151. Readiness
Posted 2-22-2020
I hope each of you are feeling happy and well! I have had some majorly important events that I was involved with in protecting the terrestrial elect. Please pray about the experiences I have had, and confirm that they are of God and not of me.
I have been told that I am now in a state of readiness, and that I should enjoy this coming year to the best I can. I hope that you will plan to do that too!
P.S. We have found a few typos in the PDFs that I had sent to you. These are included below so that you can update your copies that you printed. Thanks!
Foreword letter in volume 1, 3rd paragraph: "The first 99 pages" should read "The first 99 posts"
2A8...be more that (than) one place....
23B9... this completely routes out Satan and his minions.
s dispensation. (remove this line)
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 8, 2020, Saturday
1. I awoke early and came to my private room to pray. I realized I had forgotten to do my light therapy work on my group of 50 people last night. I was wondering about this, and then I felt I was immediately in the sky above the celestial orb. Heavenly Mother immediately came to me. She spoke:
2. 'Raphael, yesterday you completed reading and listening to your posts 1 through post 15 when you were awakened to your pre-mortal name of Raphael. You had previously reviewed all that you had written on your public website also. You have completed our charge to read what you had written about healing on your website.
3. Therefore, I will now bless you to become my fully active healing angel in the flesh, in your conscious mortal mind! You have been retrained and will be activated to be my holy conduit for healing to fully heal those we inspire you to heal.'
4. I knelt before her and she laid her hands on my head. Heavenly Father then came by her side and watched what she next did. She then sent her intense light of the Holy Ghost upon me and blessed me with these simple words:
5. 'Raphael, my son, I bless you to act henceforth as my fully vested healing conduit to my children on the earth. You are able to act in your full capabilities as a healing angel in your mortal conscious mind. Amen.'
6. I then felt very full of light and clear! I thanked her humbly for this great blessing. I then wondered if I could extend healing to some of my loved ones? She smiled and said I could do so.
7. I then asked if I could be a conduit of full healing for my wife and daughter. I wanted to act for my son, but I felt it wasn't yet time.
8. I then asked if I could do so now, and Heavenly Mother said I could. We went together to the shores of God's Loving Healing Lake. I asked for my wife first to come. I assisted her to a chair where she sat. I then asked my Heavenly Mother behind us to send forth her healing light through me to my wife. I felt her light come through me to my wife, and then my healing stone lit up brightly. I placed my hand over my wife's head and saw the corona flame rise off the backside of my hand about 6 inches! It was steady and bright. I knew my sweet wife was being healed by Heavenly Mother. I didn't know if this was immediate or not, but I felt so grateful!
9. I then did the same thing for my second daughter who had suffered so much. After she was sitting in the chair, my healing stone lit up and I checked her with my hand. I saw also the bright corona flame out the backside of my hand. I felt so gratified and pleased.
10. Heavenly Mother spoke next: 'Raphael, remember that I will heal them fully by my power according to my timing. Also, keep this all secret, for this is our charge to you and to our healing angels. You are to act in secret so that all glory goes to God and not to you, for you are our conduit, and I provide the healing power.'
11. I thanked again my Heavenly Mother. I said I would act in secret in my healing work, and share only with the others on my email list so they too could receive this full blessing too.
12. Heavenly Mother then embraced me and departed. I came back to my chair and earth and wrote all of this down in my journal.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 9, 2020, Sunday
1. This morning I prayed and talked with my Heavenly Mother at the circling waters. My wife's infection had seemed to largely depart in her body except for her right ear which still pains her, and is hard to hear from also. When I checked it, I still felt the corona flame that I felt yesterday morning. I came to my Heavenly Mother this morning to ask her to speed up the healing with my wife's ear, and her overall recovery. This illness has left her without much energy, which is to be expected with such a severe illness.
2. When Heavenly Mother came to me on the circling waters, she came in her glory. She listened to me as I pled to her. She then spoke:
'Raphael, I am aware of your wife's right ear pain, and of the remaining illness in her body. I will heal her according to my timing. You may still seek to help her with remedies that you feel are the most beneficial. I have my purposes in all things with regards to her and each of my beloved children on the earth.
