16. We embraced, and then I spoke:
'Moroni, I am Raphael, the archangel of God. I have been asked by the Father to be in charge of removing your precious records, the gems, artifacts, and precious metals and coins to the New Jerusalem in the near future. I am sure that you know about this assignment.
17. I have been told that the mortal angels who wish to help me port these many things may also be involved. I would also like to invite you, and those from your people whom you feel should help, to also assist us in moving your treasures. These are treasures from your people, and moving these things to the New Jerusalem will be the fulfillment of a promise God has made to your prophets.'
18. Moroni was moved by the invitation, and responded:
'Raphael, thank you for allowing us to bring our treasures, with the angels, to the New Jerusalem!'
He then said that he and his Father Mormon, and the Brother of Jared who wrote the sealed portion of the plates would be honored to come. He told me there were 20 total, including himself, who were prominent among their people. I don't remember them all, but do remember Nephi, son of Lehi, the Three Nephites, and I believe one or both of the Almas and Helaman. There were more, totaling 20.
19. We agreed that I would bring the angels with me at the appointed time to this room, and that he then would bring with him his 19 other prophets, and women also, from ancient times to this room. We would all meet together and decide who would take what things on our way to the New Jerusalem.
I told him I would call upon the warrior angels to provide us full protection as we exited the mountain. Then, together, we would move across this great land to the area of the New Jerusalem and bring all of these ancient treasures to that glorious place. He was pleased with that plan.
20. We embraced again, and both he and I left the large central room. I immediately felt I was back in my conscious mind, kneeling by my bed. I felt I was no longer in the mountain.
I then mused about my experience for some time. I verified with Heavenly Father that what I had experienced had really happened in my physical body. I feel strongly that it did happen!
21. I also could 'see' all of us, in that important day in the future, in that large room full of Jaredite and Nephite treasures. I could see all the angels, clothed in their brilliant vestures, with crowns of gold on their brow, and all the 20 ancients too, assembled together. I could see some female angels lift with ease, large pots of gold coins and other treasures, by just touching the pots, and with their power of thought, transporting them by their side. I could 'see' the ancients crying for joy that their long-awaited promise was being fulfilled!
22. I could envision us all going right up through the mountain into the sky above, in great glory, surrounded by the very powerful warrior angels on every side. I could see myself, holding next to my side, the golden Book of Mormon plates, with the sealed portion of that sacred record. On my side were Moroni on my right, and the Brother of Jared on my left, each holding more important records. We were at the head of this large group of men, women and angels, moving across the sky!
23. We arrived at the beginning of the construction of the New Jerusalem, and were greeted personally by our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ! We all knelt before him, our Redeemer, and brought him our great treasures from this ancient people.
I sat musing over this experience for a long time before I drifted off to sleep. It all happened that early morning on 10-21-2016, Friday, from my room in my house and in the mountain next to Water Canyon, near Salem, Utah.
24. Now, this next afternoon at noon, on the 21st, as I finish writing, I am feeling quite convinced that this happened as I have recorded it here in my journal. When I ended my prayer last night, I asked if I could write all of this down the next morning when I was refreshed. I was given the assurance that I could, and that I would have a perfect recall.
I next knelt down, around noon, in prayer, addressing my Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. The Father stood before me, on his left side was Heavenly Mother, and on his right side was Jesus Christ!
25. Jesus then stepped forward and stood before me while I was still kneeling. I asked him if what I had experienced last night was real, and if my account that I had just written in my personal journal was accurate. He said:
'Raphael, yes, it is all true! I will meet you and the angels, along with the ancients, at the foundations of the New Jerusalem when you bring the ancient records and rich treasures.'
26. He then returned back to his place on the right hand of the Father. I thanked them, and felt relief and assurance. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
27. Later: At night when I prayed, I felt I should now teleport, by revving-up to 500 times my baseline vibrations, and go into God's presence, no longer as a spirit only, but also in my physical body. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have a glorious resurrected body, and it is now best to go before them. since I am able, in my translated and transfigured body via teleportation. This is now pleasing to them.
