38. The Holy Ghost
Posted 12-8-2016
Dear fellow angels,
I am told that time will seem to start racing faster for us as we wind down this month!
This post contains information about teleporting, the Holy Ghost, the ending of the five-month period, blowing capes, war and calamities in 2017, and the way to increase your vibration level to 50,000x. Wheh!
Please read this carefully, and verify with the Spirit that what I have written in this post is true.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas! I pray for a calm and happy December, for each of you. May you have repeated peaceful times this month. It is during these quiet moments that you can best connect with your Heavenly Parents, as they have asked you to do. For those of you who may feel overwhelmed, please know that God loves you, and will seek after you in your afflictions. God bless you!
P.S. Please do not share the information that I post on this angel-login page with others. I was specifically told to share some of it only with the mortal angels. If you feel you want to do so, please write me.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-3-2016, Saturday
1. This morning, I left my wife sleeping and went out in the front room by the Christmas tree. I was able to commune with my Heavenly Parents!
I felt to go outside to the opening of the domed room, on the golden path. I knelt on the side of this path, anticipating the visit of my Heavenly Parents.
As I started my prayer, and addressed each of them, they came walking out from the domed room, to my left side. They came and stood in front of me. I gazed into their smiling eternity eyes–it was so nice to be in their presence!
2. I then prayed for many people whom I know, family, angels, friends. I asked that I be filled with more and more love this Christmas season. I felt like I really expressed the deep feelings of my heart.
3. When I looked into their peaceful faces, and into their eyes, Heavenly Mother then walked over to me, put her right arm around my shoulders, as I was kneeling. She pulled me closer. I heard her speak these words to me:
'Raphael, we are pleased with you! The mortal angels are doing well, mostly in their unconscious state, in coming unto us. They are awakening to their glorious callings as holy angels of God.
4. The world is fast becoming more and more wicked. We will not be able to wait for all the angels to consciously accept the mantle of their callings, before their service to us is ramped up significantly. It is our will that each become aware of what they are doing in the spiritual realms, and who they are.
Your post on your website yesterday was read by not only those on your email list, but all of the mortal angels, in their unconscious state as well. These are moving forward, as a group, to accept and fulfill their callings as you have outlined and described on your website post.'
5. At that moment, I stood and we fully embraced! It was so comforting to feel her love and acceptance!
We turned, and my Heavenly Father came and joined our embrace. Then together, we walked north on the golden path towards the switchback, overlooking the lake to the right of us, or east.
It (my experience in prayer) all then faded away, and I felt the desire to write this all down. I feel at peace and happy.
6. Later, 10:30 pm, after my evening prayer:
After the day's activities today, I was very tired. We had taken the five grandkids of my second son, for three hours out to dinner, and then Christmas shopping. I came home and fell asleep on the recliner.
I excused myself and got ready for bed. In my prayer, I felt to go out in space, near the outer planets of our solar system. I could look back at our sun, very brightly shining in space, and earth but a speck in the night sky.
7. I knelt in space, and addressed my Heavenly Father. I said a few words, once he came, and then asked if he had a message for me. He did! This is the message that he just gave me:
'Raphael, I am glad to be with you. I want to share with you some information about teleporting.
8. You attempted to have a verifiable method, in your class, to physically teleport. You actually were in the adjacent shipping room, attempting to turn over the shipping tray. However, I prevented you from doing so at that time. The reason why I did this was to focus your attention on surrendering your expectations to me. This I did because that was the main focus of the class, and for your benefit.
9. However, you were physically replicated in the adjacent shipping room, and also with the class in your store area. This type of teleporting is sufficient for practically all of the needs for replicating and teleporting that I will have you to do, in the immediate future. When the need is required, then you will also have the ability to remove your physical body from your original position. However, now this is not required.