3. S had written to you yesterday about his question whether we who are your Gods need to do anything else to keep Satan and his evil hosts apart from the terrestrial elect. S wondered about this, and was inspired in what he wrote:
"There were numerous experiences where Jesus cast out devils and unclean spirits. He also gave this power to his apostles and they did the same. Will this not be a needful part of our healing because of the elevation and protection given by our Heavenly Parents for those who were raised to a terrestrial level prior to the completion of 2019?"
4. S is correct in his wonderings. It is time now for you who have power over the evil spirits, by virtue of your ordination, and the power we have given you with your sword of Raphael and your angled scarlet-red sash, to route out any and all evil or lingering false spirits in our terrestrial elect, so that they may be completely free from these evil hosts.
5. Start first with your beloved wife. She has a hidden persistent false and evil spirit that has lodged in her right ear. Command this spirit to depart and never again enter into her or anyone else of our terrestrial elect.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her new revelation! It had never occurred to me that she might even have had a hidden spirit in her body. I had thought that all such spirits would have been routed out by virtue of her and the elect being elevated to a terrestrial state.
7. I then immediately came next to my wife remotely, even while in my private room writing all of this. My wife was in our front room. I came in my angel vestures, with my sword of Raphael raised up in the air next to her. I spoke and said commanding words like these:
8. 'In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood of the Father, and by the authority given me by God to have control over the spirits, I command all evil spirits in my wife to fully depart and never return!'
9. I then lowered my sword to the head of my wife. I saw her body light up brightly and it seemed a number of evil spirits who had been hidden began to flee away. As these departed, I saw dark shadows quickly pass before me. Then my wife's body entirely started shining. I perceived none of these false spirits in her any more.
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have awakened me to the presence of these dark ones in my wife, and I will soon thank S too. I feel relieved, and believe my wife's healing will continue, now that she has the corona flame of healing in her body.
11. I soon came out to the front room where my wife was in the recliner. I told her about casting out the evil spirit in her right ear. I said I saw several dark entities leave her as I lowered my sword to her head. I said I wanted then to also give her a consecrated oil priesthood blessing, which I did. I felt she was completely rid of the dark spirits that were somehow holding onto the illness in her ear.
12. She then told me that when we both visited our youngest daughter on January 30th, 2020 (Thursday), that she had said to me she felt very darkened with the visit. She said she felt like something had jumped onto her at that time. I tried to remove it but wasn't too alerted to the seriousness of the evil, dark feeling she had. She said she told me about this over the next few days. I listened but somehow wasn't alerted to her actually having evil spirits that had jumped onto her. I was somehow blinded to her discussions! She even wrote this all down in her own journal. She wondered if this dark feeling was an actual virus?
13. After I fully cast these dark spirits from her this morning, I immediately isolated myself and prayed to God that Raphael, my replicated self, would come and clear me on earth of any deceptive spirits. I then saw myself as Raphael, clothed in angel vestures, come with the sword of Raphael. He lowered it to my head and I was immediately filled with very bright light. I then saw a dark shadow fall from me down to my left! I thanked God for sending Raphael, my replicated self, to clear me entirely of this very deceptive spirit!
14. I came back to my wife and profusely apologized saying that I had blinders and had just cast out a deceptive spirit from me. This must have worked in tandem with the hidden evil spirit within my wife that held on so tightly in her right ear, preventing it to heal and drain!
15. My wife now says she has a 3-inch diameter or so "shell" of some sort around her right ear that is preventing healing in that area. She then tried to open up this shell with her intention. She still has pressure, like being under water in a deep pool. It has given her sharp stabbing pains occasionally.
16. I believe the intense light of healing from Heavenly Mother will now penetrate her shell since there are no more dark hidden entities there. I also feel they have truly been routed out by the power of God, given to me who acted as Raphael with my healing and protective sword of Raphael, and of the angled scarlet-red sash I wear with my healing vestures.
