194. The Light of a Thousand Suns and the New Jerusalem start

Hello my friends,

The day has finally come, with the light of a thousand suns event, and the start of the New Jerusalem! This are very significant happenings. God is now preparing a place of security for all of their elect who will come to Zion. What a great time in which to live!

Please pray about these things, and confirm they are from God and not me.

Warmly, as ever,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 9, 2021

1. Evening-Over the past few days I have been very tired, more than normal. I wondered if this is because I have been receiving into my conscious mind a mental transfer from my unconscious mind. This transfer would be, I would think, all of the details and plans for creating and constructing the New Jerusalem. I am wondering if this is true, and if so, how long it will last.

2. I also had a question from R.S. about our birth on earth-do we come here at birth with spiritual layers like celestial, terrestrial, and telestial, some of which are veiled?

3. I came this evening to the little stream at God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living celestial water from the stream, and then knelt to pray.

4. Heavenly Mother came in front of me right away. She was smiling and started to speak to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that your body tiredness is from the transfer of information we had previously given to you from your unconscious to your conscious. We had also been revealing more details to you last week and will continue doing so this coming week. You will find continual tiredness this upcoming week because of the high amount of mental activity.

5. For your information, there is no amount of review of our previous revelations about building the New Jerusalem that would adequately prepare you for your mission ahead. Instead, what we are doing with this mental transfer is giving you what you will need to be prepared. We are fully in charge of this, and not you. Therefore, relax and don't overtax yourself at this time of intense mental training.

6. When you come to the waters above the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial barren earth a week from tomorrow, we ask you to trust what your impressions will be. Whatever comes to your conscious mind will be correct. You can continually test this using your very quick energy method. At that time you will know the correctness of all things using this method in your mind.

7. When you wish to transfer your thoughts to another one of our celestial servants, you may intend to do so in your mind, or do so in your mind while talking to them.

8. In either case, when you release by your intentions your thoughts it will fully transfer to that other person. This thought may include detailed instructions on how to construct an item in the New Jerusalem. This information will all be given to you by the end of this next week. You will be our Branch, even our builder of the New Jerusalem, and our celestial temple there.

9. I will now answer R.S.'s question that he wrote to you today. When our spirit son or daughter is birthed on earth, their spirit comes into their telestial or terrestrial mortal body. It is not replicated in any other body. Were they to have a vision, a dream, or coming into a higher realm for any reason, their spirit would be replicated. This is so that their spirit would remain to operate their mortal body, and their replicated spirit would learn or receive elsewhere. There is no additional realm that our mortal children live in other than where their physical body resides on the earth.

10. In your case, and in the case of our mortal angels, or mortal servants who act and live in the higher realms, they are linked always to their mortal bodies. They are also replicated because of their assignments or missions in higher realms of glory, even their unconscious minds. They are not permanently located in any other place than where their mortal body lives.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful explanations and words. I told her I loved her. I thanked her for being my Heavenly Mother and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.

12. She thanked me and then departed. I closed my prayer and ended my sabbath day on earth.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, May 10, 2021

1. I came this morning to the desert oasis. I drank living water there, and knelt on the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared in front of me at the water's edge.

2. He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, last night your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about how to transfer your thoughts to a celestial person with your intention. This will also be how you may transfer your thoughts to your Mother Earth in the coming days. This is all true.

3. We have hundreds and thousands of resurrected celestial servants whom we have chosen to help you build up the New Jerusalem, starting one week from today. These are all very skilled and knowledgeable in what they will do. Those who work in gold and silver will refine these from the ore in the celestial resource center that is an extension of the future celestial temple block on the earth. Those who build the walls of the fountain of living water, the small channels and areas around the trees of life, the altar, and the temple site will hew sections of rock in large pieces. These will fit precisely onto the foundation rock that Mother Earth will have created next Monday.

4. These hewn pieces will perfectly fit onto their foundational rock. Once in place, these servants will bless these small channels to become one piece of stone or rock. These celestial sections will therefore become leakproof, for they will become part of the living celestial earth. They will last the entire millennium in the celestial area of the earth.

5. The rectangular pipes of the small channels that flow under the rock roads will be created by Mother Earth. These will become part of the terrestrial earth. These will be created as one piece of bedrock. The large rectangular channels and the rock and dry river beds will also be created by Mother Earth.

6. By the end of next week, all will be completed so that living water will be permitted to flow in these completed areas. This living water will begin to fill these fissures, pipes, channels and rivers in two weeks from today, starting on May 24, 2021, and remain throughout the rest of the millennium.

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional witness of what will come to pass during the first week at the New Jerusalem site. I asked for clarity of my mind in order to become fully prepared. I then left my Heavenly Father's presence and came back to my mortal earth. I closed my prayer.

8. Evening-I worked hard today, and while alone, I listened to more posts. It is all so amazing how the upcoming events were gradually revealed to me in pieces. It is all now coming together in my mind, and I can recall most all of these events and details.

9. M.A. sent me an email today, saying that she had been told in prayer that I had been allowed to comprehend more, by seeing and sensing more in my prayers because of my great commission bringing forth the New Jerusalem area and temple. She was confident as well that I will be able to accomplish all that our Heavenly Parents ask of me to do.

10. I thanked her for her prayers. I seek these prayers from the other faithful also.

11. I came tonight to the barren rock on the celestial resource center, or the celestial forest, that will be soon an appendage to the celestial area of the New Jerusalem. I looked carefully at this rock. It was mostly flat, about ten feet across, but was definitely a gray rock where nothing could grow. There was a meadow of flowers and grass around, and a surrounding nearby woods of very large celestial trees to be used in the temple construction.

12. I knelt on the center of the rock, and knew that I would come back here to insert, by God's power, the banner of the republic that he would give to me, and lay at its base the crown with the word "UNION" that Heavenly Mother would give to me.

13. She slowly descended from the bright sky above, and came within a few feet of the ground in front of me. Her light was very bright and intense.

14. She spoke: 'Raphael, when you descend this coming Sabbath from the celestial sky above, like I have just done, place both of your feet on this rock where you are now kneeling and sheath your sword. Then kneel on your left knee, and place the flag into this rock with both hands. It will insert freely for about a foot and then stop. Then you will remove the gold crown on your brow, and place it at the base of the staff on this rock. Then pray and pronounce this declaration, even as George Washington heard:

15. "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last!"

16. When done, then proceed to the Atlantic Ocean and dip your cupped hands in it, and then return to the promised land, even in the telestial realm, and sprinkle it with this water. Repeat this also with water from the Pacific Ocean. When completed, the dark clouds across your land will begin to roll back, and this will conclude the five months of enemy occupation.

17. On the celestial orb, the red skies will then instantly depart and blue skies with brilliant sunshine will return.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her additional instructions. I then asked her this question: 'My Heavenly Mother, when will I know to appear in the celestial clouds of heaven, and to blow my trumpet of God with one long sound?'

19. She replied: 'Raphael, come at 6:00 am local time in Utah in the morning on that Sabbath, above the future site of the New Jerusalem fountain of living water, high in the celestial skies above the earth. First blow your trumpet of God to the northern tribes coming on the terrestrial earth. After you blow one long note, replace your trumpet of God behind your vestures under your cape. Then unsheath your sword of Raphael in your right hand, and open your angel vestures with your left hand, and then the intense light of a thousand suns will start to shine.

20. Your Father will then appear and give you the flag of your republic which you will grasp in your left hand. I will then place the gold crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it on your brow. We will then step back, and you will next raise your sword of Raphael high in the air above your head. The glorious banner will begin blowing in the breeze. Upon that signal, all the heavenly legions of heaven will appear in the celestial sky all around you. They too will shine forth in their celestial glory upon the earth. This is the time that the northern tribes will witness this bright light in their southeastern sky, and fall to their knees. Others of our elect and some of the wicked will also witness this great light. It is then that you will gradually descend with these heavenly hosts to the rock where you are now kneeling.'

21. I thanked her for her abundant blessings and for her descriptions of what we will do this Sunday morning, May 16, 2021.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, May 11, 2021

1. I have thought often of the declaration that I will give while kneeling on the rock in the celestial realm. This will be a remarkable event! The flag of the republic will become a heavenly banner from that time forward. The Constitution and Bill of Rights will become again established upon this land of promise forever. Jesus Christ will reign as king of kings with this constitutional standard of governance operational over all the millennial earth. What a glorious time this will be in which to live!

2. I came this morning to the rock memorial in the midst of the celestial forest on the earth. I stood above the meadow facing the flag and the gold crown that were on the rock. This was in the near future, for no celestial trees had yet been cut, nor work of any kind had begun in the nearby quarry.

3. I knelt in the air, with sunshine streaming upon this blessed spot. Heavenly Father then appeared in front of me, next to the rock monument, and walked the few steps to be in front of me.

4. He was smiling and spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you exactly the sequence of actions that you and our celestial servants will take in the event of a thousand suns. It is all true, and will occur this coming sabbath day morning on 5-16-2021.

