Mount Timpanogos
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25. Blowing the Trumpet, Unveiling the Banner!
Posted 9-19-2016

Hello my fellow angels!

I have been busy working with the female archangels, as well as with chief warrior angels involved in the grand event today, Monday, 9-19-2016.

Read on, and let me know how you feel about all of this! As always, never take my word for this, or anyone else's for that matter, except God's promptings to your mind and heart.

These are such exciting times! I now know why the scriptures call this the 'great and dreadful' day of the Lord. Enjoy your reading!

You are my best of friends!

(Copyright © 2025 Images in this post were drawn or taken by R, credited under the image or downloaded from

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-16-2016 Friday

1. I have two more days of my purification process with frankincense. I will be done on Sunday. On Monday, I was told by Emily that I needed to blow my trumpet of God again. Here is what I asked and received today:

Q– Is this true, that I should blow the trumpet of God on Monday?
A- Yes

Q– Are there others who blow this with me?
A– No

2. Q– Where do I blow it, and when?
A– Blow it on the summit of Mt Timpanogos, which overlooks both the Salt Lake and Utah Valleys. Blow it at 10:00 am in your full vestures.

Q– Do I blow it in a certain direction?
A– Blow it first north, then turn to the south and blow, then turn to the west and blow, and finally turn to the east, to where the New Jerusalem will be build, and blow. Blow into the horizon. This is in fulfillment of Joel 2:1–
'Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;'

3. Note: I have my scriptures on, where I put my notes in different verses. Here is what I had written about Joel 2:1-5, years ago–
'USA attacked, nuclear war, burning as a result of the weapons of mass destruction on the land. This is one of the times that is called the day of the Lord, the initial attack on the land of America. I think the nuclear fire is referred to as horses and chariots on tops of mountains that leap and devour the stubble.'"

R's Personal Entry, 8-17-2016 Saturday

I found more information about the purification and the living waters today.

4. Q– Does L.B. and Oriphiel both receive the frankincense cleansing and purification by me, by proxy, and by themselves in heaven?
A– Yes. You do it for them by proxy, since it has to be done on earth. Heavenly Father does it for them in heaven also, he having a body of flesh and bones–he does it on their spirits.

So, I am still involved in the purification for them. Some others things differently I know, but this is the answer I receive in prayer.

5. Q– Will Satan and his hosts come into the Utah area in mass, on Monday, 9-19-2016.
A– Yes

Q– Will they hear the trumpet of God, sounding the alarm at 10:00 am?
A– Yes

6. Q– Where else will they congregate, if any other place in particular?
A– It is only in Utah that they will be gathered in mass numbers.

Q– Is Emily supposed to do anything at the waters in Cedar City?
A– Yes

7. Q– Are these waters in Cedar City, Utah, that L is going to, living waters?
A– No, but these are special waters. There waters come from deep in the earth from the same vein and basic source that the waters in Jackson County, Missouri, the New Jerusalem, will come from.

8. This water will come into the New Jerusalem area, once the land is cleansed in that area. The water will come after a large earthquake in the center of the land. This earthquake will open up the vein into the same water sources as now comes to Cedar City.

Once the water starts flowing in Jackson County, Missouri area, it will receive a blessing and then turn into living waters.

9. Q– Who will bless the special waters in Jackson County, Missouri, to become living waters?
A– Raphael, you wil bless these waters next April when you arrive in Jackson County, Missouri area. This will be the start of the healing of that land that will be cleared and wiped clean.

10. Q– If I am sounding the alarm on Monday, and Satan and his hosts wil be in Utah on Monday, what will happen?
A– Satan and his hosts will wreck havoc, promote evil agendas, stir up commotion and strife among the people, create an air of temptation and desire for wickedness, turn family against each other, and make a spirit of civil war among the people.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-18-2016 Sunday morning, 2:00 am

1. At that time I could 'see' the face of my Heavenly Father come closer, more real and clear than ever before. He came in front of me and spoke words like this to me (these are my own words, as best as I can recall):

'Raphael, my son, I accept the purification done by frankincense oil, on the bottoms of your feet during the past seven days. I accept it for yourself, and in proxy for L.B.d, and for Oriphiel, your archangel brother. I have also done this each day myself for these two, to their spirits which are before me in heaven.

2. This now concludes your purification. For you and Oriphiel, you are now prepared, in every way, to be instructed by my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, on the ordinance of waters of separation, and the accurate recording of this ordinance in the Book of Life. This will be the final and official step for the faithful to enter into my church of the Firstborn. Many are waiting, with eager anticipation, for this glorious day when you, Raphael, and Oriphiel, will do this ordinance in their behalf. I am very pleased that you both have prepared yourselves to reach this point. All things are now completed, both for you and for the female archangels, who have also been purified before me. The warrior angels, with Joshua, Joseph, and Lochlan, will also be finished today with their purification. All is prepared and ready.