17. I feel very duped and even angered at myself! Why did I let this all happen? Why was I deceived by a clever and surreptitious false and convincing evil spirit? I am more determined to be on high alert and greater diligence.
18. I also see why Heavenly Mother said she would heal my wife's right ear according to her own timetable. I am sure this included me awakening to the presence of these tricky spirits that tried to destroy my wife! I feel very relieved they are now gone!
19. At church–I came alone to sacrament meeting at noon to a local ward. My wife was sleeping when I left.
I am now in the ward. We sang as an opening hymn one of my favorites, page 81 "Press Forward, Saints." I remember singing this many years ago when my oldest son was on his mission in St. Louis, Missouri. At that time, and now again, when we sang the third verse: "Thus saith your God, Ye have eternal life!" that I knew my calling and election was made sure. This was very powerfully given to me at that time! This was way before I knew anything about my current mission. I was deeply touched with this song, and felt way uplifted today.
20. At the time of singing this song so many years ago, I had left my wife who was struggling with sick children or her own sickness, as I recall. I talked with her about staying home and helping, but she said she would be ok, and for me to go to my required stake meeting. I went and received this great blessing while singing this hymn!
21. Today at the sacrament we sang page 174 "While of these Emblems We Partake." I was very moved also by this hymn. I then felt uplifted and wanted to come before the south grassy area the white gate on the celestial orb.
I came to the grass on the last verse of this hymn. I felt very emotional. Jesus Christ then opened the gate and walked up to me. He stood right in front of me where I was kneeling. While the priest offered the sacrament prayer on the bread, I started crying, and saw that my tears fell upon the wounds in the feet of Jesus before me!
22. Right after the sacrament prayer was finished, I looked up to the smiling face of Jesus. I then made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents: 'My Father and Mother, I take upon me the name of Jesus Christ who stands before me, to always remember you, and to keep your commandments.'
23. Jesus then extended his arms and asked me to stand before him. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, be of good cheer, for I have sacrificed for every one of your sins, weaknesses and shortcomings. You are clean and pure before me, and may now come into the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I will always be with you.'
24. At that moment he stepped to his right side, and I saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother coming from the celestial sky above! They descended in great glory and stood before me, Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus Christ on his right. Heavenly Father then spoke:
25. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant that you have made to us today. We will always be with you–both Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me. We will answer your every request you make of us.'
26. I then looked upon all three of my Gods. I felt very teary-eyed, and then swelled up with determination and boldness. I spoke:
'Oh my Father, Mother, and Savior Jesus Christ: I want to ask of you to allow me to be replicated and come to every single one of your terrestrial mortal elect, individually, and to those who yet will come forth by birth, and with the power that you have given to me, I wish to rid them of every evil, false, or pernicious spirit that may be in their body and spirit. I want to do this with your authority and with my sword of Raphael like I did for my wife this morning. I want them each to be completely freed of every single entity that may have been harboring in them. Then I want to stay by their side, for everyone, to protect them with your power over these evil ones, even until I remove Satan and his evil hosts into the bottomless pit for a thousand years.'
27. Heavenly Father then smiled and answered my request: 'Raphael, this is a righteous request that you have made. We will give you our power so that you may do as you have asked. Every one of the terrestrial elect will be completely freed from Satan or any of his hosts until the glorious coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, and until you remove Satan and his minions to the bottomless pit!'
28. I thanked my Father for his response, and to allow me to do this thing, the desire of my heart!
I then asked if I could do this now. Jesus spoke: 'Raphael, go and we will be with you, and give you our strength and power!'
29. I then departed to the earth. I replicated myself and came next to every one of the terrestrial elect, in my angel vestures, and with my sword of Raphael drawn above my head. I came with the authority of God. As I came to each one, I lowered this sword to their head and commanded every evil spirit to depart. After these fled, I then filled them with the light of Heavenly Mother, acting as her conduit of healing. I then stood next to them to protect them, with my sword unsheathed. I remained in my replicated person in the celestial realms so that they didn't see me.
