K's rose trellis over her front porch

17. Healing of the Healing Angels

I have three entries below which took place in the past two weeks. Please confirm all that I describe to be truly from our Father in Heaven. Some of these things are very remarkable, and if true, they directly affect your future as a healing angel, and of the world also. I know they are true since they happened to me, and are very real to me. God bless you in seeking the truth from the Father of us all!

1. Distribution of religion of the healing angels, received 5-22-2016.

2. Healing of the healing angels, includes my communications from 5-19 to 5-27-2016. This is a very significant event which occurred in Portland, Oregon on Friday, 5-27-2016. This happened two weeks to the day (two sets of 7) since the great battle with Lucifer on Friday the 13th of May. Please read it carefully.

3. A foggy, somber day in God's Loving Healing Center 6-1-2016, Wednesday. This totally unexpected event occurred in God's celestial temple. You will be surprised by what it contains. All I can say is 'get ready!'

Have a great month of June!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

healing angel
There are many healing angels all over the world,
from many religions and cultures

1. Distribution of religion of the healing angels

A. R's personal journal entry 5-23-2016, Monday
1. May I receive a general overview of the religious distribution of the healing angels, now in mortality?
A– Yes. There are 1,474 in mortality now.
LDS– 22%
Other Christian religions– 31%
(total Christian– 53%)

Hindu/Muslim religions– 19%
Buddhist– 12%
Non-religious– 10%
Other– 6%
Non-Christian total– 47%"

2. My brief thoughts: if we think that we healing angels in the intermountain west are all there is, we are greatly mistaken! We healing angels are scattered all over the earth, in all conditions and religions, to serve and bless the people in our areas. We are all children of the same heavenly parents, and are all greatly loved by them. Our work is a world-wide work of serving and helping heal God's children everywhere on this earth. This is what we have faithfully done prior to coming to earth, and what we will continue doing.

Flowering Dogwood in the Portland, Oregon area

2. Healing of the healing angels

3. At the end of the last entry #16 in the healing angels login page, I placed an entry dated 5-16-2016 from my journal. This talks about the direction given by Heavenly Father to have the healing angels healed by the first of June. I have received more information since this time.

I have decided to include the texts and emails, back and forth, between my sister K and myself for you to see how this all developed in preparation for the proxy healing blessing on 5-27-2016. At the end I share the actual transcript of the proxy blessing. Enjoy!


4. Phone text conversation on 5-19-2016 between K and R:
{K}: R, the image that comes to me for a tool of healing is the rose. It is the highest of vibrations and epitomizes the soft luxurious comfort with its fragrant petals of the Mother. To place a beautiful full loving rose in a suffering soul is healing. And the fragrance soothes disruptive fragmented energies. Perhaps, for me, rather than a sword, I carry rose. Perhaps?

{R}: Hmm, maybe. . . I will check later. Thank you!🌹

Yes, I think you have a rose!

{K}: I think it can be any color--pink, white, red, yellow. . . any. . . But exquisitely beautiful and soothing and healing. Soft and luxurious like a soft blanket that enfolds and comforts. The rose is symbolic in many traditions of love and beauty and much more. I emailed a link to rose symbology. Interesting huh? (link: http://angels.about.com/od/AngelsPopularCulture/a/Sacred-Roses-The-Spiritual-Symbolism-Of-The-Rose.htm)

{R}: Yes, very interesting! Far different than a sword! No wonder you are my compliment☺🌹

{K}: Yes complete opposite!!!!!

{R}: And you are from Portland-city of roses!

{K}: Whoa!

{R}: Yes, all varieties of colors, for sure

From my airplane, viewing green Oregon below, where I grew up

Email, 5-19-2016 from me to K:

5. Thanks K for this interesting insight into what you carry, or have by your side somewhere. Any more insights? Does the rose have a place on you, or do you just reach for it and it appears? I really like the idea that the rose is the 'highest of vibrations, and epitomizes the soft luxurious comfort with its fragrant petals of the Mother' (Heavenly Mother' I assume). I agree that a full loving and living rose in a suffering soul is healing, soothing the disruptive fragmented energies.

