16. The Conversion of Raphael and New Presentations

This entry is the one of most important additions to this website I have ever written! Please spend time in a quiet, prayerful setting, and go through it all–the information is monumental for each of us! I feel very clearly moved that Heavenly Father wanted this shared with all the healing angels. This information is sacred, and should not be shared outside our small group.

I have three journal entries below. These entries span the period of the class in Utah County, Utah. We had 9 attendees, all healing angels. At the beginning in the morning of the first day of class, Heavenly Father told me in prayer: "Be not fearful of speaking from your heart. We will be with you in abundance." God was there in abundance for sure! It was a very overwhelming class! During the second day of the class, the entire class was helping heal myself of a pain in my left shoulder when something truly astounding happened. Read on!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R, credited under the image or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Here is a summary of these three entries below:
5-13-2016, Friday. This describes the 'Conversion of Raphael'. Each of the healing angels in attendance were helping me to accept my new identity as Raphael, each angel with their several healing gifts and intuition. We had a major battle with Lucifer himself! I received a new mission of protection from God for the healing angels, in addition to that of healing. I also received a new Sword of Raphael and some other vestures. Every healing angel should read this moving account.

Please, please pray about these remarkable claims–and God will reveal to you it's truthfulness. All nine of us in the class were very involved in witnessing these events, and they will also be revealed to you as you pray in humility and faith to the Father of us all. Things are happening faster and faster as God rallies and awakens his healing angels for his service.

5-15-2016, Sunday. I had lots of questions about my my identity as Raphael, so I asked lots of questions and received answers. It is significant that all healing angels everywhere may (and should) now find their premortal name by revelation to identify fully with their premortal healing angel self. D
uring a quiet moment during the sacrament, I also received confirmation of what happened two days earlier in my class.

5-16-2016, Monday. While praying and musing over this entire experience, the revelation just flowed and flowed, and I wrote and wrote–lots of new insights came about Raphael, all new to me! In the evening I felt impressed that all healing angels would soon be healed to be able to move forward in this great work fully orchestrated by our Heavenly Father. I used a question-answer format to receive these new truths to me from Heavenly Mother.


A. R's personal journal entry 5-13-2016, Friday

1. Yesterday and today I taught my advanced energy class. Both days were extremely remarkable, but today was simply amazing! We had a total of 4 men students and 5 women students and myself. All of us were healing angels. We did all our work, teaching demonstrations, and working on each other in the one room we met in. We were together during all of this time.

Yesterday I had felt we needed to review the 3 introductory lessons (the Need to be Open, Importance of Prayer and Meditation, and Acting on Inspiration). We also went through God's Loving Healing Embrace and God's Loving Focus healing gifts. There was lots of healing yesterday, particularly for those healing angels Claire and Janice 
(not their real names, nor are any of the names of class members their real names in these entries).

2. Today we started with a review of the previous days' activity. I did a slide presentation of God's Loving Reset, and then a demonstration with Janice. During her demonstration, she shook a lot and Heavenly Mother got out a ton of stuff. There was a dark black blob in her left shoulder area which took our entire group of eight other healing angels to remove. It was awesome to finally get this out, for it had been there over 20 years! There are lots more details also that I can't write here now.

3. Then Mackenzie was my first demo for God's Loving Breath healing gift. We also had the whole group help her get all of the emotions and mental energy cleared up too. I kept breathing with God who was on my shoulders, as is the general protocol for this healing gift, as others in the room came and assisted in remarkable ways. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus were all there. Emily also received God's Loving Breath as a demo. We worked on her spleen–the healing was powerful! Then, we all viewed ourselves taking her remotely to the healing waters at God's Loving Healing Center and immersed her, like we had just done to Janice earlier. We took the sacrament of bread and wine which was just then administered by the Savior, while we were all standing on the water of the lake. Then we were instantly transported together to God's Celestial Temple to the north, in a prayer circle arrangement that just started happening. It was truly awesome to participate in this with these lovely souls! I felt in the temple that we were soon surrounded by all of the healing angels in an amazing experience! Jesus was the center of it all. It was very remarkable!

