E. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 21, 2018, Saturday
1. This morning I awoke before my wife and came to the adjacent room. I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the edge of the forest of maples so I could see the Great Assembly Hall in the distance. I knelt to pray.
As I prayed, I perceived lots of people exiting the doors of the Assembly Hall. They came in vast numbers and once out, they seemed to disappear. My thought was that they were going to their assignments, after having attended a meeting there of some kind.
2. Heavenly Mother then appeared at my right side. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have just concluded a meeting of all of our servants that you have conducted. These servants are going to their places of assignment, for they have been excused from the meeting.'
I told my Heavenly Mother the following:
'Oh, my Mother, may I find out more about this meeting, that which happened, in my conscious mind?'
3. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Yes, Raphael, we may go to the beginning of the meeting and watch what happened. We will go in our replicated state and I will allow you to see and hear the meeting in your conscious mind.'
She extended her hand and I stood and took it. We were then immediately in the inside upper corner of the front end of the Great Assembly Hall! I was with Heavenly Mother and saw myself on the stand, seated with other servant leaders. I stood and started the meeting.
4. Here are my words:
'Welcome to our general assembly meeting of servants of our God! This is our quarterly meeting in heaven where we group to receive instructions and to be strengthened.'
I then heard the remainder of the meeting, with Heavenly Mother at my side. We were not visible to the congregation. I knew that this meeting had just concluded and was in the recent past. In the meeting, I was conducting. Assembled were all the resurrected servants, all the translated servants including Enoch and his large group, all the holy angels, and all the 144,000 and deceased spirits who had also received a calling to be servants in these last days. These were all seated in their ranks. The congregation was very vast, even to some standing on the sides!
5. On the stand were each of the male and female archangels, including Adam or Michael and Eve, his wife who both spoke. Melchizedek and Enoch were also on the stand and also spoke. Joseph, the prophet spoke at the end. I saw that I did not speak, but directed the meeting.
I saw, too, at the end, after Joseph Smith spoke, that Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Redeemer, appeared and spoke to all. He came in majesty from the ceiling in the front of the Great Assembly Hall. His visit concluded the meeting. We all arose when he came and at the end of his short address, we bowed the knee in acknowledgment of his status as our personal redeemer.
6. Heavenly Mother turned to me after I had written the above in my journal:
'Raphael, this meeting has been recorded by Oriphiel, our archangel and record-keeper. His record is written in heaven for all to examine and read. You just need to know of the meeting in your conscious mind, but don't need to write the details since Oriphiel wrote it all down.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for bringing me here! I then was suddenly back in the maple tree grove on my knees. Heavenly Mother was gone. I felt what I had seen was true, and that I had conducted a great meeting of God's last day servants in the Great Assembly Hall this morning.
My prayer had ended. Maybe I will be able to recall all of this meeting, or a portion, later on. I closed my prayer and started my Saturday.
7. Evening– I started my meditations in heaven, at the lake in God's Loving Healing Center. I sat on the bench facing the lake. I got up in a bit and walked to the lake. I came into the water and drank living water. I felt very clarified, prepared to meet God. I came back to the bench and knelt facing the lake. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
I saw a stirring on the lake in front of me. Heavenly Mother came in her brightness and with a wind that locally blew the water underneath her. She came to me, first traveling on the water and then on the land. Soon she was directly in front of me. Heavenly Mother was smiling and was radiantly beautiful! Her robes were still and very bright She was such a joy to behold!
8. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I are so very glad you come to us in our celestial realms when you seek to commune with us! We always come to you in these celestial realms. If we come to you on the earth, we will come to you in the earth's celestial realms also. We always appear to our children in the celestial realms.
If our children approach us in the telestial or terrestrial realms, they will not be able to view us since we only come in our celestial realms. If we do appear to someone in these realms, we will quicken them to come into the celestial realms, and into our presence. This is the only way for them to behold our face and know personally that we live and speak to them.