3. On Monday morning, you will sound the trumpet of God on Mount Zion, or Mount Timpanogos, as an alarm, as spoken of by Joel in Joel 2:1.

Raphael, the day of the Lord is at hand! By blowing the trumpet to the north, then to the south, then to the west, and finally to the east (towards the place where the New Jerusalem will be built soon), you are announcing that the day of the Lord is here. It is now my choice when to come out of my hiding place, and initiate the whirlwind of calamity upon the wicked.

4. You have been faithful, along with your angels with whom you have labored. I will support and bless each of you in your continued work in this great battle for the souls of men and women.'

I then came out, after talking and being with my wife, to the front room, where I immediately wrote this all down in my journal. I feel so deeply satisfied and assured that I have pleased my Heavenly Father.

(later, 10 am). More questions, more answers:

5. Q– When Christ was chosen to open the book with the seven seals, in Revelation 5:6–'. . . stood a lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth,'–are these the archangels of God?
A– Yes

Q– Are they the male (horns) and female (eyes) archangels, together in pairs being the seven spirits (male and female), sent forth into all the earth?
A– Yes

6. I felt on 9-15 that Heavenly Father's number is 9, and the flip is Satan (6). Heavenly Mother's number is 12, and Jesus' number is 7. When put in series, like today, 9-18-2016, this becomes 9-9-9, it is a powerful imprint by the hand of God. On 7-7-7, that was the opening of the seventh seal by Jesus Christ (7-7-16). I suspect something major will occur on Heavenly Mother's date of 12-12-12, or 12-12-2019 (where 2+0+1+9=12), and other dates after this which also match. Emily tipped me off to the 9-9-9 date, that it was Heavenly Father's date and number.

7. This morning I ended my prayer, and looked up at my digital clock, and it read 9:00. I knew my prayer had been accepted. It was 9-9-9-9! I prayed for everyone I knew who were healing angels, or female archangels, or warrior angels. I felt a great peace upon these, my friends, my family and myself today. I felt everything was in order and calm. I look forward to the sacrament today.

Fall is beautiful in Utah!

(later, after sacrament meeting, 5 pm)

8. Today we attended A.'s ward again. We visited our neighbor who is now in a rest home before we went to church. Then we went to the sacrament meeting.

After the sacrament hymn, and blessing on the bread, I made my covenant. I had felt I should should go to the north side of the temple, facing south. I was looking towards the doors of the temple, a little ways from the fountain of living waters that divides into the three rivers.

When the bread was passed to me, I partook, and then, in my mind, was immediately again kneeling before the temple doors. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, in glorious robes, walking hand in hand. They came in front of me and stopped.

9. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, stand before us.'

I stood and faced them both. They seemed just as clear to me as earlier this morning in my prayer. Heavenly Father spoke again.

'We accept your covenant, to take upon you the name our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments which we give to you.'

I noticed that now Heavenly Mother was included in this wording, that I should now obey both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I wondered if it had anything to do with my purification being completed.

10. He continued:

'Everything is now in place: you and all of the archangels on earth are purified before us, and prepared to serve us. We will always be with you, each of you.

11. Tomorrow you will sound the alarm, and blow the trumpet of God on Mount Zion at 10:00 am. You will blow to the north, then to the south, then to the west, and finally to the east, to the future place of the New Jerusalem.

12. The day of the Lord is upon you tomorrow; we are prepared for battle with the adversary. Calamities are coming on the earth to cleanse the wicked from before our presence. We are pleased with all of your actions, Raphael.'

13. I then gazed on their faces, which were somber but seemed very pleased. When I looked more closely at Heavenly Mother, she spoke:

'Come, Raphael, walk with us!'

14. I held each of their hands, and was in the middle between them. Heavenly Father was on my right side, and Heavenly Mother was on my left side. We walked to the east side of the temple, in the celestial kingdom, to the gardens of Heavenly Mother. I then lost track of where we went, as the sacrament concluded in the ward and the meeting was moving forward.

Then we enjoyed two talks on the temple. Next, we sang as a rest hymn, 'High on a Mountain Top' (page 5, LDS Hymnal).

While singing, I wondered about the words, 'the banner is unfurled.' It then struck me that I was to place that very banner on the mountain top! I felt I would be given a banner to place on Zion's hill, Mount Timpanogos.

15. Heavenly Mother then came back to me, into my view, and spoke:

'Raphael, we are here in my garden, east of the temple. I have a banner on a pole that I want you to place on the mountain tomorrow, after you blow the trumpet of God to the four directions. I will give this banner to you at that time. Then you will be able to read what the banner says to all the world, once it is unfurled before all the nations. This banner contains a message from me to my children in the world.'

