60. The Final Days of Preparation
Posted 10-24-2017


I just finished tonight reading or listening to all of the web posts from the beginning. It was a long effort, and took me about a month in my current schedule. Today's is the 60th post, and is another long one! Go to this link to find all the posts:

I hope you are benefiting from all of these posts. I am continually amazed at all the information that our Heavenly Parents just seem to pour out upon me! I couldn't have dreamed up all of this! It comes daily and incessantly as I seek truth from heaven.

This week's post was all about you and me preparing for our work, particularly in dark and evil places. I have been further protected, and know how to keep a shield up in my own mind to protect me from danger and filth. I have also kept asking about you, the mortal angels–all the time, and if you too may have similar protective methods. Read on to find the answers!

As always, please diligently pray about all of this. I hope all parts of this post are clear enough to grasp. There is a lot of imagery that God uses to help us understand.

Please write me with your questions. I love to correspond with each of you! Have a happy smiley day! (see my choice of images in this post, for we have everything to be happy about!)


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-4-2017 Wednesday

1. My life seems like a speeding train sometimes! Life passes so fast! I am surprised that summer has passed and fall is upon us, and winter snows are before us. I do feel more capable and strong with the passing of time, however.

2. Last night I had a short communion with Heavenly Mother at the birch tree grove. This morning I prepared for my prayer by drinking living water from the fountain of living waters by the heavenly temple, and then coming to the white gate.

3. I had a connection and conversation with Jesus Christ. I was able to look into his eyes, his eternity eyes, and see as he sees others and me. I had experienced this last November 2016, and again last night with my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother, as I gazed on them. I was again drawn into their minds and very persons it seems. I had the sensation then that I was looking out of their eyes, seeing as God sees–past, present and future altogether. They both assured me that I could see them in this way anytime I wonder how they perceive things or people. With Jesus today I had that some experience! I feel so blessed to have God's perspective for that moment, I believe whenever I desire to do so. I don't see things I ought not to see or know, but only what they wish to show me.

4. I equally love looking into their faces, and not going into their eternity eyes, but just seeing them smile at me and have the feelings I perceive from their faces. This is a great comfort and assurance to me!

5. When I talked with Jesus this morning, I asked about the mark of the beast, a question M.A. had asked me. I recall also writing about this in one of my past posts. Jesus confirmed it to me that it was a technology identifier, like the RFID chips or transponders. I also thought it was more than that too, like an identifier of the person who gradually chooses evil over good, and not the ways of Jesus. This process makes the person and the path they choose. This is all by their choice.

6. Jesus also confirmed that my post I sent last night was acceptable to them. I feel there was much truth in it. I couldn't perceive any part of it that was wrong.

I walked away from Jesus, down the gold path towards the tree of life. My morning journey was uneventful. I plucked a fruit and a leaf of the tree of life, and took these to Heavenly Mother's upper garden, to the wall with hanging flowers–so pretty.

7. I ate of each, and prayed to my God. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came up the path talking, and when they got to me they turned and faced me.

Today my Heavenly Parents were smiling and happy with me, and how their plan was being fulfilled in the world. I saw their thoughts that seemed to be focused on their elect, and not upon the wicked. They were thinking of the lost elect in the earth today, and of the millennial elect who would come forth in the near future.

8. We have a great mission to prepare the world for these righteous souls who are eager to come to the earth. We need to help prepare the world for the glory they have been promised on earth, in its terrestrial state.

9. This morning Heavenly Father spoke to me. He repeated a few things that Heavenly Mother said last night:

'Raphael, we are pleased with your spiritual progression to date. We are pleased that you have worked diligently to get the post yesterday completed and emailed to our 15 mortal angels who support you.

10. Each of our children is given their free choice, their moral agency, to choose what they want to think and how they want to act. Where they ultimately end up, in their condition in mortality and in eternity, is really up to them. We encourage them in the way we hope they will choose, but we never force or overstep our desire for them to choose for themselves.

11. For those who choose our ways, we will give more, gradually leading them to us and our Son, our church and our salvation. It is generally a gradual process–so that we can be assured they truly choose this path themselves. We reward our children for their choices, those who choose goodness to various degrees, by eternal rewards to match what they have chosen and what will bring them the most joy. It is only for those like you, who are determined to learn and follow us in all situations and circumstances, that we exalt and allow to become like us.

12. You have wondered if it would be good for you to make audio computer recordings of your posts from the beginning. This is something we would like you to do, as you are able. It is important for you and for those who sustain you to review the marvelous revelations that we have gradually revealed to you over the past few years.

13. Start recording from your last entry, and then go backwards. These are the most important to them. As you start, you will find ways to do this task efficiently.

(Note: I have created an audio-video of my last post, #59 The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, posted 10-3-2017. I have included it at the bottom of this current post. It is a computer-generated audio voice–kinda weird, but it works. Let me know if it is something you like. I don't find I have much time to read, record and publish all the audio myself, so I reverted to the computer.)

14. We love you Raphael, and all our mortal angels! We are particularly pleased with those who sustain you in this great work.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and counsel. I feel continually directed by him, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, whom I obey and follow.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-5-2017 Thursday

1. This morning in my prayer, I came to the depressed gold and silver font in the New Jerusalem temple. I had prepared myself well for my prayer. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me on the top southern edge of the font while I was kneeling on the silver floor at the bottom. I waited upon God. Heavenly Mother asked me to write the words she would speak to me:

2. 'Raphael, last night I talked to you a little about the time you have between Yom Kipper, the start of the Yom Kipper, the holiest day of the year, and the time that tribulations increase in the world, in greater intensity. We are using this time to more fully awaken and prepare you and our mortal angels, those particularly who have not come unto us to know fully of their very important calling. The lure and sophistries of the world and of Satan loom so very big still in many of their lives.

3. We are now in the final stages of the last time they can come unto us in a time of relative tranquility. When tribulations come they will be very disruptive on their mortal lives. We particularly desire that our mortal angels are emotionally and spiritually prepared, in knowing how to control their thoughts and feelings, and in coming fully unto us their God for daily direction.

4. When tribulations come more dramatically upon the earth, if our holy mortal angels are not spiritually and physically prepared, they will not be as effective in serving us in the celestial realms above. We desire their conscious mind to be linked more to their unconscious mind, for those who labor for us in the spiritual realms.

5. Raphael, you have shown the way for them to most directly come unto us, their God. They are all aware of what you have written in their unconscious minds. When you post each new entry, these are published and read in the celestial world for all to read and see, including all the mortal angels.

6. The interaction between ones' conscious and unconscious celestial self is important for effectively serving us in the capacity of an angel of God. If there is disconnection, the work of these mortal angels is at the same level and capability they possessed before coming to earth for their mortal experience. However, we need more and greater service from them. For once they become aware in their conscious mind of their callings, and to have emotionally and spiritually matured in their views, and to have a direct connection to us in their conscious minds, their capability and service to us is a hundred-fold increased. This is how we have planned and designed it to be.

7. In this small lull of time before increasing tribulations, we are trying to awaken our mortal angels more fully. If they don't awaken and come unto us, they will be more and more afflicted in the flesh until they do. This has been the agreement we have made with them to be able to come into mortality at this time.

8. We have therefore solicited our other army of resurrected and translated servants who work in the celestial realms, to help these not-awakened mortal angels. You also, and the few other mortal angels who are fully awakened, are also enlisted in our service to awaken your fellow mortal angels.

9. Raphael, there is much preparatory work like this awakening of the mortal angels that is happening now in the celestial realms on the earth. You, Raphael, are involved in all of our work in this realm. We love you, and the few angels who sustain you in your calling. They are all leaders with great capability in the celestial realms above.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this glimpse into one of the happenings in the celestial realms. I think the setting of receipt of these instructions, in the gold-silver font in the New Jerusalem temple, was fitting to receive Heavenly Mother's message. It is here, in this temple that these very angels will do their great work in the millennium.'

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-6-2017 Friday

1. I have been having an experience with God in my prayers that I need to write about. It happened again this morning with Jesus Christ at the white gate. It has happened with both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother several times in the past two days.

2. I had read about this in a previous post too: When I look into God's faces, into their eyes, I can "go inside of them: somehow, into their eyes, and then look at myself kneeling or standing before them! I see myself in a different perspective–I believe I see myself with the perspective of God in a way.

3. I can also look at other people or situations in life and see with God's perspective too. This doesn't allow me to see things I ought not, but I believe I perceive past, present, and future almost at the same time, like an eternity perspective.

4. Also, when "inside" God's mind, I can only see out of their eyes, and nothing else. It is like all the rest is blank inside, but when I peer out their eyes I have a new perspective.

5. I can access this perspective by thinking to go inside of them while gazing at their eyes, and then I am suddenly whisked inside somehow. I now quickly turn about and look out through their eyes to see in their perspective.

6. When I have looked at the wicked in the world through their eyes, I see them as choosing their own destiny and not listening to God. I have this understanding, not a judgment. My understanding is that their life in mortality just revealed to themselves what they really wanted, whether to follow God or not. I also see those millennial elect whom God wishes to bring forth on the earth, and the urgency of them to come. I see the reason why the wicked need to "move on", or be cleansed so the new elect may come forth.

7. This all gives me a much broader perspective, seeing the bigger picture so to speak.

When I look at myself before God, through their eyes, I see my weaknesses as a mortal man, but with a great calling and high potential as I am obedient and energized by God to fulfill my callings. I see the huge need for me to be humble and malleable before them–with no expectations created from my own doing.

8. I am more and more content to let them fully guide me in my journey in life. I want to obey and follow their gentle lead with exactness. I want to be ever sensitive to the impressions they give me. It is a great thing to see as God sees!

9. Before advancing into the gold narrow path, Jesus then spoke to me:

'Raphael, what you have written about seeing with God's perspective is well described and is true. We wish all of our angels, and all God's children to come to a point they also experience seeing through God's eyes and perspective.'

10. I thanked Jesus for his confirmation. I then turned and walked the path to the beautiful tree of life.

While walking on the narrow path, I saw beautiful vistas with birds chirping and sun shining–so inviting! I wanted to explore. However, I felt a greater desire to stay the course, and keep on the straight and narrow path–keeping my focus on my greater purpose of ultimately connecting with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer this morning.