9. Raphael, you have continually been coming into our presence for several years now. This is in the celestial realms that we have communed with you and given you our revelations. Satan and his followers can only appear to mankind in the telestial realm. They work from beneath, in realms of darkness and misery. However, they may tempt our children who live in the mortal telestial world.
Once our children are elevated to a higher, or terrestrial sphere, Satan cannot tempt them. They are free in this realm from all the adversary's tricks and temptations. Your shields of the Father that protect you from Satan are in the terrestrial realms. This higher realm keeps you on a higher level always, away from Satan.
10. We who dwell in celestial glory may see down to the terrestrial and also to the telestial realms. We are fully aware of all of the activities in these lower regions. We see all of our creations at whatever level or sphere they may exist. This is true for those creations in their probationary or mortal estates, or those in their inhabited worlds in eternity. Therefore, all inhabitants and creations of a lower or inferior order or kingdom are manifest to us:
11. D&C 130:9
"This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, wherein all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth is Christ's."
12. This is the precise manner in which we who dwell on this celestial orb may view those in lower kingdoms. Raphael, at the beginning of the millennium, after the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ, the earth will be elevated completely to a terrestrial glory. Of necessity, Satan will need to depart into the lower regions where the deep recesses of the earth have not been changed to a terrestrial glory. This is the region of the bottomless pit.
You will then take hold of Lucifer and with all of his evil minions, and gather them into the bottomless pit. They will no longer be able to tempt mankind who will continue to dwell on the surface of the earth. This surface will be elevated to a terrestrial sphere, void of Satan and his devils. There will be no more telestial sphere on the earth's surface. You will lock Satan and his evil spirits in the bottomless pit for 1000 years, with the black key.
13. Revelation 20:1-3
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.
And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season."'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great enlightenment tonight! I so love to see God's revelations all be more cohesively tied together, to my better understanding! I feel so humbled and grateful for this knowledge. Heavenly Mother then said she was going to leave me. She said that Heavenly Father and she would always be near me. She said I am in the celestial realms all of the time now, in my replicated physical translated state. She said this was how they could always be with me, since I am in these celestial realms now.
She leaned over and kissed my forehead and then vanished! I felt her peace and love inside of me. I feel very honored and blessed!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 22, 2018, Sunday
1. I started my meditative prayer. I knew I was mentally in the celestial realms of heaven. I came to the northern central shores of Lake Beautiful, next to the fruit tree orchard. I sat on the shore, with my feet in the water of the lake. They didn't feel wet. I felt clear all over my being, and more aware since my feet were in the water. I looked in the reflection of the water and saw a light coming from the sky. I got quickly in a kneeling position and then saw this light in the sky above.
Heavenly Father soon was before me. He was smiling. His eternity eyes were very compassionate and understanding. And yet, he seemed so fully in control of all things.
2. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have been learning about the spheres of the earth recently. Since the earth is currently in a telestial state, it has two additional spheres above the telestial. There are the terrestrial and celestial spheres.
When the transition of the earth to a terrestrial state is completed, with the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, there will no longer be a telestial sphere. There will then only be the terrestrial and celestial spheres on the earth. Then, after the death and resurrection of the earth the earth will rise to a celestial body. At that time there will no longer be lower spheres on the earth, for it will all be celestial. Every celestial orb or creation is fully celestial with no lower orders or spheres on its surface or within or under its surface, for all is celestial. Only the celestial elect are allowed to inhabit celestial orbs.
3. When any orb is created in the lower realms, be it telestial or terrestrial, there is also additional realms of the higher order(s). Were this not so, we would not be able to visit and administer to the inhabitants of these lower ordered orbs. This feature also allows us to see into the lower regions or orders, from our own heavenly celestial realms above.

We therefore have celestial realms on all of our creations in eternity. These celestial realms are all linked together, like the circuitry of your house is all linked together. We know therefore everything instantly about these lower orders. We also know everything about the celestial realms. Therefore, all things are before us that we have created which are in our own domain.
