41. Bring on the New Year!
Posted 1-5-2017
Hello my friends,
I have seen some pretty dramatic events in heaven this past week, with the ending of 2016 and the bringing in of the New Year. 2017 promises to be a very transitional year I believe. These words are meant for you, the angels in mortality. Please share these only as the Spirit directs you.
This week, I saw in our Heavenly Parents, the transition from great sadness and mourning, to a resolute determination to carry out a last-day plan involving the holy angels. To me, how it all unfolded was very majestic and awe-inspiring!
Please read my post, and pray about what I have reported. As you ponder and pray, I hope that you will trust in that still small voice that will gives you direction and assurance. This is the voice to follow.
Let me know your thoughts about all of this. I can witness to you, that what I wrote is what I saw and participated in. These are very exciting times for all of us!
Sending my love,
P.S. I am using images of animals in this post. I took pictures of these from the homes of my mom and sister K, on my visit this past week to see them in Portland, Oregon. Why animals? Because on January 1st, I heard and saw animals in heaven for my first time!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-27-2016, Tuesday
1. I included the following journal except here because it relates to how our Heavenly Parents have had to withdraw their love from Satan and his hosts, and now also for those who are classed as the tares of the earth. This is a very interesting concept that we usually don't consider, but we naturally act this way ourselves in our relationships. This is about loving those who will ultimately love us back:
. . . Those who treat us poorly, or with less and less love, have to be reciprocated back with less love on our part. This is a true pattern–for God follows this pattern too. He has withdrawn his love from Lucifer and his hosts, and now the tares of the earth–these are his children whom he has loved and cared for! It is the way it goes, and is a hard lesson to learn. The more we love, respect and obey God, the more he loves us and extends his grace and kindness to us. The more we distance ourselves, and follow Satan, the less he extends–if we truly have rejected him and his loving ways. God only knows our hearts, and we don't know the end of the story of how others will act while they are still in mortality. Of us, it is required to treat all people with respect and kindness, but ultimately, we love those who love us back. This is how God acts, and I believe is a true principle.
2. As far as forgiving ______, I would welcome them back if they showed true signs of change and repentance. They haven't done so as of yet. I therefore still have withdrawn my love and honor to them–for they treated us so wrongly. We tried for so long to connect and bless _______. How can we renew a relationship with them that is so flawed and rocky, based on numerous times of abuse and harshness? I don't see how we can! We just leave it be, and not reconcile at all. They will go to their graves, most likely, with these grudges. For me, I feel void of any offense–for my wife and I always have acted in kindness in loving ways. I believe God does not want us to subject ourselves to their manipulations and harshness again–we have suffered enough. I believe this too is in harmony with God's way of living and his gospel of love. He acts this way towards his own children who have turned away from him.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-28-2016, Wednesday
1. Last night I had an experience in prayer that I didn't write down. Heavenly Father spoke to me part way through my prayer. He stepped forth and waited until I listened. I could tell he had moved closer, and that he was going to speak. When he was done, I thanked him for the message. I started receiving it at 12:18 am this morning. Here is what I recall he said (he told me last night that I could write it down this morning):
2. 'Raphael, there is now less than four days until the new year 2017. Until that time, we will continue to meet you in prayer where we are today, just east of the fountain of living waters. We will continue to mourn over those, our children, who have chosen the ways of the world and the ways of Satan, over choosing us, their Parents, and our Son Jesus Christ.
3. Once the New Year arrives, we will have completed our mourning. Our love for these our children, who are the tares of the earth, will have diminished significantly. This is necessary since there is no way for us to cleanse these from the earth, if we were to have loved them like we do our elect. Still, this will be a very difficult task for us to do! We so wish it could be otherwise!
4. Our full love and focus will then transfer to the elect of God whom I have selected. Of this group, there will also be many who will fall and, by various means, not be faithful to us to the end. This will be the great day of sifting of the hearts of men and women!
5. We have taught you that we desire that you release all of our expectations, of what might happen in the process of the destruction of the wicked. Only your Heavenly Mother, myself, and our Beloved Son know the details. We reveal events that will happen according to our understanding of how this information will be used. Of you, and our righteous, we state 'Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.' (Matthew 25:13). This is true for all of the events leading up to that day also.
6. We will continue to be with you every day and every hour, in the difficult days ahead. We also will be with our holy angels in their conscious minds who have departed the ways of the world, and approach us in sincere and humble prayer.
