170. Miracles for the Elect
I have received happy news on the difficult days ahead: our Heavenly Parents will extend miracles of protection and preservation of our lives and resources, so that we may better weather the tribulations coming. This is such great news for us who have worked hard at storing our food and preparing every needful thing! We only need to ask of our Heavenly Parents in faith, and they will send powerful miracles to bless us than ever before.
This post contains also more information on the New Jerusalem, and the trek that some of us will be taking to walk to Zion. This is all so very exciting, for I am told that these great events are scheduled to start happening just next year!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
My free range chicken eggs
R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 17, 2020
1. Evening-Tonight I came by the stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I have thought about the correction I received this morning concerning the word "firmament" in my post 169G1. My writings need to be doctrinally accurate, and if they are not, God will one day correct them. I often write so fast that I see how it is easy for me to miss something like assuming the firmament was the earth when it is really the atmosphere above the earth.
2. I came immediately before my Heavenly Parents who were standing opposite the little stream from me. They were both smiling. Heavenly Mother spoke:
3. 'Raphael, you had more tasks laid out for yourself today on earth than you could possibly fulfill. I was pleased how you just peaceably worked on the most pressing tasks before you, and relaxed and enjoyed your day. These same tasks that were undone today may be done tomorrow. Enjoying the work you do, without getting anxious about the undone tasks, is a good skill to possess.
4. Sometimes task accomplishment seems to take precedence over caring for people, particularly those you love.
5. When Mary sat at Jesus' feet, and Martha, her sister, was concerned about serving the meal and wanted Mary's help, Jesus spoke this to Martha:
Luke 10:41-42
"And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful (worried) and troubled about many things.
But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
6. Sometimes, in your effort to get tasks done, or to make things complete, it is easy to lose focus on being with those you love and listening to them, or doing things with them. Sometimes, when emotions are high, it is so much better to restrain yourself and not reveal your true inner feelings. Sometimes when there are many things to do, you might get overly focused and neglect those in need around you.
7. Lean unto my Spirit, and follow the example of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We will show you how to act!'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful and sweet message tonight! I said I would work on being chill or easy, and not to be too stressed out over my tasks.
"Dragon Egg" cucumbers and a carrot, both from the garden
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 18, 2020
1. Last night after my prayer, my wife and I talked about schooling our impulsive feeling feelings, guarding our own emotions, gaining composure before responding to an emotionally charged subject, and being able to be unruffled in times of criticism or attack on our feelings is something we both want to further develop. I like what Marcus Aurelius said: "Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself."
2. I also had the words of the LDS Hymn "School Thy Feelings" (Hymns, Page 336) come into my mind this morning. I especially like the first verse:
"School thy feelings, O my brother
Train thy warm, impulsive soul
Do not its emotions smother,
But let wisdom's voice control.
School thy feelings; there is power
In the cool, collected mind.
Passion shatters reason's tower,
Makes the clearest vision blind."
(Charles W. Penrose, 1832-1825)
3. This morning I came to the celestial orb to pray again, and to commune with God. I came to the little meadow to the west of the switchback path above God's Loving Healing Lake, down the little hill.
4. I knelt by the horizontal log there, and in my mind intended to come into God's presence, just as if I was looking with intention into my healing seer stone.
5. I then realized my Heavenly Father was standing in front of me, a little elevated above the ground in the air! I thanked him for coming this morning. I thanked him for some personal blessings, and prayed for family members who were struggling and trying to understand life and how to live in a better way. As I prayed for them, I felt greater love and acceptance of them. I really wanted them each to fully choose what they inwardly wanted to do in life, and that I would fully love and accept them, whatever their choice might be.
6. When done with my petition, Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, I will send more light upon those for whom you have prayed. It is our intent to be near them when they ask God for help and guidance, or yearn to act in Christ likeways. We are pleased when they are able to choose for themselves the path in life they most desire, according to their own agency. We will encourage, strengthen and give inspiration to those who lean upon us, their Gods, for direction.'
7. I asked him questions about my personal and family physical preparation details. I ordered some solar panels to put upon our roof soon, and received his guidance on when to assemble it all.
Tamatillo salsa from the garden
8. Heavenly Father said then he would be here with me all my day. He said he was pleased with my actions.
9. I then consciously left his presence. I am grateful for such a wonderful blessing to be next to him all day long. I then began my new day.
10. Evening-Tonight I came again to the meadow by the horizontal log. My Heavenly Father was standing before me, smiling. I was so glad to be in his presence, while before him, all of my important tasks on earth, in my mortal world, seemed to fall into a less important, less urgent position in my mind. I thoroughly was relishing being in his glorious presence!
11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I want to address an event coming to your land of America when there will be a devouring fire. This fire will burn up the whore of all the earth, which is now in power in your government, industry and other organizations of great power, that rule by means of the amount of money that have amassed. This is the great whore mentioned in multiple scriptures.
12. D&C 45:21
"And the great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire (this will be by the invading nations and armies of China and Russia, for they will stage an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) nuclear blast that will destroy the electronic and the power grid in your land)..."
13. This nuclear blast will be aimed to destroy the high lifestyle of all Americans, and thereby destroy the craft of the whore who gains her power by commerce, and the gain of large amounts of wealth and power from the people. This entire process will cease, and Babylon will fall.'
(interrupted, continued in the morning)
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 19, 2020
1. I awoke after a good sleep and came again to the meadow by the fallen log. Heavenly Father appeared before me again as I knelt in prayer there. I thanked him for coming. I said I was sorry to have been interrupted last night, and that I wanted to continue hearing about the devouring fire if possible.
2. Heavenly Father spoke, 'Raphael, there are times when unexpected things or events happen. I will continue where I left off.
3. The devouring fire is not a nuclear bomb that causes widespread destruction of property and land and people. Instead your enemies want to depopulate the land so they may take over the land with minimum destruction. They are interested in destroying the people but not the infrastructure in the land, nor any green thing:
Elderberries from the mountains
4. Revelation 9:4-5-
"And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
And to them it was given that they should not kill them (those who have the seal of God in their foreheads), but they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as a torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man."
5. This will be an occupying foreign army who will destroy the people who oppose them, for they care not for the lives of their captors. The people in your country will die from the great calamities coming upon the land from the destruction caused by the Nibiru system, and not so much from the invading troops. The invading armies will masquerade as helpers to the people who will survive, for they will distribute food and will collect the many dead in the process of clearing the land from the destructions. We will preserve our elect through all of this destruction by our power, for they have the seal of God upon them and we have assigned to them our heavenly servants to protect and guide them.
6. At the same time as these destructions, the pandemic will continue to rage in the land. We will protect our elect by the Mother's corona fire that will destroy the virus before being able to lodge and take hold in their bodies.
7. The people in the land will mostly not have electric power, or use of computer systems or any cell phones or sensitive electronic equipment, for these will have been destroyed by the EMP. Some will have protected their own sensitive electronics by using faraday cages, electrical hardening devices, or other known means, but these will be few compared to the general population. Your land will suddenly be thrust back to days before electricity was introduced, or modern equipment and machines. This will destroy in your land the flow of commerce, which the great whore, even modern Babylon, used to thrive upon.
8. Then will be fulfilled the prophecies of John in Revelation 18 about the destruction of the whore, even modern day Babylon:
9. Revelation 18:2-3, 8-11
"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
10. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies (this refers to the opulent lifestyle and goods that money has allowed to flourish, all which will be destroyed).
11. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine (for the people will no more be able to buy their goods and services any longer, nor their food in the stores, for all this will cease because of the lack of electricity and the great destruction in the land. Many will starve and perish, for they did not prepare for this great day of want.); and she shall be utterly burned with fire: (burned with devouring fire that will stop all her commerce and activity, in one day) for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Two varieties of melons and blackberries for dessert
12. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, (Raphael, there are those in your land who have gained their vast wealth off the commerce in your land, many of whom were conspirators against the people by creating secret systems to rob the people in the health industry, in education, and in other corrupt business practices across all industries aimed to bring them much personal gain and great power. There were others who were honest and hard working who are not in this category as the kings of the earth. These kings are not only in your land, but those across the world who are linked into the same corruption of modern Babylon in your land of America).
13. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! (If there is one city that represents the corrupt commerce it is New York City, for Wall Street, the stock market, heads of corporations, and even the head of world trade is located there. This city is also heralded by the Statue of Liberty whose image was taken from the Pagan ancient queens from Greece and Rome and other corrupt ancient civilizations that promoted free sexual relations and prostitution, and other wicked practices. New York City is also the head of the United Nations that continues to be controlled by communist and socialist nations intent on spreading their practices and ideology to every nation.) for in one hour is thy judgment come. (The EMP blast will be over your entire nation and will topple modern Babylon immediately, making her systems no longer functioning. Also, Nibiru's destruction will be quick and devastating, burying several cities under the ocean and causing others to catch on fire from the meteorites, or being toppled by the strong earthquakes. These events will be sudden and quick.).
14. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:" (see also the remainder of Revelation chapter 18. Comments in parenthesis by Heavenly Father).
15. Raphael, the devouring fire spoken of in the scriptures, about the last days, often refers to this time of the destruction of modern Babylon. This event will cleanse the land upon which you live of great wickedness, preparing the way for a peaceful and righteous promised land.'
16. I thanked my Father to have explained the devouring fire given in the scriptures. I saw many references to this in my phone app under the LDS library. Here is one very clear reference:
17. D&C 29:21
"And the great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire, according as it is spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the prophet, who spoke of these things, which have not come to pass but surely must, as I live, for abominations shall not reign." (See Ezekiel 38:22, Joel 2:3, D&C 45:40-41, and many other scriptures, particularly in the Old Testament.)
18. I asked if I should come here during my day in constant prayer, to be with my Father. He said he would be here all day with my replicated celestial being.
19. I then exited his presence in my conscious mind and started my new day.
Home grown mild peppers and cherry tomatoes
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 20, 2020
1. Yesterday we attended my son A.'s drive through graduation at Utah Valley University. By the time we got back home it was late. I prayed but did not record my prayer, for I was too tired. Heavenly Father spoke to me and said he and Heavenly Mother would meet me in the morning in the domed room. I was comforted in his presence.
2. This morning I awoke late, but felt refreshed. I came to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and desired to come to the domed room, to be with my Heavenly Parents there. I immediately came to the domed room, kneeling before my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were smiling and filled with glory and light. I felt accepted in their presence, and knew they loved me.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you wondered yesterday whether the words of Heavenly Father about New York City were too harsh, particularly concerning the Statue of Liberty. However, we view many things that have the works of Satan at their foundation, that are commonly accepted as good and wholesome in your fallen telestial world. With the Statue of Liberty, there were many wicked practices that it was originally patterned after in previous fallen and corrupt civilizations. However, the symbol of a free land and ability to choose is a good representation, meant for all people. The United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence was inspired by us in promoting freedom of choice. Satan has come and sought to destroy this country, and by degrees has turned it into a land of tyranny, promoting his views of force and compliance. We will now destroy this once accepted country, for it has passed from freedom principles to those controlled by Satan and his evil governments. In its place, we will establish our Zion, even in cities across the land of promise, with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to reign as king over the entire earth from the center of the land in the New Jerusalem.'
4. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for settling my mind. I love the symbol of freedom that the Statue of Liberty has been in my mind my entire life. It greatly saddens me to see this once good nation fall into disrepair and evil.
5. I asked my Heavenly Father if I had correctly written his words yesterday morning. He spoke: 'Raphael, I accept your entry in your journal as correct and from me.
6. It is now time for you to work today on your post 168, to get this soon emailed to your small group. Spend time to get this published in the next few days. You have been very busy but will have more open time now.'
7. I said I would do so. I thanked them both for being here with me today. I said I would exit their presence in my conscious mind, but remain with them in my unconscious mind in constant prayer.
8. I then consciously left their presence in the domed room, and started my new day.
9. Evening-I worked on post 168 today and sent it over to M.A. to finish editing and indexing. I already have post 169 done in an unedited state, and hopefully will get this back from K and soon out. My typists (now S.A., S and me) are typing on post 170. There is no way I could proceed at this fast pace without each of these great helpers!
Some of my chickens eating our kitchen scraps
10. As I listened and read my post 168 today, there were several things I had received that I had not remembered. I try each day to listen to a past post to keep my mind refreshed and in remembrance of what I have received.
11. I came to the domed room, with the intention to be with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I immediately came before them, kneeling and they were in front of me facing me.
12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you reread the account of devouring fire in your journal from 8-19-2020 in the morning. The fire is a nuclear blast that creates an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that destroys the electrical systems in your country, and effectively destroys all commerce that you are used to, in your modern digital and internet linked society. Anything requiring electricity to be used to buy or sell will stop. This will effectively destroy modern Babylon, the great whore, or the great and abominable church of the devil, that depends upon gaining money from the people. All electronic surveillance will cease unless these are hardened, or prepared to withstand the high current surge that comes from the EMP blast up in the sky.'
13. I asked how I should proceed to ensure my new solar panels that are being shipped to me, will withstand the EMP. I asked if I need to ground them in a very large faraday cage (an electrical isolation container).
14. Heavenly Mother replied:
'Raphael, when you receive your solar panels, mount them where you desire, facing the sun, but do not connect them up with each other or to electric lines. Then ask of us to protect these for your home use to create electric power, even after the EMP comes. We will protect these solar panels so that they will function once you connect them together and connect them to your other chargers, batteries, and inverters.
15. For sensitive equipment like cell phones, computers, backup drives, etc. these need to be placed in faraday cages that you can buy or make. For refrigerators, and other appliances it is best to unplug these during the EMP event. However, since you won't know the exact timing, and want to keep your food cold, it is impractical to unplug these for any length of time.
16. In this case, pray to us so that we may also protect these and other appliances. Petition us in prayer to protect any motor or appliance or vehicle that you may need to be able to endure an EMP without damage. We will honor this request, and place a bubble of protection over these items so that they work even after the EMP attack comes. However, we want you to do all you can do to safeguard your appliances, computers, electronics, motors, vehicles, etc. before we protect these with our power.
17. Be aware that outside your home, the power grid, internet, cell phone towers, etc. will fail so that no outside power will come into your home until these systems are replaced. This would take years to replace so the prospect of an outside power source is non-existent. You will need to create your own electric power to operate the items that we will protect. This takes a large effort on your part to adequately prepare against the EMP attack, or the devouring fire coming to your country.'
A partly eaten melon rind in the chicken coop
18. I then shared the details of my personal preparations with my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. I humbly petitioned them to protect my solar photovoltaic panels, the equipment associated with producing solar power, my fuel generators, all of my appliances, well pump, lights and everything electric. I said I would safeguard my electronics (computer, phone, backup drives), and my power tools as I was able, in my homemade faraday cages so they hopefully would be protected. I asked for their inspiration to help me figure out how to do everything I could possibly do to protect these. I then asked that the bubble my Heavenly Mother referred to be applied to these items. I asked them to do this, in the name of Jesus Christ.
19. Heavenly Father then replied:
'Raphael, we will protect your electrical items you have mentioned, and will place our protection upon them. We will help you produce your own electric power. We will inspire you to continue to protect your electronic devices and motors, so that you may do all you can do within your ability and time. We will protect all.
20. We extend this same protection to every one of our children who petition us as you have done tonight. They too need to find their own source of electric power to operate their own appliances, motors, and electronics they desire. They too need to do all they can do to prepare for these things, even as you have done.'
21. I profusely thanked my Heavenly Parents for their great blessing of protection they have offered to others and me! I said I would continue to diligently work on these preparedness items.
