137. The Hollow Earth
Posted 10-1-2019


I think you will find this post fascinating, or maybe even unbelievable. However, read on and then pray about it. I have really had my eyes opened! There is a lot of other important items in way of revelation that are contained in this post.

Please let me know your feedback too. Happy Fall!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal, September 14, 2019, Saturday

1. I had a restless night last night. I felt like my Heavenly Mother was giving me information but I couldn't discern between reality and dreaming it. I am glad to be awake and in my room where I will begin a new prayer.

2. I came this morning to the north side of the river representing Jesus Christ, just before the river plunges into the rocky pit. It seemed barren around, without a lot of vegetation. I knelt facing the river. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for that is who I thought would come.

3. Heavenly Mother immediately appeared right in front of me! She was filled with light. I felt her light come into me and pass into and through me until I too felt full of her light. It was like very cell of my body was purged and immersed in her light.

4. She then spoke: 'Raphael, you are clean and pure every whit. My light engulfs you and sustains you as you kneel before me. You wondered last night if it was me who came to you in your sleep and if I had a message for you. That was me and I did reveal little glimpses of what I will share with you this morning.

5. When I birthed my spirit children as babies, they were each distinctly either male or female, just like babies are on earth. We clothed their nakedness with robes, from their birth to their full-grown spirits. Our sons became men with physiques of men and our daughters were distinctly fully grown women. They each were male and female, just like our mature sons and daughters are in the flesh on earth. They wore our pre-mortal robes to cover their nakedness. Their reproductive body parts were not sexually functional, nor would be until they came to earth. The white robes we gave them were all they wore with no other undergarments.

6. It wasn't until we began teaching them of their unique roles of men and women, in reproducing and bearing children, that they were really awakened to the differences in their bodies. Before that time, they knew they were different but paid no attention to their differences much, for they had no sexual stimulation or curiosity.

7. During their preparation for mortality, we taught our sons and our daughters the process of procreation, this very sacred sequence of steps for creating life in mortality. We taught them in great detail, for their spirits would need to know all of the particular steps in this godly process. Our sons and daughters were amazed and awed by the grandeur of our design that they would be blessed with in mortality. We also had them experience by proxy some of these functions so that they were sure to learn all these steps in creating and birthing their own babies in mortality. Our sons and daughters became so humbled to have this great gift of procreation extended to them in their future mortal lives as grown men and women!

8. Satan and his host of spirits were never taught any of these things, for they were cast out of heaven and never passed their first estate. When our mortal sons and daughters came to earth and began being married and experiencing sexual relations and bearing children, Lucifer saw that he and his followers could disrupt this process of bearing life. He began twisting the desires of men and women, encouraging them to explore, outside the bonds of marriage, these new creative powers for pleasure and self interest, without thought of bearing children. In your day, he still prompts in all varieties of perversions, the sacred powers of sexual arousals and experiences. The aim is all self-centered lusts of the flesh, with no thought of bearing children. Your world has accepted Satan's lures and temptations and promotes these sexual acts in all versions of deviant behaviors, almost always outside of marriage and often with multiple partners. This is a very wicked sin that has now swept the land and penetrated every culture to some degree. These sexual perversions are promoted in your land on most every media method, so that they are available to our children, even in their youth. We are saddened by this great misuse among the wicked who follow Satan's temptations and allow themselves to abuse their God given powers!

9. Among the righteous, they honor marriage and chastity and reserve their use of these procreative powers until married. They are true and faithful to their spouse throughout their lives and bare our children as their own offspring. However, even in these strong families, Satan has made inroads to lure the husbands and wives away by sexual fantasies or inappropriate behavior, usually because of the media and culture, which is so prevalent. Our very elect are troubled by these things and are often exposed to dark and sinister temptations, for it is all around them and they can hardly avoid these practices that are so strongly encouraged in the world.

10. Last night you were troubled by some things that you saw online. This troubled mind and heart is a good thing, for each of our children have a sense of guilt, a moral internal code, as they are initially confronted with the sins of the world. You were feeling guilty for seeing what is so difficult not to see in your wicked society, particularly in images and videos online.

11. Raphael, you are clean and pure before your Heavenly Father and me! Jesus Christ has forgiven you of your sins and weaknesses, and has brought you again into our very presence. I have filled you with my intense light of the Holy Ghost in every part of your being. You hear me and write all my words as I speak them to you. You are our spokesman and prophet for the celestial Church of the Firstborn!

12. With this introduction, I would like to reveal to you how our spirit children enter into their mortal experience. After a man impregnates a woman in mortality, his sperm enters into her uterus. This sperm is accompanied by the spirit of the child that is to be birthed by the mother.

13. The spirit son or daughter of your Heavenly Father and me is actually in the physical sperm that enters into the woman from the man. This is possible because the spirit is capable of shrinking or expanding to any size. In this case, our spirit child is inside the mother in the sperm. When the sperm cells come upon an egg cell of the woman, life begins. Our spirit son or daughter has been trained in their pre-mortal life how to initiate the division of cells in the egg and to eventually grow a new fetus in the mother's womb. The spirit of the child to be born is active in growing inside the egg and fetus, even from the beginning. Conception at this early phase involves the spirit to be born and the hormones and sequences controlled by the mother spirit that she learned in her pre-mortal life. The process is very detailed, but all was taught and learned well before we even allowed our beloved sons and daughters to enter mortality.

14. The body functions to keep and grow new life of our new spirit child within her womb are all controlled in the unconscious mind of the mother. The spirit embryo or fetus also has a part in this development process. Both the mother and child's spirits communicate together, coordinating the growth process so that ultimately the baby is born.

15. Birth of a full term baby is also a very coordinated effort between the spirit of the mother and her child. The birth canal is symbolic of the passing from the celestial world where our child has always lived, to the telestial world of the mother in mortality. As the baby passes through this dark birth canal into the light of day in their new world, he or she emerges nearly fully separate from their mother. Once the umbilical cord is severed, our baby child is so very helpless and dependent upon his or her mother and father for nourishment and protection.

16. The awareness of their new world comes gradually to our newborn children in the flesh. They gradually become aware of how to function in their new bodies. They learn so quickly, but even with their total immersion in a physical telestial world, they still have strong remembrances of their previous life on our celestial orb. This memory gradually fades before they can talk and soon the veil of forgetfulness is fully upon them. They soon cannot recall anything and are consumed in their new mortal life as a toddler.

17. Last night I was explaining to you in your unconscious mind these same things while you slept. You kept remembering me coming and remembered glimpses of the fetus growing and the baby coming through the birth canal. However, your conscious mind could not piece together your visions as I taught them to you.

18. Raphael, this entire birth process was created by our first parent Gods in the beginning. This same process has continued since then by all of the gods and their posterity.

19. There is a similar process for the birth of our spirit children that have developed and grown in my own uterus. I birthed each one in a similar process as our mothers birth their physical babies on earth. I birthed spirit offspring that were created in our very images. These are our beloved spirit children!'

20. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her revelation this morning! I feel very invigorated and awed by this amazing birth process that God has created and allowed us on earth to use in bringing forth their children. It is all such a marvelous plan!

21. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me and touched my head with her hand. She then vanished and was gone. I closed my great prayer and started my day.

22. At night–Tonight I came to the pool in God's Loving Healing Center that is found in the woods, not far from the pyramid building. It was light and the day was waning in the woods. I knelt by the pool and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then looked up above the pool and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

23. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared to me, standing above the pool of water! They were holding hands, both shining and mildly glowing in the forest. Their light went deep into the water, so that I could see the sides and bottom of the small pool from their light.

24. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we have been giving you many revelations recently that have pushed both you who receive these revelations and K and S.A. who type up your posts. Inquire again of the group you send your posts to find someone who can type up Sunday's weekly journal entries, and for when K won't be able to type up in November. We are please with your coordinated work you are each doing to get our revelations available online. We recognize each of your dedicated efforts!

25. Your Father and I have designed our new infant children in mortality to gradually mature into a full-grown man or woman. This process involves many changes in their physical body. This change is all governed and controlled by their spirit, specifically by their unconscious mind. Our spirit children have learned well their lessons on how to fully operate their own physical bodies, even through the time they have grown to full stature and to the end of their lives. The spirit of our sons and daughters knows best how to operate and heal their own body. This is their sacred stewardship.