I like too that that this is very complimentary to my other half of the healing equation, making our healing more balanced. Maybe we can have a rose with us on Friday, May 27th during your healing.

Continue to let me know your thoughts, dear sister!

I love you K!

Email, 5-19-2016 from K to me:

6. I don't know whether I carry it or what but I sense that the beautiful rose is a gentle healing gift that I can use, call in, place in someone's heart chakra or imagine them being entirely surrounded by rose. The more I think about it, the more perfect it seems for me. I love roses. This year the roses in our yard have been glorious and full and I swoon with their beauty and fragrance. And roses are very feminine, very yin, and reflect the energy of our beloved Divine Mother I think. And being feminine and yin does not mean being weak and mushy. The empowered yin is one of the strongest forces on earth--think of how water cuts through rock and earth and creates a gorge. Or think of the mother who fiercely protects her young and is fearless when her young are threatened. The empowered yin forces are what this world needs to counter-balance the domination of the yang forces that, when out of balance, strive try to control, force and overpower others regardless of who gets hurt. War is the ultimate expression of those imbalances. The yin energies lead with love, wisdom, depth, strength, grace, compassion, kindness, sweetness, protection and nurturing. I think of our Divine Mother as having those very qualities (and so much more) and rose represents all of that to me. Plus the rose is so soft, so velvety and tender to the touch, almost like a baby's cheek, and that tenderness is healing to the soul, like a healing balm.

Email, 5-19-2016 from me to K:

7. K,

I have been thinking that you are able to pick any rose that fits the healing situation, the color, fragrance, size, etc. You live in the city of roses–your yard also has lots of roses, as well as the Rose Gardens up by the zoo. Maybe we can visit these gardens if we have time on this upcoming trip?? That would be fun.

Anyway, when you want the perfect rose, I think you might survey these grounds and select just the perfect one. Or maybe you get them from the celestial world--I don't know. But I don't think that a rose goes with you on your vestures. You get it at the moment of.

I am wondering too if other healing angels women have a similar flower or something like the rose, or if it is just you. I guess this will come out.

Thanks also for your descriptions. Can I use your email comments in the future if I need? This may help others too.

Much love!



Email, 5-20-2016 from K to me:

8. There is much more I am sure. And yes, the vibration of a rose is the highest of all flowers.

Yes, we MUST have some roses when we do the healing. I hope to get more insights. But I feel very strong that rose came to me and it is a gift from the earth that will help heal her people. I am to use the beautiful glorious rose in my healing work.

Love you!


Adding to the email I sent last night...

And when I imagine the rose, it is just the flower, not the stem although they may have a protective purpose I may discover. But I envision a voluptuous open exquisite beautiful rose that is BIG, (like the size of 2 hands crossed over the heart) but of course the rose can be much bigger, enfolding the entire body, or little, like a baby soft pink rosebud beginning to open, for a baby. But always so gentle and comforting and of the highest vibration. What a gift! I love it. I will always be aware to carry one in my own heart, to soften and heal me and to help me be kinder, gentler, more loving, more patient, more deeply compassionate, more tolerant, wiser, deeper, more radiant, sweeter. . . and on and on!

Email, 5-21-2016 from me to K:

9. K,

It is fun to communicate with you, and to volley our ideas back and forth. I think this makes revelation come more fully too.

I received this in my morning prayer, and thought to share it with you:

Q– Do all or many of the female healing angels also have other items like roses that they may acquire and use in their healing?
A– Yes. Actually, all healing angels can acquire and use anything they may feel they need in a healing blessing–like a rose, or a remedy of some kind. Jesus made a spittle of clay to anoint the eyes of the blind man (see John 9:6)–you may use whatever you feel to use in your healing. You act as our conduit of healing, and we may inspire you to use also what we will in the healing. This requires you always to use a high degree of in-tune-ness and intuition.

