36. Removal of our Shells
Posted 11-23-2016
Are you getting ready?
My last six days have been very remarkable, and I have been told to share this today with each of you. I hope you will each make time to ponder the meaning and symbolism of all I have learned and experienced this week. I hope you will seek the help of your Heavenly Father in becoming prepared for what is coming, on Friday and Saturday of this week. Gosh, these are very exciting times!
Please confirm all of this in prayer. Write me if your have any issues or questions. It is all coming so fast I can barely keep up! I am only doing as I am directed, and sharing what I am told to share.
For those of you coming to the Saturday class, I plan to send you a separate email about the class–our agenda, etc. I should have that out later today or early on Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see you all!
I wish each of you also have the very most wonderful time with your loved ones this Thanksgiving! We have so, so much to be thankful for!
Love, R
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents
A. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-18-2016, Friday
1. I awoke and experienced a communion in prayer with both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother this morning, in the garden area west of the tree of life. This seems to be now my most favorite secluded spot, where I may always reach and converse with my Heavenly Parents.
In one week from today, the mortal angels will make their journey to the tree of life, and in the evening will meet together in the general assembly of heaven's angels. The following day, we will meet in Utah County, those who can attend, for the one-day class.
2. I have some apprehensions and some fears even. I prayed for increased faith as these events come closer, and then become reality. I have really only shared with the angels what I have received. It is all from God, not me nor man.
In my prayer, I also went through a host of people whom I felt needed the blessings of God poured out upon them.
3. At the end, while kneeling before my Father and Mother, I asked if either had any words to communicate with me. They were both standing in the air in front of me, in their glory. I could discern that they were pleased.
4. Heavenly Father spoke words like this to me:
'Raphael, we both understand your apprehension of how the next week's events will transpire. However, we wish to allay your fears and anxiety. Your desire that the journeys of our angels, the assembly meeting, and your class, will all be more than fulfilled to your expectations. We will be with you and each of our angels, in great abundance, in this time of their transition. You will all be more than gratified in what occurs. Be of good cheer, and know that this is all our great work.'

5. I felt comforted in his words to me. I wrote them down immediately after receiving them. I feel at peace.
I then came out to the front room and talked with my wife for a while. While talking with her, I began having visual disturbance–where I couldn't really see her clearly. I felt I was getting a migraine headache!
6. The visual disturbance passed shortly, and I did my morning chores in feeding our chickens, taking out the garbage, etc. When I returned I had to lie down, for the migraine pain was getting intense. I took two Excedrin pills, and also a ginger drink, that is supposed to settle a migraine pain. My wife gave me a cold washrag for my forehead, and I reclined and breathed steadily.
7. I felt like I was doing God's Loving Breath healing gift on myself. Each time I breathed in, I could feel some 'essence' of clearing coming into my chest, and when I breathed out, I focused on breathing out through my head area. I felt at first nausea, with more head pain than I had ever felt before. I kept breathing, and with each exhale, I seemed to be able to move the obstruction in my head out, a little bit each time.
8. My pain gradually became more tolerable, to the point that I felt like a shell of my head, like a spirit helmet, was lifting from my head. I kept doing God's Loving Breath, and gradually this shell on my head moved off. When it got to be outside of my body, and next to my head, I smashed it with my left fist! I saw it shatter and blow away, to be no more.
9. Before this, when I was ready to remove this spirit helmet 'shell' from my head, I had the impression that I would see and perceive God much clearer when it was removed, from then on! After I smashed the shell, it was gone forever, and I felt I would see and perceive God so much better.
10. I tried to open my spiritual eyes then, and saw my Father, in the air, above me, next to the reclined couch where I was lying. I saw him more clearly than ever before! I could see his personage much clearer, with his white robes and his body. I was particularly impressed with the clarity of his face–especially his eyes! I had never seen his eyes being so very deep. It seemed to me they were so full of love and understanding. I saw too, how he in his eyes saw me too, in my past, present and future, all at the same time–for I was continually before him. I saw that he viewed all things before him in this same way. His eyes were so deep and revealing! I was so impressed with his 'eternity' eyes, as I will call them!
11. Next I looked for my Heavenly Mother. She was next to Heavenly Father, on his left, on my right front side. She too had 'eternity' eyes! They were so deep, loving, compassionate, and also seeing me, her child, as I thought, in my past, present and future states, all at once!
12. She then came next to me on the couch, and brought her left arm under my head, and cradled my upper body! Her right hand moved through my head in what I knew as an energy pass. Each time she stroked my hair (what little I have), her right spirit hand penetrated my head and helped pull out my obstructions that were keeping me from really seeing her.
13. The fog was gradually lifting, and I looked at my Heavenly Mother's beautiful face. I saw her long, straight hair, fall to my right shoulder, her eyes looking at mine. Her eyes were so captivating and deep! Her face was soft and full, not thin or long, and bright with love and hope. Her smile was frequent and so familiar!
Then she leaned down and kissed me on my lips! She moved back and smiled broadly. I was in the loving arms of my Mother! Oh, what peace and comfort I felt, and assurance that she loved me so completely. I was acceptable to her, fully!
14. Then she moved next to her husband, Heavenly Father, and they both were in the air before me. I gazed on them, and could see and perceive them more clearly than ever before. I felt like I was awakening from some sedating sleep, and my eyes were blurry, but becoming gradually more clear as I blinked and concentrated at seeing them before me.

15. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are here in answer to your morning prayer, that you be filled more with faith and clearness of sight, and assurance that all of our interaction with you become so very real. We have removed a shell of anxiety and disbelief from your mind today. We have given you eyes to see us more clearly. You will continue to perceive and see more and more clearly too this next week.
16. Now, our son, we desire that you practice teleporting each day until your class next week. We will help you, as will Michael, our chief archangel. Your experiences will be instructive to all the mortal angels in helping them also teleport. Those who attend your class will be able to take of your experiences, and internalize them quickly in their own souls too. You will be a mentor to them, in this way, in helping them teleport.
For those who are not able to attend the class, they too will soon have similar experiences, whether consciously or unconsciously. In this way, all of our mortal angels will be poised and ready to fulfill their important and glorious missions.'
17. At this point, I then responded to my Heavenly Father:
'Oh, Father and Mother, I thank thee both deeply, for the increased clarity to be able to see both of you before me.
Help me now to teleport to my backyard, by the first ground greenhouse, and facing the sun.'
18. I then envisioned myself standing next to my ground greenhouse, facing south. I felt them next to me–Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. At that moment, Michael, my older brother, came in front of me. I could see he still was wearing his scarlet red cape. he also had 'eternity' eyes!
19. He told me that he was there to help me teleport, so that I would be successful doing this before my class. He told me that our Heavenly Parents were very pleased with me, and were anxious that I learn to teleport before my class. He said I should attempt to fully teleport every day until the class, and that he would daily come and assist me. He expressed confidence in me to be fully successful. I felt that this teleporting would soon become so very real to me, and I would fully be in my target location in the fullest sense, not just in my mind's eye. It would fully be a physical reality to me.
20. I then tried to imagine and 'see' myself more clearly, in my fullest physical sense, being there in my backyard. I felt I made some progress, but I wasn't able to feel the cold outside, or feel the radiant sun on my face.
I plan to write down daily my experiences in my journal, from now until the evening of November 25th. I will try to extend myself each day, so as to be prepared fully for our teleporting class!
I also thought that I would likely have more migraine episodes, or similar experiences these next 5-6 days, as more 'shells' are removed from my mind.
21. I feel too that the transition from being a regular mortal, or a translated mortal, to a transfigured mortal, to eating of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life (more substance that will change us), and to being skilled at teleporting, will all take some time. The full transition might be weeks to months long, but I am hopeful we will all have the experience of fully teleporting done in our class. This will be the basis for each of us to rapidly experimenting, and fully learning all there is to know, and act in our new skills!
22. I believe too that we will all become much more perceptive of our angelic missions. We will know more clearly the will of God, for us to act upon. We will also see more clearly, and perceive more fully the presence of God. We will inherently know what to do in fulfillment of our callings. We will increase by leaps and bounds in our new mantle of angelic authority and power!
23. Later: In my evening prayer, I prayed by the field with the horizontal log, in God's Loving Healing Center. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were facing the lake, their backs to me, which I could see. They were at the top of the switchback path. I addressed them in prayer, and they came to me in the air, with Heavenly Father on my left front, and Heavenly Mother on my right front.
24. I again gazed on them, trying to perceive more. When I looked on their faces, I was again drawn in by their magnificent 'eternity' eyes. For both Heavenly Father, then Heavenly Mother, at separate gazings on their faces, I was drawn into their very being through their eyes it seemed! I could hardly look on their faces without being drawn into their eternal perspective of what they continually saw.

I then asked a question:
25. Q– Why are your eyes, both of thee Heavenly Father, and thee Heavenly Mother, so captivating, drawing me into thy very person when I gaze on thee?
A- Heavenly Mother answered:
'Raphael, the eyes you are seeing so vividly, represent to you our eternal perspective of everything we see. We see past, present and future whenever we want, and often at the same instant. The shell that was removed from your head this morning represented anxiety and disbelief. Once removed, you could see us much more clearly, particularly our eyes. Our eternity eyes represent our eternal perspective, or God's view of everything we see, both past, present and future. We see things as they really are (see D&C 93:24). We see the complete truth.
26. When you gazed into our eyes, you were drawn into our eternal perspective view of how we see and perceive people and things. Every action and event is continually before us, in truth and clarity. You too will be able to see with our eternal perspective, as your own eyesight and perspectives improve and clarify.'
27. I then asked Heavenly Mother to help me see her and Heavenly Father 'normally', so I wouldn't have to be drawn into their eyes anymore. It was difficult, I said to her, not to be drawn in when I looked at them. I just wanted to see them normally!
28. Then I looked at my Heavenly Father, and he was normal, and I wasn't drawn into his eyes anymore. However, his eves were soft, yet so full of clarity and deep perspective and wisdom. I knew he saw me, and the world, in full perspective of truth, of how I was, how I am, and how I am to be. He smiled at me and I believe he understood my thoughts.
29. I then looked upon Heavenly Mother. She too was 'normal' to look at, and very pleased and smiling. Her eyes were soft, loving, and clear as can be–seeing me truly as I really am, my past, present and future–all at once!
I feel so grateful for my spirit helmet that was removed and smashed. I prayed for more clarity and perspective. I asked that over the next 5-6 days that I would be successful in removing other obstacles, which separated me from them, and from teleporting. I know they heard my prayer and will answer me.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-19-2016, Saturday
1. I awoke this morning, and had thought more in the night about the eternity eyes of God. I was able to see the face of God with, or without, the eternity eyes that drew me in. In other words, I could see their faces as normal, or with the eyes that drew me in (what I call eternity eyes). I could decide how I wanted to see them.
