200. Dedicating the New Jerusalem Temple


Finally, the celestial New Jerusalem temple is dedicated! I dedicated the north font room of this temple on Sunday morning, July 18th, 2021. Next Mother Earth pressurized the underground cavern, making living water to shoot up into the fountain of living water. On Monday, July 19th, great events also happened in fast succession. This includes the slaying of the red heifer, the beginning of the waters of separation, recording in the Book of Life, and finally the arrival of the tribes from the north. Read about all of these amazing events in this remarkable post.

I ask you to ask in prayer about these things, and verify that my record is true. Write me if you have any questions at all.

Warmly, as ever,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 15, 2021

1. Evening-I came tonight in my prayer to the granite cliffs at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt on the rock, facing God's distant temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

2. I next heard a voice from below, at the pool. Heavenly Mother was on the shore and waived me to come down. I descended over the cliff and knelt before her, above the water. I could see fish swimming below me in the water and a frog on a lily pad. They both seemed very peaceful.

3. I looked up into Heavenly Mother's eyes and she spoke: 'Raphael, in our celestial realm, our animals are very happy and compatible together. There is never any aggressive behavior like there is on your mortal earth.'

4. I then saw a large snake slither across the water. It startled me, for I was accustomed to removing snakes in my garden on earth and didn't expect it here. This was a very large snake that on earth would have eaten the frog and the fish. However, it moved right past the frog, who didn't even jump, and slithered to the other side near Heavenly Mother.

5. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, there is no higher food chain where one animal eats other animals, like in the telestial mortal world. Any creature is safe here, and enjoys full felicity to the limit of its capacity.

6. In our new terrestrial on earth, these animals in our pond would also be compatible and feel very safe. Isaiah spoke of this millennial era:

7. Isaiah 11:8-9

"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain."

8. Our terrestrial mortal children will also accept each other, and refrain from judgment except for those ordained to pass judgment. This right to judge will reside with Jesus Christ, the guards of our Zion cities, leaders of the Church of Christ for Zion and Church of Christ members, and local government leaders. All others will be taught the great importance to accept people as they are with no judgment as to their personal beliefs or previous actions. With the liberties guaranteed by a free society as outlined in the US Constitution and original Bill of Rights, there will be great safety and security for all people. Crime will be unheard of, and contention between people will not exist. All of our children will believe and think what they want and yet will all be accepted and loved. There will be no enforced coercion except for those who may have trespassed a law by those called to maintain the law of the land.

9. The Church of Christ will have stewardship over those members who will dwell in the Zion cities of the land. This includes ensuring that those living in the boundaries of Zion to have made a covenant when of age to abide the laws and statutes of Zion, and to have been accepted by the border guards for entry into Zion. The guards will have the great gift of discernment to accept only the pure in heart into Zion, and will see eye to eye with those who enter. There will not be a requirement to validate the personal beliefs of Zion's citizens, but only their purity and their active covenant to obey the laws of Zion. We will not have our sons and daughters challenged for their varied personal beliefs, for that is their liberty to choose how and what to think and believe. Their actions to uphold our Zion principles and to live an active covenant is what those who verify their entry into our Zion cities will be concerned with.

10. In your telestial world, churches and government leaders often judge their members on their beliefs. If they conform to the beliefs of the church or community, they become accepted. We wish to have a new standard of acceptance, not based on beliefs but based upon adherence to righteous principles and actions of love. We will therefore have our children able to think on their own, and voice their opinions and beliefs, without fear of judgment or reprisals. We love the varied religious beliefs of our children, for instance, and want all to be accepted and loved.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable perspective and principles of Zion communities, and those practices in the terrestrial world. I asked for an open and receptive mind.

12. My prayer conversation then ended, and I closed my day.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 16, 2021

1. I have thought more about how people in the millennium will not judge each other based on their beliefs. There will surely not be situations like temple recommend interviews where people are judged on what they believe, if they believe a certain way or not. Instead those that are set to judge the people will ensure they act in accordance with the established laws. If they live in Zion, they must live the laws of Zion and have made a covenant to continue to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light. They need to take upon them the name of Christ, and live a wholesome and pure life. They will not, however, be judged on what they think nor what they believe is truth.

2. I am still trying to wrap my mind around this change. I think and feel all kinds of things, different from another in my family or neighbor. Whether I believe President Nelson is a prophet or not should not exclude me from full membership in the church, or set me at odds with other members. What unites us should be a common cause of Christ and his teachings, and our willingness to act as he said we should.

3. I came to commune with my Heavenly Father this morning at the desert oasis on the celestial orb. He came quickly and confirmed these Zion concepts and rules to me.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, in our Zion society, we want you and others to freely be able to voice their opinions without fear of being judged or removed from Zion. The only judgment our leaders and guards will exercise will be on their actions of being loving and Christlike, and their willingness to accept Jesus Christ and the covenant of Zion. This will make a very safe environment in which to dwell. We want to foster individual beliefs and uniqueness, for all are different and that is how we created them. There is not pressure to conform one's own uniqueness to the whole. All are accepted and loved.

5. This is akin to what Paul the apostle said about the needful parts of the body. So it is in a diverse society of members in the true Church of Christ.

6. 1 Corinthians 12:14-22, 25-27

"For the body is not one member, but many.

If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.

And if they were all one member, where were the body?

But now are they many members, yet one body.

And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee; nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.

Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary.

...That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.

And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member is honoured, all members rejoice with it.

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular."

7. Raphael, we want our church to allow the free exercise of thoughts, beliefs, talents and the uniqueness of all, that all might be benefited. All have a common purpose which is centered in the covenant of Zion to accept and love one another, under the head of our Son, Jesus Christ. We never want to stifle the great diversity of our children, even in their thoughts or beliefs or abilities we have given to them.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I would seek to understand these new ideas, and become of his and Heavenly Mother's mind on this thing.

9. He smiled and departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

10. Evening-I came tonight to God's Healing Lake. I walked into the lake up to my neck, and felt refreshed. I also drank living water. I felt settled and enjoyed thinking of the many events of this upcoming weekend. I had become quite tired back from my telestial world on earth. We spent another day with two grandchildren hiking, going out for a meal, swimming, and playing games with them. I hope they have fond memories of us, their grandparents.

11. I walked to the shore and knelt facing the waters. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared in front of me on the water. She was smiling and shining brightly. I felt very accepted and loved. She spoke: 'Raphael, we want you to accept and love all our children, even as I am accepting and loving with you. This means you care about them, how they feel and what pleases them. You are interested in what they do in their life, their current activities, and what they really enjoy. You spend focused one on one time with each one, and become their confidant. You listen a lot, and accept them and their decisions. You don't offer advice unless they ask for this and want it. In all their ups and downs, you become a steady friend. This is how we act for you.

12. Over the years you have learned to trust us, your Gods. We enlighten you and send our Spirit to help you receive our revelations and heavenly perspectives. You know that we are constantly by your side. We protect you and give you our counsels as you seek these. These things we want you to also do as you are able for those who become your friend and who learn to trust you. You should always point them to us, to gain a strong relationship with us, their Heavenly Parents. We will lead and guide them, and love and accept them, even as we have done for you.

13. In our Zion society soon coming upon the terrestrial earth, we want such accepting and loving relationships to develop between our children. We want each to think of their neighbor's wants and needs, even as their own. We want them to love their neighbor as themselves, even as our Son Jesus Christ taught (see Matthew 5:43-47; D&C 59:6)'

14. I then felt again the great love and acceptance from Heavenly Mother, just as I was, even with all my weaknesses and foibles. I expressed my love to her, and thanked her for our loving relationship.

15. She soon departed, and I closed my prayer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 17, 2021

1. I awoke early and came before my Heavenly Father. He appeared before me at the desert oasis. Heavenly Father spoke to me, confirming what my Heavenly Mother spoke to me last night. I sought to be loving and selfless even as Heavenly Mother spoke to me last night. I felt the love of my Father in heaven. He left my presence, and I closed my prayer. I then went back to sleep for a while before I started my day.

2. Evening-I have thought a lot today of the procedure I will use to create the ashes from the red heifer. These will be followed on this coming Monday, July 19, 2021 to slay the red heifer prior to the administration of the waters of separation.