Q– In the healing and proxy healing of K on May 27th, should we use a rose in the healing?
A– Yes! One for each healing angel who will be healed by proxy. Each may have a different color, fragrance, size or maturity, to be placed in each healing angel differently too. This is the part that K (Rachael) will do in the blessing after you are done. This action will fully compliment your blessing of healing too."

Let me know your impressions and thoughts on this. I have thoroughly enjoyed thinking about the subject of the rose in our healings.

I love you! See you soon too. Have a safe trip back home.


Email, 5-22-2016 from me to K:

10. K, my dear sister-here is what I received this morning in my prayer:

Q- For the proxy healing of K, should she bring multiple roses?
A- One rose is sufficient, as is only one person acting as proxy. We will adapt the rose to the need and condition of each healing angel."

I can't wait to be up there later this week! Have a safe trip home!



Email, 5-25-2016 from me to K:
11. K,

I have another little tidbit on our upcoming healing session I wanted to share with you. From my prayer this morning:

Q– For the healing this Friday, May 27th, how will K participate in the healing?
A– Once you Raphael are done, lift your hands from Raphael's head and switch places. Raphael sits on the chair. Rachael then can do her part of the proxy healing for all the healing angels, similar to how you did. She should follow her intuition. She may place the rose and hands where she feels to place them, and pronounce the healing as she feels inspired. She too should close in the name of the three healers, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. We will honor her proxy blessing on you in behalf of all the healing angels who are gathered around."

I also wrote this down:

Write down all the steps for this healing so we leave out nothing. My cape (and maybe K's) will move and blow in the breeze once both my part and K's part in the healing are completed. Record the proceedings on my phone (audio recording) so we can transcribe it all right afterwards. Then we can share this online."

I am trying now to reconstruct below what we need to do.

Here is my list of steps (please add or change as you feel we need to do):

• Go in your private room on Friday, turn on the recording phone
• Have a prayer together, invite all healing angels to come, and all three healers to come, all to the domed room. (later on Sunday I felt to invite all the archangels also to come).
• Once the prayer is done, have K sit in the chair
• Lay my hands on her head, visualizing Heavenly Father before us, Heavenly Mother on our left side, and Jesus moving his hands in place inside of mine
• In the blessing on K, follow my inspiration. Bless her that she be healed and also all the healing angels in mortality that are awakened to be healed at the same time.
• Bless her and them that all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues which may impede their acting fully in their capacity as healing angels be fully healed by God's power.
• Add any blessing as I feel inspired
• Close in the name of the three healers, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ.

• Switch spots with K
• K then blesses me and all the healing angels by proxy however she feels impressed to do. She also has a rose she has picked for this occasion, using it in the healing as she feels impressed.
• K closes in the name of the three healers, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ.

• When done, watch for the robe(s) to wave and blow in the wind of change
• Energy test that the healing blessing was complete for K, myself, and for each and all of the healing angels.
• Confirm that we did all correct.
• Turn off the recorder
• Get one of our computers out and type out the entire process as a transcription, to share with the healing angels later.

Love you! Can't wait to be with you and everyone else too!

A statue in my brother's yard in Oregon: a healing angel with a healing rose

Transcript of healing of the healing angels, 5/27/16 Friday at 7:30 am

12. This occurred in Portland Oregon with R and his sister, K.
(K is in a chair and R is standing behind her)


I’m going to dialogue what we’re saying. . . is that okay?"

(Note for the reader: this dialoging will be included in the text below in parenthesis. I also have adjusted wording in sentences here and there, also using parenthesis to make the sentences more flowing and understandable. The recording was faint so that I won't share it online.)

"We are here in Portland, the City of Roses, during Rose Festival time. It’s so beautiful outside! It’s clouds, with sun coming through, and we are here in K’s beautiful home in the Beaverton, Oregon area, (nearby the city of Portland). It’s early in the morning, almost 7:30, and we are in her bedroom with the door locked. It’s peaceful. Everybody in the house is still asleep."