5. When you descend to the earth with the hosts of heaven, your flag and your crown will shine forth in brilliant colors. Your angel vestures and cape will blow majestically in the winds of change. Your Heavenly Mother and I will descend in our highest celestial realm by your sides, unseen by the others. Above you, our celestial servants and unborn celestial children will have their swords raised high above their heads, and their healing roses held before them in their hands. The entire celestial sky will be filled with their glory and presence.

6. Some years later, our Beloved Son will appear in his glorious second coming. At that time, his radiance will be intense, and will burn the telestial world below him with fire. All of the righteous elect on the earth will be caught up into the clouds of heaven, and all of our celestial hosts will appear again in their orders of callings behind Jesus Christ.

7. At that glorious second coming, all our children, whether living on earth or dead, or resurrected or translated, and even Lucifer and his devils, will witness the glorious return of the Great Redeemer and Conqueror to the earth. Christ will descend in glory to the New Jerusalem and take up his residence there for a thousand years.

8. The first day he arrives, he will ask you to secure Lucifer and his evil minions into the bottomless pit, and lock them away for a thousand years with your black key.

9. This will then be the start of the glorious millennium. Only the terrestrial and celestial elect will remain and will enter into a period of peace and rest.

10. Raphael, these events are soon to initiate, even with events coming this Sunday. Continue preparing your mind and your heart, and we will continue pouring into you the details of all you need to know and do.'

11. I bowed before my Heavenly Father in great reverence and awe. He then ascended up into the sky, and my prayer ended.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, May 12, 2021

1. Last night I used my available prayer time to prepare post 192 since my sister K had sent me the final edits. I had prayed to my Heavenly Mother and she told me in lieu of my evening prayer to do this. I connected to her before retiring, and she was pleased with me. I truly only want to please both her and my Heavenly Father!

2. This morning I came to her at the circling waters on the celestial orb. She was bright and smiled upon me. I felt her light penetrate into me, and pass through me. I felt enveloped in her light and her love that she shed forth upon me.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are now prepared to do our work and fulfill our assignments, and to execute them exactly as we have and will relay them to you. You are ready for this coming Sabbath to come with the legions of our celestial servants in the air to the earth in the light of a thousand suns event. Next, come early on Monday, 5-17-2021, and we will meet you at the New Jerusalem area in the terrestrial physical earth to begin the great creative and construction work there. We will be with you every step of the process.

4. Record as you normally do in your journal, all of these events that you see yourself doing in our behalf. You will come as a replicated celestial and physical translated being. This is how you come in all your replicated states. You will act in your full unconscious mind, and connect with yourself in your mortal conscious mind as you have recently been doing. We will help you connect even more clearly with your unconscious mind than in the past, even as you apply yourself in faith.

5. You have dropped your expectations, and wait on us in a prayerful state. We are therefore able to direct and guide you easily in all of your works.

6. M.A. sent you an email this morning that I would like to address. She wrote the following: 'How can the troops disperse? We haven't witnessed anything going on other than cyber attacks.' I will address this part of her email first.

7. The troops are physically in place, and they are being secreted in their locations across your land and Canada. Many of them have infiltrated over the years into many companies in your nation. They have shaped their actions in support of others who have infiltrated fully the government of the United States. These are all Chinese loyalists and other foreign nationals. These have established efficient methods of bribing and paying for others in power to do as they ask, all controlled by those higher in control. Weapons of all kinds, plus the supporting ammunition, have been secretly smuggled into your land, and are in the hands of those who believe in the overthrow of your Republic. All such activities may be initially reported in the news, but hardly ever make it to news outlets, for these too are controlled and only report things that support their cause. They also purposefully release many false news reports, even to the conservative news sources, with their spies, plants and conspirators, so as to diffuse any truth that may actually be reported.

8. Raphael, from what we view, your nation has been entirely taken over carefully by extremely large amounts of foreign nationals and communist loyalists. They have blackmailed and bribed those in every federal government and most state government agencies, as well as their targeted industries across your land. Your universities are also infiltrated. We view these as the occupying armies. In addition, there are standing armies and their logistic supply lines that are established to support a military strike at a moment's notice. These are currently in place, and in protected or secret areas where they are not seen or reported.

9. There are also secret mega weapons pointed to major cities and military strongholds in your nation. The enemy has space weapons capable of destroying targets on the ground. Were they wanting to do so, they could immediately shut down all power and fuel lines, and immobilize all the inhabitants of your land. They have control of food sources and transportation channels. This has all been quietly overtaken and infiltrated, and has overspread your entire land and nation. Like quietly falling snow, their evil conspirators have blanketed every vital part of your nation, and you are fully taken over and in their control and power. These are the large standing armies we have in part talked about in your past posts.

10. There will also be other troops that are slated to arrive in large numbers. These will come in increasing numbers in the future. However, this Sunday, on 5-16-2021, you will blow your trumpet of God and conduct the event of a thousand suns. This will begin to disperse the enemy and decrease their power and influence, for the US Constitution and Union will stand forever!

11. M.A. also asked in her email this: 'What about those vignettes you had a few years ago where you stopped planes from bombing? (see my post 33) I don't understand. Will there be other invasions like what "Visions of Glory" described?'

12. Raphael, all of these prophecies will be fulfilled in their time. After the event of a thousand suns, we will release our angels and celestial servants upon the enemies of your land to preserve certain groups of our righteous who are in harm's way. We will, however, allow the wicked to destroy the wicked, even until the full end of nations occurs on your telestial mortal world. We will bring from this environment our righteous elect who will transition into our terrestrial physical realm and come to Zion. Others we will lead there by the 144,000 ministers who will bring them with their own portals.

13. It is best to drop all expectations, and just allow things to be for now, without trying to make sense or reason. You cannot see clearly what is happening, nor our intentions in clearing the telestial realm of the wicked. Trust in our gentle spirit, and in our whisperings. Try not as yet to fully understand details of how all this will work. In a future day, all these things will be manifest, and you may see the fulfillment of all we have revealed to you and others of our faithful who have recorded them.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer to M.A.'s questions. I felt completely assured that all would work out, even as my Heavenly Mother explained. I said I would wait on her and have faith to do everything she and Heavenly Father might direct me.

15. She departed and I closed my prayer.

16. Email from S.A. to R on 5-13-2021:

"Hi R!

I was wondering similar things as M.A.. I asked about them in prayer, and Heavenly Mother told me to watch and wait. She also said that one day I would be able to see how all of their words were fulfilled, even in ways I hadn't considered or couldn't have imagined. This went right along with what you were told by her in answer to M.A.'s question, too:

13. It is best to drop all expectations, and just allow things to be for now, without trying to make sense or reason. You cannot see clearly what is happening, nor our intentions in clearing the telestial realm of the wicked. Trust in our gentle spirit, and in our whisperings. Try not as yet to fully understand details of how all this will work. In a future day, all these things will be manifest, and you may see the fulfillment of all we have revealed to you and others of our faithful who have recorded them.'

This was a second witness of what I had received in regards to the thousand suns event and the foreign troops dispersing.

It is proving to be needful to drop all expectations, for things are continually happening in ways I had never considered!

Thanks for being in tune, and for the great work you are doing in establishing and leading Zion in these last days! What a huge blessing it is to be a part of this great work!

With Love,

17. Email from M.A. to R on 5-13-2021:

"Hi R,

Yes you may use what I wrote.

I was told exactly what S.A. was told, I just wanted a second witness.

It is so interesting how we can't even imagine how our Heavenly Parents will do Their strange works. To Them all time is present. I will stop conjecturing.

Good night,

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, May 13, 2021

1. I spent my evening again getting post 192 ready for publication. When I finally prayed at midnight, I asked my Heavenly Father if I had already communed with him earlier, for that was my impression. He said that I had come here earlier that evening to the desert oasis in my replicated self, and that he had spent several hours with me, speaking to me in my unconscious mind. He said for me to come there again in the morning and he would meet with me at that time. He said he had further instructed me about what I would be doing during the first week in the New Jerusalem.

2. I am now here again at the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge to drink living water. I stayed on the shore kneeling, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

3. He immediately appeared over the water on the shore. He repeated what my Heavenly Mother had told me yesterday morning: 'Raphael, you are now fully prepared to do our great work of building the island of the New Jerusalem starting next Monday, 5-17-2021. You are also ready, this coming Sabbath, to act as our hidden shadowy angel in the vision we gave to George Washington about the future preservation of the Union. We have informed through you, all of our celestial servants and unborn spirits who will come with you in the celestial skies above the earth. We have given them swords and roses respectively, for the men and women in that company that will constitute the legions of heaven. We have instructed them to shine forth in the brightness of their glory at the light of a thousand suns event. They will then descend with you near the earth, and watch as you alone descend to the memorial rock where you will insert the flag of the union that I will give to you, and place your gold crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned upon it.

4. After you kneel and pronounce your declaration upon the rock, you will ascend back to the waiting celestial hosts above. They will accompany you to both oceans, and will also dip their cupped hands in the ocean waters to sprinkle water upon the promised land. The water from their many hands will come forth as a mist upon the telestial mortal world. This will then begin to disperse the dark clouds of oppression and severe exterminating war that would have been on this land in the future.

