C. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 25, 2018 Sunday
1. I came in prayer to the high mountaintop, facing south. I had never faced south here before. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came alone again, from the skies in front of me. She stopped before she descended all the way and beckoned me to join her! I immediately teleported to her right side. She said these words to me:
'Raphael, we will now go see my remedy beds to the south, to regions you have never before visited!'
We then traveled in the air to the south, over many snowfields. We soon descended to a bare spot.
2. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, in every cold region of the world, I have made sure that there are plants that are able to help heal my children who live there. Let's go look at my remedy beds!'
I looked around and there were five beds of the same size and shape, which constituted where she had planted her medicinal remedies. These were watered by the melting snowfields above us on the mountain slopes. The plants were thriving and were of great varieties.
3. She spoke again:
'We will go to visit my final remedy beds in your prayer tonight, Raphael! These are all water plants, whether in streams, lakes or oceans!'
'Heavenly Mother, I am very excited and privileged to have been shown so much of thy plants which are used to heal mankind of the many ailments they may experience on earth! Why is it, Heavenly Mother, that in the millennial day, in order to be healed and receive a blessing from thee, that thy children first need to identify and then take one or more of these many remedies that thou hast created?'
5. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, I have created all of these remedies to be used for the well being and healing of my children. In the current telestial world, we have allowed healing to be by a blessing only. However, with the new millennium, when the earth is renewed and increased to a terrestrial level, all of the plants and inhabitants are also increased to at least this same terrestrial level. My medicinal plants will be ever more vibrant also in the terrestrial state. I want my children to learn and experience all of my creations and to freely know of these things. My general requirement to receive a blessing from my hand will be for them to first learn and apply these healing plants in their own bodies. My blessing will then compliment the healing that is already initiated. This standard will be for all healings.
6. For your telestial world, there have been many ideas about how to heal the body over the ages. The current medical system is based on applying poisons to cure the body. This was developed by evil men who only cared about gain and money and not about my children's health! It now has taken over most of your entire society and is regulated by government edict. Such was never our intention! Although our children may recover in the modern medical institutions of your day, they are far missing the mark! Health and healing is meant to be free and available for all, and not usurped by a few powerful and conspiring men who control the key centers touted as promoting health.
7. In the millennial day of peace and rest, the health and wellness systems will be based on my methods of healing my children!'
I then immediately found myself in my adjacent room. Heavenly Mother had spoken her mind! I knew she felt so strongly about these things. I thanked her in prayer and started my Sabbath day.
8. Later: I didn't go to church today. It was hard even motoring around the home! I prayed to my Heavenly Parents to send some healing angels to bless and comfort all three of us in our distress. As soon as I did, I immediately saw with my celestial unconscious mind both of my Heavenly Parents descend into my living room! They were nearly touching the ceiling. They were enshrouded in bright light. They brought twelve healing angels with them. These angels went to each of us, four to each one, and then beams of light came from the front of my Heavenly Parents to each of the angels. The healing work lasted less than a minute and then the light stopped flowing. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother next immediately ascending right through the ceiling! Within 10 seconds, the healing angels also left in the same column of light. We were then alone again, my wife and I in our recliners with our eyes closed, and our son in bed downstairs. I thanked them for these blessings!
9. I felt to share all of this with my wife, which I did. I had hoped that these negative days would become less intense and ultimately all go away soon. I then read some scriptures (with a cough drop) from the book of Luke and Matthew in the bible. I look forward to some chicken soup that another of our daughters made today at the request of my wife. We had her mask up and put gloves on when she came inside.
I have been listening to posts, which are now all in the computer. I feel very slowed down in my progress. I will go as fast as I am able I guess! I hope to get this out Monday, but who knows.
10. Later, early evening. I had my evening prayer near the bench on the north of the Great Assembly Hall. I faced west, to regions unknown. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came from the western skies and came down to me. She spoke and said:
'Raphael, let's now go hand in hand to regions where you have never been. We will see my last remedy beds!'
11. I stood and took her left hand in my right and we went together up into the western skies. We seemed to be traveling for some time together, like a few minutes. Then we descended on the shores of a huge body of water.
Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, we have arrived at our celestial world ocean in front of us! This contains all the plants and animals that we use to populate our earths. These creations are all resurrected. They live in a high level of felicity together!
12. The plant remedies from the oceans are abundant. These are not in beds since that is impractical. Behind us is a large freshwater lake. I use it predominantly for growing all the plant remedies that grow in fresh water, either in streams, rivers or lakes.
13. You have now seen areas of my primary remedy beds in my celestial world. In the one in my lower gardens, you saw one of five sets of beds. The desert bed is also one of five sets of beds, for variations of desert eco climates. The mountain beds you saw was one of five sets of beds, as one descended down the mountain. This ocean before us is vast, and has various eco climates around its borders. My remedies from the oceans are from each sub climate. Finally, I have five lakes, which I use for remedies also.
14. These constitute the natural remedy beds for those who dwell on the earth. In the millennial day, there will be plants that have died off since the days of creation that will be replanted. This is in all plant use areas, not just remedy plants.
15. Raphael, there is such a variety of ways to most effectively use my many remedies to correct the cause of disease. It takes a long time to learn all of these. I know them all and inspire my children to use the proper remedy in the proper way.'
I thanked my kind and loving Heavenly Mother for her exceeding great wisdom she has on remedies! I feel so blessed. I then realized I was done praying and had just finished all of this in my journal.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 26, 2018 Monday
1. Another week is now before me. I am glad to let the one from last week go forever. I hope for renewed strength and health. I hope I can learn from all of these experiences to be more kind, loving, and compassionate to those in need. I know we have these difficult times in order to deepen our understanding of what others are going through.
2. This morning I came to the adjacent room and meditated and prayed. I came to the fountain of living water, on the north side, just west of the river representing the Father. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came together from the skies above, until they were standing on the celestial ground in front of me!
I spent some time gazing into their loving and happy faces. I love being in their presence! They were full of light, love for me, and possessed such great strength.
3. I opened this prayer. I thanked them both for a new week ahead. I thanked them for so much that I learned from the last week, although very difficult for me. I prayed to remember these lessons well and to be filled with more acceptance and love. I then asked for one or both of them to speak to me. Heavenly Father started speaking:
'Raphael, you have been shown great views by your loving Heavenly Mother over the past few days. I have purposefully not come. This is the dawning of her great glory, with the transition of the earth to a terrestrial state into a millennial day! She will make known her revelations never before given in the beginning of these 1000 years of peace and rest!
4. Your Heavenly Mother has always had great interest in her many healing plants. We both want them used to the intent they were created. This is why we have made healing in this new millennial world one which will fully incorporate the healing power of our plant remedies. In many cases of healing, these will be sufficient for curing all disease, without the additional need for a blessing of healing from us. Our healing angels will therefore be able to concentrate more fully on the great work in the New Jerusalem temple we have for them to do.'