K's window
An upper window in K's bedroom

(Now we’re imagining, visualizing ourselves in the domed room and nobody’s here except for K, whose premortal name is Rachael (pronounced 'raw-kai-elle'), and me, R, whose premortal name is Raphael. We are brother and sister, she being number three to our (mortal) parents and I’m the last one, number four.

We are looking around. This is a beautiful, gorgeous place! Of course it’s in the celestial world where we also were each, as healing angels, set apart and clothed in our glorious healing vestures, and also blessed by Heavenly Father, where our family gathered around, (our) premortal family, and us in our premortal state.

And we were trained in all the training up to that time, in the learning (of our) calling, so that we as healing angels could serve as holy conduits for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and our Savior Jesus Christ. So now we’re in this room and I will offer a prayer before our blessing.)

K's bedroom
K's bedroom where we did the proxy healing

13. Prayer by Raphael

Our Father in Heaven, my sister K and I come unto thee, humbly asking thee to bless us on this momentous day in this great effort of healing the healing angels, so we all may be fully poised and ready to serve thee, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, the three healers, who are Gods. (We do this) in this great effort of blessing all those in mortality who are on the earth as thou three would inspire us to do in our capacity as healing angels.

We ask thee Father, and Mother, and (our) Savior Jesus Christ to come into this room and to be here with us."

(I’m feeling that K and I are sitting down in chairs, and to my right before both of us, (we are facing each other at an angle) . . . and Heavenly Father (has come) before us, and Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus Christ on his right. They are all three before us standing there, pleased and smiling!)

And Heavenly Father, we also ask thee to bless the archangels, Michael, and Gabriel, and the others to come also into this room and to witness and participate too in this time together as we’ve been directed."

(And they are here now, I feel to my left behind us, all six and myself sitting down! (They are) there with their marvelous vestures and royal robes.)

And Father we also ask thee for all the healing angels who have ever been set apart in this holy room to come and fill this, the domed room, with their light and presence."

(I feel now that they are all in huge numbers in tiers and rows all around us in a large circle actually, so that they are almost extending way high on all sides like a big stadium–for we will work with all of those who are in mortality who are awakened and who are of age. And now everyone is here poised.)

And we welcome all who are here for this juncture in our activity as healing angels. And now I will close this in the name of our beloved Savior, who is also here, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Do you have any comments K before the blessing?"

{K} (shakes her head no)

(I’m going to come behind you then. So now we are still in this room, and I’m behind my sister, she’s in a chair, and I’m standing with my hands on her shoulders, facing Heavenly Father. Heavenly Mother has moved to my left side and (has) so graciously, and kindly, and lovingly put her right arm on my shoulders, so that her (right) hand is on my right shoulder, and Jesus Christ is at my same level, looking at me smiling, standing at my right side.

So now I feel impressed to put my hands on K’s head. And what I do in the physical world is also being done precisely in the celestial world, (in) this domed room where we are all gathered. So what I say will be said there and heard by all. We are actually one and the same. We are actually there in this domed room. So now we will begin. I may interrupt this blessing with my comments, (but these) will in no way adversely affect anything, only let(ting) those who hear (and read to) be able to fully participate in this experience.)

Portland rose garden

14. Blessing by Raphael

My sister K, Rachael,(your) premortal name: you come before me sitting on this chair, and I, Raphael, R in mortality, place my hands on your head and give you a blessing. And not only (for) you K, but also (for) all the healing angels who are in mortality who have been awakened by proxy, you being the proxy and they being the recipients. And you and I also being recipients of this blessing."

(I will call you K during this blessing as that is most familiar to me in my conscious mind. Now, as I pause during this blessing, Jesus Christ has moved closer to my right side and placed his right hand into my right hand, his left hand in(to) my left hand so that all three healers are here: Heavenly Father standing before us only a few feet in front, Heavenly Mother with her arm around me, now her head on my left shoulder (too), and Jesus with his hands actually moving inside of mine, so that it is not I who really give this blessing, but it is the power of the three healers, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, those whom we worship, giving this blessing!)

