115. The Gift of the Holy Ghost
Posted 3-29-2019

Hello my friends!

We are each given a great gift, even the full measure of the Gift of the Holy Ghost! Read about this starting with my journal entry on March 17th, 2019. This has been a remarkable blessing to me!

As always, please pray about all that I include in this post. I also have some revealing issues that you will want to pray about too, as they related to the false prophet and the beast, as spoken of in the Book of Revelation. These are trying times that will test the very most valiant of the elect.


I have included some pictures I took while on my trip to Oregon this past week. Enjoy!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 14, 2019, Thursday (continued)

1. Evening- I came to the birch tree grove on the hill going down to Enoch's city. I knelt by the little stream and drank living water. I felt connected to heaven and clear in my body. I faced uphill, and asked for one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came in front of me, elevated in the air a few feet away. She was smiling and shining brightly.

2. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, there was a question about celestial realms. We have a highest celestial realm on every one of our creations that house our children in our galaxy. These include all of the telestial, terrestrial and celestial worlds. We have a highest celestial realm on each of these so that we may visit these worlds and not be seen or perceived. These are all the same realm levels and we who are Gods may freely go between these highest spiritual realms.

3. There are also celestial realms on each of the earths where our children have had in their progression and now are exalted Gods. There is a celestial realm also on our celestial orb. This is where our pre-mortal spirits, our angels, celestial resurrected beings awaiting their exaltation, and those who are translated to a celestial glory dwell. There will be a celestial portion of the New Jerusalem where the New Jerusalem Temple will be located during the millennium. The celestial earth will have both a celestial realm and a high celestial realm for eternity, just like our celestial orb has.

4. The realms on these worlds are all the same glory, regardless of their locations. Some of the realms have boundaries between them, like the terrestrial world of the dead (the paradise of God on the earth) and the millennial terrestrial world. We have boundaries so that our children in different states of progression (like the dead and the resurrected) but living in the same spiritual realm may be kept isolated as a group for the best purposes of their growth and probation.

5. In the case of the angels, the translated celestial servants and the celestial resurrected individuals, these may freely converse and work together in the celestial realms on the earth and on the celestial orb. They are working for us mostly for our elect on the earth now and even often work together in various assignments.

6. We are very grateful to our first parent Gods for creating these spiritual realms on the various worlds where our children live. There is a step-by-step progression for our children from their birth as our spirit son or daughter to their final reward of glory. The spiritual realms facilitate our great efforts in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal lives of our children.'

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 15, 2019, Friday

1. This morning I awoke feeling very happy. I came to the desert oasis for my prayer. I felt very still and quiet there. I came to the water's edge and drank from my cupped hand the living water from that small body of water. Soon I felt a very clear and transparent feeling and was ready to commune with my God. I knelt at the shore facing the oasis and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. Heavenly Mother came to me above the water. I loved her happy countenance and her very sparkling eternity eyes! She was bright and radiant. I felt the rays of her light pass right through me while I was kneeling.

2. I prayed for my family and neighbors in need. Today is the funeral of my neighborhood friend who died. I prayed for his surviving wife and family. I also prayed for the widow mother of the one who committed suicide. There seems to always be so many people with upheavals in their lives! I know that mortality brings the unexpected as well as the time when we may grow from our experiences the very most. I expressed a thankful heart for this probationary state we are in, from which we learn and grow so much.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I will bless and comfort those for whom you pray. You will not be able to pray away the experiences of your family and friends who are struggling with the events of their own mortal lives, but we may comfort and aid them to learn as much as possible. Death of a loved one so close as a husband or a daughter will take significant adjustments for those who remain. When these individuals affected pray to your Heavenly Father, we will send to them comfort and a feeling that they may move forward in their lives, even with their heartaches.

4. Whenever tragedy comes to our children, we carefully love, help and guide them. These are new experiences that cause them to wonder "why did this have to happen?" or "why didn't I die instead?". The process of grieving and suffering will help them resolve the separation of their loved ones. We have moved the spirit of their loved one into a different spiritual realm that has a boundary between those who remain and continue living in the telestial mortal sphere and those in the sphere of the dead. Loneliness and heartache will continue for some time and the perspective of the ones who remain will need to shift.

5. Sometimes life seems so very long while living on earth. Those who live into older age sometimes wonder why they keep living and they wish that they could finish their probation. Life for them sometimes feels like it goes on and on. This, too, is an experience we wish our children in mortality to have, for they will be able to learn many lessons so that one day, like me, they may know how it feels and they may know how to succor their own children in a similar situation. We determine the times when our children move from one realm to another in their progression and growth.

6. You have wondered about the fairness in the difference between a terrestrial and celestial translation, and how those who are translated to a celestial glory are able to continue living apart from their replicated translated bodies that live and work in celestial realms. In a terrestrial translation, there is no replication so the individual lives as one in their conscious mind in either the telestial or terrestrial realms. They also have protection from the dangers of the telestial world.

This has seemed to be an advantage for our terrestrial translated servants. However, in our wisdom, we are allowing our celestial translated servants to continue living in mortality and in gaining many important lessons and experiences in their unprotected physical bodies. They live fully in disguise, with no apparent difference between them and their neighbors. These celestial servants may even frequently question their own revelations, thinking that they only imagine being in the celestial realms.

7. Raphael, we desire that those of you who are in such a state of celestial translation be so very glad for your mortal and replicated states in which you live and from where you serve us! We have given you a great blessing! We don't want you to compare your standing with those who have a terrestrial translation. Your mission is entirely different and requires secrecy and working behind the scenes. You receive no notoriety or outward reward. At times you may feel physically threatened or compromised due to your exposure to mortality. However, you will be blessed with a longer full mortal life, which will bless you in the end with greater understanding, compassion and overall experience. These lessons from a mortal life are precious and invaluable!