5. As the New Jerusalem is built up on the terrestrial earth, and new inhabitants soon start to arrive there, so shall the oppression start to lift, and freedom pockets be established in the land of America in the telestial world. The wicked on your land will eventually die and kill each other, and the control and evil plans of those who oppose liberty and freedom for all will crumble. We will gather our elect upon the land, and inspire them to come to the place of safety and peace, even to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial world, where the wicked cannot come.

6. It is imperative, in our timetable of events, for you to begin the creative and construction work at the New Jerusalem site this coming Monday. We can wait no longer, for we need a place of safety and refuge for our elect who now live on the earth.

7. Each day in the building and expansion effort on the island of the New Jerusalem, there will be much progress. Your stamina and lasting effort will be remarkable. This will all be done in the replicated states of your celestial translated body. Meanwhile, you will continue to live in your Utah home for this spring and summer, except for your one trek to Zion. All of your work in the terrestrial physical world will remain hidden until we tell you otherwise.'

8. Heavenly Father stopped speaking. He extended his hand and spoke: 'Come now with me to the near future, and we will witness your labors in our New Jerusalem!'

9. I stood and together I saw both of us leave into the sky above the oasis. I did not consciously go with them. I then was glad and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. Evening-I came tonight to the circling waters to connect to my Heavenly Mother. She came to me over the waters and spoke to me. I had no idea what she would say.

11. Here are her words: 'Raphael, when M.A. and S.A. asked of me concerning the way that our words will be fulfilled, with regard to the occupying armies in your land, I told them the same message. I will tell any of our humble children who are acquainted with my voice the same thing. It is time finally to drop all expectations, and just be open and humble as to how we will bring about our strange work, and our strange act. (see Isaiah 28:21)

12. We are able to do our own work, and we are able to say the same thing to our faithful children, wherever they may be. We make multiple witnesses of our words, even as seems good to us.

13. You have been faithful in all things, and we will bring about a great work through you. In your mortal mind, you will not know of all the actions you are doing in your replicated and celestial being, for there will be many actions that you will be doing in not many days. Record what you can, and stand in awe of the great work that is about to come forth among our elect children on the earth, even in higher realms.'

14. I thanked her for her short message. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, May 14, 2021

1. I came this morning to the circling waters again, where I had come last night. I awoke early for I thought I heard my Heavenly Mother whisper to my mind to get up. I want to know what she wants to speak to me about.

2. I drank celestial living water from my cupped hand. I then knelt facing south, next to the bench, on the grass. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

3. She immediately appeared before me.

4. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I spoke to my son Gideon (S) the past two days. He wrote you an email this morning before leaving his house. He shared with you many of my words I want to include in your record.

5. We asked him to come this day to the Great Assembly Hall, off the western shore of Lake Beautiful on the celestial orb. Come, Raphael, they are waiting for you now to address them!'

6. She extended her hand. I stood and took her hand and was immediately at the pulpit at the head of the assembly hall. I could see that the hall was filled to capacity. I could also see rows and rows of individuals standing in tiers above the assembly hall.

7. I looked up to the top southwest corner of the building, and saw my Heavenly Parents.

8. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, these are those who are our celestial servants and premortal sons and daughters who will appear in the celestial skies above the site of the New Jerusalem Sunday morning with you. They await your words.'

9. I thanked him, and then Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, speak to them about the light of a thousand suns event, and I will loosen your tongue.'

10. I thanked her and then faced the overwhelming crowd. I perceived there were billions of God's children waiting for me to speak.

11. I spoke: 'My dear brothers and sisters, I am your brother Raphael. You have been gathered here to hear my last words prior to coming with me to the celestial skies above the New Jerusalem site.

12. Come a little before 6:00 a.m., Utah local time, to a hidden place in the skies. I will be there too. Then our Heavenly Parents will tell me it is time to reveal myself. I will appear in the celestial sky above the earth and blow the trumpet of God. I will then withdraw my sword of Raphael from the sheath on my side. Although you will not yet be seen, this is your sign to withdraw your swords, and bring forth your celestial roses in front of you. Stand hidden as yet, behind the celestial veil, and watch.

13. You will then see me open my angel vestures with my left hand, revealing the intense celestial light given to me last Thanksgiving Day. This intense light will shine as the light of a thousand suns. It is the light of our Heavenly Father that our founding father George Washington saw in vision. I wish now to impart this light to you at this time, that you too may capture it and have it shine when you appear next to me.

14. Please stand and open your robe or vesture slightly with your left hand, so that you are in a direct line of sight to me.'

15. The congregation all stood, and all the tiers of the celestial host were standing.

16. I spoke again: 'When I open my angel vestures with my left hand, Heavenly Father's light will transmit to you in a brilliant array of light. He is standing next to me now, even in his highest celestial realms. He will give you of his light through these actions, so that you will also capture his intense light.

17. Once you receive this light, then upon my word close your robe or vesture and it will be captured. Then, on this coming Sabbath, when you open your robe or vesture with your left hand again, God's light will shine from you with all of ours to the celestial region of the earth.

18. I will open my angel vesture now.'

19. I reached with my left hand and opened my angel vestures. An intense light of a thousand suns, even the light of Heavenly Father, shone forth with great intensity all around me. I left my garment open for about ten seconds and then spoke:

20. 'Now close your garments so as to capture Heavenly Father's intense light.'

21. I then closed my own vestures, and all in the congregation did also. I asked them to sit if they had before been sitting.

22. I continued my address: 'You will next see in the celestial skies of the earth, that our Heavenly Father will give me his glorious banner of the republic. I will take it in my left hand. Next our Heavenly Mother will place a brilliant gold crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it, upon my brow. They will then both step back.

23. When I raise my sword high above my head in the air, this will be your signal to raise your swords in your right hand, or put the rose in your right hand above your head, and then make your appearance. With your left hand, open your robe or vesture slightly so that Heavenly Father's light may shine forth as the light of a thousand suns. Together we will shine our light with such intensity that the distant northern tribes of Israel, on their trek in the terrestrial physical world, will see this light. They will fall on their knees in honor to our Gods. Others of the elect, and even some of the wicked in the telestial mortal earth, will also see.

24. When we start to descend together to the earth, reach with your left hand and close your garment. When we come above the celestial forest of the earth, watch while I further descend and kneel on the rock. I will implant the flag of the republic there, and place the gold crown from my head next to the staff.

25. Then I will utter this proclamation while kneeling: "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last."

26. I will rise up into the skies with you, and then together we will go to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on the telestial earth. We will all dip our cupped hands in the water, and come back to the skies above the promised land, and shed forth the water as a mist upon the land. We will repeat this for the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

27. My brothers and sisters, this will conclude the light of a thousand suns event. You will then disperse to your normal activities.

28. The next day, on Monday, 5-17-2021, I will begin the creative and constructive work on the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial physical earth. This has to begin now, since there is no more time to wait. God needs a place of refuge and safety for the elect of God to flee to (see D&C 45:66-69). Many of you have been asked to help with the building and later the gathering process. This will be the place of God's celestial temple on the earth and a portal to this celestial orb. It will remain for the thousand years of the millennium, and endure forever in eternity!'

29. I then closed my address in the name of Christ. My vision then ended, and I was back in my private room. I closed my prayer on the earth.

30. Email from S entitled "Safety and refuge":


This morning as I transcribed, I felt the spirit as I typed these words:

"It is imperative, in our timetable of events, for you to begin the creative and construction work at the New Jerusalem site this coming Monday. We can wait no longer, for we need a place of safety and refuge for our elect who now live on the earth." I have been reading in D&C 45 for the last week. I spent a morning reading one or two verses each day and pondering them. One of those verses was 66, where it states "And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God;" It seems that for a city to be a place of peace, refuge and safety, the opposite must exist everywhere else. I rejoice that this city will begin its construction this month!

I wanted to share what I received in prayer the last two days regarding both D&C 45: 65 and 66.

5-12-21 AM

In prayer, I asked that Raphael may fulfill his commission in these last days to do the will of our Heavenly Parents.

Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind. "Come see what will occur this Sabbath day when Raphael plants the flag of the Republic in the ground.'

I next saw Raphael place the flag of the Republic and its pole firmly in the ground. I saw the vibrant colors of red, white and blue. He next knelt down and placed the crown -"UNION" next to the pole.

Heavenly Mother spoke, 'This flag has brought hope to those who love freedom and fear to oppressors for many years. This nation was established upon heavenly principles of freedom, equality, and agency. The ideals of this nation have eroded quickly in recent years as wickedness has pervaded the people, states and governments. Raphael's commission to plant this standard of freedom in the celestial realm on the earth will pave the way for further blessings to come to our elect. These celestial blessings will trickle down to the terrestrial level.

The foundations and walls of Zion will begin this month. This is occurring behind the scenes and unknown to all except a small handful in mortality. These very same walls and foundation will be present when you come to Zion in this generation. You will see with your own eyes what we are causing to be created starting this month. Zion will be a city of peace, refuge and safety. That means the telestial world will necessarily become the opposite in greater and greater degrees. Our elect must needs flee to Zion else they would perish if they remained in Babylon or the world.

