem temple. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She appeared in front of me, and looked glorious and shone brightly.

8. She was smiling as she began to speak: 'Raphael, our artisans and craftsmen and craftswomen have been busy in this room. The north and south wall and ceiling have all been painted, and now beautiful murals are being artistically created. There are several beautifully sculpted rugs to cover a portion of the gold floor. There are no floor coverings on the oval font floor, nor on the ascending and descending stairs into the font area.

9. Along the north and south wall to ceiling edge our celestial servants are placing a number of sculpted flowers that will be painted by the end of the week. There are also motifs of geometric patterns and flowers that repeat themselves along this wall-ceiling interface. All of this is so calming to the soul, and beautiful to the eye!'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her description. I noticed that the walls of the portal rooms were partially painted. These two east and west portal rooms were extremely plain, with painted walls and a gold overlaid floor. These would become actual portals to locations on the celestial orb. When looking through the film, a person would be able to view into the celestial orb.

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit with me tonight. I told her how grateful I was for our relationship, and that I would do whatever she or Heavenly Father might want me to do. I said I love her.

12. She then rose up into the air and through the ceiling of the temple. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, June 9, 2021

1. I awoke after a good sleep and felt refreshed. I came in the air above the north entry of the southern 600 foot by 600 foot room of the temple. I saw many celestial servants constructing that portion of the New Jerusalem temple. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. Heavenly Father appeared smiling. I knew he was in his highest celestial realm. He extended his hand, and asked that I come walk with him. I stood and together we visited this southern portion of God's temple on earth, in his highest celestial realm so as not to be seen.

3. I saw that celestial workmen and workwomen were laying a one inch gold floor over the portal area. This extended to the south of the future seven pillars and veil. On the north side of this future curved veil area, other workers were laying a one inch silver covering over the stone floor of the temple. This silver flooring would cover all areas north of the future veil in the southern large room of the temple. No work on the rooms for men and women had begun yet, except the northernmost entry where there were wooden steps and a rectangular entry area. These were in the process of being constructed. They were at the same 5 ½ foot height of the wooden floor that covered the font room to the north. Temple candidates or patrons would enter the north door into this southern room from the font room, and then come to the landing and then the descending steps. These would bring them into the dressing rooms, located on the temple floor, covered by the one inch silver slab. All other areas in the southern large 600 foot square room were on this lower floor level except for the southernmost exit room. It was also elevated 5 ½ feet above the temple floor. It was being constructed of large wooden planks. I knew it would be covered in a gold one inch slab when completed. There were no doors into this exit room, but only two large gold covered doors that exited onto gold steps to the outside south where it had not yet been constructed. The outer steps were already in place, but not yet gold covered. All was in a state of construction, with hundreds of celestial workers busy in their labors.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the celestial servants will completely cover the temple stone floor with either a gold or silver one inch covering. These precious metals will also cover all the elevated floor areas in the entry and exit areas, and all stairs. Once all is welded together, into either a continuous gold covering or silver covering, then construction of the rooms, pillars, veil, and interior walls will begin.

5. This construction work needs to be done by our celestial servants who are resurrected, translated or yet unborn spirits. Mortal men and women, or those who have died who await the resurrection, do not have the celestial capability we require to do such fine celestial work of construction. Your Mother and I have chosen those of our children in these celestial states of being, who have the necessary talents and skills, to labor in our New Jerusalem temple. It is a great honor for each one to serve in this capacity. In a future day these celestial servants will enter into this dedicated temple and be administered to by our holy angels. They will become couple Gods in eternity. They will remember their labors in constructing their eternal temple for all time.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words, and to have shown me, in my conscious mortal mind, this great construction work.'

7. He then said for me to meet my Heavenly Mother above the fountain of living water tonight in my prayer. He departed and I closed my prayer.

These are supposed to become 3 foot long carrots

8. Evening-I came above the fountain of living water tonight and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She stepped into my celestial realm, and then took my hand and brought me into her highest celestial realm. She then took me to the gardens below us in the temple block. It was dark and she said most of the animals that had been brought to this celestial area were asleep. We then went to where some of they were resting.

9. We came to trees and saw some beautiful birds perched on branches. At the base of the tree I saw a deer with her offspring, a baby doe. I also saw a sleeping bear nearby that was lying on its side.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your sister Rachael has helped bring the bear and the deer to this celestial realm on earth. They live compatible together, and both eat plant matter as their main diet. We have asked these animals not to eat the flowers of the beautiful gardens, but to eat grasses and vegetables that we have designated. They will continue to adorn this beautiful celestial realm on the earth, and will do no harm to man or any beast.'