8. You also have remarkable experiences in your replicated states in the celestial realms on the earth and on our celestial orb. You mingle with the celestial resurrected servants and other translated celestial beings in this realm. You also receive our continual direction in your ministry and frequently come into our holy presence. You labor selflessly for our elect as we command you. These experiences will all remain with you and will one day combine with your mortal experiences to give you an abundant full memory from both your mortal and the celestial realms. Your understandings will be great and your experiences the most of any of our beloved children that we send to earth.

9. Raphael, continue in your faithful service to us and be ever grateful for the high blessing we are extending to you and others who live in mortality and are translated to a celestial glory. In the millennial day, your identity will be revealed and you will all receive great honor from the faithful. You will also all be blessed to continue to serve us throughout the millennium in working for the souls of men and women in the celestial temple of the New Jerusalem. You and the other angels of God will be very highly blessed because of your faithful service!'

10. Tonight I came to the hill overlooking the freshwater lake on my left and the celestial ocean on my right. The sun was still up, but it was reflecting off the ocean and glistening brightly. It was a beautiful view from the hill. I knelt on the grass and asked my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then saw Heavenly Father by the freshwater lake to my left. He looked up at me and I felt like I should kneel before him by the lake. I immediately moved to that position, kneeling before him in front of the beautiful lake.

11. He smiled at me and then spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you here to Heavenly Mother's freshwater remedy beds and her ocean healing beds. We have so many areas on our celestial orb that we use in each new eternity to propagate and bring plants and animals forth on our earths. Our plans are made way ahead for the use of the earth. We create the earth in the beginning and bring forth our many plants and animals at various times to prepare the rich soils of the earth and its coal and oil deposits. When man finally comes for their seven thousand years of temporal existence, the earth has been prepared for eons of years. This insures that there will be plenty of energy sources in the earth for man to discover and use, and rich soils in abundance.

12. There will also be a time, before the second coming of Jesus Christ, that man will have used many resources without regard to future generations and will have recklessly polluted the earth and used these energy sources that we have so painstakingly created over eons of time. Some pollutions will become so severe that it will be impossible to correct without our hand and our interventions. These will have all been used because of greed and seeking for power. When the earth needs to be cleansed after war and exploitations of its many natural resources, we will bring forth living water to flow on her surface. The celestial living water now residing deep in the earth under the Jackson County area, will come forth into the fountain of living water between the two trees of life in the celestial realm on the earth. This water, together with the abundant light and love coming to this celestial area of the earth, will heal the many pollutions on her surface. There will be nuclear pollutions whose live active isotopes will be quickly reduced by virtue of the living celestial water. These will only be able to be eliminated by the power of God.

13. There will also be planted on the earth those freshwater plants in this lake in front of us that will remove the results of nuclear contamination in the bodies of my people. These healing plants will be used extensively at the beginning of the millennium. Many of our elect will be contaminated with nuclear contaminants, heavy metal poisoning from the foods and other contaminants in their bodies that we want them to be cleansed from. We will promote cleansing programs to physically eliminate these toxins from their bodies. We will have a pure and strong group of our elect children on the earth, as fast as they will be able to be cleansed of these poisons in their bodies. Within a generation or two, these contaminants will no longer exist on the millennial earth. Our people will bring forth strong and healthy posterity that will fill the earth and cause the desolate cities to be inhabited (see 3 Nephi 22:3 and Isaiah 54:3). Soon our children will live to the age of a tree (D&C 101:30). When he or she dies, they shall die, but not be buried, for they shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye to a celestial glory in the resurrection. If they haven't yet gone through the New Jerusalem temple, they will then go through, together with their resurrected spouse and be admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. Their rest shall be glorious (see D&C 101:31).

14. Raphael, we have planned all the details of the renewing of the earth from its fallen and polluted telestial state to a glorious terrestrial state for a thousand years of peace and rest. All things have been prepared already to make this wonderful change in our people and on the earth.'

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 16, 2019, Saturday

1. Today I wondered more about the New Jerusalem area on the earth. One mortal angel asked who owns the land where the New Jerusalem temple will be and would it take all of the Jackson county area. M.A. also wondered if the terrestrial people on the earth in the millennial day will even be able to see the celestial realm of the temple square area, with the fountain of living water, the trees of life and the New Jerusalem temple. Since this will be in the celestial sphere, will it be hidden until the people are prepared for entry and elected into the Church of the Firstborn by Jesus Christ?

2. I came this morning to the shore of the celestial ocean. I could not see the hill I prayed from last night and I wasn't sure where I was, except that I was on the celestial orb by the celestial ocean. I walked on the wet sand and enjoyed the ocean waves repeatedly coming back and forth over the sand. This ocean was living water and salty like the oceans and seas on the earth. I felt very grounded to my celestial orb in this celestial realm!

3. I knelt in the sand, facing the ocean waters. I asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother came walking to me from the ocean, walking a little above the water and through the tops of the waves. She was smiling, radiating light and love to me and to all the surrounding area! She came right up to me and stopped. Her light penetrated me and felt so warm and accepting to me! I was very in tune to her and received her communications through my thoughts, in the way both she and Heavenly Father always do.

She spoke to me in my mind: 'Raphael, I love the ocean and the beach! We have created this beautiful beach on our celestial orb to remind us of our memories of our own earthly beach that we visited occasionally on our earth while we were living there. This location is extremely grounding. The action of the waves on the sand help all who come here feel very connected to our heavenly orb.

4. I would like to address the questions you have about the New Jerusalem area. You have previously been shown the perimeter of the city of the New Jerusalem (see post 54, entry 07-25-2017). It will be 26 square miles. Jackson County is now over 600 square miles, so the city of the New Jerusalem will be only the area around Independence, Missouri. The city of Independence alone is nearly 80 square miles. Raphael, you found a suitable article about who owns the land and where the city of the New Jerusalem and the temple will be built in the future. There will be a lot of upheaval in this area due to flooding and earthquakes, that will mostly level the area in the terrestrial sphere on the earth, in preparation for building the terrestrial portion of this city of Zion, the New Jerusalem and the celestial portion of that city. We will have those, that are asked to help you built the celestial area, come to you. They will be our elect who are celestial in nature, and whom we will quicken to dwell in the celestial realm in that area. All of the construction of the celestial temple and the temple square area (3000 by 3000 foot square, or about ½ square mile) will be in the celestial sphere, superimposed on the terrestrial earth. The terrestrial earth will be at first very rugged, flooded, and virtually impassable for years. Eventually this terrestrial area on the earth will be drained and be made into a grassy area, void of buildings and structures. It will become an open park area that is flat and has grass, trees, bushes, flowers and such. The real treasure of that area is in the celestial sphere that is superimposed on the terrestrial park area.