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, I have so enjoyed showing you my wonderful healing plants! I am thrilled that the day is soon at hand where these will be freely used, with skill and the inspiration of heaven, to help heal and strengthen my children living on earth's surface. These natural remedies will have strength to heal and tenderly remove the cause of abnormal functioning in one's physical, mental, spiritual and emotional states. There will no longer need to be so many healing systems or modalities for my children to learn. They will, instead, learn of our many healing plants and other remedies and use these. The earth, with all of its climates and ecosystems, will bring forth in great strength these healing plants. Every part of the earth will have great abundance!'
6. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write in my journal up to this point. I have just finished writing. Heavenly Father next spoke:
'Raphael, there are many plants that do not have healing properties that will also come forth in abundance upon the earth in the millennial day. Mankind will cherish the great beauty of our terrestrial earth! There will no longer be men exploiting forests for gain, denuding these and causing its dry and unproductive surface. Our children will enjoy our creations and not overuse them. The earth will robe herself in the great beauty and function of a plant-populated world.
7. We have created all animals to also enjoy the balance and joy of the new earth. These will live in great harmony and peace. They will not hurt nor destroy on the earth, but live in a high terrestrial level of enjoyment and peace. The earth will all become as one large Garden of Eden as it was locally in the beginning, but soon over its entire surface.
8. The crown of all the earth will be our New Jerusalem, the celestial city of God! The plants and animals in our temple square area will all be celestial. The glory of God will beam forth from this world center. All the chosen faithful will come there to receive their ordinances in the temple, binding for all eternity. Every ordinance prior to this time will pass away, but those performed by our holy angels and by us, your Gods, will endure forever!'
9. I was overcome with joy at the words of my Heavenly Father. I could visualize the earth as he was speaking, in that future day! I saw the great beauty and light coming from the New Jerusalem area. I felt just so overcome with happiness I started sobbing for joy!
10. My Father reached out to me and touched my shoulders. He pulled me up from my kneeling position and embraced me! He, too, was crying for joy!
Heavenly Mother couldn't restrain herself and joined in our embrace. Oh, it was all so amazingly wonderful! I love them and I love this earth. I love the dawning of our millennial day of peace and rest! What an amazing time we live in!
I write this as tears freely flow. I feel so honored and blessed! I closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ. I then started my day.
11. Later: Today was another stay-inside day. I sent out post 70 tonight. I then began my prayer early tonight, at the end of the waterfalls in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. Both of my Heavenly Parents came. I asked for any message they might have for me. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has shown you how she distributes our healing plants in her celestial beds. She does this by the climate involved that we have best designed for them to grow. There is always an original source of these living healing remedies in our home in heaven.
12. We similarly grow all our other plants–grasses, bushes, grains, trees, lichens, mosses and a host of many varieties of other plants to cover the earth. These are also more vibrant in their terrestrial state as are the ones with healing properties. Some plants we may only populate the earth with prior to the advent of man on its surface.
13. Many of these plants provide the main food source for our children. These are not tainted or modified by conspiring men. In the millennial day, our food will thrive from the living water coming to its surface. Our children will grow up healthy and happy with these plant-based foods they harvest from their mother earth. Many families will flourish in joy and pleasure in being together. Our people will grow in peaceful communities over the entire face of the earth. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will rule and reign over a very blessed people! The knowledge of a Savior and of his divine truth will be spoken freely in all places where the faithful live. Your words will be among those quoted as scripture.
14. I am telling you all of this to picture for you a very happy and beautiful world! You may look forward to these days in your mind as you live through more trauma of the elimination of evil from your current world and in the war with Lucifer and his hosts.
15. We have a great many of our very faithful elect that we will bring forth for their mortal experience in these happy millennial days. When these die, they will not sleep in their graves, but be resurrected to a glorious resurrection. Many will continue living as resurrected among their families on earth also. Some will live in this wilderness area in heaven. But all will be a very happy people!
16. The Church of Christ will spread over the entire earth. However, the Church of the Firstborn center place will be located only in the New Jerusalem. Once people receive their initial ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn, they will continue on being members but will not attend a weekly place to meet. They will generally attend Church of Christ congregations in areas where they live across the globe. They may also gather together in spiritual congregations as may occasionally happen.'
I said I looked forward to these happy times in the millennium! I thanked Heavenly Father for his uplifting vision and words.
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, I will become fully revealed as will be Jesus, our Beloved Son, and your Heavenly Father. My faithful children will pray to both the Father and Mother in our beautiful day of peace. There will be no wars or significant anger among our children, but all will live in peace. Your Father and I will frequent the celestial areas in our open persons in the New Jerusalem. Jesus will live personally on the earth. Satan will be bound for the full one thousand years. The earth will produce abundantly its foods for all our children coming on its surface. There will be no want among the people.'
The picture that my Heavenly Parents described seemed so idyllic! I feel so blessed to live during the entire millennial day!
I thanked them both for their very positive words. I look forward to this great day of peace and rest!
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 27, 2018 Tuesday
1. I came to the adjacent room to read over what I had written last night. I felt so pleased to think of the glorious days ahead in the millennium! The sun is shining this morning through the windows. I feel like my strength is gradually returning from the flu. It had seemed that I was run through with a locomotive engine and recovery has taken some time, even after the infection was gone. I wonder if these harsh diseases will subside also in the millennial day?
2. I came to the desert oasis this morning for my prayer. I drank three times from living water in the oasis. I knelt on the sand while I cupped my right hand. I loved feeling the sand on my bare feet. I came back by the bench, faced south to the oasis and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.
3. I then thought again of the sand. I looked down and saw I was kneeling on it. I guess with my long bout with illness it felt so good to be outside with bare feet! I then saw another pair of feet in front of me. I looked up and gazed into the smiling eyes and face of my Heavenly Father! He asked me to stand, which I did. He then said:
'Raphael, let's walk out in my desert together. Write the words I shall speak to you.'
4. He placed his right arm around my shoulders and I placed my left arm around his waist. We then started walking together directly west out in the desert.
'Raphael, I have always loved the stillness of the desert! There is a peace and a serenity that comes in walking barefoot in this beautiful area!' I saw then that there were no thorns or rocky areas where we were walking, only desert sand between the desert vegetation. The sand seemed to absorb and pull the congestion from my body as we walked, and seemed so very healing to me.
5. 'Raphael, there are many infectious diseases only found in our telestial earth that will not carry over to our new terrestrial earth. Those that may be in that new earth will be milder but still troubling to some of our children. Our herbal remedies will usually correct these as they are appropriately applied to the human body. We may also send healing blessings too, after the initial application of healing herbs are given. The level of health will be very robust for our children who come forth in the millennial day!'
