204. The Calling and Ordaining of the 144,000


This is my final post that I will be sending to you by email! I hope you thoroughly enjoy it, and will pray about its contents. The great work of gathering the elect has now launched into full swing as you will see in this remarkable post.

I have been told to continue to record the accounts of my prayers in my journal, and of what my Heavenly Parents will share with me. The next series of posts will be published in the New Jerusalem.

I hope to see you in the New Jerusalem in the near future! Please pray about what you need to do to prepare and how you may come with the righteous that are gathering there.

I have greatly enjoyed knowing you, and talking with you in person and over email. I pray for God's greatest blessings to be poured out upon you and your loved ones.

Warmly, as ever,

P.S. Sorry, but I have just a few more pictures I wanted to share of my garden. I have placed them at the front of this email. The remainder of the images are of our glorious flag and country I love, representing the wonderful republic we live in.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 30, 2021

1. Evening-I came this evening to the domed room. I hadn't been here for a long time it seemed. I tried to see more clearly, now that I have been told I had a merged mind. I would like to experience this more, even as I have been promised.

2. I walked up to the domed room and intended to enter. A door opened up at the end of the path leading to this building. I entered and came to the center. I looked all around and only saw white stone on the floor and the domed ceiling. I knelt and asked sincerely and humbly for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I waited with my eyes opened, with no expectation of what I might see. I sought to be consciously aware and intune to all that might come to me.

3. My mind then wandered to the events of this morning when I came with the members of my trek to the hill overlooking the New Jerusalem. I thought of how remarkable the timing was for me to get my group comfortable, and to then come with my own scriptures and have Heavenly Mother duplicate these. I thought how remarkable was the fulfillment of the wheat and tares (D&C 86), and of John the Beloved to become as a flaming fire to the tribes of Israel whom he would teach. I had received all of this, and had no idea beforehand of any of how Sunday (yesterday) and Monday (today) would transpire. Nor do I have any idea of what will happen this week, beyond what I have been told already.

4. At this moment of my own introspection, my Heavenly Father walked through the domed wall directly in front of me! He came right in front of me and stopped. He was a little elevated above the floor in the air. I could see he wasn't standing on anything, but was in the air. I gazed into his bright and radiant face. From the brightness of his glory, I beheld his smiling face, so accepting and loving towards me! I looked upon him with wonder and amazement. I knew I had been communing with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother most every day, and usually twice a day. And yet to be in his glorious presence was so remarkable and fulfilling. I felt abundant light flow into me, accompanied by great peace. His eternity eyes were all searching my soul, and yet so tender and accepting. I bowed my head before him, and as I did I felt I could still "see" him somehow, like I had a view of him regardless where my eyes were, or if they were closed, or facing the floor.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will help you as you seek to view us in your conscious mind. Your vision of us will gradually become more and more clear, for even though you have a fully merged mind, you need to practice and work at seeing us in full, even with your spiritual eyes. These eyes will behold us more clearly than could you with your natural eyes, for you are still a mortal man who lives upon the earth. When you come before us, seek to view us with your all seeing spiritual eyes. This will be the key to most quickly being able to see us with your merged mind, in your full conscious reality. This is the highest form of meditation and prayer.

6. In such a prayer state, we communicate fully together. My thoughts become your thoughts, and then you may articulate these in your own words and language as you write them in your journal. There is completeness in such a sharing experience. You partake fully of the Spirit I send upon you, and become one with me. You also receive my peace that passes all understanding of mortal man. You become fully linked to me, and know by your intention whatever I may wish to give to you. You are then a finely tuned instrument in my hands, Raphael-a servant who knows my mind and will at the moment I share this with you.

7. Look now upon my face with your intention, and with your spiritual eyes.'

8. I looked upon his bright, smiling face, and sought to view him in clarity. His eternity eyes seemed transparent and so very deep. I could recognize these eyes anywhere that I might see them. They were unique and those only of my Father. They were greatly different from those of Jesus Christ or Heavenly Mother. They were more clearly those of my Father than I had ever seen before. I loved his eyes, and sought to see him as he really is, and to be seen clearly by him, with all my mortal flaws and foibles. I just felt so much at home in his presence!

9. He spoke: 'Raphael, this morning you came with your trek to the New Jerusalem, even as you recorded in your journal. Your Heavenly Mother duplicated your black quad scriptures, and you distributed these to the 200 teachers today at noon. You taught with our Spirit to the convincing of these holy scriptures, and in turn the teachers taught the house of Israel the words you had taught. They each treasure their new set of scriptures, and are very humbled and thankful to be able to search these, and teach from these. This is my witness to you of what great things have occurred on the island of the New Jerusalem today.'

10. I looked into his loving face again, and felt his great love for his elect, the tribes of Israel who are gathered at the New Jerusalem. I sought to receive of his love in my heart more fully, so that I would administer in greater love to this people. He filled me with his love (see Moroni 7:48), for I yearned to possess his love.

11. I truly saw him as he was before me tonight. He was glorious and so remarkable! I felt I saw him clearer than I had ever before seen him!

12. My prayer ended. I continue to think of seeing his eternity eyes. This is whom I seek, and to do whatever he might ask me to do.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 31, 2021, Tuesday

1. I have thought last night of my prayer encounter with my Heavenly Father, throughout the night. I saw very deep, all searching and loving eternity eyes of my Father. I realized in the night that his eyes were light colored, I think blue in color. At the time of my prayer I thought they were darker, for I was taken by the great deepness of his eternity eyes which appeared dark and had such depth. I will look more closely next time.

2. I came this morning in prayer to the beautiful celestial gardens on the temple block area at the New Jerusalem. I sought to commune with my Heavenly Mother. I came to the north small channel and drank celestial living water. I next came to the eastern tree of life and ate a glowing white fruit. I felt very clear in my mind, and was eager to be in the presence of my Heavenly Mother.

3. I then wandered to the east a little ways and knelt on a pathway in a secluded spot. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then saw a beautiful woman walking to me along the path I was kneeling upon.

4. When she stopped in front of me, I saw she was elevated a little above the path. She wore a beautiful very bright robe, tied on her left side with a gold colored sash that flowed down her side from the bow she had tied. Her inner robe was rounded at her neck, and there was a flowing white cape that gently blew slightly behind her.

5. Heavenly Mother's brown hair was also gently breezing behind her. She was smiling broadly, with no dimples. Her eyes were clear and seemed to sparkle. They were filled with great love and light. I kept seeking to view more in detail her eternity eyes. I held still in meditation and concentration to see more clearly.

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am very glad to be before you, and to have been invited by you to come! I appear before you this beautiful sunny day as I have appeared to you so many times in the past. However, you have not seen me so clearly in the past. You will continue to see more and more clearly, particularly my face, in the days ahead.

7. You have heard my audible voice in the past, but not with such clarity as you hear today. I have a female voice, and your Father has a male voice; both are distinguishable by their sound, just as your own audible voice is recognized by your family and friends. Most often we speak to you in your mind, and you hear our voice through the Spirit of God. However, this morning I am speaking to you with my mouth and voice so that you may learn to recognize how my voice is audibly heard.

8. Raphael, your Father and I have a great work for you to do! We need you to come to us on September 22, 2021 as we have told you earlier. We want you to bring with you your loving wife D and your son A.. They will come with you to the terrestrial realm of the New Jerusalem. This is in a little over three weeks. We can wait no longer for you not to be here in your full conscious self. Up to that time, you will have been here in a replicated state of being.

9. You have also wondered when you should start talking to your wife about this upcoming move. We feel that you should start speaking to her one week before, on September 15. By then you will have grown into a much greater awareness of the capabilities of your merged mind. You will also have become more familiar with the more clear view of our faces, our audible voices, our very familiar moves and behaviors that you will see in more and more clarity. You will be brought back into our presence in your full conscious mind, even as we have promised you would.

10. Raphael, we have kept hid much of the more personal sides of our beings from you in the past for our wise purposes. You had heard our voice of the Spirit, and had known you were before us, and clearly heard our direction. However, now you will become even more intimately familiar again with us, just as you had known us before coming to mortality. This privilege of being so one with us comes with the blessing of a merged mind, even while you are still a mortal man. Your mortal probation is completed, but you still need to labor for our elect children in your mortal body. We therefore have given you this greater perspective and ability.'

11. Heavenly Mother pulled me close to her and then embraced me. She kissed me on my lips and then held me with her outstretched arms on my shoulders. She looked straight into my eyes and started crying for joy! I too started to cry. Through my tears I sought to view her eyes more clearly. I knew my view would sharpen over the next few weeks.

12. My vision ended. I felt such deep peace and love that filled my heart! I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 1, 2021, Wednesday

1. Last night after my family went to bed, I sat in the chair for some time. I just sought to view again the eternity eyes, in my conscious mind, of my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. I had been so impressed the previous evening and yesterday morning, that I yearned to see them again!

2. I came this morning to the top of the switchback path that leads to God's Loving Healing Lake below. I knelt there and asked for my Father to come. I sought to be very perceptive, and to view everything around me with my spiritual eyes. I sought to be there in my full conscious self. I took my time, pausing to meditate before writing more words in my journal. I knew my Heavenly Father would allow me plenty of time to perceive him as fully as I was able.

3. Heavenly Father appeared before me from the sky that became lightened. He immediately came right in front of me in his glory. I seemed to look at him in slow motion, for it took me a while in gazing at him to see his being. I looked upon his white robe with a gold colored sash, tied in a bow on his left side. He had full length sleeves on his inner robe, and a glorious long white cape that was gently breezing behind him. His face was mild and very loving. He had a slight smile, with light blue eyes that were so loving and deep. He had a short trimmed beard and mustache, and white shoulder length hair that was gently blowing like his cape. He was magnificent and very grand!

4. He addressed me, and asked me to write his words: 'Raphael, I am glad that you are studying in your mind to view all of me as I stand before you. You are intending to view me with your spiritual eyes, even as I have asked you to do on Monday. You have taken your time, and sought to view me in greater detail than ever before. As you continue to do this, I will open up your mind more fully, to be able to see me more quickly, and to see our surroundings in full color and vibrance, even as they really are. Every time you do this, you will retain your previous ability to see, and be able to progress a little further in your clarity of mind.