4. There are other celestial creations in the universe that are not in our domain, but in the domains of another set of the gods. These we are not privy to unless the gods in charge of that domain wish us to be. In eternity, among all of the gods, each has their own creations and domains. These are private for those who are the gods of these creations. This is similar to your house that is kept private from the world. You have a door and boundaries of your property. You may also invite others to visit, but it is still your own domain, private to you. This is how we gods in the eternal worlds also operate: each has their own domain. We are free with all, and always cordial and inviting to other gods who may wish to visit us, but our creations are still private to us.
5. The first gods, our greatest grandparents in eternity, also have their own domain, as do we. We each have one galaxy, which continues to expand and grow. These are our private domains. Each galaxy in the universe is the private domain of a god, an exalted couple who have powers of procreation. They continue to bear their own children in eternity and create worlds for them to inhabit.
Once we become gods, a celestial exalted couple, we are co-equal in power and authority as all of the other gods. This allows us to have full creative powers. However, there is a link from us to our parent god, and to our grandparent gods and so forth back to the first gods. We are one large family of the gods, all related and all of the same race and origin.
6. We also have children gods in eternity. These are our own children who were initially born to us in our image in the spirit. They have progressed to their full exaltation and ordination to be gods in eternity. They become a new generation of the Gods.
Our own children we bore in our mortal earth life (we had seven children like you did) are in our own generation. Those of our seven children who have also become gods are our sibling gods in eternity, linked to us as our brothers and sisters in eternity, each to rule and reign in their own domains in eternity.
7. We also have similar relationships, as do you in your family on earth, with uncles and aunts and cousins. We know the relationship to each god in the universe. We generally meet frequently with those who are of our own direct lines, our ancestor and descendent gods in eternity. We visit with them and have social interactions of all varieties with our own family of the gods. These interchanges bring us much consolation and joy.
However, as we have told you in the past, our greatest joys are always with our eternal spouse and our immediate children. These children are now many, and include those of this current eternity and those from previous eternities. Our greatest efforts and focus is always on the current eternity, for here we have the greatest influence to help guide and persuade our children to become even as we are and to join the great family of the gods. This work, in our current eternity, that we jointly do, provides our greatest joy and satisfaction!
8. Raphael, we love our interactions with you! We love guiding you and revealing to you the mysteries of godliness, our plans and our great work. Likewise, we want to do this for each of our beloved children, be if they are willing to hear our voice and keep our commandments. All of our commandments are given in great love and tenderness, always with the greatest interest of our child in mind. Your Heavenly Mother and I are continually filled with hope, anticipation and deep love for each of our faithful children!'
At this time my Father extended his hands and drew me to a standing position, facing him. He seemed to have moistened, teary eyes as he looked directly into mine. He then embraced me fully and spoke to me during our embrace. 'Raphael, I love you, my son! You continue to be obedient and eager to do our will. We therefore are able to gently lead you along to your greatest happiness and joy!'
9. Heavenly Mother then came down the path from the fruit orchard. Heavenly Father then brought me in front of him and looked at Heavenly Mother. They both embraced and cried together for joy! Heavenly Mother then took me in her loving arms and also embraced me fully! I was crying with them too, next to the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. It was all so heavenly and beautiful!

This is how my morning prayer ended today. I immediately lost my celestial connection with my Heavenly Parents. I was writing in my journal, never having even knelt in my adjacent room yet, but writing all from my recliner in that room.
I then knelt and thanked my Heavenly Parents for this amazing morning prayer! I knew it all happened as I wrote. I still feel very clear and at great peace. I closed my prayer and started a new Sabbath day.