22. This all reminded me of the children of Israel who marked their door posts with the lamb's blood, so that the angel of death would not come upon their household.
23. Exodus 12:13
"And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt."
24. It is interesting that Isaiah uses Egypt as the code word for the modern-day nation of the United States of America. This promise, done anciently by God, will be done again to those who sincerely petition God for protection against the devouring fire coming our way in the form of an EMP high altitude blast.
25. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents that they would protect all those who call upon them for such a great blessing, if they have adequately prepared for this day of destruction.
26. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, we will protect those who humbly petition us for this EMP protection. We will inspire them to pray to us for their household and home against the enemy, and against these destructions soon to come upon them.'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their gracious blessings they will extend to us! I said I felt great relief for this protection they will extend to us.
28. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Processing tomatoes into tomato sauce
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, August 21, 2020
1. I am still in awe when I think of God's promise that they gave me last night! I reread my above journal entry and felt so grateful.
2. I came to my private room this morning and got in a meditative state. I asked then that I might view my healing seer stone, in my unconscious mind. I then pulled it up in front of me, and looked into it with intention to come before one or both of my Heavenly Parents.
3. I came into the presence of my Heavenly Mother at the desert oasis! She was standing above the sand, and I was kneeling before her next to the bench facing her with the oasis was behind her.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will also honor the humble and sincere petitions of our elect children to protect their food storage and other needful supplies that they have stored in their homes and sheds on their properties. We will send forth our celestial servants to whom we will give our power to hide these from the view of others who may wish to steal these or harm our elect. All that they have prepared we will protect. However, our elect children need to pray to us for our blessing of protection and hiding to come into effect.'
5. I thanked my gracious Heavenly Mother for her power of protection. I then asked that everything on my own property, including our food storage, clothing, our shelter, and every item we have diligently worked at preparing and storing away, be protected. I asked that our chickens, garden, orchard, and land be preserved against those who would want to take these away or harm us. I prayed that heavenly servants of God, whom they might send, have God's power to do all of these things, and also turn away those wanting to do harm.
6. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will protect your storage items, your animals and land, and prosper all so that you may survive well the day of want coming upon the earth.'
7. I felt great relief again for the protecting hand of God over me! I asked that these same blessings be extended to every one of the elect who petitions God to help and protect them. Heavenly Mother then said that they would do so.
8. I thanked her for coming this morning, and being before me in my unconscious mind in constant prayer. I then excused myself to my conscious mind, saying I had early morning chores and errands to do in my mortal life now.
I then exited and started my new day.
9. Evening-We celebrated with our family who could come for A.'s graduation today. It was very fun but exhausting since my wife and I did all the preparations and cooking. I am glad our son was happy with his party.
10. I came tonight to the desert oasis and communed again with my Heavenly Mother. She was smiling when I arrived and spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have worked hard with your wife to create a celebration party for your son's 2-year associate degree from the local university. You wondered if this effort was worth it, but to your son, whom you were trying to please, he was so happy and felt your great support and love. Families in particular are to support and love each other, and that is what your wife and you did today.
Cooking down the tomato sauce
11. M.A. wrote you an email today with a question I would like to answer. She had thought that the foreign troops came originally to help because of the earthquake, as recorded in "Visions of Glory." However, you had written the troops would come first at the end of this year and then the earthquake would come early in 2021, after the arrival of the troops. She wanted clarification on this.
12. Raphael the troops are coming independent of any earthquake. They arrive to take over the land, and eventually to route out the people there and replace them with their own citizens. They will start arriving in numbers before the earthquakes come. The EMP will be at the beginning of their occupation, and they will use the crippled state of the people (without electricity) to their advantage. Their military equipment and communications will be hardened against the EMP attack they make on your country, so their strength will remain powerful.
13. When the earthquake comes, the troops will take advantage of the devastation and make it look like they are greatly helping the people put their lives back together. They want those who survive the occupation, earthquake, and calamities to learn to trust and depend upon them, and nobody else.
14. Whenever calamity comes upon your land, the occupying troops and their leaders will take this as an opportunity to their advantage. They will not care for the people, but only in their sinister goals and agenda. They will resort to lying and trickery if needed in attempts to dupe the population. Our elect should tolerate them but never trust them or their actions and motives. They need to pray to us for protection and for guidance.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. Now that I had thought and pondered all day, on and off, about her and Heavenly Father's remarkable promises about the protection of our storage and independent power systems they gave me last night and this morning, I asked for a confirmation if what I wrote in my journal was fully accurate.
16. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, you have correctly written what we have promised you last night and this morning! Modern-day Israel will be protected and saved by our power, on a one by one basis, according to their faith, prayers, and requests to us their Gods. There will be many modern-day passover miracles we will perform for our elect on the earth in these last days, even greater than the original passover experience of ancient Israel under our prophet Moses.'
17. I thanked her for her witness, and for her confirming words!
18. I then said I loved her, and left her presence. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 22, 2020
1. I came this morning to the river representing Heavenly Mother, and drank from living water there. I was on the eastern side of the temple, on the east side of the bank next to the river. I climbed the hill and came into Heavenly Mother's lower garden. This is where I knelt and prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents come to me, or I come to them. I prayed with intention, and then came into the presence of my Heavenly Father! I looked around and believed I was above the waterfall in the air, at the west end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. When I prayed with intention, I somehow was moved to this area not far away. I was kneeling in the air before my Heavenly Father.
2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I am pleased with what you have written in your most recent post about the extra protection and blessings we will give to our elect who pray in faith to us. We will answer their particular petitions and requests.
3. There may be times also that their food or supplies may dwindle in certain areas. We will extend what they have stored to remain, similar to the miracle Elijah promised to the widow of Zarephath:
4. 1 Kings 17:14-16-
"For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.
And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days.
And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Elijah."
5. In those instances, we will answer the prayers of our faithful elect, to preserve their lives.
6. If they feel threatened by armies or evil intentioned groups or individuals, we will answer their heartfelt prayers. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I are Gods who will perform multiple miracles to preserve and protect our faithful who ask of us. This is part of our deliverance that we will extend to them.'
7. I then prayed humbly that our food storage would be sufficient for my own family in my household. I prayed also that we would be able to freely share with neighbors and those who might come to us in their wants and needs, and not feel we won't have enough after sharing. I prayed that we would always have enough to live comfortably and well during these hard times coming upon our world.
8. I asked also that I be given insight into the motives and hearts of those who might come to us so I would know whether their intentions were good. I wanted to know whether these would be friendly or would intend to do us harm.
Blackberry harvest!
9. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, we intend that you be in continual communion with us, even in constant prayer. You need only ask of us in your mind and we will guide you in your particular situation in your mortal life. We will freely extend to you and our faithful abundant miracles to preserve and protect you. We only ask you do all you can now do to prepare, and then at the moment of your need, ask of us in faith.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable blessings that he, Heavenly Mother and Jesus would extend to us if we ask of them! I said this gave me relief and much confidence in moving forward into these troubled times.
11. I then felt the need to start my day on earth. I know too I can call upon my Heavenly Father at any time in my unconscious mind, and that he will be here continually with me during my day, here about this waterfall in the air.
12. I then thanked him again, and started my day in mortality.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 23, 2020
1. I worked steadily all day long and finally got my post 168 out late last night. I felt glad to get it published!
2. I came this morning to the white gate in the celestial world. Jesus Christ opened the door, and I knelt before him. I looked up into his compassionate eternity eyes. He immediately spoke to me:
3. 'Raphael, you have just reread your journal entries over the past few days, and have marveled again over our Heavenly Parents' promises of protection upon those who have prepared for the day of want, and then ask of God for their protection and blessings. These promises are real and will happen, even as our Heavenly Parents have said, for our humble elect. They have desired to offer these blessings to the faithful, for the tribulations coming upon the earth will be difficult and intense. These miracles of the modern-day passover are being given to balance the severity of the times you are required to pass through. In times of peace, we would not need to offer such remarkable blessings of protection and preservation. However, in times of severe distress and fear coming upon those who depend upon God, we will offer these greater blessings.
