32. The Spiritual Harvest is Completed, and the Upcoming Class on Teleportation
Post dated 10-30-2016

Hello my mortal angel friends!

Well, there is more coming your way! I certainly hope I don't bore you with all of these posts–to me these are very exciting times!

I had a very unique prayer/vision this past Tuesday I felt I needed to share with you. This is about the spiritual harvest is completed.

I also have also been prompted to hold a free class on teleporting, so mark your calendars. It will be held in Utah County, Utah on Saturday, November 26th, from 10:00 am to about 5:00 pm. This is for you mortal angels who have been transfigured. If you haven't felt this has yet happened, then there is help–see my entry below near the bottom. I hope many can make it to the class–sorry for the late notice, and that it is on a holiday weekend too. It is the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Please sign up for this at the bottom of this post, so that I know who is coming. Thanks!

If some of you have learned how to teleport by then, just zip-in and give us a demonstration! (just kidding)

I love you all! I hope to see many of you in less than a month.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-25-2016, Tuesday

1. Tonight I came to my bedroom earlier than normal. My wife wanted to stay up, and I got ready for my prayer. I wondered where I should 'go' to have my prayer, by teleporting. I didn't know, so I tried to connect with my Father right in my room, in prayer.

2. I approached him, but Heavenly Father wasn't there. I asked for Heavenly Mother, or Jesus. None would respond and come. I knew that this had happened before, and it was my task to go find my Father, so that I could commune with him.

I felt to go to the domed room, for that is where I found my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother last night. I went to the domed room, but it was vacant. I wandered around the paths of God's Loving Healing Center, but I couldn't find him, or my Mother, anywhere!

3. I knew they weren't in the temple to the north, for it was still filled with smoke from the wrath of God. I teleported there (in my physical body), and went around the east side of the temple, and could see Heavenly Mother's garden on the other side of the gently flowing river, which went to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I continued walking to the north side of the temple, where the fountain of living waters flowed in three directions: east to Heavenly Mother's river, west to the river representing Jesus Christ, their Son, and north to the river representing Heavenly Father. I had a clear impression that I would find my Father to the north, to where the river flowed representing him. I had never been in that area before, nor had any memory of doing so.

4. I teleported across the eastern river, representing Heavenly Mother, and started walking northward. I couldn't see anything except for the river going north, on my left. I knew it was the river representing Heavenly Father.

I walked or 'floated' some 10 miles, and looked back at the temple and the fountain behind me, from where I came. The fountain seem brilliant and sparkling, even from that distance. I felt I then needed to go to the other side of the river, which I had followed to this point. It seemed like I was in a wide fertile plain or flat valley.

5. When I teleported to the left side, or western side of the river, I came upon a large wheat field. I saw someone in the far distance using a sickle to harvest the wheat. Most of the field had been cut, and only a little was left growing.

I started walking to this man who was working. I felt it was my Father, and that I had been in this field before! I remember when it was planted by my Father. As I walked, I wondered if I should disturb him, for he seemed to be working very hard and steady, in harvesting the remainder of the field, before the field it represented on earth would be burned. This was the thought that came into my mind.

6. As I wondered what to do, my Heavenly Mother appeared next to me, walking with me. I stopped and said:

'Oh Mother, I am so glad to see you! I am so glad you are here!'

7. I asked her if that was really my Father, working so hard at the end corner of this wheat field. She replied:

'Raphael, your Father has been very worried about his elect on the earth at this time. He has been harvesting the wheat in this, his choice field, which represents his elect who are like the wheat of the earth. However, on earth they are mixed with the tares, or the wicked. As he harvests the wheat here, in the celestial world, he is also gathering his wheat or elect on the earth, one by one. He is gathering them all, all that will hear his voice, on the earth. Once they are all gathered, from among the tares, then he will give the word to the destroying angels to bind the tares in bundles, and burn and destroy the field on the earth. This is in fulfillment of D&C 86:7, and is almost completed as we speak.

8. D&C 86:7– 'Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold, and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and the field remaineth to be burned.'

The tares of the earth

9. In this fertile plain in the celestial world, your Father has planted large fields of various crops, including this field, watered by the river from the fountain of living waters, next to our temple. There are mountains, woods and meadows here too. It is so breathtakingly beautiful here, Raphael! You frequented this area in your premortal life, and loved to come with your Father, to farm this choice land.