11. I came to the tree and plucked a white brilliant fruit and a leaf. I then felt to go to a beautiful area in Heavenly Mother's lower garden, before reaching the waterfall. I ate my fruit and leaf there and knelt before my Gods. I ate while seated next to an elegant garden table, with flower arbors all around.

12. When I chewed and swallowed the leaf, I sought to have God's perspective more fully. I thought of people and situations that I encountered recently, and saw with greater clarity–with no judgment, but with a perspective of how it just is, objectively. I thought of D&C 93:24 "and truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come."

13. I was kneeling near the table, when I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking along a nearby garden path! I stayed on my knees. They walked up to me while casually talking to each other. They then turned and asked me to stand and join them at the garden table. I came and sat down in a chair next to them. They too were seated.

14. Heavenly Mother then said:

'Raphael, eat of the fruits and vegetables of my lovely garden!'

She waved her hand and I saw clusters of grapes, cut melons, a bowl of shelled nuts, some sprigs of greens–all so elegantly prepared and beautifully arranged! I placed some on a little plate, and brought the plate before me on the table. I expressed deep thanks to her for providing such beautiful and vibrant food! I asked if I should bless it. She responded:

15. 'Raphael, this light garden snack is already blessed by our being here and offering it to you. When you pray over your food in your earth life, envision that both your Father and I have come to dine with you too–and we will come! We love to sup with our children!'

16. I started eating. When I ate the different foods, I could immediately tell where the nutrients from those foods flowed into my body: the grapes expanded to every corner of my being, the nuts went to my larger muscles, the nutrients from the greens flowed to my head area, and the melon was like the desert of heaven to my soul! It seemed very clear to me that these were somehow strengthening to me with the nourishment I needed.

17. I asked:

'Why do I need to eat? I so enjoy just being with both of you in this lovely casual setting!'

18. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we are strengthening you for your service to us which will increase the demands on your body, your translated transfigured celestial body. These foods were prepared to give you endurance so you won't become exhausted.

19. When you hunger spiritually in the future and feel expended, come to our table and we will bring you Heavenly Mother's garden foods again. She has personally overseen their growth, and planned them for her children who need an extra boost in their life.'

20. Heavenly Mother then spoke again. I could see her happy sparkling eyes!:

'Raphael, do you like what I have grown? How does it taste?'

21. I replied"

'Oh Mother, the taste is so good!–like nothing I've ever tasted before on earth! I am so honored to eat the foods thou hast grown for me! I thank thee so very much!'

22. She then touched my head with her right hand and said these words:

'I bless you, my son Raphael, to fully absorb my food into your body, to enliven and strengthen you in every way! I bless you to become more and more capable in your glorious mission, and to smile with our countenance when you serve our children as we desire and direct you.'

23. She lifted her hand. I gazed into her loving sparking eyes, and then seemed to zip inside of her! I looked at myself and saw me beaming in her light and love. I saw I was so very strengthened and capable! I could feel her great love for me, her son with so many weaknesses–and yet I felt so, so strong! In Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother I could do all things!

24. I then came back to myself on the chair before them. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, each of our angels may come sup with us too, in being strengthened in their missions and callings. We desire all to come, and we will freely share with them too.'

25. I then knew I could come back to this table throughout my mortal day. There was no rush, there was instead peace. I felt so deeply satisfied!

My replicated self continued talking with my Heavenly Parents. I felt the need to arise from my kneeling position next to my bed at home, and to start my day. I feel so happy and enlivened!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-7-2017 Saturday

1. Last night I came again in my prayer to my Heavenly Mother's lower garden table. Heavenly Father was only there, sitting at the table. He motioned me to sit by him in a chair. He said that Heavenly Mother was out harvesting more of her food she had grown. He said she should be coming soon.

2. While we were waiting, I asked a few questions and received answers.

First, I asked whether those coming into the Church of Christ had to be re-baptized, even if the person had been baptized into the LDS Church. Here is his reply:

3. 'Raphael, all need to be re-baptized. This represents a new commitment to God for them, and a new covenant. This is also an entirely new church. The records will not be automatically transferred over. All recordings are new. Those with the priesthood need to be re-ordained also, now being members of a new Church of Christ. It will be a fresh start for all.'

4. I thanked him for his answer. I asked one more question, but now I can't remember it! I was pleased with what he said.

5. At that moment, Heavenly Mother came from harvesting her garden and placed the produce on the table before us. I don't remember what happened next. I don't think I ate anything, but these thoughts have all vanished from my conscious mind. This all happened last night.

6. I then prepared for my morning prayer. I drank from the lake at God's Loving Healing Center, from the living waters there. I then came to the golden altar and headed west-southwest to the white gate. I came to the gate, but couldn't see Jesus. I touched the gate and he opened it and closed it behind me. I still couldn't see him, but I knew it was him, and that he was there.

7. I then gazed at his face, with a prayer in my heart to be able to see his face. I stood for several minutes in deep concentration until he unveiled his face to me. He was not smiling, but seemed full of anger and very upset! I dropped to my knees and asked him:

'May I know why thy visage is so upset, my Redeemer?'

8. Jesus Christ then spoke:

'Raphael, I am angered at the inhabitants of the earth, for there are increasingly many who are living in wickedness and have turned away from me, their Redeemer, and will not follow the ways of our Heavenly Parents. I feel impatient to bring retribution and judgment upon them, but I must wait for the correct timing as set by my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The fire of our indignation is soon at hand against the wicked.'

9. I then looked into his eyes and was drawn into them, and saw out of his Godly eyes the actions of the ungodly on earth. I saw the flagrant wickedness of earth's inhabitants and could see why he was so angered! I now don't recall these visions. I came before him again, and said that I saw that his feelings of anger against the wicked were very justified! As we talked, I saw his visage soften, and return to the gentle compassionate face and eyes I have seen so many times.

10. Jesus then motioned for me to proceed on the gold path before me to the tree of life. I then asked if he knew what I had asked my Father last night in my prayer.

At that time, I had a recall of my questions! I thanked him and turned to the path.

The question was whether my wife and I should invest in a rental home we saw yesterday and Friday. Heavenly Father answered me by saying for me to ask him again in the morning.

I then walked the gold narrow path towards the tree of life.

11. I came to the tree of life and picked a very large fruit, bigger than I had ever plucked! I knew it would take more than three bites to eat. I took immediately six bites until it was gone. As I partook, I desired to increase love for three family members, two neighbors, and then all the mortal angels. I chewed the leaf and thought of reprogramming my mind of the thoughts and responses I had learned over my life of interactions with people–to have more of a Godly response and thought. I also sought to have the thoughts of God, and in my heart, the feelings of God in all of my interactions with my fellowman on earth.

Once finished, I was fully ready for prayer with my Heavenly Parents.

12. I came again to Heavenly Mother's lower garden, before the table in the lovely garden setting. I knelt, and raised my arms, lowering them three times, asking for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to come. Then I saw all three of them walking up the path to my right. Heavenly Father was in the middle talking to both Heavenly Mother and Jesus. They all three came to me and stood around the table. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, please stand and join us at our table in this, your Mother's lovely garden setting!'

13. I stood and came behind the fourth chair. Heavenly Father then motioned for all of us to sit. We all then sat down. It was a round glass-like table, with four chairs around it. We were all looking at Father. He spoke again. I felt to write his words as he spoke:

14. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have decided to come here to this beautiful area this morning, in answer to your prayer. We have asked our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ who is on my right, to join us. We have asked you to come and document our declarations and our discussions, for those on earth to read in the future.

15. You have seen through the eyes of your Savior this morning, the gross wickedness of the people on earth. It is so wicked that we have withheld the full impact from you in your conscious mind, for it would overcome you in the flesh. Never has man lived in such wickedness since they have first inhabited the earth!

16. We will soon come out in vengeance against the wicked, but during our own timetable that we have planned. Until then, prepare yourself in your mind with Godly thoughts and ways of thinking, and in filling your heart with Godly emotions and feelings for others. In this way you will be prepared when we come out of our hiding place to thrash the nations of the earth.'

17. Heavenly Mother then brought from behind her some more harvest from her garden! She brought berries of all kinds and sweet fruits. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have brought to our table berries and sweet fruits to enliven your mind and heart. These foods will help you as you seek to think and feel as we do, with regards to our wayward children on earth. These berries and fruits will also bless your mind, thoughts and feelings to see more clearly our elect who are scattered over the face of the earth and in the world of the spirits on the earth. You will increase in being able to see as we see our children.'

18. I then partook of some berries. They were very sweet and plump, perfectly ripe! They felt like they went to my mind and enlivened it with some sort of change that created a new perspective!

I then took some of Heavenly Mother's sweet fruits. These filled my heart with sweet and tender feelings of love and compassion! I was encouraged to eat all of the plate of berries and sweet fruits. I ate all, and was truly filled to overflowing!

19. We then all four raised up in the air above the table where we were sitting, in a flame and burst of light it seemed!

We all then came to our darkened planet earth, and stood above it in the air, in the dark. We were all glowing in light from the power and light of God.

20. Jesus then spoke:

'The darkened earth below us groans under the heaviness of sin upon her face! When we who are your Gods, cleanse her of the wicked inhabitants on her surface, you will then be able to start establishing our Zion, the New Jerusalem. These days are soon at hand.'

21. I then saw a new earth below us. She was happy and bright, and so beautiful! I could see no darkness on her surface. One area below us was exceedingly bright and shining. Jesus spoke again:

'Raphael, this is the future earth, in its millennial state. The bright shining area below is the celestial city, the New Jerusalem, that which you will build and establish!'

22. We then, all four of us, zipped down together to the area between the fountain of living waters and the gold temple doors. It was so, so beautiful! I was so happy!

This was truly the abode of God! I knew we were sometime in the millennium. I also knew my prayer was completed. I knew I could come here for communion with my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus anytime during this day, in subsequent thoughts and prayers.

