10. I was sent an email from L (from our class) today and read it this evening. She had a spiritual experience with the Lord, showing her the significance of our blessing on Mother Earth, and the symbolism of Judges chapter 7. I confirmed what she had said in prayer, and believe it is true. This was a special experience and witness for L.
11. My personal feelings–
Today I attended my son's sacrament meeting with my wife. Here is what I recorded in the meeting:
'We went to A.'s sacrament meeting. He is in charge of the sacrament in his ward. He also blessed the bread today.
I felt my spirit was down at Utah Lake at this time, where we healing angels had gathered on Friday, the 19th of August. During A.'s prayer on the bread, I was kneeling on the shores of Utah Lake at Lincoln Beach where we blessed the earth. I was facing the lake. It was polluted, caked mud on the rocks. I could see the toxic algae bloom in the water. Nobody was around me.
12. Once the sacrament prayer was offered, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father. I soon received the bread and partook. I then saw three, glorious beings in front of me above the water of the lake: Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus Christ on his right. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, look at the water.'

Utah Lake will change into a beautiful clean lake!
13. I looked down at the water before me, and saw the water starting to clarify. I could tell I was seeing what would happen in the future, in a time-sequence.
The water level then increased, and the three beings in front of me, and I, moved up in the air while the low water level raised higher and soon normalized. I could also then see right through the water to the place where I had been kneeling below, probably 10 feet below the water surface level. I looked around and I could see new green vegetation on the hills and on West Mountain behind me.
14. I saw a flash in the sky, and knew it was the second coming of Jesus Christ! I continued kneeling, just above the water, as time kept going forward. I could see fish swimming, happy families on the shore and in the water, enjoying the beautiful lake and each other.
I continued kneeling, while time went faster and faster. I soon realized I was at the end of the millennium. I saw the death of the earth, and the glorious celestial resurrection of Mother Earth. Utah Lake was still there!
15. I then descended into the water, to the location where I had been kneeling moments earlier on the polluted shore of the lake. It was just like being in the lake at God's Loving Healing Center! I saw sturgeon and other fish who were swimming, who seemed so very pleased to be with me! The water was crystal clear!
I then was elevated to the surface and saw again the same three beings in front of me.

At Utah Lake: "Happy families on the shore"
16. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, what you have seen is the future state of Utah Lake and the earth. All three of us are very pleased with what has happened here, on the earth two days ago. The cleansing of the earth and its purification has begun! This will go forth unabated, despite Satan's ploys and determined efforts to counter. This cleansing will happen in the earth, on the earth, and above the earth. Animals, plants, oceans, lands, fountains of waters, and everything in her sphere will be positively affected. All will start here, from the blessing that occurred this past Friday.
We are so pleased also with all the healing angels, and our beloved archangels who participated.'
17. At that moment, I went back to the present time, in the same position, when I was kneeling at the beginning on the polluted beach. I saw Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus in front of me, zip away quickly into the sky above. I looked down and saw the polluted water, the crusted mud on the rocks. However, I knew the unalterable destiny of this lake, and of our dear Mother Earth! I felt so grateful!
I opened my eyes and the sacrament water trays were being placed back on the table, and the sacrament cloth was being placed over them. The sacrament was finished. I wrote all of this down in my pocket journal before the meeting was finished."

Fish and wildlife are in the future of Utah Lake

Sturgeon will be in Utah Lake
(Remember the symbolism of the Sturgeon Moon that was then happening!)
Summary of the rest of the Class on Friday, 8-19-2016:
18. After we all returned from the Lake in our cars to our class meeting area on Friday, we were all kind of in awe. I thought "what could happen next?"
We came back and just talked about the grand experience we had all participated in at Utah Lake, moments earlier.
After a lunch break, we participated in a 'Complete Healing' healing gift. We chose to remotely work on my brain-injured son, A.. I, R was to be the proxy, and H.B. was to be the voice and main conduit. She put her hands on my shoulders as I recall. I explained how my son had a cardiac arrest on his LDS church mission 4 1/2 years ago, and was still struggling a lot with the consequences from his anoxic brain injury.
19. Everyone in the class touched H.B. or myself, so that there was full connection. We then felt all of the healing angels in the spirit realm were also touching us in the room, forming another great cone of connection above us. Heavenly Father was behind H.B., with his hands on her shoulders as I recall.
At this time, my sister K later said she sensed many evil spirits around, with their faces were pressed on the large window to her left, which was outside of our entire group of healing angels, not in the room. They were unhappy and wanted in. They couldn't get in I believe, for there was so much light. At this same time, unknown to K or to each other, both J.K.and T said that they withdrew their swords.
However, once we were all in place, and before H.B. said anything, we were instantly all in the domed room. The two men put away their swords.

