148. Healing Training
Posted 1-13-2020

Dear friends,

This post contains a lot of my observations from sending light when acting as a conduit of healing. I hope my experiences and comments will help you as you also find your way into this new part of our lives.

Please pray about what I write about, and confirm that they are true, and not from myself.


P.S. Please email me your address if you wish me to send a thumb drive of my website. I will include printable PDFs and all of the teaching videos also on the thumb drive. It requires a USB connection to a computer or a tablet.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 3, 2020, Friday

1. Last night I prayed at Heavenly Mother's lower garden, next to her glass table in the celestial world. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come. She came in brilliant light before me! She was smiling and immediately spoke:

2. 'Raphael, you have generated some questions about the healing work we want you to do. These answers will be helpful to include in your next post for the benefits of others.'

3. Here is my list of questions and her answers:

Q1 Once I do a Find Scoop and Remove on an individual with light, and get energetic "stuff" out and remove it, do I need to do it again?
A1 No, one time should be enough.

Q2 Once I shower them with light (Intention Healing), to the highest level of healing they can receive, do I do this again?
A2 No, one time of light clearing and healing is enough.

Q3 Does the light maintain with the individual, or do I need to boost it up again?
A3 Normally it maintains at a high level until healing, and then settles to a normal level of light energy.

Q4 Once a person is healed, is the light energy steady and cannot increase again?
A4 Yes, there is a steady ambiance of light once the person is healed and in a normal healed state.

Q5 Is it helpful or needful for Heavenly Mother to boost the light to them to get rid of certain conditions?
A5 She is always next to me, and I can call upon her if the light clearing doesn't work, or the energy pass gets stuck, or the healing.doesn't work.

Q6 Is it wise to attempt to heal all members of my family or extended family members, or should I be content to heal and fill with light only selected individuals?
A6 Always ask and confirm whom to send forth Heavenly Mothers light upon, or to do an energy pass or to attempt to heal.

Q7 Can I do this healing work for neighbors, or other people at large, as I feel impressed to do?
A7 Yes.

Q8 Do I have a quota of sorts, or should I always be on the lookout for others to fill with light and to help heal?
A8 There is no quota, only be open to impressions from Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father.

Q9 Are there other methods I can use to heal other than filling with light with intention healing?
A9 Yes, whatever Heavenly Mother inspires you to do.

Q10 Do the other methods of healing include any of these healing gifts given in my website?
Intention Healing 2A (filling with light)
Find, Scoop and Remove 2B (energy pass to remove toxic or unwanted "stuff")
God's Loving Embrace 2C
God's Loving Focus 2D
God's Loving Reset 2E
God's Loving Breath 2F
God's Loving Grounding 2G
God's Loving Healing Hands 2H
A10 Yes, all of these can be used.

4. 'I came to you in your energy class in April 2013 to introduce to you the first of eight major healing gifts. You learned them one at a time and created your website, God's Loving Healing Hands, based on these gifts from us your Gods. Your Heavenly Father and I introduced these to you so that you could learn them well before we actually gave you our power of healing. There was a measure of healing in the day of your training that came to pass, but the real day of healing wasn't until now. We didn't want to have to train you from the beginning once the day of healing was upon you, but wanted you very well acquainted with these healing gifts.

5. Now that the day of extending to you our healing power is upon you, we want you to practice every one of these healing gifts, as you are inspired. Please review them again, for you haven't used them in your conscious mind recently. You have been using all of them in your unconscious mind in the celestial realms, however. I also want you to create a PDF printable volume of your website, godslovinghealinghands.com, so that you and others may be able to refer to this also. Include your video training files that one may view when local power is available but the Internet, or connection to the outside world, is not available. Once these are completed and assembled, send these to those who support you.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and instructions! I said I would write this all down in the morning.

7. Now that I have thought of this more, it is becoming very clear why I was first taught all of these heavenly healing gifts and methods in the beginning. I held classes and gathered those interested in learning. Some have continued with me, even from the beginning, while others have dropped out. Now there are only eight of us who share our revelations together.

8. I also see how God wanted all of us who are healing angels in mortality to be able to quickly come up to speed in our healing ability, even when this day of healing is upon us. We have all learned and practiced all of these gifts, and other healing methods we had individually practiced that were comfortable to each of us. We have also been well trained in learning to hear the voice of God and to recognize this, his Spirit. Now we will be expected to use their great gifts and they will extend their healing power through us. Others will also be given God's healing power as they may exercise their priesthood or high priestess power in righteousness. However, it will be first given to the mortal angels to heal others in this great day of healing.

9. Evening–Tonight I have been working on getting out post 147 to the small group of supporters. I have also been mulling over who to work on and what to do next with respect to healing. I feel a big responsibility to learn what I am to do, and then to do it correctly.

10. I checked in with each of the family members energetically, or spiritually tonight. For my daughter that I was told by Heavenly Mother that was at least partially healed, she was no longer shining brightly, but there was a "normal" glow about her body, even the areas that once were distressed and in need of healing. I took that this meant she was healed and back to a normal, happy state.

11. I checked another of my family members who appeared bright and shining. I took this that they were still not healed, but that Heavenly Mother's light was still working on them, and would heal them in her own time. I confirmed all of this with other family members who were either healed (having a glow of light around them) or a continual bright shining light about them, meaning they were not yet healed. I think this is accurate, but I will confirm tomorrow morning when I am alert and fresh, in my morning prayer.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 4, 2020, Saturday

1. I shared with my wife last night all I had learned from my recent energy work, including what I had written in my journal last night. I told her I was going to try to confirm it this morning in prayer.