26. Occasionally there is sickness or other ailments our son or daughter might not know how to fix while in their conscious mind. They may then gain access to their unconscious mind to find out what to do to help heal their own bodies. This ability to find out what to do to help heal the body is called by you "energy testing".

27. Energy testing has always been an ability of many of our children at all times on the earth. However, many didn't even know they could access this healing information from their own spirit, by connecting to their own spirit and their unconscious mind. It can be done by asking yes or no questions, or questions about how important a certain remedy or action would be to help return their body to its healthy state. Raphael, you have developed this ability to energy test in your mind, because of your good connection to your unconscious mind, or using muscle testing techniques. Whenever this is done, the knowledge from one's own spirit is accessed by the tester. There is often a tester and the one being tested. There is a thought connection process between the mind of the tester and the mind of the one being tested. This type of communication is just like we speak with you, or how spirits communicate with each other. The correct answers come from the one being tested who is in need of healing of their own body, whether physical, spiritual, emotional or mental. These answers are accurate as the one being able to receive information through the unconscious mind of the test and the one being tested, and the knowledge of what is best to do from the one being tested. These answers can often be quite accurate, and give guidance on how to proceed in healing actions.

28. You have developed the practice of bringing a certain proposed remedy into the presence of the one being tested. You then ask if this remedy would be helpful in healing the body. If it is helpful and a true remedy, and you feel confident it is good, or use muscle testing methods to get positive response, then you can feel assured your answer is accurate and it is truly a good remedy. You are so used to doing this Raphael, that you only need to ask in your mind and you feel assurance if it is good, or no such feeling if it is not good. You regularly do this sort of testing weekly for the remedies for your son, your wife and yourself. These charts of foods and remedies you all take are based on your energy testing methods.

29. We accept and validate to you that your energy testing methods are generally accurate. You have found if you keep unbiased in your testing, your accuracy improves. However, if your own emotions or preconceived mental thoughts get in the way, your answers will also be less accurate.

30. There is a fine line between receiving answers for the health of the body and answers in prayer from us by revelation. The way these answers come is through the same medium of your thoughts so you need to be able to discern who is giving the thoughts or directions to your mind. Even muscle testing may become not accurate if you become based or swayed by your own thoughts rather than clearly feeling if what you receive comes from your own spirit or of the spirit of the one being tested. Those who first begin muscle testing my also be open to deception from false or evil spirits.

31. In addition, our words that come into your mind come in a similar way and manner as your energy testing answers come into your mind. We send also our accompanying Spirit, so that you may know that your thought or feeling is from us and not yourself or from another. This discernment is possible, but needs to be developed through practice over time.

32. We also honor proxy testing methods, as long as all parties are in agreement, or the one who has stewardship over a younger child agrees. Energy testing or muscle testing should also be confined to health issues, since that is the knowledge we trained our spirits for in their pre-mortal teachings who came into mortality. If one were to test for another non-health issue, this would be outside of the scope of energy testing.

33. We are always available to be asked any question at all through prayer. We love our children, and will answer to them their sincere questions according to the promptings and workings of our Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. This is such a great blessing in the lives of our humble and faithful children!'

34. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words tonight while she explained more in detail about these things to me. They all made perfect sense! I felt uplifted and enlightened by her words to me.

35. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the words you have written accurately record the thoughts and words of your Heavenly Mother to you tonight.'

36. I also thanked him for his witness and confirmation.

They then both faded away from me quickly, and I ended my prayer at this beautiful pool in the woods.

B. R's Personal Journal, September 15, 2019, Sunday

1. I love awakening to bright sunshine streaming through the east window in the morning! I see the patterns and signs in nature from our celestial orb repeated on earth. When I think of it, of course it would be this way! The very plants and animals on earth have been propagated from resurrected plants and animals that live on the celestial orb. All earths are therefore very similar in how they appear. Our very weeds, flowers and trees are of the same species from eternity to eternity on the mortal and now immortal earths of previous eternities, as they are currently on our own earth. Our very sun, moon and stars are the same as on previous few earths, for our solar system is reused for a specified number of times by the earths that come into the same location in our solar system. It is all a marvelous plan!

2. I am feeling happy and well rested this lovely Sabbath morning. I came to our beloved celestial orb to the little stream in the desert, not far to the southwest of the desert oasis where I often pray. There is a walking path next to the streambed. I decided to pray upon this path, facing the little stream in the small gully. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

3. As I waited, I saw my Heavenly Father walking toward me on the path to my right. He soon arrived and I turned on my knees to face him. He was very majestic and bright, with his eternity eyes so very deep and understanding. I loved that he smiled compassionately on me too.

4. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, in my thoughts: 'Raphael, you have written in your journal this morning that we reuse the same solar system for a series of earths, each from a different eternity. This is true. It is also true that were you to come to earths of different eternities, you would find the same plants and animals on these our creations. We have introduced new species that we create on the new earths, but by and large these are all very similar. All of the plants and animals on our earths come from our celestial orb.

5. Many of these same kinds and species of these plants and animals were also on the very first creations of our first parent Gods. We, who are Gods in eternity, keep creating new species and freely share these with each other.

6. The role of being a God is a very creative process and a wonderful life! Your Heavenly Mother and I love this creative part. We are continually envisioning new ways to form the earth, to create plants that meet certain of our requirements of beauty, function or purpose.

7. In your own state of Utah, we have created beautiful rock formations in the areas of Bryce Canyon Arches and Zion National Parks that continually amaze visitors. These, our creations, have taken us millions of years of mortal time in the process. We have planned these beautiful rock creations from the beginning of the physical creation of your earth. These beauties will remain or be restored even when the earth is resurrected to a celestial glory.

8. We have made many walking trails for our children and us on our celestial orb. These same sorts of parks, paths, and natural beauty reserves will be on your resurrected earth. There are natural waterfalls, rivers, lakes, forests, deserts, jungles, and all sorts of terrain for our plant and animal creations that beautify our eternal worlds. We do this to please the eye and gladden the heart of our children and our other creations.

9. When your earth is resurrected, we will give to our faithful couple Gods a portion of the earth as their own land of their first inheritance. This is initially beautified by us, their Heavenly Parents. However, since it becomes their initial eternal inheritance, they may modify this area, as they desire. Some of our children, who are now gods in their own galaxies, still come back frequently to their home-based resurrected earth. Some keep it just like we originally beautified it for them, and some change their own first inheritance based on their desires. Most no longer bring their spirit children to their own original inheritance, since they have their own celestial orbs as their base home, where their children live and know as their home.

10. The resurrected earths in our own galaxy are all adorned in great beauty and splendor! Each has its own celestial city and temple that was constructed on their own earth during their millennial day of rest. Each temple is unique and very beloved of their own inhabitants who became gods in that particular eternity. They may also visit their own celestial library on their own earth to review past records and their own Book of Life. It is in this Book of Life where their own pre-mortal name is recorded as being faithful and promised eternal life and exaltation. Viewing these records brings a flood of happy memories to these now gods who view them. There is a lot of joy in the eternal worlds in our own galaxy!'

11. I could see how happy my Father was in contemplating all of these things. I gazed into his eyes and somehow was carried away to his and Heavenly Mother's land of their own inheritance, on their own resurrected earth! I saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother there, welcoming me to their original home. Heavenly Mother spoke:

12. 'Raphael, we decided to leave our beautiful home and land just as our own Heavenly Parents prepared it for us in the beginning. This is our mansion, spoken of by Jesus Christ in John 14:2: "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." (see also D&C 72:4 and D&C 59:2).'

13. We then walked around together on their beautiful mansion and grounds! There was a large house, with many windows and surrounding gardens adorned with flowers, bushes and trees. There was a lake and stream on their property. Fish were abundant in the waters, and beautiful birds were all around. It was so heavenly and idyllic! I felt so blessed to have come here with them!

We paused and they both turned and faced me. Heavenly Mother spoke:

14. 'Raphael, we already are planning your own mansion and estate that you will share with your wife in your own future resurrected earth! We know you will both be very pleased with the details of our beautiful gift to you!'

