61. The Creation of Our Spirits
Posted 11-6-2017
Hi, this is R again, with more of my journal entries! I hope you are liking these.
The entries from this week span more creation details of our spirits in the premortal life, and more details of the destiny of Lucifer and the evil ones. I also spend more time on controlling thoughts, a skill I encourage all of you to develop more and more. There is a theme of calamities that seems to come up again and again also. I have been asked to eat several times from Heavenly Mother's table, of the foods she prepared for me. I also was able to go back to the first creation of man and receive more understanding! I think you will like reading about all of this!
Please carefully pray about these things, particularly about the deep doctrinal revelations I have recorded! Confirm all with your Heavenly Parents in prayer.
I would love hearing from each of you my friends! I hope you have a wonderful month of preparation in November, before things really start heating up with a higher level of angel activity.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 20, 2017 Friday
1. I experienced my prayer again on the high mountaintop today, facing west. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me, with their capes blowing in the wind. I asked them why these were blowing. I also saw that they appeared very resolute in their faces, determined to so something I thought.
2. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Come Raphael, let's go down again to the earth.'
I stood and we three were above the earth, in the space above the earth so I could see the outline of the United States.
3. My attention first came to the east coast. I thought I saw a large tsunami spread over the land, heaving the ocean beyond its bounds. Then I saw the west coast, with land areas on fire. I saw fierce winds and storms in the south, probably caused by tornadoes and hurricanes. I saw mighty shaking of the earth in the western states. I saw war coming to the land, starting with a high altitude bomb over the center of the land (EMP). Other devastations also came.
4. I then heard my Father:
'Raphael, all of these which are natural disasters are caused directly by the earth that is revolting because of the wickedness upon her surface. These are the beginnings of the difficulties.'
5. Heavenly Mother spoke next:
'Raphael, these calamities are now at the doors, and change is coming to your land. This is the reason for our capes blowing today!'
I then had to leave my prayer. I wasn't able to write what I saw until the end of the day. I have thought about what I saw throughout the day.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 21, 2017 Saturday
1. I awoke refreshed this morning. I had time to really commune with God, so I drank at the fountain of living water, then came to the white gate and met Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. He let me enter, and I fell on my knees once in front of him. I asked him several questions:
2. Q– Was my website post #60 acceptable to him?
A– Yes, as soon as the final edits are entered, then email it to the angels who support you.
3. Q– Is the audio-video I made acceptable?
A– Yes, but see how the others like it, to see if it meets their purposes.
4. Q– Was the experience yesterday morning, with my Heavenly Parents and myself being above the earth seeing calamities come onto the land of the United States real? It seems that I receive these so subtly, yet they are so real!. I 'see' this all in my unconscious mind, and not with my physical eyes. My perception flows easily, and seems verifiable and not in any way created by myself. I try to just observe what is occurring. Is this all real?
5. A– 'Raphael, my son, you did have this experience in your unconscious mind, in your celestial replicated self with your Heavenly Parents. You saw their faces, their capes blowing. You saw the United States from space, and did comprehend the calamities upon the land. All of this was shown to you. Finally, you heard the voices of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. What you have written in your journal is true.'
6. I thanked my Savior for his second witness! I asked him then if I could turn and walk to the tree of life on the straight and narrow gold path. He helped me stand, and extended his hand towards the path, smiling. I turned and walked to the tree of life.
7. When I arrived at the tree of life, I plucked a fruit and a leaf. I tried to just observe what I felt when I ate these. When I ate the fruit, I felt increased love inside of me, but guarded, like with a shield or protective layer over me. I knew that this was appropriate for me now. When I ate the leaf, I felt also guarded in my mind and heart. I could tell I had an objective shield over all my body, particularly in my mind and heart areas. I felt satisfied that I was protected and had been recently strengthened.
I then went to the cliff area, overlooking the city of Enoch to the north. I could clearly see the valley before me. I was alone, and I knelt down to pray to my Heavenly Parents.

8. Both my Heavenly Parents came in the air in front of me. I gazed on them, and they were smiling at me, and very much at peace, with love in their faces. I shared with them my thoughts and my heart. I then asked them M.A.'s questions about the seal of the Father on the 144,000, and her questions about the California wildfires. Here is a portion of her email to me:
9. 'My question is, being marked or sealed in the forehead, I think keeps one from being destroyed in the last days. Rev 14:1–The 144,000 have the Father's name written in their forehead. Is this correct? And does this have anything to do with being in the Church of the Firstborn and becoming Gods and Goddess? Is it a literal mark that can be seen physically or just spiritually?
Also I was wondering if you have any idea what caused the fires in California? Meteorites ? It is such a strange hot fire.'
10. Heavenly Father responded to me:
'Raphael, what our Beloved Son has just spoken to you at the white gate is true. Your connection in your conscious mind to your unconscious mind is where you have received this revelation. That which is revealed to your celestial unconscious mind is now transferred to your mortal conscious mind. You have developed the ability to observe what you have seen with your spiritual senses. You are not forcing your view, or extending your imagination, but simply observing spiritually what we reveal to you. This will continue to be the primary way for you, Raphael, to receive our revelations and communications.
11. About the seal of the Father on their foreheads that we have given the 144,000–this is a seal for this group only. It is analogous to the objective shield that we have blessed you with. This shield is for you and the holy angels who seek for it. It allows you to be protected while serving us in dark and evil environments. Similarly, the seal of the Father for the 144,000 will protect them and preserve their lives as they minister among the wicked of the earth, and in dangerous situations. It also gives our angels and other heavenly messengers a way to know whom to protect, for they see this spiritual mark on their foreheads. Mortals in the world do not see it.
12. When Jesus, our Beloved Son, chooses one of our children for acceptance into our celestial Church of the Firstborn, there is another spiritual mark given to the new candidate. This is one of great peace and joy! You, Raphael, and our archangel son Oriphiel will be able to readily see this mark on these candidates when you perform the waters of separation ordinance for them. This peace and joy will continue to remain with them in their further progress towards eternal life, and into their becoming a God and Goddess, worlds without number.
13. Some of the recent wildfires in California were created by natural means. In some places, the high winds and very dry conditions allowed the fire to become very hot and spread quickly. This is a condition brought on by the earth's desire to cleanse her surface of the prevalent sin and corruption on her surface. These calamities will continue in increasing numbers on her face, until the glorious return of our Son, Jesus Christ to earth.'
14. (Note: I later asked about this again later in this post on 10-24-2107. I found out there were man made fires as well, particularly in the Santa Rosa area. However, it seems like surrounding fires had natural causes.)
I thanked my wonderful Father in heaven for this explanation! I feel so, so blessed to be able to connect to my unconscious, spiritually active mind, and to receive these great truths from God!
I then addressed both my Heavenly Parents:
15. 'Oh Father and Mother–may I continually be in connection with both of you, receiving from thy mouths the direction and guidance I seek. May my unconscious-conscious minds be linked more and more, so that the truths from heaven distill on me always! May I be able to commune with both of you today in my replicated celestial self, at this cliff area overlooking the city of Enoch below. I pray these blessings be extended to all the holy angels as well!'
16. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we will be here at this location all day for you! We will also increase even more your conscious connection to your unconscious mind. This same blessing is available for all our angels in mortality, as they put forth effort making this a priority in their personal lives. Oh, we love all of you so very much!'
I thanked my Divine Mother for her promises to me today. I closed my conscious prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and then started my day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 22, 2017 Sunday
1. This morning I had a unique experience in prayer, one that I was asked to remember in my mind during my days of service to God.
I came to the fountain of living water, and drank three times from it. I then felt to go to the throne room in the upper floor of God's temple in heaven. I was kneeling before the thrones of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were seated before me, smiling broadly. I no longer wore my vestures, but wore a robe of exaltation. I hadn't yet been sealed to my wife, but I had been resurrected and completed all the ordinances for myself in the New Jerusalem temple.
My Heavenly Parents then arose from their thrones where they had been seated.
2. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, our son, we are very pleased with the service you have done for us! All of our elect have entered into our Church of the Firstborn, and are now awaiting their sealings to their spouses. You have been diligent, true and faithful to the end! You have participated in the ordinance of the waters of separation for every one of the elect, our faithful sons and daughters! You have kept Satan and his hosts in their place as we have directed you. You have been an important part in the salvation of our children. Your mission as our third archangel is now completed, and you soon will become even as I am, a Heavenly Father. I love you so much, my wonderful son!'
3. Heavenly Father then embraced me fully! We both shared deep feelings of satisfaction, love, and extreme joy. When we separated, I said:
'Father, I am filled with great peace and joy at this moment! It has been such an honor to be thy son, and to have followed thy direction all my life.'
I then turned and embraced my Heavenly Mother. We spoke no words, but cried for joy in each other's arms. I could tell she was in her resurrected body and I in mine.
4. The vision then changed. I was before them, again kneeling by the fountain of living water in heaven. Heavenly Mother was speaking to me:
'Raphael, our son, we have shown you this future scene in the throne room so that you could think on it in the days ahead. You are now at the beginning of much important work, in helping us save our elect and in clearing evil and wickedness from the earth. Think on this lovely scene when you feel exhausted, or need a boost in your spirit. We will be with you always, our son!'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their great love and kindness to me. I committed to follow them always, and to do as they direct me.

