7-29-2015 Wednesday. At home during meditation and prayer. I practiced Complete Healing on two people. I describe exactly what happened in my remote healing session in God's Loving Healing Center. I also talk about the revitalizing waters of the lake.
Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts. I hope you can wade through it all–I tend to write a lot!
Warmly as ever,
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-26-2015 Sunday:
1. At the sacrament meeting, I made a covenant with the Father. I could visualize Heavenly Father . . . (he seems to always be before me, up in the air in my mind, and somewhat to the left of my perception/vision), as well as Jesus who was on his right side, at a lower elevation. We sang 'There is a Green Hill Far Away'.
2. After I partook of the bread, I could tell that Jesus came to me. He said he had accepted my covenant, and that I was brought back into his presence. He then placed both of his hands on my shoulders and said that the Father wanted to talk to me. We then were transported to our Father, who was above us. . . Jesus had his right arm around my shoulders. He said:
'Father, this is R who has been brought back into our presence and is clean before us. I have brought him before thee today as thou hast asked me to do.'
3. Then Heavenly Father said words like these that I could hear in my mind: 'Thank you, my Beloved Son.'
Then he faced me and spoke:
'R, this week it is my will to teach you more fully how we heal our children. I will teach you during your prayer time. Be especially attentive and meditative. I will instruct you how to heal and bless my children in a more powerful way. I love you, R'
Then he drew my spirit close and embraced me. I felt tingles all over my being. I felt his great strength and capacity.
4. Heavenly Father then withdrew. Jesus then faced me and started to speak:
'R, I will come also to you during your prayers this upcoming week. . . You will be able to heal with my power and with that of the Father.'
Then Jesus drew me close and embraced me too. It was a great experience, in my spirit.
5. The next thing I knew I was back in my place on the bench in the chapel. I wrote all this down immediately afterwards.
I have just transcribed this from my pocket notebook into here. When I think about this, and pray about this in my mind while I am writing, I am very excited, anticipating I don't know what to happen. I want to be attentive and make lots of open time in my prayers this week for sure!

B. R's Personal Journal, 7-27-2015 Monday:
1. I have just communed in prayer with my Heavenly Father. I am getting a much better picture how Jesus Christ healed while he was on earth. He truly is the master physician, and learned from his Father and Mother the ways of healing. I pray that I can convey here in my journal how I perceive this 'Complete Healing' process happens.
True healing is based on love. Love means a willingness to serve and then serving the client (he who is in need of healing), in doing whatever it takes, past, present or future, in the way of healing gifts, however frequent or long they may be. This truly is the work of Gods and healing angels who are set apart for this very function. Their role is to administer love and healing to those God designates in mortality to heal.
2. Healing, it seems, usually takes time, mortal time, to take effect. In the case of Complete Healing of a certain malady or issue, like Intention Healing, it usually consists of the following steps:
1) Coming before the client at a time in their mortal life.
2) Verifying that Complete Healing can be done and is approved of God.
3) On the healer's part, having a willingness to serve and love the client, even to the point of going into their past, present and future mortal life and doing repeated healing gifts, as a conduit for God's healing.
4) Then, with the intention and faith that healing will occur, the healer asks God to heal the ailment of the client. The healer waits and watches intuitively. At this instant in time, all that is required for healing gifts to happen (past, present and future), occurs in the unconscious mode, done by the spirit of the healer. When all this great labor of love and service is done (past, present and future), then the healer feels a flush of assurance and love from God that the ailment is healed.
5) Appropriate thanks to God should then be given. Sometimes remedies are suggested or new habits suggested. However, there is no more healing service required by the healer for this Complete Healing since all the unconscious, timeless service in the past, present and future is finished.
Note 1: 3. One might wonder how we as healers can go into the past or the future and heal something that is in the present. We, as spirits, are not constrained by the dimensions of time, as is God is not constrained by time. With God's permission, and acting as his agent and conduit, and with love in our heart, we can go forward or backwards in time, in our spirit, either conscious or unconscious, and perform a healing gift. Then we can jump back to the present, in mortal time. We thus may jump forward and back in time, with the loving intention to bless, serve and help heal our client. God willing, all and significant healing gifts we do, all piled on top of each other, little by little have the effect of a complete healing of the ailment. I call this process 'Complete Healing'.
