66. Messages for the New Year 2018
Posted 1-16-2018
Happy New Year!
I hope you all enjoyed a happy holiday season, and have a bright outlook for the New Year!
This year promises to be very active for we who are angels. Each of you have received a blessing this past week to help you with the heavier workload that God has said will come to us in the celestial realms. Our Heavenly Parents want us all to improve our thought control so we can become happier and also be more effective servants.
There has been some very exciting revelations you will want to read, ponder and confirm too that are in this post. I hope none of you are getting complacent–please verify in prayer that what I have received is truly from our Heavenly Parents!
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 28, 2017 Thursday
1. Last night and this morning I came to a position just left of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. Here I prepared myself for my prayer and knelt, facing west. My glorious Heavenly Parents came to me in the air just over the cliff! They were smiling, full of brightness and love for me. I felt very comfortable in their presence!
I thanked them to have the opportunity to be before them today. I then asked if they had anything to share with me. Heavenly Father gave me the direction to write his words as he would speak them to me. Here are his words:
2. 'Raphael, we are pleased with the post that you have prepared to send out, wherein we showed you in vision the birth of our son, Jesus Christ. We are able to share with our children visions and dreams in our celestial world as we wish, whether past, present or future. We see all of these before us continually. You cannot see now how we will lead you and what great things we will reveal through you. You need to be in an open state, with no expectations, and continue coming unto us in prayer and communion. This will allow us to reveal these great events and revelations through you as we will.
3. Likewise, we desire all our holy angels who are having their mortal experience, to come unto us in a similar way as you are doing. We want to reveal to each of them great things too. All that we show you we will also show them if they come unto us in the humility and sincerity of their hearts. This promise is true for all of our elect, for our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments!'
4. Heavenly Mother then spoke when Heavenly Father was finished:
'Raphael, now is also the great day of my revealing to my children! I have kept hidden since the days of Mother Eve, but am now more open and visible to those who have faith to see me and know that I am. During the long six millennia of earth's temporal existence since the fall of man, I have hidden myself as the Holy Ghost. However, now my station among my children as their Holy Heavenly Mother will be more and more revealed. In the millennial day, I will be known among many of my dear children as their Heavenly Mother. When my children are baptized in the Church of Christ and are commanded to receive the Holy Ghost, they will know this is I, their loving Heavenly Mother, who will be with them. This true knowledge of God will be revealed among all mankind on earth.
5. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, and I will frequently visit you and our people in the celestial city, the New Jerusalem. You will also be able to see us with your physical or natural eyes in that day, whereas now you see us in your unconscious mind. I look forward to being with you and our elect on the earth in that day!'
I thanked them each deeply for their comforting words. I love them so very much and I love the privilege to come into their presence so frequently. I feel very ready now to start my day.
When I was finishing up my prayer, I saw my Heavenly Parents take my replicated self by my hands and walk out into the sky just west of the cliff where I was kneeling. I began my mortal day, but continued to be directed by them in the celestial realms above!
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 29, 2017 Friday
1. I finished editing the newest post, #65, late last night. I plan to insert the audio/video and then send it out this morning.
I came this morning to the small granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank of the water below at the start of the mountain stream, and then knelt on the granite cliff facing west. I invited my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from the skies to the south as I maneuvered myself to face them.
2. I gazed into their loving and happy faces. I felt so glad to see them smiling and pleased with me! I asked them some personal things and then waited upon God. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, our son, we are pleased with what you have written in your post #65. We will extend to all who come unto us in humility and faith the same visions you experienced in seeing Jesus Christ as a baby in the cave. You are correct in witnessing that all of our angels were present and saw our Beloved Son, Jesus, in the cave at the time right after his birth in mortality. They all bore witness to the shepherds of the advent of our chosen Messiah to the earth. This was a spectacular event!'
3. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this wonderful experience in witnessing my Savior as a baby in Bethlehem. I expressed a great desire to be clear and pure before them, open, with no expectations, so that they would be able to continue to reveal to me great things like this. I also expressed how glad I was to be in their presence this morning.
4. I had seen a house in Payson yesterday that my wife and I were considering buying. It was occupied by people having low-end government-subsidized housing. I was shocked by the terrible conditions I saw, how the mother was hooked on addictions and her five children were all crammed into the very messy and dark living conditions. I saw a little boy watching TV. I felt he had a very rough upbringing and that it would be easy for him to follow a life of addiction and poverty. I asked my Heavenly Mother about people like these that I saw yesterday. I wondered how they could be helped.
'Raphael, there are, unfortunately, many living on earth now who have poor ways, live with addictions, and have little hope in improving themselves. However, we seek to give each child of God opportunities in their lives to rise above the poverty and poor conditions they are born into. They each may choose improved thoughts and habits, thus elevating themselves to a happier life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan of happy living, but change is difficult for many people. Generational habits and patterns are not easy to overcome. Satan and his hosts seek the misery of all mankind, to keep them in subjugation. Every one of our children has the opportunity to improve themselves, whether in mortality or in the world of the spirits after their death. We continue to encourage these by our Spirit and influence from our servants to improve their situations and control their lives more and more.
6. In the millennial day of peace and rest, there will be no poverty among the righteous. All people will find a greater measure of happiness and purpose in their lives. Lucifer and his devils will be bound, the Spirit of God will be abundant, and the earth will be renewed. Those who live into these happy times and those who are born in the millennial days, will be greatly blessed.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. Until the millennial day when Satan is bound, we will have sin, addictions, great poverty and difficult situations like I saw yesterday. I feel so grateful to be in more control of my life, my habits, thoughts and actions.
I concluded my prayer and began my day. It is sunny and bright. I love this weather!
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 30, 2017 Saturday
1. During my prayer last night, I came to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. My Heavenly Parents came from the sky to the south and stood before me. I gazed upon their faces and glorious beings in front of me. However, my mind was not sufficiently clear to see them and concentrate sufficiently on their presence, for my mind was continually plagued with thoughts of the projects I needed to do! This was a real bother to me! I realized I have little control of my thoughts! I kept swiping through my mind with my right spirit hand and then capturing the thought in that hand and then wiping it away with the palm of my left hand. This helped, but the thoughts of projects often came back again and again!