30. This entire process took about 40 seconds or so of earth time. I next returned to the presence of my three Gods.
31. Jesus Christ then spoke in behalf of all three who were still standing before the white gate: 'Raphael, we are pleased that you have acted on your impressions and have done this great act of love!'
Heavenly Mother then stepped forward and embraced me. She whispered in my ear: 'I love you, Raphael!'
Jesus then embraced me and smiled.
Heavenly Father then stepped forward and embraced me too. I felt his great strength and assurance: 'Raphael, you have my power and blessing!'
The sacrament then ended and I began writing all of this down in my journal that I had brought to church.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 9, 2020, Sunday
1. I talked to my wife this morning, and found that her ear congestion wasn't much better. She seems to have less pain, and the rest of her illness is getting better. My son who lives with us also stayed home from work today because illness.
2. Then I started to doubt all of these great and amazing experiences I have written about in my journal over the past few days. I am a visionary man for sure, but am also quite logic-based. When I use logic, I feel "how could all of this be?" I am very weak and have so many human foibles!
3. Anyway, I came to my private room and prayed to my Heavenly Father. I met him in the clouds somewhere above the celestial orb. I came before him on my knees. I express my fears, doubts, inadequacies, and wonderings. I even questioned in my prayer whether all of my communing with him was only in my own mind and not real.
4. When I was done, I waited and then he spoke peace to my soul. He was so very understanding and compassionate! He said that I have experienced a great event in coming to each of his terrestrial elect and to rid each one of any evil spirits that they might have possessed. I then stayed by their side in a replicated state.
5. He said, "Raphael, this could only be done clearly by the power of God, which we extended to you. This was a dramatic action that you have done, and of course caused you to naturally doubt and question yourself. However, we have extended our power to you so that you could do this. Raphael, you are our healing and protective archangel whom we are using in these last days to do our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21).'
6. I felt comforted by his words, and determined to accept what is in my mortal life and press forward, as best I can. I feel so grateful for the abundant blessings of God in my life, and in the lives of my family.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 11, 2020, Tuesday
1. Last night and this morning I met with my Heavenly Father. This morning I was kneeling in front of God's Loving Healing Lake. I asked for my Father to come. He then appeared, standing next to me and also facing the lake!
2. I asked him some questions about what I am to do now? I said I have felt like events and revelations have come upon me so fast that I hardly remember them in my conscious mind. I wanted to hear from him directly what he and Heavenly Mother want me to do now.
3. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words in my journal as he would spake them to my mind:
'Raphael, you have a little lull now before we will inspire you to bless again groups of people, acting as our holy conduit for spreading forth your Heavenly Mother's intense light of healing upon the people.
4. In the month of December 2019 we stopped giving you revelations so that you could complete the printable PDF files and send these out to those on your email list. You have done that.
5. In January and the first part of February 2020 we wanted you to review all that you had written about healing in your public and private sections of your website. You have also done that. This included everything on your public website and posts 1 to 15. Heavenly Mother then blessed you again to become our active fully trained healing angel, both in the celestial realms where you had continued all along, and now in your conscious mortal mind also.
6. In the process, you experienced the various levels of healing light that your Heavenly Mother has given to our children, in placing them in a state of healing. You now can access how intense her light is with our children.
7. You then acted as our holy conduit of sending forth a constant level of healing light upon the terrestrial mortal elect whom I have chosen. They will retain this healing light in their bodies, even until you finally cast Satan and his hosts into the bottomless pit after the second coming of Jesus Christ. This healing light will greatly enhance and protect their immunity and strength to withstand the plagues and other calamities coming upon your world.
8. Finally last Sunday you were inspired to cast Satan and any of his evil spirits from everyone of our terrestrial elect mortals on the earth, or any yet to be born before the second coming and you finally casting Lucifer into the bottomless pit. You have also replicated yourself to remain next to each elect person, with your sword of Raphael, in an act of guarding them from any further attempts from the adversary to invade their bodies.