23. I sincerely seek to think the thoughts of God, and feel the emotions of God.

In parting, I asked my Savor, who had last spoken to me, if the angels of God could realize this same perspective in my mind and heart.

24. Jesus responded:

'Yes, they too may be blessed with this same experience with us as they press forward in faith and diligence. We love them, oh so dearly!'

25. I then found myself writing all of this down in my bedroom, while kneeling next to my bed. What a glorious experience I had just enjoyed!

26. Later:
I had an experience today where I saw some hard-core pornography online by accident. It was very shocking and an assault to my soul! It only lasted seconds, but I was very unprepared and paralyzed.

27. I called upon Heavenly Mother to help me move the thoughts and images far from me–even to the distant prison orb where she helped me cast them off. I kept moving these views in my mind away. I occupied my mind with activity that was wholesome where I felt accomplishment, in an effort to replace these images and thoughts.

28. Tonight when I went to my God in prayer, they took me again to the darkened earth, looking through God's eyes. I saw these sinister images again that I had seen earlier in the day by accident, and more of the gross wickedness of mankind. As I looked, I saw depravity and terrible sin in the lives of so many darkened people. I tried to look with God's eyes from my Heavenly Parents who were next to me. I saw the despair and even no desire for living that so many of these wayward people possessed. I tried to see all of this very objectively, but that was very difficult for me to do.

29. Heavenly Father spoke to me next:

'Raphael, you need to see all of this gross wickedness too, just like we see it all. Look at these wicked actions with objective eyes, blocking your emotions and feelings. Otherwise, these scenes will be overcoming to your pure soul. We see all of this, and also have to look with detached feelings and objective-looking sight, exercising great control and steadiness.'

30. At this moment the scene changed to the New Jerusalem in the millennial day! I thought of all those wicked people and gross sin I had just seen. These were nowhere around! In fact, these people had all been removed from mortality, and were in a hell that had been prepared for them.

31. On earth, in the millennium, there were good, wholesome, faithful people–trying to do right and being obedient to the commandments of God. I yearned to be with them–my sort of people!

My heart jumped for joy when I saw them and the way they lived their lives. I wanted to just be their neighbor and to socialize with them.

32. The contrast between the dark evil scene of my current day, and the millennial scene of a future day was huge! I prayed for strength to be able to live through my day, the days of great darkness that enshrouds the earth. I pray God will be swift and bring on the millennial days soon. I plan to go back to Heavenly Mother's garden table and petition God to let me sup more with them, to become ever strengthened in my mind and heart!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-8-2017 Sunday

1. This morning I had more very unique experiences in my prayer. I came to the white gate and gazed upon the loving smile of my Savior who was before me. I immediately gazed on him, and was taken into his eternity eyes, and then looked upon me before him, standing there. I saw myself as he sees me. I saw weaknesses according to the flesh, but also a determination to follow him and my Heavenly Parents. I saw my potential, and that great, wonderful blessings had been poured out upon me. I saw that I was clean and pure before him. I then came back to myself, standing before him.

2. Jesus spoke:

'My son, you have been viewing the peoples of the earth in the state they are now living in–many who live in despair and terrible wickedness. You have been taught to see these with objective eyes, not with your open mind or open heart, for that would be overcoming to you. We who are your Gods see all of this constantly before us, and we look with objective eyes. It keeps us aware always of our wayward children, their sinister plans and their wicked actions.

3. For those who open up to us, and desire to come unto us, we lead them in love and kindness. Hardships come to all who come to mortality. Our heart goes out to our people, our elect who struggle in their lives, and who try to follow our ways.

Remember to look objectively at the wicked, Raphael. Delay any judgment you may have, and act on all we instruct you to do.'

4. I thanked Jesus Christ for his counsel and instruction. I then turned and walked on the gold narrow path, holding onto the rod of iron. I soon came upon a very large black rock, blocking my path. It engulfed the gold path and rod. There was no way around this. I then determined to walk through it!

5. As I walked into the black rock, again terrible wickedness was all around me! I looked at it all, with an effort to view these wayward children of God with objectivity. I tried not to judge, but just to observe. I guarded my heart and mind.

I soon prayed to God to relieve me of all these awful scenes and the darkness all around me. I prayed to come out again to the light.

6. Then the darkness started lifting as I continued to hold fast to the iron rod, and keep my feet moving forward on the gold path. I soon saw the tree of life, and was free of that black darkness in the black rock. I looked back and saw the rock–it was very large and had engulfed the path so fully!

7. I picked a bright shining fruit and a leaf. I then checked myself for any evil spirits I may have picked up in my journey through the rock. I felt I was clean and had none.

8. I then went to the small outcropping, overlooking the circling waters. I faced west towards the temple of God in the far distance. Here I ate the fruit and the leaf. As I ate the leaf, I prayed to be able to look at evil situations with objectivity, fully guarding my mind (thoughts) and my heart (feelings).

I then knelt down, praying for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Immediately a column of light came to me from the temple of God in the distance.

9. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother soon were before me! Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have come to you since you have called upon us in prayer. We have given you experiences in seeing evil and wickedness yesterday and today. We have taught you to look objectively at the evil scenes before you, and to guard yourself in your heart and mind. You can control what and how you see things. You have been able also to see with our perspective, by gazing into our eternity eyes and looking back with our view to the situation you are viewing. This perspective will give you a glimpse of past, present and future. Still look objectively at the wicked when you do so, even though through our eyes.

10. We have also invited you to come sup with us at the round glass table in my lower gardens. I will feed you more of my fruits, nuts and vegetables that I have grown. These will help you endure, and strengthen you in your mission. Remember the prayer vision experiences we had given to you? These are the type of encounters you will increasingly have in saving our elect who are fully scattered among the wicked in the world. Extend your power to save these from the dire situations that they are in.

11. All of our holy angels will be sent on similar missions. We expect them also to develop eyesight similar to yours. We will train them as we have been training you. They are our precious and powerful angels of God!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother again, for her direct words and for these experiences I have recently had. I prayed for strength as I go out and face the evil in the world.

12. She said a few more words to me next:

'Raphael, remember that you wear the angled scarlet-red sash, which gives you full power over the evil spirits with whom you come in contact. Be ever wise in using this power–and act only when we confirm that one or more of Satan's hosts has overstepped their bounds.'

13. I thanked her again, and said I would always check-in with them before vanquishing any to the distant prison orb.

I then felt my prayer was ended. I knew I could come back today to the outcropping where we were, and immediately commune again with them there.

14. Later: I attended a sacrament meeting with my wife this afternoon. I prepared for the sacrament by going to the small outcropping near the circling waters, where I was praying this morning. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me. They were there when I partook of the bread and water. I so enjoyed the light of their countenances!

15. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We are pleased that you faithfully renew your covenants each week.

16. It is good we have helped strengthen you for the great work that you will be doing on earth, among the righteous and the wicked. Also, you may always come here to this beautiful wilderness area. You are responsible for this area until our Beloved Son comes in his glory to the earth. This area will be a place of refuge for you and all our angels, all who have been quickened to the celestial realms.'

17. I then partook of the water of the sacrament. Heavenly Father then asked me to stand. We all three traveled to the high mountaintop near Heavenly Mother's upper garden. When there, we went into the eastern skies. We came to the New Jerusalem, by the fountain of living waters. He then spoke:

18. 'You are responsible to build the beginnings of this beautiful city. When our Beloved Son comes in glory, then your responsibilities will be to bring those who are chosen into the Church of the Firstborn, by the waters of separation ordinance, along with Oriphiel who will properly record all their names in the Book of Life. John the Beloved will be the king of the New Jerusalem, and finish building the city and be responsible for it. Jesus Christ will become the king over all the earth and the chief high priest in the Church of the Firstborn.

19. It is a very high privilege for you and Oriphiel to perform this ordinance and recording for all members of our celestial church. You are uniquely blessed to perform this work on behalf of all our elect who ever lived on the earth. We love you, Raphael!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their love and words they spoke to me today.

20. My wife and I have been discussing a book she has been reading entitled "When Bad Things Happen to Good People", by Rabbi Harold S Kushner.

In his book, he debunks many of the magical myths people come up with when tragedy happens in their lives. Our husband-wife discussions have been very helpful.

21. Rabbi Kushner spends a lot of time in discussing the Book of Job in the Bible. There are Job's friends who blame Job for not being righteous enough, and that is why he has such trials, in their minds. Job says God can do anything he wants, for he is all-powerful. The author of the book of Job (it apparently wasn't written by Job) says that maybe even God has a hard time in keeping chaos in check and limiting the damage evil can do (see page 50).

22. The fact that innocent people have bad things happen to them may not represent that God is punishing them for something they did wrong. He says the misfortunes do not come from God at all. The conclusion he makes is that God is not doing this to us, and that misfortunes are none of his doings, and so we can turn to him for help. "Our question will not be Job's question 'God, why are you doing this to me?', but rather 'God, see what is happening to me? Can you help me?' We will turn to God not to be judged or forgiven, not to be rewarded or punished, but to be strengthened and comforted." (see page 51).

23. In the Garden of Eden, did God orchestrate Adam and Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit? I believe God did, but Satan was the tempter and the one who was instrumental in the fall of man. It wasn't God who tempted them.

In a like way, maybe God orchestrates our lives, but allows the natural consequences of mortality to just happen, thus fulfilling his plan but not himself causing the events to happen–for mortality consequences caused it.

24. My son had a heart attack and a brain injury 5 1/2 years ago because of a physical weakness in his body, which God knew about. This caused trauma to him and the entire family. Did God inflict this terrible thing on A. and our family, or did he just let the consequences of A.'s weaknesses and the circumstances of him running and falling to just happen. I believe God did preserve his life but did not 'cause' his accident, or inflict this on A..

25. There are tribulations coming to the earth. Nibiru comes, the earth moans and revolts because of wickedness on her surface–is this God's orchestration? Yes, but he allows the consequences of the physical calamities to kill large populations of the wicked. If they cry to him, he may extend protection to them. If they come to God, God will give rest to all those who labor, and are heavy laden. This rest may include protection.