Here are my questions about this:
2. Q– When I am drawn into the eyes of God, what is really happening? It feels like my mind is somehow inside of God's mind!
A– From Heavenly Father:
'Raphael, the sensation of coming through our eyes into our mind, is a real state you feel, when you seek to know truth about anything you might wonder or question. Once you are in this state, you may ask, and we will allow you to see through our eyes, the real truth of your question or concern. Ask not amiss, and confirm what you may see, and not to see what you ought not (See D&C 8:10). Then you may see as we see, and the past, present and future will be revealed to you, as we will. You may ask us various questions too, while you are in this state.'
3. Q– Is this same eternal view also available to all the angels?
A– Yes, once they partake of the tree of life (fruit and leaf) and after they are empowered at the general assembly meeting next week.
I then began my prayer–out by my orchard in my teleported, physical body, facing my house. My other self was kneeling by my bed. I tried to envision all of my surroundings in the orchard. I prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and they immediately came. I was able to again see their normal soft and pure eyes, and then their eternity eyes, based on my desire.
4. I prayed for my two autistic grandsons, and was in the state of my mind, inside of Gods' mind. I saw they were both born normal, but began their mental condition when they each were first immunized.
I prayed for A., my son. I saw the details of his injury on December 21st, 2011 in the morning, while jogging with his companion. I saw that he had a cardiac arrest due to the intense pressures (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) imposed, or self-imposed on him, during his mission. I saw that his heart just gave out and stopped. I saw that the anoxic brain injury was the result of the heart attack, and not the other way around.
5. I prayed also for the future healing of A., by the healing angels' combined effort, in our upcoming class. I saw that their faith and their skills in healing, plus the blessing of a loving God, would heal A. back to his sweet, tender and uninjured state soon.
I prayed next for a healing angel who had asked me to help her remove obstructions in her body. I could see that it was removed, yet would need to be frequently checked in the future.
6. I prayed for Greg and his head pain, and his false beliefs that he clings to. I prayed that I would unconsciously attend him frequently.
I did all of these pleadings, in the sphere of the mind of God that I felt I had entered into, through the eternity eyes of my Father in heaven.
I prayed that I would have something else removed or clarified today, so that I might ultimately teleport. I prayed for the visit of Michael to me today. I then ended my prayer. I felt peace and happiness!

7. Later in the late afternoon: I spent the day staining/sealing our deck. I worked with my wife on and off throughout the day. We discussed a particular habit I have which we call 'soloing'. This is when I do things without thinking of consulting her. It also is when she asks me to do something in a particular way. If I run into trouble doing it, I sometimes will not consult her, but I will then do it in my own way to get it done. This can be very frustrating to her, and I am sorry for my 'solo' behavior. I should consult with her, of course, in all the areas we have discussed that I should, so we can make a better joint decision.
8. Anyway, we talked more about this, and I then realized that this solo behavior was a generational issue, taught in my family when I grew up. I had a powerful father, with a big presence, and a gentle mild-mannered mother. My dad taught by his example (at least that is what I picked up) on how to solo. I see it exhibited in different ways in my siblings too.
9. It seems I sometimes go on 'auto-pilot' when I work or do things that are important for my wife to be consulted in. I am trying to consciously change my poor behavior and ask her advice, for I really want to be united in decision-making, and following through also. My automatic nature of soloing, taught me so well in my youth in my family, is no longer serving me well.
10. After staining and sealing our deck, I came in and had a short meditative prayer. I felt I was in the beautiful garden area west of the tree of life.
I was pulling off a big shell of glass off my head, and set it on the ground next to me. It looked like a thick, glass head bubble that astronauts wear. It extended over my head and rested over my shoulders. I had worn this all my life I thought, and now I was taking it off–finally!
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me. I asked them some questions:
11. Q– What is this glass shell that I just pulled off my head?
A– From Heavenly Mother:
'Raphael, each of our children who come to earth learn the ways of living and acting, usually and primarily from loving parents, like in your life. Sometimes, the generational culture and religious teachings, to name just a few, are based on falsehoods or poor habits. These can sometimes be perpetuated for generations.
12. The glass shell which covered your head, represents all of the false ideas you have gained in life, that are not aligned with truth.
These false ideas include your habit of soloing, which is not a correct notion or habit. Married couples should counsel together and then act together in congruity in their choices. You have expressed to us that you automatically act like soloing, without thinking, and then afterwards regret your actions. This is typical of habits learned in life that guide your actions, whether for good of bad choices.
13. We desire that you, and all of our mortal angels, have their false beliefs removed. These may hinder them in acting circumspectly for us, as our direct representatives. These false beliefs include mental, emotional and spiritual belief systems.
For you, you may destroy this glass shell, representing these false beliefs you have gained. For our other mortal angels, their shells of false beliefs will be removed, starting at our general assembly, when they receive their full power to act as our holy angels.'

14. I then saw a red-handled sledgehammer next to a bush, lying on the ground. It had a pink wide ribbon tied to the handle, just below the metal hammer's head. It read 'Shell #2: False Beliefs.'
I picked up the sledgehammer, and situated the glass shell between my Heavenly Parents and myself. I looked at them, and felt I should destroy my own false beliefs. I then raised the sledgehammer over my head and hit the glass shell very hard with the hammer. The shell broke in many pieces, that flew all around me. The head of the hammer sunk somewhat into the path.
I then picked up the sledgehammer, and saw the path immediately repair before my eyes! I set the hammer aside, where I had found it. I then looked for the broken fragments, but they had all disappeared–not one sign of any piece–not even a shard of glass!
