99. The Power of the Rose
Posted 11-9-2018
Hello my friends!
Read this remarkable post about the power of the rose in the great battle with Lucifer in our premortal lives. Please confirm all that I write as true.
You will also read about many more important topics in this post. These revelations are so remarkable to me! I hope you enjoy them too.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 25, 2018, Thursday
1. I awoke before the family and came quietly to the adjacent bedroom. I feel well rested and happy. I have been thinking about how I want to appear to others. I know my Heavenly Mother chose to come across very happy and full of light and love. Her eyes are sparkling with joy. I know Heavenly Father has chosen to appear and be so full of power and understanding, full of love and light. They both accept me unconditionally.
2. How do I want to be and to appear before others? Here are my initial thoughts–I wish to be filled with light, love and acceptance. I want to have healing in my hands, sent to me in abundance from my Heavenly Parents. I want to smile a lot, to have shining light and deep love come from my own eyes. I think that if I control my own thoughts to create this person, that God will help me attain this countenance!
When I think of Jesus, I immediately think of his compassionate eyes, so very deep and loving of me! This is the overwhelming look I see when I think of my great Redeemer.
3. I then decided to pray in the garden next to the sapling tree of life. I plucked fruit and a leaf of this tree and went west along a path a little ways. I sat on a bench there and ate the fruit and the leaf. I thought of who I wish to really become and how I wish to appear before others. I humbly asked to be filled with this light, love and healing, all that comes from God through me. I want to really be an instrument of peace and healing in the hands of God.
I knelt on some grass next to the path by the bench. I faced the sapling tree of life. I then asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. I waited and watched. I then perceived my Heavenly Mother next to me, standing on the grass. She gradually appeared, increasing in brilliance as her form appeared before me.
4. She spoke:
'Raphael, if you keep your desired image of who you are and want to be appearing this way to others, we will bless you to attain this desire. You will become first more and more loving, healing and full of light within and then gradually show this through your own eyes and visage. This is exactly the image we wish you to have as our healing angel.'
5. Heavenly Mother then came over closer to me and laid both of her hands on my head. She closed her eyes and said nothing. I could perceive her thoughts however. She was somehow transferring to my mind and heart the beginning of the attributes I so desired! I could feel she searched deep in my soul and then filled it with her love and peace. I realized that this was a start, and that I would have to consciously work at expanding these Godly attributes within me. I would do this in showing light, love and healing to others, to bless their lives. I would do this with no thought of myself, but be focused on the needs and wants of others. As I served them in love and acceptance, these starting attributes would swell and grow within me.
Heavenly Mother removed her hands and stepped back. I looked into her sparkling, happy and smiling face.
6. She spoke again:
'Raphael, lose yourself in the service of others, and these godly virtues will grow and swell in intensity inside of you. You will become more and more our instrument of love and healing to our many children you may meet. Smile a lot and be accepting of all of our beloved children. We will then bless you gradually with these inner desires of your heart!'
7. I felt such overwhelming love for my Heavenly Mother in front of me! I thanked her humbly, expressing my love for her. I could feel her love flowing into me and her light from her presence! She then quickly left. I was alone in the garden. I then committed to act in loving ways today to all I might meet and interact with. I closed my prayer and came to my adjacent bedroom where I had been writing this whole time. I got up and started my new day.
8. In the evening– I came to the overlook at the fir forest looking over Father's wheat field. I knelt and felt clear inside. I then asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. I then looked down at the field below me and thought I saw my Heavenly Father resting under the oak tree! He looked up and signaled for me to come to him. I stood and came immediately in the air to a place next to his side. He gave me the thought not to kneel but to remain standing.
9. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, I have asked you to come here to me this evening at my wheat field. I want you to come with me to examine my current elect as well as the wicked who are now on the earth.'
He put his right hand on my shoulder and together we walked to his wheat field. As we approached, I thought that some of the plants looked like weeds, about the same height as the wheat, but with different coloring.
10. Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, you see my wheat field. There are tares among the wheat, which are still growing with my wheat, my true elect. On earth, no one can tell who are the wheat and who are the tares. However, when I inspect my field with you we can easily see who are wheat and who are tares.
11. D&C 86:7–
"Therefore, let the wheat the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and the field remaineth to be burned."
12. Let us now go close to the wheat of my field.'
We came next to one stalk of wheat, bursting with ripe wheat, almost ready to harvest. Heavenly Father asked me to look closer. As I did, I saw the individual on earth who was represented by this single stalk of wheat! I saw this was a man who tried to live in a kind, wholesome way but was not aware that many of the things he believed were false. Heavenly Father said that he was living a Christ-like life and would readily accept the truth, as it would be revealed to him. He was an elect child of God.
13. We then looked at one of the tares, or weeds that had grown up with the wheat. Heavenly Father told me to look carefully also at this seed stalk. I did, and then saw another man who seemed proud and did not accept truths from God that I saw my Heavenly Parents had whispered to him in his life. He considered himself very religious, but was caught up with the outward practices of the religion and in strictly following established policies and procedures. He often neglected his loved ones and his neighbors, unless by so doing it would make him look good. I saw his Christian service was more of a facade than that motivated by true care and concern for another.
14. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we who are the Heavenly Parents of each of these two sons, look at how they both act in all the circumstances of the premortal and mortal life. We easily can tell who is a wheat and who is a tare. We are very impartial and look for a life of goodness, love, service and humility.'
Heavenly Father then went to several more wheat and several more tares. I was able to see the individual lives that each plant represented. I started to see why one was designated a wheat and why the other was a tare. We saw both men and women this evening.
15. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will decide which of our children are our elect, or the wheat, and which are tares, or the wicked. Both types are among all nations, kindreds and peoples and also among most religions of your day. Those who are wheat will be gathered first by you, our angels and servants, and brought to safety. When all are harvested from my field, I will then send forth the destroying angels to bind up the wicked in bundles and then I will send forth the fire to burn them up.
16. Raphael, you and our angels will not know who are to be gathered except that we reveal this to you by our Spirit. When you receive our command, act swiftly to fulfill our directions. We will work through our angels and other servants whom we call in our great work of gathering the elect of God.'
I looked into the eternity eyes of my Heavenly Father at this time. I believe he was filled with love and acceptance of the weaknesses of all his children. I believe he was filled with understanding and judgment also. I felt great assurance from him that all would be very fair in the choosing of the wheat or the tares. I felt he and Heavenly Mother would prove every one of their children, and try to entice them to choose the right way to live and be most happy.
I thanked him for such a wonderful experience tonight! I said I loved him and would act in full obedience to him and my Heavenly Mother.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 26, 2018, Friday
1. I am preparing now for my morning prayer. I reread what I wrote last night and wondered about all that I perceived and saw in my unconscious mind. It is remarkable that I could write so much, having those details transferred to my conscious mind! I confirmed it was all true just now.
This morning I came to the bench just north of the Great Assembly Hall. It was on the edge of the fir forest, behind which the Refugees of Lucifer were living.
I thought of the dramatic change of these refugees, for they had been subjugated by Lucifer for so long and now were free of his influence. They are now a changed people, very much diligent followers of Jesus Christ. These are also heirs of salvation, even the elect of God! I marveled at the path that so many of these people had taken. I know that more will join them before it is everlastingly too late too. God is so merciful and ever so patient!
I knelt next to the bench, facing the fir forest. I prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come to me. I then sensed a buzz or a shimmer in the air in front of me. I watched and my Heavenly Mother appeared, smiling and glowing in light and happiness. It was just so exciting for me to be near to her! Oh, I look forward to hearing what she wants to share with me today.
She spoke:
2. 'Raphael, we knew from the beginning that each of the Refugees of Lucifer would wander away from us, their Heavenly Parents, for a long time. This experience of being rescued and redeemed by our Beloved Son, after rebelling against him for so long, would be remarkable! We are so relieved that they have all deeply repented and have fully changed their ways. They have been taught to not allow thoughts of their wicked past to dwell in their minds. They are still healing from the trauma caused by being subjugated by Lucifer. They have been filled with our light and love and have willingly embraced all truth from us. We love them for so fully accepting our ways!
Their dramatic change is a strong witness that any of our sons and daughters may also repent and change and come unto our Beloved Son, the great Redeemer, and be healed and cleansed. We give our children weaknesses that they may be humble and want to change their ways, regardless how small.