2. I apologized to my Heavenly Parents for my lack of control over my thoughts! I asked them to help me. Heavenly Father spoke and said Heavenly Mother and he were understanding, and were still glad to come to me in my prayer. I felt very weak, being so plagued by wandering thoughts. I soon closed my prayer and went to bed.
I awoke at 7:00 AM and came into the adjacent room for meditation and prayer. I again came into the presence of my Heavenly Parents, this time at the base of the granite cliff, next to the source of the mountain stream coming out of the ground.
3. I was able to gaze upon my Heavenly Parents. I said a few things and then waited upon God. Heavenly Mother spoke to me the following:
'Raphael, it is not easy to control your thoughts when you have a lot happening in your life. Last night and this morning your thoughts have been prone to wander onto the projects you wish to do. There is no sin in this, but it does interrupt the flow of mental clarity and perception that comes from your unconscious mind during your meditation and prayers with us.'
'I am very sorry, Heavenly Mother, for my lack of control of my thoughts! I would like to learn how to better control myself, my mind particularly, in the time when I pray with thee and Heavenly Father. I would also like to know what goals or plans I might make for the New Year coming up in two days. I want to occupy myself with goals that will please thee and be congruent with thy plans for my life and activity in the future.'
'Raphael, we are pleased when our children seek to improve themselves and stretch themselves in ways they feel impressed as they counsel with us, their Gods.
6. As for you specifically, we are orchestrating your life and guiding you daily. We have plans for you that you are not aware of that will be very impacting on you and important for your mission. Therefore, we desire that you do not set goals or objectives for the New Year that relate to actions and results. Instead, have personal character improvement goals, such as controlling your thoughts. There are many you could do, including increasing your love, better connecting with people, and having a better connection with us when in prayer. These are more character improvements that will be helpful to you in fulfilling your mission before us and in self-improvement.
7. For objectives and goals that relate to accomplishment of tasks and results, we want you to avoid these. Allow life to flow to you, the positive and negative, without fighting how life turns out. We are orchestrating and planning your life and the events we bring to you. Flow with the life we plan and you will find the greatest contentment and peace. We will bring into your life the events, actions, and results we desire.'
I thanked Heavenly Mother for her counsel and guidance. I asked if the other angels in mortality have their lives orchestrated like this too, and whether her counsel is similar for them?
'Raphael, we are also orchestrating every life of each mortal angel who allows us to do so. They, too, would do well to flow with the life that comes to them, both the positive and the negative in living. We have many actions for each to do also, in increasing amounts as we go into the New Year, 2018.
9. We also encourage all our mortal angels to increase their control over their thoughts, increase the love and service, and develop godly attributes that will enhance their lives. We love each one dearly, and yearn to be close to them.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful and encouraging words! I expressed deep love to her and Heavenly Father. I feel so blessed to be with them this new morning
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 31, 2017 Sunday
1. I felt to come to the fountain of living water in the celestial world. I drank from it three times. I had a premonition something was going to happen with bad weather in heaven. I made sure I was facing north and kneeling next to the golden altar, for this is how I felt I should be situated.
2. I then prayed for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. I prayed with uplifted hands. I saw clearly some dark clouds to the north over Lake Beautiful. Then my Heavenly Parents came before me. They were firm in their visage, neither was smiling. Their eyes were like lightning, particularly those of my Heavenly Father! There were little bursts of wind from different directions it seemed, like just before a storm. The wind was visibly ruffling the robes and hair of my Heavenly Parents. I saw lightning bursting in the sky, and lightning hit the ground around us. I kept kneeling until the lightning came, then I prostrated myself before my Heavenly Parents.
'Raphael, come with us and see the wickedness of the world!'
I stood and was immediately removed to a scene on earth, standing in the air between my Heavenly Parents. We were in a darkened area, in the home of one of the rental places I had recently seen in Payson, Utah, which was for sale. There were five children and a mother in tight quarters and in a very bad situation; she was intoxicated and the children were up to lots of mischief. Her older daughter was outside the home with her boyfriend and into drugs and sex it seemed. The other children were unsupervised and it was a very bad feeling.
4. This is where my prayer ended last night! I have thought of this awful scene through the night. Now that I have written what I felt I saw, I am going to pray this morning.
I came again to my prayer in front of the fountain of living waters. I drank again, seeking to be clear in my perceptions of what I would see today. I knelt and was again immediately in front of my Heavenly Parents, with dark clouds all around us in heaven. Heavenly Mother spoke:
5. 'Raphael, what you have seen in Payson, Utah, with that one family in the most despicable living conditions, is repeated many times over your nation and in the world in which you live. Satan and his minions have these in subjugation, and the love in the hearts of men and women has grown cold. They only think of themselves and their own needs and pleasures and not of others! Their iniquity has grown to where they are fully ripened in sin and iniquity.'
6. I then saw that the earth was darkened by reason of these wicked people and from the influence of the adversary upon the land. I saw the earth groan under the weight of sin. I saw more and more earthquakes, calamities and destructions on her surface.
I then had a change of scene: I was in a large city in a very rich hotel or building of some kind. There were six men gathered around a table discussing how they would destroy nations and many peoples all across the earth! These were the most powerful men of the earth, incredibly wealthy, and all controlled by Lucifer. They wielded power of industries and leaders of nations.
'Raphael, these powerful men on earth are finishing their plans of destruction of many people throughout the earth. They feel they are above all control of anyone, even God. They are ruled by Lucifer, whose desire is to control and subjugate all mankind. We will use their sinister and evil mechanizations for a time, and then turn their destructions on their own heads. Through them will come the full end of all nations, through war and calamity.'
8. I next saw, above the darkened earth, the work of angels significantly increasing. I saw that we who are angels and messengers of God, were protected against the calamity and destructions coming to the earth. I saw we were blessing and delivering the righteous elect who were caught in awful situations of war, famine and destructions of all varieties. I saw that we immediately responded to every command from God. Our work was greatly increased as the world fell into chaos and gross darkness, where civilization seemed to end.
9. I then spoke to my Heavenly Parents who were before me:
'Oh Father and Mother, I humbly pray to thee, after having perceived all of these things that thou hast shown to me. In behalf of the angels and other servants of God and myself, we commit to be valiant in all our service to thee. We commit to act quickly and decisively when given commands from thee. We promise to act in faith and valor in this great work in front of us! We ask thee to strengthen us to fulfill all that we are asked to do!'