Note 2: 4. When we, as healing angels, do a 'Complete Healing', we may feel, as did the Savior, when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of his garment, that 'virtue' goes out of us. It should probably better be termed 'love' than virtue. This is why: when a Complete Healing is done, then the healer has gone into the past, present and future state of the client and performed multiple healing gifts, either as a conduit for God or with his own healing gifts under God's observation. This is the highest level of loving a person–to expend effort and determination to bless and heal and lift them. There is an exhilaration to the healer when any healing gift is lovingly tendered to a client. When a whole series of these is performed, and a Complete Healing occurs, the exhilaration to the healer is even larger. This feeling is what I term as 'a flush of assurance and love' in step 4.
Note 3: 5. When a priesthood holder, or another person acts in faith and assurance before God, and instantly and completely heals a client, by the laying on of hands or in any other way, this is how I think it works: God hears the petition to heal and either heals the person directly, or summons a healing angel to bless the client, following the steps for Complete Healing. The priesthood holder or other faithful person initiating the blessing knows God did the healing. If summoned, the healing angel, working in the spirit, did a large part of the work too. All glory rightfully goes to God, and not to the healing angel or the initiator of the healing.
Note 4: 6. We see in the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, a similar type of this Complete Healing pattern. Jesus was somehow able to go through each life of each child of God who came or would come into mortality. He saw every good and bad deed. He suffered for each bad deed, and truly took upon himself the pains of this person's sins, and suffered the punishment required for that sin. When the person's life was done, Jesus then offers to that person full forgiveness, and as the Great Redeemer, he has already suffered for all the cumulative sins of that person, suffering the demands of justice until it all is appeased and accepted as payment in full. The person then only needs to come to Jesus, accept him as his Savior, and then live as best he can in following the path outlined by Jesus.
I now believe Jesus was able to go to the past, present and future (irrespective of mortal time constraints), and walk with that person through his entire life, and suffer all the penalties of sin until it was all paid.
7. This process was repeated for each soul who came or would come to mortality, and constitutes the grand atonement of Jesus Christ.
Likewise, we who are healing angels, have a similar path in helping others in mortality heal. We serve them in love, specifically by going into their past, present and future for the ailment we seek to help heal. The cumulation of all these is Complete Healing in the present, by the grace, healing light and love of God the Father, Heavenly Mother and/or Jesus Christ. We are agents, conduits and loving participants to their healing. We seek no praise or real recognition. We only want to bless and uplift our client in love.
Note 5: 8. I believe that there are many healing gifts available to the healing angels. The core healing gifts from God are the 5 Gifts plus God's Loving Healing Hands gift. The secondary healing gifts (including Find-Scoop-and Remove and Intention Healing) are also available to use. There might be many more secondary gifts too, some which are more practiced by a particular healing angel than another. However and overall, all the healing comes from God, and all praise and recognition goes back to God from whom the healing comes.
9. The core healing gifts (the 5 gifts and God's Loving Healing Hands gift) are all orchestrated by one or more of the three healers who are God. They have additional healing capabilities including the creation life and full reconstruction of a person, their child, in any of the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual areas. This healing, directly from them, is found only in the power of God.
Note 6: 10. When we talk about remote healing, that is really what most of the healing is: the spirit of the healer goes remotely to another world or place, and works on the client's spirit or body. He may go back in time, to a location on the earth with the client. This is remotely done on the spirit of the client. He may come to a healing room, or God's Loving Healing Center, remotely when he does his work. It is actually not too often that we, as healing angels, confine ourselves to the present time, in-person only, with our client. This is 'old-school' stuff in a way. We may act like this outwardly in what we are doing, whereas in reality our spirit is jumping all over the place, without mortal time constraints.