15. With that my vision closed. I felt so happy to have been with both of them in my prayer today, and to have received so very much! Oh, I love my Heavenly Parents so very deeply!

16. After church–My wife and I came to a local ward. At the sacrament, I came to the mural in the mortal probation chapel that depicted our last days events. I faced the mural on my knees. In the chapel on earth, I heard the sacrament prayer and then received and partook of the bread. I made my covenant with God in front of the mural. I then saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the mural, being active and moving (they weren't a stationary picture)!

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me from inside the mural: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We will always be with you, regardless of how you question yourself or what you might do in your daily life, for we know your heart and soul now, and your intentions and effort that you will put forth to always keep our commandments!'

18. After I partook of the water in the ward, Heavenly Mother then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, come into this last days mural with us!'

19. She extended her hand and I took it and stepped into the mural! I realized that I had just stepped into another realm, in front of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

20. Heavenly Mother spoke–'Raphael, you are now in our highest celestial realm! We may speak to you freely without anyone else possibly hearing us, even in the celestial realms, for there are veils that separate us from our other children. This highest realm is reserved for the Gods, and for those whom we occasionally invite to come into this realm to be by our side.'

21. I then saw Jesus Christ come next to our Father! All three of my Gods were before me. I immediately had the words of the sacrament prayer on the bread past through my mind. As I thought "to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ", I looked into the face of Jesus Christ in front of me. His eternity eyes were soft and very compassionate. I then thought "To always remember us, and to keep our commandments." I then looked upon the faces of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I saw that they both were my true loving mentors and eternal parents. I thought how much I loved them! I told them then how I loved them and wanted always to do whatever they asked of me. They both smiled and shone the light of their countenances upon me.

22. The meeting on earth then went on and I lost my direct connection with God. I then recorded this experience in my pocket journal that I have copied into my normal journal tonight.

23. Tonight–I am here in my lovely home with the windows open. The breeze is blowing, it is warm and dark outside, and all seems well and at peace in our lives.

24. I feel prepared now to approach again my Heavenly Parents in humble prayer! I came in front of the last days mural in the mortal probation chapel, in God's temple on the celestial orb. It was bright in the room, not from any light source that I could see, but probably from the walls, floors and ceiling that shone.

25. I knelt facing the mural. I felt I should pray here. I was hopeful to be taken back into the highest celestial realm where the Gods dwell and live.

26. I then asked for my Heavenly Father or my Heavenly Mother to come. Heavenly Father then appeared at my left side. He was smiling and extended his hand to me. He spoke–'Raphael, let's go now into my highest celestial realm!'

27. I took his hand and we then both stepped again into the mural in front of us! The mural seemed to be like a portal into this higher realm where the Gods live and from where they minister to their children.

28. We walked right into wooded area with lots of grass on the ground. After a few minutes, Heavenly Father stopped, let go of my hand, and faced me: 'Raphael, I have brought you into the beautiful forested area on our celestial orb. This highest celestial realm is superimposed directly on top of this location. When someone in the celestial realm comes by, they would not see us, for there is a strong veil that separates us from them. We may be able to observe our children without them knowing of our presence.

29. We may superimpose our highest celestial realm on lower realms as well.'

30. We then came to downtown Provo that I immediately recognized! 'Raphael, we are still in my highest celestial realm and those around us are in the mortal telestial realm and cannot know we are here.'

31. We then were transported into the future to the celestial realm where the New Jerusalem temple floors, walls and ceilings are stored in large rooms. I knew this was the Jackson County area.

32. Heavenly Father spoke: 'We may also go to the future or the past in any other realm or time, while yet in our highest celestial realm. You are correct that this is the celestial repository for the New Jerusalem sections of the floors, walls, ceilings, etc. This time is just before you will be asked of your Heavenly Mother and I to come here with other celestial servants to remove some of these pre cut slabs.

Come, let us go into the closest room!'

33. We then walked into a large slotted room where the floor of the temple was vertically resting, at a slight angle. The floor seemed several feet thick and must have been very heavy. I saw also that the floor was of one piece in this section I was shown. The edges were prepared to accept the walls and somehow attach to them at a perfect right angle.

34. 'Raphael, when you remove this section of the floor to its planned location on the earth, the telestial earth will be muddy and have gaps in the ground from the devastation. However, once this floor slab comes into place it will sink down to the bedrock under the mud cracks in the earth. Once it comes to the bedrock it will stop and be perfectly level. The excess mud under the floor will fill in the cracks so that there is continuous bedrock and earth under the floor of the New Jerusalem temple.

35. This temple floor slab is celestial physical rock, and the earth upon which you will place it will be a telestial earth. Once the slab is in place, this surrounding will become healed of its devastation and will become a terrestrial earth for miles around. This change will all be from the celestial floor slab that is put in place.

36. The floor will continue to be celestial, and will not be visible from the terrestrial realm. In this place, your mortal workmen will plant a park of grass. In the celestial realms, the temple floor will be in its place that it will occupy for the entire millennium. Both realms will be completely separated.'

37. I came up to the polished temple floor slab and placed my hand on its surface. It was very reflective and glowing with light!

38. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we could have come here in the celestial realm or in this, the higher celestial realm. The higher celestial realm is always superimposed on one of the lower realms that we wish to visit.'

39. Heavenly Father watched me while I walked alongside the very large vertical slab on the floor. He seemed pleased with my high interest!

40. He spoke again: 'Raphael, you will in that future day, place your hand on this slab and command it to move as you walk it into its final place on the earth. The earth that is a steward for these temple pieces, will know of your commission and will release gravity on this and the other pieces until they are in place. You will then walk this floor to the exact position required, with the help of our still small voice and the other celestial helpers at your disposal.'

41. 'Raphael, I have taken you into several visions from the perspective of our highest celestial realms. When we desire, we may choose to bring you into our highest celestial realm. However, almost all of your work and the work of angels and our celestial servants will be done in the celestial realms.'

42. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his teachings and visions tonight! I was awed by what I had experienced and received! I said I would act in all obedience to whatever he or Heavenly Mother might tell me to do.

43. I then immediately was back in my front room writing all of this down in my journal. I reread it all, and then closed my prayer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 16, 2019

1. This morning I came to the little spring at the start of Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, right under the granite cliff. I knelt in front of the water's edge. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. As I waited, I saw little minnows in the water, and also frogs. I wondered if the frogs tried to eat the minnows like they would do on the earth in our telestial world.

2. Then my Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me above the water. She was glorious and so full of light and beauty! The little pool seemed to become more alive with her creations as her light came into the pool below her.

3. As I knelt before her, I gazed into her bright and accepting face. She was smiling broadly and seemed happy. She then spoke: 'Raphael, my very creations in this pool of living water thrive and grow in this spring, being excited to know that I, their creator am near! You also noticed the baby minnows here. There are offspring of a mountain trout that no longer exists on your earth, and has become extinct. We had asked the adult fish of this species to bear more baby fish so that these might grow into full-grown male and female physical fish here. They will then be transported to mountain streams of the earth in their natural habitat to begin to populate their kind again on the earth. When these celestial offspring are placed in the mountain streams on earth, they will change to telestial fish. Later, when the earth transitions fully to a terrestrial realm, these fish and their offspring will also transform into terrestrial fish.

4. Raphael, we have now commanded other extinct creatures and plants that once lived on the earth that currently live in heaven to bear offspring here so that these may be placed on your earth. These will come forth gradually upon the earth so that their kind will be on the earth during the great day of the millennium. We desire all of the earth to be filled with all of our creations, as in the beginning at the dawn of the telestial world when Adam and Eve once lived on her surface.

5. There will also be some of these plants that once lived but no longer exist on earth that will be first planted in the New Jerusalem celestial gardens. These plants will grow quickly and you and others will propagate these upon the earth, in the newly changed terrestrial earth.

6. Thus at the beginning of the millennium we bring back all of the plants and animals to the earth that once were there at the dawn of the telestial earth. All will become as new again in our millennial world!