2. I came to the desert oasis this morning, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I felt I should ask for her, and that she would answer my questions.

Heavenly Mother appeared in a mist over the oasis, and then asked me to come to her on the water. I stood and walked onto the lake, a little over the water, and then knelt in front of her. I she was directly before me, and we were shrouded in a white mist. It was very bright and Heavenly Mother was very shining before me. She was smiling, and sent to me her abundant love.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, when I heal one of my children in mortality through the light that I send through you, their body is returned to their normal mortal healthy state. This may be for a specific area of their body, or their entire body, even as I will. When you then look upon their spirit, or perceive them before you, you see a settled and glowing person. They are no longer being filled with my healing light since they are already healed as far as I desire.

4. When you look upon the spirit of one who is the midst of healing, and is not yet healed, you see them filled with my healing light. This is my steady light that flows into them that you perceive. I may let my healing light gradually heal them, even as I will, or I may immediately heal them. Your function as my conduit of healing light is basically completed, for my light will remain with them until the day of their healing. You will not be able to send any more light upon them, for they already have received of my healing light. You may observe at any time their state of healing, however.

5. I do this gradual healing now to help you learn your role and the affects of my healing light. My light will flow to those who are receptive of my light. For those who may love darkness more than light, they will not perceive my light, and my light may soon depart from them.

6. In all of my healing gifts described on your website, my healing light is the power by which healing occurs. This light is palpable, and you can feel it flowing, and can perceive of its brightness, even as you perceive of my bright light that comes from me before you on this oasis.

7. Raphael, over the next few days, expand your group of family members and neighbors or friends for those whom you wish to extend my healing light. You will act as my conduit, and I will enlighten them and heal them through my light and Godly power. In this process, they each will find healing at various times, and you will receive training in how I want you to act. Be perceptive, humble, and open, and then I will lead you along, my son!'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words to my mind this morning! She communicated to me clearly through her thoughts to my mind.

I then was immediately back in my chair in my private room, writing all of this in my chair as it occurred. I told her how privileged I felt to be in her presence, and to be able to be her conduit of healing. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Evening–My daughter texted me, and said her bladder was hurting again. She is the one Heavenly Mother told me she had healed her. I asked if her stomach was also hurting which before was distressed and it wasn't. Anyway, I did a Find-Scoop-and Remove healing gift on her bladder and was successful in removing what I saw as "black emotional trauma". I believe that this was the second level of healing, the first being the removal of the "corkscrew wiggly thing" that I was able to remove with Heavenly Mother's light. I wonder if there are sometimes layers of healing needed for very difficult to heal parts of the body, and that the bottom layer is not visible until the top layer is removed.

10. I was successful again in doing God's Loving Focus gift with Heavenly Mother's light on my daughter's bladder. When I left today, after removing the dark trauma, these were shining, full of light.

11. I feel somewhat cautious in all of this, for I don't think that there is any protocol except for following the prompting of the Spirit in all of my healing efforts.

12. This afternoon my wife and I went with friends our age that had moved out of our ward years ago. We ate lunch at a local restaurant with them. While talking, I felt I should help her parathyroid glands heal, for she had mentioned they had a childhood infection inside of them, which has caused her problems throughout her life. I confirmed that I was to help her heal when I asked Heavenly Mother. I felt then that I should do remotely a God's Loving Reset healing gift, which I plan to do later tonight or tomorrow. The healing light from Heavenly Mother is what heals, with her power for this comes from her directly through me, her conduit.

13. While writing this, Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, you are correct that some people have multiple layers of healing when I heal them with my light. You can check when a particular area has multiple layers to heal, and if they can be removed and healed at the same time. Sometimes identifying all the multiple layers allows you to send my light to all levels to completely heal the area. I wish that you become aware of all levels or layers to be healed, so that your intention will send my light to heal them all.

14. With your friend and her parathyroid glands that need healing, you are also correct that it is my will that you should remotely heal these, using God's Loving Reset healing gift. You may also work remotely on others, even as I direct. Their spirit will also be aware of your actions, and they or their spirit should give you their permission. We honor the individual's right to choose whether to have you be a conduit for my healing light or not. It is sufficient to ask their spirit if it is permissible to proceed with the healing or not. Dependent young children should receive the permission of their parents.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her counsel and instruction! I said I wanted to learn as much as possible in this year when her healing power would be abundantly poured out upon the faithful.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 5, 2020, Sunday

1. I awoke after a good sleep this morning. I came in my private room before the rest of the family awoke, and did light energy working on eight people, seven in my own family and one of a family friend. I used Intention Healing, Find-Scoop-and Remove healing, God's Loving Focus gift, God's Loving Breath, and God's Loving Reset on these individuals. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were the healers, and I was the conduit for each one. I felt clearly the flow of healing light that filled and removed unwanted stuff from these individuals. I fully followed my intuition and guidance of the Spirit.

2. For my second daughter who had been sick 20 months, I found a third layer in her bladder that I successfully removed, that looked like a bunch of sharp pins. I buried those deep in the earth. Every level or layer is now removed, three layers total starting with the corkscrew wiggly thing, a very dark and thick trauma layer, and finally the sharp pin layer. She is again in the state of healing, for her bladder is filled with healing light again.