11. She then took me up in the air and then to the surrounding farmland in the terrestrial part of the island. We came to a small grove of trees and saw a lion and lioness sleeping. There were also some goats and sheep nearby sleeping.

12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, today is beginning to be fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 11: 6-9

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion, and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

And the suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain (the New Jerusalem island): for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

13. This is the beginning of bringing our earthly creations here who will completely dwell together without fear or giving harm to one another. Oh, what a beautiful and happy world this will be!'

14. Heavenly Mother then squeezed my hand and faded away from my presence. I thanked her, and then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, June 10, 2021

1. I came in prayer before my family awoke. I came to a hill on the terrestrial physical earth somewhere, for this is where I felt I should come. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. My Heavenly Father came, walking on the hill to me. I didn't know where we were, but I know it was very barren and seemed void of all plant and animal life.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I want to show you the small group of twenty people that you are with in your replicated state, who are walking towards the New Jerusalem. We will come to them on the other side of this hill. They won't be able to see us.'

4. He extended his hand to me. I stood, and we walked on the hill for a short distance. I then saw our small group. We were walking and pushing two large handcarts. Some of us were talking together as we walked. As Heavenly Father and I got closer, I heard the current conversation. I was answering their questions about the New Jerusalem, and how the celestial temple block area was in a celestial realm, but the rest of the island was terrestrial. I was describing the great beauty of Zion. I told them how, at this time, so many celestial servants were laboring on the temple construction and beautification, and many were bringing animals from the celestial orb where God dwells, and also from the telestial mortal world where we just left. As we walked, many in the group had questions, and I freely answered them, as I felt impressed by the Spirit. Then one of them asked me how I knew all of these things. I responded: 'John (that was the name of the person who asked), I spend morning and night in quiet meditation and prayer. Either my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ then come to me, in my unconscious mind, and reveal these great truths to me. Therefore, all I share with you is by personal revelation from God. They have told me that they will share these same truths with any of their sincere, humble, open, and inquiring children who approach them in meditative prayer and supplication. They want each one to confirm all the truths that they receive from another in their own personal prayers, so that they will know personally that they are also receiving the truth from God.'

5. John then suggested to the group that they have a set aside for morning and evening meditation and prayer time. Then each of them can choose to pray, read scriptures, write in their journals and ponder. He said he felt this should be a time unencumbered from travel or eating, but just be open time.

6. There were others in the group that thought this would be important to be scheduled, so that they all could be more spiritually open to the revelations of God. We then, as a group, decided to have breakfast at 8 am, and dinner at 6 pm. Before and after these times, they would call this quiet time for personal meditation, reflection and prayer. We all agreed, one by one, by saying "aye".

7. At this time, my Heavenly Father faced my replicated being who was with him in prayer, and spoke: 'Raphael, what your group trekking to Zion has decided to do this morning, to make morning and evening open time to pray and meditate, is very important to your Heavenly Mother and me. We are eager to connect with each one of our mortal elect sons and daughters. We will bring them to know us, by their constant effort and by gradual means, even as we have revealed ourselves to you. When they set aside personal time in their lives to know us, we will open up more and more to them. We will confirm our truths that we have previously revealed to you, and will give them their own personal revelation, as fast as they are able to receive.

8. The time to separate themselves from their busy telestial world, and have open time to develop a relationship with us, their Gods, is very important in their spiritual growth. This is a main purpose in walking to Zion, for we will prepare their hearts and minds for our beautiful Zion in this way. We will also give them experiences on their treks to strengthen their faith, and to rely more fully upon us, their Gods.

9. Come now with me, and let us go to visit the northern tribes who are also walking to Zion, the New Jerusalem!'

10. We then rose up in the air and in a moment descended on another small hill, far to the north. This one was on the large expansive highway that the tribes of Israel were gathered on. We saw the groups and families of the northern tribes preparing their food for breakfast.

11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the prophet of this group of our elect has asked each family to gather in family prayer and then personal prayer at dawn when they awaken. He recently spoke to them that a major purpose of their journey would be to have morning and evening quiet times in order to pray and meditate. He said it was during these times that they would be able to pray and receive personal revelation from God. They now practice this across their large caravan, in individual families and groups that they have been divided into. They allow an hour in the morning, and an hour at night for the entire camp of Israel to meditate and pray, and to have quiet time for all. During this time, we three Gods are leading them, one by one, gradually to know us and our Spirit. We are tutoring and preparing their hearts and minds for entry into our Zion, even into the New Jerusalem, in not many weeks ahead. We will have those who enter into Zion to be open and humble, and to have a pattern of seeking us daily. We will have them drop all of their material cares, for they will have learned to seek us above the things of the world. We will have developed, with each who comes to Zion, a growing relationship with us, their Gods.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his view of both of these groups, mine and the tribes of Israel, who were walking to Zion. He said all who wanted to come to Zion had to become humble and open, and need to start putting their relationship with God before all else in their lives. They need to make the time to commune with them.