10. After church in the evening--I want to write what happened at sacrament meeting today. I am copying this from my pocket journal that I wrote during the meeting:
Today my wife and I attended a local ward. I came to a place in the celestial world. I felt when I sang the opening hymn that I would be going to a very primeval time, early in the spirit creation in this eternity. We eight boys were the only ones born to date at that time. Here is what I saw:
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother brought us eight spirit boys/men to the mountain forest in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. All eight of us boys were seated on the horizontal log in that forest. Heavenly Mother was also seated with us and Heavenly Father was in front of us, addressing us.
'Our sons, we want to introduce you to a new covenant that you each will continue to make throughout your lives. We have chosen Immanuel, the Firstborn son, to be the Redeemer of all of our children, for you and for all those yet unborn. Immanuel has been our chosen Beloved Son from the beginning of this eternity.
11. In this covenant, you will witness to your Heavenly Mother and me that you will take upon you the name of Immanuel, our beloved son, to always remember us, your Mother and Father, and to keep our commandments that we will give to you. In turn, we promise to always be with you.'
Heavenly Father then brought forth a small loaf of bread that Heavenly Mother had baked for this special time. He broke the bread into eight pieces. He then spoke these words:
'I break this bread for you, our sons, for you to partake as part of a covenant, to witness to us your Heavenly Parents, that you take upon you the name of Immanuel, to always remember us and to keep our commandments.'
12. We each then ate a piece of broken bread in birth order. Heavenly Father then took a silver cup filled with grape juice (wine) of the vine from Heavenly Mother's gardens. I had helped her gather these very ripe grapes and squeeze them into juice and strain it. She poured this wine into her silver cup. She carried this and her loaf of bread to the horizontal log in her upper garden.
Heavenly Father now took this wine and blessed it. He told us eight sons that when we drink of this cup we would always remember Immanuel's great mission and to remember our Heavenly Mother and him. He passed the cup first to Immanuel, then us other sons in birth order. When done, he placed the cup next to the plate that had been used to hold the broken bread.
Heavenly Father then turned to me. It was suddenly our current day! I made my covenant right then with him, to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and to keep their commandments.
13. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, as we have accepted it from you at the beginning of this eternity. You have seen that this same covenant began even in the world of the spirits, prior to your mortal life. We initiated the sacrament with you, our eight sons, who would become our leaders, the redeemer of mankind and our seven male archangels. Jesus Christ was our Firstborn son, even Immanuel at that time.
After our other children were born, we did not repeat this sacrament covenant until Satan was cast out of heaven for rebellion. We then reintroduced the sacrament among our children who remained with us in heaven. This ordinance of the sacrament has been practiced before our children came to mortality.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for this vision at the sacrament meeting today. I have since verified it all to be true. I believe what I wrote has been accurate and acceptable to God.
14. I have been transcribing my account of the sacrament meeting since that time. I am now ready to connect again with my Heavenly Parents before I retire to bed.
I came to the circling waters and faced the mountain forest to the northwest. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come. Heavenly Mother came to me from her mountain forest, on the small path. She soon was standing before me! She was smiling.
15. Here is what she said:
'Raphael, write my words that I will speak to your mind. You have witnessed a beautiful experience in the forest behind me when we only had eight spirit sons. We instituted the sacrament for the first time in this eternity at that time. We wanted to place all of you future leaders under covenant, even at that early time, so you would be bound by a sacred promise to support your redeemer, Jesus Christ (then Immanuel), to always remember us, your Heavenly Parents, and to keep our commandments. You have all been true to your covenants since that time.
Our firstborn, the Great Redeemer Immanuel, now named Jesus Christ, has fulfilled his roles as the Messiah for all mankind. Our seven sons have been called as our holy male archangels and are faithful in their leadership roles. Our great plans and purposes for the salvation of our children continues to roll forward as we desire.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for confirming what I had witnessed today at the sacrament meeting! I expressed gratitude for putting us sons under covenant at that early time, so we would clearly know our allegiance to Immanuel, and what was expected. I asked her if the bread and wine was all spirit, since we were spirits at that time. She said the emblems of the sacrament for premortal spirits were always spirit bread and spirit wine. These were only a few of the food and drink we ever ate and drank as spirits.