7. The fountain of living waters will again start flowing next Sunday, January 1st, 2017. This will signify a new era in our approach and actions with our children. Then will the parable of the ten virgins be beginning to be fulfilled, as found in D&C 45:56-59, as spoken by our Beloved Son:
8. '56 And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.
57 For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.
58 And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.
59 For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver.'
9. He ended speaking. I looked into his eyes. I gazed at him, trying to pick up any further clues. I could tell he was not crying, but was very somber still, and in a state of mourning. I also looked into Heavenly Mother's eyes, and saw the same soberness. I felt so bad for them, with the heavy burden of cutting off their children, and reducing their love for them as they said they would do.
10. I then started my prayer this morning, after writing what happened last night. In my prayer this morning, I saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the bank of her river, just east of the dry fountain of living waters. He was puddly in his eyes with recent tears, as was Heavenly Mother, and they were hugging each other, in support for what they were about to do (I thought). I expressed to them my sadness too, and my sincere condolences for what they have to do in cleansing the wicked.
They didn't speak, but seemed to be trying to control their composure in this anguishing time for them.
I therefore spent a few words in my prayer, and expressed my sympathy and my love to them.
11. Then it became very dark! I could tell that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were still in front of me. However, I couldn't 'see' any part of them! I turned around, and the temple of God still had a faint glow. It was clear outside in the celestial world where I was, but it was very dark. It was as if someone had turned off the lights! The stars were bright and shining in the distance.
12. I then thought that the stars symbolized the telestial world. This is where the tares of the earth will mostly go in the day of judgment. There was no moon out, only the stars. I was reminded of D&C 76:81-89:
13. ' 81 And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon in the firmament.
82 These are they who received not the gospel of Christ, neither the testimony of Jesus.
83 These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit.
84 These are they who are thrust down to hell.
85 These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work.
86 These are they who receive not of his fulness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial;
87 And the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial.
88 And also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minister for them, or who are appointed to be ministering spirits for them; for they shall be heirs of salvation.
89 And thus we saw, in the heavenly vision, the glory of the telestial, which surpasses all understanding;'
14. These persons who inherit the telestial world, will be thrust down to hell (D&C 76:84), and won't be redeemed to their telestial state of glory until after the day of judgment, until the last resurrection when they are redeemed from the devil (verse 85).
I then stayed there before my Heavenly Parents in prayer, even after I closed my prayer. I stayed to be near them, and to help them through this very difficult time, with whatever I could offer.
I ended my prayer and began my day.
15. Later, at the Salt Lake airport: I arrived for a flight to Portland to visit my 95-year old mother, and my siblings. I look forward to visiting and staying with my sister K. I will return on Friday.
On the airplane: I have been listening a little to the Podcast from M.S. on baptism of fire and by the Holy Ghost.
16. I have been looking up the scriptures about this. I confirmed that I have received the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. Here are some questions I have about this:
Q– When did I receive the baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost? Is this synonymous with the gift of the Holy Ghost?
A– Raphael, you received the gift of the Holy Ghost in partial, or small amounts, on the day of your baptism when you were 15 years old. Before that time, you had received multiple witnesses by the power of the Holy Ghost, concerning the truth found in the Book of Mormon and the LDS Church.
17. Since the day of your baptism, the Holy Ghost was with you in much greater abundance, and led you in your life. However, you had not received, at that time, the baptism of fire, and the full measure of the gift of the Holy Ghost. For you, this has been a process of refinement, over the years.
18. When you were introduced to Jesus Christ, in your healing work for A. and others, in January 2013, the Holy Ghost became a frequent visitor to you. This was the spirit presence of Heavenly Mother. Jesus introduced you to the Father at the beginning part of April, 2013. At that time, Heavenly Father appeared to you in prayer when you prayed, with Jesus Christ on the right hand of the Father. On April 20, 2013, in the energy class, Heavenly Mother came into your view, and stayed with you during the entire class that day. Her presence constituted for you the presence of the Holy Ghost, for that is the role she performs. Your interaction with her and Heavenly Father was the highest presence of Deity that you could receive.
19. When you started 'seeing' and feeling the presence of Jesus, Heavenly Mother came to you as the Holy Ghost, more and more frequently, witnessing of her Son. When the Father came, she also came and witnessed to you of their divinity. This was all very real.
20. The presence of the Holy Ghost has been with you since your baptism by water, and the conferral of the Holy Ghost by the priesthood ordinance of the laying on of the hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Her presence has been with you more and more, as you proved faithful to the gospel.