K and all healing angels who are awakened now in mortality, I bless you, by the authority of God, to be healed of all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues that may be adversely affecting you in fulfilling your glorious roles as healing angels before God. I bless you with the power (of God) to rally forth and serve with all your mights (and) all your hearts, in this glorious work of saving and healing the souls of men and women in mortality! We have a great commission to do as healing angels, acting in behalf of God in this healing work. I bless (you) K, and each of the healing angels by proxy, to be filled with love and understanding, perception and insight, in this great work so that you may be fully able to act as pure and holy conduit(s) for God, doing exactly what he or she inspires you to do.

I bless you with understanding–that (just before) this time you have received protection from Satan and his minions. You have freedom to move forward in a dark and evil world without fear of reprisal from the adversary. And if ever you feel, any of you, like you may get over your head, or feel the presence of dark entities around you, (then) call upon the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, for Raphael to come. I will be there in an instant with my drawn sword, which is activated by the Father and the Son behind me when I move the sword forward, that will completely eradicate the dark entities from you or from your client.

Don’t have fear! Move forward in faith, for this protection is real and is upon you now. You, K, and all (the) healing angels that are awakened and fully vested and clothed anew in mortality as healing angels, are fully able to move forward, without hesitancy in doing the work you need to do.

Besides being protected and fully vested, most of you are now in the ending process of being translated which will give you added protection in mortality. Today, during this healing blessing, you have been healed or will soon be healed of issues that will be the last thing to impede you in being able to fully serve God with all your heart, might, mind and strength.

Great (events) are coming upon the earth that will be like a battle in many ways, in preparation for the glorious second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ to the earth. You will be able to move forward, move throughout all mankind as you feel inspired, mostly in the spirit realm and (your) unconscious minds–a great army of love and healing in serving God.

Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ our Savior, all love each child of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother with such great love and compassion that they’ve made a way for the healing of their children in distress which is soon upon (them) in great, great numbers. And we healing angels have this great mission in moving forward (in faith).

Now I pronounce this blessing in the presence of God, of angels–archangels and healing angels, in the holy names of these three glorious beings, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. Amen."

(Now I put my hands on K’s shoulders)

K, are you ready to switch spots?"

(Now what I’m doing is sitting in the chair. We’re still surrounded by the same beings in this domed room. She has her hands on my shoulders and now I’ll be quiet so she can voice whatever she wants. She’s putting her hands on my head.)

15. Blessing by Rachael

In the name of God–Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and our beautiful wonderful Savior Jesus Christ, I lay my hands on R’s head as proxy for everyone of us to receive a gift and a blessing which honors and represents our Divine Mother, our Heavenly Mother. And that beautiful gift is the gift of the rose, the highest vibration in the flower kingdom, to be used as a healing tool and a healer as we bless the lives of the people that we serve. That as we feel inspired, we may offer, each of us as an angel, a rose to those in need, and that rose can be any color, any stage of maturity, it can be as big or as small, as big as the person themselves or as wide as the body to go right into their heart or to surround them, or to go wherever it’s needed.

And the rose is filled with sweet comfort, gentleness and tenderness, peace and harmony. It uplifts and energizes. It beautifies. It supports. It’s the deepest of the yin energies, the divine feminine energy of compassion and nurturing and support. The fragrance uplifts and enlivens. The thorns protect. But as we use the rose we do not need to use the stem. We can just use the flower and that luxurious beautiful rose which heals like a healing holy balm. And it softens and restores. It heals discordant fragmented energies. It heals raw wounds. It heals disease.

Again, it is representative of our Holy Mother, with her deep compassion and her pure love. So each angel has the ability, if desired, and if called upon, to use this beautiful rose energy, to carry a rose in our own hearts if desired and if that resonates. And for this we are truly grateful. I pray that this will be activated (in a) very real (way), and I say this in deep gratitude and love in the name of our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and our Savior Jesus Christ–as a blessing of all God’s children and of all healers. Amen."