Note 7: 11. Here are some examples of me working in the past and future in a healing mode, as a healing angel:
John: went back to 12-21-2011, during his anoxic brain injury and cardiac arrest (see my journal entry on 7-22-2015, near the end)
JoAnn (see 7-22-2015 entry) for endometriosis
Sarah (see 7-22-2015 entry) for migraines
Natalie (see 7-19-2015 entry) for uterus
John (see 7-19-2015 entry) for memory and executive brain function
(later added:)
Natalie (see 7-28-2015 entry) for eyeball
Complete Healing: See my journal entry for 7-29-2015 below.
Note 8: 12. I believe that Jesus did some of his healings, early on, in the Complete Healing manner I as I have described. I also think later he healed with is inherent power as God. This scripture in D&C 93:12-15, 17 talks about the transition that occurred in Jesus' life and ministry:
"And I, John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace;
And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness;
And thus he was called the Son of God, because he received not of the fulness at the first.
. . .And he received all power, both in heaven and on earth, and the glory of the Father was with him, for he dwelt in him."
13. I believe Jesus grew and learned until he had all the power of the Father. At first he healed with this Complete Healing procedure I have described. Later, in his ministry, he healed by virtue of his stature as a God, as one of the three healers.
His example of using the Complete Healing method may have been done to show us, who are his healing angels, how to heal with his power in a instant healing setting. I want to learn more of this, for sure!
14. I think also that we, as healing angels, have practiced Complete Healing before and are familiar with it and how to do it. We did this before we were born as we ministered to God's children in mortality, in all ages of earth's history. This is a familiar procedure for us. We love to do it!
Also, by doing more doesn't mean we tire of doing this healing work either. To the contrary, we are strengthened when we do more. We are temporarily tired a little from our spirit doing lots of work on the other side, in unconscious healing. We can handle more and more I believe as we do more and more too. Translation makes our abilities to do more increase significantly too.

C. R's Personal Journal, 7-28-2015
8:36 am
1. I just had a marvelous experience with five other healing angels in the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. We had a group kneeling prayer in that room, and then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came and instructed us for 35-40 minutes total on Complete Healing procedure and other issues. We then were transported to God's holy temple and each were touched by Heavenly Father on our head to be able to perceive spiritual things more clearly. I pray I will be able to accurately write all that happened this morning!
I started meditating and praying on my back in my bed around 7:45 am. I was immediately in the domed room. I was alone and was dressed in the glory of my healing vestures, as a healing angel.
2. I immediately wanted to see Natalie and find out how her scratched eyeball was doing. She appeared before me in her healing vestures, at the thought. We had a full embrace.
We separated and I asked about her eyeball. I felt it would not need any further healing gift done, and would be ok. I then energy tested too about her gums and I felt they too were healed. This made me happy that the Complete Healing I did the other day for her actually worked!
3. Then I wanted to see Angela. She also instantly came, dressed in her healing vestures too. We too had a full embrace and then kissed each other on our cheeks. I felt close to Angela. I energy tested about her thyroid condition and felt it too had been completely healed while I was talking on the phone with her yesterday. I was pleased too with this feeling. Natalie was still there by us, and we three were there.
Then I in turned asked to see Elizabeth, Alaina, and then Roberta all there too. As each came, I embraced fully each one, as dear and loving friends. It was a great experience. We were soon all together–all six of us, each clothed in our healing vestures in the domed room.
4. I asked if each of them would pray with me for more enlightenment about Complete Healing. I knew we each knew how in our spirits to do this, and had done this procedure many times before. I desired to confirm too all of this in my conscious mind.
They all readily agreed. We knelt in a circle in the center of the domed room, holding each others' hands, and were all joined together. We knew each other very well and were all best of friends. We shared deep love for each other.
5. I acted as voice and prayed out loud:
'Heavenly Father, we six healing angels come before thee, in this significant location where each of us has been blessed and set apart as a healing angel, and clothed in our vestures we now wear. We ask thee to come and further enlighten our conscious minds about Complete Healing so we can know and understand our roles and duties. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.'
At that moment, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in a burst of light, right through the ceiling of that domed room. Heavenly Father was on the right side of Heavenly Mother. They came right in front of me. Those with their backsides towards Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother moved next to me. We were all six still kneeling and facing our heavenly parents. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were a little elevated in the air and were holding hands.
