Healing angels do their healing in secret
7. Homeward Bound, Healing To Be Done In Secret

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Summary of Journal Entries below:

Entry 9-1-2015, Tuesday, at home. I had a clear direction on how I needed to be more careful on being secret and incognito in all my healing work. 

Entry 9-4-2015, Friday, at home. My daily routine with Complete Healings is reiterated here.

Entry 9-6-2015, Sunday, at home. I had an emotional experience with the song "Homeward Bound" by Marta Keen Thompson, sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I relate what I learned in this experience to the callings that we as healing angels do.

Our clients who receive healing have no idea a healing angel
assisted in their healing. This is as it should be.

Healing in Secret

A. R's Personal Journal Entry 9-1-2015:

1. Two days ago at my Sacrament meeting I partook of the sacrament and made a covenant with my Heavenly Father. He seemed to come in front of me, waiting for me to partake. Once I partook of the bread, he stepped forth and spoke to my mind:
'R, I accept your covenant which you have made today. I am pleased with your actions this past week. You are doing what I desire with your healing work. By steadily, daily working at Complete Healing and increasing the number of healing gifts you do daily, I will give you more and more of my healing power. I will lead you along and give you direction fully in your life. I love you, R!'

2. . . . Then yesterday, the last day of August, 2015, I was having my evening personal prayer. When done, I felt I received inspiration on how I should do all these Complete Healings I would be doing from now on, starting tomorrow, 9-1-2015: I felt I should act incognito in all my healing service (unless I felt specifically otherwise). I felt clearly that it is proper and well with God that I NOT tell who healed the person, or assisted in the Complete Healing. This should all be done anonymously. It is pleasing to Heavenly Father for me to be behind the scenes, acting incognito, not telling or discussing even the healing, for that might draw more attention to me, the healing angel, and not to God to whom it should all go anyway.

3. I also felt that by healing in secret, this will also give me the confidence and trust of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus, and that they will then give me more of their power to heal. Since I have no hidden motive to aggrandize myself, this too will give them more motivation to pour out healing power upon me too. I have three months left to really practice Complete Healings, now in private and secret, before I have been promised unlimited capability to do Complete Healings.

4. Starting today, no more word going out on whom I worked on or when they should be healed. Our work as healing angels is to be in secret, following the admonition of Jesus:
"That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly." (Matthew 6:4).

My healing work will now be hidden, even disguised, if needed, out of view so that the glory rightfully goes to the Father, not to man or even a healing angel.

My daily routine with Complete Healings

B. R's Personal Journal Entry 9-4-2015:

1. I have been doing Complete Healings every morning. I do this remotely, and in meditation. I always go to God's Loving Healing Center, to the domed room at first, and then to wherever I feel impressed to go. This morning I went to a wooded area to the northwest of the domed room, then to a bench by the lake and meadow, and finally to the bluff overlooking the lake. I did Complete Healings for three people–one with a muscle condition, one with anxiety, and one with autism. Each of these people came to me, I believe in these locations. I had a prayer with them, in which we jointly prayed for their healing of their specific condition. I used up today 1,460 healing gifts between them. After each prayer, I saw or perceived my healing stone light up. I took private notes in my energy work journal, a little notebook that fits in my pocket.

2. This is what I do each day now, as soon as I awaken in the mornings. It takes me about 20-30 minutes a day. I increase my energy work threshold by 40 more healing gifts per day as I have been instructed to do. I should reach a level of 5,000 healing gifts per day the first week of December, 2015. I then anticipate to be blessed to do unlimited healing gifts per day, or unlimited Complete Healings, without stressing out my body.

3. At the same time I am doing this energy work, I happen to be working physically very hard. I am building my four-season greenhouse which takes lots of my energy. I have even lost 5-10 pounds by all the hard work, sweat and digging work I am doing for the ventilation system! All during this time I have not had any migraines or other health factors besides tiredness. I am very gradually building my energy work stamina to be able to do more and more healing gifts per day.

4. All of my work, in the healing area, has been by selecting names of individuals from my volunteer list (about 70 people now). This has greatly helped me! I have numbered these individually, and placed their names, ages, and condition on a spreadsheet. Each day I pray to work on the ones God wants me to do. I energy test until I feel sure of the persons I should work on. I then look them up and what their condition is. Invariably, they meet me as a spirit in God's Loving Healing Center where I pray with them and participate in a Complete Healing session for them.