Roses from the Portland Rose Gardens

16. {R}
You did wonderfully K!"

(Let me just say what I perceived: I saw Heavenly Mother during your blessing had moved her arm from my shoulders, her right arm, to (go) around your shoulders, and her left hand on my left shoulder, as she was directly behind me. She was crying, and so pleased with your words and the beautiful blessing you gave. I also feel that everybody in this domed room is still poised and its a very tender and spiritual moment. And I’m still in the chair and you’re sitting next to me.)

Do you have anything you might say K?"

Well, all I can say is that I feel so humble and so honored and so touched! And I am so connected to my Divine Mother, it’s just. . . I love her so much! I love Christ and I love God, but I am connected more to my Mother. And just to have this honor of offering the representation of her, which is the rose on our earth as a healer, it just makes my cry. I am so humbled. I’m so blessed."

Thank you K. I feel that way too. Your gentle blessing and sweet gift of the rose is very complementary to (my blessing, and) with the protection of the Sword of Raphael–(it) is just the opposite, but so needed, both of them.

A healing rose with 3 buds, representing in my mind the 3 healers

17. Now, as we contemplate what just happened, let us verify that it really did happen in our lives and in the lives of all the healing angels:

So I’m just praying in my heart and feeling very sure that the blessing that was given to me, and that I gave to K, and that for us two right now really did happen in mortality and the spirit world. . . I just feel overwhelmingly assured that this happened! I also feel assured that by proxy, both of us being proxy at different times, the healing angels who are awakened have also received, each one, a blessing that will be honored by Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. . . And that is very real and assured! And this blessing of healing will soon be realized so that each of us may move forward in faith and (with) all of our hearts in service of our God–however this may come, each individually, being directed and guided.

And now K, let’s stand up for a moment."

(Both of us are standing now)

We are both clothed in our healing vestures, and we’re standing up in the midst of this room. Heavenly Father is directly in front of us, Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus Christ on his right. Our arms are to our sides, and we have glorious capes as part of our healing vestures. K’s is gold and mine is white, and they are moving and they are breezing, and they are like glorious (waving) flag(s) behind us, assuring us that YES, this healing blessing is complete and is fully sanctioned and blessed by God!"

(And now I will just dialogue and share with those who are reading the transcript of this blessing time:

We are now (here). . . the healing angels have left and, the archangels have left, and we are here, K and I, Rachael and Raphael, (are still) before Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ.

And they are coming, first Heavenly Mother to K and embracing her fully (and) by proxy, (with) every healing angel also, so (that) each healing angel will feel the embrace of a loving, kind Heavenly Mother. She now holds K at arms length, looking at her, and both are crying and smiling (pause).

And then she moves to me and Heavenly Father moves to K, and now embracing, . . . and Heavenly Mother with me embracing (pause), and then Heavenly Mother is now back in her position in front. Heavenly Father is (in front of me) and Jesus Christ is in front of K and now embracing each of us again, anew.

I feel the strength and vitality, way-in-charge feeling of Heavenly Father–that all will be well (so that we can each fully) place our faith and trust in him. And now he is moving next to Heavenly Mother, in front of us. Now Jesus is coming from K to me and embracing me (pause). I feel from him such love and devotion to his healing angels whom he has atoned for and cleansed and sanctified (pause), so they may serve without thought for themselves. And now he’s moving to the right side of Heavenly Father. (They are all three) now moving backwards and upwards in this domed room, right up through the ceiling. . . and (now) gone! K and I are in this room (alone), and now coming back to her bedroom, and we are embracing.)

I love you K!"

I love you R. How can this even be?"

It is sometimes hard to imagine, but it is TRUE! That it is."


climbing roses
A 40-foot climbing rose in my brother's yard in Oregon

3. A foggy, somber day in God's Loving Healing Center

B. R's personal journal entry 6-1-2016, Wednesday, 1:00 am

1. I awoke at 12:30 am, fully awake, only an hour later! I wondered why I didn't feel tired. I felt I needed to connect to my Heavenly Father for a message he had for me.