Archangel Michael Defeating Satan
Image credit: http://www.artsunlight.com/artist-NR/N-R0018-Guido-Reni/

4. The Conversion of Raphael

Then it was 4:50 pm, on Friday, 5-13-2016, and some of the students wanted to heal my aching left back shoulder. It had really been paining me all day. I got on the massage table, face up, with Janice directly behind me and all the rest around me. They all worked hard, but my shoulder pain remained and wouldn't come out! Each healing angel worked their healing gifts, but only with the prayer to Heavenly Father, and the priesthood blessing by Joseph, did it finally moved. It was a very large, very dark pain body, like a 4 inch diameter root that went 5-6 inches deep in the back side of my left shoulder, where the energy from God enters. When this came out, it was very overcoming and so difficult to control.

5. Then I was told that I needed to exercise my faith and help remove this out-of-control pain body. I was coached by several healing angels what to say, to rise up and accept the spirit Raphael as my own spirit, that this is my identity. I spoke more and more boldly until I started moving Lucifer himself (who was really in this pain body) out and away! Immediately there were all the healing angels too surrounding us in their spirits, to observe and support. There were also the six other archangels present, plus Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus. Then a student healing angel named Joseph (with a premortal name of Michael) gave me my new sword, the Sword of Raphael. Another student named Mark (with a premortal name of Gabriel) told me to wield it with love and righteousness.

6. The sword was next in my right hand, raised high as I became more and more commanding and bold, in my new voice of Raphael as I fully integrated into Raphael. I was still holding the love of Heavenly Mother in my left cupped hand. However, it wasn't until I connected both hands to the handle of the sword, raised it above my head and forward, and commanded in the bold and direct voice of Raphael that finally Satan moved. My archangel sword then glistened and became full of bright light, almost like fire (later I said it was more like a lightning bolt) that extended both ways from the sword across the horizon. Then Satan and all his minions who had gathered around him fled far away. Mark (premortal name of Gabriel) offered a prayer at some point during this battle, asking that the healing angels could be protected from the adversary.

lightning from Sword of Raphael

7. At this moment that my sword was on fire like lightning, I then proclaimed boldly that all healing angels from this moment on would be completely protected from Satan or any of his evil and false spirits in this great battle for the souls of men! I saw the lighting fire from my sword completely encircle the large band of all the healing angels behind me, both as a group and individually. This image is emblazoned in my mind, and recommits me in really being Raphael, the archangel of healing and now also of protection for God's healing angels.

8. I then asked my small group of healing angels in the room, where my sword was to be sheathed. One of them said it was on my sash which I before hadn't seen around my inner white robe, on my left hip. I sheathed my Sword of Raphael.

We were talking and they were trying to heal energetically my opened shoulder wound with closure and healing balm. Then my birth sister K (or Rachael, her premortal name), came in her spirit and moved her way to the front of circle of healing angels in the room. She poured in about a gallon of healing balm on my left shoulder wound!

9. At that moment, as I recall, one of the healing angels signaled that Lucifer had regrouped his hosts and they were all coming back to fight!

Sword of Raphael

I withdrew my sword from its sheath and saw that the handle was emerald green, long enough for both of my hands, the guard was pure gold, and the blade was pure silver which glistened in the light, as a two-edged sword. I then raised it high above my head, and commanded boldly with authority from Almighty God, for Satan and his hosts to depart again. I declared that this was my right to do by authority of being an archangel, having been given this power from the Father himself. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ. I moved my Sword of Raphael high and then forward, which immediately activated an array of lightning that encircled again all the healing angels and quickly drove away the evil band of Satan and his followers. I saw them depart far into the earth below.

10. Once my wound was closed, and balm was applied, at one point the pain, which had been intense with the extraction of the black pain body, completely left. Joel, one of the healing angels in the room, said that my chest even expanded and took on a new shape–that of Raphael. I had fully accepted myself as the archangel Raphael! It was a change also in my voice that those around me said happened.

11. I arose from the table a new man! I was fully integrated as one now as Raphael, the third archangel and angel of healing. I felt strongly that I was commissioned to be in charge of all healing that would occur in the world. I was supported by every healing angel who had ever been, on both sides of the veil, all then surrounding me. This was a battle we just had with Lucifer himself. I had felt so violated and angered that he had hid in my pain body, cleverly undetected, for over 3 years. In this battle today, I did the bulk of the fighting with Satan, probably to help convince me that I really was a powerful archangel with a sword, a man in whom the healing angels could have unlimited confidence.