21. You have now been fully baptized by fire and the Holy Ghost. Her presence has wrought this mighty change in your heart. She has been instrumental in purifying your soul and sanctifying you, along with the blood and redemption of Jesus Christ. This refinement has been gradual, and was not completed on a certain day for you. It is this way also for most of our children. It is usually a process, a gradual refinement until the full measure is realized and fulfilled.
The gift of the Holy Ghost is the same as the baptism by fire, spoken of in the scriptures. You have gradually received more and more of this gift, until it is now with you constantly.
22. One does not need to come into the visual presence of God to receive the full measure of the Holy Ghost's power. One does, however, need to be in-tune fully to the still small voice within, and to act on the promptings from the Holy Ghost. One then becomes a Saint, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost and the atonement of Jesus Christ.
23. It takes often a lifetime to know the voice of the Spirit. When obeyed, there is a refinement that occurs in our child. The change of heart becomes more and more a mighty change of heart in the faithful follower. At some point, the baptism of fire has wrought the completed refinement, and our child becomes a Saint, or a sanctified child. At this point, Jesus Christ qualifies our Saint to be received into the Church of the Firstborn. This is the point you perform the waters of separation ordinance, and Oriphiel records his name in the Lamb's Book of Life. They are then brought into our presence, and receive eternal life.
24. Later: When I finally got to K's house a little past midnight, and settled down, I had my evening prayer. I went again to the area east of the fountain of living waters, and could tell both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were there, standing on the riverbank, holding hands. It was still very dark all around, and I couldn't even see the outlines of their bodies except against the star-lit sky.
25. The temple of God behind me was also much darker than this morning. I think there was a faint glow from the walls. It was very dark, and the stars were out.
I had a short prayer. I offered again my sincere concern for the sorrow coming from my Heavenly Parents. I asked for a blessing of protection upon my family back in Utah.
At the end of my prayer, I asked another question:
26. Q– How do the LDS temple ordinances impact the receipt of the baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost?
A– Once a person is baptized by water, and had hands laid on him by priesthood authority for the receipt of the Holy Ghost, he is prompted to act to do certain things. Whatever the Holy Ghost prompts him to do is right for him. In the course of his progression, the Holy Ghost will prompt and confirm this member to attend the temple and receive of its ordinances. This would be done prior to the baptism of fire, or the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. These temple ordinances, or those equivalently conferred directly by God to their child, are required for entrance and acceptance into the Church of the Firstborn.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-29-2016, Thursday
1. I awoke this morning and had a short prayer. I came to the same place, by the dry fountain of living waters. It was barely light outside, and I could see into the saddened eyes of my Heavenly Parents. I knew it was the dawning of another day–there was no rising sun, but the first glimmer of light! It was clear outside, and barely light as the new day started. I also saw no longer the stars in the sky. I suspect it will continue to grow brighter the next time I connect in prayer.
2. Later: at 4 pm, when I got back from my family activities, I had a quick prayer. I could see it was much brighter in the celestial world! Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me, and I could tell they were looking brighter, and not so sad today. It was like the telestial people, represented by the stars in heaven I had seen yesterday, were fading away from them. I had the impression I was watching the dawning of a brighter day, and it was happening right before me in my prayers today.
3. Later: I had a prayer at 11:30 pm. In this prayer it was 50% of the brightness of a fully lightened, beautiful and bright celestial world. I could see again into the loving and compassionate eyes of my Heavenly Parents. They were listening to me, as I went over my trek to come before them over the past few years. I feel so blessed! I ended my prayer after midnight.
There is now less than two days until the New Years. Tomorrow I return home to Utah, and should be there in the evening, on 12-30-2016. I am now going to sleep.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-30-2016, Friday
1. I'm now at the airport, awaiting boarding the plane going back to Salt Lake City, and then home.
I had a great visit with my siblings, and particularly with my mom and sister K. Yesterday was a full day of visiting, from the early hours until 10:30 pm. Today was the same until I left in the early afternoon. It was very enjoyable for me! . . .
I really enjoyed sharing openly with K. She has a great heart, and it is fun and uplifting to be with her!