3. I came to the fountain of living water this evening, and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. They both descended to me from above the fountain and came just above the water in the pool next to where I was kneeling. They were magnificent and full of glory! Their white robes were both blowing in the wind to the north.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the tours have all been completed today at 6 pm here in our celestial temple block and temple. Everyone who was invited came, joined the tours and participated. They have all immensely enjoyed viewing and walking in the celestial section of the New Jerusalem. They are eager now to be received into the Church of the Firstborn, and have their names written in the Book of Life!

5. We have both come here tonight to confirm to you the process of slaying the red heifer and burning her ashes upon the golden altar. After describing this in detail, you will fulfill this assignment this coming Monday morning, July 19, 2021. Once completed, and when the ashes are properly prepared, then Jesus Christ will come to you and Oriphiel and instruct you further. He will administer to you and give his final instructions. You and Oriphiel will then continue in his behalf for all of the remainder of our celestial elect children.'

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, this evening you wrote what steps you thought to take in sacrificing and burning the red heifer. We inspired you as you wrote these steps and sequences. We approve of what you have written, and they are correct. Place these instructions at the end of your journal entry this evening.'

7. Heavenly Mother then turned around, and when she faced me again, she held a large silver jar. I knew it was the 2 ½ gallon all silver container I had written about in the instructions. It was to hold and transport the living water from the fountain pool to the stone basin in the font room.

8. She handed it to me. I stood and took the silver jar with both of my hands. There were silver handles on each side to use in holding and pouring from this silver jar.

9. She spoke: 'Raphael, we created this silver container from resources on our celestial orb. This will be for you to fill with pure celestial living water in your administrations. You will also use it to bring living water mixed with the ashes from the red heifer when sprinkling the temple and other buildings, after their dedications. This sprinkling will then be the final step before we fully accept these buildings as sanctified and holy.

10. Fill the silver jar now to its capacity, several inches from the top to the fill line. We will go with you to the font room to the north end of our temple. Place this filled container on the stone basin that is on the silver floor at the bottom of the seven gold steps.'

11. I then stepped next to the pool of living water and filled it to capacity, to its inside fill line. I brought it up out of the water and carried it towards the north temple doors. Heavenly Father moved forward and opened the two doors by his intention. Heavenly Mother walked by my side. I came into the font room and walked down the gold descending stairs to the silver floor. I then set the upright filled silver jar in the center of the stone basin.

12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when you place a small amount of ashes in this basin, our Son, Jesus Christ will have you pour this water over them. He will then describe all the details of your administration work that you will continue for the millennium.

13. While we showed you this evening the step by step details of our instructions, our other servants were finishing up their beautification work on the south large room of this temple. They will be completed by midnight tonight.

14. When you awaken tomorrow morning, you will come to this font room for our first celestial temple dedication. You will have each of your archangel brothers in attendance, the seven female archangels, and multitudes of the heavenly hosts above you in our celestial skies. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I will also be in attendance. Follow our Spirit as you conduct the short meeting and dedication.

15. After the dedication, we want you to come next to the fountain of living water to ask your Mother Earth to pressurize the water in the deep cavern below. Water will then shoot forth into the air, a fitting tribute for a conclusion of the temple dedication.

16. Next go to the end of the west river that is now stopped prior to entering into the mighty river. Ask Mother Earth to normalize the pull of gravity at this west exit of our west river, the east exit of the east river, the north exit of the north river, and the south exit of the south river. This she will do, allowing terrestrial living water to flow freely into our mighty surrounding river.

17. Once living water is flowing from all four rivers, walk to the west shore of the New Jerusalem island, next to the exiting west river. You will then be able to see the camp of the tribes of Israel in the far distance. They will have begun their fast. Come again there Monday morning, after Jesus Christ administers to you, and look for their prophet to command the mighty river to stop its flow so that the weary tribes of Israel may pass to you on dry ground.'

18. I expressed deep gratitude for the instructions and revelations from my Heavenly Parents tonight! I said I would be prepared early tomorrow morning for the temple dedication.

19. My Heavenly Parents then rose up through the temple ceiling and were gone. I pondered over all that they had said, and reread my entry. I then included their instructions that Heavenly Mother said I should attach at the end of my entry tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

20. Here are the instructions I received today from my Heavenly Parents as they inspired me to write:

Steps for slaying and burning the red heifer:

1) Receive a large 2 1/2 gallon silver jar from my Heavenly Parents on July 17, 2021. Fill this with living water from the pool of the fountain of living water. Take this to the stone basin in the font room of the temple, and place it upright on the center of this basin.

2) Cut branches from both the west and east trees of life as I feel inspired. Select branches that have no fruit or leaves. Cut these with the sword of Raphael by my intention. Open the door of the golden altar and place these branches inside the cavity of the altar so that they all fit. Close and lock the door with the black key.

3) Slide and remove the top cover of the golden altar to the side so that the twelve steel grates are revealed. Looking down to the inside of the altar, the cut pieces of the tree of life wood should be visible.

4) Walk to the pool of the fountain of living water and completely immerse myself. Return to the side of the fountain of living water. I will now be pronounced clean and pure before God, and be prepared to slay the red heifer.

5) Receive the red heifer brought to me from my sister and female archangel Rachael.

6) Lay my hands on the head of the standing red heifer and pronounce a blessing on this sacrificial animal.

7) Place the entire body of the heifer on the stone altar by my intention without binding it in any way. I will lay it sideways so it faces south, with me facing to the north to the altar and the animal.

8) Slay the heifer with the sword of Raphael by severing its head from the body. Wait for all bleeding to stop.

9) Place the head of the red heifer on the golden altar. Place my sword of Raphael between two of the grates and intend that silver lightning come forth from the tip of my sword. When the wood is ignited, remove the sword and sheath it on my side.

10) While the head is burning, return to the carcass of the heifer and cut the animal in pieces so that each will fit on the grates with no carcass hanging over the altar.

11) When the head is nearly fully burned, place another section of the cut carcass on top so that the burning progresses. Continue burning the pieces until all are burned and the ashes fall into the cavity inside the golden altar.

12) When the last piece of the heifer is burning, use the gold shovel to scoop the remaining blood into the open gold jar. When full, pour this blood over the altar while it is burning. Remove all the blood possible with the shovel and the jar. When done, leave the remaining blood to dry on the stone altar as a memorial.

13) When all of the carcass is fully burned and consumed, and the grates are cooled, scrape the remaining ashes off the grates with the small shovel so that they fall into the open cavity of the golden altar.

14) Return to the pool of the fountain of living water with the gold shovel and jar. Completely immerse myself in the water, and also the shovel and the jar. Return to the side of the fountain of living water. I will be pronounced again clean and pure before God. The gold shovel and gold jar will also be completely clean. Ensure that these are dry.

15) Come again to the golden altar. Open the front door with my black key. Stir the ashes with the gold shovel to ensure this only contains ashes, and that no part of the carcass or the wood remain. The wood from the tree of life has the property that when burned completely, it disintegrates with no remnants left over.

16) Once I am assured that only the ashes exist inside the cavity of the golden altar, then scoop out a part of the ashes with the small gold shovel to fill up the gold jar. Once filled, attach the lid to the jar. Replace the gold cover on top of the golden altar. Close and lock the front door of the golden altar.

17) Remove the gold shovel and the gold jar, lid and ashes from the golden altar to the locked desk drawer in the temple office. Place these in the drawer, close and lock the door with the black key.

18) Wait for further instructions from Jesus Christ to me on the morning of Monday, July 19, 2021. This will cover the procedure to administer the waters of separation ordinance.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 18, 2021

1. I awoke early and came to the font room. When I arrived I saw that my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ were next to the ceiling above the south closed door that led to the south large room of the temple. They were in their highest celestial realm. The male and female archangels were already in position standing on the silver floor. I saw the celestial angels standing above the archangels in the air, and many tiers of celestial servants. There were resurrected, translated, mortal, unborn and disembodied spirit celestial children of God all gathered. I was the last one to arrive.