4. Whenever you have a need to prepare and protect your own family, or those around you whom you love and care about, discuss this with our Heavenly Parents in prayer. They are so loving and gracious, and will come up with a plan to help you, and will bless you with their matchless power!'
I thanked Jesus for his confirming witness of what I had been told previously by my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
5. He then asked me to look into my healing seer stone around my neck. He said that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were waiting for me to come into their presence, even now.
One morning's harvest
6. I then pulled my stone forward before me in my right hand, and looked into it with intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents.
7. I was immediately transported into their presence! They were both before me in great glory, standing upon a golden floor in a beautiful room. I was kneeling before them. I felt the intense light of Heavenly Mother come into me and pass through me, like I was transparent and transfigured before them!
8. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we are in our temple on our celestial orb, in one of the sealing rooms off the large throne room, on the top floor. We will be here all day with you in your celestial replicated self. Come here to speak to us as you may desire.
9. In the troubled days ahead, fear not to do good, for your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you and will protect and guide you, even by our power, Hear the words of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:
10. D&C 6:33-37
"Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.
Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you.
Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Amen."
11. I felt great comfort in his words and in these verses of scripture. I thanked them for both allowing me to come into their glorious presence!
12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we offer our faithful elect the same assurances that we have given you. All that we extend and promise to you may also be extended to them. We will be very close to those who draw near to us, and will abide with them through all their afflictions and needs. We will be very gracious in giving our abundant blessings to our faithful!'
13. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for their great blessings they will extend to all of the faithful elect and to me, in these tough times ahead.
14. I then asked that I be able to start my mortal day on the earth. I knew I would remain with them here in their sealing room throughout the day too.
15. I then saw them smile and nod their approval upon me to consciously leave. I immediately came into my conscious mind and then started my new Sabbath day.
16. Evening-I came to the sealing room in God's temple several times today, to ask for personal strength of patience and loving kindness. My need has all gone away now, and I feel so much better and happy.
17. There are times when the day after day routine without much change, in this pandemic condition, gets weary and discouraging. I feel at times like the scripture in Isaiah 28:19:
"From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report."
18. To me, and to others I know, this isolation is very wearisome, and yet we are only 5 ½ months into this pandemic.
19. I came this evening to the temple of God, to the sealing room where I had been this morning with my Heavenly Parents. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were still both in front of me, smiling! I felt with their daily divine guidance, how could I go wrong? I recommitted to them, as I did this afternoon when I partook of the sacrament. They had said to me then that they would not only send their Spirit to be with me, but that they would also be with me in their very persons throughout my every day.
20. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we will be by your side, and give you much to do during this time of isolation from others. There will never be a lack of activity with purpose in your life. The days, weeks, and months will continue to pass by very quickly, even as the people in your nation continue to divide among themselves. The wicked will continue to fulfill the clever and secret agendas of the enemies of your nation, and the elect will continue to seek to draw closer to us, their Gods. There is a civil war brewing, and sharp divisions between the national political parties in your country that will become very hostile and violent. The foreign communist powers have full control of the democratic party. Their leaders in government are playing into the current reduction of police forces throughout the nation, greatly reducing the resistance of an armed foreign attack. Many local, city, county, and state governments are defunding their police forces which are their only protection against violence and anarchy. This is by design, so that the takeover will be easier to accomplish once the invading troops come.
21. You have read tonight on the news how the military is becoming divided also. There are communist allies at all government levels and also in the US military that are doing whatever their communist secret leaders are requiring.
22. In all of this, we will work our miracles for our elect who are close to us and pray to us for direction and protection. We will stand by each one, preserving those whom we have chosen and called.
23. Heavenly Mother spoke next: 'Raphael, we are pleased when you pray for your loved ones and for their protection. They are each at varying levels of connection with us. We will hear your petitions for them, and will answer your prayers with additional Spirit and blessings upon their heads. However, they each still need to decide on their own whether to accept these blessings and choose to follow the directions we give them. If they reject our counsel, spoken to them by means of our Spirit, and if they are of the elect, they may be buffeted until they learn obedience, even by the things they suffer:
24. D&C 105:6
"And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer."
25. I asked my Heavenly Parents whether the vaccine that is currently being developed for COVID-19 would be something we should avoid taking?
26. Heavenly Mother answered: 'Raphael, those who are developing the supposed vaccines for the COVID-19 virus will not develop any effective vaccine. However, the media and government sources will press on the people to receive these injections, even though those injections have not undergone sufficient testing and evaluations of their effectiveness. This will primarily be a ploy to inject an RFID chip into their bodies, aimed at controlling their actions in the future. Some also have plans for their vaccine to slowly deteriorate the health of those who receive this supposed inoculation. In all cases, the vaccine will not reduce the spread of COVID-19, nor prevent the one receiving the vaccine from contracting the virus. There are several negative side effects from the vaccine also, with the injection of the RFID chip in their bodies as the overall worse result.
27. Some think that this is the mark of the beast, spoken of in Revelation 13:16-18. However, this scripture refers to an era later, one under the rule of the first beast discussed in that chapter, in the world outside of the promised land.
28. The RFID chip received by unsuspecting individuals in your country that comes with the vaccine, will be used by the government to control the people. The leaders of the invading armies will use this technology to track, control, and ultimately seek to destroy those who receive it. Many of your government leaders who push the vaccine on the people, work in secret with the leaders of these foreign powers, even now. Their work is in the dark and inspired by Satan. This misinformation on the vaccine will backfire upon those who accept it, and cause them misery in a future day.'
29. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her timely words and answer. I believe that we will be receiving more pressure to receive the new vaccine in coming days.
30. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for being with me all the day long. I told them how much I loved them.
31. I then exited their presence and came back to my conscious self. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 24, 2020
1. This morning I came to my private room to meditate and pray. As I usually do, I reviewed what I wrote last night and felt I correctly recorded what I received from my Heavenly Mother about the vaccine. These are scary times, and are definitely ramping up to a conflict and even a civil war. I believe they will be at their worst around the general election on November 3, 2020. I have never seen such divisiveness and division among the people. I believe this is fomented by the communist secret leaders who wield great power over many in positions of authority in our nation.
2. Anyway, I came in my meditations this morning to the tree of life where I plucked and ate of the tree of life, both the fruit and the leaf. There was great peace here, and a serenity and calmness so unlike what I feel in our world in mortality.
3. I then came to the fountain of living water and drank living water. I felt clear and receptive. I then sat next to the fountain and gazed into my healing seer stone. I sought to enter into the presence of one or both of my Heavenly Parents.
4. I immediately came to the shore of Lake Beautiful, next to the maple tree grove, for I recognized this place. My Heavenly Mother then descended from the grove to the shore where I immediately knelt before her. I felt the great love and peace that came from her! I said to her how wonderful it was to be in her glorious presence this morning.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, the world around you may be in war, men's hearts may fail them and it may seem nobody is trustworthy. However, my peace and love will remain with you, and I will guide you and protect you. Each of our elect may experience this great peace in their lives, for I will give freely to those who ask of me my Spirit, if they are sincere and humble in their petitions.
6. I will give the peace that Jesus Christ spoke of in John 14:27:
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
7. She then extended her hand to me. I arose and took her hand. We then started walking along the shore of Lake Beautiful, to the north. She spoke again: 'Raphael, come to me anytime today while we walk around the beautiful lake in our celestial world. I will be with you all day, even in your unconscious mind!'
8. I thanked her for being so close to me. I then found myself in my mortal state, writing all of this in my journal. I now begin my new day, being filled with the peace of God, that only God can give.
9. Evening-I came tonight to the shore of Lake Beautiful, still walking with my Heavenly Mother! When I came and connected my conscious mind with my unconscious mind, Heavenly Mother stopped walking and faced me. She then spoke:
10. 'Raphael, you have wondered how you could be walking with me here all day long while you live your mortal life on earth, doing many other things. This continues to amaze you.