6. We then paused at a desert tortoise eating from a ground desert fruit of some sort. It seemed the tortoise paused and expressed great joy in being in the presence of his creator. There was acceptance and love passed between the Father and this desert creature. We moved on and the tortoise resumed eating the fruit.
7. Next came desert birds and other animals too. They paused and expressed in their own way joy in being in the presence of their creator. Even insects and what we would call pesky bugs were well behaved and expressed love for God. My Heavenly Father smiled with approval on all his creatures. As I observed, the plants and even the very celestial soil, all gave reverence and love and respect to their creator.
8. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, you see that we all live in perfect harmony and love in my celestial kingdom. Much of the telestial behavior in the plant and animal kingdom, where there is seeking to promote oneself, or prey off one another, will cease in your future millennial day too. All animals will eat plant sources in that day, and the plants will flourish and be happy to provide these, their food, which comes of the earth.
9. Mankind will also return to a fully plant-based diet. The craving for meat in our children is necessary for your telestial environment. However, in the millennial day, all mankind will be very satisfied with the increased vibrancy of the plant-based foods that will abundantly grow. Those who are mortal will need to eat, but the translated and resurrected will not need to eat.
10. Our children will also look after the comfort and well being of their fellowman. They will no longer be in a rush to obtain more than their fellows, for there will be abundance everywhere. People will think more on service to their fellowman and to the earth which brings forth in abundance, than of their own selfish desires. The love of God will abound in the hearts of our elect sons and daughters on the earth. They will live in great peace and cooperation!'
11. We then paused, and Heavenly Father faced me:
'Raphael, your mission spans the transition from a darkened world to a glorious millennial world of light and abundance. We have chosen you and many of our mortal angels to transition from the old to the new. Your memories of these times are also precious and will remain with you throughout the thousand years of peace. Many of our children will ask of your transition group how it was to live in your current world of darkness and you will share these memories. Cherish all of these transition times, Raphael!'
With that, he started fading from my view, smiling. I then realized my prayer this morning was completed. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this great prayer this morning and closed in the name of Jesus Christ.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 28, 2018 Wednesday
1. Last night my wife and I went to bed around 8:00 p.m. I was feeling quite sick and received permission to skip my evening prayer from my Heavenly Mother. I don't know if I could have prayed much.
However, after a full nights' sleep, I am ready to start again.
2. I came to my morning prayer at the top of the granite outcropping in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank of living water and then knelt on the granite, facing west. I could see God's temple in the distance. As soon as I invited my Heavenly Parents to come, I saw high in the sky both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The Father beckoned me to come join them. I teleported before them and looked into their loving faces. I saw a very happy Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were in very white clouds of light. Heavenly Father extended his left and Heavenly Mother her right hand. I took these and we all three started traveling into space. I had no idea where we were going.
3. We soon arrived above the surface of a darkened planet. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, your Mother and I have brought you to your Mother Earth. She is dark before us, spiritually dark, from the general wickedness of her inhabitants and from Lucifer and his wicked ones. I will now speak directly to Mother Earth whom we have created. We have brought you with us to hear and record all my words and witness what I will say.'
4. Heavenly Father then turned from me. We had dropped hands and were all three facing Mother Earth. Heavenly Father spoke again, now to Mother Earth:
'Mother Earth, this is your Heavenly Father speaking, who created you with Heavenly Mother, by the power of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We have both come to you in the skies above your surface with our chosen archangel, Raphael. You have recently received a blessing from Raphael at Utah Lake to initiate your cleansing and to initiate your transition from a telestial body to a terrestrial body.
5. We have witnessed how this change has begun on your surface. You are now awakened and acting on all his words. We are pleased with your progress. We are also so pleased with your intent to live in righteousness and holiness before us. We promised you, from my own mouth, that you will continue to transition until one day you will become a celestial earth and return again near the presence of God. Those of our children who receive their celestial exaltation will live forever on your glorious surface!
6. I want you to respond to the voice of Raphael, or to any of my other holy angels, as if from my own mouth. They act as our holy conduits. We command them to act and they fulfill our every word. These you may know speak with the authority of God!
There are other servants of God as well who may speak with our power and authority also. If you see these speaking and commanding your actions, gaze on them spiritually and you will see my face behind them, giving them my authority. In this way, you may know they speak their commands as they have received them from Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me.
7. Lucifer and his wicked spirits may also attempt to command you, falsely using my authority. You will know these speak wicked lies, for my presence will not be behind them. Pay no heed to their words.
8. From the mouths and actions of our servants of God, we will further prepare you for the abode of our righteous children. We will direct all of the major changes we desire you to execute upon your surface. We will lead you to become an earth with resplendent glory and beauty! We will cleanse evil from your surface and populate all over your new nations and lands righteous groups of our children who honor our words and respect and love you. These will bring you great joy and deep satisfaction!
9. As for the wicked that now dwell on your surface, these we will increasingly destroy, until the return of Jesus Christ who will finish up their destruction. Lucifer and his hosts will then be confined to a location deep in your bowels. Raphael, our archangel of these last days, will round up all of these evil spirits and lock them in the bottomless pit. He will set a seal of God on them so they cannot escape for the full thousand years.
10. A thousand years of peace and rest will soon come to your surface! There will be no more evil, but good children who honor us and keep our gentle ways. Your beauty and magnificence will shine in this, your great terrestrial day of rest, in your progress towards eternal life and celestial splendor.
You will be given more and more of our commands from our angels and servants in the coming days. We will thus lead you in all your specific actions we desire. Oh, we love you, our Mother Earth!'
11. Heavenly Father paused and I spiritually heard the response of Mother Earth:
'Oh, my Father and my Mother and Raphael, their chosen archangel, I accept fully all thy words! I love to obey thy voice and to keep thy every commandment. I will act on all the commands from the holy angels and servants of God, as has been explained. I look forward to the thousand years of rest when I may have love and good people on my surface and no more evil. I thank thee for this great privilege and honor!'
12. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother looked at me with their deep eternity eyes. They seemed so pleased with their conversation with Mother Earth and of her response. I knew, too, that they were happy that I was there to witness and record their conversation.
13. My Gods then started fading back into space, leaving me alone above Mother Earth. I was very grateful to have been the witness of these things. I then started writing in my journal all of this. When finished, I prayed, asking if I had recorded properly the conversation between Heavenly Father and Mother Earth. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind:
'Raphael, you have accurately written all that was spoken. We are glad you have been with us today!'
I expressed gratitude to her for allowing me to participate. I expressed my love to her and Heavenly Father and then closed my prayer. I then started my day.