13. Heavenly Father then brought me up in the sky above the large caravan of the tribes of Israel. I could see the great deep on both sides with the elevated and barren highway below us. He said that he would continue to bless this group, to preserve their lives and their animals. He said that Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and he were particularly eager to bring each one to a state where they would accept the laws of Zion, even of the terrestrial realm, and to know them, their Gods.

14. He then faced me and smiled. He rose up into the beautiful clear sky above us. After he departed, I thanked him again and closed my prayer.

15. I received this email from S on 6-11-2021:


I felt the spirit as I typed your entry this morning. The spirit confirmed the importance for each person and group traveling to Zion to set aside time to come to God spiritually. The journey includes both our bodies traveling to Zion physically, and our spirits coming to God. I was filled with peace as I pondered this truth this morning.

Have a wonderful day,


16. Evening-I have been thinking over what I shared with my group I am walking with to the New Jerusalem. I thought that each group that journeys to Zion should allow time for each one to quietly meditate and pray, morning and evening.

17. I came to the area above my group that were camped for the night on the terrestrial physical earth. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She appeared in subdued tones, and said that we should visit my camp of fellow trekkers.

18. We walked around the camp on the ground. I saw that I was sleeping under the stars in a sleeping bag and on a pad. I was not far from the others. It seemed all of us were exhausted from the day's journey.

19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, at the end of your travels today, you walked near the camp and knelt on the ground. You asked me if I would create a pool of water from which you might replenish your water supplies, and afterwards bathe in. I did so, creating a water hold of about 30 feet across. You told the others what God had done in answering your prayer, and everyone was so elated. After replenishing their supplies, you each took turns bathing. You were the last one doing so. Your sleeping bag is near the water hole. Come see!'

20. We walked about 50 feet from my sleeping bag and found the water hole. Heavenly Mother said she would then make it disappear, for we had thoroughly used it. She said she would provide such a watering area whenever we wished, by us praying to her. She suggested I teach the others to pray in faith, so that she could do this for them too. I said I would do so, if I could communicate with my replicated sleeping self. She said she would prompt me when I would awaken, in my morning prayer.

21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit, and for her miracle for our little group of twenty souls.

22. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, your father Jacob slept in a desert place, putting rocks under his head as a pillow. He dreamed a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it. (see Genesis 28:12). We will protect our elect, and keep them safe, and provide for them, even as we did for Jacob

23. Genesis 28:15

"And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; (of Zion, where you desire to travel to) for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).

24. I thought this was a wonderful promise to all of the elect who would travel to Zion! God will guide them carefully, and prepare the way before them, and keep them safe.

25. She departed and I closed my prayer.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, June 11, 2021

1. I received a confirming email from S this morning before I began my prayer (see above). These second witnesses help me, and help verify the record to others who may read.

2. This morning I felt to come near the ceiling above the exit area in the southern large room of the New Jerusalem temple. I knelt in the air, and both my Heavenly Parents appeared before me.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our celestial construction servants have completed the exit room floor made of heavy wooden planks. They have also framed in wood the exit doorway to the seven southern stone steps that lead to the outside. The exit doors are already constructed, and are being plated with gold in the forest resource area. These will be mounted and become functional on Monday, 6-14-2021.

4. I saw that there was a celestial crew of three individuals installing a one inch thick gold floor covering over the wooden exit floor. I thought that this entire gold floor would also be completed on Monday.

5. I also saw that the ceiling above this exit floor would be fifty feet from the gold floor surface. The workers were then constructing the fifty foot tall walls of stone around this exit area. I knew these walls were quarried from the celestial resource forest.

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, our hundreds of workers are busy creating and then placing the silver or gold floor slabs in the remainder of our southern temple room. They are working day and night in this room and in the celestial forest resource area. They should have these precious metal floors all in place by next Wednesday, on 6-16-2021. It will be at that time that the construction of the seven pillars will begin, and the internal rooms for ordinance work on the north end of this room will begin.