11. The way this works is that time here in the celestial world is not synched up the same, or on the same basis, as time in your world. In mortality, there are very definite minutes, hours, days, seasons, and years, all which are precise and tied into the rotations of the earth and her revolutions around the sun. However, on our celestial orb we are not tied into such preciseness. We may travel into the past, or see into the future, and with a thought to do so we are there. For us here, walking on the shore, it seemed a few moments only while you lived your entire day on earth.
12. We also have you detach from your constant prayer mode during the times you are sleeping on earth. This gives you freedom to deeply rest your body and mind. At these times, your unconscious self, and your replicated self usually are replicated and are very actively working for us in the celestial realms of the earth. You are generally not here on our celestial orb. We continue to direct the work you do in the celestial realms on the earth, but are not with you continually like we are when you are in constant prayer during your day. We are with you in constant prayer when your conscious mind is active on earth and you may immediately be guided and directed by our constant presence.
13. I thanked her for this explanation. I said I felt like she was always closer now than before, and that I so appreciated this choice blessing!
14. I then asked her to continue to send rich blessings and abundant light upon my family members in need. I also asked her to bless abundantly the angels and celestial servants who labor tirelessly for her and Heavenly Father. I asked that the angels be inspired and prompted for the great blessings of protection that I had recently received. I asked that they would receive miracles in their lives.
15. I finally thanked her that I can live in these coming days when evil would be poured out in greater measure, and when also God's blessings would be so much more abundant. I asked for strength to face these difficult days ahead.
16. I then felt to leave her presence and get ready to retire for the day. I told her I loved her, and then left her presence. I came to myself in mortality and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 25, 2020
1. I awoke refreshed and came to my private room. I feel very blessed to have received so many truths from God! I was listening to my post 101 yesterday, given less than two years ago. I am now almost seventy posts later, and have received so very abundantly. I can hardly believe the journey I have been on! All along the way of receiving these truths from my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, I have been carefully confirming these revelations, with an open heart and mind. I have asked my small group to do the same, and not to take my own word for it. Each has been praying and receiving their own witness from God themselves.
2. The amount of revelation has been truly so great and voluminous that I cannot receive it all and remember all in my conscious mind. When I read or listen to what I have received in the past, it is often like it is all new again,
3. I live a very active life, and my days are busy with many projects. I try to make time in the day to listen to my past posts, but I am still going slower than I would like. I also receive new direction and revelations each day. I truly have such abundance and can hardly receive it all, even as Malachi the prophet spoke:
4. Malachi 3:10
"...prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
5. This morning I came to God's Loving Healing Lake. I walked up to my knees in the water, and drank living water. I then pulled up in front of me my healing seer stone. I asked to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, by looking into my stone with this intention in my mind. As I did so I felt I was out in space, somewhere in God's galaxy. I was standing next to my Heavenly Father who was on my right side! He was glowing with light, but not shining too brightly so that we could view something in front of us.
6. Heavenly Father kept looking forward and spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, I have brought you here to a location in space to behold your solar system.'
7. He pointed to a very bright distant star, the biggest one in the night sky.
8. 'There is your sun, around which your earth rotates. Your sun rotates slowly around the center of our galaxy, moving in this direction (he pointed to our right). The entire galaxy rotates together, keeping their spacing between other stars about the same. Behind us is the center of our galaxy, even where our celestial orb is located where you come daily in your prayers.
9. When we wish to come anywhere in our vast galaxy, we think to be there and we are instantly there. Our galaxy holds all our children and their planets and telestial, terrestrial and celestial systems that we have ever created in past eternities. Those who have become Gods, like your Heavenly Mother and me, have also created their own galaxies and creations in the vastness of our universe. To you, this is so great and overwhelmingly incomprehensible, but to me all is known and remembered, for your Heavenly Mother and I know all; for we have created all.'
10. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, you have written in your journal today how you cannot retain in your conscious finite mind all that we have revealed to you, for it is great, and you don't have the mortal capacity to remember it all now. However, your unconscious mind is capable of learning, receiving and retaining all our truths and revelations. You do know and remember all we have revealed to you from the beginning in your unconscious mind.
11. Shortly after you come to start construction on the New Jerusalem temple, you will have your mortal conscious mind merged with your unconscious mind, so that all our revelations will be before you and fully remembered in clarity. This is hard for you to understand now, but it will occur even as I promise.
12. Come now with me as we travel to your sun and then to your earth!'
13. Heavenly Father extended his hand and I took it. We then faced the distant bright sun in the sky, and moved together towards it. We moved with increasing speed until we stopped above his (the sun's) surface. All I could see, from horizon to horizon, was the sun's surface below us!
14. 'Raphael, we have created the sun to give those on earth the warmth that brings life, and keeps the earth and planets in their regular orbits. We use this solar system for multiple eternities, each one having a new earth, and a probationary place for our beloved children. Each earth is created as a beautiful telestial and then terrestrial world where our children live and grow. Each earth eventually becomes an exalted celestial earth, a place for our elect who become even as we are, Gods in eternity!
15. Let us now go above the earth where you are now having your mortal probation!'
16. We then traveled from the sun to our earth in a matter of 10-15 seconds it seemed. We came above the United States, even to the land of promise. All seemed so beautiful and peaceful below us.
17. 'Raphael, it looks beautiful and calm below us, but the hearts of men and women in your own country and land are not at peace. There are many who are greatly troubled and fearing, with lots of apprehension of the future. They know nothing of what will soon come upon them that will hurl them and their society into a time without electricity, without transport of their food across the land, without the many essentials and conveniences they are used to.
18. We will shorten these days of great tribulation, for our elect's sakes.
19. JS Matthew 1:20
"And except those days should be shortened, there should none of their flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake, according to the covenant, those days shall be shortened."
20. Raphael, we will protect and preserve our elect living upon the earth. But for the wicked, "They shall be cut off from among the people, but the end of the earth is not yet, but by and by." (JS Matthew 1:55).
21. To you, these events will seem to come quickly, and soon you will be finding yourself in the New Jerusalem area. Time will pass quickly for you. Your Heavenly Mother and I will continue to be with you in constant prayer and communion, even as I am with you now.
22. You will have peace, but the wicked will be in great fear and disruption, for they have rejected our counsels and won't come unto us, their Gods. Our elect, on the other hand, hear our voice, and keep our commandments (D&C 29:7). We will protect and preserve our chosen elect, even by our power.
23. Raphael, meet with me today during your day, as we desire, in this location above your land. I will be here all day long for you, and will answer your questions and provide for your needs.'
24. I thanked my Father for this great blessing! I said I plan to frequently think of us together, here above the earth, his jewel of creation in this night sky!
25. I then exited my unconscious mind and started my day on earth.
26. Evening-This day has passed quickly, and I hardly had time to connect with my Heavenly Father during the day. It is very hard for me to do so as I am kept busy with all of our activities. I feel bad about this, but what can I do? I guess I could slow down my life, and tell my wife I can't do some of the things we have planned to do daily. This is a difficult thing for me. I hope my Heavenly Father addresses my frustration tonight.
27. I came into his presence above the earth tonight where I met with my Heavenly Father this morning. I felt humble. I am not sure how I can do all I need to do, and still get in a meditative state to connect to my unconscious mind when I am doing a project that lasts for hours, followed by more unbroken activity.
28. I came in the presence of my Heavenly Father. He was smiling and seemed understanding of my feelings. He spoke:
'Raphael, you are very active in your life at the moment. You make time for your Heavenly Mother and me in the morning and at night, but have a difficult time slowing down during your day to connect with us, going from your conscious mortal mind to your unconscious mind. I understand this frustration you have.
29. Your Heavenly Mother and I accept you just as you are, with all of your intentions to prepare for your family, plan family events, work on your rental houses, work in your family business together, and keep your property well maintained. You have also been blessed with a very large harvest from your garden. You are processing this produce and storing the excess away in your food storage. All of these things are pressing upon you.