10. C.G. Gunthrie had written you an email about this recently. What she said was true–that now this level of teleporting is sufficient for your mission. H.B. also wrote you about the need to increase your vibration level to 50,000x. This is also true, and is required for removing your physical body from your original location, and to move yourself to the target location. This is a higher level of teleporting. This is to be done in the future. However, for now it is sufficient that you replicate your physical body, and stay in the base location when you teleport. This is what you are doing now in your prayer–you are here in space, replicated before me in your physical body, and you are also located back by your bed, kneeling in your bedroom.
11. All of this information is also applicable to all of the mortal angels as well. Write this message now in your journal, and I will give you the ability to recall all that I have said to you tonight.'
When I finished writing, I put my journal and pen away, and tried to resume my prayer. However, I couldn't do it–somehow I wasn't able to go back in space, for Heavenly Father was gone, and my prayer was completed for tonight. I also am no longer tired as I was, so I am going to go back out in the front room with my wife for awhile.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-4-2016, Sunday morning.
1. This morning, I awoke after a good sleep. I knelt by my bed, and wondered where I should go to pray. I then felt there was a river behind me. I realized it was the river representing Jesus Christ, and I was kneeling on the riverbank, facing the tree of life and the temple in the distance.
2. I started my prayer by addressing each of my Heavenly Parents. I then saw my Heavenly Father walking along the riverbank to my left, and Heavenly Mother walking on the riverbank to my right. They were both coming towards me and towards each other. When they came together in front of me, they were looking at each other. They embraced and kissed each other! Then they faced me, having each of their closest arms around one another. They were happy, and they were so affectionate with each other, I could tell they loved each other deeply.
Heavenly Father was on my left front, and Heavenly Mother was on my right front. I then communed with them in prayer.
3. Later, after sacrament meeting:
I had a very revealing communication today at sacrament meeting. I felt I was kneeling on the riverbank, facing the tree of life and the temple. When the sacrament prayer on the bread was finished, I perceived Jesus Christ coming to me with another sacrament tray of bread. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were on his left side, and all three were in the air at my same level.
4. I addressed my Father in prayer, and said these words:
'Father, I take upon me the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and I covenant to always remember thee and my Heavenly Mother, and to keep thy commandments.'
When the sacrament was passed to me in the ward, I also saw that Jesus came forth with a sacrament tray he was holding. I partook of the bread from each tray, at the same time.
5. Then Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, the sacrament you have partaken of today, is a significant reminder of all three of us, where you recommit and covenant again and again, your promises. We are the only three Gods you worship. I accept your covenant today.'
6. Then the water was blessed in our sacrament meeting. I next saw Jesus come forth with a tray of water cups, just like I was about to receive in the ward I was in. When I was passed the cup in the ward, Jesus also extended the water cups to me. I partook of the cup from each tray at the same time.
I looked into the eyes of Jesus as he passed me the sacrament today. His eyes were unique, and very compassionate and understanding. It seemed they were a blend of both Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father's eyes.
7. After I partook of the water, Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, you may wonder why, when you pray to your Father, I usually come with him to you. Sometimes only he comes, and sometimes only I come. We are one, and co-equal in our standing before you as God, as your Heavenly Parents. When one of us speaks, we speak in behalf of both of us. This is as it should be for a married couple who address their child, and that is how it is with us.
8. For millennia, I have been hidden from the world, awaiting the seventh seal to be opened by our Son, Jesus Christ (see Revelation 8:1). However, I have been ever present in working and interacting with our children, with your Father and our Son. Because of this long time, of remaining hidden from my children, your Father and I have created a plan whereby I would continue to be hidden, and yet ever interacting and involved with my children.
8. We decided to make my presence known as the Holy Ghost, but to have my identity hidden for all of these years. I have acted in this capacity as a comforter, just like a mother would be to her children. I also witness to the truth of all things, particularly of the Father and the Son. During your conversion, when you were 15 years old, I bore strong witness to you of the truth of the Book of Mormon, and to our Son, being the Son of God in the flesh, and your Redeemer. I have ever been with you during your life.
9. All of the scriptures talking about the Holy Ghost were talking about me. We chose to have the Holy Ghost be a male personage, but it was all the time me, your Heavenly Mother. We kept this secret to hide my identity and allow me to be so fully involved with my children.