5. My wife and I attended a local ward. During the sacrament, I went to the throne room in the celestial temple. I prayed before the altar and the thrones of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother there. I made my weekly covenant with them. They both came before me, and waited until I partook of the bread. Heavenly Mother then spoke, saying she accepted my covenant I made with them. I then was whisked away to the future celestial earth, in its glorified state after the Day of Judgment. She and Heavenly Father were giving my wife and I our final ordination to Godhood. I heard her entire words! It was only for about a minute, but it was a powerful ordination to our station as a God and a Goddess, to rule and reign in all eternity! We were ordained to be a couple of the family of the Gods, to have all the rights and powers that come with that highest calling in eternity. She closed with an amen.
6. At that time the priests blessed the water in the ward. When I partook of the water, I then had another short glimpse, or vision: my wife and I were having a meeting with our first eight male spirit children we had as a God/Goddess. It was the same kind of meeting that I had remembered being in as the fourth son, as a spirit son of my Heavenly Parents! Now I was conducting this family meeting, just like my Heavenly Father had done with me! I was instructing our eight boys in the changes that were coming to our family.
At this moment my vision stopped with the member of the bishopric announcing the remainder of the meeting.
These glimpses into eternity were blessings for me to recall in the future, during difficult days ahead I think. I feel so grateful for having Heavenly Parents who show me such wonderful visions of my future life in eternity!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 23, 2017 Monday
1. This morning I had a prayer in the mortal chapel room in the temple in heaven. I was kneeling in front of the raised area, calling upon my Heavenly Parents. They both came in the door from my left side. I turned to face them on my knees. I gazed at their pleasant and happy faces! I then thanked them for the experience yesterday at the sacrament, when I saw my short visions of the future.
2. As I was confirming that this all happened, I came again, in my mind, to the time when Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother chose me as an intelligence entity, to become their offspring. I saw the process: When I gave my acceptance to their offer to have me become their son, Heavenly Father took me into his body. I went into his loins, into his testicles. This was where my intelligence resided until the holy seed from Father (via sperm) was placed into Mother's womb or uterus. I was transferred into her at this time where she gave me of her own body to grow into a spirit fetus. From here I grew until I was ready to be delivered, with my own spirit baby body that her body had created inside of her. This is the way that the Gods create their offspring! It was so ordained in the beginning, and continues today in yonder heavens. Only those ordained to this power are able to procreate in the eternities. It is an amazing and sacred process!
3. I believe other creations were made in this way: The gods gathered intelligences that were destined to be plants, animals and minerals (like the earth). These were somehow brought to resurrected beings that, by a similar process of procreation for some, and other ordained creative processes for others, also bore spirit offspring. This is how the vast creations of God are populated with every other form of life. Later, there is also a physical creation, following the same pattern of creation as occurred in the spirit creation of life.
I thanked my Heavenly Parents again for these wonderful insights today on creation!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 24, 2017 Tuesday
1. Last night I had a prayer in heaven, in the mortal probation chapel. I came to the same locations where I had last seen my Heavenly Parents, and they were there again. I asked them about the fires in Santa Rosa again, this time after having seen several YouTube videos about directed energy weapons used by agencies of the federal government, and by the military. The burn patterns were very suspicious in the Santa Rosa fires with the houses burnt to the ground, glass melted, and yet trees standing nearby the burned out homes. After the fire I asked my Heavenly Parents about this situation. I received a definite confirmation that this fire was man-made.
2. My Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, there are some calamities that are man-made, and some that are natural and created by the convulsions of the earth like we explained to you yesterday and you saw Sunday night. The manmade fires in Santa Rosa were initiated by the modern directed energy weapons. Your government has little regard for life, and continues to experiment on the masses. This was also true with the recent hurricane damage in the Houston area–manipulated by man. By both natural and manmade disasters, the inhabitants of the earth will feel more and more the chastening hand of an Almighty God. This is all part of the increasing tribulations coming upon the earth.'
3. I thanked her for her clarifying information. I guess it doesn't matter if it is manmade or natural–the calamities are coming more and more! I believe manmade calamities include fire, weather related destructions, earthquakes, plagues, war and suppression of the people, even mass killings eventually.
4. We need not, however, fear man, for God is mightier than all. God uses man to destroy mankind to fit their own purposes, but God is overall. We angels will be ones that act in the stead of God to initiate some of these calamities coming to the earth.
5. In all this, I want to keep in my mind the great need of keeping an objective shield up in my mind, and to think on Heavenly Father's millennial elect planted in his wheat field. The saving of the elect of God now and in the future is also one of our main purposes as we act on God's errand.
6. I began my morning prayer. I prepared by drinking of living water at the pool into where Heavenly Mother's upper waterfall fell. I then went to the glass table in the lower gardens, and knelt, facing west, facing the table. It was so beautiful!