10. I have no idea when all of these visions will occur, but I believe it will be soon. In the meantime, I am going to work on improving my character and seek to be more loving and Christ-like. I will seek to respond immediately when God commands.
I expressed my love to my Heavenly Parents who were before me. I realized my morning prayer was ending, so I concluded this in the name of Jesus Christ.
11. Later, after church–My wife and I attended church at the same time as our son's ward. We went to a local ward. At the ward, I felt like I was again to go to the fountain of living water where I was this morning during my prayer. When the sacrament song was sung, I knelt facing the fountain, looking north. I could see Heavenly Father standing in the middle, on his left was Heavenly Mother and on his right was Jesus Christ. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant that you have made today, to take upon you the name of our Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
12. We have shown you last night and this morning when we ourselves were upset at the wicked on the earth. The world is full of iniquity! We are thinking the thoughts of vengeance against them to create the feelings and actions of calamities and cleansing that needs to be initiated at this time. We will continue to generate more tribulations in the future also, among our wayward children, to cleanse the world and to prepare the earth for a glorious world.
13. We have shown you that there will be more administrations of angels and other servants during these difficult days for our elect. You have correctly written what you perceived and saw in your conscious mind last night and this morning in your prayers.
14. Raphael, sometimes you are not sure what you perceive, since it may seem vague in your mind. However, as you write, it all starts flowing and then accurately becomes recorded exactly as to what happened in your replicated self. Continue to have faith in us and seek us diligently as you have been doing.'
The priests then blessed the water of the sacrament.
'Raphael, we are pleased to come to you! We cannot come before you for long with firm faces and angered eyes. We naturally love our children and love those who serve us as you do. We will most often appear to you with our happy faces, but will continue to occasionally come to you with expressions of anger and being upset with the wicked. As your Heavenly Father said, we do this to initiate feelings that will initiate calamities and the actions we desire to bring upon the world.'
16. After Heavenly Mother spoke, we immediately went into the remainder of the meeting. At the end, we concluded with a favorite hymn of mine that had particular significance for me today: p. 215 "Ring Out, Wild Bells". I really like the message of stanzas 2 & 3 about ringing out the false and darkness and ringing in the true and the Christ that is to be:"
"1. Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light.
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
The year is dying in the night,
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
2. Ring out the old, ring in the new.
Ring, happy bells, across the snow.
The year is going; let him go.
Ring out the false; ring in the true.
The year is going; let him go.
Ring out the false; ring in the true.
3. Ring in the valiant men and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand.
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.
Ring out the darkness of the land;
Ring in the Christ that is to be."
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 1, 2018 Monday
1. This morning I made my way to the white gate in the celestial world. I was admitted and came on my knees before Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. He came more and more into focus and grew brighter too. I so love gazing into his compassionate and loving face! His eternity eyes are so distinctive and accepting!
I thanked him to have redeemed me from my sins. I expressed my great desire to be filled more and more with the love of God towards my fellowmen. I desire to take time for people, particularly my family, loved ones and friends.
'Raphael, I will fill you with my love as you serve my children, the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Parents. We will send you more and more to bless, heal, rescue and protect them. As conditions deteriorate in the world you live in, they will recognize your unseen visits to them as God blessing and directly helping them. Those who may see you will know you are sent from the presence of God. These experiences will bring you more and more love and compassion for God's children, that which you seek to possess. I feel so glad to work closely with you, Raphael, and the other angels, in this great effort in saving the elect of God!'
3. Jesus was wearing his scarlet-red robe and was so very sincere and loving to me! We embraced and he sent me on my way down the straight and narrow path to the tree of life.
I soon came to the tree and plucked a white glowing fruit and a leaf. I then took these to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I ate these on a bench in the trees. I thought of increasing my love for my fellowmen as I ate the fruit of the tree of life. I sought for more clarity in my mind and strength in my physical body as I ate the leaf of the tree of life. I then went to the water's edge and drank more living water, in preparation for my communion with my Heavenly Parents.
4. I thought that my journal entries I have been writing about are all my personal accounts of my encounters with God. These are all so very personal! I know of my own sincerity and accuracy in recording them. I seek to write exactly as I experience my encounters with God. I cannot imagine any of this, but only write what I visualize and perceive spiritually, as I connect to my unconscious self, my replicated celestial self in the celestial world. I have come gradually to know that I am also located there when I commune with God these days. This transition has occurred gradually over the years. It is a very real experience to me and very personal. I still struggle with perceiving God's presence at times, but overall I see them clearer and more real before me, more and more as I persist in approaching them.
5. Their words of comfort and direction, their revelations are amazing to me! I have been led gradually to the point where I find myself now, at the beginning day of 2018. I feel more confident, more filled with love, and much happier and content with my life than before. I feel settled and at peace in my life. I know God will continue to guide and direct me in my future life. I have purpose and a mission to fulfill. I know that what I am to do will be revealed to me at the moment I am to act. I feel assured that I will successfully do all that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother ask of me, for they will strengthen and bless me to accomplish all they want me to do. I have no other expectations, but wait patiently for their guidance and commands. I love God so very much!
6. I feel so very empowered with a developing skill to control my thoughts, regardless of the circumstances and events I find myself in. I know that my thoughts create my feeling or emotions, my actions and the results in my life. I know I can rethink any thoughts to become happier and more settled in life. I can also replace my thoughts to bring about what feelings and actions I select and desire. This all is so very empowering to me.
7. I seek to align my thoughts with those of God, my Heavenly Father, my Heavenly Mother and my Savior Jesus Christ. I want to develop similar character as I see them possess as I interact with them. I feel so very privileged to commune with them directly twice a day! This is so amazing to me and yet it is real.
8. I know I am a man with great weaknesses, which keep me humble. I see that these can become strengths to me, however, as I recognize these weak areas in myself and seek God's help to improve them. Through God, all change is possible (see Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.").