15. Q– Will I now have something to replace all of my false beliefs that I have so long held?
A– From Heavenly Father:
'Raphael, it is good that your false belief systems are removed. You have taken the initiative to rid yourself of these. In their place, we will instill in your mind our truths, so that you will now see life as we see it. We have no false beliefs, but see clearly everything as it is, as it was, and as it will be. You too will be privileged to see with our perspective, for any situation that comes before you. This will then supplant the false beliefs that have been removed. You may look into our eternity eyes, as you call them, to see as we see, and to feel as we feel.
16. When our mortal angels are imbued with their full angelic powers, they too will see with our perspective as you now do. We desire that our holy angels see clearly so they may fulfill their missions with decisiveness and strength. Although this blessing will be conferred on them during our general assembly of heaven's angels, next Friday the 25th, the transition will take some weeks and months to be fully realized.'
17. I then felt very gratified that these two things have happened to me today:
1) To be rid of my false beliefs, and
2) To be imbued with true perspective from God.
I realize that this transition may take some time, but it is now initiated–Hurray! I see this as such a great blessing!
18. Later, this late afternoon/early evening: I tried again to teleport. It was dark outside. So I thought It would be nice to go across the street, in the cover of some trees on the hill, in the spring-time, around later morning! I tried it, and it seemed just as real as any other time I tried to teleport.
I felt like Michael came and told me that I have a few more 'shells' to remove before I could really teleport effectively. I do have some questions now:
19. Q– Is it possible to teleport to a different time than the present?
A– Yes. However, the purpose of teleporting is to fulfill your current mission. Usually that requires teleporting at the same time or instant. However, one may feel impressed to go back in the past and do something that will change the outcome of the present, if it is acceptable to God. This is akin to the healing gift called Complete Healing. In this gift, the healing angel goes back in time and incrementally heals the client, using one of God's healing gifts, or a healing gift he has developed. He may also feel inspired to go forward in the future as well. The overall affect is often complete healing of the client.
With teleportation, similar rules are in place in order to fulfill the mission God has instructed the angel to do. The target time and location is variable with teleporting.

20. One word of caution with all of this: the gifts of God to teleport are marvelous, and are to be used only in fulfillment of God's purposes, and never for personal gain, to show off, or to gratify pride in any way. This gift is used for the glory of God only, and not for the aggrandizement of the angel for self-interest purposes. It is also to be done almost always in secret, according to the desire of God.
21. In order to learn the skill and gift of teleporting, the mortal angel can practice in secret and be acceptable to God. Showing to one's friend or spouse is not an acceptable reason to share this gift with others, unless that friend or spouse is a fellow mortal angel. This is akin to Martin Harris wanting to show his friends the 116-page manuscript of the Book of Mormon, which then was stolen and lost. Between mortal angels this sharing is acceptable, or with another person if God says it is acceptable.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-20-2016, Sunday
1. I awoke and immediately started meditating and praying. My wife had left our bedroom already, and I was alone.
I teleported to a guest room in our house downstairs. When I addressed Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I could clearly see their feet and robes before me. I gazed into their faces like I did Friday and Saturday. I saw their soft yet penetrating eternity eyes, and I was filled with so much gratitude, to be again in their presence!
2. I felt that each mortal angel will soon appear before them, their eternal parents, and also be able to gaze into their loving eyes. There is nothing to hide, for they see all. I had the sensation they saw all of me, all my thoughts, motivations, emotions, mental workings, spiritual yearnings–all of me as I really am! I feel somehow comforted that they kept smiling when they saw all of me, my true self and identity.
3. I also wondered what shell would be removed today. I had a feeling it would be the false religious ideas that keep me from truly knowing who they really are. I desired then to rid my heart and mind of anything that could taint my view of them. I wanted to be able to see them like they see me.
4. I then looked at myself, and was drawn to my own heart, my vulnerable and tender heart. I saw that I had built up protection around it. In so doing, I also limited myself from being open to the person I needed to really be, and also I limited my view of who my Heavenly Parents really are. The guarded protection around my heart had to be removed somehow today. I really wanted to become fully open to change, and to see who God really is. I knew I would be very vulnerable also.
5. I then saw a two-part red shell, which was closed and clamped around my heart. I desired to open this shell and remove it. Heavenly Father told me I could open it with my own intentions.
As I thought of removing my heart shell, it opened in two halves. I saw it was spring-loaded, and quickly would snap shut again over my heart, if I had any feeling of keeping myself protected.
6. I then was successful in opening the two halves of my heart shell. I removed it carefully from my vulnerable heart, and laid the open shell on a table before me. When I relaxed my intention, the two halves snapped shut on the table, and sounded like the snap of a spring mousetrap. It looked like a hard, red ball when shut.
7. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, your heart shell has now been safely removed from your heart. You are now open sufficiently to see yourself as you really are, and to see us also as we really are. There is no need to fear. You have demonstrated your willingness to fully open your vulnerable heart to us.
8. Now you need to discard this two-part shell. Open it up again by your own intention, and while opened, remove the hinge pin and the clasping spring. Then throw the right half of the shell to your right, and the left half to your left, along with the pin and powerful spring. These will then be gone forever.'
9. I did as my Heavenly Father directed me. I opened the hard red circular shell with my hands and my intention. The more focused I thought of removing and opening the heart shell, the easier it was to open. It reminded me of a large clam with a very powerful hinge muscle.

