149. More Healing Training

Hello my friends,

You will find my experiences in becoming quickly trained in the ways of a healing angel. I hope you will study these things and work on your own healing gifts yourselves. We have been given a great charge and blessing by our Heavenly Parents!

I have been asked to request your addresses again, for those who haven't already given me their addresses, so that I may send you a thumb drive of the healing sections (pdfs and videos) of my website. I also plan to include the password-protected pdf files of all my posts to date.

I hope you are all doing well! If you would like me to add you to my own list of people to help heal as a conduit from God, please let me know. I am open to do this for anyone else you may ask of me. However, you may want to reserve these people for yourselves so that you may learn this wonderful healing art. Please follow the Spirit's promptings in all of this.

I hope you have a wonderful week!


P.S. I just returned with my wife from a short trip to Santa Barbara, California. We loved the beach and all the blooming flowers–a great break from the snow!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 11, 2020, Saturday

1. Last night my wife and I went on a date and got to bed late. Right before bed I did light clearing on all of the people on my list (14 people) and I was amazed how much intense light came via my hands to them! However much I intended to shine forth on each one, or on specific areas of their bodies, it was done. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was next to me providing this intense light.

2. She spoke to me next: 'Raphael, each week the intensity of the light coming forth out of your hands will increase, even according to your intentions, until you are fully trained. I will be with you, and will guide you in all these things.'

3. I felt buoyed up and awed by her power I felt in her light. I thanked her again and then went to bed.

4. This morning I slept in a little later than normal. I will now do the light healing on these same people and try to observe what happens. I am excited about this work, and desire to help others improve and heal. I know of myself I am nothing, but with God's power all things are possible.

5. Later–I just finished my light energy session for these fourteen people. I learned one thing in this process: I noticed a difference in trying to project more light on each person, versus just observing that light already present. Last night when I felt so much light coming out of my hands I didn't have to "try" to project this intense light, for it just came freely and abundantly. This is the state of how I think I should be in when I project light on others. It should project freely without me trying so much to do so.

6. This morning I intended to "observe" only and feel the amount of light from each person, or from each area on these persons that they were shining with. When I didn't try to project light, but instead observed the light, I could really tell the difference. When observing, I felt the same intensity of light that I put into them last night come forth through my observing hands. It was very bright light, and I confirmed this intense light had continued since last night. I asked, when trying to observe each person: "help me to see or observe the intensity of the healing light that continues to shine from this person." I then felt the light come from them, back through my hands and out the back of my hands.

In all of this, the key is to be intuitive and to just follow my impressions.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 12, 2020, Sunday

1. I awoke this morning refreshed and feeling happy and settled. I came into my private bedroom and sat in my recliner. I enjoyed a wonderful meditative session wherein I learned a lot!

I came in prayer before my Heavenly Father and the little stream just north of God's Loving Healing Lake. He was smiling and full of light. I asked that I learn what he wanted me to learn this morning.

2. I came before each of the 14 people on my list that I had before been the conduit of Heavenly Mother's healing light. I was very successful in bringing my physical hands in front of me and feeling clearly the light of God flow into the person or targeted area of their person, or flowing out of this person. I could "intend" to observe at first the level of healing light that God was continually sending to them. When I asked in my mind to God that I might "see" how much healing light was coming from them, I could instantly feel this light. Some people had huge healing light, and some were not so bright. I then asked if Heavenly Father wanted more healing light to flow into them, and asked that I might feel this light flow. As I did, I know if more light was to be given or not by the increased flow of light through my hands. I was simply an observer, and Heavenly Father controlled all the flow of the healing light.

3. I also could zoom in or zoom out in size around the person. As I got close, for example, to their head, I could feel more light coming into my palms and out of the backside of my hands. It was a great feeling to be able to observe and access the level of light flowing into them from God in this way! As I was doing this, I was simply observing.

4. I then asked if I, being God's conduit, could be the means for more light to flow to that person? For some people, I knew there was sufficient healing light, but for others I immediately felt the increased flow of light from Heavenly Father, through me to the person needing more healing! The feeling came through my hands, which seemed to become very attenuated to the flow of healing light. I was only a conduit, and only asking Heavenly Father questions and then observing or feeling the flow of light. Of myself, I was generating no light, but was a means by which light flowed directly from God to my client, or the person needing healing. It was a remarkable feeling!

5. After visiting all 14 people, I thought to keep my hands on my lap while sitting in my chair in my private bedroom. I had been bringing my physical hands in front of me, and feeling through my spirit hands that were inside my physical hands. I believe my spirit hands were what was attenuated to the flow of light that I was feeling.