7. I asked for Elohim to come. I then saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come from my right, up a path. Heavenly Father then stopped and Heavenly Mother came to me alone. She asked me to sit up at her table, and eat of her foods she had grown for me! I arose from my knees and sat at the glass table on one of the chairs. She then brought forth dark berries (like blackberries), grapes, and some almonds. These she had prepared on a small plate. She asked me to eat and be strengthened.
I ate this delicious treat from my Mother. I told her how tasty it was, and how expert she was in growing such luscious foods! She smiled and was pleased. Heavenly Mother then asked me to arise, and go with her and Heavenly Father to the earth.
8. When we arrived at Heavenly Father, he spoke:
'Raphael, let's go down to your earth on which you dwell, and see the manmade calamities that wicked men have and will create to destroy their fellow men!'
9. We went to a place in space above the United States, like we had done last Friday. I then saw manmade calamities upon this land–fires, weather controlled hurricanes, drought and flooding; I saw illness and disease created by man, unleashed in large cities so that many would die; I saw bombs and energy directed weapons used to kill large areas of people. I also saw the food sources become more and more poisoned. I saw people inoculated with substances that cause illness, more that preventing illness.
10. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, we use the destructions caused by man to cleanse the world of its wickedness. We also use those created by mother earth, and by those from your sun and Nibiru. Many of these will be initiated in the heavens by the angels of God, whether of natural or man-made origin.'
We stayed a moment above the earth before I felt that I was back on my couch, kneeling. I wrote this all down and started my day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 25, 2017 Wednesday
1. I awoke after a great sleep. I feel happy and ready for the day. I sent the post out last night, and felt good about the truthfulness of it. I feel like I am on a journey I'm discovering, that is slowly being unveiled to me. It always amazes me the amount of information I write in my journal, documenting it all! It seems like a dream to me in a way, and yet it is so very real and verifiable.
2. I started my prayer this morning by the fountain of living water. I sought to be aware of my celestial surroundings there in my unconscious mind. I then felt very aware of where I was. I came to the white gate and Jesus Christ opened the gate. I asked him a question after he let me into his presence and after I went on my knees before him.
3. My question I asked him–why are my views in heaven in my unconscious mind, always requiring meditation, visualization and seem to come deep within me, and are not seen or felt with my physical senses? It is verifiable when I seek answers and confirmation, but it is in a dream-like way, all in my conscious mind, how I see this connecting to my unconscious mind. Am I dreaming this up?
4. I then gazed spiritually upon my Savior who was before me. Jesus then spoke to my mind:
'Raphael, my son, you have asked a very good question. Your connection and communion with me, your Savior, and with your Heavenly Parents in this celestial realm is difficult for you to perceive in your telestial state. We communicate with your unconscious mind and heart, not with your physical and telestial body or with your conscious mind. You are familiar with eyesight, touch, body functions and more that are related to your telestial body. These seem very real to you and they are, for you perceive them physically.
5. In the celestial realms, we communicate and see in other ways, realized by other means than physical. Our methods are primarily with the spirit, or more highly refined matter and comprehension. You are receiving all of this now through your unconscious self, your higher spiritual self. The connection of your higher unconscious self with your conscious mind in your telestial body is how you are able to see into the celestial world where we live. This connection is fragile, and requires lots of nurturing and getting in a state of meditation. However, once in this state of connection, the vistas you perceive and the communication you experience with us are very real and are true.

6. At times it may seem clearer, and at times even dreamlike to your conscious mind. However, the feelings and impressions of your heart and mind are fully shared between these two worlds. You also gain more skill at hearing and seeing into our world by practice. You do this twice daily, and like exercise for the physical body, this is exercise for the fragile connection between your unconscious to your conscious mind.
7. The gateway to connections with your unconscious mind, your higher self, is through quieting down, meditating so you turn on more of your spiritual perceptions, and the visualizing in your mind of this world. This process is prayer. When you connect to us, and call out to us, we answer in this same realm. Our ways are higher than your ways, and are spiritually discerned.
8. We are available to all of our children who approach us in this way. There are so few who humbly and sincerely approach us, however, in such a prayerful state. We wish all took time to do so, then we could speak to them and lead them gently along, like we have done for you, Raphael!'
I thanked my Savior for his clarifying words. I feel so blessed to have found the key to connecting with my God! It is such a huge part of my life and being.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 26, 2017 Thursday
1. The last two nights I have prayed next to the river representing Heavenly Mother, that goes into the ground, south of the temple in heaven. I was successful in connecting with my Heavenly Parents both nights. They came both times from the top of the temple to a location in the air in front of me.
Last night Heavenly Mother spoke to me when I asked if she had a message for me. I had asked to see situations in life as they really are, with no misunderstandings. So often we don't see the truth, but have preconceived ideas of what is truth. Many times people cover up truth, not wanting to share their true actions, feelings or thoughts.

2. Heavenly Mother said I would be able to come into her and Heavenly Father's eternity eyes and see a particular situation as it really is. Sometimes I may not be able to see clearly, but usually I would, particularly if I prayed humbly to them. So often we don't want to see the reality of life. We tend to say in our mind that this is not how life should be, and we don't see truth, or we don't accept what is plain to see had we just observed without expectations how life 'should' be.
3. For example, we may feel sisters are supposed to be nice to each other. Then when our sister acts hostile, we dismiss her behavior in our minds that she shouldn't act like that. We then are blind-sighted, not seeing the truth. I say it is better to see life as it really is, the truth, and acknowledge that she is hostile towards me. I want to see truth in all situations. I want to drop my expectations of people, and see them how God sees them, as they really are.
4. When I look at my son's accident, I see it now as a brain injury. This is how it really was. It really doesn't matter too much why it happened. The facts are he is injured, and I need to accept he is injured. I need to have no expectations on his recovery either. He might be healed, or he might live his entire mortal life injured, I don't know. I can be content not knowing.
5. I want to fully realize that adults do whatever they want to. They may say one thing and then do another. We also see life through our own 'shoulds' and expectations–how it should be. I want to drop all of this coloring of my view of life, and see all situations as they really are.
6. In my morning prayer this day, I wandered on the riverbank opposite the temple to the east. I was on a grassy slope at the beginning of Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from the temple grounds, walked across the river representing Heavenly Mother and then came to me on the grassy bank east of the temple. I gazed into their faces. They were smiling at me, and seemed pleased with me.
I shared with them my petition to see life as it really is, truthfully, without expectations, judgments, or with my own notions or preconceived ideas. I just wanted to observe the truth when I saw life happen around me.

7. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are pleased to come before you today. We will bless you to drop your expectations of how life should be, or how you expect to view life's experiences. We will allow you to see life through our perspective, through our eternity eyes. You will need to be very open, with no expectations or judgments. We will allow you to observe life as we see it. This will take time as you drop your expectations, even more than you have already done.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this great blessing. I want to be fully malleable in their hands. I want to see truth, how situations really are. I want to have truth-seeing eyes.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 27, 2017 Friday
1. Last night I prayed in Heavenly Mother's lower garden area, just inside her gardens closest to her river. I prayed for more understanding of freeing myself from the thoughts and feelings of my preconceived ways people should act and how religion should really be. I felt I received encouragement to pursue this more. I am intent on learning how to best interact with my fellow man.
2. This morning I went a little further up in Heavenly Mother's lower garden area, not far from the river representing her. I was by some vegetables growing in rows–I believe tomatoes and peppers. These were very vibrant and lushly producing wonderful foods for man. I knelt in a grassy path, facing east, on the gentle slope going up to a higher elevation.
3. My Heavenly Parents came to me when I called on them. They were smiling and seemed pleased that I persisted in carving out time for communion with them. I asked a question from M.A. on how she could approach them, and some possible hints in being able to come unto their presence, in her conscious mind. This is the same question I hear again and again, from my wife to many people–wondering how to come into God's presence.

4. Heavenly Mother responded to my question:
'Raphael, our son, we are so glad to be before you this morning. You have placed the highest emphasis in your life to be able to come into our presence. You have persisted now year after year, day after day, in coming unto us. We have come more and more clearly unto you. This has been gradual, as you have put forth effort. We have responded to you in our own way and timing.
5. Such will be our response to every soul who comes unto us, their Heavenly Parents. We want them to place us in a very high position of importance in their lives before we reveal ourselves to them. We usually thus prove our child, and then gradually reveal more and more until we reveal ourselves in full, as we have done for you.
6. Communion with God is the highest blessing that man on earth may receive. It is given freely by us to all, consistent to the level of dedication and devotion they extend in getting to know us, and living in ways we teach them.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her assuring words. I thanked them to be in communion with me this morning.
7. I then asked another question. J.K. wrote me, asking if we could know each other–those who sustain me as the one through whom revelation for the Church of the Firstborn comes and is verified. I felt from God that I should now share their names freely with each supportive angel. I also felt as others come in with support, I should share their names and emails also. I will act on this soon with an email to the group.
8. I then asked my biggest request which I have been stewing on for days–the correct way to accept and not judge others in my circle of influence (family, friends, neighbors). I want to see with God's perspective really how to love and accept other adults. I know we all who are adults will do as we wish, for we have agency. Are there any actions they might do that would cause me to judge or qualify my love?
9. I then thought of being more objective in my views. I thought of only opening up to those in my circle whom I trust, so as not to be hurt by manipulative and evil people. But for those in my circle, how do I just love them? Do I accept all they may do, even though it might be outside the bounds of what I feel is propriety and rules of Christian behavior?