2. I looked up at my smiling Gods before me, and came to the silver floor in front of the stone basin. I spoke:

3. My Gods and my celestial elect brothers and sisters of this eternity, I feel very honored and humbled to come before each of you on this beautiful sabbath morning in the New Jerusalem temple! My name is Raphael, an archangel of God. I have been asked by our Gods to conduct this meeting and dedicate this temple today. We are here to participate in the dedication of the north font room of this temple. The adjacent two portals to our east and west will later become functional with the south rooms and third portal once the final dedication is completed. This will be done shortly after the second coming of Jesus Christ.

4. Our glorious Heavenly Parents and their son Jesus Christ are located in their glory, in their highest celestial realm, above the south doors in front of me. All that I do today is by the promptings of the Spirit from our Heavenly Parents.

5. We will begin with a hymn entitled "The Spirit of God," found on page 2 of the current LDS hymnbook. We will sing all four verses. The last verse refers to this very time when the lamb and the lion shall lie down together without any ire, and how Ephraim will be crowned with his blessing in Zion. I would like to have us replace the word "Ephraim" with the word "Israel" when we sing this last verse. All of God's children are numbered among their faithful children named Israel, and all will be received into the Church of the Firstborn here in this room. They will also have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life at that time.

6. After our opening hymn, I've asked my archangel brother Oriphiel to offer the opening prayer.

7. I then invited a celestial orchestra to play the music, and their conductor led us all in singing this opening hymn. After Oriphiel's prayer, I again spoke: 'My archangel brother Oriphiel and I will administer together to each of you, God's faithful elect, the waters of separation ordinance and recording your name in the Book of Life. This will bring you into the celestial Church of the Firstborn, and seal you to become a god in eternity as we all progress towards that objective.

8. Please join me in prayer as I dedicate this portion of the New Jerusalem temple at this time. If you wish to kneel with me before our Gods, you may do so. I will address our three Gods before me in this dedicatory prayer.'

9. I then knelt on the silver floor in front of the stone basin, facing south to my Gods. The entire congregation, as far as I could view, also knelt in reverence. I raised my hand above my head and prayed:

10. 'Our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, we, your elect sons and daughters, kneel before you today while I dedicate this temple. I do so under your authority and command.

11. I ask you to send forth the Spirit of God, even by celestial fire, to burn within our breasts, and witness your sanction and acceptance of this font room of your temple. I will sprinkle the outside north corners of this temple tomorrow in conclusion of this event.

12. I dedicate the foundation, the floors, the walls, the ceiling and spires, and all that is located in this room to your glory and honor. These have been created in beautiful celestial workmanship and highest standards, to allow us to administer the beginning saving ordinance for your future exalted children. I bless and dedicate all the fixtures, furniture, embellishments, and everything within the walls of this room. We are so deeply grateful for this blessing and opportunity to one day become like you, our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, even as gods in eternity! Thank you for this greatest gift!

13. I dedicate all of our actions and future ordinance work in this room so that these will all be administered in holiness and full acceptance before your all searching eyes. Please give each one who participates to receive a witness from you of your holy approval and sanction of their entry ordinance administered in this room. May they receive the Holy Ghost to know that they are approved and cleansed by Jesus Christ. May they at some point be able to be embraced in your loving arms, and receive all you have planned for their glory and exaltation in your kingdom.

14. I pronounced all these petitions, in the name of the Father, the Mother, and the Son, even Jesus Christ, Amen.'

15. At this moment, even before I was able to stand, the Holy Ghost fell upon me in great power and majesty. I saw around me a ring and burning fire that encircled me! I looked upon the heavenly congregation, and each was also encircled in celestial fire. This was accompanied with the love of God and endowment of great joy! I looked to my Heavenly Mother and saw her smiling broadly. I knew she had blessed each of her children that were present with her witness to share the great joy she felt at this moment.

16. I stayed kneeling for about a minute before I was able to stand on my feet. When I did stand, the rest of the participants also stood. Many were crying still for joy!

17. My archangel sister named Pricilla (the fourth female archangel, pillar of faith, see my post 24D12), came forth and offered a closing prayer. When done, all of the heavenly hosts departed. I was left standing on the silver floor of the font room before my three Gods.

18. They then descended to me, a little above the floor in the air. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we accept the dedication of our celestial temple that you have blessed in prayer this morning. Our Beloved Son will come to you here tomorrow morning to instruct you and Oriphiel on the waters of separation and Book of Life details.

19. We will now all three walk with you to the fountain of living water. You will then ask Mother Earth to pressurize the celestial living water.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for their acceptance. I said I was honored to walk beside them to the fountain. We walked up the seven gold steps from the font room, out the north temple doors, and then down the seven gold steps to the gold covered stone pavement below. We walked to the fountain of living water and stopped. My three Gods then rose up into the air to the west side on the rim of the pool. I then spoke:

21. Mother Earth, this is Raphael, an angel of your creator Gods whom I stand before. I ask you now, by their authority and consent, for you to pressurize the cavern of living water below this fountain, deep in the ground, so that the water will flow upwards. Make the flow of water shoot up above the fountain and fill the four large channels on the opposite side of the four roads from the underground large rock pipes that you have previously made.

22. After this is done, we will go to the lower west end of the west river on this island, and give you further instructions.'

23. At that moment water shot high into the air from the gold fountain pipes. It was a beautiful scene to watch! I thanked our Mother Earth for her skill in doing this. We then all four moved in the air to the large west channel and saw water gurgling up into it from below the earth. I paused and viewed in my mind this same flow of water from the large underground pipes that the water was gurgling from at the heads of the other three large channels.

24. My Gods and I then proceeded to travel in the air to the end of the west river, just before the mighty river. It was starting to fill up with water to capacity already, but was not yet flowing into the mighty river. I stood by the side of the river, and my Gods remained above the river in the air.

25. I spoke: 'Mother Earth, this is Raphael again. Now please make the gravitational forces at the end of this west river, the east river, the north river, and the south river to be normalized, as they were before you turned the gravity sideways. Make the gravity pull straight down at the ends of these four rivers, thereby allowing water to flow into the mighty river. I ask you this by the authority of your creator Gods who are standing before me.'

26. The water in the west river then immediately started to flow towards the mighty river. I watched as living water splashed down the shore and flowed into the large mighty river.

27. I then looked in my mind to the east, north and south ends of the other three rivers on this island, and saw that they were also flowing into the mighty river. I thanked my Mother Earth for her ability and actions to do as I had asked of her. I said that there were soon coming travelers from the west that would need to cross the mighty river to the New Jerusalem island, even as soon as tomorrow morning. I asked her to honor all requests to stop the flow of water where they might enter, and allow dry land to appear so that they could walk across on dry ground. After their passing, then the mighty river should resume its normal flow. I said in each case, the travelers would act in faith and ask for this miracle in the name of Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of my creator Gods, who also was here with them before me.

28. Mother Earth responded: 'Raphael, when you or other servants of our creator Gods ask this of me, I will do it, even according to their faith in the name of Jesus Christ. I will also fulfill their other requests they might ask of me, such as forming more rivers and waterways into the barren terrestrial land. I am very pleased to do this, and to have righteousness come again upon my surface, even as was in the days of the garden of Eden.'

29. I thanked Mother Earth for her response. I then turned to my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, and knelt before them. I said that I had done all that they had requested me to do today.

30. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well! We are pleased in the work that you have accomplished, and in Mother Earth's work as you have asked of her.

31. Stand now on your feet and gaze west, over the mighty river. As you do, we will come with you into the air above the camp of Israel that is beginning their fast today. We will excuse Jesus Christ first, so that he may continue his work among our elect mortal children.'

32. Jesus then smiled upon me, and then upon his Heavenly Parents, and departed.

33. I stood and looked steadily across the mighty river, to my west. I was then immediately above the air with my Heavenly Father on my left, and Heavenly Mother on my right. We were looking down upon the spread out camp of the tribes of Israel.

34. I saw the families of these faithful, weary souls gather together and kneel before their Gods. They were fasting from their scanty meals, and fervently praying for a miracle to be able to come sooner than they were proceeding to the New Jerusalem. They were following the requests of their head prophet who was leading them.

35. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, this people ask of us their petitions in great faith. We will reward their combined faith and prayers in the morning to bring them all to a location a few miles to the west of the mighty river, near the New Jerusalem.