Anyway, once opened, I pulled the hinge pin from the top (it looked like a nail with a flat head). The spring popped off each part of the two halves of the shell. They were all in pieces now, separate.
10. I took the right half, placed the spring in it, and threw it to my right. I watched it travel away from me into space until it was out of sight.
I took the left half of my heart shell, placed the pin in it, and it to my left. I watched it gradually disappear as well.
I then felt I could breathe more fully, and feel more fully somehow! I felt extremely open and vulnerable before God. I had no pretenses, no intentions at all except to accept who I was and who God really was. I felt spiritually naked in my heart somehow. But it also felt so right to be this way before God. I only wanted to please my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I almost felt like their little child again, and not hardened at all by life's experiences.
11. I became 100% focused on them, on what they wanted me to do. I fully trusted them. I had no protection, but stopped now before each of my Heavenly Parents with complete openness.
I stood before my Heavenly Parents. They were beaming with light and love, as was I, their child. I almost felt like an innocent little baby before them, even cooing with delight, like babies do.. Heavenly Mother came and fully embraced me. Our hearts seemed to intertwine, so that when she went back next to Heavenly Father, there was a beam of love that connected our hearts.
12. Heavenly Father then embraced me too, fully taking me in his arms! I felt his openness to me, and his confidence and love. He stepped back and I saw a heart beam between his heart and mine.
I could clearly then see their open hearts and their true intentions for me, their son.
13. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Our son, you now see us how we really are! You see that our intentions are pure, and our desire is to help you become who you really are, as our archangel Raphael. You also see we want each of our beloved children to return to us as you have today.
14. You are fully open now to us, so that our hearts are one with yours. You have no motive except to act as our steward in the fulfillment of our desires. This is how it should be. We will therefore have full confidence in you, that you will act in our stead, as our representative to our other children, who are so much in need.
Each of our angels needs to feel this same connection with us, their Heavenly Parents. This will begin when they are empowered as our holy angels next Friday evening, during the general assembly of heaven's angels. Please share all of this with them, as well as your experiences from the past two days.
15. We love you deeply, Raphael!'
With these words, I saw them smile. Then they held hands, and went up through the ceiling and were gone.
I feel very fully connected to them! MY Heavenly Parents are my joy and the center of my being. I feel so open to their every desire. I will follow their plan for me.
16. Later: Today I attended sacrament meeting at A.'s ward, with my wife. In the sacrament, I bowed my head in the meeting, visualizing God in front of me. Right after the blessing on the bread, I addressed my Father in heaven, and made a covenant like I do each week. Only Heavenly Father came in front of me. He appeared clearer than at most sacrament meetings. He was above the benches, facing me. I partook of the bread, and then Heavenly Father addressed me:
17. 'Raphael, I accept your covenant, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember me, and to keep my commandments. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you in abundance this week. There are very significant happenings for all the mortal angel this coming week.'
18. Then the Elder blessed the water. As I sat there, I could tell Heavenly Mother came directly in front of me, and Heavenly Father was more in the background. I then addressed her, and made another covenant with her, like I had done earlier with my Father. She then replied to me:
'Raphael, I accept your covenant, to taken upon you the name of my Beloved Son, to always remember me, and to keep my commandments. The days ahead will be marvelous for you and the mortal angels! Your Father and I will direct each of the events, and will greatly empower you and the angels. The angels will sustain you, Raphael, as the one through whom we will direct and orchestrate the mortal angels in their great work they will do for us, in these last days. Each will be imbued with our power, and be made pure before us. Please share with them our love and support!'
After she addressed me, she stepped back and held hands with Heavenly Father. They stood there until the sacrament was done.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-21-2016, Monday
1. My wife and I got to bed late. I stayed up and typed up my journal entries for some time. I like doing this since I can relive all of the experiences again. I had also reread my journal entries several times before–they were quite amazing! I confirmed that they were all true also. I really feel so blessed, and so very close to my Heavenly Parents!
2. Then I finally knelt down to pray early this morning, around 12:15-12:30 am. I had another unique experience that started and hasn't yet finished.
I was able to pray again, and really gaze at my Heavenly Parents. They were above my bed, and my wife was asleep. I can't remember what I prayed about, but I remember the interactions.
3. I first looked upon Heavenly Father. I was really taken again with his eyes! They are soft and loving–soft, meaning that they were full of tenderness, gentleness, and all the attributes of love. It seemed he would do whatever I asked of him. He felt very approachable too. It seemed I could see right into him–so clear and pure and holy, without guile. Father put his hands on my shoulders as I looked at him.

4. Then I looked, and gazed at my Heavenly Mother. Her eyes were so, so clear and happy eyes, fully of compassion, eagerness to please and embrace, and so pristinely pure! I couldn't restrain myself to ask her to kiss my cheek, which she immediately did! She and I held our faces close for a moment, then she kissed me on my lips again, and with drew so I could see her loving smile again. I was also successful in thinking to go into her eternity eyes, which I did somehow, and I knew I was in a 'space' where I could see with her perspective. I came back out and loved to look at her.
5. Then both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother held hands, his left and her right, and they started moving away gradually until they were gone.
I held still for some time, reflecting on the amazing privilege to be in their presence, and to see them more and more clearly these days.
I got into bed and felt somewhat wiggly, or had the feeling to shake off something. My left shoulder had again been getting a little sore–an indication still of being in their presence, and having so much light come to me that my physical body, on my left shoulder area, became a little sore from all the light.
