155. Raguel Blows His Trumpet!


Although only less than two weeks since my last post, so much has happened! There are many things I have been revealed in this post. Times have changed and will continue to change in dramatic ways! God has sent his archangel Raguel to sound the trumpet of God to all the world and also her future inhabitants. This is in fulfillment of Revelation 8:7.

Please don't take my word for these things, but pray to our God to confirm the truth of the amazing things I say.

God bless you in your efforts to be at peace in such a troubled world!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 25, 2020, Wednesday

1. I am writing this late at night. I have been busy all day long. WE had our daughter who is quarantining like us come for the day. We ate lunch at a LDS meetinghouse pavilion, with our other non-quarantined daughter. We kept our distance and ate on paper bowls, plates, cups and utensils. Everything was thrown away afterwards. We kept our distance and had a good picnic together!

2. Last night Heavenly Mother answered my prayer, and this morning Heavenly Father answered my prayer. They each gave me comfort and love. I so enjoy being close to them and have daily communion.

3. During the day I wondered if I had been exposed already to the coronavirus when out and about. I energy tested that I was the only one who had been exposed of my quarantined family members! I thought about this, and then realized both my sister K and I had been exposed in our physical replicated bodies, when we both came next to E in the hospital. We held E's hands, and breathed the air. I believe we couldn't catch it because we were full of light from God, burning up the virus as it came upon us. This insight was a very interesting phenomenon.

4. As I write now, the United States has 69,1717 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, and over 6,000 deaths. It looks like we will surpass Italy in cases in a day. This virus is extremely fast in spreading across our land, and over the entire world. Utah has 340 confirmed cases with one death so far.

I am about ready to send out my post 154 in the morning. I am going to bed now, for I know sleep is vital in keeping my immunity high.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 26, 2020, Thursday

1. Last night when I prayed, I thought more on when both K and I replicated in our physical bodies and holding E's hand. Heavenly Father came in answer to my prayer, and said this:

2. 'Raphael, disease cannot transfer from your replicated physical body to your mortal physical body.'

3. I knew I had been exposed to the coronavirus in my replicated body. I also knew I couldn't get sick, either in my replicated physical self, or die while in that state. Sickness and/or death only comes to our mortal physical body, and in my case this is being quarantined.

4. I therefore would like to develop more conscious awareness of my replications, and minister to others in this state so that I am fully protected. I thought to go next to E, in my meditative state last Saturday, and I believe I really did go, in my replicated physical body. I was aware of what I was doing and of my surroundings to a limited degree. This is what I would like to expand and develop more fully.

5. I came this morning to the overlook on the north side of the green hill and field, next to the river representing Jesus Christ. I could see God's temple to the southeast in the distance. I knelt and prayed that my Heavenly Mother would come to me.

She came walking down the path to my left! She walked up to me smiling, and then stopped right in front of me. She spoke:

6. 'Raphael, look with me on the green field below us!'

We both turned slightly, facing directly south. I then watched with her the depictions of what would occur in the future on earth with the mortal angels. I saw them cloistered in their homes, like I was in their mortal physical bodies, not wanting to go out and about for fear of contracting the plagues in the land. I saw them praying and meditating, desiring to serve and help their friends and family who were in need. I then saw them replicate and visit and serve them, often unseen by others, but coming to them in their physical replicated translated bodies. They could keep hidden if they wanted, or be able to minister in the flesh, in their physical replicated bodies, even as they desired.

7. I saw too that these same mortal angels were coming to God in prayer and receiving clear directions who to help and heal, protect and care for. When these directions were given, they immediately fulfilled the commandments of God. They were continually doing these acts of service and love in behalf of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. This was mostly done in their unconscious mind while their mortal conscious self did not know what they were doing in their unconscious selves. These angels were being replicated many times, over, at the same time, in serving their fellowmen and women, even according to the revelations of God.

8. Soon the entire field before us was filled with many scenes of angels, coming and going in their ministrations to the peoples of the earth! I perceived that those to whom they ministered were almost exclusively the elect of God. Mostly those who were being ministered to were in great need, but never saw these angels, for they were hidden from their view.

9. Heavenly Mother then turned and spoke to me:

'Raphael, you are now doing this same method of replicating yourself and serving our elect in your physical body. You may hide yourself behind the celestial veil over the earth. You work exclusively in these celestial realms, for you are our angel of light. You usually replicate in your full physical body, for you are translated to a celestial glory. You may also replicate in your spirit only, but this is more rare. What you do, our mortal angels also do. You are all unaware of your service to those you minister to, for this is done in your unconscious mind.

10. When you and K came to your sister-in-law E, you were aware of your visit because you were meditating and concentrating on what you were doing. The experience you had together last Saturday with E is a common thing you do, all day long and all night long, and all done in your unconscious awareness. You never stop now, but continually serve us in ministering to our elect.

11. In order to be effective, you need to safeguard your own mortal being, like you are now doing by self-quarantining. Were you to become very sick in your mortal body, this would curtail the amount of service you could do for us in the celestial realms on the earth.

12. Those angels who are not living on the earth, but are in the spirit realms of the dead or in their pre-mortal spirit state, can only serve us in their spirit replications on the earth. They still minister in the celestial realms on the earth, as do you who are mortal angel who are translated to a celestial glory. Those of you who minister in your replicated physical bodies are much more capable than those who minister only in their replicated spirits.