This sufficeth your learning for today. Your Heavenly Father and I will be by your side this day.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother and ended my prayer.

5-13-21 AM

In prayer, I shared my joy of reading D&C 45. I shared that I felt Heavenly Mother near as I read D&C 45: 65.

Next I felt Heavenly Mother's presence beside me. She spoke softly and clearly to my mind. She said: 'The thoughts I inspired to come into your mind are true. One heart and one mind is needful for all to enter Zion. Your riches are not of this earth, they are your testimony, family members, and relationships that are not bound to the telestial realm. The purchase price of an inheritance in Zion is great humility. As you have been purchased by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, so too may you purchase an inheritance in Zion at the cost of a humble heart and contrite spirit. All are invited to this feast yet many will not come.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother. She spoke again, 'Come tomorrow to the great conference assembly hall. We will bless you this day with your many surgeries.'

D&C 45: 65

"And with one heart and with one mind, gather up your riches that ye may purchase an inheritance which shall hereafter be appointed unto you."




31. Evening-I have thought about the great "fanfare" and excitement of the grand events coming to the earth starting this Sunday. I also see my world around me that seems to be getting back to a pre-pandemic state for some stores and companies that weathered through the Covid-19 upheavals. Others are closed, but society doesn't seem to worry about these. There has been so much stimulus money given by the government to spur these businesses, and prop them up. I wonder how long they can still keep printing more and more money without any hard currency backing.

32. These two worlds--one of the events God is planning to do in secret to create a place of refuge, and one of the society in which I live that seems to be getting back to business, are opposite. When I hold still and ponder, the world that our Gods are creating is preparing for a real future world. They see our current society crumbling and becoming more divisive and a more scary place in which to live. I see this as the only path to safety and peace.

33. Tonight I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank living water, knelt on the ground, and asked for Heavenly Father to come. He came from across the river, walking in the air until he came before me. He smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, you see the telestial society around you starting up again with stores bustling, and goods and services available once more. It seems like your world is recovering and getting back to normal after the pandemic. However, this is a facade, and will not remain long.

34. Once we have made through you and our host of heaven an appearance and proclamation about the republic and the Union, and once we start the New Jerusalem, then things will become more troubled for your society and land. The evil ones plan to overthrow the long established norms of freedom, and to supplant these with a controlled society, even with socialism. They will seek to destroy every good thing, and dominate every sector of your community and nation. They want to subjugate all mankind.

35. We will then subvert their best laid plans, and provide ways for our elect to escape. We will also topple their governmental control plans, and cause them to reap disappointments, one after another. Those who love freedom and who seek God's inspiration, will eventually make their way to the terrestrial realm and find our Zion communities and the New Jerusalem. Our words and counsel to our humble and open will be more and more clear. In their treks and various paths to Zion, we will refine them to be prepared to live her laws by the time they arrive.

36. We are pleased with your address at the Great Assembly Hall to those who will come with you in the skies above the earth. You spoke as we inspired you, and spoke exactly as we directed.

37. Tomorrow morning, meet your Heavenly Mother and me in the maple tree grove near the Great Assembly hall. We will share with you some few remaining instructions.

38. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. He turned and walked back towards the river. However, he vanished after a few steps.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, May 15, 2021

1. I came this morning to the maple tree grove as I was directed last night. I knelt in the grove, next to the trunk of a very large tree. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to both come to me.

2. They came from the red skies above. There was an opening in the skies, with bright light and shining blue skies opening up from their highest celestial realm. They both descended next to each other until they were in front of me, a little elevated in the air. Their abundant light flowed into me and through me.

3. My Heavenly Mother then addressed me: 'Raphael, in your personal life there are three events starting this month of May 2021: one, tomorrow is the light of a thousand suns event, one, Monday is the start of the New Jerusalem, and one, when you start your trek on foot, as a replicated person, with a group of other LDS individuals.

4. This latter event will start on 5-31-2021, on your Memorial Day holiday. You will, on that day, first realize that you have come among them, for this is the day that they have chosen to depart. You will meet them that day in your replicated celestial state, with your glory hidden, and appearing as a normal man. They will accept you, for my Spirit will whisper to do so to each of their members.

5. You have wondered, as have others in your small email group, why we want you to walk on foot to Zion. Your sister wondered why we would want this for you, when you would have previously gone multiple times to that same location in an instant.

6. Raphael, we give you and each of our angels and celestial servants, many assignments without detailing why we want them to do so. Your assignment to trek on foot to the New Jerusalem will have many purposes. These will be revealed to you as you travel with the group. There will be purposes for them individually and for you personally, to strengthen your joint faith. You will also be the means of providing miracles to those in your group.

7. All the while that these three events are happening this month, you will continue living your normal mortal life with your wife and family in Utah. We ask that you keep doing as you are normally doing in your routines and work. Continue writing what you perceive that you are experiencing in your replicated states in your journal. This will be the main account of your record that you will continue to write and share with your small email list, and in your posts.'

8. After speaking, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me and laid their hands on my head. Heavenly Father then pronounced a blessing upon me. I couldn't perceive what he said, but I saw this in my conscious mind, from a distance. I saw that when completed, they each embraced me and kissed me. I saw too that I was crying for joy. They then ascended together into their highest realm, and were gone.

9. I then was mentally in my private room, pondering what had just happened. Heavenly Father's voice then came into my mind: 'Raphael, you have recorded accurately in your journal what transpired this morning. Your Heavenly Mother and I will continually be by your side, and will bless you in all of your upcoming actions.'

10. I thanked him and my Heavenly Mother for their words. I then closed my prayer.

11. Evening-I came this evening to the desert oasis. I called upon my Heavenly Father who came next to me. I asked him how high up in the celestial sky tomorrow morning we would come above the earth. I wondered that if we were not high enough, how could the northern tribes see the light, for it would be blocked by the curvature of the earth.

12. Heavenly Father responded: 'When we give a sign in the celestial realm, and want certain individuals to see this sign, they will see it, even if their line of sight is blocked by the earth. This will be the case when Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, appears in the clouds of heaven. All flesh on earth, and in the spirit realms, even all of our children wherever they may be, will see this great appearance together. Line of sight viewing does not apply, for this will be an appearance in the glorious celestial realm. We will activate everyone on earth, and those yet unborn coming to the earth, to be able to witness this great event together.

13. In the event of a thousand suns, you and all of our celestial servants will appear in the sky where you begin to see the curvature of the earth. The tribes of Israel will be behind the horizon, but they will hear your trumpet call, and see the intense light in the sky to the southeast.'

14. I asked him if the celestial light would bend around the curvature of the earth.

15. He answered: 'We will remove the veil of that portion of the celestial glory for certain of our children. They will see the light as if it were visible in the sky to their view. The light does not bend around the earth, but they see it in their mind without a veil. Our northern tribes will think they see the light in the southeast sky, for this is where we will make it appear in their minds.

16. When Jesus Christ appears in his second coming to all of our children in this eternity, they will see him in the east, in the brightness of his glory:

17. JS Matthew 1:26

"For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be."

18. We will remove the celestial veil from their minds, and make it appear to be in the skies to their east. The dead who rise from their graves at the time of his coming, will rise facing east to the direction where Jesus Christ will come, even as the sun rises in the east in the morning. We are doing this so that their resurrection will be the dawning of a new day.'

19. I thanked my Father for his revelation. I said I would retire to bed early so as to be ready in the morning to come for the light of a thousand suns event. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, May 16, 2021, 6:16 am

1. I have just completed the event of a thousand suns, and have been commanded by my Heavenly Mother to now write my account in my journal.

2. I awoke at 5:45 A.M. to my alarm, and prepared myself for my prayer and communion with my Heavenly Parents, and to do as they had previously commanded.

3. I came into their presence a few minutes before 6:00 A.M. Utah time, and was above the site of the New Jerusalem, high up in the celestial sky. I was hidden from the view of others on the earth.

4. I knelt before my glorious Heavenly Parents in the air, and said that I was ready to do as they had asked of me.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we will be by your side, and in a minute you may make your appearance seen by those we wish to see you. You will appear to them by your intention.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for being there. I stood and then looked at my cell phone back in my private room. It was 6:00 A.M. on 5-16-2021, in Utah County, Utah where I am living in mortality. The sky was clear, and the local sunrise was to be at 6:10 A.M.

7. In my location above the New Jerusalem, the sun was already shining. I came mentally to this location where my replicated celestial being was standing in the sky. I intended to make myself seen for all those whom my Heavenly Parents wanted to see.

8. I faced northwest, towards the northern lost tribes of Israel who were awake and waiting for the signs from heaven in their southeast skies. I withdrew my trumpet of God, and brought it before me to my lips. I pointed it to the exact direction that I felt the tribes were located. I then blew one long note for ten seconds. It was an ominous sound that still rings in my mind. When done, I replaced the trumpet of God behind my angel vestures, under my cape. When I did this, I noticed that my cape started blowing behind me to the southeast.

9. I withdrew my sword of Raphael with my right hand before me, and with my left hand opened slightly my robe on my front. Immediately extremely bright light shone all around me in all directions. I could no longer see the sun, for this light was far greater.