5. This is very satisfying work for me. I love helping people, and in being in the background, unnoticed in all this healing. I feel God is pleased with what I am doing.

On top of this, I also participate in helping awaken an average of 6-7 healing angels per day. I do this during the daytime. Sometimes, like at midday, I energy test and have only done 3-4 awakenings to that point in the day. However, by the end of the day it is always around 6-7 healing angels that I have helped awakened that day.

6. . . . Another thought–in my morning prayer today, I reconfirmed the appropriateness of the Complete Healing work I am doing. I felt assured that God was pleased. He gave me the impression that these healings would be taken as answers to the prayers of the clients, their family and friends, or as answers to priesthood blessing, etc. This would be so that God's needy child, receiving Complete Healing, would turn to God, not man, in full belief that the healing was from God (which it really is anyway). As I act as a healing angel, I am really a transparent participant with God, in the background, behind the scenes, in the healing of these people."

Homeward Bound
Written 9-6-2015

7. I have had an moving experience a week ago on 8-31-2015, in the evening after my evening prayer, with the song "Homeward Bound" by Marta Keen Thompson, lyrics below:
In the quiet misty morning, when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing and the sky is clear and red,
When the summer’s ceased its gleaming, when the corn is past its prime,
When adventure’s lost its meaning, I’ll be homeward bound in time.

Bind me not to the pasture. Chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.

If you find it’s me you’re missing, if you’re hoping I’ll return,
To your thought I’ll soon be list’ning; in the road I’ll stop and turn.
Then the wind will set me racing as my journey nears its end,
And the path I’ll be retracing when I’m homeward bound again.

Bind me not to the pasture. Chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.

In the quiet misty morning when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing, I’ll be homeward bound again.

8. Here is what I wrote in my personal journal the next day on 9-1-2015:
"I was next impressed to listen on my ear buds to a song by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir entitled 'Homeward Bound'. I also found the lyrics online and followed along as the choir sang. It was a very moving experience to me! I felt a witness from God that I will be entering now a new phase of my calling as a healing angel. I truly will be 'set free' to do this great, great work of healing the souls of men and women, all in quietness and in secret. I no longer will be tied down by the field or plow, symbolic of what I do in mortality to live and provide day to day. My calling will be fully led by God who has a marvelous plan to have us healing angels bless and comfort his children in distress. I almost feel God gave me this music at this time to renew and kickstart me on the grandeur of this calling as a healing angel, with the new emphasis of being quiet and in secret."

9. Below is this, my favorite rendition of "Homeward Bound", by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, arranged by Mack Wilberg. This is what I listened to on that evening of 8-31-2015:

My specific comments on the moving lyrics:
In the quiet misty morning, when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing and the sky is clear and red,
When the summer’s ceased its gleaming, when the corn is past its prime,
When adventure’s lost its meaning, I’ll be homeward bound in time.

10. For me, homeward bound is going back to the place where I used to live, to the Celestial world. I invariably come there in the domed room, and then venture forth from there. I go there in meditation every day now.

It is during the quiet times when I can meditate and go there. The description of a quiet misty morning is a perfect setting. Everything around me becomes still. I have only one focus, and that is to return home and commune with God, to do his will.
Bind me not to the pasture. Chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.

11. I so want to be done with the cares of the day, to be able to soar above the requirements of mortality, like earning a living, and departing from my trade. I want to do healing work for God, as his pure conduit. I yearn to be set free to find my calling as a healing angel, like God wants me to become. I will return to those I live with, those I want to help heal, those I love–but let me now commune with God and find his will for me today. That is what I want to be free to do today!
12. If you find it’s me you’re missing, if you’re hoping I’ll return,
To your thought I’ll soon be list’ning; in the road I’ll stop and turn.
Then the wind will set me racing as my journey nears its end,
And the path I’ll be retracing when I’m homeward bound again.

As a healing angel, I feel I am free to visit people, quietly, to help them heal. I am filled with love and yearning for them. As they think of God and yearn to be healed, I am so honored to be called by him to act as a conduit for God's healing love and light to them, their needy child. Their thoughts, raised to God, sometimes have me involved too, if I am called upon by God to help secretly bless and help heal their needs.

13. I like a lot what Bryce Haymond said in his article on Homeward Bound: "Then the wind will set me racing as my journey nears its end." When we find our calling, when we fulfill our life’s purpose, time flies. It races. We are in the flow, and it sweeps us down life’s path." I very much feel like I am finally in my calling. I feel God's wind really sets me racing on my journey.