Your wife had asked you last Sunday about this scripture:
3. Matthew 5:48
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
4. We don't expect any perfection in our children until they are finally ordained as couple Gods, exalted in the celestial kingdom. The path to perfection is different for each of our children. We have wide acceptance of each one, hoping they will each change and gradually repent and be fully redeemed and cleansed. There are none in mortality that are perfect, or ever hope to be. It is to be realized at the very end of their path to exaltation.
5. You have also pondered about the increase of change and perfection once we have chosen our child to be an elect son or daughter. They will have been chosen by Jesus Christ, all because of their diligence in serving God in selfless ways and in accepting the gentle Christ like life. Once selected, you and Oriphiel then will bring them into our Church of the Firstborn. They are not yet perfect, but are well on the path to perfection. They are determined to follow us and to receive of our truths into their lives. They too must each conform to our gospel and route out any unworthy behaviors, practices, beliefs and fully repent and change. They increase greatly at that point in their acceptance of all that we show them. They are valiant and become perfect:
6. D&C 76:69
(Heavenly Mother's comments added in parentheses)
"These are they who are just men (and women) made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood."
7. I want to offer each of my children the great hope of changing, one step at a time until well into their future when they will become perfected! This is a very beautiful and fulfilling journey of change. It is gradual, but permanent. It is also initiated fully by our elect son or daughter, fully by his or her own choice. We never coerce any of our children, but allow each to change and grow, as they desire, at their own pace. We have ample time for them to choose to fully change.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother. She was smiling, so full of brightness and hope! She then started to diminish from before me until she was gone. Her presence seemed to remain in my heart. I closed my morning prayer and started a new day.
8. Evening–I received an email today from M.A. about the meeting when Jehovah was ordained to be a God and the male archangels were ordained. She asked where were the female archangels and what was their purpose in the war.
She wrote later
"Hello, this morning in prayer I felt that not only did the male archangels witness Jehovah's ordination to be a God, but also the female archangels and all those to be ordained as holy angels. We were then all ordained in that order to our callings after Jehovah received his ordination.
I hope this is correct. Otherwise, I have a very active imagination. Let me know what you think or are told. I can take correction!"
9. I wrote her back immediately. Here is what I wrote:
"I agree with you, M.A.! Thank you for pursuing this and finding out! I believe too that the healing angels, for instance, were additionally set apart for that specific calling later on, in the domed room. I believe that what you received was not your vivid imagination, but real revelation from God. Thanks! May I include this in my next post? (I later received a note that I could.)
Warmly, R"
10. When I read her email today I knew what she had received was true. I confirmed it in prayer right then too.
It must have been a magnificent assembly of our Heavenly Parents, Jehovah, and all the future angels, all in the throne room in their holy temple (see my journal entry of October 14, 2018). I treasure my memory and now with an enlarged understanding of the importance of that great event! I have thought about this several times today and feel confirmed each time that it is true.
Tonight I came to the throne room in God's temple. I felt I should come there. I knelt before the thrones of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I could see nobody in the great hall. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me immediately. They were standing in the main hall, next to me, in front of their thrones. They were smiling and seemed happy with the new revelation I had received via M.A..
11. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we have shown more of the vision of the ordination of Jehovah in our throne room to M.A. , who is one of our female archangels. When Jehovah was ordained, the seven male archangels were surrounding us in a semicircle, and the seven female archangels were also in a semicircle, making a complete circle around us as we ordained Jehovah to be a God. The other angels were watching the event from outside the circle. All were on bended knees. This was a very solemn moment for all those assembled!
12. We also had asked each one individually who were assembled, if they would support Jehovah as the great Redeemer, in his new role. All our angels committed to follow Jehovah, our firstborn Son.
Later, outside the temple, I gave specialized swords to all the male angels and some of the female angels as well. There were also many of the elect gathered who were not angels. We had previously asked the angels to keep their ordination secret until we would announce their callings to all our children who would remain after Lucifer and his hosts would be cast out of heaven. We also gave our female archangels and angels something special at this time. I will wait for one or more of them to find out for themselves what this was, rather than reveal it now to you first, Raphael. When one or more of them write you, you will know immediately in confirmation whether they speak the truth.'
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we have had a Lucifer type leader of evil in every one of our eternities. We had taught our many children in this eternity from the beginning the good versus the evil in choices they would make. We did not yet reveal to them the need for a Savior, or of an earthly experience. However, we said each was free to choose our good ways or not. If they chose to not follow our good ways, they would follow a path that would lead them away from us, their Heavenly Parents and Gods, into evil ways. These teachings were freely taught before Lucifer fell and opposed our plan for Jehovah to be the great Redeemer.
14. We also told our children, from an early time, that we had previous eternities, and that some of our children from those eternities either chose good or evil. We taught them that they, of other eternities had all moved onto their eternal rewards, based on their choices.
15. When Lucifer came to tempt Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden, he told them he was doing that which had been done in other worlds. He learned this truth from us in his own premortal life. He did not have contact with any evil forces from other eternities, for they were not allowed to influence any of our children. He knew about the purposes of earth life and he desperately wanted to thwart our plans for all of our children whom we would send to earth for their mortal experience. Lucifer thought he could destroy the plan of God by tempting Adam and Eve to transgress our commandment not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He, however, did not know the plan of God. We knew what he would do and calculated his actions into our overall plans.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their new insights to me tonight! I told them I was so interested in all of these premortal details leading up to the conflict with Lucifer and his hosts. I asked that they inspire one or more of the female angels what happened as a special blessing to them during this time period.
I then saw both my Heavenly Parents fade quickly. I then ended my prayer and got ready for bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 27, 2018, Saturday
1. This morning I came to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I was anxious if I could receive more information about the setting apart of the healing angels while there. I had received the initial information on May 7, 2015 from my Heavenly Father (under the witness tab on my website, click on the healing angels link).
This morning I walked into the domed room from the path leading north. The door opened up immediately and I entered. I came to the middle of the room and faced west and knelt to pray. I asked my Heavenly Parents for one of them to come to me. I waited and watched.
Heavenly Mother then appeared immediately in front of me. She was shining in bright light and had a broad smile and sparkling eyes and a loving face. She stood, standing a little ways above the floor in the air.
She spoke:
2. 'Raphael, this is the domed room. You have correctly supposed that your Heavenly Father or I would expand your understanding of the setting apart of the healing angels today.
After Lucifer was cast out of heaven along with his rebellious followers, we held a meeting in the Great Assembly Hall for our children who remained in heaven. In this meeting, Heavenly Father spoke first and revealed that these rebellious brothers and sisters had been cast down to their new earth by the power of Jehovah, their Redeemer. He said they would remain there on earth when they, our obedient children, would come to the earth for their mortal experience. If they would be born in the first part of the earth, during its telestial phase, these rebellious spirits of Lucifer would try to tempt them to disobey our commandments that we would give to them through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, or us their Heavenly Parents, directly. They would be free to choose our good ways or to choose Lucifer's evil ways.
3. If they were to come forth on the earth during its later terrestrial phase, during the great millennium, they would not be directly subject to Lucifer or his hosts, for they would be prevented from coming on the surface of the earth to tempt mankind.
4. At that time, he had Jehovah stand and speak to the congregation of our remaining children. He spoke about his advent to come in the meridian of time, in the days of darkness on the earth. He said he would suffer, bleed and die at the hands of wicked men who took him as a false prophet. We would all witness his death and his glorious resurrection from heaven at that time. Jehovah said he would be the first fruits of the resurrection, and that he would then have the righteous among us who had died prior to his death also be resurrected. This first resurrection would continue to the end of the millennium for the righteous. He also told about his second coming to the earth in great glory.
5. After Jehovah spoke, I stood and spoke to our obedient children. I then announced that we had already trained and ordained our Beloved Son, Jehovah, to be a God like their Heavenly Father and I. We would do all things through the Son of God for the salvation of our children. We asked that if they used our power in any way, or prayed to us, that it should be in the name of Jehovah. He would be the great mediator between themselves and us, their Heavenly Parents, so that they could return again to our presence after they came to mortality on the earth.
6. I next announced for the first time to our obedient children that we had designated and ordained certain ones among them to be our holy angels. The angels were to be our servants who worked as our conduits among those in mortality and who had much of our power and authority. These angels would labor selflessly for the salvation of all they served. The angels would work in the celestial realms on the earth and would not normally be seen by those who were either in the telestial or terrestrial mortal existence, in the physical bodies of those receiving assistance by the angels.
7. At that time I announced the names of each angel we had previously ordained. I had them come forth to my right and left sides as I called their names. There were only several thousand of these angels among this vast a group of those assembled. These were sons and daughters who had proven their obedience and faithfulness.