36. Tomorrow morning, after being instructed and administered to by Jesus Christ, come again to the west shores of the New Jerusalem island. Look to the west and you will see this same camp of Israel before you on the opposite side of the river on the barren land of promise. Wait on the shore until they cross the mighty river on dry ground. You will greet the first travelers around 9 am your local time tomorrow morning.

37. In order to slay and burn the red heifer, and to prepare the ashes, we ask you to come to the stone altar and the golden altar at 6:00 am tomorrow, with your gold shovel and empty small gold jar that you will have retrieved from the desk in the temple office. We will watch as you fulfill your assignment with the red heifer and prepare the ashes.'

38. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words. I said I would be obedient to all that they stated. I said I was very excited to participate so fully in these remarkable events this weekend and Monday morning.

39. My Heavenly Parents then moved into a local bright cloud and departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

40. Evening-I reread my journal entry from last night and this morning. It is all so very remarkable to me! I have prayed about the truthfulness of all that I have written, and have confirmed it is all true and of God. I believe that I am ready for the events of tomorrow morning in the New Jerusalem.

41. I felt quite tired this afternoon. I went with my family to a birthday celebration, and after coming home I have just rallied now after napping. These things I do in the New Jerusalem seem to drain my physical strength. I do feel very excited, however, for all of these things to happen tomorrow morning that I have been told about.

42. I prepared myself by seeking revelation of what Jesus Christ would be instructing me to do. I want to be very open and prayerful. I sought for the blessing of my Gods as I prepared.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 19, 2021

1. I awoke at 5:30 am and prepared myself for my morning prayer. I read my notes I took under inspiration last night and from my post 54. In this post I was told some things I would do with Oriphiel at the font room for the waters of separation ordinance. I feel ready to begin.

2. I first came in my prayer near the golden altar and looked for a hyssop plant that was supposed to be in a garden nearby. I found a hyssop shrub blooming with purple flowers. I plucked three sprigs at the base of each stem. I then walked to the north gold doors of the temple, opened them with my black key, and shut the door behind me. I walked to the temple office in the font room, opened the desk drawer with my black key, and retrieved both the small gold shovel and the small gold jar with its lid. I locked the desk door and came out of the office. I placed the three springs of the hyssop plant on the stone basin. I then took the gold shovel and the empty gold jar and lid with me out of the temple to the golden altar. I set these on the side of the golden altar on the stone pavement. I removed the flat gold cover of the altar, exposing the twelve steel grates. I set aside this golden cover.

3. I then knelt before the golden altar and prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I asked them to come be present during the slaying and burning of the red heifer. They both immediately came before me to the north of the golden altar in the air.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, it is now time to follow your instructions that we gave you by inspiration on Friday and Saturday, and which you recorded in your journal entry Saturday morning, July 17, 2021. We will continue to stand here before you as you follow these instructions. When you are ready, we will have your sister Rachael come with the red heifer to bring it to you.' I thanked my Heavenly Father for both of them being with me.

5. I came next to the western tree of life and found some branches without fruit or leaves. I placed my sword of Raphael on these limbs, and cut them by my intention. They cut smoothly without much force. I gathered a small bundle. I took these to the front of the golden altar, and then went to the eastern tree of life. I found some branches on this tree also, and cut a small bundle which I brought to the golden altar. I opened the front door of the altar with my black key and cut up pieces of these bundles from the tree of life with my sword. I placed them in the combustion chamber of the golden altar. I used all of the wood that I had cut. When done, I closed and locked the door. The combustion cavity was completely filled with wood pieces, ready to be ignited.

6. I sheathed my sword and then walked to the north rim of the pool of water of the fountain of living water. I walked up the stone stairs and immersed myself into the celestial living water of the pool. When I came out, I faced my Heavenly Parents to the north. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are clean and pure before us, and are ready now to slay and burn the red heifer.'

7. I thanked him, and then walked to the golden altar. I was completely dry, and my angel vestures were brilliant and shining.

8. At that moment my sister Rachael came with the red heifer from the east walkway. She walked next to this large animal with her right hand on her neck. She spoke: 'My brother Raphael, I give you this red heifer as the final sacrificial animal for this eternity.'

9. I thanked her, and asked the heifer to come with me before the stone table altar. She did so. I knew she was raised by her resurrected parents on the celestial orb for this very purpose. She looked like she was about 900 pounds, and was very beautiful. Her body was red colored, and she had large black eyes.

10. I laid my hands upon her head and gave this animal a blessing: 'In the name of Jesus Christ, who is the sacrificial lamb of God, I bless you, my red heifer, to also fully accept your role as the final animal sacrifice for this eternity. In this action today, with your body sacrificed on this stone altar table, there will be no more animal sacrifices as revealed to Adam, and later to Moses. I bless you to have no pain in your sacrifice. I bless you to have your spirit linger nearby as you watch the cutting and burning of your sacrificial body. You will remain in the spirit world until the end of the millennium when the last of your holy ashes are consumed in the ordinance of the house of the Lord, even the New Jerusalem temple. At that point you will be resurrected, when Mother Earth is resurrected, and return to this celestial temple block for eternity in your resurrected glory. Amen.'

11. My sister Rachael then moved next to the other female archangels who were surrounding the heifer and me in the east nearby. I looked and also saw my archangel brothers to the west observing. I looked up and saw the holy angels and many other celestial beings observing from the skies above.

12. I then raised the red heifer in the air by my intention and placed her on her side facing me, on the stone table altar. She was still watching me. I removed my sword of Raphael from my sheath on my side, and raised it above the animal. I then placed the blade on the neck of the heifer and intended the sword to sever the neck. I put a little downward pressure and the sword completely cut through the neck, separating the head from the body.

13. I waited until all the bleeding stopped. I then removed the head with my two hands and placed it on the golden altar. I removed my sword of Raphael from my side and placed the blade between the grates into the wood below. I intended that silver lightning come out of the tip of my sword and ignite the wood. There was a bright flash and the cut wood immediately started burning. The fire was soon very hot and was burning the head.

14. I moved to the animal carcass on the stone table and then cut this in pieces that would easily fit on the golden altar. I cut easily through all bones and body parts, for I intended each time that my sword would cut clean through the carcass without much exertion. Soon the entire carcass was divided up into smaller pieces that could be easily carried and placed on the golden altar.

15. I turned and saw that the head was almost all consumed, so hot was the fire. There was a pleasant smell and some smoke from the burning meat. The smoke was rising straight up into the celestial sky, for there was no breeze.

16. I then proceeded to stab with the tip of my sword the other cut pieces and place them one by one on the burning altar. Flames quickly engulfed these pieces. I placed a piece on the grates every minute or so, even until all the flesh was burned.

17. With the last piece burning, I retrieved the small gold shovel and gold jar. I removed the lid and scooped all of the blood I could, and placed this into the open jar. As it filled up with blood, I then poured it on the burning fire. I repeated this until all the blood that I could retrieve was scooped into the jar. I burned it all.

18. I then stood on the south side of the golden altar with the shovel and empty jar in my hands. I watched until the remaining flesh and blood were consumed, and the fire was still burning hot. I then asked this celestial fire of the sacrifice, by my intention, to stop burning and extinguish. The fire immediately stopped. All of the smoke stopped also. I waited a few minutes until the grates cooled off somewhat. I then took the small gold shovel and scraped off any residue that there might have been on the grates. They were clean and still hot from the recent fire.

19. I looked at myself and saw I had been completely splattered with blood from the entire experience. I took the gold shovel, empty gold jar and lid, and walked to the pool of the fountain of living water. The water was shooting up into the air, and there was a mist around the pool of water. I walked up the steps and immersed myself into the celestial living water. While in the water I withdrew my sword from its sheath. I rubbed the surfaces of the sword, small shovel, jar and lid. I then removed all of these items and placed them on the rim of the pool, and then came out and stood outside of the pool wall. I faced my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are clean and pure before us, and are now ready to gather and preserve the ashes of the red heifer.'

20. I thanked her. I then resheathed my sword and looked at myself. My vestures were exceedingly bright and clean again. All remnants of the blood and smoke had disappeared. I collected the gold shovel, jar and lid, and walked to the golden altar.