14. Later, 5:00 p.m. This week has been one hard one to feel good. The doctor at the hospital said the illness would last 7-10 days (I am now on day 12). Then the doctor said it would be a total of up to 3 weeks of not feeling well. Some days I feel a little better, some days not. Last night I felt so bad I couldn't effectively pray. So I am going to pray early today so as not to be in a non-praying situation again.
15. I decided to come in prayer to the desert oasis. It was warm and pleasant to me there. I came from the east at the end of the temple western mezzanine. I sat on the bench in front of the oasis. It was hard for me to distinguish tired feelings in my mortal physical body and feelings in my replicated body in heaven. I felt tired, so I sat on the bench, but I don't think my replicated self was tired. I drank of the oasis and knelt near the shore, facing the water. I love feeling the sand between my toes. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
16. A personage of bright light descended gradually to the center of the pool and then came to the shore in front of me. Heavenly Mother stood smiling before my face! I was so pleased to connect with her this afternoon! She immediately spoke:
'Raphael, you are wise to pray in the afternoons during these days you aren't feeling too well.
17. This last week we have shown you great views of the earth and of the many healing plants that it will bring forth in its new terrestrial environment. We have shown you by vision the wonders and beauty of the great millennial day of peace and rest. We then had you attend this morning a conversation between Heavenly Father and Mother Earth. Raphael, these are great revelations we wish all the faithful to know of in a coming day!
18. The disease you have contracted has been difficult for you. This sort of illness is one of the telestial earth. In the millennial day, these will not be so intense, but will be of a milder form. You still have recovery days ahead.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming and speaking with me. I said I felt I was doing a little better and could endure more not-feeling-well days. I asked that I feel at least good enough to connect with her and my Heavenly Father. I paused and we looked at each other. I love looking into her eternity eyes–so deep and loving! Then I heard a desert coyote howl. It then was so still and quiet in the desert.
20. At that moment, another bright light descended from the skies and came in a like manner as she came. Heavenly Father then stood next to her and they looked at each other and held hands. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, having a loving companion in eternity is part of our great plan of happiness. We desire our children on earth to meet during their early life once they have matured to adults. We encourage them to marry and start a family. The children will come and go, but the core loving relationship is meant to continue into eternity.
21. During your illness, both you and your loving wife have been sick together. Even though sickness is difficult, it is much less difficult when you can both be together and help each other. As couples mature and near the ends of their productive lives, they often still have each other. Then there is often a time of one dying before the other. This presents a whole new set of difficulties. However, soon they are reunited again in their progress towards eternal life.
22. I tell you these things so you know regardless of what comes to the faithful, we will reward them with incomprehensible joy and happiness in eternity! We desire to share our greatest joys and happiness with all our children who remain faithful.
Your Heavenly Mother and I are incredibly happy! We are always about our joint work in laboring for our elect children. This brings us supernal joy and contentment. We never tire of being together–only love each other more and more!'
23. Heavenly Father then embraced Heavenly Mother and they tenderly kissed. They gradually ascended up into the sky in this embrace. Part way up they opened their embrace and extended their outside arms to me. They were both beaming and very, very happy! Soon they had gone from my presence.
What a touching prayer! I loved being with them, recipient of the abundant love that overflows to me. I love my wife and I love the great joys living in righteous ways brings!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 1, 2018 Thursday
1. I feel better today than yesterday. I had a decent sleep, even though I still had night sweats. That is a small price to pay for overall wellness!
This morning I came to the knoll outcropping above the circling waters. I first drank from the living water there and felt clarified. I then knelt on the knoll facing west and could see the distant temple far away.
2. I then invited my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw them coming from the area next to the waterfall, arm in arm as they left last night. They were beaming with happiness in being together it seemed! They came right before me in the air. They dropped their arms and then held hands.
3. I opened my prayer. I expressed happiness to be in their loving presence. I thanked them for the abundant love and happiness that overflowed from their beings. I then asked if either had a message for me this beautiful spring-like morning? Heavenly Father asked that I write the words he would speak:
'Raphael, I want to share with you how we planned and created this celestial home where we now live.
4. We had been given an inheritance on our own earth by our Heavenly Parents. All those from our eternity who attained the station of a God, of a married and sealed couple in eternity, also were given part of our own celestial earth as our first inheritance.
5. We bore our first spirit children there, and realized we needed a larger place to raise our growing family. We knew well our own celestial home from where we had come forth as spirits from our own Heavenly Parents. We visited there still frequently. We thought to pattern our own new celestial home after this one from where we had come. We were given assistance from our Heavenly Parents, and some of those also from our own eternity that had progressed with us to Godhood.
6. We first spiritually created our own celestial kingdom and world. We decided where different areas would be: our temple home, our fountain of living water, the three rivers coming from the fountain, Lake Beautiful, your Heavenly Mother's upper and lower gardens, and all the rest of our land areas. We determined how the water would flow from the very large lake to all other places. We dreamed and planned. We visited other celestial worlds also, to see how others of the Gods had created their own worlds.
7. We decided our celestial orb would be divided into three major areas which we designated as the wilderness area (where we are now), the premortal habitation area, and an area just for us for our own creative projects and to house large plants and animals. This latter area also is where the ocean you recently visited is located.
8. Your Mother and I planned all of these places spiritually before we physically created them. We also planned what minerals and metals we would create deep in our celestial world so I could craft such items as your sword of Raphael. We would have a very abundant supply of resources.
9. We then had everything planned in detail. We knew we would have eternity after eternity on our celestial orb. We knew, too, this would become the center of our new galaxy, eventually swelling and growing as it is today. This center place had to be massive enough and bright enough to control our galactic system.
10. We first created multiple mega stars in a cluster to act as the center for our new galaxy. These had the strength to hold even distant stars and planets in their gravitational pull. Once these were in place, we created our celestial home near these powerful stars (see Abraham 3:2-3). We set up a rotation of 1000 years being one day for our governing star of Kolob. We then placed our celestial creation near Kolob, having the same rotation and movement. Kolob was to become the governing star as to rotation, but was not our celestial abode. Our celestial orb was nigh to Kolob, as the vision my Beloved Son showed to Abraham described in Abraham chapter 3.
11. We first created our celestial world spiritually, to every detail, with spirit matter. All of the underground piping, tunnels etc. were first in place before there was any physical creation. We perfected our temple, our lands, our gardens and meadows to a point where we were very satisfied. We knew once we created this physically, we would then use this celestial area for future eternities, again and again.
12. We then created our world physically. This brought structure and substance to our spiritual creation. The greater work was to spiritually create our world.
We then perfected our celestial home in every way. We were feeling constrained back on our own celestial earth in being crowded, but we waited until all was in order and perfected for our new home.
13. We then announced to our spirit children that we would all be moving to a new and larger celestial world. They would have ample room to grow and live and explore the new wonders of this, our new home. We then moved all together and came to our temple, our new home! It was a joyous day! We truly felt like we had finally come home.