6. I then asked my Heavenly Father to help me "feel" or "sense" this flow of light through my replicated spirit hands that I viewed or imagined come before me. I viewed them come up from my physical hands that were on my lap, and come in front of me. At that time I could see them before me, spiritually, perceiving them in my mind and not with my physical sight.

7. I then came back to a few of the people I had been the conduit for, and tried to feel the flow of light through my spirit hands in front of me. At first it was harder to feel this flow of light, but soon I felt the light flow, just like I had done earlier through my physical hands.

8. I then asked that I might have Emma, college girl that I had come last night to our folk dance, to come to me. I then could see her in front of me, and I asked if I could be her conduit to bring more healing light to her. She agreed. I then brought my spirit hands around her head and asked Heavenly Father if he would send Heavenly Mother's light of healing to Emma. I immediately felt the flow of light come through my hands to Emma's head. Her head was at first dark, but then the light flowed into her in great abundance! I felt the light flow to her head through my spirit hands. I then backed away, or zoomed out, with my spirit hands, and asked that I be able to feel the level of light coming into Emma. I immediately felt light coming from her, into my palms and out the back of my hands. As I brought my spirit hands closer to Emma's head, the flow of light through my hands increased. I knew Heavenly Father was directing light to her, and that she was shining this light from her being. I was feeling the amount of light shining from Emma.

I next zoomed out a little and over her entire body, and she was shining light in all areas of her body too. Heavenly Father was sending forth to her continual healing light, and the light was abundant.

I thanked Emma for coming, and told her she was receiving healing light from our Heavenly Father. She was smiling, and then departed.

9. It seems that once I initiate the healing light flowing from God, as God's conduit, that the light is started. Once started, it continues to flow whether I am there or not. Somehow I get it started. However, none of this healing light comes from me at all, but I am only a pass-through being where this light initially starts to flow through. I feel it is like the circuitry is already in place for the light to flow, but somehow my intention to have the person healed, according to God's will, is what flips the switch, or the flow of healing light from God. I then can walk away and the flow of light just keeps flowing.

10. And then sometimes when I come back to observe the person again. I generally come back every 12 hours of earth time, in the morning and at night. I see the light still flowing, and sometimes lessened. In either case, I bring my hands around the person or a particular area of that person, and ask God if any more healing light should flow. Often I feel increased light flow from God into the person at that time. This light then continues to flow when I leave.

11. I also ask when my hands are around my client, whether God wants a healing gift done for them? If God wants a particular gift done, to clear unwanted energy and fill more with healing light, I then perceive for what gift I am to act as God's conduit. I then immediately do this gift, and God again provides all the healing light and power of healing.

This all is so very remarkable to me! I feel so blessed to be God's conduit of healing, and to see and feel so clearly what God is doing for his/her child who needs healing. What a great gift.

12. My intention is that I may be proficient at being God's conduit without raising my physical hands in front of me, but to do it all with my spirit hands. These are not observed by others who may be around me in mortality. Therefore I may truly act incognito, or without being noticed. This is how I would like to usually act, for I want to seem like an ordinary man without any fanfare. In a particular case, if God wants me to reveal any part of what I am doing, I will do that. Otherwise, my intention is to do all of this in secret, in the spirit realms and not in the physical realm.

13. Evening–Tonight we returned home after most of the day away. At church, during the sacrament, I came to the little knoll above the circling waters. After I partook of the bread and made my covenant with my Heavenly Father who was before me, he accepted my covenant and said that he and Heavenly Mother would always be with me. Then Heavenly Father spoke:

14. 'Raphael, what you have experienced with your new insights in your healing work this morning are real. Continue to be observant of all we lead you to do. Be very open and perceptive, and ask of us and observe what we do. In this way you will be trained and instructed by us, and not man.'

15. Heavenly Mother then also came next to him, and spoke: 'Raphael, you are doing well in your healing efforts. We will open up healing gifts for your wife and two daughters and son in the future. Many people will be conduit of healing for our healing power in a future day. My healing light will flow through them to those in distress and great need. We will heal and bless our own!'

I felt very thankful for her and Heavenly Father's words!

16. In the meeting, my wife was having sinus pain. I sought to act as God's conduit of Heavenly Mother's light. I was directed to do a God's Loving Focus gift on her head, and felt my Heavenly Mother's hands behind my right spirit hand that was directly behind her sinuses. She pushed gently behind my hand, and our joint hands gradually moved together. When the "stuff" came out, it was green and even aged, like it had been in her sinus cavity for many years! I whisked it away then filled her sinuses with light, by my intention and Heavenly Mother sending forth her light. Soon my wife's head appeared very bright and shining. I hope she gets relief sometime today, from her growing sinus pain.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 13, 2020, Monday

1. Last night my wife said her sinus pain was all gone. She thanked me for the energy work I had done for her. I have been pondering over all of my new experiences with God's healing light.