3. For my son, I removed through Find-Scoop-and Remove a very moist, dark and large substance from his brain. I think it was related to trauma from his brain injury he sustained in December 2011. I removed this from his body and came to God's Healing Lake and placed it in the lake. This substance started melting away until it was fully departed. This seems very weird almost, but I saw the entire event transpire.

4. My last daughter had another layer to be removed, but the timing wasn't yet. She is still in a state of healing in her current state.

5. I saw my first daughter and her baby in a state of normalcy after being filled with light and having been immersed previously in God's Loving Healing Lake. I worked on my daughter's husband for some time, using God's Loving Breath. Heavenly Father was behind me, with his hands in my shoulders, and I had my hands on the shoulders of my son-in-law. I did the procedure exactly as is described on my website. Eventually, his head was completely clear and filled with light and healing. I feel there is another area in his body that in the future I can be a conduit to heal. This was a wonderful experience with my Heavenly Father and my son-in-law.

6. Finally, our family friend came to me, and I received her permission to do a God's Loving Reset on her body. She was laying on a table, and Heavenly Mother with her hands on top of her feet, and I had my hands behind her head, precisely like is described on my website. I could see Heavenly Mother's light flow up her body and then eventually flow out the back of her head, just like I show online. There was a garbage can of sorts under her head, without a bottom into which the unwanted energy or toxins flowed. These went into the land just north of the healing lake on the celestial orb where she was on the table. I don't know where the unwanted stuff went, but it seemed to be buried deep in the celestial world in the ground.

7. During the healing session, I saw an unwanted spirit come out of her parathyroid glands and flow out the back of her head, between my hands, and into the bottomless garbage can! There was so much chunky and dark stuff that came out of her during this healing session, and I was surprised. In the end, she was full of Heavenly Mother's light and was very clear. She was glowing in a state of healing and almost a rebirth! She stood, we embraced, and she also embraced Heavenly Mother. Then my vision was gone.

8. This has been a dramatic remote healing session for me, and I believe for these eight people. I feel very blessed!

9. After church–Today my wife and I came to a local LDS chapel for sacrament meeting. At the opening prayer, the one praying asked a blessing on the living apostles and prophets in the LDS church, and stated that they were true messengers from God. At this time the voice of Heavenly Mother came into my mind:

10. 'Raphael, each one of our children may witness to others what they themselves feel, and express beliefs or their own testimony. I know to whom I have witnessed, by the power of my Holy Ghost, or my Spirit and power. There are many in your day who publically witness that I have born to them that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is truly what it claims, and that the current apostles and prophets are true servants of God. However, I have not witnessed this to these individuals. I do speak to you, by the voice of my Spirit, by my power of the Holy Ghost. This is my true Spirit.

11. Each one in mortality needs to determine for themselves whom they will serve and what they believe. When they receive the Spirit, they will know that it is God who witnesses to them, for I will speak in peace, light, assurance, great love and acceptance.'

12. M.A. asked you a question about M.S., from a testimony that he gave in a recent podcast. He bore a personal witness that the current LDS church is the true church of God, and that President Nelson and the apostles are true servants of God. However, none of us who are the true Gods gave that witness to him. Each one of our elect needs to judge for themselves what is witnessed to them of my Spirit.'

13. I thanked her for her words. In the sacrament I came to the knoll above circling waters on the celestial orb. After I made my covenant and partook of the bread, Heavenly Father came and spoke:

14. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant today. We will always be with you.

All what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night and this morning, and that you have written in your journal is true. Your experiences in using the light of her healing in your family members, friends and neighbors is true, and gives you great lessons in being the conduit of our healing power.'

15. I then receive the water. Heavenly Mother then came on the left side of her husband, and then turned to me and spoke:

'Raphael, when you experience one of our healing gifts like you did this morning, either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ or I may come and administer the healing through you as our conduit of my intense light of the Holy Ghost.'

16. Jesus Christ came on the right side of the Father, and he then turned and spoke to me:

'Raphael, when the Father, Mother or I heal our elect, your administrations or others who will become our healing conduits, we will use the greater or more intense light of the Holy Ghost to heal. We will use this light from Heavenly Mother. This is her great day of coming forth upon our children on the earth. She so loves her children, and we honor her by sending forth healing with her light.'

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 6, 2020, Monday

1. I awoke around 8 am and went to my room where I began a remote God's Loving Embrace gift on my wife. I came to the little stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake. I met my wife there, and she got on a table next to the stream, face up on the table. When I came behind her head, I sat on the chair that was there, and followed exactly the procedure found on my website for God's Loving Embrace. It was a beautiful healing session! Heavenly Mother was behind me, doing the healing. During the part 2 of this healing gift, when the golden ring of fire exited the bottoms of her feet, there was a lot of dark and black unwanted energy that came out.

2. When we were all done, and after she had embrace Heavenly Mother and me, I asked that she lie down again on the table so I could check her areas she had shown me the day before, where she had experienced significant amounts of pain. I checked each area to find any unwanted energies in any of them. I believe they are in a state of healing, and the toxins, etc. are energetically gone.

3. When I interfaced with my wife, she was much younger looking, like when we first got married. I know I must have been seeing her spirit that is always young. I believe her spirit that resided in her physical body, will somehow transfer the healing to her physical body. I don't know how this is actually done, however.