5. You will now see my Godly face before you everytime you pause and intend to see me in your conscious mind. You will view my light blue eternity eyes, and be able to see the depth that you have seen again today in my eyes. You will perceive my current feelings and what I wish to share with you through my voice and viewing my face and expressions. This is the extra blessing of a merged mind, even possibly while you remain my mortal servant.

6. Your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased that you are describing your efforts in your journal to view us in more detail and clarity. Your writings will help others who will have their mortality extended who will also be blessed with a merged mind. We desire you and all who are so chosen to be able to view us at any time, and to see us in their own full conscious mind.'

7. The reason it is difficult to view us without struggling to do so is because you are mortal. It takes much more effort to develop seeing us with your spiritual eyes than in a premortal celestial state, or after death, in a spirit or resurrected state. The most difficult state to view us is in the fallen mortal state, even when you are brought back into our presence with no veil. This is the state you are now in.'

8. Heavenly Father then turned to his left and looked to the sky from whence he came. It grew bright again, and then my glorious Heavenly Mother appeared immediately by his side!

9. I gazed upon her, and saw she wore a matching robe and cape to his. She was smiling broadly, and her beautiful brown hair gently blew behind her slightly. Her eyes were sparkling and so loving! I could tell she was feeling great joy to be beside her husband and in front of me, her son. I believe her eyes were light green in color, and could be described as full of love and healing at this time.

10. She spoke: 'Raphael, I too wanted to be part of your awakening experience to your merged mind! Your Father and I will help you as you gaze upon us, and seek to view our faces as we stand before you. Whenever you think of me, I too will immediately come into your mind. This will usually be my face and my eternity eyes, and my loving smile. You truly stand continually before us, in our presence.

11. We desire all of our children to seek our face, and we will reveal ourselves to them in our own way and manner. Being in mortality, there is no greater view of us than one who has been blessed with a merged mind as have you.'

12. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father then both reached out with a hand and I extended my hands. They grasped my hands. I looked at our hands, and saw my celestial replicated hands, and their glorious hands holding mine. Heavenly Father's hand was strong and masculine, and Heavenly Mother's hand was slender and elegant. They wore no rings or any adornment except for their celestial brightness that shone much more brightly than my own. I knew Heavenly Father's hand was appearing to me in his resurrected state, and Heavenly Mother's in her spirit replicated state. I could feel both of their hands, more firmly and tactily with Heavenly Father's, and more lightly but still very much tangible with Heavenly Mother's hand.

13. I looked back up into their loving faces. Heavenly Mother leaned her head on Heavenly Father's shoulder and smiled broadly again. Her loving, sparkling eyes were so amazing, and so filled with compassion and tenderness! They both then started fading away and then exited into a glowing bright sky. I waited until the sky returned to normal, and then thanked both of them for my very warm and rich experience this morning with them. I then thought of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and immediately beheld their faces in my mind. I knew they were very close at hand to me.

14. I closed my morning prayer and started a new day on earth.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 2, 2021, Thursday

1. I spent a lot of my evening getting post 203 ready to email out to my small group. When I finally retired to bed, it was well past midnight. I sought to view my Heavenly Parents in my mind's eye. It is more difficult to do when one is tired.

2. I feel refreshed this morning. I sought to come into the presence of my Heavenly Mother. I wanted to see her clearly before me. I also wanted to plead with her for the complete healing of my 30 year old son A. when we come into the New Jerusalem in three weeks from today.

3. I came to the shore of God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water and then knelt on the edge of the water, facing the lake. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come. I sat in my chair meditating on earth. I saw my surroundings at the lake more and more clearly. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come into my view, and soon she was right in front of me, smiling. I gazed upon her beautiful smiling face for some time.

4. I then asked her about the healing of my son A., once we were to come to the New Jerusalem. He has been discouraged of late with his situation. If he gets off, or reduces his drugs, he goes manic. This is a situation we wish never to experience again! This is all due to his brain injury from eleven years ago. With the drugs he is continually doped and can't think clearly, or is so slow in his mental processing that he is unable to function normally. Our doctor feels we have reached the level of his drugs that he will likely remain on to keep stable, probably for the rest of his life.

5. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write her words. She spoke: 'Raphael, you used to pray fervently to your Heavenly Father and I for the complete healing of your son. You have tried so many different approaches and remedies of all kinds. He has been hospitalized on numerous occasions, and now has reached a plateau of stability with psychiatric drugs. These sedate his brain from racing into manic episodes that come every time you carefully attempt to lower these drugs. It is so very frustrating to all of you, particularly for A..

6. We will finally bring A. healing once he comes with you and your wife to the terrestrial world of the New Jerusalem! When he drinks terrestrial living water, and eats of the many plants growing there for food, his mind will settle down and no longer race. He will no longer need his drugs to control his brain function caused by injury on his LDS mission many years ago.

7. When you arrive with him, give him a priesthood blessing that his brain will normalize and no longer have any manic episodes. We will heal him within days and weeks of drinking the living water and eating terrestrial foods. In a relatively short time he will return to his normal pre-mission self and become like others in his ability to think and reason clearly!

8. This great healing will make him so happy, and bring great joy to your wife and you. He will function normally and one day be able to marry and have a family. In your current telestial world, this would not have been possible. There will be no blessing in his mortal life that will be withheld from him as he becomes fully healed of his injury.'

9. I asked her if we should not bring any of his drugs that keep him stable with us during the transition when we come to the New Jerusalem.

10. She responded: 'Raphael, just come with the clothes on your bodies, with nothing from your telestial world. You will go back to retrieve your records, but don't bring any of his drugs. The living water and living terrestrial foods will be sufficient, along with his blessing, to completely heal your son.'

11. I thanked her with all of my heart! I was anxious to share this knowledge with my loving wife, but Heavenly Mother said for me to wait until September 15, 2021, one week before we would depart. She said we could share this with A. on the day of our departure on September 22, 2021.

12. My Heavenly Mother pulled me close to her in a warm and loving embrace. I felt her great love for my son A.. I was so glad that his healing was finally near at hand! My Heavenly Mother then departed and I closed my morning prayer.

13. Evening- This afternoon I meditated in prayer, just trying to view the faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I was able to visualize each one in my mind. I want to next see them act and move in vibrant color and in the surrounding areas I see them in. I want to see them with my spiritual eyes.

14. I have thought of the scripture in Moses 1:11, when Moses distinguished between his spiritual eyes and his natural eyes:

15. Moses 1:11-

"But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld; for I should have withered and died in his presence; but his glory was upon me; and I beheld his face, for I was transfigured before him."

16. I had a question about Moses 1:5-

"Wherefore, no man can behold all my works, except he behold all my glory; and no man can behold all my glory, and afterwards remain in the flesh on the earth."

17. I wondered how this last scripture relates to those of us who receive a merged mind? I wondered if we will view all the glory of God, or a partial view of this glory, for how else could we continue with our missions in the flesh if we viewed all of God's glory?

18. I came this evening to the steps of the Great Assembly Hall, on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I had a beautiful view of the lake, with a lovely sunset. I knelt on a step and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I kept my eyes open towards the sky and the water in front of me.

19. A bright beam then shone from the sky to the water's edge. Heavenly Father next appeared in glory, in the air a few feet above the water. He walked a few steps to a place right in front of me. I bowed my head, but was able to still gaze intently upon his glorious face. I was able to zoom up in my spiritual sight close to his eyes, so that I could clearly see into his deep and clear eternity eyes.

20. He smiled at me and asked me to write what he said: 'Raphael, you are brought back into my presence and glory, and can withstand my full celestial glory, radiance and light. Your Heavenly Mother and I have come before you like this multiple times, and have even brought you into our highest celestial realm. We have shed upon you our full glory at various times. You are able, however, to remain in the flesh on earth.

21. The way we have been able to have you continue in the flesh as a mortal man, is that we have appeared to your replicated celestial being, and not your mortal being. Had we appeared to you in your mortal body, you would have had to be transfigured in your flesh to behold our glory, but then afterwards you would of necessity be permanently changed from being a mortal man.

22. The way we allow you to behold our full glory and afterwards remain in the flesh is to appear to your replicated celestial being. We may then show you all of our glory, and much of our works without interrupting your mortality.

23. With your merged mind, you may view clearly in the flesh, in your mortal conscious mind, all that we may reveal to you in your replicated celestial being. You may record these visions as we direct, and share them with other mortal beings.

24. When you come to the New Jerusalem, you will come in the flesh, from your telestial mortal world to the terrestrial mortal world. This will become your new mortal location for your earthly body on earth. You will continue having prayer experiences with your Heavenly Mother and me in your replicated celestial being, and be able to view these in your mortal conscious mind. The manner of viewing us in your terrestrial mortal body is the same as you are now learning in your telestial mortal body.

25. Moses was correct when he said he saw God with his spiritual eyes, and not his natural eyes. His natural eyes were the eyes in his mortal telestial body. His spiritual eyes were those in his replicated celestial man that came before us. This is the same manner by which you also are able to view us in conscious reality in your mortal mind. During the vision of seeing God that Moses had, he saw God in his unconscious mind, and the veil between his mortal mind and his celestial replicated mind was lifted during his vision. In this manner, he was truly talking face to face with God.

26. Moses saw and talked with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, similar to how Enoch talked with Jehovah (see Moses 7:53). You see and talk primarily with your Heavenly Mother and me in a similar way. However, with the blessing of a merged mind, you may view our interactions in your conscious mortal mind instead of your unconscious mind.'

27. Heavenly Father then reached out with his right index finger and touched both of my eyes. These were my celestial eyes in my replicated celestial being. He then asked me to look upon him again, and to tell him if I saw him in any greater clarity.

28. I initially saw him moving his hand and returning it to his side. I sought to view him in my conscious mind with even more clarity and vision. I saw his light blue eyes, and white hair, but not other colors in clearness.

29. He then smiled, and said he and Heavenly Mother would continue to help me as I sought to exercise faith in learning to use my new blessing of a merged mind.