30. Raphael, we want you to organize your time so you continue to be as efficient as possible and very productive in your mortal life. If ever there is a moment to pause, or if you have questions or seek directions from us, we will be quick to respond.
31. There will be many days in the future where you will not be so busy as you are now, and it will be much easier to connect to us in constant prayer. We want you to learn the true principles of prayer, constant prayer, so that when your life slows down, you will have easy and quick access to us, your Heavenly Parents.
32. Raphael, we love you and your efforts to get our revelations written and posted to those we allow to read and ponder them. These are our words, and not man's. We will reveal to you all things as you have opportunity to receive and write these. We are now pushing you to your maximum mortal capacity. Keep up the diligent effort as you have done in the past, and we will continue to reveal our truths and mysteries to you as you are able to receive them.'
33. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his understanding, and for his words of advice and counsel. I said I would continue to give all I have to him and Heavenly Mother, and seek to balance my time in constant prayer with the demands of my mortal life.
34. Heavenly Father said it was late, and time now to go to bed and rest my mind and body. He said I would be refreshed in the morning. He told me to meet Heavenly Mother and him on the east lawn of his temple tomorrow morning.
35. I thanked him again, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 26, 2020
1. I am going to try to slow down some today, and not be so crowded with constant activity as I was yesterday. This is really my choice to not be as busy. I will seek to schedule in open times in my day. I feel much more calm this morning and rested than I did last night.
2. I came to my private room this morning and soon got in a quiet state. I came to the east lawn of God's temple on the celestial orb. I then knelt on the grass and humbly prayed that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come to me here.
3. As I prayed, I saw a bright light on the east wall of the temple. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then walked through the wall onto the grass and to me! They were holding hands and both were smiling.
4. I gazed upon their glorious beings, trying to capture in my mind this moment. It is so remarkable to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents like this, even while I live in mortality!
5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we will be here all day long, during your mortal day on earth. We desire to have similar experiences with any of our elect children in mortality. They would need to come to our Beloved Son first, who then brings them into our presence, even as has happened to you over seven years ago:
6. D&C 93:1-3
"Verily, thus saith the Lord, It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;
And that I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world;
And that I am in the Father (and Mother), and the Father (and Mother) in me, and the Father, (Mother) and I are one-" (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother in this and subsequent scriptures in this post).
7. We will guide each one, step by step, here a little and there a little, even as we have guided you, Raphael. We will gradually unfold all things to those who diligently seek us.
8. Do not worry about not consciously coming into our presence during your days, for you are replicated and with us through the day each time we invite you to be with us in constant prayer. Your conscious and unconscious minds are connected, only you cannot have the unconscious always before you when you live in mortality. The day will come, however, shortly after you come to the New Jerusalem to build our temple there, that your mind will become as one. This will give you the confidence and knowledge, even given by us, to be our Branch who will do this great thing:
9. Isaiah 11:1-2
"And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse (Christ), and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
And the spirit of the Lord (should be "the angel of the Lord", see your post 54B1 to 54B9) shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; " (see also your post 54K10 and 54K11).
10. Raphael, you will then fulfill the words of Zachariah:
Zachariah 6:12
"...Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is the BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord." (see your post 54M14).
11. Raphael, we have chosen you and are grooming you to fulfill this future mission. We gradually have revealed to you great things, and are tutoring you to prepare for this spiritually demanding task ahead. All of your work now that you are receiving and doing is preparing you for this work. Once the temple is built to a sufficient level, you then will start performing the waters of separation ordinance for our faithful elect, thus bringing them into our Church of the Firstborn. Oriphiel will then record this ordinance in the Lamb's Book of Life, and which is the promise of eternal life and exaltation.'
12. Do not lose heart in the daily struggle of mortal life, Raphael. We are with you and continually now stand by you. There is nothing to fear or doubt. All will be fulfilled in time, even as I have said!'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her boost of confidence. I told her I loved her and Heavenly Father, and would always be faithful, and fulfill all that they have and will direct me to do. I said I know that I will receive the strength and capability to fulfill their will that will be required of me in the future day.
14. I also said that I was content to live my daily life in quietness and peace. I asked her to continue to give me her light and direction on a daily basis, for I depend upon her and Heavenly Father so much in my life now.
15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, as you are able, come here today on the east lawn at our temple, and we will give you counsel and direction, even in the little things that come up in your daily life today. All of this is training you to have the listening skills when you start to fulfill your future role as the Branch.'
16. I said I would do so as I was able.
17. I then exited in my conscious mind from their glorious presence, and came to my private rooms where I was writing all of this. I then started my new day on earth.
18. Evening-Today was a hard day for me in the first part of the day. I then later got feeling happier. It seemed like everything was turning out bad for me. I asked my Heavenly Parents to help turn the day around, and it did get to be remarkably better! What I saw as a problem turned into a blessing. I see that my vision was short sighted, and that I needed patience and faith, and a petitioning heart.
19. I came to the east lawn of God's temple tonight to see myself standing next to my Heavenly Parents. They were standing, a little higher than me in the air, and I was standing on the grass. I asked for their forgiveness for being down this morning. I thanked them to have turned my problems into blessings.
20. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, whenever you feel down, or feel discouraged, then ask of us for a blessing to change your perspective or to turn your difficult times into happier times. We will be happy to bless you so that you have a positive change.
21. These days ahead merit us to intervene much more in the lives of our faithful children than we have in the past. We will come unto you, bless you and strengthen you, as you ask of us in faith.'
22. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, Isaiah saw your very day when he wrote this of our elect:
Isaiah 49:13-
"Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted."
23. The days coming ahead will be difficult, and therefore we will greatly comfort and bless our sons and daughters who ask of us for comfort and a blessing! We will pour out great blessings upon our chosen elect, who become afflicted and who ask of us.'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their wonderful blessings that they extended to me today, and the promise of similar blessings to every one of their faithful elect who ask in faith.
25. I felt assurance from my Gods in this, their promise to me tonight! I feel to rejoice and to be so happy! Never has this happened in such a measure as will happen in our days until the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
26. I then closed my prayer and came back into my mortal conscious mind.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 27, 2020
1. This morning I came to my private room to pray. I came to the forest pool next to the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center. I thought to walk into the pool like it was my healing seer stone, and see if I could use it to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents. This was my thought that I received.
2. I then gazed into the pool of water, with the intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I then felt like I was falling into the pool in my mind, and then came before my Heavenly Father in a place I didn't recognize. I came to my knees before him, and thanked him for my coming into his presence.
3. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have successfully come into my presence by using this forest pool like a seer stone. I have given you the thought to do this, and you have successfully come into my presence, in my temple in a room you haven't come to before on the ground level.
4. The thing that brought you here was your intention to come into my presence, and not whether you came via a seer stone or any other object. You do not need an object, now that you have learned the power of your faith and intention, and the assurance we will come to you.
5. After being introduced again to us by Jesus Christ, our elect may use their seer stones we have given them to come to us in a constant prayer mode. Once they too learn the power of their intention, they then won't need to use their seer stone to come to us.
6. Their seer stone also helps them see past, present and future events as we allow. We may also do this revealing in other ways of our choice. The ultimate end of our training is for them to be very open to any impressions and revelations we may wish to give them. If they then ask, they will receive, or if they knock, it will be opened to them: or if they seek they shall find.
7. Mathew 7:7-11
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"
8. Raphael, you have asked in your mind and heart, by your intention, to come into my presence this morning, and be with me throughout your mortal day in constant prayer. I have therefore honored your request by bringing you into my presence in my temple.
9. Whatever you or our faithful elect children may ask of us to do, as given them by our confirming Spirit, we will do for them. We will also bless those for whom they pray, according to their faith, yet we will not take away their own choice and agency. We will honor all such humble requests of our faithful elect children, from this time forward until the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son.