9. It is with these feelings that I approach my Heavenly Parents this morning in the maple tree grove on the shores of Lake Beautiful in the celestial world! I am even amazed that I know this world in that celestial orb so very well. I have come to love this world where God dwells in peace and happiness. I love to be there, to interact with the beings I see there, particularly God–my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, the Son. I love working with the angels and other committed servants of God too, in behalf of the elect of God on the earth and in the celestial world that will yet come forth. This all is such a major part of my life!
10. I knelt down in the maple grove on the lush ground between the towering trees, facing the nearby lake. I raised my hands above my head and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. They then walked from the lake in front of me, through the trees, to a location just before me. They were each smiling, Heavenly Father on my front left and Heavenly Mother on my front right! They were full of light and beaming with love and happiness. How could I not want to come into their presence daily?! I love them so fully and am eager to hear their words of love and direction, as they continue to mold and shape me to be the man they wish me to become.
11. Heavenly Mother spoke then to me. She indicated that I should write her words:
'Raphael, our son, we are happy to come before you this lovely morning in this beautiful maple grove! We love you immensely! We also love all of the children we have born, in this eternity. We favor those who seek to live like us and who keep our commandments. We will guide them through life to become even as we are, as they are willing to follow our gentle promptings and directions.
12. There is a newness with the start of a new year! We are glad you have set your sights on becoming more loving to those around you. We will bless you in your desires.
We are also glad that you are feeling more in control of your own thoughts. We will bless you to become in full control, as you continue to seek our guidance and blessing in your thought control.
13. We are pleased that you have dropped your expectations of what we may do. We are happy you have demonstrated the desire to act when we command you to act. You thus become a more valuable and capable servant as you act immediately when we direct you.
14. We are also glad that you are open to whatever we desire to share with you and are so accepting of our revelations. Raphael, through you we will reveal things never before revealed to our children on earth or in the premortal life, in this new dawning of a terrestrial world upon the earth and its inhabitants. We are able to do this through you since you are so open and believing to all we share with you!
15. We will continue to fill you with joy and happiness, even in the midst of your work among the darkened world. Your interactions with Lucifer and his rebellious hosts will not be a bother to you, even though that interchange will increase as they continue to rage on the earth for the souls of men and women.
You will be also more involved in the healing of our elect sons and daughters who find themselves in the grasp of Satan and the effects of a fallen world. You will act as our conduit of love and healing to many of these desperate souls who cry to us for relief.
16. Raphael, stand now and walk with us around Lake Beautiful!'
I stood and came between my loving and tender Heavenly Parents! We walked north to the area near the Great Assembly Hall, and then around the beautiful lake. I lost connection with myself, my unconscious mind and replicated physical being that went walking with my Heavenly Parents. I knew my prayer had ended today. I felt so full of peace and joy. What a great way to start my day and my year!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 2, 2018 Tuesday
1. I had an interesting prayer this morning. I had gone to the northern shores of Lake Beautiful last night and again this morning. I came to a beautiful meadow of purple irises, just north of a sandy beach on the northern shores of the lake. Last night, Heavenly Father had told me he would give me a message this morning. I had seen both of my Heavenly Parents last night while I was in the meadow.
2. This morning in my prayer I felt I should go to the same meadow. I went to the water's edge and drank three times. I then walked up a path into the meadow and knelt in the meadow of purple flowers, facing south towards the lake. I prayed there and my glorious Heavenly Parents came! I gazed on them and they were smiling. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are going to send you tonight to President Donald Trump in a dream as an angelic messenger of light. You will go in the spirit of Elijah, for he was also sent as a messenger to King Ahab and other leaders of his day.
3. The message you will deliver to President Trump in a dream is for him to relate his dream to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. In this message, you will tell him that it is now time for the Jewish people to begin their temple in the city of David, in the city of Jerusalem. President Trump has earned the respect of the government of the state of Israel, and his words will help initiate the construction of the promised temple.
4. Tomorrow night we will send you to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to deliver the same message to him that you will have delivered to President Trump tonight.
5. These messages will be vivid for each of them. You will appear in your full angelic vestures, and state that you are the archangel Raphael. You will also state that you were sent from the presence of God to deliver this message.'
I then told my Father that I would deliver the messages the next two nights as he instructed me. I am very pleased to act as God's messenger.
'Raphael, we will continue having you deliver messages in dreams to leaders of nations in the near future. Your appearance as a messenger of light, sent from the presence of God, will influence policy and decisions of certain leaders to whom we will send you. You will act as our archangel of light, commissioned in these last days. You will go to them in their unconscious mind which we will open to them in the form of a vision or a dream.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this privilege to receive clear direction from them. I received no other communication from my Heavenly Parents this morning except these words. It is curious that I had seen a video a week or two ago about the discovery of the ancient temple of Solomon that a prominent archeologist had come upon, located in the city of David.
The above video shows the possible site of Solomon's and King Herod's Temples.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 3, 2018 Wednesday
1. Last night I went to bed earlier than normal for I was tired from work at the rental. I came to the northern shores of Lake Beautiful to an area past the purple iris fields, along a path that went around the lake. I came to a place of white sandy beaches and flowering fruit trees in abundance, next to the beach in a fertile orchard area. It was breathtakingly beautiful! I felt so happy to be there. My Heavenly Parents came quickly last night, smelling the flowers and looking at the great beauty too. They soon stood in front of me.
'Raphael, we love the beauty of this flowering fruit tree orchard on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful! This is so refreshing and healing to the soul!
You will go soon to President Donald Trump as our archangel, delivering to him our message. This will be when you yourself are also asleep tonight.'
3. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the guidance each of them gives me. I am so pleased to do whatever they direct me to do!
4. I came again, in my morning prayer, to the same beautiful flowering fruit tree area that I had visited last night. I came to the water's edge and drank three times from the living water in the lake. I waded up to my waist in the warm waters on that sandy shore. It was just heavenly! I soon came back into the small orchard of flowering trees. I could see apple, cherry, pear, apricot, peach and plum trees. I just love this time of year! It seemed that these were flowering all at the same time for my pleasure whereas they flower at different times on earth in the springtime.
5. I knelt and faced south towards the lake. I invited my Heavenly Parents to come. They came again among the beautiful trees and soon were in front of me.
I thanked them for the great blessing of being their servant and to be able to go on the errands they send me. I thanked them for other blessings. I asked for healing on my family, some who were somewhat sick. I then waited upon God.