5. M.A. is correct that the people who come to the area of the New Jerusalem will not see the celestial realm unless they are privileged to come into the celestial realm. Only those that are admitted or elected into the Church of the Firstborn will be able to even see it. These are the ones who will see the gates and borders around this beautiful temple square area. They will be free to enter and roam through the beautiful gardens to come to the trees of life and drink from the celestial living water from the fountain of living water. They will come there to the fountain area when you open the doors of the New Jerusalem temple and call out their names to receive the waters of separation ordinance from you and Oriphiel.

6. Raphael, all of the structures, gardens, fountain of living water, the tree of life, the plants and animals and the glorious New Jerusalem temple will be celestial physical structures or resurrected celestial living beings. These will be in the same type of celestial realm as is currently the celestial orb around the rest of the earth where you now labor in. The celestial New Jerusalem temple square area, however, will be a special entry point for all the faithful that are chosen to enter there. There will also be a boundary between the other celestial realm on the earth where you work from with the angels and celestial resurrected or celestial translated servants. Those who come to the New Jerusalem temple square celestial realm won't normally have access to the entire celestial realm on the earth.

7. The entry point from this local celestial realm to our celestial orb is accurately described as being on each side of the font room in the garden areas on either side of the font room in the temple. The garden to the east of the font room of the temple will be a celestial entry or portal to my own upper gardens and the garden to the west will be a celestial entry or portal to God's Loving Healing Center (see post 54, 03-19-2017 and 07-22-2017)

8. We will still have our celestial angels and servants work from the remaining larger celestial realm on the earth, to minister to the inhabitants of the earth. We do not want our servants disturbed in their service by those who come into that smaller New Jerusalem celestial sphere, and so we have placed a boundary between those spheres. We are happy, however, to welcome those just received into the Church of the Firstborn to come into the wilderness area on our celestial orb through the garden entry points in the New Jerusalem temple.

9. The construction of the New Jerusalem temple and celestial complex in the temple square area will be directed by you, Raphael, our celestial archangel commissioned to do so. You will then live in your translated celestial being, with both your conscious and unconscious minds merged. Once this temple and area are built, you will inhabit a house in the terrestrial area of the New Jerusalem, and walk each day into the celestial temple area for your service.

10. We have not revealed to anyone else except you the plans for the celestial realm buildings and complex. We have revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith about the terrestrial sections of the New Jerusalem city of Zion and its construction, however. Your role and mission will only be in the celestial realm area. Our angels and other celestial servants who labor in the celestial realm area of the New Jerusalem will also have their residences in the terrestrial portion of the city like you. They too will walk each day to their labors in the celestial temple like you. When you live in the terrestrial section of the city, you will appear like everyone else, in your translated mortal bodies.

11. Those who are not quickened to our celestial glory and who come to visit the terrestrial city of Zion, the New Jerusalem, will not see the celestial sections of the city. They will normally be able to feel our presence and see a portion of the light coming up into the sky, however, of the power and blessings of God. They will be free also to walk around the park upon which is superimposed our celestial temple square complex. This terrestrial park will be a sacred place and not one where activities, parties or games are played. However, we do invite our elect to come here and ponder, pray and walk around quietly. This will be a place of revelation for the elect, for heaven is so very close by!'

12. Tonight I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. This is where the east entry point or portal comes into heaven for the new members of the Church of the Firstborn from the New Jerusalem temple. This is such a beautiful area with a celestial mountain stream and forest.

13. There will be many people coming here from the celestial New Jerusalem temple once it is built. I feel very privileged to come here frequently, or to most anywhere in the wilderness area on the celestial orb in heaven. I understand how this works so much better because of my understanding of spiritual realms. Admission to the celestial realm in the New Jerusalem temple square area is first determined by election into the Church of the Firstborn. Once I perform the waters of separation ordinance, these same individuals may then be admitted by this ordinance into the celestial realms on the celestial orb. They also have access to the celestial realm on the earth, as they may need access to it. They will also always have access to the celestial temple square realm. I believe once they have gone to the celestial orb for the first time, through the entry points or portals in the New Jerusalem temple next to the font room, they may then go there by their own portal as often as they desire.

14. I prayed by the shore of the circling waters to my Heavenly Parents tonight. I asked that my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, come to me. My Heavenly Father appeared to my side on the shore.

He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that the entry ordinance required to have access to the celestial realms on the earth and in our celestial orb, is the waters of separation ordinance. The one exception to this is when the candidate for the Church of the Firstborn is elected by Jesus Christ, they then may come into the celestial realm containing the New Jerusalem temple square area. However, once they are actually admitted into the Church of the Firstborn by the ordinance of the waters of separation, they have greater access to the celestial realms.

15. Those who have not yet been elected by Jesus Christ into the Church of the Firstborn never will be able to see the celestial temple square area nor the New Jerusalem temple. This is how we are able to protect this celestial temple from those of the lower realms.

16. The living water that exits the temple square area flows into the terrestrial world. These four rivers, which come from the fountain of living waters in the celestial realms won't be seen by the terrestrial beings until they exit the celestial realm. At the point these rivers appear to them in the terrestrial world, they will seem to be coming from springs in the ground at the borders of the terrestrial temple square park. These rivers will flow north, east, south and west to all the ends of the earth. The celestial living waters will change to terrestrial living waters and still will exhibit most of the properties of this water. They will be very healing to all the earth and its inhabitants. These waters will be the principle means of healing the pollution on the earth created by nuclear war and industry.