She then turned around and walked back towards the mountain forest. In a few steps she disappeared from my view. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. 's Personal Journal Entry, July 23, 2018, Monday
1. I came to my adjacent bedroom this morning after talking to my wife for a little while. We have a full week planned!
I prayed to my Heavenly Parents next to the pool of water where the waterfall enters form Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt on the path facing Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come. I then saw Heavenly Mother on the path a little ways up the slope towards her glass table.
2. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, come walk to me on the path!'
I arose from my kneeling position and walked to her. As I approached, I could see her happy countenance! She smiled and extended her hand. I took her hand and we both started walking, continuing on the path. We soon turned directly east and walked past her lovely garden beds. Soon we came to some rows of grapes, a small vineyard.
3. She stopped and spoke:
'Raphael, this is where you helped me gather the ripe grapes for the sacrament wine. You first did this when we only had you eight spirit sons, before the rest of our spirit sons and daughters were born.'
We walked a little further and I saw a small table where the silver cup was placed.
4. Heavenly Mother continued:
'Here is the silver cup where we placed the strained juice, or the wine, for that first sacrament. I may make spirit wine or physical wine from these grapes, depending on who will be drinking of it. I also may bake spirit bread or physical bread, depending on who will be partaking of it.
The first sacrament for this eternity was prepared by me and blessed by your Heavenly Father. We put you eight sons under covenant before any more of our children were born.
5. The second time that we prepared the sacrament was after Immanuel was chosen before all of our spirit children and given the name of Jehovah. Satan rebelled and was cast out of heaven, along with those who followed him. At that time you came with me again here to my small vineyard. You helped me harvest ripe grapes, mash them, strain the juice and pour the wine into my silver cup. I had also baked a loaf of bread. We took the bread on a silver plate and the wine in the silver cup to the Great Assembly Hall.
At the Great Assembly Hall, we had gathered all of our children who followed our plan to support Jehovah as their redeemer and Savior. We had seated on the stand Jehovah, Our Beloved Son, and you seven male archangels, our first eight children. I was also seated next to your Heavenly Father. The rest of our children assembled before us in the vast congregation. None of our children had yet come to mortality.
6. Your Father arose and spoke to our children. He brought Jehovah next to him and again announced that we had chosen him from the beginning to be the redeemer of each of our beloved children who would come to earth. Your Father said that we, your Heavenly Parents, wanted each to covenant to take upon them the name of Jehovah. He said that we would do all things for the salvation of our children in the name of our Firstborn son, Jehovah. Heavenly Father also said we would place our children under covenant to always remember us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep our commandments.
7. Jehovah then sat down and I came next to your Father in front of our vast assembly of children. I brought the silver cup with the wine and the silver plate with the loaf of bread. I then spoke these words:
"Our beloved children, we will put you under covenant in a new ordinance called the sacrament. Your Father will first break and bless this loaf of bread I have baked. Our seven archangel sons will then take seven replicated trays of this broken bread and pass it to you. As you each eat a piece of broken bread, you will covenant and witness that you take upon you the name of our son Jehovah, to always remember us, your Heavenly Parents, and to keep our commandments. In turn, we will covenant to always be with you.
8. After all have partaken by covenant of the broken bread, your Heavenly Father will bless the wine of the grapes that I have prepared and placed in my silver cup. He will then give each of our seven archangel sons a replicated silver cup of wine, who will in turn pass these to you. As you sip of the wine, you will covenant to always remember Jehovah and his blood he will shed on earth for your redemption. In turn, we will send our Holy Spirit to always be with you."
I then sat down and Heavenly Father took the silver plate with my loaf of bread. He had us seven archangel sons stand before him as he broke the bread and placed these pieces on the silver plate.