20. Then H.B., acting as a conduit for Heavenly Father, blessed A., asking him to be healed (or words to that affect). At that time, several of us saw bright lights around us, which I felt were the healing stones from the connected-in healing angels in the spirit world around us.
H.B. next felt to go to a shelf opening in the domed room which she called the 'celestial organ' area. She wore white gloves and withdrew a celestial brain, meant for A.. She came back to where he was, now a table face-up, and placed the celestial brain on his head. She and L said it infused into his current brain and enlivened and invigorated his current brain.
21. While this was all going on, I was acting as a proxy. I felt that I started becoming clarified, or transparent, from the top of my head down to my feet. Once this happened, I saw that A. had the same experience while lying on the table. When he was clarified, at about the time the celestial brain entered into his head, then he began shining. I could see a brighter and brighter A. lying on the table. At one point, I could see a bright bubble of sorts around him, like a shield or protection.
H.B. closed the blessing in the name of Jesus Christ. All four of us men healing angels in class, J.K., T, B and I, then stepped forth and sealed the blessing with the tips of our swords, from the four sides of A..
22. B then said we need to call forth the protecting warrior angels to come around A.. He said that they had been pre-assigned, and there were seven of them. B said A. would always need them, but particularly as he heals and became more aware, and more vulnerable also to the adversary. These warrior angels then came into the domed room and took their protecting positions around A.. B said that A. was also a warrior angel, and that part of his journey in life included this phase to have an injury. This injury was in part to actually protect him from the adversary for this phase of his life.
23. At this point, J.K.related a dream he had when he was 15-years old. He was shown the homes of people who had light and protection from God, and they had a bubble around their homes, with a glow about their homes. Some homes were brighter than others, Then there were other homes that were dark, and therefore vulnerable to Satan and his hosts, and evil influences. He thought of this because of the light and bubble some of us saw around A. when he received the Complete Healing gift that day.
24. At this point we talked again in the class, and tried to find some answers together. Here are some things we learned:
1) Male healing angels are also warrior angels, but not all warrior angels are healing angels.
2) All male healing angels have two swords, one used for defending and fighting, and one for healing and sealing purposes. Some of us found out where our two swords are, others did not.
3) This gathering during these three days included special healing and strengthening for all the healing angels.
4) Every healing angel seems to have their own journey, and many have unique gifts.
5) We can call upon one or more healing angels to assist us in our healing work, which will bring greater power in healing.
6) When all the healing angels connect to each other, both for those in the class, and those on the other side, the power of healing is immensely strong.

25. After we finished learning so much about Complete Healing, we finished up with two healing gifts.
The first was Find-Scoop and Remove. L was proxy for her husband, S.G., who was planning to attend the class but, among other things, had received two insect bites which had badly swollen. I was acting as the main healer, and everyone came and connected to L with their hands. The three healers were watching us in the room–we were doing this according to our own healing gifts we had been blessed with. I was demonstrating how to use this gift.
26. I invited all the class to connect in energetically to what I was doing. I started with S.G.'s arm, acting on L's arm in front of us. There was a very large swollen area, and very inflamed. I asked K to pour some healing balm onto the wound which she did. I was then able to move my spirit hand through about half of the affected area. When I got to the stinger, M.L. removed it energetically, but then there was a hole where it had been. I asked S.A. to use her gift of a spiritual bandage to seal it up which she did. I was then successful in removing large amounts of red colored inflammation from the arm, with two to three passes. After this, K suggested that she apply a spiritual 'blue ice' to the area to keep the inflammation down.
27. One might scoff at these healing gifts that each of us possessed, but each time they were used, I could see it actually happening and having a very positive affect on S.G.'s arm!
We repeated this process again on S.G.'s face where he had also been bitten. We repeated the entire process, only we didn't need to remove the stinger since it was already gone.
28. The second healing gift we did was for L. We did a God's Loving Reset healing gift. K was the main conduit with her hands under L's head. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father were side by side with their hands on Jesus who had his hands at J.K.'s shoulders. J.K.in turn was holding L's feet. The healing power came from all three healers behind J.K., who was also a conduit.
Shortly after the flow of energy began, moving from L's feet to her head, we all found ourselves in the river east of the temple in the celestial world. It seems like we could easily go there in any of our healing work during the class. This just happened!
29. Then we became aware we were in a lake, Utah Lake, in a state of clearness and beauty at the end of the millennium! We were partly immersed and saw fish around us, including sturgeon and other fish. At the lake earlier that day, we had seen several fish skeletons about 15" in length. We saw lots of fish this size during this healing gift, seeming to be unafraid of us, and looking very healthy. I turned and looked at West Mountain and saw a heavily forested area too! While looking again at the lake, it seemed I saw it change into a gorgeous celestial lake and celestial earth all around! Everyone kept their hands where they were, there was a calm and peaceful feeling. Then we all received a blessing and love from Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ. It was remarkable!