28. I then went to the celestial kingdom, tonight in prayer for the first time ever in my physical body! I wore my Raphael vestures. I was on the top of the switchback path, overlooking the lake below, looking east. When I addressed my Heavenly Father, he and Heavenly Mother came immediately, in the air before me. They were very pleased to have me there in my physical body.
It is 12:30 am on 10-22-2016. For some reason, prayers before them in the physical body, are more connective and powerful I feel. Anyway, they are very pleased that I did this. I was not invisible at all, but in my physical body. They want me to revv-up and do this every time I pray from now on, too.
29. I then asked what was the reason that I should pray to them, or before them, in my teleported physical body? Heavenly Mother, then stepped forward, and addressed me:
'Raphael, we are both pleased that you have come before us in your translated and transfigured physical body. When you do so, instead of being only in your spirit, you are able to have a greater comprehension and communication with us, since your physical body also absorbs and communicates more information. A person with a body is always more capable than one without their body. This is the glory of man–to have a body of flesh and bones which functions as one. As you pray to us in your physical body, you will become accustomed to doing so, and this will become the norm. There is much hardship coming to the world, and you will be before us frequently, in behalf of our children who will be in great need.
30. Healing work is also greatly enhanced for you as our conduit with a physical body. As a healer, you are more capable with your physical body linked with your spirit, in the way that transfiguration has made you. Finally, Raphael, this high blessing which we have endowed you with, to be able to teleport while in mortality, needs to be frequently used, particularly on your errand of healing and protection, and in coming into our presence.'
I then thanked them for their generous blessings and many gifts that they have given me, and to all the mortal angels.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-22-2016, Saturday
1. I wanted to continue my thoughts about what I learned in prayer last night. Those of us who are blessed with translation and then transfiguration, and have learned to teleport, are in such a super, capable position, and are truly so exceedingly blessed! This is akin to being resurrected, only the change is not permanent, and we are still mortal (blood in our bodies). As we act in our missions which God inspires us to do, we have the added blessing of a physical body–this is far greater than having our spirit act alone.
2. In D&C 138:50, it reads 'For the dead had looked upon the long absence of their spirits from their bodies as a bondage.' See also the heading: 'He (Joseph F. Smith) sees Adam, Eve, and many of the holy prophets in the spirit world who considered their spirit state before their resurrection as a bondage.'
3. We are totally capable with our physical bodies with us wherever we go now! With God as our guide and our power, we have such a greater capability now than before! I feel so blessed, even to overflowing, that I have and will have my physical body now, and throughout my ministry of the millennium. With the capability to be able to replicate ourselves in the physical body, we can be extended even more! Rarely has a man or a woman been given such capability while in the mortal world. I, for one, am very eager to become proficient with this new gift from my loving Heavenly Parents!
4. Later, at my night's prayer: I got settled in to offer my prayer tonight, and felt I needed to revv-up to 500 times the normal baseline vibrations. However, I was already there! I had consciously done this around noon when I went outside to feed the chickens. I remember thinking about teleporting then, and I had revved-up at that time, without an intention to come back down. Why should I? So, here are my questions:
5. Q– Should I stay revved-up at 500 time my normal, resting vibrations all the time now?
A– Yes! The normal baseline of 1.0 is the vibrational level of your physical cells which have been encapsulated by their counterpart spirit cells. There is no need now to go back and forth between 1.0 and 500 times–just stay at the higher vibrational level. There is no harm in this either–and being there always keeps you more in-tuned to God, more prepared to teleport at a moment's notice, etc. There is nor reason actually to visit this issue again–just keep your vibrations high, at 500 times your normal or baseline vibration. Lock them in place now at this higher frequency, and never give this another thought. You have experienced living today at this higher vibration. This has not been any problem at all in your normal activity and normal function.