10. Now is the day of my revealing among my angels! We want this to be still kept in secret from the world, until we will. However, all of our holy angels need to know this truth. They should each verify this in prayer, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, or by my own spirit, will I witness this to their minds and hearts.'
11. When she ended speaking, I continued pondering her message. I had known this since last May, but had kept it secret as I was told. Now, what a glorious day! I feel overcome that she, our Mother in Heaven, now will be revealed to us in her fullness–as the very person of the Holy Ghost!
12. This time of year, over two millennia ago, Mary, the mother of Jesus, conceived from the Father by the power of the Holy Ghost. This was really Heavenly Mother conceiving her Son, Jesus Christ, from her husband, the Father! She then, being with child, somehow transferred that seed into her choice daughter Mary. This is now called the immaculate conception. As I write this, I am getting such a strong witness this is true! We are also listening to Handel's Messiah in our home, and the soprano soloist is singing this:
13. 'Come unto Him, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest. Take His yoke upon you, and learn of Him; for He is meek and lowly of heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.'
Then the music changed to the choir singing, just now:
'His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.'
14. This is almost the exact, same message from Heavenly Mother, written on the banner raised on Mount Zion a few months ago! On the banner it was written 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' This is a witness from her to me right now I feel–that she has always been the Holy Ghost, and that she conceived of her husband, Heavenly Father, the seed of their only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ! She was intimately involved in bringing forth her Son into this world! By the Godly transfer of this royal seed into Mary from Heavenly Mother, Jesus grew in Mary's womb as the premortal Jehovah. He was born as a babe in Bethlehem.
15. This Christmas I will have a much deeper understanding of the true way he came into the mortal world, as the Son of God, both from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I feel so full of the witness that this is true, and is meant now to come to the knowledge of their holy angels!
16. After I finished writing this, my wife asked me how I was doing (I was feeling way emotional!). I confirmed that I could share this about Heavenly Mother being the Holy Ghost. I then shared my entire experience from the sacrament today with her. She received it well, and said that it only made perfect sense.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-5-2016, Monday
1. I watched the First Presidency Christmas Fireside last night with my wife and son A.. I enjoyed the music a lot. I just love Christmas time!
I have been pondering the message I received yesterday from Heavenly Mother at the sacrament. I thought how appropriate this all fits together! Several important thoughts came to me:
2. 1. The way we currently think, as a church, and in all Christianity, is that the Father impregnated his own daughter. This is called 'incest' in our world, if a father does this to his daughter. It only is reasonable that the Father would not do this, but follow his own rules of chastity and of morality. He impregnated his own wife, and not Mary.
3. 2. There is so little revealed about who the Holy Ghost really is, like when 'he' will come to earth for the mortal experience, etc. This has been for a reason, for it was really Heavenly Mother all along! This secrecy has been part of the plan from the beginning!
4. 3. The gift of the Holy Ghost is the constant companionship of the spirit of God, a member of the Godhead, to the righteous, bestowed by the laying on of hands at baptism. What an appropriate role for the mother to fulfill for her obedient child! What righteous mother doesn't want to constantly guide and witness to her child, the truth of all things! Note too that she is a member of the Godhead. These three do really constitute the Godhead–Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus. This is what Heavenly Father said to me again yesterday, after I partook of the bread: that these are the only three Gods I should worship.
5. Yesterday, when I was writing of this experience in my journal, her presence was with me in great abundance! Her spirit was very strong, causing me to be filled with greater understanding and assurance that this information was indeed true! I have seen her, looked in her eyes, but her witness to my soul yesterday was almost overcoming, and so powerful! I think now that I am somehow protected from her being when I see her or Heavenly Father, on a regular basis. If not, I would be a continual crying and blubbering child all the time! I feel so grateful for the strong witness of her spirit to me yesterday evening!