Once all were in front, I asked that the entire congregation arise. I then had them accept again Jehovah as their personal Redeemer. They each raised their right arm to the square and bowed their head and said yes.
I then asked that they also sustain and accept our holy angels whom we had called and ordained. They each then raised their right arms to the square, bowed their head and said yes.
I then excused all of the angels to go back to their seats. I said that their Heavenly Father and I had prepared special robes for the great Jehovah to wear and for the holy angels to wear. Jehovah's robes were that of a God. The angels' robes would be those of angels, all varied and designed by me. They too would receive other items to aid them in their administrations. They would be set apart soon and clothed in the power of their robes.
8. I then told the assembly that the angels were their brothers and sisters with a special calling. However, they were never to take the place of worshipping or obeying us, their Heavenly Parents. The angels were to act as our conduits, or an extension of our power in blessing and directing the great work we would undertake for our children who would come into mortality. They would act in our power, behind the scenes, and usually not visible. They would be subject to their Heavenly Father, to myself, and to Jehovah.
I then said we would soon hold another meeting in this Great Assembly Hall, telling them more details of our plan for their mortal existence and what actions and things they next each needed to learn and do. This concluded our meeting that day.
9. Later on we set apart each of our angels in their specific callings. We robed them in their beautiful robes of an angel. They wore these from that moment forward. All of those who were healing angels were ordained in this domed room. Other angels were ordained in various locations in our wilderness area in heaven. We had multiple specific training meetings for our angels to ensure they would be prepared for their new callings.
10. All of our angels were told they would work in the celestial realms on the earth. They would labor from the beginning of mortality to the end of the seven thousand years of earth's temporal existence. They would be our primary emissaries to guide our mortal children on the earth and to do our great work that we would direct them to do. In addition, each angel would themselves have a mortal experience, necessary for their own progress towards eternal life.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful explanation of what happened about the angels! I expressed my love and obedience to her and Heavenly Father. I then closed my prayer and started my day.
11. Evening– Tonight I came to the circling waters. I knelt by the bench facing the waters. Heavenly Mother came to me for a short stay. She looked very happy.
She spoke:
'Raphael, you are very tired tonight after a continuously busy and productive day! Your best part of the day was being with your loving wife and later with your grandchildren. You built and strengthened many relationships in your family. You are free and open with each one and they enjoy being in your presence. All of your other work projects come and go and are forgotten. However, relationships can be continuously strengthened and become a big factor in the self-assurance and confidence of our children, your grandchildren. Their love for you and your love for them will continue to grow stronger.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her kind words and her teachings tonight. She then took me by my hand and we walked off in the sky somewhere, towards the direction of the nearby waterfall. I watched as my replicated self went with her. I don't know what was said or done while we were together. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 27, 2018, Saturday
1. I came to the desert oasis this morning for my prayer. I drank from the living water and felt very refreshed and clear. I came to the bench facing the waters and pondered for a while. I wondered in my conscious mind what Heavenly Mother told me last night when we strolled together near the waterfall in her upper gardens.
I then knelt in front of the bench facing the waters. I felt the cool sand on my knees and feet, which were bare. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother or both to come to me. Heavenly Father then came in a cloud that appeared on the center of the oasis. He moved to the shore and up to me, a little elevated in the air. He was very pleasant in his visage and smiling at me. He was glowing and very majestic!
2. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, I am glad to come to you in answer to your prayer. I have chosen to appear before you in this quiet and serene place. You wondered what your Heavenly Mother continued to say to you last night in your prayer that you didn't hear in your conscious mind. I will tell you:
She told you that after we announced our holy angels, we next chose the time that each of our children would come to earth. We also chose the families each would have. Many of our children desired to be with certain other spirits and we accommodated their desires. This was all a great boon to our children who remained with us in heaven, for they were all still greatly saddened by the departure of Lucifer and his followers. All of our children had been so greatly affected by this great split in our premortal family!
3. Once the families were chosen, we proceeded to set apart our holy angels and clothe them in their new angel vestures. We also gave them healing stones that I had designed and created. We gave our warrior angels various weapons to use in defense of themselves and our other children from Lucifer and his band who had departed. We gave each angel specific items to enhance their calling and mission in the angel role that they were assigned.
4. We held many training meetings for the angels, each pertaining to their specific callings and assignments. Once our angels were chosen and clothed, we held another meeting in our Great Assembly Hall. We announced there were other very critical assignments we had made for our future prophets and leaders that would come to the earth. We explained to all of our obedient children that there would be different phases or dispensations on the earth. We announced their first parents, Adam and Eve, and of the great prophets who would come forth prior to the flood. We told of Enoch and those who would become a holy people and eventually become translated. We told of Noah and his important role in saving mankind in the great flood that would come on the earth. We told of Abraham and the chosen lineage of Israel on the earth. We announced all of the prophets up to the advent of Jehovah on the earth. We told of Mary, the earthly mother of Jehovah and Joseph would come forth. Your Heavenly Mother told how she would bear our only Begotten Son in the flesh, from my seed that would be growing in her Heavenly Mother and then transferred to Mary on the earth. We said his name would become Jesus Christ once born on earth.
5. We announced the twelve apostles of Jehovah and the Church of Christ he would establish. We told all about the dark ages and of the great reformation and leaders of that time. We told of the family of Lehi and the nations of the Nephites and Lamanites. We announced all the leaders of those times. We shared with them some about the latter-day nations including the free land of America. We told of the leaders we had chosen for this free land. We then said that the Church of Christ would be reestablished again on the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith. We told of all this latter-day church and its leaders and prophets. We told of the struggles this church would have, particularly near the end.
6. We then shared with our children the great last days' events leading to the second coming of Jehovah to the earth. We told of the many angels who would be coming to the earth for their mortal experience in these difficult last days, when evil would have spread all over the earth. We told of you, Raphael, the leader of our angel work in the last days. We told of the advent of each of our holy female archangels to come forth on the earth, ordained as high priestesses. We explained all the basic events leading to the second coming of Jehovah.
7. We told of the third time that the Church of Christ would be established again on the earth. We told about our Church of the Firstborn and that all who were admitted into this church by Jehovah would become gods and goddesses even as we were! This was particularly exciting news for all our children assembled in the Great Assembly Hall.
8. We said that you, Raphael, and Oriphiel, would administer the new ordinance of the waters of separation, thereby admitting each chosen heir into the Church of the Firstborn. We told of the great work of the angels in the millennial day on the earth. We shared a lot of the details of the terrestrial millennium, and how Lucifer would not be allowed on the earth's surface until the end. We told of the final victory of Jehovah over Lucifer and how some of Lucifer's group would repent and join their righteous brothers and sisters. We told of the death and resurrection of the earth, its final celestial glory and final steps in the completion of this eternity.
9. This was all new to those assembled! It was nearly overcoming to some, for we shared so much information about their own future mortal life and for those of all their brothers and sisters. We then said that we would foreordain each of our sons to the priesthood who would receive it on the earth and foreordain each of our daughters to receive the office of high priestess who would eventually receive it on the earth also. We then said each of our main leaders and prophets would also be foreordained. We said we wanted everything to be planned as much as possible for the best experience that our children could possibly have on earth.
10. Finally, we said we would begin smaller training meetings for all of our children who would come to earth, to learn how to fully operate and grow in their new physical bodies. This would be an extensive effort! We said all would be fully trained in all of the details of their physical functioning of their new mortal bodies. It would all have to be learned prior to their birth into mortality.
We dismissed this very important meeting and immediately began the classes for learning how to operate their new earthly physical bodies.
11. Raphael, this is what Heavenly Mother talked to you about last night, all given to you in your unconscious state of mind. You were too tired in your conscious mind to fully receive it. I therefore agreed to come to you now and share it all over again in the quiet reflective location of our desert oasis.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for rehearsing to me all over again what I couldn't receive last night. I said I would try not to overextend like I did yesterday so that I could be more alert during my evening prayers. I said I treasured all he had shared with me. I considered this very great information! I feel so blessed to receive it this morning. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
12. After church–We attended our son's family ward's primary program. I had a very enjoyable time. During the sacrament, I felt to go to the overlook by the green hill and grassy plain with the temple to my southeast. I was standing along with other angels it seemed. My Heavenly Parents were behind me. I couldn't see anything yet on the green grassy plain. Once the sacrament was blessed in the ward, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents behind me. I waited then for the broken bread. Once I received it, Heavenly Father accepted my covenant.