2. This morning I awoke ten minutes before I was to go to breakfast with my mom. I scurried around, and skipped my prayer until when I was driving to mom's apartment. On the drive there, I could see into my Heavenly Parents' eyes–they were much more settled it seemed. The light around me, in the celestial world, seemed 70% of its brightness–an increase from the 50% of last night. It seems to be gradually getting brighter and brighter–and more normal like I'm used to seeing. I feel very blessed to be able to see and perceive all of these things around me when I kneel to pray there. I feel very happy!
3. While waiting to board the plane, I prayed. I felt I was immediately in the celestial world, just east of the fountain of living waters, at the riverbank of Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father was there, but not Heavenly Mother. He was radiant and bright. His garments (robe, cape and sash) were shining! I felt the sky and surroundings were now 100% bright again in that world.
I looked into his eyes–they were no longer soft and accepting and compassionate. Instead they were full of resolve and determination! There was a resolute look in his face, and it even made me a little careful when I approached him!
4. I said:
'My Heavenly Father, I am come before thee today, in prayer. If it is according to thy will, I would like to know why Heavenly Mother is not here, and why thine eyes look so resolute and determined?'
5. Heavenly Father then gave me the notion to write to this point in my journal. He said to me that he would give me his words while I write:
'Raphael, stand before me!'
I arose and stood before my Heavenly Father.
6. 'I will now execute my fury upon the nations and peoples of the earth. Once 2016 is completed, I wish that all of mine angels be in place, awaiting my command to do their foreordained work that they have been set apart to do.
Go now from my presence, and call all my holy angels together before me, to this place, so that I may speak to them, both together and to each individually.'
7. At that time I responded:
'I will go now and call all of the angels in heaven to come to this place!'
I then turned and rose up in the air, so that I was at the same height as the height of God's temple spire, which was to my immediate right side. I then withdrew the trumpet of God from under my cape, and held it straight out, pointing south to God's Loving Healing Center. I could see the lake in the distance.
8. I pressed the trumpet of God to my lips, and blew. The trumpet sounded at a higher pitch than I recall blowing before. I blew long and loud. It was 4:00 pm in Portland, on 12-30-2016.
Once I blew, I could see angels coming from all locations in the celestial world before me. I saw angels coming also from earth, and appearing on the temple grounds east of God's temple. Every angel responded! They all came to the grassy area below me.
I then replaced the trumpet of God behind me, under my cape. Once in place, I returned to the location where I had knelt, and then stood just below the riverbank, east of the fountain of living waters.
9. I then announced the following to all the angels before me:
'My fellow angels, the Father has asked me today to assemble you before him. He has said he will speak to all of us together, and then individually.
Will the male archangels come before the bank of the river that represents Heavenly Mother, to my right? After they are in place, will all the female archangels come to my left side? Once you are all in place, then face the riverbank.'
At that time, the six other male archangels took their places to my right side, leaving a space for me between Gabriel and Uriel. The female archangels next came to my left in order also.
'Now that the archangels are in place, each group of angels come before us–the healing angels to my right front, the warrior angels to my left front, and the angels of destruction, and the proclamation and other angels to my center front–each in your order and section.'
At that time, all of the remainder of the angels of heaven gathered in front of me as I had directed. They were all standing.
11. I then concluded speaking:
'Acting in behalf of Michael, the chief archangel, I ask that each of us bend our right knee to the ground, and bow our head, in anticipation of our God, our Heavenly Father, and his son Jesus Christ, coming before us.'
At that time, all of the angels bent their right knee on the ground, and lowered their heads. I then took my place between my fellow archangel brothers Gabriel and Uriel.
12. Once in place, both Heavenly Father and his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, appeared between the male and female archangels, on the riverbank. Their glory was very bright, and both were looking very glorious and mighty before us. Jesus was on the right side of the Father. He wore garments dipped in blood it seemed, for they were scarlet red. Heavenly Father wore a scarlet red sash, tied on his right side.
Heavenly Father stepped forward one step. As he did so, all the angels of heaven raised their head and gazed into his glorious and majestic face!
I looked into his determined and resolute eyes. He was powerful and full of majesty, more than I have ever seen!
13. Heavenly Father spoke to all of the angels:
'Raphael, my mortal archangel, has called you to come before me today, according to my command. All the holy angels of heaven are before my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and myself.'
He turned and looked at Jesus who stepped next to his Father.
14. The Father then spoke again:
'You may each stand. I have called you to come before us, in your ranks and positions. This is a solemn day, and a day of instruction and preparation.