10. Heavenly Mother responded to my question of showing love. I hope I can reconstruct what she said! I pray that she will inspire me! Here goes:
'Raphael, showing love unfeigned to others of our children is how our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, showed the people during his ministry. It is without pretense or judgment. For those who are adults, they may choose how they wish to live, but of you it is expected to love all without judgment of their lifestyle. We, who are their Gods, may judge them, but of you just love them without judgment.
11. For your daughter, she is of age and will do as she wishes, with or without your approval, and with or without your love. Feel impartial towards her actions, but shower her with love and acceptance. She will feel your love and acceptance of her own worth, and will not transfer this acceptance to her actions that may not be the way you would live. Your influence over her will be increased as you love her without judgment, but accept her just as she is because she is one of our beloved children, and your beloved daughter. Try to drop all expectations from your mind on how she should act and live. Try to shower her with actions of love and respect, those which show you care for her as the wonderful woman she is.
12. For your son, who works with you in business and family dealings, keep these two roles separate. When talking and interacting with him in a business sense, be cordial and considerate, following agreed upon contracts and procedures. When talking with him about his family, be loving and accepting. Be loving towards him, his wife and children, being careful not to give advice or expressing judgment on any kind of their behavior, or having expectations how you feel they should live their lives. They are particularly sensitive to any expression, verbal or nonverbal, of judgment or recommendations about how they should live. Only give advice when they may ask for it, and only then given carefully so as not to convey non-acceptance of them as beloved family members. Daughters-in-laws are particularly sensitive to judgment and suggestions of how they should live from their in-laws.
13. For your neighbors who operate the Pumpkin Fest business in your neighborhood, interact with them on two separate levels: Because of their non-compliance with the zoning ordinances, if you wish to have them obey the local laws, then continue as you have been doing by complaining to the county government. These government officials should in turn enforce the regulations, not you. As far as interacting with your neighbors on a personal basis, interact with them in loving and cordial ways. If they try to manipulate your actions, you may choose to withdraw more from them, but still be cordial.

14. These basic methods of interacting with different people are to show love and acceptance for them as children of God, your brothers and sisters. You also allow all men and women wide expression of their own choices, as long as these don't infringe on you and your family. We desire that advice, judgment and disapproval are not what our children should place on each other unless they are in a station like a government, community or religious leader that has such a jurisdiction. We desire all to love and accept each other, and not to judge them, have high expectations or have anger towards one another. We desire that they support, care for and love each other in patient and kindly ways!'
I hope I correctly wrote what I heard her tell me. I felt so grateful for her guidance and love, and her suggestions to me as I sincerely asked.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 28, 2017 Saturday
1. Yesterday in my prayer I was at Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I decided to try an experiment–instead of going to a stream or fountain of living water and drinking of living water, I decided to create the same awareness sensation in my celestial replicated body. I just thought of being aware of my surroundings and then I experienced the same effect as if I had drunk living water! Gosh, so much can be done in our mind!
2. This morning in my prayer, I thought again of expanding my mind to 'see' my surroundings better in the celestial world. It worked, just like drinking of living water in my imagination.

I was in Heavenly Mother's lower garden, going up the gentle path between garden beds. I reached the end of a garden bed of carrots and potatoes. I knelt next to the row in the path and turned to face the temple of God to my west in the distance. I called upon my Heavenly Parents to come.
3. I then observed, wondering how they would come to me this morning. I then saw them walking towards me on a garden path from the north. They stopped before me and Heavenly Mother said:
'Raphael, stand and walk with us in my beautiful lower gardens!'
4. I stood and Heavenly Father put his right arm around my shoulders, and Heavenly Mother wrapped her left arm around my waist. I had both of my arms around my Heavenly Parents's waists. I had a close connection as we walked, being directed by Heavenly Mother who showed me her garden beds. After a bit, they stopped and she came in front of me. She spoke:
5. 'Raphael, you enjoy cultivating the soil and preparing your own garden beds on earth. These will grow as you learn how to grow fruits and vegetables in your own climate. You will enjoy the harvest in due time. I also enjoy so very much growing these many plants in my garden! The soil is rich, living water mists over my garden each day, and my plants thrive from the joy and light of my countenance.
6. You have also thrived and been changed by your association with us! You have been with us daily since January 2015, twice a day. You have waited until you have connected with us in your prayers. We have gradually revealed ourselves to you, more and more. We have led you along, gradually revealing to you our world and ourselves. You have been very open and receptive to our influence, Raphael.
7. Yesterday you explained to your wife the change you have felt in your body over the past few years. You said you used to feel heavy energy in your legs, like generational heaviness of your ancestors. Now you said this was all gone, and that you feel extremely clear, even transparent of all such heaviness.

8. Raphael, this heaviness of dark energy, and your mindset, openness and very being has become very clarified and transparent. This is also primarily because of your long daily association with us. Any of our children who come unto us so faithfully will experience this same change in their beings, for the light of our influence and our beings will gradually change them too.
9. We desire all of our children, particularly now our mortal angels, to persist in coming unto us, and in waiting for us to come to them in their prayers. They need to give us time in their busy schedules, and we will come and gradually change them as we have changed you. They should come unto us in humility and in the openness of their heart and very soul. We so desire to reconnect with them, and to lead them beside these same areas where we have led you in our celestial wilderness area. Oh how we love them and yearn to be with each one!'
10. I thanked profusely my Heavenly Mother for the great care she and Heavenly Father have shown to me in leading me gradually into their presence! I thanked her for helping my body become clear and in tune to them. I felt so loved and blessed!
I then felt I needed to come back to kneeling by my bed and write all of this down. I had the impression that my replicated unconscious self continued the tour of the gardens with Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. This morning I have great peace and satisfaction as I continue writing all of this down.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 29, 2017 Sunday
1. During the sacrament meeting this morning, I prayed next to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. She and Heavenly Father were there waiting for me. I made my covenant while looking at them, on my knees. Heavenly Father said he accepted my covenant to take upon me the name of their Beloved Son, to always remember them and to keep their commandments. He said they wanted me to come sit at the table next to them, and to partake of Heavenly Mother's garden foods, as soon as I partook of the bread and water. I arose and sat on the chair. I then partook of the water back in the ward. Heavenly Mother next spoke to me:
2. 'Come, Raphael, and eat of my foods I have grown for you! We want you to be strengthened for the days of your intense service ahead of you!'
She had berries, nuts, cut melons and some greens for the express purpose to strengthen my body and spirit, my mind, and to help me endure when I would feel to give out. These were also to give me some assurance and clarity on my mission!
3. I ate all, and it was very delicious! I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her tasty and enlivening foods she had grown! I felt so very honored that she prepared these for me! I asked her to extend this nourishment to a future time when I would need it. She said that the celestial food would be preserved in my body for a time when I would not be able to eat, but would be a time of intense service to them. I then stood and saw my Heavenly Father come to my left side, and my Heavenly Mother to my right side. I realized that they would be in such a position, i.e., on my left side and on my right side, in my work that I would do on their behalf, although they would be unseen by those I worked with. They would give me their authority and inspiration from both of my sides, and would support me.