7. You also wondered Raphael whether the frogs here in this mountain spring would eat the baby minnows. These creatures are all celestial, and their nature is not to eat each other like on the telestial earth. They follow the law of the celestial and terrestrial kingdoms, which is that to be found also on your earth in the day of the millennium. This condition is described by Isaiah in Isaiah 11:6-9–"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

8. And the cow and the bear shall feed, their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

9. And the suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrices' den.

10. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her new insights and truths that I hadn't thought of before! I knew that some areas were still polluted, like Utah Lake, but were even now gradually transitioning back to a higher level of purity like they were in pioneer days. I asked my Heavenly Mother if places like Utah Lake were changing because of the earth, which is transitioning, or would it wait until living water flows into its waters.

12. She spoke: 'Raphael, the earth will transition gradually to a higher terrestrial state by reason of many factors. You blessed the waters of Utah Lake specifically on 8-20-2016 (see your post 23E1 to 23E6), now over three years ago. This changing of the earth from a telestial to a terrestrial world is happening now because of this blessing. This transition will speed up by virtue of the living water that will flow at first from the New Jerusalem fountain of living waters into all of the earth. This will also take time. The atmosphere will also have living water come into its clouds and disperse the living water all over the devastated land. All of this will help change the earth to a terrestrial state.

13. However, the most dramatic event to make a change will be the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ! His coming will destroy the wicked and shed forth abundant celestial light upon your earth. This light will transition the earth's surface.

14. You will then be commanded to remove all of the evil spirits of Lucifer into the bottomless pit. Their departure will then allow the surface of your earth to make a full change into a terrestrial realm. With Satan abroad, there was never enough light and change to make the full transition, for these evil spirits will have kept pulling the earth back to a telestial state. Once they depart, the earth will quickly transition on all her surface into a terrestrial world of glory.

15. In not many years after the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh, the earth will be fully transitioned to her terrestrial state of glory. The New Jerusalem temple will be completed, including all of the celestial temple square area. The permanent presence of a celestial realm on the physical earth will greatly affect the earth helping her also make a transition to her terrestrial glory. The beginning of the millennium will be a wondrous time for our people who remain! They will work hard at rebuilding and making peaceful settlements.

16. Isaiah 54:1-4 (see also this entire chapter) "Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord. (The desolate children will have been destroyed, who are many, and the children of the married wife refer to the elect of God who have been invited into the wedding ceremony in the parable of the ten virgins parable).

17. Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations, spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes. (This will be the start of the new Church of Christ upon the earth that will grow quickly).

18. For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited (Raphael, there will be many desolate cities worldwide that may be rebuilt and in some future time re-inhabited. There will be much labor and work in tearing down the old and building up peaceful settlements. Some cities will be fully destroyed, and some will also never be built up again. Their few ruins will stand as a memorial of a destroyed civilization.

19. Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed; neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

20. I realized that my Heavenly Mother had finished her instruction this morning. I thanked her for her words, all of which I deeply cherish. She smiled at me and began fading away. I closed my prayer and started my new day and new week.

21. Evening–Tonight I came to a lovely meadow of short flowers somewhere on the celestial orb. They had white and yellow on their petals, like miniature daisies. I saw a pretty stream going through the meadow with fish swimming in the water. I was located a little above the meadow with the stream on my right side. It was bright and sunny outside.

22. I still didn't know where I was on the celestial orb, but that probably doesn't matter much, as long as my Heavenly Parents will come, or one will come to me in my prayer. I leaned down and cupped some living water from the gurgling stream that was passing by. I drank and felt refreshed. I then knelt in the air, facing the direction from where the stream came, somewhere in the distant woods. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for this is who I felt would visit me tonight.

23. Heavenly Father then appeared directly in front of me, also elevated in the air over the stream! He was bright and very majestic! I was so glad to see him. He smiled at me and then spoke:

'Raphael, I have brought you to this beautiful meadow and stream, not far from our celestial ocean where I have harbored my ark that I built. This stream flows behind you and joins a river that flows into our ocean.

24. We have many lovely secluded areas like this that are a very good place to pray. You are welcome to come here anytime in your prayers to us, your Heavenly Parents.

25. You have remarked recently that your prayers are almost always in beautiful nature areas. We love being out in nature, among our creations! We have designed all of the many places you go with a calming and connecting influence on your heart and mind. Prayers in nature, like here above this meadow and stream, are perfect settings for your Heavenly Mother or me to reveal our revelations to you.

26. Tonight I would like to explain a few more things relating to how higher realms that are superimposed on a lower realm work and function. You have read about how a celestial resurrected individual may pass through walls or obstacles on earth, or disappear at will. This is because of two possible reasons: 1) a resurrected being may appear to those of a lower spiritual realm and then move back into a higher realm behind a veil. This person still is intact, but he/she moves into a different realm where the obstacle is not present. It appears to those in the lower realm that they pass through walls, but it is usually that they move into a higher realm without the wall.

27. 2) The second reason is this: there are times too that resurrected person may go into and through a less refined material object than their more highly refined material body. In the resurrection, the body becomes subject to the ability and movement of the spirit, with individual cells of the spirit encapsulating the physical cells of the body. The resurrected body then may move just like the highly refined material body of the spirit. The entire resurrected body is quickened to the level of the spirit.

28. When you move the single piece floor of the New Jerusalem to its final place, this celestial material rock will settle on the telestial earth. It is able to connect with the telestial bedrock because the celestial stone on its underneath surface has the ability to change its physical density to match that of the telestial bedrock. This connection of the rock slab and bedrock then will elevate the bedrock to become of a higher or terrestrial density, so that the underside of the slab will match its density, or lower spiritual refinement.

29. Therefore, the bottom side of the temple floor will change its density, or refinement of its physical outer surface, to match the coarseness of the bedrock. The slab will still be celestial, only it will change its density.

30. This is how our celestial temple will be able to settle on the terrestrial earth in that millennial day.

31. Once the temple is constructed, it will all be in the celestial realm, even the floor of the temple that interfaces with the bedrock of the terrestrial earth. However, for those who live and see in the terrestrial realms only, they cannot see the temple floor, walls or anything of the temple, for it is all in a celestial realm.

32. Instead of seeing the temple, they will see a grassy park. This park area will all be terrestrial and therefore they may view it. It is of coarser material than that of the celestial temple.

33. I know it is difficult for you to understand how one higher realm can be superimposed on a lower realm, and the lower realm cannot see the higher, but this is how realms work. The lower terrestrial realm may have terrestrial people walking in the grassy park and yet the celestial temple right on top of the park, may have celestial people inside the temple, completely in a different environment or realm as those in the park. The lower cannot see the higher, but the higher could go down, if they wanted, into the lower terrestrial realm in the park.

34. We have chosen our celestial temple in the New Jerusalem area to shine forth its celestial light into all the sky. However, those who are terrestrial won't see the full light, although they can see some of the coarser light that shines from that area where the temple is located. The coarser will be the terrestrial portion of the celestial light.

35. When you build the New Jerusalem temple, you will have workmen in the terrestrial realms working on preparing the soil and seeding the park under the temple. You will also have, at the same time, celestial servants who will be working on the construction of the temple with its massive celestial walls, floors and ceilings. This is a construction after the manner of God, and not after the manner of men!

36. When we recently appeared to you at the birth blessing of your granddaughter in West Haven, Utah, your Mother, Jesus Christ and I came into the top corner of the chapel. This was in the celestial realm. You could see us there, for you see us in this celestial realm frequently. We came into this celestial realm, which is superimposed on the telestial realm, with two veils between the realms, the terrestrial veil and the celestial veil. Your replicated celestial translated body came in front of us to the top corner of the chapel and we conversed with you. You saw the movement of Jesus Christ when he came behind two of the priesthood bearers who blessed their babies that day. You could see in both realms and were acting in both realms.

37. You are currently acting in both realms even now, as you hear me in our celestial realm on the celestial orb, and also write in your journal on the telestial realm on the earth.

38. Raphael, this is all I will say at this time about the realms that are superimposed on a lower. I will let these truths sink into your mind until you fully grasp these concepts.'