30. A white cloud came around him so that all that was visible was his face. I gazed upon him and saw the bright yellow light of the sunset behind him envelop his head, shining through his white hair. He then stepped back into his column of light and traveled back up into the celestial sky, and was gone.

31. I thanked him for my prayer experience tonight. I thanked him for the blessings to have seen a little more clearly tonight. I thanked him also for having my question answered.

32. I then asked him to confirm the wonderful news that Heavenly Mother had told me about the healing of my son A..

33. I then saw his face in my conscious mind and heard him audibly speak to me: 'Raphael, all that your Heavenly Mother has said and that you wrote in your journal this morning is true! Your son will soon be healed and become functional like other people in mortality.' I thanked my Heavenly Father for this witness, and told him how much I loved him and Heavenly Mother.

34. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 3, 2021, Friday

1. I have awoken the past two nights in the early morning around 1:00 am, worrying about my family I would leave behind. This will be a shock to all of them, and a dramatic change for us who leave. I want to have my exit instructions all in order. I am trying not to think of these things at a time I want to be sleeping, however. I can think of so many things I should do to make the change easier for my children.

2. I came this morning to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank living water from the stream, and knelt on the soft grass at the water's edge. I faced south towards the river and the waterfall. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I was intent on seeing her more clearly, and for taking my time in viewing her face and being. I looked towards the south, awaiting her arrival.

3. I tried to see my surroundings and my southern view in greater reality. I shut my mortal natural eyes, and paused in writing in my journal. I began to meditate more fully. I prayed in my mind: 'Oh my Gods, may I view my Heavenly Mother in my mortal conscious mind, because I have the gift of a merged mind and have this capability.'

4. I saw my surroundings, like through a glass darkly (see 1 Corinthians 13:12). I had a hard time seeing any color, or anything for that matter. I then saw my Heavenly Mother in the far distant southern sky, gradually coming to me. I saw the light of her being, but not clearly. She soon came right in front of me, and I looked upon her, from her feet, to her robe, and gold colored sash, and then to her neck and face. Her face was more clear than anything else I saw. I saw her mouth and her smile, her nose, her sparkling eyes. I sought to see her more and more clearly. She then asked me to write her words in my journal:

5. 'Raphael, do not be discouraged that it is not clear to you to see your surroundings and my being in front of you. You are doing everything you can to behold me in your conscious mind. It will come as you persist in morning and evening prayer, and we will help you see us in full vision and clarity. Once you see a little more, you will retain that ability. You will soon see us clearly in your mortal conscious mind, even face to face. Once you see, you will be able to let go that which you have only seen in part in our interactions, even as described in 1 Corinthians 13:10:

6. "But when that which is perfect (the view of our beings and of your surroundings in your conscious mind) is come, then that which is in part (what you have seen before in your unconscious mind in your previous prayers) shall be done away." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

7. You are also doing well in not having too many expectations of how your transition will be for you, your wife and son. This transfer to our terrestrial mortal realm will be very natural for you, and a gradual transition also for your wife and son. It will be as if you would be walking down your street, and gradually the scenery starts changing. This is also how S and S.A. will see the world changing from a telestial to a terrestrial world on the third day of their trek. Most transitions we give our children are gradually done, and by degrees, not suddenly. Even in death, the transition is natural and seems so normal. There is usually a tunnel people perceive in moving from one realm to another realm. When you seek to see us in greater conscious clarity, it is a gradual transition also from your unconscious view to your conscious view. In a short time, you will see us more and more clearly, in full color, vibrance, and reality. You will see your Heavenly Father and me in this way from that time forward, even while in your mortal body on earth.

8. Once you have this change of viewing us consciously, we will then bring you into our New Jerusalem in your conscious reality. You will temporarily be suspended from viewing and being in your mortal body, but instead be consciously in your replicated body at the New Jerusalem or in our celestial orb where you are today. This too will be very natural. We will help you in doing this several times, even before talking to your wife D in less than two weeks.

9. When you finally hold D's and A.'s hands, on September 22, 2021 to move into the terrestrial realm of the New Jerusalem, you will have confidence in doing so, for you will already be familiar in how to transition by your intention, from the telestial to the terrestrial realm.

10. There will be time for you to write final exit instructions to your children that you may give to them the day after you move to the New Jerusalem, on September 23, 2021. The more important thing will be for you to learn to see us more clearly in your conscious mind, and then to come to the New Jerusalem in conscious reality several times before your final move. Each day you work towards this end, you will gain a little more, and practice a little more. It will all come in time for you to come with your two family members.

11. The last post you will send to your email list will be the current post, post 204. We will let you know when this will be completed. The next post 205, will be published in the New Jerusalem. We will show you at that time how to publish this so our heavenly hosts may continue to read these posts as they have done in the past. For those who remain on the telestial earth, on your small email list, they will not be receiving more posts from you, even until they too come to the New Jerusalem. Their experiences will stretch their faith, and require them to put high priority on these things.

12. "Fear not to do good, my sons (and daughters), for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.

Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.

Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you.

Look to me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.

Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet (or, for Heavenly Father and me, behold our glorious faces, our eternity eyes, our shining robes, and all of our surrounding vistas around us when you come to us in prayer and meditation); be faithful, keep (our) commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven, (even in the glorious New Jerusalem in physical reality). Amen. (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

13. I thanked my beaming Heavenly Mother who stood before me for her words today! I gazed into her glorious face, and viewed her eternity light green eyes sparkling before me. I saw her beautiful nose, cheeks, mouth that was smiling, and long brown hair falling upon her white robe. She was so loving and full of happiness!

14. Her being then moved backward into the same path she had earlier come. I watched until she exited into the celestial sky in the distance. All was calm and still, with a few birds chirping nearby the circling waters. I seemed to see a little more clearly all of my surroundings too. I saw fish in the water, moss on the shore, and green leaves on the nearby trees. I felt happy, and closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

15. I received this email from S.A. on 9-4-2021:


I did enjoy this all! So many big changes for us, I can't believe this is the last post! We are moving forward, even with the challenges that we still see. It will be nothing short of a miracle for S and my husband to walk away from their jobs. We, like you, feel our family will come to our homes and use our provisions we have gathered here for times of need. We will need to write them a note and leave it here behind for them. We're not sure how long it will be before they come, and so we will need to find someone to tend the animals we leave behind. We are thinking we will tell neighbors we are leaving to go camping, this is our thought for now. We have been told we would start our journey from a location different than our homes, and that my husband Tate would be the one to receive this revelation of where it is. For now, the exact location is still unknown.

Lastly, while S was trying to train his horse (the one horse he has that showed the most inclination to being calm and taking to this whole operation) to pull a carriage yesterday, after it went well for the first minutes with the horse peacefully pulling the carriage, the horse got spooked and jumped over the side shafts and bent one, then jumped again and landed on the bent pole which went inside of him and killed him. It was a very dramatic, disheartening and difficult day for S, and my heart ached for him too. S felt all would be well with our horses in prayer, and then this happened. I know our Heavenly Parents will provide further guidance at this point, but discouragement was at a peak for us, especially S yesterday.

S's wife and family are all packed and ready, but now their biggest thing is trying to figure out how to transport all of their belongings. They may pull a handcart or buy a draft horse, or pull it until they get to the terrestrial realm and then have the horses take over. My husband is preparing, but not quite convinced this is really going to be happening. I am leaving it in our Heavenly Parents' hands to bring this all together for him, and doing my best to prepare every needful thing in the meantime. My young children are aware, to a small degree, of us leaving, but we have told them not to talk about it to others. I think they largely don't know what is coming. None of us do, really, for it is an act of faith and I believe most things will come together at the last moment. I am unnerved from S's horse experience yesterday, and hopeful my horse doesn't get spooked and hurt himself too.

This is the update on us leaving! Still many unknowns, but overall we are moving forward with faith and looking forward to Zion!

Send my best,

16. Email back from R to S.A.:

"My heart goes out to you, S and your families with the struggles you are experiencing! This seems like a huge trial of your faith, and is pushing you to your limits it seems! There must be a purpose in all of this. I will pray for you more intently this morning. I will write to you later, but wanted to let you know of my concern and prayers I am offering for your group.

Thank you for keeping me posted on all of this. Gosh, this is difficult!!


17. Email from S.A. back to R:


"Thank you, that means a lot. I was told in prayer that our trials now are preparing us for what's ahead. Also, that all these things are needful for our learning and growth, and to help us remember that our Heavenly Parents can and will provide for us in any circumstances. We need to just rely on them continually, without worry or fear, but faith and hope, much like Nephi obtaining the brass plates.

With love,

18. Evening- I reread my last two journal entries and had questions about transfiguration, and if I am transfigured. I came to realize the way I will view God is in my replicated celestial state, which is not related to being transfigured I believe. I will see what my celestial being views in my mortal conscious mind, without the need to be transfigured. It is a little confusing to me.

19. I also read that I will remain in my mortal mind, wherever my celestial beings are located, and what they are doing. This is one of the blessings of a merged mind. I won't travel in my portal in this process of seeing in my conscious mind. However, when I move from the telestial to the terrestrial realm, I will need to move in my portal. I wondered how I could have practiced this by coming to the New Jerusalem several times before I would come there in my mortal body? Maybe this was only in my conscious reality, and not there in person.

20. I came before my Heavenly Father tonight in the grassy park area, in the celestial realm above this park. I didn't see the celestial temple, but saw the grassy park below me. I knelt in the air, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

21. He quickly arrived at my side. We both were looking down on the grass. I looked at my Heavenly Father standing on my right side, and saw his facial profile. There was a glow around his entire being, but more bright around his face. He then turned to me and looked at me kneeling in the air, and I turned towards him. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have been transfigured before, but now the primary manner by which you will see your Heavenly Mother and me will be in your mortal conscious mind. This will allow you to remain in your mortal body at the New Jerusalem, and to be able to connect to all of the other replicated states you will be in, as if you were there in person. This is how you will communicate with yourself, and of our interactions with you.