30. We ended our day, having been overly blessed by being in attendance. Each of us felt so grateful, and so honored!
We felt to kneel in a circle, holding little fingers again like we had done at Utah Lake. I felt to withdraw my sword and hold it high above my head in my right hand. I invited any others who had swords to do so if they thought they should. Nobody else did.
S.A. offered the prayer. As she gave the prayer, I saw in my mind, the tip of my sword beaming up into a circle of the six other archangels, way high up above the earth. They too had their swords raised above their heads, in their right hands. Six beams of light extended from the tip of my sword to each of the tips of their swords. From there, the six beams of light then extended from the earth, all the way to the celestial world where God dwells!
31. After the prayer, I shared this vision with everyone. We talked. I felt the beams which connected the earth with heaven were going to continue. They gave strength to our Mother Earth to fulfill the blessing of cleansing and healing, so she could be fully ready for the glorious return of our Savior Jesus Christ.
By this time, we each had been so filled with light and healing, as well as in complete awe. We couldn't absorb any more, and then we dismissed for the day! I felt that our Heavenly Father had so amazingly conducted the entire gathering so absolutely well!

G. Summary of the Class on Saturday, 8-20-2016:
1. The first thing we did in the morning was to review everything we had learned and experienced over the past two days. We listened to both the blessing on the lake, and then the blessing from Heavenly Mother on Thursday to all healing angels. I wrote notes from all our our discussions and from the recordings.
The final healing gift, and only gift we did on Saturday, was God's Loving Grounding. Before I did this, we listened to 'Mother Divine' by Kurt Van Sikle. This music set the mood I believe for our final healing gift. During this song, K and I could envision our Heavenly Mother, swaying back and forth, in petals of roses that were strewn all over the floor. K felt there were female assistants to our Heavenly Mother who also came and administered to us all. One person even felt that they were washing our feet.
2. R was the conduit for both T and S.A. who were lying on two massage tables, side by side. I held T's left foot in my left hand, and S.A.'s right foot in my right hand. I was sitting on a chair. Their heads were facing up, and were on the far end of the tables. S.A.'s nursing baby, who had attended the entire class, either playing or sleeping (a very peaceful baby), was between her mother and T, playing on the massage tables which were touching along one of the adjacent long edges.
All healing angels in the class connected together by touching either T or S.A.. Those in the spirit realms also connected in so that we were all touching each other.
Behind me, touching my shoulders with one hand each, was Heavenly Father and Jesus, with Heavenly Mother behind them touching their shoulders.
I had someone's spiral bound book in front of me, so that I made sure I didn't leave anything out of the God's Loving Grounding healing gift.
3. I began the gift by telling what I was going to do as a conduit for the power of God, being empowered by the three healers behind me. There were four grounding areas that I then went over and grounded the two clients (T and S.A.) before me. I will list them in order that they were done.
I should mention before I go on, that when I grounded both T and S.A. at the same time, I also grounded every one in the room, including myself and each of the unseen healing angels as well. This was a full God's Loving Grounding session for every single healing angel. It was a finale for each of us–a great gift from God!

4. 1) Physical Grounding
I grounded the healing angels to their Mother Earth. At this time I heard the earth thanking us for blessing we gave her yesterday! She said that in turn, she would protect and provide for us who were her healing angels. She then said these words: "When may I rest, and return to my Maker and celestial glory?"
I then grounded all the healing angels to their families on earth: backwards in their family tree to their parents, brothers and sisters, and grandparents on both sides. I then grounded them forward to their spouse, children and their children's spouses if they had one, and any grandchildren or direct posterity. This was for those who already had or were having an earthly experience, and not for anyone out in mortal future time yet.
The grounding to families was like a trunk, or a flexible sinew, that could bend so that we could easily move about, but still be very connected with our loved ones in our families.
5. 2) Emotions, Love, Relationship Grounding
I grounded each healing angel to every positive relationship they had made while in mortality. This was done one at a time, in a two-way relationship. The connections came from the hearts of the two individuals. These relationships included family, friends and clients. In each case, I asked the healing angels to look at their connecting person in the eye, and see the back and forth emotional 'string' connect from each of their hearts.
I said that all our emotions, love and relationships are best exemplified by Heavenly Mother, for she is so loving and kind. The connections were like strands of light and love that came from our hearts to each other.
6. 3) Mind and Mental Grounding
I said that this grounding is founded on light, truth and knowledge, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. I explained that it was like a beam, buried deep on the top of a solid rock mountain. It was like we then had this beam go into our torso from while we stood on the mountain, and extend to our heads. Whenever we needed to ask if something was right, or true, we could always verify this in our minds and check it against the light, truth and knowledge from Jesus, our rock. We can then know for sure, for Jesus will only tell us truth.
7. 4) Spiritual Grounding
I grounded all the healing angels to the celestial world from whence they came, and then to our joint heavenly parents. When grounding to the celestial world, I mentioned temples, forests, waters, mountains–all in the glorious world where we grew up as spirit children of our heavenly parents.
Next I grounded each of us to Heavenly Mother. We had just before felt the presence of Heavenly Mother, swaying among rose petals strewn on the floor in front of us. This was a grounding experience for each of us with her. There was a strong rose connection with her during that experience.
I grounded next all the healing angels to Heavenly Father. He was beaming and smiling, very happy to be fully connected to us, his children. He communicated to me that he would fully protect us, and orchestrate our lives, for all of his healing angels. He was pleased, and very 'proud' of us, his angels.