13. He then said:
'Raphael, look on the field below and witness the resurrection of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ!'
I then turned around and saw Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, on the cross. I could see all of heaven's hosts watching him suffer. Heaven was very silent. I then saw men take him off the cross and lay him in a new tomb.
14. At the same time, I saw his spirit burst upon the waiting righteous in the spirit paradise of God. This same scene was recorded in D&C 138:11-19,23-27 during the brief period between his death and resurrection. My spiritual eyes beheld a scene just prior to his own resurrection, and the resurrection of the awaiting spirits that immediately followed. I saw him give the large congregation of righteous dead their final instructions. They all watched, as did all the premortal hosts of heaven, his own resurrection.
15. Jesus Christ came into the tomb in the brilliance of his spirit! I saw his spirit descend right into his dead corpse. His spirit entered fully, as it had recently been there while alive. I saw his body start to glow and his eyes open. He sat up and then stood upright. He rose through the rock ceiling of the tomb to the awaiting spirits in paradise. He extended his arms to them and gave them each the direction to do as he had just done, to go into their deceased and decayed bodies wherever they had been laid. I saw the assembly of spirits then all vanish as they too were resurrected by the power of the son of man, even Jesus Christ.
At this moment, even before Jesus was able to greet his Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who then had arisen higher up into the air behind me, he came outside the tomb, for Mary stood without the tomb crying. (see John 20:11)
Jesus spoke to Mary, who at first didn't recognize him as her husband and Redeemer.
16. John 20:15-17
"Jesus saith unto her, woman, why weepest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.
Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni, which is to say, Master.
Jesus saith unto her, touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God and your God."
17. I saw him then ascend into the air in the celestial world, in front of all the hosts of heaven, and come on bended knee before our Heavenly Parents. He spoke:
"Father, Mother, I have completed the great redeeming work that you have sent me to do".
(See my journal entry Oct. 13, 2018)
The sacrament meeting continued with my grandchildren going up front to be in the primary program. I lost connection with what had been happening in the celestial world.
18. At night–I had an enjoyable Sabbath day today. I am now in my front room in my recliner. It is quiet now and dark outside. I am going to seek to connect to my God in prayer.
I came to the Great Assembly Hall. I don't know why I am to be here. I guess I will find out! I knelt outside the east door that opens towards the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. The doors of the assembly hall opened. I saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother there, waving me to come to them. I stood and was soon in front of them.
19. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, following the embrace that we had with out Beloved Son directly after his resurrection, we invited him and our newly resurrected righteous elect to the assembly hall behind us. We also invited all of our premortal children to come to this Great Assembly Hall. We wanted all to witnesses for themselves our Beloved Son addressing them, plus a few other resurrected souls.
20. We both sat on the stand with Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, Adam or Michael, our daughter Eve, and Noah or Gabriel and his wife. These all addressed the vast congregation of our children. They were all newly resurrected. It was a very moving and spirit-filled meeting. You were in attendance, Raphael, for you hadn't yet been born in mortality.
21. It was a great boost of your faith and for all those in attendance, of the triumph of the great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, over death. It was also a great experience to hear from your other brothers and sisters who had just been resurrected. This made the great plan of happiness be more real and very close.
There were many tears of great joy in heaven that day! These newly resurrected souls found a place once again in heaven, in our wilderness area. They mingled with their premortal brothers and sisters that day. It was a great reunion!
22. We then had our premortal spirits live outside of the wilderness area and only come occasionally to our wilderness area. We separated them in two separate groups to keep them focused on their different tasks they were charged with. The premortal spirits were preparing for their future mortal experience, and the resurrected souls were resting from their labors and doing various acts of service that we gave to them.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for allowing me to come to the Great Assembly Hall this evening and to hear all about this great and happy meeting! I said I was so honored to be in their presence.
My prayer was drawing to a close, as it always seems to happen. I felt like I came back to my conscious mind and lost connection with my replicated self in heaven. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 29, 2018, Monday
1. I came this morning to the edge of the northern fir forest next to the Great Assembly Hall. I could see Lake Beautiful shimmering to the east. It was all very beautiful!
I knelt by the bench on the path. I was facing the forest. I felt clear and prepared to meet my Heavenly Parents. I then asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I waited and watched. My Heavenly Mother came walking up the path to my right and sat on the bench I was praying next to! I turned and extended my hand and she took it in hers, smiling. I felt thrilled to be again in her loving presence.
2. She spoke:
'Raphael, we have shown you events around the resurrection of Jesus Christ yesterday. You have written it correctly in your journal. All of our children will resurrect except Lucifer and his followers who remain with him until the end.
3. The first one resurrected in this eternity was our Son, Jesus Christ. You saw how his spirit came into his physical corpse. That was the first step to becoming resurrected. The second step was reorganizing the elemental matter that was once part of his physical body. This reorganization is only possible for those who have the power of God. It is akin to the power of creation or replication. There is an imprint on each particle of elemental matter that used to house the spirit of the person being resurrected. Jesus called for all of the elemental matter that had this imprint to take their place again as part of the physical body. Once in position, he commanded them to be quickened by his spirit, never to depart or die again. The spirit element then enshrouded the physical element, giving it the same capability as the spiritual element, even though it was tangible and physical. It then was all subject to act as one, under the direction of the intelligence possessing this new resurrected being.
4. The first ones to be resurrected are all those who receive a celestial glory. This is the First Resurrection. The quickening of all these is a celestial quickening. There is also a terrestrial and a telestial quickening, reserved for those of a lesser glory. Once quickened, the individual cannot progress to a higher or lower level of quickening.
5. When Jesus successfully resurrected himself in his own body, and by his Godly power, he authorized those awaiting their resurrection to do the same. They each came into their elemental corpse, though decayed and decomposed. Their spirits knew where each part of their body had been laid, because of the imprint it still retained. Even though the physical remnants might be strewn in pieces, in different locations, their spirits went into each piece and possessed these. Their intelligence then asked Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer, to resurrect their body by his power of being a God, and being their personal Redeemer. Jesus then gave his power for their spirits to enshroud their physical imprinted matter and come together again, never to be separated, and to act under the direction of their own intelligence. They were then each resurrected by the power of the Son of God. They could move and act just as the spirit had acted, only now being physical also.
6. Once resurrected, these individuals were given a new robe of resurrection. This will remain on them until they are each clothed anew in the New Jerusalem temple as part of their endowment ceremony when they receive their robes of exaltation.
Resurrected angels are clothed in their original robes we clothed them in as part of their setting apart ordinance. This robe becomes their covering until they too receive their robe of exaltation in the temple. They may continue to act in their robe as holy angels of God as we may direct.
7. Once resurrected, the celestial resurrected being may also replicate by the power of God that we may extend to them. This power of replication is not part of their ability as a resurrected celestial being. We extend this power to those who need it as part of their mission we have asked them to fulfill. Replication may be for spirits, translated physical beings, or resurrected beings. This is all a power of God we possess.
8. Once resurrected, the individual never will be able to die or have their physical separated again from their spirit. They may be able to replicate into many beings, but never be reduced less than one resurrected being that is their unique self.
9. Raphael, our first Gods designed their own selves to be most capable when their spirit and physical were united in a resurrected state. This is the highest state of the man and the woman. They planned that their children also would be resurrected and become like them. We are of the family of the Gods, all who are resurrected celestial beings.
10. Raphael, you have a special mission to act with Oriphiel performing the waters of separation ordinances for all our elect children. This is a physical ordinance. We wish you to do this as a translated being. Oriphiel will do his part as a spirit and later in the millennium in his resurrected state. You will be sprinkling each candidate with holy water. These will be mortal, translated, or resurrected candidates, in their physical bodies. You will be the first one receiving this ordinance from Jesus Christ who will show you how it is to be done and you will be the last one resurrected to a celestial glory. Your resurrection will close the time of the First Resurrection.'
My Heavenly Mother stopped speaking to me while still sitting on the bench, holding my hand. I felt thrilled in her words of truth, and in being next to her! I thanked her for her presence, and said I would do all she said and would ever direct me to do.
She smiled and was instantly gone from the bench. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I started my new week.
11. In the evening– I am now ready to connect in prayer with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the desert oasis in heaven and loved the quiet feeling here. The moon was out too, and I felt very clear inside of me. I walked to the shore and dipped in my cupped hand to get some water to drink. This fully refreshed me!
I knelt by the shore on the sand. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. I waited. I then saw a reflection in the water of my Heavenly Father in front of me. I looked up and in a few seconds saw Heavenly Father appear before me in his majesty! He looked very powerful and in full awareness of what was happening in our world.