7. Come now with your Father and I, and let's visit the font room to our north.'

8. We held hands and were instantly above the silver oval font room floor, in the air. I knew that the artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen were planning to be completed by tomorrow by midnight. I was eager to see their beautifying work.

9. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'The sculpted pieces of stone are now being mounted in the ceiling to floor corners, and along the edges. Those mounted are already being painted in subdued patel colors to match the wall colors.

10. A second coat of paint is now being applied over the walls and ceilings in this font room and in the two adjacent portal rooms. The celestial painters will not disturb these murals that are being painted on these walls, nor the geometric lines and shapes already painted on the walls and ceilings. The painters are very precise in applying paint in any location they desire. They do this by their intention and by paint brushes, depending on the precision required in their work. They can determine the uniformity and thickness of the paint they apply. The paint was created from resources in the celestial forest resource area.'

11. We then traveled to the nearby celestial forest resource area. I saw that this land was bustling with celestial workers, doing all kinds of work needed for the temple. They all seemed very focused on their specific tasks.

12. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then let go of my hands and faced me.

13. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, once the font room is completed tomorrow, and the adjacent portal rooms are finished, we will have you and Oriphiel come there for your training. Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother and I will show you both the particulars of the work you will be doing. After the temple is dedicated in that area on July 18th, 2021, you will begin your work there, starting with your first parents Adam and Eve.

14. The remainder of the temple will be dedicated later, after our mortal craftsmen and craftswomen embellish the outside of our temple, and do some finishing work on the inside. We will then begin training our holy angels in the work they will be doing.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words to me today. I was very excited about the progress of the work on the temple that I viewed today.

16. My prayer then ended, and I began my mortal day on earth.

17. Evening-I decided to work on post 195 tonight instead of receiving new revelation on the New Jerusalem, my trek, or anything else. I felt this was correct for me to do, and to have a short personal prayer just before bed.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, June 12, 2021

1. I awoke early before my family and approached God in prayer. I had been wondering if there would be anything done in the font room area, or in the two portal areas from the time they are completed tonight until their dedication on July 18, 2021. I had been told that Oriphiel and I would receive training during that time in this font room, but today is about five weeks before the tribes will come and the temple will be dedicated. It seems that once ready, God would want this area dedicated and begin to function, even if five weeks earlier.

2. I came in the air above the silver floor of the oval font. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come, and address my question.

3. Heavenly Father then appeared before me, in his highest celestial realm. He asked me to come with him as we walked around this inside area of his temple on earth. We walked among the artists who were finishing up their beautiful pastoral paintings found on the murals of the temple walls. All else seemed completed except for some painting work that celestial servants were finishing up along the ceiling and wall interfaces.

4. Heavenly Father then faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, you and Oriphiel will receive your final instructions and training here in this room by us, your Heavenly Parents, prior to the dedication of this portion of our holy celestial temple. There will be some weeks that it will remain untouched while the work progresses on the interior of our southern large 600 foot by 600 foot room. During this time, in the five week waiting period, we will invite the multitudes of our celestial elect who are resurrected, translated, and not yet born into mortality to come tour this northern room and the adjacent two portal rooms. There will be guided tours conducted by appointed celestial servants for all of them to view the temple block area that is completed.

5. Next Monday you will call these celestial tour guides to come before you in this font room. You will give them our instructions that we have previously given to you. They then will begin giving tours and answer any questions the elect might have. They will continue with these tours day and night until Friday, July 16, 2021 at midnight. On the next day, Saturday, July 17th, you and Oriphiel will receive your final instructions from us. On Sunday, July 18th, 2021, you will dedicate this portion of our holy celestial temple so that you and Oriphiel may start the waters of separation ordinance and recording of the names of our new members in the Lambs Book of Life, starting Monday morning, July 19, 2021.

6. We will have our vast celestial elect who are wanting to tour our temple on earth to become further excited about their own entrance into the Church of the Firstborn, and to realize how close this will be for them (see your post 54H13). Their long awaited days will then be at hand when you and Oriphiel do this great work for them!

7. From that day forward, except on Sundays, the Sabbath day of rest, you will do this work, and it will continue until the end of the Millennium. Our new members of the Church of the Firstborn will then need to wait until the remainder of our celestial temple is fully dedicated, and the angels trained and endowed with our power and commissioned in order to receive the rest of their ordinance work in this new temple.

8. We will have our mortal elect children primarily labor on the outside of this temple prior to its final dedication. These mortal individuals will beautify the outside of our temple with the treasures they will have brought. The treasures of the Nephite civilization and others will be transported here and some applied to the temple at that time (see your post 29D6 to 29D7).'