21. The altar was cool to the touch. I replaced the gold cover on the altar so that the grates were covered and the combustion cavity was fully enclosed. I opened the door with my black key and stirred the contents of the combustion chamber with my small gold shovel. All was ashes, with no remaining unburnt flesh nor wood pieces whatsoever. I then carefully removed a little of the ashes sufficiently to completely fill the gold jar. I securely placed the lid on the jar, and closed and locked the front door of the golden altar with my black key. I looked at my cell phone while writing this in my journal in my private room, and it was 7:30 am. This sacrifice and burning had taken me 1 ½ hours total.

22. I stood in front of the golden altar, and addressed my Heavenly Parents who were before me: 'My Heavenly Parents, I have slayed, burned and collected the ashes of the red heifer as you have instructed me. Shall I now go to the font room of the temple and receive my instructions from Jesus Christ, your Beloved Son?

23. My Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well. Yes, return now to the font room. We will come there to meet you. Your archangel brothers and archangel sisters will also be there, as well as other angels and the celestial hosts of heaven. We will all witness you receiving the waters of separation ordinance, and having your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, as Jesus Christ instructs you. When your entry work is completed, you will do this with Oriphiel for your own first parents Adam and Eve. At this conclusion, we will dismiss the heavenly hosts and Jesus Christ.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I then walked back to the north doors of the temple and entered. I shut the doors behind me. I carried with me the small gold shovel and the small gold jar that was filled with some of the ashes from the red heifer. I came to the font room and walked to a place before the stone basin, faced south and knelt. My brother Oriphiel was standing with my other archangel brothers, and came next to me and knelt, also facing south. Our Heavenly Parents were in the air above the south exit door of this font room.

25. At that moment our Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, appeared before us at the top gold southern step of the oval area. He was so bright and radiating his love to all. He spoke:

26. 'Raphael and Oriphiel, I am Jesus Christ, your Savior and Redeemer. I have laid down my life for all mankind, so that those who are faithful might be fully redeemed and be received into my Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church. I will instruct you my servants today on how to administer this ordinance and recording. I will have you, Raphael, mix the waters with the ashes, and then I will show you how to use the water by demonstrating this on you. This will be your own receipt of the waters of separation. I will instruct you, Oriphiel, on how to record the names of our celestial elect in my Book of Life. You will do this by writing Raphael's name as the first entry. You will then do these same procedures for Adam and Eve, on my behalf, as I watch. This will then begin your service in this glorious font room for all of my chosen elect.'

27. Jesus then walked down the gold steps and came before us. He asked us to stand, which we did. He spoke again:

28. 'Each morning you, Oriphiel, will receive a list from me of those who will receive from both of you their entry ordinance and recording. Give this list of names to Raphael. Raphael, you will confirm the accuracy of this list by the Spirit, for I will give it to you to know. Then go to the north temple door and open these wide. Call forth the first name or names on the list in the same group. These individuals will be waiting on the north side of this New Jerusalem temple. Invite these to come with their family and friends that they have invited to attend. These are all our celestial elect, for they could not have come to the celestial temple block without being celestial and approved of me.

29. Once the candidates and guests have entered this font room, have them circle around the oval font area on the main gold floor. At that time, descend to the silver floor and warmly welcome your guests. Ask the first candidate to come down with you to the silver floor before the stone basin, by descending the seven gold steps. This basin will be filled with sacred living water, mixed with ashes from the red heifer, and blessed. Have the individual kneel on the silver floor and bow his or her head. If they cannot kneel because of age, first give them a healing blessing so they may do so. Some of these, my spiritually begotten sons and daughters, are mortal beings, and may be worn out with age.

30. Once kneeling, take the hyssop branch and dip it in the sacred water, and then sprinkle it on the bowed head. Then call their name and state these words: "(Name), having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I sprinkle you with these holy waters of separation, and bring you into the Church of the Firstborn, in the name of the Father, the Mother, and the Son. Amen."

31. The new member then will ascend the seven gold steps to join his or her family and friends. They will then proceed to the desk and chair of Oriphiel. He will have two witnesses of this waters of separation ordinance also come with the new member.'

32. Jesus then faced Oriphiel and spoke: 'Oriphiel, when you record the entry, write this entry in the next available line in the Book of Life: record the new member's premortal name, followed by the two premortal names of the witnesses, each under the correct header in the book. Date your entry. Keep these names in a column, page by page. All those whose names are written in the column of new members of the Church of the Firstborn will have eternal life and become one day exalted as gods in eternity. I will share my full birthright blessing with each one, and they will inherit all that my Father and Mother have.'

33. Jesus asked if we had any questions. Neither Oriphiel nor I had any.

34. He spoke again: 'Raphael, I will now show you how to mix and bless the celestial living water with the ashes for this ordinance. Open your small gold jar of ashes and remove a small pinch of the ashes between your thumb and forefinger. Place these ashes in the stone basin.'

35. I then opened the gold jar and removed a small pinch of the ashes of the red heifer. I placed the lid back on the gold jar.

36. Jesus spoke again: 'Raphael now take the full 2 ½ gallon silver jar full of celestial living water, and gently pour the contents over the ashes, and fill up the basin. When the jar is empty, place it on the silver floor next to the basin.'

37. I then lifted the silver jar with both hands and gently poured all the contents into the stone basin. When emptied, I placed the silver jar next to the base of the basin on the silver floor.

38. Jesus Spoke: Now gently stir the water to mix with the small amount of ashes with the small gold shovel. After stirring three times, then remove the shovel and offer a blessing prayer on this water mixture. When done, these waters are ready to be used in all of your administrations..'

39. I then took the gold shovel and stirred the water in a circular motion three times. I replaced the shovel on the edge of the basin and then prayed: 'My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I ask you to bless this living water and ashes from the red heifer to become holy waters of separation. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.'

40. Jesus responded: 'That was good. The waters have now been blessed and are ready to be used in your administrations. Kneel before me now, and I will demonstrate how this is done by administering to you the ordinance of the waters of separation.'

41. I knelt before my Savior, and bowed my head. Jesus sprinkled my head with water by using the hyssop plant that he had dipped in the basin and spoke: 'Raphael, having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I sprinkle you with these holy waters of separation, and bring you into the Church of the Firstborn, in the name of the Father, the Mother, and the Son. Amen.'

42. I raised my head and looked at Jesus. He had a tear in his eye and I was crying. We embraced and I felt his very deep compassion and love flow into me! I soon stood and faced Jesus. He spoke again:

43, Let us all three now walk up the gold ascending steps to Oriphiel's table and the closed Book of Life.' We walked up the stairs. Oriphiel sat in his chair as he was instructed to do by Jesus. Jesus asked him to open the book which Oriphiel did. He opened it to the first page.

44. Jesus spoke: 'Oriphiel, here is the pen with which you will record your entries in this book. It will reside on your angel vestures for the remainder of the millennium. You may place it in your right side pocket when not in use. It will remain functional for the entire time you will use it to record names in this book.' Oriphiel thanked Jesus and took the pen.

45. Jesus continued: 'We now need two witnesses for the recording. This will be your name and my name. Write the name "Raphael" on the first line under the header "New Member of the Church of the Firstborn", already written on the page. Next write your name "Oriphiel" and my name "Jehovah" under the "Witnesses" header. Date this entry as "7-19-2021", with the month first, day second, and year last, each separated by a dash.

46. Oriphiel wrote the line with the pen as he was instructed. I watched him as did Jesus Christ. Oriphiel then placed the pen next to the book on his desk. He thanked Jesus for this instruction, and said he would continue in this manner. Jesus smiled upon us, and then came next to our Heavenly Parents in the air, on the side of Heavenly Mother.

47. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we are so pleased that you are a member of the celestial Church of the Firstborn! You will act as the prophet of this church until Jesus Christ comes in glory to the earth in his second coming. You have also read what Oriphiel wrote in your native tongue, English. In reality, he recorded this in our godly language, the Adamic tongue, for this will remain forever recorded, far after English has passed.