14. Raphael, thus we had created our celestial home where every eternity of our billions of children each has lived and progressed. We planned well, for our world is sufficiently large enough for all.
15. As our eternities end, we create new worlds for these to dwell on-some terrestrial and some telestial. These we have placed in rotation around Kolob, our time-governing star, the center of our galaxy. Those who become Gods as we are, are given an initial inheritance of their own earth where they dwelled in mortality. Each of these celestialized earths are brought near our governing star, Kolob, and set in a close rotation around the center of our galaxy, so they would be near to us, each one an initial inheritance for our exalted children.
16. Our works continue on, never to end! Our greatest glory is to see our children accept our gentle and loving ways. For those who follow us, we will lead them to the same wonderful life that we share together in eternity.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father very much! I loved his clear explanation as his words flowed freely to me. I feel very blessed to receive this burst of truth and revelation from my Father!
I knew my prayer was done. Heavenly Father smiled at me, and he and Heavenly Mother turned and went arm in arm back to the waterfall area where they disappeared from my sight. I then prayed to verify that what I wrote was accurately recorded. I felt the surge of assurance that I had written it all correctly, and it pleased my Father. I then started my new day.
18. Later– I came to one of my new favorite places tonight–the desert oasis. I drank from the still waters and then knelt with my bare legs and feet exposed directly on the sand. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
19. I listened and pondered. I saw the moon's reflection in the oasis water before me. It was very still. I then heard a voice behind me and to my left side. I turned and saw Heavenly Father! He asked me to come walk with him on the sands of the desert. I quickly arose and he put his right arm around my shoulders. We started walking east and then north. It was very dark and still. There was a light glow around all of Heavenly Father's personage. I felt so protected and cared for in his arms! Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, I love walking barefoot in the desert sand at night! There is nothing in our desert to hurt us–no thorns, no wild animals–all are our friends and bow in reverence to me, their creator!
20. In your world, plants have thorns and protective devices particularly in the desert. In my world there are no thorns or thistles. All live in harmony and peace together. In your world, the telestial world, the harsh and aggressive, the pests and vermin, may also be tamed and caused to support you, man on the earth. We do not kill or hurt the poisonous animals, the noxious weeds or any animal or plant that may intrude in our gardens and lawns. We don't poison these or kill these. We instead ask them to cooperate with us and together we may live side by side in peace. This concept may be difficult to understand, particularly having grown up with mousetraps and weed killers.'
21. I asked my Heavenly Father what I would say to aphids that infest my greenhouse or to grasshoppers at the end of summer that invade our crops?
Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, I will train you in this.'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 2, 2018 Friday
1. I came in contact again with my Heavenly Father around midnight. I asked for his pardon to have so abruptly left last night. He told me to sleep and that we would continue talking in the morning.
I have awoken to my 67th birthday this morning. I had told my family we would have a party once my wife and I were altogether well again.
2. I went again to the desert this morning. I drank at the oasis and then walked where Heavenly Father and I last were yesterday. I was in a sandy desert area. I knelt down and prayed to my Heavenly Parents to come. In the distance I saw my Heavenly Parents walking arm in arm in the desert, coming towards me. They took several minutes but soon were in front of me! Both had smiles. They were holding hands.
3. I opened the conversation, thanking them to be in their presence again. I expressed some regret my prayer was interrupted last night, but I had felt I was to flow with the family. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, you chose the correct action last night in being with your family and in going to bed. Stand now and walk with us barefoot in our sandy desert!'
4. I stood and came between them. Both of their adjacent arms were around my shoulders. I put my arms around their waists. We started strolling slowly to the northwest. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, your Father was going to tell you how we help control those animals and plants in the telestial world that may invade your space and bother you. All of these plants and animals that you consider pests or afflictions can really be greatly influenced by you! These are all our creations, and we love each one. They also grow differently in the telestial, terrestrial and celestial worlds where their growth and habits may be different. We have purposefully created them in the lowest telestial creation level to sometimes afflict and torment man. This may be very troublesome for our children. However, our children who inhabit the earth are our highest creations and with our power may control, in righteousness, all other creations, even these pests, in the telestial world.
5. Raphael, you have many chickens and one rooster. You walk slowly among them when you feed them. You treat them kindly. You have had mean roosters in the past, but you have learned it is best to be gentle with this current rooster and he is gentle back to you. It bothers you when your grandchildren chase these chickens.
6. You have also found occasional garter snakes in your garden that bother your wife. You have caught these and removed them to an area across the street. You have done this in kindness, preserving their lives. Your actions with gentleness with the rooster and removing the snakes are pleasing to us. You live in peace with these, our creations. On the other hand, you use spring-loaded mousetraps in your greenhouse. This is how you've eliminated the rodent infestation that could get out of control.
7. Our methods are these: we cooperate with our creations and ask them to not invade space that is important to us. We would ask the mice to live in other areas, but not in the greenhouse. If you were to know how to do this, you could eliminate your spring mouse traps. We will share with you how to do this.
8. You also have used natural lawn fertilizers, but you have also hired a lawn service that used harsh poisons. The poisons are fast acting and the natural fertilizers don't have such dramatic results. We prefer you use natural fertilizers and then ask our creations to honor your lawn area to be reserved for grasses and not weeds.'
9. Heavenly Mother paused in speaking. Then they stopped and both faced me. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, here is how to control our creations in your telestial world: call upon us in prayer, and confirm we are near. Present to us your desire to limit our creatures in your greenhouse, garden, lawn or wherever you may desire. Confirm with us this is a righteous request and that there is ample space for our creations to live happily in other places. We will then grant you our power to ask our creations, in our name, to respect your space.
10. With this approval, raise your right arm to the square and ask for their attention, specifically by the name of our creation, being either a plant or animal. Ask them in gentle ways to restrict growing or living in the particular area you desire. Do this in the name of our Son, Jesus Christ.
11. In this way you may receive the respect and honor of our creations. They are not purposefully thinking to hurt or afflict you, for their simple minds do not do that. They may thus be guided in living in just as much peace and happiness in other areas that don't bother you.
12. If there is an aggressive animal or even aggressive groups of people, you may also act with our powers in similar ways so that you and your family or groups are protected. Remember your prayer visions, where you saw yourself acting with our power in turning evil away from these aggressors who seek to destroy the faithful. We desire to give to you and our faithful our power to control these things so they are protected and blessed.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother for their comforting words and the new direction I had been given! I love their gentle ways and their methods! I also see how silly it would be for them, the creators of all to destroy their creations like we in our mortal world always seem to resort to. They would, of course, ask their creations to not live in certain areas if they didn't want them there. Also, with respect to the evil plans of men, God would tend to confuse their plans or use higher powers to frustrate their evil plans.