26. God is on the side of the elect and of the righteous. He has power to avert death and bring these elect to safety. The trials come on the earth by the natural causes of being in a mortal world.

27. In mortality, people sometimes feel God is unjust in the random way terrible things happen to people. But is it God that should be blamed? Did we not know that earth life would be risky when we left God's presence? Many things can happen, even death can surprise us. We have a veil over our spirit mind, and don't know what will happen in the future. God knows, but sometimes lets these things just come. Sometimes God intervenes, for his own purposes.

I believe God has orchestrated basic events for his children, but does not directly cause the bad things to happen.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-9-2017 Monday

1. Last night I was too tired to really receive anything of clarity in my evening prayer. My wife and I had stayed up late.

This morning while preparing for my prayer, I asked Jesus Christ whether the things I received are mostly done spiritually before naturally on the earth. I know this has happened for the meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, with my experience so far being in the spiritual realm. Jesus asked me for what experiences I had? I asked about the tribulation and Yom Kippur. He said this experience was all done in the celestial realms above. The tribulations will be manifest on the telestial earth in the physical realms more and more now, as a result of what I have seen and recorded in heaven from my Heavenly Parents and himself.

2. I also asked about the blowing of the trumpets of God, on 7-31-2016. He said these were blown in the celestial realms above the earth. Satan was loosed in the telestial realms when I went into the bottomless pit.

I then realized that each experience that I participated in needs to be addressed separately. I think I will go through and modify the timeline to include whether the event was done on the celestial, terrestrial or telestial plane.

3. Later:
I prayed later, just before noon, to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the bluff above God's Loving Healing Center, in the lake area, facing north towards the temple. They came right from their temple.

I basked in the love and warmth of their presence! I asked some questions. The first was a confirmation of a house purchase for a rental property in Springville, Utah.

4. The second was about things being spiritually revealed before they are revealed physically. Heavenly Mother said she would help me as I go through the timeline, to give me specifics on whether the action was to be repeated again in the future, in a lower spiritual or physical sphere on the earth.

5. The third question was about the view I should have about God's interactions with their children. My wife in particular has been seeking this information. I wanted to know how much they orchestrate the individual lives of their children, and how much they let the mortal existence just happen to them. I particularly wondered about tragedies in the lives of their children. Heavenly Mother responded–I will write as it is spoken to me:

'Raphael, your question about our involvement with our precious children is a very good question. Many peoples in my many religions have wondered how this is done.

6. We have birthed and raised our own offspring in the premortal life. When they were ready and prepared, trained and schooled for their mortal experience, we talked with each one. We showed them our plan for their lives in this mortal existence they would soon experience. We had planned it out in great detail, having seen all things from the beginning. The experiences we had in store for them were engineered by your Father and I, their Heavenly Parents. We had shaped these experiences to be just the ones we wanted for the growth and direction of our child. Once life started, we let the plan of the mortal experience happen. We let the consequences of mortal life just happen, since we knew the details of what this would be for their lives. We knew all that would come upon our child, and even how they would generally respond, even though they had choice.

7. In order to design an earth life for all of our children, we had to know when each was planned to come forth on earth, and what experiences they would each have. We worked these out before life began on the earth. Once our children started coming to the earth, we watched to make sure the experiences for mortality were going according to our plan. We foresaw the rise and fall of entire civilizations. These all came through very natural means. Because of this, we have orchestrated the mortal experience of man, and watched how our children responded to life that just happened to them.

8. When we talked to our child who was about to come into their mortal experience, we showed them the highlights of their life that we had planned and orchestrated. We also received their agreement before they came, so that they knew in their unconscious mind what is coming their way in the course of their future life. We told them their life we had planned for them is what will help them the most to improve, if they will listen to our directions in their life.

9. Once our child comes to earth, they may choose to not follow our advice and direction we give to them. This will give them an alternate path in life to the one we had planned had they followed us. All of this is considered in our overall plan for the mortality of man, among all our children who come to the earth.

10. We also needed to plan for the rebellion of Lucifer and his evil hosts, and what we saw in the future of them doing to interrupt our plans. We always place their future activities in our plans, so that these are used to help in our child's growth if they are to choose our direction and impressions. Satan and his hosts never know of our plans, nor do they realize that they are part of our plan for the growth and development of our mortal children.

11. In addition to all of this, we use others of our children in mortality to fulfill the prayers our children offer to us. We use also our holy angels and other heavenly beings to help orchestrate our plan.

12. From all of these experiences, in the Day of Judgment for our children, we have the full documentation of their lives and the plan we had for them from the beginning, when they first left our presence. We can review all of this with them. In the Day of Judgment, our whisperings to their hearts and minds, our interventions by our helpers who were mortal or from heaven, will all be revealed. It will be very clear that these, our children, chose the life they each wanted to live, and that it wasn't us who forced them into anything they did not want to do. They will then see that their final state is exactly what they chose, and that we are just and fair in all of our judgments and actions.

13. While in the mortal experience of man on earth, our child cannot see that God is always just and fair, for they cannot clearly see the entire plan, or the past, present and future. This also is purposeful. A veil of forgetfulness and of shielding them from their unconscious mind is part of the mortal experience of our children. This has become the only way we truly see if our child chooses us and our ways of righteous living, even when evil and other less obvious choices are before them, in all varieties of situations, over a lifetime. In this way we have proven our elect who choose us over the ways of the world.

14. We are in a battle with Satan and his hosts over the souls of our children. We keep the adversary and his hosts in check, but allow them to entice and persuade our children, as part of our mortal plan for each child. We keep them on the earth until our purposes for them are no longer needed. During the millennial day, Satan and his hosts will be placed by you, Raphael, in the bottomless pit with a thousand-year seal. They will not disturb the Sabbath rest of the earth when our elect live and are secured into our Church of the Firstborn.

15. Your Heavenly Father and I are all-powerful in orchestrating all things for the salvation of our children. We follow eternal laws in reigning in our kingdom, in full justice and equity. We have a loving plan of salvation for each of our children to either return and live with us in eternity, or to receive the highest level of happiness and enjoyment they are willing to receive.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her amazing answer. I will ponder what she wrote and said more today and in the next few days. This prayer has been extended to me throughout the entire day, as I was able to secure a few bits of quiet and meditative time. It is now nearly 4:30 pm as I finish this up today. I am so glad Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have been by my side during the entire day today!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-10-2017 Tuesday

1. I awoke refreshed and prepared myself for my morning prayer. I met Jesus Christ at the white gate. As I was gazing into his eternity eyes, he spoke to me:

'Raphael, Heavenly Mother spoke to you yesterday about the correct view of God's involvement in the lives of their children who come to earth. It was an act of faith for these, God's children, to trust in God in coming to earth for their mortal experience.

2. God knows all events and situations beforehand, and earth life is orchestrated by our Heavenly Parents for their children. They do this out of their great love for their children. This is even considering tragic events that may come to them in life, and very difficult circumstances. It is in extremities of such trials that God can tell if they will still turn to God for rescue and peace.

3. It is best for our children to see their Heavenly Parents as helpers and assistants during such very difficult situations in life, rather than ones who orchestrated these difficulties. Satan often is used to bring on these situations, for he desires to destroy and control mankind. On the other hand, God wants to lift and bless mankind.

4. In their mercy and kindness, God often blesses their praying children who come unto them in their great distress. However, sometimes they don't rescue, but they will always comfort and strengthen if their child comes to them in faith and humble, sincere prayer. An all-knowing God knows what is required to forge the character of their child to reach their potential and thus qualify themselves for a place in heaven to live with God forever.'

5. I thanked Jesus, my Redeemer, for his confirming words to me. I recall last night in my prayer when my Heavenly Parents confirmed that I had written correctly Heavenly Mother's words of instruction to me. These can be difficult concepts to grasp, particularly if the faithful dwell on the idea that God caused their suffering, however great or small, in their mortal journey. We often can't see the purposes of God, with our conscious mind only. It takes trust and continued importuning God for relief sometimes to bring peace and resolution to our souls.

6. My wife told me of a young mother of four boys who always wanted girls. She then birthed twin girls, who were still in the hospital. As she was driving home this week, she was hit in her car by a drunk driver and killed! This tragedy leaves her bereaving husband with four small boys at home and two twin daughters in the hospital, soon to come home.

7. This tragedy will be so, so difficult for this young father! One might blame God. However, even though I can't very well comprehend in my mortal conscious mind how a loving God could 'orchestrate' this, I trust there is purpose, and there is a lot of the risks of mortality involved here too. This type of situation could happen to any of us! Surely, these experiences test men and women's souls!

8. My wife and I have felt the great tragedy of the loss of what could have been with the brain injury of our son A.. He still struggles a lot, although he can now do many things we thought he would never do. He has been greatly blessed to be able to own a car, to drive, to go to school, to be somewhat independent at times. He may never be normal, or be able to marry and have a family. We now accept that this is how it is, and move on with our own lives, in a care-taking role. It could have been much worse or much better.

9. In these last nearly six years of struggle, we have all immensely grown from this, our son's accident in Chile while serving on his LDS mission. I, for one, would most likely not have been propelled to seek God in my extremity had I not been so involved in the rescue effort of my son. This has strengthened me immensely in my active faith in God. It has awakened me to my mission of healing, and to an awareness of my identity and role as Raphael.

10. I next went to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf of that glorious tree. I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center, and sat on the bench. Here I ate and thought of what I personally wanted and needed, strengthened in my mission.

I knelt and prayed, facing the lake. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came from a cloud before me, and walked to where I was. Heavenly Father asked me to stand and walk with them. I stood, and he put his right arm around my shoulder, and Heavenly Mother held my right hand. We walked slowly around this small lake on the path.

11. Heavenly Father spoke:

'We know how difficult your journey has been with the injury of your son A.. We have come to you and your loved ones as often as you invited us into your lives. We have comforted and blessed all. We have strengthened A. to be at the place he is now.

12. We are very pleased with your own growth and preparation in this struggle. These experiences you have had have given you deep compassion and understanding which would not be possible for you to develop had you not experienced this tragedy in your family. We are also so pleased that you are aware, in your conscious mind, of our frequent visits and our instructions to you, in tutoring you and blessing you so fully. These are all very real, even though only fully experienced in your unconscious mind.