4. At this time the Primary Program began in my son's ward. I jotted a few notes, but mostly listened and enjoyed. I felt particularly impressed with a primary song they sang 'Nephi's Courage” (in The Children's Songbook, p. 120). The refrain says this that I felt particularly meaningful to me at this time:
5. ”I will go, I will do the thing the Lord commands. I know the Lord provides a way, he wants me to obey.” (see 1 Ne 3:7–”And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”)
6. We came home after this first sacrament meeting and helped our son off to his singles ward. We then attended our second Primary Program with our other son and his family at 1:00 PM.
During the sacrament in this latter meeting, I found myself kneeling again next to the same glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. My Heavenly Parents were standing in front of me. After I ate of the bread, I made my covenant, and Heavenly Father again accepted this covenant. He again asked me to sit at the glass table next to them. I sat down and observed. Heavenly Mother then brought more food she had prepared for me! This time she brought bread with peach slices, cooked potatoes, sliced raw carrots and sliced cucumbers! I was impressed with the abundant food before me. She asked me to eat. I ate and became filled to a deep satisfaction. Again, the foods were so exquisitely tasty and felt so nourishing to my body. I ate everything before me.
7. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:
'Raphael, all of the nutrition from my foods this morning and now, that you have eaten, will remain in your body until the day of your great need, in a future day. These days will come upon you so fast and immediately, that you will not be able to take a break to eat at our table. The demands on your body will be great at that time. You will receive additional blessings of strength, endurance, assurance and clarity!'
8. I felt very satisfied and deeply nourished by God today! I am unaware of the future demands on me. I feel very full and somehow ready, as long as my Heavenly Parents are on my sides directing me.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother again for her wonderful foods. I feel very blessed and strengthened today!
In the Primary program this afternoon, my second one I attended, the children again sang 'Nephi's Courage”! I want to act in obedience to everything my Heavenly Parents command me to do.
Last night I received some answers in my prayer. I wasn't able to write these down yet until now.
9. Q 1: Was the beggar that M.A. gave money to and shook his hand, a translated man?
A 1: Yes!
10. Q 2: The article that ____ sent to H.B. about Mother Eve having sexual relations with Satan–is there any truth in these ideas?
A 2: No, these are falsehoods and are not true. Mother Eve, the first woman on earth, was a pure soul and never committed such an act! These notions are an affront to the glorious standing of this noble woman! She was a high priestess and exemplified her Heavenly Mother in her actions in mortality by the manner in which she lived.
11. Q 3: I have received two seeming conflicts on the destiny of Lucifer. In the Eternity to Eternity, post #50, I was told Lucifer will never receive an opportunity to ever leave a spirit creation experience again. I was told he would be in an area apart from all of the unorganized intelligences and unorganized matter. His location would be isolated and apart, never to be any part again of the lovely creations or experiences of the Gods.
12. In the post #60 Final Days of Preparation, I was shown the very place where Lucifer was chosen as an intelligence, and given the opportunity to become a son of God. I was told he will be returned to the same location from where God took him, and there would be a mark on him so that he will never be chosen again to be part of any future creation. His destiny is forever isolated and alone.
13. My question–is Lucifer going to be returned to isolation with all of the other fallen intelligences, or is he going to his own location where he was originally chosen, with a mark on him now?
A3-From Heavenly Father:
'Lucifer will be returned to the location from where he was chosen as an intelligence. His spirit will be stripped from his intelligence, and his primeval intelligence will go back to his original place, with a mark on it. He will also soon thereafter have a destiny with all of the other fallen and stripped intelligences, apart from all of the unchosen intelligences in the universe, and all elemental matter too. The height and depth of his destiny can only be known fully by those who receive it. From the time we place Lucifer back into his location from where we chose him and then set a mark on this location, he will then be required to migrate to a location with all of the other rebellious intelligences, apart from all other unchosen intelligences. This migration will happen to all those with a similar destiny. Their final destiny and location will be single and apart, yet within a certain confine together in a location where God will never visit. This destiny has neither light nor connection with the rest of the universe that is filled with intelligence, elements, and God's creations.'
14. This answer from the Father is hard for me to grasp, but I fully believe it is true, for I received it under the inspiration of God. It is congruent with the thought that nobody knows what it is like except for those who experience it, or are shown in vision their awful destiny, and then the vision is immediately shut up again.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 30, 2017 Monday
1. 'Last night I shared with my wife all of the experiences I had yesterday at Heavenly Mother's glass table in her gardens. She was very accepting and believing of my experience. I felt to gradually reveal more and more to her over the next few days and weeks. I got the go ahead to share as I felt impressed! I am excited to do so!
2. I also began preparations for my morning prayer. I found myself at the glass table again in Heavenly Mother's lower garden area. I was alone. I didn't see any stream or body of living water nearby. I desired to drink of it, but instead visualized in order to have the same effects on my mind. I thought then of expanding my mind and being, like the effects that I would normally receive when drinking living water. I then had the same sensations, from my thoughts only, of my mind expanding, being clarified and increased with more light. I was surprised to receive this effect from my mind only, and not from drinking living water. I then thought that drinking living water might have been training me to be able to experience this mind-clarification in my mind with my thoughts only.
3. I then felt to walk away from the glass table up a path to the east and then on a path north. I soon saw the pool where the waterfall from Heavenly Mother's upper garden area fell. I walked into the pool, and stood under the falling water from the falls! It was a very cleansing sensation! I felt like spirit water was flowing inside of me, through my entire being. This wash over seemed to assure me that I had no hidden unwanted energy inside of me. I was just pure, and only me, with no pre-conceived attachments, thoughts, or expectations of any kind. I was clean and clear it seemed!
4. I then walked out of the falling living water, and knelt on the ground next to the pool, facing the direction of God's temple to the west, in the far distance. I prayed for Elohim to come.
My Heavenly Parents came from the skies until they came in glory before me! They were smiling, happy to be with me again, as I was so happy to be again with them.

5. I received inspiration and confirmed what I had received yesterday. I also received added inspiration about Lucifer's destiny: When he is sent back as the intelligence from where he was originally taken, a mark is set on this original location. This is the only remnant of his being. He is then commanded by God to depart into his dark destiny where he is confined to go. He goes there, to that location where even the Gods don't go. He is left alone, in this dark location to roam without even a location to be able to attach to, like he had as an intelligence where he used to exist. He 'floats' around in this confined space with others of the rebellious intelligences. He has no contact with them either, for he is somehow apart from them, alone with himself forever. This is his terrible destiny!
6. I received a glimpse of how this must feel to Lucifer and those others in outer darkness! It is horrible–but the very existence they desired for those whom they sought to subject and control during their time as a spirit. They receive what they wanted others to receive. They have no love, no light, only hate and anger, alone forever in darkness and misery–that which they most desired.
I am so glad to be out of this vision of the ungodly! It is truly the worst hell one could possibly imagine!
7. I then returned to my Heavenly Parents. I basked in their love and presence. It was so nice to feel light and love that emanate from them so abundantly! This was a stark difference from the vision of the ungodly I had just received!
I felt then that my Heavenly Parents would be with me during my entire day, giving me guidance continually! I thanked them, and started my day.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 31, 2017 Tuesday
1. This morning in my prayer I went to the top of the waterfall. Yesterday I prayed at the pool into where the waterfall fell. Today in preparation for my prayer, I immersed myself in the living water that was flowing fairly fast just before the falls. I could stand upright under the water in the area just before the water fell over the falls. I could feel the water flowing through me steadily, in laminar flow through my being and body. It was very clearing–somewhat like when I experienced the water crashing through me like a shower at the bottom of the falls.
2. Anyway, I then stepped to the edge on the adjacent ground, and prayed to God, facing west. I could see all of Heavenly Mother's lower gardens where I had been, including the glass table in the distance.
As I invited my Heavenly Parents to come, I could see them looking up at me from where I last communed with them, at the pool area where the water crashes down from the falls! They held hands and came to me from below until they were before me in the air! I gazed into their faces, and was so pleased in their kind and smiling faces! I felt fully connected to them when I started our conversation.
3. I asked a question from M.A. about whether she was considered fully awakened as an angel. As I asked her question, I realized that her unconscious mind was fully awake, and communed frequently with her Heavenly Parents. I believe this is also true of all mortal angels of God. In this way she was fully awakened to God.
4. However, in her conscious mind she said she hasn't been able to connect with God yet–it is just a blank when she gets to that point in her prayers. There is therefore a disconnect between her conscious mind and her unconscious mind. I believe this is what she and all of us struggle with who are in mortality!
5. I then thought of my wife, my faithful second son, and his six-year old son. These also have a conscious and unconscious mind. I feel their unconscious mind is familiar with God even while they are in the flesh, for there is full remembrance in their unconscious mind of all of their premortal life with their Heavenly Parents. Their mortal conscious mind cannot recall this connection, only through feelings and revelation. We can, however, exercise our minds so that our connection to our unconscious mind becomes more and more clear. This occurs primarily through meditation, prayer and mental visualization. God can and will bless us to become more and more aware of our true, unconscious self as we seek to connect. In so doing, we also connect to God. Actually, I believe seeking the face of God, which we are commanded to do (see D&C 93:1–”Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;”) will awaken us both to God and to our own unconscious mind.