12. He smiled and spoke:
'Raphael, I am pleased to appear before you above these waters in my celestial world. This desert oasis has been one of our favorite places to come over the many eternities we have had. Eternities come and go, but our celestial world remains mostly unchanged and just as lovely and full of happiness around every corner. Your Heavenly Mother and I love to visit all areas of our world regularly.
13. I had mentioned to you that time in our world is measured in epochs and eternities. An epoch consists of twelve eternities of the same general order. We occasionally change orders in each series of twelve eternities or epochs. These orders consist of some significant changes in the way we design and plan the earthly experience for our children. There is always a different great Redeemer and a different Satan figure for each eternity, but the location, solar system, days of rotation, length of days and weeks in a year changes, as we desire. We sometimes have other minor changes in the eternities. The basis of earth life being a probationary estate of man is unchanged. Our beloved children always come to a fallen telestial state where they need to exercise faith to return to us.
14. Your own eternity involved an earth that we created in your specific solar system. Your own earth is the fifth earth in your current solar system. There will be seven more, making twelve earths for twelve eternities in your solar system. This will constitute one more epoch in our time. Then we will create a new solar system for the next twelve earths/eternities.
15. Our galaxy is ever expanding and easily houses the many earths that have become exalted at the celestial center of our galaxy, plus all the telestial and terrestrial worlds inhabited by our children who have received these glories as their own eternal rewards. Our works continue on forever, with no end!
16. Your Heavenly Mother and I are so very happy in our life together! Our greatest joy besides being together, is in raising and blessing our beloved children to attain to their highest level of happiness they choose. We particularly love blessing those who ultimately want to lead the life we live in eternity. Each of these branch off from our own galaxy in time and start their own galaxy for their own creations. There is no end to space, to intelligences, or to elemental matter. The galaxies in our vast universe are all designed and controlled by couple Gods who are descendants of our first parent Gods. Our universe is also always expanding to accommodate the ever growing numbers of Gods and their creations!'
17. Heavenly Father then looked up at the starry night. He told me he created all of these stars and planets and knows all of them. They are all part of his and Heavenly Mother's vast experience in creating eternity upon eternity for their children.
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable message and revelation tonight to me! I looked up too at the vast array of heavenly bodies in the sky. I knew each one was created for a purpose, all to support our Heavenly Parents' great plan for the salvation for their children!
I then closed my prayer and ended my day. I got ready for bed. Lots to dream about tonight!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 30, 2018, Tuesday
1. I have another great day ahead of me. I am so grateful for the thought control lessons that my Heavenly Parents have taught me so that I am able to become happier and happier, mostly by my choices in my thoughts, regardless of circumstances.
I prayed last night about my revelation from my Heavenly Father. I feel it is all true, for I feel the confirmation that comes from the Spirit within me.
I came today to the circling waters area on the little outcropping east of the waters. I knelt on a grassy spot, facing the distant temple to the west. I felt clear and prepared to have a visit from my Heavenly Parents. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come.
I then thought of the many needs in my own family. I prayed for my family and sought for each to be blessed and guided in their lives. I opened my eyes and my Heavenly Mother was standing in front of me. She was smiling and had apparently heard my prayers for my loved ones. She was so beautiful and shining with light and love. I felt so happy to be in her presence!
2. She spoke:
'Raphael, I will bless those in your family who are struggling. We allow problems to come into the lives of all of our children so that they may grow into the process of facing them and finding solutions. We bless them, as they are open to our gentle nudgings and guidance. We speak to them in their unconscious minds, like we have always done.
You have wondered if you wrote the words of your Father correctly last night in your journal. Yes, you have written correctly the thoughts that he transferred to you in your visit at the desert oasis last night.
3. Our lives together are always exciting and so happy. We love helping our children and seeing them grow and progress. We never tire of our great work in loving and guiding them. Earth life in a telestial world can be difficult and very challenging to our children. There are seasons of life in those who live normally long lives, enough to fully see what they really love and desire to do. We are aware of everyone's struggles and challenges. We come to every one who sincerely pleads for our help and blessing. We generally answer their desires according to the most growth they will experience.
4. Mortality is for progress and testing in ways we could never orchestrate in any other way. There are happy days and unhappy days. There are so many varied circumstances our children face that sometimes feels overwhelming. However, they may find great blessings as they pursue a path that strengthens them and involves us to bless them to overcome their problems.
5. You purchased a new mobile phone last night that is being shipped to you. You wondered if you can replace writing in a journal like you now do and then having your sister K or another transcribe it to digital texts so that you may post it on your website. We desire that you continue to write all of your revelations in your physical journal. Your new phone will allow you to write lots of notes of your thoughts that we may give you, but ultimately we want you to write these all down in your journal. There will come a time in the future that the convenience of a modern society will be disrupted for a time. This will be in the transition days to a better, happier world leading to the millennium. Your electrical gadgets and computers will be of no value during those days ahead.
6. You have a very good method to now write in your journal as we communicate to you. You capture the messages we give you in your own words so that others may benefit by reading your words. Your writings will greatly help many of our children in a future day. We now speak to you in private and you write in your private journal. However, one day all will be revealed and published for all to read.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning. She seemed happy with what I had written as she spoke. I told her I loved and admired her and Heavenly Father so very much. I wanted to always keep their commandments each day. I sought for her continued blessing in the lives of my loved ones and for me. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I then got up and started my new day.
7. Evening–Tonight I came to the celestial world to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I approached this area from the west, next to the temple across the river representing Heavenly Mother. I came up the grassy hill and could see the glass table area in the distance. I knelt on the grass and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come. I next saw Heavenly Mother walking to me from my left from the area under the waterfall I think. She was smiling as she walked to me! Her hair was ruffling in the wind. I think she was so radiant and full of love.
8. She came up to me and immediately spoke:
'Raphael, I am glad you came to my gardens where I grow so much of my foods! I love doing this. It is always remarkable to me when such large and luscious vegetables and fruit grows on my many plants in my gardens. My plants produce fruit which are perfect for the food for mankind, in whatever state of glory they may be in, be it celestial, terrestrial or telestial. Each fruit at different states of glory has different effects on the people in that glory.
9. For our telestial world, the telestial foods, which are of the same kind as those in my lower garden and garden beds in this celestial world, are perfectly matched for the normal sustenance of my children there. These foods are most perfect when grown in their native climate and in rich soil. I have provided these plants to not only nourish my children but many of them also take away or diminish the cause of disease. These include many specialized plants, fruits, vegetables, herbs, trees, bushes, flowers, and a variety of roots, to name a few. These are to be used in wisdom and thanksgiving, in the correct season of growth (see D&C 89:11).
10. In the terrestrial world, the nutrients from these same plants are move vibrant and nourishing and are particularly suited for those living in the terrestrial glory. These plants are even more suited for the health and well being of those of the terrestrial world, working faster and more effectively than these same plants in the telestial world.
11. In the celestial world, all of our plants are in their optimum vitality and strength. They are only suited for those living in the celestial world, for they are much too strong for those of a lower order. These plants may propagate in lower terrestrial or telestial worlds, and soon conform their strength suitable for that world.
Raphael, you still have a celestial apple tucked away in your pocket in your robe. This is to be used in the celestial realms for your celestial replicated self and not in lower realms of glory. Come here to my lower gardens and I will feed you according to your needs and desires.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for all the abundant plant foods that so enrich our worlds. I thanked her for the celestial apple for a future day of need. I told her I loved her so very much! She then turned and walked up into her garden beds to the east and soon disappeared from my sight. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 31, 2018, Wednesday
1. We have a fun day planned today with family. I like to see the little kids dressed up. Should be very fun to be together for Halloween. I like all the fun we share on this holiday, and I particularly love being with our family.
I came to heaven at the entry area of the temple of God, just inside the doors. I have liked going near the little stream to the east side of this room, by some small fir trees or spruce trees. I knelt on the grass in the temple and drank some living water from the stream. I felt clear and happy.
I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me, here in their temple. Heavenly Mother then stepped from behind the tree in front of me and faced me. She was a little elevated above the ground. She had sparkling eternity eyes, so kind and loving! I love her broad smile too.
2. She spoke:
'Raphael, I am glad you came to our beautiful temple in heaven. This is a wonderful place of revelation to our humble children who may come. We love to provide instructions and teaching to those who seek it, here in our celestial temple in heaven. This is our celestial home on our celestial earth. We raise our spirit children here when they are young and have classrooms and chapels for their instructions.