6. Heavenly Father then spoke to me and he was smiling:
'Raphael, you have successfully gone to President Donald Trump in a dream he had. You came to him as a holy angel of light and delivered to him our message, just like we asked of you. This was all done in the spiritual realms where our children may enter in the slumbers of the night.
7. Tonight you will deliver a similar message to Prime Minister Netanyahu, concerning the building again of our temple in the city of David in Jerusalem.
Raphael, we will use you again in the future for the deliverance of more messages we desire to give to certain of our children that require an archangel to deliver. We are pleased you are prepared and responsive to our direction now. This has taken some years to mold you into the man we desired to be able to perform such missions. You go in the spirit of Elijah, whom we sent to deliver similar messages to leaders of his day.'
I told my Father I was so very happy to act in any way they wanted me to act. I thanked them for their support and guidance.
'Raphael, our son, we will increase your abilities too in healing those you wish to heal of any malady or illness. We are continually next to you, even though often unseen. We will be on your right hand and on your left.
9. When you wish to heal, ask us first if the healing is pleasing to us for our child. If it is, then we will extend to you our power in healing and comforting our child. Our works of healing will be through you as you minister to our children in love and compassion.
10. Raphael, our mortal angels are all working more and more for us in the spiritual realms. They too are hearing our voice, keeping our commandments and ministering as we direct them among our elect children. The combined work of angels and our other servants constitutes our act, our strange act and our work, our strange work. This is largely hidden from the view of our children on earth. However, as we make bare our holy arm among the nations, those who have eyes to see will see the great power of God unveiled more and more. Our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments. These will see our hand in their lives more and more.'
I loved these comforting and encouraging words from my Heavenly Mother! I love my Heavenly Parents so much! I am so privileged to come into their presence so frequently and to learn first-hand from them!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 4, 2018 Thursday
1. Last night I communed with my Heavenly Parents at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. Heavenly Mother spoke to me briefly, and suggested I sleep since I was quite tired. This morning, I met my Heavenly Parents at the circling waters also. Heavenly Father asked that I write the words he would speak to me. Here are his words:
2. 'Raphael, you have appeared in a dream to Prime Minister Netanyahu last night, and have successfully delivered our message to him. Your responsibility is completed for now and we are pleased with your actions.
You are gaining valuable experience in fixing up your rental house that will help your work in overseeing the construction of the New Jerusalem. We will continue to bless you in your daily life as you have requested.
3. We desire that you be able to handle many tasks at the same time without becoming overwhelmed. The experiences you are having now will help you work on this. The feelings of fluttering or feeling anxious with demanding tasks are created by the state of your mind. Think thoughts that all is in control and that you are very capable of acting on one task at a time. These thoughts will allow you to take pressure and demands of multiple things at the same time.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction. I will try to rethink my thoughts to be settled in the midst of lots of demands.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 5, 2018 Friday
1. Yesterday, one of my neighbors whose old truck I had borrowed (1987 maybe) accused me of wrecking the door somehow. I had no knowledge of doing this, and assume someone else had impacted the door while it was parked. I said I would fix this at an auto body shop. The accusation of my neighbor was hard on me–I did recognize that this was the cause of my grumpiness last night at dinner. It took me awhile to even out and to rethink and act normal again. I told my wife I am not too good yet at correcting my thoughts to replace my feelings. This kind of thing seems simple to do, but it is quite hard!
2. When I had my evening prayer, I again went to the circling waters area. I prepared by drinking living water and clarifying my mind. I had the experience of my Heavenly Parents coming in front of me, full of light and smiling. I could see that their thoughts created their loving feeling of light and great compassion towards me. This light emanated from their presence and penetrated me while I was kneeling before them. I could 'see' the light passing through me to the surrounding area in heaven. I felt very loved and in great peace–quite a contrast from the feeling from my neighbor with the truck earlier that night! The first energy was accusatory, very negative and badly affected me, making it hard to cast off. The last energy from God was so bright and loving, making me filled with so much light and love.
3. I want to be able to reflect or emanate this love, acceptance and peace to others that God showered on me last night! I believe as I continue to meditate and dwell in their presence, I will be able to be filled more and more with their light to be able to give that to others. I want to look at negative energy that comes to me with 'objective' eyes, like I have been taught before from God. This is how I have been told to see evil. I think I need to also see negative energy this way. I want to be able to catch myself so I don't spiral down into negativity and then spread it to others around me. This seems to be a high level of thought control!
4. I determined this morning to go to the fountain of living water and then to the white gate to meet Jesus Christ. I drank the living water and then came to the white gate. It opened before me and I entered in. I came on my knees before my Redeemer, who was standing there. He was normal looking, like a man on the street, with no apparent light I could detect. I could see in his eyes and face it was Jesus, however.
5. Then light and love gradually began emanating from him. As it grew in intensity, I recalled seeing this same transition recently in Heavenly Mother, then Heavenly Father. Soon Jesus was brilliant, filled with great light and love, completely shining in glory all around us. He was smiling just the same as he had been earlier when he had no apparent light. He then spoke:
6. 'Raphael, you have seen me as I appeared to men and women in the flesh during my ministry. There was no apparent light and power coming from me when you first saw me. You now see me in resplendent light, love and power. This change has been gradual.
7. You, too, now have no apparent light and love emanating from you. This is because you live in the fallen state of mortality, a telestial state. However, as you associate with us, coming into our presence more and more, you will reflect this light to others around you as you need to do so. This transition will be gradual.
I will now bless you to be able to shield yourself more and more from the evil and negative you are and will be exposed to.'
8. Jesus Christ, my Savior, then placed his hands on my head and spoke a blessing:
'Raphael, my son, I bless you to have greater power to see evil and the negative with objective eyes so that you are shielded. I bless you to keep at peace during these times when you are immersed in unwanted energy that may be all around you. All of your own feelings are fully controlled by your mind and heart, which you may protect. I bless you to be able to control your own light and love that you have within yourself and desire to emanate to others around you. This power will increase your light and love inside you. This ability will also gradually increase, particularly as you visit with us, who are your Gods, regularly in our kingdom. You have a high commission and calling in these last days, and need this extra blessing of protection and shielding. I bless you with this added protection and gradual increase in light and love. Amen.'