10. Now, it is finally being harvested before the end comes, or the destruction of the wicked. We are just moments away from the end of the harvest. Let's not disturb your Father now. He will make the final decision on the timing of the destruction on the world, or the wicked, which will come upon the world as a whirlwind.

Thank you, Raphael, for being faithful and among the choice wheat in his field. All of the mortal angels are also so precious in our sight! Please share our love with them.'

11. At this time, I felt I had to write all this down, immediately. I can still see my Father, tirelessly working his sickle in the harvest of his elect. I can see this will be done any moment. I know the time is short. . .

Now that I am finished writing, I am satisfied with the message that was given to me tonight. The time is far spent, and there is little remaining. He is seeking that we follow him, our Father, so that he may gather us to safe places. We who are angels, have to get ready also, as he will individually direct us."

Stubble (chaff), was all that was left, the harvest of the wheat

B. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-26-2016, Wednesday

1. Last night after my prayer, I lay in bed, thinking for some time of my Father out in the field, with his sickle, harvesting the wheat, or the souls of the elect. This morning when I awoke, I thought again of the experience I had. Then I suddenly realized that Heavenly Father had finished the harvest last night, or early this morning, and the field was all reaped! I was able, in my transfigured body, to return to that same field: There was not a blade of wheat left, for it was all stubble! Heavenly Father was gone. I couldn't find one grain of wheat on that entire field. He had apparently gathered each grain into his garners for safekeeping.

2. I then knelt on that harvested field, and got ready to address my Father in prayer. I selected a spot on the field where I had seen my Father last, reaping the wheat with his sickle. As I knelt, I saw the sharp sickle leaning up against a tree by the edge of the field. I got up off my knees, and went over to the sickle and picked it up. It seemed to be made of fine steel, and was very sharp.

3. I then thought of two scriptures. The first is found in Matthew 3:12, which was spoken by John, the Baptist, speaking of Jesus who was among the people, who was mightier than himself:

'Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.'

I knew that would happen to the tares of the earth, and the chaff which remained after the wheat was gathered into the safe garners.

4. I next thought of the scripture in Revelation 14:14, where Jesus, who sat on the cloud, had a sharp sickle. He was told by an angel to 'thrust in thy sharp sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.' (see also verses 15-17).

Here are some grapes I picked at our neighbors this week

5. I then felt that the sickle that I was holding was the same sickle that Jesus Christ used to reap the earth on Monday, October 3rd, 2016, when I saw him on the cloud on Mount Zion, at the mouth of the Provo Canyon!

6. As I was standing there, holding the sickle and thinking, Michael, the archangel, appeared. He came as I saw him last, with his scarlet red cape. He spoke:

'Raphael, this is also the same sickle that I also used, after Jesus Christ used it to reap the earth. I used it to gather the vine of the earth, and to cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.' (see Revelation 14:18-20)

I then turned and placed the sharp sickle back by the tree, leaning against the tree as I had found it.

7. I turned around and Michael had gone, and before me was my Heavenly Father in glorious white robes! I was standing, facing him. He spoke:

'Raphael, the time of spiritual harvest is now completed. The scripture in D&C 101:64-65 is now fulfilled in part, that which reads: 'Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to posses eternal life.'.

8. The wheat you saw me harvesting last night in your prayer, is now spiritually gathered into my garners. I will next come out in fury upon the wicked in my vengeance, when I will.

You have been faithful. Prepare for that day by continuing to help the mortal angels to learn the skill of teleporting–for this will be needed in the days ahead as they go forth to serve me, in great ability and with strength.'

9. He then drew me close and we embraced! I saw, I think, a tear in his eye. It was a tear for what he was about to do on the earth, for those, his children, who had strayed from him, and not hearkened to his still, small voice.

Then I was then immediately back in my bedroom, by my bed kneeling.

One of my grape harvest baskets from this week

10. Later: I was about to type this all up today, after I dropped A. off at BYU for his classes. I am at a park in Provo. My sister K then called me! We had a long talk, and I shared with her the experience from last night and this morning. As I was talking about this, more of the meaning of the harvest came out which I explained to her.

11. Here is the meaning: The harvest of the souls of men and women is completed in its first part, and they are now gathered spiritually to the garners. This is not now a physical gathering (the second part), but more of a marking, or a selection of the elect by their Father. These elect that he has chosen might be even those in the paths of sin, but, in the foreknowledge of the Father, he even knows who will change and come unto him. The elect also are all the good people of the earth, whom he knows individually. These are all selected, for the Father has said that the spiritual harvest is completed, and these elect are now gathered spiritually to the garners. I take that to be a safe place where he, our God, will protect them individually while they are in the world.