9. You are now ready to help us who are your Gods to further assist our elect as needed. In this time of waiting, I suggest you go back and refresh your mind with the grandeur of our revelations and plans for your earth and for our elect. We will all be next to you to guide and direct you in every time of trouble and need.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assuring words!
I expressed my admiration to him for getting everything in a state of preparedness and readiness. I said I loved him so much, and cherished my time to be next to him and to receive his counsel and revelations.
He then slowly disappeared. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and began my day.
11. Evening: I reviewed today post 139 "Freed from Satan's Grasp" where I was told that the elect would be changed from a telestial to a terrestrial mortal state (see post 139E6 to 139E15). In these paragraphs, Heavenly Father said these terrestrial elect would live in the telestial world but would be freed from Satan's power because he survives in a fallen telestial realm but not in the terrestrial realm. The shields of the Father were the first phase, and the elevation as terrestrial mortals would be the second and final phase.
–interrupted, continued on 2-12-2020.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 12, 2020, Wednesday
1. This morning I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I prayed that my Heavenly Mother would come to me. She stepped out of her higher celestial realm to a place above the waters in front of me. I saw her smile with sparkling eyes, and felt and saw her intense light, particularly around her being.
2. I then asked her about my confusion how my wife and I could have received false and evil spirits into our bodies when we visited our youngest daughter's apartment on Thursday, January 30th, just a day before we both started to feel ill. I recovered and my wife became very sick. I also asked her about her healing light in my wife and second daughter.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, first I want to share with you how I am pleased like your Heavenly Father that you have prepared spiritually every needful thing in preparation of the storms and calamities coming upon our terrestrial elect. You have been sensitive to our will and have acted immediately to do our will.
4. In your post 139E11 you wrote that the elevation of the elect to their new terrestrial mortal state would be a "second and final state of loosening Satan's grasp in their lives." The word "final" should not have been written, for there was one more third step in ensuring that none of our elect would experience Satan and his minions in their own bodies. This third step was what you did last Sunday in coming to each of the terrestrial elect in your replicated body, in full angel vestures, angled scarlet-red sash, and your sword of Raphael. You then finally routed out any hidden false spirits in their organs or any other areas of the bodies of our elect that persisted remaining, even after they were changed to be our terrestrial mortal elect. Some of these spirits somehow managed to remain in them, but now they are completely eliminated.
5. On January 30th, 2020, we allowed a few evil and deceptive spirits to come into you and your wife so that you would ultimately remove these evils spirits and also those few that remained in some of our terrestrial mortal elect on the earth. We also wanted you to stand continually by their sides, even as you have done previously for our mortal angels (see post 16B3). We wanted you to have your sword of Raphael unsheathe and for you to be in an alert state against any attack on any of our terrestrial elect that they might experience in the future.
6. When an evil fallen spirit attempts to come into a higher terrestrial state, they cannot enter unless we temporarily allow them entrance. It is also a higher realm and very uncomfortable for them, for they love darkness and not the higher, more intense light of that realm. Those that were temporarily in you and your wife were struggling to stay in you, for you both had much of my light in you. They are all gone now.
7. When you place your hands over an individual, I will make it clearer also to you what level of my light they possess, if at all. This will be a great gift to you and to all of my healing angels who seek this same gift. However, you should only access those for whom we prompt you, for you cannot now tell who are the terrestrial elect by the amount of my healing light coming from their own bodies (see post 150I16).'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her direction! I said I would be obedient to all she has given me and will yet give me in the future.
She then departed and I closed my prayer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 13, 2020, Thursday
1. I came this morning to the fountain of living water. I faced the fountain and saw the temple of God in the background. I prayed on my knees for my Heavenly Father to come and give me answers to my prayers.
2. Heavenly Father then stepped out of the fountain, from his higher celestial realm, and walked the few steps to a place right in front of me! He wore a brilliant white robe and a scarlet-red sash, tied on his right side.