6. Heavenly Father stepped forth slightly and spoke out loud. I could hear this all clearly and slowly in my mortal mind:
'Oh my dear and lovely healing angels, I speak to you and to all my healing angels who are not here too. This is the very location where I set you apart and blessed you as a glorious healing angel. Your Heavenly Mother then clothed you in your healing robes and I gave you your healing stones. These were made by us just for you individually. Oh, we love you so much!
7. You were schooled and trained in all the healing arts previous to this occasion. You acted faithfully in all periods of earth's temporal existence, blessing the lives of so many of our mortal children on earth.
You developed the ability to Complete Heal your brothers and sisters in the flesh. You did so by going back in the past in their lives, and then forward in time too, and performing numerous healing gifts as a spirit healing angel, the overall effect which was full and complete healing. Your client, our child in mortality, thus had incremental healing after each healing gift that you participated with in their past. The future healing was done to assure they would continue having healing of their ailment in the future.
8. You were blessed to go to their past, present and future by virtue of your calling as a healing angel, and since you possessed your healing stone. When you had questions of what to do, at any time in this healing process, you often looked with intention into your healing stone and then knew what healing gift and where to apply it. Your healing robes gave you mobility also to move through the life span of your client with ease and with authority from God. You served each of our needy children in need of healing in a loving and tender way, as we would act. You were noble and clear conduits of our healing light and love. You also exercised great powers of intuition and understanding in your role to bless and heal.
My healing angels–you know and have practiced many times this gift of Complete Healing.
9. When our Beloved Son was on earth and acted in his 3-year ministry, he grew grace-by-grace in his ability and strength to heal. The first part of his ministry (1 1/2 years) he used Complete Healing as you have practiced. As he grew in his healing stature and ability, he began using his power as God to bless and heal those around him (the last 1 1/2 years).
The example of our Beloved Son is your role model of healing. Each of you attended his mortal ministry and watched and learned from him as spirits before you were born. He showed you the way to do Complete Healing. He used you in helping him heal the people too. You were his healing angels, at his disposal. This was a very joyous time for you as you worked together, as a group, in assisting as needed, your beloved brother and Savior.
10. You are now called upon to act again as agents of healing for God, for us three healers. We will send you directly to those who need our healing touch. You will serve us both consciously in your body, and unconsciously in your spirit, apart from your body.
You have been prepared for these great days ahead. Much will be expected of you. Your spirits will quietly and quickly move to bless many people in the days of great need, trauma and darkness that are soon upon the world. We will be with you constantly and will buoy you up. Your spirits and physical bodies will be invigorated and strengthened for your tasks.
11. Act in humility and assurance. Most importantly, act in love and all will be shown to you what you should do. Never seek for reward or gain, for your reward will continue to be the deep satisfaction of loving and serving another one our children. Oh, I love you, my dear healing angels!'
12. Then Heavenly Father stepped back and Heavenly Mother stepped forth. She was broadly smiling and spoke:
'My dear children, my special healing angels–I address each of you also, including those not here today in this glorious place.
I give you my blessings of love to guide you too in your great labors. You will be blessed when you come to this area, to God's Loving Healing Center, for your remote healing work. Here is a place of peace and tranquility where you may do your best work. It is here where you grew up as spirits, and acted as healing angels before us, serving those on earth.
We will be close by you always. It is through our Godly healing powers that you are privileged to heal.
13. When another person, with great faith, or who acts in their priesthood, blesses someone to be healed, we often send you, our healing angels, to do Complete Healing. This requires you to go into your client's past, present and future life which they are currently living in mortality. We also may chose to use our Godly powers of healing to instantly heal that person which is being blessed in faith to be healed.
You, our healing angels, have the calling to bless and heal. There are relatively few of you, however, and you will therefore be active in your movement and work. Act in faith and love and you will be able to serve in marvelous ways.
Oh, I love you!'

14. Then Heavenly Mother embraced me. I felt a full connection with her and became one with her, also going inside of her being it seemed! She separated and kissed me on my lips. She then went in turn to Natalie, then Angela, Elizabeth, Alaina and Roberta. When done, our Heavenly Father came and embraced me too, and then each in turn. The embrace was full and just like Heavenly Mother's embrace, only with him, being different.