6. You also noticed last night, in your prayer, when you came to the celestial world at God's Loving Healing Center, that you could not reduce your vibration level while there. This is because you needed this higher state in order to be there with us.
Just 'lock-in', in your mind, to this higher vibrational level for one last time, with never intention to reverse this, and you will have it permanently set at the higher 500 times level.'
7. I then made a mental statement like this: 'Oh my Father in Heaven, I wish to make the vibration level in my body to 500 times the baseline vibration, and to make this permanent and irreversible. I intend that this will continue until the time, at the end of the millennium, when I am changed, in a twinkling of an eye, to a resurrected state. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.'
I now tested if this change was permanent, and I felt it was!
8. Q– Is my vibration level now 500 times my baseline now, and is this permanent as I have intended it to be?
A– Yes
I then tried to mentally reduce my vibrations, and I was not successful. I am therefore fixed at this higher vibration state which allows me full capability to teleport without revving-up, or even thinking about anything with my vibration level, for I am always now at the optimal vibration level!
9. Note that I can still ramp-up or down my light intensity level, from my golden baseline level–like using a dimmer switch. This is something I can do at will in my mind by the power of my thoughts.
I also have no need to ever separate my spirit, or replicate my spirit without my body, except in the healing work where I, in my spirit, go into the body of my client. I also may need to separate off my spirit occasionally to fully embrace God, or a dear friend–when our spirits go inside each other as a sign of true friendship and love. These sorts of full embraces are more the exception than the rule I think.
10. So, from now on, I will almost exclusively replicate my physical body and spirit combined together. I find I am so much more comfortable and capable in this way anyway. I can replicate being either seen (visible) or unseen (invisible). This capability is also the ability of a resurrected transfigured being.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-23-2016, Sunday
1. I feel so pleased and excited about the future! I am feeling so blessed too, with new information and direction in my life from my loving Heavenly Parents.
I feel too that I have just been 'notched-up' in my capability, nearly twice as effective as I was before, because everywhere my spirit before replicated, now it is my spirit AND my body replicating, in a fully transfigured physical state. This replication includes all those replications that I have been unconsciously doing in my healing role of Raphael throughout the world. I also now stand behind each healing angel, in a state of protection in my physical body, with my Sword of Raphael held up high in the air. I also am protecting others that Deity tell me to protect, who have heavy burdens and have come unto God–all of these now I go to in my physical body. I feel more empowered with strength and ability, now that I have permanently been changed to a higher vibration level that is optimal for teleporting to all of these locations.
2. What I need to do is now practice teleporting. I also need to learn to more consciously be aware of what I am thinking and doing as I go places by teleportation. I know I do so very little in my conscious mind versus what I do in my unconscious mind. My goal then is being aware of what I am doing and thinking in multiple locations.
3. Later, after church: At sacrament meeting today, I felt I wanted to teleport up to a mountain trail that my family and I had been on recently, with all the beautiful fallen leaves. I went there, in my minds' eye, and was right off the pathway where there were loads of red, fallen leaves, entirely covering the trail. This was the Bennie Creek Trail, off of the Payson Lakes Scenic Loop road. I felt I had teleported to that area, off the trail and facing the trail. I felt I was invisible, but also in my physical, transfigured body. I was kneeling there when the priest offered the prayer on the bread.
Bennie Creek Trail to where I had teleported
4. I made, in my mind, my covenant with the Father. I soon partook of the bread which was passed to me. I then heard someone walking down the leaves on the trail, from higher up the trail. It was Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, holding hands and talking! When they got next to me, they stopped, turned, and Heavenly Mother came over to me. She invited me to stand and walk with them! I took her left hand in my right hand, and we both went back to Heavenly Father. She took his left hand in her other hand, and we all three started walking up the trail together in the leaves. It was a slight incline on the trail. Heavenly Mother started talking again:
5. 'Raphael, your path in the future will include more and more understanding of truths that will be gradually revealed to you. This is your wonderful path ahead of you! As you practice teleporting in your physical, transfigured body, you will become more and more comfortable and proficient doing so. We are pleased with your progress to date.'