48. We will now go to the western shore of this island, in a replicated state, to witness the arrival of the tribes of Israel. At the same time, in your celestial replicated state, you will stay here with Jesus and Oriphiel and all of the celestial hosts of heaven. You will start the ordinance and recording work for your first parents, Adam and Eve. We will give you a vision of this experience in your prayer tonight. However, in your mortal conscious mind, you are only able to keep track of one event at a time. Record the proceedings of the administration and recording of Adam and Eve tonight when you see this in vision.

49. Now, go in another replicated being with us, your Heavenly Parents, to the western shores of the New Jerusalem. It is now 9:00 am Utah time, and the tribes of Israel will be soon walking across the mighty river on dry ground!'

50. I thanked my Gods for their instructions and great blessings, even beyond measure upon me this morning! I said I was ready to go with my Heavenly Parents to the western shores of the New Jerusalem island.

51. I was immediately standing next on the western shore of the mighty river. I saw my Heavenly Parents in the air to my right side, out of sight. I peered across the mighty river and saw the tribes of Israel on the opposite side, on the shores of the barren land. I was very excited to see them!

52. I then watched as their leader raised his hands above his head. The waters of the mighty river then stopped and a path opened up in front of him and extended right to me! The time was 9:13 am. I then saw the tribes of Israel start to walk on the dry ground, even across the wide and mighty river.

53. I waited and watched, and saw that I was wearing a simple robe, and had a white beard. I was barefoot. I knew I was in my terrestrial state in which to greet the tribes of Israel.

54. In about 10 to 15 minutes the first group came up on the dry ground before me. I recognized their prophet, for he was the most aged man among them and was holding a large staff. He came before me and bowed his head. I walked up to him, and we embraced! It was such a tender moment! Tears were flowing freely from all. I then came to the next twenty or so people and embraced them too, even before speaking.

55. Finally, I spoke in a loud voice: 'Welcome to the island of the New Jerusalem, your final destination!' They all seemed to understand exactly what I said.

56. I then spoke directly to their prophet: 'My name is Raphael, a mortal angel of God. Our Gods have commissioned me to create and organize this beautiful island paradise, under their power and authority for you and other travelers who will be coming. The island is ready for your arrival. There is plenty of fresh food and land, enough for all of you and your animals. You may eat freely of the food that grows so abundantly, and drink freely of the terrestrial living water. You will be following the laws of Zion and of the terrestrial kingdom here. We don't kill any animals, and share our resources freely with all.

57. You will have a full week to eat, rest, and celebrate the end of your journey, and refresh yourselves. I will be available during wake time hours to help you and to answer any questions you might have. Welcome to the New Jerusalem!'

58. The prophet of the tribes then addressed me: 'Raphael, we are so thankful for God's great blessing to have allowed us to arrive at this promised land of the New Jerusalem! He has answered our fasting and prayers, and brought us here this morning from far away. We are all so overwhelmed that we can hardly speak for joy!'

59. I said that his group were the first mortal arrivals here. I told them to move onto the island and gather in the fields nearby, so that they could all pass quickly across the river.

60. They then started coming past me steadily. All were crying and many were singing. I was so impressed with the beautiful spirit I sensed from them.

61. In a few hours they were all passed, and no more travelers were behind. The prophet then returned to the shore of the island, raised his hands, and then spoke these words: 'Mother Earth, thank you for stopping and opening up the river that we might pass. Please now bring the waters back upon themselves, for we are all here upon this island!'

62. The mighty river then came together, and after a few splashes was normal and flowing again.

63. My vision then closed and I was back in my private room. I had been writing steadily for the past four hours! I closed my grateful prayer and started my new week on earth in Utah.

64. Evening-I came to the font room tonight hoping to see in vision what Oriphiel and I did for Adam and Eve. I came on my knees on the northern step in front of the oval area. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came to my side and faced the south, to the lowered font area with the silver floor. She asked me to watch with her in vision what happened after I consciously left this room this morning to go to welcome the tribes of Israel.

65. I then saw me next to the basin on the silver floor, and Oriphiel sitting in his chair. Jesus Christ was next to our Heavenly Parents in the air above the southern exit door of the room.

66. I then walked up to my archangel brothers who were still all standing, and asked for Adam, (or Michael, his premortal name), to come with his wife Eve. He smiled and said he would be right back with her. In a moment he and Eve, our glorious ancient and first mother of the human race, came before me. They were both radiant and smiling. I embraced each one, and then first brought Adam with me to the silver floor, in front of the stone basin. I asked him who he wanted as his witness. He asked that his wife Eve, and Noah (Gabriel) should be witnesses. Both were present in the room, so I proceeded. I said to my older brother that I was commissioned by Jesus Christ to administer the waters of separation, and Oriphiel was charged to record the names of those receiving this ordinance in the Lamb's Book of Life. I said Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer, had accepted him and his wife to be received into the Church of the Firstborn.

67. Adam smiled and said that he was so happy to now finally be able to come into this celestial church. He said he was very honored and humbled.

68. I then asked Adam to kneel and bow his head. I removed the hyssop branch, from the edge of the basin, dipped it in the holy water, and sprinkled it on Adam's head.

69. I spoke: 'Michael, Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I sprinkle you with these holy waters of separation, and bring you into the Church of the Firstborn, in the name of the Father, the Mother, and the Son. Amen.'

70. Adam stood and joyfully embraced me. He then ascended the seven gold steps to greet his wife Eve whom he also embraced. Oriphiel then recorded his name "Michael" as the second line in the Book of Life. He then recorded Sophia (Eve, her mortal name) and Gabriel (Noah) as witnesses, and dated it 7-19-2021.

71. Eve then walked down the seven gold steps to me. She knelt before the stone basin, bowed her head and waited. I sprinkled her with holy water from the basin using the same hyssop branch. I then said "Sophia, having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I sprinkle you with these holy waters of separation, and bring you into the Church of the Firstborn. In the name of the Father, the Mother, and the Son. Amen.'

72. Eve stood and we embraced. I asked who she wanted for witnesses. She said her husband Adam, and her son, righteous Abel who was slain by Cain. Abel came forth from the heavenly hosts above and stood before his earthly mother. They embraced and then they all three came before Oriphiel. He wrote her name Sophia as the third line under her husband Michael. Oriphiel then wrote as witnesses the names of Michael and Mahalaleel, the premortal name of Abel.

73. The vision then ended. Heavenly Mother turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, you have recorded the bringing in of Adam and Eve into the Church of the Firstborn correctly in your journal. Following this event, Jesus Christ gave Oriphiel the list of the remaining individuals today for whom you were to administer to. You have since completed this list, even as Jesus Christ has instructed you. You will continue in this manner in your replicated celestial self, the administering of the ordinance and the recording in the Book of Life from now on, during the daytime hours.

74. Our greatest work has now begun! We are very pleased that each day our Church of the Firstborn will swell in its numbers and our children are promised with eternal life and exaltation by having their names recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life!'

75. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for showing me this vision and revelation tonight. I told her how honored I was to work with Oriphiel in her holy celestial temple.

76. She departed and I closed my evening prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 20, 2021

1. I came before my Heavenly Father this morning on the western shores of the New Jerusalem island. We were looking west over the mighty river. The western river was flowing terrestrial living water into the mighty river to our left side.

2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, there has been a whirlwind of events on this island in the past few days! We are very pleased that our temple is now almost all completed here, except for a few added items that our mortal children will do to beautify its walls, inside and out. We have pressed forward to have the font room operational so that our greatest work may begin without delay. You and Oriphiel are administering to and recording our celestial elect as you have been instructed. We accept all of this work you are doing as completely binding for all eternity.'

3. He looked over the expanse of the mighty river and faded away from my view. I had the impression that I should relax and rejoice with the tribes of Israel who had arrived yesterday morning. I turned and walked into the island paradise to be with them. This ended my vision, and I closed my prayer.

4. Evening-I received a very remarkable email from S.A. today. She had typed up four pages of my journal, and then prayed about what I had received. I had asked her to let me know what she thought.

5. Her email was very confirming of what I did in the New Jerusalem temple with the waters of separation ordinance. In the process of talking with Heavenly Father, he told her that in the millennium, the celestial elect will become replicated in celestial glory and receive training from our Heavenly Parents to learn how to become couple gods in eternity. I felt the truth of these ideas right away. What a wonderful mystery was revealed through S.A.. Whether or not the new or future members are in the Church of the Firstborn yet or not, they will all participate in this instruction and schooling from our Heavenly Parents.