A beautiful smelling rose at a local park right after the class
8. At the end, four of us men felt to come forward with our swords and seal this blessing. We were on the four corners of our proxies. The swords were from T, B, J.K. and me, R (T and I were replicated in our spirits to be able to do this). We then were asked what we saw. At this time, a golden glow came around each of us. It extended upwards to include all of the healing angels who were in the spirit realm. It was a very peaceful, serene feeling! Our healing vestures all became vibrant in their colors (or our perceptions were magnified to see). Our healing stones were glowing in their colors–we sat absorbed in the moment. Some had their translation process completed at this time, others had various gifts and individual blessing bestowed.
One of us then offered a closing prayer of gratitude on the marvelous God's Loving Grounding healing gift we had all been part of.
I then went over the following which is all online:
Mission of Raphael
Seven archangels
Healing rooms
Healing angels
9. M.L. shared an experience she had earlier that morning or the night before: she felt that each healing angel has been offered a great gift, the gift of 'touch to heal'. This means that whatever we touch will have a healing influence on it. This requires our own personal love and purity (we referred to the principles taught in D&C 121). It is, however, up to each healing angel to accept this gift, with the intention to have it be part of their lives, from now on.
10. We also talked about teleporting in our physical bodies. This is when we will be able to move about from place to place, without the need of walking or other forms of transportation, for we would just 'be there'. Nobody has had this experience yet, but we tested and we already have that capability. It requires our faith and need to do it also. We did feel it was ok to practice now, so that we would be ready when the time may come.
I then went over the timeline of events that have happened, and some that are yet to come. I scribbled a lot of things on the paper, and talked a lot. I have redone this list below, for there were a few mistakes on the class notes paper.
We closed our Saturday class in prayer. We ended our prayer at 4:59 pm, just one minute before we were scheduled to end the three day class. It had been a very remarkable gathering!!
The Sturgeon Moon was eclipsed over Manhatten on Tuesday, 8-23-2016
See the new World Trade Center in the foreground! I believe this was
foreshadowing of the cleansing events ahead.
(image courtesy of http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/24/
H. Timeline of Events
1. 5-13-2016 Friday, (during the previous May energy class)–war with Satan, protection given to the healing angels, sword of Raphael given, swords given for all male healing angels.
5-27-2016 Friday, healing angels were remotely and collectively healed with a healing blessing in Portland, Oregon by Raphael (R) and Rachael (K).
6-1-2016 Wednesday, in San Francisco, a solemn day, swords were raised, all female healing angels received protection of Raphael with his sword behind each one, all male healing angels were replicated also and were behind themselves with their swords raised.
7-7-2016 Thursday, opening of the 7th Seal by Jesus Christ, the black key was given to Raphael.
7-17-2016 Sunday, the 7 Trumpets of God were given to the 7 archangels.
7-24-2016 Sunday, the angel was at the golden alter before the temple (Pioneer Day).
7-30-2016 Saturday, the first 4 archangels blew their trumpets.
7-31-2016 Sunday, the angel cried in the midst of heaven a woe to the inhabitants of the earth, the 5th angel Raphael blew the trumpet of God, unlocked the bottomless pit, and Satan and his host were released to the earth in their fury. This was also the start of the 3 1/2 year clock, of Christian persecution, 5 months of torment, and more.
8-18 to 20-2016 Thursday to Saturday, a great healing gathering occured in Utah County, Utah. All the healing angels were greatly strengthened and instructed, great amounts of light and love were sent to the earth, and this was the last healing energy class by R for several years.
8-19-2016 Friday, a blessing was given to Mother Earth to cleanse, purify and heal her and her inhabitants.
12-31-2016 Saturday, the end of the 5 months of torment started on 7-31-2016.
3-27-2017 Monday, the 6th angel Gabriel set to blow the trumpet of God.

Eight trumpets of the archangels and prophet sounded on 8-19-2016
This is a picture from my neighbor's flowering trumpet vine whom we visited.
Note that there are eight flowers blooming, or trumpeting, just like
the seven trumpeting archangels and the future prophet in Israel
who blew their trumpets of God two days earlier!