10. In the past we have answered such requests often in a slower manner, testing the faith of our son or daughter to ensure they grow and learn from the request. However, now we are much more open to quickly give our blessings according to the intentions and desires of our faithful. We do this because of the increased hardships coming soon upon them and the mortal world they live in, during this time of tribulation. As darkness increases on the earth, so will our light and our miracles increase.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words! I asked if anything we ask, that is not expedient for us, would be still granted, or would it turn to our condemnation, even according to D & C 88: 63-65:
"Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you, that is expedient for you;
And if ye ask anything that is not expedient for you, it shall turn unto your condemnation."
12. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, when you come into my presence, or that of Heavenly Mother, and ask of us while being filled with our light and spirit, we will grant your requests to you. Your eye is at those times single to God, and you wouldn't ask for anything that is wrong or that is not for your good, or not expedient for you. You would not seek to take advantage of another. It is in this state that we will grant whatever you may ask of us.'
13. I then thanked him for this response. I next asked him to guide me throughout my day, and to help me include him in my every decision and thoughts of this day, so that I may truly ask of him that which would be for my blessing and for those of others I would seek to bless by my requests.
14. Heavenly Father smiled upon me, put his hand on my shoulder and spoke: 'Raphael, that is the correct spirit we wish all of our elect to possess that we may pour upon them our great blessings of protection and abundance, even as we desire and they request.'
15. I thanked him again. I said how grateful I was to him and Heavenly Mother for being so gracious to their elect.
16. I then felt a need to exit his presence consciously, but remain with him in constant prayer in my unconscious state.
17. I came to my conscious awareness in my private room, and then started my new day.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, August 28, 2020
1. I got to bed late last night. I was working on preparing the next post 169. When I did have a prayer, I came to God's temple and met with my Heavenly Parents there. I had received an email from S.A. (see below) and wondered about what God's plans were for me going to the New Jerusalem. At that late hour, I felt I would arrive next May, 2021. Heavenly Father said he or Heavenly Mother would come speak to me more about this in the morning.
2. I came to the desert oasis and came to the water's edge to drink living water. I felt alert and clarified. I then pulled in front of me my healing seer stone. I looked into it with intention to come into God's presence. I then felt I was in the sky somewhere, and Heavenly Mother was descending upon me from above!
3. I felt her intense light come upon and through me. She was smiling and so full of love and acceptance!
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, it will seem surreal to you when you think of leaving your house and heading for Zion, or the New Jerusalem next year. However, events are happening quickly. You will see great changes in your land, and your life will never be the same again. The old life you knew just a year ago is now forever in the past, and there will be a continuous change of normal living.'
5. I asked her how it will be for my family and I during this time of trouble, and of me coming to the New Jerusalem area?
6. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, we will allow you and your wife and son to remain in your home in Utah through next summer. You will work in providing for them and harvesting another garden.
7. However, you will be replicated in your physical body who walks to the location of the New Jerusalem on foot, leaving next spring. While you are walking you will also be replicated in another physical body to come to the location of the New Jerusalem when it is all still partly under water and muddy. You will be the first one there after the devastating earthquake.
8. Therefore you will live, at a certain time next year, in three locations, all in your physical bodies. 1) At your home near Utah County, Utah with your wife and son, 2) walking with a small group of other faithful elect to Zion, and 3) coming to the New Jerusalem area instantly as the first arrival.
9. During this time next spring/summer, you will not yet have your conscious mind linked all the way with your unconscious mind. You will access your unconscious mind similarly as you do now. You will be in daily communion with us in constant prayer.'
10. I spoke next: 'Heavenly Mother, thank you for this information! How will I communicate with my two other physical beings who are in different locations, doing daily different actions?'
11. 'Raphael, you will have a full conscious mind in all three locations. You will be aware of each, and will be able to tune in with your thoughts and actions in each location. This you will do similarly as you do now in communicating with your unconscious mind,
12. We have chosen to have you experience each of these actions on earth, so that you will understand the hardships and miracles of remaining back home, of traveling on foot to Zion, and of building from its rough state the New Jerusalem. We very rarely replicate someone in a physical mortal state like you will be experiencing unless their mission is enhanced by doing so. Such has been the experience of S with his mission among the tribes of Israel, where he lives among this people as a younger man, and also lives with his family in Arizona. You will have three separate physical beings for a short time. Shortly after your replicated person finally arrives by foot at the New Jerusalem, then will we grant to you access continually to your full unconscious self. You will then also be merged into one replicated being at the New Jerusalem area. We will finally reveal to you how we will move your actual mortal self to this area, with your immediate family, at a later time. However, feel assured that we have planned it all out and it will happen even as I have spoken.'
13. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for these new revelations. I asked if I might ask her questions during my day about the particulars of these things? She said for me to come here, on her celestial sky above the desert oasis, and she would be next to me all day long in constant prayer.
14. I thanked her, and exited her presence in my conscious mind. I then started my Friday on the earth in my mortal conscious mind.
15. Evening-I have been mulling over what my Heavenly Mother spoke to me this morning. I have confirmed this in prayer, but my mind still tells me that this sounds like a science fiction movie! It has been by degrees that I have come to this point where I can believe all of this, for it is very out of the ordinary to be in three places in my physical body, all at once, even while I am in mortality. I can see easily how God can do this, for God is resurrected and has great powers of replication. This is very reasonable to me. But for me, it seems sometimes hard to fathom that they, my Heavenly Parents, would extend to me their great power in mortality of replication that they possess.
16. Even with all my wonderings, I believe what I have received from my Heavenly Mother. I have confirmed this all true in prayer. I have decided to accept it on faith. I will inquire more from my Heavenly Mother tonight, by coming to the celestial sky above the desert oasis and asking for some more information that will help me understand.
17. I then came to the celestial orb in my unconscious mind. I came to the sky above the desert oasis, and approached my Heavenly Mother who was there. I came before her on bended knee. She was radiant and so full of light! I gazed into her loving eternity eyes, and sought her counsel.
18. She spoke: 'Raphael, what I have shared with you this morning is true, and the will of your Heavenly Father and me. We have the power of creation, of replication, and the power to share part of this capability, even as we will, with any of our children, even while they themselves are in mortality. I know this power to have you replicated at the same time in three different locations in your physical being, with each being possessing a separate conscious mind that may be shared (like how you access your unconscious mind now), is hard to accept. Nevertheless, it is true! Just because you haven't heard of this happening in the scriptures, or anywhere else except recently for S, doesn't mean it is not true.
19. I ask of you now to accept my words to you as true, based on your belief and faith in us, your Gods. We will continue to be by your side, and help, counsel, guide and inspire you. In time, you will see the fulfillment of all our words. Until that time, you are required to act in faith!
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words to me. I asked her to strengthen my faith, for I felt it was weak at times. I thanked her for being close to me all through my day. I thanked her and Heavenly Father for extending to me this great opportunity to be replicated in three bodies at the same time. I again asked for her Spirit and presence to be with me continually.
21. I then knew my time in prayer was ended. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and retired to bed.
22. Email from S.A., 8-27-2020:
"I am amazed by all the information, the events coming in the next 5 months in particular. It sounds bizarre when I think of it all, but when I pray I receive a confirmation it is true...it will be very interesting to see it all unfold. I feel so blessed to be striving to have continual communion throughout my day with them, and know this will be essential for the days ahead!!
S and I have felt impressed that we (us and our families) will be going on foot to Zion, leaving in the spring. It seems surreal, we are trying to make preparations for the journey we'll have. I'm so grateful to know the timing more or less so we have been able to gather more supplies for this. It seems wild but also true.
Sending my best,
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 29, 2020
1. I awoke refreshed and felt much better about what my Heavenly Mother spoke to me about last night! I feel that it will all happen as she and Heavenly Father plan for me, and to just believe and watch it come to pass in my life. This is a remarkable thing to be replicated in three physical bodies at the same time! I believe my main physical body will remain here in Utah. I wonder if I will keep a journal in my other two locations?