12. Now, when the 144,000 go forth upon the earth, they will gather all these who have been preselected by the Father, who are the elect. These 144,000 will not go to the tares, or the wicked, but only to the elect. They will gather these physically also, to the New Jerusalem, by their portals and via teleportation skills, like we are learning now too. This will be the physical gathering of the elect (the second part of the harvest), before the field is fully burned, at the second coming of Jesus Christ."

C. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-27-2016, Thursday

1. I awoke this morning feeling happy and well-rested. I had a number of questions that I had written down . . .

Q– Shall I ask the healing angels to help heal A.?
A– Yes, this is a good thing, as requested by J.W..

Q– Shall I have a class on teleporting for any mortal angels who want to come?
A– Yes! (Note: to get this answer, to be in the affirmative, I had to wait for a few minutes, which is quite long–not an immediate response like normal. It was like Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were having a conversation together while I waited!)

2. Q– What will we be able to do?
Q1- Shall I review all the basics of transfiguration, and especially teleportation?
A– Yes

Q2– Will we gain more assurance and collective faith as a group, so that we can actually go, as a group, to a new location, and be consciously alert to know we are in the new place?
A– Yes, barring anyone who doubts too much, and pulls the group down. Remember Joseph Smith showing the plates to the three witnesses. Martin Harris did not have sufficient faith, and had to go off by himself until he gained sufficient faith, with the help of Joseph
. The same level of faith is required to teleport.

It is easier in a group as there can be a much larger level of combined faith.

3. Q3– Will we be able to make ourselves visible in our new location?
A– Yes, based on the collective faith of all.

Our own grape-vine in my backyard

Q4– Will we also be able to teleport to the celestial world together, with more clarity than ever before?
A– Yes

4. Q– Is November 26th a good day for this class, the Saturday after Thanksgiving?
A– Yes

Q– What time is best?
A– Start at 10 am, and end at 5 pm. Meet in Utah County if that becomes available, and then go from there.

Q– Shall this be free?
A– Yes

5. Q– What are the requirements for attending?
A– All the mortal angels who feel they have been transfigured are invited to attend.

Q– If a mortal angel feels that they haven't yet been transfigured, should they still come?
A– They need to work diligently at becoming transfigured for this class. God will help them as each one puts forth the effort, and will get them ready by the time of the class on November 26th, 2016.

6. Q– What if they can't make it? May we videoconference this, or video record this class?
A– No

"Parting of the Veil (The Second Coming)" above, by Jon McHaugthon. Please see his short video about the second coming, by the artist

Q– What about an audio recording?
A– Yes, but only for using the recording as a reference, for later writing of all that happens during the class. The audio recording should not all be published online, but only little segments if they are deemed important. You also should receive confirmation that they may be published online.

7. Q– How shall we all prepare?
A– Try to practice teleporting on your own, and keep a record of what happened, and your impressions. If you haven't become transfigured, come to God in prayer and meditation, and God will guide you along.

Q– For those who can't make the class because of conflict in their schedules, will they be able to still learn what we learn in the class?
A– There is always a lot of synergy in a group which is focused on one purpose like this. That cannot be regained later. However, once a group of mortal angels is successful in teleporting, then they can help the others in their area, or circle of influence, by helping them directly. Also, Raphael, you will still be the mentor and tutor to each of these mortal angels, individually.

8. Q– Is what I wrote above accurate enough to send out to the mortal angels?
A– Yes

Q– Who will be in attendance in the class from the other side of the veil?
A– Unseen visitors will be Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, Michael the archangel, Enoch the prophet, and selected angels. The healing angels who are mortal, that couldn't make the class in person, or were not aware of the class, will also be in attendance in their spirit. There will be other mortal angels who will also be in the class in their spirit.

9. Q– Was this class anticipated, when I had asked before whether I was going to hold another class, and I felt that I wasn't going to do so the remainder of this 2016 year?
A– This is not a class to learn the healing gifts, as were your other classes. Those you will still not conduct for some time. This is a class which was not included in that previous direction you received. This is for all mortal angels to help them learn to teleport, and does not include any healing instruction."

10. Email from S.A., 10-27-2017:

I am working hard at meditation, and feel I am often still in the imagining stages, and I am striving for the observing stage. So, I am emailing my experience this morning to you, in hopes that you can verify if this is indeed true. I believe that it is, but another witness would mean a lot to me, one way or the other. Thanks R!