6. I then tried to shake off the 'shell' that I felt I needed to remove. It was a full-body shell, and had a front piece and a back piece, replicating my physical body. I asked for help from Heavenly Father, and was ultimately successful in removing both front and back halves. The shell halves were clear, like mounded clear plastic it seemed. They replicated my full outside body contour head to foot. I laid both pieces aside on my left.
7. I then felt like I had new, baby skin! I also felt somewhat vulnerable, so I got my phone and some ear buds, and listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir album 'Love is Spoken Here'. I finally got settled fully, in a meditative and sleepy state, when the choir sang 'All Through the Night'.
This sweet song seemed to be a message to me directly, from my Heavenly Parents. After listening, I soon fell asleep, with the ear buds in place. I awoke much later and removed them and slept well.
8. Below is a rendition I found online of 'All Through the Night', by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I do like the version sung by the men of the choir better, however, but I couldn't find this online. This favorite version is found here, with men's voices, on track 5.)
English lyrics were written by Sir Harold Boulton in 1884
All Through the Night
Sleep my child and peace attend thee,
All through the night
Guardian angels God will send thee,
All through the night
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping
Hill and vale in slumber steeping,
I my loving vigil keeping
All through the night.
While the moon her watch is keeping
All through the night
While the weary world is sleeping
All through the night
O'er thy spirit gently stealing
Visions of delight revealing
Breathes a pure and holy feeling
All through the night.

9. Now, this morning, I 'see' with my spirit eyes, the two halves of my molded shell next to me. I await what will happen, and what this all means.
I then began my prayer, in my shut bedroom, this morning. I was alone, and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came again before me. Their bare feet were about a foot above the bed, and Heavenly Father was on my left front, and Heavenly Mother on his side, on my right front. She was shorter, with the top of her head about to the level of his mouth or chin it seemed.
10. I looked into their faces, and could see both of their eyes again–SO accepting and soft!
I then asked my Heavenly Father what the two halves of my full-body shells meant, and what I was to do with these shells. They were next to me still, in my bedroom on a dresser or a table.
Heavenly Father told me to write, and he would give me the answer as I wrote, so that is what I am now doing in my prayer, with pen in hand:
11. From Heavenly Father: 'Raphael, you have this set of shells, plus two more to remove before you are fully able to teleport. One more will remain after that, and will be removed in your class next Saturday with all those in attendance. This will make seven total shells, which you will have removed at that time.
12. This shell comes in two halves, front and back, and represents the frailties of your human physical body. You wrote in your journal that you felt like you now have a new baby skin, and that you feel vulnerable. It does seem vulnerable when the body changes and shed the old weaknesses and imperfections that once you felt protected you. These protections are associated with your physical body. As a holy angel, you will be renewed in your physical body. See D&C 84:30–'For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies.'. This renewing you will have is similar to that spoken of in the scripture, but more extensive, for you are both translated and transfigured in your physical body. The renewal will altogether change your physical makeup, and complete your transfiguration process. You will feel more and more 'new' and fresh, although your age won't change.
13. The two halves of you physical body shell will stay by you until the renewal process is completed. You may check-in to view them, as you inwardly change. They will start becoming thinner and thinner until they altogether disappear. At that point your renewal process will be completed. This renewal will be finished on Thursday, 11-24-2016.
14. This same process will also occur for all the mortal angels starting today. They too will have this renewal process completed on Thanksgiving, 11-24-2016. You have described this in your journal as you will, which will also happen to them in a similar way, although they may not consciously be aware of this change.'
I then asked if what I had written was correct and pleasing to my Father. He confirmed to me it was accurate. I then asked that the mortal angels be able to sense some changes in their bodies this week. I hope some will feel these changes.
15. This event concluded my morning prayer. I still need to try to teleport today, and meet up with Michael. It is raining outside, and cloudy. I will be doing work inside, and transcribing all of my journal entries to my computer when my wife leaves today. . .

16. Later, around 4:30 pm. I decided to try to teleport as part of my training this afternoon. I wanted to go to the wheat field of Heavenly Father, next to the river representing him, which flowed from the fountain of living waters.
17. Being able to see more clearly, here is what I saw: I noticed straight lines and precision landscaping everywhere. From the fountain of living waters, the river flowed directly north. On the west of this river, there is a bank of dirt, covered with grass, keeping the water in the river from overflowing. Then there are multiple fields to the west, below the river level, and sloping downward, as one travels along the field to the west. When Father has planted the field, he opens a hole or a 'V' in the western riverbank, and water flows over the field, completely. This flood irrigation is the way he waters his fields. When done watering, he closes up the hole or the V in the bank, and the water flow stops.
18. Between the fields, which lie to the west of the river, there are wide dirt paths. I went down the path on the north side of the wheat field. I wore no shoes, so that the cool soil in the path felt good between my toes and under my feet. I started walking west towards a large tree in the northwest corner of this wheat field. The field was all stubble still, with all the wheat harvested.
19. As I walked, Michael, the archangel came to my left side. He talked with me while we walked together. He told me how organized and precise the ground was laid out in these fields. He also told me that the river ended miles away, after its northerly path. It dropped into the ground at the end, and then began its return trip to a lake under the fountain of living waters. This is the same method used for the river named after Heavenly Mother's–it actually dumps into the same underground lake. From this deep underground lake, the water returns to the fountain and the cycle of water starts all over again!
20. We reached the tree in the field. Michael said that this was a large oak tree, and provided shade and rest for the person working the field. This is a task that Father loves to do. I saw the sickle leaning against the tree. Heavenly Father had recently used this in harvesting the wheat field.