17. When you, Raphael, come to the New Jerusalem area to build the New Jerusalem temple, your activity will not be seen by any on the earth except the celestial who have been elected by Jesus Christ to be received into the Church of the Firstborn. There will be others who will build the terrestrial city of Zion, but only the celestial will be able to help you build the celestial temple and temple square area. You will have access to all the celestial resources we have prepared, both on the physical earth and from the celestial orb. You will have resurrected celestial beings and translated celestial beings, and any of the holy angels of God available to assist you. There will also be selected mortal individuals who will have been elected by our Son, Jesus Christ, to enter into the Church of the Firstborn, who will also assist. All of the powers and resources of heaven will be at your disposal!

18. When the 144,000 bring their converts to the city of Zion, the New Jerusalem, they will come to the terrestrial part of that city. They will have to be elected by Jesus Christ to see and be received into the celestial realm where the temple square complex and celestial temple is located. They may be more fully instructed in the terrestrial temple, operated by the Church of Christ, in the city of Zion, the area in the terrestrial world. Once you have completed the font area and adjacent portal entry areas to the east and west of the font room, you will be able to immediately begin performing the waters of separation ordinances for those elected in the Church of the Firstborn.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for more clarification of this wonderful time in our near future!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 17, 2019, Sunday

1. I came to the bench by God's Loving Healing Lake. I feel blessed to come to this area frequently. It is the arrival point from the western entry point or portal from the New Jerusalem temple. I feel this area will be populated soon by new members of the Church of the Firstborn, once the New Jerusalem temple is in operation. This is an area of healing and of great beauty and serenity.

2. I drank from the little stream of living water to the east of the bench. I felt refreshed and very clear. I came to the shore of the lake and knelt, asking my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the shore, shining brightly. I felt the light of her countenance penetrate and bless my being! I felt very much accepted and loved by her!

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have been worried about the heavy load of typing up your own journal entries that your sister Rachael has expressed to you. Tell her to only type every other day and that we will find someone else to help on the alternate days. In the interim, until we do, type these up yourself.

4. It is our intent to have you post your journal entries even if there are grammatical mistakes, for the important issue is that our revelations become available to the people soon after we reveal them to you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the abundant revelations that she and Heavenly Father give to me. I thanked her for providing some relief to my very faithful sister too. I said also that I was so pleased to leave tomorrow with my wife and son to visit her and my elderly mother (we will be there through next Thursday).

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we will not give you our revelations during your trip starting Monday after your morning prayer. We hope this break will be a time of relaxation and respite for you and your family!

5. I would like to address another topic now. You have read recently that President Russell M. Nelson has taken all of the twelve apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Rome for the dedication of the LDS temple in that city. He said he did this because God has told him to do this. However, we have not told him, nor inspired him to go there. If it wasn't us, then who was it?'

I replied I believed it was the adversary, coming to him as if he were God.

'Raphael, you are correct. Satan has given to President Nelson that revelation, and not us, your Gods. The visit to Rome of the leaders of the LDS Church was to promote a plan initiated by Lucifer in which he will make Rome a center place for his dominion over the earth. Rome, which has seven hills, was spoken of by John the Revelator in Revelation 19:9 "The seven heads (of the beast) are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." The woman is described in Revelation 17:3-6. She sits upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, abominations and filthiness. The beast upon which she sits lives in the Vatican, a city 
within Rome, with where President Nelson visited during his recent trip. The beast and the false prophet are spoken of in Revelation 19:20. The false prophet is President Nelson. He will become very great in the eyes of many people and will wrought miracles to deceive the people. The beast is Pope Francis. These two have a friendship and alliance and will be controlled by Lucifer in deceiving and ultimately bringing away from Jesus Christ many people.'

6. I had been writing this even as my Heavenly Mother was speaking to me. I thanked her for this mystery. I asked her if I had recorded clearly that President Nelson was to become the false prophet and that Pope Francis was the beast, both spoken of by John the Revelator in the book of Revelation?

Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, what you have written is correct. There are alliances being formed, also connecting Babylon, the city of great commerce and wealth, even New York City, to the beast. As these prophecies become fulfilled, even in your day, you will come to understand them more clearly.'

7. I then knelt down and confirmed all I had received that it was from God and not my own imaginations. I had also recalled that President Nelson had stated in the KSL news, speaking of the Rome visit, "This is a hinge point in the history of the Church, things are going to move forward at an accelerated pace of which this is a part." (Here is what I wrote afterwards about this hinge point discussion–see marker 1:31 of this story from KSL. I also read a blog that I subscribe to where I copied this information from Hector Sosa Jr., Author of "A Change is Coming", that I thought would be interesting to you:

"As a former Catholic, this gathering in force in Rome was something to behold.

The most striking event, outside of the temple dedication, was that the Pope was alone when he met the General Authorities. There were no Cardinals. From a Catholic's point of view the message is one of capitulation. As a former Catholic and a current Latter-day Saint this event is one of passing the baton.

The Rome event is one of the ascension of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints on the world stage and one of waning for the Catholic Apostolic Roman Church. It seems to mark the start of the end of the Times of the Gentiles."

Also, another name for hinge point is a pivot point.)

8. After church–We came to our own local ward for sacrament meeting. I really enjoyed the sacrament portion. I came to the lake again, by the bench. I became aware I was there on the last verse of the sacrament hymn. I saw myself kneeling there at the shore, facing the lake. I made my weekly covenants after the prayer and was offered the bread. I waited and then Heavenly Father came to me directly above the water. He had a smile and was very accepting and loving to me.

After I partook of the broken bread, Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant today. I will always be with you and your Heavenly Mother will abundantly send her Spirit, even the Holy Ghost, to be with you and to witness to you of our truths.