14. I am so glad for the information my Heavenly Parents shared with me today! I thanked them. I asked for their help in transitioning in becoming a more gentle man who honors and respects all of their creations.
They then smiled and accepted my words. They turned and left hand in hand as they had arrived, walking out in the desert together. Soon they were out of sight. I started my day.
15. Later–I came out to the front room to an emotionally distraught wife and one who was very sick with no prospect of improvement in sight. We mostly talked and I tried to comfort her. This illness has laid her out, now at the very bottom of the illness it seems. She felt much better after a few hours. I am so glad!
I need to check on her more, like every few hours, even when I usually have my own personal time. I want to be more and more sensitive to her distress and needs.
16. We talked about whom there was that really cared much about us. Some of our children are aloof and don't make much effort. We may put out for them time and again, but they mostly have their focus on their own lives and self interests. I think this is a very common and the norm.
17. We have one child that sincerely cares and makes huge efforts in coming by and in regularly checking in. We have our needy son who needs us, and we still have each other. Besides this, we are pretty much alone it seems. There may be well meaning others who give the normal "I'm sorry" or other cultural niceties. Only those who take action are those who really care. This realization leaves us feeling very alone, but so glad for the few caring ones we have.
18. This is the reality of life, the raw facts of who really cares–and there aren't too many! We also realize that we, too, act in ways towards those we care for to various degrees–how do those feel who are the recipients of our caring? How far do we go to care for them? How important are they really to us? Do we act in love?
19. It is not until one gets really sick or hits bottom so completely that he/she realizes who their true friends are. Then, when we come back to normal living, we can see through the facades of life and much of the fakeness all around us.
I hope what I wrote is understandable. It is a rare glimpse into the raw facts of life we see when we are very sick and so needy.'
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 3, 2018 Saturday
1. I wasn't able to pray again last night except to receive a short message to care for my wife. I did so until late into the night.
It is now morning. We did a brainstorm list of remedies to help us heal last night. We found that mild food was the very highest. I also discovered that we are both anemic and wanted dark berries and liver! We sent our son on errands and just before bed ate liver and bacon with onions! This is quite an unusual remedy, but it is exactly what my wife wanted!
2. I came again this morning where I had met briefly my Heavenly Parents last night. It was on the western shores of the river representing Heavenly Mother, near the southeast corner of the temple, on the temple lawn. I drank again from the living water and then knelt on the grass, facing east. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
3. I saw soon a light coming through the trees opposite the river. Heavenly Mother soon emerged–she walked right across the water and stood before me! I gazed on her- she was smiling and I recognized her distinct eternity eyes, so bright and happy! I then began my prayer. I thanked her for coming. I also asked her please not to forget to bless my wife with healing. I asked if I might be her conduit for her healing this morning. She then said:
4. 'Let's go now to your wife!'
We came together to the front room where my wife was upright in the recliner. She couldn't lie back because of coughing fits she'd have. She slept on and off last night, frequently awakened by these jagging coughs.
5. Heavenly Mother asked me to stand behind the recliner and place my hands on my wife's shoulders. Heavenly Mother then came behind me and placed her hands on my own shoulders.
I then saw healing light come from Heavenly Mother down her arms to me, down my arms to my wife. I saw the light contract much of the irritated mucous in her bronchioles and throat. I saw that not all had been healed and eliminated, but a significant amount. I then saw the light flow stop.
6. The next thing I knew, we were back on the west side of the river representing Heavenly Mother. She was standing before me smiling and I was kneeling. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, you were correct last night when you brainstormed remedies for your wife's healing. When a very difficult illness hits, it leaves the physical body weak and in great need of rebuilding. Herbs alone won't be sufficient. Mild food has both the volume and characteristic to help rebuild and reconstitute the body. The scripture in D&C 42:43 speaks of this:
7. "and whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy."
8. Sometimes this food may include meat as it has a high source of iron and other body building nutrients. Your choice of liver was correct, plus dark berries. These will be able to give your sick wife the volume of rebuilding nutrients she specifically needs.'
I thanked her for her blessing and her confirmation of what to give my wife to help her body rebuild.
I was then curious if archangels are the only angels that are continually in the presence of God? I wondered if this just comes easier to us?
9. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'From the beginning, our male and female archangels have been very close to us. These have each, or will each, put forth the personal effort in order to come into our presence. Some emerge to this state at different times of awakening in mortality. These archangels have the characteristics and faith necessary to frequently come into our presence. We often are right by their side also, unseen to them and to the world.
10. Raphael, in coming into our presence usually twice a day as you do and seeking our presence, we then also make it our practice to be next to you in your mortal journeys all the day long. You therefore stand continually in our presence.
11. This same privilege is afforded the angels and all of the elect of God. Each has to make the personal effort and commitment of persistence and diligence. It is a great thing to so frequently be in our presence.'
I thanked her for her presence. I love to be with her as often as I can! I asked another question, from M.A., whose husband recently passed away. She had asked me "I am wondering if the reason you got the flu was because you were grieving with me? Grief is a negative emotion and I wonder if it pulled you down? Will you ask our Heavenly Parents if this is the case? How are we to respond in the future to those who are suffering so that we don't take on any negative energy?"
12. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her answer:
'This is a very good question! In the case of her husband's passing, Raphael, you did experience the negative emotion of grief. However, you would not let yourself be self-consumed in grief, which could have opened you up to greater weakness and vulnerability.
13. When our faithful grieve properly, they need to fully experience this negative energy. They need to, however, pull themselves out of their sorrow after a certain amount of grieving so that this does not overcome them. Grief and other negative emotions are natural for our children and us to experience. We feel both positive and negative emotions. We may choose what we wish to experience by our thoughts and beliefs. Each of our children may know how long to grieve, for the process helps resolve the event which is being grieved for, and motivates us to move up and forward to more positive feelings. If grieving is ignored, the issue will remain unresolved.
14. As your God, we desire to live most of our lives in positive emotions like joy, happiness, getting things done, love, and so many more. We allow ourselves to experience negative energies to resolve in our minds issues like trauma, death, disobedience in our children, deception, etc. Once resolved, we move forward, experiencing eternal life mostly in the positive.
15. Each life brings lots of negative and positive emotions. The fallen telestial world can be a place where many of our children dwell too much on the negative, even once it is resolved and should be released. Our children have the power within themselves to choose how they will think and act. We wish more of our elect would let go of the negative and think of the positive in their own lives. This would bring greater contentment, peace and progression.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words. She then invited me to stand and walk with her. I stood and we walked hand in hand into her lower gardens. I lost conscious awareness then in my prayer. I knew my prayer was done. I then started my day.