10. At that moment, my Heavenly Father stepped forward with a brilliant flag of the republic on a staff in his hands. He handed me the staff and I took it in my left hand. It still had not yet unfurled, but was shimmering in the breeze. Heavenly Father moved backwards.

11. Next, my Heavenly Mother came holding a gold crown with the word "UNION" in capital letters emblazoned on it. The crown was also exceedingly bright with golden rays sparkling from it. She placed it with her hands onto my head, with the words facing her. She then backed up next to the Father. They were about twenty feet away from me to my right side.

12. I then raised my sword of Raphael high above my head. Brilliant silver lightning glistened forth from the blade of the sword. The lightning struck the earth below in multiple places.

13. Just then I saw above me the billion or so of God's angels, celestial servants, and unborn spirit children of God, all shining with the light of a thousand suns! They all raised either their celestial swords or their celestial roses above their heads. We all stood in the celestial skies, shining brightly for about ten seconds.

14. I then slowly descended to the earth, as did the hosts of heaven. Our light was not as intense as before, but was still very bright. We lowered gradually towards the earth for about a minute, until we were about a thousand feet above the celestial forest that was directly below us. I could see the gray rock as a speck below us.

15. I then continued to descend alone, with my Heavenly Parents next to me, still hidden at my right side in their highest celestial realm. I looked up and could see that the hosts of heaven had remained at a thousand or so feet above the earth, still with their swords and roses above their heads.

16. I came upon the earth, and placed my bare feet on the celestial rock. I lowered my sword and placed it in the sheath on my left side. I saw then that the celestial hosts who were watching also then sheathed their swords and placed their roses out of sight.

17. I knelt on my left knee, now holding the staff of the heavenly banner in both hands. I inserted the end of the staff into the rock. It went into the rock for about a foot and then stopped. It was still blowing in the breeze. I reached up with both hands and removed the crown, and placed it carefully next to the staff facing me on the rock.

18. I then raised both of my hands towards heaven, and spoke loudly this proclamation: 'While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so shall the Union last!'

19. I lowered my hands, stood next to the new monument, and then rose back up into the sky to my awaiting brothers and sisters who had been watching.

20. We then all traveled to the center of the Atlantic Ocean, and lowered ourselves to the water's surface. I reached down with both of my hands together in a cupping shape, and filled my hands with water. All of the celestial hosts did this also. We then rose back up into the sky, and traveled over the eastern part of the promised land, still about a thousand feet above the ground. I released the water in my hands, and then the celestial hosts did so also. We saw that a mist fell upon the earth from the ocean waters we released. I watched and it seemed that the darkness on the land started to disperse.

21. We next, as a group, went to the center of the Pacific Ocean, and repeated this. We retrieved ocean waters in our cupped hands, and released them as a mist over the western part of the promised land.

22. I thanked, in my mind, all of the angels, the celestial servants, and the unborn spirits for participating with me this morning. I excused them.

23. I looked at my clock in Utah at that moment, and it was 6:16 am. I then came before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were still next to my side. I knelt before them.

24. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, you and our celestial hosts have done well. You have shone with the light of a thousand suns in fulfillment of the vision of George Washington, one of the founders of your nation. Your memorial on the celestial forest on the earth will remain there for eternity for our faithful to view.'

25. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for allowing me to participate in this great event. I told them I loved them.

26. I then came back to my private room where my mortal body had remained. Heavenly Mother told me to write my account which I have just completed. It is now 7:16 am, one hour later, and I now close my prayer.

27. Email from S on 5-16-2021 entitled "Bless the whole of humanity"


I look forward to your record from today of the light of the thousand suns event. I wanted to share my experience from my prayer this morning.

5-16-21 AM

This morning at 6 am Mountain Daylight Time, the light of the thousand suns event occurred.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents and asked to witness this great event. Heavenly Mother called me to come above this land of America. Standing high in the sky were both my Heavenly Parents. They were looking down upon this promised land. I next saw the heavens open to the west of our position. Raphael and countless celestial beings held up their swords and roses respectively. After lifting these up, they opened their vesture with their left hand and Heavenly Father's light beamed forth in all directions, filling the sky above and below them.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'This moment transcends this time period to bless all of our children who have lived, live now, or will yet live on this earth. The great blessings your Heavenly Father and I have in store for our children will spring forth abundantly and its effects are eternal.'

At the next moment, I was inside my replicated self among the Northern tribes. I was pulling a handcart. (I wondered if I would have been pulling the handcart at that hour and felt the spirit that I was moving the cart at that time.) I saw a bright light fill the entire sky to the south. I stopped pulling my cart as did all the others around me. We had been told previously by our prophet leader to expect this sign in the heavens to appear today. He had told us it was God's sign that he was preparing the land of Zion, the promised land, for our return. We were told that it showed forth God's rich blessings intended to bless the whole of humanity from Adam and Eve until the final child is born on earth. All the people surrounding me knelt on the ground and prayed to God, giving thanks for these blessings. Angels were surrounding these individuals and the love of God was poured out upon them without measure.

I next returned to my replicated celestial being in the sky with Raphael. I perceived my thoughts contemplating my experience in both my mortal life in Arizona and my celestial replicated self among the Northern tribes. My heart was full of the love of my Heavenly Parents as I contemplated their great blessings springing forth to all of their children.

Heavenly Mother spoke again to my mind: 'This event initiates the great blessings your Heavenly Father and I have in store for the whole of humanity who will ever come to this earth. Our love has no bounds, and these blessings will reach into the eternities. The ordinances administered in our soon to be built celestial temple will grant the opportunity for exaltation and eternal life to our faithful children.' I was crying for joy as were others around me as I stood in the sky holding my sword above my head.

This scene then closed to my view.
What a wonderful day!


28. I came humbly tonight to the circling waters to commune with my God. I feel prepared to rise early in the morning and meet my Heavenly Parents above the site of the New Jerusalem and to do the work they will ask. My Heavenly Father came to me while I was kneeling there.

29. He spoke: 'Raphael, we will be ready for you whenever you may come in the air above the site of the New Jerusalem tomorrow morning. Each day and night for this week we will review what you will do or have done to that point. We desire that you record this in your journal.

30. We will reveal to your conscious mind what you are doing with us in your unconscious mind. This is the same method we have been doing with you over the years of you communing with us.'

31. This was the direct and simple message of my Heavenly Father to me tonight in my prayer. I thanked him and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

32. Before leaving the celestial orb, I looked up in the sky. It was getting dark outside, corresponding to my evening on earth, but it was no longer red in color. I saw only clear skies above. I knew that the red skies had been lifted since the event of a thousand suns had occurred. I felt very grateful!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, May 17, 2021

1. I awoke shortly after 6:00 AM this morning in anticipation of the start of the physical creation of the New Jerusalem. I seated myself in my private room in my home and sought to have a clear mind. I felt deeply that I only wanted to do precisely as my Heavenly Parents would direct me.

2. I then intended to come in my replicated celestial being to the terrestrial physical world, to the area in the air above the site of the New Jerusalem. I immediately came in my angel vestures and saw that the sun was shining already. The water was covering the earth for as far as I could see. The waters were calm and there was no breeze.

3. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I no sooner did so than they both appeared next to me, my Heavenly Father on my left side and my Heavenly Mother on my right. They were both facing my same direction, which I know was north, for the rising sun was on my left.

4. My Heavenly Father spoke to me, even while looking straight ahead: 'Raphael, the sun has recently risen on this barren land that is covered with water. This land has been under water since the days of the fall of man when the mortal earth became telestial. We are here today to be with you as you act in our power and authority to command the earth to bring forth an island out of the water. This will become the island of the New Jerusalem.

5. He then turned towards me and continued: 'Your Heavenly Mother and I, your Father in Heaven, will continually be by your side during all of this creative and constructive work. You will do all that you do by virtue of our power. You will receive our authority as you exercise faith in us and do as we have shown you in the past, and as you feel so impressed by our spirit. It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother and I will direct you and lead you in all of your work here.

6. If you have any questions, you may ask us in your mind, and we will immediately respond. Your Heavenly Mother and I will now step behind you a few feet, on your sides. You will be the one, our authorized and commissioned servant, who will do our work. We have full confidence in you, our son!'

7. With this, my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother moved backward a few feet to my sides. I turned and looked at my Father and then my Mother. They each were smiling and were sending their light upon me. I turned and faced the water before me and stood on my feet in the air. I was about five hundred feet above the water I thought. I noticed that my cape started to blow to the south.

8. I thanked my Heavenly Parents in my mind to have been chosen by them to do this great work and task ahead of me. I asked them to correct me if I were to do anything other than the exact work they want me to do. I felt their assurance in my mind, from the Spirit that flowed into me, that they would continually be with me and guide me. I felt great confidence that they were at my sides, a few feet behind me.

9. I then looked down upon the waters and spoke while I raised my right hand to my front: 'Mother Earth, my name is Raphael, an angel of your creator Father and Mother Gods who stand at my sides. I have come to you before in a spiritual creation of the New Jerusalem island. Today, I ask you to create this island below me in physical reality, on your terrestrial physical surface. I ask you to do so with the authority of your creator Gods.