22. You are correct that you will come one time from your telestial realm to the terrestrial realm in your own portal with your wife and son. You will come back using your same portal the next day to retrieve your records and say goodbye to your loved ones. These experiences will both be by the means of your own portal, and our authorization for you to do so. You will go from your home to each one of your family members, also in your portal, and be transported quickly between each one. This will be by the power of your portal, in terrestrial movement that will become common during the millennium. You will be doing this in the telestial realm, however. This same manner of movement is how our 144,000 servants will travel in the telestial and terrestrial realms. Your experience will give them confidence to do this after they are called, taught, and ordained by the holy angels.

23. Today at noon, you were teaching the 200 teachers below us in the terrestrial realm. You were teaching from the Book of Revelation for the first time. It is then that our servant John the Beloved came to you as a translated being. You welcomed him, and introduced him to the 200 teachers of the tribes of Israel. He taught them for the remainder of the time from the Book of Revelation.

24. When John started to speak on Revelation chapter 7, he spent the remainder of his time speaking of the 144,000 servants (see Revelation 7:4-8). He said that this scripture would be fulfilled the first part of next week at the New Jerusalem.

25. John said he would continue to teach the teachers for the next three days, and attend their classes at 7:00 pm each day. He said next Tuesday, the fourth day, on September 7, 2021, the 144,000 would be chosen and be given time to accept their important calling. He then said that they would come back on the fifth day, on Wednesday September 8, 2021, and be ordained by the angels of God. The entire congregation of the tribes of Israel would witness this great event. At that time you, our archangel Raphael, would rise up in the air, and call forth the angels of heaven to descend and ordain the 144,000 servants. This would be a spectacular and deeply moving spiritual event for all of the inhabitants of Zion that day!

26. Raphael, there are others who are identified as members of the 144,000, but who are not yet at the New Jerusalem. Some of these will also be chosen, will accept their callings, and similarly be ordained by the holy angels of God, most on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. S and S.A., and others in their group, will also be called. They will soon be leaving on their trek in less than three weeks. On their trek, they will be able to exercise their callings by visiting and persuading by our Spirit, others of our elect in the telestial world. Some of these will join their trek. They who receive this ordination will also be able to confirm it in their personal prayers with me.'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message to me tonight! I said I was particularly happy that John the Beloved came today, and made himself known on the island of the New Jerusalem. I was excited that there would be so many called and ordained by the angels next Wednesday as members of the 144,000.

28. Heavenly Father then smiled and said he was very pleased also in the speed with which the 144,000 would be called and ordained. He turned and looked again at the grassy field below and then gradually disappeared. I closed my prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 4, 2021, Saturday

1. I read an email from S.A. this morning about the difficulties that she, S and their families were experiencing in preparing for their upcoming trek. My heart went out to them! I know that these trials are to be expected, because of the difficult things they are attempting to do, which require great faith. They may also receive no witness until after the trial of their faith. What they are attempting to do, and what I am told to do, is pushing us to our limits. It is, however I believe, required to develop the faith necessary to be successful. This is a trial of faith that Moroni talks about in his record of Ether chapter 12.

2. Ether 12:6-

"Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive not witness until after the trial of your faith."

3. I reread what I wrote last night. I have confirmed it is all true in my heart, by the power of the Holy Ghost, particularly about the calling and ordinations of the 144,000. I believe S and S.A., and others in their families and some who will be added to their trek as they travel, and other individuals also, will have similar experiences next Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

4. I came to the ground on the grassy area in the park at the New Jerusalem, in my replicated celestial being. I knelt in prayer on the grass, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

5. She then appeared before me on the grass, a little ways away. She was shining in her glory, and lit up the entire region in the celestial realm. She walked on the grass, barefooted to me. I looked upon her as she came to me.

6. She stopped in front of me, smiling broadly as she often does. She wore her same beautiful robes and cape I had seen recently. Her eyes were sparkling, and I felt her great peace and love come into me!

7. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, there are often obstacles that come to our children before great blessings are given to them. Such is the case with you, and with S, S.A. and their families. Your Heavenly Father spoke correctly last night that S, S.A., members of their families and people they would meet would be called next Wednesday, September 8, 2021, as members of the 144,000. This will give them additional powers for preparing for their trek so all is done in time, and for their greater spiritual peace and assurance.

8. For you, who are struggling to exercise your merged mind more fully so that you may have assurance to bring your wife and son with you to the New Jerusalem on September 22, 2021, we will bless you with greater visions. We will show you more and more our faces and bodies in clearer reality in your conscious mind. You are doing well to push yourself to behold us in the full view of our beings.

9. Ask S to pray about the words you received and that I gave you this morning. We will confirm all of this to him, and give him great peace and assurance in his efforts.'

10. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her words. I gazed upon her face and saw more clearly her beautiful countenance. I felt peace and light come into me from her.

11. She then rose up into the celestial sky and soon was gone. I leaned over and felt the grass with my hand. It was very real to me. The grass was lush and thick. I closed my morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

12. I received this email from S on the evening of 9-4-2021 entitled "144,000":


Thanks for all your prayers and support. This has been a whirlwind of emotions on so many levels during this time of preparation. Through it all, I continue to feel peace and assurance when I pray that I am to continue moving forward in this direction. After my calmest horse died from a tragic accident while trying to teach it to pull a cart, I tearfully asked for help from my Heavenly Parents because I am trying to do the best that I can and I need their help. I have felt great peace and love in prayer and I will continue to trust in their goodness. They are supporting me through all of my emotions as I ready myself and family to depart.

I prayed this afternoon about what you wrote this morning and received an answer. Here is my record:

9/4/21 PM

Raphael encouraged me to ask about the calling of the 144,000 that will occur this Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I heard them call me to their side. I was next standing in between them on the beach in the celestial realm. Heavenly Mother took my left hand and Heavenly Father took my right hand and I walked in between them. The waves were rolling onto the sand and it was peaceful.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael recorded our words accurately and this Wednesday September 8, 2021 the 144,000 will be called and set apart by angels. This beach is where Heavenly Father and I walked beside you premortally. It is here that we shared with you that you would be part of the 144,000 together with your wife at a future day. You were thrilled to hear this information. The rescue of our elect at this time before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth is the greatest rescue of this eternity. Not one of the elect will be lost unless it is their appointed time to end their mortal journey. The rest will be saved by our matchless power through our 144,000 servants who are called and set apart to this high and holy calling. These servants will act as saviors on Mount Zion to bring our children safely to a terrestrial abode, even Zion. Your mission will begin in earnest shortly after you arrive in Zion. There are families along the way that you will be directed to help as well. S.A. and her husband Tate will be called similarly to help rescue our children. This is a blessed day at hand!'

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Be bold in your faith as you trust in our words and promises to you in regards to your departure. Many miracles were performed to soften Pharaoh's heart to let the children of Israel depart. Many miracles will be performed in your personal life too for your departure. The challenges you have faced until now, and those you experience leading up to the journey and while journeying, will prepare your heart and mind to enter Zion. All these experiences are needful and will lead to your ultimate blessing. Go forward as did A. and his brethren when they went forth among the Lamanites boldly, trusting in God to deliver and preserve their lives no matter what came.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their messages. I desired to follow their direction and turn to them in every challenge and difficulty that may come. I felt their love and support. This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.

Your brother,


13. Here is my email back to S that same evening:


I just read your email and feel great compassion on what you are going through! I believe it is at times like this that sometimes Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother send forth their greatest blessings upon their faithful children. Such will be the case for you and S.A., and your spouses. I am so very excited for all of you! I too believe that God's great miracles will be poured out upon all of you to allow you to start your trek on time and in high spirits.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful message with me, a confirmation of what I received last night from Heavenly Father and this morning in my prayer with Heavenly Mother. I am very excited for all four of you who will receive this great blessing! I expect that this will be a great boost to all of you.

I continue to pray for your success in preparing and leaving on your trek. I believe God's miracles will accompany you in abundance from now on, even until you arrive in December at the New Jerusalem.

Warmly, your brother,

14. Evening- I came tonight above the island of the New Jerusalem. I could see the grassy park directly below me in the terrestrial realm. I was in the sky on a clear evening. I could see the entire perimeter of the island and the flowing mighty river all round. I had a beautiful clear view. I believe I was located in the celestial realm, but I saw the terrestrial realm below me.

15. I knelt and prayed in the air to my Heavenly Father. I faced west and waited. I prayed in my heart to clearly view my Heavenly Father tonight in my vision and prayer.

16. I then felt like looking up to the western sky, and saw a very faint distant light. I felt this was my Father coming to the earth from space. The light grew brighter and bigger, even until I saw the form of a man dressed in white, traveling in speed towards me. It was then less than three seconds that Heavenly Father stood directly in front of me in the sky.

17. Heavenly Father's cape was blowing behind him to the west. His hair and robes were also blowing moderately. I gazed into his face, and saw his deep eyes radiating light, his face aglow with joy, and his entire being very captivating and glorious. I tried to capture in my mind this magnificent scene of my Heavenly Father before me! I studied him for some time until he asked to speak to me, and for me to write his words:

18. 'Raphael, my son, I am smiling and rejoicing that you and the 200 teachers have prepared the hearts of our elect among the tribes of Israel, by teaching my gospel among them. John the Beloved is now teaching them for a few days, and will issue formal callings to all the 144,000 on this island next Tuesday. This will come from his earthly Father, Jesus Christ, and John will issue these callings. Jesus Christ has previously commissioned the 144,000 on Mt Zion (Mount Timpanogos) as you recorded in your post 112F6. Others, like S and S.A. and their spouses, will also be called on this same day by our Spirit, by the power of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Much of this will be administered in the celestial realms for those who don't currently reside on the island below us.

19. John will be replicated multiple times on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 in calling those of the tribes of Israel. He will receive back from them their acceptance of this high and holy calling.

