23. Big Issues in the Premortal Life
The last few days I have gained a lot of insights over some big issues we all experienced together in our premortal life. I have been told to share these glimpses into our previous life with the healing angels. Why do I think I was asked to share? I believe as you confirm this all in prayer (please do, don't rely on me only!), it will be clarifying to you what the struggle now is really all about. It will also bring into greater focus who our enemies are. I think too you will have greater confidence in the masterful plan of an all-wise creator who has planned the end from the beginning.
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Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-14-2016 Sunday evening
1. I received lots of information yesterday and today about the premortal existence. Here's what I wrote yesterday in my pocket journal:
8-13-2016, Saturday, at my morning prayer. . .
Q– In JST Rev 12:13-17, Who is the woman? What church does she represent?
A– LDS Church: no
church of the Firstborn: Yes!
2. (see Doctrine and Covenants 93:22 "And all those who are begotten through me are partakers of the glory of the same, and are the church of the Firstborn."
3. Doctrine and Covenants 76:54 "They are they who are the church of the Firstborn."
4. Doctrine and Covenants 78:21 "For ye are the church of the Firstborn, and he will take you up in a cloud, and appoint every man his portion."
Doctrine and Covenants 88:5 "Which glory is that of the church of the Firstborn, even of God, the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ his Son")
5. The church of the Firstborn will be established by God in the center of the land, at that time a wilderness since the land will have been cleansed and ravaged by war and calamity.
There will be a temple in this area, even the New Jerusalem. Satan will not be able to enter and the earth will help by protecting this new church and center, particularly at its borders. This is not the LDS Church, but the church of the Firstborn. This is the location to where the 144,000 will gather the elect. It will be a celestial environment, with entry requirements of complete devotion and allegiance to God and his Christ.
6. The description of many people trying to get to this church in the wilderness (JST Rev 12:14 "Therefore, to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might flee into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent."), being a way to refine and purify them, is what is meant. The dragon being wroth with the woman, and making war with the remnant of her seed is what will happen to those who seek to make the trek to the New Jerusalem. (see Visions of Glory accounts). It will be one of buffeting by Satan and will be a very significant refinement. The trek will be for all people who are seeking Jesus and to follow their God (LDS and Christians alike, and all nationalities and creeds who convert too who are brought there by the 144,000).
7. Q– What will happen to the LDS Church?
A– There will be many narrow places for this church to go through–there will be great refinement to cleanse the church of worldliness and unwanted traditions/issues that have crept in slowly over the years. (Heber C. Kimball said "This Church has before it many close places through which it will pass before the work of God is crowned with victory" Life of Heber C. Kimball, p 449-450). There will be a general purge and then there will be re-establishment of their judges as at the first (see Isaiah 28 about the difficulties of the people of this church will have). Also Isaiah 1:26 "And I will restore thy judges (leaders) as at the first", or, as I believe, in Joseph Smith's day, and "thy counselors as at the beginning". God will "turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin." (Isaiah 1:25)'
8. I believe personally that the name of the church will even revert to the original name, even the church of Christ (see D&C 20 for 8 references to this name.) It will be as it was in the beginning of this dispensation.
B. On 8-13-2016 in the evening– I had some insights while I waited and floated around in our pool! While floating, I asked God lots of questions, and, in the quietness and peace of the country, I received some remarkable answers:
1. About JST Revelation 12:1-12, concerning the woman and such, when Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ as his chosen Redeemer for mankind, and his Firstborn in the flesh: Lucifer became angry and began recruiting his forces in more numbers (see verse 4: "and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven.") At the time that Jesus was chosen, it was like this: God the Father created the church of God, or the church of the Firstborn at the time he announced his final plan, and chose Jesus to be the administrator to his plan for all of his children. Jesus was also promoted as a member of the Godhead, and was given the name of Jehovah. All of this occurred about the same time. It was akin to the woman (the church God had created) delivering her child who was the new Jehovah, later to be named Jesus Christ in mortality. He would become the Firstborn not only in the spirit realm, but also the only Begotten Son in the mortal realm.

2. This all occurred in heaven. Satan became angry at these many announcements and happenings, and stood before Christ and the new church of the Firstborn, ready to fight, or to destroy and "devour" (see JST Revelation 12:4 "And the dragon stood before the woman which was delivered, ready to devour her child after it was born".)
3. At this time, Heavenly Father established boundaries of his church in the celestial world. The church of God would be a place of refuge and safety, where true believers and followers of God and his Christ could retreat and find respite and peace from Satan and his hosts. The boundaries were centered around God's house, his temple. Satan could not penetrate the boundaries of the church of God, or the church of the Firstborn.
4. This situation went on for a good while–the 1,260 years in JST Revelation 12:5 (where the woman fled into the wilderness to be fed for one thousand, two hundred and three score years) represents this time period where all the spirit children chose sides–either that of Satan (this became 1/3 part) or that of the church of God (this became 2/3 part).