I knelt in the darkened room next to my wife and son who were sleeping.

When I opened my prayer, asking 'Heavenly Father', in hopes to see and perceive him in front of me, I could tell he wasn't there, nor did he respond. I went to the domed room (remotely) and repeated my prayer with his name. Again he didn't come.

I stepped outside the domed room and it was very still and somber, with a thick fog everywhere! I made my way to the switchback, and couldn't see even the lovely lake below, nor God's temple to the north. I had received instructions recently at God's temple when I was given the power of God to heal (this happened on 4-30-2016, one month ago).


2. I somehow made my way to the west side wall of God's glorious temple. There was a thick white fog everywhere! I touched the side wall of the temple which glowed, but the fog was thick and I couldn't see it until I was touching the wall.

I felt I should go inside, to the room where I had been a month earlier when I received my blessing from Heavenly Father and Jesus. I felt this would be appropriate, for I had hesitated before doing this. I then next found myself in this glorious room!

In the room in the temple, I found myself facing Heavenly Father before me. Heavenly Mother was on his left, and our Savior, Jesus Christ, was on his right side. Each of them were very sober looking, like something grave and important was at hand. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore their glorious white robes, while Jesus wore a deep scarlet red robe.

3. I then continued my prayer on my knees to my Father:
'Oh, my Father, I humbly come to thee tonight. It is only 1/2 hour into this new day, June 1st, 2016, and I have been awakened, and not sleepy in my mortal body.

I couldn't find thee anywhere, but here in thy holy temple. There was a heavy fog in all of the areas I came to, here in the celestial world, except in this glorious room and the domed room. I see thee, my mother and my Savior with very serious countenances. I also see Jesus in a scarlet red robe.

May I find the reasons for this great change?'

4. Heavenly Father then stepped forward and spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, you have come here in prayer and meditation because I awoke you and inspired you to come. Look behind you, and you will see your six other brothers, my noble archangels, standing with their drawn swords, clothed in their glorious robes.'

I then turned and saw Michael, and then Gabriel, and an open spot for Raphael, then Uriel and the three others. Each had beautiful vestments they wore. Each also had their right arm raised high above their head, gripping a sword pointed straight up above them. I immediately desired to be in their ranks, and my spirit replicated myself with my healing and protection vestures on, with my right hand holding my Sword of Raphael above my head like my brothers.

I saw myself take my position, so there were now all seven archangels, poised with swords above their heads.


5. I turned again and faced my Father, again still on my knees. He again spoke:
'This is a serious and sober day, Raphael! We are all poised for battle, awaiting Lucifer and his hosts who are now being unleashed among our children on the earth. Satan and his followers know their time is short. These are going forth in fury among the children of men, to destroy and ensnare all whom they can. This is like they have never done before, with such ardor and strength!

6. I have a great work for each of my healing angels. They have received my protection through you, but now they need more. You need to be behind each healing angel continually now, in your glorious vestures, with the Sword of Raphael in the poised position, in your right hand, high above your head. In addition, all male healing angels also have their swords now. They too need to unsheath their swords and raise them high above their heads, in their right hand. They should replicate themsleves too and position themselves behind their spirits at all times. In this way my healing angels in mortality will be adequately protected in being able to move forward in their great work I have for them to do.

7. If ever a healing angel or their client encounters a dark entity, darkness of any kind, a pain body, or a false spirit, you will be there to vanquish this darkness from them and their client that I sent them to. If you encounter great strength in Satan's numbers, call upon the male healing angels who have their swords drawn. As you, in a group, raise your swords forward, with both hands on your swords' handles, the silver lightning from all of your swords will vanquish any number of Satan and his hosts, all done through my power I give you.

8. The healing angels have now been protected, now been fully vested anew in the flesh as my magnificent healing angels, each 10 times more powerful and effective than in their premortal state. They have also mostly been translated, and are in the transition of being healing sufficiently in the month of June, 2016, in order to fully give themselves to my service. This healing will all be completed by the last day of June, this month.