13. There are also a few angels who are resurrected to a celestial glory. They also can be replicated in the celestial realms on the earth, in their physical bodies, just like you mortal angels, who are translated.

14. As you desire and practice, we will bless you to become aware of your ministrations to your friends and family around you, like what happened to you and K when you came to E in the hospital. This requires you to meditate and visualize yourself going to your friend or family member in need. We will guide you in all of your efforts to serve, whether by our command or by your own desires to love and help. Keep close to us and we will be near to you!'

15. Heavenly Mother stopped speaking and turned to watch those on the field below us. I turned also, and then turned back to see her, but she had vanished from before me.

I thanked her for this beautiful vision and revelation this morning. I said I would do all she and Heavenly Father would direct me to do, and seek to always hear their still, small voice inside of me.

I closed my prayer and started my day on the earth.

16. Evening–My oldest son sent me a video today substantiating that March 26th, 1820 was the actual date of the First Vision. I was impressed by the data given in the video. Today may mark the 200th anniversary of the First Vision.

17. I then read on AVOW (Another Voice of Warning website) an interesting scripture found in Isaiah 26:20 "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast."

18. Yesterday it was also announced by the First Presidency of the LDS Church that all temples would temporarily be closed worldwide due to COVID-19 (one week from 3-31-2020). First the angel Moroni lost his trumpet or horn on March 18th, last Thursday (two weeks from 3-31-2020). Raguel is supposed to blow his trumpet of God next Tuesday on 3-31-2020. These events seem to be happening in rapid succession one week apart. I wonder if there is any significance to this? Today the United States surpassed Italy and the reported infected statistics from China. As I wrote this there are over 85,000 cases in the United States of people having the coronavirus.

I will pray about all of this tonight and tomorrow morning.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 27, 2020, Friday

1. Last night in my prayer, I came to the small grove of mountain trees just northwest of the circling waters. I came down the path and came to a small opening in the young forest. Here I knelt facing south. I asked for Heavenly Father to come. After a minute Heavenly Father and Jesus came to me, in a way I thought similar to how the young Joseph Smith would have seen. They came from the skies in bright glory through the trees. They stood above me in the air, Heavenly Father on my right and Jesus on my left. I gazed into their faces and recognized each one.

2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, it has been 200 years since my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ appeared to the young boy Joseph Smith near Palmyra, New York. This was the opening of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.

3. The losing of the horn from the angel Moroni two weeks ago, and the closing of all the LDS temples yesterday are signs that our wrath is soon to be poured out upon the earth. Next Tuesday, Raguel will blow his trumpet of God that I gave him, heralding more desolations coming to the earth.'

4. I gazed into the eternity eyes of my Heavenly Father and of Jesus! I felt so glad to know their faces, and verify that they appeared before Joseph, the boy prophet two hundred years ago today!

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Jesus for coming to me in answer to my prayer! I thanked them for preparing the world by sending forth so much truth from heaven to the earth over the past 200 years.

They both then quickly vanished and I closed my prayer.

5. This morning I thought over what I had seen last night in my prayer, and confirmed it was of God and was true! Since the First Vision, there have been so many successful attempts by the adversary to disrupt things and to pollute the truths from God, even to the point that God has rejected the church established by Joseph Smith in 1830. I look forward to the future wherein God will re-establish the Church of Christ again and send Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven to usher in the glorious millennium!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 28, 2020, Saturday

1. Last night I prayed around midnight. We had worked hard all day long, cleaning up our pantry and getting our house in order. I then read about the pandemic for a while on the news. I know that the United States is soon going to experience so much trauma and death from this plague! I also wondered about what will happen when Raguel sounds his trumpet of God next Tuesday in the air above the Salt Lake Temple?

2. I prayed at the desert oasis last night. Heavenly Mother appeared before me, and comforted me. She said that the world is full of fear, but in her and Heavenly Father there is great peace. She said I was acting in ways that pleased her. Her presence was a great comfort to me.

As I went to sleep I listened to some calm music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Temple Square Orchestra on my ear buds. This helped me feel more settled.

3. This morning I came to my private room and knelt next to the recliner. I prayed to my Heavenly Father from the little outcropping above the circling waters on the celestial orb. I could see God's temple in the distance. I poured out my heart to God, asking for protection and blessings upon my family. I prayed to know his will, and to be apprised of anything he might wish to share with me. Heavenly Father appeared before me and spoke: 'Raphael, write what I tell you in your journal.'

4. I then sat up and got my journal out. I then read two emails from S when I glanced at my cell phone. He had two repeated dreams with the message that 'most of the leaders (of the LDS Church) themselves are unprepared for what is coming! He also was told 'many will be injured or impaired themselves from the coming calamities.'

5. S also prayed about my record that Raguel would blow the trumpet of God in four directions over the Salt Lake City temple. Heavenly Mother told him this:

'Raphael's words were given to him by us. You will soon see great devastation come upon the LDS Church. It will leave many pondering and wondering its meaning. If not for these great changes, most would continue in their blind state and not be led by us their Gods. We will awaken our elect from their deep sleep. Turn all to petition us in prayer and we will pour down knowledge from heaven until it overflows. You are open to our truths and as you ask, we will answer your petitions.'

6. S also shared with me the church hymn "Now Let Us Rejoice." Verse three is comforting at this time:

"In faith we'll rely on the arm of Jehovah
To guide through these last days of trouble and gloom
And after the scourges and harvest are over,
We'll rise with the just when the Savior doth come."