Come here to this lake today, as you wish, and we will be here for you, and will commune with you. We love you Raphael!'

13. We then continued walking slowly, enjoying the beauty and peace of our surroundings in such a heavenly setting. I thanked my Father for his words of comfort. I expressed my love to both he and my Mother.

1. Later:
In my prayer tonight I went again to pray in front of the bench at the God's Loving Healing Center Lake. I then saw Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and myself coming on the path towards me. We three were still walking around the lake, talking! I don't know what we had been talking about. When they got close to me, my view changed from me kneeling by the bench to walking towards me kneeling at the bench. It seems my active mind switched places!

I felt the comfort and love of my Heavenly Parents. They assured me that I was pleasing them. I felt comforted and then ended my prayer and went to bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-11-2017 Wednesday

1. This morning, after preparing myself for my prayer, I went to the top of the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I asked for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. I looked to the skies and saw Heavenly Mother on the granite cliff above me! She asked me to come up by her.

We then had a wonderful time together, just us two! I shared all the feelings of my heart with her. I asked if I might reveal more of my secret life of Raphael with my wife. I yearned to share this, and have her understand in part what I experience daily.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, it is wisdom in us, your Heavenly Parents, that you keep your identity hidden for a little season longer, even from your wife. I know this is difficult for you. We will be with her and guide her in her life.'

3. I then gazed into her eternity eyes and could feel myself being drawn into her! I then saw myself, and my wife, from her perspective and eternity eyes. I felt all would be well with her and that she would accept and understand someday in the future.

4. I then asked my Mother a question:

'Heavenly Mother, how can I tell the difference from feeling thy spirit body from that of Heavenly Father, who appears before me as a resurrected body? I know thy body before me is thy replicated spirit, and thy resurrected body is now in hiding.'

5. She responded:

'My replicated spirit body as you see and feel before you is not so dense, but lighter than my resurrected body. Here, place your right hand on my leg and pass it through my leg. You will feel the lightness of the spirit body as you do so.'

6. I then passed my right hand through her left leg as she stood before me. It seemed easy to pass through. There was a little boundary of resistance, at the surface, but as I passed through her robe and her leg, I easily went through with my translated and transfigured hand.

7. She then said this:

'I will now appear to you in my full resurrected body, containing my glory in my body!'

She then transitioned to her resurrected, glorious body before me. I didn't see much difference.

8. She then said for me to again pass through with my right hand through her leg.

I touched her robe and her leg underneath, and felt a firmer boundary of her flesh and bones. I pressed on, with intention to pass into her leg, and then I felt the release and I passed through to the other side. I felt more substance or density in her leg this time.

9. I thanked her for this remarkable demonstration! She then drew me close and we embraced, her in her resurrected body and me in my replicated translated and transfigured body! I felt I went inside of her to a degree and had a wonderful full embrace, meant for those who are close and true friends.

I felt her desires to share with me from her bosom. I felt her love and kindness, her gentleness and happiness, which seemed to exude from her being!

10. We parted. She then spoke again:

'You have felt my love for you in my bosom area. This is where women feel for their children. It is a feeling of nurturing and care. You and Heavenly Father have this feeling from your loin area. This is a love of protection and strength. These feelings are complimentary in a man and a woman, and is by our design.'

11. I thanked her so much for her love, and for her explanation. She then said this:

'Raphael, I now need to remove my resurrected body back to hiding. I will be here all day long for you, and will be next to you in your replicated unconscious self today. Come to me as you wish, for I will be here on this granite cliff today.'

12. I then expressed my love for her. She then switched out her resurrected body for her replicated spirit body. I felt so blessed to have been with her today, and to have had this great experience with my Mother!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-12-2017 Thursday

1. Last night I had my prayer on the granite cliff at Heavenly Mother's upper garden. Only Heavenly Mother appeared and spoke to me. I asked her right off for any message she had for me. Here is what she said, as best I can recall (I'm also praying for inspiration to write her words this morning):

'Raphael, I want to share with you some things related to my life when I was in mortality.

2. I had a premortal life, just like you have had. Heavenly Father and I met and married on an earth like yours, in a telestial environment. We had trauma in our young family of seven children, and had to continually hold our baby for over a year–it was very difficult, but taught us patience and increased compassion. We did not live in a modern society like yours. We lived the course of our mortal life and died and went to the spirit realm located around our own earth.

3. We also had Heavenly Parents and a Redeemer. We were resurrected and chose to follow God's plan for us. When we were resurrected, we were given an inheritance on our earth, along with our friends and some of our children who also received eternal life like ourselves.

4. As our first spirit family became too large for our home on our celestial earth, we created and lived on another orb which eventually became this celestial world where we are now located.

5. In the course of living in mortality, we received initial temple sealings in a church much like the Church of Christ. We also received temple ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn, just like you have described. We were sealed by our own Heavenly Mother as husband and wife.

6. The sealing of our exalted children linked them to us in eternity. We still meet with them occasionally, but we each have our own creations and kingdoms, and our separate eternities. We still also have our first inheritance on our exalted earth. We go there occasionally also.

Our great work is in our own creations, in our own galaxy, what you call the Milky Way Galaxy. We have lived through very many eternities now, all within this ever expanding galaxy.

7. We never ever tire of repeating eternity after eternity! It is so fulfilling and satisfying to your Father and I. We love bearing men and women, the souls of men, and see them progress and grow, hopefully many of them to become like us.'

Heavenly Mother didn't say these words exactly like this, but she included all of it in her message to me. I felt very close to her! She is so very loving and kind and warm.

8. I prayed this morning in heaven. I drank of the living waters at the main fountain in heaven. I then walked to the white gate. Jesus Christ was in front of the gate, and opened it for me. He shut it after we both entered. He then spoke to me

'Raphael, what our Heavenly Mother shared with you last night in your prayer is precious information, and is true. She is so very loving and open! We are both so blessed to be children of her and Heavenly Father!'

9. I readily concurred with my Redeemer!

I asked him this question before walking onto the gold straight and narrow path:

'May I have additional insight into the purchase of a rental home we are considering? With our downturn in our business, we may have much less revenue this year. I don't think it is wise to have a loan for this rental house, in the current environment of the world now, but to wait until such time as we have sufficient in our savings to buy a rental house. Is this a wise decision?'

10. Jesus responded that this was the wisest decision–to wait until we had saved enough, and not to go into debt. I thanked him for his advice.

11. My second question for him: I asked about exaltation, and said it seemed it was just for a married and sealed couple, and did not include their children. I asked for more clarification on this.

12. Jesus spoke to me:

'You are correct in thinking that exaltation is for eternal couples, husband and wife, God and Goddess, and does not include the children they bore on earth. Their children have their own path, and may also be privileged to receive their own exaltation with their spouse in eternity.

13. The sealing of children to parents ordinance is for a link of the parent-child relationship to be perpetuated beyond the grave into eternity. They may visit together occasionally, but each has their own separate exaltation and worlds.'

14. I thanked him for his clarity, and his confirmation. I then turned and walked on the gold path, holding onto the rod of iron with my right hand.

After arriving at the tree of life, I plucked the fruit and leaf, and then went to a bench in a beautiful garden area due west of the tree. I ate there, and sought to make personal improvements in my love and thought patterns. I next knelt, facing the sapling tree of life in the near distance.

15. I asked for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. They came quickly. I gazed at their faces, their robes, and their glorious beings in front of me! I asked them to give me any message they might have for me. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to come to you this morning in this beautiful garden area in heaven, our abode and home. We want to be accessible to you throughout your day on earth today, for your immediate connection with us, should you need or desire it. We will also be behind you, on your right hand and on your left and, guiding you.

16. This same privilege is available for all. They need to come unto us diligently, as have you, to receive us in such a full communion. We desire this same connection with each of our beloved children now in their mortal lives on earth. We love each so very much!'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his closeness to me, and for his great promises! I then realized I would be with him and Heavenly Mother throughout my entire day, in prayer continually. I then faded out, and wrote this–ever knowing they were right with me. I feel so blessed! I am now ready to start my new day. The sun is shining too, and that makes me happy!

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-13-2017 Friday

1. Today I awoke after a very restless sleep. I don't know why. I need to work at looking more objectively at everything in life, at least all my interactions with people, so I don't get overcome or stressed out by the wickedness and difficulties of earth life. 
I have great love for those I let into my heart, some of my family members and the righteous. It is now important, I believe, to shield myself with objectivity when seeing others' actions and the harsh world we live in.

2. When I came to the white gate and Jesus Christ this morning, I asked him to help me to be more objective (more detached emotionally) from how I view life and people. This is really for my own protection. I also felt I should be more respectful of myself in doing this. If I am not prepared, the scenes of evil can penetrate me and hurt me emotionally. I want protection from that, and I think looking objectively, apart and non-emotionally at the world would greatly help me.

3. Jesus said this when I asked him to help me see everything with objective eyes:

'Raphael, I will strengthen you and bless you to shield yourself from the world, not letting others or scenes of evil penetrate your inner soul. You have the ability to control your mind and to let whatever you wish into your inner circle, inside of you. This is healthy and good to protect and honor yourself in this way.'

4. I thanked him for this blessing. I then proceeded to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and leaf. I went next to the birch tree grove on the valley slopes, just east of Lake Beautiful.

5. As I ate the fruit, I sought for more love for specific family members. As I ate the leaf, I thought of three desires for my own well being:

1) To honor myself by not being so open to others, but first to protect myself with an objective view of people and the world that exposes itself to me daily. This is primarily a mind-control issue.

6. 2) To allow only those people who are wholesome and good, with pure motives, into my inner life where I have deep love and shared emotions.

7. 3) To have greater respect for myself–by nourishing myself and thinking highly of myself and my efforts to be good. I have really never felt poorly of myself–but now I want to view myself almost as an independent person of great power and personal strength. I tend to always defer to others, and leave me last. I need to take more time for myself and feel it is ok, and even vital for my own stability. I pray this won't detract from my own humility, meekness or desire to serve others in any way. I just need to care more fully for myself, and honor myself in this way.