17. Later, early evening. I came again to the same location in prayer by the river representing Heavenly Mother. I drank of living water then prayed towards Heavenly Mother's lower garden, asking my Heavenly Parents to come. Soon I saw them walking hand in hand from the north, just around from the temple doors. There is a semi-steep hill there. While they were coming I saw a premortal memory acted out in front of me! I saw my Heavenly Parents walking slowing down the hill, just like they were doing. I then saw a 3-4 year old boy doing his newly discovered skill of somersaults. It was me: somersaulting again and again down this grassy hill. I was laughing and so happy! I then ran back to my Heavenly Parents who were standing, holding hands. Heavenly Mother bent down to hug me and Heavenly Father patted me on my back. They were both laughing and smiling with me.
18. I then next saw them standing before me on the grass. I thanked them for this sweet premortal memory! I told them I loved them so very much!
I then told them how my wife and I had experienced a prolonged illness and how she was still very sick, plagued with a jagging non-productive cough now. I asked if she could receive some more healing to help her.
19. I then pictured my wife trying to breathe in mullein and thyme fumes from heated water. I saw two healing angels come to her, one hand each on her head and the other on my wife's shoulder. They were behind her. Heavenly Mother sent her healing blessings of light to these two angels and then to my wife. I saw the effects of the cough lessen as the light poured into her. Then the blessing was done and the angels left. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her blessing! I continue to pray for her full recovery.
20. Later-I have spent the past 3 hours with my wife and now will try to finish up my prayer. I feel bad my prayer has been so disjointed but that's how it goes these days. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, your simple service to your spouse, such as holding her hand, talking with her and rubbing her back are immeasurable acts of love and kindness. You both desire to serve and love in these simple ways, putting off your own comfort and ease. This is the type of love our saints who succor each other, who care and love each other in Zion, act and serve. This elevated love is not often seen in your world.
21. Today you have thought that all of our children are motivated by self-interest. This is almost always true in your telestial world. However, in the terrestrial world, coming in the millennial day, it will be common that our children are motivated by love of their fellowman above their own self interest. When this occurs, there is no poor or needy among our people living in Zion. Each person thinks of his neighbor as himself. This higher level of love is possible, coming in a future day.'
22. I thanked my Father for his words. I so look forward to living in an era where abundant love will exist among the righteous.
My Father then said I could go back now and continue caring for my recovering wife and friend. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for their visit and closed in the name of Jesus Christ. I then went to my wife in the front room.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 4, 2018 Sunday
1. I came for prayer this morning in the mortal probation chapel, facing the 4th mural of the last days. My Heavenly Parents came from the mural and soon stood before me, smiling. I spent time gazing on them. I just love to see their smiling faces and their deep eternity eyes!
I shared my feelings of how I wanted my sick wife to improve. I prayed for certain others in great need. I thanked them for my loving daughter who has cared for us so well.
2. I then asked for one or both to speak to me. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, even though difficult, there is purpose in suffering, and even lingering in sickness at times. This time gives you mental clarity of who really cares for you and whom you really have in life's journey to deeply love and also care for.
3. You each have a limited amount of energy to serve others and to care for their well being. As a mortal, you are very limited in your service, particularly as your own energy wanes due to aging. You cannot serve and care for everyone, but you may do some service.
4. When I was in my mortal probation, I filled a lot of my own time with thinking of others around me. I was consumed with small children at first when I married and of necessity, was a very busy mother of seven. We also had a special needs child that took much of my loving service and energy. There wasn't much left over after serving daily my husband and children.
5. As the children grew up and left home, I had more open time, but also less energy to serve others. I did what I could and kept very connected with our own children, as they would allow. They now had their own busy lives, as it should be. I learned much during these transition years.
6. After all the children had left, my husband, your Heavenly Father, died, leaving me alone. I grieved but soon faced reality. I wanted to fill my life with service, caring for those around me and particularly my extended family. However, my abilities and action were thwarted due to my waning strength and vitality. I remained a widow for ten years.
7. I realized, too, that there were few who really cared for me, who came and served me and were always there when I really needed help. These were in my own family. Outside friends cared to a degree, but were limited in how much they, too, could fully serve and be with me due to their own family needs and care demands. I enjoyed friends and family who could extend to me to a point, but who chose not to serve beyond this level. I learned to accept whatever others could give, and be very grateful for their love and care. I tried not to expect anything and was therefore so pleased with any effort on the part of anyone. This was an exercise in my own mind control.
8. Some of my grown children were more attentive than others. I accepted this and that they had busy demanding lives. I was so limited in what I could give because of my age. I tried to accept how life was and to gracefully see reality of loneliness and frustration in not being capable to do so much anymore.
9. Raphael, I have learned that everyone does what he or she want to do. They choose the amount of love they give by how much action they put forth in serving and caring for others. I learned not to be disappointed by my own unfulfilled expectations of others, particularly from my own family. I have found greater happiness in graciously accepting what anyone wants to give in love and service to me.
10. Now that I am in my exalted position with your Heavenly Father, I remember these mortal lessons through the course of my life. These lessons really can only be gained by a fallen earth life experience. This is the valuable experience you are now learning firsthand. We do not want to take away these valuable lessons from you at this time. Suffering with lingering illness can be your friend in teaching you lessons only gained from your mortal experience.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother's glimpse into her own personal mortal life. I am so grateful she and Heavenly Father care so deeply and fully for me! I love them so very much.
I will try to drop all expectations of others and to be glad in whatever service and love they may extend to my wife and I. When well, I will extend up to my limit or capability, in loving and caring for others in need. I will try to stay connected with as many as possible and serve those in need as my energy allows.
I closed my prayer since my time with my Heavenly Parents has now ended. I started my Sabbath day.
12. Later–We pretty much stayed inside and kept each other company today–still not feeling well enough. I decided to try to pray early tonight before it got away from me again and I miss my prayer.
I came to the fountain of living water and drank of this water. I then determined to go west to the white gate and hopefully visit with my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I came to the gate and he opened it wide, making ample room for me to enter. Jesus was smiling. I entered, came on my knees and gazed into his compassionate face. He wore a scarlet-red robe with an outer scarlet-red robe coming from his left shoulder and tied around his waist with a scarlet red sash. I loved seeing again his unique eternity eyes.
13. Jesus spoke:
'Raphael, I am so glad you have come to visit me! I have redeemed you and cleansed you, for I have suffered for your sins and weaknesses. You are prepared now to walk the narrow path that leads to the tree of life. Hold fast to the iron rod in your life and we will guide and bless you in every circumstance. I love you, Raphael!'
14. With that he reached his hand towards me and pulled me up. He placed his right arm around my shoulder and pointed me to the path. I thanked him and expressed deep gratitude for his sufferings for my sins and weaknesses.
I then started walking on the narrow path, holding fast to the rod of iron on my right side. I walked steadily, keeping the distant tree continually in my sights.