5. Once all had chosen, there was war in heaven. JST Revelation 12:6-8: "Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought against Michael. And the dragon prevailed not against Michael, neither against the child, nor the woman which was the church of God, who had been delivered of her pains, and brought forth the kingdom of our God and his Christ."
6. Michael, the chief archangel, first in command after Jehovah, was given by the Father a sword with which to fight Lucifer and his hosts, and to cast him out of heaven. It was a 100% gold sword in the blade, similar to the sword of Raphael (which has a silver blade). The sword of Michael emitted silver lightning in the same way that the sword of Raphael would later emit silver lightning. Michael cast Satan and his angels to the earth which was not yet peopled with mortal man. Michael did this with the sword of Michael.
7. In verse 12, there is a transition from this war in heaven to the most recent war on May 13, 2015: "And after these things (note: this is the transition), I heard another voice saying, Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, yea, and they who dwell upon the islands of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."
8. After Satan warred again with all of his hosts against Raphael and Michael, and the healing angels, on Friday, May 13, 2016, Raphael was given for the very first time the sword of Raphael. This was transferred from Michael, the archangel, who gave it to Joseph (not his real name, but he also had a premortal name of Michael) in our class, who gave it to me, Raphael. Once Raphael accepted his role and identity as the premortal Raphael, and held the new sword of Raphael high above his head, did Satan and his hosts flee to an area deep in the spirit earth, the bottomless pit. They returned to fight, and were again rebuffed by Raphael and the silver lightning from his sword. Michael then used his sword of Michael and removed all of the hosts of Satan into the bottomless pit, and then placed a seal over the pit. The seal operated like this: when 2% of any of the total hosts of Satan were to leave the pit, the seal would not permit any more to leave. Those who had left could return and swap out, devil-for-devil, so only 2% were out at any given time. This restriction started on 5-13-2016, until it was fully unlocked by Raphael on 7-31-2016, a full 77 days later! This is a significant amount of time, since seven is a very important number, showing the hand of God. On the 78th day from their being locked up, on 7-31-2016, between 6:00-6:35 am in the morning, Satan and his hosts were fully freed from the bottomless pit. This is when Satan and his devils went forth in great wrath from the bottomless pit. Satan was very angered at this restriction for those 2 1/2 months, or 77 days.

9. The sword of Raphael works exactly like the sword of Michael. Michael's blade is made of 100% gold, and Raphael's blade is 100% silver. Both emit silver lightning when held in both hands and tipped forward. This completely routes out Satan and his minions.
C. In prayer on 8-13-2016– Confirming and receiving new information:
1. Q– Was there a church of God in the premortal world?
A– Yes
Q– Was the church of God established when the Father chose Jesus Christ to be his only Begotten Son and Savior of all mankind?
A– Yes it was named the church of the Firstborn, the first and only celestial church in the premortal life.
2. Q– Did the church in the wilderness have an entry requirement of complete allegiance to God the Father and his son Jesus Christ? Was there actually a location for this church?
A– Yes, the center location was God's temple. Only those who had pledged by covenant their full allegiance were permitted entry. As for the boundaries of this new area, the God's Loving Healing Center was included.
Q– Was most of the celestial world open to Satan? Was there a relatively small area where the church was protected in the wilderness?
A– Yes, and yes.
3. Q– Was the 1,260 years (JST Revelation 12:5) symbolic of a long period, and not an actual length of time?
A– It was symbolic of a long time, so that you who are mortals could understand the long length of its duration.
Q– Is what I wrote yesterday in my pocket journal pleasing to God?
A– Yes, it was pleasing to God.
D. Written on 8-14-2016, Sunday, in morning prayer–
1. I desired to know the names of the three last archangels. I wrote down lots of names that I found online. Here is the final list, start to finish:
# Name Day of week
1. Michael Sunday
2. Gabriel Monday
3. Raphael Tuesday
4. Uriel Wednesday
5. Simiel Thursday
6. Oriphiel Friday
7. Raguel Saturday
Q– Are the seven archangels associated with the days of the week listed above?
A– Yes

2. Q– Is Immanuel the name of Christ when he was born to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the premortal life?
A– Yes. See Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14, D&C 128:22, 2 Nephi 17:14 and 18:8. The correct spelling is Immanuel. It means "God with us" (see it here).
3. Q– When was Jesus given the name of Jehovah? of Jesus Christ?
A– He was given a new name when he was chosen to be the Redeemer and only Begotten Son of the Father later in the flesh. This name was Jehovah, and replaced the name Immanuel. When Jehovah came to mortality, he was named Jesus Christ. This is the name we most commonly refer to him as. When Heavenly Father renamed Immanuel as Jehovah, then Lucifer rebelled, for he wished to be named Jehovah by the Father, and to be his chosen son.
4. Q– How much was the 1/3 part of the whole of God's children who rebelled and followed Satan?
A– 32%
More on the boundaries of the church of God, or church of the Firstborn in the premortal life: The boundaries encompassed the entire path of the rivers representing Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ.