4. At this time Heavenly Mother came before me next to the lake. My wife was no longer with us. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, your wife came to us as her spirit and not with her physical body this morning. The healing I gave to her in her body was effective in her physical body, even though she came as a spirit on the table. Her spirit was replicated to come here, and was also residing in her physical body on earth. What she experienced in heaven she also experienced at the same time on the earth, in her physical body. You are correct that she is now filled with my healing light and is in the state of healing.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation. I said I loved her so very much, and was very glad that she came to help heal my wonderful wife whom I deeply love.

6. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, throughout your day make a list of the people you feel you need or hear about that could use my healing power. Then ask me if you should act as my conduit to heal them. Come again to our celestial orb, where you feel impressed to go, and then ask these individuals to come to you. Explain to each what you would like to do, gain their permission, and then act as our conduit for healing with the healing gift you are inspired by me to administer to them. At that point, either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or I will come and bring my intense light of healing through you to them. You will be able to observe what occurs as we eliminate unwanted energies from their bodies, and fill them with my healing light. They will then be in a state of healing. We will heal them even as we will, some immediately and some delayed, as we desire.

7. We want our healing angels to start following these same procedures. They too will have our Godly power to heal, acting as our conduits of healing.

8. Send to each of those on your email list the PDF of your website with your next post 148. We will let you know when to send it, but prepare now your PDF of your website pages. Also include videos and powerpoint files converted to PDF files to help them learn or refresh their skills.

9. This will start the great day of my healing power to be poured out upon the entire earth! Calamity, war, pestilence, great upheavals in the earth, and more will come, but my great outpouring of healing will also come in this year of 2020.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother again for her assuring words today! I said I would start working on the website PDF files today. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 7, 2020, Tuesday

1. This morning I came to the little stream to the north of God's Loving Healing Lake. I initially met with Heavenly Mother and wanted to view or observe those for whom I had previously been a conduit for, and those for whom I thought I helped heal yesterday and Sunday. I saw all of those in my family and friends were in a state of healing or healed, and I did one of God's healing gifts for those others I identified. One person didn't want energy work done on her, but most gladly accepted. All three Gods came at different times to do the healing work while I acted as the conduit. I could clearly see so much "stuff" coming out of people as these healing gifts were administered. It was remarkable what people carry in their beings, their spirit and body!

2. After I was done, Heavenly Mother came and spoke to me:

'Raphael what you have done this morning is pleasing to me. I want you to continue to do this remote energy healing work, as you are able, and carve out time to do it. In all of these healing experiences, you consciously watch and observe what was happening. We who are the Gods of our children performed all of the healing by my intensive light of the Holy Ghost and by our power to heal our children.'

3. I thanked her that I have been able to quickly become active again in doing this Godly healing work. I told her that I felt honored to be her conduit of healing.

My view of talking with her on the celestial orb then stopped. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

4. I should mention too that I talked yesterday with my sister K. It was very good to talk with her. She expressed some additional healing experiences also, and said she would share them with me.

5. Last night I also compiled some PDF files and some videos of the healing methods on my website. I am trying to figure out the best way to send them out.

6. This is what I received from my sister K on Dec. 6 2019 and Jan. 1, 2020:

Here is an entry about the crown....

"December 6, 2019

I drank living water and then went, in my mind, to inside the Holy Temple in the celestial kingdom. I prayed to be open and receptive to God's words and guidance. I said I was thankful for Jesus Christ and wanted to know him better. I felt, in my mind, I was to go to the white gate where Jesus was. I went to the gate and knelt. Jesus opened the gate. I thanked my Savior for his redemption for all God's children who come to him, providing a way back into the presence of our Gods. I thanked him for being the great Redeemer of this earth and this eternity.

Jesus Christ said "Come in Rachael. Come unto me in all things. I have suffered for your sins and weaknesses. I have carried the cross for you. You are clean and pure before God, through my blood that I have shed and my atoning sacrifice on your behalf. I have done as I was asked. I have redeemed the faithful through the great atonement. Come in Rachael".

I went within the gate and I asked, 'How do I get to know you better while in mortality, my Savior?'

"Read, ponder and pray. Read the words of my life and works from the scriptures and other books and writings by those of faith. Listen to uplifting music that inspires. Ponder. Think on these things and pray for greater light and understanding. Pray. Pray to know me. Talk to me. Pray to the Father and Mother and ask how to know me. Do good works. Ask for greater faith and knowledge The path will be made clear. I am with you. I will never fail you. I am here and my love is like a shield that will cover and protect you."

'Thank you, my Savior. Thank you for all you have done for me and for every single one of God's children who has come to this earth. Thank you. I am so very grateful.'

He said to now walk the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of life, to partake of the fruit and leaf.

We embraced and my heart was full of gratitude and I had tears of gratitude and love in my eyes. I then went to the straight and narrow path and moved quickly to the glorious tree of life. I asked permission to partake and it was obvious I was to partake. I plucked a white fruit and a leaf and sat near the tree to eat. The fruit was sweet and I felt joy and love in my heart. The leaf was good too.

I then sat and enjoyed the beauty of the tree.

Then I saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come towards me. (I did not record which of my Heavenly Parents said the following:)

'Rachael, our daughter, this fruit and leaf will bring you greater sustenance and perception as you live in a darkened mortal sphere.

You have also been given the permanent gift of our light and love which you may always find within you to sustain and support you as well as shine out to those around you.