7. I had S's words from his email in my mind (he later gave me permission to share his words in this post). I then came again before my Heavenly Father, ready to write his words in my journal. I then saw Heavenly Father again in my mind, and heard these words, spoken to me by Heavenly Father:

8. 'Raphael, S is correct that great devastations are soon to come upon the leaders and the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When Raguel comes above the spires of the Salt Lake Temple, you and your angel brothers will also be assembled above him in the air. You will all six form a circle facing outwards. You will be facing east with your Sword of Raphael raised high above your head. Michael, the chief archangel, will face west with his sword of Michael held high above his head. The other archangels will form the circle, facing outwards between you both, with their right arms raised to the square. This circle stance will be repeated for the next three times the trumpets are blown by your brother archangels on April 30th, May 31st, and June 30th. These each will also blow their trumpets over the Salt Lake Temple spires. These will bring forth destructions upon the earth as prophesied by John the revelator in Revelation 8:7-12.

9. The four events of blowing the trumpets of God are in fulfillment of D&C 112:25:

"And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord."

10. Raphael, over the next four months the calamities and hardships for my people and the world will become more and more difficult. Without this tribulation, coming upon the earth as a whirlwind, our elect would not have sufficient reason to be awakened from their deep sleep of complacency. We desire that each are individually brought to plead to us, their Gods, for help and direction, for revelation and protection. We will quickly answer their sincere and humble prayers, give them comfort and revelation, if they are open to receive from us.

11. Prepare yourself for coming in your replicated self to the air above the Salt Lake temple spires next Tuesday at 6 am. This is the time that you and all seven male archangels will assemble. Raguel will blow the first trumpet of God once you are all in place.'

12. Heavenly Father was finished speaking. His eternity eyes were firm and seemed to be ablaze with anger for the wickedness upon the earth. His cape was blowing behind him, and he was strikingly so majestic and powerful!

I bowed before him and acknowledged all he had revealed to me. I told him I would be there at the spires of the temple next Tuesday, March 31st at 6 am. I said I would obey all of his words and keep his every commandment!

13. Suddenly there was a bright flash from a dark cloud that had gathered above us. Blinding lightning struck right where my Father had been standing and then he was gone! I heard the thunder reverberate throughout the lands on the celestial orb. It then started hailing violently before me from the dark cloud, but not on me. I saw more intense and rapid lightning coming from the cloud to the land in front of me. I then thought of Revelation 8:7– "and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth."

14. My vision abruptly ended and I confirmed in my mind that what I had seen was true. I asked my Heavenly Father if what I had written was accurate, and he spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have correctly written my revelation to you today.'

I thanked him and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 29, 2020, Sunday

1. We worked on our business twice yesterday–it keeps us busy these days! We had about 150 orders to pick, pack and put into large postal bags, ready to be delivered to the post office back door on Monday. These orders were from Amazon and Wal-Mart online where people who are at home are buying now in unprecedented numbers. We sell a lot of homeschooling books, and are reducing our inventory that hasn't sold for years. This also occupies us and is good, now that we are self-quarantined.

2. Last night in my prayer I came to the beautiful tree of life on the celestial orb. I ate a white fruit and a leaf from the tree. These seemed to enhance my mind and body. Heavenly Mother came and told me to come here daily and eat a fruit and a leaf. She said that this would strengthened me also in my mortal body, similar to how I eat wholesome food and eat the greens from my greenhouse daily. She then left my side and I went to bed.

3. This morning I read again M.A.'s question about what might be the interpretation of Revelation chapter 8. Here is her question she emailed me:

"Hi R,

Has Heavenly Father explained what Revelation 8:7 means yet?
Fire in Rev 8:3-5 was a virus. Is 8:7 another virus starting in SLC? Killing a third of the population?

In "Visions of Glory" it said a sickness or plague kills a third of the population, earthquake kills another third and a third remained.

Just curious,

4. I came again to the tree of life and plucked another white fruit and a green leaf. As I plucked the leaf I saw another leaf grow in its place!

I then took these with me to the garden west of the tree where I had buried my shells in November 2016. I knelt on the soft ground and faced the tree of life in the distance. I held the fruit and leaf of the tree in both hands and prayed.

5. Heavenly Mother came to me again this morning. She was bright and smiling. Her eyes were sparkling and clear, and she radiated her love and acceptance of me.

She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, it will be helpful to come daily to the tree of life, in your mind, in prayer or just during the day, and eat of the fruit and leaf of that tree. The fruit will strengthen your replicated body, which in turn will strengthen your mortal body. As you bless the foods you eat in mortality to be living foods, eating of the fruit of the tree of life will enhance those foods you eat to in reality be living foods.

6. As you eat the healing and strengthening greens from your greenhouse, garden and fields where you live in Utah, and eating then the leaf of the tree of life will also enhance these to be living greens, even to the healing of your own mortal body. Your natural immunity and vitality will also be strengthened so that you can withstand the devastations of the plagues coming to the earth.

7. We have provided this living food, living greens and living water to protect you even when you are in the flesh. Your body will gradually change also as you do this regularly. You will become more vital, clear thinking, and celestial in nature and body. We are pleased when you do all you can to strengthen yourself in your mortal state. I will also protect you by my light, my corona fire that you see coming out of the backside of your hand.