6. R.S. also asked me a question, how peoples of all different religions and cultures could come to the unity of the faith in a future day. I feel the answer is the same–through their yearnings to connect spiritually to their Heavenly Parents, their God, and then God awakening them to God, and then more and more to their own unconscious minds and self. We are truly all children of God. Once Satan is bound, I believe it will be much easier for all nations and peoples to connect to God and themselves as well. Satan now tricks and dupes the perceptions of their beginnings and their premortal lives.
7. So back to M.A.'s question–she is awakened fully as an angel, as are all angels now–in their unconscious selves. They act in the celestial realms above in this unconscious self, fully receiving direction from God. The connection between their conscious and unconscious self is where we all need to work, until it improves and clarifies more and more. Eventually, we can connect in our conscious mind–unconscious mind to the point that we perceive what our unconscious mind sees and does in the celestial realms with God. As we spend more time in prayer and meditation, this connection improves, clarifies and is strengthened. It takes concentration and lots of practice!
8. I then stopped and gazed again on my Heavenly Parents before me. I asked if my writings were correct and pleasing to them. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind these words:
'Raphael, what you have written in your journal is accurate about the unconscious mind and the conscious mind of man. We have placed a veil of forgetfulness between these minds so that our child may have the mortal probationary experience we wish them to have. However, if they come unto us in persistent prayer and meditation, trying to visualize us before them, we will lift the veil in time. It will be in our own way, in our own timing, and usually in a gradual, step-by-step way. We desire all of our children on earth to persist in seeking us, their Heavenly Parents, and to take time to connect. It takes effort in prayer to view us and to perceive who they really are, as our beloved children of glory.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful confirming words! Oh how I love their presence, their words, and their assurance!
My time at the waterfall now has ended, but I am there in my unconscious state, my replicated state, in the presence of my God. My conscious mind goes now with me in my mortal day. It is sunny and I am at peace and happy!
10. Later: I spent some time today typing up these journal entries, and then somehow I lost my work this evening for the last 8 days! Bummer! I am going to start getting a better backup system. I don't have lots of time, and this is discouraging to me. However, I am in control of my thoughts, and am happy and will be happy. I can do nothing about the past, only the future.
11. My wife had a coaching call today where she learned some important things that are hard to learn! Here is the synopsis:
1) Give love without expectations.
2) Respond to others with integrity within yourself, with no intention to control others.
3) Show up from a state of peace and love.
12. We were talking about giving love to family and friends, just to find out they misjudged our intentions! We concluded that we couldn't interpret for adults what they think, only what we ourselves give from the standpoint of love and integrity inside of us.
13. As this applies to my role as Raphael, I receive directions and revelations from God, I write them in my journal. They are personal directions for me, and I try my best to record all I receive clearly. I then share these journal entries with trusted people. I do all I can to have integrity in my soul, to be honest and forthright. I share exactly as I perceive I received. There is no intention at all in sharing except to share. I have no expectations on what these, my trusted friends, may think. I know I cannot control what they think anyway, nor do I want to control their opinions or thoughts. I share these entries in love and honesty. I ask each to read and not take my word alone, but to pray to God to confirm all I say.
14. I am free, really, of all of those with whom I share. I have no expectations, either from God or from those I share with. I am only responsive to God who has given me these revelations. As such, I feel so free! I report only to God, my Heavenly Parents. These are wonderful experiences!
15. I am wondering if there is an easier or more foolproof way to record my journal. I have opted to write it all down manually by pen in my journal. This is the permanent record. Then I like to type it all up in a text or word processing document on the computer. From this I create the website posts and share. I also now create audio videos. I listen to these myself–but I need to have a way to effectively have an edited text version written up on a computer.
Maybe I can have others type up my journal entries, and then share these rough drafts with me. Then I could edit these and have K also edit these. From this draft version I can create the HTML version for the website.
I will pray about this procedure tonight, to see what I can do better.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 1, 2017 Wednesday
1. Last night I prayed on the south side of the stream above the waterfalls. I met with my Heavenly Parents there. I felt I needed more help in getting my posts typed up. I plan to talk to my sister K, or maybe the large group too.
2. Later:
Tonight I met with my Heavenly Parents next to the circling waters. I spent adequate time gazing into their faces and eyes! Each was smiling at me, which always makes me feel so uplifted!
I shared some things of my life today, and then I waited upon God. I told them I just wanted to receive, if I might, from their own mouth and direction. Heavenly Father opened his mouth and spoke to me, all about the details of the premortal life! I will mull over this, and write it tomorrow. It is late and I am tired now

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 2, 2017 Thursday
1. I will summarize the important points of the panorama of life I perceived about the premortal life:
The view of the premortal life started at the meeting Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother held with us eight boys, saying changes were coming because of sisters coming and children who would choose evil.
2. As the children of God multiplied in great numbers, our Heavenly Parents held classes of instruction for their children who had similar interests. For example, there were classes of how to heal for those interested.
There were many lands, nations and groups of people who dwelt in this celestial world. The civilization was vast, and the numbers kept growing.
The only two people who were resurrected were Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. All the others were spirits.
3. Heavenly Mother bore all of their children, and they were all of age to make choice when Heavenly Father announced the need for a Redeemer. Heavenly Mother bore no children after this announcement. This is when Immanuel and Lucifer both stepped forward and volunteered to be the promised Redeemer.
4. There were many discussions about the choices for a Savior. We had ample opportunity to side with one or the other.
When Heavenly Father announced their decision to choose Immanuel as the Messiah, they gave him the new name of Jehovah.
5. Lucifer became very angry and drew away all of his constituents. There was a time when these were not allowed to enter into the wilderness area, a new area formed around the temple, the three rivers, Lake Beautiful and God's Loving Healing Center.
6. Once these boundaries of refuge were established for Heavenly Parents's children who supported the plan of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, the angels of God were chosen. These were set apart, ordained and robed. This was done in the domed room for the healing angels. Satan was still at large in the celestial world, but couldn't come into the new wilderness area.