6. At that moment we started floating up into the sky, on a path that seemed to be made up of clouds instead of leaves where we had been walking. This path of clouds was steeper, but I saw that both my Heavenly Parents were with me continually, every step of the way. Our destiny was in the sky somewhere, which was bright and shiny, full of hope, extreme joy and deep satisfaction.
7. At this time the sacrament was all done. I then lost sight of where I had been with both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I remember clearly, however, the constant companionship of God in the journey ahead, and the excitement I had in learning and doing so much, with their ever clear and kind direction. Wow! That was the best sacrament meeting!
8. I felt to look up a scripture in the meeting, and found this one in the Old Testament:
Psalms 25:4-5
"Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day."
D. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-24-2016, Monday morning
1. Last night in my personal prayer, I felt I had teleported to the lake looking south towards the bluff, at God's Loving Healing Center in the celestial world. I wandered around a bit, then knelt down and addressed my Heavenly Father in prayer.
2. I then perceived Heavenly Mother come, and not my Heavenly Father. She came walking on the water, and ended up standing near the shore of the lake above the water. I spoke to her from my heart, and felt we really communed. When done, I closed in the name of Jesus, and stood up from my knees, both by the shores of the lake, and by my bed at home. I could 'see' her zip away immediately into the sky, and then she was gone.
3. I thought about how I consciously transferred my mind from my person by my bed to my person by the lake. While by the lake, I acted and thought and talked from that location, not from the bedroom. I was fully engrossed in being there, addressing Heavenly Mother in prayer, and didn't hardly know my surroundings by my bed. I believe now, that this very natural occurrence to me now, has been developed from months and years of connecting in my spirit in prayer to God. Focus and concentration are now easier for me than before, because of all my practice.
4. I think with teleporting, that we need to be comfortable, by lots of practice too. Our conscious mind needs to transfer to the remote location, and be very real, before we can make the full jump to actually physically move and go away from our original position. Again, practice makes perfect!
5. Here is what I learned last night in my prayer with Heavenly Mother:
1) Post on my website my journal entries from 10-21-2016, before doing any future meeting with the mortal angels, on how to teleport.
2) Move forward on the suggestion by John (a healing angel who emailed me), to gather a few healing angels to bless my son A. remotely, to heal him in a more dramatic way.
6. Later: When I had my morning prayer today, after talking to my wife about things for nearly an hour, I knelt down by my bed. I wanted to go again to God's Loving Healing Center, and found myself outside of the domed room. I came up to the outside of the dome on the golden path. I hesitated, and confirmed that I should enter. I felt that I should enter reverently. I stepped forward, and an opening immediately was made in the domed wall and I entered. I stood just inside the wall.
7. I could see both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing next to each other on the other end of the room, talking to Jesus Christ, their Son, who was standing and facing them (his back was to me). They were giving him instructions. I felt that this was a frequent occurrence, and that Jesus truly received and acted on all the direction from his Father and Mother.
8. Soon, the instruction was done, and Jesus stepped backwards and then vanished. I couldn't tell what he was wearing when he was before them, for I looked but couldn't see (I thought I would see his scarlet red robes which I had recently seen him wearing).
Then Heavenly Father called to me to come forth to them. I walked over and knelt before my Heavenly Parents. He asked what I wanted to talk about today.
9. I said I wanted to talk about several things. The first issue was to convey to each of them how grateful I was for their great kindness in being by my side in my journey through life, and the future path that they will lead me in. I expressed deep gratitude for their direction and their love. I told them how fully pleased I was to completely be guided by them, and to have them by my side, holding my hand like I saw yesterday during the sacrament. I told them that I was very content to follow their schedule, to not know the future or fret about it, but to take their cues and lead each day. I said how excited I was to be led by them in this way, moment by moment, day by day. I expressed my faith and commitment to them. I said I would act as they would inspire me.
10. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother smiled. Heavenly Father asked if I had anything else to talk with them about.
I said I had two other issues: The first was that I hoped they would help each of us mortal angels to feel the urgency to learn to teleport. I asked that they would continue to inspire each of us, to learn this great new skill of teleportation. I asked that I be able to effectively tutor or mentor those who are learning, as I have been told this in one of my new roles. I then felt that I should today share what I have written in my journal since my last web post, with the mortal angels. Heavenly Father said it was time now to give them, in writing, what he and Heavenly Mother had given me. I replied that I would do so.
11. Finally, I asked that all of us healing angels would be able to act as conduits in our physical bodies, when remotely healing their children. I asked that we each would have increased capacity in doing so, being more effective healers for them and Jesus Christ, our three Deity healers. I prayed that each healing angel would be motivated to act in their calling and mission, with great power and strength. I thanked them too for this exciting and beautiful mission of service that each of us healing angels are able to do.
12. Heavenly Father responded that they would increase the capability of the healing angels! He said that they would inspire them in their callings. He said that they would help each healing angel transition to do remote healing work in the physical bodies. He thanked me for my work and diligence. He expressed their love for each healing angel, and all the mortal angels too.
13. I then stood and thanked them again, in the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son. I turned and walked back to the area where the opening used to be. A doorway opened as I approached, and I left the presence of my Heavenly Parents. When outside, I felt to write this all down. I feel sure this happened as I have written above."
Questions and answers:
I have been asked some questions by a few of you, and have included my answers below for all of your benefit. Please write to me and I will respond. I don't know if I have the answers, but I will try!
14. To S.A., 10-23-2016, my email:
Here are your questions and my responses:
Q– How will the 144,000 learn to teleport? How will the rest of the healing angels who haven't found you learn?
A– I am not sure how they will learn. Maybe I will be involved too, or Michael or someone else. I am feeling a little over the top in trying to tutor just the mortal angels, when I myself have barely done this. It is not easy to perceive, or to make it all function just right. However, God is merciful and will help us all to practice and learn. Apparently it is a very important matter that we learn now, and with some urgency. This is the message I have been receiving, as well as others of us have.
15. About the other healing angels in mortality, I think I must be involved, unconsciously, also with them in helping them teleport. Gosh, there is so much that I must be doing! I can barely consciously keep up, let alone unconsciously! However, I feel that this is the direction I have received from God who makes the decisions. He is sustaining me in all of this, of which I am so, so grateful!
16. Q– How do you teleport with people, do you have to be holding their hand or what position enables them to teleport with you even if they haven't acquired the skill themselves?
A- When you learn to teleport, you can transport anyone or anything, according to God's will, even though the people do not have this blessing or skill of teleporting. I think holding hands seems correct. I am not sure how Moroni went into the mountain with John Koyle, if they were holding hands, or what. I think you need to touch the person or thing, at least at first, to have these go with you.
17. Q– In the 5 steps listed, I feel one should be added to ask if it is okay to go and do, or wait for a direction to go, etc. What do you think?
A– I agree S.A., in all of our doings, we should ask God if what we are doing, or planning to do, is approved of God. For me, recently when I pray, every time I connect, God wants me to teleport and learn! We are to act in accordance, sometimes too, with D&C 58:26 "For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward." I think this applies also in teleporting–we sometimes need to take the initiative, and not ask every single time or we might weary him, especially in our practice.
18. Q– About teleporting, when you broke it down in slow motion- if we go invisible in location A, does that mean we are still there? Can I completely remove myself from a place?