2. Yesterday morning my healing work was so intense that I developed a migraine headache at the end, with visual disturbance. I took powdered ginger in water and it went away almost immediately. After an hour I felt I was back to normal. I wonder if the input of all this training and light somehow takes me to the edge of my mortal capacity?

After 20 minutes–I came in a meditative sitting position, and did my energy work on my wife, two daughters and one of my sons, all part of the 14 people.

3. I felt to do God's Loving Breath healing gift for my wife, with Heavenly Mother bringing in the healing light and doing the healing. We were next to the stream looking out upon God's Loving Healing Lake. Afterwards, my wife's arm and back, which before had needed clearing, were now radiating with light, and her whole body shone.

4. My daughter, who had been sick for 20 months, also needed some healing work. Heavenly Mother did a God's Loving Embrace gift on her. I think the scan adhesions and visceral issues she had in her abdomen were removed because of this healing gift, particularly with her kidneys and bladder. She seems like a normal functioning person afterwards, and was shining with Heavenly Mother's heavenly light. I was very hopeful! I watched and observed as Heavenly Mother healed her with the golden rings of fire, the deep breathing, and finally lighting up her seven chakras, one at a time. Everything that I could perceive and view after the healing gift seemed so full of light and seemed to be normal again. We will see, and I'll talk to her soon.

5. I felt like I was truly a conduit and not the healer in all of this today. I felt light flow in and out of my hands, and I observed the various parts or sections of the healing gifts that Heavenly Mother was fully doing. I could see before and after the healing, and it was clear to me the changes in body tissues and amounts of heavenly light. I felt very honored to participate and watch!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 15, 2020, Wednesday

1. This morning in my light therapy session I spent time with 16 people. I did a God's Loving Grounding on my wife, and several God's Loving Reset and God's Loving Breath healing gifts. I could see so much clearing happening, with my second daughter that was loosened in God's Loving Embrace gift two days ago. It is all so interesting and hopeful for me!

2. I now am just observing the amount of light that I feel with my spirit hands for each person I work on. Then I ask if I can be a conduit for healing, and follow my impressions. I am becoming much more accustomed to all of this, and to my place as a conduit for God's healing light. It truly is God who does all of the healing.

3. I too can do the healing gifts very fast, for time is not a factor in the celestial realm where I bring these people. I am learning great things, and hopefully am pleasing my Heavenly Parents.

4. Evening–Tonight I did more light therapy on 23 people. When I do this, I ask if I need to act as a conduit for God's healing light, and if so I do it right then as I am directed. I did one God's Loving Breath and two God's Loving Reset gifts, and one God's Loving Focus gifts tonight. I checked each one afterwards and there was significantly more light shining after the healing gift was done.

5. I also keep remedy charts on three of us in the family, and retest these dosages every other week. This is the second time in 2020 that I have been energy testing dosages for these charts. The amount and frequency of the remedies have been going down drastically for all three of us. I know from this that there is significant healing and change happening in our bodies! This is exciting to me!

6. I felt tonight too that I could access the amount of healing light I perceive in at least four different areas if I desire. There are in physical, spiritual, emotional and mental. I then can see which area needs the most work. I might also feel to act as a conduit for one of these four areas, to help correct it.

I feel very blessed to participate in this great work! It seems that healing and improvement are happening all over the place, for each of these individuals. I feel blessed to be able to take part in their individual lives.

Tar oozing out the rocks on the beach!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 16, 2020, Thursday

1. Today I worked on all of the people on my list (now 23 people). It takes me about one hour, slightly more if I do lots of healing gifts.

2. I later talked with my sister K. It was very nice to connect to her! She also sends healing light to those she works on, but doesn't do any particular healing gift. In all of this healing work, I do it using lots of intuition and heavenly guidance.

3. I have been getting better with all of this. I feel I am now about 60% trained. I plan to make time available in the morning and night so that I may progress as fast as I am able. I do not know what this training will be.

4. Later, after my evening light session: It seems that my role is to:

1) Invite God to send the healing light to those who wish to receive healing. They each give me their permission.

2) The healing light continues throughout the day and night after it initially comes.

3) If the healing light diminishes, when I check back in, then I ask if there is anything I can do as God's conduit. There usually is, and I perceive that this is a clearing process of some kind, by using whatever healing gift I perceive is needed. When the unwanted energy is removed by God, I then go back and check again to see if more light has come to the person or the specific area. Almost always, there is a significant level of more healing light.

5. In all of my learning, I believe I need to press forth with diligence in order to truly learn (see 2 Nephi 31:20).

6. I told my sister on the phone today that it seems that one major chapter in my life has been completed, with all of my posts up to post 146 that I completed in December 2019.