9. I looked into the compassionate eyes of my Redeemer! He was smiling, filled with light and love for me. He came close and embraced me while I was still kneeling before him! I felt his assurance that if I could be patient, all of the protection he had just promised would gradually come my way.
10. The next thing I knew, I was walking down the narrow path towards the tree of life in front of me. It was dark outside, but I had light already emanating from me to light my way! I was able to increase that light by my thoughts too!
I came to the tree and partook of a white glowing fruit and a leaf. I then headed west to the nearby garden next to the sapling tree of life. I sat on a bench in that garden and ate the fruit, desiring with all my heart to be filled more and more with the love of God! I then chewed and swallowed the leaf of the tree of life, seeking healing in my body and emotional stability.
11. I then faced east from where I had come and knelt and addressed my Heavenly Parents in prayer. They both came before me, gradually appearing in the air in front of me! They were both filled with great light and love, emanating from their beings. This light and love penetrated me and all of the surrounding area. This was just like I had seen last night in prayer!
'Raphael, we have come to you in our kingdom, in our glory. You have sought us diligently today and we have answered your prayer. We will continue to fill you with our light and love that now we shower on you. It is our desire that you are protected as our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has blessed you with. We also will fill you more and more with our light and love as you daily commune with us, your God. Soon this light will grow stronger and brighter in you, becoming a great strength to you in the darkened world around you. We will work much of our acts and works through you and our holy angels. They, too, may receive our light and love as we are enlightening you. We desire all our angels to be reflections of our light, love and power to those they minister to.'
13. Heavenly Mother stopped speaking, but her love and that of Heavenly Father next to her, kept radiating mightily upon me in that beautiful heavenly garden! I feel so much love and peace now within me! I am so blessed and honored to receive all of this today! I thanked my Heavenly Parents for such an outpouring of their love and light today. I just hope to be able to retain this inside of me, more and more, as I go forth in the world.
14. Later–My wife just shared this great quote from Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD:
"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
Wow-this is a great quote! Looks like the ancients knew more about controlling thoughts than we might give them credit for! This is the type of control I want to have over everything and anything external.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 6, 2018 Saturday
1. Yesterday I had interesting feelings I did not like that I thought were created by my circumstances. However, these thoughts and feelings were all internal and I had full control of them.
Here's what happened. My wife and I had planned to be at our rental house between 2-4 pm and have up to eight different subcontractors come for bids on work they would do. We then had delays and some other needs came up and we were running late (the circumstance). My feelings of anxiousness at being late and frustration became very evident. I was not happy, but all of these feelings were fully internal and not from circumstance. I had the power to revoke these thoughts and feelings at any moment, but I felt so unable to do so. I was a victim of my own thoughts.
2. This morning in my prayer, I met my Heavenly Parents in the domed room. They both came to me, smiling and happy to commune with me. I told them all about my lack of ability, in the moment of, in controlling my thoughts and attendant feelings. I asked for help.
3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. Here are her words:
'Raphael, when it becomes apparent that you are developing feelings that you don't like in your mind and being, then take a moment and evaluate your thoughts. It might help to write what you think down on paper. Write your feelings down and then the thoughts that you think created those feelings. You might also identify the circumstance that initiated the unwanted thoughts. Once these are all identified, then take your right spirit hand and swipe it through your mind in your head area to capture and remove the unwanted thought. Bring this in front of you and then swipe it off to space with the back of your left hand. Once gone, place a better thought on your right-cupped hand in front of you. Make sure the thought is true, and one that will create feelings that will satisfy you. In the case yesterday, you could have replaced the thought of "I am late and disrupting others who may be waiting" with a related thought of "those who come can wait a few minutes for us since I cannot go any faster, and it will be just fine". You could also think of an alternative thought like "how fun it is to go with my wife and fix up our house together." Take a new thought and put it mentally in your right-cupped hand and then place it in your mind. Wait until you feel that it is well in place before removing your hand. Then think the new thought again, and let the feelings from the new thought filter into your being.
4. Raphael, it is difficult to do this process when you have been used to allowing any thought to come into your mind, particularly from training and experiences you have had in life. Being able to control one's thoughts requires you to be fully aware of your thoughts. This is why we suggested before for you to write down your thoughts every hour as a practice, until you can easily identify your thoughts. Feelings always follow the thoughts, so be in control of your thoughts to control your feelings.'
5. I felt so glad to have a kind and loving Heavenly Mother guide me again in this process! She had done this before, but this helped me again. I really want to control my thoughts more completely.
6. I also noticed yesterday that I had thought I was doing really well in the control of my thoughts. Then this simple situation of being late came up and I couldn't figure it out under the pressure! I felt great lack of control and bad about my ability. I now realize this takes practice to change long-seated patterns I have developed carefully over a lifetime!
I seem to come to my prayers with concerns and issues, but then leave my prayer full of resolve, peace and knowledge of how to fix things in my being and my habits. I am continually humbled by my weaknesses too when I pray. I see my Heavenly Parents as so loving, kind and patient with me!
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother again. I then asked her and Heavenly Father if there was anything they wanted to relay to me. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, you have read about the concept of multiple probations and reincarnation ideas. These are not true. There is one premortal probation where our children live as spirits, and one telestial probation where they live with new physical bodies on an earth. Those who come to earth with physical bodies die. They are eventually resurrected as part of our plan of salvation for man. There are no further probations or repeated reincarnations in any of our creations.
8. Another question you have been asked is about if other earths have been as wicked as the one in which you live. Your earth is about as wicked as other earths have also been that we have created. This time in your earth's existence is now more wicked than it has ever been before, even in the days of Noah when we caused the floods to cover the gross wickedness.
9. Another question about what determines if an earth becomes more technological than another: when we plan out the earth experience for a given eternity, your Heavenly Mother and I determine the extent of the technology it will have from the beginning. We vary how we plan each earth, for we know what will be the total sum best experience we could give to our beloved children who will go to that earth in their mortal experience. We have also tried many variations and we are not limited in our plans for each eternity.
