19. Immerse Yourself in God's Healing Waters!

This entry is one which brings great peace to me, with the assurance of healing from a very loving God! It all came to me on Sunday at sacrament meeting and Monday morning in prayer, June 12-13th, 2016. I hope you will pray about it like I did, and feel assured it is of God. I feel so overwhelmingly blessed in how Heavenly Father and Mother take such good care of us, their healing angels!

Have a great remaining month of June!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. From Mark's (not his real name) Journal Entry for Day 3 of the May 2016 Class in Utah County, Utah:

1. As I remember, before I got up we were then taken to the fountain and offered to drink from the fountain. The connection was then made to the direction of travel of the flowing waters. They start from the fountain and flow to the lake. From the lake they go to the temple and flow around it. I felt that they then flow down to the earth."

2. As I read Mark's account that he emailed to all class members and myself, I marveled that I had just been shown the fountain, river and healing waters that same day! I felt like this was the time also that I was meant to read his journal entry, for I hadn't remembered that this was discussed in our class.

I began to write Mark an email, and then my wife suddenly decided to retire to bed, and I closed my computer so that I could also retire with her. After my prayer in our darkened bedroom that night, I decided to come back to the living room. That is when I wrote the following journal entry:

B. R's Personal Journal 6-12-2016, late Sunday night:

1. Today my wife and I attended sacrament meeting in Payson, Utah. I felt to remotely go to God's temple in the celestial world, on the western side (this is actually the only side of the temple I have been to heretofore). I was near the western wall of the temple, kneeling and making my weekly covenant with my Father. He came right to me after the priest offered the sacramental prayer. Heavenly Father said he accepted my covenant, and also that he was pleased with how I was living my life. He then said: 'Raphael, walk with me!'

2. Heavenly Father and I then walked all around the temple grounds. We started walking around the southern end and then around the eastern end of the temple, ending up at the glorious northern end of the temple. The southern and eastern sides of the temple grounds had glorious gardens and paths all leading to a downward hill to a river at the bottom. There were beautiful forests by the river too. The northern end seemed the most glorious though–there was a very large fountain of pure water that shot up from the ground. It then divided into 3 rivers in front of the temple, representing Heavenly Father (the river to the north), Heavenly Mother (the river to the east, which flowed around the eastern and southern sides of the temple), and the river representing Jesus Christ to the west. The eastern flowing river, representing Heavenly Mother, is the river which flows to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center.

water flow from fountain at temple
Top View of God's Temple and Rivers

3. The eastern river passes through beautiful gardens of flowers and a lovely forest with paths–all manicured and designed so beautifully! On the south side of the temple, the river goes underground on its way to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center.

This river emerges on the south side of the lake near the bluff, under the water's surface. It flows towards the north (towards the temple in the distance), ever so gently. It exits the lake through porous rocks or sand on the north shore of the lake, all under water.

From there, the water again goes underground as shown in the sketch below.

side view of healing water flow
Side View of the Flow of the Living and Healing Waters

4. As the healing waters flow through the lake, and through any healing angel in the water, the cleansing water takes away from the angel any sorrows, troubling healing issues, stress, etc. and puts them into the healing waters. This water is not 'wet', and one can fully breath and be comfortable when fully immersed in the water. The water also flows completely through the healing angel at the same rate as it gently flows across the lake. This water exits on the northern end of the lake and goes beneath the surface of the celestial world for cleansing. There is an underground waterfall and a large, deep lake underground where the other rivers also flow. It then somehow moves from this lake upwards again to the fountain in front of God's temple. This flow of water becomes cleansed during it's underground journey, removing all impurities including the emotions, stress and any problems from the healing angels who are in the water being healed. The water then comes out at the fountain, renewed and fresh again.

5. Heavenly Father again spoke to me as he slowly moved his arm across the entire area he viewed:

'This is all yours as an inheritance, as well as each faithful healing angel. However, there are many lost of your brothers and sisters on earth. Yours is not a proselyting mission. Instead, bless all of my children with healing to whom I send you, regardless of the way they may be living. I will give you strength to do all this great healing work.'

6. It took me more time throughout the day and evening to understand how the water flowed underground to the lake from the fountain. I love the symbolism of the healing waters too. It all comes from the river representing Heavenly Mother, who is so abundant in love! She is so involved in all of our healing work, and her influence is everywhere along the river and in God's Loving Healing Center. I believe this is why I first had Heavenly Mother come to me in my energy class I was attending, now over 3 years ago. (See it here.)

C. R's Personal Journal 6-13-2016, Monday morning:

1. I had a hard time sleeping last night since I was thinking about the healing waters and the flow of the waters from the glorious fountain in front of God's temple, to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I do feel refreshed, however, and now fully awake.