Now there is a new phase, and this is my real core mission of healing. I feel very excited to learn my true core mission to a much higher degree, being trained by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and not by man. I pray to be receptive to all they will show me. I also pray for the mortal healing angels and celestial servants, and all humble and open followers of Jesus Christ upon whom the great power of healing will be conferred on in the near future. What great days we live in!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 17, 2020, Friday

1. This morning in my light healing session, I brought everyone up to receiving the full healing light of God, acting as God's conduit. I did this for the same 23 people. At the end, I felt to do a healing light "endowment" on five children, all at once. These were all siblings. I was before them and raised my right hand, and stood with intention that Heavenly Father would send forth healing light upon all of them. It was then instantly done for all five children! I didn't feel like the light came at all through me, but just came to them, by the will of God. I then checked each one, and they were all filled with healing light, and were each in the state of healing.

2. This morning I also visualized me as Raphael, in my angel vestures, full of light. The entire process this morning went quicker and with more power and effectiveness. I plan to do this healing process in this way in the future.

3. I have a feeling that I will be visualizing me more clearly, in my angel vestures as Raphael, an angel full of light who stands in the presence of God. I actually feel that God is by my side continually, so in this way I am truly in the presence of God. It is in this way that I believe I will be able to affect healing for the people, acting as God's conduit for Heavenly Mother's healing light.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 18, 2020, Saturday

1. This morning I awoke before my family and came to my private room. I knelt in prayer on the knoll above the circling waters, on the celestial orb. I faced the temple and asked for either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. Heavenly Father came and I address him.

2. I asked to know the next step in attaining the power of a healing angel that I am. I wanted to be able to perceive and see fully how to act as a healing conduit or messenger of he and Heavenly Mother. I asked that I might see myself, clothed in my healing vestures, with my sword of Raphael in my waist sash, and my scarlet-red angled sash. I wanted to see myself, full of light and authority, acting in my position of an angel of God. I thought that by seeing myself in this state, I could then see my replicated self truly as God's healing messenger and conduit of God's healing light.

3. Heavenly Father spoke to me, and asked me to write his words. I sat up in my chair and wrote the following words in my journal:

4. 'Raphael, your mission on earth is primarily to act as our archangel of healing. We have chosen you and commissioned you to carry forth our healing light among our children on earth, and to act as our heavenly messenger of healing.

5. The time has come for you to view yourself, acting as our healing angel in our celestial realms, either on earth or here on our celestial orb. Each time you seek to bring our healing power upon one or more of our children in mortality, we desire you to perceive your celestial replicated self before us. You will also see either Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me next to you, extending to you the intense light of healing from your Heavenly Mother.

6. We will respond to your requests to bless and heal our children, for you will ask according to our will. We will inspire you, by our Spirit, what to do and how to act. You will know, by the whisperings of the Spirit of God we give to you, how to act as our conduit of healing light to bring healing to our children. We will then heal them, even as we will.

7. We have chosen you, and other healing angels, and humble righteous good men and women, to act thus with our power. Each should be humble, open, and prayerful as they too seek to have our healing light and power come through their ministrations. This is the beginning of the great day of our healing that we will graciously send to our children in mortality!

8. When you come before one of us three healers, who are your Gods, who have this great power of creation and healing, begin with a prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Ask that one of us come next to you. We will then guide you through our Spirit what to do, and how to extend the intense light of healing from your Heavenly Mother that we have all chosen to use in these last days to heal our children on the earth.

9. We have revealed to you many revelations and you have written them in your journal. These you have shared and printed. This record of Raphael shows how we have revealed through you, many truths never before given to man. You have recorded these and distributed your records, according to our will. These same records are now read in heaven, and all of our celestial servants have ready access to them.

10. Now you are entering another phase of your mission: the time of preparation is closing, the time or receiving and sharing our great truths is fulfilled for now, and the time of healing has begun! As the world sinks into greater sin and calamity, so will our healing power increase among the righteous. I have chosen my elect, and elevated their very beings to a terrestrial mortal state. They will now be ready to withstand the rigors of the day that soon is upon them. To these, we will extend our great power of healing as they need, and according to our desires. We will use you and our other servants who act as our conduits and messengers of healing, to heal them. We will also protect and preserve them by our power, for these are those who will abide the day and come forth into the millennial terrestrial world upon the earth.

11. Because you have asked of me, I will grant to you to view yourself as an angel of light, full of our power and authority. You will see your replicated celestial being, who stands and acts in our presence. You will see yourself on your role of an archangel of healing.