3. I then poured out my heart to him. I asked that the remaining congestion in my wife's ear be removed soon. I asked for direction in knowing if I need to come to anyone or any group who is suffering in the world, and act as their conduit for Heavenly Mother's healing light. I prayed for enlightenment to see the real motivations and desires of others. I prayed to accept and see reality better.
4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me, and asked me to write his words he would give me in my mind and heart:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will continue to gradually heal and improve the health of your wife. Be patient in all things, and know that she will be blessed according to our desires and timing. Continue to give her the remedies you feel inspired to give her. Continue to pray for her, and care and watch over her as you have been doing.
5. At this current time, you are in a readiness state to act and do as we inspire you. You have our presence with you continually, and we will direct you when we want you to act as our healing conduit to those in your mortal sphere. In the interim, review our revelations that we have given to you, and rejoice in the prospects of a happy and quiet life where you live. We will increase your understandings and clarify your mind so that you may be our more effective servant and healing angels. You will continue to learn and gain more maturity and understandings of the actions and motives of our children who live with you on earth.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction and his comforting words. I feel now very settled and happy! I feel content with who I am and what I am doing. I have hope in a glorious future also.
Heavenly Father smiled and gradually faded away into his higher celestial realm.
7. I then thought I should print my posts as they are made into PDFs. I have four to print now. When they become large enough to make volume 11 of the Book of Raphael, I will have them bound together also. At that same time I plan also to reprint the latest index for all 11 volumes.
8. I also thought to continue listening to and reading my posts from the beginning where I last read. I have read recently all of my public website and posts 1 to 15. I plan to start again at post 16 and continue until the end. I will do this as I make time in my life.
9. I am so glad that spring is only 35 days away today! I love the sunshine streaming through my eastern-facing window this morning too.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 14, 2020, Friday
1. I have been reading many articles about the global spread of the coronavirus. It is predicted to come to the United States in a full-blown pandemic. This in turn is predicted to tumble the stock markets and be catastrophic for our current way of life in our nation and among all nations and peoples worldwide. The best prevention among the peoples of the world is isolation, but that includes isolation and confinement from church, schools, work, airplanes, shopping in crowds, etc. I believe that the terrestrial elect have much more inherent resistance with their own terrestrial state, plus they have an abundance of Heavenly Mother's healing light in them to ward off the infection. I also stand as Raphael next to them to protect them from Satan's influence.
2. This entire scenario in the coming months is truly apocalyptic! I feel the calm before the storm. I want to further prepare myself for these hard times coming our way, both spiritually and physically.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 15, 2020, Saturday
1. The day before yesterday I was praying about a message I received from someone who used to be on my email list. She wants nothing to do now with fringe groups, as she says I am doing. As I prayed about her, Heavenly Father spoke words like this to my mind:
2. 'Raphael, don't worry about those who were once supportive of you and your work but now have turned away. We will deal with each of these individuals as we desire, but do not want you to be overly concerned about them. Continue in the direction we give you, and you will not be led astray.'
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 16, 2020, Sunday
1. Last night and this morning I communed with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother respectively. I saw their unique and loving faces. I felt that all was well with what I was doing, and I felt comforted.
2. I have been reading again my posts, and I am now up to post 21 when I received the black key. I am confirming the truthfulness of these posts as I study and ponder what has happened to me. I used to have time to listen to M.S.'s Book of Mormon podcasts, but I have felt it more important to review all of my own posts and to pray about them.
3. At church: I came to my ward building to a different ward. My wife did not have the vitality yet to attend church with me. I came to the desert oasis during the meeting where I had met with my Heavenly Mother earlier this morning.
4. At the sacrament, Heavenly Father came before me at the beautiful desert oasis. He was smiling and answered my covenant like this:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant today. We will always be with you. We will also speed up the recovery of the vitality of your beloved wife.'
5. I thanked him for his comforting words today. I had continued to pray in faith for the full recovery and returning strength of my wife.