15. Nearly two weeks ago, the fountain of living waters stopped flowing. The three rivers, which flow from the fountain, soon dried up. Your Heavenly Mother, myself and our Son Jesus Christ then began a period of mourning for those who are on the earth, or in the spirit realms, who have turned away from us and our peaceful and loving ways. These are the tares of the earth. They have abandoned us, and followed Lucifer and his hosts. We have repeatedly tried to reach them, but they would not. They love Satan more than us.
16. We have deeply mourned their decisions, and their loss to us. It has been very sad and difficult! Our love has turned from these, our lost and wayward children, to the last group of our children, the elect of God. Our full effort and focus is now directed to them, to save and rescue them.
This effort to rescue their souls will be a struggle for all of us. We have called you to labor with us in helping the elect of God come fully back to us, and partake of eternal life in our kingdom.
17. Each of you have been ordained and set apart, as one of our holy angels. You are standing in your ranks, as angels of God with a specific role. This is the day of your call to action, to serve us with your entire heart, might, mind and strength. Many of you who are mortal, will act in your unconscious minds, and as you gain awareness of your glorious mission, you will awaken to your roles and activity, in your conscious minds.
We will individually instruct you in what you are each to do, by our spirit. Pay heed to every word of commandment, and to act immediately.'
18. At that time, Heavenly Father stopped speaking and turned to his left. A resplendent woman, filled with light, walked up to him from her gardens, east of the temple. She was our beloved Heavenly Mother! She seemed to walk out of a mist of light, which was in her garden area. When she came to Heavenly Father, he extended his left hand, and she took it in her right hand. Then she turned and faced the angels. She also wore a scarlet red sash, tied on her right side. Her eyes were tender, yet also resolute it seemed.
19. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'My beloved angels! Your Father and I, and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have a detailed plan for saving our elect. We will direct you individually ourselves. Many times you will not know what we want you to do until the moment we need you to act. This is generally how we will direct all of our angels in our great work.
20. Of you, we require a listening ear, and an attentive heart and mind. Don't hesitate in acting, for all of our work is done by our beloved angels, is timed and orchestrated together. Follow your intuition, and act in faith.'
21. At that moment, she stopped talking to the group. All three of the Gods we worship were before us. They then came to each angel, and instructed each in the first actions that they were to do, once 2017 came upon us. This instruction came at the same instant, to each angel individually from these three Gods. They did this by replicating themselves and appearing in the mind and heart of each angel!
22. Once they were finished with their individual instruction, our Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Two and a half days ago, in the celestial world, in this location, it became very dark. The only things that could be seen were the stars of heaven, and a slight glow at first from our temple. The stars represented the hosts of the telestial, the tares, who are on the earth.
23. Over the next two days, there was a gradual dawning of a brighter day. The focus on the telestial, or on the stars, shifted until now, when it has dawned a bright, new day. We no longer will be focusing on saving the tares of the earth. Instead, we will remove them, and prepare for a world of peace and happiness, where only our terrestrial and celestial children will be allowed to dwell.
Our mourning for our wayward children has ended. We have fully shifted our efforts to cleansing the earth, and make the world a better place.
24. Satan and his host, and the tares of the earth whom they have deceived, will put up a fight to our effort. However, we will win the battle, which will culminate in the glorious return of our Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth.
At this time, go to your stations, and perform the holy work we have commissioned and instructed you to do!'
25. At this final word, Michael, the chief archangel, turned around and raised himself a little higher in the air. He raised his sword of Michael high above his head, in his right hand. He proclaimed loudly the following:
'Our Father, Our Mother, Our Savior– we will do all that we are asked to perform, in holiness and faith before thee!'
26. All the male angels then raised their swords in their right hands. The female angels raised their right hands high up, and we all said 'Amen!' at the same time, and bowed our heads!
Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ then departed in a cloud of light, to the north, towards the harvested field of Heavenly Father.
The angels of heaven then departed to their places, awaiting the New Year, following the instructions that they each received from God.
27. I have been writing this account during my entire flight from Portland, Oregon, to Salt Lake City, Utah. We are now making our descent and approach to the airport. I have been fully consumed in writing, in seeing and feeling all that has been happening. I witness that this is of God, and not of myself. I just wrote what I perceived, and saw it unfold before me. I finished writing at 5:20 pm Utah time, 12-30-2016.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-31-2016, Saturday
1. Today I awoke very grateful to be at home with my loving family. It is never easy to be away from my loving wife. We are both so glad to be together again!
I was able to connect to God in prayer. I went again to the riverbank, next to the fountain of living waters. The waters were still not flowing.
2. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore their white robes, and each had a scarlet red sash. Heavenly Father's sash was wider (about 5 inches) than Heavenly Mother's sash (about 2 inches). I thought their eyes were powerful and majestic, very focused and determined to act in ways they had planned.
3. In my prayer, I prayed for all the angels to be able to hear the voice of the spirit. I knew they were all in their places on earth, ready to act with their instructions that they had been given yesterday. I knew neither the day nor the hour when they would act. I didn't even consciously know what my own specific instructions were! I did know that I was replicated about 50,000 times now, and was in place to act as the three Deity had charged me. Their charge and directions had come to my unconscious mind.
4. I felt that I was to continue to act in secret, and to act as a normal person in my family and neighborhood. We will carry on with our family events, the New Years Even party tonight, etc.
I also prayed for A.'s healing this New Year of 2017.
I have no idea what is coming next! I believe I will be directed fully, both in my unconscious and my conscious mind. I know there is a great work of orchestrating the cleansing of the wicked, gathering of the elect, and establishment of a happier world ahead of us. These are very exciting times! I will try to flow with life, and document everything that comes to me in my conscious mind, in my personal journal.
5. I also feel not to share all of what I have received as yet, in a new post. I will prepare what I have received as I can, so I will be ready when the word comes to share with the mortal angels on my website.
There are no further messages from God today in my prayer. They heard my petitions, however. It seems like everything now is ready, awaiting the fulfillment and execution of their plan.
6. I closed my prayer. I then turned and looked around at the temple. It was still filled with smoke, representing the wrath of God. I went to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center, and it looked peaceful. However, to the south I saw in the skies, a very dark rolling cloud coming. It was heading towards God's Loving Healing Center–it was very dark and large. I will try to stay in-tune today to where it goes and what happens.
7. Later, at 2:00 pm: The rolling, very dark clouds are now over the lake at God's Loving Healing Center! They are extremely black, with rumblings and lightning. The clouds are moving towards the temple, going northward.
8. Later: My family events ended tonight at 11:30 pm. We enjoyed a fun evening of bringing in the New Year, but we didn't make it all the way until midnight. I came into my bedroom for prayer at 11:30 pm.
The dark clouds had gone all the way past the fountain of living waters and had stopped around Heavenly Father's harvested wheat fields. It was dark and even ominous where I was kneeling next to the riverbank.
9. I addressed my Heavenly Parents in prayer. They were both there standing before me, on the bank to the east of the fountain of living waters. They each had their scarlet red sashes around their white robes. There seemed to be a gold trim on the bottom hem of their robes too.
Their eyes were fixed and resolute, and determined to act in what they were about to do it seemed. They were majestic!
10. At midnight, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, our vengeance will soon be loosed upon the inhabitants of the earth. War, earthquake, desolations, natural and manmade disasters, famine and more will soon be unleashed upon the earth.
All of our angels are now in place to execute our plan of cleansing the wicked, of saving the elect of God, and of ultimately making a happier world. Stand, and be ready!'
11. With that declaration there was a flash of lightning that came from the dark cloud to the other side of the riverbank, behind Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. There was a loud boom that came at that same time–it was very dramatic!
It lasted only a few seconds, and then my Heavenly Parents were gone! The cloud of darkness covering the land was instantly gone too! Then I heard the water start to flow from the fountain of living waters–it started flowing into the dry riverbeds, that had been dry for two weeks.
The celestial world was bright and normal again! The water from the fountain was flowing again. It was heavenly outside!
The temple behind me was still filled with the smoke of the wrath of God.
12. I then could hear birds singing! I had never heard nor seen animals in the celestial world before that I recall. I felt I would now be seeing animals more and more too! I felt like this area around the temple, and at God's Loving Healing Center, would be from then on a place of refuge for the angels, and for holy men and women during the troubled days on the earth. Flowers would be continually blooming, animals of all sorts would be happy and abound, and man would be able to find repose and rest. We would be able to commune frequently and quickly with each other and with God, while engaged in our great labor on the earth.
Thus ended my experience this early morning at 12:20 pm on January 1st, 2017. I wrote this while I experienced all of this in my mind, while kneeling and standing next to the fountain of living waters.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-1-2017, Sunday
1. I had a peaceful sleep last night, sleeping in past when I normally wake up.
I knelt down by my bed and immediately was in the celestial world. I seemed to wander around, and the entire place was extraordinarily peaceful and lovely! There were animals here and there too, whose purpose seemed to be to make me happy. They were not shy, nor intrusive. I loved the tweeting birds I heard and saw!