Also, one more question, what are the steps to removing an unclean spirit? Is it find scoop and remove, and follow your intuition to do what is necessary? Or are there certain specifics to this?

11. Here is my journal entry:

This morning, I woke at 4:30. I was so pleased, because I have been wanting to find an ample amount of time in my day to meditate to see if I could be transfigured, and felt that this was a perfect opportunity! I went and lay on the couch, after having a prayer to verify that this was the will of Heavenly Father to do this. I felt it was, so after I went and laid on the couch, I then visualized myself before my Heavenly Father, and I felt His presence so strong envelop me! He was full of power, strength, and love. It was overwhelming to my spirit to feel this, and it brought me to tears. He told me He was pleased with all of my efforts to come unto Christ and become perfected in Him, so that I could be worthy to enter Their presence. He said that all of my efforts to improve my relationship with Christ were pleasing in Their sight. I then went to connect with my Heavenly Mother, but I couldn’t feel her so I wondered what I had done wrong in connecting with Them, did I imagine some incorrect things that Heavenly Father was saying? I then told Them sorry if I said something wrong, and immediately, I was encircled about in the arms of love and felt that it was okay. Then, I connected with Heavenly Mother, and she was so full of beauty, love, light, glory, majesty, and tenderness. Once again, Her presence overcame me and I was brought to tears. She told me she was pleased with me, and my dedication and persistence as a healer. She told me that They would bless me in learning this, and perceiving more so that I could be an instrument in Their hands to do my mission on this earth. I then connected with Christ. He was in His red robe, and the robe was so majestic! It’s scarlet red color was breathtaking, and I perceived it’s movement, as if it was in the wind, it was glorious to behold! I told Him I was really trying to better connect with Him, and I humbly acknowledged all that He had done for me, and gave thanks to Him.

12. I then imagined the gold ring running from the crown of my head to my feet, like R talked about. I didn’t feel too much happen when I did this. I then prayed to see what was next, and felt the desire to have a blessing from one of Them. I asked if that was right, and I felt it was. I then felt Heavenly Mother came, and asked if that was true, and got that it was. She then placed Her hands on my head and gave me a blessing. In the blessing, She synched my spirit to my body and raised the frequency of my body so that it could match that of my spirit. She blessed every cell in my body to become one with that of my spirit. She blessed me to be a conduit to Them, and to be an instrument in Their hands to do all things that They would have me do in the perilous times ahead. As she gave this blessing, I felt a strong lifting sensation in the cells of my body, they were so filled with light and energy and glory. The changes that were occurring inside of me felt so uplifting and magnificent! She then closed the blessing in the name of Jesus Christ. It was so wonderful, after, I prayed and gave thanks for this beautiful experience, and asked if it was true, that I was now transfigured. I got a yes! I feel so humbled by this all, and am so grateful to be able to continue forward as I strive to be the healing angel They sent me here to be.

Thanks for reading, R. I hope you have a wonderful day. I am anxious to go forward and get ready for all that is ahead! I feel so blessed to be learning all of this now, as my prayer is I will be ready then. I enjoyed your last post, and feel the need to learn this, so I don't get behind on your emails!"

14. Email from R to S.A. in response:


Way to go! I am definitely a second witness to what you received this morning! YES YES!!

Now you are truly transfigured, and ready to move forward. What a great thing has happened. I am so, so pleased!

It doesn't sound like you have a hard time meditating either, once you are away from family distractions and all. All of these experiences are so natural that we tend to dismiss them. Well, the things of God seem to be that way, every step of the way. We need to trust and move forward in faith!

Thanks again for keeping me in the loop. I know that this is very sacred to you, and you might not want to share this with others of the healing angels, but I will ask anyway–would you allow me to share this with your name? I would post it on the next entry. Either way is fine with me, but I do think this would help some others.

Have a wonderful day!


15. PS Maybe now you can try to go the God's Loving Healing Center in your transfigured body! It feels just like going there in your spirit. Even if you can't visualize it all, try it–so exciting and wonderful!

PPS To remove an unclean spirit, you can do several things: 1) The old traditional way: to raise your right arm to the square and cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ (you don't have to hold the priesthood), 2) ask God to remove it, 3) Ask a priesthood holder to do it, 4) Use a healing gift like Find-Scoop and Remove, or 5) Ask me to come and do it with my Sword of Raphael. For sure, and always, follow your intuition. There are not any specific steps, but you have power over all false spirits, now especially that you are transfigured!"