7. When there was no more room for Lucifer and his followers, the Father commanded that some of his angels go and remove them from the celestial world. The Father and Jehovah had already started creating the earth where his children would eventually dwell. It was decided to remove Lucifer and his hosts to the earth.
8. A great battle ensued in the area east of Lake Beautiful. This was the area where Lucifer and his group had settled. Michael, the chief archangel, led the angels into battle. He and the angels surrounded that area. Michael commanded the entire land, all of Lucifer's band and the angels surrounding them all to depart to the earth. Once this was done, the angels departed back to heaven, but Lucifer and his followers had to stay on the earth, for they had no power. The angels had power due to their powerful robes that allowed them to draw back to heaven and travel between heaven and earth.
9. Lucifer became Satan, and organized his spirits on the earth. They were restricted to stay under the surface of the earth once Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jehovah came to create a terrestrial environment on its surface, and once our Heavenly Parents bore Adam and Eve. They were kept away from the surface where they could have prematurely tempted Adam and Eve.
10. Back in the celestial world, the land that was cast down to earth along with Lucifer and his people left a large valley area. This is where Enoch and his people eventually settled when they were translated and received into heaven.
There was great mourning in heaven for the loss of Lucifer and those who followed him.
11. As God's children started coming to earth to have their mortal experience, there was free access among God's children in heaven to the wilderness area. However, there was a time when the premortal spirits were more restricted from this area, and it became the habitation of angels, resurrected children who were resurrected at the time of Christ's resurrection, and also Enoch's band. This is how it is today. Those who are premortal, awaiting their birth in mortality, are in a very large expansive section of the celestial world, outside the borders of the wilderness area.

12. In the premortal life, the children of God, being spirits, have had many lessons on how to operate their future physical body on earth. These classes were mandatory. Each had to become extremely well trained on how to operate everything (autonomic nervous system, for example, and all unconscious/ instructional processes we now experience in our body). Our spirit controls all of these functions in mortality.
13. We formed many associations, friendships and were organized into future families in the pre-earth life. We came down to earth at times that allowed these families to be formed on earth, following the choices made in the pre-earth life.
14. We had gender there, but could only imagine the feelings and emotions of some things, including digestion, fatigue, physical hunger and pain, sexual intimacy, time issues, sleep needs and a host of other issues related to the physical body we would be receiving.
15. After receiving this last night from Heavenly Father, I pondered what I had received from him well into my night's sleeping time. I feel so blessed to receive these glimpses into our premortal life! That period was so vast and extensive, a very long segment of time compared to what we experience with our physical bodies on earth. I hope to continue receiving insights to this amazing life we led in heaven before our birth!
16. I prepared for my morning prayer at the circling waters where I had prayed last night. After drinking of living water, I traveled to the white gate near the temple, and Jesus Christ opened the gate. When inside the gate, I knelt before Immanuel, Jehovah and Jesus Christ–all his glorious names. I asked him to confirm what I wrote in my journal about the premortal life. He asked me to read it over. I just finished reading it.
17. Jesus spoke again:
'Raphael, what you have written in your journal this morning is true and was spoken to you from our Father. Continue to wait upon God in prayer and our Heavenly Parents will bless you with more and more revelation about very important issues and topics.
18. Stand now and walk the narrow path behind you that leads to the tree of life. Pluck and eat of the fruit and leaf of that tree prior to entering into the presence and communion of our Father and Mother!'
I stood and we embraced! I then turned and walked the narrow gold path to the tree of life. I held onto the rod of iron with my right hand.

19. I soon arrived at the tree, and plucked a white fruit and a leaf of that tree. I then immediately traveled to the bench facing the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. While seated, I ate the fruit, thinking of increasing my love for those in my circles of influence. I ate the leaf and asked in my mind to be fully functional in my translated physical body. I then knelt in front of the bench, facing south, and called upon Elohim to come.
They both came from the other side of the mountain stream, not far from the falls. They came in front of me, smiling. They were majestic and so full of light and love for me.
20. I addressed them in humility. I thanked them for me being in their glorious presence! I thanked them for all the truths I have received from them, my God. I thanked my Heavenly Parents specifically to have given me glimpses into the pre-earth life we had with them. I asked that they stay beside me during the day, on my left and right sides. I then gazed on them and waited upon them to respond.
21. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are most pleased when our children come unto us, without concerns for time and the demands they may experience on earth, and with any cares that they may have in their mortal world. In this state we may fully lead and instruct them according to our wisdom and desire.
22. We require an open mind and a believing heart of our child who comes unto us, for us to share deeply with them. You have reached that point in your progress. Because of this we are able to share with you great truths and revelations.
23. We are pleased that your sister K is able to transcribe your journal entries now. This will free your mind up also from the burden you felt to type it all up. This is a blessing to both of you.
24. Spend the time in this season of preparation, before you are so very fully involved in our work. to relax and enjoy living! Prepare every needful thing that comes to your mind, including full control of your thoughts, emotions and actions. Show unfeigned love for all those close to you. Enjoy the marvels of the changing seasons. We will continue to be by your side in all you do, Raphael.'
I thanked her for her gentle words, her soft sweet words. I do love her so very much! I then felt the pull of earth life. I thanked them again and closed my prayer. I started my day.
25. Later, in the evening: I wondered today if we had had any functions in the following areas in the premortal life:
Renal/ Urinary
Lymphatic 'Immune”
O. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 3, 2017 Friday
1. I have had some time this morning when my wife went visiting teaching and my son was still asleep. I am in the bedroom praying. I really cherish this time to meditate and come into the presence of God.
2. I came to the bench by the circling waters and knelt down by the waterfall. I drank of the water from my cupped hand. I felt enlivened and clear. I prayed to my God and my Heavenly Parents both came. It was a very humbling experience, even though I have done this many times before! I gazed on Heavenly Father, on his eternity eyes. He was smiling at me. I then was pulled into those eyes like has happened in the past. I looked at me kneeling before him. I saw a R before me who was weak, vacillating and very subject to mortal foibles. I then perceived an even more determined and persistent R. I am so glad I have this drive and ambition to come unto God twice a day, with a determination to connect with them.

3. I then came back to myself kneeling before them. I then looked at Heavenly Mother's face, her sparkling eyes and wide smile. I then was zipped inside of her eternity eyes also! I looked back at me kneeling there and saw the same weak and humble R. I also saw me yearning to be filled with more of their love and my control of my own passions and desires. I saw that my thoughts really needed to be brought under more of a focused control.
4. I then came back to myself kneeling before them. My wife and I had a great discussion about how we choose to think how we want about anything we do. We were feeling trapped somewhat last night with the caretaking of our injured son. It has been mentally difficult for both of us. He is using us as his frontal brain, the executive functioning part we all have. His is injured and he asks us tons of questions about what he should do. Anyway, it is hard to care take in this way–always answering his many questions, and trying to get him to think for himself with little success.
5. Then my wife mentioned her uncle who is just a few years older than us. He golfs everyday at 8:30 AM in the winter. When the weather gets too inclement, he can't golf and then he sits around watching lots of TV. He complains then about being bored. My immediate thought is 'bored!? How could he be bored? There is so much to do and interests I have!' I then looked at caretaking of my son and thought this: 'What I am doing in helping my son is very meaningful! I have a great purpose, far, far greater than entertaining myself with golf or watching the TV!
6. I then realized in talking with my wife this morning that I have a long ways yet to go in controlling and focusing my thoughts, with a different story than I currently have. The story is one of service and meaning in my life! I am going to make this a plea in my prayers more, to learn how to focus and control my thoughts more, which will produce happy and loving feelings.
7. I addressed my Heavenly Parents before me. I humbly shared with them my new perspective of how I wanted to think more clearly, more positively. I thanked them for the opportunity I have to continuously care take and serve my son, with my loving wife. I said I believe I wouldn't have had such a quiet and slower life without this caretaking role. I told them I have learned so much about love and patience because of this responsibility we have of trying to heal my son over the past nearly six years. I expressed doubts that I would have been propelled into deeper prayer and meditation without this experience.