9. I thanked my Father for answering my question. I then asked my Father if I will have arrived at the New Jerusalem from my trek by that time. I know that I will receive my merged mind once my replicated being arrives at the New Jerusalem. I think that I need a merged mind in order to do the ordinance work in the celestial temple.

10. Heavenly Father responded: 'Rapahel, you will still be on your trek with your small group until the end of this summer. You are correct that when you arrive in your replicated being with your group, you will receive your merged mind. This merged mind will enhance your full perception of what you will be doing with Oriphiel in our temple. However, your merged mind is not an absolute requirement for you to administer to our the elect in our temple. We will have you do this ordinance work in our temple for a short period, even before you receive your merged mind. You will know what you will do through the same way you now receive our revelations, even through your unconscious mind in your prayer and meditations.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his encouraging words, and for answering my questions. I said I marvelled at how detailed all of their plans were for the New Jerusalem, and how fast it was all coming to pass.

12. Heavenly Father embraced me, and then departed. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. Evening-I am feeling very exhausted this evening. I went to sleep early and had a quick prayer. I plan to commune with my Heavenly Parents after I feel more refreshed in the morning.

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, June 13, 2021

1. I am ready now to connect again with my Heavenly Parents. I came in prayer, kneeling on the silver floor of the oval font area in the north part of the New Jerusalem temple. I prayed next to the basin and faced the north. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. I then saw the north temple doors open and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walk to me. They were both smiling and stopped at the top of the stairs on the gold floor. They extended their hands and asked me to join them for a tour of this north inside section of their temple and temple grounds.

3. I stood and walked up the seven gold stairs to them. I took their hands and we began a detailed tour of the font room.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke first: 'Raphael, your Father and I will give you a tour as we would like the tour guides to give to their groups of celestial elect who come. This will be starting tomorrow to include a tour of our completed north inside temple section and the temple block.

5. The tour guides will enter the open north temple doors that will remain open for the next five weeks. They will walk across the gold floor to the top of these seven descending steps to the silver floor. They will then explain the future actions by you, our Branch who builds this temple with the help of many celestial servants. They will explain that the ordinance of the waters of separation will be administered only by you, our archangel, for each of our candidates chosen by Jesus Christ. They will point out the stone basin on the silver floor, and how the living water that you will sprinkle on them will contain some of the ashes from the slain red heifer. They will describe the meaning of the seven gold steps here, and at the entry and exit of the temple. They will describe the meaning of this entry ordinance into the Church of the Firstborn. Once received from you, these candidates will become members of that celestial church.

6. They will describe how these candidates will have been chosen by the Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, after they have proven to him their faithfulness and obedience. They will necessarily have been cleansed of all their sins and weaknesses by his personal redemption for them.

7. The guides will then show them our archangel Oriphiel's chair and table where he will record the ordinance just completed in the Lamb's Book of Life. A witness from their earthly family or friends will also add their name to this eternal record. The guide will then show them the actual closed book of life that will be on Oriphiel's table. Raphael, Jesus Christ will bring this book tomorrow morning when we meet you here before you call forth the celestial tour guides to give them their instructions.

8. The tour will continue to the temple office and restrooms. These restrooms are necessary since there will be mortals who may receive the ordinance in this font room, and they may need access to the restrooms. There will also be resurrected and translated individuals who will receive this ordinance, but none that are spirits only.

9. From here, the tour guides will go to either the east or the west portal rooms. They will enter through the glass-like doors and come to the gold floor of their chosen future portal. They will explain that this will become a portal to our celestial orb after you, Raphael, dedicate this portion of our temple. Our tour guides will explain how this temple will have three portals.

10. From here, the tour guides will go with their groups, by their intention, outside to the fountain of living water, to the north of the temple. They will then go throughout the entire temple block area. They will show them the waterways and how they function, with celestial living water misting each night to all of the plants in the beautiful gardens. They may walk anywhere in this beautiful 3,000 foot by 3,000 foot square area. They will conclude this tour in the temple block, and then excuse their guests. They will then gather a new group of our awaiting celestial elect, and start the tour all over again, just outside the front gold steps of our celestial temple.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her detailed description of how the temple tours would be conducted.

12. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, after we meet with you in prayer tomorrow with Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, come to the font room and call forth all of the ordained tour guides. Walk them through the entire tour, and transfer to them our instructions that we have given to you in your unconscious mind.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their directions to me this morning. They both departed and I closed my morning prayer.