10. I ask you now to bring forth an island that is now land under the water. Make this an even hill with gradual sloping land to all of its shores around this circular island. Make the highest point on the island 350 feet above the water level and to be where the fissure is located that extends to the cavern of celestial living water under your surface.

11. Bring up an island that may be large enough to place four walls on its surface to encompass 26 square miles of land, with each wall being 27,000 feet long. You may now do your work.'

12. I kept my arm extended and watched the waters below me. Within a minute, I saw land start to emerge from the waters. The land continued to elevate, and its shores kept expanding. The land was wet and muddy, but very smooth on its surface. I kept my hand extended until after about five minutes, when the land stopped moving.

13. I asked in my mind if this island was large enough to contain the four walls. I felt from the Spirit that the island was the correct shape and size. I dropped my hand to my side.

14. I thanked Mother Earth for creating a very symmetric round island in the midst of the water.

15. I then raised my right hand in front of me again and spoke: 'Mother Earth, now make a mighty river that flows around the island. Bring up the western and eastern lands out of the water on the sides of the river so that the distance from the island shore to the western land shore is 1,500 feet, and the distance to the eastern land shore is 1,500 feet. Make the level of the water to remain at the same height as it is now. Make the northern and southern part of the river approximately 3,000 feet wide at a distance of 1,500 feet to the north and 1,500 feet to the south. Continue making a mighty river flowing from the far northern part of the land of promise to the far southern part of the land of promise. Cause the river to empty temporarily into a large gulf, now called the Gulf of Mexico, on the telestial earth.

16. When the city of Enoch and its land is returned to your surface in this area, make the waters from this mighty river flow around this large land mass, and then flow into the sea east. Cause all excess water to flow eastward to an area of the sea east, even as it was in the beginning, before the division of the land in the days of Peleg. You may now make these changes to the water and the land.'

17. I watched and in a minute saw the lands to the west and to the east of the island rise up out of the water. I saw a body of water form as a river around the island. I saw on both the western and eastern lands that the land was wet and muddy, but had elevated out of the waters, even as I had asked. When all the land had elevated and stopped moving, I asked in my mind if the formation of land and waters on this land of promise was as it should be. I felt it was exactly as my Heavenly Parents desired. I then lowered my hand and thanked Mother Earth for her superb work in moving the lands and creating a mighty river.

18. I then turned and faced my Heavenly Parents behind me to my sides. I asked them if I should proceed or wait for this evening to continue. My Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we will have you continue in your creative and constructive work throughout the day today. You will receive a recap of all that you did when you come back to us in prayer this evening in your mortal body. We will recall all to your mind that you will have done so that you may record this in your personal journal. Your work will continue until sunset in this terrestrial physical realm, even while you live in your mortal body on earth today.

19. You may now close your prayer and start your mortal day. We will continue with you here in your replicated celestial being. You have done well in all of your work so far this morning, Raphael!'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their support and love. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

21. Evening-I came this evening to the island of the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial physical earth. I came to the foundation bedrock of the fountain of living water. I knelt on the rock and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

22. They both descended from the sky and came to a place in front of me, about a foot in the air above the foundation rock.

23. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, today you continued to ask Mother Earth to create more foundations, and structural rock formations that we desired to be accomplished. You stayed here on this island with us the entire day until sunset. All is now completed that was required for this first creative day, and we are pleased.

24. Stand now and walk with your Heavenly Mother and me to inspect what you asked Mother Earth to do by our power and authority!'

25. I stood and took each of my Heavenly Parents's outstretched hands. We began to walk in the air just above the surface of the island, to locations they wanted to show me.

26. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, the very center of this circular island and highest point is the future fountain of living water. Below us is its bedrock foundation. It is 37 feet in diameter, with a two inch lip on which the pool wall will lock in place. There are also foundation areas where the steps leading to the fountain will be located. This circular foundation is several feet thick of continuous bedrock. This is a 58 inch hole in the center that extends 20 feet to the top of the fissure below. This will accommodate the 56 inch outside diameter gold pipe that will be created and inserted into the hole. The two inch total gap between the pipe and hole will later be filled with magma to secure the pipe in position so there are no leaks.'

27. We then moved to the north and I saw a bedrock foundation for the small northern channel, and the circular foundation where the altar will be located. The channel bedrock extended from the circular fountain in a 12 foot wide straight path to the 134 foot diameter circular foundation for the altar and the small channel that will surround it. The flat altar area was 110 feet in diameter, and the foundation to the channel surrounding it was 12 feet on all sides. All the foundation was a polished single slab of continuous rock. It was extremely precise and remarkably created! The foundation followed the slope of the hill and was flat.

28. I also saw a similar construction to the west and east where the two trees of life will be transplanted. These foundations were also 134 feet in diameter, but with a cutout of 70 feet in diameter where bare ground was located. This will be where the trees would be planted.

29. I saw also foundations of places where the bridges would be located that will extend over the small channels.

30. We next went to the eastern foundation for the small channel that exited the eastern tree of life area. This was 12 feet wide and went directly east to the 150 foot wide road. I saw the same 2 inch lip that allowed the channel wall to lock in place on all the small channel floor foundations. The work was precise and all of one continuous rock with no seams.

31. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you directed Mother Earth to also create the four 150 foot wide roads that surround the square celestial block area. Mother Earth created the rectangular pipe cutouts that went inside and through the road to the far side. Here the water that goes in these rectangular pipes will exit in a small waterfall into the large channels. Come see!'

32. We came to the western side of the road where I saw the 7 inch by 10 foot wide pipe that extended in the road bedrock. I saw on the far side, on the eastern side of the road, that this pipe exited into the large channel a foot above the channel.

33. I saw that the large channel sides and bottom were of continuous polished rock. It was 30 foot across on the inside by 10 feet deep, of a rectangular cross section. The walls were two feet thick, unlike the small channel walls which will be one foot thick.

34. We continued moving above the large east channel until we reached the river area. The channel transitioned to a preformed river bed that had sloping sides and a smooth bottom made of dirt. I could see this extended on a gentle slope downward to the mighty river at the end of the eastern part of the island.

35. We continued traveling to the place where the river banks and future roads passed by the foundation of the perimeter wall. The foundation of this wall began at the edge of the river bank and continued in a north-south line. It was 2 feet thick and made of continuous rock. Heavenly Mother said this foundation for the perimeter wall continued all around the island, all at the same height so that the 12 foot wall would be the same height.

36. We came back to the area near the fountain that went south. This is where the temple will be constructed. I saw the foundation of the small channels that circumvent the future temple and the future inner paths. I saw that none of the pathways were yet created, but only the foundations for the small channels were created by Mother Earth. None of the temple foundations were yet created either. This was all created just like my sketches in my post 54. All was so precisely created. These could not have been made by craftsmen, for the foundations would be segmented and have taken a very long time to construct. Mother Earth created all of these from solid bedrock, all in one day.

37. My Heavenly Parents stopped and faced me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well today in giving Mother Earth the details of your vision of construction that we have given to you. All is now prepared for our celestial workers and craftsmen and craftswomen to come tomorrow to start building upon these rock foundations. Come early at sunrise and we will meet you at the fountain of living waters foundation, where we first met you this evening. We will have you replicate yourself multiple times, like you did today, in directing Mother Earth. Tomorrow, however, there will be thousands of workers that will come, ready for work and direction. We will both be behind you, at your sides, in every one of your replications. We want the fountain and waterways all finished by Saturday evening so that living water may flow on the following Monday, on May 24, 2021.'

38. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their wonderful walkthrough for me tonight. I said I would continue to do all that they would ask of me.

39. I closed my prayer at this late hour and retired to bed. I wanted to be alert in the morning.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, May 18, 2021

1. It is now sunrise, but not quite bright enough to write next to my window yet without a lamp. I am fully awake after a short sleep.

2. I came to the foundation bedrock on the New Jerusalem island. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me here.

3. My Heavenly Parents descended in their bright light. They were smiling and were sending forth their love and acceptance to me in their light. I felt all anxiety or feelings of inadequacy depart. Instead I felt I could do anything that they might ask me to do in my labors today.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Good morning, Raphael! We are here with you at sunrise on the terrestrial physical earth. As of yet, all that Mother Earth had created yesterday in preparation for this day is in the terrestrial realm. Today we will have you first bless this terrestrial land, even by our authority, that is within the borders of the four roads made of bedrock. This will be called the temple block or temple square area. It is 3,000 feet by 3,000 feet. We want you now to stand on your feet, and bless this section to become a celestial realm on the earth by our authority. We will have you do this before any gold or other precious metal, or any quarried rock comes here from our celestial forest and resource area. These will come from a celestial realm that we created at the beginning of the earth in the days of creation. This is where you implanted the heavenly banner of the republic, and placed the gold crown with the word "UNION" on it. Appended to this celestial area is the celestial repository where the temple sections are housed. These areas are currently the only aspects of the celestial realm attached to the physical mortal earth. Follow our Spirit in blessing and dedicating the temple block area at this time.'