2. I ended up at the lake at God's Loving Healing Center, facing the bluff, or facing south. I was kneeling on the north shores of the lake, by a bench.
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came immediately before me. Their eyes were soft, compassionate and tender! They were quick to smile and listen to me. Their presence was such a great comfort to me.
3. I shared with them my heart, and feelings. I was just overjoyed to be again with them, in their normal peaceful happy state!
I knew that we angels were all at our stations, ready to act on the instructions that they given us. I had no idea at all when any of this might happen, nor did I even want to know more. I just wanted to do my part, and to act in harmony with their plan to save the elect and to cleanse the wicked. I felt such peace!
4. I knew too that any of us angels could come here, to the celestial world, and find rest to our souls. Oh, it is so filled with beauty and peace! This is how I ended my prayer. The scene of love and peace fills my soul with assurance that I am on the correct path. I know too, that what I have experienced this week is true. It has been so remarkable! It is also like a new chapter in my life has opened, and I feel so happy! This is how I began 2017!
5. When I travelled to Portland this week, it was foggy the entire time while there. When I came on Friday back home, there was also a deep fog in Utah. Yesterday, on New Year's Eve, the sun didn't come out at all. We had heavy hoar frost that remained all day long. I hadn't seen the sun since last Wednesday in Utah.
6. This Sunday morning, on New Year's Day, the sun broke out, the sky was clear, and it was very beautiful! This was remarkable to me, after three days of heavy fog. At this same time, I felt so uplifted and happy from my morning prayer. Life seems very wonderful, and I feel great peace and love for those around me. There is no longer oppressive fog in life, nor the very dark cloud that rolled into the celestial world that I saw yesterday. I now have a very optimistic view of living, of a happier world ahead. My happy world starts today!
7. Later, after sacrament: We went to A.'s sacrament meeting today. . . During the sacrament, I went in my mind, to a place under a tree a little ways north from the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. It was a peaceful setting, with birds chirping, and so sunny. I knelt there, facing the lake. As the sacrament song was sung, I saw Jesus come, then Heavenly Father, and then Heavenly Mother. They stood in front of me while I heard the sacrament prayer. I then addressed my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and made my covenant with them. I partook of the bread. When I was done, Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
8. 'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made today, to take upon yourself the name of our Beloved Son, and to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
You will notice that you will tire more easily, and that you will not have the emotional and physical reserve you are used to. Our recommendation is that you relax and flow with your reduced level of energy, and the reduced ability of your mortal body. You are now being taxed to a much greater level, in your replicated self and in your unconscious mind, in fulfilling your angelic calling. There will be a period where not much might seem to be happening in your conscious mind, for it will almost exclusively be done in the unconscious realms. However, you will be able to tune-in to what is happening in that realm, all that we reveal to you. What you experience will also be similarly experienced by the other mortal angels, but not so pronounced. This is how we have planned our last days' work, by using our angels to fulfill our commands.
9. In the future, you will become more and more aware of the work you do in the unconscious realms. There will be a gradual shift to your conscious mind of the ongoing work you will continue to do for us. We are in the time of the great work of the angels now. All of the angels are poised and ready for our direction. We are pleased in the faithfulness of our holy angels.'
I partook of the water, and then they seemed to fade away, towards the lake. Soon they were all gone and I was left alone.
Again, I felt great peace and enjoyment. This has been a very good sacrament meeting!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-2-7, Monday
1. I watched some videos last night on my computer, on the corruption in the Catholic Church, on mind-control, and on brainwashing. These were all disturbing–but I feel I needed to see them. I feel I still need to see more on the corruption of the Catholic Church.
There can, and often is, some of the worst sins and cover-ups in the name of religion. Innocent lives are shattered when wicked leaders seek power, control, or to feed their own lustful desires and take advantage of their position of authority. It is very scary.
2. Last night, and this morning, I prayed to my Heavenly Parents. I felt I was being led correctly before them. I felt I sought no power or authority over anyone. I am not trying to cover-up anything, even akin to what wickedness I saw. I feel confirmed that I am pleasing to God in all that I do and how I act. I actually wish to remain in the dark, rather that be exposed to information of what wickedness is happening in the world, particularly in religious circles. I was told to write this summary, and then be ready to receive a message from Heavenly Father. Here is his message he gave me in prayer:
3. 'Raphael, our son–it is not easy to learn about corruption in high places, as you have learned a little about last night. Satan has control of many powerful men and women on earth now. This is his dark kingdom.