12. I now have emblazoned in my mind myself as Raphael, the bold and noble archangel of God, with a Godly stewardship of healing and comforting for all of God's children who need this love from their heavenly parents and Jesus Christ. I see Raphael as myself, clothed in my healing and new protection vestures:
• a golden crown, symbolizing my authority from God the Father
• my white outer robe and cape
• my inner white robe
• my new emerald-green sash, holding my inner robe tight against my body
• a new sheath on my left hip, held in place by my sash
• the new powerful Sword of Raphael in the sheath
• and my glorious light green sapphire healing stone and gold pendant around my neck

13. This is Raphael who I am now as one. I believe and know this! I love too the image in my mind of my sword raised above my head and forward pointing, shining with brilliant silver lightning that encircles all the healing angels as a group and also each one individually. This is so real to me! I see myself with Heavenly Mother's healing love and healing in my cupped left hand, overflowing to all of God's noble children in mortality, and the sword of protection in my right hand. When in battle, both hands are on the handle of the sword which will, with the power of God, vanquish Satan and all of his evil hosts!

During this whole experience I was in the presence of all the six other archangels. I embraced each one in turn–my brothers! I felt great leadership as well from Michael, the chief archangel.

14. In the class, Joseph (premortal name of Michael) sealed me with a protective priesthood blessing, that I, Raphael, would be fully guarded against any more intrusions and attacks from Satan or his band. I have a host of strong warrior angels (later–I believe there are 24 warrior angels) now who surround and protect me! I could feel the shift in God's blessing on me. I also found out that Joseph, Joel, Mark and Eric, all healing angels and attendees of my class, have swords as well, even though they are healing angels. I also believe all male healing angels are also armed with swords for the first time today.

15. At one point, Joshua (student healing angel Claire's husband with whom I have been corresponding-he is a warrior angel) and archangel Michael assisted in the removal of the pain body from my left shoulder. This pain body had been there over three years, as I felt it severely pain me on 4-20-2013 when Heavenly Mother first appeared to me in the energy class I attended. However, I feel it is now fully removed. Any ache I may have is the healing of the wound that is being reconstructed.

16. Tomorrow is yet another glorious day in front of us! I hope to teach and have the class learn God's Loving Healing Hands gift and the Complete Healing gift. I hope to cover other needed items too. I want to give each a Canadian Silver 5-dollar coin which I have for them, purified to 0.9999 purity. This is symbolic of two things I want them to remember:
1) The purity that is required as a conduit as a healing angel (see Malachi 3:2-3), and
2) A reminder of the protection they are assured of by myself, Raphael, their healing archangel and friend. They can call on the Father for me and I will immediately come for their protection.

17. In the Book of Revelations, chapters 8-10, John the Revelator writes about the seven angels who had horns to blow during the last days. These are the archangels who stand in the presence of God. I believe now that they will sound in reverse order, Michael being the 7th angel (see D&C 88:3), Gabriel the 6th, and Raphael the 5th angel sounding his trumpet (see Revelations 9:1-12). In Raphael's part in John's narrative, he, the 5th angel Raphael, goes and is given a key to the bottomless pit where Satan and his minions have retreated. He opens this pit with a key he was given. Then there comes out smoke and locusts upon the earth to whom is given power. In verse 4, these were given power over men (and women) who have not the seal of God in their foreheads. I believe what occurred today, with the protection of all the healing angels against the power of Satan and any of his hosts, is just what John the Revelator saw: protection from Satan. This in effect is the seal of God on their foreheads that I pronounced today."

B. R's personal pocket journal entry 5-15-2016, Sunday

1. Here are a lot of questions I have, now that the healing angel class done.

Q) Why so many men in this class?
A) To support me in protecting me with their swords and to give me the Sword of Raphael. Specifically

Michael (J)– to tell me what Michael the archangel said to 'swing your sword and vanquish Satan!, as well as to give me a protective blessing.'

Gabriel (M)– to convey to me the words I needed to say. He offered a prayer which asked that all healing angels would have protection from Satan from here on out.

John the Provider (J)– to guide me in my actions, providing me with direction in rising up as the strong, bold and archangel Raphael.

Daniel (E)– even though not present in the room, to give me the assurance of my newly accepted self of Raphael in full faith–like Daniel of old in the lion's den.

2. Q) What role did the women have in this experience?

A) Julia (M)– in providing hope and clarity for our glorious future and roles as healing angels.

Sophia (E), Hannah (C) and Elizabeth (Julia)– all three working as an amazing team in saying what was happening all around us, in being extremely intuitive in how to heal me, and in coaching me to rise up to take on my true identity as Raphael in my voice and strength.

Arielle (N)– to heal my wound by helping close it up, and then to ground all of us by holding my feet during the battle.