12. When you desire to heal and bless one of our children on earth, visualize your replicated self who acts in our celestial realms, Your conscious and unconscious mind will be one as your act as our messenger and deliverer of healing. To some their healing may be a process over time, to others immediate, all based on our will for our mortal child. All healing will come through our healing power as transmitted through the healing light coming from your Heavenly Mother. Her power and light will continue ever upon all of our mortal children until the great beginning of the millennium on the earth. From then on, we will revert to using our own light and power that comes from each of us who are Gods.

13. Raphael, you and our mortal angels have more time of training and learning until our great power of healing is fully unleashed upon our children through all of you. Be diligent taking time in meditation and prayer, in learning well your healing lessons. We will be with you and will guide you along!'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his welcomed message this morning! I said I would myself continue to try to act as his conduit of healing to those of my family, friends and acquaintances.

15. He smiled upon me and departed. I closed my prayer and started my healing session for the 23 people I had chosen.

16. I came to the top of the switchback path on the celestial orb that descends to God's Loving Healing Lake. I saw myself as Raphael, full of light, addressing my Heavenly Father. I prayed to him:

17. 'Oh my Heavenly Father, I ask you, in the name of Jesus Christ, that all 23 people that I have been ministering for will be brought before me here. I then desire that when I ask, that the intense healing light of Heavenly Mother come from you to them, and continue to place them all in a state of healing. I pray to be your healing angel and servant in this action.'

18. I then envisioned all 23 people before me. I raised my right hand, and intended in my mind that the healing light come upon each one from our Father. In a few seconds I felt this was all done!

19. I then asked if there was anything else I might do for any one of them, to assist in their healing? I felt there was not, and that all were in a happy, healing state, and was filled to the level desired of the healing light from God. I felt there was nothing else that I could or should do.

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great power, and closed my healing session for this morning.

21. Evening–Tonight I came to the eastern shore of God's Loving Healing Lake to commune with God, and to do my light healing work. Heavenly Mother came and I spoke with her! I asked that she help me gain more healing understandings. I tried to visualize her, and to visualize me standing before her. Initially I was kneeling when she came, but she asked that I stand before her.

22. I asked that she send her healing light to the 23 people on my list and me. She said she would do that. I asked that I be able to divide up my list in thirds, and do each section together at the same time.

23. I stood before the first eight people who had assembled in their spirits on the shore in front of me. I asked Heavenly Mother to send her healing light upon all of them at once, and to continue sending her light continually upon them. In a few seconds, I felt she had sent to each one her healing light. I then checked each one, and they were each very bright and in a state of healing!

I then did the same for the second group (seven people) and the third group (eight people). This same thing happened for these last two groups.

24. I then asked her if there was any difference whether I did one at a time, or the entire group at a time?

Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, if you act with intention and ask that I send my healing light, and also clear each one of the people in the group of unwanted energy, it matters not if there is one or many people. I will do this all by my power of healing, for you ask it of me and act with faith and intention.

25. If I wish you to act as a healing angel, and be our conduit, using one of the healing gifts that I have revealed to you, or that you feel impressed to use, then you may also do that. You will act as my conduit and I will provide the healing light and power. This is what you call Complete Healing, even as you have explained in your post 1. As a healing angel, you may go into the past, present or future of the one you intend to heal, even as I prompt you. You can tell this is done by a flush of assurance and love from God that the ailment is healed, or that they are in a state of healing (see post 1B4). You may also look upon your own healing stone, and it will light up brightly within a few seconds (see post 1C17).

26. Look now upon your healing stone, Raphael!'

I looked and it was shining brightly!

27. She continued: 'As you look upon your healing stone with intention, with questions of what you are to do, at any time in the healing process, we who are your Gods will give you answers to your questions.

28. Your healing stone was given to you by your Heavenly Father, and I gave you your healing robe. Your healing robe allows you to travel through the life of your client, doing healing gifts as our conduit with authority from us your God.

29. When you wonder whom you might bless with healing, look upon your own healing stone. Follow the process of asking their permission, and then the directions we give to you through our Spirit and your intuition.

30. There will come a time when you and our healing angels will preserve many large groups of our righteous elect through being our conduits of healing. I will send forth my healing power through my holy healing angels who will act in the authority of the Father and me.

31. Continue now to practice Complete Healing for those we inspire you to act for as our conduit for healing. This is the great day of my healing power shed upon the elect whom the Father has chosen!'

32. I knelt again before my Heavenly Mother, and thanked her abundantly for her great gifts to us her healing angels! I said I would act in faith, with love and pure intentions to help, bless and heal those she or Heavenly Father ask me to.

33. Heavenly Mother then pulled me close and embraced me! I felt so deeply her love for me, and her concern and love for her faithful children on the earth.

She then parted. I continued writing in my journal all she spoke to me in my thoughts.