4. We want you to have awareness of the extent of corruption and wickedness–in religion, political and government places, and with those of wealth. Society and culture are also self-centered, focusing on sin and pleasure to the natural man. Our children on earth have gone far astray from the teachings of our Beloved Son.
5. A good part of your angelic work will be spent in routing out evil, and initiating the destructive forces on the tares of the earth, as we give you commands. You still need to understand more the extent of the satanic infiltration in religious circles. We will lead you along in giving you this understanding.
6. You have wondered and questioned your own motives. You are clean before us, and please us in your actions. We will continue to walk by your side while you live in this dark and perilous world of yours.'
After Heavenly Father's message, I felt peace and clearness of my mind. I looked into the eyes of my Heavenly Parents–and I felt their love. , acceptance and great peace which I want to enjoy and have continually with me. I feel settled and happy.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-3-7, Tuesday
1. I have been watching YouTube videos on the corruption of the Catholic Church. This is what I am being led to do, for some reason. I have been learning about the Jesuits, the Templars, the takeover by the Jesuit Pope Francis, and the exile of Pope Benedict, and more. There have been lots of reports of sexual scandals within the Vatican, and in various places throughout the world, with Priests and Cardinals. A lot of these have been exposed in the news. There is reportedly a lot of gay Cardinals and Priests, and a lot of hypocrisy among those leaders.
2. I only can think that I need to know about this to understand who my enemy is, and perhaps who the anti-Christ or false prophet really is. I don't know, but it seems very much a sinister organization that has done bad things for years, even centuries.
Last night, I asked some questions in my prayer. I was next to the large oak tree in the northwestern corner of Heavenly Father's harvested wheat field. I was facing the temple in the distance:
3. Q– Are the reports I have read/watched, about the rampant sexual scandals and cover-ups in the Catholic Church, all true?
A– Yes
Q– Is this church, the Catholic Church, headquartered in the Vatican, and led by Pope Francis, the great and abominable church of the Devil (see 1 Nephi ch 13-14,22 and 2 Nephi ch 6)?
A– Yes
4. Q– When 1 Nephi 14:10-11 says that this is the church of the devil, the mother of abominations, the whore of all the earth, and that this organization has dominion over all the earth among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people–is this the current Catholic Church?
A– Yes
Q– Is the wrath of God now to be poured out upon the abominable church, with wars and rumors of war among all nations and kindreds of the earth? See 1 Nephi 14:15-17–
5. '15 And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth.
16 And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things—
17 And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.'
A– Yes
6. Q– In 1 Nephi 14:17, what are the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are the house of Israel?
'17 And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.'
7. A– This great and abominable church of the devil is involved in secret and very sinister works of darkness, and some its leaders worship the devil. These are the tares of the earth, and will be cleansed from the earth. This is in preparation for the covenants which will be administered to the faithful, the elect of God, who are the house of Israel scattered abroad on the earth. These covenants are to bring the righteous to Zion, the pure in heart, to the New Jerusalem, the location of the Church of the Firstborn. The covenants made to them are to bring them into the Church of the Firstborn, so that they might partake of immortality and eternal life.
8. In 1 Nephi 14:14, the church of the Lamb refers to the Church of the Firstborn:
'14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.'
8. Q– Is Pope Francis, the current pope of the Catholic Church, the false prophet spoken of in Revelation 16:13, Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:10?
A– Yes! He is an anti-Christ, assisting Lucifer in his great effort to deceive the elect and to control the peoples of the earth. He is the one who performs miracles in the sight of me (see Revelation 13:13-17).
9. In my morning prayer, I also came to the large oak tree where I was last night. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were also before me. I went over these questions and then Heavenly Father wanted to speak to me:
'Raphael, our son–we have wanted to expose you to the sins and atrocities that have occurred in the Catholic Church. There is much darkness and evil, particularly in the Vatican and with the current pope, that you need to be aware of. He is the false prophet spoken of in the Book of Revelation. He promotes the United Nations as a means to enslave and captivate the nations of the earth. He will deceive many with his words and his miracles. This church, the great and abominable church of the devil, must fall and be destroyed from the earth. This is in preparation for the glories of Zion, and for the second coming of Jesus Christ. All that you have written, in the answers to your questions, is correct.' "