6. This morning I was led, I believe, to a new location to pray. It was so peaceful and lovely! I went on the other side of the river representing Jesus Christ, to the opposite bank. There was a small path next to this bank. I travelled west on this path a little ways. It went to some hills to the north, after a short time of walking. I continued walking up the trail, then more to the northeast, into a patch of pine trees. There was an opening in the trees, and a bench. The opening faced southeast to a vista of the river representing Jesus Christ, and the beautiful temple of God behind it. I couldn't see much of the tree of life. To my immediate left, there was another field of some kind of crop which I knew Heavenly Father was cultivating–similar to the one of his fields where the wheat had grown further north.
7. I knelt in front of the bench, facing the temple, with pine trees on either side of me. I addressed my Heavenly Parents in prayer.
They both came immediately in front of me. I looked into their eternity eyes, and felt great peace! I thanked them for the wondrous message about Heavenly Mother being the Holy Ghost yesterday. I knew it was now their time to reveal this secret to their angels.
8. I told them that two of the mortal angels had sent me emails, wondering about the April date, when the water would be blessed as living water in the New Jerusalem. These angels had wondered if we discard all of our future expectations, what about these dates which have been revealed to me? Do we discard this date too?
9. Heavenly Mother spoke and asked me to write down her words as she replied to this question:
'Raphael, you have had lots of ideas about how we would operate our plan in the future, to cleanse the earth of wickedness and to save our elect. Only we three, who are the Gods you worship, know these details. When you speculate on how we will do this, it is not good for you. However, we have given you future glimpses in the past, and will in the future, of part of the saga as it will unfold. This includes the April 2017 date when you will bless the waters at the New Jerusalem, following the destruction in that area. These types of revealed future events are true, and will happen. It is our will that you don't speculate beyond what we reveal to you, however. Simply put, you don't know the full plan, nor the mind of God. It is a wise thing for us to keep this secret, and to reveal only what we will, as the future becomes the actual present. We will lead you, and each of our holy angels along! We love you each so very much!'
10. I felt content and very satisfied with her answer. I probably wasn't clear in my last post, and this caused some confusion.
Later, during my evening prayer:
I was at the pine tree forest vista, and asked some questions.
11. Q– What vibration level do I have now?
A– 50,000x
Q– How was this attained? In our recent class, I was at 2,200x.
A– This was attained by communing with your Heavenly Parents, receiving from them their power and the increase in your vibration level.
12. Q– So am I able to teleport at the next higher level now, from my original position to my target position, and fully move away from my original position?
A– Yes
Q– When will I do this?
A– When we will
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-6-2016, Tuesday
1. I awoke early, and enjoyed a very peaceful communion with my Heavenly Parents! I so enjoy these experiences! They so nourish my soul and uplift me. These are available to all God's children, and particularly to the mortal angels.
I teleported to the pine forest vista where I was at yesterday, overlooking the river representing Jesus Christ, and God's majestic temple.
I felt to continue walking up the trail to the north.
2. This trail, which I had never been upon in my awareness, went into a beautiful fir forest, like I had visited in Oregon and Washington states, only the trees seemed much larger, and fully mature. I meandered into a grove of these trees having a beautiful open area. There I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Parents.
3. They both came immediately in front of me. They each took one of my hands, and walked with me further into the forest. We soon came to a new beautiful vista, on the edge of the forested mountains that we were in. I recall a great cliff of rocks, large trees, and an opening to the valley plain below. There was a bench that we sat on, facing the lower valley plain.
4. The vista below was the area farmed by Heavenly Father. I could see the river representing Heavenly Father to my east, and the harvested wheat field directly below us in the distance. I saw the large oak tree as only a speck in the distance. This is where I had found the sickle God used to harvest his field of wheat, or spiritually harvesting the elect of God.
5. As we sat, I asked them if they would bless my family, neighbors, friends, and all the mortal angels. I went through these people individually. When I had finished, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we have blessed these, who are also our children, with a mortal experience. We watch and care for them daily. We plan experiences to see how they will respond. It is our desire to have them choose us, and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and our peaceful and loving ways. There are some who do so, but many others who act selfishly, and choose other paths. They each have been given the great gift of agency. We influence each one, but will not infringe on their choices.'