I want to witness to the truth of what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you this morning in your prayer. She told you that President Russell M. Nelson will become the false prophet, Pope Francis will become the beast, and Rome was the city with seven mountains or hills spoken of in the Book of Revelation. She also said that New York City was the great city of commerce and wealth, also called Babylon in the Book of Revelation, and had alliances with the beast. All that she spoke to you is true, Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother will also bear witness to you by the Holy Ghost of the truthfulness of these revelations.'

9. The priest then blessed the water and it was then passed to the congregation. Heavenly Mother then came upon the lake and stood next to the Father, on his left side. She was radiant and so full of light! I felt very transparent in front of both of my Heavenly Parents. The light from her shone right through me and lit up a bright spot right in my heart! Then from my spot in my heart this same light shone brightly too and radiated light to all sections of my body and then out of my body. I felt strongly this was the sure witness that I had prayed for this morning at the end of my prayer!

10. I felt this light was very remarkable and I could so easily feel it. It was so tangible! Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, my Spirit will now forever be inside of you, like you feel now, both passing from me through your entire transparent body, and then from your heart which will shine to all parts of your body.'

I thanked her for this wonderful gift of being able to feel the Holy Ghost so clearly and tangibly!

11. At this time, the youth speakers started giving their talks. I wrote down what I had experienced in my pocket journal. The final speaker was a high council speaker who was teaching falsehoods about the absolute need to accept every calling from our church leaders. I could tell he was teaching falsehoods, since asked in my mind to my Heavenly Parents and I was feeling completely 'dark' about his words. I knew he was not teaching the truth, even though he was very emotional.

12. I then prayed again about if President Nelson was truly the false prophet spoken of by John the Revelator in the Book of Revelation. I then felt the light from Heavenly Mother, or the Holy Ghost, immediately stream through me and the light that this Spirit illuminated in my heart started shining out to all parts of my body. I knew this was a witness to the truth of what I had just asked.

I felt this was all so remarkable! I was very grateful and thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for this wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost.

13. Evening- I have reflected on this wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost that I dramatically could receive whenever I asked the truth of something. I felt very humbled to receive the promise from my Heavenly Mother that she was to remain with me in this way from now on too!

Tonight I came to the desert oasis to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I felt so honored and blessed to have received great truths today. I came and drank living water at the shore. I felt very clear again and prepared to receive the directions and revelations of God. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

14. Both of my Heavenly Parents appeared to me next to the shore, a little above the water. I felt the bright light coming from their countenances pass through me again. I also felt my heart light up and shine forth their light also. I felt very much at peace and in tranquility.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you may always test whatever comes your way by this great gift of the Holy Ghost that your Heavenly Mother will shine upon you. When her answer is positive or yes to your question, you will know by the light that she shines upon you and the light that also comes from your heart. When her answer is negative or no, you shall have no such light, but it shall be darkness to you. You will then know clearly our directions to you, even when you are in your mortal state and not in our celestial realm.' I thanked my Heavenly Father for confirming this to me.

15. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael I will thus send my light to every mortal angel, translated celestial servant, or resurrected celestial servant who labors for our elect in a way similar as I have so clearly given to you. They each need to ask me in the sincerity of their heart, and wait upon Heavenly Father and me. We will reward them according to their diligence.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words that she spoke to me in my mind. I knew she spoke these words, for her light came into me and confirmed all by the very real and tangible gift of the Holy Ghost.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 18, 2019, Monday

1. I came to the shore of the desert oasis this morning. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. My Heavenly Mother gradually appeared in front of me on the water. She was shining and seemed so happy. Her light again came upon me and passed right through me, for I felt transparent before her. The light in my heart started to shine too, and shone forth to the rest of my body.

2. I wondered if this sensation of receiving and shining or reflecting her light was due in part to the practice I had made recently of shining forth light when I took coconut oil twice a day.

Heavenly Mother responded to my thought:

'Raphael, I have spoken to you on March 4, two weeks ago, with the instruction to take coconut oil twice a day (see post 113F6). As you swallowed a spoonful of coconut oil twice a day, you started to visualize my light starting at your head and expanding throughout your body, even to your toes, so that all of your body was filled with this discernible light. You have done this faithfully twice a day for two weeks. You become used to this spirit shining in you.

3. Yesterday, during your drinking of water during the sacrament, I again filled you with this discernible light, even as you have again received this morning when I came to you. Yesterday your heart started lighting up with my light also, shining forth my light to all parts of your body. I promised you yesterday that my light would forever be inside of you, both passing from me through your entire transparent body, and also from your own heart that now shines or reflects forth my light.

This is the light of my presence that you are feeling in your mortal body. You may discern the truth of all things by whether my light will shine through you and from your heart each time you ask of me a question in the sincerity of your heart. If you notice the light, it is true. Your Heavenly Father confirmed to you this and said that this was my great gift to you, the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is now more tangible and discernible to you than ever before! My Spirit will come quickly, as frequently as you request.

4. Raphael, I also had promised to yo
u yesterday that all of our celestial servants might also receive this more tangible gift of my Spirit, even the Holy Ghost. They too need to be diligent so that they may know how it feels when they swallow coconut oil or drink water. At my own timing, I will come to them like I did yesterday to you, and they also will receive this very tangible gift of the Holy Ghost, in much more power and strength than they have received before.

5. For you, Raphael, I have fulfilled this scripture:

D&C 121:26-27

"God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been revealed since the world was until now;
Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fullness of their glory."'

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 20, 2019, Wednesday

1. I arrived Monday afternoon in Portland with my wife and son A., we have been having a great visit with my nearly 98-year-old mom, my sister K and her husband, and my oldest brother and his wife. I love visiting all of them. I found a minute this morning to catch up in my journal.

2. I have been going to the desert oasis morning and night and have had short communions with my Heavenly Parents. Last night I spoke with Heavenly Father there. He was pleased that I was so full, enjoying myself in my family visiting. This was the message to me.