10. M.A. had a question about the foods that your Heavenly Mother has given you at the glass table. She has given you foods that she grew with care, having proper nourishment that will feed your body properly as the need arises. She is so careful in making sure her foods are focused on helping the needs you may have. M.A. is correct that there are no animal meats that our children eat in heaven. These are necessary for our children in their telestial state, but are not part of the terrestrial or celestial diet. The constitution of man varies when in each of these states. Since your work and the work of angels is in the celestial realms, if we give you foods, these will be in accordance with the laws of health in that realm and will have no meat products.
11. M.A. is also correct that the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89) is really your Heavenly Mother's Word of Wisdom for those in their mortal telestial state. She is very concerned for the health and well being of our children. She has carefully planned for the best health and diet of our children in their probationary state. In the millennium, there will be a diet change when our children will not need to eat meat, but will have adequate nutrients from what they grow and produce. The earth will be renewed and the land will be abundant in producing vibrant foods. The living water that flows from the New Jerusalem will heal the land and create this higher level of quality foods.
12. As for our need to eat, or those who are resurrected, we don't need to eat although we may choose to do so. The gardens of Heavenly Mother and my own fields that produce are for the primary use of our children and the animals we have in our worlds. These foods and crops also provide symbolic meanings that relate to the growth of man through their progress towards their exaltation.
13. The reason our Beloved Son often calls you or our other children his son or daughter is because he has spiritually begotten you, and you become his child spiritually, and he becomes your spiritual father. (See Mosiah 5:7: "And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters.")
14. There are many of our faithful children who have written about revelations they have received and have been constrained to hide up these records. These will come forth in abundance at the beginning of the millennial era, and are even now coming forth. The Nag Hammadi library and other records contain many accounts from our righteous sons and daughters. These have been subject to some translation errors, but are generally accurate. As with all scripture, they may be studied, interpreted and applied to one's life as the Spirit dictates. See also D&C 91 as it relates to apocryphal writings. The original authors have mostly recorded their records as they received them from God. However, in the translations there may have been interpolations by the hands of man. This continues to be a concern for the records that are now coming forth in your day.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering some of the questions I have been asked by email recently. There are more questions, but I will bring those up later.
I feel so blessed to receive what I obtained today in my morning prayer! I feel so grateful also to not have to transcribe all of this, to type it out. My sister K does this great service for me!
This concluded my prayer this morning. I feel refreshed and ready to meet the day!
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 7, 2018 Sunday
1. I had talked with my wife a lot yesterday about thought control. It seemed to go better yesterday. This is not easy for me to learn!
2. I had a unique prayer last night also! I felt to go to the steps on the southeastern side of the Great Assembly Hall in heaven, next to the shores of lake Beautiful. As soon as I began praying, Heavenly Mother came close to me and said words like this:
'Raphael, stand now and come with me! Your Heavenly Father is in the Great Assembly Hall and wants you to sit on the stand and soon address the people who are assembled there!'
3. I stood and came with Heavenly Mother to the elevated stand behind Heavenly Father, who was speaking to the assembled group. I had barely sat down when he concluded and said:
'We will now hear from my son, Raphael, who is the archangel whom we have commissioned to do much of our work in these last days!'
4. He turned to me and stepped aside from the pulpit. I stood and came next to him. He smiled at me and went next to Heavenly Mother in the upper corner, out of sight of the people assembled.
I turned and started talking to the large group. I then somehow had my prayer ended last night! I went to bed not knowing whom I was addressing or what I was saying! I have awakened a little after 6:00 AM now the next morning when the house was still very quiet with all asleep.
5. Oh, I forgot to mention that I had done some remote healing work for a sister I saw and talked to at square dancing who was covered with rashes! We had been to their house for dinner once and knew her and her husband somewhat. When I returned home, I prayed to be able to be a healing conduit for this sister who had the rash.
6. Heavenly Father came last night and he did a God's Loving Healing Hands healing on her. I was the conduit, placing my hands on her head in the celestial realms, and Heavenly Father had his hands on my shoulders. The light and healing power of God soon came to this sister through me to her head and then to the main area of her rash. As this light passed, I could see her body had a major change in appearance. It took about 10 minutes to complete the healing. I know when Heavenly Father was done when he lifted his hands from my shoulders. I left my hands until all of the light from Heavenly Father had finished clearing up the rash.
7. This sister didn't know in her conscious mind any of this, but she had given me permission in the celestial realms where we were located. I wasn't sure where we were exactly, but I know what I have written. I pray for this sister, for it looked very painful and itchy to have such a large rash over her main torso and arms and head!
Well, it is morning and I have written all I know that I did last night in my prayer and during the healing. I am going now to approach God and try to figure out what happened at the Great Assembly Hall last night!
8. I came this morning to the elevated stand area in the Great Assembly Hall. The hall was empty. I knelt next to the podium and faced the corner where my Heavenly Parents had last been last night. They then came next to me, in their brightness, on the stand. I spoke:
'My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, may I know what I spoke to the large group of thy children last night and who this group was?'
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I had assembled our children who were still in their premortal state and who we were preparing to come forth as babies during the year 2018. They had not recently been in this area near Lake Beautiful, for they had been in another area of heaven. However, we wanted to show them this assembly hall and the lake where a lot of recent events had occurred. I was particularly wanting to share with them information about the Refugees of Lucifer and the recent meeting with those who were assigned as gatherers, who were all assembled here in this Great Assembly Hall. I also wanted them to meet you again and have you address them directly.
10. You stood before them and soon determined from our Spirit who this vast group was whom you were addressing. You told them that the world they would be entering is currently very evil and also in great commotion, with men's hearts soon failing them. However, you told them about the triumph of good over evil. You said that you would soon bind Satan and his hosts who remain and place them in the bottomless pit. This would be immediately after the second coming of Jesus Christ in the skies above the earth. This would usher in a glorious millennial day of peace and rest! You said they would likely still be in their youth when this all happens.
11. Raphael, you told them all about the glorious New Jerusalem, the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn. You said for those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Redeemer, and who were chosen by him, that you and Oriphiel would individually perform the waters of separation ordinance for them! They were very excited to hear this news and rejoiced at that opportunity to come forth into mortality now. You told them that most of them would be the first inhabitants of the millennium as young children, and later many would become future leaders. Most would grow up without sin to salvation.
12. When you were done speaking to them, you sat down in a chair on the stand. Your Heavenly Mother then stood and addressed her beloved children. She was brief but so very loving in her words to them, as she always is. They all greatly rejoiced at her presence and her address to them!