3. We judge our children on the fourth floor, in our throne room. We have sealing rooms also at the east end of the throne room where we seal our children to their chosen spouse for eternity, to become a couple God. This is one of our happiest times! We don't have any routine eternal ordinances besides eternal sealings in our temple, unless we do a special ordinance here and there.
4. Our New Jerusalem temple is where our other celestial ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn are to be done. Once completed, our children will be sealed in this holy temple where we stand. The final ordination to Godhood is done on the celestial inheritance on the celestial resurrected earth where our children of that eternity once lived in mortality. The New Jerusalem temple remains on this celestial earth as a memory to those Gods who may visit it in the future. However, all ordinances in its rooms will have been completed and will never be done again.
In eternity, our temple wherein we stand, will continue to be our home, a place of instruction, a place of judgment, and a place of sealing couple Gods. Every couple God builds their own temple eventually in their own celestial world.
5. In the terrestrial world, we also have temples, operated by the Church of Christ on the earth in the millennial day. These are used to baptize the dead by proxy, done by the mortal living children on earth. These are binding ordinances in eternity. These baptisms are performed for those who never had received it during their mortal lifetime. They may also receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost in a temple ordinance.
6. There are also temple ordinances in these terrestrial temples that are preparatory for those later performed in our celestial New Jerusalem temple. These are washing and anointings, endowments and sealing ordinances that prepare the saints for what they will receive later in the celestial temple. These are non-binding, but serve to teach and prepare the minds and hearts of our people. They are all administered by the terrestrial Church of Christ on earth during the millennium.
In summary, the only binding ordinances for individuals who go into celestial glory from their telestial or terrestrial temples are their baptism and the conferral of the Holy Ghost. All others are preparatory to those received in the celestial temples later on in their progression.
7. In the telestial world, we also have established our Church at different times. The most recent was the Church of Christ restored by the prophet Joseph Smith. We have commanded our saints to build temples in this church. Up until recently, we accepted all the baptisms for the dead and all the conferrals of the Holy Ghost ordinances, as valid and eternally binding. All other ordinances were preparatory for those to be received in the celestial temples, either in the new Jerusalem temple or in our temple sealing rooms in heaven.
8. In order to be received into the ordinance of the waters of separation, our candidate for the Church of the Firstborn should have been baptized, either in person or by proxy in the temple, and also have received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Many will have also practiced and have received non-binding ordinances in temples of the Church of Christ that will be repeated in a final binding ordinance in the Church of the Firstborn.
9. Raphael, you have received some of this information previously and have written about it in your journal. It is summarized in your June 12, 2018 journal entry, under post 82 "Temple Ordinances". I have chosen to repeat this and to bring it to your attention again at this time. There are so many new truths that we have revealed to you that it is hard to remember all in your conscious mind.
We choose to have ordinances to help our children progress from one step to another. When an ordinance is performed, our child may then move onto the next step or phase of their learning and growth, knowing they are accepted by God in their progress.'
Heavenly Mother stopped speaking. I believe I have accurately written my journal entry today. I felt her confirming acceptance. I felt like my writing today was somewhat disjointed, but it nevertheless contained what she wanted to convey to me.
I expressed my love for her and her words of truth. I loved being near her in her temple in heaven. I closed my prayer and started a new day.
10. Evening– Tonight I came to the maple tree grove near the Great Assembly Hall. I leaned against the trunk of one of the large trees there. It was very large and strong, towering above the land with the rest of those in the grove. I could see the waters of Lake Beautiful to the east.
I knelt facing the lake next to the majestic trunk. I then asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me in prayer. I waited for a response. I then saw Heavenly Father coming across the lake in a beam of light that brought him right in front of me! He was smiling and seemed ready to talk to me.
11. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, you spoke to your wife tonight that you couldn't change anybody or anything except your own behavior. You said that you could allow yourself to get upset by others' behavior or circumstances that may come to you. However, whether you were upset or happy, it would not affect either the person's behavior or the circumstances. So you said you might as well choose to be happy since nothing you could do would change anything.
12. Raphael, this is a true statement. You may be happy with whomever you may be with or in whatever circumstance you may find yourself. Your own state of mind, whether happy or sad, is all determined by you and not by outside circumstance or the attitudes or actions of others. This understanding is not believed by most, since they feel that their attitude of being upset will somehow change others. This will not.
13. We desire our Saints, our elect children of God, to be the happiest people on the earth, regardless of the circumstances or the people around them that may choose differently then they think they should. We will help them along as we have helped you.
14. Your Heavenly Mother and I are extremely happy and enjoy our lives together and with our children. We allow all to choose what they wish to believe or how they wish to act. We always encourage and bless them to do as we do and as we prompt them to do. However, we don't get upset if they choose other paths. We still love them and will continue to bless and encourage them. Our happiness is not dependent upon their behavior. We are pleased when they choose to follow our gentle ways, but our happiness does not depend on how they act.
15. Raphael, we desire that you work on being happy every day, using these principles. If you start feeling sad, try to determine why you may be sad. Once you identify the source of your emotion, you will find that usually it is from a source that you cannot change. If it is from your own behavior, you can change that and repent and improve. If it is from an outside source, rethink your thoughts so that you think it is not in your ability to change or correct this circumstance or person's behavior. You may then become happier, an emotion that flows as a result of happy thoughts.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for a clear presentation of how to maintain being happy on a day-to-day basis. I told him I will seek to correct my wayward thoughts that may make me sad or another negative emotion. I will try to think change in only those areas I can change and have acceptance of all other areas.
I told him I loved him! He smiled and said he loved me and that my actions pleased him a lot. He then stepped backwards and entered into the beam of light that reappeared and traveled back into the light across the lake. He was then instantly gone. I ended my prayer and got ready for bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 1, 2018, Thursday
1. I've received an email this morning asking about the war in heaven.
Q-"As I was rereading this post (post 97), I wondered what kind of conflict or war was the war in heaven. In fact, I've always wondered this. No one actually killing anyone, so was it a war of words, fighting with swords, what?"
I will see if this is answered this morning in my prayer. I came to the desert oasis this morning. The sky was light but no sun was up yet. I went to the bench and knelt in the sand, facing the waters. I asked in faith for Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then sought to be very open to anything that may happen.
2. Heavenly Mother then gradually appeared to me a few feet in front of me! She was imperceptible at first, but soon was in glory in front of me. She had sparkling eternity eyes and a large smile. It was at first somewhat difficult for me to see more than just a little of her in my unconscious mind. I gazed into her eternity eyes.
3. She then spoke to me:
'Raphael, you enjoyed your day yesterday on Halloween because you enjoyed being with your loved ones. You were happy and loving with everyone. Continue in this practice of loving and accepting those around you, particularly family. Let their choices and desires be fully their own and your happiness independent of them or circumstances that may come. Work on eliminating unwanted thoughts that don't serve you well or decrease your joy and contentment. Promote thoughts of light, love, acceptance, kindness, and all feelings of happiness. We will pour out our spiritual blessings upon you as you continue to do so.
4. Your Heavenly Father and I have continued to repeat some of our teachings to you as you spiritually mature. You absorb these over time and gradually change. We desire you to become known as an angel of great light, love and happiness.
5. I will now answer the question about the war in heaven. This conflict was not one where there was a physical death in those who fought, as happens in mortality. It was a war where spiritual weapons were thrown or implanted in the spirits of those who followed Jesus Christ and our plan of salvation. These weapons are real and cause real wounds, although not to death. The one receiving these weapons or weapon wounds may pull them out and repair and eliminate any effects of the weapon. Often healing angels come and heal the spirit also.
6. These weapons of the evil one may cause various symptoms of emotional trauma, or a host of mental conditions or spiritual compromises. These are the areas most vulnerable as spirit beings. These weapons of the adversary were used in the battle of heaven on the area now occupied by the city of Enoch. Prior to this time, Lucifer had mostly been involved in a war of words, trying to persuade by logic and sophistry tricks that he was skilled at, in recruitment to his side.
7. There was a time when the Father commanded Lucifer to depart to the land east of Lake Beautiful where they would end the conflict in heaven. The great Jehovah and all the holy angels were sent to fight the large numbers of the hosts of Lucifer and escort them to the earth.