On July 1st, 2016, I will send forth my seven noble archangels to the earth, with their respective armies of angels, all with drawn and poised swords. It is then that we will be fully marshalled for war for the souls of my children in mortality, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth.

Now, go and share this with my loving healing angels. I desire them to love, care for and help heal my children in distress, to whom I send them. They are all so precious to me!

I love you, my son Raphael.'

9. I then turned and faced the seven archangels and then exited the temple. I found myself outside the temple next, and the fog had completely lifted. I returned next to the switchback path, on top, overlooking the lake.

I then raised my Sword of Raphael in my right hand, high above my head and said in a loud voice:
'All healing angels everywhere, assemble by the lake below for my message to you!'

Then I saw all the hosts of healing angels come, those in mortality in their spirits, and those already born and died, and those yet unborn–they all came.

I spoke to this group:

'My dear and loving healing angels–I have called you together today, June 1st, 2016 in earth's time, to this place, God's Loving Healing Center.

This is a day and a time of great solemnity, for we have a battle ahead of us for the very souls of the men and women we help heal.

10. Satan has come, in great fury, with all of his hosts like never before. We each need more protection against Satan now, so that we may each act as pure conduits for our three healers who direct us.

All male healing angels now have swords which are sheathed. At this time, unsheath you swords with your right hand and raise them high above your head! This signifies that we are poised for battle! (At this time, myself and all male healing angels unsheated their words and raised them high).

11. The Father has just instructed me that you brethren each should replicate yourselves in your spirit, and continually have your replicated spirits behind you. Your replicated spirit should be fully clothed in your healing and protection vestures, with your sword raised high above your head, held in your right hand. I will also replicate myself in this poised stance behind each healing angel in mortality who has been awakened.

If any of you healing angels ever encounter darkness in yourself or your client, including pain bodies, false spirits of any kind, I will be there to immediately vanquish this darkness with my Sword of Raphael. Call upon the Father for me to do so and I will already be there, next to you.

12. If there are many evil forces around us, I have been instructed by the Father to ask a sufficient number of the male healing angels to immediately come with their swords in the poised-for-battle position. We will then bring both of our hands on our swords and move them forward. Silver lightling will come from our swords and vanquish any darkness and evil from before you. We may also feel inclined to take the evil spirits to a prison location, far from earth, where they will no longer be able to bother us in our work of healing.

You, my dear healing angels, should move forward without fear, for you will always have full protection now.

I pronounce this new direction to you today, in the name of the Father, Heavenly Mother, and our Savior Jesus Chist, amen.'

At this time, there was a loud 'AMEN.'


13. The healing angels then immediately left, and I was left alone, my Sword of Raphael was still high above my head, held there in my right hand.

I went to the domed room, and it too was vacant.

I then came back to my kneeling postion in my hotel room. It had been about 1/2 hour for this all to happen.

I then closed my prayer and felt I should write this all down in the hotel bathroom (so my family could remain asleep). I finished writing in my journal about 3:15 am. I then retired again to bed.

(later, in the morning when I awoke)

14. Here are some important symbolisms that came to me in the night:

San Francisco Gay Flag
Gay flag flying in downtown San Francisco

1) We visited San Francisco, the outright gay city where evil flourishes. We also saw huge and tall skyscrapers in the financial district–the finances of which all which will soon collapse I believe. This visit and diversion here was to show me the strength of evil all around us.

financial district
Financial district of San Francisco

15. 2) The heavy and oppressive fog in the celestial world represented the seriousness, or the sober gravity of our situation.

3) The reason I went to God's glorious temple in the celestial world was because this is the main control center for God in this battle for the souls of every man, woman and child who is now in mortality. All the archangels are now ready and poised for this confrontation with Satan and all his minions. We have one month of preparation to complete our personal healing. We then need to fully give ourselves to our God in performing the great healing work he has for us to do.