A– Yes, you are still there, even though invisible. This is a hard thing for us mortals to grasp, that we can physically be in more than one place at a time. This is how God works, and it is so hard to understand. Resurrected beings who have been transfigured (celestial beings I believe) can also do this. Also, mortal translated and transfigured beings can also do this, all subject to the will of God. We can be visible or invisible, in any or each of these locations we may be in. This is all according to propriety, and never for our own aggrandizement. We wouldn't probably be visible in more than one place where someone could see both of 'us', for instance. This happened to me only once: I saw Jesus at the sacrament table, and also next to me in the pew during a sacrament meeting I attended a year or so ago. This was for my benefit, to teach me about replication. For us, all would be to fulfill our missions, and to do the will of God. S.A., this is really amazing doctrine, but I firmly believe it is true. It has taken me months to really start to understand this replication doctrine, not just in our spirits, but also in physical bodies.
19. Q– When we are transfigured, will we glow like it talks about in the scriptures?
A– Once one is transfigured, he/she has the full ability to adjust the level of brightness from their bodies. See my description when I went into the old Nephite tunnel.
20. Q– Are there others who will be teleporting besides healing angels, and the 144,000?
A– I don't know if God has chosen to do this for any other groups of people. I would imagine those who have already been translated, like the 3 Nephites, John the Revelator, Moses, Elias and Enoch's group are all transfigured too, because they seem to have a mission that requires this.
21. Q– Are there prerequisites to being transfigured, besides the Lord's will, of personal worthiness and righteousness, being made perfect in Christ?
A– I believe there is definitely a worthiness issue, not judged by man but by God. God sees our actions not only in this mortal state, but also in our premortal state. Christ is the one that qualifies us for translation and transfiguration I believe.
22. Q– Was Christ's atonement done in a complete healing way, where he traveled past present and future with each person to atone for all of their sins, sorrows, etc.?
A– I believe this is true, yes. I also now believe he did this in his transfigured physical body.
23. Q– About transfiguration, what is this verse really all about? Luke 9:33
33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.
A– I think that the apostles were confused, since during the transfiguration these two other beings appeared. The apostles seemed to want a memorial to these three, as a way to honor them. The great event of this meeting on the mount of configuration was the transfiguration of Christ, plus transfer of priesthood keys. According to the Guide to the Scriptures, Joseph Smith taught that, in company with Elijah, he came to the Mount of Transfiguration and bestowed priesthood keys upon Peter, James, and John.
24. I think there is some confusion about the term 'transfiguration' and quickened, or Shekinah, or being filled with the Spirit like Abinadi experienced before wicked King Noah. The transfiguration I am referring to is the changing of the body of a translated or resurrected person, where the spirit cells encapsulate the physical cells, allowing them to teleport. This is what happened to Jesus Christ, and others. It did not happen to Abiinadi, or those who are caught up to heaven in the spirit and see great things (that is more called quickened). Moses and Elias both were most likely translated, never tasting of death, when they appeared to Christ and his three apostles on the mount. They may have also been transfigured with Christ, or before. They had to be in the flesh I think to pass priesthood keys."
25. To M.A., 10-23-2016, my email:
You had a few questions. Here are my responses:
Q– So do you think the very first step is learning how to move and act with our spirit body first? Where do I learn that? Is it found on your web sight telling about meditation? Not being a healing angel, I have not learned that.
A– I do not think that you have to be a healer, or know even how to move and act with your spirit body first. I think God has done transfiguration for a great many people like those in the city of Enoch, or Zion, and there were lots there who were not healers. Also Moses and others of the prophets who have been translated and then transfigured, were not healers like the healing angels. I think that there are lots of ways to learn this. For me, who has familiarity with moving my spirit outside of my body, and for the healing angels too probably, this is a jumping off point to talk about teleporting experiences. My experiences are related to my life, what I do and have done. You might have a different way to learn how to do this. I believe, however, we will all end up with similar skills of teleporting.
26. Q– When you post and talk about going to the doom room and celestial kingdom, I can picture it in my mind and I can imagine what you say, but I seem to have to be guided by you to visualize it. I can't seem to just go there on my own.