I closed my prayers and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 19, 2020, Sunday

1. I have been reading my own website for about an hour and a half. Most of these entries were written in 2015. That is almost five years ago! I have actually forgotten so much of what I had written, and was impressed by the Spirit of God to re-read all of my website entries again, and then go one at a time again through each post from post 1. Wow, there is so much there! I have over 3,000 typewritten pages from post 1 to post 148, my latest web post. I am writing post 149 now.

2. I am thinking that my training as a healing angel will include reviewing my posts, particularly my earlier posts that deal with healing and healing angels. I will spend some time to re-absorb all of these and confirm them all again.

3. A lot has happened in five years! I feel so blessed to have received so very much revelation over the years. I am truly a very visionary man. I am pleased with how consistent my revelations have been from the beginning. This shows to me how true they really are, and that these were all from God and not my own imaginings.

4. This morning I came to the bluff to the south of God's Loving Healing Lake. I could see God's temple in the distant north, and the lake below me. I knelt and asked for God to come. Heavenly Father immediately came in front of me, in the air. He spoke right away to my mind, in my thoughts:

5. 'Raphael, my son, your training now as a healing angel includes that you read and study your journal entries given in your website posts, particularly about healing. We want you to have these revelations from us to be ever-present in your mind. You will use them as the basis of visualizing yourself in our celestial realms as Raphael, our healing archangel who you are.

6. Each time you come to seek to heal or bless another mortal, visualize yourself as Raphael, clothed in the healing vestures we have given to you. As you see yourself, your conscious and unconscious minds will merge and you will perceive and see more and more clearly. You will then act in greater confidence and faith in being our holy conduit of healing.

7. Also practice group healings like you did last night with your Heavenly Mother. We desire you and all of our healing angels to feel confident in doing this, and in being proficient in the Complete Healing method of series of gifts that we have extended to you who are healing angels.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction. I said I would review all that I had written about healing and healing angels. I said I also planned to review all of my posts to date.

9. Heavenly Father then asked me to rise and request sending Heavenly Mother's healing light from him to the original 23 people, plus the eight more I had identified last night (making 31 people). He said he would respond to my requests as his healing conduit.

10. I then stood and asked all 31 people to come in their spirits in the air above the healing lake. Heavenly Father moved to my right side and faced north with me.

I then saw all 31 people assemble, all as spirits in their pre-mortal robes. They were all living on earth, and not aware consciously of coming before me.

11. I asked each one who was newly added if I could act as their conduit of healing, which they agreed to. I then thought in my mind, by my intention, that Heavenly Father send the intense light of the Holy Ghost, in the way of healing light, upon all of them. In a few seconds, I felt a rush of assurance that this had occurred. I also saw my healing stone light up momentarily. I then knew that these individuals were all in a state of healing. I knew I had exercised the Complete Healing gift for each one, giving as many healing gifts in their past, present and future to place them in a state of healing. I had fully acted as God's conduit for healing. To assure myself, I went through my wife's body, checking those specific areas that were bothering her that she shared with me. These areas on or in her body were all in a state of healing, and shining brightly so that I could feel the light come through my hands and out the backside of my hands.

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father who was before me! I said I felt one with my healing angel self, who was standing before him on the bluff area above his healing lake. I humbly thanked him to be his conduit of healing, and to have fulfilled his commission to be his healing angels.

13. Heavenly Father smiled and then departed. The 31 people also departed immediately. I then finished writing and closed my morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. After church–Today I came with my wife to a local Young Single Adult ward for sacrament meeting. During the sacrament, I came to the knoll above the circling waters. Heavenly Mother came to me and accepted my covenant. She said that she and Heavenly Father would continually be with me.

15. Then she said this:

'Raphael, as soon as you read and ponder again all that you have written on your website, or in your posts about healing angels, the healing gifts, and healing, you will then be fully trained and prepared to be our healing conduit! In this state, we will extend through you our Godly power to give healing to our mortal children on earth. We will send forth my intense healing light and powers, either in healing my children of their ailments or placing them in a healing condition.'

I then received the sacrament water.

16. She spoke again: 'Raphael, my words and promise is also for every healing angel. What we have communicated to you also pertains to them. If each of them diligently apply themselves to their mission as a healing angel, and follow the counsels we have given to you and will give to each of them by revelation, then we will also give them our full power of healing. They will then be blessed to act as our conduits of healing as our holy healing angels.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear directions and promises!

The meeting continued and I wrote all of this down in my pocket journal. I just transcribed it all to my normal journal.

18. At night–I met with my Heavenly Mother at the northern shores of God's Loving Healing Lake. I acted as a healing conduit for all 31 people. After doing this, all of the individuals were in a healing state. I asked Heavenly Mother if there was a limit on the size of the group or for whom I acted as her conduit?