Rachael (my sister K)– who came in our midst, pushing her way into our tight circle around me, pouring in a full gallon of healing balm on my wound.

sword of Raphael in cloud

3. Q) Was there significance for this to happen on Friday 5-13-2016?
A) The 13th is a number of the illuminate, and of Satan. He was cast out of me on this day by loving healing angels that surrounded me. His plans for control and evil are foiled and are crumbling–for we broke the dam he was constructing to ensnare all of us and the souls of men. This happened on his celebration day, the 13th. Satan, even Lucifer himself, was so upset and angry that he can't control or attack us healing angels any longer, as long as we rise up to our glorious mission and calling to love and heal God's children. This protection is for us individually and as a group of healing angels. The sword of Raphael will protect each of these now from him. All men healing angels also have new swords on their sides now to wield as necessary in protection and in a display of strength and valor.

4. Q) Has this event been a juncture in our healing journeys?
A1) Yes! Each healing angel is now fully protected from Satan and his minions.

A2) Each believing healing angel has a seal on their forehead for protection (see Rev 7:1-8). This seal for the healing angels has happened on 5-13-2016, Friday. The healing angels were sealed, in conjunction with the 144,000 in Rev 7:4 who are also sealed on their foreheads for protection.

A3) When I, Raphael, accepted my position in strength, and the other healing angels in our class learned their premortal names and fully accepted them as their own, this was a signal for each of the host of healing angels to find out their premortal name, to fully accept their calling as a healing angel, and to rise up and heal the nations of the earth and God's children, as God gives them directions.

5. A4) Counting each day since the 4-28-2016, the day in which the last healing angel was awakened for the next 5 years, it was 14 days (2 sets of 7) to the start of this memorable healing class, held in Utah County Utah. There was a great outpouring of God's presence in this class for each person who attended. All healing angels, of age, had to be clothed in their healing vestures and be ready for these glorious events that occurred. Each were in attendance in this great battle in their spirit (unconscious state, they don't consciously remember this) with Satan and his hosts. Each later came to God's Loving Healing Center to receive instruction in their healing journey. Each came inside God's celestial temple for a united prayer circle we had. Many, if not all, also in their unconscious state again, attended this 3-day class and learned with us. We who were present felt them in vast numbers, all listening and taking notes, learning and refreshing their healing skills.

archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael
Image credit: http://www.flameministries.org/Sword%20of%20Gilead.jpg

6. A5) Later that night, on 5-13, I read in the Book of Revelations some of the events coming. I felt strongly that the seven archangels blow their trumpets, in reverse order of their positions, so that Michael is the 7th archangel (see Rev chapters 8-10, and D&C 88:3). Raphael blows his trumpet as recorded in Rev 9:1-12. The bottomless pit referred here where smoke and locust come out is where Raphael sent Satan and his minions, or to where they fled. They returned once again on 5-13-2016 and were vanquished by Raphael's bold declaration and his lightning sword. They will be loosed again as described in Rev 9:1-12. I am the 5th angel as recorded in these verses. I don't yet have the key to the bottomless pit, but I do now have my new sword and my new emerald green sash around my inner robe. These I have never before seen nor worn. The sword was given from Michael the archangel, to Michael, the healing angel who attended my class, and I accepted it for the first time on 5-13-2016. At first I tried to hold Heavenly Mother's love in my left cupped hand, with my right hand on the emerald handle of my sword, but only when I held the sword with both hands, sword high above AND forward, did it glisten then spark like a lightning bolt, surround the entire host of healing angels and greatly frightening Lucifer and his devils. This was a very significant juncture in the last days scenario. Soon Satan and his hosts will be unleashed in great fury, we will each have individual protection so that we will be able to act with love and as pure conduits to help heal God's children. This is truly a battle for the souls of God's children.

