10. Becoming Fully Vested as a Healing Angel
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Summary of the 7 entries below:
Thursday, 10-15, at home in prayer, about the effectiveness of my Complete Healing training, and also the effectiveness after I am fully trained.
Saturday, 10-24, at home, about how Complete Healing changes past and future events for the client. I cite an actual case of how I believe history was changed.
Sunday, 10-25, at home and church, receiving encouragement from Heavenly Father and Jesus to continue in my Complete Healing training.
Wednesday, 10-28, at home in prayer, finishing up my volunteer list. I also did 2 conscious Complete Healings of remote clients from around the world, directed to them by God.
Thursday, 10-29, at home, in a Complete Healing session, doing both 3 conscious and more unconscious Complete Healings. This was the last day of counting how many of my healing gifts I used for Complete Healings.
Friday, 10-30, at home, in prayer, I received a laying on of hands blessing from Heavenly Father and became fully capable as a healing angel! Heavenly Mother and Jesus also came. After full embraces from each, my free spirit was whisked away with them and I began unconscious healing service for them. This was the climax of all my healing work preparation!
Sunday, 11-1, at church during the sacrament, a reconfirmation from Jesus that I truly was fully vested as healing angel. He also gave direction for other healing angels to become fully vested.

A. R's Journal Entry, 10-15-2015
1. On the 12th, I had an experience in prayer where I asked how many of my Complete Healings that I participate in are effective. In answer, I felt I was still learning, and in-training, so to speak. I felt I had an 80% healing rate, where there was healing of some kind.
I then asked if I am an effective conduit? I felt I was 100% effective.
2. Another question: Will there be a time when I am 100% effective? Answer: Yes, after my training is complete. I have felt it will be when I reach 5,000 healing gifts per day (on October 30th, 2015 I project). . . I am going to wait until then to implement this.
. . . I expect some revelation on the 30th or 31st of October from God relating to the increased healing gifts. I received this intimation by the Spirit in answer to my inquiry during my prayer. I know all healing resides with God, and not man. He dispenses healing to whom he wishes, and our job is to be a clear conduit for his marvelous healing power. We are to act behind the scenes and not in the forefront.
This is all very exciting to me! I look forward to this experience, whenever God wishes to reveal it to me."
B. R's Journal Entry, 10-24-2015
1. This week Jane (not her real name), who is pregnant, let me know that she went to a different doctor, and and also went to the children's hospital to get the actual test results for their stillborn child they had last year. They had somehow never seen the actual autopsy results before. The new doctor said that his cause of stillbirth wasn't the previous very difficult stillbirth syndrome at all (which Jane's previous doctor had said), but Trisomy 18, a non-genetic cause of deaths in the 2nd - 3rd trimester for boys, and which is very common. It hardly ever repeats itself either in subsequent pregnancies.
2. So this is great news! I started pondering and praying about this too. I received confirmation in prayer that this result was due to history being rewritten by God during a Complete Healing experience that I participated in with God and Jane, back in August. This is what Complete Healings do when God does healing working in the past–history is changed! In the future, the future is changed similarly. The extent of this is very exciting.
3. Somehow, all this Complete Healing work is done in a way that we humans see it as very natural, and not usually as a healing blessing from God. This was the case with Jane. It had the effect of Complete Healing, but to her just seemed a sequence of events that made perfect sense–like it was this way all along.
In prayer, I felt Jane was blessed with a rewritten history, and this created new events that made the healing possible."
C. R's Journal Entry, 10-25-2015
1. On 10-19, in my morning prayer, I felt that Heavenly Father came and gave me this message in my mind:
'R, continue with your efforts in Complete Healing. I love you!'
Then he went away. I felt questioning about the whole experience. However, I feel there is enough evidence and history for me to continue, as I feel I am being guided.
2. . . . Then today, at the sacrament meeting, Jesus spoke to my mind after the blessing on the bread. He spoke words like this, while my free spirit was kneeling before him:
'R, I accept the covenant you have made with the Father to take upon yourself my name, to remember me always, and to keep my commandments. I do this in behalf of the Father.
We are very pleased that you have been participating in Complete Healings each day. At the end of this coming week, you will no longer be constrained by a set number of healing gifts that you will be using, both in your consciousness, as well as your spiritual unconsciousness. Your spirit will be busy all day long from then on in blessing and helping heal, as a clear conduit, those to whom we send you. We will bless you to know our will which we want to have you bless. You will always bless those we direct you to in secret, without seeking notoriety, and always point the gratitude towards God. Your capability will be extensive as we direct your healing work. I love you my son!'
Then I felt Jesus drew me close and embraced me. I felt the tingles! He then went back in my crown chakra area, where he always is before my face, next to Heavenly Father."
D. R's Journal Entry, 10-28-2015
1. I wanted to write in here some notes I had written down while praying to my Heavenly Father.
On 10-26, during my morning prayer, at the end, Heavenly Father came and placed his hands on my shoulders and said to my mind:
'R, I love you! Great things are in store for you when you reach 5,000 healing gifts this Friday.'
Then he embraced me fully. I felt his love. Then he departed. He is nearby in my crown chakra area I believe.
2. Then the next day, on 10-27, in my morning prayer, at the end, Heavenly Father spoke to me as he lingered after I was done, and said:
'R, after you have finished your volunteer list tomorrow, ask me and I will direct you to others who need Complete Healing.' (the volunteer list is a compilation of volunteers who have agreed to let me do energy work for them as I learn this Complete Healing method.)