19. She replied: 'Raphael, there is no limit to the size of the group. You may also select a group of people in a community to have my healing light sent to. Remember, it is by our will and your intention that we send our light, even as you are directed to by our Holy Spirit.'

I thanked her again! I said I was so grateful for her great gift of healing that she will extend to the faithful at this juncture in the history of the world.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 20, 2020, Monday

1. I came to the northern shore of God's Loving Healing Lake this morning. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father came, appearing to me in subdued light. I was very glad to be in his presence!

2. S had asked me a question about intelligences, and of their creation. He wondered if they had been created or made, or if God could do so. See D&C 93:29 where it states that intelligence cannot be created or made.

Here is a part of S's email:

"I was directed to read in D&C 93 this morning. Verse 29 caught my attention and I pondered it's meaning. I asked about this in prayer and I was guided to ask you so that all could benefit.

I looked at Raphael index under "intelligence" but did not find the answer to my question.

The verse states, "29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be."

My question, "it states intelligence was not created or made, neither indeed can be." Is God not capable to make new intelligence or are the laws of heaven such that it is not needful or allowed because of the vast expanse of intelligences that already exist that should be used?"

I was thinking that it would be interesting that God is capable of building galaxies in perfection and worlds without end, but the building blocks of intelligence cannot be created or made.

Have a blessed day.



I searched the scripture index and I did find this from 113G2.

In the very beginning, when our first parent Gods were intelligences and had not yet created spirits for themselves, all of the intelligences existed that would ever be.

I am grateful for the index. It is very helpful.


3. Heavenly Father then addressed this question:

'Raphael, in the very beginning, when our first parent Gods created themselves into living beings, they never pursued the effort to create intelligences. There was no need since there was an unlimited supply of intelligences. This was also true of elemental matter, for there was ample supply.

4. Once the pattern of creation was established by our first parent Gods, they also established that they and their posterity who would become Gods as they were would not pursue seeking to create intelligence, or the light of truth. They determined it was not possible, for all intelligence existed even when our first parent Gods formed themselves into being Gods. If they ever would be successful in creating new intelligences, then these intelligences wouldn't all have been in the beginning, but would have been created after. Our first parent Gods chose to only use the intelligences and material matter that were already existing, and co-eternal with God, in all of their creation processes. Since then, all of the Gods have honored their decision, and have never attempted to create either intelligence or raw elemental matter. There has never been a reason to pursue this path either, for there will always be an abundant supply of both intelligence and elemental matter.

5. Therefore, the scripture in D&C 29 is accurate, that "Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be." It cannot be created, for that was the decision of the first parent Gods, and we who follow them honor their decision. We always, use the building blocks of intelligence and elemental matter in all of our creative processes.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answer.

6. Heavenly Father continued:

'Raphael, R.S. wrote you recently how it was very difficult for him to read and apply your last post 148 "Healing Training". He said it was intense for him. R.S. felt he needed to implement in his own life the concepts and example you put forth.

7. We desire that all healing angels whom we have ordained and awakened, to pursue a similar course as R.S. We want them each to actively start acting as conduits for our healing power. They each need to pray to me, their Father, and receive my direction and that from their Heavenly Mother. They need to confirm your words and follow our promptings. This is their time to "awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord, as in the ancient days. . ." (Isaiah 51:9). This verse specifically refers to our healing angels who have been healers in the celestial realms on the earth and in heaven, in all generations of earth's existence. Those, like you, who are now in their mortal probation, need to awaken to their former strength, even as in generations of old. You have all done great works of healing in the past, in your unconscious minds in your spirits before you were born in the flesh. Now we wish you to awaken and put on your strength, even in your new terrestrial mortal state, and in in your replicated translated celestial bodies. We want you to be our mighty conduits of our healing power, and transmit to our elect Heavenly Mother's intense light of healing, in great power and might! This awakening and putting on your strength will take your diligent effort, your faith, and your intention. We are extending our power and strength through you, our chosen angels!'

8. I bowed my head and said: 'My Father, I thank you in behalf of all of the healing angels. I, for one, will be diligent and follow your direction. I have faith that you, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, will show forth your mighty power of healing through us and others whom you choose. Thank you for this great day of your power!'

9. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, now it is time to stand and continue to act as our conduit of healing to those you have chosen to heal.'

10. I stood, faced the healing lake, and asked that all 31 people on my list come before me in the air above the healing waters of the lake. They then all came in their spirits.

11. I then asked in my mind, that each one be healed, or be placed in a state of healing, in their physical bodies on earth.

12. Within a few seconds I felt a surge of assurance that this had fully been done. I also saw my healing stone lit up momentarily.

13. I then dismissed those in the air above the lake. I turned towards my Heavenly Father and thanked him for me being his conduit this morning.