Raphael Wielding his Sword
Image credit: https://img.posterlounge.de/images/wbig/poster-erzengel-michael-173580.jpg

7. Q) Who made my Sword of Raphael?
A) Heavenly Father, assisted by Michael the prince, the archangel. It has a 100% pure silver blade, 100% pure gold cross guard, a one-piece emerald green protection gemstone, mined from the celestial world itself, created over eons of time by the forethought and knowledge of a wise and skilled Heavenly Father. The handle gemstone is a full 11 1/2 inch long grip and of one piece. It is 1 3/4 inch wide in the grip area. There is a core through which an extension of the silver blade fits in this emerald handle. The silver extension ends inside the pommel of the sword (end piece of the handle) which is also pure gold. The silver blade, core in the handle grip, and extension into the end pommel is one piece. The blade is 42 inches long, from the cross guard to the tip, and is 100% pure silver. The gold cross guard is 7 inches across and 2 inches wide by 1 inch thick approximately. It is the work of God! It has properties to create lightning protection, extending from the entire length of the blade and extending in right and left directions. It is terrifying to any false spirits or to Lucifer himself. The blade is raser sharp when unsheathed, has two cutting surfaces of the blade (a two-edged sword). When held by myself, Raphael, above my head and forward, with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ behind me, this activates the protective lightning. I will use it in defending any healing angel that may get over his head and feel like Satan is near, or seems to be attacking them. Call on the Father for me to come and I will be there the next instant.

8. The sheath is attached to my new emerald green sash which extends around my inner white healing robe. The sash ties on my right hip and excess fabric falls to the ground. The sheath is on my left side is made of pure gold. The 42 inch silver blade fits perfectly in the sheath, the handle extended, easy for me to grab. It is under my outer robe so it is not visible. However, I can reach in quickly and extract the Sword of Raphael immediately if needs be. To me, the sword doesn't feel weighty or heavy. It fits my two hands perfectly, and is of the most marvelous craftsmanship. I feel so humbled and honored to be able to wield it in the protection of the healing angels! . . . I feel so blessed!"

9. later after the sacrament was passed, here is what I recorded in my pocket journal:

Today my wife and I attended sacrament meeting. I felt to go to the domed room and kneel. The room was transformed to my view into a lovely meadow with a stream of pure water gurgling next to me. I got on the grassy meadow and knelt. The priest offered the prayer on the bread. I then made a covenant with my Father, to take upon me the name of his beloved Son, to always remember him and to keep his commandments always.

Then Heavenly Father came in front of me. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son. . . For now I will address you as Raphael, not R anymore, for you are now fully integrated before me as my son Raphael, your true identity. . .

10. Your next revelation this week is that you are truly Raphael, our healing archangel! You have accepted now your God-given role to heal and now to protect. You have a new sash, a new sheath, and particularly a new Sword of Raphael, hand crafted by myself and Michael, my chief archangel. When you wield it above your head and forward in defense of your healing angels, I have given you my power to protect them and vanquish Satan and his hosts. The work of my healing angels is so important that we need them fully protected in their great work ahead of them. . .

I love you, my son Raphael! You are choice before me."

C. R's personal pocket journal entry, 5-16-2016

1. In my morning prayer:
Two grand signals have been given to me for my mission of healing and my mission of protection:
1) Healing– when I heal with the power of God and it is complete, my while cape (outer robe, back part) waves in the winds of change. This is my signal that God's healing through me is finished.
2) Protection– when I raise my Sword of Raphael above my head (ready stance) and then forward (full protection stance) then silver lightning extends from both sides of the sword to protect my healing angel(s) and to vanquish Satan, removing him and his hosts far away to the bottomless pit from where he has come.

2. Also, healing with God's power has really not worked yet until I had these new items added to my healing vestures: a permanent gold crown, an emerald green sash, a gold sheath, and the amazing and powerful sword of Raphael on my left side. I now have my complete healing and protection vestures of the archangel Raphael. I now feel fully clothed with the power of God to do my mission.

Now I have the power of God to heal God's children and to protect all the healing angels.

3. Also when I pray and address my Father, I envision Heavenly Father directly in front of me, Heavenly Mother on my left side in the position of whispering to me, filling me with her love, comforting me, and being fully my constant companion with the Father. Both of them are always present before me. Heavenly Father primarily speaks to my mind while Heavenly Mother primarily speaks to my heart, with a united voice of love and strength. Jesus often is on my right side.

When I heal by God's power, I have Heavenly Father in front, Heavenly Mother on my left side, and Jesus' hands are in mine. I have all three healers present, each time I heal.

archangel Michael defeating Satan
Archangel Michael defeating Satan
Image credit: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bJXdbwhi7L8/TKKBx1Ao9uI/AAAAAAAAA28/

4. When I protect, I have my sword high above my head and activate protection by moving the sword forward. At this moment, Heavenly Father is on my left back side with his right hand on my left shoulder, and Jehovah (Jesus Christ) is on my right back side with his left hand on my right shoulder. Heavenly Mother is not actively present. The Father and Son's joint Godly power activates lightning to the right and left sides of the blade, coming out of the Sword of Raphael. It is the power of God, truly that protects and vanquishes Satan.