8. M.A. asked a question about what the fire is meant to represent in the book of Revelation 8:3-7. You had seen yesterday morning that Heavenly Father caused lightning, or fire from the dark cloud, to seem to strike and consume him. This was followed by many intense lightning strikes to the earth. This is one of the meanings of the fire that John the Revelator mentions in Revelation 8:5 and 8:7.

9. There is a second meaning to the fire: in Revelation 8:5 the fire of the altar was the novel coronavirus cast into the earth. It started in China and has gone over all the lands of the earth now.

10. When Raguel sounds his trumpet next Tuesday, March 31st, 2020, there will be more fire, this time mingled with blood, and cast to the earth (Revelation 8:7– "The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.") There is another virus that starts in Salt Lake City and spreads forth from this place to the earth. This also is a manmade bioweapon virus that your enemies will place in the cities of your land of America. The first reported outbreaks will begin in Salt Lake City, and then spread throughout the land of the United States, and then to the world.

11. Raphael, the greens that you daily eat will protect you and your family from this second virus. I will also protect you with my healing light.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation this morning! I said I didn't like having to go through all of these plagues, and to see so much suffering and death around me. She said I would be strengthened to be able to endure all of this by daily eating of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life.

She then disappeared, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 30, 2020, Monday

1. I awoke refreshed this morning. I reread what I had sent by email to M.A. and to S in separate emails. I received two remarkable emails from S where he received a confirming witness from God concerning the sounding of Raguel's trumpet tomorrow. I feel I need to handwrite both emails here in my journal now:

2. 7:26 am, Monday from S:


I prayed and Heavenly Father confirmed the truth of these words. I see now why “Upon my house shall it begin” references also the exact location of the trumpets being blown. I was directed to be humble with this foreknowledge. Part of me is anxious for a world filled with righteousness and to have many of my extended family awake and speak with God directly for guidance in their life rather than only wait for direction from a leader. After I was directed to be humble, my heart was filled with love towards all of God’s children that would find deep joy by coming to God in prayer. What a glorious day to see God’s hand calling out to the world to come unto him!

Warm regards


3. 8:05 a, Monday from S:


After I read your account and then wrote back to you, I then went to my closet to pray. I was directed to share this with you.

3-30-20 am

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was asked by Heavenly Father what I saw. I looked and saw the 7 archangels above the spires of the SLC temple. Raguel held the trumpet and he was surrounded by Raphael facing East with his sword in the air, Michael facing West with his sword in the air and the other 4 archangels forming a circle with their right arms raised to the square. Heavenly Father was standing next to Heavenly Mother and they both wore a red sash on their white robes that were blowing in the wind.

I saw what Raphael had recorded. Heavenly Father then spoke to me, "The trumpets are sounding above the SLC temple and the devastations recorded in Revelations 8 will follow. However, this message is for all the world. We are calling all our children to come unto us no matter their religion, no matter their country of origin, no matter their age. Satan has deceived many to call good evil and evil good. Our call and the coming devastations will cause our elect from the four corners of the earth to awaken from their mortal slumber and seek their Eternal Creators and balance the great wickedness of your day with righteousness. We will come with open arms to all who seek us from the depths of their soul, their very being.

Stand as a second witness and faithfully record what you have seen and heard this day."

I saw great love and compassion in their eyes as this scene closed before my view.

Your Friend,


4. I expect also sometime, hopefully today, a response from M.A.. I wrote her about her recent question and included what I had sent to S in her email.

(I later received her response" From M.A. on 3-30-2020:

'Hi R,

This is all very scary. I feel all you wrote is true and also what I felt impressed would happen. Now I guess we wait and watch. I keep praying for courage to face all that will come. So many are overwhelmed with the coronavirus. There is a family of four with it in my ward. It’s nasty. None are hospitalized.')

5. I feel gratified that God has shown these same things to S! I had wondered in the day whether I had gone crazy in what I had seen and written! It is comforting to have another who witnesses these truths also (plus what M.A. said).

6. I came this morning to the top of the spires of the Salt Lake Temple in the air. The sun was shining and it was generally clear outside. I will come here in less than 24 hours with my archangel brothers tomorrow morning. I just set my alarm on my phone for 5:30 am to awaken so I wouldn't be late!

7. I knelt in the air and faced east. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately appeared and was wearing his scarlet-red sash tied about his inner white robe. His cape was blowing in the breeze. He spoke:

8. 'Raphael, tomorrow morning Raguel will sound the trumpet of God that I had given him from this location, in four directions. This message is for all the world to hear. It will come to our humble and God-fearing who live in all lands on the earth. They will hear his trumpet call, although they won't consciously know the sound was from an angel of God blowing his trumpet. Raguel will blow the same note of warning in each direction. All four of my archangels who blow from this location will blow the same notes to all the world, each archangel blowing a note higher than the previous. When my fourth angel sounds, who is Uriel, all the peoples of the world will hear. This is their last warning before the other angel flies through the midst of heaven as recorded in Revelation 8:13: "And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

9. When you sound your trumpet Raphael later this summer, the star that falls from heaven into the earth (see Revelation 9:1–"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.") will be Nibiru. This will wreck havoc upon the earth, bringing forth great earthquakes and destructions.

10. Stand and be ready for that which is to come! You have witnessed only the beginning of the tribulations coming upon the earth, and upon all people.'

11. I then saw another dark cloud gather above us, above the temple. There was a bright flash of lightning and it seemed to have struck the spire of the temple where the angel Moroni's horn had once been placed!