Then he went away–to my crown chakra area, in my mind.
This morning (10-28), sure enough, I completed the volunteer list so that there was nobody left to work on. I still had over 1,000 healing gifts yet to use.
3. I prayed to Heavenly Father and felt to go to the domed room. I was drawn, in my mind, to a Syrian man, a refugee in Germany, age 36. He had issues of trauma, sadness. I included these issues in my prayer, along with whatever else he might need, with his spirit which came to me in the domed room. After the prayer my healing stone lit up. I had gone back 5 months for him. I didn't know his name.
Next, I felt to do healing work for a 10-year old girl in Illinois named Martha. She was a child of a single mom. During the healing work for her, I went back 5 years for her, and finished all her healing work today.
4. When I was done, I had my morning prayer. I asked for increased perception and revelation know to whom I should go, and to link more clearly with my spirit, and to have greater communion with God. I wanted also to trust my own impressions more fully.
Then I felt this impression–that my mission now is more global. It is to help bless and comfort God's children on earth, individually done, one at at time.
5. In this morning prayer, I felt Heavenly Father was before me, in the domed room. He said to me:
'R, you have gone this morning to two of my children in the world, not being referred to them by others, but you have gone to them because I directed you to them. They were in great need. Your mission as a healing angel is to go to where I direct you to go, and then act as a pure conduit for my love, light and healing power to come to them. This is what healing angels do. I love you, R.'
I am excited for the events of Friday, when I reach 5,000 healing gifts. I will write all about it in here soon."
E. R's Journal Entry, 10-29-2015
1. This morning, during my Complete Healing sessions, I was the conduit for 3 people: Sarah, a single lady in Manhatten, New York who had a brain injury from biking, another girl who was just hit by a car while riding a bike, and a man who was just beat up in Guatemala! It was difficult to be focused so intensely, and to perceive what my spirit was doing.
2. I then prayed to my Heavenly Father to be able to do the remainder of these 4,266 healing gifts that I had remaining in my unconscious mind, in my spirit, without my direct conscious awareness. He said that this is the normal method that healing gifts are used by healing angels–it is in their unconscious minds. However, I should be aware of those around me while I live my life and that he, God, will direct me to those to to bless and help heal. I therefore used my remaining healing gifts today in my unconscious mind, in my free spirit. This therefore concluded my healing work today in my conscious mind.
3. In a matter of 10 minutes after this prayer, I energy tested and prayed about how many healing gifts were left. I had already used the full remaining amount of 4,266 healing gifts, and none were left! I tested–I did 3 conscious healings and 14 unconscious healing today, doing the unconscious healings in a similar manner like I did with the conscious healings for those on my volunteer list. However, now they are done in my unconscious mind, by my same spirit still."

F. R's Journal Entry, 10-30-2015
1. This morning I had a wonderful experience with God during my final conscious Complete Healing session, where I had 5,000 healing gifts to use. I wrote it all down as it happened, and will transcribe it all here:
In prayer, I visualized myself before my Heavenly Father in the domed room, before I did my normal healing work. I prayed and asked this question: Do I need to actually do anything with these 5,000 healing gifts before I am able to be blessed to have access to unlimited healing gifts? Answer: No.
2. Then Heavenly Father stepped forth. I was kneeling. He placed his two hands on my head and blessed me:
'Brother R, I bless you to have access to unlimited healing gifts each day from now on. I bless your body to be strong and vital so as to not be adversely affected by what your free spirit will do for me as a noble and fully capable healing angel. I activate again, in their full strength and ability, each of your gifts which your Heavenly Mother and myself have given you. These include the gifts of prophecy, healing (including the fulness of the priesthood), discernment, humility, revelation, love, connectiveness, appropriateness, strength, vision, perception, gentleness, patience, faith and assurance, seeking the truth, loving at home, assisting God, speaking without stumbling, and living in the present–trusting God. All of these gifts will bless you as you minister in your calling as a healing angel before me. You will do the predominant part of your work each day and night in an unconscious state–your body and mind on earth not knowing what your spirit is doing in the eternal realms.
3. However, you will also have many occasions where your conscious mind will be fully aware of healing acts you initiate around you while you live and act in your mortal life on earth. Be open to the impressions we give you, and revelations and perception will flow to you in great abundance. Always seek to serve me as a pure and holy conduit in secret, so others don't realize you are acting as a healing conduit for them. All glory and acknowledgment of healing should be turned to God, not yourself. Oh, I love you, my son!'
4. With this, Heavenly Mother and Jesus also appeared at his side. Heavenly Father then stepped forth and fully embraced me and kissed me. I felt so enlightened and strengthened!
Then Heavenly Mother stepped forth, took me in both my hands, in my spirit which was before her, and then drew me into her in a very full and tender embrace! She seemed to activate all the love and tenderness in my soul. She was smiling broadly, although I did not directly see her. I perceived all this, spiritually discerning it.
5. Then Jesus came forth, and said to me:
'Welcome to our loving ministry to our needy children! We will call on you frequently during each day and night to assist us in our loving service.'
Then Jesus kissed me on each cheek and fully embraced me too. I then was taken away by all three of them so that the domed room was empty. I had the thought, in my unconscious mind, that my spirit was already acting as a conduit for them, in my stature and position as a healing angel for someone on earth in great need.