5. With Michael, the archangel, and me Raphael, we are truly partners in both healing and protection. He is also a healing angel and a protecting angel, as well as the chief archangel.

My direct leader is now Heavenly Father . . . This is my new position since I have fully accepted myself as Raphael the archangel.

6. I fulfill both of my roles also in secret, behind the scenes. I truly am the conduit for the three deity healers to do their work of healing and protection among their children in mortality. All glory goes to the Father and the Son. Heavenly Mother has a role also of secrecy, for that is how she wants it to be. In this way, I am to follow her example of being behind the scenes and not in the public eye. Her lead, and my lead in acting in secret is an example for all healing angels to follow.

7. My emerald green sash enlivens me in the love of God which I share as I heal. The sash also is present when I protect, for I can only protect and vanquish out of love, like Mark (premortal name of Gabriel, a healing angel student in my most recent class) told me on 5-13-2016 when I was being converted as Raphael.

I truly feel complete somehow, like I have just emerged with a full view of my mission and strength. I am now ready for the service of my God.

8. My prayer: 'Oh Father (looking forward), Oh Mother (her by my left side with her right arm around me often), Oh Savior (on my right side, his hands in my hands), I thank thee all, and I am ready to serve and follow thy commands, in the love and strength of Raphael.'

When in the midst of healing or of protection, I also have Michael, my prince, working with me, side by side. I need to be in mortality, he needs to be resurrected. Together, and with God's directions, we will serve.

(later in the evening):
9. Questions and answers about healing of the healing angels I received during my prayer:

Q) Should all the healing angels be healed?
A) Yes.

Q) What is the timing?
A) Soon, and do it with Rachael (K, your sister).

Q) Will this occur for all of the healing angels?–even for ones who aren't consciously aware yet?
A) Yes.

10. Q) Will this healing happen for those awakened who have consciously rejected this?–or put it aside because of the demands of life or for other reasons?
A) Yes.

Q) Is there more than K and I to assist in this healing?
A) No.

Q) Should I do it with K when I am with her in Portland later this month?
A) Yes.

Q) Why with her?
A) She is my compliment, makes me a more complete archangel, and she will add her faith to mine, reaching out more fully to all the great variety of healing angels that there are.

11. Q) How do we do this healing for the healing angels?
A) Go to a quiet place, and go remotely to the domed room together, clothed in your full healing vestures. Request in prayer that all the healing angels come. The domed room will expand to fit all of them, and they will come. Then pray for healing and Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus will come.

12. Next use K as a proxy, and have her sit in a chair before you. Place your hands on her head and heal her of any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues that may now or in the future restrict or impede her from fully acting as a healing angel. Command this to happen, and close in the name of the three healers: Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. During your healing blessing, Heavenly Father will be in front of you, myself (Heavenly Mother) will be on your left with my right arm around your shoulders, and Jesus will be on your right, placing his healing hands inside of yours when you place them on K.

When the healing is finished for K, it will be done for all healing angels who have been awakened who now live in mortality.

Next confirm that it is now done for K, your proxy, and then for each of the healing angels.

We three healers will honor your blessing, and heal all by the power of God.

13. Q) Can I share this with K now? And with the healing angels soon?
A) Yes! Yes!

Q) Why is this happening now?
A) We are needing all of the healing angels with their full services now, while they are in the flesh. We will guide each healing angel and tutor and train them what to do. Much of what the healing angels do will be in their unconscious minds and spirits. This healing needs to happen before June 1st, 2016.

Q) Will each healing angel be fully vested by this time, being ready for service to thee?
A) Yes.

14. Q) Is this true then:
1) each healing angel is now fully protected (occurred on 5-13-2016),
2) healed at the time I heal K for herself and by proxy later this month, and
3) each healing angel also fully vested by June 1st, 2016?
A) Yes.

15. Q) Are the healing angels in mortality all going to be translated as well?
A) Yes, most of them.

Q) How many (%) will then be translated by June 1, 2016?
A) 96%.

Q) Why not 100%? What about the remaining 4%?
A) There are various reasons that some individual healing angels have chosen not to be translated by then by their own agency, and some that we have chosen not to translate, again for various reasons.

16. Q) How long will this healing take for the healing angels?
A) The healing time varies, based on individual circumstance. All will be healed sufficiently, however, by 30 days from the time of your blessing.