Suddenly I was a short distance from the temple with Heavenly Father on my right side. We then witnessed heavy hail crash down upon the Salt Lake Temple, accompanied by multiple lightning strikes! I was surprised by the devastation I saw all around the temple grounds. I don't know if this destruction was literal or figurative.

12. I then immediately was again consciously in my chair in my private room, writing my vision down in my journal. I told my Father I would be obedient to all he tells me to do. I felt to turn aside bringing forth destructions upon the earth, for I wanted to bring forth love and healing. However, I realized that both roles–that of destructions and that of healing, are part of my archangel mission. I again reiterated to my Father in my mind, that I would be obedient to his every command.

13. My prayer ended. I am feeling pretty much full of wonder and awe! Gosh, I somehow wish all of this would not be, but I will face reality as I see it, and do, as I feel directed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 31, 2020, Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke with my alarm at 5:30 am. I came to the area in the sky above the spires of the Salt Lake Temple. I prayed there and met briefly with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before my archangel brothers came. Heavenly Father told me to write in my journal my experience in prayer last night, and then my brothers would come. He and Heavenly Mother said they would be above me to the east, facing our circle when Raguel would blow his trumpet.

2. Last night in my prayer Heavenly Father came to me briefly. He gave me comfort and peace, and was accepting of me. I was anxious for some reason. I had come above the spires of the LDS Salt Lake Temple also. He was wearing a white robe with his scarlet red sash. He quickly left my side and I went to sleep.

3. This morning it is intermittently breezy outside. The weather report states it is partly clear and 50 degF. It is now 5:58 am and I will stop writing for now, as I seek to tune in spiritually to what is happening. I will write after this event happens.

4. Later: It is now 6:10 am and Heavenly Father asked me to record what I saw and heard in the last ten minutes. At 6:00 am I saw Raguel come above the spire where the angel Moroni was standing, without his horn. I saw him withdraw his trumpet of God and hold it vertical. Then I saw Michael opposite me. He withdrew his Sword of Michael and raised it high above his head. He then turned and faced west. I then identified to my right my archangel brothers Oriphiel and Simiel who faced away from Raguel, and then raised their right arms to the square. I saw next to Michael on his left the angel Gabriel and next to me on my left the angel Uriel. They also then turned outward away from Raguel and raised their right arms to the square. We were in a circle facing out from Raguel who was a little below us next to the spire of the temple, in the center of our circle. Michael was about 30 yards away from me. I then turned and withdrew my Sword of Raphael high in the air and faced east.

5. I then heard the trumpet of God first blown from Raguel below me in my direction (east). It lasted about 5 seconds. I then perceived Raguel blow west, then north and finally south. Each was blown with the same note for about five seconds.

6. When done, all of my archangel brothers came next to me, in birth order with Michael on my furthest left, then Gabriel, myself, Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and finally Raguel on my furthest right. We all then knelt on our left knees before Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were before us to the east, a little elevated in the air.

7. Heavenly Father then spoke to us: 'Our archangel sons, you have accomplished our purpose here at the Salt Lake Temple, even as I have commanded you. This will be repeated at the last day of the next three months, with different angels blowing their trumpets of God with higher notes and intensities, even until Uriel shall blow his trumpet of God for all the world to hear on June 30th.

8. Your actions now release the earth, the air and weather, and the waters to unleash their fury upon the inhabitants of the earth. I will now also release other angels, angels of destruction, to go forth upon the earth and to give specific commandments to the elements. This will cause our elect to be awakened, and to start cleansing of the earth from the gross sins on her surface.

9. There will also come to this city a new plague that will greatly afflict and torment man. This will be placed here by an enemy nation that has created this new virus bioweapon.

10. All of these things are in fulfillment of Revelation chapter 8.

Our sons, you are now dismissed.'

11. All of my brothers stood and then quickly departed. I continued kneeling before my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

12. 'Raphael, write in your journal now all that has transpired this morning. Write also all of my words. We love you Raphael, and will strengthen and bless you so that you may do your work we assign you, even while you are in the flesh.'

13. I gazed into the faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were firm and steady. Their capes then began blowing in the breeze to the east. They then vanished, and I began writing all of this down in my journal.

14. I looked at my cell phone and Heavenly Father stopped speaking at 6:10 am. Raguel had sounded about 6:02 I would guess. I am finishing writing at 6:33 am. I am now going to go back to my bedroom to rest.

15. Later–I actually went back to sleep for 2 1/2 more hours, and I awoke a little before 9 am. I came to the same private room and went to God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the little stream. I faced the lake and knelt. I prayed, and asked for Heavenly Mother to come. She immediately came. She no longer had her scarlet red sash about her waist. She was full of light and smiling! She spoke:

16. 'Raphael, what you wrote earlier this morning of the circle of archangels is true and your record is true. The prophesied calamities will now come, as we will. You have been faithful in what we asked you to do.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her witness. I then felt the sunshine coming through the window. I feel that all will be well with those who humbly seek God and obey their guidance in the days to come.

Heavenly Mother then silently left my side. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 1, 2020, Wednesday

1. Last night I prayed and received answers to my questions about the archangel circle I participated in yesterday morning, and the meaning of Revelation 8:5-7. M.A. had been pondering this too and wrote me:

2. '3-30-2020 email from M.A.:

Hi R,
I have been contemplating Rev. 8:7 and its meaning. It seems God always talks in parables, like the wheat and the tares.
Wheat equals the righteous
Tares equals wicked
Oak tree equals the LDS church leaders
1/3 trees to burn up (or catch the next virus) represents the church members?
All green grass burned up, so what do you think the green grass represents?'