39. I thanked my Heavenly Father who was shining brightly before me, above the beautiful meadow and stream! I said I would let these truths settle into my conscious mind. I asked for his help in enlightening my understanding.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 17, 2019, Tuesday

1. I went to bed dreaming about the realms of glory! It seemed to become easier to understand this. The higher realms may have more refined physical substance, but still may have very heavy objects like the New Jerusalem walls and floor. The main issue is the refinement of the matter, not its weight or mass. Gravity still affects matter in whatever realm it may be located in. The gravity pull in the celestial realm is adjusted more often to allow its inhabitants and objects to be more easily moved around.

2. I came this morning to the pocketed rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I felt familiar with this place and its surroundings. There were pretty hanging flowers from the pockets in the rock, making all so very pretty!

3. I knelt and faced the wall and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. My glorious Heavenly Mother appeared to me in the wall and then stepped out into the air in front of me! I knew she could do this in her resurrected body, and knew she could pass into or through anything in that realm.

4. I was very glad to be enlightened by her presence in front of me! She was bright and gave me the feeling of her love and acceptance. Her celestial eternity eyes were sparkling and she was smiling. My whole being seemed to jump with joy at being in her presence!

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, as you come twice daily into our celestial realm, and are connected to your unconscious mind here with your conscious mind, you will comprehend and understand how this all works in our celestial realms. Our children and other creations of a coarser material cannot come here unless they are quickened by our Spirit, and unless their spirit quickens their physical body. Without this transformation, they couldn't see, smell, hear, feel or taste in our celestial realm, for their senses would not perceive any part of this realm. They would be kept outside of our celestial veil that protects all who come here from the realms of a lower glory.

6. What you have written last night of your Heavenly Father's words is accurate. These things take time to comprehend and are reinforced when you actually live and work in this celestial realm as do you.

7. When you lived in the pre-mortal world of the spirits, you lived in our celestial realm. You couldn't comprehend what it would be like to come into the telestial realm of glory and to have a physical body. However, once you came, you became very immersed and used to that realm. Now you have a difficult time understanding, in your mortal conscious mind, the higher celestial realm. We will help you understand again all about this realm and its functions and features. We wish you to understand and comprehend all, and to write about your experiences in your journal so our elect may also start to comprehend our worlds and ways. None of this can really be fully understood without experiencing this for oneself, however. These are all to be understood also through our Spirit.

8. 1 Corinthians 2:11, 14

"For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

...But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

9. Mankind on earth cannot comprehend, in their fallen telestial state, the higher realms that are soon coming to the earth. The entire earth will be elevated into the terrestrial realm, and will change the way things are done and the beauty and glory of the earth on its surface. Those who are accepted of Jesus Christ, and are brought into our celestial presence, will then also be able to see into the celestial realm, and see the holy New Jerusalem temple. They will be brought to the temple grounds and you will meet them at the doors of the temple and invite them inside. They will then be received into our glorious Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church that will endure forever.

10. Each day at the temple, at the completion of your work and that of our holy angels, you will go back into the terrestrial realms to live. You will also be able to replicate as much as is required to do your work.

11. You will freely transition between these realms throughout the days, weeks, and years of dwelling on the earth. You will have your merged mind active wherever you are, in all of your replicated states. During these future days, all will be fully comprehended by you and our angels who work with you. We will be frequently among you also.

12. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, will also live on the earth and be seen and will act in the highest celestial realm, the celestial realm and in the terrestrial realm. He will govern among a world and a people in great peace and love. Oh what a glorious world this will be!'

13. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for coming to me today at her pocketed rock wall! I thanked her for her message of truth and hope. I am so very happy to be the recipient of these great truths from God!

14. Evening–Tonight I received an email from M.A. asking this question: "Is the earth hollow and does a civilization exist there?" She referred to a book named "The Smokey God". It is about a Norwegian man and his son who sailed into the north cap of the earth and out of the bottom cap, years later. I had heard and read about this hollow earth theory years ago, but never pursued it. I have actually on my computer an ebook entitled "The Ten Lost Tribes: A People of Destiny" by Clay McConkie (Bonneville Books 2002, 2008). He talks about this hollow earth theory somewhat, but feels that those Ten Tribes are together somewhere in seclusion. I wonder if this seclusion idea is correct, or if there is any portion of the hollow earth theory that is true? I also found more references relating to words of Joseph Smith and David O. McKay supporting the hollow earth theory as well.

15. I came tonight to the high mountaintop, and faced west. I felt I should face that direction. I asked then for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come.

16. Immediately I saw a cloud in front of me, very bright and swirling. Then out stepped my Heavenly Father from the cloud! He was very bright and shining. He was very majestic and divine!

17. He spoke: 'Raphael, I will address M.A.'s and your inquiry about the hollow earth. Come step into this cloud and we will go into the western skies to a time when we created the physical earth!'

18. I stood and together we stepped into the swirling cloud! I was on the right side of my Heavenly Father.

We went together into dark space, to the beginning of the physical creation of the earth! The earth was in our own solar system for I could see our sun and somehow know of the other planets orbiting the sun. The earth was where she is currently located in our solar system.

19. 'Raphael, I have brought you to this molten earth, at the beginning of her physical creation. (see your post 100F8-100F11 and 100G6). As the earth cooled in her new location in the solar system, we allowed the crust to become hardened rock, whereas in the center of the earth there was molten magma. The spirit earth was in and throughout all of the physical earth, and was also a spherical solid spirit earth.

20. At some point during the early days of creation, when the earth's crust was sufficiently cooled and hardened, I commanded our Beloved Son, Immanuel, to open up the top and bottom of the earth in two circular and very deep holes, that would extend right to the molten rock. I told him that once this was done, to command the molten rock to leave out both poles into space evacuating the center section of the earth. I asked him to leave a small spherical portion of the molten rock to remain in the center of the evacuated earth, directly in the center of the earth.

21. Our Son Immanuel obeyed my command and removed all but a center portion of the earth, which he left as a small spherical mass of hot rock. The magma that he removed was outside of the earth. I commanded him to break up this molten rock and disperse it into the solar system as asteroids. He followed all that I commanded him to do.

22. What remained of the earth was a thick crust and a hollow center, with a spherical core. We then informed our earth that she would be able to eventually have our creations, including our own children, to live on both the outside and the inside of her surfaces. The crust was sufficiently thick that molten rock would still exist in the center of the crust, to be used by her in creating volcanoes, even as we would command her in a future day.

23. The center sphere of hot magma would become a mini sun, and would shine to the inhabitants on her inside surface. This mini sun would be held in place by the surrounding gravitational pull of the surrounding crust.

24. Raphael, we have kept this information of the creation of the hollow earth from our children until now. We decided to make the inner surface a place of refuge at different times from the outer surface. This is where we would bring certain of our children through the north or south polar cap holes through the oceans that follow the hole contours around the crust of the earth. The waters are pulled to the crusts surface by gravity, even around the hole opening. On the outer surface, these would be in cold regions, but on the inner surface the connecting waters would remain a liquid ocean at all times.

25. The center mini sun would also create a day and a night. As it shone from one side, the other side would not shine, for it was hardened rock. The shining side would remain molten rock, and would have the ability to shine upon the inside surface of the earth, to mimic a day like on the earth's surface. The darkened side of the mini sun would create darkness on the earth where it faced. The mini sun would remain stationary while the earth rotated, making a similar day and night like the sun makes on the earth that rotates.

26. Come to the high mountaintop tomorrow again, and you will see how our Son Immanuel evacuated the liquid magma from the earth. I will bring you here again and after the vision, I will answer your questions and give you additional information.'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his amazing revelation to me tonight! I asked if I had written his words correctly in my journal. He responded:

28. 'Raphael, what you have written is accurate. I will give you more information on the morrow.'

29. I thanked him again and then found myself back in my chair, writing all of this down in my personal journal. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 18, 2019, Wednesday

1. I just reread my account from last night. I have thought of this hollow earth on and off through my sleep! I do feel much more refreshed, however, after sleeping in until 7:30 am.

2. I came again to the high mountaintop to the southeast of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced west and knelt, like I did last night. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me as he asked me to do.