9. Heavenly Father then blessed the broken bread like he had done when he had blessed it for you eight boys on the horizontal log. He said these words: "I break this bread for you, our children, for you to eat as a covenant to witness to us, your Heavenly Parents, that you take upon you the name of Jehovah, to always remember us and to keep our commandments."
He then passed each of you a replicated silver plate of broken bread. You then passed these to the vast congregation of our children. The broken bread was replicated and multiplied as you passed the trays down the rows of our seated children. When all had partaken, you seven sons returned to the front and gave the trays back to the Father.
Your Heavenly Father then took the wine in my silver cup and blessed it, in words similar to the blessing that is now in your scriptures. He then passed the replicated silver cups of wine to each of you seven sons. You then passed the silver cups of wine to the vast congregation. As they drank, the wine was replicated so there would be enough for all to drink.
10. When all had drunk, you brought your seven silver cups to the front. Your Heavenly Father gathered them. He then addressed our children in the Great Assembly Hall:
"Our beloved children, you have made a covenant today to take upon you the name of Our Beloved Son, Jehovah, to always remember your Heavenly Mother and me, and to keep our commandments. In turn, we have covenanted to always be with you and to also send our Holy Spirit to be with you. This covenant we call the sacrament." '
11. Heavenly Mother continued:
'Raphael, thus you see that all of our spirit children who remained in heaven were put under covenant to take upon them the name of Jehovah, later named Jesus Christ when he came to earth, to always remember us and to keep our commandments.
We changed the exact wording of the sacrament to be what it is now in your scriptures. On earth, in mortality, our children always remember Jesus Christ and keep his commandments until the day he fully elects them as candidates into the Church of the Firstborn, and introduces us, their Heavenly Parents to them. They then may covenant to always remember us, their Heavenly Parents, and to keep our commandments.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her recounting of the second time the sacrament was introduced in heaven, prior to any of us coming into mortality. I thanked her for the clarity of her words to my mind. I asked if I had recorded them properly.
12. She said these words:
'Raphael, I accept your words in your journal of what I have shared with you this morning!'
I felt great assurance and peace at her words, then came again to my knees before her and bowed my head in her small vineyard. That was the last time I saw her this morning, for she had gone from before me.
I re-read what I had written and closed my prayer. I then started a new week!
13. Evening–Tonight I felt to go to the end of the river representing Jesus Christ that goes into the rocky pit. It seemed an unlikely place for me to pray. I came to the top of the rocky hole, faced the water going down into the hole and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
I looked around and saw my Heavenly Father on the other side of the rocky pit. I had no idea why I was where I was and why he was there, opposite me, with the big gulf between us. Heavenly Father then motioned for me to come directly to him, across the middle of the pit. I stood from my kneeling position and looked at him across the way. I know he wanted me to walk in the air directly to him.
I started walking and kept looking at my Father and did not look down! I soon arrived at his side. He then stepped off of the rocky edge to the south. I came with him and knelt on the grass there.

14. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you obeyed my will for you to come across the rocky gulf. The water was crashing down and the noise was loud. There was a spray of water coming up around you. Had you looked down as you crossed the gulf, you likely would have become afraid and lost faith in your ability to walk in the air to me. However, you walked and kept your eyes on my encouraging face. You never looked down.
Raphael, this rocky gulf can be compared to your journey through life. There are many temptations and treacherous events that reach out to afflict your journey back into our presence. It is imperative for our elect to keep focused on us, their Gods, and to connect frequently, night and day, to us. We will encourage them as they look to us. We will always be near them as they seek us.
15. There are many who want to come to us their God, in prayer and see our faces. However, these same people don't make the effort to daily pray with focused energy. They are easily dissuaded by the things of this world and the subtle temptations of the adversary.
In order to see our face, they have to be very determined and put high priority on connecting with us. We wait and see how much they really want to see us and commune with us.