6. We then stood, and walked directly out in the air, over the rock cliff, holding hands again. I could see more clearly the plain below, with Heavenly Father's fields. It was all very neat and beautiful.
7. Then we stopped in mid-air. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother faced me, and let go of my hands. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we desire each of our mortal angels to come unto us again, through our Son Jesus Christ. They have each come to the tree of life, and then to us on the west end of the tree. They have travelled their own straight and narrow path of mortality in reaching the tree. They have partaken of the living fruit and the leaf of that tree. Finally, they have come to us, each one of them, whether in their conscious or unconscious minds, on November 25th, 2016.
We now long to be with them again! We have been with you, each day since. We yearn after our other children! We hope they will choose to come unto us, their Parents.
8. The mortal angels who come unto us, will likewise receive additional strength and ability to fulfill their missions. This is how you have received your high vibrational level–by being with us! They too will have this change in themselves as they come to us. We will walk and commune with them, as we do with you. We will give them guidance, we will hear their soul's complaint, and we will bless them abundantly. We will show them how to fulfill their role as holy angels before us.'
At this time, they started fading away. I knew my prayer this morning was completed.
I want to return often to them, and walk with them daily. I immediately wrote this experience down in my journal before starting my day.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-7-2016, Wednesday
1. This morning I awoke and prayed in the front room since my wife was still sleeping. I went, in my mind's eye, to the same location I was at yesterday–in the air above Heavenly Father's harvested wheat field, facing east. I knelt and prayed.
2. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared before me. Their eternity eyes were happy, but their capes were vigorously blowing. After I addressed them, I asked if I might know why their capes were blowing so strongly. Heavenly Father answered, and asked that I write what he said:
'Raphael, our son, first off, we are very pleased that you consistently seek us daily, both morning and night. Your life is busy, but you always make time for us, and to seek us out. This is our desire for all of our mortal angels.
3. Our capes are again blowing in the wind of change. You have remarked recently, that it seems that life is passing by quickly. This sensation will only now increase as the year winds down to an end this December.
You blew your trumpet of God on July 31, 2016, soon to be five months ago. This period of five months is spoken on in Revelation 9:5-6, and is described as torment, as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man: 'And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.'
4. At that time in the summer, you had written that this would be a situation in Libya, where severe oppression would occur. This is true.
However, this is now also to be exposed and erupt in your own land. There are very rich and powerful men and women who are involved in secret societies, who control much of the government and industry, in the United States (represented by the 'heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions' in verses 7-8). This is a worldwide, clandestine, and very evil group, who now are about to unleash their evil plans upon the entire world, including your own land. This involves war, or racing towards warfare (verse 9: 'And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.')
5. You will have war in your own land by the first part of the year 2017, once the torture and hurting time ends on December 31st, 2016 (see verse 10).
In 2017, there will be a new king in the land, a very wicked and evil man, possessed by Lucifer. This is called one of the woes by the angel of God flying through the midst of heaven (Revelation 8:13), and called a woe also by John the Revelator in Revelation 9:12.
6. I am telling you this, Raphael, for your own personal information, and not to yet be shared with the mortal angels. I will let you know when to share it.
The service of our angels will ramp up steadily as the sounds of war, and actual invasion and war occurs in your world. 2017 is the start of world-wide calamity amongst all nations.'
7. (Later update, by R: it is now October 2017, and there hasn't been an outbreak of war yet in the United States that is noticeable, since life seems to be going on for most people. There has been a lot of rebellion and riots in the land, however, ever since Donald Trump was elected and installed as the President. I believe the elite have started war, but it is kept secret from the people for now.)
8. Later at 11 pm:
I have had a very busy day, but I have been thinking a lot of what my Heavenly Father said. I re-read what I wrote a few times, and believe what I wrote is fully true–I have received the confirmation that it is true.