E. 8-14-2016, Sunday, at the sacrament:
1. Today during the sacrament, I felt my spirit go to God's temple in the celestial world, on the north side, between the golden alter and the fountain of living waters (see Revelation 8:3 for the golden alter, and Revelation 7:17 for the fountains of waters). I was facing the fountain to the north, the temple and the golden alter were behind me. I made my covenant during the sacrament, and kept kneeling on the ground. I felt I was kneeling on gold pavement.
Then I received the bread from the Deacon. I next saw Heavenly Father over and above the river that left the fountain going northward, and then Heavenly Mother over the river to my right, and Jesus Christ over the river to my left.
2. I got up and moved to a position where I could see all three glorified beings more clearly. Then Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are each over the river which represents each of us. Your Heavenly Mother is on my left side, and her river flows around the east and south of this temple, and then to God's Loving Healing Center. Our Beloved Son is standing above the river on my right side. His river flows to the north side of the western mezzanine on the west side of the temple. I am standing over the river representing me that flows to the north.
3. Each of these rivers, the temple, and the immediate surrounding area encompasses the boundaries of the church of God, or church of the Firstborn. These boundaries were established once I announced the new name of Jehovah, from his birth name of Immanuel. It is located in a beautiful wilderness area. Entry into this church of God area was by the personal covenant and full-commitment to myself and our Beloved Son. Lucifer and his followers were not able to enter at that time, before they were cast out of heaven.

4. What you have written in your pocket journal regarding the events of this premortal life is true. You should also share this information with the healing angels.
I accept today your covenant to obey me and to keep my commandments. You have always been a valiant member of the church of God, or church of the Firstborn. You are now again a full member of this, the church of the Firstborn, now in mortality. This church must increase, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints must temporarily decrease. This latter church, the very church which I caused to be established by my prophet Joseph Smith, must be cleansed and its members purified. To enter into their exaltation, and to return to the celestial world where we live, they each need to be accepted into this, the church of the Firstborn. They will be accepted and approved of by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will go through great refinement, as you have correctly also recorded. It will fill the earth in its cleansed and pure state. There will then be two of my churches on earth: the celestial church, the church of the Firstborn, and the terrestrial or millennial church, the church of Christ.'"
F. 8-15-2016, Monday, in the evening:
1. Q– Why would the name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints be changed to the church of Christ?
A1– To show its pure, millennial standing before me
A2– To signify a new era of discipleship for its members
A3– To reach out as the only representative terrestrial church of Jesus Christ to earth
A4– To show it is re-established on the fundamental concepts and simple principles established at its founding on April 6th, 1830 (see D&C 20)
2. Q– Was the name Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a name given by God? This is shown in several places in the Doctrine and Covenants.
A– Yes. It was so designated as a church in the telestial world, with Saints striving to be justified and sanctified before me.
3. Q– Will the church of Christ still practice and believe basic functions outlined in D&C 20, including beliefs in the gospel of Jesus Christ, baptism, receipt of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and other principles and doctrines given therein?
A– Yes. This church will be the means through which one may enter the celestial church, or church of the Firstborn. See D&C 93:22 "And all those who are begotten through me are partakers of the glory of the same, and are the church of the Firstborn."
G. 8-16-2016, Tuesday, in the morning:
1. I had some more thoughts this morning about why there are two churches, particularly now that we are in this seventh seal, or technically in the very start of the millennium.
The entry church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The church required to enter for our exaltation is the church of the Firstborn. The entry requirement for the church of Christ (the future new name for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is baptism and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. One also develops faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repents of one's sins as he comes out of the world into the community of believers in Christ. Temple work (Endowment and Sealing) are also the crowning ordinances in this church.
2. Once a person has pressed forward in faith, feasting upon the words of Christ (2 Nephi 31:20-21, 32:5-6), and Jesus has proven him sufficiently, and refined and purified him, the member then becomes fully begotten spiritually of Jesus Christ. Then is he or she accepted into the church of the Firstborn: "And all those who are begotten through me are partakers of the glory of the same, and are the church of the Firstborn." (D&C 93:22). The entry requirement into this second church is simple: Jesus Christ fully accepts the person spiritually, fully accepting him or her as his son or daughter. We become children of Christ, for he has spiritually begotten us (see Mosiah 5:7). Jesus Christ is the keeper of the gate (2 Nephi 9:41), for the way for man is narrow, but lieth in a straight course before him. He cannot be deceived. There is none other way to our exaltation.
3. Once a person is accepted into the church of the Firstborn in mortality, he has the more sure word of prophecy–meaning he knows he is sealed up unto eternal life by revelation (see D&C 131:5). He is recipient of all things (D&C 76:55), and dwells in the presence of God and his Christ forever and ever (D&C 76:62). These are they who come to an innumerable company of angels to the general assembly (D&C 76:67).
4. The church of the Firstborn is the same church of which we were committed members prior to coming to the earth. This is now our second estate towards Godhood: "And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon (R: these are those of us who joined the church of the Firstborn prior to coming to the earth); and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate (R: this was Satan and his hosts); and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever. (R: these are those who have become spiritually begotten of Jesus Christ, becoming members again of the church of the Firstborn)" (Abraham 3:26)