3. This morning I came again to the desert oasis. I am feeling happy and alert, I asked for one of my Heavenly Parents to come to me there. Heavenly Mother came to me, and shone brightly in her light, which fully penetrated my transparent feeling body. I had the sensation again of my heart being lit up with her light and shining to all parts of my being, while she was beaming her light before me.

She didn't speak, but she was there and was accepting and smiling at me. I felt very much at peace before her! I thanked her so much for her coming to me and connecting her love and light to me!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 22, 2019, Friday

1. During my recent trip I have continued to go to the desert oasis morning and night. I had Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother come to me each time but reveal to me nothing new. It was like I was in a holding pattern, awaiting the conclusion of my trip. I am now ready to come back to full time prayers and revelation, hopefully.

This morning I felt to go to the birch tree grove on the hill descending to the city of Enoch. I knelt next to the little stream and drank some living water from my cupped hands. I felt in tune or transparent after doing this. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. My Heavenly Mother then came in front of me, right above the stream. She was radiating light that penetrated me and filled me with peace and assurance. I love to be before her and feel her light beaming into me!

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: "Raphael, I am so grateful that you enjoyed your trip to Portland in visiting your family. You are wise to schedule visits every two months or so, for you don't know how long your mother will live. You also will be able to strengthen relationships with your siblings and other family members while visiting there.

4. You read last night of the devastating flooding in Nebraska and neighboring states in your country. Similar destructions will continue with increasing frequencies over your land. This is all in preparation for cleansing the land of wickedness and in transitioning to a millennial world.

5. On another topic, you have felt my light come into you clearly as you have asked of me to send you my light. You have done this on your trip to Oregon this week. The light that you have felt tangibly come into your being each time has come into your body from me. You noticed that your heart wasn't illuminated any more than the rest of your body, except when you asked to confirm the truthfulness of a question you had. If it was a question with a "yes" answer, you then felt your heart light up inside of you, emanating light to all of your body. If it were a "no" answer, you would no longer feel my light penetrating into your body. This follows the same pattern as given in D&C 9:7-9, The burning within your bosom will continue to be tangible light flowing into you and reflecting from a central area in your bosom that will send light to all parts of your body. The stupor of thought will be the absence of light coming from me. You may also occasionally forget the question you asked of me what is wrong.

D&C 9:7-9

'Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me. (Raphael, if there is something that needs your further study, I will convey this information to you, or reveal to you new truths of the subject you are inquiring about, or give you impressions where to go look for this information.)

But behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind, then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is not right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right. (This burning of the bosom will be the light glowing inside of you that extends and shines to all parts of your body.  I, and not you, created this phenomenon. It is a reflection of the light that I am sending into your body from my presence that is before you.)

But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, (this means that the light shining from me will no longer come into your body, and it will be clear to you that I have stopped the flow of my light from my presence.) but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the things with is wrong; (This stupor of thought may or may not come to you. Nevertheless, the difference in the flow of my light will be so very clear to you that you may not need me to cause this stupor of thought.) Therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me.' (Words in parenthesis given by Heavenly Mother).

6. I will also give this same clearness of answers to every one of my celestial servants who diligently seek this great gift of the Holy Ghost. It will be for them also a sensation like I described, all controlled by the flow of my light from my very presence. I will be with each one of these celestial servants who work for us in our celestial realms on the earth and in heaven.

7. Finally, I would like to confirm to you also that your efforts to have your journal pages typed up by now S.A. and your sister K are also pleasing to us. We want all to be able to do what they can without feeling overwhelmed. You are also progressing correctly in your indexing project. We wish all of the references to be kept in sequential post order, for ease of use and all the topics to be kept in alphabetical order. Start now to go back and paragraph number the previous posts so that they may be indexed also by those who have volunteered.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and revelations this morning; I said I was so glad to be again settled in my home, with the routine of praying and receiving so very much from Heavenly Father and her. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 23, 2019, Saturday

1. Last night I came in very late to pray. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents and then Heavenly Father came to me. I was praying next to my bed in the dark and could see his face but don't recall his words now. I wish I had been able to write them down at the time!

2. This morning I feel refreshed and am up early before the household awakens. I came to the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I was feeling quite clear and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I knelt, faced the distant temple, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father suddenly appeared in front of me in the air. He was glowing in light. I didn't feel the penetrating light from him like I did from my Heavenly Mother. I wondered if he would send his light and if I could tell a difference between his light and that from my Heavenly Mother.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I send my light to you differently than your Heavenly Mother does. She has the specific responsibility to be the Holy Ghost for all of our elect who seek our face. Her light is unique from my light in the way it shines upon you. Her light flows through your transparent being like the sunlight, with the feelings of laminar or parallel light flowing from a distant light source. On the other hand, since I am near you, only a few feet away, my light will come to you directly from my heart area and will be felt to come from this part of my immediate person, more like a light from a lamp in the room would emit.'

4. Heavenly Father then increased his brilliance. I felt his light come from this single light source of his heart to me. The light penetrated my being from the center of his body, from his heart area, and emanated from this light source to all my body. I felt it penetrate and pass through all parts of my body like I was transparent. I then remembered that the light from my Heavenly Mother came equally from all her body to me, so that it felt like it was like coming from a distant light source, like the sunshine comes from the sun. It was different in the angle the light entered me. I therefore could tell who was in front of me by the way, or the angle, that their light entered into my being.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother sends you light from her being differently than I send it to you. It is the same light, from the same source, but mine shines from my heart and emanates forth, and hers shines equally from all of her body. You receive it differently and can feel how our light comes differently into your body also.

This may seem to be a minor thing. However, we are glad that you can perceive this difference. In the future, you will have a confirming witness who it is that speaks to you by how our light enters your body.

6. Your Heavenly Mother will also be the only one who lights up your own heart and makes it shine to all parts of your body. This is her role as the Holy Ghost. When you feel light coming from your heart and emanating forth to all the rest of your body, you will know this is from her, in her role as the Holy Ghost, often in giving you a positive or "yes" answer to your questions.'