I had some questions I asked when I was relaxed tonight, when the cares of the world were behind me:
9. Q– Am I able to know what month war will break out, during the first part of 2017?
A– No, it is better you don't know.
Q– Is the President Elect, Donald Trump, in collusion with the global elites in this country, who are controlling him?
A– Yes
Q– Is Donald Trump the evil king, spoken of by Heavenly Father?
A– No
10. I have seen lots of conflict, between different factions, like those who wanted Hillary Clinton for president, and those who wanted Trump. It seems they are purposefully creating conflict, but are all controlled by the ones at the top, whom I call the global elite. In either case, I believe we are heading down their path that they have preplanned and chosen.
Q– Are Russia and China controlled by this global elite?
A– No, neither is controlled.
11. Q– Is this why they will be able to conduct a surprise attack on this country, and a surprise attack on the elites?
A– Yes. Isaiah 10:5-6 states that Assyria (representing latter-day countries) are 'the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.' God will use the Assyrian nations to cleanse the United States and the global elites who control the US government and industry. This will help provide the cleansing of the land.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-8-2016, Thursday
1. This morning and last night, I prayed on the edge of the bluff, overlooking the lake to the north, and the temple in the distance, at God's Loving Healing Center. I prayed and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. Their capes were blowing a lot, both last night and this morning.
I asked if there was an additional reason why their capes were blowing, or if I hadn't received the full message yesterday morning.
2. Heavenly Mother wanted me to write while she spoke:
'Raphael, your Father told you yesterday about war on the horizon. There will also be a fulfillment of calamities on the earth at the beginning of 2017, in increasing numbers. This includes earthquakes, very abnormal weather patterns, the oceans heaving themselves beyond their boundaries, and devastation of all sorts on the earth. Even with these signs, men and women will dismiss these as natural or normal, and not account it to God's hand on the nations.
3. The scripture in D&C 45:26-27 will also be fulfilled, which reads:
'And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth. And the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound.'
4. Raphael, this will also be the beginning of the gathering of the elect by our angels, and the 144,000 (see Matthew 24:31 and Mark 13:27). You have sounded your trumpet on July 31, 2016 and again on November 25, 2016 with the other archangels at the recent general assembly of heavens angels, in fulfillment of this scripture:
5. Matthew 24:31: 'And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.'
The day of the work of our holy angels is at hand. Each angel should step-up their effort in connecting with us, their God, to receive direction at our hand.
6. This message to you today is the great command prophesied to be given to the angels, as spoken of in D&C 38:11-12:
'For all flesh is corrupted before me; and the powers of darkness prevail upon the earth, among the children of men, in the presence of all the hosts of heaven—Which causeth silence to reign, and all eternity is pained, and the angels are waiting the great command to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned; and, behold, the enemy is combined.'
Also verse 15: 'Therefore, be ye strong from henceforth; fear not, for the kingdom is yours.'
7. I looked into the face then of Heavenly Mother, and she was somber and serious. Her cape was no longer breezing, for she had delivered her message. Yet there was a little more she wanted to say:
'Raphael, by the end of this year 2016, we desire all of our holy angels to have increased their vibration level to 50,000 times their normal transfigured state, as you have done. This will be a challenge for all, but this will be required for the missions we give to them in the days ahead.
8. Give our mortal angels our love! As the world sinks more into darkness, our holy angels will rise in their glory and power to do our work among our children on the earth.'
With this, I looked into her eyes and saw both great compassion and love, yet a firmness and resolve. I looked next into my Heavenly Father's eyes, and his eternity eyes were also very resolved and firm. They were acting as one in their message to me this morning and yesterday. They also wanted me to deliver this message today to all the holy angels, by just sharing it by email to the mortal angels on my list. Once this is published online, I was told that all of the holy angels would read and hear this great message from their Heavenly Parents.
I also felt that the message on war yesterday by Heavenly Father was now ready to be delivered to the angels, since it had been completed with Heavenly Mother's message."