Michael told me I was doing well. I would he said, have a major jump in improvement in being able to teleport, once the next two shells were also removed. He asked me to try to teleport again tomorrow, after the next shell was removed.
I then felt our session was done, and I came out to the front room, and started writing it all down in my journal.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-22-2016, Tuesday
1. Last night, in my sleep, I came to realize what the next shell to be removed was. I was up several times, and pondered this. I will address this in a bit.
In my prayer last night, I was able again to look into the eyes of God, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I could tell there was a shift of some sort in them–they seemed more grave and even somewhat sad. I asked then, in my prayer, what was wrong.
2. Heavenly Father answered:
'Raphael, we are saddened by the choices of our children who are on earth. Our feelings are reflected in Moses 6:28- 'And for these many generations, ever since the day that I created them, have they gone astray, and have denied me, and have sought their own counsels in the dark, and in their own abominations have they desired murder, and have not kept the commandments, which I gave unto their father, Adam.'
3. Raphael, even among our own angels whom we have sent to earth at this time, many have lots of serious issues, which thwart their effectiveness as holy and pure vessels before us. Many are very immersed still in sin and the ways of the world. Many don't have the great desire sufficient to come to us, and shed themselves of their burdens and habits of false beliefs, and poor choices that they persist in doing.'
4. I then pleaded with my Heavenly Parents to extend to the mortal angels their power and strength, one by one, as they would be able, in qualifying them in their full angelic power. I prayed and pled for the mortal angels to be awakened and somehow changed to embrace God's ways, and reject their own wayward ways, establish new habits and patterns of righteous living.
5. This is how my prayer last night ended. I tossed and turned throughout the night, pondering what additional shell that God wanted me to remove, and also all of us mortal angels to remove.
I believe our actions, who are called to become holy angels, are causing, in part, the sadness I saw last night in the eyes of my Heavenly Parents.
6. Here is the fifth shell that all of us need to remove: It is about our relationships we have with others, particularly with our spouses if we are married, our parents, our children and our family and friends. In none of these relationships should there be harshness, hateful feelings or disgust, anger, deception, or anything except love and understanding. This can be difficult when there may have been, in our own mind and perceptions, hostile and manipulative behavior, or self-interest on the part of the other person.

7. These bad feelings that we may harbor need to be released! If not, I am afraid we will spoil our inheritances as angels of God. This all reminds me of D&C 101:6-7, when the Saints in Joseph's day were chastened and afflicted because of their transgressions:
'Behold, I say unto you, there were jarrings, and contentions, and envyings, and strifes, and lustful and covetous desires among them; therefore by these things they polluted their inheritances. They were slow to hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; therefore, the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble.'
8. I have personally been greatly offended and mistreated by certain family members. I have freely forgiven them, but have chosen not to associate with them further. I am now, with my wife, trying to associate with those who respect and care for us, as we do them. I desire peaceful relationships. I stay away from those who create contention. Those who are manipulative and twist the truth, work people against my wife and I–I stay clear of now. I seek to be filled with love and peace, so that I may hear and see God, and take direction from his hand. I cannot do this if I am continually troubled with relationships that have gone sour.
9. It is time now for all of us to create a peaceful environment, starting with ourselves. We need to repent, forgive our friends and family, and surround ourselves in loving and caring relationships. If we have issues directly with a spouse or child, it requires building a relationship of trust, all based on love. How can we share the love of God in our angelic ministrations, when in our own home there is a lack of love and peace?
10. Here are two of my favorite scriptures about this topic:
Matthew 5: 43-44: 'Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you'
11. 1 John 4:19-21: 'We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.'
12. So this is today's shell–what we individually need to remove first from ourselves, and then with those who surround us in our everyday life: How we treat those around us, and who we allow as our most influential relationships.
I confirmed in prayer that this is the fifth shell for us to remove and/or to repair–our loving relationships.
13. Later: Just before sundown, I went outside in my field and faced the sunset. I stood and meditated, trying to hear and sense where I was. I then moved a short distance to the south, and tried to get a feel for this location also. I then concentrated and tried to teleport to the other location, and vice versa. I felt Michael came, but just seemed there for moral support.
I have one shell left which I will hopefully be able to learn about tomorrow and remove. Then I am hopeful to be successful more in this teleporting effort.
About the relationship shell today, I just identified this, but haven't really 'seen' it like I have the other shells.
14. Q– Is there a 'visual' of this relationship shell?
A– No
Q– Have I been successful in removing this relationship shell from myself?
A– No
15. Q– What do I need to do to remove this relationship shell?
A– This is a unique shell to remove, and to work on, since it has no visual part, nor is it to be immediately removed, like the rest. This shell needs to be constantly worked on, throughout one's life. Everyone can improve their relationship with others. There is also a continual change in our relationships, since we are in a state of growth and changes as new things happen in life. The message to the mortal angels: work daily on improving your relationships with your family, friends, and acquaintances. Seek to increase in selfless love to those in your circle of influence. Seek peaceful relationships in dealing with people, so that you may hear and be directed by God in your important mission.
16. Later, 11:30 pm. I finally ended my closing prayer tonight, and felt I had to go out to the front room and write it down, while it was still fresh on my mind.
I began my prayer, first seeing Heavenly Father before me, and then Heavenly Mother before me. Their faces and eternity eyes were happy and bright. This was a big contrast to the saddened eyes and countenances last night. I was so enjoying just gazing on their beings, which were clearer to me that usual–especially their eternity eyes. I just love those soft, gentle eyes of Father, and the extra clear and smiling eyes of Heavenly Mother!