8. I then knelt and prayed for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to all come to me. They immediately came from a bright circular light above, until they were before me.

I prostrated myself before them, honoring and worshipping them. I then gazed into their faces. They were so majestic! They wore regal robes, such beautiful garments. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore gold-trimmed robes, tied with a scarlet-red waist sash, tied on their right side. Jesus wore a scarlet-red robe. They were each smiling at me.

9. I have been noticing recently, that Heavenly Father and Jesus have the same shape nose from the side, straight from the top bridge of their nose to the end of their nose. However, Heavenly Mother's nose is somewhat curved up from the side view. I have been looking at their profiles more recently, and noticed that feature.

10. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write as she spoke to me:

'Raphael, your telestial world is now more harsh and wicked than ever before! You are correct in protecting your mind and heart more now, with the views of being objective and non-emotional in your general stance and view of life. Therefore, as hard things or scenes come your way, you will be protected more fully, particularly your tender feelings and your open-mindedness that we so much love.

11. I bless you now with an objective shield. This we will leave with you to protect you until you vanquish Satan and his hosts and place them into the bottomless pit. You will then be more open and vulnerable to all in the millennial day.

12. Until that time, you may, by your own choice, let the wholesome, pure and sweet people whom you have learned to trust into your inner life. These you will serve and love with greater capacity also. But for the wicked and manipulative, you will not let them into your mind and heart.

13. We also are pleased that you desire to honor yourself more in taking personal time for you. This is healthy too. You will still maintain you righteousness and humility as you take time for yourself.

We love you Raphael! Come here anytime today–we will be here for you, anytime you desire to connect to us today!'

14. I felt so happy with Heavenly Mother's response to my requests! I feel very satisfied with this blessing of an objective shield–what a wonderful thing with which to be blessed! This all comes in a time when I have felt more and more vulnerable.

This ended my current prayer in my conscious mind. I look forward to connecting with them in prayer throughout the day.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-14-2017 Saturday

1. I had a short prayer in the birch tree grove. I found I needed to drink of living water several times before my prayer in order to reconnect in my prayer. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were there before me. I shared with them my open feelings. They smiled and listened, and seemed pleased. I ended my prayer and had a great sleep.

2. This morning, in preparation for my communion with God, I came to the white gate and met with Jesus Christ. He is always so very kind and sensitive to me! I thanked him deeply for his friendship, and the blessing of having an objective mind as my normal resting state now, so that I am ever cautious. I asked him to be with me always, and to help keep me clean and pure before him, as I would try to protect myself from evil that I may encounter. He said he would be with me always, and would strengthen me and keep me clean of the blood and sins of this generation. I felt so happy and blessed!

3. I then turned and walked the gold straight path to the beautiful tree. I arrive and plucked a white fruit and a leaf. I next went directly west, past the sapling tree, and to the garden area, facing west.

4. I partook of the fruit and thought to be loving and open to all the good people who would not try to manipulate or work me in their self-centered way. As I ate the leaf, I thought about how precious my pure mind and heart really are, and how I needed so much the blessing of protection. I remembered and reread the blessing of an objective shield, given me yesterday from Heavenly Mother. I felt so much more prepared to serve in the way they want me to serve.

5. I also prayed for a strengthened physical body. I prayed that the foods of the world would not harm me in any way. I had eaten so well the past few weeks, with harvest food mostly from our garden. The taste and nutrient level is of a very high quality. Then we ate at Carl's Jr as a "splurge" during our date night. I ate something that caused me to experience inflammation that I could recognize in my body. The food wasn't tasty at all, and the onion rings were metallic tasting! My wife said she never wanted to eat there again!

Anyway, I inadvertently ate bad food that come into my system as a poison. I prayed for strength against junk food like the onion rings I ate.

6. I was then prepared for my prayer this morning. It took me 45 minutes to get ready this morning, much longer than I had hoped. I wondered if all this effort was necessary. I do know it has so greatly helped me connect with my Heavenly Parents. I enjoy getting in a deep meditative and receptive state. I think sometimes we need to do this to really share fully in our prayers.

7. I knelt and raised my hands above my head, and called upon my Heavenly Parents to come. I lowered my hands and waited and observed.

In the distance, to my west towards the crashing hole in the ground where the river representing Jesus Christ enters, I saw two people walking towards me. I knew these were my Heavenly Parents!

8. They came soon before me and stood. I gazed into their loving faces. Their robes seemed a little disheveled and soiled by their recent rescue efforts in the rocky pit. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we have been tirelessly working in the rocky pit where the river crashes into, located behind us. Your Mother and I love our elect so very much! If they call out to us, we come to their rescue. We have toillessly been helping rescue our elect from the dire situations they are finding themselves in, during their mortal probation.

9. You have listened to a video of an interview with Rabbi Harold Kushner last night. In the interview, he said he preferred believing in a God who was quick to bless his suffering children, and not in a God who brought them into terrible situations and trauma in life. We prefer to be recognized as rescuers of our suffering children, for that is what we constantly do. Hardships and difficulties come to our children by virtue of the mortal life in a fallen world they experience. This scripture is accurate about our role:'

10. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28).

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for all the abundant service they give us, their children.

I then turned and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her objective shield and blessing she gave me yesterday. I asked her if such a shield is also available for all who seek to rescue others of their children in this dark and difficult world. Heavenly Mother responded:

12. 'For all of our gatherers and rescuers of our elect, we will grant to these who ask in the sincerity of their heart. They may come unto us, asking for a blessing of such a shield to protect them also. We love all who come unto us and for those who labor to rescue the elect of God.'

I thanked her for her kindness in extending this blessing to those who recue God's elect children.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-15-2017 Sunday

1. I started preparing for my morning prayer by drinking of the living waters at the fountain of living waters in front of God's temple in the celestial world. I then came to the white gate, and Jesus Christ my Redeemer opened the gate and shut it behind me after I entered. He spoke:

'Raphael, you have been blessed to receive a protective shield, but you still need to protect yourself too. Be on-guard, always when you are in the world.'

2. I thanked him for his cautious words. I then started on the path, holding ever tight to the rod of iron.

What next follows reminds me of John Bunyan's "Pilgrims Progress", the first novel written back in 1678:

As I was walking, trying to ever be on guard, the path and rod went down into a dark pool of water! I couldn't see even where it came out in the distance. I knew I had to proceed into the dark, murky waters!

I held tight, and walked into the waters, still on the gold path.

I thought I saw all sorts of weird fish trying to nibble at me. I tried keeping an objective mind. I kept going deeper and deeper into the water. It wasn't living water, but I had no problem breathing.

3. The path finally started ascending. I continually had a hold, with both hands, of the rod of iron. I soon met with a tangle of water weeds of some kind that were slimy. It became hard to proceed, even hand-over-hand on the iron rod since these weeds were all around me, particularly wrapped around my legs! I found it very hard to walk! I prayed for help. Thankfully, soon the weeds seemed to loosen their grip.

The path then became steeper going up to the surface. I felt relief to be soon out of this mucky water! I had all I could take it seemed.

4. Then the path and rod became so slippery that I started slipping backwards. Try as I might, I couldn't advance! I kept slipping backwards. I again prayed to God for help. I wrapped my right arm around the slippery rod of iron, and used my left hand to wipe off the bottoms of my feet, and my right hand. They both had thick moss that I scraped off with my fingernails. I switched arms around the rod, facing the other way, and scraped my other foot and hand.

5. I turned around and thought of my feet and hands as sticky instead of slimy. I then made progress, and with lots of effort came out of the darkened water! Whew! What a journey!

I looked back and suddenly saw the water teaming with wiggly eel-like creatures! I looked and saw some on me! I pulled these off, all I could find, and then threw them into the dark, teaming water. I then called upon my Savior to help cleanse me of these creatures, those I may have missed. He came immediately. I asked him to help me remove these leaches I had found–and to see if there were any more. He smiled and said he was always ready to help those who would come unto him. I thought of the scripture in Matthew 11:28-30, about coming to him, all of us who were heavy laden, and that he would give us rest.

6. Jesus pulled off more leaches, and a huge one that I had not detected at the back of my neck! These came off easily with his skill of removing them. He then spoke:

'Raphael, you are now clean again before me!'

7. I thanked him so much! I saw my robes and vestures clean again too, no longer soiled by the slimy water that I had passed through.

I then walked the rest of the way on the gold path to the tree of life. When I arrived, I couldn't see the fruit. This had happened once before. I commanded in the name of Jesus Christ that my view be cleared up so I could see. It didn't immediately work, so I exercised more faith with my thoughts, plus lots of concentration. The darkness soon lifted as I sought to visualize the fruits. Whew again!

8. I plucked of the fruit and of the leaf and took them with me to the outlook overlooking Heavenly Father's newly planted wheat field.

I ate the fruit, thinking of the love of my Savior for me–and that I wanted greater love for those in great distress like I was in. I thought also of increasing love towards the humble, honest, innocent and kindly people that I might meet in life.

9. I ate the leaf, and thought of always being aware of not being sucked into the lure of the world. I knew I would have to work in the darkness a lot, in order to rescue others. But for myself, I wanted to think of my protective stance and a very objective and careful mind. I wanted my heart to be fully guarded in the darkness.

10. I then knelt and faced the wheat field below. I prayed with uplifted hands to heaven while facing east. I prayed for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to all come.

11. They came to me immediately, in great power and light! Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have given you experiences this morning while you prepared yourself in coming unto us. The world you live in is a dark and a difficult place to navigate. Always be on-guard and full of assurance. Trust in us, and we will always come to your assistance when you get over your own capabilities to escape or be relieved. Remember your sword of Raphael, and your angled scarlet-red sash, both representing our power and authority. Come frequently to our table of Heavenly Mother's fruits and greens that she has prepared for you to be strengthened. Remember also the objective shield that she has blessed you with yesterday. When you are called upon to go into darkened, deep waters of the world around you, we will always be with you!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father. I felt so pleased to be in God's presence. I just basked in their light and love!

12. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, come here today during the sacrament. We will go into the newly sprouted wheat field at that time. Oh, we love our elect! For you and our angels-how great a responsibility you have to rescue and save these, our choice sons and daughters!'

13. I abundantly thanked her too! I expressed love to all three of them who were before me. I felt deeply at peace, with the determination to serve them regardless of the personal difficulties I would have in my journey to be obedient to them.

14. Later:
We arrive back home from church. On the way back, we visited two of our neighbors: one who is in the rest home, and one who has their house up for sale. These two friends are the only ones who seem to talk real to us. It will be a sad day when they leave.

15. We attended a local ward nearby today. We sang the sacrament song #185 "Reverently and Meekly Now." I enjoyed it a lot, and even felt I saw Jesus in front of me. I was at the overlook above Heavenly Father's newly planted wheat field. Jesus had stepped in front of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who were all three before me in the air. I was kneeling on the ground, facing east.

16. Once the sacrament prayer was offered on the bread, I made my weekly covenant. Jesus had gone to the right side of the Father after the hymn. I then waited. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant that you have made with us today. Come unto us now, and let's visit my wheat field below us!'

17. I then went to the side of Heavenly Mother, and we all turned and traveled down to the wheat field. We traveled east from the west end, starting near the oak tree. We came to the middle of the field and stopped. We were only about 10 feet above the wheat, in the air.

18. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'You see that my vast field is now planted in very young wheat that has started to vigorously grow. These represent the millennial elect of God. They are very precious to your Mother and me! We will not suffer that Satan or any of the wicked come to these elect and disrupt them in their growth. They will grow up without sin unto salvation!'

19. He stopped. The sacrament water was blessed in the ward. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have been given many helps to assist you in your own protection from Satan and his hosts, as you help rescue the elect of God in your world. These elect are immersed in darkness. You also have the responsibility to control Satan and his hosts when they step out of line. We will not allow them to overstep their bounds that we have set, in this battle that rages for the hearts of our elect. You have your scarlet-red angled sash, and your sword of Raphael to keep Satan and his hosts in line as we direct you.

20. Your battle with the adversary is to help protect our elect, both those in your world now and those represented below us in Heavenly Father's wheat field. When you protect our elect, you are protecting these elect below us here too, even though they will not be exposed to Satan. Whenever you labor against Lucifer, think too of these future generations of the elect of God whom you are also protecting. When you lock up Satan and his hosts in the bottomless pit, with the black key on your waist sash, you will protect our millennial elect from Satan for one thousand years. We don't want these precious children, our millennial elect, to be buffeted by Satan as has happened to the elect now in your world. You are acting in our authority to vanquish Satan and his followers, so that the earth may rest for one thousand years of peace!'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother. I had never thought that my doings in vanquishing Satan and his hosts from our current world really will help protect the millennial elect also.

22. Heavenly Mother then asked me to come with her and look closely at the newly sprouted wheat. She seemed very, very interested in this wheat. We went to the dirt road next to the field and looked carefully at the growing wheat, close-up while bending over these plants. The wheat was mostly a single blade still, and only 5-7 inches tall. This is all that I remember we did, then the meeting resumed in my sacrament meeting, and I lost track of this experience in the wheat field.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-16-2017 Monday

1. My sister and her husband are coming today for a short visit! We are planning to visit the leaves up in the canyons. It should be a lot of fun! It is also her birthday today–69 years old! I feel so blessed to have her as my older sister! I love her so much. She is a good confidant for me, someone I can share in depth what I receive. I wish I could also share these feelings with my wife, but I have been told not to do so yet. I do yearn to share, but I will wait patiently as I am directed.

2. This morning I awoke early and prepared myself for prayer. On the gold path, I was nearly to the tree of life when a wild wind with lots of debris came upon me! Then I found myself in the midst of a blazing forest fire! I tried to maintain my 'objective shield' by pressing forth to the tree of life, and holding tightly to the rod of iron. I did soon make it to the tree of life, and it was still blowing hard.

3. I was glad that the forest fire had stopped, however. I found some fruit in the blowing branches, and plucked a fruit and leaf. I then headed to the bench by the circling waters. There I found a beautiful setting! I felt very happy to be delivered from the fire and wind!

4. I realized that I had become on-guard while walking on the path through the fire and wind. I believe this is the stance and mental state I need to have when working in this wicked world of ours to help save the elect of God. I also had thought of the millennial elect while in the midst of the fire and high wind this morning.

5. At the bench I prepared myself by partaking of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life. I felt then ready to approach my God. I felt very open to any direction from my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, whom I knew I would soon meet.

6. Later:
I was interrupted today in my prayer. I experienced the prayer but didn't have an opportunity to write my experience. Here is what occurred:

My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me, in their majestic presence! I gazed on them, yearning to listen to their words. Heavenly Mother spoke to me at this time:

7. 'Raphael, we have now prepared you sufficiently for your own safety, and for your ability to rescue and save our very elect in the days ahead. We have strengthened you recently with an angled scarlet-red sash that gives you our power to vanquish Satan and his hosts when they overstep the bounds we have set for them in our great battle for our children. We have blessed you with an objective shield so that you may not be personally affected by all the sin and trauma around you, and in being able to descend to where the dark evil dwells in this world. You have been trained in the personal protective posture you need to have for your mind and heart when being around evil, manipulative and selfish people in this world. You have successfully navigated experiences we have given you to show you the depths you will be expected to endure when saving our elect. You have previously been given your sword of Raphael to wield in defending the elect of God who seek us.

8. We are pleased in what you have now learned. We feel you are prepared now more fully to serve us faithfully, regardless of where we ask you to go and what to do.

Such too will be the journey for our mortal angels who want to serve us faithfully. Their missions will all be different. We will also prepare them in receiving personal protection and training for what we will be requiring of them. You, Raphael, will also be a large support to them in their work, for their protection and guidance.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her reassuring words! I felt I would no longer have the very difficult experiences on the straight and narrow path that I have recently encountered. If true, that will be a great relief!

My sister K came today for a quick visit with her husband. They were with their family in Park City, Utah. It was so fun to be with them! We also had a good lunch and cake to celebrate her 69th birthday! I feel greatly blessed to have such an open and kind sister in mortality, one that I can share with deeply.'

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-17-2017 Tuesday

1. Last night I had seen some news reports of the devastating fires in California, particularly in Santa Clara. These are devastating whole towns and communities.

I also saw a video on the EMP threat, and one where Pope Francis was saying we need peace and safety. There was a United Nations day of Peace and safety on September 21st of this year. Seems to me to be the fulfillment of the scripture that says the following:

2. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3–

"For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

3. I came to the circling waters again tonight in the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I asked them about the fires in California. Heavenly Father said these were the beginnings of the tribulations that would sweep the land. I then thought of the need to cleanse the land prior to the time that the new wheat would be planted in God's field. I knew we were in the first stages of the clearing of the land, and that this devastation would continue.

4. I also thought it best not to dwell on the current news too much, for I may get down or depressed with all the bad news! I know it is happening now, and will continue.

5. I prepared for my morning prayer. I drank of the living waters at the fountain and came to the white gate. Jesus Christ was in front of the gate and said this to me:

'Raphael, come enter into my gate, and travel the straight and narrow path to eternal life!'

I thanked him and entered the gold path, holding onto the iron rod. I came to the tree of life without incident, for which I was very glad. I plucked a fruit and a leaf. The fruit of the tree glowed in my hand.

6. I then went to the fir forest, in a beautiful darkened area just west of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I ate the fruit, preparing myself with more love for my immediate family. I ate the leaf, seeking to guard my mind and heart against the difficulties I would be required to pass through.

7. I then knelt and prayed to my Father and Mother. I waited. I then could see both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother climbing up the hillside, coming to the overlook! They stood and brushed off their soiled robes. They both beckoned me to come to them at the overlook where they had climbed up.

8. I stood and quickly came to them. They both seemed very glad to see me. Heavenly Mother said they had been helping rescue the elect now in the world, in Heavenly Father's wheat fields below, during the days of tribulation that is coming upon the world.

9. Heavenly Father brought me to the edge of the overlook, to where they had just climbed. He spoke:

'Raphael, my wheat field has been harvested, and we have gathered our elect into garners where they are protected.'

10. I looked on the field and I saw different sections of it experiencing various calamities. I saw fire, I saw famine and plague, I saw war and fighting. In some areas I saw devastating earthquakes and huge upheavals. In others I saw high-speed winds, and in others flooding. I saw commotions of the ground and weather, of all varieties! I saw all of these, but the elect were more protected from these devastations somehow, protected by the angels and others gatherers. Most people were angry with God, or didn't believe in God but still cursed God and nature.

11. Heavenly Father waved his arm over his field.

I then saw all of the destruction was gone, ready for planting! Heavenly Father then was there, broadcasting wheat seed on the fertile soil. He walked back and forth over the field, spreading the seed as he went.

Next I saw that he had fully planted his entire field! He came back to the overlook, and a mist from his river on the east side of the field came over the field and fully watered all.

12. Heavenly Father then waved his arm over the field below. I next saw the green sprouted wheat growing vigorously! It was at the same height as in the recent experience I had on Sunday during the sacrament. The wheat was 5-7 inches in height. The sky was blue, and there was abundant light all around. There was also great peace.

13. Heavenly Father then waved his hand over his field again. I then saw the wheat, fully mature and ready for harvesting. These had grown up without sin unto salvation. There was no sign of any devastations in the field. I could see Heavenly Father was very pleased with the growth and maturity of his wheat field.

14. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, think of this view of my wheat field when you are required to pass through hardships of all varieties to help save our elect in your current world. This (he moved his right arm over his field) is what your new earth will have in abundance!'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for my vivid prayer this morning! I felt lots of peace and meaning in the work that I would be doing in the days ahead.

I then came back to my bedside and wrote all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my day.

16. Later:
My wife and I talked tonight about core belief systems we each have. We all can understand a circumstance like this:

'My husband forgot my birthday day!'