3. Heavenly Father then appeared before me in his glory, and majesty! I looked into his eternity eyes and believed that he possessed all truth and knowledge. I so fully trusted him and all his revelations he would share with me. He spoke:

4. 'Raphael, come with me and we will travel again, back in time, to view the physical creation of the earth!'

5. I took his extended hand, and we traveled to a dark planet that I knew was the earth.

'Raphael, below us is the earth with its outer surface of hardened rock. Under the surface is the same hard rock to many miles deep. As the molten rock has cooled, we asked the earth to entrap large pockets of the liquid rock in the underground cavities, surrounded by hardened rock, This is the current state of the earth below us.'

6. I then saw Jesus Christ come before us in the sky above the earth! I know it was he for I saw his distinct eternity eyes. He was bright in glory, and smiled at me.

7. He spoke: 'Raphael, at the time of the earth in the creation process below us, I was named Immanuel. I was the Firstborn Son of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, even as I still am from the beginning. I hadn't yet been ordained a God and given the name Jehovah.

8. The Father and Mother then brought me here above the earth in her same condition that we see now. Our Heavenly Father addressed me, and asked that I make two large holes in the North and South axis of the rotating earth. He said that he and Heavenly Mother would go with me as they extended to me the power of God in making these two large deep holes.

9. We came first to the northern axis of the earth. Heavenly Father then spoke again to me, and showed me in my mind how large of a hole to cut and remove from the earth. It was to be hundreds of miles across, and hundreds of miles deep. I then commanded the earth to sever the rock from her hardened rock crust so that there would be a clean break in the rock. The earth obeyed my command, for she saw that I acted under the authority of her creators who were standing next to me in the air.

10. There was a large rumbling, and then a massive rock plug was severed from the earth. I then commanded this plug to elevate above the earth beyond the atmosphere into space. The earth assisted by relieving gravity on this plug, and the rock plug elevated into space above the earth. Below, in the hole, I saw the molten earth, far below the opening, on her surface.

11. We will now show you what I did in vision:'

The Father still had my hand in his. Jesus then came to my other side and held my other hand. I looked then upon the earth below us and heard the loud noise that came when the plug was severed from the rest of the hardened rock on her crust! I saw the plug rise up into the air, also with great noise and rumbling! Soon the rock plug was above us in space, above the atmosphere as it was brought above the earth!

12. Heavenly Father and Jesus then brought me above the vast hole in the earth's northern pole. I could see below us liquid red and orange rock, deep in the hole.

13. Jesus then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, our Heavenly Parents then took me to the southern pole of the earth, and commanded me to make another large hole the same size as on the earth's northern pole. I did so just like you saw happening for the northern pole of the earth. I saw magma also in the bottom of the south hole after that plug was removed.

14. Now that the earth had two large holes at her north and south poles, the Father commanded me to remove the liquid rock that had not been entrapped in the thick crust of the earth.

15. I commanded the earth to then spew forth all her liquid rock that was not entrapped in her solid crust. I directed the earth to send this liquid rock out of both holes in her crust that I had just created.

16. The earth obeyed, and hot liquid rock spewed forth into space above and below the earth. The earth did this by her power since she controlled all her physical elements on and under her surface. Come now and see in vision this spectacular event!'

17. We were still all three holding hands. We removed ourselves further away from the earth into space. I could see the large northern and southern plugs in space above her axis.

18. I then saw molten rock spew out from the two large holes, flowing as a mass into space! It was dramatic to see this hot material come out of our mother earth, like she was vomiting the rock out of her insides! The hot liquid rock stayed intact in two large masses above the earth and below the earth. Soon there was no more magma coming out of the earth holes. The two hot rock large masses were still in outer space, far away from the earth.

19. The Father then spoke: 'My sons, let us now go into the northern hole and view the inside of the evacuated earth!'

20. We then travelled quickly together, still holding hands. We entered through the top large hole that was many miles across. I saw there was liquid rock still on the hole opening at the edges of this deep hole. This is where the hot rock had just passed by.

21. We traveled into the very center of the earth and I saw hot, liquid rock below us on the inside surface of the earth. I knew this hot rock had adhered to the solid inside surface of the earth's crust and would soon cool.

22. We came next to the center of the earth, next to a hot ball of rock that I knew would become the mini sun of the earth.

23. Jesus spoke again: 'Raphael, our Father then commanded me to cool one side of this hot ball of rock, while leaving the other side molten. I commanded the earth to do so, and this cooling process began. I commanded the atmosphere also that was on the outer surface of the earth to enter into the north and south holes and blow on the inner surface and on one side of the molten inner hot ball that would become the mini sun of the earth. Let us now see the atmosphere enter into the center of the earth!'

24. We then heard the sounds of wind rushing into the holes of the earth. I saw "snapshots" in time of the cooling of the inner crust of the earth, and of her mini sun on one of her sides. The atmosphere fully filled the large cavity of the hollow earth.

25. Jesus spoke again: 'Raphael, once one side of the mini sun was solid, our Father commanded me to go down and come near to the still molten side of the mini sun. He commanded me to infuse into this side the light that he would shine through me, and cause it to shine upon the side this mini sun's surface would be facing. Let us now watch this in vision!'

26. Jesus then let go of my hand, and he went down above the surface of the still liquid rock surface of the mini sun. He raised his hands, and I saw light coming from my Father on my left shine down in a column of light to Jesus Christ. The light then extended from him to the hot side of the mini sun and then shone brightly to the inner side of the earth's crust to that portion of the inner earth where it was facing. The light illuminated all the rock below, bathing about half of the inner crust of the earth with light. This light came as the sunlight comes in intensity on the earth's outer surface. It was remarkable to behold this transfer of light!

27. Jesus Christ then returned to my side, so that I was in the middle again. He spoke:

'Raphael, you see below us that the mini sun still is shining my light I received directly from the Father, even though you don't see this light flowing from your Father to me and to the mini sun. However, this light still comes from and through us, by our power.

28. D&C 88:7–"Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made."

29. Raphael, the sun referred to in this verse, includes both the large sun at the center of your solar system and the mini sun in the center of the earth. My light enters now into the two large holes and makes its way to the mini sun and shines forth from the still molten side of the mini sun, to the inner earth below.

30. I made the mini sun not to rotate, so that as the earth below it rotates, the light of the mini sun shines upon its entire surface, exactly as the sun shines upon the outer surface of the earth. We created atmospheric conditions just like on the earth's surface, with clouds, rain and all of the climatic conditions one would find on the outer surface.

31. From this point on in the creation of the earth, what the Father created through me on the outer surface was created on the inner surface as well. I caused the northern and southern oceans to follow the contours of the large holes and direct themselves to the inside of the earth where they formed ocean beaches. We would bring our people to this hidden land through the oceans, on boats primarily to this new land inside the earth.'

32. My Father on my left side then squeezed my hand and then we were suddenly in a latter time of the earth's history! We came down to the inside surface of the earth, above the land in the air. I saw many forests, large grasslands, vegetation of all varieties, and rivers of all kinds, lakes and a very beautiful earth!

33, My Father spoke: 'Raphael, come here to this inner surface of the earth in the skies above the earth, and your Heavenly Mother will meet you. She will describe more about the beautiful lands we see below us!'

34. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for their words and visions they shared with me today! I said that I was very impressed and awed by what I witnessed and saw. I said I loved them, and knew of their great love for mother earth and all of their creations!

35. My prayer this morning ended I look forward to my experience tonight with my glorious Heavenly Mother, to learn more of their creations!

36. Evening–It is now early evening and I have come to pray. Heavenly Father asked me to come to the inner surface of the earth, above in the skies. I thought to come to where my Heavenly Father left me this morning. I was immediately again in the air, in misty clouds above the land below me. I could see a distant lake, river and forested rolling hills. The mini sun was shining upon my back. It seemed just like I was in the sky above the outer surface of the earth with the sun on my back. The distant horizon seemed different, however, with the contour rolling towards the sky rather than away from the sky like on the outer surface of the earth. Everything else seemed very similar from my perspective.

37. I knelt in the air and prayed to my Heavenly Mother. I asked that she come in answer to my prayer.

Heavenly Mother then walked through a misty cloud and was full of light, shining brightly. She was smiling broadly and seemed very happy. She came right in front of me in the air. She then spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I have withheld the existence of our inner earth form mankind except to those who have lived here. There are a few reports that have been published, but most people have dismissed these as idle words that were not true.