15. I soon came to the tree and walked around. I plucked a fruit and a nearby leaf. Then I walked west to a place beyond the sapling tree of life, to a garden bench. I ate the fruit and felt increased love for my family and my neighbors and for needy mortal angels. I then ate the leaf and thought of keeping my thoughts clear without expectations. I thought of how I might not press upon people who didn't want to help me when I expressed a need. I really desired to love other people more.
16. I then knelt by the bench in this lovely flower garden. I faced north. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. They soon both came from the north, down the flower garden path to a place in front of me.
I gazed into the faces and eyes of both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were both happy and smiling. I loved to see their eyes and smiles. They each wore white matching robes and scarlet red sashes, tied on their right sides.
17. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we are glad you visited with our Beloved Son tonight. We are pleased you have partaken also of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life!'
18. I then made my weekly covenant with them, since I hadn't been able to attend church today. I said this as if I was taking the sacrament. Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments. We promise to always be with you.
19. You have been thinking a lot of how others react to the news you tell them that you have been very sick. This is not pleasant news to most people and it often makes some people feel some obligation to do something to help you and your wife. You have found their responses are greatly varied. Most want to pass this by, thinking they are too busy or committed to other things to help. A very few have expressed sympathy or asked if they can help in any way. Even then, they each have a certain amount of service they are willing to offer.
20. It is better to express sympathy and then maybe be willing to do even a little something. Sometimes compassionate works are all that are needed to cheer up the needy. However, ignoring a request for connection when in great need is not a Christian response we like to see.
21. We know each of our children has limited energy and is responsible for passing out what service they are willing to give. It never hurts, however, to act in compassionate ways, even though service may not be forthcoming. Kindness and gentle words are always appropriate. These don't obligate the one responding to the request of the needy one. We like to see our children always respond with loving words and kindness.'
22. I then heard words from Heavenly Mother:
'Raphael, we are pleased when you look around at others and look for ways to help or comfort them in their needs. Keeping an ongoing dialogue with those you care about to some degree will make them feel you care. Your wife is an expert at this practice and connects with many people, being involved in their lives to some degree. This is a wonderful way to care and connect with people you care about.
23. Follow the example of how your wife keeps up with others in her life. This will be the way you may increase your care and compassion for others of our children.'
I thanked her for her words and for the great example of my loving wife. I said I desired to increase my love and caring concern for those around me in my life.
I thanked also Heavenly Father for his advice. I thanked them both for this time to linger in illness so that my wife and I could slow down and discuss all these things. I committed to be more caring when I get well again.
I ended my prayer and continued my evening."
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 5, 2018 Monday
1. I just enjoyed such a pleasant and revelatory prayer. I will try to record it as best I can, in my own language and description.
This morning I came to the oasis and drank of living water there. I knelt just in front of the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. It was so still and quiet!
I then saw Heavenly Father walking on the sandy desert, coming to me from my left. He was alone. He came right in front of me and faced me, smiling. He was full of light and seemed very content and happy.
2. I gazed on him for some time. I then spoke, mostly thanking him for my wife making improvements in her recovery from the flu. I was feeling much better too, and expressed gratitude. I then asked for those afflicted in their bodies with pain and illness to be blessed, particularly those who had recently been ministered to from an angel or angels of God.
I then asked Heavenly Father to share with me what he wanted to do or say. I felt we would be going together somewhere in our prayer.
3. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we will continue to bless and strengthen and heal those in your circle of influence. Stand now and take my hand. We are going to walk to your Heavenly Mother to the west!'
4. I stood and took his right hand in my left hand. We started floating rather quickly above the desert and then soon came to a very slow meandering creek in the desert. I had never been there before! I saw my Heavenly Mother sitting on a bench on the other side of the desert stream (maybe 10 feet wide). She stood and we both walked across the stream to a place in front of her. Heavenly Father let go of my hand and came to Heavenly Mother's right side. They both were now facing me. Heavenly Mother spoke next:
5. 'Raphael, please remain standing as I talk with you. Your Heavenly Father has brought you to me by this beautiful desert stream. It is so slow moving and peaceful here! We often come here to find respite and peace. You and our elect may come here as often as you might desire.
6. Around us are the plants and animals we have created for living in this beautiful environment. There are many desert creatures that come to our meandering stream to drink when they are thirsty. They live in eternal felicity and joy together in our celestial world. There are also many sorts and shapes of cactus, flowering bushes, and a wide array of plants that we have created for this climate. I love the combined beauty that these many varied plants and animals create on our desert landscape!
7. Each of our creations was chosen by us in the beginning as intelligences, from the same large mass and array from where we chose you and our other sons and daughters. These intelligences were without form and have never been created for they are eternal. Some of these were more intelligent than others, and some less intelligent. Some progressed in their intelligence gradually and others did not.
8. We chose our beloved sons and daughters from among those intelligences that were very intelligent, and who could handle the freedom of choice we would give them as our future offspring. These were the only intelligences we gave this privilege to have moral agency. All the remainder we chose for various others of our creations were not given moral choice or accountability. These were to become our beloved plants and animals. All of these would do as we asked and find it their greatest pleasure to serve us, their creators. Our own children, however, could choose whether to obey and please us or not. This agency was the only way for our children to internally make up their own minds to become like us through obedience. All of our other creatures and plants we created were not given this degree of choice.
9. We asked our future plants and animals, as base intelligences, whether they would like o become one of our creations. These were all very happy to accept our offer. We then took their intelligence, by the power of God we possessed, and brought it to the resurrected plant or animal we wished it to ultimately become. We placed this intelligence into our plant or animal and asked our resurrected plant or animal to reproduce this intelligence into their own kind, by their own method of reproduction. These resurrected plants or animals always agreed and were very pleased to reproduce. They then brought forth their own kind to the level of spiritual creation we had asked some terrestrial and some telestial, each for our own purpose of creation. All of these plants and animals gave glory to us, their God, and filled the full measure of their creation.
10. You see around us now these same plants and animals in the desert. These are resurrected celestial creations. They have passed through a mortal world like yours on which you dwell and are resurrected in their glory to dwell forever in our beautiful celestial desert. When we come here, they are always so pleased to have us come and to serve us in any way we may desire.
We also create some orbs in space, like your own earth, from matter we gather and from an intelligence we choose. These, too, obey our words and honor our eternal position as their creator.
11. Raphael, we have created everything for our glory and for the ultimate highest happiness these intelligences are able to receive. Mankind, our children, is the only of our creations that may one day become like us, their creator. Every other form of creation supports us in the exaltation of our sons and daughters!'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelation today on their creations, the plants and animals and others of their creations. I thanked them for having chosen me to be their son. I felt so loved and pleased to have been in their presence this morning.
13. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, make this entry this morning your final entry for your next post #71. Sent it out as you are able.'
I thanked them again, and closed my prayer. I started then my new day."