16. See D&C 93:1
"Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am."
17. You did this, Raphael, and Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, first came to you. He soon introduced me to you and then a few days later, your Heavenly Mother. We, your Heavenly Parents, have continued to speak to you and direct you since then. We will now always be with you! You have proven to us your diligence before us by your devotion, perseverance and obedience. Great revelations await those who pursue the same path as you have made, Raphael!'
I then saw my Heavenly Father disappear, and I then was back in my front room. I so appreciated the path he laid out for all of us to come to see God, even while in the flesh. I know what he said was true.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 24, 2018, Tuesday, Pioneer Day
1. I thought of another scripture about what Heavenly Father said last night to me:
John 14: 6, 18, 21, 23
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."

2. This morning I came to the fountain of living water. I drank living water with my cupped hand. I felt immediately very clear in all my body. I came to the temple side of the fountain and faced the golden altar and the temple. I knelt there and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come.
I next saw the temple doors open and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came out of the temple! They were holding hands. They walked a short distance and then the Father went to the left and turned towards the Mother and Heavenly Mother went to the right and then turned to face the Father (they were facing each other). I then saw many people come out of the temple, walking towards me between them. They were all dressed in white glorious robes! These people walked right towards me, some going on my left and some on my right. They were each seeming so happy–they had big smiles and were beaming with great joy!
As they passed by, they gathered in the sky to my right and left sides. The people kept coming, thousands of them it seemed. It reminded me of the scripture in the book of Revelation:
3. Revelation 7:9-10, 13-17
"After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they?
And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. And he came to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.
For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
4. After the flow of these many thousands of people passed by me and went into the sky, Jesus Christ then came out of the temple doors! He walked right up to me and stopped in front of the golden altar.
He spoke to me:
'Raphael, these who have come out of the temple and are on our right and left sides in the sky are those who have come unto me, their Savior. I have washed their robes in my blood, and they are now clean and pure before me! I have manifested myself to them in the flesh, according to the scriptures you have written in your journal last night and this morning. I have also introduced them again to our Father and Mother.'
He then turned and raised his hand towards our Heavenly Parents who were still at the temple doors. At that moment, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came together again, held hands, and walked next to their beloved son, on the right hand of the Father! All three were in front of me now.
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, these people that are so happy, all dressed in glorious white robes in the skies, are our beloved children who came to us through Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ introduced us to them. We now continue to lead them in their lives as we do you.
It is our desire that all our mortal children, either on the earth or in the spirit world around the earth, come unto their Redeemer, as have these. If they sincerely seek him, according to D&C 93:1, he will manifest himself to them, and soon we will also come to them. This event is a crowning joy to their souls!'
6. At this time, those dressed in white broke out in singing. This was the song that John the Revelator heard, as is recorded in Revelation 15:2-4:
"And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest."
7. When the singing stopped, I realized this day, Pioneer Day, was a time to remember our ancestors and pioneer dead. It could also be a time to remember all of those who have persisted in coming unto their Savior until he manifested himself to them and introduced Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to them. These are from all peoples, all of the elect over the earth.
I spoke:
'Oh my Gods, I thank thee to have you come before me, and show me so many that have broken through the veil of unbelief and have seen your faces! I know this is possible for all of thy children who diligently seek thee.'
8. Heavenly Father spoke next:
'Raphael, we are eager to come to them in this pattern we have shown to you. Now is the day for our elect to come unto Our Beloved Son and see his face and then our faces, and know that we live! We will lead them, step by step gradually in their lives, and bring them great peace and assurance. Oh, we love these our elect children!'
At that moment, I felt like I was falling backwards until I came to my recliner where I had continued to write all of this vision. I then knelt and confirmed it all in prayer. I heard the voice of the Father:
'Raphael, make this entry conclude post 87. Call it "Come Unto Me".
I said I would do so. I thanked my Father again for this wonderful prayer. I then started my day."