16. I then re-read the words of the hymn, and understood each stanza in a different light than I had ever before! The writer of the words, Joel H. Johnson (1802-1882), was truly inspired by Heavenly Mother! I will print these below, and then add my comment after each stanza.

I also felt that Satan and his hosts are going to try to stop me from blowing the trumpet of God tomorrow morning, and will also try to stop me from placing the banner on the mountain top.

17. I feel I should ask R.B., who heads the warrior angels, to come with as many warrior angels as he feels necessary for our protection. I felt all seven of us male archangels, and all seven of the female archangels, should also be there in attendance, in the spirit, for the blowing of the trump of God, and for the unfurling of Heavenly Mother's banner. We should all meet at 9:55 am MDT in preparation for the blowing.

18. High on the Mountain Top, page 5 LDS Hymnal

1.High on the mountain top
A banner is unfurled.
Ye nations, now look up;
It waves to all the world.
In Deseret’s sweet, peaceful land,
On Zion’s mount behold it stand!

R: The mountain top is Mount Timpanogos, overlooking the Salt Lake and Utah Valleys. The banner will be brought to Raphael by Heavenly Mother, for unfurling, with a message from Heavenly Mother to her children. The banner will open up and wave tomorrow, once in place on the mountain top. Today there is a great peace in the land of Deseret, or in Utah.

19. 2.For God remembers still
His promise made of old
That he on Zion’s hill
Truth’s standard would unfold!
Her light should there attract the gaze
Of all the world in latter days.

R: He who is on Zion's hill, proclaiming truth's standard is Jesus Christ, assisted by Raphael, and others who reveal truth to all the world, which has never before been revealed, in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times.

20. 3.His house shall there be reared,
His glory to display,
And people shall be heard
In distant lands to say:
We’ll now go up and serve the Lord,
Obey his truth and learn his word.

R: Stanzas 3 and 4 are talking all about the New Jerusalem, the glorious city and temple of our God, the church of the Firstborn.

21. 4.For there we shall be taught
The law that will go forth,
With truth and wisdom fraught,
To govern all the earth.
Forever there his ways we’ll tread,
And save ourselves with all our dead.

R: Jesus Christ will rule from Zion, the New Jerusalem. There we will be taught, and there will the truth and wisdom go forth to all the earth.

This version of High on a Mountain Top is missing stanzas 2 and 3, but it is my favorite!

A. took this picture of Mount Timpanogos
while I drove him to BYU late morning, 9-19-2016

From R's Pocket Journal, 9-19-2016, 8:30 am

22. Joel 2:11–'And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?'

Q– Is the voice in this verse the actual voice of Jesus, or is it the trumpet of God, blown today?
A– It is the trumpet of God, blown today.

Q– Is the camp in the verse, the warrior angels who are great and many?
A– Yes!

23. Joel 2:15– 'Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly'
Q– Do we need to fast until after the solemn assembly this morning at 10:00 am?
A– Yes, for it will be a solemn gathering.

This morning, when I prayed, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were dressed in white, looking somber. Jesus was also there, in red garments before me, on the right hand side of Heavenly Father. They all three were before me. They didn't speak.

24. Joel 2:1-17 is now happening, verse 18 is a transition verse. The rest of the chapter is the deliverance part which is future. I believe we will soon enter bondage to the northern army.

25. Q– Can I learn and prepare for what will happen at 10:00 am?
A– Yes

Q– Will Jesus Christ be there in red apparel?
A– Yes

26. Q– Will Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother be there also, on Mount Zion (Mount Timpanogos)?
A– Yes

Q– Do I need to worry about where the warrior angels will be?
A– No–R.B.will be fully aware of where to place the warrior angels

27. Q– About the banner from Heavenly Mother: May I know anything about this ahead of time?
A– Yes (I felt to write now. . . ) 'After you blow the trumpet of God, in all four directions, then Heavenly Mother will step forth with the unfurled banner and pole. She will hand this to you. Place it in the rock of the mountain at the summit, next to the book where people record their names. Place the pole into the rock, several feet down in the rock. The banner and pole will then expand to be a very large pole and banner. Stand back and then a breeze will blow towards the east, towards the New Jerusalem. The banner will unfurl before all of you, and before all nations to see who have eyes to spiritually see.'

28. Q– May I know the message on the banner before the banner expands and blows in the breeze?
A– You will have to wait.

Q– Once I read the words on the banner, is there more?
A– No. The vision will close for all of you. However, you may recall it all again in your meditations and prayers.

Q– Shall I share this with those I wrote last night?
A– Yes

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-19-2016, Monday
12:15 pm
1. Recap of the event of the mountain this morning

. . . I was feeling very anxious and nervous, more so than I have felt in the past before big events like this. This was going to be a BIG EVENT!