38. Raphael, there is not anything that we think about but what we will do it (see Abraham 3:17). This includes creating our hollow earth for our own purposes, and by our magnificent power of creation! Let us now go down closer to the inside surface of the earth below us!'

39. Heavenly Mother took my left hand and together we descended to about 100 feet above the earth below. 'Raphael, we are at the treetops on the beautiful earth below us! The land is replete with vegetation, animals of all kinds, varied terrain, rivers, streams and lakes and a beautiful inland ocean to our north and the south. There are inland waterways connecting the land, beautiful vistas, and a full array of milder climates than on the outer surface of the earth. Our central mini sun receives light matter through the pole openings and ignites this on its shining side, shining like the sun on the land below. The mini sun, though much closer than your sun, is also less intense, but appears to be about the same size as your sun in the sky. There are sunrises and sunsets also as the earth rotates and the dark side of the mini sun extinguishes the light of day.

40. Were you to grow up in this beautiful land, you would grow up like you would on the outer surface of the earth. There are much fewer pollutions, however, for the land on the inside is much more pure and untouched. There is no moon or stars at night.

41. We have brought civilizations here that have grown and filled the land with cities, houses and farms. They have flourished on this telestial land. There have also been wars and contentions that are common to mankind wherever they may live in their telestial mortal life. They live in an agrarian society.

42. We have brought the tribes of Israel to this land from the regions of the northern part of your outer surface. They had continued their northern travels, most of them, as a group on boats they constructed. They found unfrozen or thawed seas at the entrance of the large hole on the northern pole. These people placed their faith in their prophets who led expeditions into the inward northern part of this land. Soon all those who believed the prophets migrated into the northern inside ocean and started their own civilization on the inside surface of the earth. They have grown and flourished since that time and despite wars and power struggles, are still intact as a people.

43. Their prophets are preparing the people who believe to come back by boats they have built to the outer surface in a coming day. They will arrive on the northernmost part of North America. The scriptures will then be fulfilled concerning their arrival.

44. D&C 133:26-28

"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

Their enemies shall become a prey unto them."

45. We require the faith of these people to travel to the outside surface on the waters, for they have never been on the outside surface before, and only know about the land from their own records of antiquity. Many among them think this is all fables, and that these historical records are not true. However, we will bless our faithful with our Spirit, and they will have the trial of their faith to arrive on the northern beaches in the land of the arctic.

46. This is when the prophets will smite the ice so it melts, and a large highway comes up out of the ocean for them to travel southward to the center of your country. They will walk on foot, with their people and prophets seeking for our protection from their enemies. Their enemies will come from established countries in your world that will see this very large group of newcomers as intruders who need to be destroyed.

47. We will protect these descendants of our ancient covenant people in very miraculous ways. They will come in a day when the Church of Christ will again have been just organized on the earth. Then will they fulfill the following scripture:

48. D&C 133:30-34

"And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.

And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.

And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows."

49. Raphael, this very large body of believers will come to the center of your land, even to the Jackson County area, and populate the lands round about. They will join in mass the Church of Christ. Many will also be elected into the Church of the Firstborn by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You and Oriphiel will accept them into our celestial church by the waters of separation ordinance. They will then "be filled with songs of everlasting joy!" (see verse 33 above)

50. Raphael, the southern hole in our inner earth is where the bottomless pit is located. There is no bottom, for the northern hole makes it so there is no bottom or top.

51. When Michael confined Satan and his hosts recently to the bottomless pit for a short time (in your post 21D3) their numbers extended almost to the mini sun from the southern hold. We stopped them there in their telestial world of the spirit dead. This telestial pit had spirit walls that confined Lucifer and his followers into this very large area in the center of your earth. When you released them, from the large seal over the bottomless pit, the hosts of Satan flowed out of the southern pole from this hold in the earth (see your post 21M25). Satan and his minions are now all upon the land, both on the outer and inner surface of the telestial earth.

52. When you route Lucifer and his evil hosts back again, into the bottomless pit, you will route them into the southern pole, through the great southern hole in the earth's surface. Then you will place a seal upon them to confine them in the spirit bottomless pit for a thousand years.

53. This bottomless pit has spirit boundaries that are in the skies above our inner earth. The land on the inside surface will become terrestrial, just like the earth's outer surface. The entry and exit of our millennial people will be through the northern pole only and not the southern pole. They will not want to get too close to the seal of the bottomless pit that exists on the southern hole of the earth in the spirit realms. They will fill the borders of all lands with Zion communities, both on the outer and inner surface of the earth. Oh, what a lovely day this will be!'

54. Heavenly Mother was smiling and I think seeing in her mind the great beauties of that millennial day! I felt so blessed to have received these great truths from her this evening. I thanked her for her beautiful discussion on the land below us and of the return of the tribes of Israel from the land of the north!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 19, 2019, Thursday

1. Today I am awake and happy to meet another day. I reread my journal entry and was excited about the day soon at hand when a large group of the lost tribes of Israel will come upon the northern part of the earth's outer surface! What a rich treasure of history they must possess!

2. I believe there were groups of their people who stayed behind on their trek originally to the land of the north when they escaped their Assyrian captors after 721 BC when they were led away. I wonder if their records reveal any of this interesting saga? It has been so very long ago that they disappeared!

3. I came to the circling waters this morning to a familiar place on the celestial orb where I love to pray. I knelt and drank form living water and then offered up my request that one or both of my Heavenly Parents come to me.

4. Heavenly Father appeared to me briefly. His light was highly reflective on the waters and very bright and glorious. He spoke: 'Raphael, the revelation that Jesus Christ gave to S about the geese was given to him from us. (I had received this email yesterday from S.)Record it now in your journal for all to see. Here it is:

5. I felt to share my journal from this am. (S)

9-18-19 AM

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to Lake Beautiful. Before my eyes I saw a flock of white geese fly down and land on the top of the water. As I looked out, more arrived flying from the sky in groups until their numbers were great. They formed one large group that to me were countless. I wondered why I saw these geese and what it meant. I perceived someone behind me. I turned around and recognized my Savior Jesus Christ. I knelt at His feet and was filled with gratitude for His sacrifice for me. He spoke," These geese all are white and look alike to you. To me, they are numbered and known individually. Satan sees those who follow Me as a group that all look the same as this flock of geese. He desires to destroy them all. I know mine elect and they know Me or will soon know Me as they awake to hear My voice. I will guide Mine elect to Zion, the New Jerusalem and gather them together in one as this flock of geese. You noticed that the different groups arrived at different times but stayed together as one after they arrived. I will direct groups of Mine elect to Zion and they will be gathered in one. These geese flew here based on instinct and their inner compass that led them here over great distances. They all came from different locations. I will guide Mine elect by the still small voice of the spirit. I will protect Mine elect from those who would do them harm. They may suffer hardships but will be preserved by My mighty hand. The world you live in, and the workings of each community are familiar to you now. The world will soon become unfamiliar as nations crumble and calamity covers the earth. It will be during these hardships that I will begin to call Mine elect home, for they are numbered and known to Me individually. You have sought previously to prepare the physical necessities needed for this day of scarcity. You have sought Us diligently to increase spiritually too. We will bless your faith to increase that you may fulfill all you are directed to do by Our spirit, even exercising a portion of Our power when so directed by the spirit. The geese may honk and fly in the direction they are to go, but they compel none to fly with them. Your faith and hope will provide assurance to those around you as you make your journey to Zion when directed by Us. Your family and some others will follow the light they perceive within you." I felt to place my head down and kiss His feet. My heart filled with love and gratitude to my Savior. I perceived both my Heavenly Parents watching from behind Their celestial veil and They were pleased. Jesus then ascended up to Them in a column of bright light. I then closed my prayer.

Have a blessed day,

6. The arrival of the lost tribes of Israel from the lands of the north will come as a very large body of our elect. However, there will be many from all over the earth that will also arrive, some in small groups and some even alone, in their journey to be together at last in Zion, the place of safety and our abode. When they arrive, they will have the light of our countenance upon them and will be pure in heart. They will be akin to these white geese that S saw in his prayer at Lake Beautiful.