When Heavenly Father was done, they took us by our hands, all of us, holding each others' hands like we did in prayer, and we were transported to God's temple, not far away to the north.
15. We came into the central room, the celestial room in that celestial temple in that celestial world! Heavenly Father then touched each of us in turn on our foreheads. He said he would give us great clarity and perception in being able to see spiritual healing activities we'd all be involved in, more and more. He indicated he would do this for all of their healing angels too, who were awakened or would soon be awakened.
16. I don't remember much more that happened in that glorious temple this morning. The next impression I had was that of falling backwards. I came to my bed where I was lying on my back, face up. I felt the healers portal and there were three bumps on my side, meaning I was back in mortality on earth, in my physical body again. The clocked showed 8:30 am. I felt I had been in this vision for 40-45 minutes, most of it being instructed either by Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother.
17. I then knelt down by my bed and thanked my Heavenly Father for this amazing experience. I specifically prayed whether it was true–each part. I felt confirmed it was true, and assured in my mind and heart. I then got up and wrote steadily with my own pen until 9:45 am when I ended.
I feel what I have written to be accurate, as best I can express what occurred. It is all in my own words as I tried to express and remember what all they said.
I also feel all that was told me last night in my extended prayer, from the presence of Jesus Christ to my mind, was also true. I took sketchy notes last night and will now write them down in numbered paragraphs. After I had this communion with Jesus, it took me several hours to fall asleep!
18. 1) When we, as healing angels, have completed all the healing required, by using the healing gifts we feel inspired to do, for past, present and future periods of our client's mortal life, we will see our healing stone 'light-up'. We can look at it, with our spiritual perceptions, and see this healing stone get bright with light for a few seconds.
2) To initiate a Complete Healing session, we can offer a simple prayer, in faith and intention, words similar to this:
'Heavenly Father, (name of the client) and I come to thee, seeking that he/she be made whole and be healed. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.'
3) Someone has asked how can we communicate with each other when destructions come. Jesus indicated to me that we will be able to communicate with each other in the spirit, or when we are gathered together in God's Loving Healing Center. This can be accessed through our mediations.
4) The fulness of the priesthood power will not be given to man until all of the healing angels who are living in mortality are awakened.
5) Jesus said that during the first part of his ministry (1 1/2 years) he healed with Complete Healing, using these steps I have been shown and going into the client's past, present and future. During the latter part of his earthly ministry, he healed with the power of God, in his position and power as one of the three healers.
6) During the pre-mortal life, we exercised and knew how to do Complete Healing.
7) I was correct about the atonement, that he (Christ) went through the life of each person, one at a time, and suffered for their sins. There was no time constraint issues, or mortal time, for it was all done in the spirit realm.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry 7-29-2015, Wednesday
1. Last night in my evening prayer, I felt my Heavenly Father came right in front of me! I asked him again if all that I had written in my journal, over the past three days including Sunday, was accurate. He confirmed to me it was all true.
Then I thought of Jesus doing Complete Healing at the beginning of his ministry–and why. Why did he do this? Then the clear answer came right in my mind from my Father who was still before me: He came to train us as healing angels! We did not know how to do Complete Healing before Jesus' ministry either! This was way new to us and we rejoiced to be able to do this. We learned from Jesus during the first 1 1/2 years of his earthly ministry. When I realized this, I immediately jotted this all down in my little booklet.
2. The next morning I awoke from a restless night. I still felt good enough, however, to do energy work. I wondered what, if anything, was next for me to learn. I knelt down in prayer and reviewed all that had happened the last three days. Then I realized what was left was for me to practice Complete Healing!
I must admit I felt a little afraid to do this, with the possibility of failure, that somehow it wouldn't work. However, I went forward in faith.