8. The hosts of Jehovah met a well-armed enemy with some spiritual weapons. These were hurled at the righteous. They had to be removed and deflected by the swords and other spiritual weapons we had given to the hosts of Jehovah. The ultimate weapons were the swords of the Father, given primarily to the angels. These produced silver lightning that greatly frightened the band of Lucifer. Then the followers of Lucifer were surrounded by those having swords of the Father and, escorted by the power of Jehovah, along with the land they were on, to the earth. Once they and the land were removed and placed on the earth, the angels returned to heaven, having power to do so by virtue of their robes and the power of Jehovah. Their robes gave them power of movement that the adversary and his group of followers did not possess. Lucifer became Satan, a fallen leader, and his group a fallen group, all to the telestial earth. They fell from their celestial glory to a telestial glory.
9. Lucifer began expanding immediately his dominion and control over his followers. He used intimidation and force to coerce all of subjects to continue to prepare for war, this time to destroy if they could spiritually those who would come to earth for their mortal experience.
10. Satan created all kinds of new spiritual, mental and emotional weapons that could be carefully embedded into the spirits of those who would come to mortality. Some would be hurled at these mortals, some would quietly be implanted, some would have time-delayed spiritual mechanisms that Satan devised to entrap and hurt their recipient in some way. These weapons were designed to compromise the spiritual, mental and/or the emotional state of the one they were lodged in. These were often hidden, only to be detected later in the life of the mortal. Healing angels could detect or remove these, or gifted healers, or the person himself or herself if they could detect the weapon. These all were sinister implements of a war that has continued even until now.
11. Satan and his evil minions now have great experience and skill in using these weapons of war. The adversary, all in an attempt to destroy those who would come to earth who had followed Jehovah, has recently created more weapons. These weapons of the adversary often affect the physical well-being of their recipient who generally doesn't know they have these imbedded weapons, or usually doesn't consciously realize they are even under attack.
12. Satan still has his ultimate goal to subjugate and control all mankind and to make them miserable like himself. He and his evil followers rage in fury among mankind, persuading them to do all sorts of evil and to ultimately become subjected to their powers.
In the millennium, Satan and his evil hosts will be locked up in the bottomless pit. They will not be able to hurt or destroy anyone on the earth's terrestrial surface. All weapons of war will be removed and healed and our children will grow up without sin unto salvation.
13. There will be a final culminating battle with Lucifer and his followers who remain with him. These will seek to overcome again the people on the earth. They will surround the city of the New Jerusalem. They will then be judged and eliminated by our power, to go to their final destiny where they will not be able to influence or subjugate anyone. This will be the final victory of Jesus Christ over Lucifer.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations today! I feel uplifted by the truths that she showered upon me. I feel happy and at peace. I knew my time with her had ended in heaven in my conscious mind. I closed my prayer and started a new month.
14. Evening–tonight I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. After thinking about the spiritual weapons of Lucifer and his band, I wondered how healing the wounds inflicted by these weapons happened. I wondered if these would require some of the healing gifts that we healing angels use as conduits for God's healing? I wonder if there is generally some other procedure we are to use?
I came to the south shore of the lake, and found a grassy spot between the water and the path that circles the lake. I felt clear and prepared for communion with either or both my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother tonight. I asked that one or both of them come to me in answer to my prayer.
I then saw my Heavenly Parents both walking around the path to my left. They were talking together, walking arm in arm. I was so pleased to see them both coming towards me! I maneuvered to my left so I would be kneeling towards them when they came. They came up to me, stopped talking and smiled at me.
Heavenly Father spoke:
15. 'Raphael, our son, we are glad to meet you here at the lake at our healing center. You and our healing angels come here daily and in the surrounding area to do a lot of your healing work. We work through you frequently in administering healing to our children.
16. You talked on your phone today with your sister, Rachael (K). She felt that during the war in heaven, she and likely many of our female angels were given roses for the battle with Lucifer and his hosts. This may at first seem like an unlikely weapon for war. However, those with whom you were fighting were your brothers and sisters who had just barely sided with Lucifer. The rose is a flower with very high vibrations and had the power to elevate and heal the spirit of men, to aspire to one's higher self. As our other angels went to battle with swords, those with roses focused that high energy on those who had recently sided with Lucifer.
17. That day, on the land east of Lake Beautiful where the battle was held between Jehovah's forces and Lucifer's forces, the effect of the rose was remarkable! There were many that day who switched from following Lucifer to following Jehovah! There was about five percent who fled the battle to the area above Lake Beautiful from Lucifer's army! They had been touched by the power of the rose, symbolizing the love of God. They listened to their higher self that day!
18. Once this large group came above the lake, our angels with their swords of silver lightning removed the remaining host of Lucifer to the earth where they were subjugated to Lucifer.
The angels who remained behind and many others of our faithful children, administered love and comfort to those who had just recently switched sides. These who were barely saved expressed deep gratitude for the angels who administered the high power of the rose!'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for sharing this amazing event during the great battle!
19. Heavenly Mother then started speaking:
'Raphael, you wondered what is commonly used to heal wounds from the weapons of the adversary. We have instructed our healing angels and healers as well as those who seek to do self-healing, to follow this procedure:
1. Remove the weapon with your intention and be securing it with your spirit hands. Sometimes it can be removed only by directed thoughts.
2. Remove any poisons or harmful substances that accompanied the weapon. This also is done in faith with intention, directed light and love.
3. Heal the wound with detailed instructions to the wounded area. Some wounds will need different healing methods than others. A spear wound would be localized around the puncture, whereas the battle-axe wound would have a larger surface area and may require some spiritual stitches. In all cases, apply the healing method best suited for the wound, as our Spirit gives you inspiration.
4. In all cases, seek to return the spirit wound to its original condition before the weapon was received.
All of these steps should be done in faith, using as much light and love that can be mustered. Calling upon healing angels or healers may need to be done in difficult situations. They in turn may call upon us, their Gods, for healing the wound in the worst cases.'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for both sharing with me their words tonight! I felt very enlightened and blessed. I felt a sureness of the truth in what they said to me. I told them how privileged I felt to be with them tonight. They both smiled and held each other's hands and continued walking on the path around the lake. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 2, 2018, Friday
1. I came in my unconscious mind to heaven to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the beautiful maple tree grove today near the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I have been pondering over what Heavenly Father revealed to me about the power of the rose and how it so affected a large group who switched sides to Jehovah during the battle with Lucifer in heaven.
I had asked my sister K to share with me her impression about the rose. Here is a section of her email I received this morning:
2. From K written 11/2/2018:
"Each female angel was given a rose which carries a high vibration of energy and represents love, compassion, gentleness, nurturing, peace, soothing, beauty and healing. This rose can be used to encompass one who is suffering and bring peace and coherence and an elevation of vibration to that person. Or its energy can be placed on a particular area. The fragrance is uplifting, the texture is soft and velvety. The healing is strong. It also represents the Divine Feminine presence that holds the role of comforting and soothing."
3. I then came to the shore of Lake Beautiful and drank from the lake. As I did so my mind was opened up in a vision! Heavenly Mother stood next to me on my left at the shore. She said the following to me:
'Raphael, look out upon the lake and see the five percent of those who came over to the side of Jehovah during the battle with Lucifer!'
4. I then looked over the waters and saw the skies above the lake filled with millions and millions of premortal spirits! They had come in response to the loving and peaceful energy of the rose that the female angels had sent into the battle! Many of these had dropped their spiritual weapons of war on the battlefield before they came over the lake, but some still were holding these implements of war. I saw then a number of this vast host start to drop their weapons into Lake Beautiful. Then there were a huge number of these weapons that dropped from these ransomed ones into the waters. They fell like rain for a few seconds.
5. I saw these weapons of war sinking into the water. Soon the water was calm again, having buried these evil devices deep in its depths, never to be used again! The water seemed happy to be calm again and looked so peaceful and serene.
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, the greatest part of this battle with Lucifer was the conversion of those who switched sides to Jehovah and laid down their weapons of war. The other necessary part was to cast out Lucifer and his rebellious hosts to earth, out of heaven. This needed to be done so that we could preserve a heavenly atmosphere in our celestial home. This action also allowed us to continue with our plans for the temporal probationary state of man on the earth. Without opposition, our children that we were planning on sending during the first 6000 years of the earth's temporal existence wouldn't have a sufficient test. Those who would come in the millennium, or during the last thousand years, could come for their test without the opposition of Lucifer and his hosts. We will evaluate their probation on earth a little differently, but fairly when compared to those who were subjected to the evil ones of Lucifer.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for showing me this vision in my prayer this morning! I felt overjoyed that so many had been spared from Lucifer's subjugation, even at the moment of the battle!