13. When done, we all sang a hymn our children knew and concluded with a prayer from one of our children in the assembly. Our meeting was then concluded. We asked them next to come with us in the air to witness the Refugees of Lucifer from the sky, on the other side of the fir forest to the north. They were all very excited to come with us. You also came, Raphael.
14. We saw that our Refugees of Lucifer have swelled to 800 million! They are daily receiving more and more of Satan's hosts who defected, much to the anger of Lucifer. We saw the resurrected hosts of this eternity helping them, as well as others of the refugees and many angels. There were many tears of joy these premortal spirits experienced as they witnessed this scene before them!
15. They then all said goodbye to you, Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother and I took them back to their home in heaven to dwell in their premortal area. You then came down to the refugee area and worked among them for a while.
This was how your experience of last night was concluded. You, Raphael, were not allowed to see it all since you would have not gotten much sleep that you very much needed.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this detailed explanation! I felt the love of my Heavenly Parents and their great concern for their new group of soon-to-be-born babies in mortality! I felt very honored to have participated with them in this great event last night in this assembly hall.
I then knew my prayer was ended and that I needed to return to earth. I embraced both my Father and Mother, and came back to my conscious state in mortality. I feel this was a great start to a new Sabbath day!
17. Later, after church: We attended our local ward building today. I am so glad I can attend with my wife!
During the sacrament, I felt like I needed to pray outside of the white gate near God's temple. I knelt facing west. When the priests blessed the bread, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. They came in front of the white gate once I had prayed to them and made my sacrament covenant. Heavenly Father came from my left and Heavenly Mother from my right. They had walked from the doors of the temple nearby and then came before me, in front of the white gate.
18. As soon as I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'
He then turned and watched his Son, Jesus Christ, come from behind the white gate and stand on the right side of his Father.
'. . . to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
We have shown you a great event where we had assembled our premortal children who are coming to earth in mortality in 2018. These precious children have been reserved for this time, to be the first generation to come into the millennial day. They will come into a world that is becoming pure and holy at the time they become accountable. We are cleansing the evil in the world in which you live, in part to prepare for these, our children, who are coming to earth. Satan will be soon bound and the world will be a holy place. We will do many of the transition work of clearing evil and establishing righteousness on the earth through you, Raphael.'
20. At this time, the priest blessed the water. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we will continue to bless you with a greater ability to control your thoughts. You will have complete control once these children you addressed last night come to age and have their full agency in mortality. This change in your ability to control your thoughts will be gradual. In the future, you will be one that many people will look to for advice in their relationship issues, which you probably cannot now imagine! We will use you in doing many great things. Keep humble, be patient and we will lead you along!'
At the end of the sacrament portion of the meeting, my three Gods left the same way they came before me. I was soon left alone in front of the white gate.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 8, 2018 Monday
1. Last night and this morning in my prayer, I was located in the maple tree grove in the western shores of Lake Beautiful. This morning, I knelt next to a large boulder in that grove, facing the lake. My Heavenly Parents came to me from across the lake. They stood smiling at me!
2. I asked my Heavenly Parents what they might want to share with me. Heavenly Father then asked me to write the words he would speak. I have no idea what he will say:
'Raphael, we are glad that you have planned a trip this week to visit your aging mother and your brother and sister. When you are with your sister, we will be with you as you bless her as she has requested. It is also our will that you also bless all our mortal angels in the celestial realms. This next week, we will ask them to come to you, one at a time, in their unconscious mind. You will have us, your Gods, on your right hand and on your left, as you bless and spiritually strengthen them as we inspire you. These blessings are in anticipation of the heavier workload and greater assignments that we will give each one of them during this New Year, 2018.
3. It is also our plan to reveal to them the work we have to do at the moment we give them to accomplish the work. There can be no hesitation. There will soon be one assignment after another, with no significant breaks between. This year starts the major increase of our work of angels among our needy children. The work of our angels will continue at this higher level through to the glorious return of our Son, Jesus Christ to the earth!
4. Raphael, your workload will also soon increase significantly in the celestial realms. You will find that your strength in your mortal body will become more limited due to fatigue and a desire to rest. You may fill time in your mortal life with projects and other work you may desire, but when you become tired, it will be best to relax and rest. Your great work will almost exclusively be done in the celestial realms where angels fulfill our commands. This same pattern will occur for all our mortal angels.
5. Much of our great work in blessing our elect and in cleansing the earth from sin will be initiated through our relatively small group of holy angels, both those who now live in mortality, in the spirit world, and in other phases of progression. We have well organized our work, with you directing the efforts among our angels in these last days, Raphael. As we give you each assignments, you will become more and more capable to fulfill them. We will give you, the angels of God, gifts of various abilities to fulfill each task we assign you.
6. There are other groups also that we have enlisted to help us orchestrate the great work and act we plan to orchestrate in these last days. These include those translated souls of Enoch's group, the resurrected children we have enlisted, and the 144,000 who are currently being assembled. John the Beloved and a few others will also be extensively active in our great work and a wonder!
Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, continues to receive more and more repentant souls who come unto him. He has been working with each individual, one by one, as they come unto him in humility and faith.
7. Finally, we have a significant group of the righteous in the paradise of God, in the world of the spirits, whom we will also enlist. These will primarily seek out the elect of God in the spirit world. Our desire is to awaken those who will respond and throw off the shackles of Satan that bind them fast. Some of the assignments of our angels will be in that region of the spirits located on the sphere of the earth.
8. All of our activity is significantly ramping up among all of these groups of our righteous children. Lucifer and his hosts have recommitted themselves in this battle for the souls of men and women. They know their time is short. You have continued also to be active in ushering many of these to the distant prison orb who trespass their bounds.
9. Our very presence will become more and more evident starting this year, 2018. We will show forth our great power and might, acting through our many servants whom we have poised to do our work, our strange work and our act, our strange act.
We will come to every soul who comes unto us! We will give them the rest of God, our peace and our love. We dearly love each of our children!'
10. I bowed my head and recommitted to follow every command from my God. I thanked Heavenly Father for his words this morning that he spoke to me and that I wrote. I felt assured the words adequately gave the message he wanted me to know.