5. I stood on my feet on the foundation bedrock of the future fountain of living water that Mother Earth had created yesterday. I asked my Heavenly Parents to endow me with their power to act in their stead to change this section of the terrestrial physical earth to become celestial physical earth.

6. My Heavenly Parents then came behind me and the light of their countenance beamed upon me. At that moment I saw Jesus Christ appear before me.

7. He spoke briefly to me: 'Raphael, our Father and Mother have asked me to also attend the blessing and dedication you will give. I will come behind you, between them, and also send forth my light and power that they have given to me. You will therefore act in the stead of all three of us, your Gods.'

8. Jesus Chrsit then went behind me. He added his own power to that of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and beamed this upon me.

9. I raised my hands high above my head, and spoke:

'By the authority of God, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I bless this section of the terrestrial earth to become a celestial physical realm. This is a 3,000 by 3,000 square foot area on the earth's surface and under her surface to include the cavern filled with celestial living water. This also includes all the air and space above this temple block, even to the entire volume where atmosphere above this area on earth currently exists. All of this section I bless to become permanently and forever a celestial realm from its current terrestrial realm. This will become the future location of the celestial temple of God, and centerplace for the Church of the Firstborn.

10. In this temple, God's children will receive eternal ordinances necessary for their exaltation. Amen.'

11. I lowered my hands and opened my eyes. The entire temple block that I could see was glowing with celestial light. The very air seemed changed. I turned and faced my three Gods behind me.

12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have successfully acted as our agent to create this celestial physical realm on the earth, under the earth, and above the earth. This is now superimposed upon the terrestrial earth which is plain ground on the island within this temple block area. All of the creative work of laying foundation bedrock is now part of the celestial realm on the earth. From now on, only our celestial elect will be able to view or come to this area, or those whom we may enlighten by our power. Those who are terrestrial will not be able to view or come to any part of this transformed temple block area, for it is now in a celestial realm.

13. When you ask in a few weeks for Mother Earth to create the foundation bedrock for the temple here, it will all be created by her in this celestial realm. Unless specifically identified, all creative work and construction in this celestial block area will be in the celestial realm by you and those who are celestial servants, angels, or our celestial elect that are assigned to this mission.

14. We are ready to begin our construction work in the celestial realms of the earth today.'

15. I thanked my three Gods for this experience this morning. Jesus Christ then rose up in the celestial sky, leaving both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me.

16. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, follow our Spirit now in calling forth our celestial craftsmen and craftswomen, and in giving them their assignments. We will have you replicated as many times as is needed. In every replication, your Heavenly Father and I will be behind you, on your sides. We will be in our highest celestial realm, visible to you but not to the others. All of your directions, impressions, and mental visions will be from us. You will be able to impart these by the celestial transfer of thought to those who assist you. They will then be given the full instructions through you from us in the specific details we require. We will bless them also with the abundance of our Spirit that will flow to them from us.

17. In order for you to record your actions in your mortal journal for your record of Raphael, we will give your conscious mind only one task or event that you may do at a time. All the while, in your unconscious mind in multiple replication states, you will also be fulfilling our assignments with our celestial helpers.

18. We will now have you record the work you and others will do on our fountain of living water. After you are done writing the beginning of this task, you will close your mortal prayer and continue living in your normal mortal day on earth. However, you will work continually here on the island of the New Jerusalem throughout your day until sunset. There will be no breaks in your work until that time, either for you or our called celestial helpers.

19. Tonight, when you pray to us again from your conscious mind, we will review with you the many various work projects that you had labored on during the day. We will take you on another tour of this work accomplishment as we did for you last evening in your prayer.

20. In this same manner, we will show you each day what great work is happening here on the island of the New Jerusalem.

21. Before we begin, we didn't show you the work beneath the ground that Mother Earth created yesterday. Come, take our hands, and we will all three view together the underground pipes leading from the cavern deep in the ground to the beginning of the large channels.

22. I took their hands and we came to the eastern small channel that exited into the bedrock road. I saw there was a rectangular pipe going into and through the bedrock road. We came to the eastern side of the 150 foot wide road. I could see the exit of the rectangular pipe that would make a short waterfall into the large channel. I could tell this was no longer the celestial realm as on the western side of the road. It was now all in the terrestrial physical realm.

23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you see there is a large 15 foot diameter opening at the beginning of this large channel. This goes straight to a location 3,000 feet directly under the fountain area. There are four large rock pipes that your Mother Earth created yesterday that meet together underground. Each of these pipes comes to this same area of their respective large channels. Let us now go down to this location 3,000 feet underground.'

24. We next were underground in a very large 3 foot diameter rock pipe that led directly to the cavern below us. I could see the four 15 foot diameter pipes that led to the start of the four large channels on the surface. These were all straight, for I could see light at the far end of these pipes.

25. Heavenly Father continued: 'Mother Earth created all of this yesterday. It is now all celestial until the pipe opening at the beginning of the large channel. Celestial living water will flow from the cavern up these pipes to that point, and then instantly change to terrestrial living water when it enters these large channels. The water that flows directly up to the fountain will remain celestial living water until such time as it may exit under the streets to the large channels. At that point, it too will change to terrestrial living water. Thus only the celestial temple block area and this underground area will contain celestial living water.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanation. We then returned to the surface on the foundation rock of the future fountain of living water. I let go of their hands.

27. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, now call forth servants to give them their assignments of constructing this fountain. We will step behind you, on your sides, and give you our guidance through our Spirit.

28. My Heavenly Parents stepped behind me. I felt filled with the Spirit and called forth all the celestial helpers I would need today for the fountain construction on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. They all then appeared to the north in front of me. There must have been nearly 100 individuals.

29. I spoke: 'Thank you for being willing and capable to work on this fountain of living water today! You have each been called because of your willingness, humility, and the great skills you possess to be able to do this work.

30. I am standing on the celestial bedrock that will be the floor of the fountain. There is a large hole in its center that descends to the cavern far below the surface where celestial living water is located. We need to construct the piping for the fountain, all made of gold, the quarried rim of the fountain and the steps around the rim. The walls of the four small channels that exit this fountain will be constructed by another work crew.

31. All of our materials for construction are located in the celestial forest and resource area. I will take you there now. Come with me!'

32. We then went together to the resource area. I showed them the gold and silver mines that had been created from the pails that we angels had placed there after we poured water into the cavern from Lake Beautiful. I showed them the very extensive rock quarry area that they would need to hew the rock from for the perimeter rim and stairs. I transferred to each of them the full details of how they would make these rock sections of the rim and the steps from one continuous place of hewn rock. I showed them how the gold inlaid steps and top of the fountain rim were to be constructed. I showed them how the bottom flat surface and inside of the rim would fit into the foundation of the fountain.

33. I asked if there were any questions. There were none. I then assigned foremen and women for various work tasks. I then said they should now get to work, and to work in unity, love, and diligence. I said we would stop at sundown. I gave them my verbal blessing and left them in the celestial resource area.

34. I came back to the foundation of the fountain. I faced my Heavenly Parents and said that I had gotten the work started on the fountain as they had directed me.

35. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well. Now close your mortal prayer. Have your record typed up by S.A., and then come back tonight here above the fountain area. We will meet you at that time.'

36. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their directions and constant support. I then closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

37. Email from S on 5-18-2021 entitled "Spirit of Jubilee"


I felt to share my journal entry from yesterday. These are exciting times and there is a lot of work being accomplished currently. Thanks for your efforts.

5-18-21 AM

This morning I was pondering why I saw myself pulling a handcart on the Sabbath among the Northern Tribes yesterday. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind and gave me further understanding. Heavenly Mother said, 'On Saturday evening your wheel on the handcart was damaged. You worked late into the night and early at first light to repair the wheel. Once repaired, you pulled the cart into camp early in the morning to observe the Sabbath day with your fellow travelers. You arrived pulling the cart just as the sign was given. There are many such incidences as this with a large group traveling with handcarts and wagons. (I felt the need to record this message before I started my prayer.)

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother called to me to come to her side. She was walking unseen among the Northern Tribes. They had already started their morning journey. She spoke, 'They celebrate Sunday as their Sabbath as do you. When Jesus visited them after the Nephites, they learned of his resurrection and commemorated the Sunday as their Sabbath day of rest instead of Saturday as is still practiced among the Jews of your day.

The companies have eaten breakfast and started their journey for today. They eat prior to breaking camp in the morning and then journey all day until they stop for night and eat their second meal.

There is a spirit of jubilee in the hearts of these travelers. They ponder the many signs and miracles they have witnessed and received up to this point in their journey. They now wait with longing anticipation the joy of entering Zion. They rejoice that they have entered the highway that was recorded in their scriptures long ago. They see themselves as modern day Israel following their God and prophet to a promised land as did ancient Israel with Moses.

The timing of Raphael fulfilling his high commission to start Zion today is crucial. He is starting today to build the foundation of this great city by our Godly powers. These steps are vital at this time to prepare for this people who will shortly enter her borders. Our timing of events is well planned and each step is critical to having our designs carried out in these days at hand.'

I prayed in my heart for Raphael to complete his assignments as directed.