3. I too pondered these thing as I prayed last night.

To add to this, we had sat on the front lawn of my oldest son's house and watched as his 12-year old son opened his birthday presents on that his birthday. We had to keep moving our lawn chairs back because the kids and my son kept inching closer. I came to realize my son feels the media is way overdoing the coronavirus pandemic event in our land. He was argumentative and this all made my wife and I uncomfortable. After we returned home, I was visibly upset even to watch until I started my prayer.

4. In my prayer last night Heavenly Father came to me on the rocky overlook to the city of Zion on the celestial orb. I had a clear view of the city and the valley where it was located. It was all peaceful and beautiful before me. Heavenly Father came and stood on my left, also facing the valley before us.

5. My Father spoke:

'Raphael, there is nothing you may do about the views and choices of your grown children. Were you to talk to them about your concerns, they would then distance themselves emotionally from you, even as you and your wife did when you were younger when your mother-in-law voiced her disapproval over you homeschooling your children. Each of our adult children on earth may choose what they want to do. Were you to try to bring them to your way of thinking, when they are set in their ways, this only causes the feelings of being judged and misunderstood. Let them be, and accept them as they are, even with different views and belief systems.

6. I will also ease your mind concerning this thing. Worry and being upset does you no good if you cannot affect a change, which you cannot do. Love and acceptance, not emotional distancing, has the greater influence.

7. I would now like to address M.A.'s question and yours, about Revelation 8:5-7.'

8. Heavenly Father then pointed to the dark cloud over the valley where the city of Zion was located in front of us. I then saw a very bright flash of lightning come upon the tallest building in the city! It crashed down and seemed like it was leveled to the ground. I saw intermittent flashes around the city and parts caught on fire. Large hailstones fell everywhere and destroyed the vegetation. I was pretty shocked by all of the devastation.

9. Heavenly Father then said this was a type of what would happen in my own land. He then waved his hand and the city below me was miraculously returned to its celestial glory as I had seen it when I first arrived here.

10. Heavenly Father then told me what the meaning was in these verses. I have decided to write the verses below and then put Heavenly Father's interpretations in parenthesis. Although this wasn't how I received it, this seems the clearest way to explain.

11. Revelation 8:5-7 (Heavenly Father's comments in parenthesis):

"5. And the angel took the sensor, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth (this fire is the first wave of the virus, known to you as COVID-19, or the corona virus that started in China. This became the global pandemic that swept the earth.): and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. (These came on the earth and in the air and weather patterns. These will come with greater frequency during the duration of this pandemic on the earth.)

12. 6. And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. (These are my seven male archangels. They sound starting at the seventh archangel Raguel, and stand sounding in order until the first who is Michael. These are spiritual soundings that have all happened now, and physical soundings, the first done this morning on 3-31-2020. These physical soundings initiate events on the physical earth, in the air and weather, and in the waters. These will be experienced by those in their mortal bodies.)

13. 7. The first angel sounded (this was done today by Raguel in the center of the archangel circle above the spire of the Salt Lake Temple. I caused the horn of the angel Moroni to be knocked down so that my male archangels to whom I gave the trumpets of God could blow my trumpets into all the earth.

14. The only two archangels who have swords that I have crafted that emit silver lightning are the Sword of Michael and the Sword of Raphael. These have power over Satan and his hosts, and their works among men on the earth. I had you and Michael face east and west with these swords held high above your heads this morning, with your archangel brothers connecting a circle with their right arms raised to the square. This action sent forth the sounding of the trumpet, sounding in four directions, to more fully penetrate every nation, clime and peoples. This circle of archangels also alerted the earth, air and weather, and the waters to begin their actions of destructions upon the inhabitants of the earth. I will give the elements specific directions through my angels of destruction whom I have called.)

15. And there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth (the hail falls upon every one who is upon the earth who has not sought places of refuge by quarantining themselves. My righteous have retreated to their places of safety for a season, standing in holy places (see D&C 45:32). These in holy places, in seclusion are not affected by the hail of the new virus that comes upon the earth, starting upon my house in Salt Lake City.

16. The fire and blood represent the new viral bioweapon that is more lethal than the first coronavirus. The one afflicted has bleeding as part of their death. The more virulent plague will soon be cast to the earth to coincide with its placement in the cities of your land by an enemy nation.):

17. And the third part of trees was burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up. (The trees represent the leaders of all institutions including religious, government and industry, from the greatest to the least who are not gathered to holy places. One-third part of them will die in this new plague. The green grass represents all mankind upon the earth who are not sequestered in holy places, who call upon God for protection and keep themselves apart from the ravages in the outside world.

18. "Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen. ' (D&C 87:8))

19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this true interpretation of these verses in Revelation. They are now being fulfilled. I also thanked him for his comfort and counsel to me about loving and accepting my family as they are.

Heavenly Father left, and I went to bed.

20. After I came out with the family and started my day, I received this email from S. It was great news to me and it rang true. He said I could share it:

Email from S on 4-1-2020–


This morning I had a wonderful experience about the trumpet in prayer that I would like to share.

4-1-20 am

I read about the walls of Jericho tumbling to the ground after the 7th day of trumpets blowing in Joshua. I considered the trumpet blown yesterday and its significance.