6. The sacrament meeting continued. I wondered about my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother not revealing more to me this week. I remembered what Heavenly Father spoke to me last Thursday about that this is now my time of readiness. I have completed all that they have asked me to do to date, and am now waiting for what comes next. In the interim, I am studying and pondering all I can from my own posts. It is enlightening for me to read these.
7. When I think about the coronavirus, and its spread upon the earth, I really don't know anything how this will turn out. I feel it is the beginning, however, of the plagues coming upon the earth in these last days.
8. I found a scripture in Isaiah 26:20-21 which may apply to this potential pandemic or others that may follow:
Isaiah 26:20-21–
"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain."
9. The best prevention for the people of the earth in fighting this virus is isolation so they don't contract this virus. We may be asked by the Spirit to do the same at some point.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 17, 2020, Monday, President's Day
1. Last evening I prayed at the circling waters and communed with my Heavenly Mother. I asked her about some specific questions about the coming coronavirus plague to America. She said that there would be shortages and economic repercussions due to the pandemic in China. She said it is also coming to America where millions here will also die as a result of this and the other plagues that are on its heels.
2. I went to bed around 10:30 pm but awoke bright-eyed at midnight. I had been curious what Spencer said in his book "Visions of Glory". I had bought the audio several years ago, and listened to sections 4 and the start of 5 while lying in bed. This starts around page 115 in the book. On page 128 in the book, Spencer talks of a devastating plague that swept across the nation that he saw, with each wave being more virulent. He estimated 25 of the population died of the plague, and that the troops who arrived seemed to be immune to the plague. I wondered if this could be the coronavirus, or a mutant of it that first came to locations overseas like China, and that the troops from there were now immune to it and also received a vaccination. It is my view that Spencer saw this coronavirus or another manmade virus, which was extremely contagious and deadly. I believe it will eventually shut down society and industry. I believe what Spencer saw with atomic bombs in strategic US cities and locations will also occur. I don't know about timing, but my hunch is that things will rapidly degrade this summer and fall, or perhaps even earlier in the United States.
3. I came to the circling waters again this morning. I asked my Heavenly Mother about if these things were going to happen in 2020. She said: 'Raphael, these and other destructions will come upon your land as a whirlwind. They are at your doors and will begin this year. Prepare every needful thing, and stand in holy places, and be not moved." (see D&C 45:32).
4. I felt that great changes would come upon us all this year. We need to stand in a state of readiness, having prepared every needful thing. Spiritual preparation is the most important. I feel greatly relieved that I have been told that I am in the state of readiness by my Heavenly Father.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 18, 2020, Tuesday
1. This morning I came before the Father's wheat field on the celestial orb. I was kneeling on the dirt road that was on the north side of the field. I faced the field and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came before me at the edge of his field!
2. When he came, I thanked him for the increased vitality that my wife was experiencing. I then asked him for his directions and instructions. He the asked me to write his words that he would speak to me:
'My son, you have been worried about the coming plague that will sweep the nations of the world. This is a manmade virus and was intended to kill many of the masses, designed by evil men and nations. However, we have now protected our terrestrial elect so that they will have additional strength to withstand these virulent sicknesses that will destroy many of the inhabitants of the earth.'
3. He then turned and moved his left arm in the air over the wheat field behind him. Then he spoke again to me:
'Raphael, you see that my field is harvested and that there are no more of my elect wheat left in this field. What remains are the tares of the earth that need to be destroyed. The plagues and other destructions will cleanse my field so that, after the burning of my field, I may again plant my millennial elect in this field. This will be once Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, comes to the earth in glory and you remove Satan and his hosts to the bottomless pit. Then the world will change to its destined terrestrial environment, and welcome the arrival of our terrestrial elect.