3. So I went through my mind of who I could help heal. I thought of my wife's relative who had severe chronic fatigue syndrome, and severe stomach ailments also, and that sleeps for 22 hours per day. I felt compassion for Brenda. She is very medically oriented I think. I did not ask for her permission when she visited with our family yesterday. I then went to the domed room, in meditation, to see if I could get Brenda to come there and give me permission. I came to the domed room, and asked if she would come. I couldn't seem to get her there, and my thought was that she needed to give me her permission, either in her conscious mind in her physical person, or in her unconscious mind in her spirit. Since I had neither one, I felt I could not therefore do Complete Healing for Brenda.
I then thought of others, and ended up with two: Jennifer and Alaina. I did Jennifer first.
4. Jennifer had written me an email, asking if I could help her heal from her debilitating migraine headaches (later I looked up her email, and she said she has been having them for 20 years). I said I would try as I was able. She has multiple headaches weekly that she has to stop all her activities and go to bed. As I was thinking of Jennifer, she came to me, in her spirit, to the domed room! We embraced. I told her I wanted to see if we could heal her migraine headaches completely. I asked if she she would join me in prayer. She agreed. We stood and prayed. 'Heavenly Father, Jennifer and I come before thee, asking thee to help her completely heal of her debilitating migraine headaches. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.'
5. At that moment I waited, and in only seconds I saw my healing stone 'light up'! I was surprised! I then energy tested: I had unconsciously, without constraint of mortal time, just done 123 healing gift sessions for Jennifer's past, back 22 years! I had also done 1 healing gift in the present (God's Loving Focus), and 23 more in her future life (for 2 months out). It looks like in the past I did about 5 1/2 healing gifts per year, and in the short future I did them about every 2 1/2 days apart, on the average. Apparently, when I was done in the future, she needed no more work done, and her healing would maintain. I will email Jennifer soon about what I did.
6. Next, I went to another person, Alaina. Alaina is a fellow healing angel. At the thought of her, she immediately came to the domed room. I didn't see Jennifer anymore either.
I fully embraced Alaina and I told her what I intended to do for her–to help heal her completely of her adrenal exhaustion. She was excited. We were both dressed in our healing vestures. We held hands and I voiced a prayer: "Heavenly Father, Alaina and I come before thee, asking thee to completely heal her of her adrenal exhaustion. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.'
Then I opened my eyes and looked at Alaina. In 2 seconds or less I saw my healing stone light up and I felt a surge of assurance and love. It was amazing! Alaina then kissed me on my right cheek and embraced me again fully. I heard 'I love you, R!' from her in my mind. She then withdrew, with tears in her eyes. She seemed to know she had just been incrementally healed of her adrenal exhaustion, back in her mortal body (she was in her spirit only before me.)
Here's what I energy tested that I had done for Alaina: I went back 11 years in her mortal life and did 84 healing gifts in her past (about 7 1/2 healing gifts average per year). Then I did no healing gifts in the present. I did 17 more healing gifts over the future, for 2 1/2 months (a healing gift was administered about every 4 1/2 days on the average).
I knelt down with Alaina and we both thanked our Heavenly Father for this great blessing of healing for her adrenals!
I next felt I was back in my bed, on my back where I had began meditating. I felt fatigued! I felt a headache coming on, as often happens when I overdo things. I got up and knelt by my bed, and confirmed that what had just happened was real and true. I offered thanks to my Heavenly Father for this amazing experience.
7. I then felt I should get back in the bed and return to God's Loving Healing Center. I did so. I found myself at the shore of the lake by the meadow, still dressed in my healing vestures. I then saw myself walking into the water! The thought then came to me from Heavenly Father:
'R, this water in the lake at God's Loving Healing Center has special properties to refresh and renew our healing angels from their loving service they give to others.'
8. I then walked in until I was completely immersed in the water, yet I was not 'wet' nor did I have a problems breathing. I was very comfortable. I stayed a couple of minutes and then came back to my mortal body in bed. I felt the headache diminishing and I felt more refreshed and invigorated. I drank more water from my water bottle, which I felt would also help me.
I stayed in bed another few minutes, trying to relax, but soon quickly got out of the bed and had a quick prayer of thanksgiving. I then got up and started on the day.
I feel with this experience this morning, with Brenda, Jennifer and Alaina, that I should share my experiences with my fellow healing angels, in a private link on my website. I want to hear their comments and feelings. I trust and love them a lot."