I believe too that love is mightier than fighting with swords. The greatest good was the salvation of those who came forth to their higher self and were converted to our Heavenly Parents' plan of sending Jehovah.
My vision then ended and I was alone at the water's edge. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
7. Evening–I came tonight to the circling waters in heaven. It was calm and dark outside, just like it is in my area on earth. I wondered how this all happens, if my view of the celestial world is my unique view and another person might come and find it light. I suspect this is true since this was the way it was on the path leading to the tree of life from the white gate. Those who reported back to me said the path was tailored just for them and the rod of iron was on the left (mine was on my right), etc. I wonder too how this all works?
I knelt by the bench facing the water of the stream. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. I then heard someone behind me. I turned around and my Heavenly Father came from my right side behind me and then came in front of me, over the water. He was alone and very majestic as he always appears to me!
8. He was smiling and began to speak:
'Raphael, our celestial world has the unique characteristic that it can be different in appearance for each person who visits. What you see tonight with the night sky is different, most likely, than the next person who comes and it is fully light. Our creations adapt to your desires or intent of what would please you, or are what you might desire. We have made it this way since we want each person's experience to be uniquely their own!
9. There are still all the same landmarks of the celestial world, like these circling waters, the desert oasis, etc., but they may appear slightly different, tailored to the needs of our child who comes. The path to the tree of life is extremely different, adjusting to the individual life, with its unique obstacles and challenges.
Our celestial creation has properties where the celestial environment may change and adapt at will to become the very best place for the person experiencing this creation. The entire aims of our creations here are to please us, their Gods, and our children.
Raphael, it is late here and late for you on earth. I am glad to come whenever you may need me. However, it is now time for you to retire to bed!'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his very quick response to my question. I am tired now like my Heavenly Father said. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 3, 2018, Saturday
1. I came to the desert oasis. I am so glad to be here. I came to the water's edge and cupped my hand for some living water. I drank and felt clear and refreshed. I felt very open to the world around me here. I walked back to the bench and knelt on the sand, facing the oasis.
2. Heavenly Mother appeared to me, sitting on the bench next to me. She put her right hand on my left shoulder and spoke:
'Raphael, this is your Heavenly Mother. I want you to look on the oasis waters. It is now morning here and the sky is light but the sun is nowhere to be seen. With your intention, make the desert here to be sunny and warm, with the celestial sun in the sky.'
I then thought to have it be sunny and warm like at noonday, and for the celestial sun to be in the sky. The sun started shining on the land, it became quite warm, and I could see my shadow!
3. 'Raphael, there might be another across the oasis who has a different time of the day that they see. Your Heavenly Father and I usually make the view you see in the celestial world the best to make our revelation to you the most meaningful. We control this all by our intentions, our simple thoughts that our creations here perceive and then obey.
4. It is also our desire to adapt the outward appearance of a particular area to another one of our children who might also be here, in prayer or vision with us. They and you might have a different experience. I know this characteristic may be very difficult for you since you live in a telestial world where this is physically not possible. However, in our celestial world, all things are possible as we wish them to be!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words today! They bore witness of what my Heavenly Father told me last night. I told my Heavenly Mother that I come to her world to commune with her and have no thoughts about the environment that I will be in, but instead I just observe what I see. She said this is how it should be. She said my Heavenly Father and her just wanted to reveal this feature of their celestial world to me. I realized then that my prayer time was short today.
I prayed that I would be able to accurately perceive where they would be today at the baptism of my granddaughter. I wanted to see the telestial, the terrestrial, and the celestial sphere in the baptism area. Heavenly Mother said she would grant my request. I thanked her and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I got ready next for my day.
5. In the evening–I attended the baptism of my granddaughter this morning. It was sweet to be there. However, I did not "see" much activity at all in the spiritual realms. In the telestial realms, I saw those on earth around me. I didn't look into the other side since the telestial realms contain all sorts of evil spirits and spirits who are guardian spirits of those in mortality. This was not my intent.
6. In the terrestrial realms, I saw no activity at all. This was noticeably a vacant area. In the celestial realms, I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the top left front area of the chapel during the confirmation blessing. When my son blessed his daughter and commanded her to receive the Holy Ghost, I saw our Heavenly Mother but she did not move. However, I felt she wanted to go to my granddaughter. I could also tell that my son held the Melchizedek Priesthood and honored it. However, the Holy Ghost (Heavenly Mother) did not come.
During the confirmation, I asked my Heavenly Mother in my mind why she did not come and if any granddaughter would ever receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
7. Heavenly Mother responded to me by the thoughts of her thoughts the following:
'Raphael, I wanted to come today and witness to my daughter, your granddaughter, but I couldn't come yet. The keys of administrating a valid baptism and valid confirmation have been removed from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will come to her in her life as she calls upon her Heavenly Father and me in the sincerity of her heart. She will then recognize my voice, for I am her well-known Mother! She will recognize this voice but not know it is her Mother in heaven.'
This afternoon I received an email from M.A. that I received a confirmation on but wanted more revelation about. It makes me feel very happy that others are receiving revelation too, similar to how I receive revelation.
8. Here are her words of the email from M.A. , 11/3/18:
"Last night I went to the throne room, for that is where I felt to go. Heavenly Father was sitting in the middle, Jesus was to his right, and Heavenly Mother on Heavenly Father's left. I thanked them for allowing me to come to them. I said that Raphael (R) was told that the archangels and the other holy angels were given a special gift at the time of Jehovah's ordination to be a God.
I asked if I might be aware of what this gift was. I felt it was a seer stone. We were given this to help us with our various assignments in the future as angels of God. It's about 8 inches long and we keep it in a pouch tied around our waist. It's not heavy. It's opaque and white. I thanked my Gods for this gift.
I keep getting a confirmation this is all true. If it isn't, please let me know. It's so hard to believe this is really happening, i.e., going to heaven and communing with my Gods. Please feel free to correct me at any time . . ."
9. I had both of these thoughts in my mind tonight about the baptism this morning and the email.
I came to the fountain of living waters. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come. I was kneeling facing the temple doors next to the fountain at this time. I saw my Heavenly Parents both walking to me from the temple doors. The doors were shut but they walked through them, right up to me! They stopped right in front of me, standing very majestic and full of light. They were also both smiling.
10. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, you correctly saw that your Heavenly Mother and I were in the corner of the chapel, up near the ceiling during the confirmation blessings. We were in the celestial realms. We did not come as requested because the ordinance is no longer recognized by us, as we have told you before. It is our desire to come to our children who have faith we will come, particularly your Heavenly Mother as the Holy Ghost. She may come as she desires, but your granddaughter does not have the gift of the Holy Ghost. Her baptism is also not acceptable now to us in this church. We love her very much, however, and will bless her with our guidance as she humbly comes to us in open prayer.'
Heavenly 11. Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, M.A. wrote you correctly that she saw us three Gods in our throne room. We answered her question about the gifts our angels received at the time of the ordination of Jehovah to be a God. We told her each received a seer stone. She correctly described this as well, at least the one she received. Each seer stone was made specifically for each of our children who were ordained to be angels that day.
12. Each angel needs to find out what size and shape his or her own seer stone is. These are different than the healing stones later given to each healing angel in the domed room where they were set apart and clothed in their angel vestures. M.A. is correct the seer stones go in a pouch around the waist of the angel.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words of confirmation tonight! I asked that I be shown my own seer stone and where it is located.
13. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, you have a deep green emerald seer stone that is tied onto your waist sash in the front of your body. It hangs down in the folds of your robe in a pouch of matching white color to your robe. It is about eight inches long, is opaque green and it has no facets, but is smooth with an oval cross section. It is lightweight and is hardly noticeable while on your person.
14. When you are uncertain what to do, or need your gift of seership activated, take out your seer stone from the pouch and look into it with faith. You will then find answers to your questions and have activated your gift of seership. All of our holy angels have access to a special seer stone they may use in the days ahead.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer! I am so pleased! I then felt around and found the pouch and withdrew my long seer stone. It was brilliant green and all one smooth emerald. I could see into it, for it turned from opaque to clear as I looked steadily on it in faith. I replaced the stone in its cloth pouch.
15. I then spoke:
'Oh, my Heavenly Parents, I am so blessed to have such a beautiful seer stone! I am glad that you revealed this to M.A., one of your very faithful daughters who is also an archangel. Please bless each of us angels to discover our own seer stones and find out what they look like.'
I felt very loved to have such a wonderful gift! I thanked them both again. I then knew my prayer time was done. I closed my prayer and returned to the telestial world in which I live."