A– It is probably always preferred to have a guide to visit these places. In my first time going to the domed room in mortality, I was guided by Heavenly Mother. That was a real treat! I remember that I couldn't see a thing! When you go there, ask for me and I will take you around! See this page on my website about visualization: visualization
27. Q– What do you think? Do I need to visualize the three God Head in front of me first before I can transfigure?
A– I don't think this is necessary. What is necessary is for us to be approved of God, translated, and then to have that experience of having transfiguration done to us. We can't initiate it ourselves, for God needs to initiate it. Several people have written me about being extremely tired, and that seems to be a clue. It is also an experience that you might disbelieve at first, but later can confirm in prayer–it is so natural. If you feel that this hasn't happened to you, pray for it, and then see what happens!"
To S.A., 10-22/2016, my email:
Now to your questions:
28. Q– Will the new scripture be published in paper form? How will it get to all the people? Or will only some get to keep it?
A– I don't know exactly the format that they (the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon) will be in. I believe they will be read, and then published, I assume in book form. I think that only those who are worthy, or to whom the 144,000 feel prompted to gather will be given the information in these records. Moroni said that these records would go to those who have the faith as the Brother of Jared (Ether 4:7). This would include those who are gathered in the New Jerusalem, and those converted to come there.
29. Q– What does this mean exactly? "The mine would pay its first dividends or relief from the mine in November or December."
A– Those who have invested in the Relief Mine have paid or worked for stocks or shares. This is typical of mining companies. When the mine starts delivering gold, then those who have stocks are paid out their shares.
The Relief Mine sits atop of the old Nephite mine, which Nephites apparently mined the Southwest section of the gold ore. There is still much, much more there for the shareholders to receive, in the northwest, and all of the east sections of the mountain. The section that the Nephites mined (southwest), is in the nine rooms, along with minted coins, records, relics and precious things reserved for the New Jerusalem area and temples.
30. Q– What national holiday that falls on a Monday do you think Koyle was referring to?
A– I am not sure. Some think it is this year, but we just passed Columbus day. Veteren's day is Nov 11th, but that is on a Friday. Thanksgiving is on a Thursday-Friday. Christmas this year falls on a Sunday and is observed on Monday. New Year's day this year (actually next year) is also observed on Monday. I don't know much more that what I found online. There are a whole new slew of holidays in 2017.
31. Q– Do you think the 144,000 is a literal number?
A– I think this number is about that to start with. I think more will be added to that number as times goes on, as Spencer talks about in his book 'Visions of Glory'. I really don't know details of the 144,000. I think more will be revealed in the future."
32. To W.F, 10-20-2016, my email:
Translated means that the spirit and body have a change, so that the seeds of death are suspended. It is not permanent, but when the person who is translated is done with their earthly mission, they can request a change, and then they die, and are immediately changed to a resurrected state which is permanent.
About being able to see or do in your conscious state–I think that too takes concentration and practice. I have taught some of this in my online videos. Practice is the key, as well as visualization (see visualization ). Practice having faith, doubting not (see doubt-not )
Being overly tired might mean that transfiguration is happening–you might pray about this to see if this is happening to you."
33. To another healing angel, 10-20-2016, my email:
Self-doubt needs to be cast away, by your thoughts. This too is a skill. Thinking positive affirmations, and not allowing negative or self-doubts to come in can be done. We need to be open to truth, but not to falsehoods, once we have determined they are wrong and not for us. Grief might be another emotion that we can let go of, once we have grieved 'enough', whatever that might be. Depressive thoughts: these don't need to be part of our nature. We can learn to be positive and happy. I pray that you will be able to move forward in the path of being positive, and not looking backwards, but forwards. We can't change the past, only the present and the future. . .
34. Worthiness is another topic that you brought up. I know it might seem to you "how could all this really be happening to me?", or "I surely couldn't be numbered among those chosen to do this great thing!". These are also thoughts that need to be shelved, and you might think of them occasionally, but not frequently. This also takes mind control and only letting the positive, truthful thoughts come in."
What a glorious path lies ahead of each of us!!!