4. Those elect now on the earth have been gathered into my garners (see Joseph Smith Translation Matthew 3:39: "And it is he of whom I shall bear record, whose fan shall be in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but in the fullness of his own time will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."). They are elevated to a terrestrial mortal state already, and have greater strength to withstand the rigors of the calamities coming on the earth. They also have the increased healing light from your Heavenly Mother to remain with them continually, to guard them further against the coming plagues. Finally, they have you as our protective and healing angel of light next to them, even in the celestial realms, with your sword of Raphael unsheathed to protect them from Satan or even other calamities. My elect are now in safe garners, and the world you live in is ready to be cleansed and prepared for the glorious millennial day of peace and rest.
5. You have reached a point in your mortal state where you are prepared and ready for that which is to come. This is what is meant by standing in holy places. There will be times also when you and our elect will know by our Spirit when to "enter into they chambers, and shut thy doors about thee" (see Isaiah 26:20), even when the world about you is being cleansed and destroyed.
6. It is better for you to occupy your mind with reviewing all that your Heavenly Mother and I have revealed to you in your posts, than by following the abundant stories in the news about the spreading destructions upon humanity and the earth. You may stay informed about the spreading pandemic, but don't spend lots of time following these stories, for we want your mind dwelling on our revelations and truths we have given to you. Enjoy your life and make this year a wonderful, happy time for you and your loved ones! We will always be next to you as we have promised and will fill you with happiness and purpose.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words and directions! I said I would seek to fill my mind with the happiness and joy that comes from his revelations and from living a balanced and meaningful life, filled with rich relationships with my wife, family and friends. I said too that I would continue to be open to all the promptings of the Spirit in my life.
8. Heavenly Father smiled at me! He then extended his right hand to me, and I stood and held his in my left hand. We then started walking across his harvested field. I was not aware in my conscious mind what he spoke to me, but I believe he spoke to me about the events leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ when his field would be burned and finally cleansed of the wicked, deceitful and telestial who couldn't abide the new terrestrial world.
9. I then closed my prayer and came back to the earth where I had been writing all of this in my journal.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 19, 2020, Wednesday
1. I am in my front room having enjoyed a good day. I bought today supplies for our expanded garden including dripper lines, metal stakes and heavy wire to grow berries on. I am eager to have spring come! I especially love growing our own food. It is so much more vibrant than what you can buy in the grocery stores.
2. Tonight I came to the fruit tree orchard on the north end of Lake Beautiful. I walked up the slope from the shore of the lake and found many trees blooming there! It was very exciting to me. I knelt among the trees and prayed that my Heavenly Mother would come. I wanted to receive her love, light and direction to me.
3. She then appeared, walking from deeper in the orchard from higher ground to the north. She was beaming her light and happiness all around us! I felt so blessed to come into her presence!
4. She immediately spoke to me:
'Raphael, I'm glad you came into our celestial orchard today! This is one of my favorite places to come and enjoy such fragrance and beauty!
5. I want to reemphasize what your Father spoke to you this morning at his harvested wheat field: We both want you to greatly enjoy life, even to the fullest this year. There are so many beautiful and exciting things to do with your loved ones and friends! You will soon come into spring on earth when flowers will miraculously bloom and fill your world with color. Enjoy planting and caring for your garden and orchard, and these will give you the very best nutrients available in your world. The fruits and vegetables will be so tasty and full of vitality and life. Take every opportunity to eat what you are privileged to grow yourself. This will not only greatly strengthen and protect you and your loved ones, but will link you to your beautiful planet in so many ways. As has been said before, let your food be your medicine. The fulness of the earth is yours (see D&C 59:16-20). We smile upon our children who continue in thanksgiving to us who created your beautiful earth and all of our creations upon it.
6. The beauties of our creations will be greatly magnified during the coming millennial day of great peace and rest. All of our blessings will flow freely to our humble and grateful terrestrial children who we will preserve and bring forth at that day!
7. Raphael, make this entry the last one for your current post 151. We are happy that you are now in a state of readiness. We will pour out upon you and upon our mortal angels and servants in these last days our greatest blessings!'
8. I thanked my beautiful Heavenly Mother for her upbeat and happy message! I felt so uplifted and filled with joy and the light of her countenance. I feel so very blessed!