7. All that your Heavenly Mother spoke to you is true and you have recorded it correctly. This will be a worldwide wonder when the descendants of the ancient tribes of Israel return! We will protect and guide all of our elect back into our fold when we will gather the elect of God.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words. I told him how excited I felt to live in these days when all of the gathering was beginning, from all the quarters of the earth! Heavenly Father smiled and was instantly gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

9. Evening–I sent out post 136 today, and there is already enough to get 137 ready to send also! I have been very interested in the New Jerusalem temple construction, and the hollow earth revelation. This all seems so reasonable, now that I have received so much information on this over several prayer times.

10. Tonight I came to the little knoll above the circling waters. I looked out over the stream and the little inlet with the circling waters below me. I saw the waterfall, and the temple in the near distance. It is such a pretty scene!

11. As I was pondering in this beautiful setting, I saw Heavenly Mother come to me from an opening in the air, right in front of me! She was shining very brightly, and radiated her great love and peace to me. I felt very clear and filled with her light.

12. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, we want you to know that your revelations to you are not random, but are revealed to you according to our plan to gradually unfold all things in their time to you and to others on the earth. We want your journal of your revelations with us to be read and studied by our faithful. We will confirm all that we have revealed to you to those who humble and sincerely ask of us.

13. Tonight you met some old family friends at a wedding reception. You walked with one of their children who had moved away, but came back for the reception. You thought it so interesting to have once taught her basketball, as a young teenage girl, and now to see her as an older adult. She had determined her own life's choice, and was independent of her parents now in what she thought and how she lived.

14. This is the marvel of having a family: the children grow up and choose their own paths and strike out on their own. Some accept the values and training of their parents, and some choose other ways, according to their own agency. The influence of parents begins to wane as children approach their twenties. They usually desperately want to be independent and to make their own choices. We also want them to choose what they want, on their own–for how else can we determine what our children really want without the freedom to choose?

15. When raising children, you and your wife have done well in instilling the values you cherished in your children. You raised them in this mindset until they were free to fully accept the responsibility to choose their own way. Some have kept different values and rejected others. This is not a reflection on your parenting ability, but on their choices. They are now adults with the ability to choose what they want.

16. Our message to parents of young children is to raise them to choose the life they want on their own. They will do this anyway. Children will choose as they wish, and not usually look back at what they have rejected that you have taught them. It is far more difficult for parents of grown children to say "Didn't we teach them better?" In reality, they usually did teach them correct principles, but their children chose their own path when they became adults. We don't want righteous parents to fret and feel like that have done a poor job in training their children, as long as they were attentive, nurturing and instilling Christian values to their children. We want them to know that their children need to be launched into adulthood, and then the responsibility to choose rests then with the grown child. Parents may still teach by example, but their influence naturally lessens when the grown child leaves their home.

17. We also send various valiancy levels of children into homes both of the righteous and of the wicked. You cannot tell until the end of their life what an individual may choose. We sent, for instance, righteous Abel and his wicked brother Cain to the same righteous parents Adam and Eve. Lehi and Sariah had sons and daughters, including Nephi who was very obedient and Laman and Lemuel who did not believe. It matters not really who your own children may have been in the pre-mortal life, for they are sent to all varieties of families. In the end, each adult child chooses whom he/she will list to obey. We treat all of our children in similar ways, depending on their heed and diligence they give us. We are no respecter of persons (D&C 38:116). Matthew 5:45–"That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

18. The minds of righteous parents on earth are often tormented by their own imaginings that they were not good parents, since some of their children "went astray". We who are their Heavenly Parents, do not apply any sinful or negligence charge to the actions of such parents, who have diligently labored in love for their children, so why do they themselves? We wish these good souls to let such false notions to pass away from their minds, and to think instead on how much they loved, nurtured and cared for them while these children were in their stewardship. They are responsible to launch them into adulthood, as best as they can. They should love and accept them as adults and not preach to them even though some have rejected their upbringing and teachings. Oh, how we love our faithful righteous parents!

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great counsel to us who are parents! I told her I loved her teachings, and cherished her values and truths.

20. My prayer ended as my Heavenly Mother became enveloped again in the veil that closed around her in the air in front of me. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 20, 2019, Friday

1. This morning I awoke late, and somehow feel already a little behind on the day! However, I am going to relax my thoughts that I have so much to do, and just enjoy every moment.

2. I came to the beautiful desert oasis. I felt the celestial sun shining from above me. I wondered how the mini sun, at the center of the earth, could be dark on one side and be so bright and shining on the other?

3. I then came to the water's edge and drank some living water. My mind seemed to become clearer and more receptive somehow. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me, for I felt he would come this morning.

4. My Heavenly Father then appeared before me, a little elevated above the oasis! I was kneeling on the shore. I felt so very pleased that he came to instruct me with his truths!

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when Immanuel created the mini sun at the center of your earth, it was all molten rock. He only sent the light matter that came from your Heavenly Mother and me through the north and south holes to one side of the mini sun. The molten rock was sufficiently hot to ignite this light matter and caused a very bright burning, like happens all over your sun at the center of your solar system. This bright burning further increased the temperature of that side of the mini sun, and perpetuated it shining continually, as long as our light matter kept flowing to it.

6. However, on the other side of the mini sun, Immanuel made sure no light matter was directed to its surface. The molten rock on that side then gradually cooled, creating a side of mini sun that did not shine. When this side was facing the earth below, it became nighttime. We may regulate how brightly the mini sun shines by how much light matter we direct to its hot side. We have made the intensity of the light that arrives on the earth's inner surface the same as normally is found on the outside surface of your earth. The land directly under the center of the mini sun experiences summer-like conditions, whereas the northern and southern parts of our inner earth experience cooler climates, for there is not as much sunlight coming to these regions during the day.

7. The center of the earth does not have seasons created like the outside surface, for the outside earth's seasons are created by the earth's axis tilted as it rotates around the sun. However, we have created a slow wobble in our mini sun to occur that coincides with the earth's rotation around the sun. This wobble of the mini sun makes it shine further in northern regions during part of the year and southern regions during the other part. The years are identical to those found on the outside surface, and time measurement in days, months and years are identical on the outside or the inside surfaces.

8. We therefore have much more land surface on the earth with an inner habitable land than were we to only have the outer surface to use, with a solid earth.

9. Our previous earths from other eternities have also been all hollow earths from the beginning when we created them in our vast galaxy. This pattern is more commonly used than solid earths in other galaxies of the gods.

10. Our celestial orb where you now kneel before me is a solid orb. Orbs that we create are all solid and are not hollow. Were we to want a larger outer surface we would simply make a larger orb. However, your own earth has a specified size in order to fit into your solar system where it is placed. It is the same size for each earth we create. We have made the sun size and the moon size, with distances between them, to be the correct circular size in the skies for solar and lunar eclipses. This feature allows us to precisely cover the sun or moon from a position on the earth during a full eclipse. We use total eclipses as signs and wonders on the earth's outer surface, for our own purposes.

11. Those who live on the inner surface of the earth do not have the view of the moon or stars at night. They also don't have tides on the northern and southern oceans that are found on the outside surface of the earth, by virtue of the moon's gravitational pull on the waters. There are, however, climate changes by regions, and seasons that we have created on the inner surface. There are all other terrain variations like mountains and valleys, lakes and rivers.

12. We made the atmosphere to enter into the hollow earth through the north and south holes, early on in her creation. However, because of the gravitational pull of the thick crust of the earth, the air was pulled upon the inner surface and followed the contour of the land. At the mini sun, there is no atmosphere since it had all been pulled by gravity to the land below. The inner earth therefore has more atmosphere in the valleys and less on high mountaintops, similar to what occurs on the outer surface. There is a full array of weather patterns on the inner earth's surface like exists on the outer surface.'

13. I knew my instruction this morning had ended. I expressed my deep appreciation to my Father for his answer to my inquiring mind! I felt assured all I received and wrote was true.

14. I then came back to myself in my chair on earth. I closed my prayer and started my new day.