6. I just love getting such great gems of truth from my supportive friends like I received today! This is exactly how it is all supposed to work. God may reveal any truths they want to anyone. I am certainly not the only one who receives such truths and gems from God. I feel like Moses

7. Number 11:29

"…(I) would that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them!"

8. S.A.'s entry is at the end of my journal entry.

9. I came tonight to the fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem. I knelt several feet from the pool facing north. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

10. She appeared before me smiling. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have been blessed to receive the truth about our millennial instructions that we will give our members of the Church of the Firstborn, whether members yet or not. S.A. received these truths from Heavenly Father, and wrote correctly what he said. I too rejoice that S.A. and others receive true revelations from us, their Gods. What a blessing to receive these from a few of our elect who are in your small email list! What we say to one we reveal also to the next. These are wonderful blessings to see eye to eye when we bring again Zion!'

11. Heavenly Mother then departed up into the sky above the glowing fountain. I remained there for awhile, enjoying the glowing beauty of the fountain of living water. I then closed my prayer.

12. I received this email from S.A. on 7-20-2021:

"Hi R,

I prayed about what I typed up today. Here is my journal entry.

I came in prayer before my Heavenly Father. We were in the New Jerusalem temple, viewing Raphael administering the waters of separation ordinance.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Your Heavenly Mother and I are full of great joy to have our children, many whom have waited since their mortal probationary state thousands of years ago, to receive their admittance into the Church of the Firstborn. These will become exalted couple gods in eternity!'

I asked what they will do during the millennium after they have been admitted?

Heavenly Father spoke: 'They will receive special training from Heavenly Mother and I in our celestial realm throughout the entire millennium that will prepare them to become couple gods, as we are.'

I then asked what about when those, like Raphael, who are busy working in the temple during the millennium would receive this instruction?

He answered: 'Those of our children like you and Raphael, who are members of the Church of the Firstborn living during the millennium, will be replicated into our celestial realm to receive their training.'

I wondered if the training would be a one-on-one type setting, or if they would train everyone together at the same time.

He spoke: 'Some things will be taught by one or both of us directly to them, while some instruction will be taught in a large congregation setting, or in smaller groups. All is done according to our wisdom and purposes to fully train and prepare each one to become couple gods in eternity!'

I asked if these Church of the Firstborn members could receive this training before they have their names written in the book?

He spoke: 'Yes, we will train them even before they have received of their waters of separation ordinance, for some will not be entered until the end of the millennium. We know all who will enter, and will allow them to enter into our training even before they have been fully admitted, as we see fit.'

I confirmed these things to be written correctly, and thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my questions and teaching me about the training of the couple gods during the millennium! It is all so exciting to me, and I feel so blessed to be able to commune with my Heavenly Parents in prayer! I closed in Jesus' name.

Let me know your thoughts!


13. R's email back to S.A.:

"Dear S.A.,

This is great, thank you! I have reread it several times, and the confirming Spirit of my Heavenly Parents as I read. This is certainly a great mystery that Heavenly Father has revealed to you. What great questions you had, and the answers from our God were remarkable I thought. Thank you so much!

Thank you also for taking the time to pray and confirm what I received in administering the waters of separation ordinance. I sometimes feel like a lonely voice, and I so appreciate all you received. The added truths you were given are also so wonderful to me and my spirit!

May I share this with the others in post 200?

Warm regards,

14, S.A.'s email back to R:

I'm happy to pray and be a second witness. It can feel lonely to write what I receive in prayer, too. Getting another witness from you that it is true buoys me up greatly!

Thanks for confirming what I received. It is a great mystery!

It is amazing to know that your part in the great work of establishing and building the New Jerusalem is happening right now! I have so much to look forward to in the days ahead.


G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 21, 2021

1. I came this lovely morning to the future site of the New Jerusalem City. I was in the celestial realm on the east side of the road, where the east large channel was flowing with terrestrial living water. I couldn't be seen since I was in the celestial realm, and those around me from the lost tribes of Israel were in the terrestrial realm.

2. All around was the encampment of the people from the north who had arrived on Monday. They were everywhere! I knew that by now they had roamed over the entire terrestrial island and were relaxing and enjoying themselves. I saw a young woman at this moment come to the large open channel and dip her pail into the stream of flowing living terrestrial water. She filled the pail and then brought it to her family who was camped nearby. They all drank freely of this water from their cups. She also gave some to a goat they had brought with them.

3. Her brothers had returned just then with their large fruits, looking like melons of some kind, from their travels over the island. They were all looking so excited to have this beautiful food. They had a kneeling family prayer and then ate. They were discussing how they had never tasted such amazing flavors and large fruits before. I could tell they were actually being changed slowly in their bodies, transitioning more fully into terrestrial mortal beings.

4. While I was watching, my Heavenly Father appeared next to me. He extended his hand and I took it. We started to walk around the future city area among the camp of the people.

5. He spoke: 'Raphael, our weary elect travelers are finally home! They rejoice and are all so thrilled to be here at the New Jerusalem. They have had no formal meeting yet, for you have told them to just relax and recuperate. Their prophet wants them to gather tomorrow in twelve separate groups, since there are so many. They will be instructed by their prophet and the other leaders on aspects of their celebration later this week. By then the weak and feeble among them will have sufficient strength to also participate fully in song, dance and worship. They are planning a feast where they will share together the bounties of food they have found on this island paradise. Up to this point they have camped out where they could on our island, and eaten what they individually as families have gathered and shared with others around them.

6. You have been meandering among the people, since their arrival, inquiring after their needs. This has been so rewarding to you, for they have all been a humble and a very open people. They have been so very grateful for God's great gifts to them. Most have cried for joy in expressing to you their excitement, and even unbelief at having finally arrived here! The land, the beauty and splendor, and particularly the abundance of food and vegetation has been so overwhelming to all of them. They are being fully replenished with living terrestrial food and water. We are extending to them abundant healing and rejuvenation in their bodies. Oh, they are so very happy!'

7. We continued walking among the people, unseen by them. I saw on all of their faces the countenance of peace and deep satisfaction. I was very impressed with these humble and loving people. I believe that the trials of their journey shaped them to become finally ready to enter into Zion, the beauty and splendor of God.

8. My Heavenly Father let go of my hand and faced me. He spoke: 'Raphael, come to the farmlands of this island tonight, and your Heavenly Mother will meet you there. You will see this people gathering food for their upcoming feast and celebrations.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father, and said I would meet her there tonight. My vision of being with my Father then ended, and I found myself in my private room, writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 22, 2021

1. I worked late last night getting both posts 198 and 199 completed. I will be sending these out at the same time. I didn't go to the farmlands like Heavenly Father had asked of me yesterday morning. I completely forgot since I was working so steadily on the posts.

2. I decided to go there this morning to see if I could meet my Heavenly Mother. I came to the area where the western large channel transitions to the western river. I came in the celestial realm so as not to be seen.

3. I saw people from the tribes of Israel harvesting grain, fruits and vegetables that were growing in abundance. They looked happy and seemed to be full of energy in their labors.

4. As I was looking upon them, my Heavenly Mother appeared at my side. I immediately came to my knees, and asked for her forgiveness for not meeting her here last night in my prayer. I said I worked until late on two of my posts.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I will be showing you in your prayer today some of what the tribes of Israel were doing last night. What you have been seeing this morning is from last night. We may adjust the time of your prayer to any time in the past or in the future as well as the present.

6. I am also glad that you worked on your posts and your index last night. Send both posts 198 and 199 out at the same time. We wish our children to become aware of all that has happened on this island as soon as you are able to share it with your small email list.

7. Raphael, the tribes of Israel are preparing for a feast on Thursday, July 22, 2021. They will be gathering in the twelve separate bodies in the future area where the New Jerusalem city will one day be built. They will be directed in each group by a prophet leader who will lead their celebration and solemn prayers of thanksgiving. The people will do this as a group this Thursday afternoon. This event and date will be remembered and celebrated every year during this week of their entry on the island of the New Jerusalem.