8. I prayed for a new story to replace my thoughts, to become one of opportunity to serve and to bless his life and mine. I felt chagrin for even thinking these thoughts of being 'put upon' and not being able to do my own thing, like travel or other forms of amusement and interests. I asked for forgiveness. I wanted to change my thinking, to be blessed with such a great opportunity to be able to serve him and to learn and grow myself in these circumstances.
9. Heavenly Mother then responded to me. She asked that I write the words she spoke:
'Raphael, it was by our design to slow down your life so that you would be able to connect with us in meditation and prayer. We are pleased that you have done so, largely as a result of your caretaking and healing role for your injured son.
10. We also are pleased that your wife and you discuss frequently now how to better change your own thoughts concerning the lives you lead. You may change your thoughts to where you see your life being filled with purpose and happiness. This is how we continually refocus our thoughts–to create joy and deep satisfaction. You can learn this same process. Once your thoughts are aligned to a better perspective, your feelings and purposes in life will become filled with happier and more meaningful experiences. Your wife's work with her counselor has been helping both of you learn these principles of thought control. We encourage you to continue to pursue these things.'
11. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her words. I felt greatly cared for by God in leading me to this point in my life.
I then asked more about the constitution of spirits–how their spirit body really worked. I wondered if they could eat, and if they did so would their digestion work like happens in our physical body? I wondered about the other body systems we know about in our physical body and whether there was an equivalent system in their spirit body that functions in the way we are familiar or in another way.
12. Heavenly Father addressed me on this question:
'Raphael, when your Heavenly Mother birthed our spirit children, they came forth as infant spirits. They had spirit matter that she created around their intelligence while inside her body. Once born, it took them some practice to control their new spirits and to function. This is similar to what you see in human infants in mortality. As our spirit children grew, they became very skilled in operating their spirit bodies in our celestial world. We had created, however, many of their spirit body parts that were not functional in this celestial environment. These were created so that they one day would be used in a mortal physical environment. For example, our spirit child had no need of breathing in our celestial world. The respiratory system was designed for the physical body. This is true for all of the body systems you currently need for the maintenance of your physical body.
13. After the plan of salvation was announced, and the plan was explained that our spirit children would come to a physical earth with their new physical bodies, we started a schooling and training program for our spirit children. Here we instructed them in the purposes of their spirit body parts which were not used in this spirit world. We taught them about their heart, and the need for circulating blood in their new physical bodies in mortality. We taught them about respiration, digestion, reproduction, their endocrine and skeletal systems, and more. All of these had spiritual parts within their spirit body that had never been used or functioned before. For example, each of our spirit children had a spirit heart, but it didn't beat or circulate anything. Even the emotions didn't come from their hearts.
14. In our training program, we required each of our spirit children to learn of the future physical functions of their internal body parts and organs. They also learned to control each one in its future function. For example, they learned to activate their spirit heart muscle and beat it in a regular pattern. They did this from their mind and intelligence, what you now call their unconscious mind. This was practiced until they could do this function easily. We then had them perform their future body functions that were also regular, like breathing, temperature control, digestion, production of hormones from the endocrine organs and more. Our children had to be able to learn to perform all their future body functions they would be doing in their future mortal day, all at the same time. The autonomic nervous system in your current physical body was learned and practiced by your spirit prior to you ever coming to earth for your mortal experience.
15. We also trained them in reproduction. None of these functions associated with human reproduction were used in the spirit world. The female spirits had to learn the intricacies of creating human life once they became pregnant in a future day in the flesh. They practiced all of this and learned well the process before ever coming to earth.

16. Only after we passed off each of our children to be proficient and capable in operating their future physical body did we allow them to come to earth for their mortal experience.
17. We did all of this training after Lucifer and his hosts were cast out of heaven for rebellion. These did not receive any of our instructions, for they would not be having a future mortal experience. For those who might be reclaimed at some future day from this group, they would need to be schooled in the operations of their mortal body, and also become proficient in all phases of operation.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his extensive answer! I feel so clear in my understanding now, whereas I had no idea how this worked before he spoke!
P. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 4, 2017 Saturday
1. I had a very interesting prayer experience this morning, a vision of sorts! I prayed to my Heavenly Parents at the circling waters again. I had been there the past few days. After I connected, and gazed upon the faces of God, I said a few grateful words, particularly about the new understanding I received from my Heavenly Parents about the composition of the spirit of man, their body systems and training.

2. When done, I waited upon God. Heavenly Mother then spoke saying they wanted to show me more about man in the beginning. She asked me to stand. They both turned towards each other, I came between them, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. We then turned, held hands and traveled to the high mountaintop, and then proceed into the western skies. We traveled back through time, until the very beginning. It was a unique feeling to go to the very beginning, even before any creation had been made! There seemed to be large mountains of matter all around, at least this is how I perceived it. Then my attention was brought to two intelligences that were more intelligent than all, who were next to each other. I saw them communicating and deciding on creating themselves, for they had discovered the key of creation. They decided to create themselves at this time.
3. I saw that they created themselves as spirits in the form of man that they had visualized as the best form of creation. However, they did not have the internal organs and systems that spirits now are born with. They realized these were needed, even in the spirit body, because the spirit would control everything in the physical body.
4. They then created their physical bodies before any other spirits were ever created. They added, in the creative process, the spirit equivalent of their body organs and systems that would be necessary in the physical body. This was an iterative process as they planned and created, how the physical man and woman would be able to be sustained in a mortal, telestial environment.
5. When they were finished with the creative process for themselves, they had arrived at the structure and composition of the first spirit man and first spirit woman, and the first physical man and woman also. They were able to place their own spirits inside of these physical bodies and perfect them in this, the first creations of the Gods as they called themselves. This was all done before they reproduced themselves.
6. These two Gods then created the process of resurrection. They were the first ones who were resurrected and perfected. They had not yet reproduced any children in their physical state or now their resurrected state. They had planned to create their first offspring once they were in their resurrected state.

7. When the first God and Goddess were fully satisfied with their own creations of themselves, then they chose to approach another very bright intelligence. They received permission from this intelligence to be created in their same form, as their son that they called it, with the purpose of making this intelligence like the male God of the two who were in human form. They reproduced in the same way as now happens in eternity, and the female God birthed their first child, a Beloved Son. They determined he would be the first Christ or Savior of all the other children, their sons and daughters that they would create in a similar process.
8. I saw that this same process of procreation was followed by this first God and Goddess until they had a large family of spirit children. These spirit children had spirits with the internal organs and body systems just like those created today by the Gods. Their internal organs and body systems were to be functional once they were created in their physical state by a mortal man and woman, patterning the same creative process of the God and Goddess who created them in the spirit.
9. Then my vision ended of this, the first creation of man and woman. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were by my side as I observed this all. It seemed like a recreation of the events of the first creation!
We three then came back in time to the high mountaintop, and then back to the circling waters.
10. Heavenly Mother then addressed me again:
'Raphael, write this experience all up in your journal, and then send scans to your sister K for her to transcribe.
You have witnessed the creation process of the first Gods, which vision we have never revealed before to man whom we have born in this current eternity. Make this entry be the last one in the next post to send to all of thy angels who support and sustain you.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her direction, and for this very interesting and enlightening experience to go back to the beginning of the Gods! I was very enlightened by this amazing vision this morning–very enraptured by it all.”