We can then choose a thought like 'He therefore doesn't love me!'

or another one like this:

'He just forgot! If he knew, he would celebrate with me, and we'd have a great time!'

The latter thought is positive and brings happy feelings.

17. We all have circumstances in life from which we can choose our thought patterns. For me, it looks like I will have lots of exposures to the dark side in keeping Satan in line and in rescuing the elect from the wicked around them. These circumstances will come before me more and more I believe. These circumstances are void of emotion. My thoughts about these circumstances create my emotions.

18. So I want to choose thoughts that are positive so that my emotions are positive, even though the circumstance seems dark and evil.

Here are some possible thought patterns I can choose to create in my mind. These are all based on truth:

19. Thought #1: I am so glad to be able to save and rescue the elect from their awful circumstance! What a blessing this will be in their life!

This yields Feelings #1: Joy and relief.

Thought #2: I am glad the world will soon be cleared of this wickedness, making way for the righteous to come.

This yields Feelings #2: Excitement to have a peaceful world.

Thought #3: I am so pleased to have an objective shield over my mind and heart! This greatly protects me.

This yields Feelings #3: Loved and protected by God.

Thought #4: I am assigned to keep Satan and his hosts in-line, even to vanquish those offenders out of the sphere of the earth.

This yields Feelings #4: I am trusted by God, and empowered.

Thought #5: I have the singular task to lock up Satan and his hosts for a thousand years.

This yields Feelings #5: Trusted , empowered and responsible.

20. I could go on. My feelings that are generated from proper thought creation can be positive (like those five examples above) or negative (like fear, unsecure, sadness that I was given these assignments, etc.). I want to be very assured and pleased in acting in all of these rescuing assignments! Even locking up Satan in the bottomless pit is one of rescuing the elect, the millennial elect, from the grasps of Satan. What a great blessing I foresee this being for the elect of God yet to be!

21. All the angels who help bless and deliver the elect, or even those who initiate calamity on the earth, can align their thoughts as much as possible in positive ways that will in turn create feelings of protection, trust, deliverance, relief, etc.

22. We all really have everything going for us, in the way of great blessings from God! We are trained, empowered, and taught. We have no need to fear or dwell in any negative emotions. We have all reason to be cheerful, positive and have feelings of being so blessed and trusted by God. Our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ are always by our side and will never let us falter, as long as we go forward in faith and obedience in the actions they will require of us.

23. D&C 128:22-23–

"Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners shall go free.

Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid rocks weep for joy! And let the sun, moon, and the morning stars sing together, and let all the sons of God shout for joy! And let the eternal creations declare his name forever and ever! And again I say, how glorious is the voice we hear from heaven, proclaiming in our ears, glory, and salvation, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life; kingdoms, principalities, and powers!"

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-18-2017 Wednesday

1. I have continued my discussion with my wife last night. There is one other insight I had after talking with her: we need to allow ourselves to experience the broad range of negative feelings as well as the positive. For example, God allows themselves to experience grief and sorrow. They give themselves the opportunity to feel negative emotion, but they don't keep in that state too long. Grief, pain and sorrow are part of their current emotions at times.

2. I approached my Heavenly Parents in prayer last night. Heavenly Mother said I was on the correct track to think positive thoughts and feelings about my circumstances that I would find myself in. She said this would keep me become more empowered and full of faith and purpose in my future actions. She concurred with me to look for the positive truth when creating my thoughts in my mind. She said these positive thoughts would create my positive emotions also.

3. I asked God why the elect in the millennium are not tempted by Satan, whereas the elect in the world today are exposed to Satan and great evil in the world.

4. Heavenly Father said that the elect in the millennium that come forth have been sufficiently valiant in their premortal life in being obedient and faithful to them. They don't need the exposure to evil and Satan's ways, since they have proven themselves in their premortal life.

5. I asked then why those who are the elect in our world are now so buffeted by Satan and the wickedness of the world. Heavenly Father said some of these need further testing, and some do not. However, they all need to be the transitionary ones to defeat Satan and to bring on a better world. The challenge of moving from a telestial to a terrestrial earth takes a righteous group of the elect to help change the environment. Such is the case with us mortal angels. We have been true and faithful to God, and in many cases don't need additional proving. However, we need to do the work of God in the great transition to a better world, a world where the adversary will not be available anymore to tempt mankind for one thousand years. We have agreed to come forth now to battle evil and eliminate it from the world in which we live.

6. This morning I came to the white gate. I asked Jesus Christ more about the fairness of having the elect who are now exposed to evil compared to those elect who will not have evil in the millennium. He said it is not proper to compare these two groups of the elect, for when the Day of Judgment comes, we will see that God is fair and just. We cannot see with our eyes the experiences of the elect in their premortal life, and their unwavering allegiance to God's plan. Also, those who were valiant in the premortal life, and are the transition ones to create a world without Satan and evil, will have their experiences and valuable growth rise with them in the resurrection and into their exaltation. These lessons will allow them to become even more valiant and skilled in the world to come.

7. I thanked Jesus for his words, which helped me understand better why the elect come forth in various circumstances on earth.

I then turned and traveled to the tree of life, this time again with no obstacles in my path! I plucked a fruit and leaf, and then came to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden area. I ate there, thinking of these mortal experiences I have been having, and the extensive training and revelations to strengthen me in my future mission. These are great views I have had which build my character and abilities, for which I should see as opportunities of great growth and personal progression. As I am obedient, they allow me to become more and more Godly in my character. I feel so thankful for this growth!

8. I then knelt by the chair, next to the glass table and asked that my Heavenly Parents come. They both came from my right side, walking straight to me up a garden path. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, our son, your gradual training in the past few years has greatly strengthened you in preparing for your important mission. Without the mortal experience of choosing right and goodness over evil, in the telestial world you would not have developed the strong character and ability to fulfill all we want you to accomplish. The fiery furnace of affliction has forged you into the valiant servant we require to make a better world and to help rescue our elect in the world today. You are now sufficiently prepared to meet the challenges of your calling. We are pleased with your standing, knowledge and skills. You have shown us by your actions that you are faithful in all things we ask you to do.'

9. I expressed my gratitude to my Father for his trust in me, and confidence in my current ability to fulfill my present and future mission.

Heavenly Mother then asked me to rise up and sit with them around the glass table. I stood and sat down, and they also sat in chairs around the glass table.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, I have brought a few more foods I have grown in my garden to strengthen you. I hope you enjoy these!'

She brought some cut melons slices and blueberries in a bowl, and a spoon. I thanked her for such beautiful garden food!

I scooped some berries onto the melon slices in the bowl and ate. The taste was so heavenly! I felt all parts of my body being nourished with additional light as I ate! I thanked her again as I ate. It was so, so delicious!

11. She spoke again:

'Prepare your post now. Share also with those angels who support you that they too may come to this glass table and eat from my garden! I will nourish and greatly strengthen them, as they come unto us their God.'

12. I felt so blessed! I wrote all of this down in my journal. I am feeling very humble and yet capable to meet the challenges ahead. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I knew I could return anytime today to be with them, and continue eating of the melons and blueberries as I wished. I feel very blessed!

P. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-19-2017 Thursday

1. This morning I awoke happy and well-rested. Last night I completed the big effort in typing all of my journal entries into the computer. It seems to be a very large post, covering two weeks!

I am surprised how much I have received over these past two weeks. I do feel now very much more prepared and trained for my mission. I feel protected also, and that I have tools necessary to move forward in action.

2. As I approached the white gate today, Jesus Christ met me in front of the gate, like he had been waiting for me. He opened the gate and let me pass. He came into the area in front of the gold straight path with me.

3. He turned and spoke to me:

'Raphael, you now do not need to come by this gate in preparation for your prayers with our Heavenly Parents. However, you may come to me and this white gate anytime you may desire. We had you come to intensely train you for your great responsibilities and your mission.'

4. I asked Jesus if my post was complete, and if it was accurate. He responded:

'Read it through fully today, and then send it to your sister for a final review. If there are errors we will help you detect any. You have accurately written your experiences and revelations. Your writings will be of great benefit to those who read them.'

5. I thanked my Savior for his confidence in me. I thanked him too for his training and in helping me learn so much these past few weeks.

6. I turned and walked to the tree of life. I plucked a white fruit and a leaf, and then traveled to the mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I ate the fruit and the leaf, and then knelt down for prayer, facing north.

7. My Heavenly Parents came to me from the north, appearing in a blaze of light, increasing until so very bright! I found myself engulfed in the light and could endure their presence. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, stand and come with us into the western skies!'

8. I stood and held Heavenly Mother's hand in my right and Heavenly Father's hand in my left. We then traveled for some time it seemed until we arrived at a very quiet place.

'Here is where we came, Raphael, and found you, as an intelligence! We spoke to you and you accepted our offer to be our son.'

9. I had a very far-distant memory of this location, somewhere in space, in the vast universe! He continued:

'Your intelligence will always be clothed in your spirit and in your physical body for eternity. Eternity upon eternity rolls out and into existence, and yet this seedbed of intelligences stays unchanged until God comes, and selects one of these to be part of their creations.'

10. We then left this valley of intelligences. We came to another. I saw another scene of of intelligences all around us. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, this is where we chose Lucifer to be our spirit son. He will not fulfill the measure of what we had wished him to do, and will receive no kingdom of glory. We will return him here, from whence we chose him. He will go back to the same location, as a primeval intelligence, from where we took him. This time he will have a mark on him, so that he will never be chosen again to be part of any future creation, worlds without end. His destiny is forever isolated and alone, without opportunity to progress, for he did not fulfill the measure of his creation.'

11. I felt the deep anguish that Lucifer would then feel! He would be left with his memories of what he did to destroy God's creations and to lead them astray. He will have memories of being a failure, completely! God will have used him for his own purposes, but of Lucifer's own ambitions, these completely failed. I felt great sadness in such a loss!

12. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, you will come to areas like this, where the intelligences are located in great numbers, and with your wife choose these for your own creations. This is the work of the Gods!'

13. I then felt myself come back to my bedroom. I wrote all of this experience down in my journal. I thanked God for my view this morning of where I came from, and of Lucifer's fate.