I called upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I heard their voices joined together, speaking to me, "We are as divine nectar and nourishment. None can come unto us except we guide and direct them. All of our children rely fully upon us to progress for without coming unto us through Jesus Christ, none can ever be saved. Each child will need to come unto us in the quiet recess and chambers of their heart and be led of us through these last days of tribulation." At this time I saw myself standing before my beloved Heavenly Parents who were full of light and love. I knelt before them filled with gratitude and joy. I was directed to look behind me on the courtyard in front of their holy temple. I saw countless unborn, pre-mortal sons and daughters standing at attention, facing our Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, "Our pre-mortal children heard the trumpet of Raguel sound in their realm yesterday and they have gathered together. They too are desirous to see the prophesied events unfold upon the earth to prepare the earth and its people for the millennial day of righteousness." Heavenly Father then spoke to me, "You did not hear the trumpet sound with your physical ears. This trumpet is heard with your spiritual ears even as all our spirit pre-mortal children will attest. Those who see the events unfold in their mortal world may pray and ask to hear the trumpet too." At this time I heard the trumpet of Raguel blow the same note for a few seconds four times in all four directions. I heard it clearly and powerfully with my spiritual ears. Heavenly Father continued, "You can now attest as our other spirit children here this day that you heard this trumpet sound to all the world. Each child may also hear this trumpet sound if they come unto us and request it too. Watch and be ready to see the hand of the Lord revealed in your day as the angels of destruction go forth as decreed."

I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for their love and guidance. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Your Friend,


I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 2, 2020, Thursday

1. I awoke earlier than my family and came into my private room. Last night I prayed here, seeking to see the vision that S saw with the per-mortal spirits in front of the temple in heaven.

I felt impressed to come to the overlook above the large green field, with God's temple to the southeast. I knelt in prayer here, with a clear view of the lands in front of me. I asked for Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared to me on my left side. She spoke: 'Raphael, look now upon the field and area all the way to our temple in the distance!'

3. I looked and saw thousands upon thousands of people assembled, all standing close together, and all dressed in white robes. They were facing us.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'These are unborn pre-mortal spirits who have heard the trumpet of Raguel yesterday. These are those whom S saw before the temple in his vision. They are anxious to see the prophesied events coming upon the earth that will cleanse and prepare her for the great millennial day! We have held these and many more in reserve to come forth into a terrestrial world of peace and rest on the earth.'

5. I then asked my Mother how Raguel's trumpet was heard in heaven, so far away?

'Raphael, all of our children for this eternity are connected to the earth on which you live, for this will soon be their own mortal home. We have prepared them for this, and many now minister as pre-mortal spirits to their families living on the earth. They are all tied into the events transpiring among our children on earth.

6. Raguel's trumpet of God was blown in the celestial realms on the earth. Only those who were listening in this realm could hear. This included all of these, our pre-mortal spirit children, for they too live in the celestial realms, only on our celestial orb. The celestial realms on the earth and on our celestial orb are connected so that sounds and events like the blowing of trumpets in this shared realm on the earth are also heard here in heaven, or on our celestial orb.

7. When Oriphiel and Simiel blow their trumpets at the end of April and May, they will also blow in the celestial realms on the earth. The physical earth, air and water, however, will hear these trumpets as well, but most of our children on earth will not. Nevertheless, when our fourth angel Uriel blows his trumpet on June 30th, 2020, all of those on the earth will hear and wonder. He will blow in the celestial terrestrial and telestial realms on the earth. This is a final warning to all the inhabitants of the earth prior to the angel spoke on in Revelation 8:19:

8. "And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

9. This angel will fly through the celestial realms on the earth, and will only be heard by those who may listen in that spiritual realm.

10. After Uriel blows his trumpet, we will soon thereafter command you, our fifth angel, to blow your trumpet of God. You will blow in the skies above your own house exactly as you blew on July 31st, 2016 in the spiritual realms on the earth when Satan and all his hosts could hear (see your post 21M1-21M4). You will blow again, this time only in the celestial realms on the earth so that all the earth, the air and weather, and the waters will hear. Nibiru that is now near the sun, will then hear your trumpet and begin his descent towards the earth, fulfilling Revelation 9:1–

11. "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth. . ."

12. An extremely large earthquake that will follow Nibiru's close encounter with the earth will open up the area of Missouri so that you may soon start the foundations of the New Jerusalem (see your post 48E12 and post 49G2 to 49G5). This earthquake on the telestial earth will open up the large cavern of living water below the earth that you and the angels filled with your pails of living water from Lake Beautiful (see post 49J5 to 49J14). This will begin healing the devastated land, preparing the way for the New Jerusalem.'

13. I thanked my beloved Heavenly Mother for her vision words this evening. As I wrote this account in my journal today, the following morning, Heavenly Mother gave me more details than I had received last night in my prayer. I thanked her for coming again and blessing me with these revelations!

14. She then turned from looking at the green fields in front of us and embraced me! I felt her deep love for me, and for all these unborn children below us. I felt events would happen in fast succession in order to prepared the earth for the coming of these her well-beloved children coming to the earth in a better millennial day.

15. She then stepped back and slowly disappeared. I then looked to the green field and all of the pre-mortal spirits I had seen also disappeared. I was alone and closed my prayer. I then started my new day on earth.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 3, 2020, Friday

1. Today is my wife's birthday! I am excited to make her day as happy as can be.

2. Last night Heavenly Father confirmed in my prayer all that I had received yesterday. I felt his assurance that all of these events would happen in quick succession as Heavenly Mother described yesterday morning and the previous evening!