We now activate the crown that you have on your head- that your intellect will be enhanced, your memory improved, and the understanding of our ways and of all truth greatly enhanced.'

Heavenly Mother touched the crown that I hadn't been aware of, not a big crown, but a sparkling circlet of sorts and it shimmered and sparkled and seemed full of life and intelligence.

'This crown will help you as you navigate through dark and difficult times at a future day.

You are remembering Donna Eden saying to her students "Put on your crown and..." Your crown, which was given to you as an archangel long ago, has been activated now for you to have as a guide and an enhancement to your mental capacities and your breadth of understanding while in your mortal state. When you want more capacity to understand and comprehend, you may tap or connect with your crown and you will receive that which you desire in that regard.'

Oh thank you my beloved and gracious Heavenly Parents. I love thee. I am grateful that you care about me. Help me to be strong and faithful and guided by thee at every turn and in every situation. I pray for thy love to shine upon me that I might shine it out upon others. Thank you. I love thee. I want to obey all thy words and desires for me.

Heavenly Father: 'Go now in perfect faith, our daughter.'

I embraced them both and closed my prayer."

Later, December 19, 2019, Heavenly Mother reminded me: 'Remember, my daughter, that you wear a crown. Remember that, for it is a real connection to us, your Gods.'

7. Here is what happened on the New Year Day....

"January 1, 2020 Around 4:00 A.M.

I imagined myself (with the help of angels or other beings) getting prepared by bathing,washing my hair, having a tiny bit of oil applied to each chakra and up my spine by angel beings and then getting dressed in my angelic robes in preparation for entering the holy pyramid. I was accompanied into this pyramid where the wise ones were seated at a long table in front. I walked up the center area by myself (after being escorted into the pyramid by angels or servants of God). I got down on one knee before the wise ones, who had very loving kindly faces and I bowed my head.

I don't remember all the details but I knew I was there for all remaining vestiges of the telestial body to become terrestrial or higher. And that I was there to become more aligned to my heavenly parents and Jesus Christ and that my intellect, heart, mind, and so forth were opened more to divine truth, love and light.

I sat in a chair before the wise ones and while I was lying face up on my bed in my mortal body, I imagined receiving their love and blessings and upgrades. I do not know if it was only my imagination or if it was real.

I then thanked them and departed the pyramid."

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 8, 2020, Wednesday

1. I awoke at 1:30 am to my wife who had one ear in severe pain. I worked on this energetically, and felt I was the conduit of Heavenly Mother's healing to her. In the course of what I did, Heavenly Mother and I were able to extract 3 levels of unwanted energies that had somehow lodged in one ear. This morning we removed stuff from the other ear. I determined that she was suffering from a bacterial infection. She took some natural remedies (colloidal silver, goldenseal, garlic in the ear, carbachol, and grapefruit seed extract at night. She finally got to sleep at 6 am, some hours after the healing session was done. I am so glad that she is still sleeping, even now past 9 am. (Note: she awoke at 10:30 am to no pain, and spent the day as we had planned with family to eat and shop. She said she was amazed how quickly things turned around.)

2. I also went through all of the people that I had worked on energetically since 1-1-2020, and corrected some things. Some are in a state of healing, some appear healed, and some needed correcting. What Heavenly Mother and I did for each one now is becoming a little blurred in my mind, for we worked on eleven people in about one hour. I expect my speed will increase in time too. I am following my intuition and the promptings I receive for each person. I ask "Is there anything else I can do for them now, for each person that I work on?" I try to observe "what is" for each person, and not to project any of my own views on what "should be". I am trying to be very open and intuitive.

3. I read last night about the growing tensions between the Unites States and Iran. This or another such event could well be the spark to getting the world into a global conflict. I also read about the forest fires in Australia, so many out of control!

Anyway, I am trying to do my remote healing work first thing in the morning, and around 8 pm at night.

4. Evening–I have enjoyed being with my two daughters and my wife today. We have lots of fun together. I am pretty open with them about the health issues I work on, particularly in sharing information with my wife. I am curious how my training will go until I receive high ability to heal with more power, being a conduit for my Heavenly Mother's light. I feel I am in the training stage, and have a certain amount of more training that needs to happen. I think I am about 25% into the training, or that there is 75% left. I think my training will be mostly in my observations during my times of training.

5. Every time I start into a healing session, either in the morning or at night, I try to petition one or both of my Heavenly Parents to teach me so that I can be their clear and true conduit for healing.

This evening I came to the cliff on the south end of God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt facing the temple to the north. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

6. He immediately appeared in front of me. He was beaming with light! He was smiling, and sending forth his abundant love to me. He then spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I want to train you in more of our healing ways before we expand you to our full power of healing through you. You have learned well and taught our healing gifts, and have had these refreshed in your mortal mind. This part of your training is complete. However, we wish you to observe what we do, during a particular healing session, and how you might learn in these direct experiences.