7. I felt the great peace and acceptance that came with the light of my Heavenly Father that entered my being. I could tell it all came from his heart area. I felt strengthened and more confident or sure of myself. I am glad that I can perceive the difference in how the light of God enters into my body from my Heavenly Father and from my Heavenly Mother.

8. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, the way you perceive our light coming into you is a small nuance. It shows that you are very perceptive and that you can also feel light coming into all parts of your body differently, even by the angle the light comes into different parts of your body. When you come as an angel of light to someone we send you to, and want you to shine upon them the light of our presence, your light will shine upon them from the center of your being, your heart area. They will perceive that your light is from the presence of God. This light from your heart will be sent to you by your Heavenly Mother, or the Holy Ghost, that will in turn shine from your heart to those you address, to the intensity Heavenly Mother wishes you to have. She and I have been discussing how this light flows to and from you for your own understanding, and for those who may read your words.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his instruction on the flow of light to me and from me this morning. I know that this is the same light that comes from our first parent Gods and comes to our own Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother through the immensity of space.

10. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, I would like to address a different topic now. During your visit with your sister Rachael, she was confused about how there are celestial translations and terrestrial translations and the differences. These are very different, mostly because those who are translated to a celestial level are able to replicate themselves and work in celestial realms. Those translated to a terrestrial glory may not replicate themselves in their work and therefore are always only in their same physical being. They also work from the terrestrial realms on the earth. If they are ever brought into heaven, on the celestial orb, we will quicken them to a celestial glory. Since you are translated to a celestial glory, you may replicate as much as is required in the celestial realms. You have a greater opportunity to stay on the earth in your mortal bodies and continue your normal experiences of mortality there. This is a great blessing for your own personal growth and learning! The blessings of being able to learn in a fallen telestial world are great and are for such a short time when compared to eternity. This is the only time when you also live in your conscious mind, which is separated from your unconscious mind. You will see in the future that this division of your mind offers you a great opportunity to develop greater sensitivity to your unconscious mind that normally works in the background. When you develop skills in using your unconscious mind while in mortality, your skills will remain with you forever. The sensitivity to your unconscious mind, isolated from your conscious mind, can only be gained in a mortal state.

11. On the other hand, our translated servants who are translated to a terrestrial glory, never have their unconscious and conscious mind separated, as do you. When you, who are translated to a celestial glory, work in the celestial realms, you now work there exclusively in your unconscious mind. During the millennium, you who are translated to a celestial glory, will be able to work also in the celestial realms in your conscious and unconscious minds combined. You, Raphael, will first notice this when you come to the New Jerusalem area and start the building of the New Jerusalem. The other mortal angels will also have this same blessing soon afterward.

12. The assignments to work in the terrestrial and celestial realms, as our servants, are a matter only of assignment and your individual callings. You are all the elect servants of God and are each destined to receive eternal life and exaltation. We need all of these positions filled by you, our choice sons and daughters, each one of you of inestimable worth and importance to your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his instructions and revelations today! I told him how much I loved him and how privileged I was to be in his service and to have my calling. I realize all of God's callings are very important and I believe in their eyes are of equal worth and importance.

14. Evening–I saw a recommended movie called "Arrival" (2016) with my wife last night. It was based on a book by Ted Chiang "Story of Your Life". In the movie and book, Louise is able to see past, present and future, all at the same time in her life. Although fictional, it has set us thinking about what God must understand, being able to have the past, present and future continually before them. The question "if you knew what your future would be, would you still go forward living how you live?" or "if you could know the future and be able to change the future by today's actions, would you change anything?" I have been pondering these types of questions today.

15. I came tonight to the circling waters. These remind me of one eternal round (1 Nephi 10:19) that our Heavenly Parents live in, with eternities coming in and out of existence, with their children being born and exalted in the same eternity. I also know God lives "on a globe, like a sea of glass and fire, (I believe the highest celestial realm) where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord. (D&C 130:7, my comments in parenthesis).

16. I drank from living water before me and felt very open and clarified. I was feeling able to receive anything that God would want to share with me. I knelt by the water and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. I waited.
I saw a mist over the water and then a slight breeze blow it away. Heavenly Mother stood before me, coming from the mist! I felt overjoyed to see her and to be in her presence. She radiated more and more light than I felt go through me, like I was transparent. I knew I had no hidden area of darkness in me, for the light flooded in and through me, all of me.

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and I dwell in the highest celestial realm where all things past, present and future are continually manifest before our eyes and understanding. We see the intelligences before we select them as our children and know which will become gods, even as we are Gods. We see their journey from the beginning through the end of their salvation. We see and comprehend each one. We also see and plan our worlds and spiritual realms that these, our children, will pass through. We plan for the highest level of happiness that each may attain by their effort and choice.

We rarely reveal much of the pre-mortal past nor the future realms and lives that our children will find them in while on their eternal journey. However, we see it all and know each one intimately.

18. Were we to reveal to you your own future, the highs and the lows, you might unduly think or ponder on these things and future events. You then would not be focused on living your life so much in the present as we desire you to live. This is a primary reason for us not sharing with you major parts of your own future. We purposefully have a veil over your conscious mind while you live in this phase of your very important mortal probation. This probationary estate of our sons and daughters is so very important for the growth of each one. It is important that they stay focused on living in the present.

19. Raphael, we have gradually revealed to you some of your past pre-mortal life and some of the things that you will do in the future, as our noble servant. However, we only reveal these to you in the midst of unsureness in your mind so that you will not dwell on these too much. The amount of awareness and spiritual cognition you now have is just the right amount for you now. You have successfully been able to live in the present and do your best to improve, and make good growth and progress in your present day-to-day life. This pleases us.

20. Once you come to the New Jerusalem, and receive your full conscious and unconscious mind joined together, you will slow down in your lessons you learn from mortality. You will continue living in your translated mortal state until the end of the millennium, however. Your probationary estate will then be completed and your entire effort will be to minister and serve our other children. By that time, you will have matured and will have gleaned from your mortal life all that you could have received to that point. You will have become, by then, our very capable servant that we desire you to become. We see your entire future and are pleased with your progress along your journey's path!'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her vision for me and my life ahead.