Heavenly Mother spoke again, 'When your time to travel by foot to Zion arrives, you will feel a clarion call from our Spirit to go. There will be not mistaking this feeling and assurance you will receive from our Spirit. You will embark when directed and fulfill your promises to us. The timing of your journey will be as critical to our designs for your life as the current designs for Raphael to initiate Zion in preparation for the Northern Tribes.

We continued walking among the Northern Tribes as this scene closed before my mind.

Your Friend,

38. Evening-I enjoyed working outside today. However, I felt quite tired, which is to be expected with all the work I had been doing in the celestial realm on the earth.

39. I came to commune with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the New Jerusalem site. I came to kneel on the foundation of the fountain of living water, near the hole in the center. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

40. They immediately appeared in front of me. They were smiling and shining with bright light. I felt that the workday today must have gone well since they seemed very happy.

41. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, today was a good day where schedules were created so that you and all our celestial workers felt confident that you would be completed on Saturday, May 22, 2021, with all the fountain construction and all waterways. We wish this to be completed by that time so that we may rest on the Sabbath, and then bring forth living water upon all the surface of the island on Monday, May 24, 2021. That week we will have all of the seeds and transplants planted and watered daily.

42. You have divided up the work projects on the temple block area into twelve main projects. Each one has a detailed schedule with ample celestial servants, craftsmen and craftswomen to supply the labor for the work this week. The multiple teams that work together in each main project area have committed to meet the schedule that they have agreed upon. There are team foremen and forewomen who keep the group on task, and help supply needed materials and sometimes different celestial servants with the required skill sets to complete the subtasks.

43. Each day they report to you at midday and just before sunset. The foremen and forewomen come to you if ever there are problems in meeting the intense time schedule. Since this labor is all done on the earth, where there is a time constraint and regular hours based on day and night, they have scheduled to work during daylight hours. Each day at sunrise they begin, and at sunset they conclude.

44. Raphael, we have chosen faithful and very skilled workers, all grouped together from various phases of their mortal life, whether they have already lived, are now living in mortality, or will yet live. These are all our celestial elect children. They are extremely united with you in a common cause!

45. Among those who work ore and precious metals of gold primarily, they are skilled in creating molds, mining and refining the metal from ore, casting the molten metal, hard working the precious metal with hammers and other means, shaping and finishing, and attaching the metal to hewn rock or to other metal surfaces. Being celestial craftsmen and craftswomen, they also know higher forms and skills of working with gold and other precious metals than those in your mortal world.

46. Those who are skilled in cutting and hewing rock from our celestial quarry have celestial methods of precisely cutting the rock to a polished surface. They have knowledge of how to make large slabs exactly fit into sections of the foundations that Mother Earth created. Finally, after all is exactly fit, these celestial servants also have knowledge of how to make the foundation and walls as one continuous piece of rock, with no seams. This capability is not practised on earth. It is a feature of the celestial world of construction.

47. There are other laborers who are experts in fluid flow, and know how to bring pipes from the bottoms of the small channels to feed the streams, lakes, and ponds on our celestial temple grounds. These areas will be continually refreshed with a gentle flow of living water taken from the small channels. These water flow experts are designing the details of the rates of flow of the living water that divides the center fountain piping and the water leaving the fountain area in the four small channels. They are the ones who will bless the fountain rim to have adjustable exit rectangular areas to feed into the small channels, all based on the water level of the fountain pool. They also are coordinating with Mother Earth as to how much pressure to maintain on the cavern deep in the earth in order to keep water flowing at an even rate.

48. There are other skilled laborers who are soil experts. They are preparing the beds to be ready for planting next Monday. They are bringing additional soil from the celestial forest resource area to fill all the beds for the plants that will come.

49. By Saturday evening, all the work on the schedule for this week will be completed. On Monday, May 24,2021, there will be an entirely different crew of experts planting and designing the garden beds and water plant areas, the two trees of life, and every needful vegetable, fruit, and edible plant in both the celestial and terrestrial areas of the island. Abundant food will grow outside the 3,000 foot square temple block area for the newcomers.

50. Raphael, most of the work is now being done in the celestial forest and resource area. Come with us to view their progress!'

51. I stood and took the outstretched hands of my Heavenly Parents. Together we moved quickly to the work areas. It was past sunset, and there were no longer workers there. I saw it was all illuminated by the light from my Heavenly Parents.

52. I saw the ore had been mined and was refined into large ingots. I thought these would be remelted and poured into the many sand and other material castings that were being created. These would be filled with molten gold to create the pipes and pieces needed in the celestial block area.

53. I saw the quarry had been divided into the many pieces to be cut and placed on all the rock foundations. Only a few major pieces were removed from the quarry.

54. I saw areas where the soil had been removed for placement in the plant areas. I saw that all had been left neat in the process of removing the soil from these resource areas.

55. My mind then came back to my mortal self who was writing all of this down. I felt relieved that many skilled workers were moving ahead on these essential first tasks in the New Jerusalem.

56. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for speaking with me tonight, and for showing me the progress. I closed my prayer.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, May 19, 2021

1. I awoke just after sunrise with light streaming in my window. I was eager to see what was happening at the New Jerusalem.

2. I came in my mind to the celestial forest resource area. I came to the treetops so as not to be in view. I saw that celestial workers were already at work, being focused on their tasks. I didn't see any of my own replicated selves, however. While I was looking around, my Heavenly Parents came to me, Heavenly Father on my left side and Heavenly Mother on my right. They were both looking down as was I to the workers below us.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your replicated selves are at the quarry and back at the fountain areas. You are observing our master stone cutters work on making sure that the pieces they are cutting at the quarry will exactly fit the foundation in the temple block area. Come with us to observe them closer, even out of sight so we won't interrupt their activities. They are very focused on their work, and we wouldn't want to slow them down.'

4. We were then instantly standing in the air above the celestial quarry. It was a large area where there was only rock below us, with no vegetation growing. Two celestial craftsmen and one craftswoman were working together on the rock quarry before us. They each seemed to be meditating in different areas, not far apart. They had their hands on the top surface of the rock and were not moving.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, these three celestial master craftsmen and craftswoman are cutting the rock below them with their intentions. Each is focused on making precision cuts under the surface. Their methods make the rock where they are focusing on become cut in a polished surface cut or a rough cut, depending on the ultimate surface location. They are working on cutting the large perimeter rim of the fountain of living water. This is five feet tall with an inside diameter of 33 feet, with 2 foot thick walls. The inside stone surface is smooth, but the top and outer surfaces are roughened so that people at the fountain won't slip on the surface which will often be damp or slippery. The outside surface will be very beautiful and will ultimately glisten with light from the roughened surface.

6. The stairs on all four sides have even rougher surfaces on top for traction. However, the gold inset areas are now being cut out on the rock below and are smooth depressions. Gold will be melted and poured into these areas and then be roughened on the top surfaces for traction after being cooled and in place. The gold will then be adhered with the rock cutout areas where they are joined in a celestial method of full adhesion between the gold and the smooth rock surface.

7. Each of the skilled laborers here are working on different sections of the rock under the surface. When they are completed tomorrow, with all the thousands of surface cuts, whether rough or smooth, then they will together have their foremen come and inspect all the cuts. When approved, they will elevate the circular rock rim out of the quarry and completely clean it of all rock dust from the cuts. They will then levitate this large one piece section, complete with stairs and a locking 2 inch bottom lip, to the fountain foundation area. You will be there at that time to watch and help place this large circular wall and stairs piece. We will come back at that time too in your prayer to watch part of this process.

8. This same process is happening all over the quarry today and tomorrow. On Thursday most of these more complicated pieces like the fountain wall and steps will be completed. However, some small straight channel sections are already finished this morning. By Thursday all pieces will be in place, ready for the celestial adhesion process for joining surfaces.

9. The gold inlay work will start today for pieces in place, and will conclude Saturday afternoon for all sections.

10. Raphael, when you come tonight in your prayer we will show you the work project on the gold pipes of the fountain of living water. There are three main project teams for these gold pipes, for their creation, welding together of the pieces, and for final insertion into the large hole in the foundation floor of the fountain pool area. We will go over all this in detail tonight after the workers leave.

11. The information that I explained this morning is now sufficient for you to record in your journal. In each of your prayers we will visit a different area of the overall construction for this temple block area. Your replicated celestial selves are very much aware of all the details of the creation and construction of all that is happening on each of the twelve project areas.

12. You mentioned that you were tired in your mortal body yesterday. This would normally be much more severe, but we have strengthened you in your mortal body to be able to continue your normal activities. There is a very strong connection between your mortal being and all other replicated states of your being.'

13. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father then faced me, held hands and ascended up into the celestial sky above the quarry. I saw the celestial laborers below look up into the sky and smile. I knew they also saw them in the sky. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. Email from S.A. on 5-19-2021:


I prayed and confirmed this, that the creation of Zion is really happening right now in the physical terrestrial realm!

Heavenly Mother also confirmed that this telestial world will be destroyed and the only safety will be to come to Zion in the terrestrial realm.

It is so amazing, I had never considered this would be the way of safety-even to escape into a different realm, but it has been confirmed to me as true and deeply resonates with me too!

Have a blessed day!