3. I plan to wrap up these entries as post 155, and to try to get them out to those on my small email group. I feel very blessed with this remarkable information that God has shared with me! I shared the past two days journal entries with S late last night He wrote that he was also in awe at these changes coming in quick succession to prepare the earth for the millennial day.

4. This morning Heavenly Mother appeared next to me at the base of the granite cliff where I had prayed atop of last night. She was very warm and smiling!

She spoke: 'Raphael, stay secluded in your holy place with your family until we direct you otherwise. We will bless you and your loved ones even during these days of tribulation coming speedily upon the earth.'

Her message was short but very comforting! I thanked her and said I loved her and my Heavenly Father immensely. She smiled and disappeared. I closed my prayer and got started on my new day!

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 4, 2020, Saturday

1. Yesterday I spent all of my day with my lovely wife on her birthday. We did whatever she wanted to do! She made cupcakes and we took them to neighbors and family members, and stayed our distances from their doors. It was rewarding to both of us! We also ate two special meals that she chose and I participated in as much as I could. It was a beautiful sunny day, very appropriate for her sunny and upbeat personality. I feel so blessed to have her as my companion!

2. Last night after I massaged her head to help her go to sleep, I then prayed to my Heavenly Father. The entire celestial orb appeared asleep and dark to me! I ended up kneeling before the temple doors in heaven. I prayed to my Heavenly Father past midnight on earth.

His words came into my mind: 'Raphael, we are glad that you spent the entire day pleasing your wife on her birthday. She is our choice daughter whom we also love. It is now time to go to bed and get some rest.'

I felt comforted and went to bed. I had, the best sleep in weeks!

I am now awake at 8 am in my private room. I am again before the temple doors on the celestial orb like I was last night. I have just prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking one or both to come to me.

3. The doors opened and my Heavenly Mother walked to me! The sky and world here is beautiful and it looks like a gorgeous spring day.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that you have come to our temple this beautiful day. Come with me to our upper floor in our temple to hear your Father instruct the angels of destruction on their tasks to initiate on the earth. We will not participate, but come unnoticed in the upper corner, in my higher celestial realm.'

4. I stood and took my Heavenly Mother's hand. We then were immediately near the northeast corner of the large hall in the celestial temple of God. I saw Heavenly Father standing in front of his throne, with a small group of 15-20 men all dressed in angel vestures. These were being instructed by the Father on their group assignments, and individual assignments to fulfill on the earth. It became apparent that Heavenly Father was fully in charge of events that would cleanse the earth, and was giving these hand-picked angels specific instructions what to initiate on earth with his authority.

5. I was impressed that while I witnessed this meeting in the temple of God on the celestial orb that the LDS church members were gathering in their homes to soon watch general conference. This conference has been advertised to "Find peace in chaos. Hear the word of the Lord at general conference." The email title was "preparing for an unforgettable general conference."

The great difference between what the Father was actually doing and what the LDS Church leaders were saying he would do seemed so different!

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you watch general conference with your wife and son, seek to perceive if my Holy Spirit attends those who speak. I will testify of truth, but I will not be present in any sensationalism, or witness to any views or doctrines that are not true. This is what I always do as the Holy Ghost, and this conference is no different.

7. Your Father is sending his angels of destruction now on their various assignments, to command the earth, air and weather, and the waters to bring upon the earth the promised calamities on her surface. These angels will also initiate plagues, wars, pestilence, famine and destructions of all varieties, in accordance with the will of God the Father who is overall in charge. He does all of this cleansing of the wicked that have spurned my gentle whisperings to their souls, and rejected our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ and have not come to us. We would not do any of these calamities had they listened to our gentle ways, and loved one another. The time has now fully come when the world is ripe in iniquity, and we can wait no longer in preparing the earth and our elect for the promised millennial day of peace and rest.

8. We know who are destined to come to the earth in a short while–our many choice and precious pre-mortal sons and daughters. We cannot bear them to come into such a dark and evil world as you now live in! We will make the transition to a better terrestrial world as quick and complete as possible. We are in control of the mortal lives of our children living on earth, and will do all things in our time, by our will, to bring to pass the transition to a glorious millennial day.

9. Many of the events that the Father is orchestrating in the destruction of the wicked have been planned out by evil and conspiring men and enemy nations. They have been inspired by the devil, even Lucifer and his evil hosts. We have decreed that after these evil works of men are fulfilled, and the wicked are destroyed, that you will lock up Satan and his unrepentant hosts in the bottomless pit, and place an impenetrable seal over its opening. These will remain for the duration of our millennium until released at the little season at the end.

10. During this era of peace, our Beloved Son will reign in righteousness on the earth. The earth will be renewed and receive it promised terrestrial glory. Our New Jerusalem will have our celestial temple on its surface, and the Church of the Firstborn will become operational. You and our holy angels will participate in the eternal ordinances that we will accept as our elect move forward as a group to their exaltation and eternal life.

11. Make this journal entry the last one for your post 155. There is much that we have revealed through you and our other servants that we wish you to share and document.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful words! These gave me great hope and excitement for the future. I told her I would do all that she and Heavenly Father ask me to do.

My vision in Gods temple ended. I feel at peace and happy. I know what I have written to be true.

12. Before I left the celestial orb this morning, I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf. I ate both and was refreshed. I asked that all I ate and drank today on earth would be living food and living water. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.