She continued: 'Raphael, as our elect children come to us in diligence, we will also gradually reveal to them snippets of their own past and future life as well. Each are so very precious to us and we delight to reveal to them some of the secrets of our vision of their past and future life.'

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 24, 2019, Sunday

1. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake this morning, to the bluff above the lake on the south side. I could see the temple of God in the distance to the north. There was a little haziness in the sky at the horizon, the rest of the sky was clear and the celestial sun was up. I felt invigorated and clear! I was ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents in prayer.

I knelt on the edge of the bluff and faced the distant temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I looked towards the temple.

2. I next saw a being filled with light come to me in the air from the temple. Soon Heavenly Father appeared before me in the air! He was radiant and seemed happy. He had a smile and felt accepting of me. I thrilled to be in his presence!

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to address some recent questions from B About those we assign to judge the people in behalf of Jesus Christ (see post 114C7).

The twelve apostles chosen by Jesus Christ will judge the house of Israel who are telestial and terrestrial in their final state. The celestial of the house of Israel will have been judged of Jesus Christ prior to the final judgment of the telestial and terrestrial of this same group. The celestial will be accepted of Jesus Christ as he determines and be elected into the Church of the Firstborn, or of a celestial nature. All of the celestial will also be resurrected before any of the lower glories are resurrected or judged. The celestial are all part of the First Resurrection of the dead. They are all from the house of Israel, either by lineage or adopted in through the covenant of baptism in the Church of Christ. These are the elect of God. They continue being born in the flesh until the end of the millennial era.

3. The remainder of the dead live in the telestial realm on the earth in the spirit world. This is where they reside until all of the celestial are resurrected in the First Resurrection. These remaining dead will be brought forth next, in the Second and Third Resurrections. The Second Resurrection will be for all of the terrestrial awaiting their resurrection, and once they are all resurrected, the telestial will be resurrected.

4. The terrestrial dead who reside in the spirit world, or spirit prison, will be initially judged of Jesus Christ to be terrestrial and then escorted to the throne room in our temple in this celestial orb. They will all be quickened in order to come into this higher celestial realm. Once there, Jesus Christ will have chosen servants who are already resurrected to a celestial glory to judge these terrestrial individuals, one at a time. Some of these will be the apostles of Jesus Christ who will judge only the house of Israel.

5. There will be others assigned to judge the remainder of who are not of the house of Israel. Those who are assigned to judge will review their pre-mortal, mortal and post mortal activities in those realms. All of these memories will be refreshed to the minds of both the one being judged and the one judging. Their minds, both conscious and unconscious, will be united at that time so that they will see themselves and their previous actions fully. It will be obvious to these individuals, and to the ones who are assigned and overseen by Jesus Christ to judge them, to what state they really are, which is a terrestrial glory. Those being judged will acknowledge that their judgment is just and fair. At that time, they will resurrect, right in the throne room. Their Spirit will at that time return to the earth where their physical body was buried or lies, and through the power of Jesus Christ will resurrect to a terrestrial glory. They will then be temporarily be quickened again to the celestial glory and come again before the one who judged them in the throne room. These newly resurrected terrestrial souls will be exceedingly pleased to have their bodies back again! They will have been resurrected to the state they were laid down, whether in their infant, youth or adult state.

6. Another escort individual, who is also celestial and assigned by Jesus Christ, will then come and take these newly resurrected terrestrial individuals to their assigned eternal terrestrial world where they will then live in eternity. These assigned escorts will insure that these terrestrial individuals are comfortable and have a place in which to live. They will introduce them to their surroundings and to some of the other terrestrial children of God who also live in that terrestrial world. Once they are fully settled, the escort will then depart and return to the throne room for the next individual.

7. The terrestrial dead who are living in the telestial world of the dead will thus all come forth, one at a time, to be judged and resurrected, and then assigned to their eternal terrestrial world. Once all of the terrestrial dead are resurrected, the second resurrection will then end.

8. The final children of God living in the telestial world of the dead, who have once lived on earth, will then be chosen to come forth and be judged, resurrected to a telestial glory and assigned to the telestial world of glory. These same individuals assigned and commissioned of Jesus Christ will repeat their actions for this group of God's telestial children. This will be for the third resurrection of the dead, or the resurrection of the telestial.

9. The effort to judge, resurrect and escort to their eternal worlds of glory will all be overseen and monitored by Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer. This will be a very big effort. When completed, the salvation of all of God's children will conclude for this eternity. It will then be the responsibility of your Heavenly Mother and me to return all of the hosts of Lucifer who remain, back to their original place where their intelligences were located when we first chose them to be our spirit sons and daughters. Once these are all returned, and their intelligences are stripped from their spirits, they will then migrate to their final destinations between the galaxies of the gods, to a location where we never will visit.

10. Here their "worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment–and the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment...no man knows; Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof." (see D&C 76:44-46)

11. After all the dead are resurrected, who are our children, and after Lucifer and his hosts have been removed, the earth will be consumed by fire and will die. Then the plants and animals, which died on the earth will be resurrected and be placed in their respective worlds of glory. Finally, the earth itself will resurrect to a celestial earth, to become the abode of the faithful who are celestial.

12. Raphael, I have explained the sequence we, who are Gods, follow in every eternity in the salvation of all of our children and creations. These are the final culminating actions we take to complete the eternity, prior to conferring upon our own celestial children their position as couple gods in eternity. Their inheritance, the celestial earth, will now have been resurrected and made into a beautiful abode for our faithful. We will then confer upon them each our Godly powers in the lands of their own inheritance on the celestial resurrected earth.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his grand overview of the judgment, resurrection, and eternal destiny of his terrestrial and telestial children. I said to him I loved him and these eternal truths that he and my Heavenly Mother continually reveal to me!