14. He smiled upon me, and increased greatly in his light and brightness. He then rose up into the celestial sky above and was soon gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my new day.

15. Here is the email from R.S. that I received on 1-16-2020:

"Hi R

I was so happy to read about you giving your injured missionary son this amazing healing blessing that heaven shared with you today. I remember reading the earlier posts the great difficulties you faced about his healing. We have come along way, heaven has really keep there promises to you, and now you have shared them with us.

R this email was really intense for me to read for some crazy reason. I kept stopping and praying about sections of what I had just read, I lost count at how many times I asked heaven. I felt like failing student after just taking a final exam.

I just remember a few nights ago, when I was communing with Heavenly Father at the tail end of our conversation, he said to me "be faithful and be believing". I did not know what meant until today.

R it took me all day to finish reading your post, that how shook up I was. So that night I asked heaven for help in blessing and healing a few people, I just remember Heavenly Mother say "that's good enough for tonight. Get some rest." As I was laying in my bed thinking about what happened, I could still sense that healing light was still there upon those few we worked on.

R at times I feel like a duck out of water, this is not my comfort zone, yet at the same time I know this very work is true.

Thank you my dear friend I value our friendship.

Take Care


J. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 21, 2020, Tuesday

1. Last night and this morning I met Heavenly Mother around God's Loving Healing Lake. I felt her great light come into me.

2. When I visualized her and me kneeling or standing before her, I saw her intense light filling me up with light, so that when she left I could still see that I was full of light. I was encouraged that a portion of her light remained with me, and was shining forth from me! I saw that I had a white beard like I used to have (last worn October 2018). I saw myself with my healing robes, light-green emerald healing stone, sword of Raphael, scarlet red angled sash, the black key around my waist, and my trump of God behind my back. I truly felt more and more the power and blessings of God upon me!

3. I was successful last night and this morning to be a conduit for healing all 31 people on my list. It was like they were each receiving a boost of healing light every twelve hours of earth time.

4. During her visit this morning, Heavenly Mother spoke briefly to me:

'Raphael, when you refreshed yourself by finishing reading, listening to or pondering all you have written on your website or in your posts relating to healing, I will endow you as my permanent healing conduit. Whoever you seek to heal and bless, I will bless and heal. Your clarity of seeing your celestial angel self will greatly improve also, and you will gain more confidence and faith in the power of God to heal and bless our children on earth. Your capacity will increase, more than you have ever possessed since being ordained as a healing angel.

5. Make this entry the conclusion of your post 149. Ask again for current addresses of those on your email list, and send to to them PDF pages and videos from your website that deal with healing. We want them to have possession of your publish online records and of your posts.

6. We who are your Gods will increase the healing light and understanding of each one of those on your email list who pursue in diligence their missions of healing. From them, my healing light and power will expand throughout the world to counter the calamities poured out upon the wicked, and the rage of Satan among the wicked. This is the start of the great day of my healing upon the entire earth!'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouraging and hopeful words! She then rose up in the sky and departed. I closed my prayer and got started on my new day.

8. During the editing of this post, M.A. reviews it for grammar mistakes, etc. She had a great question I would like to append to this post:

Question from M.A. when she edited this post 149:

"I am a little confused. In your last post 148, you were told you only needed to do it once for each person and yet in this post you are sending healing light over and over for the same group. Which is correct? I’ve been told that I need to do it only once. . .

What do you think ?"

Here is what she was referring to from post 148:

post 148A3. "Here is my list of questions and her answers:
. . .
Q2 Once I shower them with light (Intention Healing), to the highest level of healing they can receive, do I do this again?
A2 No, one time of light clearing and healing is enough."

I also wrote this in post 148:

post 148H6. "Once you shine my healing light on an individual, I continue to shine forth my healing on them. Usually when you come back to them, you observe that my light is still shining on them. Sometimes it takes a few days of the light shining on them to loosen the unwanted energy that is causing distress, sickness, darkness, and reduced function in their body. However, after my healing light breaks forth upon them, you often see that this unwanted energy can then be removed through one or more of the healing gifts that we have revealed to you and that you have described on your website."

Answer to M.A.'s question: I am in training, and am not exactly sure how this will all play out. Right now I am doing my light therapy on the same people twice a day. I am able to see that sometimes the light dims between the times that the light from God comes upon them. I don't know if this is because I am in training, and not fully endowed as a healing angel, working from my mortal body. I guess time will tell.

I do believe that once a person is fully healed, there will be no more need to send additional healing light on that person, or upon their particular ailment. However, if they are in the state of healing, I believe that additional light will only enhance their healing, and keep it in a high state of healing.

Flowers growing on the side of the road in the nearby mountains