7. You are correct that your training has just begun. We are pleased that you are devoting time each morning and evening to be out conduit of healing. As you observe what is, we will explain further how we will act and want you to act.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I then looked down on the north end of the lake and then I was immediately there, and Heavenly Father was next to me. I started going through my list of people in my family, friends and acquaintances that I have already thought of or worked on.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 9, 2020, Thursday

1. Last night I went to bed immediately after my remote healing session that I did with Heavenly Father on those on my list. Here is what I learned from this and other previous sessions:

2. A) When I act as a conduit for healing, I observe the person that I am to work with. I ask for their permission if I hadn't before received it. I then observe them energetically (this means I see them in their spirit before me, I somehow view their spirit with the ailments in their physical body, for that is our intention. When I do anything to their body, like sending forth more light, or removing unwanted energies or "stuff", this is somehow transferred via their spirit that is residing in their physical body, through this their replicated spirit. The exact mechanism or transfer is unclear to me, but it is real and works immediately. I believe their spirit is replicated before me, and their spirit also is residing in their physical body. There is a link between their replicated spirit and their spirit in their body. This link allows whatever I do in their replicated spirit to transfer to the spirit in their body, and then that transfers to the physical body and makes the change.)

3. After viewing them energetically through the means I explained in the above paragraph, I ask God what I can do as his or her conduit of light and healing. I then listen to what Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ may say to me. I try to be very intuitive. I often bring my hands to the head area of the one to be helped, and send light from God to them. Sometimes I only focus on certain areas, or sometimes their entire body. Often, if it is the first time, I see no healing light coming from them or going into them, and then just wait until the light I am projecting on them from God to start filling them up with light.

4. B) Once I see them respond to the healing light from God, and to accept and receive it, I ask again to God what I should do as their conduit of light. As I listen, I may feel just to wait, or sometimes to do a heavenly healing gift to remove "stuff" from the affected area I see needing light. I then immediately act and do the healing gift.

5. C) If I feel I should remove unwanted energy that is preventing healing. I start the healing gift as explained on my website. I usually am able to have the person either sit in a chair, or lie on a table. I usually do this on the celestial orb, most often in God's Loving Healing Center somewhere. I go to where I feel I should go, or where Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ may be located or want me to go. I seek always to be intuitive and to do whatever my healing God may direct me to do.

6. When doing a healing gift like several times I did last night, I find I can jump forwards or backwards in time during the healing gift. This helps it go much faster for me on earth's time. Time as we know it is not so much a factor in heaven or higher realms, and I know I have the capability to go forward or back in time, for that is a gift I have by virtue of my robes as a healing angel that I wear. If I do a "complete healing" gift, this consists of multiple healings in the client's life on earth, either past, present or future, that are added to each other until the healing affect is realized. These multiple healings may consist of any of the healing gifts, or just filling with light at multiple times.

7. D) When I feel I am done filling with light the one needing healing, I observe that the light stays with them after I leave. I believe somehow that I, being God's conduit, initially direct the light as I feel prompted, and then the flow of healing light continues to flow after I have left. When I come back, either the next night or morning, the light almost always remains flowing into the person wanting the healing. I believe as this light continues to flow to them, God directs how much healing is to be done and how quickly. This is outside of my control, for I am only a conduit sending the light, helping to remove unwanted energy, and acting in whatever way God may direct me. This is my role, and all healing remains with God. I may petition God to heal them, but God decides. I believe the speed of healing is based largely upon the individual's mortal play that God has for that person.

8. E) When I feel I am done in my conduit role of healing, I thank my God who is doing the healing. It is such a great privilege to participate in this holy work! I convey these feelings to either Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ who are the true healers that I assist.

9. If I do this healing work in person in mortality, I would direct the one being healed to thank God for their own healing, to whatever level they may receive. I emphasize that I am God's conduit of healing light, but God is the one who heals.

10. F) If I have opportunity to speak with the one being filled with healing light, I do so, asking them how they might feel. I have done this with my second daughter. We text or talk back and forth, and I respond to her words. If pain returns, I see what I may do then or during my next healing session in the morning or at night. When I revisit her, I seek to see what really is, or what may be impeding healing, and then ask God what I may be able to do as their conduit of healing.

11. G) When doing healing work as God's conduit for my wife and son, I have noticed that physical touch is very important. My hands are filled with light, and if I physically contact or gently massage with my hands, I feel this may immensely help. The light comes from my hands, being continually flowing into me usually from my head from God. During the God's Loving Focus gift, the light passes from God's hands through my hands to the one receiving the light. Other healing gifts have the light pass through the client needing healing or me in different ways. In all of these ways, healing comes from God through healing light.

12. H) Sometimes if I direct light to the overall body or general head area for example, I can't detect a blockage or a dark area until I zoom up to the area needing healing. In the case of my friend who had parathyroid problems, I could only see darkness around these glands when I was zoomed up close enough to view them.

13. Almost always, I cannot see what unwanted energy I am removing until it passes outside of the body. I cannot see what it is when inside the body. I do, however, know that I have something that is unwanted when I am starting to move it to an area outside of the body. I often can see the unwanted energy bunch up in front of my hands, and the area behind my hands appear very clean and "normal".

14. Sometimes in a head clearing, when the entire head is filled with light, I can view all of the head and feel if there is any area not filled with light. I just observe. As I look, I sometimes feel the light fill up the area where I am looking. When I am satisfied that all is filled with light, I move further back in my view and see a brighter, more intense light filling the head area. This same process may occur to any area of the body.

15. I) There are stigmas and good proprieties of our culture affecting viewing the body areas of reproduction or of a woman's breast areas. When I observe people, I see these areas as God sees them with no such cultural stigmas, but viewed only with the intention to heal. These body parts are just like any other, and part of their creation as a child of God. I see only what really needs light, and it is a view God grants to me, whether inside the body or outside. My motivation is to be a conduit of healing. I see all of my work as a sacred stewardship and blessing.