At 9:50 am, I headed outside. I took my pocket journal and phone. When I sat in the lawn chair next the field fence, so many chickens came around me, clucking and making noise (my time to feed them). I then moved the lawn chair twice more until I was in a quiet place. It was then 9:55 am, and I was still jittery. I checked my phone and it was 9:59 am. I prayed to my Heavenly Father. Immediately, I felt I saw his face, the face of Heavenly Mother, both dressed in glorious white robes. I also saw Jesus Christ, dressed in a red robe, like I saw in my prayer earlier this morning.

2. I was brought up in the air between Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and held their hands like yesterday at the sacrament meeting. Heavenly Father was on my right, Heavenly Mother on my left, and Jesus was standing on the right side of Heavenly Father.

We then all raised up in the air. We then 'flew' in the air to the top of Mount Timpanogos to the north of my home, or to Mount Zion. When we arrived, I saw before us all of the archangels below, six male, and seven female, in a large circle around the mountain peak.

3. I then left the companionship of my Heavenly Parents and descended onto the summit of the mountain. I could see all my brother and sister archangels in a circle around me, each next to their pair, so it was male-female alternating around the circle. My sister K (Rachael) was due east of me in the circle, and there was a vacant spot for me. They were a little elevated in the air above me, and not touching the mountain.

Mount Timpanogos from the south

4. Above K, to the east, were Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left side, and Jesus Christ on his right side.

It was 10:00 on my phone. I set it down and then returned to the mountain top in my mind. It was a gorgeous fall day, blue skies, sun shining in the area.

I reached back behind my outer robe and withdrew the trumpet of God. As I did so, I noticed my outer robe had been pulled around my left side, exposing my sheathed sword of Raphael, under my emerald green sash. I wore my vestures and a gold crown on my forehead.

5. I took the trumpet of God, pursed my lips, and blew towards the horizon to the north. I blew for five seconds or so, one steady note. I then turned to the south and blew again. I next turned to the west, with Utah Lake on my left front and the great salt lake to my right front. I blew for another five seconds or so to the west.

6. I then turned to the east. I saw my sister K, with the three deity above her in the air. I blew the trumpet of God to the east. The note came the same tone as the other three previous notes, then half-way through went higher to an elevated, and more loud note. It was like a herald sound, to usher in a new day!

I placed the trumpet of God back under my outer robe, behind my back. I kept facing east.

7. Heavenly Mother then descended to me with her banner and pole. The pole was twice her height, and the banner was limp and unfurled. She came in front of me and spoke:

'Raphael, place this banner and pole into the rock on Mount Zion.'

8. I answered: 'I will do so, my Divine Mother!' I noticed her long hair had been caught in the breeze, and was blowing to the east.

She returned to her place next to Heavenly Father. I moved to the recording book at the summit, and next to this book I inserted the pole vertically into the rock. It went easily into the rock: 6", 12", 18", then 24" and it stopped.

9. I then moved to my place next to my archangel sister and we all watched the pole and banner.

This pole started expanding and growing taller and wider, as did the banner. The pole grew from a 1" diameter pole to a 9" diameter pole, and 100 feet tall! The banner also grew. Soon all stopped expanding.

10. At that moment, a firm breeze came from the west, blowing eastward, catching the now glorious banner and blowing it straight eastward. It was glorious and very large!

I gazed at the banner, trying to read what was written on it. I could tell it was very bright, almost blindingly bright, becoming more and more brilliant!

I could see the banner was about 50 feet tall and 150 feet wide as it blew in the wind. Here is my sketch from my pocket journal I drew at the time:

Sketch from my pocket journal

11. Into my mind came a scripture, which I later found in Matthew 11:28–

'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'

I knew this was the message from Heavenly Mother! It was written on a brilliant white banner, shining and waving to the east in great glory.

12. The devils upon the mountain, who were trying to ascend and disrupt our meeting, were immediately repelled and knocked down off of Mount Zion! The entire mountain became brilliant in resplendent white.

13. My vision then ended. I was changed–no longer full of anxiety, but filled with peace and love from my so powerful and loving Heavenly Mother. I realized she had such magnificent strength and power as I saw exhibited on that mountain! She is now ready, as are her noble daughters, to be more recognized in the world and make their mark. Their beauty, light and majesty will now come into this world to dramatically bless mankind, and bring them, as many as will come, to the New Jerusalem, to the east.

14. I soon took my son to his BYU classes in Provo. Both he and I took pictures of Mount Timpanogos (now forever Mount Zion in my mind) on the trip to BYU. I dropped him off, and called my sister K on the phone. We talked about the grandeur of this event. It began on a very sober note, and ended so magnificently. I feel the hand of God to a high degree in all that has happened today!"