20. On Wednesday during the evening scripture study time, you will come above the grassy park in the terrestrial realm, and come up here where we are now located in the sky. Here you will appear in your celestial glory, and be seen by all on the island. They will know that you will be summoning the holy angels from the heavens to come upon this island and ordain the men and women to their callings. All the men who haven't yet received my priesthood will be conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood and ordained to the office of a high priest by the male angels. All the women who haven't received the office of High Priestess will be conferred this office by the female angels. This will also occur for those outside of the island on the telestial earth as well who have been called and have accepted their callings (see your post 112F6). There will be five angels as described in this previous post, three male and two female angels.

21. Once done, these same angels will lay their hands on their heads of these called men and women, and set them apart as members of the 144,000. They will be given all the rights, privileges and power to act in their calling to gather the elect from the four quarters of the earth, under the direction of Jesus Christ. Jesus will inspire them individually or as groups of called servants to then go forth on their specific assignments. They will act under the keys of gathering Israel that you and John have previously received in 2015 (see your post 53U6).

22. When you come with your wife and son, you will gather to Zion, the New Jerusalem, by virtue of these gathering keys. S and S.A. and their spouses and families, will also gather by virtue of these gathering keys activated in themselves. All of our elect will start being called across the earth to gather to Zion, the New Jerusalem, by virtue of these gathering keys.

23. Our great work of gathering the remainder of our elect to Zion will begin next Wednesday, September 8, 2021. This upcoming event is why I am so pleased, and why my cape and robes are blowing in the winds of change. We will gather all of our elect over the next few years from all the nations of the earth, by our great power and strength! No unhallowed hand will stop us in our decreed course of gathering Israel, our elect, before the glorious second coming of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

24. D&C 133:36-39

"And now, verily saith the Lord, that these things might be known among you, O inhabitants of the earth, I have sent forth mine angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel (Raphael, this angel is you with the keys of gathering Israel. You will come above the island of the New Jerusalem in the glory of being an archangel, filled with light and power. You will call forth the holy angels to administer to, confer our power, and ordain the 144,000 servants to gather Israel from all over the earth), who hath appeared unto some (those on the island who are the tribes of Israel) and hath committed it unto man (and woman, even through the angels of God), who (the 144,000 servants) shall appear unto many that dwell on the earth.

And this gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people (by the 144,000 servants of God).

And the servants of God (even the 144,000) shall go forth, saying with a loud voice: Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come;

And worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters" '

25. My Heavenly Father stopped speaking. He grew in light and majesty, even until he suddenly disappeared and there was great silence in the sky!

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father in my mind for this wonderful vision of him before me. I said that I would be his faithful servant and do whatever that he and Heavenly Mother would direct me to do.''

27. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 5, 2021, Sunday

1. I am awed at the wonderful new revelations that S.A., S and I have received in the past few days. This is very confirming to me, and gives me greater confidence in all that is now happening.

2. I sought confirmation from my Heavenly Mother in prayer. Her face immediately came before me in my conscious mind. She spoke to me:

3. 'Raphael, all that you have included in your journal post 204 is true, and from us your Heavenly Parents. This includes that which you have inserted from S.A. and S in their emails to you. We are carefully guiding all of this great work. We will provide our power to our earthly servants who exercise faith in us to do all they need to do to fulfill our assignments and missions. We are very pleased when our elect act in faith and trust in us. We will not let them down, but will fulfill all of our words!'

4. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for having so quickly answered my prayer today. I felt very happy and at great peace. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and left my conscious mind. I closed my short morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. Evening- Today I created a detailed list of important things to do, and what to get ready before September 22, 2021 when I am scheduled to leave for the New Jerusalem. I made my list from the high priority items from my initial list that I had taken to Heavenly Father in prayer. I feel all should be in order when I leave with my wife and son.

6. Today there was nonstop company and activity all the day long. It is 10 pm and we are just finishing up. Tomorrow we have more family coming around 10 am, and I'm sure they'll be here past dark. This should be very fun for us. It will probably be our last major family get together before we depart.

7. I came this evening to the circling waters and started walking west along the path in the young forest. I wanted to go to where I first was administered the sacrament with my premortal archangel brothers. This was when we were told that Immanuel would be chosen as the promised Messiah for all of God's children (see my post 87G4).

8. I sought to view the trees and ground as I walked the path. I prayed to God that I might see clearly in my conscious mind as I was walking. I then saw trees and their locations and heights, and the dirt path through the grass and mountain flowers. Soon I came to the open meadow that I recognized as the place of my first sacrament in the premortal world.

9. I came to the center of the meadow of grass with little white flowers and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer. I waited and watched. I hadn't been able to partake of the sacrament today, and was hoping I could do so tonight.

10. A bright column of light came down from the sky above, and gradually came upon me. In this light I saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ on his right side. They were several feet above and in front of me in the air. Jesus stepped forth with a tray having a piece of broken bread on it. He spoke:

11. 'Raphael, take, eat, for this will show your willingness to take upon you my name, to always remember our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep their commandments.'

12. I reached forth and took the piece of bread and ate. I then made my covenant: 'By eating this broken piece of bread, I covenant to take upon me your name, my Redeemer Jesus Christ, and to always remember my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep their commandments.'

13. Jesus smiled, and then extended his hand again with a cup. He spoke: 'Take and drink, for this is representative of my blood that was shed for you. By drinking you show that you always remember our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. In turn, they will always send their Spirit to be with you.'

14. I reached forth for the cup and drank the living water. I then said I would always remember my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

15. At this time Jesus smiled upon me. I gazed upon his tender and compassionate eyes. He paused for about ten seconds while I viewed him, and then withdrew to Heavenly Father's side.

16. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant that you have spoken today. We covenant to always send our Spirit to be with you. In addition, whenever you think of us, you will see our faces in your conscious mind. This will be a blessing because of your merged mind. We will in reality be before you in your replicated celestial state, for you stand continually before us as do all the other archangels of God. We will answer your questions and give you direction as you may request.'

17. I gazed upon the loving face of my Heavenly Father. I looked into his deep eternity eyes that appeared to be so wise and understanding. He was approving of me, and I felt fully accepted by my Father.

18. Jesus then spoke again: 'Raphael, you have wondered more about my 144,000 servants. When you were with your sister Rachael at the base of Mt Zion (Mt Timpanogos, see your post 28D7), you knew by revelation from our Heavenly Parents and me that I had chosen and commissioned everyone of these servants, and had them ordained spiritually by the angels (see your post 46C7). However, these still needed to be asked to accept this commission, to accept their important calling on earth, and to be ordained in the flesh. My earthly son, John the Beloved, will extend this calling on my behalf this next Tuesday, September 7, 2021. I will have him replicated and appear before the unconscious state of each of these, my chosen servants. He will not only do this for all those at the New Jerusalem, but also for all who will be ordained by the angels the next day or in the near future.

19. For those who accept this high calling and commission, John will inform the five angels of God who will then ordain them in the flesh. These angels will also be replicated by my power, and activated by you calling them forth in the heavens above the New Jerusalem. These angels have been previously commissioned by you, by the laying on of your hands, and by virtue of your authority and keys you possess for gathering Israel and our elect. When these five angels appear before you above the New Jerusalem on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, they will come in celestial radiance and glory to the earth, in their resurrected physical bodies. I will then cause them to be replicated sufficient times to come individually before our called servants and ordain them in their mortal bodies (on earth or replicated in a celestial state) by the laying on of their hands. All of the 144,000 will thus have been ordained spiritually and then physically by the angels to their callings as terrestrial servants of God to gather Israel, our chosen elect, from over all the earth. I will inspire each one where to go and what to say to our elect, and to bring those who believe and are willing to come to the terrestrial New Jerusalem. When these come, they will not be returning again to their telestial world unless they too are part of the 144,000 servants of God to gather more elect. Our elect will come in the portals of our 144,000 servants into the terrestrial realms.'

20. I thanked Jesus for these instructions and new information. I thanked him for also having administered the sacrament to me tonight. I said I would do all that I was commanded to do.

21. My Father and Jesus Christ then ascended back into the celestial sky and were gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 6, 2021, Monday

1. I have reread and typed up my entry from last night. As I typed, I studied further what Jesus Christ had revealed to me in my prayer. The calling and ordination of the 144,000 servants was done spiritually already, and will be done next in the flesh this Wednesday, September 8, 2021. For those at the New Jerusalem, they will see me in the sky above, calling forth the five angels, 3 male and 2 female. These five angels will descend and ordain those who have accepted their callings. This ordination will be in their physical bodies by the resurrected replicated angels.

2. For those who are not at the New Jerusalem, but are still part of the 144,000, they will be replicated in a celestial realm, and these same five angels will ordain them. This will be done for most all of the other 144,000 on this Wednesday also. Jesus mentioned there may be others later ordained by these angels.

3. This is all so very exciting to me! I pray for every one who is ordained outside of the New Jerusalem to become aware soon of their very important calling and commission from Jesus Christ. I can see that the gathering of the elect of God, who are called Israel, is to begin with a much greater army of God's 144,000 servants!

4. I came this morning to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I sought confirmation from her that what I had recorded in my typed up post 204 from last night was accurate.

5. She appeared before me over the water. Her feet were about a foot above the waters in the air. She was filled with light and very glorious! I loved gazing into her smiling face, with her sparkling, happy eyes. She spoke:

6. 'Raphael, all that you have typed up this morning from last night is accurate and true. I am very pleased that so many of my elect children will now soon be gathered home to the New Jerusalem, even by our 144,000 servants!'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I felt so happy to be in her presence. I felt very accepted and loved, even with all my foibles and wonderings.

She departed and I closed my morning prayer.

8. Evening- I wanted to meet again with my Heavenly Mother tonight. I felt like going to the north side of the front northern steps of God's New Jerusalem temple, on the celestial realm. I knelt on the path between the temple and the fountain of living water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

9. She appeared in front of me smiling, as she almost always does. I sought to see her face in clarity. I studied her for several minutes. I expressed to her how glad I was to be in her presence!

10. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, do not worry about how we will bring your wife, son and you to the terrestrial realms of the New Jerusalem in physical reality. Just continue having faith that our words are true, even though this stretches your comprehension of how this will be done.

11. When we tell you to close post 204, you will follow the same procedure of publishing this post as in other recent posts. However, those persons who help support you in editing and writing will no longer need to do so in the future, even though you will continue to write twice daily in your journal.