17. I asked my Heavenly Parents why they were so happy tonight?
Heavenly Father replied:
'Raphael, we are happy because we can see how close great changes are for the mortal angels! We see that they will make dramatic changes in their lives, whether consciously or unconsciously. We see them being finally empowered with their angelic strength and mantle of authority. We see them gaining the skill of teleporting and being able to effectively fulfill the assignments we give them. We see them coming to us with more clarity and vision. We are happy that this is almost here now. You will all be richly blessed beyond your understanding!'
18. I thanked him for this wonderful happy news, and for sharing this with me.
I also reviewed all the shells we needed to remove, or improve upon. I asked Heavenly Father if I could know what shell #6 would be. I was told in my mind, that I would have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe it will come to me in the night?

F. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-23-2016, Wednesday morning.
1. I have been in a struggle for the last hour, in meditation and prayer, in removing shell #6, a very difficult shell to remove. I couldn't do it by myself. It also represented the same shell for all mortal angels. Here is my account of what happened, for I was asked to write what I have experienced so far.
I awoke around 7:20 am, and began my prayer. I was pleased to see happy, eternity eyes in the faces of both my Father and Mother. They were smiling and cheery.
I then prayed for all the mortal angels, that we would all each be stretched in our change towards more purity and faith.
I asked what the sixth shell would be–for I had NO idea. I felt this would be revealed to me.
2. I then felt a very, thick and extremely heavy clear shell around my upper torso. It was so rigid and thick, covering me tightly so I could hardly breathe! I knew it was then our lack of faith. When I thought of this, I knew it was true, and also would be the most difficult shell to remove.
3. The shell was heavy, and I felt I had to lie down. Somehow I was burdened with the lack of faith from all the mortal angels, all at once! I asked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to help me break this unbelief, which is the opposite of faith. This shell was similiar to my first personal shell of anxiety and disbelief, but now it included all the lack of belief from all the mortal angels! For some reason, we had to move forward together, as a group, in our leap of faith.
4. I was sitting on the ground, heavily constricted by the lack of faith shell. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came next to me, knelt by my side, and cracked the shell of our lack of faith, right down my center front, and around to my back side. The load was still very heavy, but I didn't feel so constricted. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then stood next to me, and watched as I struggled, to pull off this thick, heavy shell of our lack of faith.
5. I then struggled, pushed and pulled, and squirmed to free myself of this shell. I had the thought even come into my mind, like I was similar to a baby chick, trying to peck its way out of its eggshell. I have seen them struggle for up to an hour, before they came free. When out, they lay wet and exhausted. I felt my effort–to get rid of our shell of unbelief, and lack of faith would be similar to what a baby chick experiences. I somehow felt too that I was doing this struggle for every single mortal angel.
6. For the next ten to fifteen minutes, I worked at getting the shell off of me. It was very exhausting–so much so that I took rest breaks. Finally, I had my arms out and the two halves of this heavy cracked shell off enough to escape. I wiggled free and sat next to this very heavy shell, my knees up, and my head resting on my knees.

As I sat there, I saw a green-handled shovel nearby. I was in the garden west of the tree of life. I stood, grabbed the shovel, and came back and stood next to the two halves of the lack of faith shell. I noticed the two halves were about 1 inch thick, but in places it was thicker, up to 1 1/2 inch thick.
7. I then started digging a deep hole with the shovel, right next to the shell halves. I piled the soil next to the hole on the other side. I rested frequently as I dug. I wanted to get a deep enough hole so both halves of the shell would easily fit in.
Once I had finished digging the deep hole, I placed the shovel next to the pile of dirt I had dug. I tried then to budge the first half of the shell. It wouldn't move! I then got on my back, bent my knees, and pushed hard with my feet against the shell half, in order to push it into the hole I had dug. By this means I slowly moved this very heavy shell half into the hole. Whew! I was faint and exhausted!–yet there was still another half to this shell of the lack of our faith.
8. I then stood, and walked to the river representing our Savior Jesus Christ, to the north, not far away. I climbed up the bank, and dipped my right cupped hand in this water, which came directly from the fountain of living waters. I drank, and felt strengthened. I then walked back, with the intention to move the last part of the shell into the hole.
9. I again got on my back, and with my feet, pushed and pushed this last part of the shell. I felt more revived from the living water, and by this added strength, I pushed the shell right next to the hole. I then stood, asked for one last burst of faith and strength, and then I tipped the shell, until it fell into the hole!
I then took the shovel and buried the two halves on this lack of faith shell. There was soon a big pile of dirt over the hole, and my shell was fully buried! I put the shovel back to the place where I originally found it. I then came back to the mound of dirt, and knelt on top of it, facing my Heavenly Parents.
I addressed them in prayer. I asked some questions:
10. Q– Is the faith of the mortal angels now sufficient to teleport?
A– From Heavenly Mother:
'Not yet. Your lack of faith and disbelief has been removed from each of you. Today we will strengthen their faith, and your faith. We will do this, so that by Friday they will be prepared to take their journey to the tree of life, and that evening attend the glorious assembly meeting. Their faith will increase as you share this experience with them. We hope each one will pray about what they may do to increase their faith, now that you have symbolically removed their lack of faith.
11. Raphael, please share this with the mortal angels today, along with all the experiences you have had since Friday, 11-18-2016.'
I then ended my prayer and felt I needed to transcribe all of this, so that I could share it with the mortal angels. Gosh, a lot has happened since last Friday!"