2. I came this morning to the granite cliff at the far east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I then thought in my mind to enter God's presence like I would do if I gazed into my healing seer stone. As I did so, my Heavenly Father immediately stood before me, a little elevated in the air to my west! He was smiling and seemed very accepting.
3. He immediately spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, we have continued last night after you slept on earth, to describe to you about your physical replication. When you awoke this morning, you felt much more assured that all will happen, even as your Heavenly Mother explained to you yesterday.
4. Even though the experiences you will soon have seem surreal, they are true. This feeling will be with you whether you come to Zion next year or in five years. It is the great change in your mortal world and your own life that creates this surreal feeling, and not how close these events are.
5. During the transition phase from the telestial mortal earth to the terrestrial mortal earth, there will be a flurry of mighty miracles we will do for our elect children. And except these days ahead should be shortened, "there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matthew 24: 22, see also JS Matthew 1:20) We are hastening these things, or shortening the days of tribulation upon your land of promise, for the sake of our faithful elect who live here, and who will remain to establish Zion and who will enter into the millennial day.
6. We will have you write in a journal while you are in each of your three replicated states on earth. You are also recording events that you experience in your celestial replicated state. This celestial journal is kept by you in the domed room. At the beginning of the New Jerusalem phase, you will have access to all of your journals.
7. When we replicate you in three physical locations, your main mortal body will remain in your home in Utah with your wife and son. In the other two locations, you will act separately from them, at the same age you will be in Utah. This will all happen when you are seventy years old.
8. Raphael, make this entry the last one for your post 170. Title it "Miracles for the Elect." This will be a happier post to many than those that relate the hardships coming to the earth. We will lengthen out our arms to our troubled and distressed elect, even all the days of their calamities. (see 2 Nephi 28:32 "...nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts.")'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assuring words this morning, and for his second witness of my upcoming physical replications. I asked if I could remain here at the granite cliff all the day long in constant prayer with him. He replied that I could.
10. I then exited his presence in my conscious mind and began my new Saturday workday.
N. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 30, 2020
1. My wife and I enjoyed a late date night, and were up past midnight. It was so nice to be with her, and enjoy her company in a setting of not working. We are harvesting a large garden, and sharing it with family and friends, eating lots ourselves, and preserving a large portion of it.
2. I slept well, and came to my private room to pray. I received a wonderful email from S that I wanted to share at the end of this post (see below). He gave me a blessing, along with Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ who also laid their hands on my head. I so appreciate this boost of strength and assurance I received from them! I am very pleased that S initiated all of this.
3. Last night when I prayed on my bed before going to sleep, I reviewed with my Father many of the great manifestations that he and Heavenly Mother have given to me. These have been consistent from the beginning when they both appeared to me in my energy class in April, 2013, now over seven years ago. They have gradually tutored and blessed me with more awareness and strength. They are so very real to me, and speak to my mind clearly when they communicate with me. My life is so changed and greatly enhanced by their continual presence and guidance.
4. Heavenly Father spoke to me last night these words that I now write:
'Raphael, when you go to the New Jerusalem area as the first one arriving there, and when you walk to Zion on foot, these will be in replicated mortal states, similar to how you are now living in your mortal terrestrial being. You will have the same mortal needs like food and water that you now require for these replicated beings.
5. However, once you are living in the New Jerusalem, with your wife and others, when you enter into the celestial temple, you will enter as a glorious celestial replicated physical being, even as our translated archangel. You will be there in your full angel vestures and glory when you and Oriphiel bring our elect into the Church of the Firstborn.
6. At the same time that you do this, every Monday through Saturday, you will also be living and residing in the city of the New Jerusalem in your terrestrial mortal body. Every one of our angels who labors in our celestial temple will likewise live in the New Jerusalem in their mortal terrestrial body, and be replicated in their full celestial glory when they labor in the temple, wearing their own angel vestures.
7. The service of our celestial angels in our New Jerusalem celestial temple will begin once our temple is dedicated and blessed by you, Raphael. During its initial construction period, you will primarily be in your mortal terrestrial body, and those who help you will also be in their terrestrial mortal bodies. Once the foundations are made, the land prepared, and the temple construction begun, you and others will then either work in your replicated celestial physical beings or in your mortal terrestrial physical beings, all depending upon our directions to you. We will have part of our construction work performed on our holy temple done only by those in their celestial bodies, while other parts of the temple may be done in their mortal terrestrial bodies.
8. You, Raphael, will direct all of the construction on our celestial temple, from start to finish, even as we direct you daily in this process.'
9. This was the message I received late last night before I went to bed.
10. Email from S on 8-30-2020:
"R, yesterday I was reading the most recently published post. I do not recall the exact part I was reading at this moment, but as I was reading I felt a strong desire to give you a blessing. You also discussed the importance for each of us to continue to ask in prayer the truthfulness of this record.
The blessing occurred during my prayer, and I was told to record it and felt a prompting to share it with you. Here is my record.
8-29-20 Saturday AM
In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I immediately saw them both in the air above me surrounded by great light. They were smiling and happy. I desired to be clean and whole through my Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Mother spoke, 'You are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, even Jesus Christ." Heavenly Father spoke, "You desire to know the truthfulness of Raphael's record you read today. The true order of heaven includes each child seeking light and truth directly from us in all things. Your Heavenly Mother spoke to you previously by the spirit confirming the truth of this writing today, and now you hear my words confirming its truth directly from my lips. Continue to confirm all truth with us from any source. Jesus encouraged his disciples to seek us in prayer to know the truth of all things.
Heavenly Mother then spoke, You desire to give Raphael a blessing and felt this desire as you read his record today. We inspired this desire and it is our will that you do so at this time.' I next saw Raphael appear sitting on a chair before us. I asked if he desired this blessing and he answered affirmatively. I placed my hands upon his head. Jesus appeared next to my Heavenly Parents, and all three of them placed their hands over mine.
Here were the words of the prayer as I recall:
"Raphael, I have been directed by our Heavenly Parents to give you a blessing at this time according to their will and desire to bless you in all your assignments. I bless your heart as you are concerned for your children and grandchildren in the days ahead. You will be given greater love and understanding as your Heavenly Parents' plan for them will unfold in their lives in the day of tribulation at hand. Though a mortal, you will be given godly understanding and perspective as each of your loved ones passes through their own unique challenges. These challenges are intended to bless them in their own personal journey of faith. Your barrel of meal and cruse of oil will not fail, but you will have enough to provide for the physical wants of your body and the wants of your family, as scarcity will soon cover your land. I bless you to be strong and ready to fulfill your role as you direct the construction of the New Jerusalem, all according to our Heavenly Parents' plans, for this great city. This is an important mission and vital to prepare the earth for the return of Jesus Christ. In time you will be transported there from your current residence, and your conscious and unconscious minds will merge so you can readily fulfill your duties. You will direct this work according to your pre-ordained mission and you will fulfill well your responsibilities for you will not be given more than you can bare. I bless you with strength and courage. We asked Gideon (R here: this is S's premortal name) to administer this blessing from us your Gods as he supports you in mortality at this time. Your sister, M.A., S.A. and many others also pray that you may shoulder the weight you are called to bare. We will fulfill our words and promises whether spoken from our mouth or one of our servants.'
Raphael's spirit said "thank you, and then he departed. Heavenly Father told me to record this experience and to enjoy my day with my family.
I hope you may feel the great love that was present during the blessing too,
11. Email from R to S, 8-30-2020:
"Thank you S for being inspired to give me a blessing, along with our Gods! I do feel buoyed up in faith and strength. I know there is a lot before us all at this juncture in time. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but we will be able to do it all.
I have received a prompting to put my last night's journal entry, along with your blessing email, at the end of post 170. That will conclude this post.
Thank you again for your unfailing support and help!! I love you, my brother!
Sweet onions from our garden on our nachos!