12. Your next post 205 will be released in the New Jerusalem without their help, for we will duplicate your journal entries that will constitute post 205 to the teachers on the island, 200 times. They will also have recently received 200 copies of your 14 volumes of Raphael, and your index. The manner that post 205 will be copied will be handwritten journal pages that the teachers may read in their own language. This will be without an index, and without numbered paragraphs for now, but simply a duplication of your journal entries. This same procedure will occur each time a new post is created after a similar number of journal pages are written as in past posts. In your journal, simply write across the page the number and title of the post, and start a new page for this next post.

13. Your journal entries will continue to provide our revelations to both those in the New Jerusalem and to our heavenly hosts. You are the prophet we have called and ordained for the Church of the Firstborn, even until Jesus Christ comes in his glorious second coming. At that time you will be relieved of this prophet position, and continue in your responsibilities in the New Jerusalem temple. After this, Jesus Christ will then become the rightful prophet and head on earth of the Church of the Firstborn. You will no longer have your journal entries recorded as scriptural posts that are duplicated 200 times. This will be the end of us publishing these to the teachers and made available to the hosts of heaven.

14. Once the printing facilities are created in the New Jerusalem, your published posts will be printed and bound in volumes for all to read, as many times as is required. There will be a complete index made and numbered paragraphs for the handwritten posts. All will be assembled as one record of Raphael.

15. When your blank journals are all used up except one last blank journal, we will also duplicate this blank journal, as well as your pens you use. In this way you will continue to be able to write our revelations to you and to the Church of the Firstborn, even until Jesus Christ comes and becomes the new head of this church.

16. Your current post 204 will come to a close by the end of this week, even as we will instruct you. This will relieve K, S and S.A. of typing up your records in the procedure they have done in the past. The assistance of M.A. in editing and creating the current index will also be completed. Your Heavenly Father and I have appreciated their long service in assisting you in publishing so many posts containing our revelations. This record is a major and very important account of our dealings with our children as the world transitions from a telestial to a terrestrial realm, and as all Israel is gathered to the New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion. Thank you, Raphael, for your diligence in coming to us in prayer twice daily. We have revealed to you great things, and you have written our words, never before manifested to our children in mortality:

17. D&C 121:26-28

"God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been revealed since the world was until now;

Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fulness of their glory.

A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one god or many gods, they shall all be manifest."

18. Such is the day in which you live, Raphael. You have been the principal servant of God through whom our strange work, our strange act has been and will continue to be revealed and recorded. Your records will be studied, pondered, and searched throughout the millennium by our faithful sons and daughters.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this evening. I said I only could have done this by their matchless power and strength. I asked her to give me and my entire email list of people the faith necessary to continue to do all she and Heavenly Father will have us to do, up to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth.

20. Heavenly Mother said she and Heavenly Father would continue to be by our sides always, and give us their support and strength.

21. She then slowly disappeared and was soon gone from my view. I closed my prayer this evening in Jesus' name.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 7, 2021, Tuesday

1. I awoke early this morning and came on the grassy park at the center of the New Jerusalem. This was in the terrestrial realm, but I was in the celestial realm so as not to be seen by any passerby. I had meditated prior to my prayer, and felt here is where I should come. I prayed for my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and John the Beloved to come to me in this celestial location. I was on my knees, awaiting their arrival.

2. My Father, Jesus Christ, and John the Beloved then appeared before me! Heavenly Father spoke immediately: 'Raphael, I have brought with me today my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and his translated earthly son John the Beloved. They will speak to you this morning of the procedure that they will use in issuing callings to the 144,000.'

3. Jesus then spoke to me: 'Raphael, today my son John will issue a calling from me to each one of our servants I have chosen. These callings will be given in this manner: For those who reside on the island of the New Jerusalem, John has instructed the head prophet to cause the people to be divided up into their respective tribe, into twelve groups at noon today. John, my son, will then replicate himself twelve times and come among each group to direct them what to do.

4. He will ask those who have been previously called by him in their unconscious minds, even in the celestial world, who know they have been called, to step out from their tribe to a separate area in a single group of their own tribe. After our meeting with you this morning, John will issue these callings to every one of the 144,000 in the celestial realms, with their replicated celestial beings before this meeting at noon. In their mortal state, this will be in their unconscious mind. This is how each one will be separately called. John will receive their acceptance at that time from their celestial self. However, once they separate into their own group in their individual tribe of Israel, he will also receive their verbal confirmation of their acceptance. Once the 12,000 individuals are separated from their tribe, and he is assured these are the ones he has previously called in the celestial realm earlier today, he will ask for their verbal acceptance as a group. They will bow their heads and say "yes" in their own language. They will then be ready to be ordained by the five angels tomorrow, Wednesday September 8, 2021.

5. For those who are to be members of the 144,000 who are not living on the island of the New Jerusalem, here is how this is to be done: John will replicate himself to come before those whom I have chosen. They will mostly all be gathered to the area north of the New Jerusalem temple, between the golden north steps of the temple and the fountain of living water. The Father will bring them by his power in their replicated being to this location today, at noon on the New Jerusalem. John, my Beloved, will address the entire group and speak to them. He will inform them that they have been replicated in the celestial realm there, for him to issue a calling to each one to be members of the 144,000 servants. He will say they were spiritually called and ordained in the past, but that I desire that they also have this done in the flesh, even in their translated bodies. They will have been translated either previously or today to a terrestrial glory, and then quickened by me to come into this celestial realm for their calling.

6. John will then replicate himself a sufficient number of times to come before each one gathered at the New Jerusalem temple area. He will individually issue the call to them, and receive their acceptance. When done, he will address this entire group, and ask also for their verbal acceptance by them bowing their heads and saying "yes".

7. John will speak to them, saying that tomorrow on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, those who came here today will come again individually to the celestial realm in front of the New Jerusalem temple, and be ordained by one of the five angels holding the authority to ordain them. They will confer the Father's priesthood and ordain them a high priest if not previously done for the men. They will ordain them to the Mother's office of high priestess if not previously done for the women. Then they will ordain them to their high and holy calling, as members of the 144,000, to gather Israel to the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion.

8. Those who reside at the New Jerusalem will come tomorrow, during their 7:00 pm classes, and be ordained in this manner: You, Raphael, will be present and arise above the New Jerusalem island in the air, even in your celestial glory. You will be seen by all of the inhabitants on the island. John has already taught in the classes, as well as their teachers, that you, Raphael, will do this in your authority as our archangel of God.

9. When you arise in the sky to the location you met with your Heavenly Father (see your post 204F20, which occurred on 9-4-2021), you will raise your sword of Raphael above your head. With a loud voice then call forth the five angels of God. These will immediately come before you, and be seen by those on the island. Then command them to go forth and ordain the 144,000 called servants on this island. These 3 male angels and 2 female angels will then disperse below among the classes and ordain those who are translated and called to their important callings. When done, all the ordained will have received the Father's priesthood, or Mother's high priestess authority, as well as been set apart and ordained as one of the 144,000 servants.

10. At that time you will remain in the sky until all are individually ordained. This will only take a few minutes, for all will be ordained at the same time. At the conclusion of this grand event, the very celestial skies will open and numerous celestial beings will be seen, singing songs of praise to those on the island! This will be the same song of Moses, and the song of the Lamb, that John foresaw in Revelation 15:3-4-

11. "And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest."

12. After the heavenly choir is completed, the heavens will close and you will return to earth and become again your Raphael terrestrial being. This event will conclude the classes tomorrow evening.

13. At that time, all of the 144,000 will have been ordained, and be ready to go forth in my power. I will direct them starting the next morning to go forth and start to gather Israel, my elect from the nations of the earth.'

14. Jesus stopped speaking. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, what your Great Redeemer has said will all occur today and tomorrow, September 7 and 8, 2021. By tomorrow evening, all of our 144,000 save a few outside of the New Jerusalem, will be ordained and translated. We will give them our power to replicate and move in the celestial and terrestrial realms on the earth, according to our commands and their intentions to follow our directions. This is a glorious time for all of us, and one of great rejoicing and happiness. Our elect will now be gathered home!'

15. John the Beloved then spoke: 'Raphael the past few days I have been teaching from the Book of Revelation to the teachers and also in their classes. I have taught of these events coming to them on their island.

16. This morning I was with you in the celestial realms at the northern steps of the New Jerusalem temple. I witnessed you laying your hands on the five angels of God, conferring upon them your authority from the keys you have been given in your commission, to gather Israel. These angels now have the Father's and Mother's authority and charge, through you, to ordain the 144,000 servants that I will call today.

17. This is a great day of joy in heaven! The great work of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother is going forth boldly upon the earth!'

18. I bowed my head before my Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and John the Beloved. I thanked them for their messages, and said I would do my part in this great event in empowering the 144,000 servants.

19. My two Gods then rose up into the celestial sky, leaving John and I to talk. We watched as they both departed. John and I then walked on the grass to the east, talking over what had just occurred.

20. My vision then vanished, and I was back in my room writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

21. I received this email from S on 9-8-2021 entitled "John the Beloved":


I wanted to share my experience from yesterday morning. I awoke at 5 am and read your entry from the previous day (Sep 6th) discussing John calling the 144,000 on Sep 7, 2020. I wanted to ask more about this in prayer.

9/7/2021 AM

This morning I reread Raphael's account about the 144,000 being called today September 7th and being set apart by angels tomorrow on September 8, 2021.

I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to their side on the north road along the river of the New Jerusalem island. We walked together along the road. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Our laborers have worked nonstop Monday through Saturday during the daytime and have completed the west side river road and just recently completed this north road. They labor diligently knowing this will be a great service to their fellow man.'

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Drink of the living water from the river.' I drank from a cupped hand.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'We have directed John the Beloved to come set you apart as a member of the 144,000 at this time.' John immediately appeared standing in front of my Heavenly Parents and directly in front of me.