16. J) Whether I do remote energy work or in person energy work, to me it is all the same. This is a remarkable thing, and involves replication of my being and the spirit being of the one for whom I minister to. I do this always in a meditative state, for I have practiced this for many years now and easily switch over to this mode of seeing and acting in other realms. My conscious and unconscious mind switches back and forth freely too, and I hardly realize what perspective where I may be actually viewing from. God also seems to be continually next to my side, and directs me instantly when I need help or are acting as his or her conduit. I feel so very blessed to act in this heavenly role.

17. In the evening–I just finished doing my healing work tonight. I have noticed the following with one of the people that I placed my hand around their gall bladder for several days now: Today there was a change, for it looked not so full of light. I inquired of Heavenly Mother and immediately felt to do a God's Loving Focus healing gift on it, and then removed unwanted energy. I felt Heavenly Mother was directing my hands. When the negative "stuff" came out, it was dark and slipped and ran all over the place, like water running all over.

18. I somehow gathered it all up in my hands and shone more light on this mass until it went away!

My assessment of all of this is that the light I shone on her gall bladder stayed based on her gall bladder for 3-4 days before anything was ready to move, or before the "stuff" could be moved away. It was like the light helped loosen the unwanted energy so it could ultimately be removed.

19. I am making sure I observe carefully, am very intuitive, and always do as God tells me. This has been a very rewarding week and a half since I have been doing this process twice a day.

20. My wife found this great quote from Albert Einstein (1879-1955:

"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be."

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 10, 2020, Friday

1. This morning I met with my Heavenly Mother at the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I came to her kneeling on the ground. She was full of light and spoke peace to my soul: I had also come here last night and asked her if I was doing things in my life that were pleasing her.

2. She spoke to me the same message last night and this morning:

'Raphael, you ask about whether your actions are pleasing to me? Your Heavenly Father and I have been directing you, and you have responded to every one of our promptings. We are particularly pleased that you spend time in the morning and the evening acting in your conscious mind as our conduit of healing light. You are preparing yourself in your training to be ready for my great outpouring of healing that is coming upon the world this year in 2020. This is your new focus the entire year that we wish you to pursue.

3. Continue morning and night to spend time being our conduit of my healing light. As you are persistent, we will further prepare your skills. You observe what happens in healing sessions and then write about your own observations and conclusions in your journal. This constitutes your training. We then will have you share your words with those on your email list. They too will be prompted by me to become trained and proficient in helping others heal, by acting as my conduit of healing. Your words will help encourage them also.

4. You are correct that there has been a shift in your work with the start of 2020. We now want you to magnify your mission of healing as our healing archangel. All of the healing angels will also be prompted to magnify this charge from their Heavenly Father and I also. There will be so many for them to heal by our power! They will heal in similar ways as you, acting as our conduits of my healing light that we will send forth upon the earth.

5. Raphael, add your own name to the growing list of people you have made to evaluate and help heal, morning and evening. You may shine my healing light upon your own body, thereby placing you also in a state of healing like the others you are helping.

6. Once you shine my healing light on an individual, I continue to shine forth my healing on them. Usually when you come back to them, you observe that my light is still shining on them. Sometimes it takes a few days of the light shining on them to loosen the unwanted energy that is causing distress, sickness, darkness, and reduced function in their body. However, after my healing light breaks forth upon them, you often see that this unwanted energy can then be removed through one or more of the healing gifts that we have revealed to you and that you have described on your website.

7. You have assembled both the PDFs and videos of our healing gifts, and are ready to send these to your small email group. When you send your next post 148, ask them for a good address and then mail to them a thumb drive of your files. We wish for them to have possession of these PDFs and videos so they may view and practice them, even when the Internet goes out or becomes more restrictive.

Wrap up post 148 now and make this the last entry for that post.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations this morning! I said that I felt very comfortable, now more than ever, in doing this healing energy work, acting as her healing conduit. I thanked her for her training and her directions.

9. I then felt my prayer was done. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ. I plan to type this all up and get ready to send my journal pages out as post 148 in the next few days.

10. While I was getting ready to send this post out, I received this email from S. He said I could share:

Email from S, 1-11-2020:

Happy New Year! I was able to print from home and bind all the volumes from PDF format. Thanks for your work and making that available.

. . . These are a couple of my recent journals from different days that I felt to share from this new year.

11. 1/3/20:

This morning I awoke refreshed. I prayed before reading the scriptures to know what to study. In the prayer my thoughts turned to Mormon. I opened my scriptures to Mormon 1. I found it interesting that the Lord directed him NOT to preach to the people. I felt a similar feeling and recorded it in prayer recently. Witchcraft and sorceries filled the land as has occurred today in our nation. The people had hardened their hearts.