8. Come, let us walk now among the people who are preparing for their feast!'

9. My mother extended her hand to me and I stood and took it. We then walked together in the air above the farmlands. I could see carts with animals being loaded with stalks of ripe grain, fruit of all kinds, and vegetables. When the carts were full, these were taken to various locations in the future city area where many people were preparing for the feast. The food would be eaten uncooked, for it was very tasty as it was. This included the grain, for the people were instructed not to cook their food, but to serve it out in families to the people on Thursday afternoon, all at the same time in one of the twelve large groups of people.

10. There was a feeling of great cooperation and unity among the people. The spirit of love and humility was among them all. I was very happy that they looked more invigorated than when I first met this weary band of travelers on the western shores of the island.

11. Heavenly Mother indicated that we should then travel to the future city area where they would be celebrating on Thursday afternoon. She said this would be in the present day and time, on Thursday morning.

12. We traveled through the air above the western river to the large channel, even to the area near the western road that divided the terrestrial realm from the celestial. We stopped and looked upon one of the twelve groups that were preparing for their feast. I saw they had arranged their tents to be opened towards a platform they had erected in the center of each group. Heavenly Mother said this is where their group prophet leader would address them. Each of the twelve groups would be addressed at the same time by their individual prophet leader, and have their prayers of thanksgiving at the same time. They would all eat in their tents with food that had been distributed to each family prior to the feast. Those without families would gather with a family if possible, or gather together in small groups.

13. Heavenly Mother said this feast and celebration would be followed by singing and dance. It would be a time each year to remember and reenact the time of thanksgiving for their final arrival to the New Jerusalem.

14. She spoke: 'Meet your Heavenly Father and I tonight here in your evening prayer. We will show you a vision of their feast and celebration that will have happened this afternoon.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother, and said I would remember this time to be where she asked me to come in my prayer.

16. She smiled upon me and departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

17. I received this email from S on 7-23-2021 entitled "Feast":


You requested that I pray to ask about the feast. I wanted to share what I received regarding this feast from this morning's prayer and also my message from yesterday. I feel joyful that this people were preserved and blessed with many miracles to arrive in Zion.

7/22/21 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father called me to his side. He was in the New Jerusalem in the higher celestial realm. The Northern Tribes were rejoicing in their arrival.

Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Gideon, you were the firstborn son of your parents on earth. You have lived a comfortable life with the modern conveniences of society. In Zion there is a great labor to perform. Our children who come will labor greatly with their hands to build houses, barns, community centers and needful edifices. The walls, streets, and all parts of the city need to be constructed. There is a great physical labor that needs to be performed. You will arrive in the midst of this great construction that will still be in the early stages by the end of this year. This labor will be invigorating and needful for our children. Each will find great joy in laboring with their hands and minds to build a society. The inhabitants will serve one another and help each other by using their unique gifts and talents to bless those around them.

The eastern winds will shortly descend upon your nation. Be ready to hear our Spirit and leave promptly when directed. Be at peace. You and your family will rejoice to participate in the labors needed to build Zion and to prepare a place of refuge for the elect to flee to.'

I thanked Heavenly Father for his message. I responded that I would be ready and wait for his direction to depart. He ascended into the sky and I closed my prayer.

7/23/21 AM

In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Father. I heard him speak to my mind, 'What do you desire?" I responded, "I desire to see the feast and celebration of the tribes of Israel in the New Jerusalem.'

Heavenly Father came and took me by my right hand and spoke: 'Gideon, my beloved son, I will show you this according to your desire. We have extended a special calling to you to labor among this people. This mission will continue until you arrive there in your mortal body. There is still much labor to be performed at this time to prepare the lands and build this city for those who seek refuge and safety. We have shown you a vision of your journey among this people at times, and will continue to do so until your mind is merged.'

At this time, we came in the air above the tribes of Israel as they feasted. Families were outside of their tents communing with their extended family and neighbors. I saw kids running around chasing each other and laughing. The kids were eating something like a watermelon. They were at peace and joyful. I heard one man speaking to another about the possible future of this city.

Heavenly Father spoke to me, 'The children are once again laughing and feel secure. For a time, they have felt the great stress and suffering of their travels. These worries have now faded and they are playing again as children do. The fathers are no longer worried about having enough food to make it through the journey. The mothers are no longer worried about their children getting enough nutrition from their scanty meals. There is a feeling of rejoicing and thankfulness in the hearts of all these inhabitants. We rejoice with them as they rest this week from their labors.

At this time, they are unaware of all that will soon come to pass in the telestial world. The scope and magnitude of their great labor has not yet been revealed to them, but soon will be. They have a great mission to prepare this land and to assist in the rescue of our elect. This is a time that will never be forgotten by those who experienced it.'

My heart was full. I thanked my Heavenly Father for bringing this large group to Zion by his miraculous power. I desired that this group would be filled with the love of God in their hearts.

This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.




18. R's email back to S on 7-23-2021:

Thanks for sharing, S! What a beautiful experience you witnessed among the tribes of Israel. Thank you for being in tune to see and perceive such joy among the elect of God. I really like what you observed with the children playing again. Their stressful journey is now behind them. I'm sure they will shoulder their new mission of preparing the land, and of helping those who will come as refugees like they were.

I'm now in Portland visiting my ailing mother, and staying with my sister K. I'll be returning on Saturday. I may not be receiving much more while I am here in the way of new revelation. This is where God wants me to be now. When I figured out yesterday at 1:00 pm where I should be, I was on the airplane in just a few hours, by 5:00 pm. I think this is the speed of your departure when you decide it will be time to trek to Zion. All will need to be ready to go when you leave your home.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you again for sharing so quickly!

Your brother,

19. Evening-This afternoon I flew to Portland to be with my failing mother. She has been remaining in bed now for three days and has worsened considerably. However, she still recognized me when my sister K and I visited her tonight. I will be with her for the next two days before I return home on Saturday.

20. I came tonight in my prayer to the city area of the New Jerusalem as my Heavenly Mother requested of me. When I came I met my Heavenly Parents where I had been this morning.

21. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that you made the effort to leave your home and visit your ailing mother. She was so surprised and happy to see you, and will be greatly buoyed up by your visit tomorrow and Saturday. We had earlier said that you would no longer see your mother in the flesh, but have changed our minds due to your repeated petitions to us the past few days. Visits like this are very meaningful and will be forever remembered!

22. Stand before us, and together we will watch one of the twelve groups of the northern tribes celebrate their arrival to this New Jerusalem island that occurred this afternoon!

23. I stood and came between my Heavenly Parents, and we faced the future New Jerusalem city area. We immediately saw in vision what happened earlier today. All of the families were facing in their tents the raised platform before us. A prophet leader addressed them, and then knelt with all in a prayer of thanksgiving. There was lots of crying for joy in the tents of Israel today!

24. When the prayer was ended, the leader went to his own family tent, and all the families and others they may have invited to be with them ate until full. There was uncooked stalks of grain, purposefully given to eat this way at the time of celebration. There were luscious foods that these people had never known before or tasted. The feasting lasted about an hour. Then some people came on the platform and started dancing and singing, in their traditional manner. They were so happy, and many joined in a large round dance. A few brought their instruments they had carried from the hollow earth. All the families in tents were clapping, singing and also dancing. These were praises to God, filled with deep traditions and joyful hearts.'

25. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Father and I have heard these songs and hymns for many generations, even from the ancestors of these people. Their rich heritage brings to our own remembrance the faith of their forefathers who looked forward to this very moment you are now witnessing with us. The faithful believed and looked forward to being here in the New Jerusalem. This is the fulfillment of these prophecies of their ancient prophets. They will continue from now on to celebrate in feasting, song and dance like they are doing today, for every July 22, during the entire millennium.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for showing me such a joyful event. I was very impressed and touched by the Spirit.

27. My vision then abruptly ended and I found myself writing in my journal. I expressed gratitude again, then closed my prayer.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 23, 2021

1. I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. Heavenly Mother came and told me to not worry about connecting in formal prayer to them until I am back on the airplane on Saturday, tomorrow evening. She said I should enjoy being with my ailing mother and sister.

2. I thanked her and closed my morning prayer.