I started my prayer this morning by addressing my Heavenly Father, like I always do. He was not in front of me, so I felt to go find him.

2. I immediately went to God's temple in the celestial world where I had been yesterday. I went to all of the beautiful grounds surrounding God's house, outside his temple, ending up at the northern end next to the glorious fountain. The doors of the temple which faced the fountain were wide opened. I went in and looked around and prayed again, but still Heavenly Father did not come.

3. I then felt to go to Heavenly Father's command center where I had been on June 1st of this month. I immediately found that I was there! I saw again all 7 archangels, including myself, with raised swords still in our right hands. I looked intently at each one, all 7, and then turned and saw my Heavenly Father where he had been before. I knelt down in front of my Father and again addressed him in prayer:

'Heavenly Father, I humbly come unto thee to receive thy message for me today.'

4. Heavenly Father then smiled and stepped forward. He spoke to me for the next 20 minutes. While he spoke, my mind went to each place he described, although I was still before him on my knees. Here is the dialogue of what he said to me, as best I can recall. I write this in my journal while still in prayer, kneeling on my bed:

'My son Raphael, thank you for coming to me, for I called you here on this wonderful morning.

Today is Monday, June 13th, 2016 in your mortal time. My healing angels have been receiving healing from me for over two weeks. It is time now that they also come to my healing waters.

5. Raphael, you have been shown yesterday the full grounds surrounding my temple in which you now reside. I walked with you through the south and east gardens, pathways and forests. These sloped downward to a very peaceful river which flowed to the center southern area outside of my temple, and then went underground. We also visited the glorious northern section in front of my temple. Here is located a large and tall fountain. Living water comes forth from underground to this fountain, dividing into 3 rivers which flow north, east and west. You accurately described these in your journal yesterday.

6. The river representing your Heavenly Mother flows east from the fountain. It flows softly and peacefully, around beautiful flower gardens and forests on the east and south sides of my temple. It provides lovely areas for my healing angels to frequently come–to pray and meditate if they wish, or to remotely help heal my children on earth as they feel impressed.

7. Once this river goes underground in the central southern area outside my temple, it flows underground until it reaches the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. It flows under the ground's surface gently, coming into the lake under the water's surface at the south end, near the bluff area. These healing waters flow northwards in the lake, ever so gently. They exit under the lakes' surface at a location near the northern shore. From there, the waters flow deep into the ground for purification and cleansing. The waters fall from an underground waterfall, ending up in a deep underground lake where this healing water settles. The two other rivers, representing myself and my Beloved Son, eventually flow into this same deep lake underground.

The waters fall from an underground waterfall,
ending up in a deep underground lake

From there, the water miraculously rises into my glorious fountain again in front of my temple. You have accurately described the flow of this living water last night in your journal.'

At this time, Heavenly Mother appeared at the left side of Heavenly Father who was still speaking to me in the temple.

8. Heavenly Father continued:

'As part of the healing of our healing angels, we desire each awakened healing angel to come to the healing waters of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center during this month of June. We have provided these healing waters in the lake largely for this very purpose and time–to heal our healing angels prior to the demanding healing work ahead of them. We encourage our healing angels to frequently come to these waters, along the river outside of our temple, or in the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. They each should come in a meditative, prayerful state, fully immersing themselves in these living and healing waters. We will then further heal them. We will also remove their emotional, spiritual, mental and physical burdens as we feel inclined. They will come forth, cleansed and lightened by these waters. This will be a continual blessing for them!

We love you, our son Raphael! Please convey this soon to our choice and blessed healing angels who are now awakened, protected, mostly translated, and now in the process of being sufficiently healed.'

9. At this point, Heavenly Mother came to me. I stood and we tenderly and fully embraced! I felt her great love and compassion for me, for all the healing angels, and for her needy children in distress on the earth to whom we would soon be sent.

Soon Heavenly Father came and also embraced me fully! I felt his marvelous skill and forethought in planning the flow of the living and healing waters for us, his healing angels, at this time.

10. We separated. Both Heavenly Father and Mother were before me, but I was falling backwards it seemed, to the earth. Soon I was aware of kneeling next to my bed. I took my journal and immediately began to write all of this down. I plan to type it up as soon as I am able, and then to share it with my fellow healing angels. It is now 9:37 am when I finished writing.

I next prayed again whether all this really happened and is true. After a few seconds after my petition, I felt like I was actually in the fountain in front of God's temple–with the living and healing waters flowing quickly through me completely–a very uplifting feeling, and giving me a surge of great assurance! I knew it was all true also! I thanked my Heavenly Father in prayer, and then went out to start my day."