I knelt in prayer and called upon one or both of my Heavenly Parents. To my mind came the image of the fountain of living water and I heard Heavenly Mother call me to this location. Interestingly I saw myself travel there and pass many stars and solar systems to arrive there. I was then at the fountain where my Heavenly Mother was sitting on the raised fountain wall on the west side. She wore a white robe with a soft glow of light about her being. She was full of love. She directed me to sit beside her and drink the water. I did so with a cupped hand. I felt light enter my body from my head to my toes. I gave thanks for my Savior who is the living water. As I drank, she scooped water into her hand and poured drops onto my head. She spoke, "This living water not only enlivens when you drink it, but it blesses everything it touches. You are blessed to see and feel the love of God. Mormon could see and feel the love of God even as a young man of 15 when he was visited of the Lord as recorded in Mormon 1. The rest of the people hardened their hearts. Your nation has prospered and been greatly blessed by the hand of the Lord. Yet most have rejected Us their Gods completely. Today most people do not see God's hand in their lives, nor do they seek God with any intent. They are as the Nephites in the days of Mormon. We have directed you to not say anything about what we have revealed to you about Our coming in judgement upon your nation this year. We did this to Mormon as well. This is because we are calling, your Heavenly Father and I with our very voices to each of our children. If they but ask or seek us openly, humbly, they will receive our spirit and hear our words. But they don't! We respect their agency and would be obstructing their agency to do any more than what we are now doing. (The verse from Jacob 5 came to my mind, when the Lord of the vineyard said, "What more could I have done?"). We will continue to call out with our own voice to those who will listen. The day is now at hand when wickedness will be cut off from the land. There are many who commit suicide or are grasped with depression because they are unable to open their eyes to see the blessing of mortality. The gift to see, breathe, think and act is lost to them as they have chosen to be in Satan's grasp. This occurs from repeatedly turning away from our spirit and listening to the adversary. This has been a pattern repeated daily for so long that many of our children are grasped by his chains that bind them. This happened to the Nephites as well in Mormon's day. We call out and will continue to call out to our children if they will but listen. Encourage your children to seek us daily in the privacy of their hearts and thoughts. We will soon cut off the wicked in great numbers upon your land. It will come quickly for most have already chosen whom they will seek. Be at peace as you see these events unfold before your eyes, even as Mormon found peace through Christ as he witnessed the downfall and destruction of the Nephite society."

I felt humbled by Heavenly Mother's message. I was enlightened by her words and gave thanks for my many blessings. She departed before my eyes and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

12. 1/5/20:

I read in Mormon 2 today. The state of hardness of hearts among the Nephites was great. They sorrowed that they could not find happiness in sin. I then read in Raphael about increased power to heal through God coming in 2020.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed again to the fountain of living water. Heavenly Mother was seated on the west side of the fountain as I saw her last time I came to this fountain. There was a gentle breeze. She spoke to me, " You wondered as you read Raphael's record if we would extend to you our blessings of healing. You also have this gift from us though you were a captain of the guard and not a healing angel premortally. Through your faith and our power, We will bless you to administer and extend our blessing of healing to your family and those around you when we direct. This will all occur for the glory of God. The winds of change are coming shortly to your land. We will be with our elect who call upon us in faith in their day of need and desperation. You do not know the hearts of evil and conspiring men in your own nation and in the world. These powerful men are in Satan's grasp, and they do his bidding as he directs them. Much of the calamity coming is orchestrated by these secret combinations in a search for greater power, riches, and control. It will not come to pass according to their desires and the great power of God will be manifest in the creation of Zion. Stay close to us in prayer and your thoughts throughout the day and we will be by your side, leading and directing you." At this time the breeze ended and it was calm. She departed before me and I closed my prayer.

13. 1/11/20:

I read in Mormon 8 about walking past the naked, needy, sick and afflicted. I wondered if I did enough to help those in need around me.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I desired to commune with them. I was curious about what I read from Mormon 8 about our generation worried about things of this world but not helping the needy, poor, and naked. I was directed to Lake Beautiful. I noticed the lake was calm, but there were dark heavy rain clouds. A circle of light appeared and the clouds departed in that area. A column of light shone through in this area and my Heavenly Parents came down in this column of light with Heavenly Mother coming first followed by Heavenly Father. They came and stood before me. Heavenly Mother spoke first, "We love you and are happy to come commune with you this morning." I felt her peace and love wash over me and I was so pleased to be in their presence. Heavenly Father then spoke, "You wondered about Moroni's words concerning the poor and needy. He saw your day when so many of our children would be focused on wealth and the material, vain things of this world. This focus on riches would blind many to other's needs. Of utmost importance to our faithful children is the companionship of our spirit. The spirit will enlighten your mind and guide you to bless the needy and naked. The spirit can enlighten you to the intentions of others. You've also experienced the negative from being manipulated by the homeless couple seeking alcohol to feed their addiction. You also experienced great evil on your mission from the spiritual needy who invited you into their home with wicked, perverse intentions and you had to flee. Having our spirit as your guide is the key to lifting and blessing our children in need. Moroni saw a time where the spirit had departed many of our children and they no longer sought to serve and bless those around them." Heavenly Father then looked at me with care and said, "We have another message to share with you. Look to the sky!" I looked and saw the heavy, dark clouds pour forth rain. There were large, heavy drops that caused the previously calm waters of Lake Beautiful to become turbulent. The heavy rain quickly soaked my entire being. There was a wind and I felt cold throughout my body. I realized that if I stayed much longer in this weather with the cold wind. and heavy rain, I would get hypothermia quickly. At this time I looked at my Heavenly Parents. They had light about them that grew until it covered me. It quickly warmed me and I was now dry despite the heavy rain storm about me. Heavenly Father spoke, "Many will die and depart this earth because of the great storms coming. Only our children who turn to us in prayer and call upon us in the name of Jesus Christ will be spared." I desired to always call upon Them and feel their presence near. They both smiled upon me and departed. I felt their great love for me as they departed. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Have a blessed day,