16. Email from S.A. back to R:

Thanks for your email! And thanks for the help on unclean spirits. I was so excited to read that you got a yes too!! 😊And I don't mind you sharing it at all...I hope it helps someone :)
Have a wonderful day!"

17. Email to R by a healing angel, 10-27-2016:

After your last email I gained a better understanding of what teleporting is and how to begin.

The day after your first email I was transfigured. I feel like this was not done instantaneous. It took several sessions over the course of 5 hours- at about 3 am It was complete. I prayed before going to bed if this was something HF wanted for me then I was requesting this to happen. . . I think one of the reasons it took five hours was because of my doubts. I had some anxiety that this wouldnt occur for me. I kept getting woken up and HM would say hold on to my hand this is going to be ok. One of the times I sat there with tears running down my face. Around 3 this all ceased and I felt it was complete.
Since then I have been working on this morning and night for hours. Each time I begin I rev up to 500 which is beginning to take less time. Then I ask if all my cells are ready and in synch- this takes a minute. Then I ask where I should go- I instantly know- the places I have gone include: temple celestial room, mountain, back yard, hawaii...

18. Then while in a meditative state I imagine the new location. I then focus on what I perceive going on in the new location. I pay attention to the temperature, sounds and feelings of the people there. I then have to focus on staying in meditative state- if I am too relaxed I sleep if I am too conscious I leave the alpha state and return to the beta state which pulls me out.

When I am finished my body almost aches. I feel like I should be rested because I have been in a meditative state, but the opposite is true. This is some of the most taxing work I do all-day. This is how I know my physical senses are now being utilized. I didn't feel this exhaustion with visiting in the spirit.
Each time I practice I see improvement. Last night I had the physical sensation of floating up to my ceiling and through the roof. I felt I was in both places. I feel such an urgency to learn this. It is such an exciting time."

19. Martin needs more faith to see the plates

Martin along with Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer asked Joseph to pray and ask the Lord if they could be the promised witnesses. He did so and obtained a revelation in which they were told that if they exercised faith “with full purpose of heart” they would be granted the privilege of beholding the sacred plates, the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim used by the brother of Jared, and the Liahona—“the miraculous directors which were given to Lehi while in the wilderness” (D&C 17:1). The Lord declared, “It is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them, even by that faith which was had by the prophets of old” (D&C 17:2). The Lord also told them that after viewing these items, they would be bound to testify of them to the world.

20. As soon as the translation was completed, Joseph Smith sent word to his parents in Manchester to come to the Whitmer home in Fayette. When they arrived, bringing Martin Harris, they spent a joyful evening reading from the manuscript. The next morning the prospective witnesses and the others who were staying with the Whitmers gathered in their usual morning devotional to read the scriptures and to sing and pray. Lucy Smith wrote, “Joseph arose from his knees, and approaching Martin Harris with a solemnity that thrills through my veins to this day, when it occurs to my recollection, said, ‘Martin Harris, you have got to humble yourself before God this day, that you may obtain a forgiveness of your sins. If you do, it is the will of God that you should look upon the plates, in company with Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer.’” (Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith, pp. 151–52.)

21. Thereafter the four men retired to the woods and sought for the promised fulfillment of the revelation. After two unsuccessful attempts, however, Martin Harris felt that his presence was the reason for their failure to receive an answer. He withdrew a distance and offered his private prayers. The other three had no sooner resumed their prayers when Moroni appeared in glory holding the plates in his hands. Joseph recorded, “He turned over the leaves one by one, so that we could see them, and discern the engravings thereon distinctly. … We heard a voice from out of the bright light above us, saying, ‘These plates have been revealed by the power of God, and they have been translated by the power of God. The translation of them which you have seen is correct, and I command you to bear record of what you now see and hear.’

22. “I now left David and Oliver, and went in pursuit of Martin Harris, whom I found at a considerable distance, fervently engaged in prayer. He soon told me, however, that he had not yet prevailed with the Lord, and earnestly requested me to join him in prayer, that he might also realize the same blessings which we had just received. We accordingly joined in prayer, and ultimately obtained our desires, for before we had yet finished, the same vision was opened to our view, at least it was again opened to me, and I once more beheld and heard the same things; whilst at the same moment, Martin Harris cried out, apparently in an ecstasy of joy, ‘’Tis enough; ’tis enough; mine eyes have beheld; mine eyes have beheld.’” (History of the Church, 1:54–55)"