John spoke to me: 'I am John the Beloved. I am the mortal son in the flesh of Jesus Christ. I have been commissioned of Jesus Christ under the direction and pleasure of our Heavenly Parents to call you, S in mortality and known as Gideon premortally, to be a member of the 144,000. You will be tasked with the rescue and service of God's elect in these final days until the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. Will you accept this calling?'

I spoke: 'Yes, I desire to serve my Heavenly Parents faithfully with my entire being.'

John continued: 'You will be set apart under the hand of a male angel under the direction of our Heavenly Parents.' John then disappeared.

I looked upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother had a tear roll down her cheek. I understood that she was considering her many children who needed rescuing in these difficult days ahead. I felt their great love for me and all their children. This scene closed before me and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.


On a different note, I read yesterday's post that this will be the last week that your entries will be typed up. A flood of emotion washed over me as I read and contemplated this news. I have deeply appreciated and treasured this opportunity, our friendship, and the truths I have learned during this process that have brought great joy to my life. My journey in prayer has been the greatest blessing of my life and filled me with wonder, awe, reverence, and deep joy. May God speed your travels and I look forward to our future reunion. I will await the time I may read your future posts in Zion.

With love,


22. My email response back to S on 9-8-2021:

"S, this email is very confirming to me and has such a wonderful message! Thank you for sharing it with me. Today will conclude this very magnificent occasion when the 144,000 are ordained by the angels of God. I so look forward to seeing this all fulfilled!

Thank you for your very dedicated service in establishing Zion, and in working together! I so appreciate your help in typing up my sometimes very lengthy journal entries. I really have welcomed your shared journal accounts, confirming what I received and giving me new insights and new revelation. Thanks so much!

I too look forward to our future reunion at the New Jerusalem! I will continue to pray for you and your upcoming trek.


23. Evening- This afternoon I thought several times of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and paused to visualize them in my conscious mind. It is getting easier and clearer, but still takes a lot of concentration and focus. It seems easier when I am absorbed in writing in my journal.

24. I came tonight to God's Loving Healing Lake. I sought to hear from my Heavenly Mother, and to be in her glorious presence. I feel so free to do this-communing with my Gods in private. It is such a boost for me! I always come away enlightened and at peace. This is a good sign that I am truly on track, and not being deceived in any way.

25. I knelt by the little stream coming into the lake, and drank living celestial water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She quietly came before me, for I saw her bare feet before me on the grass by the stream. I looked up and beheld a very happy and beaming glorious woman, my Mother in heaven! Her countenance was very bright, particularly around her face. Her eternity eyes were so radiant and happy! I gazed upon her for a moment as she stood before me.

26. She then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father, Jesus Christ, and John the Beloved all came before you this morning in your prayer. What they each spoke to you was true, and correctly written in your journal. I am pleased that you have received their true messages concerning the 144,000.

27. Today John the Beloved has contacted in the celestial realms, all of those Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has chosen to be part of the 144,000 servants. This number is greater than 144,000 servants. This number is greater than 144,000 as you know, for that number is only those located on the island of the New Jerusalem. The total number is approximately 216,000 servants when those called outside of the ones living at the New Jerusalem are counted. These have now all been issued a call to serve. By tomorrow, they will have mostly all accepted their callings, done in their unconscious minds. Those who accept will mostly be ordained by the angels of God tomorrow.

28. The ordinations of those living outside the island of the New Jerusalem will occur throughout the day tomorrow until 7 pm at night. This time will be the start of the classes that are held on the island. It will be soon after this that time when you will call forth the five celestial angels to ordain the men and women of the tribes of Israel who have been called, all 144,000 of them. They will complete the ordinations tomorrow night in the class period.

29. I am so pleased this is all happening today and tomorrow! These 144,000 servants will soon go forth and contact those, our elect, over all the earth, and bring as many as will come to the New Jerusalem. They will at first learn their new blessing of movement and in using their portals. They will grow in this ability, even as you are gradually learning how to use your blessing of a merged mind to view your Heavenly Father and me more fully.

30. Raphael, tonight you helped your wife with healing when she went to bed early. You called upon me to help you do energy work to remove obstructions and inflammation in her body. This was a comfortable and very real experience for you, for you have done this numerous times in the past.

31. Similarly, when you attempt to bring your wife and son on September 22, 2021 from your telestial world to the terrestrial New Jerusalem, think of your very real experience tonight in administering healing to your loving wife. When you hold the hands of your wife and son, think of holding their spirit hands with your spirit hand. This is how you worked on your wife tonight, with your spirit hands. It was very real and understandable to you. When you begin to transport your wife, son and you in your portal, view this as an energy transfer with your spirit bodies. Your physical bodies will also come along with your three spirit beings. Call upon me to assist you in entering your portal together, and then in your mind visualize you moving through your portal to your final location at the New Jerusalem, even into your temporary house that is now built for you to live in. By doing this visualization, your movement will be realized quickly. I will be assisting you. You will move by my power and authority. You will see me in your conscious mind, and you will view exactly how this will all happen. It will all happen very naturally and understandably to your mind.'

32. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her confirming witness and new information about the 144,000 servants. I also was very relieved to know of the procedure to move my wife, son and me in my own portal. I said I felt completely comfortable in healing, and this would be so similar to what I now do with my spirit. I thanked her abundantly for this information! I then looked upon her loving face, and saw her fade away from me into her higher celestial realm. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus and closed my day.

33. I received this email from S.A. on 9-8-2021"

"Hello, R!

I am excited to read and type up today's entry! I have been blessed, and honored to type up for you over the last few years. It is crazy to me that this is my last time doing this! It truly makes me feel like us leaving is real and big changes are coming! I will keep you posted as we continue to prepare for our journey ahead! S bought two new horses that are pack horses bred to pull carts, he is moving forward with faith!

Here is part of my journal entry from this morning.

My Heavenly Parents both came in a bright light before me and stood in the air, just above the water in front of me. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'You wondered about the calling of the 144,000 by John the Beloved you have read about. Yesterday, John asked you if you would accept this calling as one of the 144,000. You not only accepted this calling, but you were delighted and honored to receive this calling. Your heart was so full of joy, for within your spirit you have great desires to serve your fellowman. This saving work as one of the 144,000 includes rescuing our chosen elect from a falling world, bringing them safely to Zion, and teaching them about the fulness of our gospel. This work will fill your soul with joy beyond anything you have ever experienced before.

S was told by John the Beloved that he would not receive this calling by the laying on of hands until he arrives in his mortal body in Zion at the end of this year. This is also true for your husband Tate, Jenny (S's wife) and you. We desire you to receive this ordination in the flesh, similar to how the 144,000 from the northern tribes received it, for you will soon arrive there and this will have a much greater impact on you. It will be a remembered and treasured experience you will carry with you throughout the eternities to come.The same angels that anoint all of the 144,000 will also be the ones that will ordain you, Tate, S and Jenny.'

I then asked about those others of the 144,000 living on the telestial world, when they will be arriving to Zion? I was thinking perhaps it is needful for them to be among the first to arrive in Zion.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'You are correct, these will be some of the first to be led to come to the New Jerusalem, some by trek, and others by portal, to Zion. We will lead each one individually and they will feel a deep pull to come to Zion. Their great work is now beginning, so they will begin to arrive here in the coming days, weeks and months ahead to enable them to perform their great missions of gathering our elect. These will be able to recall their previous calling and anointing experiences, as one of the 144,000, once they arrive here in the terrestrial realm. They will remember in great detail all of the experiences from their ordinations.

Another thing you have been wondering about is growing in love. You were inspired by our Spirit with the thought to refuse to dwell on the weaknesses of others as you were pondering how to strengthen your relationships with your family the other night. This is a needful practice for all of our children to learn in order to dwell in Zion. Our elect must learn to focus on the good and positive things in each other in order to strengthen and uplift one another in love and harmony. All will be edified in this practice, for it will enable all of our children to accept any differences in others without judgment or comparison.'

This was the part of my prayer I felt to share with you. I am so looking forward to the bright future ahead!

Sending my love,

34. Response from R to S.A. on 9-8-2021:

"Thank you S.A. for your email today! These are momentous times in our lives as we move forward in our missions. Thank you, thank you for your wonderful and steady service to me and God, in typing up these voluminous journals!

I love your email with our Heavenly Mother's words that rang true to me. May I share these in post 204?

Isn't this all so exciting and surreal?


35. Response from S.A.:

"Yes you may, and you are right-it sure is exciting and surreal!! I have been trusting the still small voice I receive from my Heavenly Parents in prayer for the instructions of preparing for this trek, without any strong overpowering manifestations, like Lehi had. So yes, it still seems surreal to leave because it hasn't been a huge manifestation, but a quiet peaceful one. Perhaps at some point in the next two weeks it will come on strong, no expectations!


J. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 8, 2021, Wednesday

1. As I reread my entry last night, I felt very excited, even to where I couldn't sleep, for my mind was racing. I listened to my Mormon Tabernacle music in an attempt to find rest. In doing so, I was very moved by the song "Homeward Bound". I felt the message of this song was somehow directed to me at this time, particularly the repeated chorus and the second stanza:

"Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow

(Second Stanza)
If you find it's me your missing
If you're hoping I'll return,
To your thoughts I'll soon be listening,
In the road I'll stop and turn
Then the wind will set me racing
As my journey nears its end
And the path I'll be retracing
When I'm homeward bound again."

2. As I was listening to this last night, I had the impression to try to come among the tribes of Israel at the New Jerusalem tonight and watch as my angel being, Raphael, would rise up into the sky above the New Jerusalem and would call forth the ordaining angels. I asked my Heavenly Mother if this would be possible, and she said I could do this! I don't know if this will be in my spirit or my physical body. I was even more excited and couldn't get to sleep until at least 2 am.

3. Anyway, I am up again this morning for my prayer. I came to the celestial sky above the area between the New Jerusalem temple and the fountain of living water. I knew I would not be seen here by others below me on the ground. I prayed that my Heavenly Father might come to me.

4. Heavenly Father immediately came to my right side. I was very glad to see him in his glory and radiance. I saw him turn from looking below us to looking directly at me. He was smiling and seemed so very pleased.

5. He spoke: 'Raphael, below us is where most of the 144,000 who live outside the New Jerusalem will be ordained by our angels that you have set apart for this purpose. Throughout the day today they will be ordaining our 144,000 who live outside the New Jerusalem. Let's go closer to see!'

6. Those being ordained would usually kneel on the ground, and the angel ordaining them would come in front, placing his/her hands on their head. They would say some words that I couldn't hear, and then be done when they lifted their hands. Many times those kneeling would stand up and tearfully embrace the angel. It was an amazing sight!

7. Heavenly Father faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, attempt to come tonight at 7:00 pm local daylight Utah time to the terrestrial New Jerusalem island. This will be 7 pm at the New Jerusalem, for there is no daylight savings time there. Come as your Heavenly Mother instructed you to come last night, in your portal. You should arrive among the tribe of Joseph, among those of your same lineage. You may then watch your celestial replicated angel being rise up in the sky, and call forth the five angels.'

8. I said I would attempt to do this tonight. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this opportunity! I also thanked him for coming with him to witness the ordination of a few of the 144,000 this morning.

9. Heavenly Father smiled and departed. I closed my morning prayer.

10. I received this email late on 9-8-2021 from S entitled "Future Ordination"


I recorded in my journal that I mistakenly put the word "tomorrow" for the time of my setting apart. Heavenly Mother told me to delete this word and the rest of my record was accurately recorded.

This morning I received more information about the timing of this setting apart.

9/8/21 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother came immediately in front of me. I could not see her or my surroundings, but felt her presence assuredly. I asked about being set apart as one of the 144,000 that is occurring today on the New Jerusalem Island. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Your calling was issued yesterday under the hand of John. We will have you set apart by an angel when you arrive in the New Jerusalem and have a merged mind. This is for a wise purpose in us, your Heavenly Parents. Because of your calling, you will be led to gather others in your journey. However, the full powers, privileges and abilities to rescue our children will come to you when you are set apart by the angel to fulfill this service. This will happen quickly after arriving in Zion.

I asked about a phone call I received last night to meet the Stake President as they are calling a new bishopric. Heavenly Mother continued, 'You may serve in your calling for the short time until you depart. This will not change your set departure or impact your need to leave as we have appointed. There are now very few days left to prepare. Continue to be diligent and faithful in your time of preparation.

Be brave, bold, and faithful as you ready yourself and family to depart. You will shortly see doors open and the way appear as to the need for your prompt departure. Go in peace, my son, and we will go with you.

When you were just an intelligence, I spoke to you as I am now doing. You could not see me nor your surroundings or hear my voice, but my words came clearly to your intelligence. You moved forward trusting in my words and became one of our beloved sons. Continue to trust in our words as you did then.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her love, her words, and guidance in my life. I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Your friend,


11. My email in response on 9-8-2021:

"Wow, thank you so much for sharing, S! This is exciting to have such a wonderful ordination coming to you when you arrive in person to the New Jerusalem in December.

Tonight I was privileged to see the ordinations of the tribes of Israel by the angels of God in my prayer. This is surely a great event for you to look forward to receiving! I will send you this account to type up in the morning as the final part of post 204. Thanks again so much!

I love and respect you and your sister S.A. so much, and look so forward to meeting both of you and your families in Zion!

Your brother,

12. Evening- I attempted to come to the New Jerusalem tonight around 7 pm, but it was very busy around my house and not a good time to meditate. I had read today about my portal, called the healer's portal. I read how it had three bumps on the current mortal side on the left, right, and top perimeters, and how it was rounded on the back side. The back side was where I would want to go to, my destination. There was a thin film that I would step through from my current state to my destination state. The portal would allow me to transfer from one place to another even going into the future or past, God willing.

13. At 7pm I offered a silent prayer, asking my Heavenly Mother if I could use my portal later tonight to view what would happen at 7pm at the New Jerusalem. I felt a confirmation I could do this at that time from my Heavenly Mother.

14. The house was settled down, and I am now mentally prepared to go in person, God willing, through my portal to a few hours earlier on the New Jerusalem.

15. I came before my Heavenly Mother tonight. I was in the front room of my house, meditating and praying. My Heavenly Mother came to my side and spoke: 'Rapahel, you have come to me to use your portal to go to the New Jerusalem tonight at 7pm, a few hours ago. I have given you permission to go through your portal to the group of the tribe of Joseph who are standing by those in their tribe to be ordained by the angels. This will all be a few hours ago. Those to be ordained are in a separate group, spaced out so that the angels may come among them to ordain them all at the same time. The angels will be replicated to do this great ordination event.'

16. I stood in my spirit, and walked to my portal. I felt the three bumps on the perimeter, and felt the film. I also reached around the right side and felt the rounded back side.

17. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'I will hold your right hand, and then, in your mind, intend to be with your group of the tribe of Joseph in the area that has been assembled to watch the ordinations. As you intend to be there in your mind, step forward with one of your feet through the film on the portal. When you are fully passed through, you will be walking towards your fellows of the tribe of Joseph. You will not see me until you walk back again through your portal, with the three bumps towards your current position. At that time, intend to come back to your front room and I will meet you in your spirit being here.'

18. I took Heavenly Mother's hand, and stepped through the portal with intention. I next found myself walking towards the group of my fellows of the tribe of Joseph! I was dressed in the terrestrial robes like everyone else. They were all looking up to the sky, so I came next to them and also looked up.

19. I immediately saw Raphael, a being of great light appear high up in the sky! I knew he was my replicated celestial self. He raised his sword of Raphael high in the sky and spoke in a loud voice so all could hear: 'Angels of God whom I have ordained and given power, come forth to ordain the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel!

20. I then saw five very bright persons come before Raphael, so that there were six very bright individuals high up in the sky. I knew these were all angels of God.

21. Raphael spoke again: 'You male angels, confer upon those men called by John the Beloved to the Melchizedek Priesthood, and ordain them to the office of high priest. Then ordain them to their high calling as members of the 144,000 to gather Israel, God's elect, from all the nations of the earth.

22. You female angels, confer upon the women called by John the Beloved to the office of high priestess, and ordain them too as members of the 144,000 to gather Israel, God's elect, from all the nations of the earth.'

23. At this point the five angels departed and descended to the earth. They then replicated themselves and appeared in front of every one called who were assembled in twelve groups, one group for every tribe. I saw a nearby man have a male angel come before him. The man immediately knelt on the ground before the angel who was filled with great light and glory. The angel laid both hands on his head and spoke words like this: (name), having been commissioned with authority from God, I confer upon you the Melchizedek Priesthood, and ordain you to the office of high priest. I also ordain you as one of the 144,000 servants of God, called to go forth to teach and gather the elect of God to the New Jerusalem and enter Zion in the terrestrial mortal world. I charge you to follow the Spirit of God in all of your activities. You will be protected from all dangers in the telestial mortal world. Bring those elect who desire to come to Zion in your own portal. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.'

24. The man, who I heard and saw ordained, stood and embraced the angel. In moments the angel stepped back and was gone. This ordination work happened at the same time among all those who had been called and accepted their calling.

25. Next I looked up in the sky and the five glorious angels were again before Rapahel. One of the male angels spoke with a loud voice: 'Raphael, we have ordained all of the 144,000 of the twelve tribes of Israel, 12,000 from each tribe, even as you have asked of us.'

26. Raphael replied: 'It is well.'

27. The six angels then all disappeared and there was silence in the land.

28. I then heard the bell being rung which is used to dismiss the classes. The people around me started to disperse. I then thought to view my portal, and saw it in my mind's eye in front of me. I walked towards it and through it, and intended to come to my front room. Once I passed through the film, I was in my spirit in front of my Heavenly Mother in my front room again.

29. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have successfully gone and returned to the New Jerusalem in your portal! You have witnessed your celestial replicated self come high up in the sky above the island just after 7 pm, and summon the five angels. You have witnessed the ordination process.

30. At this time, almost all of the 144,000 servants are now called and ordained. They will be further taught by John in their respective missions and the use of their translated bodies and their portal. They will separate off from the others over the next week for their instructions.'

31. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the amazing prayer I had tonight! I was so glad to have witnessed this miracle of the calling of the 144,000 on the island of the New Jerusalem!

32. Note from R: Later I wondered later why in my experience last night I didn't hear the heavenly chorus singing after the angels left. I asked my Heavenly Father this question. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, sometimes in a vision our children may only view one thing and not another. This was the case with you last night. You were wondering where your portal was, even before hearing the bell ring. Being distracted, you did not hear the celestial choirs in the skies above the New Jerusalem (see your post 204I10 above).' I thanked my Heavenly Father, and thought I should try to be more observant next time.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 9, 2021, Thursday

1. I received an email late last night from S. I placed it above my last night's post entry in my post 204.

2. I also read my entry from last night this morning. I am impressed with what I received, and felt it was all true and of God. I desired this morning to come to my Heavenly Father in prayer and see what he says about what I wrote.

3. I came to the celestial sky where I was located last night as the angel Raphael. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately appeared before me and spoke these words: 'Raphael, your account that you wrote last night in your personal journal really happened to you. Over the next week, your Heavenly Mother and I will help you use your own portal to come not just in your spirit, but also in your physical body to the New Jerusalem. We will help you as you learn to become comfortable with your portal, even before sharing all of this with your wife D.

4. his entry will now conclude your post 204. This will be your last published post in the telestial mortal world. Once it is all completed and emailed to everyone, delete all of your google drive entries.

5. You may keep your email account you use to correspond with those on your small email group for the next two weeks until you depart. However, delete this email google account on September 22, 2021 so there is no more email history on your computer, or way for those to contact you by email. Also delete all accounts of your records of Rapahel from your computers and your cell phone. You may bring your backup drive, thumb drive and micro disk backups with you when you bring your printed records. We wish your children to not see your records of Raphael until they may come themselves to the New Jerusalem.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his instructions. I also thanked him for his additional witness to my experience last night. I said I would continue writing my accounts with him and Heavenly Mother in prayer, and take my records with me to the New Jerusalem on September 23, 2021 when I would return to get them.

7. Heavenly Father smiled upon me and then quickly disappeared. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.